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DONE BY CHINEMBIRI.O for A and O Level lessons around HARARE

PHONE: +263782474501

EMAIL: [email protected]

Structure and Composition of the Atmosphere

Vertical Stratification

1 Troposphere

Bottom most layer, 80% of atmosphere, most of water vapour and dust

Vertical mixing of air, all weather occurs here

Temperature decreases with height, 15C near ground, -57C at tropopause

Due to lesser terrestrial radiation and less dense air

Reaches 16 km in tropics and 9km in polar regions

2. Stratosphere

19.9% of atmosphere

Temperature constant until 20km, starts to increase until stratopause at 50km

Due to ozone layer, which absorbs UV rays. Lesser UV with decreasing height.

No precipitation – particulates and aerosols stay for long time

Strong winds (jet streams) distribute aerosols all over the world

3. Mesosphere

Temperature decreases with height because of decreasing density.

At 3000km (strong winds), about -90C

4. Thermosphere

Minimal mass of atmosphere, pressure about one-millionth of at sea level

Temperature increases with height due to insolation. Temprature reach 1500 c.

Atomic oxygen is highly concentrated in this layer.


Atmosphere composed of mixture of gases and microscopic solid particles and water droplets

Permanent Gases

Nitrogen and oxygen make up 99% of clean, dry air

Variable Gases

Water Vapour

Source is evaporation from Earth’s surface, decreases rapidly with height

Most found in lowest 5km of atmosphere

Source of moisture to form clouds, also a greenhouse gas

Carbon Dioxide

0.037% of the atmosphere

Supplied via the carbon cycle – decomposition, respiration, photosynthesis

Absorbs radiation, greenhouse gas

Earth’s Energy Budget OR the heat budget

Variation in solar energy received from places results in movement of air from one place to another,
resulting in atmospheric circulation and oceanic circulation

Global Energy Balance

Balance exists between insolation and outgoing terrestrial radiation so that the net
radiation is zero

Insolation is scattered by gas and dust particles in the atmosphere, reflected by clouds
and Earth’s surface, and absorbed by atmosphere and Earth’s surface

Outgoing radiation is released from the atmosphere and Earth’s surface, and removed
by wind and condensation

Some insolation will be scattered in all directions until it reaches Earth’s
surface or returns to space

This occurs because radiation travels in a straight line

 Most important loss of insolation

 Light coloured and smooth, shiny surfaces will reflect more radiation

 Albedo – snow is about 90%, at low angles water is nearly 80%

 In general albedo of sea lower than land

 Some gases in atmosphere absorb certain wavelengths of radiation, which
gain energy and heat up

 Insolation is converted to long-wave radiation to warm atmosphere

 Greenhouse gases, oxygen, ozone, carbon dioxide, water vapour

The Greenhouse Effect

 Terrestrial radiation has longer wavelengths due to being cooler that sun

 Atmosphere absorbs long wave easier than short wave – greenhouse effect,
gases absorb and re-emit radiation to warm the Earth

DIY…. effects of human activities


Poleward Heat Transfer

 Net radiation for Earth is zero, but not in all latitudes. Most energy received at

 In poles, low angle of sun, greater albedo of snow and ice, thicker atmosphere for
sun to pass through, insolation is much smaller.

 Major equalising factor is transfer of heat by air movement, creating air currents,
winds and ocean currents and weather
Factors affecting Temperature
The geographical and seasonal pattern of air temperature is affected by several
factors. These include the following:

 Insolation
 Latitude
 Altitude
 Cloud cover
 The nature of the surface
 Land and water contrasts
 Continentality
 Ocean currents
 Topography
 Aspect


The rate at which solar radiation is received at any point determines the temperature of
that particular point. These vary considerably over time and space. Some of them the
solar constant, distance from the sun, altitude of the sun, land and sea, the seasonal
changes and length of day and night.


Areas that are close to the equator receive more heat than places that are close to the
poles. This is because:

 Incoming solar radiation (insolation) is concentrated near the equator, but

dispersed near the poles
 Insolation near the poles has to pass through a greater amount of atmosphere
where there are greater chances of it being reflected back to space (Nagle 2000).
Fig below shows the influence of latitude on temperature

Fig 5.3 The influence of latitude on temperature (After Nagle, 2000)


Temperature decreases with altitude. On average it drops about 0.6C for every 1000m
because at higher altitude air is thinner and less dense. Fig below shows temperature
decreasing at an average of 100C for every 1000m
Fig 5.4 Influence of altitude on temperature (After Nagle, 2000)

Cloud Cover

Clouds limit the inflow of direct heat from the sun and outflow of indirect heat through
terrestrial radiation. The impact of cloud cover varies with the cloud type, cloud depth and
area of cover. For example, deep cumulonimbus clouds in the Equatorial zone restrict
incoming radiation and the outgoing one. As a result temperatures are high (30 0C) during
the day and at night (29 0C) (Buckle 1996). Whereas in deserts such as the Sahara, the
cloud free skies permit high day-time global radiation totals and rapid night-time heat loss.
This causes the desert to be very hot during the day and cold at night.

Nature of the Surface

Air is heated from the ground, and as such the nature of the surface greatly influences
the temperature of the area. Different surfaces have varied conductivity and specific heat
capacities. For example, dry sandy soils heat up and cool down rapidly since air is a poor
conductor of heat. Low conductivity and low specific heat capacity account for the
likelihood of night frost during cold spells in Western Zimbabwe (Buckle, 1996). However,
moist clay soils are associated with higher night and day-time temperatures.

Influence of distance from the sea on temperature (after Nagle, 2000).

In much of Africa the mean daily temperature range exceeds the annual range.
Latitudinally, the lowest values are in the equatorial zones where cloudiness and high
humidity help reduce the daily range by limiting day time insolation and increasing night
time counter radiation (Buckle, 1996). The cloud cover acts like a blanket holding day
time temperatures down, while keeping night time temperatures up. Continentality is the
chief cause of extreme daily ranges


Aspect is the direction that a place faces. On a local scale aspect is very important.
Fig 5.5 Influence of aspect on temperature (After Nagle, 2000)

Distance from the sea

It takes more energy to heat up water than it does to heat land. But it takes longer for
water to loose heat. Therefore land is warmer than the sea during the day, but colder than
the sea during the night. Areas that are close to the sea are cool by day, but mild at night.
This effect is reduced with increasing distance from the sea. (See fig below).

