Fungal Biofertilizers in Indian Agriculture: Perception, Demand and Promotion
Fungal Biofertilizers in Indian Agriculture: Perception, Demand and Promotion
Fungal Biofertilizers in Indian Agriculture: Perception, Demand and Promotion
Since the beginning of the “Green Revolution” in the Bio-fertilizers include selective organisms, like bacteria, fungi
late sixties, which focused on food crop productivity, through and algae. These organisms are capable of fixing atmospheric
high-yielding varieties, agrochemicals, irrigation system and nitrogen and solublization of native and added nutrients in
chemical fertilizers were extensively used throughout India. the soil and convert them into available forms to plants. They
Fertilizer was alone contributing as much as 50 per cent of are ecofriendly, cost effective and renewable source of plant
the yield growth. In fact, India is the world’s largest user of nutrients. The biofertilizer organisms can play a vital role in
chemical fertilizers, consuming each year around 16 per cent maintaining long term soil fertility and sustainability
of the world’s N consumption, 19 per cent of phosphatic (Mishra et al. 2015). The bio-fertilizers are important to ensure
and 15 per cent of potassic nutrients of the global total a healthy future for the generations to come. Long term use
(Anonymous, 2008). Total fertilizer consumption in the of bio-fertilizers is economical, eco-friendly, more efficient,
country was 28.3 million tonnes upto 2010-11. Importance productive and accessible to marginal and small farmers
of fertilizers in yield improvement, which is essential for over chemical fertilizers.
achieving increased agricultural production, will further
increase because there is little scope for bringing more area What is biofertilizer?
under cultivation and majority of Indian soils are deficient
Biofertilizers are environment friendly, non-bulky, low
in many macro and micro-nutrients (Fertiliser Association
cost, renewable sources of plant nutrients which supplement
of India ,2011). The emphasis on chemical fertilizers, which
chemical fertilizers and play an important role in improving
sometimes led to injudicious application, has meant that the
nutrient supplies and their crop availability in the years to
soil be regarded as an inert substrate for plant roots, instead
come. Biofertilizer is a ready-to-use live formulation of such
of a living biosphere, the rhizosphere, containing a myriad
beneficial microorganisms, which on application to seed,
of organisms. It is now realized that in agricultural lands
root or soil, mobilize the availability of nutrients by their
under intensive monoculture system, including rice, which
biological activity. These are nothing but selected strains of
receives heavy application of chemical fertilizers alone,
beneficial soil microorganisms cultured in the laboratory and
productivity slowly declining and environmental quality
packed in a suitable carrier, which can be used either for
deteriorating (Rakshit et al. 2015). In the light of these
seed treatment or soil application. Biofertilizers generate plant
problems, the use of organic fertilizers, biofertilizers and
nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorous through their
other microbial products are crucial to make the agriculture
activities in the soil or rhizosphere and make available to
industry a viable component of a healthy and pleasant
plants in a gradual manner. Biofertilizers are gaining
momentum recently due to its availability to maintain soil
health, minimize environmental pollution and cut down the
Exploring biofertiliser-the only option use of chemicals in agriculture. In rainfed agriculture, these
Biofertilizers have important role to play in improving inputs gain added importance in view of their low cost, as
the nutrient supplies and their availability in crop most of the farmers are small and marginal and can not afford
husbandry. Use of biofertilizers in crop production is another expensive chemical fertilizers (Bisen et al. 2015). Biofertilizers
factor to help in build up of soil biological properties under are also ideal input for reducing the cost of cultivation and
organic farming, besides other organic manure applications. for practising organic farming.
Sumita Pal, H. B. Singh, Alvina Farooqui and Amitava Rakshit
Types of biofertilizer yield and resistance against biotic and abiotic stresses.
