Chinese Herbal Formulas: A Clinical Handbook: 2nd Edition
Chinese Herbal Formulas: A Clinical Handbook: 2nd Edition
Chinese Herbal Formulas: A Clinical Handbook: 2nd Edition
A Clinical Handbook
2nd edition
Heiner Fruehauf
haishan press
portland, oregon
Acknowlegements 7
Introduction 9
Organizational Structure 9
Herbal Alchemy: The Basics of
Chinese Herbal Formula Science 10
Classical to Modern Dosage Conversions 14
Cinnamon: Traditional Perspectives
Table of Contents & Formulas 15
Cinnamon (Guizhi): Cinnamoni ramulus 15
Guizhi Tang 18
B Gegen Tang 20
Xiao Qinglong Tang 21
Guizhi Shaoyao Zhimu Tang 23
Xiao Jianzhong Tang 25
Fuling Guizhi Baizhu Gancao Tang
(Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang) 26
Fuling Guizhi Gancao Dazao Tang 28
Guizhi Jia Longgu Muli Tang 29
Danggui Si Ni Tang 30
Wuling San 31
Guizhi Fuling Wan 33
Wumei Wan 34
Aconite: Traditional Perspectives
& Formulas 37
Aconite (Fuzi): Aconiti tuber 37
Si Ni Tang 44
Zhenwu Tang 45
Wen Pi Tang 46
Qianyang Dan 47
Bupleurum: Traditional Perspectives
& Formulas 49
Bupleurum (Chaihu): Bupleuri radix 49
Xiao Chaihu Tang 51
Chaihu Guizhi Tang 53
Da Chaihu Tang 54
Si Ni San 56
Chaihu Jia Longgu Muli Tang 57
Chaihu Guizhi Ganjiang Tang 59
Xiaoyao San 60
Longdan Xiegan Tang 62
Chai Ge Jieji Tang 64
Chaihu Shugan San 66
4 Chinese Herbal Formulas: A Clinical Handbook (2nd Edition) · Heiner Fruehauf
4 8
Rhubarb: Traditional Perspectives Pinellia: Traditional Perspectives
& Formulas 67 & Formulas 105
Rhubarb (Dahuang): Rhei rhizoma 67 Pinellia (Banxia): Pinelliae tuber 105
Xiao Chengqi Tang 69 Xuanfu Daizhe Tang 107
Da Chengqi Tang 70 Banxia Xiexin Tang 108
Dahuang Mudanpi Tang 71 Banxia Houpo Tang 110
Yinchenhao Tang 72 Wen Dan Tang 110
Shaoyao Tang 74 Huoxiang Zhengqi San 113
Wu Ji San 115
12 16
Forsythia: Traditional Perspectives Mini Formulas that Transform Phlegm,
& Formulas 167 Damp & Masses
Forysythia: Forsythiae Fructus 167 (for formula modifcation) 211
Yinqiao San 168 Erzhi Wan 211
Sang Ju Yin 170 Pingwei San 222
Suzi Lihou Tang 171 Er Chen Tang 224
Gualou Xiebai Banxia Tang 225
13 Weijing Tang 227
Other Formula Categories: Dai Ge San 228
Traditional Perspectives & Formulas 173 Sanzi Yangqin Tang 228
Zhi Zhu Wan 229
Ephedra: Traditional Perspectives 173
Er Miao San 230
Hoelen/Poria: Traditional Perspectives
& Formulas 175
Suanzaoren Tang 177 Index: English 231
Atractylodes: Traditional Perspectives 178 Index: Pinyin 234
Gu: History, Clinical Perspectives
& Representative Formulas 181
Driving Out Demons & Snakes:
Gu Syndrome, A Forgotten Clinical
Approach to Chronic Parasitism 181
Treating Chronic Inflammatory Disease with
Chinese Herbs: An Interview on the Practical
Application of Gu Syndrome 190
Organizational Structure
B If you leaf through this volume, or even just peruse the
index, you will notice that it is organized differently from
most formulas textbooks. The prescriptions are listed by
herb families, instead of the more common method of
categorizing according to the “eight strategies” (bafa).