The Mean Distribution of Air Temperature at Sea level

Mean monthly temperatures decrease away from the equator. The east-west isotherms
are best developed in the southern hemisphere where there are fewer large land masses
to disrupt the pattern (Nagle, 2000). There are strong seasonal contrasts in January. In
the northern hemisphere ocean currents raise temperatures pole-wards. Temperatures
over northern continental interiors are very low with marked contrasts between land and
ocean. The isotherms area almost parallel in the southern hemisphere. By contrast in the
summer, continental interiors heat up, while coastal areas remain mild.

Two patterns are clear:

 The difference between the northern hemisphere (with large land masses) and the
southern hemisphere (lacking large land masses)
 The contrasts between maritime and continental areas
Mean January temperatures (After Nagle, 2000)

Mean July Temperatures (After Nagle, 2000)


Air Stability and Instability

Stability and instability are terms used to describe the physical conditions in the
atmosphere according to whether the air has any tendency to rise or resist uplift. Parcels
of warm air that rise through the lower cool adiabatically. The rate and maintenance of
any vertical uplift depend on the temperature-density balance between the rising parcel
and the surrounding air (Waugh, 2009).

Air that resists vertical displacement is said to be stable. A stable air parcel, forced to
rise or sink, will eventually return to its original position. Stability is often linked to
anticyclones when convection currents are suppressed by sinking air to give dry, sunny
Stability (After Nagle, 2000)

However, air that is displaced up or down and continues to rise or sink is said to be
unstable. Instability is an important concept in weather studies because uplift and the
consequent adiabatic cooling of air leads to deep cloud development and precipitation. It
depends on the steepness of the environmental lapse rate (ELR) and the moisture
content of the air. Instability can be absolute, conditional and convective.
Instability (After Nagle, 2000)

Absolute instability
Absolute instability exists whenever the ELR is steeper than the DALR. A thermal – parcel
of warm air that rises from the surface of its own accord- is an example of absolute
instability (super-adiabatic).
Conditional Instability
Conditional Instability happens when cool, dry, stable air is forced up for example by
orographic or frontal uplift, far enough to reach saturation and commence cooling at the
slower SALR. The air is then unstable and will continue to rise of its own accord until it
reaches the temperature of the surrounding environment. The air is described as
conditionally unstable because the air is unstable conditional upon it being forced up,
becoming saturated, and releasing latent heat- all of which depends upon the amount of
moisture in the air (Buckle, 1996). It develops when the ELR lies between the DALR and
the SALR.
Conditional Instability (After Nagle, 2000)

Convective Instability
A very stable layer can be converted into an absolutely unstable layer if the lower part is
moist and the upper part quite dry. A stable airstream, in which the upper part cools at a
faster rate than the lower part, because the upper part is dry and the lower part is
saturated, is potentially unstable. The potential instability, realised by the lifting of the
whole layer is called convective instability. It is associated with thunderstorms.


Humidity is a measure of water vapour content in the atmosphere (Waugh, 2009).It can
be represented by three different measures: absolute humidity, relative humidity and
vapour pressure. Humidity depends on the temperature of the air. At any given
temperature, there is a limit to the amount of moisture that the air can hold.

Absolute Humidity
This is the total amount of water vapour that a given volume of air contains. It is measured
in grams per cubic metre (g/m3). Specific humidity is similar to absolute humidity but is
expressed in grams of water per kilogram of air (g/kg).

Relative Humidity

is the amount of water vapour held in a volume of air at a given temperature compared
with the maximum amount that could be held at that temperature (Buckle, 1996).
Therefore it is the ratio of the air water vapour content to its water vapour capacity.
Relative humidity measures how near the air is to saturation at a given temperature. If the
relative humidity is 100%, the air is saturated. If it is between 80 and 99%, the air is said
to be moist and the weather is humid or clammy (Waugh, 2009). When the relative
humidity drops to 50%, the air is dry.

Vapour Pressure

is the pressure exerted by water vapour molecules in a given volume of air. It varies from
place to place according to the vapour concentration.

Saturation Vapour Pressure

The maximum value the vapour pressure can attain at a given temperature is called the
saturation vapour pressure. It depends on temperature and not on total pressure.

Saturation Deficit

Saturation deficit is the amount of water vapour needed to bring a parcel of non-saturated
air to saturation at a given temperature and pressure. It is the amount by which the vapour
pressure falls short of the saturation vapour pressure at a given temperature. Saturation
is thus brought about by increasing vapour pressure, decreasing temperature or a
combination of the two.

Dew Point

This is the temperature at which the air becomes saturated by the water vapour it contains
and starts to condense to form tiny dew droplets. Dew point varies from day to day and
place to place. It is always less than air temperature unless saturation has been reached.
Hydrological Cycle

The water cycle has inputs, outputs, flow regulators and storage elements just like the
solar energy cascade you studied in previous modules. The main inputs to this cycle are
from precipitation. The distribution of this input across the world shows a marked
relationship to the distribution of factors influencing precipitation.

The main outputs are evaporation and transpiration. The rate of evaporation depends
upon a number of factors. Most important is the supply of energy, for evaporation involves
the conversion of water to water vapour and this requires considerable inputs of energy.
Another important factor is the availability of moisture at the surface. As the surface dries
out and moisture becomes less available, rates of evaporation tends to decline. In
addition, evaporation is favoured by a moisture gradient between the surface and the air
above, and thus rates decline when the atmosphere is moist. Finally wind plays an
important part by removing the moist air and maintains a moisture gradient (Briggs and
Smithson, 1995).Storage occurs in oceans, the cryosphere (ice-covered areas of the
world) and the ground water.

Over vegetated land, much of the moisture is returned to the atmosphere not by
evaporation from the ground surface but by transpiration from the plants. By transpiration
we mean evaporation from leaves of plants. Other processes involved in the hydrological
cycle are percolation, infiltration, overland flow and run-off.


Is the process by which water vapour in the atmosphere is changed into liquid or, if the
temperature is below 0 0C, a solid (Waugh, 2009). It usually results from air being cooled
until it is saturated. Cooling may be achieved by:

Radiation (contact) Cooling

This occurs in calm, clear nights. The ground loses heat rapidly through terrestrial
radiation and the air in contact with it is then cooled by conduction. This may result in
radiation fog or dew if the air is moist or hoar frost if the temperature is below freezing
Advection Cooling

Advection cooling commonly results from warm moist air moving over a cooler land or
sea surface. For example, advection fogs in California and Namib Desert are formed
when air from the land drifts over cold offshore water currents.

