Royalty FTS by CA. Sudin Sabnis 1
Royalty FTS by CA. Sudin Sabnis 1
Royalty FTS by CA. Sudin Sabnis 1
Sudin Sabnis 1
12 December 2019
3. Case studies
Introduction to tax treaties
• What are tax treaties
• Agreements between countries with respect to taxes on income and on
capital, wherein countries agree to:
• Be restricted from taxing
• Provide relief for taxes paid in the other treaty country
• Types of Treaties
• Bilateral / Multilateral (e.g. Nordic treaty)
Introduction to • Why are tax treaties
• Promotion of cross border trade through elimination of double
tax treaties taxation
• Providing clarity of fiscal situation of a taxpayer
• Exchange of information to combat tax avoidance / tax evasion
• Sharing of tax revenues
R R Co Co A
X Co B
Income is subject to tax in two countries Two legal entities are subject to tax on same income
–Shared taxing rights in two countries –
E.g., Fees for technical services, E.g., Unilateral Transfer Pricing adjustment
Basics of treaty interpretation
Basics of Treaty Interpretation
• Article 4 of OECD / UN Model Convention usually considers with minor modifications, the term “resident of a Contracting State” means
• any person
• who under the laws of that state
• is liable to tax therein
• by reason of his domicile, residence, place of management, nationality or
• any other criterion of similar nature.
• The purpose of the Vienna Conventions is basically to codify existing rules of international law rather than create new
• Article 31 and 32 of Vienna Convention, provides a broad guideline as to what could be an appropriate manner of interpreting a
tax treaty.
• A Treaty shall be interpreted “in good faith in accordance with the ordinary meaning to be given to the terms of the treaty in
their context and in light of its object and purpose.” (Art. 31(1)) (Look for object and purpose in preamble & overall structure)
• The context for the purpose of the interpretation of a treaty includes Preamble, annexes, text itself, agreements, treaty
instrument, other international law provisions, etc.
Overview of Tax Treaty – Articles of Treaty
Article 12 – UN Model
Basic Structure
Gross Rules to
Taxation, if
Rights of taxation Royalty‟ / construe Related
a PE exists
the that can be FTS‟ – where party
in source
Contracting done by definitions Royalty / transactions
States to Source FTS arise
tax State
Beneficial Ownership
Article 12(2) –
However, such royalties may also be taxed in the Contracting State in which they arise, and according to the laws of
that State, but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the royalties the tax so charged shall not exceed xx per cent of
the gross amount of the royalties.
A Co (IPR Recipient of
Key Tests: registered) Income
• Legal vs beneficial ownership
Outside India
India Co
Meaning of the term royalty – 12(3)
Payments received as a consideration Payments of any kind received as a Consideration for the use of, or the
for the use of, or the right to use, any consideration for the use of, or the right to use, any copyright of literary,
copyright of literary, artistic, or right to use, any copyright of literary, artistic, or scientific or other work
scientific work including artistic, or scientific work, including (including computer software,
cinematograph films, any patent, trade cinematograph films, or films or tapes cinematograph films, audio or video
mark, design or model, plan, secret used for radio or television tapes or disks, and other means of
formula or process, or for information broadcasting, any patent, trade mark, image or sound reproduction), any
concerning industrial, commercial or design or model, plan, secret formula patent, trade mark, design or model,
scientific experience or process, or for the use of, or the plan, secret formula or process, or
right to use, industrial, commercial other like right or property, or for
or scientific equipment, or for information concerning industrial,
information concerning industrial, commercial or scientific experience;
commercial or scientific experience and
gain derived from the alienation of
any property described in sub-
paragraph (a), provided that such
gain is contingent on the
productivity, use or disposition of
the property.
Components of Royalty
Information Equipment
(use of (use of
+right to +right to
use) use)
• Concerning • Industrial,
industrial, Commercial or
commercial or scientific
scientific equipment
Royalties under the
Explanation 4: Consideration for transfer of all or any right for use or right to use a computer
software, (including grant of a license) irrespective of medium of transfer, constitutes royalty u/s
Explanation 5: Royalty u/s 9(1)(vi) includes consideration in respect of any right, property or
information, whether or not its possession or control is with the taxpayer, it is used directly by
the taxpayer, or its location is in India.
