Flipped Classroom Research and Trends From Different Fields of Study
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends From Different Fields of Study
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends From Different Fields of Study
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April – 2016
This paper aims to analyse the trends and contents of flipped classroom research based on 20 articles
that report on flipped learning classroom initiatives from 2013–2015. The content analysis was used
as a methodology to investigate methodologies, area of studies, technology tools or online platforms,
the most frequently keywords used and works cited references, impacts for students’ learning, and
flipped classroom challenges. The results of the analysis were interpreted using descriptive analysis,
percentages, and frequencies. This analysis found that various fields were practiced in the flipped
classroom approach, and some technology tools were used as the online platform for its practice.
Analysis of the impacts showed that flipped classroom brought positive impacts toward students’
learning activities such as achievement, motivation, engagement, and interaction. Several issues in
this discussion become implications that can be taken into consideration for future research. Some
challenges found in applying flipped classroom are needed to be addressed by future researchers, such
as suitability of the flipped classroom for poor quality of video lectures and untrained instructor. This
study also becomes an implication for government or policymakers to determine the flipped
classroom as a contemporary model to be implemented in teaching-learning activities for higher
education, even K-12 students.
Technology in the twenty-first century puts instantaneous access to information, and the Internet can
be handily accessed through numerous technology tools such as laptop, computer, and Smartphone
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
Zainuddin and Halili
(Fu, 2013). Now more than ever, students spend much of their waking time on using some sort of
technology tools; by using this technology, it is possible for them to interact with friends, instructors,
and learning content everywhere, not only in the class but also outside the class through distance
learning (Fisher, 2009). Also, many free learning materials have been provided on Web sites for
learning activities. Richter and McPherson (2012) argued that in today’s digital age, every student can
access many free Internet learning resources such as online video lectures and they can watch these
free contents everywhere and at their convenience. Even more, the use of the traditional learning
approach which focuses on the instructor as the centre of knowledge is irrelevant in today’s digital age
(Wang & Heffernan, 2010). As a solution, traditional classroom activities such as lectures, labs,
homework, and exams can be moved to the Web 2.0 technology and students can study everywhere
outside the classroom (Staker & Horn, 2012). This positive impact of technology growth has
influenced the development of instructional technology in education and replaced the use of the
blackboard with online video lectures (Evans, 2011).
Halili, Razak, and Zainuddin (2014) mentioned that the use of Web 2.0 technology in education can
build professional relationships through collaborating, coaching, and mentoring for social interactions
in sharing ideas. In other words, by using various technological devices, the learners can study in
different locations and times through collaborative distance learning. Therefore, living in a digital age
demands the learners to work independently and collaboratively before coming to the classroom using
various technology tools. New learning instructions that have emerged are now influencing education
positively and producing students’ independent learning. Indeed, technology in education is an ever-
evolving process and demands the students and instructor always update the emerging technology in
education. According to the Horizon Report which focuses on exploring and reporting emerging
technology in education, the flipped classroom has been highlighted as an emerging technology for
higher education which is very important to use at college level (Johnson, Adams Becker, Estrada, &
Freeman, 2014). Therefore, by this reason the authors believe that it is very significant to examine the
contents of current articles that report flipped learning classroom initiatives from the scholarly
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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Flipped classroom is also known as a student-centred approach to learning where the students are
more active than the instructor in the classroom activity. In this case, the instructor acts as a facilitator
to motivate, guide, and give feedback on students’ performance (Sams & Bergmann, 2012). Hence, by
applying the flipped classroom approach to teaching and learning activities, the instructor can move
the traditional lecturer’s talk to video and the students can listen to the lectures anywhere outside of
class. The flipped classroom allows students to watch the video according to their preferred time and
need, and they can study at their own pace; this type of activity also increases students’ collaborative
learning in distance education outside the class. Thus, by flipping the class, the students will not
spend so much time listening to long lectures in the classroom, but will have more time to solve
problems individually or collaboratively through distance learning with peers. Applying flipped
classroom approach also contributes to better understanding of technology use in teaching and
learning activities; students will use various technology media in learning activities independently,
while the lecturer will use various technology media in their teaching practices (Zainuddin & Attaran,
The study of flipped classrooms was based on the theory of Bloom’s revised taxonomy of cognitive
domain. This taxonomy provides six levels of learning. The explanation is arranged from the lowest
level to the highest level:
1. Remembering: in this stage, the students try to recognize and recall the information they
receive; they also try to understand the basic concepts and principles of the content they have
3. Applying: the students practice what they have learned or apply knowledge to the actual
4. Analyzing: the students use their critical thinking in solving the problem, debate with friends,
compare the answer with peers, and produce a summary. The students obtain new knowledge
and ideas after implementing critical thinking or a debate in group activities. In this level of
learning, the students also produce creative thinking.
