Final Report: Environmental Impact Assessment For Najafgarh-Dhansa Bus Stand Extension of Delhi Metro

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Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro




March 2018
Centre for Environment Research
Metro Bhawan, Fire Brigade Lane, and Development
LGCS-27A, Ansal Plaza, Vaishali, Ghaziabad-
Barakhamba Road, New Delhi-110001
201010, U.P.
Email:[email protected]

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

No. Description Page
1.2 Legal, Policy And Institutional Frame Work 18
1.3 Enviromental Categorization and Clearances 19
1.4 Objective and Scope of the Study 21
1.5 Approach And Methodology 21
1.5.1 Data Collection 22
1.5.2 Environmental Impact Assessment 22
1.5.3 Environmental Management Plan 23
1.5.4 Environmental Monitoring 23
1.6 Format of the Report 23
2.0 Transport Situation in Delhi 25
2.1 Project Area 25
2.2 Proposed Metro Corridor 25
2.3 Location of Station 25
2.4 Traffic Projections 27
2.5 System Requirement 27
2.6 Rolling Stock Requirement 27
2.7 Construction Methodology 27
2.8 Maintenance Depot 27
3.1 Environmental Scoping 28
3.2 Land Environment 30
3.2.1 Geography, Geology And Soils 30
3.2.2 Seismicity 30
3.2.3 Soil Quality 31
3.3 Water Environment 32

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

3.3.1 Water Resources 32

3.3.2 Hydrogeology and Ground Water 33
3.3.3 Water Quality 35
3.4 Meteorology 36
3.5 Air Environment 38
3.6 Noise Environment 39
3.7 Trees 40
3.8 Socio-Economic Conditions 40
3.9 Socio-Economic Survey 40
3.10 Archaeological Sites 41
4.1 General 42
4.2 Environmental Impacts 42
4.3 Impacts Due To Project Location 43
4.3.1 Project Affected People (PAPs) 43
4.3.2 Change of Land Use 44
4.3.3 Loss of Forests/Trees 45
4.3.4 Utility/ Drainage Problems 45
4.3.5 Socio-economic Impacts on PAPs 45
4.3.6 Impact on Archaeological Sites 46
4.3.7 Impact on Sensitive Receptors 46
4.4 Impacts Due To Project Design 46
4.4.1 Lighting 46
4.4.2 Risk Due to Earthquake 46
4.5 Impacts Due to Project Construction 46
4.5.1 Soil Erosion, Pollution and Health Risk at Construction Site 47
4.5.2 Traffic Diversions and Risk to Existing Buildings 47
4.5.3 Problems of Excavated Soil and Bentonite Disposal 47
4.5.4 Air Pollution and Dust Generation 47
4.5.5 Water Pollution 48
4.5.6 Increased Water Demand 48

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

4.5.7 Impact Due to Supply of Construction Material 48

4.5.8 Generation of Construction and Demolition Waste 48
4.5.9 Impacts due to Casting Yard and Batching Plant 49
4.5.10 Noise Pollution 49
4.5.11 Vibrations 49
4.5.12 Loss of Historical and Cultural Monuments 49
4.6 Impacts Due to Project Operation 49
4.6.1 Noise Pollution 50
4.6.2 Water Supply and Sanitation at Stations 50
4.6.3 Station Refuse 50
4.6.4 Visual Impacts 50
4.6.5 Vibrations 50
4.7 Positive Environmental Impacts 51
4.7.1 Employment Opportunities 51
4.7.2 Enhancement of Economy 52
4.7.3 Mobility,Safety and Reduced Accidents 52
4.7.4 Traffic Congestion Reduction 52
4.7.5 Reduced Fuel Consumption 53
4.7.6 Reduced Air Pollution 53
4.7.7 Carbon Credits 53
4.7.8 Improvement of Quality of Life 53
4.8 Checklist of Impacts 54
5.1 Analysis of Alternatives 56
5.2 Public Consultation and Disclosure 56
6.1 Management Plans 59
6.2 Mitigation Measures 59
6.2.1 Compensatory Afforestation 60
6.2.2 Construction Material Management – Storage and Procurement 60
6.2.3 Labour Camp 61

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

6.2.4 Energy Management 61

6.2.5 Hazardous Waste Management 62
6.2.6 Environmental Sanitation 62
6.2.7 Utility Plan 63
6.2.8 Air Pollution Control Measures 64
6.2.9 Construction and Demolition Waste 65
6.2.10 Noise Control Measures 65
6.2.11 Vibration Control 66
6.2.12 Traffic Diversion/ Management 68
6.2.13 Soil Erosion Control 69
6.2.14 Water Supply, Sanitation And Solid Waste Management 70
6.2.15 Rain Water Harvesting 71
6.2.16 Tree Protection 71
6.3 Disaster Management 71
6.4 Emergency Measures 73
6.4.1 Fire Protection 73
6.5 Summary of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) 76
7.1 Pre-Construction Phase 83
7.2 Construction Phase 83
7.2.1 Water Quality 83
7.2.2 Air Quality 84
7.2.3 Noise and Vibration 84
7.2.4 Workers Health and Safety 84
7.3 Operation Phase 85
7.4 Establishment of an Environmental Division 85
8.1 Summary of Costs 86
8.2 Conclusion 87

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

No. Particulars Page
1.1 Permissions/ Clearances required for the Project 20
3.1 Environmental Attributes And Frequency Of Monitoring 28
3.2 Sampling/ Monitoring Locations 29
3.3 Soil Quality 32
3.4 Ground Water Quality at Project Site 35
3.5 Monthly Rainfall 37
3.6 Mean Maximum Relative Humidity 37
3.7 Mean Minimum Relative Humidity 38
3.8 Mean Maximum Temperature at Delhi 38
3.9 Mean Minimum Temperature at Delhi 38
3.10 Ambient Air Quality Results 38
3.11 Noise Levels 39
4.1 Land to be Acquired at Dhansa Bus Stand 44
4.2 Saving of Petrol and Diesel due to Metro 53
4.3 Reduction of Emmission of Greenhouse Gases due to Modal shift to 53
4.4 Checklist of Impacts 54
6.1 Environmental Management Action Plan (EMP) 77
7.1 Construction Stage Monitoring Schedule 84
7.2 Operation Stage Monitoring Schedule 85
8.1 Environmental Costs 86
8.2 Details of Cost of Resettlement and Rehabilitation 86

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro


1.1 Methodology for the EIA Study 24

2.1 Index Map of the Route Alignment- 26
3.1 Air Quality, Noise Level amnd Water Quality Monitoring Sites 30
3.2 Seismic Zoning Map of India 31
3.3 Hydrogeological map of South-West Delhi 33

List of Annexures
1 Drinking Water Quality Standards 88
2 Effluent Discharge Standards (Inland Surface Water) 92
3 Tolerance Limits For Inland Surface Water Quality 94
4 National Ambient Air Quality Standards 96
5 National Ambient Noise Standards 98

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro


Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro



High population growth rate of Delhi coupled with high economic growth has
resulted in an ever increasing demand for transport creating excessive
pressure on the city's existing transport system comprising mainly of the road
transport comprises of public buses, private vehicles, autos and Taxis.
0.1.1 Objective and Scope of the Study
The objective of the study is to facilitate the Metro extension between
Najafgarh and Dhansa Bus stand project by understandig the environmental
impacts of proposed activity and take timely and effective measures for
mitigation of negative impacts where required and to seek acceptance of
funding agencies while applying for loan. The scope of EIA includes the
impacts resulting from pre-construction, during construction and operation
phases of the metro corridor in Delhi.
0.1.3 Approach and Methodology
DMRC has considered different alternatives. The final alternative was
fixed based on Technical Feasibility, Socio-economic acceptability, and
Environmental sustainability of Metro Corridor. The environmental study is
carried out for the alignment finalized/ proposed by DMRC. The Consultant
has documented the baseline data for various parameters physical,
ecological and environmental. The impacts are assessed for various phases
of project cycle. The impacts are categorized as negative and positive. The
cost of management and monitoring programmes were estimated and
budgeted for.
0.2.1 Transport Demand and Forecast
Traffic studies and forecasting the transport demand for metro corridors in
Delhi has been carried out.
0.2.2 Proposed Metro Corridor
In view of increasing demand for mass transport, Delhi State Govt. and Delhi
authorities desired that the extension of metro corridor shall be developed in
the city. Route Alignment Route Length and Stations
The main alignment is between Najafgarh and Dhansa Bus stand in
Najafgarh for 1.21 Km.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro Rolling Stock Requirement

Being extension of already under construction Dwarka- Najafgarh corridor
there will not be any additional requirement of rolling stock.
0.2.3 Construction Methodology
It is proposed to construct this section underground as it crosses densely
populated residential area of Najafgarh Town in 36 months from Dec 17.
0.3.1 Environmental Scoping
The objective of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is to ascertain the
baseline environmental conditions and then assess the impacts as a result of
the proposed project during various phases of the project cycle.
0.3.2 Land Environment
The Project area is situated in Delhi area. The average elevation of the
project area is about 214 m and 219 m above the Mean sea level (a-MSL)
along the corridor.
The area under study is part of the Yamuna Basin comprising the newer
alluvium made up of fine to medium sand, silt, gravel, clay and kankar. The
surface belts are admixed with wind-blown sediments or recent age. These
alluvial sediments are known to be underlined by hard formations of Delhi
system of rocks. Following is the general sequence of formations met with in
the area:
Recent to Sub – Recent : Alluvium
Post-Delhi Intrusive : Pegmatic and basic intrusive
Algonkian (Delhi System) : Alwar Quartzites

The area around the proposed metro corridor consists mainly of newer
alluvium made up of fine to medium sand and silt. Soils are mainly sandy silt
of low to medium plasticity (CL) or Silty sand/Fine to medium sand (SM) non-
plastic in nature.
Seismicity: Delhi is located in zone IV of seismic zoning map of India.
0.3.3 Water Environment
Water environment consists of water resources and its quality. Water Resources
The water availability and its quality play a significant role in this project.
Water supply to Delhi is from Yamuna River which flows through the project
area. The Yamuna river originates from the Yamnotri glacier in the lower
Himalayas at an elevation of about 6,387 m above mean sea level., The river

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

sluggishly meanders from Tajewala via Delhi to its confluence with the
Ganga at Allahabad after flowing a distance of about 1,200 kms. Ground Water
The hydro-geological situation characterized by occurrence of alluvial
formation and quartzitic hard rocks controls the availability of groundwater. It
is estimated that ground water availability in Delhi is 292 Mm 3. Salinity and
over exploitation have contributed to depletion and drastically affected the
availability of water in different parts of the city. Water Quality
Water quality is the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water.
The water quality in the area is beyond desirable limits but within permissible
limits as per IS: 10500 except flouride.
0.3.4 Meteorology
Delhi has an extreme climate, which is very cold in winter and hot in summer.
The climatic conditions in project area are characterized by a rainy season
(July-October), Winter (November-March) and Summer (April-June). The
mean annual rainfall of project area was 714 mm between the years 1980-
90. Over 75% of the rainfall is received during rainy season. The cooler
season from December to February is followed by the summer season from
March to June. The period from June to about the end of September
constitutes the south-west monsoon season, and October and November
form the post-monsoon season.
0.3.5 Air Environment
The monitoring results show that the concentration of PM 10 exceeds the
standards whereas other parameters are within permissible limits.
0.3.6 Noise Environment
The noise level in the area is higher than the standards.
0.3.7 Trees
A total of 189 trees in the project area are to be felled. Trees have been
found of common species like Pipal, Neem, Babool etc.
0.3.8 Socio- Economic Conditions
Socially and culturally Delhi is cosmopolitan in nature. Most of the people are
working in service sector and industrial sector. The area has also witnessed
a lot of migration from all parts of the country. People commute between
different parts of the city very frequently for different purposes.
0.3.9 Socio-Economic Survey
A socio-economic survey was undertaken for the proposed corridor to
assess the socio-economic conditions of project-affected families/people and
to examine the impacts of the proposed land acquisition for the metro

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

alignment and station area. There can be two types of impacts on the PAPs.
One is the displacement of residential house and another is displacement of
commercial establishments
It has been found during socio-economic survey that any residential structure
is not affected by the metro. Land is mainly required for construction of
stations and allied services.
0.3.10 Archaeological Sites
The proposed alignment of Delhi metro does not pass through any of the
Archaeological monument or heritage sites.
0.4.1 General
Negative impacts likely to result from the proposed development have been
listed under the following headings:
- Impacts due to Project Location;
- Impacts due to Project Design;
- Impacts due to Construction; and
- Impacts due to Project Operation.
0.4.2 Environmental Impacts
This section identifies and appraises the negative as well as positive impacts
on various aspects of the environment likely to result from the proposed
0.4.3 Impacts Due To Project Location
During this phase, those impacts, which are likely to take place due to the
layout of the project, have been assessed. These impacts are:
 Change of Land use- Permanent Land Requirement = 9283.9 m2 which is
Govt land. Temporary land requirement is 2352.3 m2 of Govt. land.
 Loss of trees/forest – 189 trees are likely to be felled leading to loss of CO2
absorption – 32962 Kg and Oxygen generation - 74088 kg in 8 years.
 Impact on Historical and Cultural Monuments- None
0.4.4 Impacts Due To Project Design
 Platform inlets and outlets: No hazard is anticipated due to the proposed
sizes of inlets, outlets and platform utilities.
 Ventilation and lighting: Care has been taken at design stage itself to avoid
illuminating the stations which could attract birds during night. Maximum
illumination level proposed is 200Lux which provides normal lighting.
 Risk Due to Earthquake: The project area lies in Zone IV of Bureau of Indian
Standards (BIS) Seismic Zoning Map.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

0.4.5 Impacts due to Project Construction

The most likely negative impacts related to the construction works are: -
 Although the extension corridor is underground but, during construction
period, partial traffic diversions on road will be required. There is safe
distance between buildings and proposed corridor except some which have
to be acquired for the project.
 There would be air pollution due to increment of PM 2,5 and PM10 and
increment of dust.
 Water pollution may be encountered due to construction activities.
 Dewatering may also be required at Undergroud station site.
 The water demand will increase during construction phase for meeting out
drinking and domestic water requirement of workers. Water requirement for
construction of Metro stations will also be required to be met.
 C&D waste such as concrete, stones and dirt generated during construction.
 Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) would be used for the tunneling work during
 The major sources of noise pollution during construction are movement of
vehicles for transportation of construction material to the construction site
and the noise generating activity at the construction site itself
0.4.6 Impacts due to Project Operation
Along with many positive impacts, the project may cause the following
negative impacts during operation of the project due to the increase in the
number of passengers and trains at the stations:
 Vibrations radiated from train operations and track structures generally
constitute the major vibration sources.
 The water demands will be on station for drinking, toilet, cleaning and also for
other purpose like AC, chiller and other purposes.
 The refuse from station includes Garbage, Rubbish, and Floor Sweepings.
As per the available data from other Metros the solid waste generation is
about 0.6 – 1.0 cum/day at uderground station.
The introduction of this alignment will also yield benefits from non-tangible
parameters such as saving due to equivalent reduction in road construction
and maintenance, vehicle operating costs, less atmospheric air pollution and
socio-economic benefits of travel time, better accessibility, better comfort and
quality of life. Employment Opportunities: About 500 persons are likely to
work during peak period of construction activity. In operation phase of the
project about 35 persons per kilo meter length of the corridor, ie (approx. 40

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

persons) will be employed for operation and maintenance of the proposed

system.In a nut shell, positive impacts include:
 Enhancement of Economy
 Mobility.
 Traffic Congestion Reduction.
 Reduced Fuel Consumption.
 Reduced Air Pollution.
0.6.1 Management Plans
Management of Environment by provision of necessary safeguards in
planning of the project itself can lead to reduction of adverse impacts due to
a project.
0.6.2 Mitigation Measures
Mitigation measures have to be adopted during construction at all the
construction sites including Batching Plant and Casting Yards on all the
Compensatory Afforestation: According to the results of the present study,
it is found that 189 trees are likely to be lost due to the project. Saplings
would be planted for growing 1890 trees. Compensatory afforestation
programme will be finalized in consultation with Forest Authorities by DMRC.
Construction Material Management: The scheduling of material
procurement and transport shall be linked with construction schedule of the
project. Care shall be taken to avoid spillage of material during construction.
Labour Camp: All temporary accommodation must be constructed and
maintained in such a fashion that uncontaminated water is available for
drinking, cooking and washing.
Energy Management: Use of energy efficient motors and pumps; Use of
energy efficient lighting, which uses energy efficient luminaries.
Hazardous Waste Management: Outside the storage area, the contractor
shall place a ‘display board’, which will display quantity and nature of
hazardous waste, on date. Hazardous Waste needs to be stored in a secure
place. It has to be disposed off to authorized agents.
Environmental Sanitation: General environmental sanitation shall be
carried out by the contractor and ensured at all times at Work Site,
Construction Depot, Batching Plant, Labour Camp, Stores, Offices and
Utility Plan: Utility services shall be kept operational during the entire
construction period and after completion of project.
Air Pollution Control Measures: The Contractor shall take all necessary
precautions to minimise fugitive dust emissions from operations involving
excavation, grading, and clearing of land and disposal of waste. The

