Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet: 12. Education - Language Proficiency
Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet: 12. Education - Language Proficiency
Contractor Employee Biographical Data Sheet: 12. Education - Language Proficiency
3. Asia foundation
4. Employ e's Address (include ZIP code) 5. Contract Number 6. Position Under Contract
Khairkhana, 11th district Kabul( 1001) 02/2020 Internship
8. Proposed Salary 7. Duration of Assignment
Not mentioned 2-4 months
9. Telephone Number (include area code) 10. Place of Birth 11. Citizenship (If non-U.S. citizen, give visa status)
+93728723213 Kapisa Afghan
1. Names, Ages, and Relationship of Dependents to Accompany Individual to Country of Assignment
12. EDUCATION (include all college or university degrees) 13. LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY
Speaking Reading
Alberoni University (kapisa province) Education Bachelor 2017 Dari Fluent Fluent
16. CERTIFICATION: To the best of my knowledge, the above facts as stated are true and correct.
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1 - 31 Biodata 1420 Form USAID[1]
Contractor certifies in submitting this form that it has taken reasonable steps (in accordance with sound business practices) to verify the information
contained in this form. Contractor understands that USAID may rely on the accuracy of such information in negotiating and reimbursing personnel
under this contract. The making of certifications that are false, fictitious, or fraudulent, or that are based on inadequately verified information, may
result in appropriate remedial action by USAID, taking into consideration all of the pertinent facts and circumstances, ranging from refund claims to
criminal prosecution.
Signature of Contractor's Representative Date
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1 - 31 Biodata 1420 Form USAID[1]
Indicate your language proficiency in block 13 using the following numeric interagency Language Roundtable levels
(Foreign Service Institute levels). Also, the following provides brief descriptions of proficiency levels 2, 3, 4, and 5. “S”
indicates speaking ability and “R” indicates reading ability. For more in-depth description of the levels refer to USAID
Handbook 28.
R Sufficient comprehension to read simple, authentic written material in a form equivalent to usual printing or
typescript on familiar subjects.
S Able to speak the language with sufficient structural accuracy and vocabulary to participate effectively in most
formal and informal conversations.
R Able to read within a normal range of speed and with almost complete comprehension.
R Nearly native ability to read and understand extremely difficult or abstract prose, colloquialisms and slang.
S Speaking proficiency is functionally equivalent to that of a highly articulate well-educated native speaker.
The information requested by this form is necessary for prudent management and administration of public funds under
USAID contracts. The information helps USAID estimate overseas logistic support and allowances; the educational
information provides an indication of qualifications; the salary information is used as a means of cost monitoring and to
help determine reasonableness of proposed salary.
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average thirty minutes per response, including the
time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and
completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other
aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to:
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