Biodiversidad de Comunidades Bentonicas Intermareales Rocosas Asociadas A Descargas de Relaves Mineros en El Norte de Chile
Biodiversidad de Comunidades Bentonicas Intermareales Rocosas Asociadas A Descargas de Relaves Mineros en El Norte de Chile
Biodiversidad de Comunidades Bentonicas Intermareales Rocosas Asociadas A Descargas de Relaves Mineros en El Norte de Chile
Departamento de Ecologı́a, Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas,
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Correo Santiago, Chile
Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Santo Tomás, Ejercito 146, Santiago, Chile
Copper mine tailings have been discharged around the city of Chañaral, in northern Chile, for more than 60 years. This report
summarizes a 17-month long monitoring study of species richness and biodiversity at five intertidal sites around the point of the
tailing discharge. Total dissolved copper in sites close to the point of discharge varied between 8.72 lg/l and 34.15 lg/l, showing that
there has not been a significant reduction since 1994. However, species richness has increased, suggesting a possible recovery of the
system. While diversity of sessile organisms correlates negatively with dissolved copper, diversity of mobile invertebrates did not
correlate with the metal concentration. To explain the observed results we discuss the role of algal turf interference on the distribu-
tion of mobile invertebrates at reference sites, a top-down effect caused by the absence of carnivores at impacted sites, and an avoid-
ance strategy by some species to reduce their contact with contaminated seawater.
2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0025-326X/$ - see front matter 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Medina et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (2005) 396–409 397
Since 1978, studies on beach progradation and varia- during the second year of monitoring. Local currents
tions of the intertidal benthic communities around move northward in this part of the coast and, as a re-
Chañaral and Caleta Palito have resulted in more than sult, tailing sediments have accumulated in this site over
14 reports assessing the potential effects of the mine tail- time.
ings (Castilla and Nealler, 1978; Castilla, 1983; Paskoff
and Petiot, 1990; Vermeer and Castilla, 1991; Correa 2.2. Seawater analysis
et al., 1995; Castilla, 1996; Correa et al., 1996; Castilla
and Correa, 1997; Riquelme et al., 1997; Correa et al., Since copper has been reported as the main single
1999; Correa et al., 2000; Lee et al., 2002; Ratkevicius pollutant in the tailing discharge (Correa et al., 2000),
et al., 2003; Lee and Correa, 2004). From these studies we measured its total dissolved concentration in the
it is clear that the most important effects of the tailing water column around the studied sites. Two 500 ml sea-
discharges on the coastal zone around Chañaral are: water samples were collected from the shore with acid-
the persistently high copper concentrations in coastal washed polypropylene bottles, and kept at 4 C during
waters, beach progradation, and the virtual elimination transportation to the laboratory. Seawater was first fil-
of algae, several benthic herbivores and all benthic car- tered through 0.45 lm cellulose acetate Millipore mem-
nivores from the impacted area (Correa et al., 2000). brane filters, fixed with 0.5 ml concentrated nitric acid
While these studies have significantly improved our (pH < 2) and stored at 4 C for analysis. Total dissolved
understanding of the effects of mine tailings on the copper concentration (TDC) as measured by anodic
biota, they nevertheless represent static pictures of the striping voltammetry (ASV) using a Metrhom 757 VA
area, disconnected in time, where specific monitoring processor following the methodology proposed by
of temporal variation in biodiversity is absent. Further- Metrohm (2000). Analytical grade reagents were used
more, these studies have applied different methodologi- to prepare all relevant blanks and calibration curves.
cal approaches that do not allow reliable comparisons. Analytical accuracy was tested against high purity refer-
In addition, although copper has been reported as ence material provided by the National Research Coun-
the main single pollutant in the Chañaral area (Correa cil of Canada (CRM-SW). In addition we recorded in
et al., 2000), its current concentration in the surrounding situ variations in the surface temperature of coastal sea-
coastal water is not known. This situation now becomes water during the study period using a submersible data
important, as local authorities claim to have achieved a logger (Optic Stow Away Temp, ONSET Computer
reduction in mine tailing contamination, which could be Corp., USA), which was deployed and fastened to shal-
leading to a possible recovery of the biodiversity in the low subtidal rocks at three of the study sites (G, P, Z).