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Contractor shall use construction equipment so as to minimize or control of

air pollution. Contractor’s transport vehicles and other equipment shall
conform to emission standards fixed by Statutory Agencies. The Contractor
shall carry out periodical checks and undertake remedial measures including
replacement so as to operate within permissible norms.
Construction and Demolition Waste: Opportunities for reducing C&D
waste focus on three approaches, typically expressed as Reduce-Reuse-
Recycle. An effort shall be made to recover embedded energy and to recycle
the maximum quantity of C & D Waste to manufacture tiles, curb stones, paver
block etc. There shall be no disposal of any waste along river, storm water
drains, nallahs or any other water body or depression. Rather C & D waste shall
be collected and sent to an authorized waste recycling facility
Noise Control Measures: During construction the exposure of workers to
high noise levels especially near the machinery need to be minimized. This
could be achieved by: Job rotation; Automation; Use electric instead of
diesel powered equipment; Use hydraulic tools instead of pneumatic tools;
Acoustic enclosures should be provided for individual noise generating
construction equipment like DG sets,
Traffic Diversion/Management: In order to retain satisfactory levels of traffic
flow during the construction period; traffic management and engineering
measures need to be taken. They can be traffic segregation, one-way
movements, traffic diversions on influence area roads, acquisition of one
lane, etc. Maintenance of diverted roads in good working condition to avoid
slow down and congestion shall be a prerequisite during construction period.
Soil Erosion Control: The surface area of erodible earth material exposed
by clearing and grubbing, excavation shall be limited to the extent
practicable. Immediate control measures would be provided to prevent soil
erosion and sedimentation that will adversely affect construction operations,
damage adjacent properties, or cause contamination of nearby streams or
other watercourses.
Sanitation and Solid Waste management:
During Construction
The public health facilities, such as water supply, sanitation and toilets are
much needed at the stations. Water should be treated before use up to
drinking water standards. The sewerage disposal systems should be adopted
for sewage disposal. The water for domestic consumption shall be sourced
from Delhi Municipal Corporation supply or alternatively designated borewells
may be installed with due permission from (CGWA)/ Delhi jal Board, the
statuatory authority prior to installation of borewell as per guidelines of 2015.
Solid waste shall be stacked at designated place and when sufficient quantity
accumulates it shall be disposed off through covered trucks to land fill site
designated and authorized by Delhi Authority.
During Operations

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Practically, public facilities at stations may be designated to any NGO who

may provide public conveniences at the metro station. They shall be
responsible for upkeep and management of the utilities.
Solid waste will be generated at station to the tune of 0.6 – 1.0 m3/Day. The
storage containers for this purpose need to be designed.
Rain water harvesting: it has been proposed to construct roof top rainwater
harvesting structure of suitable capacity at suitable locations.
Tree Protection: There is requirement of felling of trees. An attempt shall be
made to minimize the tree felling. As remediation of tree felling it is
suggested to plant ten trees for each tree felled. Moreover DMRC would
chalk out the plantation programme in close coordination with Forest
Authorities by making the payment for plantation work including after care for
three years.
Training and Extension: The training for engineers and managers is to be
imparted by DMRC on regular basis to implement the environmental
protection clauses of the tender document and to implement the best
environmental practices during the construction phase.
Disaster Management: Once the likelihood of a disaster is suspected, action
has to be initiated to prevent a failure. Engineers responsible for preventive
action should identify sources of repair equipments, materials, labour and
expertise for use during emergency.
Reporting Procedures: The Engineer-in-Chief should notify for the following
 Exit points for the public,
 Safety areas in the tunnel/overhead rail, and
 Nearest medical facility
Communication System: An efficient communication system is absolutely
essential for the success of any disaster management plan. The damage
areas need to be clearly identified and provided with temporary and fool proof
communication system.
Emergency Action Committee: To ensure coordinates action, an
Emergency Action Committee should be constituted. The civic administrator
may be the Chairman of this Committee. Emergency Action Committee will
prepare the evacuation plan and procedures for implementation based on
local needs and facilities available
Emergency Measures: The emergency measures are adopted to avoid any
failure in the system such as lights, fire, means of escape etc.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro


0.7.1 Construction Phase
Item Parameter Frequency and Duration Locations
Air PM10 2×24hours Twice/month 2 locations
During entire civil construction
stage or even later, if directed
Water Ground-water Once / 6months 1 location
quality During entire civil construction
(IS stage or even later, if directed
10500:1991) by DMRC
Noise Noise Level 24hours Once/ week 2 locations
(Leq, L90, L50, During entire civil construction
L10, Lmin and stage or even later, if directed
Lmax) by DMRC
Ecology Felled and Once a year till all trees that All the
planted trees were to be planted by MCD on trees felled
behalf of DMRC, are planted and newly

0.7.2 Operation Stage Monitoring Schedule

Frequency and
Item Parameter Locations
Air PM10 2×24hours 1 locations
Once/month For
Water Surface/ Groundwater Once/ year For 1 location
quality(IS 10500: 3years
Noise Noise Level 24hours Once/year 2 locations (Sensitive
Receptors along the
(Leq) For 3years
elevated section)

0.7.3 Establishment of an Environmental Division

DMRC already has established an Environmental Management Cell. Hence,
an additional set-up for environmental management is not recommended.
A provision of Rs. 52.80 Lakh has been suggested towards the cost of
environment management. The compensation for loss of land, fire control,

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

information systems and contractor’s obligations has been incorporated in

project costs. The Environmental management plan should be implemented
in phases so that optimum benefit could be achieved and should be
synchronized with the construction schedules.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Delhi, the capital of India is the largest metropolis by area and the second-largest
metropolis by population in India. It is the eighth largest metropolis in the world by
population. According to 2011 census, the population of Delhi, as on 1st March,
2011, was worked out at 16.75 millions as against 9.42 millions on 1st March,
1991. The corresponding percentage at All-India level has been worked out at
21.34%. During years 1901 to 1911 the decennial growth of Delhi was 11.13%
and it increases to 106.58% in 1941-1951. Thereon it steadily decreased. The
decennial growth reduces to 46.87% in 1981-1991, 1991-2001 decennial growth
rises to 52.34%, However in 2001- 2011the decennial growth was 20.94% .
North – West district are the most populated districts in Delhi with a population of
2.847 million and 2.258 million respectively. However North – East, Central and
East are the densely populated with 29,395; 25,760 and 22,637 people /km 2.
According to Census 2011, the density of population in Delhi is worked out at
9,294 persons per sq. km. as against 6,352 persons in 1991. Density of
population at All-India level has been worked out at 324 persons per sq. km. in
2001. The density of population in Delhi is highest in the country.


The need for a well-developed legal mechanism to conserve resources, protect
the environment and ensures the health and well being of the people in India is
more than ever before. Keeping pace with international laws, the Ministry of
Environment and Forest enacted Environmental Protection Act in 1986. Over the
years, the Government of India has framed several policies and promulgated
number of Acts, Rules and Notifications aimed at management and protection of
the environment. The available national and state level legal Acts and Legislation
referred during the study are:
 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, No. 6 of 1974
(Amendment 1988).
 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act No.36 of 1977,
(Amendment), 1992 and No. 19 of 2003.
 The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Rules, 1978, 1991.
 The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act No. 14 of 1981, amended
 Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, SO 123 (E) dt 14-02-2000,
SO 1046 (E) Dt 22-11-2000, and amendments SO 1088 (E ) Dt 11-10-
2002, SO 1088 (E ) dt 13-07-2006, SO 1569 (E ) Dt 19-09-2006 and SO
50 (E ) dt 11-01-2010.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

 Municipal Solid Waste Rules, 2016, No. 1357 E dt 08094-2016.

 The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986 dt 23/5/1986),
amended 1991.
 The Environment (Protection) Rules,1986.
 The Indian Forest Act, 1927.
 Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, amended 1988.
 Forest (Conservation) Rules, 2003.
 The Wild Life (Protection) Act 1972, Amendment, 2002
 C& D Waste Management Rules 2016. GSR 317 E dt 29-03-2016
 Hazardous Substances Management GSR. 347( E) Dt 01-08-1996, GSR
616(E) Dt 20-09-2006 and GSR 1( E) Dt 23-12-2016


The proposed project does not pass through any Wildlife Sanctuary, National
Park, or any other environmentally sensitive or protected areas. The proposed
project comprises three alignments viz., between Najafgarh and Dhasa Mor. The
alignment is proposed underground. The proposed project will bring in many
benefits to the area. There is potential for environmental impacts on the ambient
Requirement of Environmental Clearance
As per provisions of the EIA Notification, 14 September 2006 as amended up
to 1st December 2009, any person who desires to undertake any new project in
any part of India or the expansion or modernization of any existing industry or
project listed in Schedule-I of the said notification shall submit an application to
the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India in accordance
with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of
Environment and Forests from time to time. Metro Rail project is not included in
the Schedule-I of the EIA Notification, 2006. Thus, the project does not
require an environmental clearance certificate from the Ministry of
Environment and Forests, Government of India.
Requirement of Forest Clearance
As per Indian "Forests Conservation Act (1980), every project requiring
diversion of forest land for non-forestry purposes require forest clearance
from MoEF. The forestry clearance is granted through two-stage process:
Stage 1 refers, in principle agreement, to the project proposal in which usually
the conditions relating to transfer, mutation and declaration as RF/ PF under
the Indian Forest Act, 1972, of equivalent non-forest land for compensatory
afforestation and funds for raising compensatory afforestation thereof are
stipulated. Stage II involves formal approval under the Act after receipt of

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

compliance report from the State Government in respect of the stipulated

conditions. Since alignment is not passing through any forest land and no
diversion of forest land is involved in the proposed project, no forest clearance
is required for this project.
Required Clearances/Permissions
For the proposed project, required clearances/ permissions related to
environment have been summarized below.
Table 1.1: Permissions/Clearances Required for the Project
S. Permissions/ Acts / Rules / Concerned Responsibili
No. Clearances Notifications / Guidelines Agency ty
A. Pre-construction Stage
1 Permission for Forest Conservation Act DFO/District DMRC
felling of trees (1980) Procedural Collector
Guidelines developed by
the Department of
Environment, GoM; Tree
removal will be guided as
per state government
B. Implementation Stage
2 Consent to operate Air (Prevention and Control DPCC Contractor
hot mix plant, of Pollution) Act 1981
crushers, batching
3 Permission for Environment (Protection) Central Contractor
withdrawal of Act, 1986 Ground
groundwater Water
4 Permission for sand Environment (Protection) Mining Contractor
mining from river Act, 1986 Department/
bed MoEF
5 Authorization for Hazardous Waste DPCC Contractor
handling and (Management and
storage of Handling) Rules 2016
Hazardous Waste
6 Disposal of Hazardous Waste DMRC may Contractor
bituminous and (Management and authorize to
other wastes Handling) Rules 2016 use local
solid waste
7 Consent for Water (Prevention and DPCC
sites. Contractor
disposal of sewage Control of Pollution) Act
from labour camps. 1974

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

8 Pollution Under Central Motor and Vehicle Department Contractor

Control Certificate Act 1988 of Transport,
Govt. of
9 Roof Top Rain Central Groundwater Central Contractor
Water Harvesting Authority (CGWA) Ground
(RWH) Guidelines Water
10 Permission for Environment (Protection) CGWA/DJB Contractor
groundwater Act, 1986
extraction for
drinking purpoes
11 Employing Labour/ The Building and Other District Contractor
workers Construction Workers Commissione
(Regulation of Employment r
and Conditions of Service)
Act, 1996


The objective of the Environment and Social Impact Assessment study is to
facilitate the DMRC evaluate the environmental impacts of its proposed
activity. DMRC proposes to apply for loan to seek financial support from
multilateral funding agencies. Thus, the objective of the study is to conduct
Environmental Impact Assessment as per requirement of multilateral funding
agencies. The scope of EIA includes the impacts resulting from pre-
construction, during construction and operation phases of the proposed
metro alignment in Delhi. In addition, it is proposed to establish
environmental baseline and safeguard measures for protection of
environment for sustainable development during project cycles.
The DMRC has considered different alternative corridors. The underlying
principles for evaluation for each corridor, without affecting the overall
usefulness of the corridor, are minimum private land acquisition, least
disturbance to properties and minimal disturbance to ecology/biodiversity. In
the analysis of alternatives, a comparison of scenario with and without the
project has also been made. The final alternative was fixed based on
Technical Feasibility, Socio-economic acceptability, and Environmental
sustainability for Metro Corridor. The environmental study is carried out for
the alignment proposed by DMRC. The approach is to follow the sequence of
steps adopted in an EIA study. The basic concept is to ascertain the existing

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

baseline conditions and assess the impacts as a result of construction and

operation of the project. The changes likely to occur in different components
of the environment viz. physical, biological / ecological, environmental and
socio-economic etc. have been studied, analyzed and quantified, wherever
possible. The identification of parameters for data generation and impact
assessment are important. The analysis of assessment depends upon the
reliable data generated/ available on environmental attributed. This study has
documented the baseline data for various parameters of physical, ecological
and environmental pollution (air, water and noise). The impacts are assessed
for various phases of project cycle namely:
 Impacts due to project location,
 Impacts due to project design,
 Impacts due to project construction, and
 Impacts due to project operation.
The impacts are categorized as negative and positive. The cost of
management and monitoring programmes were estimated and budgeted for.
The approach for the study is presented in Figure-1.1.
The standard methodology for the data collection, impact assessment and
formulation of management plans is adopted. The national acts, legislation
and laws along with guidelines were consulted with a view to ensuring
compliance with various requirements. Environmental baseline data for
environmental attributes from primary and secondary sources were collected
and compiled. The primary sources include site visits, visual inspection, field
studies, monitoring and analysis. The secondary sources include the books,
reports, maps and documents from various government and non-government
organizations on subject matter. The methodology adopted for data
collection, impact analysis, preparation of environmental management and
monitoring plans is highlighted in brief, in the following paragraphs. However,
more elaborate methodology is present in the main text in the relevant
1.5.1 Data Collection
The existing land-use pattern of the area has been identified mainly as urban
human settlements, roads, Trees and water bodies.
Water Resources in the project were considered in terms of precipitation,
surface run off; quantity and quality of water.
Air and Noise quality is an important consideration during construction and
operation phases. Ambient air quality and noise levels were monitored in
project area to develop present baseline levels in the area.
Terrestrial Ecology was also studied.
1.5.2 Environmental Impact Assessment
The objective of the study is to assess the impacts as a result of construction
of the proposed metro corridor. The changes likely to occur in different

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

components of the environment were studied and analyzed. Based on project

particulars and the existing environmental conditions, potential impacts were
identified that are expected to be affected as a result of the proposed project
and wherever possible, these are quantified. Both positive and negative
impacts are evaluated to get an idea about resultant impacts. The
environmental impact of the project includes changes in land use, soil,
erosion, water quality, air quality and noise levels etc. On the other hand, the
project will provide higher living standard, better quality of life, less travel
time, better connectivity and transport facilities.
1.5.3 Environmental Management Plan
The management plans are essential to ensure that stress/ loads on the
systems are within carrying capacity. The management plan aims at
maintaining the environmental quality of project area with respect to pre-
project stage. An environmental management strategy/ plan is developed to
mitigate the adverse impacts. Efforts are made to enhance the quality of
environmental attributes.
1.5.4 Environmental Monitoring
Monitoring would indicate any environmental problem, which has come up
due to an ongoing activity. This will facilitate to assess the effectiveness of
management / mitigation measures.
The main elements of the study are as follows: In Chapter-2 a concise
documentation is given on current and planned activities. Chapter-3
summarises environmental baseline conditions including physical, biological
and socio-economic parameters and pre-project environmental constraint
such as air pollution, problems related to public health and traffic congestion.
Potential negative and positive impacts are presented in Chapters-4 and 5
presents analysis of alternatives. These include issues such as loss of land,
rehabilitation and resettlement, disposal of soil, loss of trees, noise and
vibration, disruption of utilities/ facilities, socio-economic and other problems
due to the development of proposed Metro corridor in Delhi. The positive
impacts included employment opportunities, mobility, traffic congestion
reduction, fuel savings, reduced air pollution etc.
Based on the anticipated negative impacts, the project may bring about an
environmental management strategy, which has been outlined in Chapter-6.
Chapter-7 includes post project environmental monitoring programmes. This
programme aims at signalling any potential environmental problem during
construction and operation of the project and it should allow for timely
implementation of corrective measures. Finally, a summary of the costs of
the environmental management and monitoring programmes falling under the
responsibility of the project is presented in Chapter-8. This also includes the
cost of disaster management plans and emergency information systems.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro


Desk Research, Acts, Legislation, Review of Previous EIA Reports,

Reconnaissance, Discussion and Presentation

Scoping / Identification of Field visit


Archeological Ecological Environmental Physical Socio-

Environment Environment Pollution Environment Economics
 Archeologic
al  Flora  Air  Topography  Social Status
 Historical  Fauna  Water  Land use  Infrastructure
 Heritage  Tree / Forest  Noise pattern facilities
 Fisheries  Soil  Drainage/
 Solid waste hydrology

Compile Environmental Baseline Data

Field Studies

Analysis of Environmental Public Consultation

Baseline Data

Screening of Environmental Impacts

Potential Environmental and Social Impact

Assessment No impact
Viability of

Preparation of Environmental
Management Plan

Environmental Monitoring Programmes,

Conclusion and Recommendations

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Delhi is well connected by roads, rail and air with all parts of India. It has three
airports-Indira Gandhi International Airport for the international flights, Palam
Airport for domestic air services and Safdarjung Airport for training purposes. It
has three important railway stations - Delhi Junction, New Delhi Railway Station
and Nizamuddin Railway Station. Delhi has three inter-state bus terminals at
Kashmeri Gate, Sarai Kale Khan and Anand Vihar. Vehicle population in Delhi is
highest among all metropolitan cities (Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi and Madras). As
on February 2011 there are 6,844,527 private and commercial vehicles
registered in Delhi.


This metro aligment is located in Delhi between Najafgarh (Delhi Gate) and
Dhansa Bus stand. The proposed alignment would serve the area by providing
better connectivity to people coming from and going to the rural area between
Dhansa Mor and upto Haryana Border. The maintenance Depot is not proposed
for this corridor and it is proposed to use the existing Depot at Najafgarh. This
metro corridor is proposed in Delhi to cater the requirement of the city for a
length of about 1.21 Km. The total alignment in this corridor will be under ground
entirely. The Metro corridor will have standard Guage alignment.


