Antioxidantes Comhair, Serpil

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Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol 283: L246–L255, 2002;


invited review
Antioxidant responses to oxidant-mediated lung diseases


Departments of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine and Cancer Biology,
Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio 44195

Comhair, Suzy A. A., and Serpil C. Erzurum. Antioxidant re-

sponses to oxidant-mediated lung diseases. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol
Physiol 283: L246–L255, 2002; 10.1152/ajplung.00491.2001.—Reactive
oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species (RNS) are generated
throughout the human body. Enzymatic and nonenzymatic antioxidants
detoxify ROS and RNS and minimize damage to biomolecules. An im-
balance between the production of ROS and RNS and antioxidant capac-
ity leads to a state of “oxidative stress” that contributes to the pathogen-
esis of a number of human diseases by damaging lipids, protein, and
DNA. In general, lung diseases are related to inflammatory processes
that generate increased ROS and RNS. The susceptibility of the lung to
oxidative injury depends largely on its ability to upregulate protective
ROS and RNS scavenging systems. Unfortunately, the primary intracel-
lular antioxidants are expressed at low levels in the human lung and are
not acutely induced when exposed to oxidative stresses such as cigarette
smoke and hyperoxia. However, the response of extracellular antioxidant
enzymes, the critical primary defense against exogenous oxidative
stress, increases rapidly and in proportion to oxidative stress. In this
paper, we review how antioxidants in the lung respond to oxidative
stress in several lung diseases and focus on the mechanisms that up-
regulate extracellular glutathione peroxidase.
redox; reactive oxygen species; reactive nitrogen species

OXYGEN IS ONE OF THE MOST abundant elements in our (RNS) such as nitric oxide, nitrite, and peroxynitrite
world, constituting 21% of the air we breathe (20, 122). (ONOO⫺) are both physiologically necessary and po-
It is essential for the oxidation of organic compounds, tentially destructive.
which is the process by which mammalian cells gener- Another oxygen-mediated mechanism of damage is
ate the energy needed to sustain life. However, oxygen inflammation, during which leukocytes, macrophages,
may also damage the lung. Inhaled ozone and nitric and mast cells release mediators that may cause bron-
oxide may induce toxic processes that impair lung choconstriction and edema as observed during an asth-
function (20, 38, 82, 119, 122). Under normal condi- matic reaction (15, 38, 64). Lung tissue can also be
tions, potentially toxic oxygen metabolites are gener- destroyed during reperfusion after an ischemic period
ated at a low level in lung cells by the transfer of a such as that produced by surgery (42, 94, 99, 104, 107,
single electron during aerobic metabolism (25, 33, 46). 134). All these mechanisms have one thing in common:
The resulting reactive oxygen species (ROS), which damage is at least partly mediated by oxidants and
include hydroxyl radicals, superoxide (O2⫺䡠), and hydro- nitrogen species.
gen peroxide (H2O2), play an integral role in the mod- To minimize oxidant damage to biological molecules,
ulation of several physiological functions but can also the human lung is endowed with an integrated antiox-
be destructive if produced in excessive amounts (31, 38, idant system of enzymatic and expendable soluble an-
82, 99, 104, 107). Similarly, reactive nitrogen species tioxidants. This system includes several antioxidant
defense mechanisms that detoxify reactive products or
convert them to products that are quenched by other
Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: S. A. A.
Comhair, Dept. of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Cleveland
antioxidants (47, 58). If the oxidant burden is suffi-
Clinic Foundation, 9500 Euclid Ave./NB4-107, Cleveland, OH 44195 ciently great, the reactive species may overwhelm or
(E-mail: [email protected]). inactivate the antioxidant system. The resulting excess
L246 1040-0605/02 $5.00 Copyright © 2002 the American Physiological Society

