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International Journal of Complementary & Alternative Medicine

Negative Memory Healing in Seconds

Abstract Research article

After 35 years of teaching self-help techniques, Gary Sinclair has continued to refine Volume 3 Issue 1 - 2016
his work so that it is now possible to neutralize negative memories in approximately
20 seconds. He calls this latest process Soul Link. Soul Link opens the door to your Gary Sinclair*
heart’s energy flow by using your hands as jumper cables to connect thought memory
Celebrate Life, USA
with the energy flowing through all the meridians of the body. Gary has been using
Soul Link since June 2014 with 95% success for first time users in a “content free” *Corresponding author: Gary Sinclair, Cyberphysiologist,
environment. It addresses the full spectrum of memory from minor memories to the Celebrate Life, 790 Morro Road, Fallbrook, CA, USA 92028,
pathologic anxiety associated with PTSD. There are no long-term studies at present. Tel: 760-586-2828; Email:
Future research is warranted. My web site
In 1997 Dr. Bruce Lipton, Author, The Biology of Belief, wrote to Gary Sinclair: “I laud Received: September 8, 2015 | Published: January 19, 2016
your ground breaking efforts in what may prove to be the future of medicine.”

Keywords: Negative memory; Energy; Healing; PTSD; EMDR; Tapping; EFT; FTT;
Trauma; NLP; Hypnosis; Soul Link

Abbreviations Gary has studied human energy theory while training and
certifying in many modalities like Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy,
EMDR: Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing; EFT: Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, NLP, and therapies like Regression,
Emotional Freedom Technique; FTT: Field Thought Therapy; Wounded Child, Soul Retrieval, Touch For Health, Healing Touch,
PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; NLP: Neuro Linguistic Kinesiology, the Callahan Technique, Thought Field Therapy,
Programming; IHM: Institute of HeartMath Research Center; NET- Tapping, Core Transformation, Ericksonian Hypnotherapy, Psy-K,
CE: Continuing Education for Healthcare Professionals Sedona Method, Voice-Bio Analysis, and many more. Having
already healed, Gary was always asking himself, “What healing
happened? When? and, Why?” This all improved his knowledge
Premise 1: A person’s Soul is the source of the most subtle energies and understanding of human energy theory as he constantly
of their being. From our cellular structure to our awareness of self, asked himself, “What do we not know about “life as energy” and
it is this Soul’s energy that gives form to everything that makes us where can we make progress?”
human beings. Thus, your body is not the real you. Your body is
He studied the work of Dr. Leonard Ravitz at William and Mary
merely an organ of perception.
University who in 1959 showed that the Human Energy Field
Premise 2: Spirit is the all-pervasive intelligence that engineers fluctuates with a person’s mental and psychological stability.
all of creation. Dr. Ravitz suggested that there is a field of energy associated
with the thought process [1]. Dr. Caroline Myss added to that
Premise 3: Soul is the manifestation of Spirit on a personal level.
understanding explaining that your physical body is surrounded
Soul and Spirit are intimately linked. When Soul and Spirit are
by an energy field that extends as far out as your outstretched
disconnected human beings experience dis-ease. The heart can be
arms and the full length of your body. It is both an information
used as the mechanism to reconnect the Soul with the Spirit.
center and a highly sensitive perceptual system. . . . . It surrounds
Gary’s Story us and carries within it the emotional energy created by our
internal and external experiences [2].
Born in 1945 with limited lung capacity, at an early age,
Gary Sinclair became intimately acquainted with the medical Soul Link was created with these understandings as Gary
profession. At age 22 he was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis wished to ensure the process used the entire energy field all at
and faced life in a wheel chair by age 34. As the severity of the once rather than focusing on only a part of the energy structure. He
disability increased and his lung capacity diminished Gary knew understood that every memory must have some form and shape
he had to pursue something more than the traditional allopathic of containment within the human energy field, and that altering
model. In18 months using energetic therapies, like Chiropractic, that containment of energy would create life changing results.
Acupuncture, massage. etc., Gary was able to move on with a Like a drop of ink in a gallon of water, the larger energy source
new life. During that time, he knew already he was developing dissipated the drop. Gary understood that any long period of time
processes that could be used to help others heal energetically. In thinking about a memory only created a re-imprinting of that
1987, with greater understanding of “living life as energy,” Gary memory, so it had to work quickly.
became the National Senior Olympic Free-Style Figure Skating Enid Hoffman writes that all energy contained in memories is
Champion for the USA. feeling energy. . . . The feeling aroused by the event is registered

