DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A

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Keysight Technologies

X-Series Measurement Application
N6156A & W6156A

Technical Overview

–– Measure DTMB (CTTB) transmitters, exciters, modulators, gap-fillers, tuners,

or amplifiers performance
–– Perform one-button tests with pass/fail limit per DTMB (CTTB) standards
–– Use hardkey/softkey manual user interface or SCPI remote user interface
–– Leverage built-in, context-sensitive help
–– Move the application between X-Series signal analyzers with transportable licensing
03 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

DTMB (CTTB) Measurement Application

The Keysight Technologies, Inc. The DTMB (CTTB) measurement tent measurement framework for sig-
DTMB (CTTB) measurement applica- application is just one in a common nal analysis that ensures repeatable
tion provides one-button standard- library of more than 25 measurement results and measurement integrity
based power and modulation analysis applications in the Keysight X-Series, so you can leverage your test system
capabilities to help your design, an evolutionary approach to signal software through all phases of prod-
evaluation, and manufacturing of analysis that spans instrumentation, uct development. In addition to fixed,
DTMB (CTTB) modulators, transmit- measurements, and software. The perpetual licenses for our X-Series
ters, amplifiers, tuners, and gap-fill- X-Series analyzers, with upgradeable measurement applications, we also
ers/repeaters. Furthermore, with the CPU, memory, disk drives, and I/O offer transportable licenses which
optional analog baseband IQ inputs ports, enable you to keep your test can increase the value of your invest-
in the PXA or MXA signal analyzer, it assets current and extend instrument ment by allowing to you transport
can provide you the flexibility of mea- longevity. Proven algorithms, 100% the application to multiple X-Series
suring the signal quality and modula- code-compatibility, and a common UI analyzers.
tion accuracy with RF input across the X-Series create a consis-
or analog IQ input.

Key parameter setup

–– Carrier mode: OFDM (C = 3780)
and single carrier (C = 1)
–– Device type: Transmitter/exciter
–– Bandwidth: 6 and 8 MHz
–– Header type: PN 420/595/945
–– Modulation: 4QAM-NR/4QAM/
–– Input: RF or analog IQ (available
in the N9030A PXA or N9020A
MXA) for signal quality and
modulation accuracy measure-

Try Before You Buy!

Free 30-day trials of X-Series measurement applications provide unre-
stricted use of each application’s features and functionality on your X-Series
analyzer. Redeem a trial license online today:

04 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Technology Overview

Digital terrestrial/television multi- ter sensitivity especially at higher

media broadcasting (DTMB), also code rate. Time domain synchronized
known as China terrestrial television orthogonal frequency division multi-
broadcasting (CTTB), is the Chi- plexing (TDS-OFDM ) is implemented
nese national terrestrial digital TV to deliver fast system synchronization
broadcasting standard which was and precise channel estimation.
announced on August 18, 2006 and
implemented from August 1, 2007. The DTMB (CTTB) measurement ap-
plication gives more convenience to
DTMB supports both multi-carrier your DTMB (CTTB) system develop-
(C=3780) and single-carrier (C=1) ment and manufacturing, including
modulation scheme. Both schemes both multi-carrier and single-carrier
use low density parity check (LDPC) schemes with one-button measure-
coding in forward error correction ments including standard presets and
(FEC), which can provide superior remote SCPI programming capabili-
error correction capability for a bet- ties on X-Series signal analyzers.

Frame head

Data Mapping
Scrambler FEC and Baseband Up RF
input Combine
interleaver Frame processing converter output
MUX body

Figure 1. Block diagram of DTMB (CTTB) system

05 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

RF Transmitter Tests

The RF transmitter test requirements Table 1. Required RF transmitter and exciter measurements and the corresponding measurements in
N/W6156A and other modes
for DTMB transmitter and exciter are
defined in GY/T 229.4 2008 and GY/T Test item GY/T 229.4 GY/T 229.2 2008 N/W6156A DTMB(CTTB)
229.2 2008 standards. Table 1 shows 2008 (For exciter measurement application
RF transmitter and exciter tests (For transmitter measurement)
defined by the specification along measurement)
with the corresponding measure- Frequency Spectrum analyzer mode
● ●
ments provided by the DTMB (CTTB) adjustable step (marker counter function)
measurement application. Frequency Spectrum analyzer mode
● ●
stability (marker counter function)
Frequency Spectrum analyzer mode
● ●
accuracy (marker counter)
RF power Channel power

