Sulzer Turbines 1
Sulzer Turbines 1
Sulzer Turbines 1
ELBAR's Extended
Coating Capabilities
PT Hickham Indonesia (PTHI) its limitations, since the number of approximately 2 m (6.5 ft) long.
received an order to overhaul and times and amount that the shaft can Each of the disks have Hirth
repair a very large gas turbine rotor be ground down is strictly couplings ground on the faces that
at its workshop in Purwakarta West controlled. must be inspected for contact and
Java, Indonesia. This is the second For this job, PTHI has repaired, if required. Finally, the unit
time that PTHI has been successful proposed a unique solution utilizing will be fitted with X-Y proximity
in winning a competitive bid to our in-house HVOF coating system probes to supplement the existing
perform work on one of the massive that will keep the shaft at the velocity transducers.
55-ton, 132 MW rotors. By performing this work, PTHI
The units operate in utility has saved the customer both time
service on the Indonesian island of and money over prior repairs that
Sumatra, approximately 1500 km required export to another country.
(950 miles) from the shop. The PTHI is the only rotating equipment
rotor will be disassembled at the repair facility in Indonesia and only
site and loaded into four one of two in the entire Southeast
customized shipping containers for Asian region that can handle units
the three-day journey by sea. The of this size and weight.
unit must be shipped, inspected,
repaired and returned to site in only -Peter Alexander,
28 days! PT Hickham Indonesia
Once the rotor is received, it
will undergo complete inspection
including ultrasonic testing of the Disassembled rotor
massive 10 m long centerline tie-
bolt along with eddy current
inspection of the turbine disk fir original dimensions, cancel the
trees. necessity to replace the damping
The centerline tie-bolt has a cones, act as a deterrent to prevent
series of fit areas along the shaft fretting, and maintain the very tight
that are used to dampen transient schedule.
vibrations when the unit is starting Handling the parts safely and
up or shutting down. Over time, efficiently requires the use of
these fit areas become fretted and specially constructed turning,
worn. Historically, the solution has positioning and lifting fixtures. The
been to grind the fit areas rotor is made up of 20 disks with an
undersize and manufacture new average diameter of about 1.5 m
friction damper sleeves called (+/-5.5 ft) and a hollow shaft section
damping cones. This process has of the same diameter but
Southeast Asia:
PT Hickham Indonesia
and Elbar
Elbar &
Sulzer Repco
Hickham Industries PT
PT Hickham Indonesia
Hickham Industries
South America:
Hickham Industries TM
Europe, Africa,
Middle East,
Central Asia:
Elbar and
Sulzer Repco
50 MW
Steam Turbine Repair
Hickham Industries, Inc. problems since 1982, this was by diaphragms will be equipped with
recently secured a $3.5 million far the worst case in the history of new labyrinth seals. The thrust
contract with a copper company to this turbine. bearing will be upgraded to a low
completely rebuild and re- Upon receipt of the contract to profile “self leveling” type. This will
commission a 50 MW steam repair the turbine, HII dispatched a more than double the bearing's
turbine generator for the company's diagnostic team to the job site for load carrying capacity.
power plant in Utah. A new Bently an investigation into the root cause With the assistance of the
Nevada monitoring system and a of the failure. Supervised by John Technical Services Department,
new OEM turbine controls package East, HII’s Technical Services HII's Field Service Division will
will also be installed during the Department determined the root complete the turbine rebuild onsite.
turbine rebuild. cause of the failure and drafted the During start-up, HII will spend
Turbine Generator unit No.1 at specifications for a new turbine approximately seven days
the Utah Company's power plant monitoring system, which when monitoring case thermal growth
suffered severe damage when the properly implemented, will shut the and the overall performance of the
turbine rotor lost thrust and unit down prior to any damage unit.
migrated nearly half an inch toward occurring. The entire project is being
the generator end of the turbine. The H.P. rotor is being weld completed on an emergency basis.
This situation damaged the rotor, repaired via HII's submerged-arc The target commercial operation
diaphragms, bearings and seals. process with a recently developed date is set for the middle of April,
Though the turbine had been “narrow groove” welding process. 2001.
plagued with a number of After all weld repairs are
completed, seventeen rows of -Warren Holmes,
new blades will be installed in Hickham Industries
the rotors. Upon completion
of the H.P. and L.P. rotor
repairs, the rotors will be
coupled together and
balanced in HII's vacuum
balance bunker in a three
bearing configuration.
All diaphragms
manufactured with cast steel
inner and outer webs are
being weld repaired and
machined. The larger cast
iron diaphragms are being
HP and LP turbine being balanced at fitted with steel inserts
operational speed (3 bearing). designed to add strength. All
8 Turbo Talk Volume 1, 2001
Zirconia type thermal
barrier coating
Combustion section
Repair of Gas
Turbine Components
No man-made object is perfect, combustion problems that are the outer liner. Extensive repair and
so the repair of equipment, parts, root-cause of this failure. The repair replacement is carried out to
and components is as old as of this component must restore restore structural integrity and part
mankind itself. base material properties and reliability. All damaged material is
Gas turbine parts, which are dimensional integrity. Since the replaced with new sub-
especially highly-stessed and time between overhauls of this components, made from a higher
valuable, are interesting objects to temperature nickel-base alloy.
repair when damaged. Before reassembling the sections
Commercially, however, repair is into an integral assembly, the inner
not as interesting to Original walls are coated with a zirconium-
Equipment Manufacturers as it is to based thermal barrier coating.
equipment owners. Therefore, most Operating experience shows that
knowledgeable repair companies this repair and modification doubles
are independent, and have to the lifetime of this component.
conduct independent engineering Currently, Elbar is the only
and development, e.g. they have to authorized repair source for this
work according to ISO 9001 costly and complex part.
