Release Notes BUSY 17
Release Notes BUSY 17
Release Notes BUSY 17
The information contained in this document is current as of the date of publication and subject to change.
Because BUSY must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on
the part of BUSY and BUSY cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of
BUSY makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document and shall not be liable for loss or damage of
whatever nature, arising out of, or in connection with the use of or inability to use the content of this publication,
and / or any conduct undertaken by placing reliance of the contents of this publication.
Published 2015
Created by:
All rights reserved. No part of this publication which is material protected by this copyright
notice may be reproduced or transmitted or utilized or stored in any form or by any means
now known or hereinafter invented, electronic, digital, or mechanical, including
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prior written permission from the Publisher.
Release Notes – BUSY 17
Release 6.1 (27-12-2017) .........................................................................................................47
Release 6.0 (21-12-2017) .........................................................................................................48
Release 5.7 (07-12-2017) .........................................................................................................52
Release 5.6 (25-11-2017) .........................................................................................................53
Release 5.5 (23-11-2017) .........................................................................................................54
Release 5.4 (01-11-2017) .........................................................................................................58
Release 5.3 (18-10-2017) .........................................................................................................61
Release 5.2 (12-10-2017) .........................................................................................................62
Release 5.1 (21-09-2017) .........................................................................................................66
Release 5.0 (19-09-2017) .........................................................................................................67
Release 4.7 (07-09-2017) .........................................................................................................70
Release 4.6 (02-09-2017) .........................................................................................................71
Release 4.5 (28-08-2017) .........................................................................................................72
Release 4.4 (23-08-2017) .........................................................................................................73
Release 4.3 (17-08-2017) .........................................................................................................75
Release 4.2 (12-08-2017) .........................................................................................................76
Release 4.1 (10-08-2017) .........................................................................................................77
Release 4.0 (08-08-2017) .........................................................................................................78
Release 3.2 (27-07-2017) .........................................................................................................81
Release 3.1 (24-07-2017) .........................................................................................................82
Release 3.0 (21-07-2017) .........................................................................................................83
Release 2.7 (14-07-2017) .........................................................................................................86
Release 2.6 (12-07-2017) .........................................................................................................87
Release 2.5 (11-07-2017) .........................................................................................................88
Release 2.4 (08-07-2017) .........................................................................................................89
Release 2.3 (05-07-2017) .........................................................................................................90
Release 2.2 (30-06-2017) .........................................................................................................92
Release 2.1 (27-06-2017) .........................................................................................................93
Release 2.0 (21-06-2017) .........................................................................................................95
Release 1.8 (31-05-2017) .......................................................................................................100
Release 1.7 (15-05-2017) .......................................................................................................101
Release 1.6 (24-04-2017) .......................................................................................................104
Release 1.5 (12-04-2017) .......................................................................................................107
Release 1.4 (28-03-2017) .......................................................................................................110
Release 1.3 (15-03-2017) .......................................................................................................113
Release 1.2 (04-03-2017) .......................................................................................................116
Release 1.1 (28-02-2017) .......................................................................................................117
Release 1.0 (20-02-2017) .......................................................................................................119
Release 9.9 (17-09-2018)
Bugs Removed
Sometimes Item parameter-wise Sales price was not being picked properly. Now problem rectified.
Pending Order report; if any custom column was added, an error was generated while pressing <ENTER>
on any row. Now problem rectified.
HO/BO data synchronisation; scheme applied in a vouchers was not getting synched. Now problem
Cancelled Accounting voucher for GST Adjustments; while trying to export the same in XML format, an
error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Bulk updation of vouchers; while trying to load existing vouchers, an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
Release 9.8 (06-09-2018)
Minor Changes
Cheque printing, minimum height of cheque was restricted to 3.75 Inch. Now reduced to 2.5 Inch.
Loading more than 32000 Items in Party-Item price structure grid; an error was being generated. Now no.
of Items will be restricted to 32000 and no error would be shown.
Bugs Removed
Parameter-wise Pending Orders report was generating error. Now problem rectified.
Importing inventory vouchers from Excel with option to calculate Item–wise tax automatically; date-wise
tax rate was not being picked. Now problem rectified.
Item-wise Broker being maintained; if any Item-wise scheme was applied in voucher, Broker information
was getting erased from Item row. Now problem rectified.
Trigger based on Party Credit limit was not working properly in accounting vouchers. Now problem
User tagged with a branch; while feeding Sales against Sale Order, pending orders for all branches were
being shown for clearing. Now problem rectified.
Sometimes Item parameter-wise Sales price was not being picked properly. Now problem rectified.
‘Bank Book as per Clearing Date’ report when printed directly from screen was generating error. Now
problem rectified.
Release 9.7 (13-08-2018)
Minor Changes
‘Pending Orders’ report filtered for an MC; name of MC was not being shown anywhere. Now it will be
shown in report header.
Vendor-wise Stock report, negative stock from vendor was not being shown. Now it will be shown.
‘Item-MC Ledger’ for one MC & group of Items was taking a long time in case of heavy data. Now speed
GSTIN online validation utility date extended from 30-09-2018 to 31-12-2018. After that it will stop
working in BUSY 17 and will be available in BUSY 18 only.
Bugs Removed
Stock Ledger without value of Items, sometimes Daily Balance was not being shown. Now problem
‘Parameterised Critical Level’ report was showing incorrect current stock. Now problem rectified.
Call Register on screen; an error was being generated if any custom column was inserted. Now problem
Problems rectified in picking pending orders for specified Broker in POS data entry:
a. If Broker was not enabled in POS configuration, even then option for Broker was being asked.
Now problem rectified.
b. Sometimes data for specified Broker was not being picked properly. Now problem rectified.
Scheme applied on the basis of clubbed amount was not working properly if data was fed in Alt. Unit.
Now problem rectified.
If ‘Auto Round Off’ option was enabled and 100% discount was applied in invoice, sometimes total invoice
amount was getting negative. Now problem rectified.
Scanning BCN directly in Sales Invoice, sometimes BCN discount was not getting picked from BCN pricing
chart. Now problem rectified.
Party Dash-Board, on pressing ENTER on Item Warranty/AMC Details button, an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Import vouchers from Excel; if Excel sheet contained columns for all SGST, CGST & IGST; CGST was not
being imported properly in local transactions. Now problem rectified.
Printing Journal Register; in case of no. of entries in voucher more than 2, narration was being printed
after second entry instead of last entry. Now problem rectified.
Quantity related fields in custom columns were showing incorrect values. Now problem rectified.
Creating any Party with country as ‘U.A.E.’; State was not being asked but in background some State was
being saved which was creating problem in GST reports. Now problem rectified.
Dr/Cr Note feeding, sometimes default section for GST report based on Party was not being picked
properly. Now problem rectified.
Bulk modification of vouchers; while loading voucher in grid, sometimes Items were not getting loaded in
same order as fed in voucher. Now problem rectified.
Invoice configuration; if any blank space was used along with TAX_SUMMARY field, summary was getting
disturbed in printing. Now problem rectified.
Item batch-wise data feeding, sometime Sales Price for batch as specified during Purchase was not being
picked. Now problem rectified.
Batch-wise Profitability report was not showing correct cost price. Now problem rectified.
MRP-wise Stock report was sometimes showing ‘Out of Memory’ error in case of heavy data. Now
problem rectified.
Release 9.6 (25-07-2018)
Minor Changes
Custom columns related to price of Items in voucher were not optimised for speed. Now optimised.
Bugs Removed
Creating Sales invoice and picking data from last year’s pending challans using F11 key, sometimes Item
price was not being picked properly. Now problem rectified.
Voucher splitting; CGST amount was not being split properly. Now problem rectified.
Batch details being maintained with Item but Expiry Date not maintained; while saving Production
voucher, message for expired batch was being shown. Now problem rectified.
Feeding Sales invoice from multiple computers; sometimes Item batch details as specified in voucher was
getting disturbed. Now problem rectified.
HO/BO data synchronisation with Nepali Date enabled; while sending data from BO to HO, sometimes
error for different F.Y. was being shown even if F.Y. was same. Now problem rectified.
Custom column ‘VCH_CREATED_BY’ in Sales Order report was sometimes showing wrong user name.
Now problem rectified
Selective Approval being used; while checking for vouchers to be approved, all vouchers to be approved
was being shown to user instead of vouchers to be approved by him. Now problem rectified.
Release 9.5 (06-07-2018)
Minor Changes
While generating E-Way Bill for multiple vouchers, it was possible to select vouchers for which E-Way Bill
was already generated. Now it has been restricted.
Calculating commission in ‘Tax Inclusive’ voucher, commission was being calculated on full amount
including tax. Now it will be calculated on Sales/Purchase amount excluding tax.
Bugs Removed
Target Variance report, on pressing <ENTER> no details were being shown. Now problem rectified.
Configuring Targets, if ‘List’ button was clicked without saving targets, program was getting hanged. Now
problem rectified.
‘Apply Tax’ option was not working properly for multi-currency vouchers. Now problem rectified.
Call management vouchers; masters like ‘Source’ or ‘Call Category’ or ‘‘Next Action’ were being inputted
for 20 characters whereas actual length of these masters was 30 characters. Now problem rectified.
Bulk Updation/Import of vouchers, if voucher key field was set to ‘Vch No. Only’ and ‘Vch Date’ was
changed; voucher was not getting updated on the basis of ‘Vch No.’ alone. Now problem rectified.
Sending ‘Payment Reminder Letter’ by email with option ‘CC to Broker’ enabled, CC was not being sent to
broker. Now problem rectified.
Selective Approval enabled and approval conditions changed after some time, existing vouchers pending
for approval were not being shown in report. Now problem rectified.
Account Register printing, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Columnar Account Register, totals of a few GST columns were not being shown. Now problem rectified.
If ‘Sub Ledgers’ feature was enabled, ‘Account Consolidated Summary’ was showing wrong opening
balance. Now problem rectified.
Warning for negative BCN was not working in Job work vouchers. Now problem rectified.
If ‘Item Description’ in Second Language was changed in a voucher, sometimes same was not getting
saved in background. Now problem rectified.
Release 9.4 (28-06-2018)
Minor Changes
Sales/Purchase Register with option ‘Show Bifurcation of Amounts’ enabled; IGST and CGST amounts
were being shown in same column creating confusion. Now separate columns will be used for the same.
Bulk Validation of GSTIN, option to revalidate already validated GSTIN removed as it was not required.
However user can revalidate already validated GSTIN one by one.
Provision made to show ‘Organisation’ of Contact master in drop down list (configurable).
Provision made to show ‘Purchase Price’ of Item master in drop down list (configurable).
Bugs Removed
‘Auto Generate Production Vouchers’ utility was not piking Items prices properly in case of FIFO valuation
method. Now problem rectified.
Trial Balance filtered for one Cost Centre was considering full amount of vouchers where the selected Cost
Centre was used and not the amount allocated to that Cost Centre. Now problem rectified.
Item-wise Discount report with option to show Item Print Name was generating error. Now problem
Item Batch details printing configuration; option to show Alt. Qty. was not getting enabled. Now problem
Sales Analysis Party-wise printing with entry level details was generating error. Now problem rectified.
State as specified in Billing/Shipping details was not getting transferred during HO/BO data
synchronisation. Now problem rectified.
Stock Transfer voucher; while specifying BCN in parameter window, MRP was not being picked as default
Sales Price. Now problem rectified.
Merging two ledgers; multi-currency transactions were getting disturbed. Now problem rectified.
Scheme based on clubbing of Items on the basis of Item Optional field was not getting applied properly.
Now problem rectified.
Item parameter-wise data with discount enabled at parameter level; during vouchers import in XML
format, pricing information at parameter level was not being imported. Now problem rectified.
‘Material Received after Jobwork’ voucher; after picking data using F11 key, Item-wise discount could not
be applied. Now problem rectified.