Metro corridor is proposed in Delhi between Delhi Gate at Najafgarh and Dhasa
Mor at Najafgarh. This proposed corridor extension will be underground. The
route aligmet of extension of Metro line from Najafgarh to Dhansa Bus stand is
planned underground as it passes through built up area and underground station
is proposed at Dhansa Bus stand. The most part of the alignment falls in heavily
built up area.
There will be 1 station in the propsed extension at Dhansa Bus Stand having
centre line at chainage 4938.23m for Dn line and 4950.33m for Up line.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Figure 2.1 General Alignment of Proposed Corridor

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro


Since the proposed extension is for only 1.2 km length from Njafgarh to Dhansa
Bus stand which falls within the catchment area of Traffic forecast for Metro
extension upto Najafgarh. The same projections have been considered for this
extension also. However due to preset extension in the network of Delhi Metro
the lead has been increased from 10.22 km to 16.80 Km.
The projected ridership figures as per traffic study considered for FIRR as for
various years is indicated in Table 2.1 below:
Table 2.1 Year wise Ridership
S.No. Year Traffic
1 2020-21 61000
2 2030-31 78000


Since the proposed corridor is the extension of underconstruction section, the
same system design would be applicable on this corridor as well.
No additional rolling stock is required for this section. Therefor, provision has not
been made for additional rolling stock for the proposed extension.
The Dwarka- Najafgarh corridor is under costruction. At Najafgarh the corridor is
Uderground and will continue to be underground for the entir extension section
upto Dhansa Bus stand.
Construction is proposed to be commenced in December 2017 and is ikely to be
completed in 36 months.
Depot for this corridor is not proposed as the Depot at Najafgarh would also
serve this portion of the corridor as well.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro



Baseline environmental status in and around the proposed project depicts the
existing environmental conditions of the location. Baseline data was collected
for various/environmental attributes so as to compute the impacts that are
likely to arise due to proposed project.
The scope of the present study includes detailed characterization of following
environmental components, which are most likely to be influenced by the
proposed project:
 Land Environment
 Water Quality (Surface + Ground water)
 Meteorological conditions
 Ambient Air Quality
 Noise Levels
 Biodiversity
 Socio Economic studies.
The information presented in this chapter has been acquired from various
sources. Data on land environment has been collected and compiled from
various reports and field surveys. The data on water, air, noise quality, and
biodiversity were collected through field studies, sampling in October 2017.
Climatological data was collected from India meteorological Department.
Efforts have been made to compile the available data from literature, books,
maps and reports. The methodology adopted for data collection is highlighted
wherever necessary. Environmental Attributes and Frequency of Baseline
Survey is presented in Table 3.1.
Table 3.1 Environmental Attributes and Frequency of Monitoring
S. No Attribute Parameter No. of Source
Land Environment
1 Geology Geological Status --- Literature review
2 Seismology Seismic Hazard --- Literature review
Water Environment
3 Ground Water Physical, Chemical 1 Sampling/
and Biological Monitoring
parameters locations

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

S. No Attribute Parameter No. of Source

Air, Noise And Meteorology
4 Ambient Air PM10, PM2.5, SO2, 1 Sampling/
Quality NOx, CO Monitoring
5 Noise Noise levels in dB 1 Sampling/
(A) Monitoring
Leq, Lmax, Lmin,
L10, L50, L90
6 Soil Physico-Chemical 1 Sampling
parameters Locations
7 Socio-economic Socio-economic Once Field Studies,
aspects profile Literature review.
8 Trees Number Once Field Studies

Sampling locations of Water Quality, Noise Level, and Ambient Air Qaulity are
depicted in Fig. 3.1.
Table 3.2 Sampling / Monitoring Locations:
S. No Station Name Samples Location
1 Ambient Air Quality 1 Dhansa Bus Stand
2 Noise Levels 1 Dhansa Bus Stand
3 Ground Water Quality 1 Dhansa Bus Stand
4 Soil Quality 1 Dhansa Bus Stand

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Fig. 3.1 Air Quality, Noise level and Water Sampling/Monitoring Sites


The Project area is situated in Delhi. The elevation of the project area is ranging
between 214 m to 219 m. The parameters involved in land environment are
physiography, geology and soils, and seismicity. These are discussed in the
following paragraphs.
The proposed metro extension corridor is located in South-west Delhi District.
Geomorphologically, Major part of the district is under Yamuna Alluvial Plain
and small part of the district has Quartzites on the eastern border of the district.
Major soil types of the district are sand, clay & kankar.
The area is characterized by unconsolidated Quaternary alluvial deposits
belonging to Middle to Late Pleistocene Age. The area comprises of silt and clay
mixed with kankar in varying proportions. Only 18 sq km area is covered by
denudational hills especially in the eastern part of the district.

3.2.2 Seismicity
The country has been classified into different zones indicating the intensity of
damage or frequency of earthquake occurrences. Delhi falls in zone IV according

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

to IS 1893: 2002 which means an earthquake upto magnitude 6.5 on Richer scale
may be expected (Figure 3.2).

Project Area

Figure – 3.2 Seismic Zones in India

3.2.3 Soil Quality

In order to ascertain the quality and nature of soil within the vicinity of the project
site, soil sample was collected. The sample was collected at about 60 cm depth
on 12th October 2017. The sample tested for physical and chemical properties.
Soil Sampling site has been shown in Fig. 3.1. The results of soil analysis are
presented in Table 3.3. As per the test results it is observed that soil is tending to
become alkaline. Soil is high in nitrogen and the carbon contents at most of the
places. However phosphors and potassium content is low. Calcium and
magnesium content is adequate at most of the places. At all places the soil
texture is of sandy silt.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Table 3.3 Soil Test Results

S. No. PARAMETERS Dhansa Bus Stand
1. pH 8.34
2. Organic Matter (%) 0.68
3. Nitrogen (kg/Hectare) 137.6
4. Phosphorus (kg/Hectare) <1.0
5. Sodium (mg/100gm) 11.9
6. Calcium (ppm) 2410
7. Potassium (kg/Hectare) 98
8. Magnesium (ppm) 250
9 Electrical Conductivity 723
10 Texture (%)
Sand 82.46
Slit 15.40
Clay 2.14
Source: Field study


Water environment consists of water resources and its quality. Its study is
important from the point of view of assessing the sufficiency of water resources
for the needs of the project in its various stages of the project cycle and also to
assess the impact of the project on water environment. In the proposed project,
ground water is proposed to be used during operations to meet out domestic
water requirements of the project in case water is not made available by SW
Delhi Municipal Corporation. Hence its quality has been tested to evaluate its
suitability for the intended purpose. Anticipated impacts of the proposed project
on water environment have also been addressed.
3.3.1 Water Resources
The water availability and its quality play a significant role in this project. Water
supply to Delhi is from Yamuna river which flows through the project area. The
Yamuna river originates from the Yamnotri glacier in the lower Himalayas at an
elevation of about 6,387 m above mean sea level., The river sluggishly meanders
from Tajewala via Delhi to its confluence with the Ganga at Allahabad after
flowing a distance of about 1,200 kms.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Rainwater: Delhi receives a normal rainfall of 714 in 27 rainy days. The utilized
rainwater runoff is 193 Mm3 per year. Apart from these the Bhakra storage and
the Upper Ganga Canal also provide water.
3.3.2 Hydrogeology and Ground Water

Hydrogeological map of the district is shown in Figure 3.3. Thick pile of alluvium
overlies the basement rock and consists of alternate layers of silt, clay, sand and
kankar. Nearly fine to medium sand and silt grade sediments occur frequently up
to the depth of 50 m along with buff coloured clayey bed admixed with coarse
kankars. On the other hand, after the depth of 50 m, thickness of silty -clay and
clay (Light yellow) beds with kankars increases with depth. The semi-plastic
and plastic clay beds are also common at deeper depth i.e. 80 to 250 m bgl. The
granular zone at deeper depth is not as frequent as in the shallower depth. The
bed rock has been encountered at many places i.e. in Dhansa (297m),
Pindwalakala (300m), Toghan pur(298m) and Jhuljhli(251m).

Figure 3.3 Hydrogeological Map of South-west Delhi District

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Depth to water level:

Depth to water level of the district shows large variation. Shallow water level is
observed in the south western part of the district while deeper water levels are
observed in the eastern part of the district. The depth to water level during pre
monsoon period in the district ranges from 2.40 to 53.17 m bgl and during post
monsoon period, it varies from 0.69 to 54.02 m bgl.
3.3.3 Water Quality
Water quality is the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of water. It is
most frequently used with reference to a set of standards against which
compliance can be assessed. The most common standards used to assess
water quality are related to drinking water, safety of human contact, and for
health of ecosystems. An understanding of the various factors influencing water
quality is thus very important as human health is largely dependent on the quality
of water available for our use. Water sampling Site has been shown in Fig. 3.1.
Groundwater sample taken on 12th October and its quality is not good for
drinking. Total dissolved solids are a little higher than the desirable limits but
within permissible limits. All other parameters are well within the desirable limits
except fluoride levels.
Table 3.4 Ground Water Quality at Project Site
Location Dhansa Bus
Parameter Stand

Colour, Hazen Colourless 5 (15) Max

Odour Unobjectionable Unobjectionable
Taste Agreeable Agreeable
Turbidity, NTU 4.3 1 (5) Max
pH 8.19 6.5-8.5 Max
Total Hardness as Caco3, Mg/l 789 200 (600) Max
Chloride as Cl, Mg/l 241 250 (1000) Max
Total Iron as Fe, Mg/l 2.08 0.3 Max
Total Dissolved Solids, Mg/l 1613 500 (2000) Max
Sulphates as So4, Mg/l 279 200 (400) Max
Nitrates as No3, Mg/l 46.4 45 Max
Fluorides as F, Mg/l 2.69 1.0 (1.5) Max
Lead as Pb, Mg/l BDL 0.01 Max
Copper as Cu,Mg/l BDL 0.05 (1.5) Max
Manganese as Mn,Mg/l BDL 0.1 (0.3) Max

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Phenolic Compound as
BDL 0.001 (0.002) Max
Mercury as Hg,Mg/l BDL 0.001 Max
Cadmium as Cd,Mg/l BDL 0.01 Max
Selenium as Se, Mg/l BDL 0.01 Max
Arsenic as As,Mg/l BDL 0.05 Max
Cyanide as Cn,Mg/l BDL 0.05 Max
Zinc as Zn, Mg/l 1.82 5 (15) Max
Detergent as MBAS, Mg/l BDL 0.2 (1.0) Max
Chromium as Cr+6 ,Mg/l BDL 0.05 Max
Total Alkalinity as Caco3,Mg/l 287.3 200 (600) Max
Aluminum as Al,Mg/l BDL 0.03(2) Max
Boron as B, Mg/l BDL 0.5(1) Max
Bacteriological Analysis
Coliform,MPN/100Ml Nil 10 Max
E-Coli/Ml Negative Negative

Meteorology is an important parameter in an environmental impact assessment
exercise. All air pollutants emitted by point and non-point sources are
transported, dispersed or concentrated by meteorological and topographical
conditions. The main parameters are: temperature, humidity, rainfall, winds and
cloud cover. The meteorology and air environment of the area are discussed in
subsequent sections.
3.4.1 Meteorology
Delhi has an extreme climate, which is very cold in winter and hot in summer.
The climatic conditions in project area are characterized by a rainy season (July-
October), Winter (November-March) and Summer (April-June). The recorded
meteorological data for the area have been summarised in Table 3.5 through
3.10. The mean annual rainfall of project area was 714 mm between the years
1980-90. Over 75% of the rainfall is received during rainy season (Ref Table 3.4).
Delhi has a monsoon climate with an average yearly rainfall of 714 mm. The air
relative humidity at Delhi varies almost throughout the year but seldom drops
below 30%. Records of monthly rainfall, mean maximum and mean minimum
relative humidity of Delhi obtained from Indian Meteorological Department, from
2005 to 2009 are given in Table 3.5 to Table 3.7.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

The mean monthly maximum temperatures are highest in April-May-June (38OC). Mean
minimum temperature is lowest during January (7OC). Records of mean maximum and
mean minimum temperatures are given in Table 3.8 and Table 3.9 respectively.
Winds are generally light to moderate (0.9 to 4.9 m/sec) but increases in April-May-
June. Wind direction is mostly from North, North East; and North West. The sky is
moderately cloudy in July-August and is generally cloud free from February till May.

Month Rainfall in mm
2009 2010
January 4 4.5
February 5.5 18.8
March 8.4 0
April 4.5 0.2
May 31.4 2.3
June 16.6 4.2
July 119 173.1
August 156.3 464.4
September 192.9 359.7
October 2 8.9
November 17.5 16.2
December 1.9 3.7
Annual Total 560 1056

Year Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
2005 89 85 83 51 53 61 86 78 87 85 82 88
2006 88 87 84 55 70 73 85 85 89 85 95 94
2007 94 92 82 60 69 73 86 88 90 84 95 90
2008 94 92 82 62 73 90 93 89 88 86 87 88
2009 90 85 71 52 59 56 75 90 85 89 97 97

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Year Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
2005 47 40 39 16 19 33 65 52 57 32 27 32
2006 37 27 30 19 32 38 59 57 49 36 35 40
2007 36 46 36 21 29 44 56 60 52 26 34 35
2008 41 36 26 23 34 56 59 64 55 39 36 46
2009 44 35 29 20 26 29 52 62 51 29 34 33

MEAN MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE (In degree centigrade)
Year Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
2005 20.1 23.2 30.4 36.3 39.5 40.3 34.2 35.7 33.9 33.2 29 22.7
2006 22.4 29.7 29.6 37.5 39.8 38.2 34.9 35.4 34.5 33.6 28.9 23.3
2007 21.5 24.2 28.3 38.2 38.9 38.1 35.9 34.8 34.5 33.4 29 22.9
2008 20.9 23.5 33.4 36.2 37 35 35.3 33.7 33.9 34.2 29 24.5
2009 21.7 26.1 31.5 36.9 40.1 40.9 35.8 35.4 34.1 33 27.2 23.6

MEAN MINIMUM TEMPERATURE (In degree centigrade)
Year Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
2005 7.7 10.8 17.1 20.4 24.8 28.2 27.1 27.3 25.1 18.8 12.2 6
2006 7.1 13.5 15.3 20.1 24.5 24.3 27.1 26.8 24.7 20.5 13.9 9.2
2007 6.7 11.8 15.3 23 25.8 28.4 27.6 27.1 25.2 17.5 12.6 8
2008 6.5 8.3 17.1 21.2 24.5 26.7 27.1 26.4 24.5 20.9 12.9 10.2
2009 8.9 11.3 16.1 22.2 26 28.2 28 27.2 25.1 19.2 13.5 8.7
Source: India Meteorological Department, Govt. of India.
The atmospheric concentrations of air pollutants were monitored at Dhansa Bus
stand between 12 to14 October 2017. Location of air monitoring station is shown
in Figure 3.1. Air Monitoring was carried out for PM10, PM2.5, NOx, SO2 and CO.
Results of the air quality monitoring are presented in Table 3.10.
Table 3.10 Ambient Air Quality Results (µg/m3)
S.No Location Date PM10 PM2.5 SO2 NOx CO
Regulatory Standards 100 60.0 80 80 2000
1 12 to14 322 187 19.4 139 1900
Dhansa Bus stand October
351 192 21.6 149 2400

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

RSPM= Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter.

