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Pro-Shift STD Ps150-16 Transmission Parts Catalog: Bulletin No T210-PS0-16 Revised June 1999

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PARTS CATALOG Bulletin No. T210-PS0-16

Revised June 1999

For parts or service call us
Pro Gear & Transmission, Inc.

1 (877) 776-4600
(407) 872-1901
[email protected]
906 W. Gore St.
Orlando, FL 32805
MODEL PS0-16 1
Contents DPS-1620-0599

RATIO TABLE ..•.•.•...........•.......•....••.....•.•....•..•.•.•...•.. 2

DRIVER INSTRUCTIONS......•..............•..•.......•....•.....•....•..3

GEARS AND RELATED PARTS•..••.•••...•..••...••..••....•...........• 4-11

DRIVE GEAR GROUP AND MAINSHAFT GROUP•••..•..•.....•..••...• 4-7

MAIN CASE GROUP AND RELATED PARTS ••...•.•.••..•.•.•......•.•.•.. 12-15

MAIN CASE GROUP••.•.•••.•••..••..••.•••..•...•.•.....•....•. 12-13

SHIFT GROUP ..•...•...•.•.••..••.•..••...••.•...•.••.....•......... 16-24

SHIFTER HOUSING ASSEMBLY•..•••...••.........••.•........... 16-19
REMOTE CONTROL ASSEMBLY ....•..••..•....••.•.........•.... 20-21
SHIFTER TOWER GROUP•.•..••.••....••.••.......••..•.....•... 22-23
AIR CONTROL PIPING DIAGRAM AND PARTS•...•...•........••....•. 24

CLUTCH HOUSING AND RELATED PARTS .•...........•.•..••......•.... 25-27

CLUTCH HOUSING DIMENSIONS•.........•.........•........•....•. 25
CLUTCH HOUSING GROUP..•...............•.••...••.......•....26-27

OIL COOLER KIT.•..........•......•.........••.......................28-29

COMPANION FLANGES AND END YOKES ................................... 30

SERVICE PARTS KITS ................................................. 31-33

TABULATED BILLS OF MATERIAL. ...................................... 34-35

When ordering parts ensure that correct model is identified, as

externally these transmissions are identical. An identification plate is
affixed to the rear case between the two air cylinders.

When requesting any information furnish Serial number,

BIM number and Model.


HflPS-1620-0599 Ratio Table

SPEEDS PS0150-16A PS0150-16B PS0165-16B PS0175-16B
1st 12.83 14.52 14.52 14.52
2nd 10.81 11.97 11.97 11.97
3rd 8.86 9.96 9.96 9.96
4th 7.47 8.21 8.21 8.21
5th 6.25 6.81 6.81 6.81
6th 5.26 5.61 5.61 5.61
7th 4.31 4.67 4.67 4.67
8th 3.63 3.85 3.85 3.85
9th 3.01 3.15 3.15 3.15
1oth 2.53 2.60 2.60 2.60
11th 2.08 2.16 2.16 2.16
12th 1.75 1.78 1.78 1.78
13th 1.44 1.46 1.46 1.46
14th 1.22 1.20 1.20 1.20
15th 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
16th .84 .82 .82 .82
R1 12.83 14.52 14.52 14.52
R2 10.81 11.97 11.97 11.97
R3 8.86 9.96 9.96 9.96
R4 7.47 8.21 8.21 8.21
MODEL PS0-16 3
Driver Instructions HDPS-1620-0599



The 18 speed was designed to Clutch Stake application just to break torque,
be used with performance let the engine speed drop
The clutch brake used w~h (300-350 rpm). Engage the
engines (1800-2100 RPM
this unft is designed for stop- clutch and apply the throttle.
governed and 1200 RPM peak
ping gear.; to get inlo 1st and The shift from the 2nd to 3rd
torque) tor performance, on/off
reverse. 'The last one inch of air position on the control is a
highway and specialty hauling
clutch pedal tra\191 activates the double shift. Both the splitter
applications. It is a c_~ step-
clutch brake. So on shifts other and range are shifting, so it will
ped {18-19%) tran~m1SS1on with
than ftrnt or reverse from a stop, take the shift slightly longer.
maximum versatility and dnver
only depl\lSS the clutch pedal When the shift requires both
ease. The air system provides
enough to release the clutch. splitter and lever position
the muscle to shift the splitter
Depressing the pedal to the change {4 •S. 8 •9, 12 •13,
and range sections. All 18
floorboard will activate the and 16 •17), sel9cl the splitter
gears are obtained from a
clutch brake and could cause just as the Shift lever enters
single lever with a standard
gear hang up or haro shifting. neutral. Complete a normal
shift pattern. The gear ratios
and shift pattern are shown
When starting you have a double clutch operation. The air
butt tooth condition, gradually shift will be completed
!Siease clutch. The drive geer automatically as the lever is
Shift Pattern: can then roll over to align teeth
moved to the next gear
to complete the shift.
Upshifting Downshifting
Normal shift sequence is On a splitter shift, don't move
shown on the shift pattern.
the levet Wrth torque on the
When the lever is moved use
driveline, select the splitter,
the normal double clutch
break torque with a single
techniqua When the shift is
clutch application while
desired. depress the clutch simultaneously increasing
moving the lever to neutral.
engine speed toward the gover-
Ratio nor. The air system will com-
Rev 14.21 plete the downshift quickly and
11.97 smoothly. When the lever move-
10.13 ment is required, the double
8.53 clutch technique is used. As the
1 14.21 10 3.27 engine approaches the shift
19% 18% point {stert the downshift 50-100
2 11.97 11 2.n rpm albo\19 the shift point) select
18% 19% the splitter with torque on the
3 10.13 12 2.33
19% 19%
driveline, dePI\lSS the clutch
4 8.53 13 1.96 and move the lever to neutral.
14% 19% Engage the clutch and raise .
5 7.46 14 1.65 the engine {27S-325 rpm) until
19% 19% the engine RPM and driveline
6 6.28 15 1.40 speed afe equal. Depress the
18% 19% clutch and move the shift lever
7 5.32 16 1.18 into the next lower gear.
19% 18%
8 4A8 17 1.00
Engage the clutch and keep on
15% 19% trucking!
9 3.89 18 .84 For further assistance, contact
your local truck deater or call:
As professionals you know Engage the clutch allowing the
Transmission Technologies Corporation
clash-free shifts are made when engine to drop (300-350 rpm)
engine speed and driveline so engine and driveline speed P.O.Box986
speeds are matched. We are matched. Depress the Toledo, OH 43697·0986
recommend double clutching clutch and move lever into gear. 1·800-401·9866
when the shift lever is changed Engage clutch and accelerate
either up or down in shift as conditions permit.
sequence. On spliHsr shifts (1 •4. 5 •S.
t, n
9 •12, 13 •18, and 17 •1_8),
don't move the lever from Jts
position. With torque on the
drtveline, merely select the air
control and use a single clutch
4 MODEL PS0-16
HDPS-1620-0599 Drive Gear Group and Mainshaft Group