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oxygen species can damage major cellular components, Much of the damage done by O2⫺䡠 and H2O2 in vivo is
including membrane lipids, protein, carbohydrates, due to their production of hydroxyl radicals (䡠OH) in a
and DNA. The pathophysiological consequences of this series of reactions catalyzed by traces of transition
injury are inflammation and widespread tissue dam- ions. One such example is the iron-catalyzed Haber-
age (46). Weiss reaction in which Fe3⫹ is reduced to Fe2⫹, fol-
lowed by the Fenton reaction in which the Fe2⫹ cata-
OXYGEN AND REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES lyzes the transformation of H2O2 into (䡠OH) (Eq. 4) (54).
More than 90% of all the oxygen we breathe under- O2⫺䡠 ⫹ Fe3⫹ 3 Fe2⫹ ⫹ O2 Haber-Weiss reaction
goes a concerted tetravalent reduction to produce wa- H2O2 ⫹ Fe 2⫹
3 Fe 3⫹ ⫺
⫹ OH ⫹ 䡠OH Fenton reaction
ter in a reaction catalyzed by cytochrome oxidase in the
mitochondrial electron transport chain. Oxygen (O2) (4)
can also be reduced via a nonenzymatic pathway An alternative pathway for 䡠OH formation in vivo
through four successive one-electron (e⫺) reductions (6, may involve MPO and EPO. Under physiological con-
34) (Eq. 1). centrations of halides, MPO produces hypochlorous
O 2 ⫹ 4H ⫹ ⫹ 4e ⫺ 3 2H 2O (1) acid (HOCl), and EPO produces hypobromous acid
(HOBr). Studies of 䡠OH with spin-trapping agents (41,
Cytochrome oxidase is the terminal electron acceptor 124) and chemical traps (57, 95) have demonstrated
in the respiratory chain and must donate its reducing that hypohalous acids can generate 䡠OH after reacting
equivalents to oxygen to allow continued electron with O2⫺䡠 (Eq. 5). 䡠OH can react with different molecules
transport. Otherwise, ATP production cannot continue. such as protein (16), DNA, and lipids (49).
Thus the major role for oxygen in all aerobic organisms O 2⫺䡠 ⫹ HOX 3 䡠OH ⫹ X ⫺ ⫹ O 2 (5)
is simply to act as a sink or dumping ground for
electrons (34). The tetravalent reduction of oxygen by RNS
the mitochondrial electron-transport chain is consid-
ered a relatively safe process. Nonetheless, the electron The discovery that nitric oxide (NO) is endogenously
carriers catalyze alternating one-electron oxidant-re- formed throughout the human body has led to intense
duction reactions, and they can react with oxygen to interest in the variety of roles this unique molecule
generate ROS such as O2⫺䡠 (47, 96, 97). Mitochondria plays in vivo. NO is involved in a wide variety of
are the major intracellular sites of O2⫺䡠 generation regulatory mechanisms. In addition, NO is also a cyto-
under physiological conditions (53). One other poten- toxic agent present in environmental pollutants and
tially major source for the generation of O2⫺䡠 is the cigarette smoke (109). NO is formed from the semies-
NADPH oxidase enzymatic system, which is found in sential amino acid L-arginine by the action of nitric
neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, cytochrome oxide synthase (NOS; Fig. 1) (5, 90). Several forms of
P-450, monoamine oxidase, and lipooxygenase (4, 22, NOS have now been characterized, and several distinct
31, 34). O2⫺䡠 is also generated by other mechanisms NOS genes have been identified (73). The NOS are
such as molybdenum hydroxylase reactions (including classified as either constitutive or inducible (76, 89,
the xanthine, sulfite, and aldehyde oxidases) and ara-
chidonic acid metabolism.
O2⫺䡠 is relatively unstable, with a half-life of only
milliseconds. Because it is charged, it does not easily
cross cell membranes (6). O2⫺䡠 will react, however, with
proteins that contain transition metal prosthetic
groups, such as heme moieties or iron-sulfur clusters.
These reactions may damage amino acids or cause
protein/enzyme function to be lost (50, 138). Most of the
O2⫺䡠 generated in vivo undergoes a nonenzymatic or
superoxide dismutase (SOD)-catalyzed reaction, re-
sulting in the nonradical H2O2 (Eq. 2) (79). H2O2 can
also be directly produced by several oxidase enzymes,
including xanthine oxidase, monoamine, and amino
acid oxidase (24).
O 2⫺䡠 ⫹ O 2⫺䡠 ⫹ 2H ⫹ 3 H 2O 2 ⫹ O 2 (2)
H2O2 can be oxidized by eosinophil-specific peroxi-
dase (EPO) and neutrophil-specific peroxidase (MPO)
using halides (X⫺) as a cosubstrate to form the potent Fig. 1. Reactive nitrogen species (RNS) synthesis. NO, nitric oxide;
oxidant hypohalous acids (HOX) and other reactive NO3⫺, nitrate; NO2⫺ nitrite; HbO2, oxyhemoglobin; Hb3⫹, methemo-
halogenating species (Eq. 3) (44, 56, 70, 130). globin; ONOOH, peroxynitrous acid; MPO, myeloperoxidase; HOCl,
hypochlorous acid; SNO: S-nitrosothiol; NOS II, nitric oxide syn-
H2O2 ⫹ X⫺ ⫹ H⫹ 3 HOX ⫹ H2O X ⫽ Br⫺, Cl (3) thase II.

