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Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning

Volume 3 Number 2 September 2018. Page 336-341

p-ISSN: 2477-5924 e-ISSN: 2477-8478

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The Admission of New Students Based on Online System at SMAN 2

Sularto1), Wahyudi2), Sukmawati3)
Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]
Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]
Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. The application of online-based student admission aims to provide the widest possible opportunity for every
citizen to obtain a fast, transparent and accountable registration service. The purpose of the research carried out at the
State Senior High School 2 Singkawang (SMAN 2 Singkawang) was to describe the online-based prospective student
admission planning at SMAN 2 Singkawang, organizing admissions based on online students at SMAN 2 Singkawang,
the implementation of prospective participants online-based students at SMAN 2 Singkawang, online admission
supervision of prospective students at SMAN 2 Singkawang, as well as an online evaluation of new student candidates at
SMAN 2 Singkawang. The approach used in this study is qualitative research on the type of case study research. The
results of the research that have been conducted include 1) Planning the recruitment process of online-based prospective
students conducted by the agency and the school; 2) Organizing in the acceptance of new students through the division
of committee work; 3) Implementation of new online-based student admissions is carried out in accordance with existing
technical instructions; 4) Supervision carried out in new student admission activities is carried out by the principal as the
head of the education unit and also as the person in charge of the activity; 5) On this online-based new student admission
activity, it has run well. But there are those that are the main focus of supporting activities are the internet and electricity
networks, so that these two facilities must be ensured in good condition.

Keywords: Admission of New Students; Online System

are implemented, what methods are used, the steps that must
I. INTRODUCTION be carried out, how much the costs are calculated and setting
One of the underlying components in quality standards that are considered as a form of success. Therefore
education services is the education information management planning must be done well because it will be a reference for
system provided to the community. Data accuracy, the school in achieving its objectives in accordance with the
efficiency of time and speed of presentation of information school's vision and mission. The acceptance of new students
data is one of the important factors in managing all forms of is one of the most important management activities of
educational information. One form of activity in schools that students held by both public and private schools because the
can use an accurate, efficient and fast information system is entry of new students to a school will have a positive impact
the acceptance of new students. on the school so that teaching and learning activities can
The acceptance of new students is one of the school continue optimally.
activity programs and is included in the planning of students In accordance with Permendikbud No. 17 of 2017
in the scope of student management. Seeing the importance concerning the acceptance of new students in kindergartens,
of the planning of these students, it is necessary to have a elementary schools, junior high schools, senior high schools,
strategy that is good, planned, and measurable in order to vocational high schools, or other equivalent forms regulated
produce the expected students. Planning students contain about the mechanism for implementing the new student
what strategies are used, the policies taken, what programs admissions, can be based online (in the network) or offline

Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning
Volume 3 Number 2 September 2018. Page 336-341
p-ISSN: 2477-5924 e-ISSN: 2477-8478