GST related fields were not working in configurable columnar Sale/Purchase registers. Now problem
Exporting Second Language details of masters; in case of heavy masters, program was getting hanged.
Now problem rectified.
Release 9.3 (19-06-2018)
Minor Changes
Country Saudi Arabia, ‘Purchase Bill Details’ window was not being shown for local transactions. Now it
will be shown.
Configurable list of masters, provision made to export in CSV format. Till now export was available in
Excel/HTML format.
GST adjustment entries through Journal voucher; under section ‘ITC Reclaim’, sub sections ‘Input Received
from ISD’ and ‘Others’ provided. Same will be reflected in GSTR-3B accordingly.
Bugs Removed
Multi-currency voucher, label showing currency conversion factor was not being displayed properly in
certain conditions. Now problem rectified.
Configuration to print Optional Fields/Transport Details in reports was not working properly in Salesman-
wise Outstanding reports. Now problem rectified.
Minor corrections in formula interpretation based on ‘Item Description (for calculation of Item sizing
POS data entry, on pressing <ALT+D> (to show party dashboard) at Party master, an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
‘Voucher Approval Utility’ was not approving vouchers starting from ver. 9.2. Now problem rectified.
Item barcode designing with some multiplier used in numeric field, sometimes multiplier was getting
applied to other fields also. Now problem rectified.
Items received after Jobwork; if data was picked from F11 key, Item-wise Discount/Markup could not be
applied. Now problem rectified.
Release 9.2 (11-06-2018)
Minor Changes
Specifying ‘Transport Details’ during voucher feeding, on pressing F3 on Transporter name, option to
create any master was being shown. Now option to create new Transporter will be shown.
Bugs Removed
Country UAE; accounting voucher saved with VAT Nature as ‘Registered Purchase’ and later on changed to
‘Not Required’, old VAT details for voucher was being reflected in VAT reports. Now problem rectified but
user will have to resave the voucher.
Loan And Advance report was not showing Salary vouchers. Now problem rectified.
Challan fed with free quantity; while generating bulk invoices from Challan, value of Items in Invoice was
including free quantity also. Now problem rectified.
Approval feature enabled; approved Sales/Purchase fed and later on changed to unapproved, same was
still getting reflected in GST reports. Now problem rectified.
Purchase Return voucher; if Purchase Bill No. was specified instead of Purchase Vch No. in ‘Org. Purchase
Details’ window, voucher could not be saved with message ‘Invalid Org. Vch No.’. Now problem rectified.
While running ‘Update GST Summary’ option, unapproved accounting voucher having GST details was
getting approved. Now problem rectified.
Release 9.1 (05-06-2018)
Minor Changes
Provision made to generate E-Way Bill file after invoice saving. If E-Way Bill has been enabled in a
voucher, user would be asked to generate JSON/Excel for current invoice after saving which can be
uploaded to portal for generation of E-Way Bill.
Scheme master was being shown in list of masters which can be blocked. Now it has been removed from
the list as blocking is not required in Scheme masters.
Provision made to specify height of barcode being printed in invoice. If we use <FLD_NAME,#BC;.5> tag, it
will print barcode with height as .5 inch.
Stock Transfer voucher between branches; while viewing listing of vouchers, it was being shown in branch
from where material was sent and not in branch where material was received. Now it will be shown in
both the branches.
Sub user did not have rights to create ‘Cost Centre Optional Field’ master. Now allowed.
While rounding off any value, values like x.5 were getting rounded off to either lower or upper on random
basis. Now such values will always be rounded off to upper.
Bugs Removed
‘Cash/Credit Summary’ report for country Nepal was showing wrong month names. Now problem
Left paper margin in Invoice printing in Second Language was not same as in without Second Language.
Now problem rectified.
Printing Account Ledger from screen report, option ‘Skip Opening Balance’ option was not being asked.
Now problem rectified.
Picking Item’s Sizing Info through Item Description, in a few cases calculation was not proper. Now
problem rectified.
Physical Stock voucher, scanning ‘BCN +Quantity’ barcode was not picking BCN quantity properly. Now
problem rectified.
Change F.Y., sometimes GST advance references were not getting carried over properly to next year. Now
problem rectified.
User was able to delete Party used in Material Issuable/Receivable Opening References. Now problem
Configuring columnar register and changing column size from default value, same was not being reflected
in columnar report. Now problem rectified.
Branch-wise data being maintained; generating Balance Sheet from a user not tagged to any branch,
wrong stock value was being shown. Now problem rectified.
<GR_DATE> field when used as custom column was not working properly. Now problem rectified.
Standard invoice printing with self-configured body and Alt. Qty./Packing Qty. columns used; sometimes
the formatting was getting disturbed.
Modifying company details while sitting in year other than Beg. F.Y; Beg. F.Y. was being set as current year
in background creating confusion during data entry. Now problem rectified.
Company created for country Ghana and Beg. F.Y. specified as 1-1-2017; while modifying company, Beg.
F.Y. was being set as 1-1-2018. Now problem rectified.
User management; on clicking on ‘Masters Controls’, an error was being generated. Now problem
Dr/Cr Note printing configuration; field <REASON> was not printing any values. Now problem rectified.
Pressing <Ctrl + Alt + Shift +C> to change caption of labels in data entry form, a report ‘Check Inconsistent
Data’ was being shown. Now problem rectified.
Fields related to Second Language were not being printed properly in Account/Item labels. Now problem
Release 9.0 (22-05-2018)
Bugs Removed
Starting from version 8.10, option to download product patch with in BUSY stopped working. Now
problem rectified.
Clearing pending order quantity with F4, if pending Alt. Qty. was already zero then pending Main Qty. was
not getting cleared. Now problem rectified.
‘Account Ageing Analysis Group-wise’ report was showing duplicate records if Alias was specified in
Account Group. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.10 (21-05-2018)
Minor Changes
<GR_DATE> field was always printing date in invoice even if GR No. was not specified. Now it will be
printed only if GR No. has been specified.
User registration details feeding; till now State & City was being specified as plain text. Now same will be
picked from drop down list to avoid spelling mistakes.
‘Reconcile GSTR-2 (Party-wise Summary)’ report provided in ‘GST Misc. Utilities’ also.
Bugs Removed
Printing barcodes for Item’s multiple Alias, sometimes wrong barcodes were getting printed. Now
problem rectified.
MRP-Wise Item stock report, sometimes Sales Price for MRP as specified in Purchase voucher was not
being shown. Now problem rectified.
While viewing offline alerts, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry; while scanning BCN with Alt. Qty., sometimes price for the same was not being picked
properly. Now problem rectified.
Document designing for Material Issue/Receipt vouchers; default script was not being generated properly.
Now problem rectified.
Country Bangladesh; while modifying company details, F.Y Beg. Date was getting changed automatically.
Now problem rectified.
Job Summary report details were not getting filtered for specified date range. Now problem rectified.
Multi-branch enabled; while changing F.Y., sometimes branch-wise references were not getting carried
over properly. Now problem rectified.
Changing F.Y.; sometimes duplicate record were getting created in Tax Category master in New Year
creating problems in GST reports. Now problem rectified.
Single voucher XML generated from BUSY was sometimes not getting interpreted in MS Excel. Now
problem rectified.
MRP-wise stock maintained and multiple price lists of Items enabled; MRP-wise sales price specified for
category ‘A’ in POS data entry was not getting saved. Now problem rectified.
Job work enabled; picking data from pending Orders during Material Issue voucher, sometimes an error
was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Deactivated Item, if used in POS billing through Alias was not getting restricted. Now it will be restricted
at the time of voucher saving.
Option to show Item HSN instead of Alias was not working for multiple Alias(s) of Item. Now problem
Scheme applied on Item optional field; if optional field type was ‘Master’ then Scheme was not being
applied properly. Now problem rectified.
Item’s dropdown list additional information configuration, field ‘GSTIN’ was showing blank data. Now
problem rectified.
Release 8.9 (08-05-2018)
Minor Changes
Dongle registration was not compulsory till now. Now it has been made compulsory else program will run
in demo mode.
‘Tax Summary’ printing in Dr/Cr Note; 15 characters were being printed for ‘Org. Vch. No.’ field instead of
16 characters as required in GST. Now 16 characters would be printed.
Bugs Removed
Multi-branch enabled, while changing F.Y. sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem
Sales voucher with MC at Item level enabled; on choosing option ‘Show MC with Non Zero Qty. Only’, list
of MC was going blank. Now problem rectified.
While using ‘Check for Update’ option, if internet was not available program was sometimes getting
hanged. Now problem rectified.
Sales Analysis reports with option to show GST amount enabled, sometimes wrong GST amount was being
shown. Now problem rectified.
Pending Job Items report with parameter-wise details, sometimes parameter-wise details as specified in
opening references were not being picked. Now problem rectified.
Pending Orders report was not considering orders cleared through F4. Now problem rectified.
Country Saudi Arabia, ‘Bayan No.’ as specified in Import Purchase voucher was not being saved in
background. Now problem rectified.
Creating Invoice from Challan/Order using F11 key, ‘Aadhar No.’ as specified in ‘Billing Details’ of
Challan/Order was not being picked. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.8 (02-05-2018)
Minor Changes
‘Pending Quotation’ report was always including un-approved entries. Now it has been made optional.
Bugs Removed
On a certain computers, an error ‘Type Mismatch’ was being generated as soon BUSY was started. Now
problem rectified.
Client server mode, sometimes an error ‘Out of Stack’ was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Branch-wise account balances maintained, sometimes while changing F.Y., an error was being generated.
Now problem rectified.
Masters Synchronisation utility, date-wise HSN codes of Items/Accounts were not getting synchronised.
Now problem rectified.
‘Stock Status Columnar’ report was showing data in incorrect format in a few cases. Now problem
SQL database and images of masters being saved in database; while changing F.Y., sometimes an error
was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Production voucher, selecting MC and pressing F2 when MC list is visible; sometimes an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Material Issue/Receipt voucher for Job Work; if any GST Bill Sundry was applied, a warning was being
shown which was not relevant. Now problem rectified.
Import voucher from Excel with option to auto round off amount enabled, sometimes unrounded total
invoice amount was being imported. Now problem rectified.
Purchase voucher with option ‘Separate Billing/Shipping Details’ enabled, warning for incorrect tax type
for Party was not being shown. Now problem rectified.
Access mode and data path specified through security file, while sending SMS an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Modifying user, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
GSTIN Validation utility was showing server error. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.7 (23-04-2018)
Minor Changes
Provision made to input ‘State’ in Material Centre address as required for E-Way Bill generation.
Sale/Purchase Type Master, ‘Deemed Export’ option was available for central transactions only. Now it
will be available for local transactions also as required in GST.
Purchase Type Master, ‘Input Tax Credit Available’ option was not being shown for Nepal country. Now it
will be shown.
Material Issue/Receipt voucher for Job work; ‘Tax Summary’ was being shown in bottom left corner of
voucher as required for E-Way Bill generation but it was creating impression that it will be reflected in GST
reports. Now Tax Summary will be shown only if E-Way bill feature is enabled and caption will be shown
on Tax Summary frame that it is meant for E-Way Bill only.
Invoice designing, fields related to Tax in words in Second Language provided in Grand Total section. Till
now these fields were available in Header/Footer only.
Composition dealers; Sale Type ‘Exempt’ will be shown as ‘NoTax’ as ‘Exempt’ Sale Type was creating
confusion in data entry.
Change F.Y., ‘State’ specified in Account master was not being carried over to next year along with other
static details. Now it will be carried over with other details.
GST/VAT configuration, some extra details will be asked for country UAE as required in VAT return.
Bugs Removed
‘Query on Parameter’ report, on pressing <ENTER> on any row, an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
Import / Bulk Updation of vouchers; while specifying default HSN or Tax Category, text box to specify the
same was not being activated in a few cases. Now problem rectified.