Orographic Uplift

Warm moist air is forced to rise as it crosses a mountain barrier

Frontal Uplift

Warm moist air is forced to rise as when it meets a colder, denser mass of air at a front.
Convective or Adiabatic Cooling

This occurs when air is warmed during the day and rises in pockets as thermals. As the
air rises, it expands and uses its energy, and so loses heat and the temperature drops.
The air is said to be cooled adiabatically because the cooling is due to the reduction of
pressure with height rather than the loss of heat to the surrounding air.


Evaporation will take place if:

 There is abundant moisture available

 The vapour content of the air is such that the air is not saturated
 The temperature of the air is high and certainly above that level at which
condensation occurs
 The air is in motion so saturated air is quickly removed from contact with the
surface and additional non-saturated air can replace it
 There is an energy source to sustain the transformation. This may come in the
form of direct sunlight or from advected air containing sufficient heat energy.

Two processes here are involved: evaporation and transpiration. The rate of
evapotranspiration depends on:

 Temperature At higher temperatures there will be a larger saturation deficit

making evapotranspiration greater.
 Humidity Little evapotranspiration will occur if the air is nearer to saturation, but if
there is a big saturation deficit, as in the warm dry air, then evaporation will be
 Turbulence Strong convection allows unsaturated air to be nearer a water surface
by lifting moist air upwards.
 Ground surface Evapotranspiration draws on moisture from below ground,
continuing even after the soil surface has dried out. On bare ground the rates are
much higher than on vegetated surfaces.

Over the continents evapotranspiration is at a maximum in regions where:

 Temperatures are high

 Humilities low
 Winds fairly strong and
 Vegetation sparse

Seasonal patterns of Atmospheric Humidity in Africa

In Africa, atmospheric humidity changes with seasons. The highest annual mean humidity
occurs in low-lying equatorial regions. Very low dew points are recorded in the dry tropics.
In Western Africa seasonal humidity variations reflect the changing airstreams on the
monsoon trough.


This unit focuses on types of clouds and fog. The clouds are classified according to their
height above sea level and their physical appearance. Types of fog to be considered are
radiation, rime, steam, advection and smog.

Classification of Clouds

Clouds are traditionally classified into ten main types. Some are simple to identify and
others are of a composite nature and more complex in appearance.

Classification of Clouds (After Waugh, 2009)

High Level Clouds (6 000 - 1 800m)

 Cirrus (Ci)
These are fine, feathery, detached streamers, often with hooked ends in high,
tangled mass that sometimes forms into long parallel bands converging on the
horizon (Buckle, 1996). The cirrus clouds can be thick and dense, especially on a
cumulonimbus anvil.
 Cirrostratus (Cr)
The Cirrostratus clouds are thin, filmy veil either giving a complete sky cover or
appearing in a series of separate filaments
 Cirrocumulus (Cc)
This is a thin patch or sheet composed of tiny flakes in regular ripple-like pattern,
giving a mackerel sky.
Medium Level Clouds (2 000 - 8 000)

 Altocumulus (Ac): A layer of small, thin, woolly cloudlets in a pattern of cells or

long waves, sometimes in patches and sometimes a complete sky cover.
 Altostratus (As): uniform or fibrous sheet with a smooth, level base, sometimes
giving a complete sky cover.

Low Level Clouds (Up to 2 500m)

 Stratus (St) These are dense, shapeless layers of clouds with a flat base. They
either form an unbroken, uniform sheet or a series of ragged patches.
 Stratocumulus (Sc) dense, undulating layer, either in patches or a continuous
sheet, or with a regular pattern of long wavy rolls or globular cells.
 Nimbostratus (Ns) thick, dense, generally shapeless mass with a base near
ground level and beneath which hang ragged, wind-driven patches.

Clouds of Great Vertical Extent

 Cumulus (Cu) detached, fluffy heaps with sharp, clear cut outlines and horizontal
bases, which vary in size.
 Cumulonimbus (Cb) huge, dense thunderstorm clouds of enormous vertical size,
having a dark horizontal base and a turret-like top that is often splayed into a plume
or anvil shape ahead of the main cloud mass.

Fog is cloud at ground level. It mostly occurs in high pressure (calm) conditions as winds
tend to mix and disperse it (Nagle, 2000). In the morning fog usually disappears when the
ground is heated causing rising air to lift it. A number of types can be identified:

Radiation Fog

Radiation Fog forms when the ground cools rapidly at night. In turn this will cool air above
to its dew point, resulting in condensation (Nagle, 2000). Radiation fog is best developed
when there is a surface layer of moist air, clear skies favouring maximum radiation, and
calm air.

Steam Fog

Steam fog occurs when cold air passes over much warmer water. In such circumstances
condensation results in minute droplets (steam). In very cold conditions moisture is
converted directly to ice (ice-fog).

Advection Fog

This is formed when warm moist air blows over a cold surface. The lower layers are chilled
to their dew point resulting in condensation. It is common in coastal areas such as in
California and Namib Desert where warm air moves (from the desert) over cold water
currents. This causes the formation of sea fog or hill fogs when it happens on cold land.


Rime occurs when super-cooled droplets of water come in contact with solid objects such
as rocks and trees.
Smoke Fog

This forms in areas where there are large concentrations of smoke, sulphur dioxide and
other pollutants (Nagle, 2000).

Types of rainfall
Precipitation refers to the various forms of water droplets and ice particles that fall from
the clouds. The forms of precipitation are rain, hail, snow, drizzle and sleet. The form and
size of precipitation reaching the ground depend on the humidity and temperature
conditions beneath the cloud base, and on the processes within the cloud. Three major
types of rainfall are common in Zimbabwe: convectional, relief and frontal or cyclonic
rainfall. Certain conditions are needed for the formation of precipitation:

 Cooling air
 Saturated air
 Condensation and cloud formation
 An accumulation of moisture
 Growth of cloud droplets

Relief rain
This type of rain occurs when air is forced to rise over a barrier such as a mountain. As it
rises it cools, condenses and forms rain. There is often a rain shadow effect whereby the
leeward slope receives a relatively small amount of rain. In Zimbabwe this rain occurs in
the Manicaland province near Vumba Mountains. Fig below show the formation of relief
Relief rainfall formation (After Nagle, 2000)

Convectional Rainfall
When the land becomes very hot it heats the air above it. The heated air expands and
rises. As it rises, cooling and condensation starts to occur. If these processes continue,
rain will fall. Convectional rain is common in tropical areas. Fig below shows the formation
of convectional rain.
Formation of Convectional rainfall (After Nagle, 2000)

Frontal or Cyclonic Rain

Frontal rain occurs when warm air meets cold air. The warm air is then forced to rise over
the cold air because it is lighter and less dense. As it rises it cools, condenses and forms
rain. The diagram below shows the formation of frontal or cyclonic rain.
Formation of Frontal or Cyclonic rain (After Nagle, 2000)

Theories of raindrop Formation

There are two groups of theories that attempt to explain the rapid growth of raindrops.
These are the collision and coalescence of small water droplets by the sweeping action
of falling drops, and the growth of ice crystals at the expense of water droplets.

