7 Light Meditation

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Meditations 7 Paul Fixuw

7 Five mayor light meditations

These meditations need the help and expertise from light-
beings. They are invited to help and work: they can give
alternations, updates, and sorts of healing to your body,
your being. To help the light-beings (incl. The Angles) with
this work you need the whole time to visualize light that
shines from all directions on your body: It shines through
your body; through your cells.
It is required that you hold the visualization of the light that
is shining from all the directions on you and through you
for the time the meditation takes place. It can be that your
concentration becomes after a few minutes a bit less, and
even you lose the concentration, let this be and bring the
visualization back when you become aware of this. For
every meditation purpose and healing goal there are other
colors of light needed: it helps to practice with visualizing
these colors for a while: Like how does yellow light looks
like, and golden light....??) yellow / green / blue / purple...
The best and advisable position to do this light meditation
is lying down; but when for reasons it feels better to sit;
feel free. Give yourself a place where it is quiet and where
you feel comfortable and nothing disturbs you (no phone,
no noise). Ask for every meditation the present of the light
beings that are able to help you (who know about DNA,
blueprints, cell structures and so on: experts) and also ask
ther help and present of higher self/bigger self for this
meditation. Tell them clearly what the aim and focus is of
this light healing meditation. When you start visualize the
Meditations 7 Paul Fixuw

advised colors feel what is the best for you, you are able
to chance them from darker to lighter, bit more orange or
more yellow...but the colors have all reasons, so try to
follow up the instructions.

START: Take time to relax and get a quiet mind: The visualization starts with seeing a light
shining [1] on the top of your head and trough your body, [2] light that shines from the
bottom of your body through your feet, reaching the whole body. [3] There is light shining
above, on your body. [4] From the right side there is light shining on and through you, [5]
From the left side there is light shining on and through you. [6] From under you there is light
shining on and through you.
Now: see the light coming from every side: all this light shines on and trough your body
and is lightening up every cell in your body. This light you’re visualizing gives a great help
for the work of light beings, angles and your Bigger self. (You can see it as there are 6
lights shining on your body: up and down, left and right, top and bottom) For every
meditation a different color light is needed (it maybe helps to write down the colors & the
time that is needed and have that next to you during the meditation)
1 The first meditation has as purpose to make a major check up from your energy/electric
'wiring': your energy channels. (like does who go to your hands and feet and end up at the
chakra's). They need to be opened and cleaned. For this visualization is the light shining on
and through you the first 20 minutes light yellow, then 30 minutes dark orange and for the
last 10 till 15 minutes you can use very light golden light (silver+gold). Then 10 minutes
bright yellow silver light. Take after the meditation a time of rest and drink some clear spring
water. Thanks the light beings for their help.......feel the results...
Meditations 7 Paul Fixuw

2 Next light meditation: Cleaning, taking away and making it possible that pollutions
stocked in your body can come loose, get released and will leave. Before you do this
meditation try to drink at least a litter (1/3 gallon) clear and clean water that was filtered
(osmosis filter is advisable, or very good bottled drinking water, and have not to much food
in your stomach.) For this meditation you need to visualize the light shining on and through
For 15 minutes bright clear green (not to dark green...):
For 17 minutes light orange/ yellow.....
For 10 minutes bright yellow/silver....(as if a bright star shines on you!)

Afterward and for a few days keep on drinking clean water and try not to smoke, drink
(much or any) alcohol, and stay away from places that are polluted. Avoid to boil water in
aluminum pots, avoid chemicals in food and try to eat organic food when possible. (grow
your own food!)

3 light meditation: To get and keep your concentration and brightness in your head, to
regain a strong connection with your heart and to be able to speak from spirit and heart;
from your soul-center. For this meditation you need to visualize the light shining on and
through you in the colors:
For 13 minutes bright clear yellow
For 16 minutes light light and soft red
For 10 minutes bright soft orange...
For 5 minutes white bright silver light (as if the angels shine light on you....)
Meditations 7 Paul Fixuw

4 Happy and light cells in your body: The next meditation helps to bringing your body, your
cells a feeling of higher vibration, light and being happy. For this is needed that you
visualize the light that is shining on, and through you:
For the first 10 minutes strong/ and clear orange,
For 15 till 20 minutes or longer the next light color has toe be gold.
For the last 7 till 8 minutes the light needs to be soft and bright silver/gold.
Start the meditation by telling clearly your intentions and ask Light-beings (including Angels
and your Bigger self) who are knowledgeable to start working at you.

5 This last light meditation helps with regaining the sensibilities we need to have as human
and as light worker. You can try regaining these sensibilities by doing this light meditation:
Start with visualizing the light shining on you from all directions for 18 minute. The color of
light: golden light mixed with white / silver light.
Next: 15 minutes very soft yellow/orange warm light.
Next: 5 minutes strong yellow / gold (a bit as a sun that shines on you....full and warm...)

You can repeat these meditations, some- or many times. Be very clear what you want to
achieve and ask the Light-beings /bigger self and angels for help and healing every time
you do so.

For more meditations See Butterfly Reiki:

transformation & healing FB group. Look
under files at top right page and download
there all sorts of meditations.
Greetings paul Fixuw

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