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Over 200 COVID-19 Cases in Manitoba: Tribune Tribune

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The Minnedosa

Since 1883
Volume 138 Issue 5 Friday, April 10, 2020 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax

Over 200 COVID-19 New Life on The Farm

Cases in Manitoba
By KAREN MITCHELL also indicate that there are 12 COVID-19
patients hospitalized and 21 people have

D aily announcements, statistics and

direction continue to flow in regard-
ing the COVID-19 pandemic. Just when
recovered from COVID-19.
In Canada, as of Tuesday, there were
over 17,800 cases and 380 deaths. World-
we may feel we have a small grasp on wide the total number of confirmed CO-
what is occurring around us, things take VID-19 cases came in at over 1.4 million
a sharp turn and we are inundated with with more than 83,000 deaths and more
even more procedures, rules and num- than 300,000 reported recoveries.
bers. However daunting and overwhelm- Manitobans Public Health Officials
ing this new “normal” is for everyone, the are continuing to remind us to stay home. 
reality is that this is real and important While many families get together for
and should be taken seriously. Easter or Passover celebrations, people
As of Tuesday April 7th, the total should not let their guard down by gath-
number of lab-confirmed positive and ering this year.  We must also maintain
probable positive cases in Manitoba to- social distancing which means keeping at
talled 217. Of these cases, the health re- least two meters or six feet space between
gions they are located in include 11 in you and others. Only attend businesses
Prairie Mountain, 11 in Interlake-Eastern, for essential business such as grocery
three in Northern, 23 in Southern and 169 shopping or picking up needed medica-
in Winnipeg. The total number of CO- tion/prescriptions, etc.
VID-19 related deaths in the province has
increased to three. Provincial statistics Continued on Page 3

Town Wish List Shows Investment

of $3.3 Million in Next Five Years
By KAREN MITCHELL “The emphasis is on infrastruc-
ture,” explained Chris Yuen, Assistant

T he proposed 2020 financial plan

for the Town of Minnedosa is once
again in play, and includes the Town’s
CAO for the Town of Minnedosa. “We
are constantly analyzing the needs on
an annual basis and we also look at
wish list for the next five years. Each how best to provide those services that
year, the Town constructs a list of proj- the citizens require and need. That has Photo by Nancy Miller
ects and purchases they hope to com- been a huge focus on what we do. We
Our farming community is still hard at work during calving time.
plete within the time frame but these try to do it in the most cost-efficient
are not guaranteed or set in stone. With manner, giving the tax payers the most It’s so nice to see the little ones playing and running, it almost makes
many factors in play such as weather value for their money.” a person forget about this pandemic. Join us by thanking a farmer
conditions, financial changes and un- for keeping strong and carrying on.
expected delays, the projects are only Continued on Page 2
completed if and when possible.
ThinkingÊ ofÊ buyingÊ orÊ sellingÊ aÊ home?Ê Ê Ê
IÊ canÊ help!Ê
Erin Woodcock
Gill and Schmall Agencies

CallÊ orÊ textÊ 204-868-5559Ê

Ê EmailÊ [email protected]Ê
Or stop by Minnedosa Insurance Services on Main Street
Invested in Community
2 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Town Plans For Future Projects A Prayer For All

Continued from Page 1 truck. Projects for 2023 total $390,000. And finally, for
2024 work includes; 3rd Street N.E. north of 6th Avenue
Looking to the years ahead the Town is looking to pavement and curbing, a one-ton truck and mower pur-
invest a total of $3,370,000 between the years 2021 and chase. These plans total an estimated $365,000.
2024. The list for 2021 includes; 7th Avenue S.W. paving/ Of the proposed projects total cost, the Town is bud-
curb work, 5th Avenue S.W. bridge structure, 5th Avenue geting that $1,470,000 will come out of Town reserves be-
S.W. water service lines and vac truck. This projected ing set aside.
investments total $355,000. For 2022 work includes; 5th “There are a lot of projects out there that we need to
Avenue S.W. from Highway 16A to 3rd Street, 3rd Street start planning for now and get on the books for budget
N.E. water service lines, build settling ponds/lagoon purposes,” stated Minnedosa Mayor Pat Skatch. “This list
upgrades, bucket truck and sander. These projects total is obviously a moving target; however, our aim is to hit
$2,260,000. For 2023 work includes; 1st Street N.E. curb the target.”
and gutter, 3rd Street N.E. water service lines and gravel

CFIA Changes Livestock Feed Rules

By JAKE DAVIDSON contact adjustments have they have confirmed that Manufacturing and
been made to this require- the customer has received delivering bulk livestock

G ot beef cattle, Dairy,

Swine or other types
of livestock that use bulk
The new government
temporary ruling is as fol-
the label and other ship-
ping documentation.
So, if you are a buyer
and poultry feeds is an es-
sential service. It is essen-
tial that the COVID-19 vi-
manufactured feed? The lows: In response to the of bulk livestock feed now rus does not contaminate
way you interact with your COVID-19 pandemic, feed is the time to provide your feed milling facilities and
feed supplier is changing manufacturers and their suppliers with your e-mail cause the manufacturer to
as a result of COVID-19 customers are implement- address to ensure that close shop. Contact your Photo by Nancy Miller
safety measures. The Feed ing measures to reduce they can comply with the feed company by e-mail,
Section of the Canadian person-to-person interac- new regulation. The deliv- telephone or text messages Garry MacDowall rings the St. Marks Anglican
Food Inspection Agency tions. As a temporary mea- ery drivers will have hard and limit face to face con- Church Bell last Sunday morning.
has issued a notice to the sure, feed manufacturers or electronic copies of all tact. All Canadians are de-
feed industry that changes will be transmitting feed necessary documentation pending on the agriculture
the way feed companies
will provide their bulk feed
labels and other shipping
documents for bulk feed
available for CFIA inspec-
tion, but they will not be
sector to keep the supply
of food flowing.
T his past Sunday, April 5th, Garry MacDowall rang
the St. Mark’s Anglican Church bell for one minute
in celebration of Palm Sunday. Garry will be ringing this
customers with feed labels deliveries to their custom- leaving hard copies with bell and saying a multicultural prayer every Sunday at 11
and shipping documents. ers electronically. Nor- you. a.m. for all to hear until the COVID-19 pandemic we are
Under the Canadian mally these documents all facing is over. 
Feeds Act and Regulations accompany the associated The prayer, which was created by Rabbi Dr. Re-
feed manufactures are feed while in transit and MINNEDOSA AND DISTRICT HANDIVAN uven P. Bulka and Ottawa Archbishop Terrence Prender-
mandated to supply a copy are delivered as hard cop- gast, follows:
of an applicable tag or la- ies, requiring person-to- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that we are experiencing The
Minnedosa and District Handivan will cease operations immediately O God,
bel and shipping bills of person interactions. Feed We gather together separated by life-saving distancing,
lading with every delivery. manufacturers must be until further notice. This is for the protection of our volunteer drivers as
well as the safety of clients from Minnedosa and surrounding areas. but united more than ever in spirit;
To reduce interpersonal able to demonstrate that We know we are in a war against COVID – 19 together,
Sorry for any inconvenience and we look forward to your continued and the more together we are,
support once this situation has improved. Thank You from The Board of the better and stronger we will emerge:
Directors and the drivers of The Minnedosa and District Handivan. We know the challenges are enormous,
Len Luker, Chairperson yet so are the opportunities;
MINNEDOSA GOLF CLUB That whether we are in isolation with loved ones,
or alone, we will have abundance of time;
Minnedosa Golf Club We commit to using that time to the max,
Expansion Committee to help those in greater need in whatever way we can;
Cash Calendar Draw Winners We know we all have the opportunity, and time,
for the Month of March 2020 to be life savers and life enhancers;
Lottery License #MGCC3945RF We give thanks for those who are on the front-line taking
care of those who are not well;
Cheryl Roscoe $50
Dave Pollon $30
NOTICE: We give thanks for the researchers who are working at
THE REGULAR MEETING OF COUNCIL & breakneck speed to find cure and vaccine;
Cam WIllis $30 PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE We give thanks for our leaders, federal, provincial
2020 FINANCIAL PLAN and local, for their dedication to all of us;
Chris & Cathy Brown $30 We give thanks for the providers of our daily needs
Cherokee Mendrikis $30 for Tuesday, April 14, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. will proceed who go to work in spite of the risk;
as scheduled however, in accordance with MB Health We give thanks for those who have ramped up their
Larry Rolfe $30 ability to produce life-saving supplies.
Recommendations in response to the COVID-19
$20 Winners pandemic, the meeting will be closed to the public. We pray for the well-being of all our life savers;
• Tara Patterson • Suzanne & Les Sullivan For those who are not well, that they recover fully;
• Sandra Williams • Jeff Schwarz Persons intending to participate at the Public Hearing For those enduring difficulty,
• Scott & Arlene DeMontigny • Claudette McKenzie that they may overcome their challenges.
• H & N Timchishen • Paul Harland
can do so by contacting the Municipal Office by
4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10, 2020 to set up We pray that a cure and vaccine will soon be available,
• Dick Alexander • Rick & Audra Hyatt
• Cory Parrott • Allan McPherson teleconferencing arrangements. And that we all – family, friends, all Canadians,
• Gwen LeBoutillier • James Davidson the entire world may be healed in body and spirit.
• Darcie & Duter Jang • Donna Dowsett Contact Chris at 204-867-2727 or minnedosa@ We ask you, O God, to bless our leaders, our front-line
• Linda Maliteare • Alison Erven minnedosa.com caregivers, our life savers and life enhancers.
• Kathy Lawson • Jeff & Enid Hayes We ask you, O God, to bless Canada, to bless the world,
• Brian Schnell • Russ Andrews to bless everyone. Amen.
• Brayden Broome • Mike Grant
We will also accept any concerns/comments over the
• Bob Garrow phone or by email until end of Friday, April 10, 2020.
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 10, 2020 3