The Collision and coalescence Theory

The warm moist air (without crystals) as found in the tropics, contain numerous water
droplets of different sizes. These are swept upwards at different velocities, and in doing
so, collide with other droplets. Larger water droplets have greater chances of collision
and subsequent coalescence with smaller droplets. However, coalescence does not
result from collision alone but is due to droplets having different electrical charges.
Negatively charged droplets colliding with positively charged droplets have a high chance
of merging, because opposite charges attract each other (Buckle, 1996). When
coalescing droplets reach a radius of 3mm, their motion causes them to disintegrate and
form a fresh supply of droplets. Coalescence is common in tropical regions where
temperatures are high; clouds have high water content and therefore a high droplet

Collision Coalescence (After Nagle, 2000)

The Ice Crystal Growth Theory

The theory is associated with clouds where at least some of the water exists in solid state
(ice crystals). This occurs when the temperature of the air is between -5 0C and -25 0C.
According to this theory water droplets grow in clouds whose tops rise above the freezing
level. Supper cooling takes place when water remains in the atmosphere after
temperatures have fallen below 0 0C, usually due to lack of condensation nuclei. The
relative humidity of air is ten times greater above an ice surface than on water. This means
that the water droplets evaporate and the resultant vapour condenses (sublimates) back
onto the ice crystals which then grow into hexagonal-shaped snowflakes. The ice crystal
growth theory suggests the formation snow, sleet and hail.

Ice Crystal Growth Theory

The Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)

The Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) represents the region of convergence of the
two moisture-laden trade wind systems. It is a region of relatively low pressure and great
instability containing clusters of deep, convective which produce heavy precipitation
(Buckle, 1996). It occurs in a location where low-level convergence is at a maximum and
in the vicinity of the latitude of maximum surface temperature. Over the oceans the zone
of maximum temperature does not normally exhibit much variability in location except
where the ocean currents are influential. Over the land, the conditions are more complex,
leading to more of a seasonal migration in its position in conjunction with the migration of
the latitude of maximum insolation.


The approach and meeting of airflows from different direction is known as convergence.
This implies a net flow of air into a region, causing an accumulation of air and related
increase in density (Buckle, 1996). Regions of convergence are associated chiefly with
areas of low pressure where air moves towards a point or spirals inwards, but they take
many forms and occur at several different levels at a time. There is also isotach
convergence, whereby the airflow narrows or whereby the wind speed decreases in a
downwind direction, causing faster flowing air behind to overtake and pile up. The
convergence of two surface airstreams of different density is likely to initiate considerable
uplift. This would result in instability and perhaps precipitation.


This is the act opposite of convergence. Air moves away from a place, often in several
different directions at the same time causing a net outflow (Buckle, 1996). The resulting
depletion of air and consequent reduction in density is typically compensated by vertical
motions as air moves to fill the divergence. Divergence may again show variations in form
and scale and may occur at any level. It is associated with areas of high pressure and
there is also isotach divergence whenever wind speed increases in a downwind direction,
or the flow spreads apart. Divergence is linked to the warming of air through subsidence
and compression, and as such is a key factor in the creation of a stable atmosphere.
Fig 8.6 Schematic illustration indicating how patterns of divergence and convergence at
the surface and in the upper troposphere are linked by vertical motions (After Musk,


Factors which Control Atmospheric Motion

Atmospheric motion is governed by the combination of the following forces: the pressure
gradient force, the Coriolis force, the geostrophic wind and the surface friction.

Pressure Gradient Force

This is the force that acts on air as a result of its location in a pressure gradient. Air moves
from high to low pressure, and the wind speed and direction are controlled by pressure
differences and the steepness of pressure gradients (Buckle, 1996). High pressure areas
are regions of air divergence while low pressure areas are regions of air convergence.
Wind speed increases with the value of the pressure gradient or barometric slope.

Pressure Gradient Force (After Nagle, 2000)

Coriolis Effect
This is an apparent acceleration of air as result of earth rotation. The rotation causes
winds to be deflected to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern
hemisphere. Rotation also causes an acceleration which may take the form of a change
in sped or direction, or both (Buckle, 1996). As such in the northern hemisphere, winds
blow with low pressure to the left while in the southern hemisphere it blows with low
pressure to the right. The magnitude of the Coriolis force increases as the wind speed
increases reaching a maximum at the poles. At these points, rotation causes a point on
the horizon to pass through a full circle. Conversely at the equator there is no deflection
because the horizontal surface over which the wind blows does not rotate since at the
equator it lies parallel to the axis of Earth spin. Differences in the earth’s rotational velocity
also cause the Coriolis deflection to vary with latitude. The deflection caused by the
Coriolis Effect gives rise to the Centrifugal effect, the tendency for an orbiting object to fly
off in a straight line. Centrifugal force increases with speed, causing air moving east in
line with earth rotation to be reduced in apparent weight, so pulling air equator wards.
Westward moving air, by contrast, has less centrifugal force than the earth, thereby
causing a pole-ward deflection.
Coriolis Effect (After Nagle, 2000)

Geostrophic Wind
Winds in the upper troposphere, unaffected by friction with the earth’s surface, show that
there is a balance between the forces exerted by the pressure gradient and the Coriolis
deflection Waugh, 2009). The result is the geostrophic wind which blows parallel to
isobars. This is because pressure gradient force directs air across the isobars from high
to low pressure, but the Coriolis force deflects the wind to the left or right, depending on
the hemisphere.