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in the memory bank along with the event. . . . These unfilled field is about 5,000 times stronger than that of the cranial brain as
expressions of our feelings, stored in memory events, express it interacts with and permeates every cell of our bodies. McCraty’s
themselves in our behavior and our reactions to current events work explains how the heart carries out the bioelectromagnetic
[3]. interactions within and between people [5]. Research from the
HeartMath Institute has also found the intelligence of the heart to
Soul Link was created to neutralize the negative emotions
receive and respond to intuitive information [6].
and feelings energy associated with the memory, while generally
leaving the remembrance of the memory as a historical learning The heart, as a process, is important to the success of Soul
experience from which to grow. Link. Conventional science has taught us that the main role of the
heart is to pump blood to all the systems of our body. Thanks to
The more Gary studied energy healing, the more he understood
the landmark research done at The Institute of HeartMath, we
the relationship between positive and negative energy as it relates
can now say that besides pumping blood, the heart also has an
to the holding structure of memories along with their anchoring
intelligence of its own. For centuries, the heart has been considered
ability to produce wellness and potentially the opposite of dis-
the source of emotions, courage, and wisdom. They observed that
ease. Right from the beginning, at age 36 he found ways to use
the heart was acting as though it had a mind of its own and was
human energy theory to neutralize minor memories and, to
profoundly influencing the way we perceive and respond to the
some degree, major memories. He worked with and continued
world including “shifts in perception.” In essence, it appeared that
to improve his concepts while developing other ways to improve
the heart was affecting intelligence and awareness. Soul Link uses
life based on the framework of using the entire energy field of the
this influencer and recognizes definite shifts in perception take
body. A pivotal time in his quest was June 6, 2014, as he discovered
place when used properly as trained (Figure 1).
how to neutralize dis-ease holding memories at their strongest
levels in approximately 20 seconds. That process was later given Healing Hands
the name Soul Link and became pivotal to other changes made to
enhance his two day program, Restoration and improve all of his The hands have been used as emitters of energy since the art
results. of healing began. For thousands of years, China and other cultures
have used hands-on-healing to treat many conditions. In 1778
Soul Link works because it allows a person to channel Franz Mesmer was the first person to write that he believed the
connective life force energy through their own bodies using their most active points for healing the body flow through the hands.
hands. With each heartbeat, unconditional love is applied to the This is why therapies like Therapeutic Touch and Healing Touch,
negative memory to which they are paying attention through which are used in many hospitals, are shown to be that affective.
feelings or emotions found within that chosen memory. You will Soul Link will add additional value to hospital personnel as they
often hear Gary say, “Love pulls whatever it touches toward its are trained in other uses of Soul Link like quick pain reduction and
highest potential!” Soul Link works because of this truth. The calming agitated patients.
positive, whole energy we think of in human energy theory is
greater than the sum of the negative parts on which it is working. We know of the existence of the human body’s electromagnetic
Because it uses the entire energy field of your body and that life energy field because of high tech equipment. The SQUID, EMG,
sustaining energy is being refreshed with each new heartbeat, and others have been used to measure the signals. These devices
Gary would say “You love yourself to Life!” By linking the Soul not only detect the presence of such energies, but can show how
connected energy to the Spirit connection through the heart, they alter subtle energy fields through the application of touch.
the person finds the “power verses force” principal to neutralize John White, in his book Future Science, lists 97 different cultures
negative thoughts and emotions in seconds. that refer to the auric phenomena with 97 different names [7].
Chinese and Korean hand acupuncture points make us aware that
There are 737 references to love in the Bible [4]. Love is the all of the energy fields in the body can be activated through touch.
connective tissue of the universe, the stuff of which we are made. Jiro Maurai’s research in Jin Shin Jyutsu ultimately revealed that
Love is the experience of being whole and connected to the each one of our fingers affects 14,400 functions within the body
Universe. The human heart is the way to access this love and life [8]. Your nervous system is a phenomenally sensitive thirty-seven
giving gift of Spirit. mile-long antenna that reverberates to the subtle, and not so
subtle, energies of the world in which we live [9].
Healing Heart
By linking heart and hands, the life supplying energy field
At the Institute of HeartMath (IHM) Research Center, they
generated by the heart, has the ability to accesses the power
are exploring the physiological mechanisms by which the heart
availability of the combined full body energy meridian’s system.
communicates with the brain, thereby influencing information
When you tie this to the presence of any awareness of a memory,
processing, perceptions, emotions, and health. The heart is the
Soul Link powerfully unlocks the human potential as a stronger
first organ to function when we are in utero. It is an important
positive energy to eradicate the negative emotions and feelings
intelligence center along with the brain. According to Rollin
in the memory in seconds. It is important that we understand, the
McCraty, Director of Research at the Institute of HeartMath and
less time a person has to think about the negative, the easier it is not
author of the book, The Energetic Heart, the heart’s electromagnetic
prevent it from being re-imprinted over and over again [Figure 2].