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131). The constitutive forms (NOS I and NOS III) are and ONOOH) and (di)nitrosyl iron complex (52, 60, 66,
cytosolic and originally described and cloned from neu- 126, 132). Nitrosation of amines by these reactive ni-
ronal and endothelial cells, respectively. They are de- trogen intermediates has been implicated in the muta-
pendent on Ca2⫹ and calmodulin and release low genic properties of NO, presumably through nitrosa-
amounts of NO for short periods in response to receptor tive deamination of DNA bases (125). It is also of
and physical stimulation (89). The inducible form interest that SNO such as S-nitroso-L-glutathione
(NOS II) is independent of Ca2⫹. Once expressed, NOS (GSNO) may inhibit enzymes associated with the re-
II generates NO in large amounts for long periods sponse to oxidative stress in eukaryotic cells, including
(131). The biochemical effect of NO is largely defined by glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase
the concentration of NO. The paramagnetic NO mole- (7), glutathione-S-transferase (24), and ␥-glutamyl cys-
cule contains an odd number of electrons, which ex- teine synthase (55).
plains its highly reactive and radical nature (Fig. 1)
(65, 113). Autooxidation of NO with O2 results in the ANTIOXIDANTS
formation of nitrite (NO2⫺). However, at physiological
concentrations of NO and O2, this reaction may be too ROS and RNS play important physiological func-
slow to be important in vivo (8, 66). NO2⫺ is also a tions and yet they can also cause extensive damage.
substrate for hemeperoxidases such as MPO and EPO, The balance between physiological functions and dam-
which catalyze peroxidase-mediated oxidation and age is determined by the relative rates of formation
chlorination of biological targets (40, 41, 66, 124, 130, and the removal of ROS and RNS.
135, 136). Moreover, peroxidase-catalyzed oxidation of Normally, ROS and RNS are removed rapidly before
NO2⫺ results in the formation of a nitrogen dioxide they cause cellular dysfunction and eventual cell
radical (NO2 䡠) or related molecules. These substances death. All aerobic organisms use a series of primary
can contribute to the nitration of phenolic compounds antioxidant defenses to protect against oxidative dam-
such as tyrosine to form dimerized (dityrosine) and age. Furthermore, numerous repair enzymes remove
nitrated (3-nitrotyrosine) products, which are stable and/or repair damaged molecules. However, an antiox-
(40, 41, 66, 124, 130, 135, 136). idant cannot distinguish between radicals that play a
Although NO2⫺ is a major end product of NO, it does physiological role and those that cause damage (6). More-
not accumulate in vivo but is rapidly oxidized to nitrate over, some antioxidant compounds also have prooxidant
(NO3⫺) (91, 131). NO is also rapidly oxidized by oxyhe- actions (6). This section will review the enzymatic and
moglobin (HbO2), which results in the formation of nonenzymatic primary antioxidant defenses.
methemoglobin (Hb3⫹) and NO3⫺ (1, 14, 51). The oxida- Enzymatic antioxidants. SOD (EC is an
tive metabolism of NO may also lead to the formation ubiquitous enzyme with an essential function in pro-
of carcinogenic nitrosoamines (72, 75) and the rapid tecting aerobic cells against oxidative stress (79). It
loss of NO’s smooth muscle relaxant activity (59, 117). catalyzes O2⫺䡠 radicals to H2O2. There are three forms
The rapid reaction of NO with free radicals (radical- of SOD. The copper-zinc SOD is located in the cytosol,
radical reaction) has emerged as one of the major the manganese SOD is primarily a mitochondrial en-
routes to the formation of RNS. At present, the best zyme, and extracellular SOD is usually found on the
understood of these reactions is the reaction with O2⫺䡠 outside of the plasma membrane (43).
to form ONOO⫺ (91), a strong oxidant (113). Although Catalase (EC is a tetrameric hemoprotein
ONOO⫺ is relatively stable, it can be protonated to that undergoes alternate divalent oxidation and reduc-
yield peroxynitrous acid (ONOOH) (31), which then tion at its active site in the presence of H2O2 and