Geostrophic Wind (After Nagle, 2000)

Surface Friction
The ground surface exerts a frictional drag on wind-flow, causing deceleration in the
boundary layer. This reduces wind speed and changes the direction of the wind. These
two vary with surface roughness. The friction can come from vegetation, buildings or
mountains among other things.
Surface Friction (After Nagle, 2000)

The Major Surface Wind System

At the surface global winds exhibit a latitudinal pattern. Zonal flow follows the parallels of
latitudes. This gives rise to the formation of tropical easterlies, mid-latitude westerlies,
equatorial westerlies and polar westerlies.
The Tropical Easterlies/ Trades
These are the winds which blow from the subtropical highs towards the equatorial
troughs. Their speed and direction are constant throughout the year. They are diverted to
the right in the Northern Hemisphere (NH) and to the left in Southern Hemisphere (SH).
The trades give way to a strong monsoon circulation in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
These winds are better developed over the oceans than the land where they are
interrupted by winds from other directions and tropical cyclones. Their strengths vary with
seasons, reaching a maximum when the subtropical high is most intense. The seasonal
shift of the anticyclone causes the wind belt to migrate annually North and South through
about 7degrees of latitude.

The Mid-latitude Westerlies

These winds blow pole-wards from the subtropical highs, between 35 and 65 degrees.
They are again affected by the rotation of the earth whereby they blow from SW in the
NH and NW in the SH. These winds are well developed in the SH where there are vast
areas of oceans. In the NH the Mid-latitude Westerly winds vary in direction owing to the
passage of migratory high and low pressure centres which disrupt their regular westerly

The Polar Easterlies

These are dry, cold air flows from the polar region to about 65 degrees N and 65 degrees
S. The easterlies are relatively weak and do not extend into the troposphere. Their
direction and speed as more persistent in the SH than in the NH due to the permanent
anticyclones in the Antarctica.

The Equatorial Westerlies

The Equatorial Westerlies are variable surface winds that only appear in a few parts of
the equatorial zone and during certain times of the year. The winds are seasonal,
fluctuating back and forth with the path of the overhead sun, and developing as easterly
air, crossing the Equator is deflected to the West by the reversal of the Coriolis Effect.

Global wind patterns (After Nagle, 2000)

The Local Winds

Winds are the currents in the air, huge swirling streams of invisible energy blowing storms
around the globe, building giant waves at sea, and raising dust in the desert. Winds drive
the ocean currents and the major agents for the transfer of latent heat and sensible heat.

The examples of meso-scale circulations induced by local temperature differences are

the land and sea breeze, the mountain valley wind systems, the harmattan and the

The land and Sea Breeze

The land and water surfaces have different thermal responses to the same amount of
insolation and most land surfaces have a greater daily temperature range than water
bodies. The water bodies tend to exhibit much more uniform temperatures throughout the
day (Musk, 1988). The following are the reasons for these differences:

 Whereas the insolation is used to heat up the land surface, the same amount of
energy is absorbed by a large volume of water.
 The volume of water being heated by the insolation is further increased by the
natural motion of water and the convection within it.
 Much of the energy is used as latent heat (through the evaporation of water) rather
than direct heating of the water. Evaporation has the effect of cooling the water
surface, which further encourages surface mixing.
 The thermal capacity of water is exceptionally large.

For these reasons, temperature gradients are set up between the land and the sea, and
these have a diurnal reversal (the land is warmer than the sea during the day and the sea
warmer than the land during the night).

The sea breeze blows from the sea to the land during the day, with a compensating
offshore flow aloft. The land breeze blows from the land to the sea at night (again with a
weak return flow aloft). Similar circulations can develop in the vicinity of large inland water
bodies such as Lake Kariba and the Mazvikadei Dam.

The structures of the sea and land breezes are shown schematically below.

Sea Breeze (After Waugh, 2009

Land Breeze (After Waugh, 2009).

The Mountain and Valley Winds

The differential heating of the mountains and valleys may generate its own local mountain
valley wind circulations with the daily rhythm. At night the valley surface radiate long-wave
energy to space, and cool down, chilling the air in contact with them. This cool, stable air
drains downhill into the valley bottom because of its density, producing a downslope
katabatic flow, known as the mountain wind (Musk, 1988). The accumulation of cold,
dense air in hollows, depressions and valley bottoms can sometimes lead to frost in the
low-lying land, or valley fog when the air is sufficiently moist.
Anabatic Wind (After Nagle, 2000)

During the day, mountain slopes facing the sun are heated; the air in contact with the
slopes expand and rises up the valley and the mountain slopes because of its buoyancy
as an anabatic flow or valley wind. This may lead to the formation of convective clouds
over the mountains during the afternoon, with clear conditions over the valley (Musk,
1988). The winds associated with this anabatic flow are greatest at around 2pm, the time
of the greatest influence from surface heating. The flow is thermally direct, reversible
circulation similar to the land and sea breeze.
Katabatic Wind (After Nagle, 2000)

Musk (1988) argues that the intensity of the circulation in a particular valley depends on
the following:

 Orientation of the valley (south-facing slopes are heated more effectively than
north-facing ones in the northern hemisphere).
 The magnitude of the relief (i.e. Difference in height of the valley bottom and
adjacent ridge tops).
 The type and amount of vegetation cover (bare rock heats up more rapidly than
green vegetation, while the later retards surface flows more because of the effect
of friction, particularly on forested slopes).
 The geometry of the valley (whether straight or meandering in form, whether the
valley sides are steep or gently sloping; and whether there are constrictions or
obstacles to surface flows in the valley).
 The surface conditions (the circulations are bets developed when the ground is dry
rather than wet, but a snow cover will accentuate the nocturnal down-valley flow).

The Harmattan
This is the prevailing wind of West Africa during the dry season (November to March). It
originates from the Saharan Anticyclone and dominates North Africa. The wind is very
dry, with humidity levels below 10%. It causes dust haze which reduces visibility and
disrupts air traffic. The wind encourages skin dryness, throat irritation, watery eyes and

The General Circulation Models

The fundamental factor that results in atmospheric circulation is the unequal heating with
latitude. There is a surplus of energy between 38 0S and 38 0N, whereas there is a deficit
of energy pole-wards. Energy is transferred from low latitude to high latitude to balance
this unequal heating (Nagle, 2000). This gives rise to convectional cells which then form
circulation models. Two of these are described below: the Hadley and the Ferrel Models.