Citation: Sinclair G (2016) Negative Memory Healing in Seconds. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(1): 00058. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00058
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Figure 1: The electromagnetic field of the heart.

Figure 2: Acupuncture systems.

Citation: Sinclair G (2016) Negative Memory Healing in Seconds. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(1): 00058. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00058
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Comparative Works Picture 1: Place your relaxed right hand finger-tips of your
fingers up against your curved and relaxed left hand. To do this,
In a comparative of existing works, EMDR uses the fact that the your little finger will be aimed straight at the row of knuckles on
eyes are the access to the Soul, and thus uses eye movement to find the top middle of your left hand. This location is the beginning
the memory stored location for neutralization. Soul Link begins point of contact for each repeated round in the process.
with the client thinking about the memory and thus connecting
to a known memory location, and then uses the entire energy
of the Soul in the process of neutralizing as each new heart beat
replenishes the Soul’s energy field. There is no need for any long
discussion on what the memory is about, nor how much it bothers
you or your client, once certified. Most of the work Gary personally
does is in a “content free” environment, even when done to the
client, rather than the client learning to do it by themselves.
In a further comparative of existing works, EFT, FTT, Tapping,
and the Callahan Technique, etc. are using the existence of the
energy meridians in the body to “tap” into an individual meridian.
By tapping specific locations and involved meridians, the
processes seek to neutralize a negative. Soul Link begins with the
client using all of the energy meridians in the body at the same
time through the tops and bottoms of both hands. Picture 2: Once you have both hands relaxed, with your thumbs
In short, “Soul Link” opens the door to your heart’s energy flow up against your fingers which are held together, begin to slide the
by using your hands as jumper cables to connect thought with the fingers of the right hand up and over the wrist area of the left hand
energy flowing through all the meridians of the body.” It neutralizes following the line of the knuckles with an intention to rub and
unwanted emotions and feelings stored in the mind and body as feel all the area of the wrist. As you do this, note your little finger
negative memory in approximately 20 seconds. intentionally glides over the complete first row of knuckles. Your
right thumb will glide close to where the wrist connects to the
Soul Link© Method® arm. Both hands are to make as much skin to skin surface contact
as possible.
For a client to be taught to use Soul Link, a first process called
The Ball is used to allow the client to know how to feel their own
energy and neutralize minor memories. The Box, which is capable
of handling stronger memories, is taught next. Gary Sinclair has
taught these two processes for 35 years as they came out of his
own personal healing work. Soul Link as demonstrated here is
taught next. This partial presentation is presented the way you
would teach it by demonstration this part of Soul Link is presented
the way you would teach it so that you might experience the
power in what Soul Link offers. The protocols for doing this “TO”
the client, rather than teaching them to do it themselves, will not
be given here. It is however taught in Soul Link Certification. The
protocols for doing this “TO” the client, rather than teaching them
to do it themselves, will not be given here. It is however taught in
Soul Link Certification.
Picture 3: Allow the skin on the back of your left hand to feel
all the contact of the palm of your right hand as you slide your
rubbing hand. Stop when you are just past the full hand and palm
area. You will have glided your entire hand all the way past the top
side of your left wrist. It helps to think in terms of the knuckles,
on the back of the left hand, as being the target line for the little
finger to glide over.
When you have completely slid across, you will feel like you
could drop your right hand down at the wrist joint over the left
hands outside edge. Dropping the wrist is not necessary; this is
only to explain how far you will go in sliding as you intentionally
feel the rub across with both hands making contact.
Check by coming back to the starting position again. This time,
as you slide your relaxed right hand across, you can notice how

