The Mindfulness Test
The Mindfulness Test
The Mindfulness Test
Instructions: Please select how often you experienced each of the following statements within the
past week.
Your mindfulness score is 59 out of 100, suggesting you have a moderate tendency to practice mindfulness.
This score reflects two key components of mindfulness: your moment-to-moment awareness of your
thoughts, feelings, and environment, as well as your acceptance of these aspects of your life.
Your score suggests you sometimes feel accepting and non-judgmental toward yourself, which means that
you allow yourself to experience a range of thoughts and feelings, even if they’re upsetting or challenging at
times. You don’t always believe there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment.
However, you still occasionally seem to be self-critical, which can make you feel defensive, anxious, or sad.
Also, you’re not always able to focus your awareness on the situation at hand; you’re sometimes
preoccupied with the past or worried about the future. When you do maintain this focus, you may notice
that you’re more open and inquisitive and can savor being in-the-moment.
Research suggests you can cultivate more acceptance by practicing loving-kindness meditations that
encourage you to be more compassionate toward yourself. For more details, check out this meditation led
by Jack Kornfield, which promotes forgiveness toward one’s self, and this article on self-compassion by
Kristin Neff. In addition, you can increase your awareness through mindfulness meditations that help you
both focus on your current state, such as by concentrating on your breathing, and reduce your tendency to