The results show that the concentration of RSPM (PM 2.5 and PM10), NOx and
CO are higher whereas SO2 levels are within permissible limits.
Noise is responsible for adverse impacts on physical and mental health of the
people. The other impacts are:
 Physiological effects,
 Hearing impairment,
 Communication interference, and
 Sleep disruption
Noise level survey was conducted along the alignment with an objective to
establish the baseline noise levels and assess the impacts of total noise
expected due to the proposed metro. Noise levels were measured at 1 location at
Dhansa Bus stand on 12-13 October 2017 for 24 hours. The locations of Noise
level monitoring have been shown in Fig. 3.1. The noise levels so obtained are
summarized in Table 3.11.
Table 3.11 Noise Levels in dB(A)
S.No Location Date Lmax Lmin Leq L10 L50 L90
1 Dhannsa Bus 12-13 Day 85.1 62.1 73.2 79.5 73.7 60.1
Stand October
(Roadside- 72.6 45.3 58.6 67.6 53.5 51.6

Allowable Noise Levels dB (A):

Category of Area/Zone Day Time Night Time

Industrial Area 75 70 EPA-1986, Noise pollution

(Regulation Control),
Commercial Area 65 55
Rule-2000, PCLS/02/1992,
Residential Area 55 45
IVth Edition .
Silence Area 50 40
Day Time (6.00 AM-10.00 PM); Night Time (10.00 PM-6.00AM)
The observed noise level is higher than the permissible limits at all locations
which may be due to heavy traffic movement and other activities on the roads.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Tree survey has been carried out along the proposed alignment. Tree with Girth
at Breast Height (GBH) 30 cm have been counted. The alignment does not pass
through any forest area. A total of 189 trees are located along the alignment and
station area. No endangered species of trees have been noticed during field
survey. Trees have been found of indigenous and common species like Pipal,
Neem, Kikar, Babool, Tadi etc.
Delhi was a small town in 1901 with a population 0.4 million. Delhi's population
started increasing after it became the capital of British India in 1911. During the
Partition of the country, a large number of people migrated from Pakistan and
settled in Delhi. Migration into the city continued even after Partition. The 2001
Census recorded 138.51 lakh population of Delhi with 3.85% annual growth rate
and 47.02% decennial growth rate during 1991-2001. With the rapid pace of
urbanization the rural area of Delhi is shrinking. The number of rural villages has
decreased from 314 in 1921 to 165 in 2001 census. The percentage of rural
population of Delhi has also declined from 47.24% in 1901 to 6.99% in 2001.
As the country’s capital, with vibrant trade and commerce and excellent
employment opportunities, Delhi has attracted people from all over the country
and its population today reflects the characteristics of almost every region. Delhi
truly reflects the wealth and diversity of India wherein diverse religions,
languages, customs and cultures co-exist in splendid plural harmony. Religious,
cultural and social functions of different socio-cultural groups have transformed
Delhi into a city of festivals.
Delhi is among the top three States/Union Territories in terms of per capita
income. More than 80% of the state income is from the tertiary sector. The Net
State Domestic Product (NSDP) of Delhi was about US$ 32.8 billion in 2007-08.
The average NSDP growth rate between 1999-2000 and 2007-08 was about 14.7
per cent. Delhi’s economy is dependent on commerce and trade more than on
manufacturing and agriculture. In 1996, the Supreme Court of India ordered over
90,000 industrial units to relocate outside the state in order to control increasing
levels of pollution. Consequently, the state has small scale industries which are
mostly non-polluting.
Delhi’s economy is primarily dominated by knowledge based service industry
such as information technology, consulting etc. In 2007-08, at US$ 28.3 billion,
the tertiary sector contributed 79 per cent to the GSDP of Delhi at current prices
followed by secondary sector which contributed US$ 7.2 billion (20.3 per cent).
The per capita GSDP of Delhi increased almost 2.4 times from US$ 901 in1999-
2000 to US$ 2,136 in 2007-08. Per capita GSDP recorded CAGR of 11.4 per
cent between 1999-2000 and 2007-08.
A socio-economic survey was undertaken for the proposed corridor to assess the
socio-economic conditions of project-affected families/people and to examine the

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

impacts of the proposed metro alignment on their conditions. There can be two
types of impacts on the PAPs. One is the displacement of residential house and
another is displacement of commercial establishments.
It has been found during socio-economic survey that no residential structure is
affected by the metro extension between Najafgarh and Dhansa Bus stand. Land
is mainly required for construction of station and allied services. Total land is
Govt land- 9284 sqm permanently and 2352 sqm temporary. Land mainly
belongs to SDMC, Fire Deptt., and DDA.


The proposed metro alignment in Delhi city is not passing through or near any
historical or archaeological monument or heritage site.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

The primary function of an environmental impact assessment study is to predict
and quantify the magnitude of impacts, evaluate and assess the importance of
the identified changes and formulate plans to monitor and mitigate the actual
changes. Environmental impacts could be positive or negative, direct or indirect,
local, regional or global, reversible or irreversible.
With rapid strides in economic development, particularly in urban development,
the need for rationalizing and upgrading the transport system is imperative. In the
process of development, there has been intensive use of natural resources. Very
often the process of development has adversely affected the environment
leading to ecological imbalances. The importance of conserving and enhancing
the environmental assets has assumed urgency. Apart from land-use,
conservation of water, flora and fauna, transportation planning is an important
aspect of economic development.
The main aim of the project is to decongest the road traffic. The project is
designed keeping in view population growth, future traffic demands and
environmental protection aspects.
Negative impacts likely to result from the proposed development have been listed
under the following headings:
- Impacts due to Project Location;
- Impacts due to Project Design;
- Impacts due to Construction; and
- Impacts due to Project Operation.
For each of these headings, potential impacts have been considered, while
recommendations for mitigating measures have been stated in Chapter –6.


This section identifies and appraises the negative impacts on various aspects of
the environment likely to result from the proposed development. It is pertinent to
mention that the negative environmental impacts listed below are based on the
assumption that no negative impact mitigation measure or benefit enhancements
are adopted.
 Land Environment
 Water Environment
 Air Environment
 Noise Environment

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

 Biological Environment
 Socio-Economic Environment
The impacts on the above environmental components have been further
assessed during various phases of project cycle namely project location, project
design, construction and operation.
During this phase, those impacts, which are likely to take place due to the layout
of the project, have been assessed. These impacts are:
- Project Affected People (PAPs)
- Change of Land use;
- Loss of trees/forest;
- Utility/Drainage Problems,
- Socio-economic impacts;
- Impact on Historical and Cultural Monuments.
4.3.1 Project Affected People (PAPs)
There will be no acquisition of private land and property in this project hence
there are NO PAPs as a result of the project activity. Change of Land Use
The required land (permanent& temporary) for the construction of the proposed
alignment is both government land which shall be allotted by Delhi Authorities.
Private land, if any required in future, will be acquired as per the provisions of
The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition,
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 (Act 30 of 2013). Details of Land
requirement for all the three corridors have been summarized in Table 4.1.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

The details of land required (permenant and temporary) and change in land use
are presented in Table 4.1.
Table 4.1 Land to be Acquired at Dhansa Bus Stand (Area in Sqm)
S.No. Pocket No. Area (in Land Owner Name
1 DS-A-P1 1502 SDMC (Pump House)
2 DS-A-P2 2375 SDMC (Primary School)
3 DS-A-P3 1041 SDMC(D. C. Bldg.)
4 DS-A-P4 2994 SDMC (Nursery)
5 DS-A-P5 280.9 Fire Department
6 DS-A-P6 212 SDMC (MCD Court & JE Office)
7 DS-A-P7 132 SDMC (MCD Court & JE Office)
8 DS-A-P8 747 DDA
Total Area 9283.9
1 DS-A-T1 964.3 Fire Department
2 DS-A-T2 682 SDMC (MCD Court & JE Office)
3 DS-A-T3 706 SDMC Dept. Comm. Bldg
Total Area 2352.3
Gross Area Requirement 11636.2 Government Land

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

The required land (permenant & temporary) for the construction of the proposed
alignment is government land which shall be transferred by the concerned
departments after formalities.
4.3.2 Loss of Forests/ Trees
The proposed metro lines are in urban/ city area and will not pass through any
forests. Hence no loss to forest is anticipated due to the project. However, trees
do exist in patches in the corridor selected for the project. There are about 189
trees which are likely to be felled during construction. Trees are assets in
purification of urban air, which by utilizing CO2 from atmosphere, release oxygen
into the air. However, with removal of these trees, the process for CO 2
conversion will get effected and the losses are reported below:
i) Total number of Trees : 189
ii) Decrease in CO2 absorption @ 21.8
Kg/ year tree for 8 years : 32962 kg
iii) Oxygen production @ 49 kg/ year tree
For 8 years : 74088 kg
The average consumption of oxygen for a person is about 182 kg/ year. It means
these trees will meet the requirement of about 407 people round the year. Trees
help carbon sequestration acting as a carbon sink. By removing the carbon and
storing it as cellulose, trees release oxygen back into the air.
4.3.4 Utility/ Drainage Problems
Metro lines are mostly planned to run through the urban area. The alignment/
statio block may cross many properties, drains/ nalas, large number of sub-
surface, surface and utility services, viz. sewer, water mains, storm water drains,
telephone cables, overhead electrical transmission lines, electric pipes, roads,
traffic signals etc. These utilities/ services are essential and have to be
maintained in working order during different stages of construction by
temporary/permanent diversions or by supporting in position. Since these affect
construction and project implementation time schedule/ costs for which
necessary planning/ action needs to be initiated in advance.
4.3.5 Socio-Economic Impact on PAPs
There is no PAP since the area to be acquired has been carved out leaving all
the properties both Permannent as well as temporary.
4.3.6 Impact on Archaeological Sites
There is no historical monument having any archeological value in the close
vicinity of the proposed alignment. Thus, on this aspect there would be no

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

4.3.7 Impact on Sensitive Receptors

There are a few sensitive receptors at station area like MCD school and and
religious places in the vicinity. Care shall be taken to keep them safe during
Considered impacts, due to project designs are:
- Lighting,
- Risk due to Earthquake.
4.4.1 Lighting
The platforms, concourse, staircase and escalator areas for the elevated stations
will have adequate and uniform LED lighting to provide pleasant and cheerful
environment. It is proposed to adopt the norms prevailing in Metro for
illumination. It is pertinent to note that care has been taken at design stage itself
to avoid too much illuminating the stations. Maximum illumination level proposed
is 200Lux which provides normal lighting.
4.4.2 Risk Due to Earthquake
The project area lies in Zone IV of Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) Seismic
Zoning Map (Fig. 3.2). Seismic factor proposed by India Meteorological
Department (IMD) for the purpose of design of Civil Engineering structures shall
be incorporated suitably while designing the structures.
Although environmental hazards related to construction works are mostly of
temporary nature. Appropriate measures should be included in the work plan and
budgeted for. The most likely negative impacts related to the construction works
- Top Soil erosion, pollution and health risk at construction site,
- Traffic diversion and risk to existing building,
- Excavated soil disposal problems,
- Dust Generation,
- Increased water demand,
- Impact due to Supply of Construction Material,
- Disposal of Construction and Demolition Waste,
- Impacts due to batching plant and casting yard,
- Noise Pollution,
4.5.1 Soil Erosion, Pollution and Health Risk at Construction Site
Every care will be taken to avoid damage to the top soil. It shall be preserved and
utilized. Problems could arise from dumping of construction spoils (Concrete,

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

bricks) waste materials (from contractor camps) etc. causing surface and ground
water pollution. However, it is proposed to have mix concrete directly from
batching plant for use at site.
Health risks include disease hazards due to lack of sanitation facilities in labour
camps (water supply and human waste disposal) and insect vector disease
hazards of local workers and disease hazards to the local population. Mitigation
measures should include proper water supply, sanitation, drainage, health care
and human waste disposal facilities.
In addition to these, efforts need to be made to avoid water spills, adopt disease
control measures and employment of local labour.
Problems could arise due to difference in customs of workers from immigrant
workers and local residents. These risks could be reduced by providing adequate
facilities in worker’s camps, raising awareness amongst workers and by
employment of preferably local labour.
4.5.2 Traffic Diversions and Risk to Existing Buildings
During construction period, complete/ partial traffic diversions on road will be
required where cut and cover would be used as the construction activities are
underground using TBM. Traffic would get affected on the roads. Rather than
completely blocking the roads it will be advisable to make the narrowportion of
roads as one way to allow for operation of traffic together with construction
activities. Advance traffic updates/ information on communication systems will
be an advantage to users of affected roads. The rail corridor does not pose any
serious risk to existing buildings since there is safe distance between buildings
and proposed corridor except at a few places where shops are affected due to
the turning of alignment. Moreover, at many places facilities for station would
affect open spaces and a few buildings which may be avoided by suitably
adjusting the station layouts. Special care shall be taken for safety of the
structures during construction.
4.5.3 Problems of Excavated Soil and Bentonite Disposal
The proposed alignment is underground and thus TBM would be used. At station
area there may be cut and cover methodology. The soil would be used for
refilling at station site. The residual soil would be disposed off at designated
locations as per Delhi Authority directions.
4.5.4 Air Pollution and Dust Generation
Transportation of earth and establishment of the material will involve use of
heavy machinery like compactors, rollers, water tankers, and dumpers. This
activity is machinery intensive resulting in dust generation. Simultaneously there
would be fugitive gas emissions due to vehicular and machinery exhausts during
their working during construction. However, this activity will be only short-term.
Protective measures shall be undertaken during construction phase. Movement
of trucks and other heavy equipment at construction site would generate dust
during construction phase.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

4.5.5 Water Pollution

Source of Water contamination will be from the washings and the surplus water
from curing the structures which shall be diverted and passed through desilting
chambers before letting it go outside the working site. Muck shall not be allowed
to confluence with any water course. Controlled water should be used for curing.
4.5.6 Increased Water Demand
The water demand will increase during construction phase for meeting out
drinking and domestic water requirement of workers. Sufficient water for
construction purpose would be made available by DJB as it is responsible for
water supply in Delhi. Water requirement for construction of Metro will be met
through the public supply. It is suggested to use treated STP water for the
purpose of Construction. Proper care shall be taken while drawing water from
public facilities to avoid any negative impact on the residents living in the vicinity
of the project whose water demand is, in any case, met by SDMC supplied water.
4.5.7 Impact due to Supply of Construction Material
Metro construction is a material intensive activity. Huge quantity of different
construction materials will be required for construction of metro corridor. These
shall be sourced from the nearest source. Quarry operations are independently
regulated activities and outside the purview of the project proponent. It is
nonetheless, appropriate to consider the environmental implications in selection
of quarry sources since poorly run operations create dust problems, contribute
noise pollution, ignore safety of their employees, or cause the loss of natural
resources. Although quarry operation is out of purview of the metro construction
but, the construction material shall be sourced only from legalized and approved
4.5.8 Generation of Construction and Demolition Waste and Earthwork
Construction and demolition (C&D) debris is defined as that part of the solid
waste stream that results from land clearing and excavation, and the
construction, demolition, remodeling and repair of structures, roads and utilities.
C&D waste includes concrete, stones and dirt generated during excavation
(sometimes collectively referred to as "fill material" or rubble). C& D Waste may
be generated from Pile caps, residual cement bags, residual steel scrap, excess
construction material stacked at site etc. It is a waste stream that is separate
and distinct from residential and commercial waste, commonly called municipal
solid waste (MSW). About 10-15% of the construction material such as waste
material from contractor camps is left behind by the contractor as construction
waste/ spoils. Dumping of construction waste/spoil in haphazard manner may
cause surface and ground water pollution near the construction sites. The C& D
waste would be handled and disposed-off to C&D waste processing facility of IL
& FS at Burari.
The excavation will be to the tune of 340336 cum for construction of twin tunnel
by shield TBM, Cut & Cover tunnel box and one underground station namely
Dhansa Stand including Architectural Finishing, Water Supply, Sanitary

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Installation & Drainage Works from chainage 4121.350 to 5340.00 for extension
of Dwarka Najafgarh Metro Corridor of Phase-III of Delhi MRTS. The details have
been given in following table:
Excavation Quantity For CC126 Project
S.No Items Description Unit Excavation
1 Dhansa Stand Station Cum 154261
2 Box Pushing Cum 9276
3 Ancillary building Cum 6001
4 C/C TUNNEL Cum 108486
5 Retrieval Shaft Cum 7291
6 Tunnel Cum 50021
7 Mis (Foundation, Muckbin,etc) Cum 5000
Total Cum 340336

4.5.9 Impacts due to Casting Yard and Batching Plant

There would not be separate Casting Yard and Batching Plant for this extension
as this is the extension of Dwarka – Najafgarh line of Delhi Metro. But, during
construction phase, there would be establishment and operation of Batching
Plant and Casting Yard which would be located in an area designated and
allotted by DMRC/ DDA away from habitation. There would be requirement to get
NOC (Consent to establish) and Consent to operate under water and air Acts
from Delhi Pollution Control Committee at the time of establishing the facilities.
Simultaneously, there would be requirement to get the authorization for storage
and handling of hazardous chemicals to store and handle used oils and other
such materials. All the Application forms are available from the office of DPCC at
Delhi. There would be significant movement of men, material and machinery in
batching plant and casting yard. It is expected that both batching and casting
yard would be located at same complex. Huge quantity of Cement, aggregates
and other construction materials would be used in batching plant and casting
yard. There would be generation of dust, noise, flue gases and other
contaminants from the working of heavy machinery for handling and transporting
the construction materials. The mitigation measures have been elaborated in
4.5.10 Noise Pollution
The major sources of noise pollution during construction are movement of
vehicles for transportation of construction material to the construction site and the
noise generating activity at the construction site itself. The Metro construction is
equipment intensive.
4.5.11 Vibrations
There may be vibration during tuneling operations due to working of heavy
construction machinery and the movement of heavy transport vehicles, loading
and unloading of materials etc. This would be a short-term activity and effort will

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

be made to avoid operations during night between 11.00 pm to 5.00 am in the

vicinity of residential areas.
4.5.12 Loss of Historical and Cultural Monuments
No historical/ cultural monuments will be lost because of the proposed
Along with many positive impacts, the project may cause the following negative
impacts during operation of the project due to the increase in the number of
passengers and trains at the stations:
- Noise pollution,
- Water supply and sanitation at Stations,
- Station refuse disposal and sanitation,
- Pedestrianization and visual issues
4.6.1 Noise Pollution
During the operation phase the main source of noise will be from running of
metro trains. Noise radiated from train operations and track structures generally
constitute the major noise sources. The noise level reduces with distance
4.6.2 Water Supply and Sanitation at Station
Public facilities such as sanitation and wash rooms are very much needed at the
stations. The water requirement for stations would be for drinking, toilets,
cleaning and also for other purpose like AC. Raw water should be treated and
brought to national drinking water standards, before used for consumption. In
addition, water will be required for contractor’s camps during construction. The
water requirement for the stations will be met through the public water supply
system or purpose built tubewells after taking necessary approvals from
CGWA/DJB. However, as an environmental conservation measure, rainwater
harvesting structure will also be constructed near station.
Thus, there would be total water requirement of 100 KLD in 1 station.
4.6.3 Station Refuse
The collection and removal of refuse from stations in a sanitary manner is of
great importance for effective vector control, nuisance abatement, aesthetic
improvement and fire protection. The refuse from station includes;
- Garbage,
- Rubbish, and
- Floor Sweepings.
As per the available data from Delhi Metro Phase I and II and other operational
metros, the solid waste generation is about 0.6 – 1.0 cum/day at underground