Citation: Sinclair G (2016) Negative Memory Healing in Seconds. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(1): 00058. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00058
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much you will feel the connection. Set your intention to make
rubbing contact as you feel all the connective sensations that are
possible. Be sure you used the alignment of your little finger on
your right hand going over the top line of knuckles as a way of
allowing the placement of the hands to make the best use of the
energy contacts.

Picture 6: While that is happening, the wrist and the knuckles

of your right palm hand are now rubbing all the fingers and
knuckles of your left hand.
It is easiest NOT to move your left hand while learning the
process. It should remain steady while your right hand does the
clockwise pattern movement. Most people hold the hand being
rubbed in the air and slightly in front as they look at their hands.
Picture 4: Next, we continue (with just a little practice) what
That way you get to see the alignment of the little finger sliding over
will become a fluid movement. Slide the back of your right arm to
and covering the knuckles on the pass and the thumb covering the
the right until you overlay all the fingers of the left hand with your
same row of knuckles coming back. The key is being “loose and
underside right arm. Your right hand palm and fingers still extend
relaxed” while the right hand does the clockwise rubbing rotation.
out beyond the fingers of the left hand. Stop when your right hand
You can think of it like applying a lotion all over the back of the
is in a position where, when you pull it back across, the thumb will
hand. When you apply a lotion, you keep your hands relaxed. In
once more glide directly over the top of the knuckles just beyond
this way you “feel” it all and that is most important.
the wrist.
Make sure you have not straightened nor sought to extend any
fingers. Both hands must stay relaxed in the complete process for
the best results. Keep your thumb up against your fingers.

Picture 7: Everything from here is a repeat of the steps above

as you slide your fingers back to the starting position.

Picture 5: Begin to glide the contact surface of your right You have now completed the Soul Link movement process for
hand back across the knuckles and joints on all the fingers and one right hand palm pass over the top left hand. Now consider that
ultimately the thumb of your left hand. Your hand will come all the you basically have designed the action to be like a box as you go
way until the finger tips are once more at the edge of the left hand across, slide down, and come back across in a clockwise direction.
and slightly down from where they started. The best alignment When you teach this technique, it is important that your client
coming back is to pay attention to your thumb while you bring is able to do the steps almost without thinking about them. For
your hand back and your thumb covers all the knuckles beyond this reason, you need to practice repeating the motion process of
the wrist like your little finger did earlier. Soul Link until you know exactly what you are doing, and until it is