Explanation 6: Term „Process‟ u/s 9(1)(vi) includes transmission by satellite (including up-linking,
amplification, conversion for down-linking of any signal), cable, optic fiber or by any other similar
technology, whether or not such process is a secret.
Advertisement Services
Advertisement Services
Distribution Rights using
Distribution Rights using Technology – Google India Pvt Ltd
(Bangalore ITAT)
• Agreement for Google Adwords Program Distribution – resale
Google Ireland of online advertisement space for India region to facilitate
display and publishing of advertisement to targeted Customer
Subscription Fees Payment
HEG Ltd (MP High Court), Factset Research System Inc (AAR) and
Dun and Bradstreet (AAR), Elsevier Information Systems (Mumbai
ITAT) – not royalty
Payment of
Outside India
subscription fees - No sharing of experience, techniques or methodology employed in
evolving the database with the subscribers
- No right to use copyright of any literary, artistic or scientific work to
On other hand…
India Co
Thoughtbuzz (P) Ltd., In re (AAR), ONGC Videsh (Delhi ITAT), Wipro
Ltd (Karnataka HC) – held as royalty
- Use of information, concerning industrial and commercial knowledge,
experience and skill 25
Software Taxation – Debate on
Copyright vs Copyrighted Article
Understanding the
Understanding theconcept
conceptof of
IPRIPR (Copyright
(Copyright vs Copyrighted
vs Copyrighted Article) Article)
Characterization of
Revenue Authorities Shrink Wrap Tax payers
software payments
to Non-Residents • Supply of software does not
• Software payments
involve any use / right to
• There is distinction between
a „Copyright‟ and a
• Taxable in India as „Copyrighted Article‟
Royalty on gross basis
• It is business income not
taxable in India in the
absence of any permanent
establishment in India
Pre amendment scenario After Finance Bill, 2012 but Post enactment
before enactment
- Ericsson (2011) (Del HC) - Allianz SE (2012) (ITAT, - Nokia Networks Oy (2012) (Del
- Novell Inc (2011) (Mum ITAT) Pune) HC)
- Motorola Inc. (Delhi SB) - Siemens Aktiengesellschaft - Johndeere (Pune ITAT)
- Tata Communications Ltd. (ITAT, Mum) ITAT, Mumbai (2013) -Cummins Inc (Pune ITAT)
- Dassault Systems K.K. -Infrasoft (2013) (Del HC)
- Solid Works Corporation (2012) (Mum
- Samsung Electronics (2011) (Kar HC) - Citrix Systems Asia Pacific - P.S.I. Data Systems (2012)
- Sunray Computers (2011) (Kar HC) Pty Ltd (2012) (AAR) (Kar HC) - relied on Samsung
- Synopsys International Old Ltd (Kar HC) - Acclerys K. K. (2012) - Reliance Infocom Ltd. (2013)
(AAR) (Mum ITAT)
- BEA Systems Inc. (2012) - Microsoft Regional Sales
(ITAT Bang) (2013) (Del ITAT)
The Basic Principle on which various adverse and favorable rulings are adjudged:
Favorable „Copyrighted article‟ is different from „Copyright‟ itself. (Ericsson)
Adverse Right to make a copy is part of the Copyright itself. (Samsung)
Taxation ofSatellite/
Taxation of Satellite/ Transponders
Transponders payments
payments – Mechanics
– Mechanics
Outer Space
Asia Satellite (2011) Delhi Payment was not for the use of any process or equipment, since control over
HC the process or equipment was with Asia Sat only (pre amendment scenario)
In order to constitute “royalty”, the payer must have the right to control the
B4U International Holdings equipment. Payment for a standard service would not constitute “royalty”
(2012) (Mum ITAT) merely because equipment was used to
render that service.