When It Snows, Three COVID-19 Deaths Reported in MB

Do Snowga!
Continued from Page 1 tering into the premises. ernment has also reported tres will adhere to all pub-
Continuing changes may that isolation centres have lic health guidelines and
Following the pre- occur daily, so it is up to been established to meet guests will be required to
cautions now in place are you as a wise shopper to the need of Manitobans self-isolate in their rooms
the only ways to slow the check ahead of time. who may require some ad- at all times.  Isolation cen-
spread and flatten the The Minnedosa and ditional support as they tres will use enhanced
curve of the COVID-19 Area Food Bank contin- self-isolate.  “This support cleaning and disinfect-
pandemic. Public health ues to reach out for your will be offered as part of ing practices.  All social
officials also continue to food donations. Currently the public health inves- and physical distancing
advise people to remain they are in need of canned tigation process to indi- practices will be adhered
within or close to their meats, canned pork and viduals who are COVID-19 to and centres will prac-
home communities.  This beans, canned vegetables positive or who have been tice zero contact services
includes limiting travel, and canned soup (usu- exposed to a COVID-19 wherever possible.
even within Manitoba, to ally vegetable or chicken positive case and require For those with online
essential trips only.  noodle soup). As of last a dedicated space where access, daily updates on
As only a limited num- Thursday, April 9th, the lo- they can self-isolate.” The the Manitoba COVID-19
ber of local businesses cal Food Bank is operating first such centre has been situation can be found on
remain open, some with out of 70 Main Street South set up at a Winnipeg hotel the Minnedosa Tribune
reduced hours or proto- (between Kim’s Quality and began accepting indi- facebook page or the pro-
col, please ensure you call Foods and Sims Law Of- viduals on the weekend of vincial government web-
ahead to fully understand fice). April 4th. site at https://manitoba.
the requirements for en- The Manitoba Gov- These isolation cen- ca/covid19/

Behind the Scenes Work

Continues for Lake Committee
By KareN MiTCHell ed the following agenda ny has a lot of experience Weed Harvester has been
items; with water quality testing created. The Proposal in-

A s previously reported
in the January 17th
edition, the Town Coun-
An application to re-
move weeds from the lake
has been sent to Canada
and silt removal and will
be of great asset if the fed-
eral government has ques-
cludes a preliminary bud-
Fund Raising – Friends
Photo submitted cil created Minnedosa Oceans and Fisheries. The tions. of the Lake are working on
Lake Committee has been application process will North/South Consul- a number of applications
Trish McBratney enjoys some fresh air formed and have two take up to three months. tants have been asked to for funding.
and sunshine while enjoying yoga in the new meetings under their belt. A conference call was provide a quote to come to Due to the COVID-19
snow which fell late last week. Although progress has had with North/South Minnedosa and look at the issue, some items may
been slow, the work be- Consultants on March lake, providing possible di- take longer than expected
By NaNCy Miller hind the scenes continues 12th. North/South Consul- rections. to hear back. The commit-
full steam ahead. tants have been consulted A meeting with Tyler tee is eager and hopeful

T his past weekend, Trish McBratney, founder of Yoga

with Trish, was supposed to attend a yoga teacher
training course in Winnipeg. She was feeling disappoint-
According to Grant
Butler, Town Councillor
and Committee Chair, the
on numerous projects in
Manitoba, including Rap-
id City, East St. Clements,
Jacobson occurred regard-
ing taking samples for wa-
ter testing.
process will continue as
hoped and will continue
to meet when required to
ed about the cancellation, when she noticed a friend and committee have complet- Portage la Prairie and City Weed Harvester Pro- move items ahead.
yoga lover, Nancy MacKay challenging folks on Facebook of Winnipeg. This compa- posal - a proposal for the
to get outside and do some Snowga. Trish couldn’t think
If your
of a better way to enjoy the spring sunshine than with
some yoga in the snow. ”Snowga challenges your bal- label
ance and helps increase strength and flexibility all while reads
enjoying the spring like conditions,” stated Trish.
Trish is missing her weekly yoga classes at the 50+
Centre but will continue to offer live yoga classes until It’s time to
such time as everyone can be together again. If you or renew your
someone you know would like to do yoga from home, subscription
Yoga with Trish on Facebook is the place to go.
Call 867-3816

Running on
Print jobs may take up to
Rural Municipality of Oakview
2-3 weeks to complete. Rapid City Landfill 20042gm1
Fill up before you’re out! Hours of Operation
Minnedosa Tribune Summer Hours
867-3816 Effective April 15, 2020 to October 14, 2020
Monday - 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday - 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday - 10:00 a.m. - Noon
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
ClOSed on Statutory Holidays
4 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

From the Community More Important Now Than Ever

Publishers SUBMITTED There are some, however, who are trying to take
advantage of this pandemic. These are a select number

Y ou may be sick of hearing the word “unprecedented.” of individuals who are prioritizing their own desires.