Citation: Sinclair G (2016) Negative Memory Healing in Seconds. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(1): 00058. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00058
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one smooth movement. The necessary feelings of connection will Doing the Healing
work when you know the process and make it feel natural, so that
you can pretty much do the rubbing motion without thinking. Make Now, pick a 2015 negative memory out of a one to ten range,
it smooth and easy, remembering to “feel” all the connections you with ten being the worst, in the three to four range. Be sure it gives
can. Work with NO memory in any way until the process is smooth you negative emotions and feelings ONLY in the range of a three
and complete. to four as you learn the process. As you think about this memory,
have some fun and play it in your head so that you can learn
Even now, stop and see if you can do this as one fluid movement. everything you can about it. Notice the sharpness, clarity, words,
It needs to begin with a full contact slide all the way past the palm, sounds, and feelings. What can you distinguish so that when you
then a glide over, and all the way back. Sense all the feelings of play it again later, you can check for differences? This will help
connection as you create a continuous flowing motion. The speed with the quality of your first experience with Soul Link.
will ultimately come down to approximately ten seconds for four
complete passes on this hand. When you have learned all you can about this memory, place
your right hand finger tips against your left hand where you know
the little finger is in line with the top knuckles. Now turn your
focus as much as possible on all you recall as you repeat this
memory while completing four passes on each hand. Remember
to do four passes on both hands. A key component at this time is
focusing your attention on the memory and not on how to move
your hands. All hand movement should be close to automatic for
best results.
When you are done, allow yourself to stop thinking about
what you were doing and simply look around wherever you are
and internally tell yourself some of the things you see around you.
This causes you to stop thinking about the memory on which you
were working.
Check to discover what has happened to the emotions and
Picture 8: Now if I put a mirror between your hands and you feelings that caused you to choose this memory in the first place.
were ready to do the next step, you would merely repeat it on the Is there anything there now? Are the feelings neutral? If there is
right hand doing the reverse of your slide and glide pattern. On anything remaining for negative feeling and emotions, run the full
the left hand you went in a clockwise direction on the top of the pattern again as you pay attention to the emotions and feelings
hand making four complete patterns. that now arise. I can tell you, however, with a three to four level
memory, it is not normal for there to be residual that remains
unless you paid more attention to the touch process than the
memory content. Initially you may have a tendency to do that
because you are just learning.
Now check the memory. Try to note any changes that you can
find to determine if this memory is still there and intact just as
you remembered it before. Some will have a hard time finding the
memory, and for some it may seem gone.
Give yourself another Soul Link test using another memory
ONLY in the three to four range with ten being the worst.
Congratulations! You have learned to “Heal Memories in
Seconds!” [10]

Picture 9: On the right hand top, you will go in a counter- NOTE: As mentioned earlier, for the sake of this presentation,
clockwise direction. Practice until you can do four more complete this research is presented as taught to a client. There is another
patterns almost without thinking. complete set of protocols that are taught in Soul Link Certification
that allow any therapist to do the work to the client. For the sake
In the beginning your goal is just one continuous process of of your understanding and testing, this material was presented
feeling all you can with the connective slide and glide process of only in this format.
Soul Link. Today it takes trained clients twenty seconds or less
to complete the process. It is not about the speed; it is about the Where we go from here and the multiple other uses, that are
contact and the feeling of making contact happen naturally and life changing in “seconds,” are taught in Soul Link Certification.
automatically. You worked on memories in the three to four range. With more
experience using Soul Link, you will move up in your scale of

Citation: Sinclair G (2016) Negative Memory Healing in Seconds. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(1): 00058. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00058
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memory healing. Gary personally, in his first year of presenting health and wellness and more.
Soul Link, worked with 1,700 clients at a “worst memory ever”
and PTSD level with 95% success with first time use on the Research Chart
memory. For those where he has only done the protocols to them Note: This chart shows the success when doing Soul Link for the
the same results have been shown. first and second time on the emotions and feelings from the first
Soul Link is already being used to resolve fears, upsets, anger, minor and first major memory.
guilt, self-sabotage, blocks to success, etc. while shown to improve Time period June 2014 - August 2015 (Chart 1).
academic and athletic performance, self-confidence, self-esteem,