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

station. The maintenance of adequate sanitary facilities for temporarily storing

refuse on the premises is considered a responsibility of the project authorities.
The storage containers for this purpose need to be designed. However, it is
suggested that the capacity of these containers should not exceed 50 litres and
these should be equipped with side handles to facilitate handling. To avoid odour
and the accumulation of fly-supporting materials, garbage containers should be
washed at frequent intervals.
4.6.4 Visual Impacts
The introduction of MRTS implies a change in streets through which it will
operate. Recent MRTS projects have attempted to incorporate this objective in
their designs. Since a low profile would cause the least intrusion, the basic
elevated section has been optimised at this stage itself.
4.6.5 Vibrations
The effects of ground-borne vibration include perceptible movement of the
building floors, rattling of windows, shaking of items on shelves or hanging on
walls, and rumbling sounds. In extreme cases, such vibration can damage
buildings and other structures. In addition, the sound reradiated from vibrating
room surfaces, referred to as ground-borne noise, may be audible in the form of a
low-frequency rumbling sound. The train wheels rolling on the rails create
vibration energy transmitted through the track support system into the track bed
or track structure. The amount of energy that is transmitted into the track
structure depends strongly on factors such as how smooth the wheels and rails
are and the resonance frequencies of the vehicle suspension system and the
track support system. The vibration of the track or guide way structure excites the
adjacent ground, creating vibration waves that propagate through the various soil
and rock strata to the foundations of nearby buildings. The vibration propagates
from the foundation throughout the remainder of the building structure. The
maximum vibration amplitudes of floors and walls of a building often occur at the
resonance frequencies of those building elements.
Based on project particulars and existing environmental conditions, potential
impacts that are likely to result from the proposed Delhi metro corridors
development have been identified and wherever possible these have been
quantified. This section deals with the positive impacts of the project. The
introduction of the corridor will also yield benefits from non-tangible parameters
such as savings due to equivalent reduction in road construction and
maintenance, vehicle operating costs, less atmospheric air pollution and socio-
economic benefits of travel time, better accessibility, better comfort and quality of
life. However, all benefits cannot be evaluated in financial terms due to non-
availability of universally accepted norms. The parameters such as economic
growth, improvement in quality of life, reduction in public health problems due to
reduction in pollution, etc have not been quantified.
Various positive impacts have been listed under the following headings:

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

 Employment Opportunities;
 Enhancement of Economy;
 Mobility, Safety and reduced accidents;
 Traffic Congestion Reduction;
 Reduced Fuel Consumption;
 Reduced Air Pollution;
 Reduction in Number of Buses/ Auto rickshaws, and
4.8.1 Employment Opportunities
The project is likely to be completed in a period of about 2-3 years. During this
period manpower will be needed to take part in various activities. About 500
persons are likely to work during peak period of activity. In operation phase of the
project about 40 persons will be employed for operation and maintenance of the
proposed system in shifts. Thus, the project would provide substantial direct
employment. Besides, more people would be indirectly employed in allied
activities and trades.
4.8.2 Enhancement of Economy
The proposed transport facility of DMRC will facilitate sub-urban population to
move quickly. With the development of metro corridors in Delhi, it is likely that
more people will be involved in trade, commerce and allied services. DMRC will,
however, make it convenient for more people to move in the present suburban
areas. This will reduce population pressure on transport facilities in the urban
4.8.3 Mobility Safety and Reduced Accidents
The metro network increases the mobility of people at faster rate. The proposed
corridor will provide more people connectivity to other parts of the city. Metro
journey is safe and result in reduced accidents on roads.
4.8.4 Traffic Congestion Reduction
Since the proposed extension is for only 1.2 km length from Najafgarh to Dhansa
Bus stand which falls within the catchment area of Traffic forecast for Metro
extension upto Najafgarh. The same projections have been considered for this
extension also. However due to preset extension in the network of Delhi Metro
the lead has been increased from 10.22 km to 16.80 Km. The projected ridership
figures as per traffic study considered for FIRR as for various years is indicated

S.No. Year Traffic

1 2020-21 61000
2 2030-31 78000

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

It is assumed that passenger numbers can be converted to PCE @ 4 passeners

per Petrol Car Equivalent (PCE ) unit. Thus there would be traffic of 15250 PCE in
2021 ad 19500 PCE in 2031. The Asian Development Bank's "Transport
Emissions Model" for the National Environment Commission has been used to
predict/calculate the fuel consumption as well as the emissions of the harmful
pollutants into the environment. This will lead to substantial reduction in traffic
congestion on roads.
4.8.5 Reduced Fuel Consumption
On implementation of the project, it is estimated that both petrol and diesel
consumption will get reduced. The saving will be due to two factors namely
Reduction in vehicles and decongestion on roads. On the basis of assumptions
as give in following table there will be significant saving of Petrol and Diesel
consumption in litres as per Table 4.2.
Table 4.2 Saving of Petrol and Diesel due to Metro
Year PCE Trip Length Petrol Saving Litres Diesel Saving Litres
2021 15250 16.80 15791 3332
2031 19500 16.80 20192 4261

4.8.6 Reduced Air Pollution

Based on available data and assumptions, an attempt has been made to model
the air quality scenario for future using Asian Development Bank's "Transport
Emissions Model". On the basis of above referred assumptions, daily reduction
in pollutants would be as given in Table 4.3 below:
Table 4.3 Reduction in Emmission of Greenhouse Gasses due to Modal
Shift to MetroAll Values are in Kg.
S. No. Parameter Najafgarh to Dhansa Road
1 Year 2021 2031
2 PCE No. 15250 19500
3 Distance km 16.80 16.80
4 CO 1012.7 1294.9
5 CO2 44512.7 56917.9
6 NOx 176.1 225.1
7 VOC 156.8 200.4
8 Particulates 2.7 3.4
9 SO2 5.5 7.0

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

4.8.7 Carbon Credits

Due to savings in fuel and reduction in airpollution etc. carbon credit would be
generated during operation of the metro rail similar to the experience with Delhi
Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. However, at this stage calculation of carbon credits is
not feasible which would be worked out after the system become operational.
4.8.8 Improvement of Quality of Life
Development of Metro rail in the city would lead to overall improvement of quality
of life of local populace by virtue of availability of better transport facility at
competitive rates, better road safety, reduced pollution, improved general health
The impact evaluation determines whether a project development alternative is in
compliance with existing standards and regulations. It uses acceptable
procedures and attempts to develop a numeric value for total environmental
impact. A transformation of the review of multiple environmental objectives into a
single value or a ranking or projects is the final step in impact assessment. There
are about hundred methods for carrying out impact assessment, which can be
grouped into the following categories:
 Ad-hoc method,
 Checklist,
 Matrix,
 Network,
 Overlays,
 Environmental Index and
 Cost Benefit analysis.
Each of the methods is subjective in nature and none of these is applicable in
every case. Of the 7 methods listed above, checklist has been used and
presented. Checklist is a list of environmental parameters or impact indicators
which encourages the environmentalist to consider and identify the potential
impacts. A typical checklist identifying anticipated environmental impacts is
shown in Table 4.4.
Table 4.4 Checklist of Impacts
S. Parameter Negative No Positive
No. Impact Impact Impact
A. Impacts due to Project Location
i. Displacement of People *
ii. Change of Land use and Ecology *
iii. Loss of Cultural and Religious Structures *
iv. Socio-economic Impacts *

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

S. Parameter Negative No Positive

No. Impact Impact Impact
v. Loss of Trees *
vi. Drainage & Utilities Problems *
B. Impact due to Project Design
i. Platforms - Inlets and Outlets *
ii. Ventilation and Lighting *
iii. Station Refuse *
iv. Risk due to Earthquakes *
C. Impact due to Project Construction
i. Top Soil Erosion, Pollution and Health risk *
ii. Traffic Diversions *
iii. Risk to Existing Buildings *
iv. Problems of Soil Disposal and Seepage *
v. Dust Generation *
vi. Increased Water Demand *
vii. Supply of Construction Material *
viii. Construction and Demolition Waste *
ix. Batching Plant and Casting Yard *
x. Noise *
D. Impact due to Project Operation
i. Oil Pollution *
ii. Noise *
iii. Water supply and sanitation *
iv. Vibrations *
v. Pedestrian Issues *
vi. Visual Impacts *
vii. Station Illumination *
viii. Employment Opportunities *
ix. Enhancement of Economy *
x. Mobility *

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

S. Parameter Negative No Positive

No. Impact Impact Impact
xi. Safety *
xii. Traffic Congestion Reduction *
xiii. Less fuel Consumption *
xiv. Less Air Pollution *
xv. Carbon dioxide Reduction *
xvi. Reduction in Buses *
xvii. Reduction in Infrastructure *

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Historically, the alternative probable corridors were discussed with
representatives of local authorities and finally a network was selected as Master
Plan for Delhi Metro. The most important criteria in finalizing the Master plan
• To serve areas of population and employment concentration not served
• To ensure regional linkages and connectivity to rail system proposed in
adjoining regions.
• Maximum inter-modal integration with existing and committed suburban rail
• Easy connectivity to depot sites.
• Feasibility of the minimum values for system parameters in terms of vertical
curves, horizontal curves and gradients.
Various alternatives were explored by the DMRC before arriving at the preferred
mode of transport and technical design. The project is unique in the sense that
alternative alignments were not evaluated as it was the principal objective of the
Comprehensive Mobility Plan to connect various parts of suburbs.
Need to Increase Public Transport Share
The proposed corridor is part of Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP), which
included strategies on motorized and non-motorized modes to enhance mobility
and economic development. The metro was conceived in recognition to the
heavy reliance of the population to private buses as public transport that is
inadequate and routes are unregulated causing confusion and congestion.


Public consultation and participation is a continuous two way process, involving,
promoting of public understanding of the processes and mechanisms through
which developmental problems and needs are investigated and solved. The
public consultation, as an integral part of environmental and social assessment
process throughout the project preparation stage not only minimizes the risks
and unwanted political propaganda against the project but also abridges the gap
between the community and the project formulators, which leads to timely
completion of the project and making the project people friendly.
Public consultations with the people of different sections of the society along the
project alignment, shopkeepers, and influential persons of the project area will be

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

made. Attention shall be given to potential vulnerable people like, squatters,

encroachers, schedule caste, and other backward section (OBC) of society shall
be consulted to make them aware and identify adverse impacts of the project.
A. Consultation with Stakeholders
As required for Category A projects, preliminary consultations were conducted at
the early stage of EIA preparation, mostly involving local communities.
Successive consultations shall be conducted by the DMRC after the finalization
of this report that includes representatives of local communities and entities
tasked with the regulation of the road development and environmental protection.

Discussions with Primary Stakeholders

Discussions with Primary Stakeholders

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

B. Compliance with Regulatory and Funding Agency Requirement

As per Indian Environmental Regulations, public hearing is not required, as
railway projects do not attract EIA Notification 2006, amended 2009. Meaningful
consultations will be undertaken. All the five principles of information
dissemination, information solicitation, integration, co-ordination and engagement
into dialogue will be incorporated in the consultation process.
C. Disclosure of the EIA and Monitoring Reports
In compliance to the Safeguard and Disclosure policies of Funding Agencies, this
report will be disclosed in the websites of DMRC. Further, semi-annual
monitoring reports will be prepared by the DMRC.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

The proposed section of Delhi Metro Project will provide some employment
opportunity, quick mobility service and safety, traffic congestion reduction, less
fuel consumption and reduction in air pollution on one hand and problems of
muck disposal, traffic diversion, utility dislocation etc. on the other hand.
Protection, preservation and conservation of environment have always been a
primary consideration in Indian ethos, culture and traditions. Management of
Environment by provision of necessary safeguards in planning of the project itself
can lead to reduction of adverse impacts due to a project. This chapter,
therefore, spells out the set of measures to be taken during project construction
and operation to mitigate or bring down the adverse environmental impacts to
acceptable levels based on the proposed Environmental Management Plan
The most reliable way to ensure that the plan will be integrated into the overall
project planning and implementation is to establish the plan as a component of
the project. This will ensure that it receives funding and supervision along with
the other investment components. For optimal integration of EMP into the project,
there should be investment links for:
 Funding,
 Management and training, and
 Monitoring.
The purpose of the first link is to ensure that proposed actions are adequately
financed. The second link helps in embedding training, technical assistance,
staffing and other institutional strengthening items in the mitigation measures to
implement the overall management plan. The third link provides a critical path for
implementation and enables sponsors and the funding agency to evaluate the
success of mitigation measures as part of project supervision, and as a means to
improve future projects. This chapter has been divided into three sections:
 Mitigation measures,
 Disaster management, and
 Emergency measures.


The main aim of mitigation measures is to protect and enhance the existing
environment of the project. Mitigation measures have to be adopted during
construction at all the construction sites including Batching Plant and Casting
Yards on all the aspects. The mitigation measures to be adopted have been
described under following heads:

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

 Compensatory Afforestation,
 Construction Material Management,
 Labour Camp,
 Energy Management
 Hazardous Waste Management
 Environmental Sanitation,
 Utility Plan,
 Air Pollution Control Measures,
 Noise Control Measures,
 Vibration Control Measures,
 Traffic Diversion/Management,
 Soil Erosion Control,
 Water Supply, Sanitation and Solid Waste management,
 Rain water harvesting
 Training and Extension
6.2.1 Compensatory Afforestation
The objective of the afforestation program should be to develop natural areas in
which ecological functions could be maintained on a sustainable basis. According
to the results of the present study, it is found that about 189 trees are likely to be
lost due to the project. Inn Delhi ten saplings are to be planted for felling a single
tree. Hence 1890 trees need to be planted. Plantation program will be finalized
in consultation with DMRC and project proponent would provide the funds for
compensatory afforestation as per government policy.
6.2.2 Construction Material Management – Storage and Procurement
The major construction material to be used for construction of the proposed
corridor are coarse aggregates, cement, coarse sand, reinforcement steel,
structural steel, water supply, drainage and sanitary fittings etc. The material will
be loaded and unloaded by engaging labour at both the locations by the
The duties of the contractor will include monitoring all aspects of construction
activities, commencing with the storing, loading of construction materials and
equipment in order to maintain the quality. During the construction period, the
construction material storage site is to be regularly inspected for the presence of
uncontrolled construction waste. Close liaison with the DMRC Officer and the
head of the construction crew will be required to address any environmental
issues and to set up procedures for mitigating impacts. The scheduling of
material procurement and transport shall be linked with construction schedule of
the project. The Contractor shall be responsible for management of such
construction material during entire construction period of the project. Sufficient
quantity of materials should be available before starting each activity. The
contractor should test all the materials in the Government labs or Government
approved labs in order to ensure the quality of materials before construction. This

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

is also the responsibility of the contractor, which would be clearly mentioned in

the contractor’s agreement. Care shall be taken to avoid spillage of material
during construction. Procurement of material would be from environment friendly
source. The materials shall be procured from nearest available source and shall
be transported in covered trucks. All the material would be stored in a manner to
avoid multiple handling for use in construction activities.
6.2.3 Labour Camp
The Contractor during the progress of work will provide, erect and maintain the
necessary (temporary) living accommodation and ancillary facilities for labour to
standards and scales approved by the DMRC. All temporary accommodation
must be constructed and maintained in such a fashion that uncontaminated water
is available for drinking, cooking and washing. Safe drinking water should be
provided to the dwellers of the construction camps. Adequate washing and
bathing places shall be provided, and kept in clean and drained condition.
Construction camps are the responsibility of the concerned contractors and these
shall not be allowed in the construction areas but sited away. Adequate health
care is to be provided for the work force.
Sanitation Facilities: Construction sites and camps shall be provided sanitary
latrines and urinals. Mobile STP/ septic tanks should be provided for the flow of
used water outside the camp. Drains and ditches should be treated with
bleaching powder on a regular basis. The sewage system for the camp must be
properly designed, built and operated so that no health hazard occurs and no
pollution to the air, ground or adjacent watercourses takes place. Garbage bins
must be provided in the camp and regularly emptied and the garbage disposed
off in a hygienic manner
Shelter at Workplace: At every workplace, shelter shall be provided free of cost,
separately for use of men and women labourers. Sheds shall be maintained in
proper hygienic conditions.
First aid facilities: At every workplace, a readily available first-aid unit including
an adequate supply of sterilized dressing materials and appliances shall be
provided. Suitable transport shall be provided to facilitate taking injured and ill
persons to the nearest hospital.
Day Crèche Facilities: At every construction site, provision of a day crèche shall
be worked out so as to enable women to leave behind their children. At
construction sites where 25 or more women are ordinarily employed, at least a
hut shall be provided for use of children under the age of 6 years belonging to
such women. Huts shall be provided with suitable and sufficient openings for light
and ventilation. Size of crèches shall vary according to the number of women
workers employed.
6.2.4 Energy Management
The contractor shall use and maintain equipment so as to conserve energy and
shall be able to produce demonstrable evidence of the same upon DMRC
request. Measures to conserve energy include but not limited to the following:

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

 Use of energy efficient motors and pumps,

 Use of energy efficient lighting, which uses energy efficient luminaries,
 Adequate and uniform illumination level at construction sites suitable for the
 Proper size and length of cables and wires to match the rating of equipment,
 Use of energy efficient air conditioner.
The contractor shall design site offices maximum daylight and minimum heat
gain. The rooms shall be well insulated to enhance the efficiency of air
conditioners and the use of solar films on windows may be explored.
6.2.5 Hazardous Waste Management
The contractor shall identify the nature and quantity of hazardous waste
generated as a result of his activities and shall file a ‘Request for Authorization’
with DelhiPollution Control Committee along with a map showing the location of
storage area. Outside the storage area, the contractor shall place a ‘display
board’, which will display quantity and nature of hazardous waste, on date.
Hazardous Waste needs to be stored in a secure place. It shall be the
responsibility of the contractor to ensure that hazardous wastes are stored,
based on the composition, in a manner suitable for handling, storage and
transport. The labeling and packaging is required to be easily visible and be able
to withstand physical conditions and climatic factors. The contractor shall
approach only Authorized Recyclers for disposal of Hazardous Waste, under
intimation to the DMRC.
6.2.6 Environmental Sanitation
Environmental sanitation also referred to as Housekeeping, is the act of keeping
the working environment cleared of all unnecessary waste, thereby providing a
first-line of defense against accidents and injuries. Contractor shall understand
and accept that improper environmental sanitation is the primary hazard in any
construction site and ensure that a high degree of environmental sanitation is
always maintained. Environmental sanitation is the responsibility of all site
personnel, and line management commitment shall be demonstrated by the
continued efforts of supervising staff towards this activity.
General environmental sanitation shall be carried out by the contractor and at all
times at Work Site, Construction Depot, Batching Plant, Labour Camp, Stores,
Offices and toilets/urinals. The contractor shall employ a special group of
environmental sanitation personnel to carry out following activities:
 Full height fence, barriers, barricades etc. shall be erected around the
working site in order to prevent the surrounding area from excavated soil,
rubbish etc, which may cause inconvenience to and endanger the public. The
barricade especially those exposed to public shall be aesthetically maintained
by regular cleaning and painting as directed by the Employer. These shall be
maintained in one line and level.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

 The structure dimension of the barricade, material and composition, its colour
scheme, DMRC logo and other details.
 All stairways, passageways and gangways shall be maintained without any
blockages or obstructions. All emergency exits passageways, exits fire doors,
break-glass alarm points, fire-fighting equipment, first aid stations, and other
emergency stations shall be kept clean, unobstructed and in good working
 All surplus earth and debris are removed/disposed off from the working areas
to officially designated dumpsites. Trucks carrying sand, earth and any
pulverized materials etc. in order to avoid dust or odour impact shall be
covered while moving.
 No parking of trucks/trolleys, cranes and trailers etc. shall be allowed on
roads, which may obstruct the traffic movement.
 Roads shall be kept clear and materials like: pipes, steel, sand boulders,
concrete, chips and brick etc. shall not be allowed on the roads to obstruct
free movement of road traffic.
 Water logging on roads shall not be allowed.
 Proper and safe stacking of material are of paramount importance at yards,
stores and such locations where material would be unloaded for future use.
The storage area shall be well laid out with easy access and material stored /
stacked in an orderly and safe manner.
 Flammable chemicals / compressed gas cylinders shall be safely stored.
 Unused/surplus cables, steel items and steel scrap lying scattered at different
places within the working areas shall be removed to identified locations.
 All wooden scrap, empty wooden cable drums and other combustible packing
materials, shall be removed from work place to identified location(s).
 Empty cement bags and other packaging material shall be properly stacked
and removed.