MODEL PS0-16 5
Drive Gear Group and Mainshaft Group
!Ref. No. Part No. Description q_ty.l
C-1 550944 Bearing....................................................................................... 1
C-2 97-35-34 Drive Gear Input Shaft- 2" - 10 Spline....................................... 1
C-3 550889 Pocket Bearing........................................................................... 1

C-4 Drive Gear.................................................. .... .. ... ....... .. ...... ..... ... . 1

97-35-39 ( 28T)- for PS0150-16A
97-35-112 ( 26T)- for PS0165-16B & PS0175-16B
97-35-209 ( 26T ) - for PS0150-16B

C-5 97-466-13 Clutch Ring - drive gear and splitter............................................ 1

C-6 97-381-31 Snap Ring................................................................................... 1
C-7 97-456-26 Clutch Collar- Splitter................................................................. 1
C-8 97-466-17 Clutch Splitter Gear..................................................................... 1
C-9 97-381-2 Snap Ring................................................................................... 1
6 MODEL PS0-16
HDPS-1620·0599 Drive Gear Group and Mainshaft Group




0-6 D- 15

D- 17

0-12 0- 13

D- 12
D- 13

D- 18
\ D-19

"""' ""' 0 - 20
""'- D-21
MODEL PS0-16 7
Drive Gear Group and Mainshaft Group
IRef. No. Part No. Description Qty.j
D-1 97-362-51 Mainshaft.... ... ... ..... ... .... ....... ... .. .. . .. .... .... .. .. .. .. ... ... ... .. ..... . .. .... .. ... . 1

D-2 98-381-2 Snap Ring................................................................................... 1

D-3 330810 Thrust Washer- external ( 24T )................................................. 2
D-4 330869 Thrust Washer- internal ( 18T ).................................................. 3
D-5 98-381-1 Snap Ring................................................................................... 3

D-6 97-8-113 Mainshaft Gear ( 64T ) - 1st - 4th gear..................................... 1

D-7 97-465-24 Clutch Collar - ( 1st - 4th and Reverse ).. .. .. .. ... ... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... .... 1
D-8 97-8-182 Shift Gear ( 64T)- Reverse........................................................ 1

D-9 97-381-32 Snap Ring ................................................................................... 2

D-10 550925 Bearing - rear.............................................................................. 1

D-11 97-381-1 Snap Ring................................................................................... 3

D-12 330814 Thrust Washer- external ( 20T )................................................. 3
D-13 330730 Thrust Washer- internal ( 15T ).................................................. 3
D-14 97-381-4 Snap Ring................................................................................... 3

D-15 Mainshaft Gear- 5th -8th....................................................... 1

97-8-305 (54T)- for PS0150-16A
97-8-325 (52T)- for PS0150-168 I PS0165-168 I PS0175-168

D-16 97-465-21 Clutch Collar- (5th- 12th)......................................................... 1

D-17 Mainshaft Gear - 9th - 12th..................................................... 1

97-8-303 (40T) -for PS0150-16A
97-8-327 (38T) - for PS0150-16B I PS0165-16B I PSO 175-168

D-18 Mainshaft Gear- 13th - 14th................................................... 1

97-8-301 (32T)- for PS0150-16A
97-8-329 (30T)- for PS0150-16B I PS0165-16B I PS0175-16B

D-19 97-465-50 Clutch Collar- (13th -16th)........................................................ 1

D-20 Mainshaft Gear- 15th - 16th................................................... 1

97-35-36 (26T)- for PS0150-16A
97-35-114 (24T)- for PS0165-16B I PS0175-16B
97-35-207 (24T) - for PS0150-16B

D-21 97-466-13 Clutch Ring- drive gear and splitter............................................ 1

D-22 97-381-31 Snap Ring................................................................................... 1
8 MODEL PS0-16
HOPS-1620-0599 Countershaft Group and Idler Gear Group

E- 1

E-4 I
E-3 \
\ ~



E-11 \

\ () F-5

MODEL PS0-16 9
Countershaft Group and Idler Gear Group
[Ref. No. Part No. Description Qtv. I
Countershaft Group
E-1 550969 Bearing - rear.............................................................................. 2
E-2 97-381-34 Snap Ring - for rear bearing ...................................................... . 2

E-3A Countershaft Assembly............................................................... 2

97-30-46-1 X (includes E-3, E-4 and E-11)
97-30-77-1X (includes E-3, E-4 and E-11)
E-3 Countershaft. .. ... ....... .. ........ ...... .... ... .... .. ....... .... .. .... .. ...... ... ....... .. 2
97-30-46 Shaft- for PS0150-16A & PS0150-16B
* 97-30-77 Shaft- for PS0165-16B & PS0175-16B

E-4 500010-8 Woodruff Key (use with 97-30-46).................................... 10

I Use with 97-30-77
Woodruff Key (Long)......................................................... 2
* 98-210-2
* 500010-8 Woodruff Key (Short)....................................................... 2

E-5 Countershaft Gear - 5th - 8th.................................................. 2

97-196-355 (26T)- for PS0150-16A
97-196-375 (26T)- for PS0150-16B I PS0165-16B I PS0175-16B

E-6 Countershaft Gear- 9th - 12th................................................ 2

97-196-353 (40T)- for PS0150-16A
97-196-377 (41T)- for PS0150-168 I PS0165-16B I PS0175-16B

E-7 Countershaft Gear - 13th - 14th.............................................. 2

97-196-351 (46T) -forPS0150-16A
97-196-379 (48T)- for PS0150-16B I PS0165-16B I PS0175-16B