(RF spectrum view)
RF power stability Channel power
● ●
(RF spectrum view)
RF effective Spectrum analyzer mode

bandwidth (marker counter function)
Roll factor Spectrum analyzer mode

(marker counter function)
Shoulder Channel power (shoulder
● ●
attenuation attenuation view)
Spectrum mask Channel power (spectrum
● mask view) or spectrum
emission mask
In-band spectrum Modulation accuracy
● ●
flatness (spectral flatness view)
Useless power in ACP
● ●
adjacent channel
Power outside ACP
● ●
adjacent channel
Phase noise N/W9068A phase noise
● ●
measurement application
Peak-to-average Power stat CCDF

power ratio
Modulation Modulation accuracy (I/Q
● ●
error ratio measured polar graph view)
06 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Measurement details Table 2. One-button measurements provided by the N/W6156A measurement application

Technology DTMB (CTTB)

All of the RF transmitter measure-
ments as defined by the DTMB Measurements Channel power
(CTTB) standard, as well as a wide RF spectrum
range of additional measurements Shoulder attenuation
and analysis tools, are available with Spectrum mask (with analog TV in adjacent channel)
a press of a button (Table 2). These Adjacent channel power
measurements are fully remote con- Spectrum emission mask
trollable via the IEC/IEEE bus or LAN, Monitor spectrum
using SCPI commands. IQ waveform
Modulation accuracy
Analog baseband measurements RMS EVM (%)
are available on the PXA or MXA Peak EVM (%)
signal analyzer equipped with BBIQ Position of peak EVM
hardware. Supported baseband mea- RMS MER (dB)
surements include all of the modula- Peak MER (dB)
tion quality plus I/Q waveform and Position of peak MER
CCDF measurements. RMS mag error (%)
Peak mag error (%)
Position of peak mag error
RMS phase error (deg)
Peak phase error (deg)
Position of peak phase error
Frequency error (Hz)
Clock error (Hz)
Tx power (dBm)
Quadrature error (deg)
Amplitude imbalance (%)
MER/EVM vs. subcarriers/frequency
Ampt vs subcarriers (dB)
Phase vs subcarriers (deg)
Group Delay vs subcarriers (ns)
Channel impulse response (dB)
MER of data block (dB)
MER of system info (dB)
MER of header (dB)
In-band spectrum ripple Amax-Ac (dB)
In-band spectrum ripple Amin-Ac (dB)
07 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Figure 2. DTMB (CTTB) constellation and MER results

Figure 3. DTMB (CTTB) IQ quad view

Figure 4. DTMB (CTTB) result metrics view

08 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Figure 5. DTMB (CTTB) shoulder attenuation

Figure 6. DTMB (CTTB) spectrum emission mask

09 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Key Specifications

–– Specifications describe the performance of parameters.
–– 95th percentile values indicate the breadth of the population (≈2σ) of
performance tolerances expected to be met in 95% of cases with a 95%
–– Typical values are designated with the abbreviation "typ." These are You Can Upgrade!
performance beyond specification that 80% of the units exhibit with a 95%
confidence. Options can be added after your
–– Nominal values are designated with the abbreviation "nom." These values initial purchase.
indicate expected performance, or describe product performance that is
useful in the application of the product.
All of our X-Series
application options
–– PXA and EXA specifications apply to analyzers with frequency options of are license-key
526 and lower. For analyzers with higher frequency options, specifications upgradeable.
are not warranted but performance will nominally be close to that shown in
this section.

Note: Data subject to change

Description PXA MXA EXA CXA

Channel power
8 MHz integration bandwidth −50 dBm (nom) –50 dBm (nom) –50 dBm (nom) –50 dBm (nom)
Absolute power accuracy
20 to 30 °C ± 0.61 dB ± 0.82 dB ± 0.94 dB ± 1.33 dB
(± 0.19 dB 95%) (± 0.23 dB 95%) (± 0.27 dB 95%) (± 0.61 dB 95%)
Measurement floor −85.7 dBm –82.7 dBm –78.7 dBm –75.7 dBm
Channel power with shoulder attenuation view
7.61 MHz Integration bandwidth ML 1 = –14.0 dBm (nom) ML 1 = –16.0 dBm (nom) ML 1 = –16.0 dBm (nom) ML 1 = –15.0 dBm (nom)
Dynamic range, relative
Offset frequency
4.2 MHz 98.4 dB (103.7 dB 92.2 dB (98.5 dB typ) 86.9 dB (94.0 dB typ) 84.5 dB (91.7 dB typ)
Power statistics CCDF
Minimum power at RF input −50 dBm (nom) –50 dBm (nom) –50 dBm (nom) −50 dBm (nom)
Histogram resolution 0.01 dB 0.01 dB 0.01 dB 0.01 dB
Adjacent channel power
Minimum power at RF Input; 0 to 55 °C −36 dBm (nom) −36 dBm (nom) −36 dBm (nom) −36 dBm (nom)
ACPR accuracy 7.56 MHz noise bandwidth, method = IBW
Offset frequency
10 MHz ± 0.18 dB ± 0.44 dB ± 0.93 dB ± 1.36 dB

