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“Improvement of Rigid Pavement (CC Road) by Partial

Substitution of Sand and coarse Aggregates with Brick Kiln

Powder and Recycled Coarse Aggregates in High Strength
Synopsis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of





Submitted by


ROLL NO – 18320360285

BATCH – 2018

Under the guidance of

Er. Sonu Ram

Assistant Professor

Civil Engineering Department



I hereby affirm that the work presented in the dissertation entitled “Improvement of
Rigid Pavement (CC Road) by Partial Substitution of Sand and coarse
Aggregates with Brick Kiln Powder and Recycled Coarse Aggregates in High
Strength Concrete” submitted for M.Tech degree is exclusively my own original
work and verified by plagiarism. It does not contain any work for which a degree has
been awarded by any other university.

Date: Signature of Student


ature of the Guide


ture of the H.O.D

It is certified that the dissertation entitled “Improvement of Rigid Pavement (CC
Road) by Partial Substitution of Sand and coarse Aggregates with Brick Kiln
Powder and Recycled Coarse Aggregates in High Strength Concrete” is the
bonafide research work carried out by Abid Hamid Sheikh, a research scholar of
M.Tech (Transportation Engineering), Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh,
during the year June 2019, for partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
degree of Master of Technology and that the dissertation has not been formed on the
basis for the award previously of any degree, diploma, associateship, fellowship or
any other similar title.

Date:- Signature of Guide



I thank Almighty Allah for giving me patience and determination to accomplish this
I would like to acknowledge the authors of the journals I referred to, reference of
whom has been done in the reference section, for the intense research they have put in
to put together the material through which I derived this report. Without them I would
not have been able to assemble this report.
I would like to thank my guide Er Sonu Ram, Department of civil Engineering Desh
Bhagat University, for his invaluable motivation, direction, inspiration and
encouragement which helped me to carry out my present work.
I would like to thank Prof. (Dr.) Pooja Sharma, Head of Department, Department of
Civil Engineering, Desh Bhagat University, for providing all the facilities needed for
timely completion of this project work.
Lastly I thank my parents, friends for their constant encouragement without which
assignment would not be possible.

Amir Mukhtar Mir

Table of Content


1.1 Objectives
1.2 Future Scope
1.3 Recycled Coarse Aggregates

1.3.1 Application Of Recycled Coarse Aggregates

1.4 Brick Kiln Powder

1.4.1 Advantages of Brick Kiln Powder

1.5 Admixtures(Sodium Silicate)
1.5.1 Advantages of sodium silicate
1.5.2 Use of Sodium Silicate




3.1 Testing Of Material

3.2 Cement (OPC-43 GRADE)
3.3 Fine Aggregates
3.4 Coarse Aggregates
3.5 Recycled Coarse Aggregates
3.6 Brick Dust Kiln
3.7 Admixtures (Sodium Silicate)
3.8 M45 Concrete Mix Design
3.9 Quantity of material required for different tests
3.10 Workability Tests
3.11 Compaction Factor Test
3.12 Casting of Concrete Specimen
3.13 Compaction by Vibrating Table
3.14 Strength Tests
3.14.1 Compressive Strength Test
3.14.2 Tensile Strength Test



4.1 Discussion of Results

4.2 Flexural Strength
4.3 Slump Test





3.1 Characteristic Properties of cement

3.2 Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates
3.3 Physical Properties of Fine Aggregates
3.4 Sieve Analysis of coarse Aggregates
3.5 Physical Properties of Aggregates
3.6 Physical Properties of RCA and NCA
3.7 Chemical Composition of Brick Kiln Powder
3.8 Chemical Composition of Sodium Silicate
3.9 Ingredients of M45 grade concrete per meter cube
3.11 Quatity of material Required for crushing strength test
3.12 Quantity of material required for flexural strength beam
3.13 Quantity of material required for split tensile strength
3.14 Workability Results
3.15 Compressice Strength Test MIX-MXK0
3.16 Compressive Strength of Mix MXK1
3.17 Compressive Strength of MIX MXK2
3.18 Compressive strength of MIX MXK3
3.19 Compressive strength of MIX MXK4
3.20 Compressive strength of MIX MXK5
3.21 Flexural Strength Test MIX MXK0
3.22 Flexural Strength Test MIX MXK1
3.23 Flexural Strength Test MIX MXK2
3.24 Flexural Strength Test MIX MXK3
3.25 Flexural Strength Test MIX MXK4
3.26 Flexural Strength Test MIX MXK5
3.27 Split Strength Test MIX MXK0
3.28 Split Strength Test MIX MXK1
3.29 Split Strength Test MIX MXK2
3.30 Split Strength Test MIX MXK3
3.31 Split Strength Test MIX MXK4
3.32 Split Strength Test MIX MXK5
4.1 Compressive strength after 7 days
4.2 Compressive strength after 28 days
4.3 Flexural Strength after 7 days
4.4 Flexural strength after 28 days

1.1 Brick Kiln Powder

1.2 Admixtures
3.1 Casting of Flexural Beam
3.3 Compaction of cube on vibrating table
3.4 Crushed Compressive Strength Test
3.5 Comparison between 7 and 28 days Compressive Strength
3.6 Flexural Strength Test
3.8 Comparison between 7 and 28 days split tensile Strength
4.1 Compressive strength after 7 days
4.2 Compressive strength after 28 days
4.3 Flexural strength After 7 days
4.4 Flexural strength after 28 days
In the current scenario worldwide huge number of research works has been carried
out regarding the recycling of different construction materials and found reasonably
effective as we know the cost of construction materials is very high so it is essential
now for civil engineers to adopt the concrete ingredient recycled and much needed to
look beyond the conventional sources in construction in order to make the work
economical an durable as well. while keeping such important considering in mind I
decided to work on “ Improvement of Rigid Pavement (CC Road) by Substitution
of Fine Aggregate ( sand ) & Coarse Aggregate with Brick Kiln Powder &

Recycled coarse aggregate in High Strength concrete’’ to make it economical and
durable. Rigid pavement or cement concrete roads are made from either Plain cement
concrete or Reinforced cement concrete and pavement behaves like a rigid reinforced
slab to resists the wheel loading and deformation but in rigid pavements we have
observed there are many common problems such as Settlement of subgrade, Pumping
out failure caused by expulsion of water from beneath subgrade i.e. from water table,
spelling of joints due to less strength or due to improper design mix of concrete,
thermal stress, and shrinkage etc. which ultimately leads to failure of rigid concrete
roads or we can say complete deterioration of pavement occurs. In order to reduce
such problems up to greater extent I carried out brief analysis from previously done
research papers so I decided to work on such interesting topic.
In this research analysis my focus is to improve the performance of rigid pavement by
increasing its strengthening properties such as Flexural strength, Compressive
strength. Tensile strength is improved by using the glass fiber which increases the
tensile strength of Cement concrete roads and minimize the expansion of pavement
by resting tensile stresses.
Admixture Sodium Silicate is to be used for improving the Compressive and flexural
strength of concrete while for improving the impermeability of subgrade to top
surface coarse of pavement sand is replaced with fine brick kiln powder as it is
considered finer material than sand which results filling of all the small voids and
make pavement water resistant and durable
In this research work Conventional aggregates is replaced with recycled aggregates
Recycled aggregates are basically conventional aggregates coated by adhered mortar
previously used in cement concrete roads or we can say in rigid pavements before
bringing them into use they are crushed and special treatment is given to remove
adhered mortar by common method known as beneficiation