E-8 Countershaft Low Gear- 15th - 16th...................................... 2

97-196-53 (54T) -for PS0150-16A
97-196-177 (56T)- for PS0165-16B I PS0175-16B
97-196-381 (56T)- for PSOIS0-168

E-9 Countershaft High Gear.............................................................. 2

97-1-21 (49T)- for PS0150-16A
97-1-59 (SOT)- for PS0165-16B I PS0175-168
97-1-90 (SOT) -for PS0150-16B

E-10 Bearing -Front (Either Part Can Be Used For All Models)......... 2
E-11 97-381-30 Snap Ring................................................................................... 2
F-1 97-5-1 Gear- reverse idler ( 21 T)........................................... ................ 2
F-2 550886 Bearing -for idler gear................................................................ 4
F-3 97-37-1 Spacer- for idler gear bearings.................................................. 2
F-4 500566-8 Lockball - 9132" diameter............................................................ 2
F-5 97-60-1 Shaft - for reverse idler gear....................................................... 2
10 MODEL PS0-16
HDPS-1620..0599 \uxiliary Countershaft Group and Output Shaft Group






\ ___ _
MODEL PS0-16 11
Auxiliary Countershaft Group and Output Shaft Group
\Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty.\
Auxiliary Countershaft Group
H-1 550899 Bearing - countershaft front taper cup...................................... 2
H-2 550900 Bearing - countershaft front taper cone.................................... 2

H-3 Gear - head end countershaft.. ... .. ... ... ...... ............ .. ... ........... .. .. 2
97-1-33 (31 T I 5P) for PS0150-16B
97-1-61 (31T 15P) for PS0165-16B & PS0175-16B
97-1-84 (32T 15P) for PS0150-16A

H-4 500010-18 Key - countershaft gear............................................................ 2

H-5 Auxiliary Countershaft..... ...... .. ........ .... ..... ....... .. .. ... .... ..... ...... .. .. 2
97-30-57 (26n - slotted for pump - PS0150-16A
97-30-82 (25T)- slotted for pump- PS0165-16B & PS0175-16B
97-30-90 (25T)- slotted for pump- PS0150-16B
H-6 550936 Bearing - countershaft rear taper cone..................................... 2
H-7 550935 Bearing - countershaft rear taper cup....................................... 2

Output Shaft Group

J-1 Gear - auxiliary drive gear......................................................... 1
97-8-59 (34T 15P)- PS0150-16A & PS0150-16B
97-8-248 (34T ISP)- PS0165-16B & PS0175-16B
J-2 97-47-3 Washer- auxiliary mainshaft bearing thrust............................. 1
J-3 550921 Bearing.................................................................................... 1
J-4 545006 Nut............................................................................................ 1
J-5 97-465-27 Collar for output shaft............................................................... 1
J-6 97-362-59 Mainshaft (auxiliary output)...................................................... 1
J-7 550932 Needle Bearing - for mainshaft output gear.............................. 1
J-8 Gear - low mainshaft... .. .... ... .... .. ... ..... .. ....... .............. .. ..... .... .... . 1
97-8-220 (40T 15P)- PS0150-16A & PS0150-16B
97-8-249 (40T I SP) - PS0165-16B & PS0175-16B
J-9 97-47-4 Washer- auxiliary mainshaft bearing thrust............................. 1
J-10 550925 Bearing..................................................................................... 1
J-11 97-37-17 Speedometer gear spacer (used with 97-452-14 & 97-37-7) 1
J-12 See Tab Bills Speedometer Ring Gear........................................................... 1
97-452-22 Electronic Speedometer Ring Gear with Hub
97-452-14 Electronic Speedometer Ring Gear (use with 97-37-17)
97-37-7 Used when there is NOT a speedometer with 97-37-17
55-334-1 Plug - ( used without speedometer driven gear)............. 1
J-13 60-475-1 Bushing - main shaft rear bearing cap speedometer................. 1
J-14 97-223-2 Gasket - mainshaft rear bearing cap........................................ 1
J-15 See Tab Bills Cap - electronic rear bearing with cruise outlet......................... 1
J-19 545001-4 Bolt - 112" - 13 x 1 112" hex head self locking........................... 4
J-20 545001-8 Bolt -112"- 13 x 2 112" hex head self locking........................... 2
J-21 97-463-33 Seal - mains haft rear bearing cap oil seal................................ 1
J-22 See Tab Bills Yoke......................................................................................... 1
J-23 330734 Washer - for output shaft nut.................................................... 1
J-24 545065 Nut - for output shaft................................................................. 1
J-25 545021 Plug ........ ....... .... ....... ...... ... .. .. ..... .......... ...... ..... ... .. .... ... ...... ...... 2
12 MODEL PS0-16
HDPS-1620-0599 Main Case Group


__ <tPI



B -17

Dr. B-11 B- 19

~ 8-8
B -10
.. '--8-4
MODEL PS0-16 13
Main Case Group
\Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty.\

d-1 See Tab Bills Case Assembly.................................................................... 1

97-15-61-1X Case Assembly (97 -15-90-1 X can be used in place
of 97-15-61-1X for service)
97-15-90-1X Case Assembly (97-15-90-1 X will service
97-15-61-1X also)
B-2 73-267-1 Cover - P.T.O. Aperture ( 8 Hole)....................................... 1
B-3 97-324-2 Gasket- P.T.O. Aperture ( 8 Hole)....................................... 1
B-4 545012 Bolt- 7/16" - 14 x 3/4" flanged head self locking.................. 8

B-5 50-267-2 Cover - P.T.O. Aperture ( 6 Hole)....................................... 1

'B-6 97-324-1 Gasket- P.T.O. Aperture ( 6 Hole)....................................... 1
B-7 330800 Bolt - 3/8" - 16 x 3/4" flanged head self locking.................... 6

B-8 97-19-36-1X Bearing Cap and Oil Seal Assembly (8-8 & 89).................. 1
B-9 97-463-32 Oil Seal....................................................................... 1
B-10 545002-4 Bolt- 3/8"- 16 x 1 1/8" hex head self locking....................... 4
B-11 97-223-1 Gasket for Bearing Cap........................................................ 1

B-12 274-SP Dowel Pin - locator for shifter housing.................................. 2

B-13 62-39-3 Drain and Filler Plug - magnetic........................................... 2
B-14 97-39-1 Drain Plug - magnetic........................................................... 1