coastal zone of Chañaral. Dissolved oxygen and pH were also measured in situ
This study assesses the existence of (a) temporal at all of the sites using a WTW Multiline P4, Universal
variations in intertidal species richness and biodiver- meter.
sity in the rocky intertidal zone around the mine tail-
ing discharges and (b) a possible ongoing process of 2.3. Biodiversity monitoring procedures
biodiversity recovery in this coastal zone. The study
includes comparisons between historical and new data In order to determine intertidal biodiversity, two dif-
and relates this information to the concentration of ferent approaches were applied. First, species richness
total dissolved copper in the surrounding coastal was determined by one observer who walked slowly
water. along the intertidal platform for 5 min recording all algal
and invertebrate species encountered. This methodology
was applied because it has been used during previous
2. Materials and methods studies of these sites (Castilla and Correa, 1997; Correa
et al., 1999). The second approach included the use of
2.1. Study sites transects and quadrats. At each site three transects, at
least 4 m apart, were defined perpendicular to the coast,
Four sites covering 100 km of coastline around from high to low along the intertidal gradient. The sam-
Chañaral were monitored at low tide (0.23–0.30 m) pling unit, a 25 · 25 cm quadrat with a grid of 100
every two months, from February 2002 to June 2003 equally spaced intersection points, was positioned along
(Fig. 1). Among these, Guanillo (G) and Zenteno (Z) the transects as many times as it fit. Algae and sessile
were considered reference sites due to their history of invertebrates occurring beneath each intersection point,
a lack of metal pollution. Palito (P) is located 200 m and all of the mobile invertebrates inside the quadrat,
south from the current discharge point (Caleta Palito), were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level.
and Achurra (A) is close to the old discharge site, at Complete monitoring was not performed at Guanillo
the northern extreme of Chañaral Bay. A fifth site, La and La Lancha in June 2003 due to bad weather
Lancha (L), located 5 km north of Palito, was included conditions.
398 M. Medina et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (2005) 396–409
Fig. 1. Chañaral area and study sites. The discharge point of the copper mine tailing is indicated (arrow).
2.4. Data analysis during summer and winter, separately for each year
(i.e. February 2002, July 2002, January 2003, June
Significant differences in TDC between sites were 2003). Patterns of similarity in species composition were
determined considering all seawater samples taken dur- contrasted using cluster diagrams of the JaccardÕs coef-
ing the study period in a one-way (between subjects) ficient calculated for each combination of sites during
ANOVA. A post hoc TukeyÕs multiple comparison test each date. Clusters were constructed using unweighted
was applied to determine which sites were significantly average linkage methods.
different from the others (Zar, 1999). Prior to this statis- The density of mobile invertebrates was quantified
tical analysis, we checked assumptions of a normal dis- by counting all individuals inside the entire quadrat,
tribution of the data and homogeneity of variance by whereas the cover of sessile organisms (algae and sessile
application of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and invertebrates) was obtained as percentage cover by sum-
LeveneÕs test, respectively. Standard procedures of data ming all of the intersection points on the quadrat grid
transformation (Zar, 1999) were included when where they were present (Castilla, 1988). Density and
required. percentage cover were determined in relation to the total
The JaccardÕs coefficient of similarity (Jaccard, 1901; area and grid of intersection points, respectively, gener-
Sneath, 1957) was applied to species richness data in ated by the sum of all quadrats along each transect.