1.  ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation

10 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Description PXA MXA EXA CXA

Spectrum emission mask 7.56 MHz Integration BW, RBW=3.9 kHz
4.2 MHz offset
Dynamic range, relative 98.4 dB (103.7 dB typ) 92.2 dB (98.5 dB typ) 86.9 dB (94.0 dB typ) 84.5 dB (91.7 dB typ)
Sensitivity, absolute –114.5 dB –110.5 dBm –105.5 dBm –102.5 dBm
(–118.5 dBm typ) (-115.5 dBm typ) (–111.5 dBm typ) (–108.5 dBm typ)
Relative ± 0.10 dB ± 0.18 dB ± 0.18 dB ± 0.27 dB
Absolute, 20 to 30 °C ± 0.62 dB ± 0.88 dB ± 1.05 dB ± 1.53 dB
(± 0.20 dB 95%) (± 0.23 dB 95%) (± 0.31 dB 95%) (± 0.64 dB 95%)
10.0 MHz offset
Dynamic range, relative 100.8 dB 94.6 dB 89.3 dB 87.1 dB
(106.1 dB typ) (100.6 dB typ) (96.0 dB typ) (95.0 dB typ)
Sensitivity, absolute –114.5 dB –110.5 dBm –105.5dBm –102.5 dBm
(–118.5 dBm typ) (–115.5 dBm typ) (–111.5 dBm typ) (–108.5 dBm typ)
Relative ± 0.12 dB ± 0.21 dB ± 0.21 dB ± 0.36 dB
Absolute ± 0.62 dB ± 0.88 dB ± 1.05 dB ± 1.53 dB
(± 0.20 dB 95%) (± 0.23 dB 95%) (± 0.31 dB 95%) (± 0.64 dB 95%)
Mod accuracy
16QAM EVM, ML1 = –20 dBm, 20 to 30 °C
Sub-carrier number: 3780, Frame header: PN420, Code rate: 0.8, Interleaver type: B=52, M=720, PN phase change: true
Operating range 0 to 7% 0 to 7% 0 to 7% 0 to 7%
Floor 0.27% 0.47% 0.60% 0.79%
from 0.3 to 1.4% ± 0.20% ± 0.20% ± 0.30%
(from 0.5% for MXA, 0.6% for
from 1.4 to 2.0% ± 0.20% ± 0.30% ± 0.30%
from 2.0 to 7.0% ± 0.70% ± 0.70% ± 0.70%
Operating range ≥ 23 dB ≥ 23 dB ≥ 23 dB ≥ 23 dB
Floor 51 dB 47 dB 45 dB 42 dB
from 37 to 51 dB ± 2.90 dB ± 2.88 dB ± 2.96 dB
(to 46 dB for MXA, 44 for EXA)
from 34 to 37 dB ± 0.82 dB ± 0.92 dB ± 1.09 dB
from 23 to 34 dB ± 0.81 dB ± 0.84 dB ± 0.89 dB
16QAM EVM, ML1 = –20 dBm, 20 to 30 °C
Sub-carrier number: 1, Frame header: PN595, Code rate: 0.8, Interleaver type: B=52, M=720, PN phase change: true, Insert pilot:
Operating range 0 to 8% 0 to 8% 0 to 8% 0 to 8%
Floor 1.20% 1.28% 1.36% 1.10%
from 1.2%/1.3%/1.4% ± 0.50% ± 0.60% ± 0.60%
(PXA/MXA/EXA) to 2.0%
from 2.0 to 8.0% ± 0.40% ± 0.40% ± 0.50%
Operating range ≥ 22 dB ≥ 22 dB ≥ 22 dB ≥ 22 dB
Floor 39 dB 38 dB 38 dB 39.2 dB
from 34 to 38 dB/37 dB/37 dB ± 2.76 dB ± 2.59 dB ± 2.81 dB
from 22 to 34 dB ± 1.30 dB ± 1.48 dB ± 1.62 dB

1.  ML (mixer level) is RF input power minus attenuation

11 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Ordering Information

Software licensing and

configuration Try Before You Buy!
Choose from two license types: Free 30-day trials of X-Series measurement applications provide unre-
stricted use of each application’s features and functionality on your X-Series
–– Fixed, perpetual license: analyzer. Redeem a trial license online today:
This allows you to run the appli-
cation in the X-Series analyzer in www.keysight.com/find/X-Series_trial
which it is initially installed.

