Over 200 COVID-19 Cases in Manitoba: Tribune Tribune
Over 200 COVID-19 Cases in Manitoba: Tribune Tribune
Over 200 COVID-19 Cases in Manitoba: Tribune Tribune
The Minnedosa
Since 1883
Volume 138 Issue 5 Friday, April 10, 2020 www.minnedosatribune.com 90 cents plus tax
A s previously reported
in the January 17th
edition, the Town Coun-
An application to re-
move weeds from the lake
has been sent to Canada
and silt removal and will
be of great asset if the fed-
eral government has ques-
cludes a preliminary bud-
Fund Raising – Friends
Photo submitted cil created Minnedosa Oceans and Fisheries. The tions. of the Lake are working on
Lake Committee has been application process will North/South Consul- a number of applications
Trish McBratney enjoys some fresh air formed and have two take up to three months. tants have been asked to for funding.
and sunshine while enjoying yoga in the new meetings under their belt. A conference call was provide a quote to come to Due to the COVID-19
snow which fell late last week. Although progress has had with North/South Minnedosa and look at the issue, some items may
been slow, the work be- Consultants on March lake, providing possible di- take longer than expected
By NaNCy Miller hind the scenes continues 12th. North/South Consul- rections. to hear back. The commit-
full steam ahead. tants have been consulted A meeting with Tyler tee is eager and hopeful
Running on
Print jobs may take up to
Rural Municipality of Oakview
2-3 weeks to complete. Rapid City Landfill 20042gm1
Fill up before you’re out! Hours of Operation
Minnedosa Tribune Summer Hours
867-3816 Effective April 15, 2020 to October 14, 2020
Monday - 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday - 3:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Saturday - 10:00 a.m. - Noon
1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
ClOSed on Statutory Holidays
4 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune
Y ou may be sick of hearing the word “unprecedented.” of individuals who are prioritizing their own desires.
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. The Minnedosa Tribune is independently owned and is the The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. does
oldest weekly newspaper in the Canadian West and has guarantee the publication of all submitted articles and
published continuously from the same premises since photographs. These submissions, are at the discretion of the
Box 930 Minnedosa, MB R0J 1E0
March of 1883. publisher and will appear as space permits. The Minnedosa
Published Friday of each week from the premises of
The Minnedosa Tribune Ltd. 14 - 3rd Ave. S.W. E-Mail Addresses: Tribune reserves the right to edit any submission as deemed
Minnedosa, MB. R0J 1E0 necessary by the publisher.
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The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 10, 2020 5
O ur sympathy is ex- their daughter Janice and eryone world-wide. Many “As I jumped out of They had a wonderful Richard was dis-
tended to Valerie and her husband and family. businesses are closed. the truck, I was aware that ride and encountered no charged at Fort Osborne
Gordon Thompson and The Northam’s flew from Schools also are closed. they had prepared a full more serious resistance. Barracks in Winnipeg the
family on the passing of Brisbane to Vancouver and We can’t but wonder about military funeral, some- They began to encounter end of January 1946, at
mother and grandmother on to Winnipeg. Due to the “brave new world” that thing for which we seldom the warmth and gratitude which time he returned to
Dorothy Thompson of the COVID-19 virus they will be out there when all had the time or opportu- of the Dutch people. Ev- farming north of Clanwil-
Brandon. had to self-isolate for two this is over. nity. A local undertaker ery day they would go into liam.
Doug and Karen weeks. had provided coffins, and three or four villages, and In 1950 he married
Northam have returned This COVID-19 virus even in December there in each one, they would Donelda Keeting from Sil-
were masses of flowers. encounter throngs of peo- verton, MB. They raised a
As my feet hit the ground, ple, hysterical with joy. family of three.
I was seized by two old “For days we rode the top
Subscribe to The Minnedosa Tribune friends and hustled away.
My pack, equipment, and
of the emotional roller-
coaster, and nothing in my
MEDALS: Canadian
Volunteer Service Medal
greatcoat were stripped life will ever equal its im- and Clasp, Defence Medal,
MAIL THIS FORM WITH PAYMENT TO BOX 930, off and thrown in a heap, pact.” France and Germany Star,
MINNEDOSA, MB R0J 1E0 PHONE 204-867-3816 and I was escorted, at the From there they 1939 – 45 Star and War
double, to the head of the moved into Germany, Medal 1939 – 45.