Biofertilizers comprise microbial inocula or Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi form mutualistic symbioses
assemblages of living microorganisms, which exert direct or with many tree species (Anderson and Cairney, 2007). ECM
indirect benefits on plant growth and crop yield through fungi help the growth and development of trees because the
different mechanisms. These microorganisms are able to fix roots colonized with ectomycorrhiza are able to absorb and
atmospheric nitrogen or solubilize phosphorus, decompose accumulate nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium
organic material, or oxidize sulphur in the soil properties more rapidly and over a longer period than nonmycorrhizal
that are beneficial to agricultural production in terms of roots. ECM fungi help to break down the complex minerals
nutrient supply. One type of biofertilizer are the arbuscular and organic substances in the soil and transfer nutrients to
mycorrhizal fungi, which are probably the most abundant the tree. ECM fungi also appear to increase the tolerance of
fungi in agricultural soil. The inocula improve crop yield trees to drought, high soil temperatures, soil toxins and
because of increased availability or uptake or absorption of extremes of soil pH. ECM fungi can also protect roots of tree
nutrients, stimulation of plant growth by hormone action or from biotic stresses.The most commonly widespread
antibiosis and by decomposition of organic residues. The ectomycorrhizal product is inoculum of Pisolithus tinctorius
following types of biofertilizers are available to the farmers (Schwartz et al. 2006) with a wide host range and their
in India: inoculum can be produced and applied as vegetative
mycelium in a peat or clay carrier. Piriformospora indica is
Nitrogen fixing biofertilizers (Rhizobium, another ECM fungus used as a biofertilizer with multifaceted
Bradyrhizobium, Azospirillum and Azotobacter). traits of plant growth promotion, tolerance to both abiotic
and biotic stresses and increased biomass (Tejesvi et al. 2010).
Phosphorous solubilising biofertilizers or PSB (Bacillus, Endomycorrhizae from mutually symbiotic relationships
Pseudomonas, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, between fungi and plant roots, where plant roots provide
Trichoderma, Mucor, Ovularopsis, Tritirachium and carbohydrate for the fungi and the fungi transfer nutrients
Candida). and water to the plant roots (Adholeya et al., 2005). The
agriculturally produced crop plants that form
Phosphate mobilizing biofertilizers (Mycorrhiza).
endomycorrhizae of the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza
Plant growth promoting biofertilizers (Pseudomonas). type are now called arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Raja,
2006). AM fungi belong to nine genera: Acaulospora,
Enriched compost biofertilizers = Cellulolytic fungal Archaeospora, Enterophospora, Gerdemannia, Geosiphon,
cultures (Chaetomium bostrychodes, C. olivaceum, Gigaspora, Glomus, Paraglomus and Scutellospora. AM fungi
Humicola fuscoatra, Aspergillus flavus, A. nidulans, A. are a widespread group and are found from the arctic to
niger, A. ochraceus, Fusarium solani and F. oxysporum). tropics and are present in most agricultural and natural
ecosystems. Arbuscular mycorrhiza are prominent P
Fungal biofertilizer mobilizers, which facilitate mobilization of soluble
Fungal biofertilizers comprise fungal inocula either phosphorus from distant places in soil, where plant roots
alone or in combination, exerting direct or indirect benefits cannot reach and thus increase availability of P to plants.
on plant growth and crop yield through different Since mycorrhizal fungi are more efficient in the uptake of
mechanisms. Selected fungal species, used as biofertilizers specific nutrients like P, Ca, Zn, S, N, B and resistant against
are mentioned in Table 1. soil-borne pathogens, interest in using these fungi as
biofertilizers is increasing as they play an important role in
Mycorrhiza is a distinct morphological structure, which plant growth, health and productivity.
form mutualistic symbiotic relationships with plant roots of
more than 80 per cent of plants including many important Other fungal biofertilizers, which have been used to
crops and forest tree species (Rai et al. 2013). Plants which improve plant growth by enhancing phosphorus absorption
suffer from nutrient scarcity, especially P , N, Zn, Cu, Fe, S in plants are phosphate solubilizing microorganisms. The
and B develop mycorrhiza, i.e., the plants belong to different commonly widespread fungi are Penicillium, Aspergillus,
groups such as herbs, shrubs, trees, aquatic, xerophytes, Chaetomium and Trichoderma species. There are a number of
epiphytes, hydrophytes or terrestrial ones (Zhu et al. 2008). biofertilizers available in the market (Table 2). However
In recent years, use of artificially produced inoculum of two applications are based on their ability to supply and mobilize
dominant types of mycorrhizal fungi has increased its plant nutrients, control plant diseases and promote plant
significance due to its multifarous role in plant growth and growth and development.