The Hadley (Single Cell) Model

This single-cell model was proposed by Halley (1686) and Hadley (1735). The model is
an earliest one which explains the atmospheric circulation of air. It suggest that intense
heating over the Equator leads to rising air which cools and spread out to the north and
south with subsequent descent in polar regions. Warm air rising at the Equator creates
low pressure in that region. The rising air then descends in the poles, creating high
pressure there. The circulation is then completed by air returning to the Equator at lower
levels (Fig. 2.1). Figure 2.2 shows a schematic cross-section along the axis of the trade
winds indicating the main components of the Hadley circulation over the oceans of the
northern hemisphere. This model was based on the following assumptions:
 The earth was not rotating
 The earth was not tilted
 The surface of the earth consisted entirely of land or water only.
Hadley (Single Cell) Model (After Nagle, 2000)

A schematic cross-section along the axis of the trade winds indicating the main
components of the Hadley circulation over the oceans of the northern hemisphere (After
Musk, 1988)
Ferrell model

The model explains the general circulation of the atmosphere. It was proposed by Ferrell
(1856) and Rossby (1941). As rising air in the Equator cools to the temperature of the
surrounding environmental air, uplift ceases and it begins to move away from the Equator.
Further cooling, increasing density and diversion by the Coriolis force cause air to slow
down and subsides forming the Hadley Cell.

About thirty degrees North and South of the Equator, there is some convergence of this
pole-ward moving air resulting from the decreasing circumference of the globe over which
the air is flowing. The upper air convergence leads to a rise in surface pressure in form
of subtropical high pressure belt (horse latitude) with its clear skies and dry stable
conditions. Some of the air returns to the Equator and is deflected to the right in the
northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere.

Air moving equator-wards from the poles converge with air moving pole wards around 60
0N and 60 0S to form another circulation called the Ferrell Cell.

The remaining cell- Polar Cell is primarily a consequent of intensely cold air settling over
Polar Regions. The cold air produces a surface zone of high pressure from which air
diverges in the form of the Polar easterlies. This diverging air meets tropical air along the
polar front and after rising, some return at higher levels to subside over the poles. Fig 2.4
shows the cross section of the Ferrel Model from the Equator to the North Pole in the
northern hemisphere.
Fig 4.3 Schematic cross-section from the Equator to the north-pole indicating the main
components of the Ferrel model of the northern hemisphere (After Waugh, 2009)

Fig 4.4 Energetics of a three cell model (After Musk, 1988)

The Rossby Waves
The Rossby Waves are a belt of upper-air westerly which often follows a meandering
path. The number of waves varies according to seasons, with usually 4-6 in summer and
3 in winter. They form a complete pattern around the globe. The Rossby waves can be
very large indeed with wavelengths of up to 8 000km. The waves circulate the earth in
the upper-level westerly flow. Fig 2.4 below shows the development of Rossby waves
whereas Fig 2.5 illustrates fully developed Rossby waves in the northern hemisphere
during the winter and summer seasons.
Formation of Rossby Waves (After Nagle, 2000)
Rossby Waves (a) in the Northern Hemisphere, (b) in winter and (c) summer as viewed
from above the North Pole (After Nagle, 2000).

The generalised model of global circulation (After Nagle, 2000)

Jet Streams
Jet Streams are narrow currents of extremely fast-moving air within the Rossby waves.
Their speed exceeds 230Km/h or 50-100m/s in the low density air near the tropo-pause.
Above the tropo-pause, temperature and pressure gradients change, causing the strength
of the westerly airflow (Rossby Waves) to decline and the jets to disappear. The speed
maxima within the jets are called jet streaks. The length of the jet streams can be of
several thousand Km, their width- hundreds of Km and the thickness or depth is rarely
more than a few Km.

Types of Jet Streams

Three types of jet streams are identified on the earth. These are:
 The Polar Front Jet Stream (PFJS)
 The Sub tropical Jet Streams
 The Tropical Easterly Jet
the formation of the Ferrel Circulation.
Ferrel (Three-Cell) Model (After Waugh, 2009

Air Masses
An airmass is a large body of air extending to thousands of square kilometres, whose
temperature and humidity are fairly uniform. A cold air mass from the South Pole normally
brings cold weather in Zimbabwe during the winter season. Air masses are classified
according to:

 The physical properties of air. This determines the temperature of the air mass.
An air mass can be cold or warm
 The latitude of origin e.g. polar air mass, tropical or equatorial air mass
 The surface over which the air mass develops which affects their moisture
content. This gives rise to maritime and continental air masses.

The above classification is summarised in Table 9.1 below.

Classification of Air masses (After Henderson-Sellers

and Robinson, 1996)
Polar (P) Maritime Polar (mP) Oceans pole-ward of Cool, rather damp, unstable
approx. 500

Continental Polar (cP) Continents in vicinity Cold and dry, very stable
of Arctic Circle;
Cold, dry, stable
Arctic (A) or Antarctic (AA) Polar regions
Tropical Maritime Tropical (mT) Trade wind belt and Moist and warm, stability
(T) subtropical oceans. variable: stable on east side
of oceans, rather unstable
Continental Tropical (cT) Low latitude deserts, on west.
chiefly Sahara and Hot and very dry, unstable
Australian deserts
Maritime Equatorial (mE)
Equatorial oceans Warm, moist, generally
slightly stable

Air masses affecting the British weather

 Polar maritime air mass from northern Canada and the Arctic Ocean
 Arctic maritime air from the Arctic Ocean
 Polar continental air from Siberia high pressure area
 Tropical continental air from the Saharan sub-tropical high pressure area
 Tropical maritime air from the Azores high pressure area

The diagram below shows these air masses affecting the British weather.
Air masses and the British Weather (After Waugh, 2009)

Airstreams affecting Zimbabwe

 The Zaire airflow/North-west monsoon

 North-east monsoon
 South-east trades

An anticyclone is a large mass of subsiding air which produces an area of high pressure
on the earth’s surface. The source of the air is the upper atmosphere, where amounts of
water vapour is limited. An anticyclone tends to be of types: warm and cold, depending
on whether its origin is thermal or dynamic.

Cold anticyclones

Cold anticyclones are thermal in origin, developing over continental interiors such as
Siberia, Greenland and northern Canada in winter, and for the rest of the year over the
poles (Musk, 1988). They are caused by persistent radiation cooling of the land surface
and chilling of the atmosphere. The lower troposphere is cold, with normal temperatures
at higher levels. Inversions are common and the air is very stable.