Separate Billing/Shipping Details were enabled and second language feature was enabled, sometimes
Party Name was not being printed in invoice. Now problem rectified.
Multi-Company Bills Receivable report printing was not proper. Now problem rectified.
Change F.Y., ‘State Code’ field in State master was not being carried over to next year. Now problem
Custom columns related to Tracking No. field were sometimes generating error. Now problem rectified.
Change F.Y.; sales price of Item parameters with negative stock was not being carried over to next year.
Now problem rectified.
Inventory voucher feeding, on clicking ‘Update Discount’ button, sometimes an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
GST/VAT configuration for India, option ‘Switch Between GST & VAT with F12’ was being shown even if
GST/VAT feature was disabled. Now problem rectified.
‘Check Incomplete Vouchers’ utility was sometimes generating error. Now problem rectified.
Day Book with option to show single entry only; for Sales voucher with settlement applied over and
above, double amount was being shown. Now problem rectified.
Single voucher series tagged with multiple branches; while changing F.Y., balances of a few accounts were
not being carried over to next year with error message ‘Duplicate Reference’. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.6 (12-04-2018)
Minor Changes
Converting data from SQL to SQL, provision made to pick source data from different SQL server. Till now
both source & target data were being picked from same SQL server.
POS data entry and Broker specified in voucher; at the time of picking pending orders/challans from F11,
option provided to filter the same on specified Broker.
Voucher Numbering configuration, size of Prefix & Suffix was restricted to 10 characters. Now increased
to 15 characters.
Import vouchers from Excel/Bulk Updation, provision made to round off final amount of voucher being
Bugs Removed
Bill-wise Statement, on <ENTER> was not working properly. Now problem rectified.
<PRINT_IF_ANY> tag in document designing was disturbing font/color/font size tags. Now problem
<TAX/VAT-AMOUNT_IN_WORDS_SL> field was available in version 7.2 but was missing in 8.5. Now
provided again.
‘Tax on Advance’ disabled; while feeding PDC vouchers, a blank list box were being shown after selecting
‘PDC Type’. Now problem rectified.
Query on customer details was sometimes generating error. Now problem rectified.
Invoice designing, sometimes using some other language data font was disturbing invoice printing. Now
problem rectified.
Regenerating voucher numbers (in case of automatic numbering), same were not being reflected in Item
Serial No./Item Parameterised details reports. Now problem rectified.
Bills Receivable/Payable report filtered for a Broker was showing incorrect data. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.5 (06-04-2018)
Bugs Removed
Item’s opening batch references with narration; narration was not being synchronised during HO/BO data
synchronisation. Now problem rectified.
Physical Stock voucher with batch-wise details, sometimes a warning for negative batch was being shown
even if batch was not going negative. Now problem rectified.
VAT ST/PT tagged with Parties; same were getting picked during voucher entry in GST also. Now problem
Release 8.4 (04-04-2018)
Minor Changes
Using ‘Validate GSTIN Online’ utility for multiple accounts; if there was some error in validation of one of
GSTIN, other GSTIN were also not being validated. Now other GSTIN will be validated in such scenario.
Item-wise MC details window during data entry, font size of MC list increased to improve readability.
Bugs Removed
Saving Physical Stock voucher, sometimes an error related to mismatch of quantity was being shown.
Now problem rectified.
Item BCN generation with option to use numeric values only; first character was still being generated
between A-Z. Now problem rectified.
Converting data from SQL to Access, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.3 (02-04-2018)
Minor Changes
Provision made for VAT in accounting vouchers for UAE & Saudi Arabia:
a. Can tag Tax category in Expense Accounts.
b. Can feed VAT related details in accounting Journal/Payment vouchers and same will be reflected
in VAT reports.
India GST, ‘Tax on Advance Receipt’ has been made configurable. Till now it was always being asked
during data entry.
‘Validate GSTIN Online’ utility; provision made to validate GSTIN of All/Multiple Parties in one go.
Option to switch between VAT & GST with the help of F12 key was disabled for F.Y. 2018-19. Now it has
been made configurable in GST/VAT configuration section as the same is required for petroleum product
Beg F.Y. date was not changeable once the company was created. Now it can be changed provided user
has not fed any data which crosses the F.Y. boundaries of new F.Y. date.
GST/VAT Configuration, provision made to specify default Tax Category of Items. This category will be
picked automatically while creating new Items.
Specifying EBN (E-Way Bill No.) for invoices through AdministrationMisc. Data Entry section, provision
made to show only those invoices where ‘EBN required’ is set to true or ‘EBN is blank’.
Country Saudi Arabia, provision made to input ‘Bayan No.’ in case of Export/Import transactions.
Creation/Modification of Area/Type of Trade/Contact Department Masters was not available directly.
Now provision made for the same through AdministrationMasters Misc. Masters.
Standard Invoice printing, ‘E-Way Bill No.’ was always being printed even if country was not India or GST
reporting was disabled. Now ‘E-Way Bill No.’ will only be printed if country is India and GST is enabled.
‘Items Consolidated Summary’, ‘Stock Status Columnar’ & ‘Item MC Ledger’ reports, new option ‘Treat
Alt. Unit as Compound Unit’ provided.
Broker-wise Bills Receivable/Payable, provision made to show ‘On Account Entries’ also.
User right ‘Restrict Grid Entry Deletion in Sales’ extended and same will be used to restrict row deletion in
screen reports also.
Brokerage Calculation; provision made to calculate brokerage on the basis of Packaging Unit also.
Stock Ledger with option ‘Show Value of Items’ enabled; opening & closing amounts were not being
shown. Now it will be shown.
‘Validation of Sales Return against Sales’ option; original Sales voucher was being searched in same series
in which Sales Return was being fed. Now if original Sales voucher is not be found in same series then it
will be searched in other series also for validation.
During voucher feeding if ESC key was pressed, a message box was being shown asking to quit with
default option set to ‘Yes’. Now if some data has been fed in voucher, default option will set to ‘No’.
POS data entry screen, provision made to display ‘Item HSN’ in Item grid (configurable).
Option for Item’s grouping during invoice printing, option provided to group on the basis of Scheme also.
Warning Alarm for credit limit, provision made to include only cleared cheque for calculation of credit
limit available.
Creating Party master and specifying GSTIN, PAN will be picked automatically out of that GSTIN.
Enabling POS in any voucher series, ‘Show Tax Summary’ option will be disabled automatically as it slows
down the speed of data entry. But user can enable it later on if required.
‘Stock Ageing FIFO’ report, provision made for filter on Master Series Group.
Invoice designing, new field <PIN_CODE> provided which will print ‘Pin Code’ as specified in Transport
Details in voucher.
‘Input Transporter GSTIN/ID’ utility, new fields related to Transporter address, email, phone etc. provided
as same are required while generating Transporter masters e-return for GST portal.
Item-wise MC maintained; during data entry, provision made to show only those MC where stock is non
Approval feature enabled and posting of unapproved voucher disabled, references adjusted in
unapproved vouchers were getting reflected in Bills-wise Receivable/Payable reports. Now option
provided in reports whether to include unapproved entries or not.
Converting data from Access to SQL; if Access data belonged to lower version, data was not getting
converted properly. Now in such scenario, a message will be shown asking user to upgrade Access data
before conversion.
Company selection, provision made to filter list of companies with specified key words. Required for
accountants who are maintaining data for multiple companies. Also the size of ‘List of Companies’
window increased to accommodate more companies without scrolling.
‘Apply Tax’ button in standard invoice data entry was being activated from <ALT+T> key. Now it has been
changed to F4 key.
Bugs Removed
Bills Receivable/Payable report with ‘On Account Entries’ to be shown, sometimes an error was being
generated if ‘On Account Amount’ was a large amount. Now problem rectified.
Multi Rate Sale/Purchase Type; while specifying different Sales & Tax accounts, tax type ‘Nil Rated’ was
not being saved. Now problem rectified.
‘Vendor-wise Stock’ report was showing wrong value in a few cases. Now problem rectified.
Item Serial No.-wise Purchase entry with option to read Serial Nos. from barcode enabled; if Serial Nos.
were generated automatically in Purchase voucher, some of the rows were getting skipped. Now
problem rectified.
Custom column field <AMOUNT_BEFORE_TAX>, if used in any report was generating error. Now problem
‘Voucher Audit’ report was sometimes generating error. Now problem rectified.
Company GST configuration for E-Way Bill was not being saved branch-wise. Now problem rectified.
Validating Sales Return against Sales, sometimes Org. Sales Vch No. was not being validated even if that
voucher existed in data. Now problem rectified.
Import voucher from Excel with option to calculate tax automatically enabled, Add. Cess was not being
calculated properly. Now problem rectified.
Import vouchers from Excel; if Party alias was specified in Excel sheet then Party Bill Reference was not
being created automatically. Now problem rectified.
Generating Unique BCN for each quantity during Purchase voucher, default price & discount were not
getting set for each row. Now problem rectified.
Sending mail to multiple Parties using Print Utilities option, an error ‘File already exists’ was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Creating new company and copying masters from existing company; if in the list of existing companies any
company with Nepali date was found then an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
‘UQC for E-Way Bill’ field in Unit master was not getting updated during data export/import. Now
problem rectified.
‘Physical Stock’ voucher feeding with MRP-wise details mode enabled; if any Item was picked in which
MRP was not enabled, quantity of that Item was getting disturbed in background. Now problem rectified.
VAT vouchers fed in GST regime (as required by petroleum product dealers) were getting disturbed after
running ‘Update VAT/GST Summary’ utility. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.2 (22-03-2018)
Minor Changes
For Nepal country, provision made to auto upload invoices on IRD portal in background. Also a new utility
provided to upload invoices in bulk to IRD portal. Available as AdministrationUtilitiesUpload Data on IRD
Bugs Removed
Creating Account from Contact, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Modifying voucher in POS data entry mode and trying to update ‘Transport Details’, an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Standard invoice printing in landscape mode, ‘Bold Off’ was being getting written in bottom of invoice.
Now problem rectified.
Sometimes an error was being generating while upgrading data from very old versions. Now problem
Emails sent through ‘Alert/Triggers’ feature, some junk characters were being shown in the bottom of
email. Now problem rectified.
Same company’s multiple years opened on single computer through multiple BUSY instances and
switching user on any of instances was sometimes creating problem in data entry. Now problem rectified.
HO/BO Synchronisation enabled; Items created by user not tagged with any branch were not being
synched. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.1 (14-03-2018)
Minor Changes
‘Validate GSTIN Online’ option; while showing details of GSTIN being validated, a button ‘Recheck on
GSTIN Portal’ provided in case user wants to reconfirm details from GSTIN portal.
Bugs Removed
Sales/Purchase Analysis with option ‘Show GST’ enabled, an error was being generated. Now problem
Starting from Ver. 8.0, printing on DMP got disturbed. Now problem rectified.
‘On Account Serial Nos.’ & ‘On Account Parameters’ report was not working. Now problem rectified.
Bulk Voucher Creation/Modification; sometimes random errors were being generated. Now problem
Voucher Audit report; custom columns used at account level were not working properly. Now problem
Multiple Bill Sundries tagged in voucher, at the time voucher loading all the Bill Sundries were getting
loaded automatically but focus was shifting last Bill Sundry instead of first. Now problem rectified.
‘Check Junk Characters’ report was generating error in a few data. Now problem rectified.
‘Check Scheme Details’ report was showing incorrect discount amount in a few cases. Now problem
Data entry on multiple computers with more than 1 user feeding Purchase voucher(s) and VAT/GST
feature disabled, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Batch-wise Stock report, Party Name from whom batch was purchased was being shown. Sometimes this
Party name was being picked from Sales voucher instead of Purchase voucher. Now problem rectified.