order to assess similarity in species composition between Utilizing this data of density and percentage cover, we
sites (Multi-variate Statistical Package 3.01, Kovach calculated the diversity of sessile organisms and mobile
Computing Services, UK). Similarity between sites was invertebrates for each site and date using the Shannon–
first calculated considering the presence of species for Wiener diversity index. In order to assess the level of
the entire period of study. Subsequently, similarity was occupation of primary space in each site, the percentage
determined using only the species observed at each site of bare rock was also obtained from percentage cover
M. Medina et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (2005) 396–409 399
Table 2
List of species (or entities classified at the lowest possible taxonomic level) observed at the studied sites considering the entire period of study
Species G L P A Z
Ulva compressa X X X X X
Ulva linza X
Rama novaezelandiae X
Codium dimorphum X X
Codium fragile X
Ulva sp. X X X X X
Chaetomorpha sp. X
Cladophoropsis sp. X X
Porphyra columbina X X X
Polysiphonia paniculata X X X X
Corallina officinalis X X X
Gelidium chilense X X
Hildenbrandia lecanellieri X X X X X
Centroceras clavulatum X
Chondrus canaliculatus X X
Bangia atropurpurea X X X
Ahnfeltiopsis durvillaei X X
Ahnfeltiopsis furcellata X X X
Grateloupia doryphora X X
Corallina sp. X X
Lithothamnium sp. X X X X X
Mesophylum sp. X X
Gelidium sp. X X
Rhodoglossum sp. X X
Ceramium sp. X
Ralfsia confusa X X
Glossophora kunthii X X X X
Scytosiphon sp1 X X X
Scytosiphon sp2 X X X
Hincksia mitchelliae X X X
Halopteris hordacea X X X X
Lessonia nigrescens X X
Petalonia fascia X X
Colpomenia sinuosa X X X
Ectocarpus sp. X X X X X
Cyanophyceae X X
‘‘Green crust’’ X X X X X
Jehlius cirratus X X X X X
Notochthamalus scabrosus X X X X
Balanus laevis X X X X
Balanus flosculus X X
Austromegabalanus psittacus X X X
Semimytilus algosus X X X X X
Perumytilus purpuratus X X X X
Phymactis clematis X X X X X
Anthothöe chilensis X X X
Phymanthea pluvia X X X X X
Bunodactes sp. X X X X X
Porifera X X X X
Ectoprocta X X X
Spirorbidae X X X
Phoronidae X X
(continued on next page)
M. Medina et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (2005) 396–409 401
Table 2 (continued)
Species G L P A Z
Nodilittorina peruviana X X X X X
Nodilittorina araucana X X X X X
Scurria scurra X X
Scurria zebrina X X X X X
Scurria ceciliana X X X X X
Scurria araucana X X X X
Scurria bohemita X X X
Scurria parasitica X X X X X
Scurria viridula X X X X X
Siphonaria lessoni X X X X X
Trimusculus peruvianus X X
Fissurella crassa X X X X X
Fissurella limbata X X X X X
Fissurella maxima X X X
Concholepas concholepas X X X X X
Nucella crassilabrum X
Leptograpsus variegatus X X X X X
Taliepus dentatus X X
Loxechinus albus X X
Tetrapygus niger X X
Enoplochiton niger X X
Acanthopleura echinata X X X
Heliaster helianthus X X
Meyenaster gelatinosus X
Tegula atra X X
Stichaster striatus X X
Chiton granosus X X
Acanthocyclus gayi X X X
Betaeus sp. X X X X
Amphipoda X X X X X
Acarina X X X
Polychaeta X X
species recorded during the three sampling dates (Fig. 3.3. Bare rock and diversity of algae and sessile
2A). When algal species richness was analyzed sepa- invertebrates
rately, similar but more pronounced differences between
reference and impacted sites became apparent (Fig. 2B). Mean percentage of bare rock varied during the study
Although species richness of invertebrates was also gen- period (Fig. 4). However, repeated measures ANOVA
erally higher at non-impacted sites (Fig. 2C), differences performed independently on data from each site indi-
with those sites nearer to the tailing discharge were cated no significant differences (p > 0.05) between mon-
small, reaching similar values at different times during itoring dates for any site. Comparisons of percentage of
the study period. bare rock between sites were significantly different
Considering the entire period of study, we were able (p < 0.05) for all monitoring dates analyzed (Table 3).
