Public Policies Are Courses of Action, Sometimes Inaction, Rules and Guidance For Action
Public Policies Are Courses of Action, Sometimes Inaction, Rules and Guidance For Action
Public Policies Are Courses of Action, Sometimes Inaction, Rules and Guidance For Action
1. Public policies are courses of action,
Cunningham - public policy is like an elephant. sometimes inaction, rules and
One readily recognizes it when he or she sees it. guidance for action.
However, one cannot easily define it.
- They are modern government’s quintessential
Office policy- rules on tardiness, union response to the environment (Pal, 1992).
organizing or promotions and incentives.
- They connote a plan, a coherent vision, a
Constitution - mother of all laws in the country. direction and a resolve to take on the job.
-other examples of these policies are specific - Also include intentional withdrawal of
acts of the Congress approved by the President. governmental action, or government willfully
refraining from doing, waiting, or leaving things
Examples of public policies: as they are. These are inactions where
government does other more strategic things
1. Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan
than actively doing particular functions.
known as Philippines 2000
Inactions- government is withdrawing from
2. Privatization of Philippine Airlines, PETRON,
actively doing some of the functions which it has
Manila Hotel
been doing in the past.
3. Water Crisis Act
e.g.: 1) providing womb to tomb services, 2)
4. Deregulation of the airline, oil, letting other sectors (civil society and private
telecommunications and retail industries sector) who can do them better, 3) government’s
privatization thrusts, 4) decentralization or the
5. The liberalization of trade Local Government Code of 1991 authored by
Aquilino Pimentel Jr., 5) the build-operate
6. Announcement of public holidays, etc. transfer, and policy and diplomacy on war.
Power of LGU’s:
3) The Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law 8) It arises from a process over time
(CARL) or R.A. 6657
4) The Generics Drug Act or R.A. 6675
A policy is public:
5) The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards
- if it is authoritatively determined, implemented
for Public Officials and Employees or R.A. 6713
and enforced by governmental institutions
6) R.A. 6735 or and Act Providing for a System
- if it is legitimate, universal and coercive in
of Citizen’s Initiative and Referendum
7) R.A. 7042 or the Foreign Investments Act of
- if it commands obedience as well as
8) The Anti-Plunder Act or R.A. 7080
-if it has a key role of government and also the
9) The Foreign Service Act of 1991 participation of other institutions/sectors
-if it is fore the achievement of societal
improvement, or ideally for the common good of
the public
-stage referred to as problem identification and -at this stage, the bureaucratic influence
redefinition especially the executive) is strongest.
1) Most of power plants were decades old and c) consistent with the privatization thrust of the
were ever well-maintained government, assessing the possibility of private
ventures for power and infrastructure plants,
2) Most plants were dependent on imported oil using the build-operate-transfer scheme
-if the problem is valued as legitimate concern of -assuming that the best choice among
government, it may be set in the agenda of the alternatives is reached, it may need
government as a whole, or of an agency of the legitimization and official adoption by the
government in particular. government in power.
Choices enacted into law or declared as state 3) Policy Statements - formal expressions or
policies on energy and electricity: articulations of public policy e.g., Administrative
Order, Executive Order, or Republic Act
1) servicing areas with power barges
Policy Issue - when an actual or potential
2) fast-tracking release of development funds for course of action by government involves conflict
the construction, repair or rehabilitation of power among segments of the society.
4) Policy Outputs - pertains to tangible
3) enactment of the build-operate-transfer policy manifestations of public policies; they are the
things actually done by government in
4) enactment of the power and energy crisis act
pursuance of policy decisions and statements;
of 1991
they are simply what the government actually
5) re-creation of the Department of Energy, etc. does.
-intent is to produce results in a reliable, - these are the consequences for society,
predictable way to meet the ideas and objectives intended or unintended, that flow from the action
sought by a policy solution. Implementation or inaction by government
occurs over time and is usually the longest and
The Rushefsky’s Model (1990)
most permanent stage in the policy cycle.
- works in a linear fashion. He recognizes
6) Policy monitoring and evaluation
that this pattern may not always be true
- necessary to see if the objectives have been in reality, and that complexities occur at
met. It may also lead to the termination, reform every step of the process.
and change of existing policies.
Rushefsky’s Model stages:
1) Problem Identification
LIMITATIONS - the demand for government action to resolve a
problem or take advantage of an opportunity is
Anderson’s Model
verbalized by affected groups or individuals or
- developed in 1975 and modified in 1978 those who have a stake in the policy issue or
and again in 1984, is appealing in that it concern.
reflects transformations themselves.