6. Creating: the students are able to design, construct and produce something new from what
they have learned (Bloom, 1969).
In implementing flipped classroom, remembering and understanding as the lowest levels of cognitive
domain are practiced outside the class hour (Krathwohl & Anderson, 2010). While in the classroom,
the learners focused on higher forms of cognitive work, including applying, analyzing, evaluating, and
creating. The following Figure 1 illustrates the level of students’ learning in the flipped learning
according to Bloom’s revised taxonomy.
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
Zainuddin and Halili
In class
At home
With the flipped model, the lower levels are presented before class through recorded lectures and
video. Readings, simulations, and other materials also provide this foundational support for learning
so that in-class time can be spent working on higher levels of learning from application to evaluation.
In flipped classrooms, students go from the lowest level (remembering) to achieve the highest level
(creating). Lankford (2013) mentioned that the flipped classroom focuses on how to support the
learners in achieving a higher level of the taxonomy domain. Additionally, Nederveld and Berge
(2015) added that in flipped learning, classroom activity is spent on application and higher-level of
learning rather than listening to lectures and other lower-level thinking tasks. As shown in Table 1,
implementing flipped learning allows the students to spend more time supporting higher-level
learning tasks such as a group discussion, while lower-level tasks such as knowledge and
comprehension are completed independently outside the class.
Table 1
Comparison Between Traditional Classroom and Flipped Classroom in Achieving Higher Order
Thinking of Bloom’s Taxonomy
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
Zainuddin and Halili
Thus, the analysis of this study addresses the following research questions:
3. What technology tools or online platforms have been used for implementing the flipped
4. What are the most commonly used key words in flipped classroom research?
5. What are the most frequently work cited references in flipped classroom research?
6. What are the impacts of applying the flipped classroom on students’ learning?
Research Design
This study was conducted through content analysis to analyse 20 refereed journal articles on flipped
classroom instruction published from years 2013 to 2015. Content analysis is a research technique
usually applied in social science and the humanities (McMillan, 2000). Creswell (2012) notes that
content analysis is a method which studies the content of written texts, artefacts, pictures, and
recordings. The rationale for using content analysis in this study is that this method is able to evaluate
publishing piles, process of analysis, and interpretation of articles including developing category,
calculating frequencies and interpretation stages were carefully completed (Falkingham & Reeves,
1998). Another rationale is that the use of content analysis may link the data which are related to each
other and analyze the themes that can be read by readers conveniently and efficiently; also, it may be
used by researchers as a reference for potential future research (Bauer, 2000).
The research of content analysis has been conducted by many researchers in the field of educational
technology. For example, Bozkurt et al., (2015) conducted a study to explore the current trends in the
field of distance education research during the period of 2009–2013. They reviewed 861 articles from
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
Zainuddin and Halili
seven scholarly journals. In this study, they examined the most frequently indicated keywords, chosen
research areas, emphasized theoretical and conceptual backgrounds, employed research designs, used
data collection instruments and data analysis techniques, focused variables, targeted population or
participant groups, cited references, and cited authors. The findings of the study were interpreted
using descriptive analysis (frequencies) and social network analysis. The findings and discussion in
this study could become a basis for potential future research of the flipped classroom approach and
the study in the area of distance education.