to distinguish two main groups with less than 45% sim- A post hoc TukeyÕs multiple comparison test, however,
ilarity from the analysis of species composition (Fig. demonstrated no significant differences between refer-
3A). The first group (cluster 1 in Fig. 3A) was com- ence sites (G and Z), but significant differences between
prised of the two non-impacted sites and the second these two reference sites and Palito for all monitoring
group (cluster 2 in Fig. 3A) included the three impacted dates, with the exception of February 2002, when Zent-
sites. Within the latter group, La Lancha was slightly eno did not differ significantly from Palito (Fig. 4). In
different from Palito and Achurra (cluster 3 in Fig. February 2002, Achurra also showed no significant dif-
3A). When species composition was analyzed sepa- ferences with the control sites; however, it did differ
rately for summer and winter, the level of similarity be- from control sites on all monitoring dates performed
tween groups was reduced (Fig. 3B–E). However, after February 2002. During the last two analyzed dates,
similarity between sites remained relatively constant the percentage of bare rock at Achurra showed no sig-
through time (25%), and thus, the two distinct groups nificant differences with Palito. The fifth site, La Lan-
(i.e. impacted and non-impacted sites) remained clearly cha, showed no significant differences with any other
identifiable. site during the dates on which it was analyzed.
402 M. Medina et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (2005) 396–409
sp. had the highest mean percentage cover in Guanillo
and Zenteno, respectively. The red alga Centroceras cla-
10 vulatum was also important at the two reference sites,
although it had a low incidence (recorded less than 6
5 times). As indicated above, the percentage of bare rock
was high in Palito and, as a consequence, the incidence
and dominance of algal species was low (Fig. 7). Only
four species appeared more than eight times during the
(C) study which, ranked from high to low incidence, were:
Scytosiphon sp2, Ulva compressa, Porphyra columbina
and Ulva sp. When present, U. compressa also had the
highest algal dominance. Algal incidence in Achurra
was similar to that in non-impacted sites; however, dom-
inance as mean percentage cover was lower. In addition,
15 in terms of incidence, U. compressa was also important
at this site.
All seasons
(A) A
P 2
0.04 0.2 0.36 0.52 0.68 0.84 1 0.04 0.2 0.36 0.52 0.68 0.84 1
L 3
P 2
0.04 0.2 0.36 0.52 0.68 0.84 1 0.04 0.2 0.36 0.52 0.68 0.84 1
Jaccard’s Coefficient
Fig. 3. Cluster analysis of the similarity in site species composition. (A) Data considering the entire study period; (B) Data from February 2002; (C)
Data from July 2002; (D) Data from January 2003; (E) Data from June 2003. G: Guanillo, L: La Lancha, P: Palito, A: Achurra and Z: Zenteno.
4. Discussion
a a
a The study presented here summarizes data obtained
after 17 months of regular monitoring at five rocky inter-
ab tidal sites around the point of discharge of copper mine
60 tailings in northern Chile. Results show high and vari-
Bare rock (%)
Table 3 1.2
Summary of one-way (between subjects) ANOVA performed on: (I) r = -0.61
percentage of bare rock, (II) diversity of sessile organisms (Shannon n = 51
p < 0.001
index, H 0 ), and (III) diversity of mobile invertebrates (Shannon index, 1.0
H 0 ) between sites on different monitoring dates
Site Source df MS F P
a a
0.8 a a
a a
strated that, while labile copper in the water was be-
a tween 10 and 50 lg/l depending on the site, the
effective copper concentration in the sediment was al-
0.6 a
a ways greater than 100 lg/l and, in some cases, greater
than 1000 lg/l. The second study (Ramı́rez et al., in
0.4 press) confirmed that copper is the main metal in the
sediments of the beaches affected by the mining wastes,
and demonstrated that an important fraction is found in
Jan/2002 May/2002 Sep/2002 Jan/2003 May/2003
a labile form, easily released from the sediment to the
Monitoring dates water column—and available to the biota. This informa-
tion regarding the availability of copper in the environ-
Guanillo Lancha Palito Achurra Zenteno
ment, together with factors that could modulate the
Fig. 5. Diversity of sessile organisms (algae and sessile invertebrates). levels of copper in the water (e.g. strong wave action
Values represent the mean ± SD from three replicates. Letters indicate and high currents that affect the study area, particularly
significant differences between sites.