 To main purpose to study the amount of utilization of recycled coarse aggregate
and Brick kiln powder as partial replacement with conventional aggregates and
fine aggregate (Sand).
 To study the combined effect on the strength of concrete which has to be used in
Rigid concrete roads by doing partial replacement of Brick kiln powder and
recycled coarse aggregate with fine aggregate (sand) and conventional coarse
 To Study the effect on the permeability of Rigid Concrete roads by replacement
of sand with brick kiln powder which is finer than fine aggregates.
 To reduce the cost of Cement Concrete roads and make it economical.
 To reduce land fill space & pollution caused due to traditional aggregate when
life of traditional aggregate is over by doing replacement it will environment
 To Study the effect on the binding properties of Brick kiln powder with recycled
coarser aggregate by partial replacement.
 To Study the effect of Glass fiber on the tensile strength of cement concrete used
to be in Cement Concrete Roads.
 To Study the effect of Admixture on the fresh and hardened properties of Cement
concrete Mix for CC pavement.

In this investigation work two waste materials namely brick kiln powder and recycled
coarse aggregates were used in designed concrete mix for rigid pavement for studying
the maximum amount of utilization and the combined effect on final strength and
others properties in comparison to conventional concrete by doing partial replacement
of fine aggregate (Sand)and coarse aggregate with brick kiln powder and conventional
coarse aggregate respectively in High strength concrete which also containing glass
fibre and admixture sodium silicate. The combined proportions started from 5% Brick
kiln powder (BKP) by partial replacement of Sand and 8% of Recycled coarse
aggregate with replacement of conventional aggregate in concrete mix. In mix two
Brick kiln powder was gradually increased by 10% by weight of sand and recycled
coarse was increased 15 % by weight of conventional aggregate. Out of total six
proportions Last proportion was taken 30% of brick kiln powder by weight of sand
and 40% of recycled coarse aggregate by weight of conventional aggregate.
Admixture sodium silicate is used to decrease the initial sitting by 2% by weight of
cement and glass fiber was used to increase tensile strength of rigid pavement.
In this work Investigation reported that crushing strength increases by 17.5% in
compared with targeted strength and reduces by 2% compared with control or
conventional mix concrete at 28 days, flexural strength increases by 2.86% compared
with control concrete at 28 days, were obtained at combination of 15% Rice husk ash
and 8% Brick dust kiln by Partial replacement of Rice husk ash and brick dust kiln
which reduces the environmental effects, produced economically and eco-friendly
concrete for rigid pavements.
 Using combination of brick kiln powder and recycled coarse aggregate as
replacement with conventional material has been found effective and provides
nearly equivalent to the conventional concrete at replacement of 8% and 15%
 It is advisable that we can use such concrete easily for repairing like joints of rigid
pavement as well as for load bearing in rigid pavement
 In this research work it was investigated that recycled coarse aggregate and Brick
kiln powder is found to be superior to other waste materials like fly ash, crushed
bricks and silica fume because both above utilised materials provide desirable
strength and makes the rigid pavement impermeable hence reduce the chance of
pumping out failure.
 While utilisation of such waste are Beneficial to reduce the environmental effects
Recycled aggregates are crushed concrete or asphalt from construction debris that is
reused in widely in civil engineering like in rigid cement concrete pavements, in
framed structures and other construction works. In this investigation work recycled
coarse aggregate has obtained from baramulla Kashmir. In the present study recycled
coarse aggregate have been used to replace conventional coarse aggregate. The
properties of fresh as well as hardened concrete made of partial/full replacement of
recycled coarse aggregate are found out and the results are compared with
conventional concrete


 Making use of recycled aggregates over virgin materials can save money as
they are less expensive to produce.
 If recycled materials are available locally then this can reduce the cost of
transporting the aggregates.
 Producing recycled aggregate for resale is more cost-effective than sending
un-wanted materials to landfill and incurring landfill tax.
 Recycled Aggregate is regarded to be a ‘green’ construction material.
 Using recycled aggregate reduces the amount of virgin aggregates which are
created and therefore means less use of natural resources.
 Recycled aggregates can be used for various different functions, suitable for
use with construction projects, landscaping and in home improvement


Brick kiln Powder used in this investigation brick kiln powder has been obtained from
chadoora located in budgam. Brick dust kiln is a fine powder composed of
pulverized red clay and is obtained from burning of sun dried bricks at high
temperature about 700- 1100 degree Celsius it can be also obtained from by
crushing old bricks. It contains silica, alumina, lime, and iron oxide. Red Brick
kiln powder is a powder composed of pulverized red clay bricks which is used in the
practice of hoodoo/root work/conjure. Some practitioners may add extra ingredients
to the red brick dust to make it stronger, in a magical sense. And as I’ve said before
the most common way is to have Red brick dust deployed by sprinkling a line of it in
a doorway or entrance.

Fig 1.1 Shows Brick Kiln Powder

1.4.1 Advantages of Brick Kiln Powder
 Use of brick kiln powder is environmentally friendly as the waste materials
from industries are effectively being used to create quality building materials
 Brick kiln powder can used as partial replacement of fine aggregate because of
its binding properties.
 Brick kiln powder has a good reactivity property when it is used as a partial
Replacement with fine aggregate.
 Brick kiln powder can be replaced with fine aggregate up to 30% easily.
 Brick kiln powder is resistant to acid and sulphate attacks
 The shrinkage of brick kiln concrete is very less.
 The use of brick kiln powder gives concrete good work ability, durability and


Admixture sodium silicate used in this investigation was purchased from Ahad
Scientific Industries located at Srinagar Jammu & Kashmir. Sodium silicate, also
known as water glass or soluble glass, is a compound containing sodium oxide and
silica .In this research work sodium silicate crystals was used by 2% by weight of
cement as per IS Code to decrease the initial setting time adhesive, sealant, absorbent
and increase the strength of concrete.