rapidly decomposes to NO3⫺ via the intermediate for- catalyzes the dismutation reaction (22, 36, 102). As a
mation of 䡠OH and NO2-like species (31). ONOOH is result, catalase has appreciable reductive activity for
very unstable, highly reactive, and capable of both small molecules such as H2O2 and methyl or ethyl
oxidizing and nitrating reactions. For instance, irre- hydroperoxide. It does not metabolize large molecular
versible ONOOH modifications include nitration of ar- peroxides such as lipid hydroperoxide products of lipid
omatic amino acids, lipids, or DNA bases (127). The peroxidation (129). Catalase is most effective in the
amino acid tyrosine appears to be particularly suscep- presence of high H2O2 concentrations. However, in the
tible to nitration, and the formation of free or protein- presence of low concentrations of either H2O2 or other
associated 3-nitrotyrosine has recently attracted inter- peroxides, the glutathione system plays a critical role
est as a potential biomarker for the generation of RNS (20).
in vivo (101, 125). The glutathione system is a central mechanism for
Reactions with thiol residues leading to the forma- reducing H2O2. It complements catalase as a reducing
tion of S-nitrosothiols (SNO) have been proposed as a system for H2O2 but exceeds catalase in its capacity to
mechanism whereby NO groups are transported and eliminate additional varieties of toxic peroxides (105).
targeted to specific effector sites, a potentially unique Other metabolized substrate species include large mol-
signaling mechanism induced by nitrosative stress (77, ecule lipid peroxides, formed by free radical attack on
85, 92). The exact mechanism by which S-nitrosation polyunsaturated lipid membranes and products of li-
occurs in vivo is still unclear, but it involves the for- pooxygenase-catalyzed reactions (58). The key enzyme
mation of NO-derived intermediates with the redox in the redox cycle responsible for the reduction of H2O2
equivalence of NO⫹ (the primary candidates are N2O3 is GPx. This reaction specifically requires reduced glu-
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tathione (GSH) to serve as the electron donor. The min (transition metal binding), and cysteine and cys-
glutathione disulfide (GSSG) formed in the course of teamine (donators of sulfhydryl groups).
the reaction is subsequently reduced back to GSH by
glutathione reductase, which uses NADPH generated ANTIOXIDANTS IN THE LUNG
from the hexose monophosphate shunt system as an
Lungs are unique because they have a large epithe-
electron donor (37, 80). Healthy, nonstressed cells
lial surface area that is at risk for oxidant-mediated
maintain a high intracellular GSH:GSSG ratio to en-
attack. The tracheobronchial tree and the alveolar
sure the availability of GSH and thereby promote ac-
space are exposed to reactive oxidizing species in the
tive reduction of H2O2 through the glutathione system
form of inhaled airborne pollutants, tobacco smoke,
(37, 80). In a role unrelated to its role in the GSH
and products of inflammation. The lung, therefore,
system, free GSH can also function as a water-soluble
requires additional antioxidant resources to prevent
antioxidant by interacting directly with radical inter-
airway-borne oxidant injury (58). The major airways
mediates in nonenzymatic catalyzed reactions. Scav-
contain high-molecular-weight mucopolypeptide glyco-
enging of O2⫺䡠 by GSH leads to the formation of thiyl
proteins, which are synthesized by the epithelial cells
radicals (GS 䡠 ) and H2O2 via several steps, which is a
and glands that increase mucus production in the pres-
radical propagation reaction. This reaction leads to the
ence of inflammation (58). The lung contains intracel-
formation of GS 䡠 and H2O2 and can occur in physiolog-
lular antioxidant enzymes to maintain a normal redox
ically relevant concentrations. Hence, a substance that
state. The alveolar space can recruit additional antiox-
is generally accepted to be an antioxidant may possess
idant activity from the epithelial lining fluid (ELF).
prooxidant activity under certain conditions (6, 38).
This fluid contains large amounts of GSH (100-fold
Four GPx have been described, all selenium en-
higher than in plasma), 90% of which is in the reduced