Convergys Customer Payer does not have control or possession over the equipment hence not
(2013) (Delhi ITAT) taxable in India. DTAA is not impacted by amendment in FA, 2012
New Skies Satellite BV The payment for leasing of transponder facilities to broadcasters is not for
(2016) (Delhi HC) use of any process; Amendments under the Act cannot be read into DTAA
Effectively connected to PE
Effectively Connected to PE
Article 12(1) Royalties arising in a Contracting State and paid to a
resident of the other Contracting State may be taxed in that other
A Co
Article 12(2) However, such royalties may also be taxed in the
Contracting State in which they arise, and according to the laws of that
State, but if the recipient is the beneficial owner of the royalties, the
tax so charged shall not exceed xx per cent of the gross amount of the
B Co
Article 12(6) - Royalties shall be deemed to arise in a Contracting State
when the payer is that State itself, a political sub-division, a local
authority or a resident of that State.
Where, however, the person paying the royalties, whether he is a
resident of a Contracting State or not, has in a Contracting State a
Use of IPR
PE of A Co in India permanent establishment or a fixed base in connection with which the
liability to pay the royalties arise and such royalties are borne by such
permanent establishment or fixed base, then such royalties shall be
deemed to arise in the State in which the permanent establishment or
fixed base is situated.
Fees for Technical Services
Fee for technical services – IT Act - inclusions
consideration for
Provision of
services of
Managerial Technical Consultancy technical or other
Managerial Services
Manager administers or
Manager is involved in
supervises the business
decision making
Manager is involved in
Manager is involved in management of affairs that
Controlling, directing or are directed towards adoption
administering the business and carrying out the policies
of the organization
Technical Services
Consultancy Services
FTS Exclusions under IT Act
Consideration for Consideration for Consideration for chargeable under the
construction assembly mining head “Salaries” in
hands of recipient
FTS definition – asper
– as
FTS definition per aa typical
typical DTAA
If such services
FTS Clause as per Different DTAA’s
Fees for Included Services (FIS) USA, Canada, Cyprus, Singapore, Netherlands
Managerial Services not included in FTS Australia, Netherlands, Canada, UK, USA
Restrictive definition of FTS- presence of ‘Make USA, UK, Singapore, Netherlands, Cyprus
Available’ clause
‘Make available’ imported through Most France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Sweden
Favored Nation clause
Indo – China DTAA
China Co The term "fees for technical services" as used in this Article means
any payment for the provision of services of managerial, technical
or consultancy nature by a resident of a Contracting State in the
other Contracting State, but does not include payment for
Rendering activities mentioned in paragraph 2(k ) of Article 5 and Article 15 of
services in / the Agreement
out of India
• Ashapura Minichem v ITO (Mumbai ITAT)
FTS –Definition under the Treaties
FTS as per India-Germany Tax FTS as per India-US Tax Treaty Some treaties in which FTS
Treaty clause is not there at all
Consideration for rendering Bangladesh
Consideration for the of any technical or
services of managerial, consultancy services, if Greece
technical or consultancy such services: Indonesia
nature, including the
provision of services by • Ancillary and subsidiary to Kenya
technical or other personnel the application or
enjoyment of the right, Mauritius
excluding :
property or information, UAE
• payments for • Make available technical Nepal
dependent personal knowledge, experience,
services Philippines
skill, know-how, or
processes, or consist of
the development and
transfer of a technical
plan or technical design.
1st View Channel Guide India Ltd vs ACIT In absence of FTS clause in the DTAA, income
(2012) (Mum); Mckinsey & Co governed as per Article on Business Profits and
(Thailand) Co. Ltd. vs DDIT(2013) would be taxed in India only if the taxpayer had a
(Mum); Bangkok Glass Industry PE in India.
Co Ltd vs ACIT(2013) (Mad)
2nd View Lanka Hydraulik Institute Ltd, In In absence of FTS clause, income to be taxed under
Re (2011) (AAR); XYZ, In Re the „Other Income‟ Article.
(2012) (AAR)
3rd View CIT vs TVS Electronics (2012) In absence of FTS clause, income cannot be
(Chennai) – subsequently construed as business profits and reference should
overruled by High Court be made to provisions of the Act
Make Available Clause
Meaning of “make available”
• Some of the DTAA’s contain a restrictive definition of FTS/FIS requiring satisfaction of make available
condition- USA, UK, Singapore, Netherlands, Cyprus etc.