Local Trading Area: $42.73 NAME: parade, where the three of where the reception was
(Minnedosa, Bethany, Clanwilliam, us fell in beside the second very different. They were
Erickson, Onanole, Sandy Lake, Lake
Audy, Olha, Vista, Elphinstone,
Newdale, Rapid City, Franklin,
Mountain Road and Neepawa)
ADDRESS: The Minnedosa Tribune office remains open
Other Manitoba but with reduced hours during this pandemic.
locations: $49.87
Our office is open Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 12 noon,
Other Canadian
locations: $56.01
TOWN: but we are closing early, most afternoons.
We are also closed every Friday afternoon.
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Online subscriptions $35 at email or through the drop slot in our front door whenever possible.
www.minnedosatribune.com POSTAL CODE: Thank you and stay safe!
The Minnedosa Tribune Friday, April 10, 2020 7
Photos submitted
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10 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune
If you are thinking of
selling, Call today for a FREE BIR CH
BIRCH Parish Backhoe
no obligation
MINNEDOSA Market Evaluation! MINNEDOSA George Allard, FCGA* GENERAL ●Septic Systems ●Weeping tiles
Gateway Street
Well built, well maintained, well located first time
offered 1970 2 bedroom, 2 bath home. Located
1 1/2 storey home large entrance mudroom, eat in
kitchen. 2 bedrooms upstairs with master bedroom Onanole, MB
CONTRACTORS ●Water Systems ●Basements
on a 75’ x110’ lot, 1 block from lake and numerous and bath on main floor. Basement has rec room, 204-848-7413 Commercial ●All types of excavation●
maintained walking paths! 768 sq ft with a large eat
in kitchen, spacious living room, 3 piece bath and
2nd bath, cold room, storage room, laundry room.
Newer eavestroughing, an oversized insulated Howard Wirch, C.G.A*
Residential Certified in waste
2 bedrooms on main floor, finished basement and single car garage. Plenty of overhead storage 9-515 4th Ave. 867-0400 water management
second bath. Outside you will find a 288 sq ft single car space and a gem of a workshop in back. Shoal Lake, MB
garage, vegetable garden and mature manicured lawn. MLS#202004298 $139,000 0r Call: Ian
MLS#202002314 $164,000 204-759-2680
867-7506 874-2134 or 867-0383
Take a tour on Realtor.ca or our website www.remax-prairie mountain-npwa.mb.com Dauphin Office -
15 1st Ave. S.W.
Phone: 204-638-3005
“Living in your Fax: 204-638-5817
Community” *Denotes Professional Corporation
Proud Supporter
Covid-19 Pandemic,
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T:Ê 867-3884Ê Ê Ê C:Ê 867-0190Ê
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HAULING Erle Jury & Family services.com
Kitchen Equipment
Call 204-867 3816 Ty Burton Commercial Gas Fitter
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Brad Ross Law Office A.D.A.M. per
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204-867-6363 Minnedosa, MB
Susan Glasgow Association
Debbie Strelczik
867-3981 of Manitoba ● 204-848-0097
Small EnginE REpaiR &
Chris Ridgen
Support Group SELF-HELP ● 204-848-0400 YaRd maintEnancE SERvicES
204-867-6359 Meetings are held at www.clearlakeclean.com • Mowing & Trimming
Burgess Law
Donna Dowsett
204-867-6361 Office
Neepawa Library 3rd Tuesday of
the month 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Drug Problem? [email protected] •
Snow Blowing
Unwanted Item Removal
Kim Butler
204-867-6352 For more info call: • Handyman Services
Nicole Loewen 51 Main Street S Debbie Fisch
(204) 725-8550
Anonymous can help • Alum & Stainless Welding
Meetings every
Alayna McTavish
Minnedosa • Reasonable Rates
204-867-6354 Apparel & Promotions
Trisha Paterson
ALCOHOLICS Tuesday & 204-867-2378 204-720-5934
204-867-6362 minnedosa@ [email protected]
Joanne Clarke
burgesslawoffice.net ANONYMOUS Saturday at 7 p.m.