zymes: 1) the classic cytosolic form, found in all cells
form (19, 27, 35, 114, 115). The ELF also contains
(9); 2) a membrane-associated GPx phospholipid H2O2
catalase, SOD, and GPx (19, 27, 114, 115). Additional
(39); 3) another cytoplasmic enzyme, gastrointestinal
antioxidants contained in ELF include ceruloplasmin,
GPx, which was first found in cells of the gastrointes-
transferrin, ascorbate, vitamin E, ferritin, other serum
tinal tract (23); and 4) an extracellular GPx (eGPx),
proteins, and small molecules such as bilirubin (58).
first identified as a distinct enzyme in human plasma
The multiplicity of the antioxidant systems available to
(137). All members of this family of enzymes can be
the lung and their overlapping specific activities sug-
oxidized by organic hydroperoxides, hydroperoxide, or
gest that to maintain normal pulmonary cellular func-
both, and can subsequently be reduced by glutathione
tion, it is critically important for the lung to adequately
(137). The existence of multiple forms of GPx is due to
control redox balance. Disequilibrium, either through
the expression of different genes (103). All GPx contain
increased oxidant stress or decreased antioxidant re-
a selenium atom in the active site in the form of
sources, can result in a series of pathophysiological
events in the lung that culminate in cellular death and
Nonenzymatic antioxidants. Cells use nonenzymatic
pulmonary dysfunction (58). A partial list of major
antioxidant compounds to react directly with oxidizing
lung diseases associated with oxidants is presented in
agents and disarm them. Such antioxidants are said to
Table 1.
be “scavengers”; their roles are unavoidably suicidal.
For example, vitamin E (␣-tocopherol) is a membrane- EXTRACELLULAR ANTIOXIDANT RESPONSE IN LUNGS
bound antioxidant that terminates the chain reaction EXPOSED TO OXIDATIVE STRESS
of lipid peroxidase by scavenging lipid peroxyl radicals
(LOO 䡠 ) (6, 34, 123). In this reaction, vitamin E becomes Normally, the homeostasis of cellular functions dur-
a radical, but it is much less reactive than LOO 䡠 (123). ing oxidative stress depends on the rapid induction of
However, at high concentrations, the radical form of protective antioxidant enzymes. Naturally occurring
vitamin E may function as a prooxidant (6). Vitamin C antioxidants exist to protect cells and tissue against
can also directly scavenge O2⫺䡠 and 䡠OH by forming the the continuous production of ROS/RNS during normal
semidehydroascorbate free radical that is subse- metabolism (58). Tissues and cells respond to mild
quently reduced by GSH (78). Vitamin C, however, is oxidative stress by increasing antioxidant defenses
usually not considered a major antioxidant because it (119). However, high levels of ROS/RNS may over-
also has prooxidant properties. It is probably the only whelm antioxidant defenses, resulting in oxidant-me-
cellular reducing agent other than O2⫺䡠 capable of con- diated injury or cell death (4, 20).
verting Fe3⫹ to Fe2⫹, which then reacts with H2O2 to Numerous studies have revealed that oxidant stress
form 䡠OH (106). Whether the prooxidant or antioxidant plays a crucial role in the initiation and progression of
properties of vitamin C prevail in any particular tissue a wide range of diseases and in the regulation of a
is determined by the extent of available iron stores; number of important biological processes. Pulmonary
iron overload favors excess oxidant generation (6, 106). diseases associated with oxidative stress include
Other nonenzymatic antioxidants include ␤-carotene asthma, hyperoxia, sarcoidosis, and chronic beryllium
(scavenger of O2⫺䡠 anions and peroxyl radicals), uric disease (CBD). ROS play a key role in the initial lung
acid (hydroxyl radical, O2⫺䡠, peroxyl radical scavenger), response to asbestos and silica that leads to interstitial
glucose (hydroxyl radical scavenger), bilirubin (LOO䡠 pulmonary fibrosis (87, 88). Interestingly, during the
scavenger), taurine (hypochlorous acid quencher), albu- development of pulmonary diseases, antioxidant re-
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Table 1. Lung diseases associated with oxygen radicals