Pen... By Darryl Holyk

You may be discouraged as you watch the number of
COVID-19 cases rise each day. You may be uneasy, stuck
in your house with life as you know it disrupted. All these
things can put us on edge, causing anxiety and a feeling
Several new scams have been reported since COVID-19
appeared in Canada, looking to victimize people who
are already scared.
One such scam uses email to advise people
of helplessness. they’ve been exposed to the virus. Scammers proceed to
We’re still here… But you are not helpless. Each one of us can
lend a hand to one another. Ask your neighbours how
ask for payment for medication. Manitoba Health would
never ask for financial information in an email or over
Since our last edition, I have been overwhelmed with they’re doing. Call your family and friends. Listen to the the phone.
some genuine messages of concern of how The Tribune advice of public health experts. To stay up to date on current scams targeting
was doing business-wise during this time. Like many Being a part of a community means giving and your area, you can visit the BBB’s ScamTracker online at
businesses right now, we are adjusting and doing what we receiving help, and we are all part of a community, which bbb.org/scamtracker
can to continue to operate. So far, as a result of continued is clearer than ever during a time like this. Also, remember to check out resources put out
revenue from advertisers, we have been able to maintain The Better Business Bureau (BBB) wants to by the province’s top health officials, as they continue to
a 12-page weekly edition. On Monday, four of Manitoba’s remind you that communities lift each other up. They dispel myths surrounding the novel coronavirus. Follow
small weekly community newspapers announced they support each other. They may not always agree, but they their advice against panic-shopping and don’t let your
were ceasing publication and temporarily closing for a put differences aside and work together. They keep in fear cause you to overpay for something you don’t need.
12-week period. The affected papers include the Souris mind the needs of the other, the ones whose names they “We just hope everyone stays healthy and safe
Plaindealer, Melita New Era, Deloraine Times & Star and don’t even know. And they ensure they’re doing their during this time as we work to lift each other up in the
Reston Recorder. Our thoughts are with these papers and part to make sure others can be safe and healthy as well. face of difficulty,” said Len Andrusiak, president and CEO
their employees and we hope to see them back in opera- Being a part of a community means making of the BBB serving Manitoba and Northwest Ontario.
tion in the not-so-distant future. At this time, The Tribune ethical choices. It means empathizing with the worn-out Visit the HelpNextDoorMB.ca, the new
continues to publish regularly and operate with reduced grocery clerk, being kind to the health-care workers, and province-wide online volunteer co-ordination website
business hours. putting the good of the community ahead of the good of delivered by the Province of Manitoba and North Forge
the individual. Technology Exchange.
Please be patient…
Following an unpleasant phone message left by an

Letters to the Editor

upset subscriber last week, I would like to send out a
friendly reminder to everyone. Please have some extra
patience and keep your tempers under control when
dealing with businesses, healthcare workers, etc. For
those essential businesses which are still open, many
of them are working with reduced business hours, a re-
duced number of staff, reduced revenues and like all of Forgotten - now Thunder Bay.
The Winnipeg bon-
spiel has come full circle.
The Curl Manitoba website
shows the Charles N. Har-
ris trophy winners from
your pride for Manitoba’s
rich curling history and
preserving our past before
us, they are trying to adapt to the new, stressful chang-
es and precautions related to COVID-19. It is no longer
business as usual. We are all dealing with the same chal-
Fifteen It started in 1889 with a
single event (New York Life
Trophy) declaring the win-
1906-1985 under “Retired
Trophies”. If you search,
you can find the forgot-
it is lost forever please e-
mail Hall of Fame commit-
tee members Resby Coutts
lenges, changes, uncertainty and stress revolving around
Dear Editor, ner until 1905. The trophy ten 15 disguised under the [email protected], Bill
this pandemic. We need to all work together, have some
extra understanding and focus on the things that are truly was lost in 1905. The bon- Canada Life trophy with Biehl bill_biehl@hotmail.
important in our lives. Try not to let small things erupt
into an unpleasant situation toward others. In the big pic-
A s Manitobans, we have
one of the crown jew-
els of the curling world, the
spiel changed to a Grand
Aggregate format with the
rink earning the most wins
no recognition of the New
York Life trophy or the fact
that these 15 teams (two
com, Peter Nichols cass
[email protected], Sharon
Thiessen Woods sthies
ture, these small things which may upset you in the heat
Winnipeg Bonspiel, which in multiple events being repeat winners) represent s e n w o o d s @ my mt s. n e t ,
of the moment, are really not important at all. Take a deep
preceded the Brier by 38 the winner. The Charles N. seventeen years of Win- Carlene Strand carlenes
breath, stay calm and focus on what truly matters - you
years. The New York Life Harris trophy was award- nipeg Bonspiel winners. [email protected], Deb-
and your family’s health and safety. We will get through
trophy (winner) had been ed to the bonspiel win- These winners came from bie Schween dschween@
this together!
played for 16 years before ners from 1906-1985. The Lindsay and Fort William, shaw.ca, Jamie Snydal
Alberta and Saskatchewan Grand Aggregate format ON, Neepawa, Carberry, [email protected], Heath-
No Easter gatherings… became provinces in 1905. continued with the Lab- Holland as well as Win- er Helston jbh284@mymts.
This weekend is Easter and as public health officials Prior to 1909 the Mani- att Grand Aggregate from nipeg rinks from Assini- net, and Bev Harris bev
have been stating over and over, DO NOT get together for toba Curling Association 1986-2008. In 2009 the boine, Granite and Thistle [email protected], along
family gatherings during this holiday. We must continue was the Manitoba branch Bonspiel reverted back to a clubs. The Labatt Grand with Curl Manitoba execu-
to stay home as much as we can and social distance from of the Royal Caledonian single event format. Aggregate winners and tive director Craig Baker
those outside of our homes. You can connect with friends Curling Club of Scotland. Today, the team win- trophy are not mentioned [email protected]
and family through phone calls or virtual video visits The 1903 annual yearbook ning the Asham Curling at all. I am not sure why
but please, do not get together in person at this time. We shows 171 entries with af- Supplies trophy is declared Curl Manitoba will not rec-
can all still celebrate Easter and other occassions, such filiated clubs from Prince winner. The bonspiel is ognize 132 years of bon- Les Ferris,
as birthdays, etc. on a smaller, more private scale. Once Albert, Moose Jaw, Ed- well documented in an- spiel winners. Holland, MB
this pandemic is behind us, we can get together again for monton and Fort William nuals from 1889 to 2013. If you want to show
those big family gatherings, visits, celebrations and holi-
day meals.
Darryl a.Holyk - PublisHer anD eDitor

The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and

published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
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Member of Manitoba Community Newspapers Association We are not responsible for fax transmissions or email
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All contents copyright 2020
Fax: (204) 867-5171
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 10, 2020 5

Rural and Local Communities

Featured in New Book Ye O l d
By KAREN MITCHELL to end the adventure. Once
Dianne was home, she got

