Backstep Cont Elect Hyd Actur
Backstep Cont Elect Hyd Actur
Backstep Cont Elect Hyd Actur
Fig. 1. Consequently, the dynamics of pump-controlled EHA Assume there is no external leakage, the dynamics of oil flow
system become more complex. can be written as in [18], [19]
In order to obtain a position tracking for a pump-controlled ⎧
⎪ βe
EHA, fuzzy logic self-tuning PID controllers [13], [14] have ⎪
⎨ ṖH = V + A y (QH − AH ẏ − Ct (PH − PR ))
been developed. However, the design of fuzzy structure depends 01 H
crucially on expert experience and may not have enough relia- ⎪
⎪ β
⎩ ṖR = e
(QR + AR ẏ + Ct (PH − PR ))
bility in some applications. To deal with the nonlinearities and V02 − AR y
uncertainties of pump-controlled EHA, robust position controls
using sliding mode control scheme [15], [16], and nonlinear where Ct is the coefficient of the internal leakage of the cylinder,
adaptive control scheme based on backstepping controller [17] βe is the effective bulk modulus of the hydraulic fluid in the
have been adopted. Since the variable control structure is ap- container, V01 , V02 are the original total control volumes of the
plied, the sliding mode control methods [15], [16] face chatter- two chambers, respectively (including the volume of pipelines
ing problems, which can damage the experimental instruments. and initial cylinder chambers), QH represents the supply flow
In [17], the nonlinearities of EHA system are considered as rate to the H chamber (cylinder end), and QR represents the
single term, and the developed controller is applicable for a supply flow rate to the R chamber (rod end).
symmetric actuating system only. Based on the configuration of EHA system, flow rates into
In this paper, an adaptive control of a pump-controlled EHA two chambers are calculated as
system is developed based on a novel adaptation law and a mod-
QH = QP H + Qv 1 − Qv 3
ified backstepping technique. First of all, the dynamics of the (3)
pump-controlled EHA system is investigated. Different from QR = QP R + Qv 2 − Qv 4
the works in [4], [15], and [17], the considered EHA system in where QP H = −QP R = Qpum p is the pump flow rate
this paper employs an asymmetric hydraulic cylinder. Hence,
the flow-rate terms through supplement check valves have to be Qpum p = Dω − kleakage (PH − PR ) . (4)
considered in the dynamic analysis incorporated with the hy-
draulic cylinder and the bidirectional pump. Consequently, the Here, kleakage is the leakage constant, D is displacement of the
uncertainties in this paper include not only the variation of the ef- pump, and ω is the speed of the servo pump system. The terms:
fective bulk modulus but also the flow-rate through supplement Qv 1 , Qv 2 , Qv 3 , and Qv 4 are flow rates through valves v1 , v2 , v3 ,
check valves, and the initial hydraulic volume, i.e., the hydraulic and v4 , respectively.
volume in two chambers of hydraulic cylinder, hoses, and servo
pump; which were not considered in [9]–[12], and [15]–[17].
B. Control Problem Statement
Since these parameters are all treated as uncertainties, a novel
adaptive law is developed based on a special Lyapunov func- In normal operation, the system pressure values: PH , PR
tion. Consequently, a control scheme is constructed based on a should be kept under the setting value Pset of the two relief
modified backstepping algorithm. The control signal consists of valves: v3 and v4 . It means the flow rates through the two relief
an adaptive control signal to compensate the uncertainties and valves: Qv 3 and Qv 4 maintain zero. Consequently, (3) can be
a simple robust structure to ensure the robustness correspond- rewritten as
ing to a bounded disturbance. Finally, an experimental test rig
is setup and three cases of study are carried out. The experi- QH = QP H + Qv 1
mental results with high tracking accuracy (up to ±0.25 mm of QR = QP R + Qv 2 .
accuracy) and robustness in various working conditions prove
strongly the applicability of proposed control method in modern For the ease of calculation, let the system states be defined as
hydraulic applications, e.g., press machine, punching machine. Δ
x = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ,)T = (y, ẏ, PH , PR ,)T . (6)
II. MODELING OF EHA SYSTEM Then, the simplified mathematical model of EHA system can
be described by employing (1)–(5)
A. Mathematical Modeling of EHA System ⎧
⎪ ẋ1 = x2
Considering the EHA system as shown in Fig. 1, the dynamics ⎪
⎪ 1 F
of the piston can be described by the second Newton’s Law ⎪ ẋ2 =
⎪ (AH x3 − AR x4 ) −
⎪ m m
⎨ βe
mÿ = PH AH − PR AR − F (1) ẋ3 = Dω − (kleakage + Ct ) (x3 − x4 )
V01 + AH x1
⎪ +Qv 1 − AH x2
where m is the equivalent mass, y is system displacement; ⎪
⎪ βe
⎪ ẋ4 = − Dω + (kleakage + Ct ) (x3 − x4 )
PH , PR are pressure in two chambers, respectively, AH , AR ⎪
⎪ V02 − AR x1
are actuating areas, respectively, and F is external loaded force −Qv 2 + AR x2 .
