Writing A Welcome Letter Rubric PDF

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Rubric: Writing a Welcome Letter


The welcome letter is designed to create a connection between the instructor and the learner early in the course process. It is the first
step in establishing social and teaching presence. The welcome letter precedes the start date of the course by at least one full week,
and gives the learner an opportunity to reflect on the upcoming course, where to find and how to access the course, and how the
course will be conducted. It should not, however, be as detailed as the course syllabus, nor attempt to cover every aspect of course
logistics. It does not replace the syllabus or the welcome/orientation module of the course. It is the official “first impression” of the
instructor and the course.


This rubric would provide guidance on the elements to include in a welcome letter as well as permit learners to self-assess or to have
others assess their performance. In addition, the tool could be used by an instructor to provide feedback on the adequacy of the
welcome letter.

Criterion Exemplary Effective Baseline

Message The message provides a short instructor bio An instructor bio is provided but Instructor bio contains
Content connecting the course to instructor experiences lacks the connection to the information not relevant to
and qualifications. specific course. establishing credibility for
teaching this course.
The message provides a brief course description, A course description and goals Only a course description is
course goals, and connects to possible learner are provided. There is no included.
interests or experiences. statement connecting to learner
interests or experiences.
The message provides operational details The message provides all the Operational details are lacking
including time to allocate each week, how to suggested components of in one or more of the suggested
access the course, text book information, how to operational details but provides components.
get started, and how to contact the instructor. too much information or too much
The course design and instructor’s teaching Either a course design statement There is no statement on course
philosophy is mentioned. or instructor's teaching philosophy design or the instructor's
is present, but not both. teaching philosophy.
Tone Message is personal, encouraging, and is written Message is welcoming but distant. Message is stiff, impersonal,
to reduce student anxiety. Uses terms like us, Message does not use terms like and sterile, and makes no
our, we. Message ends with an encouraging us, our, we, or end with an connection with students.
remark. encouraging remark.
Response Message requests that students reply with a brief - -
acknowledgment of the welcome letter.

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