Fig 1.2 Shows Admixture (Sodium Silicate)

1.5.1 Advantages of Sodium Silicate
 It reduces the initial setting time of concrete mix
 It is used to give early strengthen concrete
 It is highly corrosion inhibitor and anti- scaling agent
 It can be used as filler in concrete

1.5.2 Uses of Sodium Silicate

 To reduce the initial setting and strengthen the concrete.
 Drilling fluids Concrete and general masonry treatment
 Corrosion inhibitors and anti-scaling agents
 Concrete and general masonry treatment
 Adhesives and sealant chemicals
 Adsorbents and absorbents
Chapter 2 : Literature Review

This chapter deals with the important developments regarding performance and
applications of Rice Husk ash and Brick dust based concrete that have taken place in the
(Hemraj R. Kumavat, 2013)1 Investigated brick waste for its use as a replacement of
cement and sand in cement mortar as it behaves as a pozzolona. It may make an
important contribution towards decreasing the adverse effect of the production, disposal
and the dumping of brick waste on the environment. His findings show that richer mixes
gives lower value of bulk density and higher values of compressive strength for sand
replacement with brick waste up to 40%. It also presents useful data for the brick
manufacturing industry, builders and mortar manufacturing companies in terms of
minimizing the impact of brick waste and using eco-efficient materials.
(B.Rogers, 2011)2 Investigated an optimal methodology for determining whether a given
brick dust will produce a pozzolanic reaction when combined with lime. This property
will be referred to as pozzolanicity. The research required a review of the properties of
pozzolanic materials, the nature of the pozzolanic reaction, and a review of existing
methods for determining pozzolanicity. A testing program performed at the Architectural
Conservation Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania was designed and executed to
evaluate methods for testing pozzolanicity of brick dust to determine their efficacy. His
findings of the tests was the final result of the research, along with recommendations for
ways in which this immensely valuable resource can be tested and utilized economically
and sustainably for conservation work in the future
Sharda Sharma,2014)3 Investigated on concrete block pavements (CBPs) which have
appearance of solid block with interlocking properties with each other’s for laying on the
surface of road or pedestrian. As per requirement and use there are various sizes, shapes,
patterns and designs of the CBPs are available now a days. In this paper we have
considered the experimental study for construction of paver blocks with partial
replacement of cement with brick kiln dust at concrete mix (CM) 25 concludes that the
specific surface area of the pozzolan governs the water demand of the paste, while
amorphousness largely determines the strength of the paste. In contrast, the chemical
composition of the pozzolana is not instrumental as a variable affecting neither pozzolan
reactivity nor the strength of the paste.
Hasanpour, (2013)4 Investigated the feasibility of using waste bricks powder of
Gachsaran Company in concrete. Cement is replaced by waste bricks powder in different
proportions until 40% by weight. Pozzolanic properties of bricks powder and
compressive strength of concrete were investigated. His findings demonstrated that the
bricks powder show pozzolanic properties.
Findings also show that concrete with partial cement replacement by waste bricks powder
has minor strength loss. The results of the investigation confirmed the potential use of
this bricks powder material to produce pozzolanic concrete. Findings also show that
concrete with partial cement replacement by waste bricks powder has minor strength loss.
The results of the investigation confirmed the potential use of this bricks powder
material to produce pozzolanic concrete
(Alaa H and Obaidi J 2014)5 In this study, the mechanical and physical properties of
local recycled coarse aggregate have been investigated through detailed laboratory tests.
Local coarse RCA materials have been mixed with natural coarse aggregate (rounded)
and crushed natural coarse aggregate in different percentages of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100%.
The results have showed a decrease in the density and an increase in compressive
strength when mixed with natural coarse aggregates (rounded) and high compressive
strength (similar to the ordinary RCA free mix) and a decreases in flexural strength with
increasing percentage of RCA when mixed with the crushed natural coarse aggregate.
New relationships have been derived for estimating the flexural strength and modulus of
elasticity of concrete containing RCA from non destructive tests with high confidence
(Limbachiya, M .C Leelawat)6 The results of a test programme to study the use of
recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in high-strength, 50 N/mm2 or greater, concrete are
described. The effects of coarse RCA content on the ceiling strength, bulk engineering
and durability properties of such concretes have been established. The results showed that
up to 30% coarse RCA had no effect on concrete strength, but thereafter there was a
gradual reduction as the RCA content increased. A method of accommodating the effects
of high RCA content, involving simple adjustment to water/cement ratio of the mix is
given. It is shown that high-strength RCA concrete will have equivalent engineering and
durability performance to concrete made with natural aggregates, for correspond-in 28-
Chapter 3 : Experimental Programme

The experimental programme included the following:

 Test properties of constituent materials.
 Workability of Fresh Concrete mix concrete mix.
 Casting and curing of specimens.
 Compressive strength test on Recycled coarse aggregate and brick kiln powder
concrete mix.
 Flexural strength test on Recycled coarse aggregate and brick kiln powder concrete
 Split tensile strength test on Recycled coarse aggregate and brick kiln powder
concrete mix..


The properties of different constituent materials to be used for making the specimens for
the experimental studies were tested in the laboratory .the data proved useful to classify
the cement sand, coarse aggregate, Rice coarse aggregate, brick kiln powder, glass
fiber.These values also confirmthe right type and quality of the materials used.
Various tests were performed on:
 Cement.
 Fine aggregate.
 Coarse aggregate
 Rice Coarse Aggregate
 Brick Kiln Powder
 Glass fiber
 Admixture (Sodium Silicate)
The Ordinary Portland cement 43 grade was used as the main binding material in this
research work, which is sulphate resistance with average heat of hydration. Cement is a
binder, a substance used for construction that sets, hardens and adheres to other materials,
binding them together. Cement is seldom used on its own, but rather to bind sand and
gravel (aggregate) together. Cement is used with fine aggregate to produce mortar for
masonry, or with sand and gravel aggregates to produce concrete. Ordinary Portland
Cement (OPC) is manufactured by grinding a mixture of limestone and other raw
materials like argillaceous, calcareous, gypsum to a powder. This cement is available in
three types of grades, such as OPC 33 grade, OPC 43 grade and OPC 53 grade. OPC is
the most commonly used cement in the world. This type of cement is preferred where fast
pace of construction is done
Table 3.1 characteristic properties of cement
Experimenta Specified value as
S.No Test performed l per
Value IS:8112-1989
1. Consistency of cement (%) 32.25 ------
2. Specific gravity 3.21 3.15
3. Initial setting time (minutes) 28 >30
4. Final setting time (minutes) 370 <600
Compressive strength
(N/mm² 23.90 >23
1. 3 days 35.80 >33
5 2. 7 days 65.90 >43
3. 28 days
6. Soundness (mm) 2.01 10
7. Fineness of cement 1.8 10
Fine aggregate used In this investigation is clean sand collected from river Jhelum
baramulla, Kashmir whose maximum size is 4.75mm conforming from zone I. Fine
aggregate are soil particles that pass through a 4.25 mm sieve, . Fine aggregates are
usually river Sand or Machine sand.
Table 3.2 Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregate

IS 383-
Weight Cumulative
Cumulative 1970
S. IS sieve retained weight %age
%age Requireme
No Designation on retained Passing
Retained nts
sieve (gm) (gm)
for zone II
1 4.75mm 19 19 1.9 98.1 90-100
2 2.36mm 131 150 15.0 85 75-100
3 1.18mm 102 252 25.2 74.8 55-90
4 600µ 349 601 60.1 39.9 35-55
5 300µ 293 894 89.4 10.6 8-30
6 150µ 88 982 98.2 1.8 0-10
7 Pan 18 1000 0.
Fineness modulus of sand=3.102