Specifying tax decimal places as 3 and used in tax Bill Sundry during voucher feeding; in standard invoice
printing 2 decimal places were being printed. Now problem rectified.
Stock Status generated for all Items; if report was printed from screen itself the Item Group was being
asked in report options which was creating confusion. Now problem rectified.
Release 8.0 (06-03-2018)
Major Changes
Provisions made to Validate GSTIN online with in BUSY (available in Standard & Enterprise edition only).
While creating/modifying any account user can check the authenticity of GSTIN from there without going
to GSTIN portal. GSTIN can also be validated using TransactionsMisc. GST UtilitiesValidate GSTIN Online
B2B Expense & Dr/Cr Note feeding in accounting vouchers; HSN Code, Unit Name & Dr/Cr Note Section
will also be asked along with other tax details. Till now these details were being picked from Account and
‘Org. Vch No.’ used in voucher.
For Nepal country, provision made to upload invoice details online as required by their revenue
department. Can be configured through Features/OptionsVAT/GST section.
Minor Changes
New utility provided for bulk addition/modification of inventory vouchers (like Account/Item masters).
Here user can specify multiple voucher details in grid like Excel and save in in one go. Can also modify
multiple vouchers on a single screen. Available as AdministrationBulk UpdationBulk Voucher Creation /
Standard inventory vouchers data entry; new button ‘Apply Tax’ provided which will automatically insert
tax bill sundries on the basis of Sales/Purchase Type. Useful in case of Multi-Rate transactions with Items
with different tax rates are used in a single voucher.
Invalid Tax Rate warning was not taking care of Multi Rate vouchers. Now warning will be shown in
Multi-Rate vouchers also.
Invalid Tax Rate warning will check for difference in CSGT & SGST also as CSGT & SGST should be equal in a
Invoice designing, a new tag <PRINT_IF_ANY> provided in body section. If this tag is specified in the
beginning of any line then that line will be printed only if some non-blank/non-zero data is found in that
line. Useful while printing Item Description or Notes.
Regularise PDC utility, provision made to copy multiple selected rows with CTRL+C.
ST/PT master, decimal places to specify tax rate were set to 2. Now it will be as per ‘Tax Rate Decimal
Place’ field as specified in GST/VAT configuration.
‘Check Duplicate Voucher No.’ report, provision made to check duplicity along all series. Till now duplicity
was being checked series-wise only.
Company State-wise details feeding; ‘PIN Code’ field was being asked which was not required. Now it has
been removed.
‘Multi-Currency Account Ledger’ provision made to generate report for multiple financial years.
Material Issue Challan printing in standard format, ‘Place of Supply’ will be printed by default.
Pending/Expired Batches report for multiple Items was not sorted on Item name. Now it will be sorted on
Item name.
Item monthly summary was available in either Main or Alt. Unit. Now provision made to show both units.
Bill-wise Statement, field ‘No. of Days’ was being shown on the basis of report date which was confusing
for bills cleared on earlier date. Now for cleared bills, clearing date will be considered and for pending
bills report date will be considered.
‘Bill-by-Bill Balancing’, if enabled for all accounts was being skipped in Revenue accounts. Now it will be
asked in Revenue accounts also.
Option to sort Items before voucher saving; provision made to sort on the basis of Item Alias also. Till
now it was available on Item Name & Group only.
POS data entry with MC at Item level; after scanning BCN and selecting MC, focus was being set to MC at
which the BCN was purchased. Now default MC will picked on the basis of stock availability.
‘Interest Calculation on Product Basis’, provision made to generate for a Branch/Voucher Series Group.
‘Interest Calculation on Mahajani Basis’, provision made to generate for multiple F.Y. in one go.
Bugs Removed
Separate Billing Details enabled in Purchase voucher; in Billing Details window, an error ‘Invalid GSTIN’
was being shown even if GSTIN was correct. Now problem rectified.
Columnar Sales register; if Item Serial No. column was picked and report was generated with address of
Parties, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Invoice printing; <ITEM_SALE_PRICE> field was picking decimal places as 2 instead of ‘Currency Decimal
Places’ as configured in configuration. Now problem rectified.
Importing inventory vouchers from Excel having Add. Cess; Add. Cess was not being imported properly.
Now problem rectified.
Creating Purchase Type for UAE; option ‘Unregistered/RCM’ was not being shown. Now problem
Generating PDF from GST Summary on screen, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem
Approved Vouchers report was not considering Quotation vouchers. Now problem rectified.
Separate GSTIN specified in user state-wise details was not being printed in invoice. Instead company’s
GSTING was being printed. Now problem rectified.
Importing masters from Excel, only 20 characters were being imported in optional field where as actual
size is 30 characters. Now problem rectified.
Jobwork voucher with ‘Separate Billing/Shipping Details’ enabled; sometimes an error was being shown
on Billing Details window for Local/Central type mismatch. Now problem rectified.
Configuring Item details to be printed in company Job Work configuration, an error was being generated.
Now problem rectified.
Notes master; modifying any note and pressing F8, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry and MRP-Wise Stock maintained; sometimes sales price was not being picked on the basis
of MRP. Now problem rectified.
Parameterised Stock Ledger report, Item-wise custom columns were not working properly. Now problem
Enabling Cess & Add. Cess both in company configuration and later on disabling Cess; Add. Cess was not
getting disabled in background creating confusion later on. Now problem rectified.
Both Order & Quotation feature enabled with option to auto create references enabled; option to
manually create Order references was getting disabled. Now problem rectified.
In a few screen reports, if custom column was added for Item field; on pressing <ENTER> wrong voucher
was being shown for modification. Now problem rectified.
Country UAE; feeding any import purchase voucher with VAT, an invalid tax warning was being shown.
Now problem rectified.
Invoice printing; SGST/CSGT amount fields were not printing correct values in Sub-Total section. Now
problem rectified.
If currency font & character was not specified in company configuration, currency symbol should get
printed in invoice and document which was not happening in accounting vouchers. Now problem
Job work enabled with Item parameter-wise stock; while specifying parameter details in finished goods
references, parameter configuration as specified in Item group was not being shown. Instead parameter
configuration as defined in company configuration was being shown. Now problem rectified.
Release 7.2 (14-02-2018)
Bugs Removed
Exporting any screen report in PDF format, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem
Release 7.1 (07-02-2018)
Minor Changes
BCN-wise data entry was slow if more than 10 BCN were specified in a single window. Now speed
Bugs Removed
XML generated for a single voucher was not being interpreted properly in MS Excel. Now problem
Sending email from invoice with invoice contents to be shown as email body; some junk characters were
being shown in email instead of invoice contents. Now problem rectified.
Invoice configured with some unicode based fonts; an error was generated while printing the same. Now
problem rectified.
HO/BO Synchronisation enabled; if an Item was created from some branch user, an error ‘Out of Stock
Space’ was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Release 7.0 (31-01-2018)
Major Changes
Provision made to specify Company/Account/Item details in one more language (Second Language) for
the purpose of printing in Invoice. Can be done in following steps:
a. Enable through AdministrationConfigurationGeneral tab.
b. Specify Second Language details in Company/Account/Item masters.
c. Create personalised Second Language Dictionary for static words to be used in Invoice printing.
Available as AdministrationMisc. Data EntrySecond Language Dictionary.
d. Enable Second Language details printing in Standard Invoice configuration.
e. Bulk Updation of Accounts/Items for Second Language provided as AdministrationMastersBulk
UpdationUpdate Account/Item Second Language Details.
f. Export/Import of masters Second Language details in XML format through AdministrationData
Minor Changes
‘Type of Dealer’ field in Account Master/Billing Details; for country UAE a new option ‘OverSeas Tourist’
provided as required by their VAT reports.
For country Nepal; date separator ‘.’ was creating problem. Now same has been restricted.
Invoice printing; provision made to print Tax/HSN Summary along with Main/Alt. Qty. and UQC.
‘Bill by Bill’ balancing enabled for all accounts; same was being asked for Revenue accounts also which
was creating confusion. Now this option will not be asked for Revenue accounts.
Dr/Cr Note feeding; while specifying ‘Original Vch No. & Date’, a check has been put to avoid multiple ‘Org
Vch Nos.’ as the same is not accepted in GST returns.
Sales/Purchase voucher feeding; if central ST/PT was picked for local party or vice versa, a warning was
being shown but user could skip the same. Now it has been connected with ‘Invalid Tax Rate’ warning
alarm where user can choose to restrict the same.
‘Regenerate Voucher GST/VAT Summary’ option, provision made to generate for a date range also. Till
now it was being generated for whole date which would take lot of time in case of heavy data. Now in
case of heavy data user can run it in batches by selecting different date range.
New report ‘Stock Status Tax Rate-wise’ provided in Stock Status section.
‘Purchase Bill No. & Date’ window in Purchase voucher, be default blank Purchase Bill No. was being
shown which was creating confusion. Now by default Vch No. will be shown as Purchase Bill No.
Employee master Salary Structure feeding; till now 63 rows were available. Now increased to 128.
Configuring ‘Material Issue Memo/Goods Receipt Note’ printing in Standard format; option ‘Print Tax
Separately with Items’ was disabled and Item-wise tax was always being printed. Now it has been made
TIN No. in Account master was being validated for 12 characters but it was creating problem in U.A.E
where it is 15 characters. Now for U.A.E. it will be validated for 15 characters.
‘Update Transport Details’ utility, provision made to feed ‘E-Way Bill No.’ also.
‘Listing of BOM’ & ‘Merged Account Ledger’ reports, custom columns were not enabled. Now made
‘VAT Computation’ report removed from statutory reports list as same was not required.
Creating new company with country other than India; invoice formats pertaining to India GST were being
created. Now invoice formats for VAT (as required by other countries) will be created.
‘CST No.’ field in Company & Account Master will not be asked for countries other than India.
Item Barcode printing for BCN; new field <BCN_LAST_SALE_PRICE> provided which will pick latest BCN
price from BCN date-wise pricing utility.
Bugs Removed
Importing inventory vouchers from Excel along with Item Serial No. wise details; if ‘Item Parameter-wise
Details’ feature was enabled in company, blank parameter-wise details were being created in background
along with Item’s Serial No.-wise details. Now problem rectified.
Item’s sizing information from Item description; formula specified was not working properly if line 10 was
used in formula. Now problem rectified.
If Item-wise discount feature was disabled then Misc. Masters menu was not being shown under Masters
menu. Now problem rectified.
Party-Item pricing mode set to ‘Party-Item Group Wise’; while importing from Excel, Party & Item Group
fields were not available. Now problem rectified.
Multi-column Cash/Bank Book printing, ‘PDC’ entries were always being considered even if the same was
not asked by user by user in report options. Now problem rectified.
Bills Summary report for All/Group of parties; parties without any transactions were also being shown.
Now problem rectified.
B2B Expense Journal/Payment voucher; auto calculation of tax amount was not being done for Fixed
Asset accounts. Now problem rectified.
Item MRP-wise stock maintained with multiple price list of Items; if Party price category was specified at
the time of voucher entry, Item MRP price for that that category was not being picked. Now problem
‘Regularise PDC’ utility; if data was frozen then PDC were not getting regularised and no error was being
shown. Now ‘Data Frozen’ error will be shown.
Data feeding in multi-user environment; sometimes GST reports showed ‘Duplicate Invoice No.’ error but
actually there was no duplicate no. Now problem rectified.
Stock Status based on ‘Self Valuation’ along with date-wise pricing maintained; if price was specified for
more than 200 dates, wrong ‘Self Valuation Price’ was being shown. Now problem rectified.
‘Merge Masters’ utility; if masters being merged used in Physical Stock voucher; sometimes an error was
being generated. Now problem rectified.
Employee Master, ‘UAN’ was always being asked even if PF feature was disabled. Now problem rectified.