(outside the network). In implementing this online-based The researcher obtained several findings of research
new student admission, the relevant education office has the results related to the acceptance of new online-based learners
authority as the implementing designer of new student from the process of planning, organizing, implementing,
admission activities and determines the prospective new monitoring and evaluating.
students who are accepted in each school based on national The acceptance of new students is an annual routine
values, additional value of the achievement certificates activity carried out in each school. The planning process
owned by new students and zoning of students' residences. begins with the formation of a committee, a meeting of new
In this online-based new student admission process, it student admission preparations which discusses the number
was only applied in three regions in West Kalimantan of quota of students received in accordance with the number
Province, namely Pontianak City, Singkawang City and of available groups. Department of Education and Culture of
Kubu Raya District which became piloting in the 2017/2018 West Kalimantan Province Department of Education and
school year. In the city of Singkawang, the implementation Culture of West Kalimantan Province through the
of new online-based student admission covers all state high Educational Technology Research and Development Unit
schools, there are 10 schools in the state high school. The (UPPTP) of the Education and Culture Office of West
application of online-based student admissions aims to Kalimantan Province and PT. Telkom as a service provider
provide the widest possible opportunity for every citizen to (provider) conducts training on the process of receiving new
obtain a fast, transparent and accountable registration students online based.
service. The application of information technology system In the organizing process, there was found a complete
applications, on the one hand, provides advantages that can committee structure from the person in charge, chairman,
help in completing work. This shows that the computer is a secretary, treasurer, and members including operators, file
very large information resource used for decision making. selectors, and registration officers. The acceptance of
One of the senior high schools in Singkawang City that prospective new students is done online. There are 2 ways in
applies it is SMAN 2 Singkawang. registering new online-based students, the first way the
SMAN 2 Singkawang was established in 1983, prospective new students themselves register online through
located on Cimandiri Street, Pasiran Sub-District, West the provided web address, then prospective students verify
Singkawang District, which is geographically close to the prospective student admission committee in the school to
SMAN 10 Singkawang in Kuala Kelurahan, West get proof of registration. The second way, students come
Singkawang District and SMAN 9 Singkawang, South directly to school, register, complete the file and the online
Singkawang District. The distance between SMAN 2 registration is done by the committee. At the acceptance of
Singkawang and the two senior high schools is prospective new students, the zoning system where
approximately 2 km, this will have an impact on meeting the prospective students live with school is applied. The size of
capacity of students when the zoning system is implemented. the distance of residence to the destination school affects the
The zoning system policy is intended to bring the place of additional zoning value points for prospective new students.
residence closer to the school. So with the distance factor There are three acceptance channels provided, namely
zoning system, it is no longer an obstacle for junior high regular/academic, achievement, and affirmation. Regular
school graduates to continue their education in secondary lines are purely the value of national exams used. The path
education. of achievement is the value given to prospective students
Based on the description of the condition data found, because the person in question has achievements in the
the researcher needs to conduct research focused on "The academic and/or non-academic fields obtained at the junior
Admission of New Students Based on Online System at high school level or equivalent. The path of affirmation is
SMAN 2 Singkawang. The hope of this research can provide the value given to prospective orphaned students, neglected
information related to the management process carried out children who are cared for by the state, and underprivileged.
from the planning, organizing, implementing, monitoring Supervision of the activities of prospective new
and evaluation stages that can be used in an effort to students is carried out by the headmaster, from the provincial
improve the quality of schools. education and culture department there is no direct
supervision of the school. The process of admission of
II. RESEARCH METHOD prospective new students has been running according to the
instructions, therefore the principal has assessed running
The approach used in this research is a qualitative
smoothly, coordination among relevant institutions namely
approach because this research intends to reveal holistically,
the Department of Education and Culture of West
deeply with its complexity. This research is a case, so the
Kalimantan Province, Singkawang High School MKKS, PT.
type of research used is a case study. Because of its profound
TELKOM, and PT. PLN has been well established so that
nature, case studies generally produce a longitudinal picture,
when the process of receiving new students online is based
namely the results of data collection and data analysis within
there are no obstacles.
a certain period (Tika, 2005: 7).
B. Discussion
Based on the findings of the study, researchers discussed and
presented the results of research on the recruitment of new
A. Result online-based prospective students ranging from planning,

Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning
Volume 3 Number 2 September 2018. Page 336-341
p-ISSN: 2477-5924 e-ISSN: 2477-8478