Table 3.3 Physical Properties of Fine Aggregate

S. No Characteristics Experimental value

1 Specific gravity of fine
Aggregate 2.47
2 Water absorption 0.166
3 Free moisture content 2%
The Conventional Coarse aggregate used in this investigation is irregular machine
made and same was collected from Tangmarg crusher plant. The coarse aggregate is a
inert material which retained on 4.75mm sieve classified as coarse aggregates. Coarse
aggregates are dolomite aggregates used widely in construction industry. The
aggregate are mainly categories based on size rather than chemical and mechanical
Table 3.4 Sieve Analysis of Coarse

S. Sieve Wt. Retained Cumulative Cumulative %age IS:383-1970

NO Designation on sieve (gm) wt. Retained %age passing
(mm) (gm) retained

1. 80 Nil Nil Nil 100 100

2. 40 Nil Nil Nil 100 100

3. 20 00 00 00 100 85-100

4. 10 3429 3429 68.58 31.42 25-55

5. 4.75 1513 4942 98.84 1.16 0-10

6. Pan 58 5000 100 0.0 ----


Fineness modulus of C.A=2.67

Table 3.5 Physical Properties of coarse aggregate

S. No Characteristics Experimental
1 Specific gravity of 2.54
. coarse aggregate
2 Water absorption 01
3 Free moisture 0.0%
. content
The Specific gravity of Recycled coarse aggregate is 2.3 and bulk
density is 1325.93 kg/m3 Recycled coarse aggregate produced after
dismantling of exiting concrete
Table 3.6 Physical properties of RCA & NCA

S.No Particular Proportion

1 Water absorption (%) 1.56 6.4

2 Specific gravity 2.63 2.3

3 Bulk density kg/m3 1469.8 1325.93


Brick dust kiln Is fine powder composed of pulverized red clay and is obtained
from burning of sun dried bricks at high temperature about 700-
1100 degree Celsius it can be also obtained from by crushing old
bricks. It contains silica, alumina, lime, and iron oxide.

Table 3.7 Chemical Composition of Brick Kiln Powder

S.No Particular Proportion

1 Calcium Oxide 36-94%

2 Silicon dioxide 0%

3 Aluminium 0.1%

4 Calcium Oxide 0.3-0.2%

5 Magnesia Oxide 0.1%

6 Potassium Oxide 2.15%

7 Ignition Oxide 3.15-4%


Sodium silicate is the common name for a compound sodium met
silicate, Na2SiO3, also known as water glass or liquid glass. It is
available in aqueous solution and in solid form and is used in
cements, passive fire protection, refractories, textile and lumber
processing, and automobiles. Sodium carbonate and silicon
dioxide react when molten to form sodium silicate and carbon
dioxide: Anhydrous sodium silicate contains a chain polymeric
anion composed of corner shared {SiO4} tetrahedral, and not a
discrete SiO32− ion. I

Table 3.8 Chemical Compositions of Sodium Silicate

S.No Particular Proportion

1 MF Na2O3Si.9H2O

2 MF 284

3 Chloride Max 0.05%

4 Sulphate Max 0.05%

5 Iron Max 0.05%

6 Heavy Metals Max 0.001%

1) Design stipulations
Mix design is made according to the IS specifications [BIS 10262-
1982 and BIS 456-2000]. The sand used is of zone I obtained from
Dera Bassi Punjab. Moulds are made on the basis of mix design
and various tests are done on these moulds in order to check the
strength parameters. The mix design is as follows:
Mix design by
Indian standard
method 28 day
strength =
Degree of quality
control = Good
Maximum size of
coarse aggregate
= 20 mm Degree
of workability
Factor) = 0.95
Value of statistical coefficient (K) =2
(Refer IS 456-2000 clause 9.2.2) Value of
standard deviation (S) =5.00 (Refer IS 456-
2000 Table 8) Type of Exposure =
Target mean strength
f’ck = fck+1.65 s (s= 5; from is 10262 table 1)

f’ck = 45+1.65 x 5 = 53.25N/mm2

Maximum size of aggregates 20 mm
Workability, slump 50 to 75mm
Type of exposure Moderate
Aggregate surface condition all aggregates are in surface dried condition
2) Test data for materials
Type of cement ACC 43 grade (OPC)
Specific gravity of cement 3.15
Specific gravity of admixture 2.1
Specific gravity for coarse Aggregates 2.54
Specific gravity of fine aggregates 2.47
3) Selection of water/cement ratio
From is 456-2000 table 5 maximum W/C ratio
d w/c
Hence selected W/C ratio is = 0.34

4) Estimation of mixing water

Weight of water for 20 mm aggregates and slump 25-50 mm = 186 litre.
Weight of water for 50-75 mm slump (increased by 3% for
additional 25 mm slump as per is 10262 clause 4.2) = 191.58
Note: on adding super plasticizer @
0.9% water content reduces by 20%
Net water volume =191.58X0.8=litre
=153.26 litre
5) Estimation of weight of cement
Wt. of cement=wt.
of water/water
cement ratio Wt. of
4 =450.76kg/m3
Min. content as per is 456 for moderate exposure
=360kg 450.76> 360kg hence ok
6) Estimation of weight of admixture
Weight of admixture @0.9% of weight of cement=0.9x 450.36/100
=4.05kg Volume of admixture (E) =wt. of admixture/specific weight
=4.05/1070 = 0.00378 m3
7) Calculating proportion of coarse and fine aggregates

From is-10262 table

Volume of coarse aggregates corresponding to 20mm size

and fine aggregates zone 1=o.60 Volume of fine aggregates
= (1-0.60) = 0.40
8) Mix Calculations
a) Volume of concrete = 1m3
b) Volume of cement = (mass of cement/specific gravity)x(1/1000)
c) volume of water = (mass of water/specific gravity)x(1/1000)
V = (153.36/1.00) x (1/1000) =0.153 m3
d) Volume of admixture = (mass of admixture/specific gravity) x (1/1000)
= (4.05/2.1) x (1/1000) =0.002935 m3
e) Volume of all in aggregates= {a-(b+c+d)}
1-(0. 1428+0.153+0.00194286) =0.68684286
f) Weight o coarse aggregates = 0.7057x0.63x specific
gravity of coarse aggregates x 1000

=0.7004x0.60x2.54 x 1000 =1067.44 kg

g) Weight of fine aggregates = 0.7004 x0.40x 2.47 x 1000 =691.99
9 Proportion ratio 1: 1.52 : 2.35

Table 3.10 shows ingredients for M45 grade Concrete perm3

S.No Ingredients Surface dried weights

1 Cement 454.76 kg

2 Coarse aggregates 1067.44 kg

3 Fine aggregates 691.99 kg

4 Water 154 litre.

5 Admixture 4.05 kg

6 Water cement ratio 0.34


 Admixture Sodium Silicate is replaced 0.9% by weight of
cement as per IS Code and remains constant for all mixes
 Glass Fiber is replaced with 0.2% by weight of cement
and remains constant for all mixes.
 RHA is Recycled coarse aggregate
 BKP is Brick kiln powder
 Table 3.11 Quantity of materials Required Crushing strength Test