Warm Anticyclones
These are formed from the convergence of in the upper troposphere and subsidence
beneath. This results in warmer than normal temperatures in the middle and lower
troposphere. Mainly they develop in the subtropics and mid-latitude regions. Examples of
them include the Azores, Sahara and North Pacific highs in the northern hemisphere and
the South Atlantic, South pacific and South Indian Ocean highs in the southern
hemisphere. The major characteristics of the cold and warm anticyclones are summarised

Table 9.2 Major characteristics of cold and warm anticyclones (After Musk (1988)

Feature Cold Anticyclone Warm Anticyclone

Characteristics Shallow anticyclone with Deep anticyclone, slow-moving
circulation extending up to 2-3 and associated with blocking in
km higher latitudes

Origin Convergence in the upper

troposphere with subsidence
Persistent radiation cooling of beneath throughout the depth
land surface and chilling of the of the troposphere
Intensity overlying atmosphere
Increases with height
Region of
formation Decreases with height Subtropical belt 30-40 latitude
e.g. Azores, Sahara and
High latitude continental southern hemispheric
interiors, e.g. Siberia and subtropical oceanic
Greenland anticyclones, often with ridges
extending pole-wards
Cold High
Low Cold
Warm Days, weeks or months

More mobile in location and

less persistent than warm

A depression is a polar front boundary between cold and warm air (Nagle, 2000).
Depressions follow a life cycle in which the main stages can be identified as: embryo,
maturity and decay.

This stage begins as a small wave on the polar front. The warm, moist tropical air (Tm)
meets colder, drier polar air (Pm). The convergence of the two air masses results in the
warmer, less dense air being forced to rise in a spiral movement. The upward movement
results in less air at the Earth’s surface creating an area of low pressure. The developing
depression at this time moves in a north-easterly direction under the influence of the upper
westerlies, i.e. the polar front jet stream (PFJS) (Waugh, 2009).
Embryo stage of a depression (After Waugh, 2009).

Pressure continues to fall as more warm air in the warm sector, is forced to rise. As
pressure fall, the pressure gradient steepens the inward blowing wind increase in
strength. Due to the Coriolis force these anticlockwise blowing winds come from the south
west. Continued uplift of warm air will result in cooling and precipitation as the clouds
become both thicker and lower (Waugh, 2009).

As temperature rise and the uplift of air decrease within the warm sector, there are less
chances of precipitation and the low cloud may break to give some sunshine.
Maturity Stage of a Depression (After Waugh, 2009).

The depression begins to decay when the cold front catches up the warm front to form an
occlusion or occluded front. By this stage the tropical air (Tm) will have been squeezed
upwards leaving no warm sector at the ground level. As the uplift of air is reduced, so too
are the amount of condensation, precipitation and cloud cover. Pressure rises and wind
speeds decrease as the cold air replaces the uplifted air and ‘in fills’ the depression
(Waugh, 2009).
Decay stage of a depression (After Waugh, 2009).

Anticyclones have characteristics opposite to (or ‘anti’) those found in a depression or

cyclone. These contrasts are summarised in the table below:

The Contrasting features of anticyclones and depressions (After Musk, 1988)

Feature Anticyclone Depression

Surface pressure High Low

Wind direction Anti-cyclonic (clockwise*) Cyclonic (anticlockwise*)

Airflow Divergent at surface (convergent Converges at surface

aloft) (diverges aloft)

Vertical air motion Rises

Wind speed Moderate to strong
Precipitation Wet
Generally dry
Cloudiness Cloudy
Stratus or no cloud
Stability May be unstable
Stable air, with a subsidence
inversion aloft
Temperature Strong temperature
gradient Little temperature contrast across contrasts, especially at the
the high fronts

Speed of Slow- moving or stagnant Generally mobile, moving

movement west-east
*in the northern hemisphere

Tropical Cyclones
A cyclone is an intense, rotating, circular storm at the core of which lies closed low
pressure centre and which in excess of 50m/sec (Buckle, 1996). The pressure can be as
low as 950mb, but they are different in character and intensity. Tropical cyclones are the
most devastating and frightening of all natural phenomena. They are known as hurricanes
in North America and the Caribbean, as typhoons in the western North Pacific and
cyclones in Africa.

The cyclones are strictly oceanic phenomena, and tend to die out over the land. They
form only in those oceans where sea temperatures are at least 26 oC, and where there is
a reasonably deep layer of warm water down to 60-70m or more. Cyclones only occur in
barotropic atmospheric conditions (where temperature, pressure, lapse rate and humidity
are fairly uniform over large areas) during late summer and early autumn (Musk, 1988).
This happens between latitudes 5oC and 20oC north and south of the equator. They are
hardly found within 5oC of the equator, where the latitudinal value of the Coriolis
parameter is of insufficient magnitude to allow balanced geostrophic flow to develop.

For the hurricane to move, there must be a continuous source of heat to maintain the
rising air currents; there must be a large supply of moisture to provide latent heat,
released by condensation, to drive the storm and provide heavy rainfall.
Fig 9.5 Plan view of a mature tropical cyclone, showing the wind directions and main
cloud features. (OCB: Outer Convective Band; AZ: Annular Zone) (After Musk, 1988).
A Vertical Cross-section through a mature tropical cyclone (After Musk, 1988).

There are four main causes of hurricane damage:

 Wind
 Storm surges
 Flooding
 Landslide

Tornadoes are violent, rotating columns of air, diameter 50-500m, extending down like a
dark funnel cloud from the base of a cumulonimbus cloud. They have a narrow vortex,
winds reaching speeds greater than 400km/h and a deep low pressure core (100mb).
Tornadoes are short-lived, rarely surviving more than 30 minutes. They form in the
powerful up draughts of mature thunderstorms. They are usually unpredictable. They form
whenever warm, fairly humid air is overlain by colder, drier air creating unstable and
severe thunderstorms. They are common in spring and summer where maritime polar air
mass lifts warm, moist tropical air on a cold front.

The Monsoon
The word monsoon is an Arabic term for ‘a season’. In meteorology this term is used to
denote a seasonal reversal of wind direction (Buckle, 1996). This phenomenon is
common in south-east Asia where it results from three factors:

 The extreme heating and cooling of large land masses in relation to the smaller
heat changes over the adjacent sea areas. This in turn affects atmospheric
pressure and wind direction.
 The northward movement of the ITCZ during the northern hemisphere summer.
 The uplift of the Himalayas which are sufficiently high to interfere with general
circulation of the atmosphere (Waugh, 2009).