B-15 97-360-8 Main shaft Rear Bearing Retainer......................................... 1

B-16 545001-5 Bolt- 1/2"- 13 x 1 1/4" flanged head self locking
For use with 97-15-61-1X........................................... 6
For use with 97-15-90-1X ........................................... 5

B-17 97-360-6 Countershaft Rear Bearing Retainer................................... 2

B-18 545002 Bolt - 3/8" - 16 x 1• hex head self locking............................. 4

B-19 500114 Plug - temperature indicator hole......................................... 1

14 MODEL PS0-16
HDPS-1620·0599 Rear Case, Bearing Cap and Pneumatic Parts

MODEL PS0-16 15
Rear Case, Bearing Cap and Pneumatic Parts
LRef. No. Part No. Description Qty. I

· G-1 97-15-68-1X Auxiliary Case Assembly (includes)........................................ 1

97-15-68 Auxiliary case.................................................................. 1
NP-203 Name plate..................................................................... 1
252-SP Name plate..................................................................... 4
G-2 97-155-11 Gasket - Auxiliary I Main Case................................................. 1
G-3 545002-4 Bolt- 318"- 16 x 1 118" hex head self locking........................... 17
G-4 97-223-23 Gasket - countershaft rear bearing cap.................................... 2
G-5 97-22-23 Bearing Cap - countershaft rear bearing cap............................ 2
G-6 97-411-2 Bracket - air filter and regulator................................................ 1
G-7 545015 Bolt- 3/8" -16 x 15/16"............................................................. 8

313607X Kit - power control & mounting parts (includes G-8, G-9, G-1 0
G-8 313042 Regulator I Filter .... .. .. .... .... ..... ........ ... .... ...... .. ... ........ ..... 1
G-9 545025-1 Elbow - regulator I filter................................................... 1
G-10 330831 Clamp - regulator I filter.................................................. 1

G-11 545025--2 Elbow - range or splitter piston housing.................................... 4

G-12 330944 Reducer- .047" diameter orifice (splitter)............................... 2
G-13 330945 Reducer- .036" diameter orifice (range)................................... 2

G-15 97-501-26 Piston Housing.......................................................................... 2

97 -501-26-6X Splitter Piston Housing Assembly (includes G-11, G-12, G15). 1
97-501-26-7X Range Piston Housing Assembly (includes G-11, G-13, G15). 1
G-16 545002 Bolt - 318" - 16 x 1" hex head self locking (for piston box)........ 8
G-17 330564-1 Lift Hook................................................................................... 2
G-18 545045 Nut - for splitter or range piston rod.......................................... 2
G-19 97-136-14 Piston - for splitter or range...................................................... 2
G-20 97-463-4 "0" Ring - for splitter or range piston rod.................................. 2
G-21 183-463-6 "0" Ring -for splitter or range piston rod.................................. 2
G-22 97-463-38 Pilot Spacer "0" Ring................................................................ 2
G-23 97-37-32 Spacer - air cylinder pilot stop.................................................. 2
G-24 97-463-5 "0" Ring -for splitter or range piston rod.................................. 2

G-28 97-65-45 Rod - Range Fork..................................................................... 1

G-29 97-66-118 Fork - Range Shift..................................................................... 1
G-30 97-65-46 Rod - Splitter Fork..................................................................... 1
G-31 545119 Bolt ..... ......... .. .. .. ... .......... ... ....... .... .. .. ... .... .... ..... .. .. .. .... ....... ... ... 2
G-32 97-66-116 Fork - Splitter Shift.................................................................... 1
G-33 500043-15 Pin- dowel (locator pin)........................................................... 2
16 MODEL PS0-16
Shifter Housing Assembly




K-6 K-5

K- 29

K-17 K-3
K-32 i---K-25
i-K-30 K-27
' o,If
K-16 K-12

K-8 -26

\ K-2


MODEL PS0-16 17
Shifter Housing Assembly HDPS-1620-0599

:::"' ~ :::"'
(J) .,.~
.,"' ., ~
Ref. No. Part No. Description 0, ..:..
0 (J) 0
"'c c

See Tab Bills Shifter Housing Assembly .......................................... 1 1 1 1

K-1 97-16-64-1X Shifter housing and oil trough assembly.......... 1
97-16-70-1X Shifter housing and oil trough assembly.......... 1
97 -16-96-2X Shifter housing and oil trough assembly.......... 1
97-16-106-3X Shifter housing and oil trough assembly.......... 1
NOT 97-468-4 Oil Baffle - used in 97 -16-96-3x & 97-16-106-3x
SHOWN 545021 Plug - for neutral safety switch ................................... - - 1 1
Pin - for interlock poppet... ......................................... - - - 1
Plunger - for neutral safety switch ............................. - - - 1
K-2 330957 Trough- oil. ................................................................. 1 1 1 1
K-3 330800 Bolt- 3/8" - 16 x 3/4" flanged head self locking ......... 2 2 2 2
K-4 97-354-11 Bracket - 1st - 4th & reverse shift rod ........................ 1 1 1 1
K-5 97-438-1 Plunger - 1st - 4th & reverse shift rod ........................ 1 1 1 1
K-6 97-72-12 - -
Spring - 1st - 4th & reverse shift bracket... ................ 1 -
Spring - 1st - 4th & reverse shift bracket... ................. 1 1 - 1
330736 Block - shift bracket.. ................................................. 1 1 1 1
K-8 500593-6 Pin - 1st - 4th & reverse shift bracket... ...................... 1 1 1 1
K-9 97-72-11 Spring - shift rod poppet ball. ..................................... - 3 - -
97-72-26 Spring - shift rod poppet ball ...................................... 3 - 3 -
97-72-29 Spring - shift rod poppet ball. ..................................... - - - 3
K-10 50-80-5 Ball - sh itt rod poppet... .............................................. 3 3 3 -
Ball - shift rod poppet.. ...............................................
- - - 3
2 2 2 -
97-12--2 Interlock..................................................................... - - - 2
K-12 97-66-124 Fork - 1st - 4th & reverse shift................................... 1 1 1 1
K-13 97-67-189 Rod - 1st - 4th & reverse shift .................................... 1 - 1 1
97-67-190 Rod - 1st - 4th & reverse shift .................................... - 1 - -
97-67-230 Rod - 1st - 4th & reverse shift.................................... - - - 1
K-14 97-66-24 Fork - 5th - 12th shift .................................................. 1 1 1 1
K-15 97-67-86 Rod - 5th - 12th shift .................................................. 1 - 1 -
97-67-102 Rod - 5th - 12th shift.................................................. - 1 - -
97-67-231 Rod - 5th - 12th shift.................................................. - - - 1
K-16 97-66-5 Fork - 13th - 16th shift............................................... 1 - 1 1
97-66-37 Fork - 13th - 16th shift............................................... - 1 - -
K-17 97-67-88
Rod - 13th - 16th shift ................................................ 1 - 1 -
Rod - 13th - 16th shift................................................ - 1 - -
Rod - 13th - 16th shift ................................................ - - - 1
18 MODEL PS0-16
HDPS-1620-0599 Shifter Housing Assembly