Design % % By 2% C/w Kg
MIX 0 100 0 0 0% 2.586 3.861
MIX 1 100 8 4 0.02 2.482 3.552
MIX 2 100 15 8 ----- 2.379 3.282
MIX 3 100 25 12 ----- 2.276 3.869
MIX 4 100 30 16 ----- 2.172 2.703
MIX 5 100 35 20 ----- 2.068 2.509

Table 3.12 Quantity of materials Required for Flexural Strength



Design % % By 2% C/w
MIX 0 100 0 0 0 10.864 18.051
MIX 1 100 8 4 0.02 10.429 16.606
MIX 2 100 15 8 ----- 9.995 15.334
MIX 3 100 25 12 ----- 9.560 13.539
MIX 4 100 30 16 ----- 9.125 12.636
MIX 5 100 35 20 ----- 10.429 11.734
Table 3.13 Quantity of materials Required for Split Tensile
Design % (SODIUM

MIX 0 100% 0% 0% 0.025kg 4.604kg 7.307kg

MIX 1 98.9% 8% 4% 0.025kg 4.419kg 7.307kg

MIX 2 83.9% 15% 8% 0.025kg 4.235kg 7.307kg

MIX 3 73.9% 25% 12% 0.025kg 4.051kg 7.307kg

MIX 4 68.1% 30% 16% 0.025kg 3.867kg 7.307kg

MIX 5 63.9% 35% 20% 0.025kg 3.683kg 7.307kg


 Slump Test
 Compaction Factor Test

WORKABILITY: - Workability is a property of raw or

fresh concrete mixture. In simple words, workability means the
ease of placement and workable concrete means the concrete
which can be placed and can be compacted easily without
any segregation. Workability of concrete mixtures was measured
by performing slump and compaction factor tests as per procedure
given in Indian standard BIS: 1199-1959
Slump Test: - Slump test was performed in laboratory to
determine the workability of controlled concrete and the combined
effect of Rice husk and Brick dust ash on fresh concrete. The mould
was cleaned from inside and was filled in four layers with concrete.
Each layer was compacted by twenty-five strokes of the rounded
end of 16 mm diameter tamping rod. The strokes were distributed
uniformly over the cross section of the mould. The excess mass of
concrete was struck off with the help of trowel after tamping the
top layer. The mould was removed from concrete immediately by
raising it slowly and carefully in a vertical direction. As shown in
Fig., slump was measured immediately by determining the
difference between the height of the mould and that of highest point
of the specimen after subsidence of concrete.


 Clean the internal surface of the mould and apply oil.

 Place the mould on a smooth horizontal non- porous base plate.
 Fill the mould with the prepared concrete mix in 4 approximately equal
 Tamp each layer with 25 strokes of the rounded end of the
tamping rod in a uniform manner over the cross section of
the mould. For the subsequent layers, the tamping should
penetrate into the underlying layer.
 Remove the excess concrete and level the surface with a trowel.
 Clean away the mortar or water leaked out between the mould and the base
 Raise the mould from the concrete immediately and slowly in vertical
 Measure the slump as the difference between the height of
the mould and that of height point of the specimen being tested.

3.11 Compaction Factor Test:- Compaction factor test

was performed in laboratory to determine the consistency of
concrete. The compaction factor is the ratio of weights of partially
compacted to fully compacted concrete.
Where W1 = Weight of partially compacted Concrete Cylinder
W2 = Weight of fully compacted Concrete Cylinder, W =
weight of empty cylinder APPRATUS
Compaction factor apparatus consists of trowels,

 Hand scoop (15.2 cm long),

 Rod of steel or other suitable material (1.6 cm diameter, 61

cm long rounded at one end)
 Balance


 Place the concrete sample gently in the upper hopper to its

brim using the hand scoop and level it.
 Cover the cylinder.
 Open the trapdoor at the bottom of the upper hopper so that
concrete falls into the lower hopper. Push the concrete sticking on
its sides gently with the road.
 Open the trapdoor of the lower hopper and allow the
concrete to fall into the cylinder below.
 Cut of the excess of concrete above the top level of cylinder using trowels
and level it.
 Clean the outside of the cylinder.
 Weight the cylinder with concrete to the nearest 10 g. This
weight is known as the weight ofpartially compacted concrete
 Empty the cylinder and then refill it with the same concrete
mix in layers approximately 5 cm deep, each layer being heavily
rammed to obtain full compaction.
 Level the top surface.
 Weigh the cylinder with fully compacted. This weight is
known as the weight of fully compacted concrete (W2).
 Find the weight of empty cylinder (W).


Compaction Factor Value= (W1-W) / (W2-W) Where W1 =
Weight of partially compacted Concrete Cylinder And W2 =
Weight of fully compacted Concrete Cylinder, W = weight of
empty cylinder Compaction Factor Value= (W1-W) / (W2-W) =
(18.90-9.70) / (19.70-9.70) = 0.9
Table 3.14 Shows Workability Results
Sump Test Compaction Factor
Value Test Value
1 100mm 0.92
2 100mm 0.91
3 90mm 0.89
4 80mm 0.87
5 70mm 0.85
6 75mm 0.84


The ingredients of concrete were mixed in 0.06 m3 capacity
mixer. Weighed quantities of cement, sand, rice husk ash and
waste brick dust were dry mixed until uniform colour was obtained
without any cluster of cement, sand and rice husk ash. Then
weighed quantity of coarse aggregate was added and mixed in dry
state until homogenous mixture was obtained. Measured quantity
of water was added and ingredients were mixed in the mixer.
All the moulds were oiled before casting the specimens. Cube
specimens of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm of each concrete
mixture were cast to determine the compressive strength,
cylindrical specimens of size 150 mm x 300 mm were cast to
measure tensile strength of concrete. And flexural beam of size
150x150x700 mm were used to cast the beam to determine the
flexural strength of concrete specimen. The specimens were de-
moulded after 24 ±1 hr. of adding water to concrete mixture cube
mould plates should be removed, properly cleaned assembled and
all the bolts should be fully tight. A thin layer of oil then shall be
applied on all the faces of the mould. It is important that cube side
faces must be parallel

Fig 3.1 Casting of Flexural Beam

The concrete sample shall be filled into the cube moulds in 3 layers, each layer
approximately 5 cm deep. In placing each scoopful of concrete, the scoop shall be
moved around the top edge of the mould as the concrete slides from it, in order to
ensure a symmetrical distribution of the concrete within the mould. Each layer shall
be compacted either by hand or by the vibration. Each layer of the concrete filled in
the mould shall be compacted by not less than 35 strokes by tamping bar. The strokes
shall be penetrating into the underlying layer and the bottom layer shall be rodded
throughout its depth. Where voids are left by the tamping bar the sides of the mould
shall be tapped to close the voids.The6 no of Cubes of 150 x 150 x 150 mm size shall
be cast, 3 for 7-days testing and 3 for 28-days testing. A sample consists of 3 cube
specimens and their average compressive strength represents the test result of that
sample. The individual variation of a set of 3 cubes should not be more than ± 15% of
the average. If more, the test result of the sample is invalid.