organizing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating. The 2. Organizing Recruitment of Candidates for Online-Based
data is obtained from interviews and documentation studies. Students
The results of the research can be described as follows: Organizing is a systematic thinking about how
1. Recruitment Planning for Prospective Students Based work is organized in an organization by involving
Online existing resources. Organizing is very important because
Planning is an activity to formulate a series of an organization can move if there are resources that are
processes and ways that will be used to achieve a goal. In driven to achieve organizational goals. According to
planning, there is also a thought of determining what will Handoko 2003 (in Usman Husaini 2014: 170) organizing
be done, how to do it, who is the executor, and when the is (1) designing a formal structure for the most efficient
activity must be carried out. Thus the recruitment use of financial, physical, raw material, and
planning of prospective students is a series of thoughts organizational workforce resources, (2) how the
about the process of recruiting new students, from the organization classifies its activities, where each grouping
formation of a committee, a committee meeting that is followed by the assignment of a manager who is
discusses the amount of quota received, the techniques to authorized to supervise group members, (3) the
be used, the requirements and time for the relationship between the functions, positions, duties of
implementation of activities. employees, (4) the way managers divide tasks that must
Based on interviews and documentation it was be carried out in the department and delegate to do the
found that the recruitment planning of new students was tasks.
in accordance with the planning process, which was In this study, based on the results of interviews
preceded by the formation of a committee, a meeting that and documentation, it was found the formation of new
discussed the determination of the quota amount student recruitment committees which in the committee
received, the method used was using the online system, structure had also divided the duties of each committee
the requirements imposed, and implementation time. member. The technical delegation assignment was
This is in line with the opinion of Imron (2011: 21), delivered at the committee meeting, namely, there were
student planning is an act of thinking ahead of things that registration and information officers, data verification,
must be done with regard to students in school, both data processing on the online system. Especially for data
since students will enter school and they will graduate processing officers in an online system, people who
from school. What is planned are things that must be really master computer applications are appointed so that
done in relation to student admission up to the graduation they support data processing tasks in accordance with the
of students. Opinions about the importance of planning existing technical instructions. This is consistent with the
were also put forward by Anderson and Bowman 1964 opinion of Usman Husaini (2014: 194) structure
(in Sutisna 1989: 192), planning is the process of regarding work, while work influences the behavior of
preparing a set of decisions for future actions. This people in the organization. The organizational structure
definition suggests that planning leads to and includes deals with the decision process in designing the
making decisions. Decision making is often an important organizational structure that involves (1) division of
part of planning. It is a process in which a complete labor, (2) departmentalization, (3) range of control, and
action program is prepared in advance before each part is (4) delegation. This is reinforced by Latifah & Fattah
carried out through specific decisions. (2017: 75), arguing that an organizational structure
This is reinforced by Sagala (2002: 46) states that specifies the division of labor and shows how the
planning includes activities to determine what you want function or work activities and shows how different
to achieve, how to achieve it, how long, how many functions or activities are linked.
people are needed, and how much it will cost. Thus the Based on the research findings, the organizational
planning in new student admissions can go through structure of the prospective new student admissions
several stages, including 1) the determination of the goals committee each function carries out its duties which in
of new student admissions, 2) setting the level of targets the process are interconnected with each other.
for implementing new student admissions, 3) making Field descriptions of each element of the committee are
technical guidelines and guidelines for new student very important to be elaborated and understood by each
admissions that contain the provisions general, new member of the committee because the respective job
student admission requirements, registration procedures, descriptions are interrelated with each other. This is in
determination of implementation schedule, registration line with the thoughts of Latifah & Fattah (2017: 75),
fees, determination of capacity, student mutation, 4) namely the specialization of activities refers to the
facilities used in the process of receiving new students. specifications of individual and group tasks throughout
So by referring to the existing theory, it is stated the organization or the division of labor and the
that the planning process for the acceptance of integration of these tasks into work units. Furthermore,
prospective students has gone through the right stages or each member of the committee is given the authority to
mechanisms. The planning stage has been taken in carry out their duties in accordance with their respective
accordance with the technical guidelines issued by the duties. This is in line with Latifah & Fattah (2017: 77),
education and culture department. authority is an institutional right to use power. Relations

Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning
Volume 3 Number 2 September 2018. Page 336-341
p-ISSN: 2477-5924 e-ISSN: 2477-8478