K-20 ~29

K- 2 .5' j K-28


I u--K-27
t ',




K-4 K-6

K- 29

K-23 K-21

~ Jtf.·~
K-32 11---K-25

~ ~ 'f-K-30

~·~- c. $
K-16 K-12



K -19

K -19
MODEL PS0-16 19
Shifter Housing Assembly
Continued HDPS-1620-0599
., .,
~ ::: :::"' :::'1'
Ref. No. Part No. Description "'
~ -
~"' ~
2: 0


c F c c

K-18 97-354-6 Bracket - 13th - 16th shift.......................................... 1 - 1 1

K-19 545011 Bolt - for shift fork ...................................................... 5 5 5 5
K-20 545000 Locator Pin ............................................................... 1 - 1 1
545010 Locator Pin ............................................................... - 1 - -
K-21 312268 Breather .................................................................... 1 1 1 1
K-22 330739-1 Pin - reverse switch ................................................... 1 1 1 1
K-23 500897-11 Plug - reverse switch hole (shipping) ......................... 1 1 1 1
K-24 194-SP Pin - interlock............................................................. 1 1 1 -

Ref. No. K-25. K-26. K-27. K-28. K-29. K-30 are NOT included in assembly **** **** **** ****

K-25 330360-15 Stud - 5/8" - 11 and 5/8"- 18 X 3 1/2" ....................... - - 2 2

330360-18 Stud - 5/8" - 11 and 5/8"-18x4" ............................. 2 2 - -
K-26 97-155-1 Gasket - shifter housing............................................. 1 1 1 1
K-27 330564-1 Hook -lift................................................................... 4 4 4 4
K-28 500365-46 Washer- shifter housing mounting stud ........... ~ ....... 2 2 2 2
K-29 500371-7 Nut - shifter housing mounting stud........................... 2 2 2 2
K-30 545002-4 Bolt- 3/8" - 16 x 1 1/8" hex head self locking............ 10 10 10 10

K-31 97-354-3 Bracket - 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th shift.................................. - 1 - -

K-32 500114 Plug - oil return hole ................................................... 1 1 1 1
20 MODEL PS0-16
_HDPS-1620-0599 Remote Control Assembly




MODEL PS0-16 21
Remote Control Assembly
HOPS 1620 0599 -
Ref. ... ... "'

"' "'";I


! No. co
Part No. Description "'X• "'.!..X "'.;.
~ ~
X X ~

Cover & Joint Assembly - remote control

311866X Cover Assembly ............................................... 1 1 - - -
311914X Cover Assembly............................................... - - - 1 -
312918X Cover Assembly ............................................... - - 1 - -
Cover Assembly ............................................... - - - - 1
Remote Control Cover........................... 1 1 1 1 1
N.S. 82-24-3 Bushing - remote control cover.............. 4 4 4 4 4
R-2 8039X
Shift Finger Rod and Bracket Assembly.................... 1 1 - - -
311888X Shift Finger Rod and Bracket Assembly .................... - - - 1 -
312917X Shift Finger Rod and Bracket Assembly .................... - - 1 - -
97-65-17-1X Shift Finger Rod and Bracket Assembly .................... - - - - 1
N.S.S. Rod - shift finger.............................................. 1 1 1 1 1
R-4 N.S.S. Bracket - shift finger rod ................................... 1 1 1 1 1
R-5 85-24-4 Bushing - shift rod bracket... ............................ 1 1 1 1 1
N.S. N.S.S. Woodruff Key #11 (part of assembly) ............. 1 1 1 1 1
R-6 500007-19 Woodruff Key# 11 ..................................................... 1 1 1 1 1
R-7 82-6-9 Finger - inner shift...................................................... 1 1 1 1 1
R-8 545063 Bolt. ........................................................................... 2 2 2 2 2
R-9 82-65-5 Rod - remote control shift.......................................... 1 1 - 1 -
R-9 82-65-22 Rod- remote control shift (counter sunk spot at 90) - - 1 - 1
R-10 82-6-7 Finger - outer shift...................................................... 1 1 1 1 1
R-11 28P-19 Seal - remote control shift rod .................................... 2 2 2 2 2
R-12 10380-SF U - Joint Assembly - control rod ................................. 1 1 1 1 1

R-13 82-118-1 Gasket - aperture cover............................................. 1 1 1 1 1

R-14 82-96-1 Aperture Cover.. ........................................................ 1 1 1 1 1
R-15 545005-1 Bolt- 5/16"- 18 x 5/8" ................................................ 4 4 4 4 -
R-15 500397-8 Bolt. ........................................................................... - - - - 4
N.S. 500357-10 Washer...................................................................... - - - - 4
R-16 500166-16 Expansion Plug - 1 1/16" ··········································· 1 1 1 1 1

N.S. 311903X Boot Kit - remote control.. .......................................... - 1 1 1 1

N.S. 82-483-1 Boot - standard ................................................ - 1 1 1 1
N.S. 82-483-2 Boot - cup type ................................................. - 1 1 1 1
N.S. LW-3-9 Lockwire ........................................................... - 3 3 3 3

Parts Listed Below Are Not Included In Assembly

R-17 97-155-12 Gasket- to remote control cover (six holes) .............. 1 1 1 1 1

R-18 545028-4 Bolt -7/16" -14 X 1 1/8" hex head self locking .......... 6 6 6 6 6
22 MODEL PS0-16
_HDPS-1620-0599 Shift Tower Group