Casting of cube

The vibrating table consists of a rigidly built steel platform

mounted on flexible springs and is driven by an electric motor. The
normal frequency of vibration is 4000 rpm at an acceleration of 4g
to 7g. The vibrating tables are very efficient in compacting stiff and
harsh concrete mixes required for manufacture of precast elements
in the factories and test specimens in laboratories. During the
compaction of each layer by means of a vibrating hammer, the
mould should preferably be placed on a level piece of timber. The
concrete should be vibrated by holding the Foot of the hammer
against a piece of timber placed over but not completely covering
the top of the mould. The applied vibration by either the vibrating
hammer or table should be of the minimum duration necessary to
achieve full compaction of the concrete. Vibration should cease as
soon as the surface of the concrete becomes relatively smooth and
air bubbles cease to appear.
3.3 Compaction of cube on Vibrating Table


Tests were done as per following codes of Bureau of Indian Standards. The test for
compressive strength on cubes were measured at 7,14and 28 days of curing as per IS:
516 1959 test for flexural strength on beam was measured at 28 days of curing as per
IS 516 1959 and test for split tensile strength on cylinder was measured at 28 days of
curing as per IS: 5 816 1999
The following tests have been carried on various specimens:
1) Compressive strength test
2) Flexure strength test
3.14.1 Compressive Strength Test for compressive strength test, cube specimens of
dimensions 150 x 150 x 150 mm were cast for M45 grade of concrete. The moulds
were filled with different proportions of cement, Recycled coarse aggregates and
brick kiln powder r Vibration was given to the moulds using table vibrator. The top
surface of the specimen was levelled and finished. After 24 hours the specimens were
remoulded and were transferred to curing tank wherein they were allowed to cure for
7 and 28days. After 7 and 28 days curing, these cubes were tested on manual
compression testing machine as per I.S. 516 1959. The failure load was noted. In each
category, three cubes were tested and their average value is reported. The compressive
strength was calculated as follows
Compressive strength (MPa) = Failure load / cross sectional area.

Fig 3.4 crushed Compressive Strength Test cubes

The test was conducted on cubes of size 150 × 150 × 150 mm according to IS
code 516-1959.
 Specimens were taken out from a curing tank at the age of 7
and 28 days of moist curing and were then tested.
 The cube was placed in machine in such a manner that load was
applied to opposite sides of the cube as cast. The load was applied
without shock and increased continuously at the rate of 14
N/mm²/mm²/minute until the resistance of the cube to the
increasing load breaks down and no greater load can be sustained.
 The position of the cube while testing was at right angles to that
of casting position as shown in Fig
 Axes of specimens were carefully aligned with the canter of the
thrust of the spherically seated plate.
 The maximum load applied to the cube was recorded.
 Compressive strength of specimen was calculated by dividing
the maximum load applied during the test by the cross-
sectional area of the cube. Average of three values was
recorded as the compressive strength of the concrete mixture.

Fck = P/ A

P = maximum load applied, kn

A = surface area of cube of size 150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm



S.no After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Compressive Load (KN) Compressive
strength N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 715 31.90 1425 63.35
2 710 32.00 1410 62.95
3 705 31.95 1420 63.25
4 700 31.85 1415 62.63
5 720 32.30 1417 62.86
6 702 31.88 1405 62.80
Average 32.00 63.25

S. No After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Compressive Load (KN) Compressive
strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)

1 620 31.00 1370 60.85

2 640 31.20 1390 61.50.

3 650 31.10 1380 61.40

4 610 30.95 1365 60.25

5 600 30.86 1360 60.90
6 605 30.90 1350 60.80
Average 31.10 61.14


S.no After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Compressive Load (KN) Compressive
strength N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 575 29.08 1490 61.87
2 580 29.13 1400 62.00
3 590 29.60 1403 62.32
4 570 29.00 1397 61.95
5 565 28.95 1395 6.1.90
6 560 28.50 1385 61.88
Average 29.13 62.32


S. No After 7 Days After 28 days
Load (KN) Compressive Load (KN) Compressive
strength(N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 520 27.00 1265 57.95
2 540 27.14 1275 58.10
3 550 27.45 1280 58.17

4 530 27.10 1285 58.90

5 525 27.06 1270 58.00
6 515 26.80 1260 57.90
Average 27.14 58.17

S. No After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Compressive Load Compressive
strength (N/mm²) (KN) Strength (N/mm²)
1 470 24.65 1230 54.66
2 490 24.95 1206 54.00
3 500 25.50 1208 54.20
4 495 25.00 1215 54.90
5 485 24.80 1218 55.10
6 480 24.75 1225 55.30
Average 24.18 55.44


S. No After 7 Days After 28 days
Load (KN) Compressive Load (KN) Compressive
strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 385 19.80 1120 49.65
2 395 19.95 1122 50.00
3 400 20.00 1128 50.10

4 390 19.86 1130 50.15

5 380 19.75 1114 49.22
6 375 19.70 1120 49.65
Average 20.00 50.10



compressive strength of 7
20 days2
0 compressive strength of 28
MX0 MX1 MX2 MX3 days
4 5

Fig 3.5 Comparison between 7 and 28 days Compressive strength

3.14.2 Flexural Strength Test. The standard sizes of beam specimen
were 15x15x70 cm. The beam moulds conform to IS: 10086 1982
Compacting of concrete will be done by vibration as per IS: 516 1959.
Curing: Test specimens shall be stored in water at a temperature of 24 0
34 0c for 48 hours before testing. The specimens shall be tested
immediately on removal from the water while they are still in the wet
condition. The Flexural test was performed on two point loading

Fig 3.6 Shows Flexural Strength test

 The trial was conducted on beams of size 500 × 100× 100 mm
according to IS code 516- 1959.
 The bearing surfaces of the supporting and loading rollers was
wiped clean, and any loss and or other material taken out from the
surface of the specimen where they were making contact with the
 The bearing surfaces of the supporting and loading rollers was
wiped clean, and any loss and or other material taken out from the
surface of the specimen where they were making contact with the
 The specimen was then placed in the flexure testing machine in
such a manner that the load was applied to the uppermost surface
as cast in the mould, along with two lines spaced
13.3 cm apart.