User not allowed to change the price of Items in voucher; he/she was able to change final amount in Item-
wise tax details window. Now problem rectified.
HO/BO enabled and Scheme Master was created in HO with option to group on Item optional field; after
synchronisation to BO, Scheme Master was not showing optional field name. Now problem rectified.
Invoice printing in 3’ format; if multiple copies were printed then sometimes an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Sending mail to Party after Payment/Receipt voucher with PDC, default email ID for Party was not being
picked. Now problem rectified.
Date-wise HSN Codes were not being picked during data entry in some cases. Now problem rectified.
Default discount specified in Item Master and ‘Tax Inclusive Price’ enabled; price was not splitting
properly during data entry. Now problem rectified.
If ‘None’ unit was used in Item master, Item’s prices was not being shown as amount in POS data entry.
Now problem rectified.
As a few places; a strange error was being shown at the time of printing any report or Invoice. It was
happening when no default printer was specified. Now problem rectified.
Free Quantity details report, option to show ‘Name/Alias/Print Name’ was not working. Now problem
Release 6.4 (23-01-2018)
Minor Changes
Invoice data feeding; sometimes after selecting ‘CGST’ or ‘SGST’, program was taking a lot of time in
moving to next line. Now speed improved.
Release 6.3 (17-01-2018)
Bugs Removed
Exporting any report to PDF; file generated was not printable (printing was disabled). Now problem
Printing invoice from preview and no. of copies specified as 2, 4 copies were being printed instead of 2.
Now problem rectified.
Release 6.2 (09-01-2018)
Bugs Removed
After upgrading from an older version with currency decimal was set to 4; in a few cases, Cess & Add. Cess
percentage fields started showing *****. Now problem rectified.
Multi-currency voucher with predefined Bill Sundries; an error was being generated while selecting the
currency. Now problem rectified.
Modifying Dr/Cr Note and changing Party; same was not being reflected in GST reports. Now problem
Stock Transfer memo was always being printed in 2 pages even if it could be adjusted in single page. Now
problem rectified.
Release 6.1 (27-12-2017)
Minor Changes
VAT enabled for ‘Saudi Arabia’. Working will be same as for U.A.E.
Sale/Purchase Type configuration for U.A.E.; for Local transactions, ‘within Emirates’ & ‘outside Emirates’
was being asked which was not required. Now no such bifurcation will be asked in Local transactions.
‘Misc. VAT Utilities’ section provided for ‘U.A.E’. & ‘Saudi Arabia’ with two options, ‘Check & Update Party
Country, Emirates & TRN’ & ‘Check & Update Item Tax Code & Tax Category’. Same will be required while
switching to VAT for the first time
Bugs Removed
Nepali date enabled and date separator set to ‘.’, sometimes an error was being generated while saving
any voucher. Now problem rectified.
Minor refinement in Item-wise tax input form if Add. Cess was enabled.
Release 6.0 (21-12-2017)
Major Changes
Provision made to specify Item HSN Code date-wise. In Item master a button has been provided with HSN
code field. On click of this button a window will pop-up where date-wise HSN Codes can be specified.
Minor Changes
Following checks provided while modifying/deleting any Payment/Receipt voucher whose entries have
been reconciled with bank:
a. If Amount of voucher is changed, a warning will be shown.
b. A label has been put in voucher indicating some entries have been reconciled.
c. Changing of voucher date and taking it ahead of reconciliation date has been restricted.
Feeding B2B Registered expense; selecting any tax account, its value will be calculated automatically on
the basis of Tax Category specified in expense account.
Sale/Purchase voucher feeding; in case of local transactions, user had to specify CGST & SGST Bill Sundries
on his own. Now if CSGT is specified then SGST will be picked automatically and if SGST is specified then
CGST will be picked automatically.
Pending batch-wise stock report printing, name of Party from whom the batch was purchased will also be
Sale/Purchase Return voucher, till now it was possible to leave ‘Org. Vch No. & Date’ field as blank which
was creating problem in GST reporting. Now a validation has been put for blank ‘Org. Vch. No. & Date’.
Change F.Y., an option was being asked to carry static details of Account & Item master to next year. If
enabled, static details of masters from current year were updated in next year. But which details will be
updated was not known. Now a message box will be shown showing the details which will be updated.
Provision made to specify ‘Stock Updation Date’ in POS data entry. Till now this option was not available.
Maintaining voucher images, if voucher no. had some special character which was not acceptable in
image file name (like ‘/’) then it was not possible to match image file name with voucher no. Now user
can name image file after removing these special characters and BUSY will pick that image file also. For
example for voucher no. ‘234/19-18’, image file name can be ‘23419-18.jpg’
Negative stock warning was being shown while specifying the quantity of Item in voucher. It was creating
problem if Item’s Alt. or Packaging unit was enabled and user had to change the unit after quantity. Now
if an Item’s Alt. or Packaging unit is enabled, negative stock warning will be shown after specifying unit of
Provision made to input ‘E-way Bill No.’ in central transactions. Will be asked along with Transport
Provision made for ‘Nil Rated’ transaction in Sale/Purchase Type and Item-wise tax. Till now ‘Zero Rated’
& ‘Exempt’ were available.
Account master, size of static text fields increased to make data visible at a glance.
GST Penalty/Interest independent payment (without payment of regular tax) was not being accepted with
a message ‘No tax account found’. Now it will be accepted.
Tax Category master, some of the fields were not being asked date-wise. Now date-wise provision made
for all the fields.
GST configuration, option for surcharge was being asked for Composition Dealers also which was actually
not required. Now it will not be asked.
Item HSN Code field was not available for countries other than India. Now it has been made available.
Indent voucher could not be changed to other voucher type using F6 key, but it was being shown in
bottom message bar. Now this caption will not be shown.
Item barcode printing configuration, new fields related to Sales Price specified in Item master provided.
While showing list of companies; size of company code column increased to accommodate large folder
While exporting any report, company’s short name (if specified) will be embedded in exported file name.
It will help to identity the name of company for which the report was exported.
Provision made to configure no. of decimals for GST/VAT rate. Till now 2 decimal places were fixed but in
certain industries 3 decimals are required. Can be configured using
AdministrationFeatures/OptionsGST/VAT tab.
Bugs Removed
Exempt transactions under GST regime were being reflected in VAT Summary report. Now problem
Utility to recalculate Item tax in Tax Inclusive vouchers was not updating Sales against Challan vouchers.
Now problem rectified.
Sales voucher fed with Item with different tax rate on the basis of price and default tax rate changed in
transaction; during voucher modification default tax rate was being shown instead of changed tax rate.
Now problem rectified.
Import Sales voucher from Excel with option to calculate tax automatically; in case of Items with multiple
tax rates on the basis of price, tax rate as per price was not being applied. Now problem rectified.
‘Regenerate Manufacturing Vouchers’ utility was not working if data was partially frozen. Now problem
Multi Tax Sale Type with Add. Cess enabled; while configuring tax rate-wise sales account, an error was
being generated. Now problem rectified.
Feeding Accounting voucher; sometimes even if the debit & credit amounts were equal, program was not
automatically moving ahead to narration and user had to press F2 manually to jump ahead. Now problem
POS data entry; while browsing between vouchers using PageUp/PageDown key, sometimes 0.00 MRP
was being shown in empty rows. Now problem rectified.
Sales/Purchase data entry with BCN enabled; if quantity in Item grid was left zero and BCN
discount/markup was specified in BCN data entry, Item’s price from BCN data entry was not being picked
properly. Now problem rectified.
Invoice printing in multiple pages, sometimes outer box was not being printed properly on last page. Now
problem rectified.
Call management enabled; sometimes an error was being generated while showing total no. of calls in
Party dash-board. Now problem rectified.
Pending Orders report with custom columns related to voucher; if voucher belonged to last year, an error
was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Order/Challan printing in standard configuration with option ‘Show Value of Items’ set to ‘N’, an error was
being generated. Now problem rectified.
Discount % decimal places set to 3; if discount was specified as per unit, it was getting rounded off to 2
decimal places. Now problem rectified.
Modifying Material Issue voucher and converting it to Sales voucher using F6 in GST mode; list of Sale
Types showed VAT Sale Types and voucher could not be saved. Now problem rectified.
Sales voucher with alternate currency and GST charged was sometimes not being reflected properly in
GST reports. Now problem rectified.
Call management enabled and user bound with an Executive; user was able to view reports for other
Executives also. Now problem rectified.
Master Series Group enabled; while creating Account from Contact, an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
B2B Expense voucher; details specified in GST details window were getting lost during Export and Import
of data. Now problem rectified.
Release 5.7 (07-12-2017)
Bugs Removed
HO/BO synchronisation; BOM masters were not getting synched after modification. Now problem
Change F.Y. with option to carry master’s static details enabled; Item’s blank HSN codes from previous
year were getting overwritten in current year. Now blank HSN codes will not be overwritten.
Softlock validation, sometimes an error ‘This softlock is not valid for this machine’ was being shown even
if softlock was registered on same machine. Now problem rectified.
Account master; for accounts under group Fixed Assets, GST details were not being asked. Now problem
Generating invoice from order using F11 key; Items with zero list price and non-zero amount were not
being picked properly. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry for country other than India, while selecting Party, sometimes warning related to
Local/Central transaction was being shown. Now problem rectified.
Multi go-down inventory with MC at Item level enabled; invalid negative stock warning was being shown
in Stock Transfer vouchers. Now problem rectified.
Print preview of invoice having Item images, sometimes images were being shown distorted. Now
problem rectified.
While upgrading from older versions, sometimes an error related to Query Log table was being generated.
Now problem rectified.
Release 5.6 (25-11-2017)
Bugs Removed
Stock Transfer voucher; wrong negative stock warning was being shown. Now problem rectified.
Inventory vouchers; Item-wise tax details window was getting overlapped with top of form. Now problem
Purchase Order printing in standard format with option to print item value disabled; an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Starting from version 5.5 a new field ‘Tax Inclusive Price’ was introduced in Item master. In a few cases
this field was getting enabled automatically in Item masters creating problem during data entry. Now
problem rectified.
Starting from version 5.5, all reports having option ‘Show Un-approved Entries’ was generating error.
Now problem rectified.
Release 5.5 (23-11-2017)
Minor Changes
Creating/Modifying Tax Category in GST; provision made to specify VAT rate along with GST rates. No
need to switch to VAT to specify VAT rate.
Access mode, it was not possible to backup data of company if some other user was working in company.
Now it is possible and backup can be taken even if some other user is working the company.
Warning for negative stock was being shown at the time of saving voucher. Now it will be shown during
data entry only.
Item master data entry screen; order of data fields reshuffled and important fields like HSN Code & Tax
Category put first in order.
Item master; new fields ‘Tax Inclusive Sales Price’ & ‘Tax Inclusive Purchase Price’ provided. If these fields
are enabled then during voucher feeding price of the Item will split automatically as per Item’s tax
category and basic price will be shown.
User Activity Log was not being maintained for Super User. Now provision made for the same (can be
configured in Super User configuration).
Consolidated RCM Payable voucher, for RCM nature ‘Compulsory Reg. Dealer’ check has been provided
that Party should have GSTIN. Till now it was possible to use this RCM nature with unregistered Parties
Sales/Purchase data entry, voucher no. field being small in size was not displaying long voucher nos.
properly. Now a label below voucher no. field will be shown in small font which will show complete
voucher no.
Accounting voucher GST Nature ‘Debit Note Issued to customer’ & ‘Credit Note Issued to Customer’ will
be not be available in case of Composition Dealer as same was creating problem in GST reporting. User
can use Sales Return or Purchase Return in such cases.
Size of Bill-by-bill details window increased to show more data at one glance.
GST advance receipt reference window, a label has been put specifying that GST on advance is applicable
for services only.