-l-11 _l-11


l-17 . 13 l-13

L • 10 L • 10


L-8 L· 8



""- L • 14 L-15
MODEL PS0-16 23
Shift Tower Group
~ "'
Ref. No. Part No. Description :::: "'"'"'
""X "'x

L-1 85-16-37 Shift Tower (center control) ......................................... 1 -

97-16-27 Shift Tower (forward control) ........................................ - 1

L-2 25Q-1570 Shift Lever (Length 33" Straight) .................................. 1 -

25Q-1702-59 Shift Lever (Length 28.5" Straight) ............................... - 1

L-3 53Q-15 Shaft - for shift lever..................................................... 1 1

L-4 62-381-7 Snap Ring - for shaft.................................................... 1 1
L-5 69Q-6 Washer- shift lever compression ................................ 1 1
L-6 54Q-13 Cup - shift lever compression .........•............................ 1 1
L-7 56Q-25 Spring - shift lever compression ................................... 1 1
L-8 55Q-7 Collar- shift lever compression .................................... 1 1
L-9 286-SP Pin - shift lever compression collar.............................. 1 1
L-10 55Q-5 Grommet - shift lever................................................... 1 1

Parts Listed Below Are Not Included In Assembly

L-11 313816 Selector Valve .............................................................. 1

L-12 312526 Connector - for valve and air lines ............................... 6
L-13 85-420-1 Tubing - air line ............................................................ 1

L-14 97-155-12 Gasket - for center control housing .............................. 1

L-15 97-155-13 Gasket -for forward control housing ............................ 1
L-16 545028-4 Bolt- 7/16"- 14 x 1 1/8" hex head self locking ............ 4

L-17 500803 Nut - for selector valve ................................................. 1

24 MODEL PS0-16
Air Control Piping Diagram And Parts
[Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty. I
313557X Control Parts Kit - (includes all below except 85-420-1-1 ).......... 1

T-1 313816 Valve - air splitter control............................................................ 1

T-2 500803 Jam Nut - shift lever.................................................................... 1
T-3 312526 Line Connector- valve to air line................................................ 6

T-4 85-420-1 Tubing- air line (50 feet)............................................................. 1

T-4 85-420-1-1 Tubing- air line (1 00 feet)........................................................... 1

Shown 330717 Zip Slider..................................................................................... 1
330716-1 Protective Cover for Tubing........................................................ 1
2798 Service Bulletin - piping diagram................................................ 1
2799 Service Bulletin - piping diagram................................................ 1
2857 Service Bulletin - direct air control diagram................................. 1


MODEL PS0-16 25
Clutch Housing Dimensions

Part No. Casting No. Material SAE# D E G H For

Lower Hole Below Service
Dim. Face. Center Use
To Center

97-518-3 C97-518-4 Iron 2 4.187" 2.625" - - 312795X

97-518-14 C97-518-7 Iron 2 4.375" 2.375" 3.50" 6.50" 97-518-14-1X
97-518-15 C97-518-2 Iron 1 4.187" 2.625" - - 97-518-15-1X
97-518-25 C97-518-13-1 Iron 1 3.750" 1.500" 4.00" 8.50" 97-518-25-1 X
97-518-63 C97-518-2-2 Iron 1 - - - - 97-518-63-1 X

Size 0.0.
No. Pilot

1 20Va" 21o/<

2 17o/8 19Y.4'




E For PUSh 1YPe Release A E For Push Type Release

L...- 6.615'" L 6.615..


26 MODEL PS0-16
_HDPS-1620-0599 Clutch Housing Group

A· 2



A-6 /


MODEL PS0-16 27
Clutch Housing Group
!Ref. No. Part No. Description Qtv.l

A-1 See Tab Bills Clutch Housing Assembly..................................................... 1

A-2 97-352-1 Gasket.................................................................................. 1

A-3 545008-3 Bolt- 5/8"-11x1 3/4" hex head self locking........................... 10
A-4 330829 Flat Washer - 5/8" ..... .. .. .. .... ... ...... ..... .. .. .. ... ... ..... .. ..... .. .... .... 10
A-5 545001 Bolt- 1/2"·13x1 1/4" hex head self locking........................... 4

A-6 97-96-18-1X Hand Hole Adjustment Cover Assembly (includes).............. 1

97-96-18 Cover.......................................................................... 1
330863 Spring......................................................................... 1
545037 Screw......................................................................... 1


A-7 128C-20 Bushing • for clutch release shaft......................................... 2

A-8 Clutch Release Shaft • Short................................................ 1

106C-1185 Short (Length 5.750")
106C-1498 Short (Length 6.500")

A-9 Clutch Release Yoke ............................................................ 1

105C-117 For Lipe Railway, Borg, and Beck push type clutch
105C-137 For Spicer 14" or 15 1/2" (2 plate) pull type clutch

Clutch Release Yoke Attaching Parts (includes)

330231 Bolt - for clutch release yoke ...................................... 2
500356-12 Lock Washer- for clutch release yoke bolt... ............. 2
10-30 Key ............................................................................. 1

A-10 Clutch Release Shaft - Long ............................................... 1

106C-438 Long (Length 14.000")
106C-617 Long (Length 10.469")
106C-939 Long (Length 10.000")
106C-1047 Long ( Length 9.468")
106C-1094 Long ( Length 8.469")
106C-1123 Long (Length 12.968")

A-11 Clutch Pedal Adjustment Arm .............................................. 1

310233X For left side mounting
310473X For right side Mounting

A-12 127760X Clutch Brake ......................................................................... 1

28 MODEL PS0-16
HDPS-1620..()599 Oil Cooler Kit

'I.. COiltcl.