during winter storms, and atmospheric dry deposition of
fine particles from the copper mine tailing beaches), may
canal before reaching the sea, it is clear that the levels of be the cause of the temporal variability observed in
total dissolved copper in the waste water before the TDC concentrations.
M. Medina et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (2005) 396–409 405
25 1 Hildelbrandia lecanellieri
25 1 Scytosiphon sp2
2 Ulva sp. 2 Ulva compressa
Guanillo 3 Lithothamnium sp. Palito 3 Porphyra columbina
4 Porphyra columbina 4 Ulva sp.
20 20
Algal incidence (# of transects where it was recorded)
5 5 6
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
5 5
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 30 40
r = 0.18
0.8 n = 51
p < 0.05
0.6 a
Shannon index (H’)
a a
Shannon index (H’)
a a
0.4 a a
ab 0.4
a a
a 0.2
0.0 0.0
Table 4 Table 5
Historical data of total dissolved copper (TDC) concentrations at Historical data on species richness in Palito and La Lancha
Year Algae Invertebrates Total Reference
Year Mean Min. Max. Reference
(lg/l) (lg/l) (lg/l)
1976–1994a 5 1 6 Castilla (1996)b
1994 – 26.8 31.8 Castilla (1996)a 1996 6 11 17 Castilla and Correa
1994 29.3 25.7 32.9 Correa et al. (1995)a (1997)b
1995 14.13 – – Correa et al. (1996) 1995–1999 6 15 21 Correa et al. (1999)
1995 – 10.0 40.7 Castilla and Correa (1997)a 2003 14 28 42 This study
1996 – 10.2 13.9 Castilla and Correa (1997)a
La Lancha
1999 30.0 29.3 30.7 Correa et al. (1999)
1976–1994a 5 1 6 Castilla (1996)b
2000 14.1 – – Correa et al. (2000)a
1996 4 5 9 Castilla and Correa
2002 – 10 20 Ratkevicius et al. (2003)
2003 17.04 8.72 25.64 This study
1995–1999 5 6 11 Correa et al. (1999)
Fifty meters south of the discharge point at Caleta Palito. 2003 10 22 32 This study
Presence assessed by at least five consecutive or non-consecutive
water samples from 200 m south of the current dumping b
Fifty meters south of the discharge point at Caleta Palito.
site. Directly at the point of discharge point, however,
values as high as 54 lg/l and 88 lg/l were reported in
1986 and 1995, respectively (CIMM, 1996). Although due to different monitoring efforts and observer experi-
values of TDC measured at La Lancha were lower than ence in data collection must be considered when inter-
those previously reported by Correa et al. (1999), they preting results from different studies. Historical
were higher than those from Palito. According to this, differences in species richness could also be attributed
La Lancha continues to be the coastal site around to the time of the year when monitoring was carried
Chañaral with the highest level of TDC, and one of out. The present study showed that similarity between
the most copper-polluted coastal sites in the world (see sites varied in time and, when data from a particular
review by Lewis, 1995). As indicated in previous reports month was considered, it was lower than when data of
(CIMM, 1996; Correa et al., 1999), the high TDC val- the entire study period was included in the analysis.
ues at this site could reflect the influence of northward Therefore, sound estimations of species richness recov-
coastal currents on tailing dispersal and the aforemen- ery based on comparisons with reference sites will likely
tioned re-suspension of old tailing sediments by wave depend on the time of the year when the study is per-
action. From the information provided by our study formed and the length of time which the study considers.