–– Transportable, perpetual license:

This allows you to run the appli-
cation in the X-Series analyzer in
which it is initially installed, plus
it may be transferred from one
X-Series analyzer to another.

The table below contains information on our fixed, perpetual licenses. For more information, please visit
the product web pages.

N6156A & W6156A DTMB (CTTB) X-Series measurement application

Description Model-Option Model-Option Additional information

DTMB (CTTB) N6156A-2FP W6156A-2FP

1.  The CXA-m only supports transportable license. Visit the product web page for further information.

For a complete list of specifications refer to the appropriate specifications guide.

PXA: www.keysight.com/find/pxa/specifications
MXA: www.keysight.com/find/mxa/specifications
EXA: www.keysight.com/find/exa/specifications
CXA: www.keysight.com/find/cxa/specifications
12 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Hardware Configurations
N9030A PXA signal analyzer
Description Model-Option Additional information
3.6, 8.4, 13.6, 42.98, 44 or 50 GHz frequency N9030A-503, -508, -513, -526, -543, -544, or -550 One required
Analog baseband IQ (BBIQ) inputs N9030A-BBA Required for analog
baseband measurement
Precision frequency reference N9030A-PFR Recommended
Electronic attenuator, 3.6 GHz N9030A-EA3 Recommended
Preamplifier, 3.6, 8.4, 13.6, 42.98, 44 or 50 GHz N9030A-P03, -P08, -P13, -P26, -P43, -544, or -550
Analysis bandwidth to 25, 40, or 160 MHz N9030A-B25, -B40, or -B1X One optional
Wideband IF output N9030A-CR3 Optional
Programmable IF output N9030A-CRP Optional

N9020A MXA signal analyzer

Description Model-Option Additional information
3.6, 8.4, 13.6, or 26.5 GHz frequency range N9020A-503, -508, -513, or -526 One required
Analog baseband IQ (BBIQ) inputs N9020A-BBA Required for analog
baseband measurement
Precision frequency reference N9020A-PFR Recommended
Electronic attenuator, 3.6 GHz N9020A-EA3 Recommended
Preamplifier, 3.6, 8.4, 13.6, or 26.5 GHz N9020A-P03, -P08, -P13, or -P26 One recommended
Analysis bandwidth to 25 or 40 MHz N9020A-B25, -B40 One optional
Wideband IF output N9020A-CR3 Optional
Programmable IF output N9020A-CRP Optional

N9010A EXA signal analyzer

Description Model-Option Additional information
3.6, 7.0, 13.6, or 26.5 GHz frequency range N9010A-503, -507, -513, or -526 One required
Precision frequency reference N9010A-PFR Recommended
Fine step attenuator N9010A-FSA Recommended
Electronic attenuator, 3.6 GHz N9010A-EA3 Recommended
Preamplifier, 3.6 or 7.0 GHz N9010A-P03 or -P07 One recommended
Analysis bandwidth to 25 or 40 MHz N9010A-B25, -B40 One optional
Wideband IF output N9010A-CR3 Optional
Programmable IF output N9010A-CRP Optional

N9000A CXA signal analyzer

Description Model-Option Additional information
3.0, 7.5, 13.6, or 26.5 GHz frequency range N9000A-503, -507, -513, or -526 One required
Precision frequency reference N9000A-PFR Recommended
Analysis bandwidth to 25 MHz N9000A-B25 Optional
Tracking generator, 9 kHz to 3GHz or 6 GHz N9000A-T03 or T06 One optional
Fine step attenuator N9000A-FSA Recommended
Preamplifier, 3.0, 7.5, 13.6, or 26.5 GHz N9000A-P03, -P07, -P13, or -P26 One recommended
Wideband IF output N9000A-CR3 Optional
13 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

Related Literature
N6156A and W6156A DTMB (CTTB) Measurement Application,
Demonstration Guide, literature number 5990-5933EN

N6156A & W6156A DTMB(CTTB) Measurement Application,

Measurement Guide, part number N6156-90004

N6156A & W6156A DTMB(CTTB) Measurement Application,

User's and Programmer's Reference, part number N6156-90001

Product page:

X-Series measurement applications:


X-Series signal analyzers:


Application pages:

Digital video solution table:

14 | Keysight | DTMB (CTTB) X-Series Measurement Application N6156A & W6156A - Technical Overview

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© Keysight Technologies, 2017
Published in USA, December 1, 2017

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