MODEL PS0-16 29
Oil Cooler Kit
!Ref. No. Part No. Description Qty. I
313411-1X Oil Cooler Kit................................................................ 1
Kit Contains: 313411-3X..... .. .. .... .. ..... ........ .. .. .... 1
313444X........................................ 1

313411-3X Pump and Adapter Kit (includes M-1 - M-12)............... 1

M-1 545051 Elbow - pump outlet..................................................... 2
M-2 313292 Oil pump Assembly...................................................... 1
M-3 545036 Connector - pump outlet.............................................. 1
M-4 500114 Plug - pump outlet tee.................................................. 1
M-5 545146 Tee- pipe (pump outlet).............................................. 1
M-6 545049-1 Nipple - pump outlet..................................................... 1
M-7 70-223-25 Gasket - oil pump......................................................... 1
M-8 97-22-19 Bearing Cap - countershaft rear................................... 1
M-9 545002-6 Bolt- 318"- 16 x 11/4" hex head self locking.............. 4
M-10 97-223-23 Gasket - countershaft rear bearing cap....................... 1
M-11 313117-4 H_ose As_sembly - case outlet to pump inlet... ...............I 1
M-12 313229 Filter- oil screen assembly.......................................... 1

313444X Oil Cooler and Adapter Fittings (includes M-13-M-15) 1

M-13 313110 Oil C?oler Assembly.............: ...................................... 1
M-14 500714-14 Bushmg - reducer for cooler Inlet and outlet................ 2
M-15 ,545036 Adapter Rtting - for cooler inlet and outlet...................1 2
30 MODEL PS0-16
HDPS-1620·0599 Companion Flanges and End Yokes


Companion Flanges and Flange Yokes

Pilot Mates With
A Companion G Diameter
Joint Flange Flange Companion to Flange F-Female Flange
Series Diameter Assembly Flange Face Length M-Male Yoke I Series
1710 8" 6-1-4881 3" F-7•.4" 6-2-749 1710
1710 8" 6-1-4571 3" F-7•14" 6-2-749 1710
1810 8" 6.5-1-1981 3" F-7•/4" 6.5-2-329 1810
1810 8" 6.5-1-1991 3" F-73/4" 6.5-2-329 1810
1810 8" 6.5·1·2151 23,4" F-73.4" 6.5-2-329 1810


End Yoke End of Hub To Momentary
Series Yoke Style Part Number Center Line Length Joint Angle Brake Size
1610 Half Round 5-4-65-31 5'J\•" 21'12 °
1710 Full Round 6-4-5351 53J\6' 21°
1710 Half Round 6-4-5351-1 53J\6' 21°
1710 Full Round 6-4-7691 53f.s" 20°
1710 Half Round 6-4-7691·1 53As" 20°
1760 Full Round 6.3-4-41 59/,s" 30°
1760 Half Round 6.3-4-41-1 59As" 30°
1760 Full Round 6.3-4-1251 So/1s" 30°
1760 Half Round 6.3-4-1251-1 So/ts" 30°
1810 Full Round 6.5-4-3021 59As" 30°
1810 Full Round 6.5-4-3821 59/,s" 30°
1810 Half Round 6.5-4-3821-1 59As" 30°
MODEL PS0-16 31
Service Parts Kits HDPS-1620-0599
IPart No. Description Qty. I

313400-42X Major Service Kit.. ........................................................... . 1

500566-8 Ball - reverse idler shaft.................................................. . 2
500010-8 Woodruff Key #29 ........................................................... . 10
545065 Nut - mainshaft output.. ................................................... . 1
97-59-2 Stop Pin and Plug ............................................................ 1
545060 Neutral Switch Plug......................................................... . 1
97-35-34 Drive Gear 2" - 10 spline.................................................. 1
313574X Gasket and "0" Ring Kit.. ............................................... .. 2
313401-20X Thrust Washer Kit. .......................................................... . 1
313429-1X Shifter Housing Small Parts Kit... .................................... . 1
313432-9X Minor Service Kit.. ........................................................... . 1


(Included in Major Service Kit)
313432-9X Minor Service Kit.. ............................................................ 1

Front Case
550952 Countershaft - front. ......................................................... 2
550886 Reverse Idler Shaft......................................................... . 4
550925 Mainshaft - rear.............................................................. .. 1
550944 Drive Gear.....................................................................:.. 1
550889 Input Shaft - pocket. ....................................................... .. 1
550969 Countershaft - rear.......................................................... . 2

Rear Case
550899 Countershaft - cup front.. ............................................... .. 2
550900 Countershaft - cone front.. ............................................. .. 2
550921 Output Shaft - pocket.. ................................................... .. 1
550925 Output Shaft ................................................................... .. 1
550935 Countershaft - cup rear.................................................. .. 2
550936 Countershaft - cone rear................................................ .. 2
550932 Auxiliary Mainshaft - needle bearing .............................. .. 1

97-463-32 Oil Seal - drive gear........................................................ . 1

97-463-33 Oil Seal - mainshaft rear.................................................. 1
97-463-35 "0" Ring - splitter & range piston housing ....................... . 2
545on Bearing Lubricant. .......................................................... .. 1
545080-1 Loctite .............................................................................. 1
2no Bearing Lube Instructions ............................................... . 1
2783 Loctite Application for M/S Nuts ..................................... .. 1
2775 Pocket Bearing Installation Instructions .......................... . 1
2836 Assembly Instructions ...................................................... 1
2374 Service Manual for 16 & 18 speeds ................................ . 1
313024-9X Snap Ring Kit.. ................................................................ . 1
312475-35X Gasket Kit. ........................................................................ 1
32 MODEL PS0-16
Service Parts Kits
IPart No. DescriDtion atv. I

313574X Gasket and "0" Ring Kit........................................ 2

183-463-6 "0" R'1ng - p1s
. ton ro d to p1s
. ton ........................................ .. 2
2726 Service Bulletin ................................................................ 2
2803 Bulletin - assembly instructions ...................................... .. 2
2836 Bulletin - assembly instructions ...................................... .. 2
330895 · t-
Lubncan ·o· ·
nng ........................................................... 2
97-223-25 Gasket - splitter or range piston housing ......................... . 2
97-463-35 •o• Ring - splitter & range piston housing pilot spacer 2
97-463-38 "0" Ring - splitter & range piston housing pilot spacer 2
97-463-4 "0" R'1ng- p1s
. ton ............................................................... 2
97-463-5 "O"R'1ng - p1s
' ton ro dto p1s ' ton ........................................ .. 2

313401-20X Thrust Washer Kit. ............................................... 1

330730 Mainshaft- internal (1ST) ................................................. 3
330810 Mainshaft- external (24T) .............................................. .. 2
330814 Mainshaft- external (20T) .............................................. .. 3
330869 Mainshaft- internal (1ST) ............................................... .. 3
97-47-4 Mainshaft - bearing ........................................................ .. 1