What is the advantage of discussing formulas according
to single herb categories rather than the standard bafa
fang as square. In the cosmic map of China’s most ancient organizational backbone of ancient formula science.
Shang dynasty, the cosmic map of Earth is portrayed in One of the easiest ways to think about the structure of
five quadrants: top, bottom, left, right and center. The a formula, after all, is by determining the hierarchy of
Chinese term for square is thus a synonym for the cardinal herbal ingredients within it.
directions: north, south, east, west and center.
Ancient masters of alchemy compared the structure of a
Ancient medical masters thus viewed a formula as a tightly formula to the organization of an administrative entity.
organized collection of herbs coming together to produce How is a formula like a government?
the power of a specific direction - a formula emulating the
energetic quality of South, for instance. This can be used » Jun 君: Emperor
to enhance a balanced “Southern” state in a patient: warm
The emperor is irreplaceable and the “head of state” of
and luscious, but not too hot and damp.
a formula. If the emperor in a formula is changed, it
becomes a different formula altogether. The emperor
determines the entire direction of the formula and nests
it in one formula family or another. All of the other
members of the formula are working from the basic
functional direction set by the emperor herb. In learning
formulas, fully comprehending the nature of the emperor
will take you a long way in understanding the formula.
The chapters of this book are, in many cases, organized
In a clinical context, it can be very difficult to sift
by emperor herb.
through the vast body of formula knowledge and arrive
at the appropriate prescription for a patient. Novice
practitioners often find themselves paralyzed because the » Chen 臣: Minister
many thousands of possible formula combinations, with The minister is second in power behind the emperor. While
their attendant actions and indications, represent too large you could, in theory, change the minister of a formula and
a field of prospects. The meanings of fang, discussed here, still retain most of the important characteristics of that
help us to understand that we needn’t become paralyzed formula, the full depth of the power of a Classical formula
by the overwhelming amount of details and choices. The involves the function of all of the positions - particularly the
most important thing to do is to get in the right ballpark, or minister. Minister herbs are often used to complement the
in other words, to match the general direction the patient emperor in the major function of the formula. However,
requires. The two boats, moving in the correct direction they may be used to temper the emperor, making the
and working together closely, will get the recovery process formula more tolerable. They might also bring another
on track. major function (especially secondary symptom relief) into
the formula, expanding the scope of the formula.
This does not mean, of course, that very minute course
corrections are not necessary. They are - and sometimes, » Zuo 佐: Assistant
minor adjustments in formulas can make all the
difference. Some types of common formula modifications Assistant herbs are narrower in scope than either emperor
will be discussed at the end of this chapter, and again or minister. An assistant may, like the minister, be similar
at the end of the book. The most important thing for a in character to the emperor, thus increasing the strength
formula student to remember, however, is to focus on the of its major functions. Sometimes an assistant may address
directionality of the formula and to be certain that the a secondary or tertiary complaint not already addressed by
prescription is situated in the right ballpark. the emperor and minister. The assistant can also restrain
the intensity of both emperor and minister, lessening
B side effects and improving patient outcomes. While the
assistant herbs may seem to be less potent members of a
Order in Herbal Formulas and the Organizational formula, it is important not to minimize their role. The
Principle of Jun, Chen, Zuo, Shi emperor and minister herbs alone, in most cases, do not
create the kind of elegant formulas that characterize the
Classical formulas exhibit an inherent structure that highest practice of Chinese medicine. Assistants help the
is dictated by their intended effects. While many of us formulas to have a wider scope and more potent effect,
may have difficulty understanding this structure at first, while avoiding alchemical instability and uncomfortable
with study and practice it will become evident as the side effects.