Another content analysis was carried out by Özyurt and Özyurt (2015) to examine 69 articles
regarding learning style based individualized adaptive e-learning environments published from 2005
to 2014. The studies were categorized under the title of purpose, nature, method, participant
characteristics, level, data collection tool, learner modeling, employed learning style, subject, and
findings. Data were analyzed by descriptive analysis including frequencies and percentages. The result
showed that in terms of learning styles, more than half of the studies employed Felder-Silverman and
Kolb learning styles.
Thus, the process of content analysis in this study is lengthy and may require the researcher to follow
certain steps to get validation of the study. According to Kohlbacher (2006), content analysis refers to
analysing the material in a step-by-step process. The steps to follow are the following: firstly, content
analysis of the journal articles was conducted by formulating. Secondly, twenty influential or impact
journal articles on the flipped classroom published in 2013, 2014 and 2015 were selected from various
fields of study. Thirdly, categories the main point to be analysed, including methodologies, area of
studies, technology tools, students’ impact, most commonly key words used and work reference
citations, impacts of students’ learning, and challenges of flipping the class. The results of the analysis
were interpreted using descriptive analysis, percentage, and frequencies to interpret the themes and
obtain the most frequently employed categories in flipped class research. Fourthly, data were
analysed and reported systematically beginning with the most frequently employed methodologies,
area of studies, technology tools, most commonly keywords used and works the cited authors,
interpretation of impacts of students’ learning, and challenges of flipping the class. Then, the
researcher concluded and suggested potential future research into the flipped classroom that could be
carried out to contribute to the literature on flipped classroom approach.
The present study investigated 20 peer-reviewed scholarly articles published from 2013–2015. The 20
journals were retrieved and analyzed using the following rationales:
Refereed journals that were indexed by prominent databases (Social Sciences Citation Index
(SSCI)/ Thomson Reuters and Scopus)
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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The 20 journals were accessed and found through electronic databases such as ScienceDirect
(http://www.sciencedirect.com/), SpringerLink (http://www.springer.com/gp/), and Tailor &
Francis Online (http://www.tandfonline.com/).
Ten articles were selected and reviewed from professional journals and published in the Social
Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), namely: The International Review of Research in Open and
Distributed Learning (IRROD), Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D), The
Internet and Higher Education (I&HE), Computers & Education (C&E), Journal of Nursing
Education (JNE), BMC Medical Education, Journal of Sociology (JS), Computer Assisted Language
Learning (CALL), and Educational and Psychological Measurement (EPM). The study also examined
10 articles selected from the Scopus® database: Advances in physiology education (APE), American
Journal of Pharmaceutical Education (AJPE), The Journal of Negro Education (JNE), International
Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology (IJMEST), International Review of
Economics Education (IREE), TechTrends, PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in
Mathematics Undergraduate Studies, Nurse Education in Practice (NEP), Journal of Political
Science Education (JPSE) and Academic Medicine (AM).
There were seven journals published in 2013, nine journals published in 2014 and four journals
published in 2015 (see Appendix).
In this study, 20 journals were examined during the three years of publication (2013–2015). The
descriptive analysis in the form of percentage and frequency was used in analyzing the data.
Discussion was carried out based on the percentages reported systematically beginning with the most
frequently employed methodologies, area of studies, technology tools, most commonly keywords used
and works the cited authors, impacts of students’ learning, and challenges of flipping the class. From
the articles reviewed, the research findings of this study are elaborated as follows.
Another most frequently used method was quantitative approaches and most research testing the
effectiveness of the flipped classroom studied and identified students’ perceptions through survey.
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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The quantitative research of the flipped classroom has been conducted by numerous researchers (e.g.,
Baepler, Walker, & Driessen, 2014; Chen & Summers, 2015; Love, Hodge, Grandgenett, & Swift, 2014;
McLaughlin et al., 2014; Missildine, Fountain, Summers, & Gosselin, 2013; Tune, Sturek, & Basile,
2013; Touchton, 2015; Warner, Koufteros, & Verghese, 2014. In collecting the data, Beapler et al.