Item batch-wise stock report, name of party from whom the batch was purchased will also be shown.
Creating new Sales voucher with POS enabled; initial form showing list of Voucher Series was showing
series in random order. Now it will be shown alphabetically.
Parameter-stock ledger report; size of field to capture parameter value was 10 characters. Now increased
to 20 characters.
Bulk creation of Accounts; by default country was being set to ‘—Others—‘. Now country as specified in
company will be set by default.
Bulk Updation of Item Tax Category for All/Group/Selected Items, provision made to specify HSN also for
which Tax Category is to be updated. Required when Tax Category for a particular HSN is changed and
user want to change Tax Category of all the Items under a specific HSN. Available as AdministrationBulk
UpdationUpdate Item Tax Category / HSN.
Bugs Removed
Multi-currency voucher with non-impact Bill Sundry, posting in alternate currency was not proper. Now
problem rectified.
User Activity Log was not showing correct date for Nepal country. Now problem rectified.
Target Variance report was not working properly in Nepali Date. Now problem rectified.
Material Received after Jobwork; if BOM existed for Items being received then pending quantity of raw
materials was being shown as zero in in Job reference window. Now problem rectified.
Sales voucher feeding with Item-wise tax and surcharge enabled in configuration; surcharge columns
were being shown disabled in case of VAT. Now problem rectified.
While creating Standard Narration for Sales/Purchase voucher, an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
Sometimes softlock was getting registered properly on a computer but at the time of validation it was not
getting validated with error ‘Service Not Available’. Now problem rectified.
Creating new invoice format and using ALT+D to load default format; nothing was being loaded if Excise
feature was enabled in company. Now problem rectified.
Stock Status report with value; sometimes total amount of individual Items was not matching with grand
total shown in report. Now problem rectified.
Date-wise tax rate specified in Tax Category; if during data entry any Item was modified using ALT+M then
tax rate as per current date was not being picked properly. Now problem rectified.
Specifying date-wise tax rates in Tax Category; if Cess & Add. Cess was enabled initially and then disabled
from a specified date, Add. Cess was being picked after that date during data entry. Now problem
Multi-currency voucher with non-impact Bill Sundry, tax summary was not being updated properly. Now
problem rectified.
Pressing F10 to open calculator without opening company, an error was being generated. Now problem
POS data entry; totals were getting merged with Item grid. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry; if Sale Type was changed from Item-wise Local to Central or vice versa, tax rates in Item
grid were not getting changed as per new Sale Type. Now problem rectified.
Generating Invoice from Orders using F11 with option to consolidate Item enabled; alt. quantity from
orders was not being picked properly. Now problem rectified.
Brokerage was enabled only for Sales; while posting brokerage from brokerage report using F4 key, wrong
values were being posted. Now problem rectified.
Using custom columns in bill-wise statement report; sometimes an error ‘Invalid Voucher Series Code’
was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Update Sales price from Purchase Price utility, Sales price updated back in Item master were not being
picked during data entry. Now problem rectified.
Trade-wise default configuration set in company without enabling VAT/GST; during POS configuration, an
error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Rewriting Books with VAT enabled; posting of GST in Item-wise tax related vouchers was getting
disturbed. Now problem rectified.
Default discount specified in Item master was not being picked if BCN was scanned directly at Item grid.
Now problem rectified.
Generating Sales Quotation for a Party with option ‘Auto Generate Quotation References’ set to false; if
any Sales Order was pending for that Party, Quotation reference window was not being shown at the time
of saving. Now problem rectified.
Company created with country other than India and type of taxation being GST; while feeding Sales
voucher, an error ‘Composition dealer can feed exempt sales only’ was being shown. Now problem
Stock ledger; closing quantity on any date going zero, non-zero stock value was being shown. Now
problem rectified.
Importing voucher from Excel with BCN; BCN with length greater than 15 were not getting imported.
Now problem rectified.
Release 5.4 (01-11-2017)
Minor Changes
Journal Voucher with GST Nature as ‘GST Tax Adjustment’; provision made to feed ITC Reversal/Reclaim
entries also.
‘Calculate Sale Price from Purchase Price’ data entry form (which is shown after saving the Purchase
Voucher); Item’s MRP will also be shown along with other data like List Price, Discount etc.
Account Ledger, provision made to skip Opening Balance. Required in certain industries where accounts
are settled verbally till a date and ledger is required from next date assuming opening balance as zero.
Account master data entry screen; order of data fields reshuffled and important fields put first in order.
Account master; while specifying GSTIN of Party, a button provided ‘Search on GST Portal’. On Clicking
this button user will be routed to GSTIN search page on GST portal.
Busy main screen side panel, a new button ‘GST Portal’ provided. On clicking this button user will be
routed to GST portal login page.
Bill Sundry configuration with mode of calculation as ‘Selective’; option to include Add. Cess was not
available. Now made available.
Generating eReturn(s); size of text box to specify file path was 40 characters only. Now length increased
to 256 characters.
Purchase voucher; field ‘Input Type’ was being asked in countries other than India also. Now it will not be
asked in other countries as same is not required.
Creating new company; by default taxation type was being set to GST. Now GST will be set for country
India only and for other countries VAT will be set by default.
‘Calculate Item’s Sizing Info from Description’ feature; length of field for specifying formula was 40
characters. Now increased to 80 characters.
Bugs Removed
‘GST Nature’ in accounting vouchers; while browsing through the drop down list, description for
‘Composition Expense’ was not being shown. Now problem rectified.
Data Export/Import in XML mode; sometimes Party State as specified in ‘Billing/Shipping Details’ window
was not being imported. Now problem rectified.
GST Advance Receipt window, sometime wrong warning for unadjusted amount was being shown. Now
problem rectified.
‘Separate Billing/Shipping Details’ enabled for Cash only and invoice generated for a non Cash Party;
check for Party region (Local/Central) was not being applied. Now problem rectified.
‘Regenerate Masters Help File’ utility, if run for All Master; focus was getting shifted to ‘Sale/Purchase
Type Only’ creating confusion. Now problem rectified.
Sale/Purchase Analysis reports, Party TIN was being shown instead of Party GSTIN. Now problem
Printing invoice with Item images; in case of large no. of Items, images were not being printed. Now
problem rectified.
Pending Orders report with Voucher Optional fields as custom column; value for orders belonging to last
year was not being shown. Now problem rectified.
Tracking No. report; in case of large no. of Tracking Nos., an error was being generated while specifying
Tracking No. in report options. Now problem rectified.
Option ‘Show End of List in Dropdown List’ enabled; on pressing F2 while selecting Party, an error was
being generated. Now problem rectified.
Columnar Sales/Purchase register, totals for some GST related fields were not being shown. Now
problem rectified.
Sub ledger used for Party while feeding Debit/Credit Note; while printing Debit/Credit Note, main Party
details were being printed instead of sub ledger details. Now problem rectified.
Free Qty. enabled and quantity decimal places set to zero; while feeding vouchers if qty. was typed as 1.2
then although qty. was picked as 1 but amount was being calculated on the basis of 1.2. Now problem
Rounding Off enabled upto 5 Rupees, 100.5 was being rounded to 101 instead of 100. Now problem
Printing Tax Summary in Advance Receipt voucher; zero% tax entries were not being printed properly.
Now problem rectified.
POS data entry and discount enabled with BCN; while scanning BCN directly, discount specified in
Purchase voucher was being picked in Sales voucher also. Now problem rectified.
BCN discount specified starting form a specific date; same was not being picked during data entry. Now
problem rectified.
Tax Category master, if Cess was changed from some specific date then during data entry Cess was being
shown disabled in Item-wise tax details window. Now problem rectified.
Updating ‘Purchase Bill No. & Date’ from Misc. Utilities, same were not being reflected in GST reports.
Now problem rectified.
VAT with surcharge enabled in company configuration, user was not able to specify default surcharge in
Tax Category master. Now problem rectified.
Invoice printing; sometimes an additional page was being printed without any body data (only header &
footer were being printed). Now problem rectified.
‘Separate Billing/Shipping Details’ option enabled; sometimes warning for Local/Central transaction
differing with Party state was misbehaving. Now problem rectified.
Release 5.3 (18-10-2017)
Minor Changes
Bugs Removed
‘Tracking No. Item-wise Summary’ report was generating error. Now problem rectified.
Item BCN-wise data entry; BCN current stock was not being shown in drop down list. Now problem
Printing Payment Advice for vouchers having multiple parties in single voucher; wrong copy title (Original,
Duplicate etc.) was being printed. Now problem rectified.
Voucher numbering configuration, ‘0’ as padding character in numeric part was not being accepted. Now
problem rectified.
Creating new ‘Item-wise taxable’ Sale/Purchase Type, same was not being saved with some error
message. Now problem rectified.
Release 5.2 (12-10-2017)
Minor Changes
Dr Note/Cr Note fed with Sub Ledger; in GST reports Main Ledger was being shown. Now GST reports will
show Sub Ledger as in case of Sales/Purchase.
GST Advance Receipt; it was not possible to create 0% tax reference. Now it is possible as the same is
required in case of advance received against export.
GST Advance Receipt adjustment in Sale voucher, if any tax % was used in Sales voucher and advance
reference for the same tax% was not available, a warning was being shown for unadjusted amount. Now
this warning will not be shown in such cases.
Feeding expenses through accounting vouchers, new GST Nature ‘Composition Expense’ provided to feed
inward transactions through composition dealers.
Creating/Modifying Expense account; Reverse Charge Nature for Compulsory Reg. Dealer & Compulsory
Unreg. Dealer was being asked separately. Now both have been merged and only Compulsory will be
asked and on the basis of Party in transaction, Compulsory Reg. Dealer or Compulsory Unreg. Dealer will
be decided.
Cess/Add. Cess based on Quantity was being calculated on free quantity also. Now it will be calculated on
billed quantity only.
Provision made to invoke Training/Help Videos from main form. Till now this option was available in
Company menu only.
Creating Item Tax Category, provision made to leave Cess/Add. Cess as zero so that user can specify the
same during data entry.
Separate Billing/Shipping Details window; in case of Export invoice it was being shown that input credit
will be available on this invoice. Now it will not be shown.
Invoice standard format designing with self-configured body; size of individual column could be set to 1
which was creating problem during printing. Now minimum size for any column restricted to 2.
Dr Note/Cr Note feeding, while showing drop down list for ‘Reason’ field; Sales Return was being shown in
case of Purchase Return creating confusion. Now instead of Sales Return, Sales/Purchase Return will be
Daily RCM Liability voucher created for a date; modifying any ‘RCM/Unreg. Purchase’ accounting voucher
in that date, a warning was being shown saying RCM Liability voucher has already been created. Now this
warning will be shown only if any account/value is changed during voucher modification.
Same account being debited and credited with same amount in Journal voucher, bill-by-bill details
window was not being shown for that account. Now it will be shown.
Till now RCM invoice for Compulsory Registered Dealer was not being printed. Now it has been made
GST Payment/Adjustment voucher feeding, ‘Period Ending’ field was being asked in the last and was
mostly was being skipped by user. Now this field will be asked in beginning.
Query System, new report ‘Query on HSN Code’ provided to check Items falling under a specific HSN
HSN Code-wise Stock report, till now only amount was being shown. Now quantity will also be shown.
‘Update HSN/SAC Code Description’ utility, by default blank description rows will be shown on top so that
user can update them easily.
Regularise PDC utility, new option ‘Retain Voucher Date’ provided. If enabled, voucher date as specified
in voucher will be retained otherwise PDC date will be set as voucher date.
‘Check BUSY Updates’ option; default download folder was C:\BusyWin. Now default download folder will
be Desktop.
Tax Summary printing in Invoice bottom, size of Add. Cess column increased to take care of bigger values.