- attempts to get government to see that a policy
Anderson in 1975: problem or opportunity exists are ventured into
by affected or interested parties at this stage.
1) Policy Demand - claims made upon public
officials by other actors, private or official, in the Notable distinctions of problems according
political system for action or inaction of some to Rushefsky:
perceived problem.
1) Private problem - limited in effect to one or
2) Policy Decision - decision by public officials few persons directly involved
that authorizes or gives direction and content to
2) Public problem - has broad effects, including
public policy actions.
consequences for persons not directly involved
3) Policy problem - situation that produces 5) personal interest of legislators
needs or dissatisfactions on the part of the
people for which public relief or redress is being 6) pressures of public opinion or public outcry
7) statistics and indicators
2) Agenda Building
3) Policy Formulation
- items are built into the agenda of government,
- stage where a policy, plan, program or project
so that policy makers are expected to discuss
to remedy the problem is developed; the stage
and seriously consider them, later.
for real and conceptual problem solving.
Policy Agenda- demands that policy makers
4) Policy Adoption
make choose or feel compelled to act upon, they
consist of the sum of all issues judged to require - acceptance by some person or group that has
public intervention. power or authority to make decisions or referred
to her/him/them.
Agenda Formation Process - course wherein
private problems are transformed into public 5) Budgeting
problem, which in turn become a policy issue,
and later built into the agenda of government, - multifaceted process of providing funds to an
either systematically or institutionally. adopted preferred solution to a problem.
- it also espouses more participation by citizens 3) The judiciary branch - more in arbitration of
and other institutions of democracy, as well as constitutional concerns, its involvement is more
their advocacy role for change and reform in the on policy legitimization but can also immerse in
society. policy adoption and review.
THE PHILIPPINE POLICY MAKING PROCESS The Cabinet - composed of all the heads of
departments and those occupying the rank of
Institutions involved in policy making secretary, in the executive branch. Headed by
process: the President, who is the prime initiator and
implementor of policies and programs in the
1) Bicameral legislative body
2) Senate and the House of Representatives
The NEDA Board - like the mini-cabinet or the
3) The Executive branch midicluster. Its chair is also the President of the
Republic. The vice-chair is the Director-General
4) The Judiciary of the NEDA Secretariat.
4) The committees and the procedures for - also aims to provide a mechanism for
enacting laws consensus building and serve as a
consultative and advisory body to the
• By levels of government, LGU’s pattern their President.
system of decision and policy making with that
of national government. However, other LGU’s How a Bill Becomes a Law:
may differ from the latter’s system minimally or
1) Labeled H or S and assigned a number
2) First Reading
• At the LGU level, the executive branch is
represented by the local executive (governor or - Reading of title/author
mayor) and his offices. The legislative is in the
Saggunians or local councils headed by the vice - Committee studies and recommends, if action
governor or vice-mayor. The judiciary is is favorable, the report is submitted through the
Committee on Rules. If unfavorable, the bill is
laid on the table and the author/s are informed
3) Second Reading
-Floor discussion/debates
-Period of amendments
4) Third reading
5) Presidential Action
If vetoed:
Screw-driver syndrome - being blinded by 3) Diversity - the methods employed are not
one’s expertise and background without much limited to a narrow range of quantitative
regard to the contribution of other disciplines. methods
Harold Lasswell - modern day father of policy The Plant and Its Branches
science in America.
1) Synoptic Tradition - considers system
Lasswell’s grand vision: analysis as metatheory; statistical empiricism as
methodology; optimization of values and
- a theoretically oriented multi-discipline efficiency as a deciding criterion; and policy as a
- concerned with the fundamental problems of
man - associated with the orientation of looking at the
forest in its entirety.
- is global in perspective
- generalist in orientation.
- emphasizes historical context of policy
- details are glossed over.
- stresses the study of change (diffusion,
invention, and revolution) 2) Anti-synoptic Tradition - advocates
pluralism as metatheory, contextual and case
- he thought of it as a policy science of
analysis as methodology, social rationality as a
democracy serving democratic values, academic
deciding factor, and policy as an art and craft.
theory building, and governmental needs.
- views particular specie of flora and fauna in the
Lasswell defined policy sciences as the
disciplines concerned with explaining policy
making and policy executing processes, and - is more specialist.
with locating data and providing interpretations
which are relevant to policy problems of a given - particular concern is on specific areas were
period. problems exist.
