Dover Beach
Dover Beach
Dover Beach
One night, the speaker of "Dover Beach" sits with a woman inside a house,
looking out over the English Channel near the town of Dover. They see the
lights on the coast of France just twenty miles away, and the sea is quiet and
When the light over in France suddenly extinguishes, the speaker focuses on
the English side, which remains tranquil. He trades visual imagery for aural
imagery, describing the "grating roar" of the pebbles being pulled out by the
waves. He finishes the first stanza by calling the music of the world an "eternal
note of sadness."
The next stanza flashes back to ancient Greece, where Sophocles heard this
same sound on the Aegean Sea, and was inspired by it to write his plays about
human misery.
Stanza three introduces the poem's main metaphor, with: "The Sea of
Faith/Was once, too, at the full, and round earth's shore." The phrase suggests
that faith is fading from society like the tide is from the shore. The speaker
laments this decline of faith through melancholy diction.
In the final stanza, the speaker directly addresses his beloved who sits next to
him, asking that they always be true to one another and to the world that is
laid out before them. He warns, however, that the world's beauty is only an
illusion, since it is in fact a battlefield full of people fighting in absolute
Arguably Matthew Arnold's most famous poem, "Dover Beach" manages to
comment on his most recurring themes despite its relatively short length. Its
message - like that of many of his other poems - is that the world's mystery has
declined in the face of modernity. However, that decline is here painted as
particularly uncertain, dark, and volatile.
What also makes the poem particularly powerful is that his romantic streak has
almost no tinge of the religious. Instead, he speaks of the "Sea of Faith"
without linking it to any deity or heaven. This "faith" has a definite humanist
tinge - it seems to have once guided decisions and smoothed over the world's
problems, tying everyone together in a meaningful way. It is no accident that
the sight inspiring such reflection is that of untouched nature, almost entirely
absent from any human involvement. In fact, the speaker's true reflection
begins once the only sign of life - the light over in France - extinguishes. What
Arnold is expressing is an innate quality, a natural drive towards beauty.
The poem epitomizes a certain type of poetic experience, in which the poet
focuses on a single moment in order to discover profound depths. Here, the
moment is the visceral serenity the speaker feels in studying the landscape,
and the contradictory fear that that serenity then leads him to feel. To
accomplish that end, the poem uses a lot of imagery and sensory information.
It begins with mostly visual depictions, describing the calm sea, the fair moon,
and the lights in France across the Channel. "The cliffs of England
stand/Glimmering and vast" not only describes the scene, but establishes how
small the two humans detailed in the poem are in the face of nature.
Perhaps most interestingly, the first stanza switches from visual to auditory
descriptions, including "the grating roar" and "tremulous cadence slow." The
evocation of several senses fills out the experience more, and creates the
sense of an overwhelming and all-encompassing moment.
The poem also employs a lot of enjambment (the poetic technique of leaving a
sentence unfinished on one line, to continue and finish it on the next). The
effect is to give the poem a faster pace: the information hits us in rapid
succession, forming a clear picture in our minds little by little. It also suggests
that Arnold does not wish to create a pretty picture meant for reflection.
Instead, the beautiful sight is significant because of the fear and anxiety it
inspires in the speaker. Because the poem so wonderfully straddles the line
between poetic reflection and desperate uncertainty, it has remained a well-
loved piece throughout the centuries.