Bugs Removed
Sales/Purchase Analysis reports Item-wise; option to show Item’s Basic amount was not excluding Items
tax amount. Now problem rectified.
Sales/Purchase Analysis reports; Add. Cess was not being considered while calculating tax amount. Now
problem rectified.
HO/BO enabled; if Items were imported from Excel at HO, same were not being synchronised to BO. Now
problem rectified.
Account Register printing with option to show GSTIN enabled; GSTIN was not being printed. Now
problem rectified.
Voucher export/import in XML format; ‘GST Report Basis’ field was not being exchanged. Now problem
Multi-Currency enabled; while viewing Dash Board and pressing <ENTER> on Cash/Bank Balance, incorrect
values were being shown. Now problem rectified.
Sales voucher feeding with Item-wise tax; if Sale Type was changed from Local to Central or vice versa
after feeding the Items, Item-wise tax percent in existing data was not getting initialised as per the new
Sale Type. Now problem rectified.
Global Query on masters, Item’s HSN Code was not being searched. Now problem rectified.
BOM master created with blank space before BOM name; while using that BOM during Production
voucher feeding, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Sales Register on screen with option ‘Print Mobile No.’ enabled, sometimes irrelevant values were being
shown. Now problem rectified.
Party/Item-wise pricing maintained with option to update back price from voucher enabled; price for
packaging unit was not being updated properly. Now problem rectified.
While creating new company while another instance of Busy was running, an error was being generated.
Now problem rectified.
If date-wise Item pricing was enabled, fields related to Item category-wise pricing were showing wrong
values when used as custom columns. Now problem rectified.
Invoice configuration; fields related to taxable amount were printing wrong values for vouchers where
advance was adjusted. Now problem rectified.
Invoice printing with a lot Items with separate HSN Codes, HSN-wise Summary in bottom was not getting
printed completely. Now problem rectified.
‘Pending Job References-Item-wise’ report, on pressing <ENTER> nothing was being shown. Now problem
Creating tax Payment voucher from GST Summary using F4 key, voucher series(s) for Journal voucher
were being shown instead of Payment voucher. Now problem rectified.
Generating Invoice from Orders using F11 key with option to consolidate Items enabled; Alt. Quantity of
Items was not getting consolidated. Now problem rectified.
If Add. Cess was enabled; batch printing of Invoices was generating error. Now problem rectified.
Release 5.1 (21-09-2017)
Minor Changes
GSTING being specified in Billing/Shipping Details window, lower case was being accepted which was
creating problem later on. Now GSTIN will be converted to upper case automatically.
Option ‘Don’t Allow’ in Warning Alarms was always being treated as ‘Warning Only’ in case of Super User.
Now it has been made configurable.
Bugs Removed
After upgrading to 5.0, in a few cases sometimes an error was being shown during data entry. Now
problem rectified.
Importing Items from Excel and ‘Packaging Unit’ feature enabled; sometimes an error was being
generated during import process. Now problem rectified.
Custom column added in ‘Bills Receivable’ report, sometimes an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
Payment/Journal voucher saved with GST Nature as ‘Not Applicable’; while changing GST Nature as ‘GST
Payment/Adjustment’ during modification, an error was being generated while saving the voucher. Now
problem rectified.
Creating new company; if Cess was enabled, Add. Cess was also getting enabled automatically. Now
problem rectified.
If GST/VAT was disabled, an error was being generated while printing 3” Slip format invoice. Now
problem rectified.
Sales Register, if option ‘Show Party GSTIN also’ was enabled; only un-approved vouchers were being
shown (if approval feature was enabled). Now problem rectified.
Release 5.0 (19-09-2017)
Major Changes
Cess on GST was available in % only. Now provision made to specify Cess per quantity also.
Minor Changes
Provision made to download full setup of BUSY from ‘Check BUSY Update’ menu. Till now only Product
Update & Stat Update was available.
Provision made to check/update all Expense Accounts with GST details on a single screen. Available as
AdministrationMastersBulk UpdationCheck/Update Expense GST Details.
Bulk Updation of masters, provision made to filter loaded data on the basis of any value in existing fields.
For example all Items are shown on screen and user wants to see only those Items with blank HSN Code.
While creating/modifying State master, ‘State Code’ field can’t be left blank.
While upgrading data to new version, a message will be shown asking user to take backup of data before
proceeding with upgrade and user will redirected to backup screen if required.
GSTIN in Account master was being accepted in lower case which was creating problem later on. Now it
will be converted in upper case automatically during data feeding.
While creating account master, State’ was being accepted as ‘Others’ also. Now it has been restricted as
it was creating problem in GST reports. Now if ‘Country’ is India then it will be necessary to specify proper
While feeding ‘Registered Expense (B2B)’, Expense Account will also be captured in GST details window.
Creating new company and with country as ‘Kenya’, be default tax type was being chosen as GST. Now by
default tax type will be VAT.
Warning Alarm restrict Sales Price below Min. Sales Price; option provided to treat Purchase Price as Min.
Sale Price. Required when user wants to restrict Sales Price below Purchase Price.
‘Remote control software’ menu in Company menu, provision made to download and save ‘TeamViewer
9’ client in BUSY folder. Once ‘TeamViewer 9’ is saved in BUSY folder, it can be invoked automatically next
time without downloading.
Knowledge Documents will not be shipped with setup and will be downloaded online if required by user.
Feeding accounting voucher related to GST; if any Non-GST Account was used, user was not able to save
that voucher. Now if any GST Expense Account has been specified then user can use another Non-GST
Account with in same voucher.
Till now RCM tax accounts were being created under regular tax type (CGST/SGST/IGST) in Account
master. Now for RCM, new tax types provided to distinguish between RCM and regular tax.
Carrying F.Y to next year with option ‘Carry Masters Static Info. also’ enabled; if static information was
blank in last year then it was being overwritten in current year. Now if static information is not blank in
previous year, only then it will be updated in current year.
Country other than India, Party TIN was being validated for numeric characters. Now this check has been
removed as other countries may have alpha numeric TIN.
POS voucher series configuration, option was provided whether to show Tax Summary on screen or not.
Now this option will be asked in all voucher series.
E-way Bill no. will be asked during central Purchase for U.P. State. Report will be provided later on.
Invoice designing; field <GST_PERCENT> was showing 9+9 in case of local transactions and 18 in case of
central transactions for Items having 18% GST. Now this field will show 18 in both local & central
Invoice designing; fields related to ‘Packaging Unit & Price’ and ‘Parameter-wise Discount & Markup’
Printing any report directly from grid, company GSTIN will also be printed.
Item label printing fields added related to category-wise Discount & Markup.
Dr Note/Cr Note received from supplier, only Expense/Purchase accounts were allowed in data entry.
Now all revenue accounts will be allowed.
Helpline nos. on main screen was showing old nos. Now new nos. will be shown.
Inventory voucher feeding; Tax Summary in left bottom was not being shown for multi-currency vouchers.
Now it will be shown.
Bugs Removed
Unit master, Unit name as per Excise was being asked even if Excise was not enabled. Now problem
List of companies being shown along with ‘Financial Years’ and ‘Company Size’ information, companies
not valid for current computers HDD were also being shown. Now problem rectified.
Importing data from Excel, sometime numeric fields in decimals were not getting imported properly. Now
problem rectified.
Item pricing mode applied to both ‘Price & Discount’ and only Discount specified in pricing mode
configuration, same was not being picked during data entry. Now problem rectified.
Specifying HSN Code/Tax Category with Item Group and updating in child Items from there only, Item’s
Op. Stock was being removed. Now problem rectified.
‘Pending Job Work’ details report, option to show Parameterised details was not being asked. Now
problem rectified.
GST reports not enabled; while creating Item, a warning ‘HSN Code not specified’ was being shown which
was irrelevant as GST was disabled. Now problem rectified.
Single voucher XML copy/paste, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry; scanning Batch No. Barcode directly, sometimes Batch Sales price was not being picked
properly. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry; scanning BCN directly, BCN price in Alt. Unit was not being picked properly. Now problem
Sometimes IGST tax columns were not being printed in standard invoice. Now problem rectified.
Release 4.7 (07-09-2017)
Minor Changes
‘Update Voucher GST Summary’ was available in House Keeping section which was not traceable easily.
Now this menu has been provided in TransactionsGST Misc. Utilities also.
UQC code as required in GSTR reports was being specified in HSN-wise Description utility. Now it will be
asked in Unit master and same HSN with different unit will be shown separately in HSN-wise summary in
GST reports.
Sales/Purchase Register with tax amounts, total of tax (CSGT+SGST+IGST) will be shown in a label in
bottom to reconcile total tax liability.
Items created with ‘None’ Tax Category and vouchers fed with same; later on while changing Item’s Tax
Category to ‘Exempt’ or ‘Zero Rated’, existing vouchers were not getting updated with ‘Update GST
Summary’ utility. Now it will be done.
New report provided ‘Query on GSTIN’ in Query Analysis section and GST Misc. Utilities section. Required
when a GSTIN is rejected from portal and user need to find Party/Invoice where this GSTIN has been
Shipping Bill No. & Date window (required in Export Sale) was being shown in ‘Sale to SEZ’ also. Now it
will not be shown.
Bugs Removed
While changing FY and carrying balances for all masters; an error was being generated if Accounts/Items
were greater than 32000. Now problem rectified.
While trying to apply multiple schemes in same voucher, first scheme was being applied and second was
not. Now problem rectified.
Running ‘Update Voucher GST Summary’ utilities was sometimes not posting tax summary of a single
voucher. Now problem rectified.
Renumbering vouchers, new voucher numbers were not being updated in GST related reports. Now
problem rectified.
Release 4.6 (02-09-2017)
Minor Changes
‘Update Transport Details’ utility, size of columns was small. Now size of columns increased in case of
wide screen.
Bugs Removed
Payment voucher listing for a selected series, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Columnar Sales register configured with GST tax rate related fields was not showing any data. Now
problem rectified.
‘Reconcile Item Gross Profit’ report; on pressing <ENTER> an error was being generated. Now problem
Adjusting GST Advance reference at the time of Sales, sometimes even if amount adjusted was equal to
amount to be adjusted, an error was being shown. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry; current stock was not being shown properly. Now problem rectified.
While creating new company for ‘Composition Dealer’, an error was being generated. Now problem
Release 4.5 (28-08-2017)
Minor Changes
Accounting vouchers, a new GST Nature ‘Tax Paid Expense (B2C)’ added to take care of expense where we
have GST paid invoice but nature is B2C (like F&B invoice from Restaurants).
‘State’ of company will be shown in bottom along with GSTIN No. Required to avoid GST related data
entry mistakes.
If any ST/PT Master was being used by mistake in both VAT & GST dates, same was creating problem in
reporting. Now at the time of running ‘Update Voucher VAT/GST Summary’ option, such ST/PT Master
will be notified to user so that he can correct the data.
Utility ‘Update Item HSN/SAC Description & UQC’ was available in AdministrationMisc. Data Entry which
was not visible to most of the users. Now it has been made available in TransactionsGST Misc. Utilities
menu also.
Printing RCM invoice, transactions with RCM nature as ‘Compulsory Reg. Dealer’ were not being printed
as the same was not required. But it was creating confusion at user’s end. Now a message will be shown
mentioning the same while printing RCM invoice.
Bugs Removed
Import vouchers from Excel, formats configured for Sales Return& Purchase Return vouchers were not
being shown. Now problem rectified.
Clicking on ‘Reindex Databases’ from Company menu was generating error. Now problem rectified.
Auto Round- off Bill Sundry was sometimes not being applied properly (whether to be added or
subtracted). Now problem rectified.
Sales Register was generating error if Cess on GST was enabled in configuration. Now problem rectified.
Generating Invoice from Order using F11, ‘State’ as specified in ‘Billing Details’ in Order was not being
picked. Now problem rectified.