(2014) for example, used experimental research design to examine active learning between a flipped
classroom and a traditional classroom; they used a post test-only non-equivalent groups design
involving undergraduate students in three sections of a general chemistry course. In addition, Tune et
al. (2013) used a survey to determine students’ perspectives regarding the flipped classroom model at
the end of the course. However, in this analysis, the authors did not find a qualitative approach
employed such as using a single instrument interview, focus group discussion, or observation. The
following two figures (Figures 2 and 3) show the percentage composition of research methods in
flipped classroom research from 20 selected articles journal published in 2013, 2014 and 2015.
According to the methodology used in 2013, there were five journals that used mixed-method and
three journals that employed quantitative methods. Likewise, in 2014, there were five journals that
used the mixed-method approach and three journals that were designed by the quantitative approach.
While in 2015, there were two journals published using quantitative methods and two journals that
used the mixed-method approach. Figure 3 summarizes the frequency of research methods used in
each year of publication.
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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In terms of participants or samples, all participants in this study were students from different levels of
study. The majority of participants were undergraduate students or first year college students (e.g.,
McGivney-Burelle & Xue, 2013; Touchton, 2015; Talley & Scherer, 2013; Simpson & Richards, 2015;
Enfield, 2013; Davies et al., 2013; Beapler et al., 2014; Kim et al., 2014; Hung, 2015; Roach, 2014;
Mclaughlin et al., 2013). The second most participants were graduate students (e.g., Chen et al., 2014,
Galway et al., 2014; Tune et al., 2013; Mclaughlin et al., 2013). The third were college students without
detailed information whether undergraduate or graduate level (e.g. Warner et al., 2014; Love et al.,
2014; Missildine et al., 2013). Then, only a study by Kong (2014) used students as participants without
having specified from which level of education they were enrolled.
Furthermore, in terms of data collection (instruments), Figure 4 shows that the most instruments
used in the flipped classroom research was survey (28%), followed by testing course (28%), interview
(14%), observation (7%), existing test score (5%), document analysis (5%), and analysis of logs system
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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Various studies in flipped classroom in 2013, 2014 and 2015 showed different fields of studies,
including science and social courses, such as information systems (Davies et al., 2013), chemistry
(Baepler et al., 2014), algebra (Love et al., 2014), economics (Roach, 2014), engineering, sociology and
humanities (Kim et al., 2014), integrated humanities (Kong, 2014), physiology (Talley & Scherer,
2013), statistics (Touchton, 2015), public health (Simpson & Richards, 2015), calculus (McGivney-
Burelle & Xue, 2013), science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM; McLaughlin et al.,
2014), business (Warner et al., 2014), and English language (Hung, 2015).
Here, we share some examples of different online platforms used in the flipped classroom practice.
Love et al. (2014) reported that the screencasts were developed specifically in a flipped linear algebra
course and the instructor created the presentations using the LaTeX beamer package. Roach (2014)
used a Blog as online platform to share the video lectures; students had to access and watch one video
per week that was available on a Blog. Hung (2015) used a WebQuest to establish students’ active
learning in and English language class. Missildine et al. (2013) reported that 16 master’s-prepared
faculty members taught two courses via interactive television on three campuses. While Kim et al.
(2014) reported that students in a flipped classroom watched video lectures on YouTube and
collaborated on Google Docs and Google Hangout. Table 2 summarizes various technological tools or
online platforms have been employed in flipped classroom research.
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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Table 2
Talley and Scherer (2013) Recorded tools, webcam, laptop, tablet device, or
mobile phone. Blackboard® Journal page.
McGivney-Burelle and Xue The TI-89 graphing calculator and WeBWork (an
(2013) online homework system), Maple Worksheets,
mathlets, videos, clickers, and e-textbooks.
Keywords Indicated
Besides title and abstract, keywords play a crucial role in journal publication and they have a great
impact on user searches or basic information on the Internet search engine (Day & Gastel, 2012). The
researcher needs to choose appropriate keywords for their journal articles for indexing purposes, well-
chosen keywords enable their articles to be more rapidly identified and cited by others. Otherwise,
readers would not be able to find or cite their articles without using relevant keywords.
Through this analysis, the readers would know the most commonly used keywords in 20 flipped
classroom article journals which reflected the research paper topic. In this study, the researchers
found a total of 81 keywords from the analysis of 20 selected articles. This analysis investigated the
research question four, which it is “What are the most commonly used key words in the flipped
classroom research?”