Disease Mechanism References

Emphysema Tissue injury by oxidants in cigarette smoke (21, 63)

Tissue injury by inflammatory cell oxidants ␣1PI inactivation by cigarette
smoke and inflammatory cells
Inflammatory cell release of oxidants ␣1PI oxidative inactivation by
Adult respiratory distress syndrome inflammation cells (26)
Hyperoxia Hyperoxia-mediated oxygen radical synthesis in cells (19)
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Inflammatory cell oxidant release Glutathione deficiency (17, 18)
Asthma Inflammatory cell release of oxidants (35, 114)
Decrease in superoxide dismutase activity in bronchial epithelial cells
␣1PI, ␣-1-proteinase inhibitor.

sponses are different. For example, asbestosis and sar- tive stress occurring in individuals with asthma or
coidosis lead to an increase of SOD, whereas there are CBD and in those who have been exposed to exogenous
no changes found in silicosis or hyperoxic lung injury oxidants such as cigarette smoke (Fig. 2) (2, 28–30).
(27, 62, 71). In contrast, SOD activity is significantly The upregulation of eGPx occurs rather late after ex-
lower in patients with asthma and decreases further posure (after 24 h) (28), which may explain why eGPx
during an asthmatic exacerbation. was not induced after 12 h of hyperoxia. In support of
The glutathione system is altered in lung inflamma- this, levels of eGPx mRNA and protein increase only
tory conditions. For instance, GSH levels are elevated after 72 h of hyperoxia in a mouse model (67). Induc-
in the ELF of chronic smokers and in chronic beryllium tion of eGPx mRNA in bronchial epithelial cells is
disease, an immune-specific granulomatous inflamma- associated with elevated protein levels in ELF, sug-
tion (29). Levels of GSH in ELF decrease rapidly in gesting that the increase of eGPx occurs, in part, by
patients with mild asthma during an asthma exacer- bronchial epithelial cell synthesis and secretion (28).
bation (27). Similarly, GSH levels are decreased in However, alveolar macrophages can also express eGPx
ELF in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (17, 74), asbesto- (2, 30). It is not known whether other lung cells or
sis (11), acute respiratory distress syndrome (13), and inflammatory cells upregulate eGPx gene in response
in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients to oxidative stress.
(12). Levels of glutathione modulate the T helper type Bronchial epithelial cells significantly increase eGPx
1 (Th1) vs. the Th2 immune response pattern (93). For mRNA expression in response to increased intracellu-
example, high levels of glutathione in patients with lar or extracellular ROS in vitro. Supplementation of
CBD may contribute to the development and/or main- GSH in cell culture to physiological levels potentiates
tenance of a chronic Th1 cell-mediated immune re-
sponse to beryllium, whereas the low GSH levels may
contribute to the development or maintenance of Th2
cell immune response in asthma.
Other enzymes of the glutathione system are also
influenced by oxidant stress. Some studies have shown
increased GPx activity in ELF of smokers compared
with nonsmokers (29, 104), whereas others have shown
decreased GPx in smokers (81). The difference in GPx
activity may be due to the difference in smoking his-
tory (19, 86). GPx activity is not altered in asthma but
is increased in lungs of CBD patients. Overall, the
antioxidant response is inconsistent across different
oxidant-mediated lung diseases.

Expression of eGPx. eGPx transcripts have been

found in epithelial cells with well-developed brush bor-
ders that contain lipids and alkaline phosphatase ac-
tivity, e.g., the human airways, intestine, and renal
tubules (2, 3, 68, 120). Alveolar macrophages are also
able to synthesize and secrete eGPx (2, 28, 30). The Fig. 2. Expression of extracellular glutathione peroxidase (eGPx)
GPx family is an important enzymatic component of mRNA in human airway epithelial cells (means ⫾ SE). No significant
the mechanisms for detoxifying ROS in the lung and difference in the expression of eGPx mRNA was found in cells from
individuals with asthma, chronic beryllium disease (CBD), and
may play a significant role in preventing pulmonary smoke exposure (P ⬎ 0.05), but in all 3 groups, levels were signifi-
oxidant stress. eGPx gene expression is upregulated in cantly higher than in controls (P ⬍ 0.05). GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-
bronchial epithelial cells and ELF as a result of oxida- 3-phosphate dehydrogenase.