Cinnamon Twig (Guizhi):
Ramulus cinnamomi
1) Cinnamon twig primarily enters the muscle layer at
the surface of the body. At the same time, it enters the
heart and liver channels. It is the branch of the cassia
tree which also yields cinnamon bark. Cinnamon twig is
light, its nourishing essence is pungent, and its color is red
(therefore its affinity to the heart).
cannot attend to (holding) the ying (in place); the ying “spitting breath,” an ancient term for asthma, and thought
qi is weak, and the fluids and humors thus not secured that by removing cinnamon, the formula would not be
properly; therefore, the patient experiences symptoms of able to treat this problem anymore. Since many physicians
sweating, fever, and aversion to wind. This condition is nowadays fail to read the Herbal Classic, they only know
best treated with Cinnamon Combination (Guizhi Tang), that ephedra can drain the lung and calm asthma, but are
since this remedy contains peony to enter the ying and unaware of the fact that cinnamon can descend qi and
astringe the yin inside, and cinnamon to enter the wei and calm asthma.
eliminate the pathogens outside. In this way, the sweat will
stop naturally. This does not mean that cinnamon closes The cassia flowers blossom in mid-autumn, demonstrating
the sweat pores directly. In other words, if you just say that the plant’s functional nature becomes activated
that cinnamon induces sweat and controls sweat without as soon as it receives metal qi. At the same time, the
understanding why and under what conditions, you will nourishing essence of cinnamon is pungent, another
miss the meaning of cinnamon by far. indication that links it to metal. Cinnamon, therefore, is
able to keep the upflaring tendency of liver wood in check.
[from Huang Gongxiu, Bencao qiuzhen (Exploring the Also, the branches of the cassia tree grow in the form of
True Meaning of the Materia Medica), 1769] a deer antler (tree forms are generally differentiated into
deer antler form and crab claw form), going straight up
B without bending. Therefore, cinnamon twigs can regulate
the straightforward quality of the liver, and moderate its
2) The nourishing essence of cinnamon is pungent and
tendency to become bogged down and depressed.
slightly sweet, and its functional nature is warming.
It opens up the energy pathways, raises the ancestral qi
Since its essence is sweet, it is also a good herb to harmonize
upwards, descends counterflow of qi (such as flushing up,
the spleen and the stomach, causing collapsed spleen qi to
or liver qi flushing up), and disperses pernicious qi (as in
rise and rebellious stomach qi to descend. Once the spleen
wind cold situations).
and the stomach are properly regulated and in harmony,
accumulations of phlegm or stagnating food will naturally
Zhang Zhongjing’s Atractylodes and Hoelen Combination
disappear. Its circulating powers can also entice the force of
(Ling Gui Zhu Gan Tang) employs cinnamon to treat
the triple warmer to enter the bladder and thus disinhibit
shortness of breath, utilizing the herb’s ascending
urination (do not use cinnamon, however, if there is
properties. His Cinnamon Plus Cinnamon Combination
inhibited urination that is due to heat; you may, as some
(Guizhi Jia Gui Tang) employs cinnamon to treat
doctors do, use a little bit of cinnamon in combination
running piglet syndrome, utilizing the herb’s descending
with cooling herbs, in order to entice the herbal effects
properties. And his Ma-huang Combination (Mahuang
into the bladder). The only situation where cinnamon
Tang), Cinnamon Combination (Guizhi Tang), and
should be thoroughly avoided is heat in the upper burner,
Minor Blue Dragon Combination (Xiao Qinglong Tang)
or patients who regularly suffer from bleeding disorders.
all use cinnamon to treat external cold affliction, utilizing
the herb’s dispersing properties.
I should emphasize that cinnamon twig is not a sweat
inducing herb, just as it is not a sweat astringing herb. Its
Defining the properties of cinnamon twig, Shen Nong’s
circulating and surface dispersing force spirals in between
Herbal Classic states at the very beginning that cinnamon
the surface and the interior: it can thus harmonize ying
treats coughing and upward counterflow of qi, a fact
and wei, warm the flesh and the muscles, and invigorate
that seems to underscore once more that it is really the
movement within the blood vessels. It is due to these
descending quality of cinnamon that is its specialty.
actions, then, that wind cold resolves and surface paralysis
However, rarely do we find that one of the other materia
opens up.
medicas emphasizes this descending quality. This came
to foster a use of cinnamon which neglected its most
The essence of cinnamon is both pungent and sweet: the
outstanding feature.