6.2.7 Utility Plan

A number of sub-surface, surface and overhead utility services, viz. sewers,
water mains, storm water drains, telephone cables, electrical transmission lines,
electric poles, traffic signals etc. exists along the proposed alignment. These
utility services are essential and have to be maintained in working order during
different stages of construction by temporary / permanent diversions or by
supporting in position. As such, these may affect construction and project
implementation time schedule /costs, for which necessary planning / action
needs to be initiated in advance. Prior to the actual execution of work at site,
detailed investigation of all utilities and location will be undertaken well in
advance by making trench pit to avoid damage to any utility. While planning for
diversion of underground utility services e.g. sewer lines, water pipe lines, cables
etc., during construction of Metro alignment, the following guidelines could be
 Utility services shall be kept operational during the entire construction period
and after completion of project. All proposals should therefore, ensure their
uninterrupted functioning.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

6.2.8 Air Pollution Control Measures

During the construction period, the impact on air quality will be mainly due to
increase in dust and PM10 along haul roads and emission from vehicles and
construction machinery. Though the estimation of air quality during construction
shows some impact on ambient air quality, nevertheless certain mitigation
measures which shall be adopted to reduce the air pollution are presented below:
 The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to minimise fugitive dust
emissions from operations involving excavation, grading, and clearing of land
and disposal of waste. He shall not allow emissions of fugitive dust from any
transport, handling, construction or storage activity to remain visible in
atmosphere beyond the property line of emission source for any prolonged
period of time without notification to the Employer.
 The Contractor shall use construction equipment to minimize or control of air
pollution. He shall maintain evidence of such design and equipment and
make these available for inspection by Employer.
 Contractor’s transport vehicles and other equipment shall conform to
emission standards fixed by Statutory Agencies of Government of India or the
State Government from time to time. The Contractor shall carry out periodical
checks and undertake remedial measures including replacement, if required,
so as to operate within permissible norms.
 The Contractor shall cover loads of dust generating materials like debris and
soil being transported from construction sites. All trucks carrying loose
material should be covered and loaded with sufficient free - board to avoid
spills through the tailboard or sideboards.
 The temporary dumping areas shall be maintained by the Contractor at all
times until the excavate is re-utilized for backfilling or as directed by
Employer. Dust control activities shall continue even during any work
 The Contractor shall place material in a manner that will minimize dust
production. Material shall be minimized each day and wetted, to minimize
dust production. During dry weather, dust control methods must be used daily
especially on windy, dry days to prevent any dust from blowing across the site
 The Contractor shall water down construction sites as required to suppress
dust, during handling of excavation soil or debris or during demolition. The
Contractor will make water sprinklers, water supply and water delivering
equipment available at any time that it is required for dust control use. Dust
screens will be used, as feasible when additional dust control measures are
needed especially where the work is near sensitive receptors.
 The Contractor shall provide a wash pit or a wheel washing and/or vehicle
cleaning facility at the exits from work sites such as construction depots and
batching plants. At such facility, high-pressure water jets will be directed at
the wheels of vehicles to remove all spoil and dirt.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

6.2.9 Construction and Demolition Waste

Waste prevention, reuse and recycling can not only save money, but also
generate broad environmental benefits, including the conservation of natural
resources. Reuse and waste prevention reduce the air and water pollution
associated with materials manufacturing and transportation. This saves energy
and reduces attendant greenhouse gas production. The recycling of many
materials require less energy than production from virgin stock, and can also
reduce transportation requirements and associated impacts.
Opportunities for reducing C&D waste focus on three approaches, typically
expressed as Reduce-Reuse-Recycle.
The source of C & D waste is excess RMC and demolition material. An effort shall
be made to recover embedded energy and to recycle the maximum quantity of C &
D Waste to manufacture tiles, curb stones, paver block etc. The contractor shall
store C&D waste separately at the site and sent to recycling facility periodically.
There shall be no disposal of any waste along storm water drains, canals and/ or
any other water body or depression. Rather C & D waste shall be collected and sent
to any authorized waste recycling facility.
There will be generation of 340336 cum of earthwork for construction of Shafts,
Station and other works by cut and cover in the project out of which 66 920 cum
earthwork will be backfilled as detailed below.
Excavation Quantity For CC126 Project
S.No Items Description Unit Excavation
1 Dhansa Stand Station Cum 154261
2 Box Pushing Cum 9276
3 Ancillary building Cum 6001
4 C/C TUNNEL Cum 108486
5 Retrieval Shaft Cum 7291
6 Tunnel Cum 50021
7 Mis (Foundation, Muckbin,etc) Cum 5000
Total Cum 340336
Backfilling Quantity For CC126 Project
S.No Items Description Unit Excavation
1 Cut & cover Cum 50400
2 Ancillary building Cum 3600
3 Retrieval Cum 7920
4 Box pushing Cum 5000
Total Cum 66920

The residual earthwork would be disposed off at the designated low lying place as
provided by local authoritieslike MCD/DDA.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

6.2.10 Noise Control Measures

There will be an increase in noise level in nearby ambient air due to construction
and operation of the Metro corridors near station area. During construction, the
exposure of workers to high noise levels especially near the machinery need to
be minimized. This could be achieved by:
 Job rotation,
 Automation,
 Construction of permanent and temporary noise barriers,
 Use electric instead of diesel powered equipment,
 Use hydraulic tools instead of pneumatic tools,
 Acoustic enclosures should be provided for individual noise generating
construction equipment like DG sets,
 Scheduling and staggering truck loading, unloading and hauling operation,
 Schedule and stagger work to avoid simultaneous activities which generate
high noise levels,
 Anti drumming floor and noise absorption material,
 Low speed compressor, blower and air conditioner,
 Mounting of under frame equipment on anti-vibration pad,
 Smooth and gradual control of door,
 Provision of sound absorbing material in the supply duct and return grill of air
 Sealing design to reduce the aspiration of noise through the gap in the sliding
doors and piping holes, and
 Sound proof compartments control rooms etc.
Special acoustic enclosures should be provided for individual noise generating
equipment, wherever possible. Workers in sections where periodic adjustment of
equipment/ machinery is necessary, should be provided with sound proof control
rooms so that exposure to higher noise level is reduced. During construction,
there may be high noise levels due to pile driving, use of compressors and
drilling machinery. Effective measures should be taken during the construction
phase to reduce the noise from various sources. The noise from air compressor
can be reduced by fitting exhaust and intake mufflers.

6.2.11 Vibration Control

Mitigation can minimize the adverse effects of project ground-borne vibration on
sensitive land uses. Vibrations arise due to rail - wheel interaction during
operations. Vibrations could be reduced by improving track geometry, providing
elastic fastenings, minimizing surface irregularities of wheel and rail, and

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

separation of rail seat assembly from the concrete plinth with insertion of resilient
and shock absorbing pad.
Adequate wheel and rail maintenance in controlling levels of ground-borne
vibration is very important. Problems with rough wheels or rails can increase
vibration levels by as much as 20 dB, negating the effects of even the most
effective vibration control measures. It is rare that practical vibration control
measures will provide more than 15- to 20-decibel attenuation. When ground-
borne vibration problems are associated with existing rails and rolling stock, often
the best control measure is to implement new or improved maintenance
procedures. Grinding rough or corrugated rail and implementing wheel truing to
restore the wheel surface and contour may reduce vibration more than
completely replacing the existing track system with floating slabs.Assuming that
the track and vehicles are in good condition, the options to further reduce
ground-borne vibration fit into one of seven categories: (1) maintenance
procedures, (2) location and design of special track work, (3) vehicle
modifications, (4) changes in the track support system, (5) building modifications,
(6) adjustments to the vibration transmission path, and (7) operational changes.
Effective maintenance programs are essential for keeping ground-borne vibration
levels under control. When the wheel and rail surfaces are allowed to degrade,
the vibration levels can increase by as much as 20 dB compared with a new or
well-maintained system. Maintenance procedures that are particularly effective at
avoiding increases in ground-borne vibration include the following:
 Rail grinding on a regular basis, particularly for rail that develops
corrugations. Rail condition monitoring systems are available to optimize track
 Wheel truing to re-contour the wheel, provide a smooth running surface, and
remove wheel flats. The most dramatic vibration reduction results from
removing wheel flats. However, significant improvements also can be
observed simply from smoothing the running surface. Wheel condition
monitoring systems are available to optimize wheel conditions.
 Reconditioning vehicles, particularly when components such as suspension
system, brakes, and wheels will be improved and slip-slide detectors will be
 Installing wheel condition monitoring systems to identify those vehicles most in
need of wheel truing.
Location and Design of Special Track Work
Most vibration impact from a new train system is caused by wheel impacts at the
special track work for turnouts and crossovers. Careful review of crossover and
turnout locations during the preliminary engineering stage is an important step in
minimizing potential for vibration impact. When feasible, the most effective
vibration control measure is to relocate the special track work to a less vibration-
sensitive area. Another approach is to install movable point or spring frogs that
eliminate the gaps that occur when standard railbound frogs are used. These

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

special frogs significantly reduce vibration levels near crossovers, and they are
often specified because of their longer lifespan under repetitive high-speed
Vehicle Suspension
The ideal rail vehicle, with respect to minimizing ground-borne vibration, should
have a low unsprung weight, a soft primary suspension, a minimum of metal-to-
metal contact between moving parts of the truck, and smooth wheels that are
perfectly round. A thorough dynamic analysis, including the expected track
parameters, should be part of the specifications for the proposed high-speed
Special Track Support Systems
When the vibration assessment indicates that vibration levels will be excessive, it
is usually the track support system that is modified to reduce the vibration levels.
Floating slabs, resiliency supported ties; high-resilience fasteners, ballast mats,
and tire-derived aggregate (shredded tires) all have been used to reduce the
levels of ground-borne vibration. To be effective, these measures must be
optimized for the frequency spectrum of the vibration.
While designing of the structures such as viaducts and pillars following points
shall be taken into consideration:
 A heavy rail section of 60-kg/m, 90 UTS, supported at every 60-cm. has been
proposed in order to prevent the development of surface irregularities on the rail.
 The rail used shall be the one which is continuously welded which shall lead to
reduction of noise/ vibration especially on account of irregular track geometry and at
 Elastic fastening system is proposed to be used which shall reduce the vibration
generated from rail- wheel interaction.
 Monitoring requirements for vibrations at regular intervals throughout the
construction period.
 Pre-construction structural integrity inspections of historic and sensitive
structures in project activity.
 The ballast-less track is supported on two layers of rubber pads to reduce
track noise and ground vibrations. The concept of a “low-noise” electric
locomotive must be adopted at a very early stage of planning and must be
followed up with detailed work throughout the project execution and
operation. In addition, baffle walls as parapets will be constructed up to the
rail level so as to reduce sound levels.
 In addition, we have proposed to provide skirting of coach shell covering the
wheel which will screen any noise coming from the rail wheel interaction as of
propagating beyond the viaduct. In sensitive areas, track can be suitably
designed so as to avoid propagation of noise to adjacent structures.
 The lower vibration can be achieved by providing bolster less type bogies
having secondary air spring.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

All these measures would be part of project cost.

6.2.12 Traffic Diversion/ Management
During construction, traffic is likely to be affected. Hence Traffic Diversion Plans
are required in order to look for options and remedial measures so as to mitigate
any traffic congestion situations arising out due to acquisition of road space
during Metro construction of the corridor. Any reduction of road space during
Metro construction may result in constrained traffic flow at Dhansa Bus stand. In
order to retain satisfactory levels of traffic flow during the construction period;
traffic management and engineering measures need to be taken. They can be
road widening exercises, traffic segregation, one-way movements, traffic
diversions on influence area roads etc. Maintenance of diverted roads in good
working condition to avoid slow down and congestion shall be a prerequisite
during construction period.
Various construction technologies are in place to ensure that traffic impedance is
done at the minimum. They are:
 The requirement would be mainly along the central verge/ side of the road.
 As regards to the alignment cutting across a major traffic corridor, 'Box Girder
Construction Technology’ would be applied to prevent traffic hold-ups or
diversions of any kind.
Only temporary diversion plans will be required during construction of the
proposed Metro corridor. At the onset, all encroachments from road ROW will
have to be removed. These encroachments vary from ‘on-street’ parking to
informal activities.
Keeping in view the future traffic growth and reduction of carriageway due to
Metro construction, implementation of traffic management/diversion plans shall
become inevitable for ensuring smooth traffic movement and similar traffic
diversion plans shall be formulated and followed during the execution stage.
Traffic Management Guidelines: The basic objective of the following
guidelines is to lay down procedures to be adopted by contractor to ensure the
safe and efficient movement of traffic and also to ensure the safety of workmen
at construction sites.
 All construction workers should be provided with high visibility jackets with
reflective tapes as most of viaduct and station works are on the right-of-way.
The conspicuity of workmen at all times shall be increased so as to protect
from speeding vehicular traffic.
 Warn the road user clearly and sufficiently in advance.
 Provide safe and clearly marked lanes for guiding road users.
 Provide safe and clearly marked buffer and work zones
 Provide adequate measures that control driver behavior through construction

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

 The primary traffic control devices used in work zones shall include signs,
delineators, barricades, cones, pylons, pavement markings and flashing
6.2.13 Soil Erosion Control
Prior to the start of the relevant construction, the Contractor shall submit to the
DMRC for approval, his schedules for carrying out temporary and permanent
erosion/sedimentation control works are as applicable for the items of clearing
and grubbing, roadway and drainage excavation, embankment/sub-grade
construction, bridges and/ or other structures across water courses, pavement
courses and shoulders. He shall also submit for approval his proposed method of
erosion/sedimentation control on service road and his plan for disposal of waste
materials. Work shall not be started until the erosion/sedimentation control
schedules and methods of operations for the applicable construction have been
approved by the project authority.
The surface area of erodible earth material exposed by clearing and grubbing,
excavation shall be limited to the extent practicable. The Contractor may be
directed to provide immediate control measures to prevent soil erosion and
sedimentation that will adversely affect construction operations, damage adjacent
properties, or cause contamination of nearby streams or other watercourses.
Such work may involve the construction of temporary berms, dikes, sediment
basins, slope drains and use of temporary mulches, fabrics, mats, seeding, or
other control devices or methods as necessary to control erosion and
sedimentation. Top soil shall be preserved by the contractor and stacked
separately at designated place and utilize it to cover the refilled area and to
support vegetation.
The Contractor shall be required to incorporate all permanent erosion and
sedimentation control features into the project at the earliest practicable time as
outlined in his accepted schedule to minimize the need for temporary erosion and
sedimentation control measures.
Temporary erosion/sedimentation and pollution control measures will be used to
control the phenomenon of erosion, sedimentation and pollution that may
develop during normal construction practices, but may neither be foreseen during
design stage or associated with permanent control features on the Project. Under
no conditions shall a large surface area of credible earth material be exposed at
one time by clearing and grubbing or excavation without prior approval of the
project authority.
The DMRC may limit the area of excavation, borrow and embankment operations
in progress, commenDelhie with the Contractor's capability and progress in
keeping the finish grading, mulching, seeding and other such permanent erosion,
sedimentation and pollution control measures, in accordance with the accepted
Temporary erosion is sometimes caused due to the Contractor's negligence,
carelessness or failure to install permanent controls. Sedimentation and pollution

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

control measures then become necessary as a part of the work as scheduled or

ordered by the project authority, and these shall be carried out at the Contractor's
own expense. Temporary erosion, sedimentation and pollution control work
required, which is not attributed to the Contractor's negligence, carelessness or
failure to install permanent controls, will be performed as ordered by the project
6.2.14 Water Supply, Sanitation And Solid Waste Management
During Construction
The public health facilities, such as sanitation and toilets are much needed at the
stations. Water should be treated to national drinking water standards before
use. The collection and safe disposal of human wastes are among the most
important problems of environmental health. The water carried sewerage solves
the excreta disposal problems. The mobile STP/ septic tanks should be adopted
for sewage disposal. The water for domestic consumption shall be sourced from
public water supply or alternatively designated borewells may be installed with
due permission from statutory authority prior to installation of borewell.
For Construction activity, there is a restriction to utilize groundwater all over the
nation as per order of National Green Tribunal (NGT). Thus, construction water
shall be sourced from Delhi Municipal Corporation/ DJB which is responsible for
supplying water in the area. Alternatively, contractor shall arrange tie up for
surface water supply or tanker water supply for construction activity. Best option
is to use treated STP water for construction activity.
Solid waste shall be stacked at designated place and when sufficient quantity
accumulates it shall be disposed-off through covered trucks to land fill site
designated and authorized by DMRC.