The South-west or Summer Monsoon

In June the sun is overhead the Tropic of Cancer and so the ITCZ moves northwards over
the Asian subcontinent. The increase in insolation and temperature causes the air to rise
and create a low pressure area. The warm moist equatorial maritime and the tropical
maritime air from the Indian Ocean are drawn northwards and then it is diverted north-
eastwards due to the Coriolis force. The air is humid, unstable and conducive to rainfall.
Precipitation totals are accentuated as the air rises by both orographic and convectional
uplift. In Bombay rainfall reach 2000mm.
South-west or Summer Monsoon (After Nagle, 2000)

The North-east or Winter Monsoon

In December, the overhead sun, the ITCZ and the subtropical jet stream all move
southwards. During this time Central Asia experiences intense cooling which allows a
large high pressure system to develop. Airstreams that move outwards from this high
pressure area are dry because their source area is semi-desert. They become even drier
as they cross the Himalayas and adiabatically warmer as they descend to the Indo-
Gangetic plain (Waugh, 2009). During this period Bombay receives less than 100mm of
North-east or Winter Monsoon (After Nagle, 2000)

We have shown that air masses are classified according to the physical properties of air,
the latitude of origin and the surface over which the air mass develops. An anticyclone
tends to be of types: warm and cold, depending on whether its origin is thermal or
dynamic. Depressions follow a life cycle in which there main stages can be identified:
embryo, maturity and decay. The monsoon phenomenon is common in south-east Asia
where it results from three factors:

 The extreme heating and cooling of large land masses in relation to the smaller
heat changes over the adjacent sea areas.
 The northward movement of the ITCZ during the northern hemisphere summer.
 The uplift of the Himalayas which are sufficiently high to interfere with general
circulation of the atmosphere.

Climate is constantly changing at all scales, from local to global and on varying timespans,
both long term and short term (Waugh, 2009). The El Nino and la Nina events are the
most interesting examples of the ocean-atmosphere interaction. These occur periodically
in the Pacific Ocean. Waugh (2009:250) argues that under normal atmospheric

 Pressure rises over the eastern Pacific Ocean (off the coast of South America) and
fall over the western Pacific Ocean (towards Indonesia and the Philippines).
 The descending air over the eastern Pacific gives clear, dry conditions that create
the Atacama Desert in Peru.
 The warm, moist ascending air over the western Pacific gives that region its heavy
convectional rainfall. This movement of air creates a circulation cell called the
Walker Circulation (Fig).
 The upper air moves from west to east, and the surface air from east to west
 The trades winds than push surface water westwards so that the sea level in the
Philippines is normally 60 cm higher than in Panama and Colombia
 The trades also allow flowing water westward as the equatorial current, to remain
near to the surface where it can gradually heat. This gives the western Pacific the
highest ocean temperature of the world, usually above 28 0C.
 The warm air that is pushed away from South America is replaced by an upwelling
of cold water, rich in plankton. (See fig 10.1 below)
Walker Circulation Cell (After Waugh, 2009)

In contrast to normal conditions there is reversal in the equatorial Pacific region, in

pressure, precipitation, wind and ocean currents.

 Pressure rises over the western Pacific and fall over the eastern Pacific
 The ITCZ is allowed to migrate southwards and causes the trades to weaken or to
be reversed in direction.
 The descending now over south-east Asia, gives that region much drier conditions,
even causing drought.
 In contrast the air over eastern Pacific is now rising giving much wetter conditions
in places like Peru that normally experience desert conditions.
 The change in direction of the trade winds means that surface water tends to be
pushed eastwards so that sea level in south-east Asia falls, while it rises in tropical
South America.
 The reversal of the trade wind direction also means that surface water
temperatures in excess of 28 OC extend much further eastwards
 The upwelling of cold water off South America is reduced allowing sea
temperatures to rise by up to 6 OC.

Figure 10.2 below illustrate the ocean-atmospheric interaction under the El Nino event.

El Nino event (After Waugh, 2009)

To date the world has experienced the El Nino events in 1982-83, 1986, 1992-93, 1997-
98 and 2006-07. The 1997-98 event has been described as the biggest of all (Waugh,
2009). There is much evidence which suggest that the ENSO has had a major climatic
effect on places far beyond the Pacific margins. Apart from direr conditions in south-east
Asia and wetter conditions in South America:

 Severe droughts have been experienced in the Sahel region, Southern Africa
(Zimbabwe included) and across the Indian subcontinent.
 Extremely cold winters were recorded in North America.
 Stormy conditions with floods have been recorded in California.
 Exceptionally wet, mild and windy winters were experienced in Britain and north-
west Europe.
 The average global temperatures are high during the El Nino events.
 Rainfall intensities across the globe are increased when temperatures are high due
to the effects of increased convective activity.
 A range of hazards have been linked to the El Nino events: floods, famine, drought,
wildfires, landslides and disease out-break.

The 1997/98 El Nino Event

The effects of the 1997-98 El Nino event are shown in the map below:
Effects of the 1997/98 El Nino event (After Waugh, 2009

La Nina
La Nina (Little Girl) has climatic conditions that are the reverse of those of El Nino. It
appears just before or after El Nino event. In a La Nina event in contrast to the normal
conditions in the Pacific Ocean:
 Low pressure over the western Pacific becomes even lower.
 The high pressure over the eastern Pacific becomes even higher.
 Rainfall increases over south-east Asia (e.g. la Nina event of 1988 was responsible
for severe flooding in Bangladesh).
 There are severe drought conditions in South America.
 The trade winds strengthen due to increased differences in pressure between the
two places.
 The stronger trades push large amounts of water westwards, giving a higher than
normal sea-level in Indonesia and the Philippines.
 The stronger trade wind increases the equatorial undercurrent and significantly
enhances the upwelling of cold water off the Peruvian coast.
 Increases hurricane activities.
 Can disrupt the jet streams to bring stormy, colder weather to Britain (e.g. The
Boxing day Storm of 1998).

La Nina Event (After Waugh, 2009)

Possible effects of a la Nina on World Weather

 Higher temperature, storms and flooding in South East Asia, Indonesia, Philippines
and north of Australia
 Flooding in south-east Africa (Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Lesotho).
 Flooding in north-east Brazil
 Drought in western coast of South America
 Increased hurricane activity in the Caribbean and Florida
 Drought and warmer conditions in western coast of North America
 Increased storm and snow activity in the British Isles.
 Eight degrees Celsius drop in ocean surface temperatures over 5000km stretch in
the eastern Pacific Ocean.

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