• Use of a product which embodies technology cannot be considered to make technology available.
„Make Available‟ clause in a treaty narrows down the scope of definition of FTS
Flow of consideration
Flow of service
once service has ended.
Relevant Test # 2 • Some sort of durability or
P-2 is enabled to apply the permanency of the result must
technology remain once service is rendered.
Relevant Test # 5
Relevant Test # 3
P-2 is at liberty to use the
Services must have some technical knowledge, skill, know-
technical knowledge. Person - 2 how and processes.
Case Study 1 - Are these “Included Services
(Possesses experience of building
superior quality wallboards)
(Wishes to produce US product)
Case Study 2 - Are these “Included Services”
(Operates wallboard fabrication plant)
Fabricates wallboard in
its plant using advanced
technology. USA
• Makes payments.
• Provides raw materials
FTS Implications of Secondment of
Employees to India
Secondment of Employees to India
• The term ‘secondment’ describes where an employee or a group of employees is assigned on a temporary
basis to work for another, ‘host’ organisation, or a different part of their employer’s organisation.
• On expiry of the secondment term, the employee (the ‘secondee’) will ‘return’ to their original employer.
• From company perspective, the essence is to establish whether the “employer – employee relationship” lies
with Indian entity (ICo) or that with the Foreign entity (FCo).
• Where the employment is established to be held by FCo, it will be difficult to argue against taxability of
payments being done by ICo to Fco, as FTS.
• Judicial pronouncements have laid down certain key aspects to differentiate between economic employer
and real employer.
FTS Implications of Secondment – Key Decisions
Judgment Held
Most Favored Nation (MFN) Clause
Most Favored Nation(MFN) Clause
Most Favored Nation(MFN) Clause
• Illustrative Language:
India-France DTAA – FTS / Royalty clause
• The term "royalties" as used in this article means payments of any kind received as a consideration for the
use of, or the right to use, any copyright of literary, artistic or scientific work including cinematograph films,
or films or tapes used for radio or television broadcasting, any patent, trade mark, design or model, plan,
secret formula or process, or for information concerning industrial, commercial or scientific experience.
• The term "fees for technical services" as used in this Article means payments of any kind to any person,
other than payments to an employee of the person making the payments and to any individual for
independent personal services mentioned in Article 15, in consideration for services of a managerial,
technical or consultancy nature.
• The term "payments for the use of equipment" as used in this Article means payments of any kind received
as a consideration for the use of, or the right to use, industrial, commercial or scientific equipment.
India-France DTAA – MFN Clause
• In respect of articles 11 (Dividends), 12 (Interest) and 13 (Royalties, fees for technical services and payments
for the use of equipment), if under any Convention, Agreement or Protocol signed after 1-9-1989, between
India and a third State which is a member of the OECD, India limits its taxation at source on dividends,
interest, royalties, fees for technical services or payments for the use of equipment to a rate lower or a
scope more restricted than the rate of scope provided for in this Convention on the said items of income,
the same rate or scope as provided for in that Convention, Agreement or Protocol on the said items income
shall also apply under this Convention, with effect from the date on which the present Convention or the
relevant Indian Convention, Agreement or Protocol enters into force, whichever enters into force later.
Taxability of Royalty and FTS
Basis of Charge
Section 5 : Scope of Total Income for Non Residents
- Income received / deemed to be received in India
- Income accruing / arising in India or deemed to accrue or arise in India
Income by way of Royalty/ FTS shall be deemed to accrue or arise in India if payable by
Whether agreement
Taxable on net basis @ YES - Approved by Central Govt.
40%* – Sec 44DA - Included in Industrial Policy
Sec 115A- Taxable on gross basis @ 10% Taxable on net basis @
40%* – Sec 28 to 44
* Surcharge and
cess, as applicable
Taxability of Royalty/FTS under the DTAA
Taxability of Royalty/FTS as per DTAA
Taxability of Royalty / FTS under the Treaty
Article 12 – taxable on
Article 7 – taxable on net
gross basis
Thank You