During Operations
Practically, public facilities at stations have to be operated by regular staff or may
be designated to any NGO working in the area in the field of sanitation as per
policy of DMRC.
Requirement of drinking water supply at an elevated station is about 100 KL/day.
This shall be provided from SDMC.
Solid waste will be generated at station is about 0.6 – 1.0 m3/Day. The
maintenance of adequate sanitary facilities for temporarily storing refuse on the
premises is considered a responsibility of the project authority. The storage
containers for this purpose need to be designed. However, it is suggested that
the capacity of these containers should not exceed 50 litres and these should be
equipped with side handles to facilitate handling. To avoid odour and the
accumulation of fly-supporting materials, garbage containers should be washed
at frequent intervals.This should be collected and transported to local municipal
bins for onward disposal to disposal site by municipality. During operation, as

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

mitigation measures rainwater harvesting will be carried out at stations and along
the viaduct.
6.2.15 Rain Water Harvesting
To conserve and augment the storage of groundwater, it is suggested to
construct rainwater harvesting structures of suitable capacity near stations. The
stations shall be provided with the facility of rainwater harvesting and artificial
recharge. The total length of the proposed alignment is about 1.21 km and there
would be 1 station. The estimated cost of rain water harvesting for elevated
corridor is about Rs. 5 lakhs for station area.
6.2.16 Tree Protection
There is requirement of felling 160 trees during construction of Metro corridors in
Delhi. An attempt shall be made to minimize the tree felling. As remediation of
tree felling it is suggested to plant 10 trees for each tree felled. Thus 160 trees
would be planted. Moreover, DMRC would chalk out the plantation program in
close coordination with Forest Authority. DMRC by making the payment for
plantation work including after care for three years. An attempt would be made to
minimize the felling of trees to the bare minimum while working and undertaking
construction work. The left out trees shall be protected by providing metal or brick
tree guard around the tree at a distance of one metre surrounding the tree.
Scope of transplantation of trees would also be explored with discussion with the
DFO. A provision of 3.2 Lakh has been made @ Rs. 2000/- per tree to be planted
and maintained for a period of three years.


Disaster is an unexpected event due to sudden failure of the system, external
threats, internal disturbances, earthquakes, fire and accidents. The first step is
to identify the causes which develop/ pose unexpected danger to the structural
integrity of Metro overhead rail. The potential causes are excessive load, cracks,
failure and malfunctioning of sensing instruments, accident, etc. This need to be
looked into with care.
 Preventive Action
Once the likelihood of a disaster is suspected, action has to be initiated to
prevent a failure. Engineers responsible for preventive action should identify
sources of repair equipments, materials, labour and expertise for use during
 Reporting Procedures
The level at which a situation will be termed a disaster shall be specified. This
shall include the stage at which the surveillance requirements should be
increased both in frequency and details.
The Engineer-in-Chief should notify the officer for the following information:
 Exit points for the public,

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

 Safety areas in the tunnel/overhead rail, and

 Nearest medical facility
 Communication System
An efficient communication system is absolutely essential for the success of any
disaster management plan. This has to be worked out in consultation with local
authorities. More often, the entire communication system gets disrupted when a
disaster occurs. The damage areas need to be clearly identified and provided
with temporary and fool proof communication system.
 Emergency Action Committee
To ensure coordinates action, an Emergency Action Committee should be
constituted. The civic administrator may be the Chairman of this Committee.
The committee may comprise of:
 Station Manager concerned,
 Police Officer of the area,
 Delhi Transport Corporation Representative,
 Home Guard representative,
 Fire Brigade representative,
 Health Department representative,
 Department of Information and Publicity, and
 Non-Governmental Organization of the area
Emergency Action Committee will prepare the evacuation plan and procedures
for implementation based on local needs and facilities available. The plan should
 Demarcation of the areas to be evacuated with priorities,
 Safe route to be used, adequacy of transport for evacuation, and traffic
 Safe area and shelters,
 Security of property left behind in the evacuated areas,
 Functions and responsibilities of various members of evacuation teams, and
 Setting up of joint control room
All personnel involved in the Emergency Action Plan should be thoroughly
familiar with all the elements of the plan and their responsibilities. They should
be trained through drills for the Emergency Action Plan. The staff at the site
should be trained for problem detection, evaluation and emergency remedial
measures. Individual responsibility to handle the segments in emergency plan
must be allotted.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Success of an emergency plan depends on public participation, their response to

warning notifications and timely action. Public has to be educated on the hazards
and key role in disaster mitigation by helping in the planned evacuation and
rescue operations.
It is essential to communicate by whom and how a declared emergency will be
terminated. There should be proper notification to the public on de-alert signals
regarding termination of the emergency. The notification should be clear so that
the evacuees know precisely what to do when re-entering or approaching the
affected areas.
The emergency measures are adopted to avoid any failure in the system such as
lights, fire, means of escape etc. The aim of Emergency Action Plan is to identify
areas, population and structures likely to be affected due to a catastrophic event
of accident. The action plan should also include preventive action, notification,
warning procedures and co-ordination among various relief authorities. These
are discussed in following sections.
 Emergency Lighting
The emergency lights operated on battery power should be provided at each
station. The battery system should supply power to at least 25% of the lights at
the station, platforms, viaduct for a period of 2 hours.
6.4.1 Fire Protection
The building materials should be of appropriate fire resistance standard. The fire
resistance period should be at least 2 hours for surface or over head structures.
Wood shall not be used for any purpose, excluding artificial wood products,
which are flame resistant. The materials which have zero surface burning
characteristics need to be used. The electrical systems shall be provided with
automatic circuit breakers activated by the rise of current as well as activated by
over current. The design of a station will include provision for the following:
 Fire prevention measures,
 Fire control measures,
 Fire detection systems,
 Means of escape,
 Access for fireman, and
 Means of fire fighting
A. Fire Prevention and Safety Measures
Fire prevention measures will be designed and implemented to minimize the risk
of outbreak of fire by appropriate choice, location and installation of various
materials and equipment. In stations planning, potential sources of fire can be
reduced by:

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

i. Fire Prevention
 Use of non-combustible or smoke retardant materials where possible,
 Rolling stock is provided with fire retarding materials, low smoke zero halogen
type electric cable is also provide,
 Provision of layout which permits ease of maintenance for equipment and
cleaning of the station premises,
 Provision of special storage spaces for combustible materials such as paint
and oil,
 Prohibition of smoking in fire prone areas,
 Provision of cigarette and litter bins, and
 Good housekeeping.
ii. Safety
Following provisions will be required from fire safety point of view:
 Automatic sprinkler/detection system to be provided if floor area exceeds 750
 One wet riser-cum-down comer per 1000 sqm floor area with static
underground storage tank, overhead tanks and pumps of suitable capacity
with hydrants, first-aid reel, etc.
 Portable fire non-aqueous extinguishers of Carbon Dioxide, chemical dry
powder etc. at suitable places.
 Automatic smokes venting facilities.
 Two separate means of exit shall be provided, if more than 10 persons are
working and the area exceeds 1400 sq.m.
 Fire resisting doors shall be provided at appropriate places along the escape
routes to prevent spread of fire and smoke.
 The travel distance for fire escape shall not exceed 20 m where escape is
available in more than one direction; the distance could be upto 40 m.
B. Fire Alarm and Detection System
A complete fire detection system with equipment complying with the
requirements of Delhi Fire Services shall be provided through out each station
and ancillary buildings including entrance passageways, subways and adits etc.
to give visual and audible indication of alarm conditions actuated by the operation
of break glass contact or fire sensors e.g. detector heads, linear heat detecting
cables etc. The system shall be operated from 24 V DC Power sources.
Manually operated call points shall be provided at every hydrant and nose reel
points, station head wall, tail wall and other locations. Alarm bells shall be
installed in each plant room complex at both platform and concourse level and
shall be clearly audible at all points in the room/area.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Beam detector or heat detector shall be installed at roof level, ceiling and floor
cavity, whilst linear detecting cables shall be installed in under platform cable
ducts and cable shafts. Smoke probe units shall be installed in
rooms/compartments. When an alarm point is operated, the fire pump shall start
to operate automatically. A station fire control and indicating panel shall be
provided an installed in the station controllers room, for the control, indication and
monitoring of the whole detection and fire fighting systems. While designing the
fire fighting system, Delhi Fire Services shall be taken into account for linking
with the same.
C. Fire Control Measures
Control of the spread of fire and smoke will be achieved by partition of fire risk
areas, planning for smoke extraction, and arrangement for smoke containment.
Partition is aimed at limiting the extent of a fire. The openings must be capable of
being sealed in the event of fire. With the exception of station public areas, a
fire compartment will not exceed 1500 m 2. Partition of the public areas in stations
is not practicable for operational reasons. The fire resistance period of this
separated area should be about 3 hours.
D. Access for Fireman
A secondary access to the station, not used by passengers for evacuation, shall
be available to fireman should the need arise. The entry point shall be easily
accessible from the road. Access shall be available to all levels of the station.
The minimum width of the stairs is 1.0 m and maximum height should not exceed
25 cm.
E. Emergency Door
The rolling stock is provided with emergency doors at both ends of the cab to
ensure directed evacuation of passengers in case of any emergency including
fire in the train.
The environmental impacts stemming out of the proposed project can be
mitigated with simple set of measures, dealing with careful planning and
designing of the metro alignment and structures. Adequate provision of
environmental clauses in work contracts and efficient contract management will
eliminate or reduce significantly all possible problems. A common problem
encountered during implementation of environmental management plans of such
projects is lack of environmental awareness among engineers and managers
concerned with day to day construction activities, which can be solved through
regular environmental training programs. A set of preliminary EMP is presented
in Table 6.1, which defines actions to be undertaken during the design stage,
pre-construction, construction and operation stage of the project. The
effectiveness of environmental considerations will, however, depend on
appropriate inclusion of these in the work contracts.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

The major concern during the construction stage is that the contractors, due to
lack of enforcement, would not practice good environmental sanitation
(housekeeping) may intend to get unauthorized use of the easily available natural
resources and other available infrastructure like roads and water resources. This
would result in degradation of ambient air quality, water resources and land
environment around the construction sites and workers camp. Improper
management of earthwork and bridge construction activities would disrupt the
natural drainage and increase soil erosion. Improper management may result in
spillage of explosives into the hands of unsocial elements. Finally, the
implementation of the mitigation actions requires that the project implementation
unit would record an end-of-construction mitigation checklist, before releasing the
final payment of any work contract.
Additionally, project authority should prepare and establish Environmental and
Health Policy and Procedures as per earlier Phases and that should become an
integral part of contract document.
Operational phase mitigation would involve good environmental sanitation
(housekeeping) practice at metro establishments including effective solid waste
collection and disposal, wastewater disposal, upbringing of plantations and green
area. Protection of earth slopes in landslide prone area would be a very
important task. During the operation period, the metro operating unit will be
required to confirm receipt of the construction period mitigation report through the
DMRC and prepare a follow on timetable of actions.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro


Environmenta Mitigation Measures Taken Time Frame Implementing Responsible
l Impact or To Be Taken Organization Organization
Metro The proposed corridor During DPR and DMRC
Alignment alignment was selected to Design design
minimise the land consultant
disturbance to avoid
environmentally sensitive
Cultural Avoided by adjustment of During DPR and DMRC
Heritage alignment. Design design
Flood Bridges shall be well During DPR and DMRC
designed Design design
Inadequate Make sure that design DPR and DPR and DMRC
design provides for safety of detailed design
provision for structures against worst design stage consultant
safety against combination of forces in the
seismological probability of an earthquake
hazard likely to occur in seismic
Water The requirement of water for Pre Contractor DMRC/ EMP
requirement construction purpose etc construction implementing
shall be planned and shall stage agency
be arranged from available
and authorized sources in
order to avoid digging of
Tube wells.
Disposal of Options for final disposal During Contractor DMRC/ EMP
final treated shall be studied and the design stage implementing
effluent from suitable disposal route shall / and pre agency
treatment plant be decided carefully to construction
minimize the impact on of treatment
receiving bodies. As far as plant
possible zero discharge
rules may be adopted.
Batching Plant These facilities to be located During Pre- Contractor DMRC/EMP
and Casting away from habitation. construction implementing
Consent to Establish and

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Environmenta Mitigation Measures Taken Time Frame Implementing Responsible

l Impact or To Be Taken Organization Organization
Yard Consent to Operate to be Stage agency
taken from DPCC and to
comply with all stipulations.
Environmental This will include institutional During and Contractor DMRC/EMP
Management requirements, training, after implementing
and Monitoring environmental management construction agency
and monitoring
Dust Water should be sprayed During Contractor DMRC/EMP
during construction phase, construction implementing
wherever it is required to agency
avoid dust.
Vehicles delivering materials
should be covered to reduce
spills and dust blowing off
the load. All construction
materials prone to dust
emission shall be covered
with tarpaulin sheet.
Air Pollution Vehicles and machinery are Beginning Contractor DMRC/EMP
to be regularly maintained so with and implementing
that emissions conform to continuing agency
National and State AAQ throughout
Standards. No vehicle construction
without valid PUC certificate period
would be allowed at
Construction Sites.
Equipment Construction plants and During Contractor DMRC/EMP
Selection equipment will meet construction implementing
maintenance acceptable standards for agency
and operation emissions and will be
maintained and operated in
a manner that ensures that
relevant air, noise, and
discharge regulations are
Earthwork Total excavate would be During Contractor DMRC/ EMP
340336 cum out of which Construction Implementig
66920 cum would be agecy
backfilled and balance
273416 cum shall be

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Environmenta Mitigation Measures Taken Time Frame Implementing Responsible

l Impact or To Be Taken Organization Organization
disposed off at lowlying sites
authorized by DDA/ MCD
Noise Noise standard at Beginning Contractor DMRC/EMP
processing sites, will be and through implementing
strictly enforced as per GOI construction agency
noise standards. Workers in
vicinity of strong noise will
wear earplugs and their
working time should be
limited as a safety measure.
At construction sites within
150m of sensitive receptors
construction will be stopped
from 22:00 to 06:00.
Machinery to be provided
noise barriers (Stone walls
and plantation) for silence
zones including schools and
Vibration The vibration level limits at Beginning Contractor DMRC/EMP
work sites adjacent to the and through implementing
alignment shall conform to construction agency
the permitted values of peak
velocity as given in
Environmental Manual
Contamination All justifiable measures will Throughout Contractor DMRC/EMP
from Wastes be taken to prevent the construction implementing
wastewater produced in period agency
construction from entering
directly into any rivers,
drainage and irrigation
Wastage of Measures shall be taken to Beginning Contractor DMRC/EMP
water avoid misuse of water. with and implementing
Construction agency shall be continuing agency
instructed accordingly to throughout
follow strict procedures while construction
using the water for
construction and drinking

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Environmenta Mitigation Measures Taken Time Frame Implementing Responsible

l Impact or To Be Taken Organization Organization
Sewerage A minimum distance of any Throughout Contractor DMRC/EMP
disposal during sewage or toilet facility from construction implementing
construction at water sources should be 200 period agency
Service meters.
Sanitation and Sufficient measures will be Before and Contractor DMRC/ EMP
Waste taken in the construction during implementing
Disposal in camps, i.e. provision of building of agency
Construction garbage tank and sanitation construction
Camps facilities. Waste in septic camps
tanks will be cleared
Drinking water will meet
Indian National Standards.
Garbage will be collected in
a tank and disposed off
daily. Special attention shall
be paid to the sanitary
condition of camps.
Camps will be located at a
minimum distance of 200 m
from water sources.
Quarrying Quarrying will be carried out During Contractor DMRC/ EMP
at approved and licensed construction implementing
quarries only. All agency
environmental mitigation
measures shall be enforced
at Quarry site also.
Loss of trees Areas of tree plantation During and DMRC DMRC
and Avenue cleared will be replaced after
Plantation according to Compensatory completion
Afforestation Policy under of
the Forest Conservation Act. construction
Ten trees will be planted activities
against every tree felled as
per norms.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Environmenta Mitigation Measures Taken Time Frame Implementing Responsible

l Impact or To Be Taken Organization Organization
Loss of Access Temporary access should be During Contractor DMRC/
built at the interchange and construction Traffic
other roads. department
Traffic jams If there are traffic jams During Contractor DMRC/
and congestion during construction, construction Traffic
measures should be taken to department
relieve the congestion with
the co-ordination of
transportation and traffic
police department
Safety with  Safety education and During Contractor DMRC/
vehicles, fines. construction Traffic
people and department
 Allow for adequate traffic
livestock and
flow around construction
 Provide adequate
signage, barriers and flag
persons for safety
 Communicate to the
public through radio, TV
& newspaper
regarding the scope and
timeframe of projects, as
well as certain
construction activities
causing disruptions or
access restrictions
Increase in Make certain that there is During Contractor DMRC/ EMP
disease good drainage at all construction implementing
construction areas, to avoid agency
Water-borne At start-up
creation of stagnant water
Insect-borne bodies. Throughout
Communicable Provide adequate sanitation
diseases and waste disposal at
construction camps. Provide
adequate health care for
workers and locate camps