pungent flavor disperses, the sweet flavor tonifies. The
function of cinnamon, therefore, is somewhere in between
Another example illustrating this point is the fact that in
dispersing and tonifying. Let’s say that somebody wants to
the context of Minor Blue Dragon Combination, ephedra
take Cinnamon Combination for the purpose of inducing
and cinnamon are used side by side. For patients suffering
sweat, the source book suggests that s/he must take some
from asthmatic breathing, the original source suggests
hot porridge along with it. This addendum illustrates that
to remove ephedra and add apricot seed, but not to
Cinnamon Combination by itself does not have a strong
remove cinnamon. The formula’s author had apparently
sweat inducing effect. On the other hand, if somebody
considered the Herbal Classic line that cinnamon treats
Cinnamon: Traditional Perspectives & Formulas 21
Modern Modifications: For weak constitution, atypically deep pulse, cold/flu accompanied by sweat, remove or decrease
Mahuang (this will produce Guizhi Jia Gegen Tang); for nausea, add Banxia; for recurrent surface tension, add Xiao
Chaihu Tang (this will produce Chaihu Guizhi Tang with Mahuang and Gegen added); for sinus congestion, may add
Xinyinhua and Chuanxiong; for sinus congestion with secretion of yellow phlegm, heavily add Gualou; for early stage
of rheumatoid arthritis, add Yiyiren, Danggui, Baishao, and Baizhu (this will produce Yiyiren Tang with (Sheng) Jiang,
Dazao, and Gegen added); for back and leg pain, add Duhuo and (Sheng) Dihuang.
Xiao Qinglong Tang
Minor Blue-Green Dragon Decoction
Source: On Cold Damage (Shanghan lun)
X iao Qinglong Tang first appeared in the classic formula compendium, Shanghan lun. It is a famous modification of both
Guizhi Tang and Mahuang Tang, specifically designed for lung congestion with clear phlegm in the yang deficient
patient. The Blue-Green Dragon is a stellar confirmation in the eastern sky, which is associated with spring and wind.
Spring is a period of frequent wind afflictions (such as colds and allergies). Also, it is the time when a developing yang
(warmth, light) gains superiority over a gradually diminishing yin (cold, darkness). If the human body cannot hold step
with this decisive move in nature, symptoms of pathological yin (phlegm) will appear and cause chills, water stagnation,
and coughing. The dragon, moreover, is the symbolic governor of water. Nature’s water metabolism has always been the
key to health and prosperity in agriculture based societies. According to traditional lore, the large dragon can dance in the
clouds and entice rain if there is not enough water, and the small dragon can submerge itself in the waves if there is too
much water. Major Blue Dragon Tang, therefore, is mostly used to induce sweat (“not enough water”) in patients with a
strong constitution, while Xiao Qinglong Tang is generally prescribed to remove stagnating fluids and phlegm (“too much
water”) in patients with a weak constitution. In modern Japan, this formula has become one of the prime remedies to
treat lung problems in children as well as allergic sinus problems characterized by profuse nasal discharge. In the original
Shanghan lun version, no prominent use of Banxia is recorded. In modern clinical practice, a daily dose usually consists of
10g of each of the herbs, but Wuweizi and Xixin are often used in more moderate amounts (3-6g).
Therapeutic Principles: Relieve the surface and disperse cold, warm the lung and transform phlegm, control coughing,
asthma, and allergic sinus reactions
Typical Symptoms: Chills, possibly accompanied by fever, but without sweat; profuse production of clear, runny, or
sometimes foamy phlegm by the lungs and/or sinuses; runny eyes; cold feeling in upper back; coughing and/or asthmatic
wheezing; gurgling sounds or feeling of stagnation in epigastric region; dry mouth without desire to drink; nausea; stuffy
chest; heavy and painful feeling in body, puffy face and extremities; decreased urination
Pulse: Floating and tight, or floating and weak, or floating and rapid
Western Indications: Colds, flus, upper respiratory tract infections (including acute bronchitis or acute flare-up of chronic
bronchitis, pneumonia), bronchial asthma, allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, hypertrophic rhinitis, whooping cough;
catarrhal ophtalmia, dacryocystitis; pleurisy, hydrothorax; high gastric acidity (only if accompanied by feeling of epigastric
stagnation); eczema, blisters (only if lots of clear secretions); arthritis, acute and chronic nephritis (only if puffy face and
extremities, decreased urination)
22 Chinese Herbal Formulas: A Clinical Handbook (2nd Edition) · Heiner Fruehauf
Si Ni Tang
Frigid Extremities Decoction
Source: On Cold Damage (Shanghan lun)
S i Ni Tang is the representative remedy for Shaoyin disorders in the classical formula manual, Shanghan lun. Traditionally,
it is known as a remedy that is used exclusively for the recapturing of the escaping life force in emergency situations,
such as elderly patients suffering from a heart attack. Due to the extreme toxicity of unprocessed aconite (Fuzi), it would
be important to boil the Fuzi thoroughly with the Ganjiang and Gancao (heat application greatly diminishes the toxin
aconitine in Fuzi) if used according to original specifications. More important for using this remedy in the age of modern
emergency medicine is to learn from the way how the Fire Spirit School of Sichuan herbalism has been using this remedy
for the last 150 years. Zheng Qin’an, the Qing dynasty physician who is regarded as the founder of the Huoshen lineage,
based all remedies for chronic patients requiring warming and at the same time consolidating action on the therapeutic
principle exemplified by Si Ni Tang, labeling it Si Ni Fa—the Si Ni Tang Method.