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the induction of eGPx mRNA in response to ROS (28).

This effect is not reproduced by N-acetylcysteine, sug-
gesting that other effects of thiol groups are necessary
to achieve the synergistic effect on induction of the
eGPx gene (28). Although GSH is usually considered
an antioxidant, it can also act as an oxidant when
present at physiological levels (6). GSH may partici-
pate in oxidizing processes and/or accelerate the gen-
eration of ROS, specifically O2⫺䡠 (6, 84, 121, 133). Pre-
vious reports have shown that GPx can function as an
ONOO⫺ reductase and thereby prevent nitration reac-
tions caused by RNS (45). On the other hand, NO
donors (S-nitroso-N-acetyl-D,L, penicillamine/GSNO)
induce eGPx gene expression in a time- and dose-
dependent matter.
Transcriptional regulation. The regulation of genes
in response to oxidative stress occurs via transcription
and/or stabilization of mRNA. Studies support that the Fig. 4. Detoxification of ROS and RNS by eGPx in asthmatic indi-
ROS regulation of the eGPx gene expression occurs at viduals. a: Superoxide is detoxified through eGPx to H2O; b: in the
a transcriptional level (28). In general, ROS and RNS presence of low levels of superoxide dismutase, NO and superoxide
(O2⫺䡠) combine to form ONOOH; c: peroxynitrite is able to nitrate
regulate the expression of numerous genes via signal- tyrosine residues; d: nitrosation of reduced glutathione (GSH) by
ing mechanisms. Redox-sensitive transcription factors peroxynitrite leads to S-nitroso-L-glutathione (GSNO); e: detoxifica-
such as signal transducers and activators of transcrip- tion and liberation of NO through eGPx. GSSG, glutathione disul-
tion (STAT), nuclear factor-␬B, and transcription fac- fide.
tor activator protein-1 (AP-1) are activated in epi-
thelial cells and inflammatory cells during oxidative
STATs by oxidative stress is inhibited by antioxidants.
stress (98, 100). Although the STAT family of tran-
Several ROS-induced target genes have known STAT
scription factors is activated by many cytokines and
binding sites in their promoters. These include genes
growth factors, it can also be activated by oxidative
involved in antioxidant defense (111) such as SOD1
stress such as H2O2 (108, 112, 116). The activation of
(10) and genes involved in cell growth regulation such
as c-fos (128).
Studies from several laboratories have demonstrated
that oxidant stress such as cigarette smoke, treatment
with H2O2, depletion of intracellular GSH, or an in-
crease in the GSH:GSSG ratio stimulates AP-1 activa-
tion and binding (83, 99). AP-1 regulates many of the
inflammatory and immune genes in oxidant-mediated
diseases (69, 110, 118). AP-1 is a protein dimer com-
posed of the Jun and Fos gene products (100). These

Fig. 3. Proposed scheme for eGPx gene induction by oxidative stress.

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and RNS cross the cell membrane,
which together with inflammatory mediators activate different tran-
scription factors, such as nuclear factor (NF)-␬B and activator pro-
tein-1 (AP-1). The 5⬘-flanking region of the eGPx gene necessary for
transcriptional activation shows that the inducible promoter ele- Fig. 5. Nitrotyrosine staining of asthmatic bronchial mucosa. Cyto-
ment contains the DNA binding element for AP-1. The activation and plasm of bronchial epithelial cells shows positive immunoreactivity
binding of AP-1 to the eGPx promoter is a possible mechanism for to nitrotyrosine (red; arrow); g, goblet cell; bm, basement membrane.
eGPx mRNA and protein induction. I␬B, inhibitor of NF-␬B. Magnification, ⫻40; hematoxylin counterstaining.

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gene products can form homodimeric (Jun-Jun) or het- thione peroxidase. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 266: C367–C375,
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AJP-Lung Cell Mol Physiol • VOL 283 • AUGUST 2002 •

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