Security Analysis For Ipv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol: Feng Xiaorong Lin Jun, Jia Shizhun
Security Analysis For Ipv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol: Feng Xiaorong Lin Jun, Jia Shizhun
Security Analysis For Ipv6 Neighbor Discovery Protocol: Feng Xiaorong Lin Jun, Jia Shizhun
Abstract—Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) is used by The initial value of hop limit in all ND packets is set to
IPv6 nodes to discover other nodes on the link, which assigns 255, while the value minus 1 when passing a router. The
link-layer address to find routers, so as to obtain reachability receiver would check the IPv6 header hop limit value when
information about the paths to active neighbors. This paper receiving a ND packet. If the value is equal to 255, which
presents security threats and deeply analysis for IPv6 NDP and
means that the packet derives from legal nodes in home link,
discusses about typical attacks in details. Meanwhile, the
attack tools developed in accordance with NDP are the receiver would accept the packet; otherwise the packet
demonstrated, which provides certain theoretical basis for would be discarded [4]. However, NDP security
improving the security feature of NDP. Finally, an improved authentication by means of hop limit validation in ND
security strategy based on IPSec AH and MAC address option packets is not enough, which only prevent network attacks
is proposed which aims at providing effectively defense against launched by adjacent nodes in foreign links and could not
denial of service attacks and redirection attacks. The optimized avoid security threatens from malicious nodes in home links.
NDP process has certain significance for strengthening the Thus security problems between nodes in home links
security of IPv6 network. communication could not be guaranteed effectively.
Keywords—IPv6, Neighbor Discovery Protocol, Security II. SECURITY THREATS BASED ON IPV6 NDP
Attack, Authentication
As NDP is used by both hosts and routers, it is more
vulnerable to various attacks, which induces several security
I. INTRODUCTION threats in networks based on IPv6. Nodes including hosts and
IPv4 would gradually be replaced by IPv6 as the next routers confirm neighbor nodes’ link address through NDP
generation of Internet protocol, which has wide applications and find neighbor routers for packets forwarding. Meanwhile,
as a significant evolution of IPv4. Neighbor Discovery the nodes take use of neighbor discovery mechanism to
Protocol (NDP) is mainly used in IPv6 nodes to discover determine neighbor nodes’ accessibility and verify the
other nodes on the local link, where determines link-layer changed address in link-layer [5]. NDP is proposed on the
addresses to find routers so as to get reachability basis of reliable network and its security threats are mainly
information about the paths of neighbor nodes [1]. NDP divided into three types.
operated with IPv6 protocol stack in the link-layer is
responsible for auto address configuration, the discovery of A. Denial of Service Attack (DoS)
other nodes and determination for link-layer addresses of 1) SYN flood attack
other nodes. Meanwhile, it duplicates address detection and
The security attack takes use of TCP protocol defects and
helps to find available routers and Domain Name System sends a large number of fake source addresses of SYN
(DNS). request, which results in resources exhaustion and CPU
The original NDP specifications take use of IPSec to capacity overloaded so as to make the victim computer
protect NDP messages. However, owing to bootstrapping unable to work.
problems for using IKE, the IPSec can just be used with a
manual configuration of security associations, which results 2) Land flood attack
in the approach impractical [2]. Because of its lack of proper A land attack is a DoS attack that consists of sending a
security mechanisms, NDP becomes a vulnerable target of special poison spoofed packet to a computer, causing it to
most network attacks. Due to the critical and multifaceted lock up. The security attack makes use of a spoofed SYN
role of NDP, its security and robustness must be ensured, packet whose source address and destination address are set
and safety problems should be taken into consideration in to address the same server, which leads to the server sends
NDP design, so as to realize route discovery and data SYN-ACK message to itself continuously. Meanwhile it
forwarding [3]. sends back ACK message and generate a null connection,
causing repeated replies, and it keeps such connection until cheating has time limitation, the attacker must respond to the
time out. fake address so as to make the attacks continue.
3) Fake redirected packet
B. DoS Attacks based on IPv6
1) Fake prefix address and network configuration The packets sent to fixed destination node can be
parameters redirected to other nodes on the link. The attacker takes use
of the last hop router as a source address and redirects data
Hosts in communication link implement network packets to the legitimate host. The host checks the validation
configuration in accordance with RA message. Malicious of the packets through the source address. Since the source
nodes counterfeit RA address, which would seriously address derives from its fault router, the host accepts the
interference the network configuration for victim nodes. The malicious redirection.
attacker sends RA message with forged subnet prefix
information, which leads to hosts unable to operate normally In according to the five types of NDP messages, the
in the subnet. The attacker pretends to be a router and network attacks mentioned above can be easily implemented
destroys legal communications such as counterfeits MTU, through forged NS/NA, RS/RA and redirected message.
hop limit and router lifetime with improper value. The victim Apart from this, the modifications of packets parameters
makes network configuration in according to those which change the data structure would also realize NDP
parameters and results in the data packets unable to reach the attacks directly.
destination node.
2) DoS attack based on duplicate address detection (DAD)
Malicious nodes could monitor the link’s DAD packets, The experimental environment mainly includes one router,
collect each DAD packet’s address to be detected and forge a one switch and three hosts. Its topology structure is shown
new NA to reply. Thus the victim would consider the address
in Fig1.
has been used and need to generate another address in order
to implement DAD. The attacker keeps on sending reply
packets where the victim is unable to obtain IP address, thus
the normal communication would be cut off.
3) DoS attack based on neighbor unreachability detection
Hosts define the link’s reachability with other nodes in
accordance with message in upper layer. While, if the
communicate session delay on upper layer is insufficient, the
node would activate NUD, and send NS message to
destination node. If the link is reachable, the destination node
would make corresponding reactivity to NA, otherwise the
node will delete the relevant neighbor cache records with
several failures. The attacker makes denial of service attacks Fig1. The topology structure of NDP security attacks
through sending forged NA in response to NUD
A. SYN Flood Attack
C. Redirection Attack SYN flood attack would result in higher CPU utilization,
running out of memory and hysteretic response, which leads
1) Malicious the last hop router to the victim machine unable to work normally and can’t
The attacker sends RA periodically, pretends to be the communicate with other machine. The attack scenario is
last hop router and makes a statement on its lifetime value shown in Fig2. When the attack is launched, a large amount
equals 0. The cheated host would consider that the router no of router advertisements are flooded to the network. Take
longer provides services and therefore chooses the fake host client B for example, the CPU utilization rate increased to
as a default router. As a result, the attacker has opportunity to 99%; while, the bandwidth utilization occupied up to higher
cutoff the victim’s communication with hosts or complement than 95%.
man-in-the–middle (MITM) attack.
2) ARP cheating
Since the neighbors prefer to make use of new
information to override records in default cache, the attacker
could induce cache table errors just through sending NS or
NA with different link addresses, which can successfully
block the normal communication. However, as the ARP
2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA)
2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA)
2013 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Network and Automation (IMSNA)
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