- to him, the policy frame of reference 3) Neo-Pluralist Reaction - the goal of policy
makes it necessary to take into account science.
- the goal is not vaguely toward developing a - conducting inductive rather than deductive data
policy science of democracy. analyses
- geared towards preparing a cadre of - reporting in case study modes than in scientific
professional experts with sophisticated or technical reports
quantitative methodological and analytical skills,
who can provide supportive researches to policy - criteria based on credibility, transferability,
makers. dependability, and confirmability
- aims to increase the number of reforms options - inquires how policies are formulated and
open to decision makers and enhance the legitimized.
probability of attaining their specified goals.
- a field committed to broadening, rather than
- design science will remove apparent conflicts narrowing the theories, issues, processes
between getting things done and being examined in government and society.
- it is problem oriented, contextual, eclectic, and
- enable quantification of diversity as well as process sensitive.
equilibrium, disorder as well as order, human
Policy Science is Policy Analysis
laws as well as natural laws.
- involves the description, analysis and
6) Naturalistic Inquiry - focuses on natural than
explanation of the causes and consequences of
experimental setting to comprehend a reality
government activity.
that is constructed, multiple, holistic, and
sometimes existing essentially only in the minds - it is concerned with how to make public
of the individual. decisions rigorously and analytically on the basis
of systematic quantitative evidence.
- using humans rather than survey instruments
- finding out what governments do, why they do
- using intuitive, felt tacit knowledge
it, and what difference does it makes.
- using qualitative rather than quantitative
Tripartite divisions between types of inquiry - political science are paying more
inaugurated by Aristotle: attention to substantive issues, public
administration gives greater attention to
1) Theoretical - meant to provide knowledge for program management and control and
its own sake the more specialized public policy
programs to quantitative and non-
2) Technical - supplied knowledge needed for
quantitative methods and analyses.
making or artifacts
3) Practical - reserved for insights garnered
through life experiences and through practical Weiner and Vinning (1934) views on the role
conduct preferably in public affairs of policy scientists or analysts:
Ocampo (1978)- Policy science as policy 1) Objective Technicians or neutral
studies researcher
- a call for the active orientation of social - hold analytical integrity as their fundamental
sciences, psychology and other value
disciplines to the solution of policy
issues and problems. - let analysis speak for itself
- refers to the teaching, research and
academic and professional activities - provides objective advice about the
directed at gaining applying knowledge consequences of proposed policies
for the improvement of government
- they realize they do specific research under
severe time constraints and data limitations
Nagel (1987)- Public policy studies
- view their clients as necessary evils
- study of nature, causes and effects of
-they give their clients the most accurate
governmental decisions in dealing with
predictions possible
social problems
-maintain a safe distance from their clients and
Henry (1989) likened public policy to a field
place only second priority to the latter’s political
in a twilight zone with ambivalent evolution
in both the disciplines of political science
(descriptive) and public administration -they prefer institutional clients
-the analysts contribute to the good society by
- policy science is having a sort of identity consistently providing unbiased advice even if it
crisis, it being in the twilight zone. does not
Political Science - deals with content, politics, lead to the selection of personally favored
intellectualized understanding of public issues. policies
1) A temporary fad or stale material - public policy started in the late 70’s
2) Too practical or too theoretical - came about alongside a compelling respect for
science and a felt need for sustained interest,
3) Too multi-disciplinary or too narrowly focused
inquiry and advocacy for reforms in the society
on political science
Technocrats- the leaders of technological
4) Too quantitative or too subjective
politics as policy makers
5) Underutilized or over utilized
- tend to hold advanced academic
6) Too liberal or too conservative degrees and come from or have
connections with recognized academic
SOME AGREEMENTS institutions
- many of them were willing or lured to
Policy Science is being hailed as: work with government by tasks or
reform, structural adjustments and
- a new perspective on political and social
political renewal
• Public policy in the country did not experience
- an interdisciplinary perspective across all fields
the same intensity of debates and
of knowledge
transformation as the field did in the West. It was 2) more graduates and researchers with the
adopted as a technology of policy studies. needed commitment and resolve to help the
nation develop can be produced
• It was never in a twilight zone as Henry (1989)
outlines the field. Here, it is a sub-field of public 3) if more policy makers and administrators
administration, not political science. would recognize the potential of policy analysis
in helping them to formulate and implement
• It draws from the expertise and contributions of better policies for the good of the greater
numerous other disciplines. Filipinos
As an Academic Discipline