It should also be noted that every person in the 2,200 was successful with a substantial financial burden associated because
being taught for the first time, so that any reason for secondary of the time and energy spent in therapeutic sessions along with
gain to not neutralize that memory may not have been taken the cost of the medications.
into consideration by them at that time. Thus, the memory was
Since 1981 Gary has been teaching clients to neutralize
checked and reported by them as neutralized.
negative memories successfully, in groups or one-on-one. Gary
feels strongly that is it time for proper research and documentation
Conclusion that will allow for a scientific analysis of this and other aspects
Therapists all over the globe work to help people with PTSD. of his work. When his two day full program, called Restoration,
The NET-CE September 2015 Continuing Education Review Course can leave a client with no past memory they can immediately
on PTSD states, “The overall objectives of PTSD therapy is to treat remember that still bothers them, then what else can be learned
the four core symptom clusters of from his 35 years of work?
1) Intrusive re-experiencing Humanity needs help to handle the traumas associated with
this life. There are no current double-blind studies to support
2) Avoidance this work. Perhaps you, amongst others which Gary is consulting
3) Negative alterations in cognitions and mood and with, will be presenting case reports in the near future as a larger
randomized study becomes organized and potentially funded. At
4) Hyperarousal 71, Gary would tell you, “I would not be alive had I not learned
Psychotherapy is the backbone of PTSD therapy with to understand ‘life as energy.’ I should have been dead at least
Pharmacotherapy used as an adjunct if necessary [11].” twenty times, and yet that calling to help others has continued to
pull these resources forward to you, and I am still here to help!”
The modalities currently in use today are at best 60% to 80%

Citation: Sinclair G (2016) Negative Memory Healing in Seconds. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(1): 00058. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00058
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This partial work as presented here is only to help you 3. Hoffman, Enid (1981) HUNA: A Beginner’s Guide. Whitford Press,
understand the potential use of Soul Link. It is protected by law Atglen, Pennyslvania, USA, pp. 146-147.
and may not be used for any form of financial gain or research 4. Quillin, Patrick (1996) Healing Secrets from the Bible. The Nutrition
by you or others with whom you share this research without the Times Press, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, p. 68.
express written permission of Gary Sinclair.
5. Rollin McCrary, McCraty’s book, The Energetic Heart.
Conflict of Interest 6. Mike Atkinson, Raymond Trevor Bradley, Rollin McCraty (2004)
Electrophysiological Evidence of Intuition: Part 1. The Surprising
Being the owner and copyright holder of this work, Gary has a
Role of the Heart. Journal of Alternative and Complementary
financial interest in the future of how it is ultimately researched Medicine 10(1): 133-143.
and shared. Although it is now part of a basic certification training
course, there is much to be done in the field of research as it 7. White, John Future Science. Anchor Books, New York, USA, p. 97.
relates to Epigenetics. 8. Burmeister, Alice, Monte, Tom (1997) The Touch of Healing. Bantam
Books, New York, USA, p. 43.
9. Eden, Donna (1998) Energy Medicine. Penguin Putnam, New York,
1. Ravitz MD, Leonard J (1959) Application of the Electrodynamic Field USA, p. 47.
Theory in Biology, Psychiatry, Medicine and Hypnosis. American
Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 1(4): 135-150. 10. Gary Sinclair (2015) Healing Memories in Seconds, Waterside
Publication, Cardiff, USA.
2. Myss, Caroline (1996) Anatomy of the Spirit. Random House, New
York, USA, p. 33-34. 11. NET-CE - (2015) Continuing Education Review Course on PTSD.

Citation: Sinclair G (2016) Negative Memory Healing in Seconds. Int J Complement Alt Med 3(1): 00058. DOI: 10.15406/ijcam.2016.03.00058

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