we conclude that there has not been a significant reduc- In order to reduce the potential variability resulting
tion in the level of copper in the coastal marine environ- from the application of different visual efforts and differ-
ment affected by the mine tailing discharges in Palito, in ent observer experience during sampling, the present
comparison with the levels reported in 1994. study applied the additional, objective methodology of
Despite this first conclusion, and also considering his- predefined transects and quadrats to assess biodiversity.
torical data, the number of intertidal species in Palito By utilizing this methodology species richness deter-
and La Lancha has increased considerably during this mined by visual monitoring varied during the year, but
period (Table 5). The increase was observed in algal as the biodiversity of sessile organisms and primary space
well as invertebrate species, leading to a total species occupation (i.e. the opposite of the percentage of bare
richness 2.5 and 3.6 times higher than the values ob- rock) did not change significantly at any site. Since the
served in June 1996 in Palito and La Lancha, respec- biodiversity index applied here considers both species
tively (Castilla and Correa, 1997). Although the richness and evenness (Krebs, 1972), any temporal in-
present study coincides with the reports included in crease in the number of species observed at these sites
Table 5, regarding the pattern of species richness decline is counterbalanced by the dominance of a few species.
towards most impacted sites (Palito and La Lancha) and In contrast, any reduction in the number of species is
an increase in the number of species with time, conclu- counterbalanced by an enhanced species evenness.
sions about a possible biological recovery of the area In relation to the differences between sites, the lower
must be made with caution. This caveat is given since mean diversity of sessile organisms observed at impacted
comparisons with previous studies at the reference sites sites using transects and quadrants is consistent with the
also show a current increase of species richness. This information obtained from the visual monitoring. In this
observation suggests that the increase in species richness context, the fact that significant differences were found
around Chañaral could be the result of a more general, only during the first year of monitoring supports the
large-scale phenomenon that is not necessarily related to possibility of an ongoing process of biodiversity recov-
a reduction in the toxicity of the coastal water around ery at these sites. This is also in agreement with the
the mining discharges. Moreover, possible variability lack of significant differences in diversity of mobile
M. Medina et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (2005) 396–409 407
invertebrates between reference and impacted sites dur- detect these differences, their effects can nevertheless be
ing most of the study period. However, lower mean profound. For instance, the absence of high-level carni-
diversity values at reference sites are not consistent with vores in Palito and La Lancha, such as the starfishes
the general trends obtained here and elsewhere (Castilla, Heliaster helianthus and Meyenaster gelatinosus, could
1996; Castilla and Correa, 1997; Correa et al., 1999). As reduce predation pressure at these sites and, thus, foster
indicated above, both species richness and species even- the development of larger populations of a more herbi-
ness are considered in the biodiversity index applied in vore species. Thus, although quantitative estimators
our study. Thus, if we accept that the number of species suggest that diversity seems higher at these sites, a qual-
determined by transects and by visual monitoring is itative analysis of the intertidal assemblage of organisms
truly representative of the situation in each site, species reveals a simplified community structure. In undisturbed
evenness then becomes responsible for these unexpected intertidal sites, on the other hand, it is expected that
results. This is the result of dominance by only a few of these carnivore species directly regulate the abundance
the numerous species recorded at the reference sites, of herbivores (i.e. Dayton et al., 1977; Tokeshi et al.,
combined with a high species evenness at the impacted 1989; Espoz and Castilla, 2000) and indirectly regulates
sites, despite the presence of fewer species. This pattern algal abundance through a top-down effect (Hunter and
may be real, or could result from biased data recording Price, 1992; Correa et al., 2000). In terms of species rich-
that is intrinsically associated with the applied method- ness, the absence of the kelp Lessonia nigrescens may