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Environmenta Mitigation Measures Taken Time Frame Implementing Responsible

l Impact or To Be Taken Organization Organization
away from vulnerable
groups, if any
Location of Location of camps depots Throughout Contractor DMRC/ EMP
camps depots and storage areas shall be construction implementing
and storage as per the contract agency
areas specifications.
Noise and Suitable measures should After DMRC/EMP DMRC/ EMP
Vibration be considered where completion implementing implementing
warranted. The public shall of agency agency
be educated about the construction
regulations of noise and
vibration pollution and its
Maintenance The urban drainage systems Beginning DMRC/EMP DMRC/ EMP
of Storm Water will be periodically checked and end of implementing implementing
Drainage and cleared so as to ensure monsoon agency agency
System adequate storm water flow.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

The environmental monitoring programme is a vital process of any
Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of development project for review of
indicators and for taking immediate preventive action. This helps in signalling
the potential problems resulting from the proposed project activities and will
allow for prompt implementation of corrective measures. Historically,
environmental monitoring has been integral part of works of DMRC towards
better environmental management of air, noise, vibration, water quality etc
both during construction and in operation. Generation of dust and noise are
two main issues during any large construction activity. Degradation of water
quality is another. The parameters are monitored in pre- construction,
construction and operation phase and are based on the need to evaluate the
deviation of environmental conditions from baseline environmental conditions
due to construction and operation of the Metro. The environmental monitoring
will be required during both construction and operational phases. The
following parameters are proposed to be monitored:
 Water Quality,
 Air Quality,
 Noise and Vibration,
 Environmental Sanitation and Waste Disposal
 Ecological Monitoring and Afforestation,
 Workers Health and Safety

Environmental monitoring during pre-construction phase is important to know

the baseline data and to predict the adverse impacts during construction and
operations phases. Pre-construction phase monitoring has been done for the
proposed project for air, noise, water, soil quality and ecology.
During construction stage environmental monitoring will be carried out for air
quality, noise levels and water quality. Keeping a broad view of the sensitive
receptors and also the past experience of Phase I and II of DMRC and Other
Metros, an estimate of locations has been made and are summarized in
Table 7.1. The number could be modified based on need when the
construction actually commences.
7.2.1 Water Quality
Since water contamination leads to various water related diseases, the
project authorities shall establish a procedure for water quality surveillance
and ensure safe water for the consumers. The water quality parameters are
to be monitored during the entire period of project construction. Monitoring
should be carried out by NABL certified laboratory. Water quality should be
analyzed following the procedures given in standard methods. Parameters

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

for monitoring will be as per BIS: 10500. The monitoring points could be
ground and surface water.

7.2.2 Air Quality

Air quality should be monitored at the locations of baseline monitoring. The
parameter recommended is Particulate Matter (PM10). The contractor will be
responsible for carrying out air monitoring during the entire construction
phase under the supervision of project authority.
7.2.3 Noise and Vibration
The noise levels will be monitored at construction sites for entire phase of
construction by the site contractor and under the supervision of project
7.2.4 Workers Health and Safety
Monitoring of health risk issues that might arise throughout the project life
time will be done. Epidemiological studies at construction sites and workers
camp will be performed to monitor the potential spread of diseases. Regular
inspection and medical checkups shall be carried out to workers health and
safety monitoring. Any reoccurring incidents such as irritations, rashes,
respiratory problems etc shall be recorded and appropriate mitigation
measures shall be taken. Contractor will be the responsible person to take
care health and safety of workers during the entire period of the construction
and project proponent is responsible to review/audit the health and safety
measures/plans. The monitoring Schedule for Water Air, noise and ecology
are presented in Table 7.1.
Item Parameter Frequency and Duration Locations
Air PM10 2×24 hours Twice a month 2 locations
During entire civil construction stage
or even later, if directed by DMRC
Water Groundwater Once in 6months 1 locations
quality During entire civil construction stage
(IS 10500:1991) or even later, if directed by DMRC
Noise Noise Level 24hours Once a week 2 locations
(Leq and Lmax) During entire civil construction stage
or even later, if directed by DMRC
Ecology Felled and Once a year till all trees that were to All the
planted trees be planted by Delhi Government on trees felled
behalf of project authority, are and newly
planted planted

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro


Even though the environmental hazards during the operation phase of the
project are minimal, the environmental monitoring will be carried out for air,
noise, water, waste water, solid waste and ecology during operation phase of
the project. The parameters monitored during operation will be PM 10 for air,
heavy metals for solid waste, pH, TSS, BOD, COD, oil and grease for waste
water. However, water quality parameters that will be monitored will be as
per BIS 10500. The monitoring schedule is presented in Table 7.2. The
monitoring programme shall be conducted by an external agency certified by
NABL under the supervision of DMRC. Project proponent (DMRC) is
responsible for successful environmental monitoring of the proposed project
during operation phase.

Item Parameter Frequency and Duration Locations

Air PM10 2×24hours 1 location
Once a month For 3years
Water Groundwater Once a year 1location
quality For 3years
(IS 10500:1991)

The results of Air quality, water quality, will be submitted to management

quarterly during construction phase and half yearly during operation phase.


DMRC already has the division for environmental Management. Therefore,
additional set-up for environmental management is not required.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

All costs involved in Environmental mitigation and management and
monitoring has to be put on the account of Delhi Metro Project corridors. A
summary of these is presented in Table 8.1.
Table 8.1 Environmental Costs Rs. lakh
Rs. lakh
1. Rain Water Harvesting at station 5.00
2. Air, Noise, vibration, Water, Waste Water, Solid 5.00
waste, during construction and operation
3. Ecological monitoring 5.00
4. Tree Plantation 1890 trees @ Rs.2000/- per tree 37.80
Total 52.80

The compensation for loss of land, fire control, information systems and
contractor’s obligations has been incorporated in project costs. The
Environmental management plan should be implemented in phases so that
optimum benefit could be achieved and should be synchronized with the
construction schedules.

The proposed Metro line as part of Delhi Metro Extension is proved to have
significant positive effects to the development of Delhi City. Benefits to the
economy, traffic congestion reduction, quick and safety transport, employment
opportunities, fuel consumption reduction, and air quality improvement are the
obvious positive effects from this Metro line. Besides, the potential adverse
environmental impacts on air quality (during construction phase), water
environment, noise, solid waste, ecology, population resettlement are also taken
into consideration. Based on these detailed potential adverse environmental
impacts, appropriate mitigation measures have been developed for
consideration. The EIA concluded that project impacts from both construction
and operation will be minimal when mitigated through the use of prevailing
current practices and appropriate technologies. With the implementation of the
EMP and the monitoring plan, the Project is not expected to have significant
adverse environmental impacts.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Annexure 1
S. Substance or Requiremen Undesirable Effect Permissibl
Characteristic t (Desirable outside the Desirable e limit in
Limit) limit the
absence of
Essential Characteristics
1 Colour, Hazen units, 5 Above 5, consumer 25
Max acceptance decreases
2 Odour Unobjectiona - -
3 Taste Agreeable - -
4 Turbidity NTU, max 5 Above 5, consumer 10
acceptance decreases
5 pH Value 6.5 to 8.5 Beyond this range the No
water will affect the relaxation
mucous membrane
and/or water supply
6 Total Hardness (as 300 Encrustation in water 600
CaCO3) mg/l, Max supply structure and
adverse effects on
domestic use
7 Iron (as Fe) mg/l, max 0.3 Beyond this limit 1.0
taste/appearance are
affected, has adverse
affect on domestic uses
and water supply
structures and
promotes iron bacteria
8 Chloride (as Cl) mg/l, 250 Beyond this limit, test, 1000
Max corrosion and
palatability are affected
9 Residual free Chlorine, 0.2 - -
mg/l, Min
10 Fluoride (as F) mg/l, 1.0 Fluoride may be kept as 1.5
Max low as possible. High
fluoride may cause

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

S. Substance or Requiremen Undesirable Effect Permissibl

Characteristic t (Desirable outside the Desirable e limit in
Limit) limit the
absence of
Essential Characteristics
11 Dissolved solids mg/l, 500 Beyond this palatability 2000
Max decreases and may
cause gastro intestinal
12 Calcium (as Ca) mg/l, 75 Encrustation in water 200
Max supply structure and
adverse effects on
domestic use
13 Magnesium (as Mg) 30 Encrustation in water 100
mg/l, Max supply structure and
adverse effects on
domestic use
14 Copper (as Cu) mg/l, 0.05 Astringent taste, 1.5
Max discoloration and
corrosion of pipes fitting
and utensils will be
caused beyond this
15 Manganese (as Mn) 0.1 Beyond this limit 0.3
mg/l, Max taste/appearance are
affected, has adverse
effect on domestic uses
and water supply
16 Sulphate (as SO4) mg/l, 200 Beyond this causes 400
Max gastro intestinal
irritation when
magnesium or sodium
are present
17 Nitrate (as NO2) mg/l, 45 Beyond this 100
Max methaemoglobinemia
takes place
18 Phenolic compounds 0.001 Beyond this, it may 0.002
(as C6H5OH) mg/l, Max cause objectionable

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

S. Substance or Requiremen Undesirable Effect Permissibl

Characteristic t (Desirable outside the Desirable e limit in
Limit) limit the
absence of
Essential Characteristics
taste and odour
19 Mercury (as Hg) mg/l, 0.001 Beyond this, the water No
Max become toxic relaxation
20 Cadmium (as Cd), mg/l, 0.01 Beyond this the water No
Max become toxic relaxation
21 Selenium (as Se), mg/l, 0.01 Beyond this the water No
Max become toxic relaxation
22 Arsenic (as As), mg/l, 0.05 Beyond this the water No
Max become toxic relaxation
23 Cyanide (as CN), mg/l, 0.05 Beyond this the water No
Max become toxic relaxation
24 Lead (as Pb), mg/l, Max 0.05 Beyond this the water No
become toxic relaxation
25 Zinc (as zn), mg/l, Max 5 Beyond this limit it can 15
cause astringent taste
and an opalescene in
26 Anionic detergents (as 0.2 Beyond this limit it can 1.0
MBAS), mg/l, Max cause a light froth in
27 Chromium (as Cr+6) 0.05 May be carcinogenic No
mg/l, Max above this limit relaxation
28 Plynuclear aromatic - May be carcinogenic -
hydrocarbons (as PAH)
g/l, Max
29 Mineral oil mg/l Max 0.01 Beyond this undesirable 0.03
and odour chlorination
30 Pesticides mg/l Max Absent Toxic 0.001
31 Radioactive materials
a) Alpha emitters Bq/l - - 0.1

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

S. Substance or Requiremen Undesirable Effect Permissibl

Characteristic t (Desirable outside the Desirable e limit in
Limit) limit the
absence of
Essential Characteristics
b) Beta emitters pci/l, - - 1
32 Alkalinity mg/l Max 200 Beyond this limit taste 600
becomes unpleasant
33 Aluminium (as Al), mg/l 0.03 Cumulative effect is 0.2
Max report to cause demntia
34 Boron, mg/l, mg/l Max 1 - 5

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Annexure 2
S.No. Parameter Unit Standards
1 Colour & Odor -- All efforts should be
made to remove
colour and unpleasant
odor as far as
2 Suspended Solids Max. mg/l 100
3 Particle size of Suspended Solids -- Shall pass 850 micron
IS Sieve
4 pH value -- 5.5 to
5 Temperature, Max. C Shall not exceed 5C
above the receiving
water temperature
6 Oil and grease, Max. mg/l 10
7 Total residual Chlorine, Max. mg/l 1.0
8 Ammonical Nitrogen (as N), Max. mg/l 50
9 Total Kjeldah Nitrogen (as N), mg/l 100
10 Free Ammonia (as NH3), Max. mg/l 5
11 Biochemical Oxygen Demand (5 mg/l 30
days at 20C), Max.
12 Chemical Oxygen Demand Max. mg/l 250
13 Arsenic (as As), Max. mg/l 0.2
14 Mercury (as Hg), Max. mg/l 0.01
15 Lead (as Pb), Max. mg/l 0.1
16 Cadmium (as Cd), Max. mg/l 2.0
17 Hexavalent Chromium (as Cr+6), mg/l 0.1
18 Total Chromium (as Cr) Max. mg/l 2.0
19 Copper (as Cu), Max. mg/l 3.0
20 Zinc (as Zn), Max. mg/l 5.0
21 Selenium (as Se), Max. mg/l 0.05

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

S.No. Parameter Unit Standards

22 Nickel (as Ni), Max. mg/l 3.0
23 Cyanide (as CN), Max. mg/l 0.2
24 Fluorides (as F), Max. mg/l 2.0
25 Dissolved phosphates (as P), mg/l 5.0
26 Sulphides (as S), Max. mg/l 2.0
27 Phenolic compounds (as mg/l 1.0
C6H5OH), Max.
28 Radioactive Materials mg/l
 Emitters, curie/ml, Max. 10-7
 Emitters, curie/ml, Max. 10-6
29 Bio-assay test mg/l 90% survival of fish
after 96 hours in
100% effluent
30 Manganese (as Mn) mg/l 2.0
31 Iron (as Fe) mg/l 3.0
32 Vanadium (as V) mg/l 0.2
33 Nitrate Nitrogen mg/l 10.0

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Annexure 3
Characteristic Designated Use Class of Inland Waters
pH value 6.5 to 6.5 to 6.5 to 6.5 to 6.0 to
8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5
Dissolved Oxygen, mg/l, 6 5 4 4 -
Biochemical Oxygen 2 3 3 - -
Demand (5 days at 200C),
Total coliform organisms, 50 500 5000 - -
MPN/100 ml. Max.
Colour Hazen units 10 300 300 - -
Chlorides (as Cl), mg/l Max. 250 - 600 - 600
Sodium Adsorption ratio - - - - 26
Boron (as B), mg/l. Max. - - - - 2
Sulphates (as SO4), mg/ l 400 - 400 - 1000
Nitrates (as NO), mg/l Max. 20 - 50 - -
Free Ammonia (as NH3), - - - 1.2 -
Conductivity at 25o C - - - 1000 2250
microhm / cm Max.
Arsenic (as As), mg/l. Max. 0.05 0.2 0.2 - -
Iron (as Fe), mg/l 0.3 - 50 - -
Fluorides (as F), mg/l 1.5 1.5 1.5 - -
Lead (as Pb), mg/l. Max. 0.1 - 0.1 - -
Copper (as Cu), mg/l 1.5 - 1.5 - -
Zinc (as Zn) mg/l/ Max. 1.5 - 1.5 - -
Manganese (as Mn), mg/l 0.5 - - - -
Total Dissolved Solids, mg/l 500 - 1500 - 2100
Total Hardness (CaCO3), 300 - - - -

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Characteristic Designated Use Class of Inland Waters

Magnesium (as Mg), mg/l 100 - - - -
Chlorides (as Cl), mg/l 250 600 - - 600
Cyanides (as CN), mg/l 0.05 0.05 0.05 - -
A: Drinking Water Source without conventional treatment but after disinfections;
B: Outdoor bathing organized;
C: drinking water source with conventional treatment followed by disinfections;
D: propagation of wildlife and fisheries;
E: irrigation, industrial cooling, controlled waste disposal.
Source: Central Pollution Control Board

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Annexure 4
Pollutant Time Industrial, Ecologically
Weighted Residential, Sensitive Area
Average Rural & (notified by
Other Area Central
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Annual 50 20
24 Hours** 80 80
Nitrogen Dioxide as Annual 40 30
NO2, µgm3 24 Hours** 80 80
Particulate Matter (size Annual 60 60
less than 10 m) or
24 Hours** 100 100
PM10 µgm3
Particulate Matter (size Annual * 40 40
less than 2.5 m) or
24 Hours** 60 60
PM2.5 µgm3
Ozone (O3) µgm3 8 hours** 100 100
24 Hours** 180 180
Lead (Pb) µgm Annual * 0.50 0.50
24 Hours** 1.0 1.0
Carbon Monoxide (CO) 8 Hours** 02 02
mg/m3 1 Hour** 04 04
Ammonia (NH3) µgm Annual * 100 100
24 Hours** 400 400
Benzene (C6H6) µgm3 Annual * 05 05
Benzo (a) pyrene Annual * 01 01
(BaP)particulate phase
only nm3
Arsenic (AS) µgm3 Annual * 06 06
Nickle (Ni) nm3 Annual * 20 20
Source: Central Pollution Control Board Notification dated 18th November 2009
* Annual arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year at a particular site
taken twice a week hourly at uniform intervals

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

** 24 hourly or 08 hourly or 01 hourly monitored values, as applicable, shall be complied

with 98% of the time in a year. 2% of the time, they may exceed the limits but not on
two consecutive days of monitoring.

Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Najafgarh- Dhansa Bus Stand Corridor of Delhi Metro

Annexure 5


Category of Zones Leq in dB (A)

Day * Night
Industrial 75 70
Commercial 65 55
Residential 55 45
Silence Zone ** 50 40
Source: Central Pollution Control Board

* Day Time is from 6.00 AM to 9.00 PM.

** Silence Zone is defined as an area up to 100m around premises of Hospitals,
Educational Institutions and Courts. Use of vehicle horn, loudspeaker and bursting of
crackers is banned in these zones


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