in this organization include responsibility as a person's registration data entry, registration proof, PPDB online
obligation to perform its functions, as well as authority as selection stage, SKHUN Value rating, residence zoning,
an institutional right to use power, as well as reporting as achievement charter, inability certificate, announcement
an obligation to express results. of selection results, re-registration.
At the reception of prospective new student In the 2017/2018 school year, the provincial
participants, the school has made the committee education office appoints 3 district/city regions as pilots
equipped with a description of the duties of each to carry out the acceptance of prospective new students
committee member. Description of important tasks online. The three regions are Pontianak City,
because each personnel will know their respective Singkawang City, and Kubu Raya Regency. SMAN 2
workload in accordance with their main tasks and Singkawang, one of the schools that organizes the
functions. In the job description, each committee member acceptance of prospective students based on online.
is given full authority to carry out their duties. The In this implementation process, the stages of the
principal delegates and authorizes the authority to carry prospective student admission process are running in
out the process of receiving new student candidates to the accordance with the existing technical instructions. There
organizing committee. In this year's prospective student are two registration models, first, the new prospective
admission activities, there is a difference from the students come directly to school and both prospective
previous year, namely the implementation of an online students register online independently on the website
system for data input. In this regard, special personnel is then go to the destination
prepared who really understand and understand the use school to get verification of proof of registration. There
of computers and internet networks. The committee are three types of admission selection, namely
personnel who were prepared as online data processing general/academic selection with 60% quota, 15%
operators were trained by the provincial education office achievement selection, and 25% affirmation selection.
in collaboration with service providers, namely PT The zoning rules for residence to school are only applied
Telkom. to general selection, for achievement and affirmation
The steps were taken by the school and the selection do not use zoning systems. The existence of
provincial education office in organizing the recruitment this zoning system that is not yet understood by the
activities of prospective new students are in accordance community, the purpose of zoning is the distance of the
with the existing theory in which committee assignments place of residence to the school, each of which has a
are given according to their specialization, for example, range of points (according to the technical instructions).
computer operator officers are appointed to those who So the zoning point value will add to the point the final
understand and understand computers and networks value of the acceptance of new students. Furthermore,
Internet. The delegation and delegation of authority in after inputting the data, all prospective students will be
carrying out committee work is fully entrusted by the ranked according to the selection path. For prospective
principal to the organizing committee. The principal as students whose final grades are not included in the quota
the leader and person in charge of the activity is fully limit, they will be thrown to the second choice school
responsible for the process of receiving the new student and so on.
candidates in the school he leads. After the ranking results are in accordance with
3. Implementation of Candidates for Online-Based the quota, the school will announce the results of the
Prospective Students acceptance of prospective new students, for prospective
The implementation or actuating of new online- students who are declared accepted, are required to re-
based student recruitment is an implementation of what register according to the time specified. So thus in this
has been made in the planning and organizing process. implementation process in accordance with existing
Actuating terms, there are some experts who call it the theories, organizational activities take place. The
term 'directing'. This is in line with Terry's opinion (in mobilization of all components of the resource takes
Usman Husaini 2014: 172), directing is actuating is place, under the control of the committee chairman as the
getting all members of the group to want to be directed to field implementer and the principal as the person in
the objective of being willing with the managerial charge of the activity.
planning and organizing efforts. Therefore actuating is 4. Supervision of Online Recruitment of Prospective
actually an action, because something will not happen if Students
there is no action. Supervision is needed to see how far the process
In connection with the above theory, then after goes from planning, organizing and implementing to see
planning and organizing, then proceed with the the results achieved. According to Latifah & Fattah
implementation of online-based new student recruitment (2017: 104), supervision is coercion or compelling which
activities carried out in accordance with the Decree of the means that the process is force-compelling so that the
Head of the Education and Culture Office No.796 of implementation activities can be adjusted to the plan that
2017 concerning Technical Guidelines for New Student has been set. Furthermore, it is also stated that the
Admission. The implementation of the PPDB registration purpose of supervision is to help maintain results or
process is based online, filling out the registration form, output according to system requirements.

Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning
Volume 3 Number 2 September 2018. Page 336-341
p-ISSN: 2477-5924 e-ISSN: 2477-8478

In the process of receiving new online-based TELKOM, through recommendations from the
prospective students, the supervision process is carried Department of Education and Culture of West
out by the principal as the leader in the organization of Kalimantan Province.
the education unit and also the person in charge of the Thus, the evaluation process as a closing of the
recruitment of prospective students based online. entire organizational process is very important. In the
Supervision is carried out at each stage of the activity evaluation will collect all the data on the track record of
stages of registration, data verification, selection of data the process of admission of prospective new students,
processing in the application system, announcement, and which will then be analyzed throughout the process of
re-registration. This supervision is carried out at each activities, assess the process of activities, if there are
stage with the aim that if there is a problem, coordination problems can be a record for future improvements.
is immediately carried out so as not to impede the
activity process. This is in line with the opinion of IV. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS
Soekarno (1982, in Torang 2016: 176), supervision is the A. Conclusions
control or control intended for; 1) knowing the suitability Based on the results of the research and the discussion
of the competencies possessed by someone with the tasks presented, it can be concluded as follows:
assigned to him, and 2) knowing the timeliness of the 1. Planning the recruitment process of online-based
work with the results of the work, so that if the prospective students is carried out by the agency and
implementation of the inspection found errors or the school. The agency makes technical instructions
mistakes, immediate improvements were made so that for implementing new student admissions that refer to
the goals of the organization can be achieved effectively, ministerial regulations. Especially for schools that
efficiently and rationally. implement new student admissions with an online
Thus the supervision process is very important for system, the agency conducts training on the use of
the running of the organizational process. In accordance new online student-based admissions applications.
with the existing theory, in this supervision will be seen The school in this planning formed a new student
whether the human resources that have been appointed admission committee, including one of the
can carry out their main tasks and functions in committees participating in online-based application
accordance with the existing job descriptions. In this training for new students, determining the amount of
supervision process, when there is an error, repairs can quota received, making registration forms, facilitating
be done immediately, so that the goals of the supporting infrastructures such as rooms and
organization can be achieved. furniture, checking internet networks, ensure a safe
5. Evaluation of Recruitment Candidates for Online-Based electricity network and announce to the public about
Students the implementation time of new student admissions
Evaluation is an activity to see the achievement of and the conditions required.
each stage of the activity, if there are deficiencies, it can 2. Organizing in the acceptance of new students with the
be a material for improvement notes. This is in line with division of committee work. Members of the
the opinion of Eka Prihatin (2011: 164), evaluations are committee in accordance with their ability are given
carried out during the program or activities take place the authority to carry out tasks, there are those in
and this is associated with the monitoring process. charge of registration and information, data
Furthermore, the information obtained through verification, and data processing through online
monitoring is made possible to be able to make and applications. Especially those who are assigned to the
determine how the program can work or how it should be data processing section are appointed who have
the process to achieve the objectives. The World Health attended training and/or officers who are in control of
Organization (WHO) also formulates evaluation as a the computer.
process of collecting data analyzing information about 3. The implementation of new online-based student
the effectiveness and impact of a stage or the entire admissions is carried out in accordance with the
program. This evaluation also includes assessing the existing technical instructions. Stages start from
achievement of the program and detecting and solving registration, form retrieval, filling in forms,
problems and planning future activities. submission of forms completed with the requirements
Based on the findings that there are recruitment required for data verification officers, processing data
activities for prospective students based on this online, according to the form fill with existing academic
the evaluation process is carried out by the principal by paths, achievements or affirmations, ratification of
looking at and evaluating the process as a whole. In this proof of registration (as re-registration proof),
activity, the main concern that supports the course of announcement learners who are accepted, and re-
activities is electricity and internet networks. Both of register.
these are the main factors for the successful recruitment 4. Supervision carried out in new student admission
of prospective online-based students. Follow-up of this activities is carried out by the principal as the leader
evaluation should always coordinate with parties related of the education unit and also as the person in charge
to service providers, in this case, PT. PLN and PT. of the activity. Supervision is carried out at each stage

Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning
Volume 3 Number 2 September 2018. Page 336-341
p-ISSN: 2477-5924 e-ISSN: 2477-8478

of the new student admission process to ensure there be a reference for improvement and subsequent
is no obstacle if there is a problem, coordination is follow-up.
immediately done to find a solution.
5. Evaluation is done to see which stages or parts still REFERENCES
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