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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From 81 keywords identified in 20 journals, seven keywords most frequently appeared in several
articles and flipped classroom was used as the main keyword, followed by active learning, blended
learning, flipped learning, technology integration, pedagogical issues and e-learning. Figure 5
summarizes the most commonly used keywords in flipped classroom research.
Figure 5. The most commonly used keywords in the flipped learning research publication.
Flipped classroom is an instructional strategy in education and becomes one of the most studied in
recent years. Therefore, through this analysis, we found the most cited reference by researchers
regarding the flipped classroom study. This part will analyze the trends of citation in the flipped
classroom research and it will explore the research question “What are the most frequently cited
references in the flipped classroom research?”
The researchers found a total of 605 references from 20 selected articles of flipped classrooms and the
most highly cited reference was Bergmann and Sams (2012) from a book entitled “Flip Your
Classroom, Reach Every Student in Every Class Every Day”, a total of citation was eight times. From
this result, we assume that high citation was influenced by their roles and contribution of the pioneers
of the flipped class movement after successfully flipping their class. According to Halili and
Zainuddin (2015), Jonathan Bergman and Aaron Sams are high school chemistry teachers in Colorado,
United States and they began implementing the flipped classroom in 2007 by video-recording
learning materials and sharing them with students to be learned at home.
Likewise, the article by Lage, Platt and Treglia (2000) was also cited eight times in 20 flipped
classroom articles, their article has been published seven years before the flipped classroom model
was popularized by Bergman and Sams in 2007. Lage, Platt, and Treglia in a paper entitled “Inverting
the Classroom: A Gateway to Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment” discussed their research
on flipped classrooms at the college level which focused on two college economics courses. However,
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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Table 3
In addition, several studies showed that the flipped classroom had positive impacts on teaching and
learning practice. The analysis of this explored the research question “What are the impacts of
applying the flipped classroom for students’ learning?” In this study, the researchers found a number
of positive impacts in flipped learning practice: students’ achievement, students’ motivation, students’
engagement, and students’ interaction.
Students’ achievement. Achievement tests can provide an accurate snapshot of how well
students are performing on various subjects. The structure of innovative learning environment and
pedagogical strategy is the most pivotal factor that will increase student achievement in learning
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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activities (Huang & Chiu, 2015). Therefore, the main goal of the emergence of the flipped classroom in
education is to enhance student learning and achievement by focusing class time activities on student
understanding and hands-on activities rather than on lecture. Some researchers have implemented
the flipped classroom model to examine students’ achievement in learning various subjects. The
following reports showed that the flipped classroom model has effectively supported students’
learning achievements with several motives.
Previous studies reported that students in flipped classrooms could obtain similar high examination
scores when the class was flipped and that they could prepare for the subject before coming to class
(Galway et al., 2014). Davies et al. (2013) conducted a study to explore how the use of technology in
the flipped classroom might be utilized to effectively promote students’ achievement. The findings
showed that using technology was effective and scalable in a flipped classroom, and students’ post-test
scores in a flipped classroom improved compared to their pre-test scores. In term of pre-test and post-
test comparison achievement, other studies also reported in which students statistically improved
their learning and mastering of the subject in a post-test. In other words, the students have shown
that they can understand the learning content and obtain a high score in the test or exam (Enfield,
2013; Kong, 2014; Talley & Scherer, 2013).
Furthermore, applying flipped classroom model is more effective compared to traditional classroom in
term of students’ achievement. Beapler et al. (2014) released the results of their research showing that
students’ outcomes in a flipped classroom were significantly better than those in a conventional
classroom or control class, and students’ perceptions of the learning environment were also improved.
Hung (2015) in her study reported that the structured and semi-structured flip lessons were more
effective instructional designs than the non-flip lessons (flip > semi-flip, flip > non-flip, p < .05) in
teaching the English language. In the same manner, McGivney-Burelle and Xue (2013) also noticed
that flipping pedagogy in calculus was effective and worth the significant investment of faculty time
and effort compared to traditional class.
Formative assessment was also one of the reasons that students improved their learning achievements.