S mall town girl, Dianne

Demarcke, set out on
a journey with two friends
thinking of all the people
who wouldn’t do what she
had done and she wanted
that would prove to be a to share with them. From 1890 – Queen Victoria’s son, Prince Arthur, the Duke of
history making event for here, the idea of printing Connaught, is now on his way to Canada and will visit
her. What was originally a book came to mind. The Minnedosa. It will now be in order for Town Council to
thought to be a nice tour of hard task ahead was slim- prepare and address and his worship, the mayor, to pre-
rural Manitoba with great ming down the selection pare his scarlet robes and gold chains.
friends, resulted in a guide of pictures and still getting
for all things hometown. her vision across to the 1900 – The timbers used for culverts in Minnedosa are
Dianne grew up in readers. not quite heavy enough. A traction engine went through
the small town of Laurier, The end result is a 98- the culvert at the crossing of Main and Water Streets last
MB. In 1961 her family page hard cover book en- week.
moved to Lorette, 25 kilo- titled Three Days in Rural
meters east of Winnipeg, Manitoba, A Celebration 1910 – The auto boom has reached Minnedosa and sev-
and settled in on a beauti- of Manitoba’s Sesquicen- eral have been ordered for immediate delivery.
ful five-acre piece of land. tennial (150 years) that
Dianne’s mom, Grace, in- outlines a multitude of
stilled the love of family more than 50 small towns,
1920 – For sale at Sandy Lake – the Beach Café, Danc-
ing Pavilion, Ice Cream Parlour and three cottages. This
history and photography showcasing interesting
package deal is a money maker!
in Dianne and it is one that buildings and statues/
she enjoys to this day. structures. Minnedosa and
From that cultivated Newdale are just two of 1950 – Gordon Paler’s school friends are regarding him
love, came an idea one day the local community’s fea- with some envy these days. He went to Brandon to meet
while talking to a couple tured in the book. his mother and instead, met the Duke and Duchess of
of friends. They decided to Dianne is hoping to Windsor.
take three days and tour as have an official book re- The front cover of the new book, “Three Days In
many rural towns as pos- lease in Winnipeg in July. Rural Manitoba” features a photo of a familiar 1960 – For a third consecutive year, the Minnedosa
sible. The one caveat was If anyone is interested in old home in Newdale. Originally the Walkey United Church Choir, under the direction of Jean Ste-
that they wanted to visit obtaining a copy, they can home, this old home, with its stained glass phenson, has won the Kinsmen Shield in the Brandon
those areas that weren’t on call Dianne directly at 204- windows and gingerbread fret work is located Music and Arts Festival. The 25 girls in the choir range in
the travel brochures. They 878-3234. just south of the CPR line along PR #250. age from nine to 12 years.
wanted to capture and ex-
perience places not publi- 1970 – Town Council has approved plans for a modern
cized and well known.
The three took off and
explored the off beaten
Rapid City 4-H Beef Club Report motor motel on Main Street Minnedosa. The facility will
include 14 rooms overlooking an indoor, heated swim-
ming pool and also include sauna baths.
track of Manitoba and af-
By ChanCe InglIs our meeting. Sierra gave a the Covid-19 outbreak all
ter capturing 435 pictures 1980 – Mayor Jim Burgess announced the need for
report on the Bull sale that 4-H meetings and events
and countless memories
made, they headed home
O n March 15th, the
Rapid City 4-H Beef
Club held our March
the Erickson club and the
Rapid City club attended
and served dessert on Sat-
have been either cancelled
or postponed until June
an emergency disaster plan for Minnedosa. The mayor
hopes that council can soon meet with local RCMP, am-
bulance volunteers and firemen to coordinate a set of
meeting in conjunction urday, March 14th held at Hope everyone stays emergency measures.
with our second weigh day the Neepawa fair grounds. healthy and safe until we
at Bos Family Farms. We Our annual crash day meet again. 1990 –MLA, Harold Gilleshammer, has announced a
started at 9:30 a.m. weigh- was discussed but tabled Community Places grant in the amount of $12,000 to in-
ing animals. Heifers and to the next meeting. Due to stall new metal siding on the east and west exterior walls
steers seem to be gaining of the Minnedosa District Arena.
After weighing we had
a potluck lunch and held
BRED COWS DIRECT 2010 – Minnedosa’s Heritage Co-op service station was
reduced to a pile of rubble Monday morning to make
room for a new $2.8 million convenience stores, gas bar
P. Quintaine & Son LTD would and carwash.
like to introduce the newest
member of our livestock team;

Minnedosa Mark McDowell.

Lions Club Mark grew up on a livestock
farm at Deleau, MB and

CONGRATULATIONS has taken a keen interest in the livestock business.

Mark’s main focus is helping producers trade bred cows
Larry Soltys & Betty Iverson $500 direct from farm to farm. Dr. Derek Papegnies
If you are considering buying or selling bred cows call or
Ray Bright $300
text Mark at (204) 761-9246 and he will try to connect you OPTOMETRIST
with another producer who wants or has the type of bred
Trent Andrews $200
cows that match your herd. No buying, reselling, trading or
WINNERS OF THE March 2020 expensive commissions. 129-2nd Avenue S.W., Minnedosa, MB
RF 281
Only a $10 per head finder’s fee. FOR APPOINTMENTS CALL:
6 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

Recognizing Our Veterans

as long as you were sur- train for the west coast and road back to his regiment. coffin. As soon as we were forbidden to talk to the
rounded by congenial, spent the winter between As Richard said, “There is in position, the Squadron people, and indeed had
trusted, caring compan- Esquimault and Otter no loneliness so intense was brought to attention, little desire to do so. It was
ions. But there was only Point, a rocky promontory as to be surrounded by the orders given, and we a relief for them to get back
one way to acquire them; about 30 miles west of Vic- strangers, who do not care picked up the coffins, lift- into Holland again. They
you had to serve the time. toria, where they guarded what becomes of you, and ed them to our shoulders, crossed the border several
You had to share the long the coastline. I suffered from it. Even my and marched off up the times.
hours of Guard duty, the In May 1942, they were mail did not catch up to road to the cemetery on In the late afternoon
irksome daily chores, the sent to Debert, NS, and on me, as I moved frequently. the outskirts of Roosend- of May 4th, 1945, an order
discomforts, but also the August 18th, 1942, the eve Most of all, I was afraid that aal. It was not until later I came through to “cease fire
good times, the laughs, of the Dieppe raid, they I would end up in some found out that the squad- and stand fast.” They were
and the fun. Over the boarded the Letitia in Hali- other regiment, for, by this ron had stood for 45 min- within sight of the German
months and years, we be- fax harbor, arriving 11 days time, the tanks had been utes, waiting for the ration seaport of Whilmshavn.
came very close to each later in Britain. suffering heavy casualties, truck, so that I could carry Richard’s thoughts on
other, very appreciative of Richard and his troop and trained crew mem- my friend’s coffin. It was his war experience: “On
our companions’ virtues, did not cross to the beach- bers were at a premium.” an act of friendship which December 10th, 1945,
tolerant of their faults. No head in France until July Richard’s trade was OP. I have never equaled, be- Canada draft #555, con-
one was ever lonely; that 10th. Their Staghound C.A.C. (Operator, Cana- fore or since. As I spread taining the bulk of our
came later.” armoured cars had no dian Armed Corps), which my blankets that night, on unit, arrived in Winni-
Richard enlisted in the room to maneuver, so they qualified him for the turret the floor of a Dutch house peg’s Union Station. As we
Army on May 21st, 1941, parked them in an orchard position in any Sherman where we were billeted, pushed through the crowd,
when the 12th Manitoba and went on to fill an In- tank. I felt peace and tranquil- each trying to find his own
Richard Osborne Dragoons, the Second Ar- fantry role, for which they By December 6th, ity, and thought to myself family, the joy of home-
Crawley moured Car Regiment and were ill-equipped. They 1944, he arrived back at that I would rather be right coming was tempered by
Trooper, the Manitoba Mounted were exposed to mortar “A” Squadron HQ. At al- where I was than anywhere a fact that we had not tak-
12th Manitoba Dragoons, Rifles, all reserve units, fire, occasional accidents most the same time, three else in the world.” en time to consider until
Royal Canadian Army were amalgamated and with weapons, and anti- men in “A” Squadron died All the rest of the win- now: something that had
mobilized to form the personnel mines. By the in a traffic accident, one ter they stood guard on the been the biggest thing in