Typical Symptoms: All shaoyin symptoms; fatigue, cold hands and feet, blue lips; loss of consciousness, or clouded
Western Indications: Heart attack and other life-threatening diseases (acute usage); obvious immune deficiencies in the
elderly (long-term usage, especially in the Fire Spirit School of Chinese herbalism)
Rehmannia (Dihuang): Rehmanniae radix
1) Dry rehmannia–that is the dried, unprocessed fresh
root–primarily enters the kidney, and it also enters the
heart and the spleen. Its nutritive essence is bitter and
sweet, and its functional nature is yin and cold. If we
consult the source book of Dr. Zhang Lu from Changzhou
(Comprehensive Medicine According to Master Zhang, Zhang
Shi Yi Tong), we read the following:
“At its very heart rehmannia is red and thus enters the
heart; inside it is yellow and thus enters the spleen; its skin
is black and thus enters the kidney. The nutritive essence
of rehmannia is strong, while its functional qi is weak.
Internally, it mostly cools the blood and enriches yin,
while externally it moistens the skin and promotes a glossy
appearance. The use of rehmannia is indicated in situations
when the patient is deficient and exhibits signs of heat
(if there are no heat signs, cooked rehmannia should be
used). Just as Dai Yuanli once stated: ‘In situations where
the yin is feeble and the yang exuberant, the ministerial
fire is generally flaring beyond its boundaries and invades
yin territory. There, it keeps steaming the yin, causing a
symptom complex of yin deficiency and fire flare-up. For
this type of disorder, one should use rehmannia to enrich
the yin and control upflaring yang.’
to this prescription, it is called Gather Spirit Gelatin filial people who conceal their mischief inside, but who
(Jiling Gao), a remedy that treats deficiency emaciation always wear a friendly face on the outside. All of those
accompanied by coughing and chronic fatigue (stabilizing famous scholars say that rehmannia is a prime herb to
all organ networks simultaneously). enrich yin and a magic remedy to control bleeding. Even
though rehmannia is often used this way, this is not
In simplified terms, the general principle for the use of what it is indicated for. It should really be used to gently
rehmannia is the following: males tend to be yin deficient, clear exuberant qi, and after intake it will bring about
and thus should take cooked rehmannia; females tend temporary peace.
to easily develop conditions of blood heat, and thus
should take raw rehmannia. Never forget, however, to This is quite different from the functional nature of
differentiate this usage according to the constitution of the ginseng, a yang and bright herb which is like a gentleman
individual patient! in nature: too much of it, and you will definitely notice it
(yang herbs are usually more intense than the disease that
Yu Bo once said: ‘Raw rehmannia cools the blood, but in is being addressed; so, if you use them inappropriately, you
patients with weak stomach qi it may cause symptoms of will know about it right away). This is precisely the reason
poor appetite. Cooked rehmannia tonifies the blood, but why many masters have a tendency to put their hands up
in patients with lots of phlegm-rheum it may gum up the their sleeves when it comes to the use of yang herbs like
diaphragm.’ Although these two potential complications ginseng–they are afraid of using it, just like most patients
are actually very, very important, contemporary doctors are sealing their mouths in fear of trying it. They rather
rarely bother to heed this principle in clinical practice. use the meekest and most yin of herbs, rehmannia and
ophiopogon, the affect of which the patient will not feel
Some people say that if raw rehmannia is fried in alcohol, until death occurs (when somebody gets killed due to the
then its appetite inhibiting affect will be neutralized, or affect of yin herbs, most people do not notice the cause and
that if cooked rehmannia is processed with ginger, then affect relationship; that is why most everybody likes to use
it will not gum up the diaphragm. But no matter what, yin substances).”