The instructor always gave feedback to facilitate students’ improvement. Kim et al. (2014) noted that
through formative assessment in the flipped classroom, the instructor could evaluate students’
improvement in their learning activities while the students could understand what needed to be done
to overcome their deficiencies in learning. Additionally, according to report by McGivney-Burelle and
Xue (2013), students’ ability to pause and re-watch the videos at any time may affect students’
effective learning; they also enable students to take notes from the videos at their own pace. The
following Table 4 summarizes students’ effective learning achievements in flipped classroom research.
Table 4
Students’ Achievement
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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Baepler et al. (2014) Experimental class with a flipped classroom was more
effective and improved students’ learning compared to a
conventional or control class.
Kim et al. (2014) Students felt the formative assessment through which
they could improve their weaknesses in mastering the
content very helpful.
McLaughlin et al. (2014) The flipped classroom has improved students’ exam
According to self-determination theory, students’ motivation is distinguished into two main types:
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Abeysekeraa & Dawson, 2015). Intrinsic motivation refers to those
actions that individuals engage in as they are inherently interesting, fun, exciting, and enjoyable, while
extrinsic motivation refers to individuals engaging in actions because they lead to reward or to avoid
punishment (Deci & Ryan, 2002; Ryan & Deci, 2000). Likewise, this analysis showed that the flipped
classroom has promoted students’ empowerment, development, and ability to learn independently or
at their own pace (McLaughlin et al., 2013; Galway et al., 2014).
Even more, the flipped classroom’s success relies upon students undertaking substantial out-of-class
work—and being motivated to do so independently (Kim et al., 2014). Many studies showed that the
impact of applying the flipped classroom was to increase students’ motivation in relation to learning
activities. For example, Davies et al. (2013) mentioned that students were able to learn based on
simulated learning and that they were motivated to learn at their own pace; they also noted that the
students wished to recommend the flipped classroom to their other friends.
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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The flipped classroom also increases self-perceived knowledge or self-efficacy in independent learning
(Galway et al., 2014; Enfield, 2013). McLaughlin et al. (2014) mentioned that the strategy of the
flipped learning approach will foster students’ motivation in further learning. Their study indicated
that the ILAM LMS (Integrated Learning Accelerator Modules) allowed students to learn at their own
pace outside the class. In terms of in independent learning, McGivney-Burelle and Xue (2013) also
noted that students are able to work at their own pace in class. Therefore, it can be implied that
learning environments created by the flipped classroom approach are likely to satisfy students’ needs
for competence, autonomy, and relatedness and, thus, entice greater levels of intrinsic motivation.
The following Table 5 summarizes students’ motivation in flipped classroom research.
Table 5
Students’ Motivation
Author(s) Impacts
McGivney-Burelle and Xue (2013) Students are able to work at their own pace in
Students’ engagement. The next positive impact is enhancing students’ engagement. All
researchers probably agree that the aim of flipped learning is to establish students’ engagement with
active learning. Students’ engagement refers to students’ active learning or students’ desire to actively
participate in routine class activity such as submitting homework, listening to the topic, working on
what the instructor asks them to do, and actively attending the class (Yang & Cheng, 2014). Likewise,
Zepke, Leach and Butler (2009) mentioned that students’ engagement resulted from students’
motivation. The term students’ engagement is frequently used for students’ active learning or
students’ desire to actively participate in routine class activity such as submitting homework, listening
to the topic, working on what the instructor asks to do, and actively attending the class (Delialioglu,
Several studies showed that students had engaged in the flipped classroom. Kim et al. (2014) reported
that students were able to prepare for in-class activities by watching and exploring on-line learning
materials (e.g., online video lectures) before coming to class. Students felt confident when learning in
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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the class because they had already prepared the lesson before coming to class. Talley and Scherer
(2013) also reported that students could confidently produce a summary of the biological process in
their own words by implementing the flipped classroom and they could be active in the class. Other
researchers also mentioned students’ confidence—by interacting with asynchronous video lectures
outside the class, they could be more confident and prepared when participating in discussions in the
class (Kim et al., 2014).