T rooper Crawley: “The

most important thing
in the army was to have
18th Reconnaissance Bat-
talion, later to be called
time they faced their first
action, they had already
of them Richard’s closest
friend, 20-years-old, with
great rivers of Holland: the
Waal, the Maas and the
our lives was about to end,
abruptly. Once we walked
once again the 12th Mani- lost three men and half a three-and-a-half years’ Rhine. out of that station, each
friends; if you had them, toba Dragoons. He started dozen were wounded. service. As Richard rode In March 1945, the to his own destiny, it was
nothing else really mat- training in Winnipeg, then Richard was wounded up in a ration truck the 21st Army Group forced a over, finished, for all time.
tered very much. The daily moved to Shilo, then to August 3rd, a very near next day to take his friend’s crossing of the Rhine, an I have no regrets. Nobody
vicissitudes of army life, Borden, ON. A few days miss by a mortar bomb. place, his mind was a tor- operation on a scale com- could have had a better life
with its highs and lows, after Pearl Harbour, he and After seven weeks in hos- ment of conflicting emo- parable to D-Day, and after than I have. I grew up in
were easy to cope with his troopmates boarded a pital, he started the long tions. He was delighted the first fierce resistance the 1930’s which, in spite of
to be going back to his old was overcome, they broke the problems, was a good
squadron, devastated by out. The speed and mo- experience, while the war,

Cadurcis News the loss of his friend, and

unsure whether to laugh
or cry. But his Squadron
bility of their Staghound
armoured cars took them
far in advance of all other
however terrible its cost,
was still a wonderful thing
in which to participate,
had provided a wonderful units, and they moved rap- with its incredible com-
By DoReen TRoTT from a trip to Australia is certainly changing our “welcome home” gift for idly into northeastern Hol- panionship, and sense of
where they visited with lives and the lives of ev- him. land. shared purpose.”

O ur sympathy is ex- their daughter Janice and eryone world-wide. Many “As I jumped out of They had a wonderful Richard was dis-
tended to Valerie and her husband and family. businesses are closed. the truck, I was aware that ride and encountered no charged at Fort Osborne
Gordon Thompson and The Northam’s flew from Schools also are closed. they had prepared a full more serious resistance. Barracks in Winnipeg the
family on the passing of Brisbane to Vancouver and We can’t but wonder about military funeral, some- They began to encounter end of January 1946, at
mother and grandmother on to Winnipeg. Due to the “brave new world” that thing for which we seldom the warmth and gratitude which time he returned to
Dorothy Thompson of the COVID-19 virus they will be out there when all had the time or opportu- of the Dutch people. Ev- farming north of Clanwil-
Brandon. had to self-isolate for two this is over. nity. A local undertaker ery day they would go into liam.
Doug and Karen weeks. had provided coffins, and three or four villages, and In 1950 he married
Northam have returned This COVID-19 virus even in December there in each one, they would Donelda Keeting from Sil-
were masses of flowers. encounter throngs of peo- verton, MB. They raised a
As my feet hit the ground, ple, hysterical with joy. family of three.
I was seized by two old “For days we rode the top
Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune friends and hustled away.
My pack, equipment, and
of the emotional roller-
coaster, and nothing in my
MEDALS: Canadian
Volunteer Service Medal
greatcoat were stripped life will ever equal its im- and Clasp, Defence Medal,
MAIL THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT TO BOX 930, off and thrown in a heap, pact.” France and Germany Star,
MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816 and I was escorted, at the From there they 1939 – 45 Star and War
double, to the head of the moved into Germany, Medal 1939 – 45.
Local Trading Area: $42.73 NAME: parade, where the three of where the reception was
(Minnedosa, Bethany, Clanwilliam, us fell in beside the second very different. They were
Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin,
Mountain Road and Neepawa)
ADDRESS: The Minnedosa Tribune office remains open
Other Manitoba but with reduced hours during this pandemic.
locations: $49.87
Our office is open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon,
Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
TOWN: but we are closing early, most afternoons.
We are also closed every Friday afternoon.
PROVINCE: We encourage you to conduct business with us through phone, mail,
Online subscriptions $35 at email or through the drop slot in our front door whenever possible.
www.minnedosatribune.com POSTAL CODE: Thank you and stay safe!
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 10, 2020 7

Brightening Up The Neighbourhood


A nja Mitton, age 11,

has come up with a
“pandemic art project” to
fill some of her spare time
while being at home. She
learned about this project
on Facebook, from Bran-
don friends who were do-
ing a similar project in
their own homes.
Anja, who has a pas-
sion for painting, loved the
idea and got started. Win-
dow painting is not only a
great idea for those artists
wanting to add a little co-
lour into their lives, but is
also entertaining for peo-
ple passing by.

Photos submitted

In Times of Trouble, Be Kind to Yourself

By KAREN MITCHELL whatever they may be, ex- ting back into ones you simple… just be kind. Be ors they are dealing with. lose? Perhaps your kind-
actly as they are. Feel what once loved. Getting cre- kind to yourself, be kind to This is not the time to focus ness is what makes some-

N ormal everyday stress

can alter a person,
change their thought pat-
you feel for a moment -
then take a breath and step
back. Doing this allows us
ative is a great way to keep
your spirits up and your
mind relaxed.
others, just be kind. Every-
one is fighting their own
battles and troubles. We
on drama or destruction
or hatred. Put those things
aside. We must all come
one else’s day or week.
Despite that, being kind
makes you feel better, so it
terns and bring a flood of to see things more clearly Stay Connected – don’t know how people together and lift each other is a win win opportunity.
emotions to the surface. and with perspective. As Even though you can’t get are coping or what stress- up. What have we got to Bottom line… just be kind.
Normal stress such as job, we support ourselves to up and go visit anyone, be
kids, marriage, finances, move in the direction of sure to continue to con-
health issues. Normal ex- calmer feelings, our inner nect with your loved ones. Over the past few weeks we have witnessed a pandemic
periences that most will guidance system will al- You can video chat or call
face at some point during low us to choose a fitting them. This may help you that has impacted us all. As your MP, I believe that your
the course of their lives. response for the situation.” feeling less isolated and a health and safety is of the utmost importance.
But do we know what nor- In the chaos and ever support system is vital to
mal is anymore? What ex- changing stats, we have to good mental health.
actly is “normal” as we ex- allow ourselves to do what Get Fresh Air – Get- At this time, I have moved my focus and parliamentary
resources to the constituency to ensure the people I
perience a pandemic like is right for us. Each and ev- ting out of the house and
we’ve never seen before. eryone of us is unique and into nature will relieve the
In a matter of weeks what makes one happy, “stuck” feeling you have represent have the appropriate resources and
people have went from will not the next person. being at home. Go for a information.
being able to work and so- We know ourselves, what walk, sit outside, whatever
cialize, to self isolating and puts a smile on our face, you want, just breath in the
Although my offices are temporarily closed; myself and
social distancing. Over what fills our souls and air and grab some sun rays.
time separation and stress what brings us inner peace. Unplug – Everyone ev-
can cause anxiety, depres- Don’t try and mimic what erywhere is talking about my team are available to hear your concerns and assist
sion and negativity. your friends are doing, fol- the pandemic. Turn off you.
According to Kim Bur- low your own path. your devices and get some
gess of Satori Counselling, During this time do- time away from news. As Rural Canadians are resilient; I am confident that we can
“When asked if there was ing a few simple things can important as it is to edu- overcome this challenge by working together and taking
a positive message to of- make all the difference for cate yourself on world situ-
the advice of our hard-working health care
fer to the community at our mental well being; ations, overloading your
this time, it was difficult Get Up, Shower and mind is not good for the professionals.
to know where to start. Get Dressed – Even if you soul.
While it is the very same are wearing old comfy Reach Out – There
virus that is affecting each clothes this will help you to are a variety of different
and every one of us, the feel more productive and organizations and mental
circumstances stemming less in a rut. Being ready health services available
from the boundaries of to face the day no matter for those who are in need.
physical distancing varies what will be good for us If you are not in need of
greatly from person to per-
son and home to home.
Find New and
these services, perhaps
someone you know is. Ask
Conditions are prime Healthy Recipes – Eat a your friends and family if
for the fight or flight center
of brain to react, amplify-
ing fear and anxiety. Prior
variety of different foods
and try out those recipes
you have been holding
they are ok. Wave at your
neighbour in the window.
Check in on those around
Member of Parliament
traumas may be surfacing onto. This will give your you and make sure every-
and compounding the felt day variety and keep your one is doing well. Dauphin-Swan River-Neepawa
emotional impact. When body healthy. The important thing
emotions surface, take Be Creative – Try do- in this time of uncertainty 1.877.405.8946 | [email protected]
time to acknowledge them ing new activities or get- and unpredictability is
8 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune


BY PHONE Call 204-867-3816
Hours to place, correct or cancel ads: TRAILERS, TRUCKBEDS Winners of the Clan- Effective immediately,
Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. AND TIRES. Full Repair and william Curling Club Raffle: The Minnedosa Tribune of-
Safeties. Vehicle Parts, Tires
Wooden Chair and Ottoman fice will be closed Friday
BY MAIL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and Wheels. Vehicle and Other medical
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The Minnedosa Tribune, P.O. Box 930, Trailer Parts and Batteries. TROUBLE WALKING - Kayla Hopkins, Wooden ing early other afternoons as
Minnedosa, Manitoba R0J 1E0 Sales, Financing and Leas- or DRESSING? Clock - Brittany Hopkins and needed. Our office does re-
BY FAX 204-867-5171 ing. KALDECK TRUCK AND The Disability Tax Jason Fiarchuk. A great big main open Monday to Friday
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BY E-MAIL [email protected] Gregor, MB. 1-888-685-3127. $2,500 yearly tax who once again, graciously age you to use email, phone
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Join Us!
To ensure your advertisement appears correctly please submit cinated. Delivered. Weight
it in person, by fax, mail, or email. sheets available. Phone 204-
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1109, Black Meadows Angus, Are you looking for a rewarding career with a
family and community minded organization?

We offer a generous compensation plan for exceptional individuals looking for

OPEN HOUSE – DUPLEX BATTERIES FOR WANTED careers in finance, accounting, lending and management.
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Crawl Space, Back Lane Car-
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*Construction *ATV
- 160 acres. Riding Mountain, [email protected] by April 26, 2020
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ports, Great Location and *Motorcycle *Golf Carts
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Apply online at list of expected
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drop your obtained
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call 204-867-3983. Private
* Everything Else! sunrisecu.mb.ca
Showings Available (4-2) x THE BATTERY MAN
1390 St. James St.,
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 10, 2020 9


Full Time seasonal farm worker

Head Custodian RNR Galbraith Farms, Minnedosa, MB
Erickson Elementary - 8 hours per day THE TOWN OF MINNEDOSA
12 months per year - split shift position RNR Galbraith Farms is a family owned and operated grain farm. If
The Custodian provides cleaning and minor maintenance services to ensure a you are interested in joining a progressive, hard working and fun DOG & CAT OWNERS
positive physical environment of the school building. team then consider applying. RECYCLING AND GARBAGE COLLECTION
Qualifications: Job Description: As a Farm Worker with us your main All dogs and cats within the Town of Minnedosa
Required: must be licensed annually.
responsibilities will be operating and maintenance of equipment,
• Grade 12 A certificate
THURSDAY, APRILof 9vaccination for rabies
GARBAGE must be -
• Prior work-related cleaning and building maintenance experience
yard work, grain bin cleaning and maintenance, operating grain SOUTHWEST CORNER
produced before a license is issued
• A working knowledge of and experience with commercial cleaning trucks. You will be working with a multi generational team of RECYCLING COLLECTION
2014 Dog & Cat licenses- SOUTH
are available
END at the
equipment seasonal and full-time dedicated workers performing a variety of Town Office
• Prior successful experience planning work activities, providing work load tasks under a supervisor. Your working hours will be from 8-5 for Owners
FRIDAY, APRILof unlicensed
10 Dogs
NO & Cats, Dogs & Cats
direction or employee supervision running at large, as well as nuisance and vicious
normal working hours and extended hours at peak times.
• Ability to work as effectively with others as a member of a team MONDAY, APRIL 13 NO COLLECTION
animals are subject to various penalties and
• Physically fit and capable of performing physically demanding work Salary is based on qualifications and aptitude. charges. A copy of animal control by-law 2478 is
• Ability to take initiative and work unsupervised available at 14
the Town Office for examination by
• Ability to communicate effectively with people both orally and in writing Requirements and Qualifications: We are looking for a self TUESDAY, APRIL GARBAGE & RECYCLING
any person duringCOLLECTION
regular hours.
• Able to work a split shift (early morning shift and late afternoon to starter and someone that really wants to work with our team and
evening shift) learn about the business. A combination of education and
Preferred: experience in the Ag industry would be preferred but not necessary
The Town of Minnedosa
• Current WHIMIS training and certification
• A working knowledge of and experience with commercial cleaning
as we can train. You will have skills and abilities from past
employment that will be an asset to the job. You will be required to Ê
Community Newspapers
• Valid Class 5 Drivers License be physically able to lift items up to 25 kg., work alone for extended
A willingness to complete and maintain WHMIS certification is a job requirement
Salary as per C.U.P.E. Collective Agreement. Start date to be arranged. (by July
periods of time, operate equipment, work in dusty and dirty
situations from time to time. A class one semi license would be an
Have Reach
1, 2020). asset but not necessary. A valid MB Drivers license and command of The Minnedosa Tribune reaches far beyond the
For further information please contact Mr. Fred Scott, Maintenance Supervisor the English language in oral and written form is necessary. boundaries of our community.
at 867-2754 Ext. 239 [email protected] How to Apply: To apply, send your resume by e-mail to roberta@
Please submit a covering letter with a comprehensive resume, addressing the galbraithfarms.com attention to Roberta Galbraith no later than When you advertise with The Tribune
stated qualifications and naming three work related references to the following April 13, 2020 your ad reaches subscribers in these
by Friday, April 24th, 2020 at 4:00 p.m.
Only those candidates who have made it to the interview stage will Manitoba communities:
Sarah Woychyshyn be contacted. Thank you for your interest.
Administrative Assistant, Human Resources
(3-3) Arden MacGregor Russell
Rolling River School Division Tender for the Minnedosa Arena Canteen Manager is Argyle McCreary Sandy Lake
Box 1170 posted at minnedosaminorhockey.com The detailed job de-
Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0 scription is also posted. Tenders close on April 17, 2020. The Bethany Melita Shoal Lake
Phone: 867-2754 Ext 244 Fax: 867-2037 lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.  Brandon Minitonas Souris
E-Mail: [email protected] Brookdale Minnedosa Ste Rose
The Rolling River School Division thanks all applicants for their interest.
ANNOUNCEMENT Carberry Morden Starbuck
Applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. FEED AND SEED
Employment is conditional upon an acceptable Cardale Mountain Steinbach
Criminal Record and Child Abuse Registry Check.
FORAGE SEED FOR Carman Road Stonewall
SALE: Organic and conven- Clanwilliam Neepawa Stoney
tional: Sweet Clover, Alfalfa,
L.U.D. OF OAK RIVER / L.U.D. OF RAPID CITY Red Clover, Smooth Brome,
Dauphin Newdale Mountain
Power Builder Douglas Oak Bank Strathclair
Advertising Wheatgrass, Timothy, etc. Eden Oak River Swan River
HELP WANTED WORKS! Free Delivery! Birch Rose
Acres Ltd. 306-921-9942. Elphinstone Oakburn Virden
The R. M. of Oakview is accepting applications to hire at least • GET SEEN by over
400,000 Manitoba Erickson Olha Winnipeg
5 summer students from April/May to August/September
• Use your LOGO! Franklin Onanole
2020. Duties include mowing and trimming grass, • Create instant top of Gladstone Pilot Mound Did You Know?
weeding, watering flowers, recycling, painting, and other
mind awareness

