Frozen Death Scenario

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Rivers form natural barriers, blocking armies from crossing or forcing them
to cross well protected fords or bridges. During the harshest of winters even
the mightiest of rivers can freeze over, however, presenting a golden
opportunity to any attacker. The defender must halt the foe in the midst of
the treacherous crossing or they will be free to rampage at will.

Talabheim Beseiged THE ARMIES of his long table edge (see map below). The
During the height of the Decade
of Ice the River Talabec froze
One player is designated as the attacker and the defender then sets up his entire army within 6"
solid allowing a Beastmen other is the defender. This can be done by of his long table edge.
invasion to cross the River mutual agreement or by dicing off with the high
Talabec and attack the city of roller choosing to be the attacker or defender. FIRST TURN
Talabheim. Many city gates Each player chooses his force using the army list The player who is the attacker receives the first
were nearly breached and only
the timely intervention of the Ice
from a Warhammer Armies book with the turn of the game.
Queen of Kislev and a large Attacker gaining +10% more points than the
cohort of fur-clad Winged defender. For example, if the defender had a GAME LENGTH
Lancers saved the city from 2000 point-army then the attacker would have a The battle will last six game turns, or until a
certain destruction. 2200-point army. time limit agreed by the players is reached,
Frozen Blood whichever comes first.
The Blood River, the fast THE BATTLEFIELD
flowing barrier between the This game is fought primarily fought on a VICTORY CONDITIONS
Border Princes and the frozen river with one side (the defender's) Use victory points to determine the winner of
Badlands froze fast, resulting in having a narrow strip of land representing the the battle, as described on page 143 of the
the Orc invasion of 2509.
Although a coalition made up of
riverbank (see map below). The defender may Warhammer rulebook. Additionally, the player
various ambitious princes and place up to two islands (the Citadel Wood are who is the attacker receives +100 points for
bandit kings attempted to stave ideal for this) anywhere not within 12" of the each unit that is on, or has at least one model
off the greenskins, the foe was riverbank or each other. The defender can also touching, the riverbank.
too numerous and overwhelmed place a single Watchtower anywhere on the
all opposition. Having crossed
the river in vast numbers, the
riverbank – up to 20 models may garrison this SCENARIO SPECIAL RULES
Orcs destroyed many building at the start of the game. Frozen River
watchtowers, castles and keeps Although the water of the river has frozen fast, it
before wandering back south to DEPLOYMENT can occasionally shift or break beneath the
see what had become of their The player who is the attacker must set up his weight of those that dare to walk upon it.
own territory.
entire army first, deploying his army within 12" Additionally, who knows what predators (Ice

Drive them Back! 12" Attacker Deployment Zone 12" Safe Havens
The banks of the river The islands form safe
must be defended at all havens when crossing the
costs – not only does the river, where your
attacker gain victory valuable units can avoid
points for getting models the dangers of falling
on to the riverbanks, but through the river.
every turn their units Unfortunately, as they’re
remain on the frozen river placed more than 12"
they are in danger of apart, infantry units will
falling through the ice. have to brave the ice at
some point.

6" Defender Deployment Zone 6"

Trolls, Leviathans and so on) are hunting below take a Dangerous Terrain test. Models with a A Frozen River
made Quick
the surface and waiting to break through the ice. 4+ or better armour or Scaly Skin save will This scenario, inspired by
fail their test on a roll of 1 or 2. barbarians storming across the
At the start of your turn roll a D6 for each of frozen Rhine, doesn't have to be
your units that is touching the frozen river. On a 4-5 Thin Ice. The regiment has come upon a hard to put together. A light
blue cloth or tablecloth can
2-6 all is well, however, on a roll of 1 something thin patch in the ice flow. Each model in the
cover the tabletop if you're lucky
has gone wrong. Roll again on the chart. unit must pass an Initiative test or sink to the enough to have one. If not, then
bottom of the river (removed from play and some appropriately coloured
D6 Result treated as a casualty). paper will work fine (tape it
1 The Beast Emerges! Travelling unseen down so it doesn't shift during
play). Simply leave 6" of your
beneath the ice a horrible beast bursts forth and 6 Slippery Patch. An especially slick are of
regular gaming board showing
savages the unit in question. The unit suffers an the ice has been found. The unit in question to represent the far riverbank
Artillery dice's worth of Strength 10 hits and moves D6" straight forward. If this move and place a few Citadel Woods
on a roll of misfire the beast demolishes the would take the unit into within 1" of friendly or Hills to represent islands. A
entire unit. units or impassable terrain it stops immediately. light dusting of Citadel Snow
over island and river bank is a
The rest of the unit's turn is unaffected, so the
quick way to add some winter
2-3 Crack. With an ominous cracking sound the unit can still declare a charge, move, etc., wonder (and most of the snow
ice splits asunder and anyone near the however, note that the unit does count as can be reclaimed by pouring it
crevice stands a chance of falling into the icy having moved for cases of shooting modifiers or onto the paper and then
waters below. Each model in the unit must move or shoot weapons. funnelling it back into the pot.


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