 The axes of the specimen were carefully aligned with the axis
of the loading device. No packing was used between the bearing
surfaces of the specimen and the rollers.
 The load was applied without shock and increasing
continuously at a rate such that the extreme fibers stress, increased
at approximately 7kg/sq.cm/min, that is, at a rate 180kg/min.
 The load was increased until the specimen failed, and then the maximum load
applied to

the specimen during the test was recorded. The Flexure Strength
is then calculated by the formula.
Fb= pl/bd2 when a is greater than 13.3 cm and Fb=3pa/bd² when a
lies in between 11.0 and 13.3cm

S. no After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Flexural Load (KN) Flexural Strength
Strength (N/mm²) (N/mm²)
1 17.50 4.50 30.50 9.86
2 17.00 4.00 30.00 9.76
3 16.85 4.12 29.50 9.65
Average 4.20 9.76
S. no After 7 Days After 28 days
Load (KN) Flexural Load (KN) Flexural
Strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 16.50 4.10 29.00 8.56
2 16.00 4.00 28.90 8.67
3 15.80 3.95 29.10 8.67
Average 4.01 8.56


S.no After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Flexural Load (KN) Flexural
Strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)

1 18.50 4.76 33.50 9.96

2 20.00 4.86 33.70 9.99
3 19.20 4.80 33.60 9.97
Average 5.08 9.96


S.no After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Flexural Load (KN) Flexural Strength
Strength (N/mm²) (N/mm²)
1 15.70 3.90 28.38 8.23
2 15.50 3.70 28.00 8.00
3 15.65 3.85 28.45 8.45
Average 4.25 8.22



S.no After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Flexural Load (KN) Flexural
Strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 15.30 3.65 23.85 7.00
2 15.40 3.68 24.00 7.08
3 15.00 3.50 24.50 7.20
Average 3.61 7.11


S.no After 7 Days After 28 days

Load (KN) Flexural Load (KN) Flexural
Strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 14.50 3.10 23.85 7.35
2 14.90 3.15 23.65 7.00
3 14.35 3.05 23.20 6.85
Average 3.10 7.00

Fig 3.7 Comparison between 7 and 28 days Flexural Strength

3.14.3 Tensile Strength Test.

For tensile strength test, cylinder specimens of dimension 150 mm
diameter and 300 mm length were cast. The specimens were
demoulded after 24 hours of casting and were transferred to curing
tank wherein they were allowed to cure for 28 days. These
specimens were tested under compression testing machine. In each
category, three cylinders were tested and their average value was
Tensile strength was calculated as follows as split tensile strength:
Tensile strength (MPa)=2P/π DL Where, P = failure load, D =
diameter of cylinder, L = length of cylinder.
 The test was conducted on cylinders of size 150mm diameter ×
300mm length according to IS code 516-1959.
 Specimens were taken out of water at their respective ages of testing.

 Specimens were tested on compression testing machine 200

tonnes capacity bearing the requirement given in IS 516.
 The position of the cylinder while testing was at right angle to
that of casting position as shown
 Axes of specimens were carefully aligned with the centre of
thrust of the spherically seated plates.
 The load was applied gradually without any shock and
increased at constant rate of 2.4 N/mm²/minute until failure of
specimen took place, thus the split tensile strength of specimen was
found out.

S.no 7 Days 28 days

Load (KN) Split Tensile Load (KN) Split Tensile
Strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 15.55 4.15 24.95 6.40
2 15.50 4.10 25.00 6.42
3 15.40 4.00 25.05 6.45
Average 4.12 6.42


S.no 7 Days 28 days

Load (KN) Split Tensile Load (KN) Split Tensile
strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 15.15 3.75 24.86 6.33
2 15.05 3.70 24.90 6.37
3 15.10 3.73 24.88 6.35
Average 3.75 6.33


S.no 7 Days 28 days

Load (KN) Split Tensile Load (KN) Split Tensile
strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 15.00 3.40 23.46 5.87
2 14.95 3.42 23.50 5.92
3 15.03 3.86 23.40 5.85
Average 3.50 5.90

S.no 7 Days 28 days

Load (KN) Split Tensile Load (KN) Split Tensile
strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 14.40 2.95 22.00 4.86
2 14.50 3.01 21.90 4.84
3 14.90 3.05 21.85 4.82
Average 3.00 4.86


S.no 7 Days 28 days

Load (KN) Split Tensile Load (KN) Split Tensile
strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 13.30 2.80 19.90 4.08
2 13.50 2.90 20.00 4.14
3 13.40 2.86 19.95 4.10
Average 2.85 4.11


S.no 7 Days 28 days

Load (KN) Split Tensile Load (KN) Split Tensile
strength (N/mm²) Strength (N/mm²)
1 13.00 2.70 18.00 3.77
2 12.50 2.50 18.05 3.80
3 12.30 2.30 17.95 3.68
Average 2.40 3.75

Split Tensile strength after 7
4 days
Split Tensile strength after 28
days Column1

Fig 3.8 Comparison between 7 and 28 days Split Tensile

Chapter 4 : Discussion

In the present chapter the result of the investigation conducted on the effect of partial
replacement of cement by Rice husk ash and brick dust kiln by fine aggregate on the
strength and durability characteristics of concrete has been presented and discussed in
detail. A Cube specimen of size 150mm×150mm×150mm were tested for determining
compressive strength and durability respectively, a cylindrical specimen of size
150mm (diameter) ×300mm(length) were tested for determining the split tensile
strength and beams of size 100mm (width)× 100mm(depth)×700mm (length) were
tested for determining flexural strength. The results obtained from this study are
presented and discussed in the preceding sections.


Table 4.1 Compressive strength
after 7 days

S .No Mix designation Average compressive % increase average

Strength compressive strength
1 MX0 32
2 MX1 31.10 -3%
3 MX2 29.13 -10%
4 MX3 27.14 -17%
5 MX4 24.18 -32%
6 MX5 20.00 -55%

40 0
20 1
days 3

Fig 4.1 Compressive strength after 7


pCompressive strength after 7 days The experimental

investigations show that by the partial replacement of recycled
coarse aggregate (8%) and (4%) of brick kiln powder, the
compressive strength increases by -3% also when partially replaced
recycled coarse aggregate (15%) and (8%) of brick kiln powder, it
increased up to -10% also when the recycled coarse aggregate is
partially replaced by 25% and with 12% of brick kiln powder it
increases the compressive strength by -17%, when recycled coarse
aggregate is replaced by 30% and with 16% of s brick kiln powder
the compressive strength increases by -32% but when recycled
coarse aggregate was replaced by 35% and with 20% of brick kiln
powder, the compressive strength decreases by -55%
Table 4.2 Compressive strength after 28 days

S .No Mix designation Average compressive % increase average

strength compressive strength
1 MX0 63.25
2 MX1 61.14 -4%
3 MX2 62.32 -1.5%
4 MX3 58.17 -9%
5 MX4 55.66 -45.50%
6 MX5 52.10 -60%

4 MX1
4 MX2
3 Compressive strength after 28 Column
8 days 1

Fig 4.2 Compressive strength after 28 days

Compressive strength after 28 days:-The experimental
investigations show that by the partial replacement of recycled
coarse aggregate (8%) and (4%) of brick kiln powder, the
compressive strength decreases by 4% also when partially replaced
recycled coarse aggregate