Table 2 contd...
Formulation Biofertilizers are the natural way to get the benefits of synthetic
There are a wide variety of formulation types, both fertilizers without risking the quality of soil health and crop
liquid and solid in biofertilizers. The main types, currently products. Biofertilizers are known to play a number of vital
used for organisms, have been classified into dry products roles in soil fertility, crop productivity and production in
(dusts, granules and briquettes) and suspension (water- agriculture as they are eco-friendly but can not replace
based and emulsions). Dusts particle size ranged from 5-20 chemical fertilizers, which are indispensable for getting
mm and contain <10% of an organism by weight. Granules maximum crop yields. Biofertilizers can increase the crop
are discrete masses, 5-10 mm3 in size. Pellets are >10mm3 yield by 20 to 30 per cent. In addition, biofertilizers are cost
and briquettes has large blocks up to several cubic effective, when compared to synthetic fertilizers. Some of the
centimeters. These products contain an inert carrier like important functions or roles of biofertilizers in agriculture
charcoal, lignite, clay minerals (vermiculite, bentonite), are:
starch polymers, dry fertilizers and ground plant residues. Phosphate mobilizing or phosphorus solubilizing
Choice of carrier depends on absorption, hardness, bulk biofertilizers / microorganisms (bacteria, fungi,
density and product disintegration rate in water. The product mycorrhiza etc.) converts insoluble soil phosphate into
can be coated with various materials to slow and control the soluble forms by secreting several organic acids and
rate of release, which also depends on unit size. Presently, under optimum conditions, can solubilize / mobilize
biofertilizers are prepared as carrier based formulations and about 30-50 kg P2O5/ha and crop yield may increase
lignite is the most widely used carrier material. In the solid by 10 to 20 per cent.
based bio-fertilizers, the microorganisms have a shelf life of
Mycorrhiza or arbuscular mycorrhiza, when used as
only six months. They are not tolerant to UV rays and
biofertilizer enhance uptake of P, Zn, S and water,
temperatures more than 30o C. The population density of
leading to uniform crop growth and increased yield
these microbes is only 108 CFU/ml at the time of production.
and also enhance resistance to root diseases and
This count reduces with time. In the 4th month it reduced to
improve hardiness of transplant stock (Pal et al. 2014).
106 CFU /ml and at the end of 6th month the count is almost
nil. Again the improper sterilization of carrier material and Liberate growth promoting substances and vitamins
handling such as mixing the organism with carrier and and help to maintain soil fertility.
packing serve as source of contaminations. Because of this, Act as antagonists and suppress the incidence of soil
the inoculant packet could not hold desired biofertilizer borne plant pathogens and thus, help in the bio-control
organism for longer time period and were not found effective of diseases.
and did not become popular among the farmers. Further, the Plays important role in the recycling of plant nutrients.
quality of the biofertilizer gets deteriorated. Because of these
Supplement chemical fertilizers for meeting the
reasons, biofertilizer application could not be able to give
integrated nutrient demand of the crops.
viable results in the field. Hence, the liquid formulation of
organisms with a count of 109 CFU/ml (Azospirillum and Renewable source of nutrients.
Phosphobacteria) was developed to avoid drawbacks of Sustain soil health.
biofertilizer and to increase the quality and shelf-life of Supplement chemical fertilizers.
bioinoculants. Preservatives were added with the microbial Replace 25-30 per cent chemical fertilizers.
cultures and packed in quality bottles. The shelf life of the
microbes in these liquid bio-fertilizers is about 2 years. They Increase the grain yields by 10-40 per cent.
are tolerant to high temperatures and ultra violet radiations. Decompose plant residues and stabilize C:N ratio of
As a matter of fact the application of 1 ml of liquid bio- soil.
fertilizers is equivalent to the application of 1 kg of 5 months Improve texture, structure and water holding capacity
old carrier based bio-fertilizers. of soil.
No adverse effect on plant growth and soil fertility.