we should only use rehmannia after we have obtained a
detailed understanding of the varying degrees in which This discussion by Zhang Lu underscores the fact that if
source qi and pernicious qi are involved. For instance, the patient’s condition is not clearly understood, the use of
if we encounter a post-partum patient who suffers from rehmannia may bring about calamity. Where has such a
a pronounced aversion to food, diarrhea, pain caused thorough understanding of herbal usage been presented
by coagulations in the lower abdomen, taxation fatigue, before?
a constitutionally weak spleen/stomach manifesting in
chronically loose stools, profuse phlegm in the chest [from Huang Gongxiu, Bencao qiuzhen (Exploring the
and epigastric region, signs of inhibited respiration, True Meaning of the Materia Medica), 1769]
and symptoms that indicate an obstruction of the body’s
ascending/descending actions, one should definitely stay B
away from rehmannia.
2) The functional nature of fresh rehmannia is cold. Its
nutritive essence is slightly bitter and slightly sweet. It is
In post-partum situations, rehmannia primarily cools
an excellent substance to clear heat, cool blood, transform
blood and moistens dryness. If a patient’s source qi is
static blood, generate new blood, and treat blood ejection,
exhausted, and she suffers from [bowel] obstruction and
nosebleed, blood in the stool or urine, or other conditions
accumulation due to heat pathogens accompanied by a
that are due to blood heat causing rampant blood
dry and scorched black tongue, constipation and inhibited
movement. Rehmannia contains iron, and that is why it
urination, then this is a situation where the purgative
turns black as soon as it is dried or steamed. Its iron content
method is contraindicated. The best method to resolve
is also partly responsible for the affect of generating and
constipation in this particular circumstance is to add some
cooling blood.
rehmannia to a combination of heat clearing materials,
because a) rehmannia moistens dryness, and b) this patient
Dry rehmannia (called raw rehmannia in contemporary
does not exhibit signs of excess moisture involvement.
herb shops) refers to the fresh herb after it has been dried
under the sun. Its functional nature is cool but not cold. It
In Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic, rehmannia is categorized
boosts the vessels, generates jing and marrow, brightens
as a superior medicinal substance. Actually, its functional
the eyes and clears the ears, and treats bone steaming and
nature is yin and gentle, so rehmannia is really a kind
other forms of taxation heat, as well as kidney deficiency
of impostor! It can be compared to all those oh-so-
engendering heat symptoms.
Agastache Powder to Rectify the Qi 113
All Inclusive Great Tonifying Decoction 95
Angelica Decoction to Construct the Middle 146
Angelica & Peony Powder 140
Angelica Powder 139
Banxia Decoction to Drain the Epigastrium;
Banxia Purge the Heart Decoction 108
Bupleurum and Cinnamon Twig Decoction 53
Bupleurum and Kudzu Relieve the Muscle Layer
Decoction 64
Bupleurum, Cinnamon Twig, and Ginger
Decoction 59
Bupleurum plus Dragon Bone and Oyster Shell
Decoction 57
Bupleurum Powder to Spread the Liver 66
Calm the Stomach Powder 222
Capillaris Decoction 72
Cinnamon Twig and Poria Pill 33
Cinnamon Twig Decoction 18
Cinnamon Twig Decoction plus Dragon Bone
and Oyster Shell 29
Cinnamon Twig, Peony and Anemarrhena
Decoction 23
Cool the Diaphragm Powder 86
Coptis Decoction to Relieve Toxicity 81
Danggui Decoction for Frigid Extremities 30
Drain the Epigastrum Decoction 79
Drive Out Stasis in the Mansion of Blood
Decoction 142