Approximately two years ago, -Parviz Tavakolly,
Elbar was requested by several President of Elbar
customers to design and develop a
repair and life-extension program
for the combustor assembly of a
specific type of gas turbine. The
combustion of the gas turbine is a
modern, low NOx-type, natural gas Uncoated and bulged side
fired design. The component is walls before repair
produced as a welded assembly of
a carbon steel support ring,
austenitic stainless steel (AISI 300 component is rather low (10
series) burners and a body made thousand hours on average), some
of nickel base alloy. modifications to extend lifetime of
Combustion vibration can this component are carried out
produce high-cycle fatigue cracking during the repair cycle as well.
in otherwise sound material. For the repair, the assembly is
Damages of this type can usually sectioned into various modules or
be repaired. It is important, parts, such as the inner liner, the
however, to remove or reduce the burner support section and the
First workshop at Elbar, Elbar’s capabilities and facilities. At companies and their processes and
November 1 - 6, 2000 the end of the workshop, task technologies.
The Sulzer acquisition of Elbar forces were set up dealing with During the first day of the
B.V. in The Netherlands became people transfers, technology second workshop, Hickham
effective on November 1st, 2000. transfers, mutual learning and Industries offered an extended
The excitement was high because market approaches. Our goals facility tour especially allowing the
all parties realized the great were to complete the integration participants of ELBAR to become
potential the STS team has in the process in a fast and efficient familiar with Hickham’s capabilities
global marketplace. The existing manner, resulting in benefits for
Sulzer Turbomachinery Services the most important people: our
organization, consisting of Hickham customers.
Industries Inc., Sulzer Repco, and On the last day of the
PT Hickham Indonesia, has a workshop, the CEO of Sulzer
product portfolio, market approach Industries, Mr. Fred Kindle, paid
and technology base largely a visit to Elbar and welcomed
complementary with the acquired the employees of Elbar to
Elbar entity. To build the team and Sulzer. Mr. Kindle took the
create a common understanding on opportunity to present Sulzer’s
where we want to go as a group, new Strategy and answered
an integration workshop with the questions from our new co-
management teams of all four workers.
entities were called together on Integration meeting during the second
November 1st. workshop in Fredericksburg, Texas.
Second workshop at Hickham
With the integration of Elbar, Industries, La Porte &
STS adopted the TGIS slogan, Fredericksburg, Texas February and technologies. Following this
which is the acronym for “Teaming 5 – 9, 2001 tour, many bilateral discussions
up to build a Global Independent During the first and second took place in order to obtain an in-
Service force”. Speed in accepting workshops, the task forces depth understanding of processes
changes, flexibility in working exchanged information about and cultures.
together and team spirit were such technology, development, I would like to thank all
strong characteristics of all people manufacturing, marketing and participants for their strong
and entities that the process sales, in order to find out where the contributions and look forward to
quickly showed the benefits of a four entities have overlaps, the next steps in the exciting
coordinated approach to the synergies, and where we can learn integration process.
market. from each other. In certain areas,
Comprehensive workshop key task force members paid visits -Hugo Herde,
tours at Elbar were organized to to other facilities in order to Senior Consultant and
familiarize the attendees with become acquainted with the other Integration Manager
Volume 1, 2001 Turbo Talk 11
Announcing an By sharing
expansion of global proportions. resources and technology
Sulzer Industries has acquired Elbar BV, a and through a blending of skills
leading turbine repair / surface materials tempered by experience, Sulzer
technology facility, based in Lomm, The Turbomachinery Services offers superior
Netherlands. With this acquisition, Elbar joins results, unmatched responsiveness and the
Hickham Industries, PT Hickham Indonesia, and greatest flexibility to our clients. We are
Sulzer Repco to form Sulzer Turbomachinery pleased to respond to the industries’ need for
Services - a truly global force in rotating equipment one worldwide source of reliable turbomachinery
repair services. services.
Sulzer For more information
Turbomachinery on how Sulzer
Services provides Turbomachinery
the power Services can expand
generation, your opportunities,
petrochemical, give us a call or visit
refining, pipeline, oil Sulzer
& gas, and other Turbomachinery
specialized process Services at
industries with the,
most complete and learn how we
turbomachinery can help reduce your
repair and equipment
maintenance maintenance costs
organization in the and grow your
world. bottom line.
Turbomachinery Services
Hickham Industries, Inc. Elbar B.V. Sulzer Repco B.V. PT. Hickham Indonesia
11518 Old LaPorte Rd. Spikweien 36 Moezelweg 190 Kawasan Industri Kota Bukit Indah
LaPorte, Tx 77571 5943 AD Lomm NL-3198 LS Europoort Rt Blok A II, Kav. 1C - 1D
USA The Netherlands Harbournumber 5615 Purwakarta 41181, Indonesia
Phone: (713)-567-2700 Phone: +31(77) 4738666 Phone: +31 (181) 282 000 Phone: +62 (264) 351 920
Toll free: 1-800-324-6540 Fax: +31 (77) 4732785 Fax: +31 (181) 282 002 Fax: +62 (264) 351 143
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]