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Evenings and weekend work may be required.
V ATTENTION? have a number
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High Bluff Prairie of subscribers
Individuals must be energetic, friendly, and know • We format it, to

how to operate small municipal equipment such as lawn

mowers and grass trimmers. Successful applicants must be
make it look great!
• Starting at $339.00
(includes 45 lines of
E Book this Kenton
Rapid City
across Canada
and the United
able to take direction well and work without direct
• The ads blanket the
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R space for Lac du Bonnet
Lake Audy
supervision from time to time.
Closing date for resumes is Monday, April 20th, 2020
MCNA’s 48 Manitoba
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• Very cost effective
at 4:30 p.m. means of getting

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10 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune


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15 1st Ave. S.W.

Phone: 204-638-3005
“Living in your Fax: 204-638-5817
Community” *Denotes Professional Corporation

Proud Supporter

www.ricktaylor.remax.ca Rick Taylor 867-7551

[email protected]
MÊ GijsbersÊ
During this time of the
Chartered Professional DEMOLITION
Accountant Inc. 204-867-0260
SEMI WITH LOW BED &[email protected]

Covid-19 Pandemic,
Ê 213Ê Ê 2ndÊ StÊ NEÊ Ê -Ê Ê BoxÊ 385Ê Ê
T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê
Email:Ê Ê [email protected]Ê

I wish everyone all the best! PRAIRIE REDI-MIX

Please take care of yourselves and Minnedosa - 867-3853
R eady Mix Conc rete

your families.
Concrete forms, Rebar, Wire Mesh,
Open Weeping Tile, Concrete Sealer, Snap Ties
All at Competitive
Monday - Friday

Thank you to all of the people in

8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. • Specializing in water & sewer 204-867-0260
installation & repair
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. • All types of [email protected]

our health care system, and all of

Suite A • Basements, Demolition
• Snow removal
110 Main Street South • Gravel, Topsoil
• Sales of septic tanks

the other essential service

Kirk 867-0180
204 867-5550 ● Roofing ● Decks
● Fencing ● Exterior ● Finishing

workers. Be well!
● Renovations ● Repairs

AUTO ELECTRICAL [email protected]

204-868-5980 or 204-867-5544
I am still available for all your Real C. BURTON
Enterprises Ltd.
Estate needs during this time and AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR • A/C
Air Conditioning, BACKHOE & TRUCKING

have extra safety precautions and

● AC
1-204-867-2558 Heating & Electrical

30 Years
protocols in place. M&M Ex perience!!

Considering listing your Property?

AUTO BODY Bus : 867-3950
All Auto Body Repairs Fa x: 867-2340
Call me today for great service at great rates!
Ph: 867-2083
5 Main St. North
Liz Burton Painting Jon Kowal

Toll Free 844.877.7767 Book Specializing in

[email protected] Book This Farm
#7 � 515 4th Avenue This Spot Spot Solar
Burlington Place, Shoal Lake, MB for New Builds
only Call us today for your
only electrical needs
$8.29 $11.07
per 204-281-3394
per [email protected]
week! week!
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 10, 2020 11


Custom WAHOSKI St. Alphonsus

Fertilizer MECHANICAL LTD. Catholic Church ● Lawn Mowing & Trimming
142 4th
4th St, NW.
St, NW. ● Hedge Trimming
Call today to book your Minnedosa,MB
Minnedosa, MB 867-3831
867-3831 ● Aerating & Power Raking
spring floating needs! HEATING  
Mass Sunday 9:00 a.m. ● Licensed Arborist Service
GAS FITTING ● Yard Clean Up
Darvin - 204-868-5869
Glen Burgess Robert - 204-867-7113 AIR CONDITIONING SEPTIC Cory Johnston ● Minnedosa
(204) 476-4705
Electrician 204-867-3121 www.johnstonyardcare.com

204-868-5211 204-476-5185
Septic Service People Helping People
- Committed to Caring - Prairie Mountain HVAC/R
Potable water Heating
Book this spot (48-4) HILLSIDE delivery.
Phone (204) 857-6100
Fax (204) 857-8389
Ventilation/Air quality
Air Conditioning
GRAIN Plumbing & Heating Book your portable
$5.52/week toilets.
[email protected]
HAULING Erle Jury & Family services.com
Kitchen Equipment
Call 204-867 3816 Ty Burton Commercial Gas Fitter

204-868-5358 867-2416 Commercial & Residential

Brian Horner Cell: 867-7558
service specialist

Grain & Fertilizer Cleaning Services

Kent Brown

Sewage Service - Commercial LEONA’S

Plumbing & Heating Studio Of Image
Home: 867-3272
• Construction • JIM BEAUMONT
MAIN OFFICE Cell: 210-0818 Family Hair Care
5” AND 6” continuous 476-2483 [email protected] •Eminence Facials
eavestrough [email protected] Owner/OperatorÊÊÊ & Product
Siding Roofing 204-867-7182 PLUMBING & HEATING Cell: 476-6591 • Pedicures & LCN Nails
Soffit Fascia Russ Huyghe • Spray Tanning
Closed cell Polyurethane Spray foam 204-868-6376 Dennis: 476-2766 • Piercing
Blow in Attic & Wall Fibre Insulation INSURANCE CONSTRUCTION • Eyelash Extensions
Cody Huyghe 23 Hour Service
Fire Retardent Coating
204-867-3738 204-210-0502 204-867-2287
Email: [email protected] INSURANCE SERVICES Matt Saler
Drivers Licenses, Autopac 204-868-6886 Book Ê
General Insurance We nowÊ offer Ventures Inc.
Cheri McTavish – Broker
867-3946 Plumbing & Heating UNDER NEW
Spot Call us today for your carpet
Gas Fitting
& upholstery cleaning needs.
LEGAL ph: 867-2084 for (204)476-0002
cell: 867-0346 [email protected]
Minnedosa Alexander only Garbage Bin Rentals
Credit Union SELF-HELP THE

Main Line
Jackson $13.88 LEAN
Roll Off Bins
Brad Ross Law Office A.D.A.M. per
Terry McLenehan B-116 MainSt.St
110B Main S. S Anxiety Disorders
204-867-6363 Minnedosa, MB
Susan Glasgow Association
Debbie Strelczik
867-3981 of Manitoba ● 204-848-0097
Small EnginE REpaiR &
Chris Ridgen
Support Group SELF-HELP ● 204-848-0400 YaRd maintEnancE SERvicES
204-867-6359 Meetings are held at www.clearlakeclean.com • Mowing & Trimming
Burgess Law
Donna Dowsett
204-867-6361 Office
Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of
the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Drug Problem? [email protected]