Students can enhance their engagement in classroom activity, participate in discussions, exchange
ideas, and solve problems with their peers (McLaughlin et al., 2013). The use of the flipped classroom
also promotes students’ empowerment, development, engagement, and critical thinking. The study
conducted by Chen et al. (2014) reported that students were satisfied with the class meeting, their
attendance of the class was improved, and they had opportunities for active learning rather than
listening to long lectures. He also mentioned that the number of students who came to class in the
flipped classroom (in 2013) was 110, which was better than the previous year (in 2012) when the class
was not flipped and the number of students was 88. Hung (2015) reported that the students engage
the learning environment and engaged in the learning process. McLaughlin et al. (2014) also reported
that students participated and engaged in discussions in class, and they were confident in their ability
to apply the knowledge. Additionally, McGivney-Burelle and Xue (2013) also noted that students
enjoyed having the instructor available in class to help them while they worked on problems.
From all findings, it showed that the flipped classroom has been successfully practiced to better
engage students in learning various subjects. In contrast, the class without flipping or traditional class
tends to produce disengaged learning environment because this conventional learning model has
some problems. For example, teaching and learning activities only focus on text books and lectures,
and students tend to be disengaged in active learning because they have a lack of time to express their
abilities or performances in class. Traditional learning tends to produce a low level of student
engagement, and students often pay less attention to the subjects they learn (Carini, Kuh, & Klein,
2006). Nguyen (2010) also noted that traditional class activities also focus on textbooks and lecture
talks; students tend to be disengaged in their learning activity. Hence, students who are disengaged in
learning will show some negative habits such as boredom, restlessness, and disruptive behavior
(Freeman et al., 2007). The following Table 6 summarizes students’ engagement in flipped classroom
Table 6
Students’ Engagement
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
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According to Moore (1989), three fundamental interactions should be established for successful
teaching-learning with technology-based learning: student-content interaction, student-teacher
interaction and student-student interaction. Hillman, Willis, and Gunawardena (1994) suggested
student-interface interaction or interaction with technology tools as the fourth interaction to complete
Moore’s concept. All these interactions are very significant elements to apply in the flipped classroom
approach in which technology is used as media to relearn and interact outside the classroom. Roach
(2014) reported in his research that the students responded positively about flipping the classroom
because the instruction helped them to collaborate with each other to solve problems. The flipped
classroom enabled students to build a learning community and exchange ideas to solve problems (Kim
et al., 2014). Another reported that it could build the dialogue inside the class or virtually through
distance learning outside the class hours (McLaughlin et al., 2013).
Love et al. (2014) compared the effectiveness of two teaching methods (a traditional lecture and a
flipped style) in a sophomore-level linear algebra course at a mid-sized metropolitan university. The
findings showed that the students had a positive perception of the flipped classroom according to their
experience of studying for one semester. It was mentioned that students had more opportunities to
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
Zainuddin and Halili
interact with one another and this helped them learn from other students. Missildine et al. (2013)
reported that the blending of new technology and the traditional classroom had established students’
interactive learning, particularly outside the class through LMS. Another study mentioned that
students can enrich the dialogue with their friends both inside and outside the class because the
activity of teaching-learning in a flipped classroom is not just limited to behind the classroom wall
(McLaughlin et al., 2013). Also, Hung (2015) reported that 75 students (64%) in flipped learning class
increased their interactions with the instructor and classmates. The following Table 7 summarizes
students’ interaction in flipped classroom research.
Table 7
Students’ Interaction
Authors Impacts
Challenges in the flipped classroom approach. On the other hand, Kim et al. (2014)
reported that there was no evidence that flipped learning had improved students’ grades. They
mentioned that there were some limitations and required future research into areas such as
achievement scores, technology, and how pedagogy must be integrated. Chen et al., (2014) also
reported that many students had difficulty adapting to the flipped classroom because of the new
approach. Most of the part-time students also mentioned that the course was very heavy and they did
not have time to watch the video lesson outside the class. Besides challenging students, instructors
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
Zainuddin and Halili
also faced some problems in practicing flipped learning, as more time would be spent on designing
good content to ensure students were motivated to watch the lecture before coming to class. Milman
(2012) noted that poor quality of video usually became a common problem in flipped classroom
practice. Enfield (2013) also stressed that if the content and design of a video lecture is unattractive,
the students will find it tedious to watch outside the class.