Advantages of biofertilizer
Stimulates plant growth by secreting growth
As it is well known that synthetic fertilizers are made hormones.
from nonrenewable fossil fuel resources, create nutrient Secrete fungistatic and antibiotic like substances.
imbalance in the soil and often used in excessive amounts.
Soils and plants are becoming dependent on the synthetic Solubilize and mobilize nutrients.
fertilizers, which increases their negative effects. Eco-friendly, non-pollutants and cost effective.
Mode of action light intensity. Slankis (1973) found that at high light
Biofertilizers promote crop growth by several intensity, surplus carbohydrates are formed, which exuded
mechanisms with the primary one varying as per function from roots, this in turn induces the mycorrhizal fungi of soil
of environmental conditions. Although the mechanisms of to infect the roots. At low light intensity, carbohydrates are
commercially available biofertilizers are not always entirely not produced in surplus, therefore, plant roots fail to develop
understood, growth promotion has been identified as the mycorrhizas. Further, some biofertilizers synthesize
result of indirect or direct mechanisms. Indirect plant growth siderophores that can solubilize and sequester nutrient from
promotion may be associated with biological control. soil and provide it to plant cells, thus contributing to the
Conversely, direct growth promotion mechanism may nutrition and development of crops.
provide some compounds essential for crop establishment,
growth and stimulate nutrient uptake. Biofertilizers Biofertilizer production-Indian scenario
solubilize the insoluble forms of phosphates like tricalcium, Biofertilizer concept goes back as early as 300 BC, when
iron and aluminium phosphates into available forms. They our ancestors realized the importance of legume crops
scavenge phosphate from soil layers, produce hormones and bearing nodules. The perspective of biofertilizer came into
anti metabolites, which promote root growth. Biofertilizers existence through discovery of many organisms, capable of
decompose organic matter and help in mineralization in soil. nitrogen fixation, P-solubilization, P- mobilization, potash
The principal mechanism for mineral phosphate solubilization and micronutrient transformation in the soil.
solubilization is the production of organic acids and acid The role of biofertilizers assume special significance because
phosphatases, which play a major role in the mineralization of increased cost of chemical fertilizers and their ill effects
of organic phosphorus in soil. It is generally accepted that on soil health. In India, the first documented production of
the major mechanism of mineral phosphate solubilization, bio-fertilizers in the form of Rhizobium was in the year 1934
is the action of organic acids synthesized by soil by M.R. Madhok (Yadav and Raychaudhuri, 2004), but the
microorganisms. Production of organic acids, result in first commercial production was initiated only in 1956 at
acidification of the microbial cell and its surroundings. The the Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi and
production of organic acid by phosphate solubilizing Agricultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore. In
bacteria has been well documented. Gluconic acid seems to India, the first study on legume Rhizobium symbiosis was
be the most frequent agent of mineral phosphate conducted by N.V. Joshi and the first commercial production
solubilization. Ketogluconic acid is another organic acid started as early as in 1956. However, the Ministry of
identified in strains with phosphate solubilizing ability. Agriculture under the Ninth Plan initiated the real effort to
Strains of Bacillus were found to produce mixtures of lactic, popularize and promote the input with the setting up of the
isovaleric, isobutyric and acetic acids. Other organic acids, National Project on Development and Use of Biofertilizers
such as glycolic, oxalic, malonic and succinic, have also been (NPDB) during 1983-84. Azospirillum and Vesicular-
identified among phosphate solubilizers. Chelating Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) are recent discoveries.