ology. High algal cover at the reference sites, where a also have a strong effect. Indeed, L. nigrescens is consid-
thick algal turf is formed, may limit the primary space ered a bioengineer (sensu Jones et al., 1994) due to the
available for mobile invertebrates, interfering with their rich diversity of organisms living within its holdfast
homogenous distribution on intertidal platforms. In this (Vásquez and Santelices, 1984) and to the effect of the
case, although most mobile invertebrates could be re- frond canopy on the removal of mobile invertebrates,
corded during both the visual monitoring and counted allowing the recruitment of understory algal species
inside the quadrats, only those individuals able to move (Santelices and Ojeda, 1984). For example, Vásquez
within or above the algal turf were registered. In con- and Santelices (1984) found up to 49 species of macro-
trast, at the Palito study site algal cover is low and, thus, invertebrates living in a total of 79 sampled holdfasts,
the fewer species present are homogenously distributed with 7–15 species per holdfast. Thus, although species
in space, and easily recorded. diversity associated to L. nigrescens holdfasts was not
Two alternative hypotheses could help to understand estimated in the control sites, the absence of this kelp
the higher diversity of mobile invertebrates at the im- at impacted sites is likely to be accompanied by the ab-
pacted sites. First, high diversity levels of mobile inver- sence of a significant number of invertebrate and algal
tebrates in Palito could reflect a toxicity avoidance species.
strategy. Animals that recruit to this site may tend to Finally, characterization of the diversity of mobile
move toward the upper levels of the intertidal zone in invertebrates by means of species richness and evenness
order to reduce their contact with copper-enriched sea- (Shannon–Wiener) has not been reported previously in
water. This would result in easier recording of mobile this area nor other areas impacted by copper mine tail-
invertebrates by both visual and quadrat monitoring in ing discharges in northern Chile. Therefore, this study
Palito, as compared to the reference sites, where animals represents the starting point for future assessments of
remain at lower intertidal and shallow sub-tidal levels. biodiversity at these impacted areas. However, it is
This avoidance strategy could reduce the possible detri- important to highlight the need for testing the ecological
mental effects of TDC on mobile invertebrates and, thus, and ecotoxicological hypotheses mentioned above prior
community parameters such as species abundance and to reaching final conclusions regarding past and current
richness should be independent of the level of copper effects of the copper mine wastes on the biota, as well as
enrichment in the surrounding coastal seawater. This on potentially ongoing recovery processes.
hypothesis was supported by the correlation analysis
performed using the data obtained in this study, where
no relationship was found between these two variables. 5. Conclusions
On the other hand, sessile organisms like algae and ses-
sile invertebrates are not able to avoid the possible ef- This study indicates that there has not been a signif-
fects of copper in the water and, thus, a negative icant reduction of the total dissolved copper concentra-
relationship such as the one revealed by the correlation tion (TDC) at the coastal zone around Chañaral since
analysis, should exist between the diversity of sessile 1994, in spite of the drastic reduction of the concentra-
organisms and TDC in seawater. Second, the absence tions of this metal in the water discharges. High TDC
of some keystone species at the impacted sites may be values were observed in Palito and especially in La
considered as a clear-cut difference with the control sites, Lancha, which remains as the most impacted site. How-
and although standard statistical comparisons may not ever, levels of TDC at the contaminated sites are highly
408 M. Medina et al. / Marine Pollution Bulletin 50 (2005) 396–409
variable in time, probably due the re-dissolution of the Castilla, J.C., Correa, J.A., 1997. Copper tailing impacts in coastal
metal from old tailing sediments deposited in the area ecosystem of northern Chile: from species to community responses.
In: Moore, M.R., Imray, P., Dameron, C., Callan, P., Langley, A.,
which are re-suspended by coastal currents and wave ac- Mangas, S. (Eds.), Copper-Report of an International Meeting.
tion and due to atmospheric dry deposition from the South Australian Health Commission National Environmental
tailing beaches. Despite the lack of a recent reduction Health Forum Monograph. Openbook Publishers, Australia, pp.
in TDC, our study showed an increased species richness 81–92.
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