(15%) and (8%) of brick kiln powder, it decreased up to 1.5% also

when the recycled coarse aggregate is partially replaced by 25 %
and with 12% of brick kiln powder it decreases the compressive
strength by 9%, when recycled coarse aggregate is replaced by 30%
and with 16% of brick kiln powder the compressive strength
decreases by 45.50% but when recycled coarse aggregate was
replaced by 35% and with 20% of brick kiln powder, the
compressive strength decreases by 60%
Table 4.3 Flexural Strength after 7 Days
S .No Mix designation Average flexural strength % increase average
flexural strength
1 MX0 4.20
2 MX1 4.01 -5%
3 MX2 5.08 20%
4 MX3 4.25 -1%
5 MX4 3.61 -30%
6 MX5 3.10 -35%

5 MX1
4 MX2
3 MX3
2 MX4
1 MX5
0 Column
Flexural strength after 7 1

Fig 4.3 Flexural Strength after 7 Days

Flexural Strength after 7 Days:-The experimental investigations
show that by the partial replacement of recycled coarse aggregate
(8%) and (4%) of brick kiln powder, the flexural strength decreases
by 5% also when partially replaced of recycled coarse aggregate
(15%) and (8%) of brick kiln powder, it increased up to 20% also
when the of recycled coarse aggregate is partially replaced by
20% and with 12% of brick kiln powder it decreases the

strength by 1%, when of recycled coarse aggregate is replaced by

30% and with 16% of brick kiln powder the flexural strength
decreases by 30% but when of recycled coarse aggregate was
replaced by 35% and with 20% of brick kiln powder, the flexural
strength decreases by -40%

Table 4.4 Flexural Strength after 28 Days

S .No Mix designation Average flexural strength % increase average

N/mm² flexural strength
1 MX0 9.76
2 MX1 8.56 -11%
3 MX2 9.96 2%
4 MX3 8.22 -20%
5 MX4 7.11 -35%
6 MX5 7.00 -40%
1 MX0
6 MX3
4 MX4
2 Column
0 1
Flexural strength after 28

Fig 4.4 Flexural Strength after 28 Days

Flexural Strength after 28 Days:-The experimental investigations
show that by the partial replacement of recycled coarse aggregate
(8%) and (4%) of brick kiln powder, the flexural strength decreases
by 11% also when partially replaced of recycled coarse aggregate
(15%) and (8%) of brick kiln powder , it increased up to 2% also
when the of recycled coarse aggregate is partially replaced by 25%
and with 12% of brick kiln powder it decreases the flexural strength
by 20%, when of recycled coarse aggregate is replaced by 30% and
with 16% of brick kiln powder the flexural strength decreases by
35% but when of recycled coarse
aggregate was replaced by 35% and with 20% of brick kiln powder,
the flexural strength decreases by 40%


The slump test results of control concrete as well as recycled coarse
aggregate concrete mixtures are illustrated in Fig. . For fixed water-
cement ratio, the slump values decreased on incorporation of
recycled coarse aggregate as replacement of cement in concrete
with brick kiln powder as admixture. Up to 35% replacement of
cement with recycled coarse aggregate in concrete with brick
kiln powder as admixture, the slump values were not
affected significantly. On 8% and 20% replacement of cement with
recycled coarse aggregate in concrete with sodium silicate as
admixture, there was significant decrease in slump values. The
slump values decreased drastically on incorporation of 20 % of
recycled coarse aggregate and 15% of brick kiln powder concrete
with sodium silicate as admixture. The slump values of recycled
coarse aggregate concrete mixtures with brick kiln powder and
sodium silicate admixture MX0, MX1, MX2, MX3 and MX4 were
100, 100; 90, 80, 75 and 70 mm, respectively.




8 0%
0 replacement
8 % RCA + 4%
6 15% RcA + 8%
25% RCA + 12%
4 30 % RCA + 16%
35% RCA + 20%


Chapter 5 : Conclusion

Building industry by itself is a great concern related to

environmental pollution and also linked to degradation of the
environment due to consumptions of the great amount of non-
renewable natural resources. Recycling of industrial wastes is one
of the solutions given attention worldwide for environmental
protection and for the economic and sustainable function of
1) Compressive Strength After 7 Days:- The experimental
investigations show that by the partial replacement of Recycled
Coarse Aggregate (8%) and (4%) of brick kiln powder, the
compressive strength decreases by 3% also when partially replaced
Recycled Coarse Aggregate (15%) and (8%) of brick kiln powder,
it decreased up to 10% also when the Rice husk ash is partially
replaced by 25% and with 12% of brick kiln powder it decreases
the compressive strength by 17%, when Recycled Coarse
Aggregate is replaced by 30% and with 16% of brick kiln powder
the compressive strength decreases by 32% but when Recycled
Coarse Aggregate was replaced by 35% and with 20% of brick dust
kiln, the compressive strength decreases by -55%.

2) Compressive Strength After 28 Days:- The experimental

investigations show that by the partial replacement of Recycled
Coarse Aggregate (8%) and (4%) of brick kiln powder, the
compressive strength decreases by 4% also when partially replaced
Recycled Coarse Aggregate (15%) and (8%) of brick kiln powder,
it decreased up to 1.5% also when the Recycled Coarse Aggregate
is partially replaced by 25% and with 12% of brick kiln powder, it
decreases the compressive strength by 9%, when Recycled Coarse
Aggregate is replaced by 30% and with 16% of brick kiln powder,
the compressive strength decreases by 45.50% but when Recycled
Coarse Aggregate was replaced by 35% and with 16% of brick kiln
powder, the compressive strength decreases by -60%.

3) Flexural Strength After 7 Days:- The experimental

investigations show that by the partial replacement of s of Recycled
Coarse Aggregate (8%) and (4%) brick kiln powder, the flexural
strength decreases by 5% also when partially replaced of Recycled
Coarse Aggregate (15%) and (8%) of brick dust kiln, it increased
up to 20% also when the of Rice husk ash is partially
replaced by 25% and with 12% of brick kiln powder it decreases
the flexural strength by 1%, when of Recycled Coarse Aggregate is
replaced by 30% and with 16% of brick kiln powder the flexural
strength decreases by 30% but when of Recycled Coarse Aggregate
was replaced by 35% and with 20% of brick kiln powder, the
flexural strength decreases by 40% .

4) Flexural Strength After 28 Days:- The experimental

investigations show that by the partial replacement of Recycled
Coarse Aggregate (8%) and (4%) brick kiln powder, the flexural
strength decreases by 11% also when partially replaced of Recycled
Coarse Aggregate (15%) and (8%) of brick kiln powder, it
increased up to 2% also when the of Recycled Coarse Aggregate is
partially replaced by 25% and with 12% of brick kiln powder it
decreases the flexural strength by 20%, when Recycled Coarse
Aggregate is replaced by 30% and with 16% of brick dust kiln the
flexural strength decreases by 35% but when of Recycled Coarse
Aggregate was replaced by 35% and with 20% of brick kiln
powder, the flexural strength decreases by 40%
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