substances and inorganic acids such as sulphideric, nitric, Growth in production remained very slow till the mid sixties
and carbonic acid are considered as other mechanisms for (Tewatia, 2007). During 1965-1990 around 30 bio-fertilizers
phosphate solubilization. However, the effectiveness and production laboratories were set up in the country to meet
their contribution to P release in soils seems to be less than the demand and a lot of schemes, formulated to popularize
organic acid production. In recent years, use of artificially their use in different legume crops. Nineties saw a dramatic
produced inoculum of mycorrhizal fungi has increased its surge in bio-fertilizers industry with adding of new bio-
significance due to their multifarious role in plant growth fertilizers such as Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSBs and VAM
and yield, and resistance against climatic and edaphic (Adholeya, 2012) added to the list and total production jump
stresses, pathogens and pests. The mechanism of symbiosis was observed ten times in between 1989 to 2000
is not fully understood. Mycorrhiza forms an association (Bhattacharya and Dwivedi, 2004). Starting from few tonnes,
with plant roots. It penetrates in the root cortex and spreads production and consumption increased gradually and
around the roots of the plant. As the name indicates, they reached a moderate figure of 28000 MT by 2009-10 (Fertiliser
posses sac like structure called vesicules, which stores Association of India, 2011). Research in the field of microbial
phosphorus as phospholipids. The other structure called fertilizers is in progress in different research institutes of
arbuscule helps bringing the distant nutrients to the India. Several institutes of ICAR are producing commercial
vesicules and root. Bjorkman (1949) postulated the microbial fertilizers. However, further researches and
carbohydrate theory and explained the development of encouragement from the government are needed to isolate
mycorrhiza in soils, deficient in available P and N and high and characterize more salt tolerant microbial strains using
modern biotechnological tools. The government should KRIBHCO produced highest amount followed by IFFCO,
campaign for the utilization of these efficient and economic MFL, NFL and RCF. Due to intensive and continued
fertilizers because instead of considerable efforts by scientists, assistance from Government of India in this regard, overall
majority of the farmers in India are unaware of the use and production of bio-fertilizers in the country continuing with
fruitfulness of these microbial fertilizers. positive growth rate.
microbial density at the time of expiry, expiry period, producers, who have opted for BIS certification and putting
permissible contamination, pH, moisture, microbial strain for BIS certification and putting ISI mark on their
and the carrier. Quality has to be controlled at various stages products.The general parameters of biofertilizer in India are
of production (during mother culture stage, carrier selection, presented in Table 3 and 4.
broth culture stage, mixing of broth and culture, packing
and storage). Inoculant shall be packed in 50-75 micron 1000 Gaps exist between India and some of the leading
density polythine packets and should be marked countries in all areas of biofertilizer production and
prominently the following : application technology. These gaps are important,
particularly in the field of strains, techniques used for
Name of the product sterilization, fermentation and carriers. The effects of these
Name and address of manufacturer are aggravated further by poor quality control maintained
Name of the carrier by most of the producers. Under such circumstances, a
significant increase in the level of penetration and demand
Batch number of biofertilizers is possible only, if these gaps are reduced
Date of manufacturing and strict quality control is maintained. While promotional
Date of expiry efforts are important, but the success of such efforts will
Net mass depend on the availability of biofertilizers of high and
consistent quality. A system by which the quality is
Crop for which intended
monitored by the central and state level authorities must be
Storage instruction (15-30± 0.2°C) devised and enforced.
Countries like India have regulations for inoculant
quality, but neither it is regulated properly nor are the Future trend in fungal bio-fertilizers
existing regulations well enforced. Bureau of India Standards The use of fungi as biofertilizers is not new, a most of
(BIS) has published necessary specifications/standards for these have been developed in the last two decades. There are
different bio-fertilizers. But these specifications are purely numerous reports stating the success in promoting plant
voluntary in nature and are being regulated on firms and growth as biofertilizers. Fungal biofertilizers help to
minimize the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers. This is Ways should be found out by which these fungi can grow in
beneficial since synthetic chemical probably compounds culture and produce inocula. As mentioned above, plate
have detrimental affects on humans and the environment cultivation of these fungi with tissue culture plants may be a
(Sarma et al. 2012; 2014). Fungal biofertilizers are presently solution. Phlebopus portentosus, the black bolete, is
used on a very small scale as compared to chemical purportedly mycorrhizal and forms associations with
compounds. There has been little investment in the research several fruit trees (coffee, mango, and jack fruit). Lumyong et
and development of fungal products because these may have al. (2009) have successfully grown this species on artificial
poor effect in the field. Still there is a wide gap between the media, may be good for in vitro cultivation. This fungus is a
unpublished research carried out in laboratories as perfect target for a biofertilizer since it should enhance tree
compared to development for use in the field (Keswani et al. growth and produce an annual crop of the expensive Black
2014). Future research therefore must develop fungal Bolete, which is a sort of fungus, which demands a good
products, which have significant effect in field applications price. The move towards safe and organic food production
and are stable under storage. Aspects, which need to be with increase biofertilizer use and thus it will result in
considered for the purpose should include: environment and ecosystem safety. Reduction in the use of
inorganic fertilizers is necessary to maintain ecosystem and
Strains of beneficial fungi to be used develop sustainable agriculture. Research and development
They must be reliable and cheap to be produced on the on fungal biofertilizers should therefore emphasize on
large scale improving effective stable strains for promoting plant growth
Strains may not be detrimental to the environment though traditional and molecular techniques.
