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JPM 07 2016 Newsletter

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Jeremiah Prison Ministry Newsletter

JPM is an outreach of Martinsburg Christian Center, Martinsburg, WV

Celebrated 16 years of Prison Ministry in 2015
We are serving Him by serving them! His mercy endures forever. Psalm 106:1



Revs. Tom & Monica July boy its hot… yep give us a few months and we will be complaining its cold! We
humans are fickle. It reminds me of the children of Israel in the Bible. They
complained about everything. I pray I don’t do that… I just don’t do well in the
humid heat which I am sure many of us are the same.
Our poor grass is a little brown but we are thankful for the thunderstorms that roll
in and out to give us some rain. It did get out in my flower bed to cut back the dead
blooms and new flowers are growing again.
Tom and I celebrated our 31st wedding anniversary and his birthday on the 20th. We
were blessed by a local restaurant in our area with a delicious meal and dessert. We
OUR MISSION & VISION have taken few day trips and just spending time resting. It’s been very busy 6
Our Mission – to help men in
prison reach their fullest in the months and we needed some R & R.
What we do – Ministering to their The juvenile lifers we minister to are meeting with their lawyers and are having courting hearings. We
spirit, soul and body, though one are getting a few reports from each of them. I found an article online at Philly.com. Here is a portion of
on one mentoring as their spiritual
the article: After decades behind bars, juvenile lifers are released - but to what? By Samantha
advisor and friend.
How we began – Jeremiah Prison Melamed, Staff Writer Posted: July 12, 2016 Philly.com
Ministry began on November 30, For 34 years, home for Daniel Peters has been a prison cell. He has been locked up since age 17, with
1999, which was birth out of a the promise of life in prison. But on June 24, he was released to a halfway house in Philadelphia's
bond for a young man that made a Callowhill neighborhood. It was terrifying, but at least he knew just what to expect. He had been given a
wrong choice in life. tour of the facility using virtual reality goggles.
Our Vision –It hasn’t changed but Peters - the first to be released of 295 inmates from Philadelphia sentenced as juveniles to life without
security has and won’t allow us to parole under a law the Supreme Court has since found unconstitutional - is a test case in an
go into the Chapels. So we unprecedented reentry challenge for the city.
continue to do one on one to God
So, officials and nonprofit groups are piloting unprecedented measures as they wrestle with how to
Be The Glory!
support reintegration - releasing inmates from prison in their 50s, 60s or 70s, with no savings, varying
94 men have been released in 16 amounts of family support, and no experience navigating the world as adults.
years. We are ministering to 62 "We're trying to figure out the best path that we can put someone who was a child when they came to
inmates in 4 states. us," Pennsylvania Corrections Secretary John Wetzel said. "We're trying to figure out what reentry looks
like if we want them to be successful."
The needs are significant. Of 507 lifers statewide, 95 are on the prisons' active mental-health roster; half
have a history of mental-health problems. There are 21 sex offenders among them. And 318 have been
locked up longer than 20 years. The oldest, Joseph Ligon, is 78 and has been incarcerated since 1956,
giving him the miserable distinction of being the world's longest-serving juvenile lifer. Like all other
juvenile lifers, he has not had the chance to amass retirement savings, pay into Social Security, or earn
a pension.
All the inmates will have a chance at new sentences following the Supreme Court's January decision in
Montgomery v. Louisiana. Peters received a commutation from Gov. Wolf. Others, such as Henry
Smolarski and Tyrone Jones, both of Philadelphia, have agreed to new sentences that will allow them to
be considered for parole this month.
The Department of Corrections started running focus groups with juvenile lifers early this year. It is
working to get lifers government-issued identification cards and applications for medical assistance. It
also developed a protocol, to start 90 days before release and continue 90 days out, aligning the lifers
with mentors and support programs. Lifers go through classes and spend the weeks before release in