on the cylinder. (7)
Then, the time derivative term of tracking error is calculated as h1 (x) ω + h2 (x)
follows: ẋ34 = (22)
g (x)
ż1 = x2 − ẋ1d . (11)
The virtual control signal for the system in (11) is defined as
x2d = ẋ1d − k1 z1 , k1 > 1. ⎪ g (x) = (V01 + AH x1 ) (V02 − AR x1 )
(12) ⎪
⎪ = V01 V02 + (V02 AH − V01 AR ) x1 − AH AR x21 > 0
Define the state error ⎪
⎪ h1 (x) = (βV02 + kA βV01 ) D
z2 = x2 − x2d . (13) ⎪
⎨ h2 (x) = β (V02 − AR x1 ) (Qv 1 − kleak (x3 − x4 ) − AH x2 )
It follows ⎪ −βkA (V01 +AH x1 ) (−Qv 2 +kleak (x3 − x4 )+AR x2 )
z2 = ż1 + k1 z1 . (14) ⎪
⎪ = − (V02 + kA V01 ) kleak β (x3 − x4 )
⎪ − (V02 AH +kA V01 AR ) βx2 + (−Qv 1 +Qv 2 ) AR βx1
Consider a Lyapunov function ⎪
1 2 +βAR (AH − AR ) x1 x2 + β (V02 Qv 1 + kA V01 Qv 2 ) .
V1 = z . (15) (23)
2 1
2 1
+ α̃gT 2
ḡ˙ (x) z34 − z34 ḡ (x) ẋ34d − Tg−1 α̂˙ g
1 2
= ġ(x)z34 + z34 (h1 (x) ω + h2 (x) − g(x)ẋ34d ) . (27)
+ α̃T z34 h̄1 (x) ω − T −1 α̂˙ h1
h1 h1
Here, the time derivative of ẋ34d is calculated as
−1 ˙
ẋ34d = ˙ẍ1d − k1 z̈1 − ż1 − k2 ż2 . (28)
+ α̃h2 z34 h̄2 (x) − Th2 α̂h2 . (35)
For simplicity, define The update laws can be chosen so that these inequalities hold
⎧ T ⎧
⎨ αg = [ α1 α2 1 ] ⎪
⎪ α̃ T 1
ḡ (x) z 2
− z ḡ (x) ẋ − T −1 ˙
α̂ ≤0
⎪ g 2 34 34 34d g g
αh1 = α3 (29) ⎪
−1 ˙ (36)
αh2 = [ α4 α5 α6 α7 α8 ] T
⎪ α̃ T
z 34 h̄ 1 (x) ω − T α̂ h1 ≤0
h1 h1
and ⎩ α̃T z h̄ (x) − T −1 α̂˙ ≤ 0.
⎧ 2 T
h2 34 2 h2 h2
⎨ ḡ (x) = [ 1 x1 −AH AR x1 ]
In this paper, the adaptation laws for uncertain terms are de-
h̄1 (x) = D (30) signed as follows:
h̄2 (x) = [ − (x3 − x4 ) −x2 x1 x1 x2 1 ]T . ⎧ 1
⎪ ˙
⎨ α̂g = 2 Tg z34 (ḡz 34 − 2ḡ ẋ34d )
⎪ ˙
Obviously, the following statement holds:
⎧ α̂˙ h1 = Th1 z34 h̄1 ω (37)
g (x) = αgT ḡ (x) ⎪
⎨ ⎩
T α̂˙ h2 = Th2 z34 h̄2 .
h1 (x) = αh1 h̄1 (x) (31)
⎩ T
h2 (x) = αh2 h̄2 (x) . For system (22), there exist positive boundaries
αg m in , αh1 m in > 0 where
Let α̂g , α̂h1 , and α̂h2 be the estimation of αg , αh1 , and αh2 ,
respectively; α̃g = αg − α̂g , α̃h1 = αh1 − α̂h1 , and α̃h2 = αh1 > αh1 m in
αh2 − α̂h2 be estimation errors. The control input ω is designed αg > αg m in .
Fig. 5. Control input signal at 0.05-Hz sinusoidal trajectory. Fig. 7. Comparison at 0.05-Hz sinusoidal trajectory and no load condition.
Fig. 9. System response at 0.5-Hz sinusoidal trajectory. Fig. 11. System states at 0.5-Hz sinusoidal trajectory.