Snow Blowing
Unwanted Item Removal
Kim Butler
204-867-6352 For more info call: • Handyman Services
Nicole Loewen 51 Main Street S Debbie Fisch
(204) 725-8550
Anonymous can help • Alum & Stainless Welding
Meetings every
Alayna McTavish
Minnedosa • Reasonable Rates
204-867-6354 Apparel & Promotions
Trisha Paterson
ALCOHOLICS Tuesday & 204-867-2378 204-720-5934
204-867-6362 minnedosa@ [email protected]
Joanne Clarke
burgesslawoffice.net ANONYMOUS Saturday at 7 p.m.
204-867-6364 If you like to drink and can
at Calvary Temple,
Gaylene Johnson That's your business
204-867-6357 SIMS & COMPA N Y If you want to stop and can't 221 Hamilton Street,
Kathryn Yanchycki
L a w O ffi c e That's our business. Neepawa, MB Potable Water Delivery
Fax Minnedosa and area
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. P.O. Box 36
E-mail 7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h
or 867-3966 Health Inspected
[email protected] Alanon - 210-0433
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717
Alateen - 867-5121 No Job is too small!!!
www.MinnedosaCU.mb.ca 867-3401 Minnedosa
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays
12 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune

It’s Time to Get Gardening!

By AlBert PArsons health crisis will be putting plants available to us while
the brakes on that endeav- abiding by all the regula-

G ardeners are eagerly

looking forward to
spring and the members of
our, but we gardeners can-
not resist the temptation
to plant at this time of year.
tions for physical distanc-
Although the Horti-
the Minnedosa Horticul- Therefore, we already have cultural Society will not be
tural Society are no excep- myriad plants on our win- holding its sale and des-
tion.  dowsills, in our sunrooms sert party as we normally
By this time of year, we and under the lights of our do, we are exploring ways
are usually planting seeds light gardens. We will keep to  get rid of the plants we
and taking slips to create growing and planting - that have grown - perhaps by
lots of plants for our annu- is just what we gardeners having an online sale or
al May plant sale. Alas, the do! having phone orders for
With so many folks re- pickup. We are examining
At left, stricted to their homes and our options. We will let you
Spring is surely here, gardens because of the vi- know of any plans with an
the cacti on the rus, this might be a busy ad in this paper.
window sills in my gardening season; what So, while you are con-
else will there be to do but fined to your house and
sunroom are
garden until we can be out yard, get gardening! It will
bursting into bloom. and about! We hope our take some of the stress
This photo was two local garden centres away and provide some-
taken in late March. find  ways to make their thing to fill up your time.
Photo submitted

*We accept Visa, Master Card & debit card purchases

Sale Dates: *We sell lottery tickets
*We deliver within town limits Monday - Friday at 4:00 p.m
($2 charge - $25 minimum order)
APRIL 10TH - APRIL 16TH * Try one of our delicious BBQ chickens!
* We sell fruit, veggie & meat trays and fruit baskets
*Senior’s Discount every Friday (65 & up) (STARTS FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. - ENDS THURSDAY 9:00 P.M.) (24 hours notice is appreciated)
*We sell R.O. water

RC 10.38 Dinner Plate 40 CT ...................................................40ea ..............$7.99 ED Smith Pie Filling assorted .................. 540ml ...... $3.79
RC 6.75 Dessert Plate 40 CT ....................................................40ea ..............$3.99 Shake N Bake assorted .................................................... 142-184g ..............$2.49
Maxwell House Tin Original Roast ........925g ...... $8.49 NN Mandarin Oranges canned assorted ............................ 284ml ..............$0.99
Perrier Lemon/Pink Grapefeuit/Sanpellegrino ....................... 1lt ..............$1.29 NN Mushrooms assorted ..................................................... 284ml ..............$1.19
Tostitos,Lays chips assorted ...............170-275g ...... $2.99 Classico Pasta Sauce assorted ......................................410-650ml ..............$3.49
CL Leaf Tuna White Flake,Solid Water ..................................170g ..............$2.89 BC Hamburger Helper assorted ..................................... 166-233g ..............$2.49
Knorr Soup Mix Vegetable/Cream of Leek/Onion ........... 40-77g ..............$1.25 NN Olives assorted ............................................................... 375ml ..............$1.99
Lipton Soup mix/Cup a Soup assorted ............................ 58-166g ..............$1.25 PC Splendido Olive Oil Extra Virgin .......................................... 1lt ..............$8.99
Hellmanns Mayo assorted ................ 750-890ml ...... $4.99 PC Horseradish or Roasted Garlic Mayo assorted ............ 300ml ..............$2.49
PC Croutons assorted..............................................................140g ..............$1.99
Kraft Dressing assorted ........................................................ 475ml ..............$2.79
Robin Hood Oats Minute/Quick ..............................................1kg ..............$2.49 Pure Leaf Raspberry .............................................................. 1.75lt ..............$3.99
NN Syrup or Pancake Mix .......................................750ml -905gr ..............$1.99 Tropicana or Pure Leaf Raspberry Juice assorted1.75lt ...... $3.99
Smuckers Jam or NSA Jam assorted . 310-500ml ...... $3.99 Danone Activia Stirred yogurt ..............................................650g ..............$2.99
Cracker Barrel Bar Cheddar Medium/Marble ......................400g ..............$7.49
Jif Creamy Peanut Butter...........................................................1kg ..............$4.99
NN Liquid Honey ....................................................................500g ..............$4.49 Heluva Good Dip French Onion ............................................250g ..............$2.59
Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocktails or Motts Clamato ....... 1.89lt ..............$3.59 Imperial Margarine Quarters/CP .................1.36kg ...... $5.49
Dare Vinta or Breton Crackers ...............................................250g ..............$2.49 Lactantia Butter Galic Sticks ...................................................125g ..............$1.99
Kellogg Pop Tarts or Rice Krispies assorted ..........................400g ..............$2.59 International Delight Coffee Whitener assorted ................ 473ml ..............$2.59

BC Frosting or Super Moist Cake Mix assorted .......... 340g-432g ..............$1.99

FROZEN FOODS PC Chicken Wing with sauce assorted .............................. 907gr ........... $13.99
PC Meat Ball or Sirloin Beef Swedish ................................. 907gr ........... $12.99
FM Pie assorted .........................................1kg ...... $7.99 PC Bacon .................................................................................500g ............. $4.99
FM Muffins assorted ...............................................................110g ............. $4.99 Outside Round Beef Roast ...................................................................... $5.69/lb
Breyers Classic Ice Cream assorted ..................................... 1.66lt ............. $4.99
PC Frozen Fruit assorted ........................................................600g ............. $4.99 Whole Chicken Fresh ........................................ $2.99/lb
Chapman’s Frozen Yogurt assorted .......................................... 2lt ............. $4.99 Boneless Pork shoulder Blade Roast ....................................................... $2.99/lb

NN Frozen Vegetables assorted..............................................750g ............. $1.99
McCain Spirals//Homefries/Wedges/Tasti Taters ........ 650-800g ............. $2.59
Marie Callenders assorted .............................................. 680-879g ............. $5.99

OPEN 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM, 7 DAYS A WEEK • Pineapple ..................................................................................................$3.79/ea

Bulk Oranges,Red Delicious Apples........................................................ $1.29/lb
70 Main Street South, Minnedosa 867-2821 FM 4CT Tray Corn ....................................................................................$3.99/ea
Carrots 2lb,Yellow Onions 3lb .............................. $2.19
ALL PRICES ARE PLUS GST, PST & OTHER LEVIES WHERE APPLICABLE Green,Red Seedless Grapes ..................................................................... $2.99/lb
*WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Lemons ...................................................................................... 3lb ............. $4.99

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