They must be safe to humans and the environment
Constraints in bio-fertilizer use
Patentability of the formulation to be possible
Despite significant improvement and progress in
Greater communication is needed between researchers
biofertiliser technology over the years, the progress in the
and industry in the early stages of development. Integration
field of its production technology is below satisfaction.
or combination of inocula or combinations with other
Further, there do exist obstacles for biofertilizer use. These
beneficial fungi should be considered as combinations may
are not only technical problems, but also socio-economic and
be more effective than a individual ones. The production of
human resource obstacles. The technical problems can be
fungal biofertilizers should be directed to a new focus that
addressed through a comprehensive programme of basic and
will search for commercial properties through the use of
applied research up to a certain extent. Overcoming the socio-
biotechnologies of the inoculation of fungi. Its benefits should
economic and human resource obstacles, would require an
clearly be demonstrated to the growers, both through
emphasis on education, training and the promotion of
extension and proven field trials to increase the commercial
private-enterprise. The difficulties to expand the use of
interest. Research on other ecological fungi should be
biofertilizer by farmers in India are as follows:
pursued to find out novel biofertilizers, eg., endophytic fungi,
which are symptomless colonizer of plants and some, Difficult handling of biofertilizer
especially grass endophytes are symbionts (Tejesvi et al. 2010) Problems with distribution
could be exploited. Endophytes play an important role in
ecosystem processes such as decomposition and nutrient Low quality of biofertilizer
cycling and thus may be utilized as biofertilzers. Endophytes Can not be stored for longer period
also have beneficial symbiotic relationships with the seeds Lack of demonstration and low visual effect of
and roots of many plants, such as orchids (Zhu et al. 2008) biofertilizer
and could be use to improve orchid seed germination and Low in public relation and technology transfer
orchid growth. Endophytic fungi may also have roles in plant
Low knowledge of farmer on sustainable agriculture
growth and survival by enhancing nutrient uptake and
and environmental effect of biofertilizer
producing growth promoting metabolites such as
gibberellins and auxins (Khan et al. 2012). These endophytes Conclusion
have shown the benefit to host plant, including tolerance to
herbivory, heat, salt, disease, drought and increased below There is a general consensus on the benefit of bio-
and above ground biomass. fertilizers usage particularly for small farmers in the context
of current climate change concerns as a cheap and safe source
The use of mycorrhizal fungi as biofertilizers is often of input for agriculture. The benefits of using fungi as
limited due the fact that they will not grow in artificial culture. biofertilizer, includes decreasing the occurrence of plant
diseases by inhibiting the growth of pathogens, suppressing well as profitability for the small and marginal farmers.
the amount of inocula of pathogens, increasing in uptake of
nutrient from the soil or atmosphere and producing bio-active ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
compounds, hormones and enzymes, which stimulates plant
Senior author is grateful to Department of Science &
growth. Bio-fertilizer usage has been found to reduce
Technology, New Delhi for providing financial assistance
chemical fertilizer usage by about 20 per cent in some cases
through Women Scientist Scheme (SR/WOS-A/LS-17/
and increase the crop production. There are many
2011). Dr. H.B.Singh is thankful to RKVY, Department of
commercial fungal biofertilizers available worldwide. Using
Agriculture, Krishi Bhawan, Lucknow for providing
fungal biofertilizers offer more environmentally friendly
financial support.
alternatives than chemical fertilizers. However, there are
some limitations in using these products. The success can
be affected by environmental conditions, while application
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Manuscript received on 3.9.2014
Manuscript accepted for Publication on 4.1.2015