The findings of this study are also in coherence with the theory of Bloom’s revised taxonomy for
cognitive domain (Bloom, 1969). This means that this study has a great implication on students’
learning where they were able do the lower levels of cognitive work (gaining knowledge and
comprehension) at home or outside of class, and focus on the higher forms of cognitive work
(application, analysis, synthesis, or evaluation) in class by hands-on activities or practice. This model
contrasts from the traditional model in which the students practiced the lowest level of remembering
and understanding in the classroom by listening to instructor’s talk, while other levels were practiced
outside the class such as doing homework or nothing.
Several issues in this discussion become implications that can be taken into consideration for future
research. Some challenges found in applying the flipped classroom are needed to be addressed by
future researchers, such as suitability of the flipped classroom for poor quality of video lectures and
untrained instructors. Therefore, this study should be continued and developed in future research to
fill in the literature on the flipped classroom approach. In terms of online video lectures, flipped
learning videos must encourage students to interact as well as watch. In designing online video, it may
include several elements such as animation, cartoon, and music to attract students’ attention to watch
Although the video and online platforms are important tools in the flipped classroom practice, the
instructor may not ignore other significant factors which influence students’ successful learning such
as students’ interaction, motivation, and engagement. It may also look more specifically on a variety of
pedagogical strategies and designs such as specific flipped learning strategy and learner types or
learning styles. We believe that the instructor’s teaching strategy such as the flipped classroom is
always integrated and synchronized with students’ learning styles. Therefore, the instructor may
develop various strategies in flipping the class by adjusting with students’ learning styles without
ignoring any content or syllabus. We also believe that all domains of students’ learning styles can be
applied in the flipped classroom practice, which leads to active, effective learning and students’ higher
order thinking.
Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
Zainuddin and Halili
In the same manner, future studies may not only focus on outside class activities, but also in-class
activities. The in-class activities are doubly important for students’ hands-on activities, group
discussion, or inquiry based learning in order to construct their critical and creative thinking.
Additionally, we need studies examining the flipped learning processes in informal and non-formal
learning environments as well as for part-time students who have limited time to prepare the contents
outside the class. Hence, future flipped learning is not only practiced in higher education or college
level, but also for K–12 environments. We believe that if the flipped classroom is practiced correctly
and thoughtfully, it will be an excellent instructional model which can promote students higher forms
of cognitive domains which is incoherence with the theory of Bloom’s revised taxonomy for cognitive
We also recommend that future flipped classroom studies may use a variety of research designs such
as experimental research, case study, ethnography, and indeed design and developmental research
(DDR) or design based research (DBR). The systematic study of DDR research will produce a variety
of models, techniques, and modules of flipped classroom practices. Even more, future studies of
flipped classrooms may apply for not only science studies, but also social studies such as foreign
language classes, physical education, English, history, drama classes, and humanities. A number of
different online platforms or learning management systems (LMSs) may be used in applying the
future flipped classroom approach; those tools can be used to share the content (video lectures) and
establish interaction among students and between students and instructor outside the class. Web 3.0
also can be integrated in the future flipped classroom and it will have potential and useful to produce a
new model of flipped classroom.
In summary, this study has clearly demonstrated that the application of flipped learning has altered
the culture of students’ learning from a lecturer-centered to student-centered, with more class
activities belonging to students. This research has implications for students’ learning activities; the
students learned through hands-on and project-based learning activities. With limited time dedicated
to the lectures, students have more occasions to practice the contents with peers. The results of this
study have contributed to better understanding of technology use in teaching-learning activities. For
government or policymakers, they should determine the flipped classroom as a contemporary model
to be implemented in teaching-learning activities for higher education and even K–12 students.
Finally, perhaps the findings and discussion of this study will contribute to deeper understanding of
future research in the flipped classroom area.
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Flipped Classroom Research and Trends from Different Fields of Study
Zainuddin and Halili
Table A1
Lists of Flipped Classroom Articles Selected and Reviewed from Professional Journals