special housing outside the prison walls. Wetzel says each lifer ought to spend a year in a halfway
house. (Note: There is more of the story online.)
We thank you for your support and prayers for these sustain us!
Keeping you informed
SCOTUS in a 6 -3 decision BEING FAVOR MINDED
rules in favor of Proverbs 8:35, Psalm 5:12, 44: 3 NKJV
retroactive resentencing For whoever finds me finds life, And obtain favor from the Lord.
on January 25, 2016.
Praise the Lord!
For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround
him as with a shield.
PRAYER CORNER For they did not gain possession of the land by their own sword, Nor
~Pray for Jeremiah & Val, Chris, did their own arm save them; But it was Your right hand, Your arm, and the light of Your
Harvey, Kevin, Mike, & Richard that
God continues to bless them countenance, Because You favored them.
spiritually & financially. The Bible tells us that God saved His people because He favored them.
~Pray for Larry, Ricky, Lewis, Corey,
Bob, Greg, Eric, Dan & Nathan to He brought them out of their trouble, because favor was on their lives.
receive favor for commutation,
retrials, resentencing & parole.
He delivered them because of favor.
~Pray for continued healing for Bob & The dictionary defines favor as when someone has advantages over others.
Larry. God is moving!
~Pray for Harvey’s complete The favor of God will…by His Grace
recovery, he is doing well. Help you overcome circumstances. Open doors that you can’t open.
~Pray for our granddaughter, Leah,
as she comes off meds. Leah got Make your life easier. We are nothing without Christ.
engaged and turned 21 in May! PTL God told us to put Him first in every area of our lives and He would
~Pray for Andy, our grandson got
engaged and moved to OH, new job! command His blessings to overtake us.
~Pray for Dale our son-in-law, cancer
free. The Bible says, “Come out and be ye separate.”
~Pray for all our families- spiritually, If you want God’s favor in your life you have to come out of sin.
physically and financially.
~Pray for my brother, Norman If you want God’s favor you have to obey all of His word.
Pray for Tom’s mother, Virginia. Yes we are human and make mistakes.
~Pray for the salvation of the world.
Pray for inmates and their families, Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
our Nation, elections, our leaders, our
military, and their families. Confess everyday the favor of God and you will see blessings come your way
~Pray for prison reform in our nation. in God’s timing not yours.
~Pray for Bill our dear friend & his
wife Rose for good health. Joseph had his father’s favor.
~Pray for Dotty & her husband Stan He had favor but was rejected, despised and betrayed. He waited on God.
for good health.
~Pray for us for strength and wisdom Believe the best and not the worst. Negative thought will bring you down.
in all we do, that we remain cancer
free and healthy to do God’s work, for Believe for God’s blessings to chase you down.
our cars to be mechanically sound. Believe that your enemies cannot win in the long run.
You are an Extended Hand and God is in the process of restoring everything you have lost in His timing and
a vital part of this ministry.
Together we are making a
how He wants to do it.
difference with Jesus Christ, It’s time to…
taking life to a dark place! We
go because you send us. Get your past behind you once and for all. Philippians 3:13-14
Thank You so much!
Dream again, God doesn’t want you living in your past. Declare God’s favor
over your life because of His grace!
Favor is better than money. Proverbs 16:16, 21:1 Amp
I want God’s favor over my life then silver and gold. I want His Grace!
God’s favor will open doors that you will never be able to open.
God’s way is better than our way. There are times He will close doors and we
must remember to walk by faith and not by sight trusting in His Grace. We
We traveled 12,585 miles for the
ministry in 2015! Praise the Lord! must want God’s will for our life.
You have to believe that your steps are ordered by God. Psalm 37:23
Jeremiah Prison Ministry
Revs. Tom & Monica Cohee All things work together for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28
223 Cameo Dr.
Fayetteville, PA 17222
Not all things are good but we have to trust God.
717-352-0080 (o) (f) You must be persistent and you can’t quit.
[email protected]
We’re on the Web! Stay faithful and favor will do things you can’t do for yourself. It’s a Faith
www.jeremiahprisonministry.com Walk Trusting In A God We Cannot See!
Your Editor: Rev. Monica Cohee

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