313429-1X Shifter Housing Small Parts Kit.......................... 1

97-12-1 Interlock Pin .................................................................... 3
50-80-5 Poppet Ball. .................................................................... .. 3
194-SP Shift Rod Pin .................................................................... 1
97-438-1 Plunger - 1st and reverse ............................................... .. 1
330739-1 Pin - backup lite ................................................................ 1
500593-6 Pin - plunger..................................................................... 1
545000 Blocker Pin- (center control) ........................................... . 1
545010 Blocker Pin- (forward control) .......................................... 1
97-72-2 Spring - 1st and reverse ................................................... 1
97-72-11 Spring - poppet ball. ......................................................... 3
97-72-12 Spring - plunger................................................................ 1


313024-9x Snap Ring Kit. .................................................... 1

97-381-1 Mainshaft - internal small.. ............................................... 3
97-381-2 Mainshaft - internal. ......................................................... . 1
97-381-4 Mainshaft - external.. ....................................................... . 3
97-381-30 Countershaft - retainer front. ........................................... . 2
97-381-31 Mainshaft - internal. ......................................................... 2
97-381-32 Mainshaft - internal. .......................................................... 2
97-381-34 Countershaft - backing rear.............................................. 2
97-381-1 Mains haft - external.. ....................................................... 3
97-381-2 Mainshaft - internal. ......................................................... 1
MODEL PS0-16 33
Service Parts Kits
IPart No. Description atv: l

312475-35X Gasket Kit..................................... ~g··· .. ········

o .......... 1
82-118-1 Remote Control - aperture cover..................................... . 1
97·155-1 Shifter Housing ................................................................ . 1
97-155-11 Rear Case to Front Case ................................................ . 1
97-155-12 Tower- center (6 holes) .................................................. . 1
97-155-13 Tower- forward (4 holes) ................................................ . 1

97-223-1 Bearing Cap - drive gear.................................................. 1

97-223-2 Bearing Cap- mainshaft (rear case) ............................... . 1
97-223-8 Cover - without air control... ............................................. 1
97-223-23 Bearing Cap - countershaft rear case ............................. . 2
97-223-25 .
P1ston Housmg
. - a1r. centro I............................................. . I 2

97-352-1 Clutch Housing ................................................................ . 1

97-324-1-1X P .T.O 6 Bolt Gasket Kit.. ............. (includes) ................... . 1
330950 Tag- Instruction .................................................... . 1
97-324-1 Gasket- P.T.O. Aperture Cover (6 hole) ............... . 1
97-324-2-1X P.T.O. 8 Bolt Gasket Kit... .......... (includes) .................... . 1
330950 Tag- Instruction .................................................... . 1
97-324-2 Gasket- P.T.O. Aperture Cover (8 hole) ............... . 1
Tab Used By For Use s Rei. Gear Gear Front
No. With A Assembly Code Input Bearing Case
Clutch E Number Page Shaft Cap Assembly

301641- Model PS0150-16A

-2 General Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X
-3 Navistar Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X
-4 Peterbilt Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X
-5 General Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X
-6 General Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X
-7 Navistar Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X
-8 Freightliner Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X
-9 Western Star Pull Type 1 97-518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X
-10 Western Star Pull Type 1 97 -518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-61-1X

301647- Model PS0150-16B

-1 General Pull Type 1 97 -518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-2 General Pull Type 1 97 -518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-3 Volvo Pull Type 1 97 -518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-4 General Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1 X 97-15-90-1X
-5 Spicer DT Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-6 Navistar Pull Type 1 97 -518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-7 Western Star Pull Type 1 97-518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-8 Spicer DT Pull Type .1 LESS 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-9 SpicerDT Pull Type 1 LESS 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-10 Mertz-Tyler Pull Type 2 97-518-3-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-11 Western Star Pull Type 97-518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-12 Volvo Pull Type 1 97-518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
·13 Navistar Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-14 MTruck UK Pull Type 2 97-518-14-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X

301583- Model PS0165-16B

-1 Western Star Pull Type 1 97-518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X

-3 Navistar Pull Type 1 97 -518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X

-4 General Pull Type 1 97 -518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-5 Navistar Pull Type 1 97-518-25-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X

301584- Model PS0175-16B

-1 Peterbilt Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-2 General Pull Type 1 97 -518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
-5 Spicer DT Aust Pull Type 1 97-518-63-2X 97-35-34 97-19-36-1X 97-15-90-1X
Tab Rear Rear End Yoke or Housing Lever& Remote
Case Bearing Cap Drive Driven Companion Assembly DomeAss'y Control
Assembly Assembly Gear Gear Flange Pages Pages Pages

301641- Model PS0150-16A

-2 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-16-70-2X
-3 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-16-70-2X
-4 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-16-64-2X
-5 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-16-64-2X
-6 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-16-64-2X
-7 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-16-64-2X
-8 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-452-14 6.3-4-41-1 97-16-106-4X
-9 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-452-14 97-16-1 06-4X
-10 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-452-22 97-16-70-2X

301647- Model PS0150-16B

-1 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-452-22 97-16-106-4X
-2 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-16-96-3X
-3 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-452-22 97-16-106-4X
-4 97-15-68-iX 97-19-60-1X 97 -16-70-2X
-5 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-iX 97 -16-96-3X
-6 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-16-70-2X
-7 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-452-22 97-16-1 06-4X
-8 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-452-22 97-16-64-2X
-9 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-452-22 97-16-64-2X
-10 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-452-22 6-4-5351 97-16-106-4X
-11 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-iX 97-452-22 97-16-70-2X
-12 97-15-68-1X 97-19-60-1X 97-452-22 97-16-106-4X
-13 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-16,106-4X
-14 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1 X 5-4-6531-1 97-16-106-4X

301583- Model PS0165-16B

-1 97-15·68-1X 97-19-51-1 X 97-452-22 97-16-106-4X

-3 97-15·68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-16-70-2X

-4 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1 X 97 -16-96-SX
-5 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-16-96-3X

301584- Model PS0175-16B

-1 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-16-96-SX
-2 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97-16-96-3X
-5 97-15-68-1X 97-19-51-1X 97 -16-96-3X




D-15/E-5 c::
VI D-17 /E-6
D-1 6 :s.....
c:: 0
~D-18/E-7 u
"' u
D-1 9 1-
D-20/E-8 .....


Input Shaft
C-2 - - I t
For parts or service call us
Pro Gear & Transmission, Inc.

1 (877) 776-4600
(407) 872-1901
[email protected]
906 W. Gore St.
Orlando, FL 32805

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