204-867-6364 If you like to drink and can
at Calvary Temple,
Gaylene Johnson That's your business
204-867-6357 SIMS & COMPA N Y If you want to stop and can't 221 Hamilton Street,
Kathryn Yanchycki
L a w O ffi c e That's our business. Neepawa, MB Potable Water Delivery
Fax Minnedosa and area
Norman H. Sims, Q.C. P.O. Box 36
E-mail 7 6 Ma i n S t r e e t S o u t h
or 867-3966 Health Inspected
[email protected] Alanon - 210-0433
MINNEDOSA • 867-2717
Alateen - 867-5121 No Job is too small!!!
www.MinnedosaCU.mb.ca 867-3401 Minnedosa
Mtg. Times: 8:00 pm Tuesdays
12 Friday, April 10, 2020 The Minnedosa Tribune
RC 10.38 Dinner Plate 40 CT ...................................................40ea ..............$7.99 ED Smith Pie Filling assorted .................. 540ml ...... $3.79
RC 6.75 Dessert Plate 40 CT ....................................................40ea ..............$3.99 Shake N Bake assorted .................................................... 142-184g ..............$2.49
Maxwell House Tin Original Roast ........925g ...... $8.49 NN Mandarin Oranges canned assorted ............................ 284ml ..............$0.99
Perrier Lemon/Pink Grapefeuit/Sanpellegrino ....................... 1lt ..............$1.29 NN Mushrooms assorted ..................................................... 284ml ..............$1.19
Tostitos,Lays chips assorted ...............170-275g ...... $2.99 Classico Pasta Sauce assorted ......................................410-650ml ..............$3.49
CL Leaf Tuna White Flake,Solid Water ..................................170g ..............$2.89 BC Hamburger Helper assorted ..................................... 166-233g ..............$2.49
Knorr Soup Mix Vegetable/Cream of Leek/Onion ........... 40-77g ..............$1.25 NN Olives assorted ............................................................... 375ml ..............$1.99
Lipton Soup mix/Cup a Soup assorted ............................ 58-166g ..............$1.25 PC Splendido Olive Oil Extra Virgin .......................................... 1lt ..............$8.99
Hellmanns Mayo assorted ................ 750-890ml ...... $4.99 PC Horseradish or Roasted Garlic Mayo assorted ............ 300ml ..............$2.49
PC Croutons assorted..............................................................140g ..............$1.99
Kraft Dressing assorted ........................................................ 475ml ..............$2.79
Robin Hood Oats Minute/Quick ..............................................1kg ..............$2.49 Pure Leaf Raspberry .............................................................. 1.75lt ..............$3.99
NN Syrup or Pancake Mix .......................................750ml -905gr ..............$1.99 Tropicana or Pure Leaf Raspberry Juice assorted1.75lt ...... $3.99
Smuckers Jam or NSA Jam assorted . 310-500ml ...... $3.99 Danone Activia Stirred yogurt ..............................................650g ..............$2.99
Cracker Barrel Bar Cheddar Medium/Marble ......................400g ..............$7.49
Jif Creamy Peanut Butter...........................................................1kg ..............$4.99
NN Liquid Honey ....................................................................500g ..............$4.49 Heluva Good Dip French Onion ............................................250g ..............$2.59
Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocktails or Motts Clamato ....... 1.89lt ..............$3.59 Imperial Margarine Quarters/CP .................1.36kg ...... $5.49
Dare Vinta or Breton Crackers ...............................................250g ..............$2.49 Lactantia Butter Galic Sticks ...................................................125g ..............$1.99
Kellogg Pop Tarts or Rice Krispies assorted ..........................400g ..............$2.59 International Delight Coffee Whitener assorted ................ 473ml ..............$2.59
BC Frosting or Super Moist Cake Mix assorted .......... 340g-432g ..............$1.99
FROZEN FOODS PC Chicken Wing with sauce assorted .............................. 907gr ........... $13.99
PC Meat Ball or Sirloin Beef Swedish ................................. 907gr ........... $12.99
FM Pie assorted .........................................1kg ...... $7.99 PC Bacon .................................................................................500g ............. $4.99
FM Muffins assorted ...............................................................110g ............. $4.99 Outside Round Beef Roast ...................................................................... $5.69/lb
Breyers Classic Ice Cream assorted ..................................... 1.66lt ............. $4.99
PC Frozen Fruit assorted ........................................................600g ............. $4.99 Whole Chicken Fresh ........................................ $2.99/lb
Chapman’s Frozen Yogurt assorted .......................................... 2lt ............. $4.99 Boneless Pork shoulder Blade Roast ....................................................... $2.99/lb
NN Frozen Vegetables assorted..............................................750g ............. $1.99
McCain Spirals//Homefries/Wedges/Tasti Taters ........ 650-800g ............. $2.59
Marie Callenders assorted .............................................. 680-879g ............. $5.99