‘Scheme Used in Vouchers’ report; sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Release 4.4 (23-08-2017)
Minor Changes
Account master new field ‘GST Type’ added with options GST Applicable / GST Not applicable / Non-GST.
If ‘GST Type’ is chosen as GST Applicable then user can specify other GST related details like Tax Category,
HSN/SAC Code etc. User can enable GST in all Expense/Fixed Asset accounts to record GST related
transactions through accounting vouchers.
Accounting vouchers, a new GST Nature added ‘Exempt Expense’ to record GST Exempt expenses.
Accounting vouchers feeding; while specifying ‘GST Nature’ from drop down list, description of current
selected ‘GST Nature’ will be shown in side to make it more clear.
Accounting vouchers can now be used to record GST related Fixed Assets transactions (Registered / RCM)
New RCM Nature ‘Compulsory (Unreg.)’ provided in list of RCM Natures while creating Expense account.
Tax Rates on the basis of Item price; in case of Tax Inclusive price, tax rate was picked on the basis of tax
inclusive price. Now it will be picked on the basis of price before tax.
While generating RCM Invoice No. in ‘Consolidated RCM Payable’ voucher, there was no check for
duplicate no. Now this check has been applied.
Voucher Configuration, new field ‘GST Report Basis’ provided where user can fix it to either As per Party
Details or Billing/Shipping Details or Ask in Voucher.
‘Bulk Updation of Account GSTIN/State’ utility; now Country & Type of Dealer will also be shown along
with GSTIN & State.
Sale/Purchase voucher data entry; Tax Summary in left bottom, totals of taxable and tax amounts will also
be shown.
<ITC_ELIGIBILITY> field treatment changes for Composition Dealers. Now ‘Input will not be available’ will
be shown.
PDC regularisation utility, option ‘Save Cheque Received Date in Narration’ was not being saved. Now it
will be saved.
Import vouchers from Excel, few fields related to GST details in Billing/Shipping Details window were not
available. Now made available.
Import vouchers from Excel, a new option ‘GST Report Basis’ will be asked upfront if any field related to
‘Billing/Shipping Details’ if configured and ‘GST Report Basis’ field is not configured in import.
While creating new company; Purchase Type Import was being created as ‘Exempt’. Now it will be
created as ‘Taxable’.
Bugs Removed
While blocking any master, in list of master types two items ‘Misc. Masters’ & ‘Bulk Updation’ was being
shown by mistake. Now problem rectified.
Modifying an Order and deleting an Item from grid, an error was being generated while saving the
voucher. Now problem rectified.
Configuring Haryana VAT registers; sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Item master, option to change Alt. Unit / Packaging Unit after transactions have been fed was enabled by
mistake (as per design it cannot be changed). Now problem rectified.
Adjusting multiple GST Advance references in Sales voucher; incorrect pending Advance amount was
being shown in bottom. Now problem rectified.
Standard Invoice configuration; option ‘Print Party Details’ if set to ‘N’ was not being saved in background.
Now problem rectified.
Upgrading BUSY to any Dual Mode model using upgrade file, Dual Mode model was not being shown in
upgrade screen. Now problem rectified.
Modifying Dr Note/Cr Note voucher; sometimes an error ‘Overflow’ was being generated. Now problem
‘Call Day Book’ report was generating error. Now problem rectified.
Release 4.3 (17-08-2017)
Minor Changes
Creating new company, Tax Category ‘Services 5%’ will be created automatically.
Bugs Removed
More than 100 Material Centres tagged with a Branch, same were not being considered in inventory
reports. Now problem rectified.
‘Regenerate Voucher VAT/GST Summary’ option was sometimes generating error ‘Invalid Cursor’. Now
problem rectified.
POS data entry; scanning BCN directly, sales price was not being picked. Now problem rectified.
Accounting voucher with GST Nature as ‘Unreg/RCM’, warning messages were not proper. Now problem
Release 4.2 (12-08-2017)
Minor Changes
Billing/Shipping Details window; in case of Composition Dealer, ‘Input will be Available’ was being shown.
Now ‘Composition – Input will not be available’ will be shown.
‘GST Help Contents’ on main form will now be routed to a web page where all the GST related help
contents have been hosted. This page can be accessed directly also using\gsthelcontents.aspx.
Creating new Account; till now company’s State was being shown as default State for Account being
created. It was creating problem if no State master was found matching company’s State. Now in such
scenario, State ‘Others’ will be shown as default in Account master being created.
Pressing F4 key on ‘RCM Summary’ report, nothing was happening. Now a message will be shown to drill
down to specific date to post RCM voucher using F4 key.
GST details in accounting vouchers; Party’s location (Local/Central) was being judged from State name
specified in Party master which was creating confusion in some cases. Now State’s TIN Digit will be
checked to judge Local/Central type.
Bugs Removed
Barcode printing for Sales/Purchase Return voucher was generating error. Now problem rectified.
Monthly/Quarterly Sales/Purchase analysis report was generating error. Now problem rectified.
Object history of any voucher was sometimes shown double entry for voucher creation. Now problem
‘Registered Expense’ vouchers; State for the Party as specified in data entry window was not being picked
as POS. Now problem rectified.
‘Registered Expense’ with IGST, a warning was being shown ‘SGST not specified’. Now problem rectified.
Standard Invoice in Landscape mode, caption of ‘Declaration’ section was not being printed properly.
Now problem rectified.
In some cases while feeding Sales invoice, Qty/Price was being skipped automatically. This problem
started with version 4.1. Now problem rectified.
In some cases, an error ‘Duplicate Key’ was being generated during upgrade. Now problem rectified.
Release 4.1 (10-08-2017)
Minor Changes
Changing of ‘State’ in Account master was not allowed after feeding the transactions. Now this check has
been removed.
Bugs Removed
Single Entry Payment voucher, warning for RCM nature in expense account was being shown even if GST
Nature was not ‘Unreg/RCM Expense’. Now problem rectified.
Single Entry Payment voucher with GST Nature as ‘Registered Expense’; window for tracking GSTR-2
details was not being shown. Now problem rectified.
Separate Billing/Shipping Details window, on pressing F2 directly of GST Report Basis field, an error was
being generated.
Separate Billing/Shipping Details window; if GST Report Basis was changed from Party to Billing Details or
vice versa, impact of the same was not being reflected in bottom where GST Report Basis details were
being shown. Now problem rectified.
Settlement Summary report for Sales/Purchase Return vouchers; Voucher Series was being shown
disabled. Now problem rectified.
Data Import through XML, sometimes data was not being imported with reason ‘Configuration does not
match’ even if there was no mismatch in configuration. Now problem rectified.
Release 4.0 (08-08-2017)
Major Changes
Provision made to feed expenses from registered dealers (on which input as available) through accounting
a. Specify Tax Category in Account masters.
b. At the time of feeding Journal/Payment voucher, pick GST Nature as ‘Registered Expense’. While
saving voucher a window will pop up where GST related details can be specified which will be
reflected in GSTR2 as registered purchase.
A new predefined unit ‘N.A’ provided which can be used for service Items. If this unit is used in Item
master then stock of that Item will not be maintained and Qty./Price will be skipped automatically during
data entry.
Till now GST reporting details for Sales voucher was always Party details and separate Billing/Shipping
details were being used for printing purpose only. Now provision made to specify GST Reporting basis
which could be either Party details or separate Billing/Shipping details.
Minor Changes
Sale Type master, new option provided ‘Reverse Charge’ in Taxation Type section. By enabling this option
user can generate invoice on which ‘Reverse Charge’ is applicable for recipient.
RCM Nature ‘Compulsory’ changed to ‘Compulsory (Reg. Dealer)’ to make it more clear.
GST Nature ‘Dr Note Received’ & ‘Cr Note Received’ were not available in Journal voucher. Now made
Printing Account Ledger for multiple accounts, continuous Page Nos. were being maintained for all Parties
which was not acceptable if Ledger print-outs were to be given to individual parties. Now option provided
to print independent Page No. for each Ledger.
Posting Consolidated RCM voucher, accounts to be debited were being asked first and accounts to be
credited were being asked after that. Now it will be reversed which is more logical.
Item-wise tax details window, Item’s tax rate as specified in master will be shown in a label for error free
data entry.
In order to modify State/Country master; only option was to use <ALT+M> while specifying State/Country
in Account master. Now menu for State & Country masters as AdministrationMasterMisc.
Item Batch-wise data entry, Sales price as specified during Purchase voucher was not changeable at the
time of Sales or repeat Purchase. Now it is changeable.
Warning for ‘Blank HSN Code in Item master’ provided through Warning Alarms.
Purchase Return voucher, ‘Org. Bill No.’ field was getting validated from Purchase voucher No. and not
from ‘Purchase Bill No.’. Now it will be validated as per ‘Purchase Bill No.’ as specified in Purchase
Creating default voucher for RCM or Advance GST while viewing report; if voucher already existed then
user was being asked to modify existing voucher or create new voucher. Now in such scenario, existing
voucher will be modified and option to create new voucher will not be asked.
Creating Item masters in continuation, ‘HSN Code’ & ‘Tax Category’ fields were getting initialised after
saving of master. Now it won’t be initialised and can be used in next master.
Bugs Removed
Bulk Invoice generation from Challan utility was not working properly in GST. Now problem rectified.
Voucher splitting utility was not working properly for GST. Now problem rectified.
Item Tax Summary in tabular form was sometimes not getting clubbed properly on the basis of HSN Code.
Now problem rectified.
Accounting voucher in Alt. Currency, negative Cash warning was always being shown even if Cash was not
negative. Now problem rectified.
‘Dash Board’ report, on pressing <ENTER> an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Serial No. XXXX8000 was being shown as C.A. edition where as C.A. edition numbering starts from
XXXX8001. Now problem rectified.
While emailing Standard invoice in landscape mode, it was being emailed in portrait mode only. Now
problem rectified.
Scheme on the basis of clubbed Items was not being applied properly in voucher. Now problem rectified.
Invoice configuration advanced format, picking default format in Landscape mode; an error ‘Invalid Font’
was being shown at the time of saving. Now problem rectified.
Item’s Serial No.-wise stock being maintained; sometimes while Carrying F.Y. an error was being
generated if no. of pending Serial Nos. for a single Item were quite large. Now problem rectified.
Account master; field ‘RCM Nature’ was not visible properly if ‘Bill-by-bill’ field was also enabled. Now
problem rectified.
POS data entry; scanning BCN directly, BCN price was not being picked from BCN date-wise pricing
structure. Now problem rectified.
If any Item with dual tax rate (on the basis of value) was used with different tax rate in a single invoice, tax
summary for that invoice was not showing proper values. Now problem rectified.
Importing Items from Excel with multiple Aliases; an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Item-wise discount report was not showing correct results. Now problem rectified.
Release 3.2 (27-07-2017)
Minor Changes
‘Tax Rate-wise Stock Details’ report was being shown in GST which was actually not required. Now it has
been removed.
GST Surcharge on Item; three calculation modes were available that is Item Amount, Tax Amount & Item +
Tax Amount. Now only one mode, Item Amount has been provided as required by GST.
Bugs Removed
After feeding any VAT Payment voucher; other voucher fed in continuation were also being treated as
VAT payment. Now problem rectified.
RCM utility was not considering account heads which were not directly under Expense Group. Now
problem rectified.
Sometimes ST/PT belonging to VAT was being shown in GST, creating problem in VAT reports. Now
problem rectified.
Currency decimal places more than 5; an error was being generated while printing invoice. Now problem
Release 3.1 (24-07-2017)
Minor Changes
Item body configuration in Standard invoice format; user could pick both Item Name & Item Print Name
which was creating confusion later on. Now user can choose either Item Name or Item Print Name.
Creating new company; if default tax rates were not specified, ST/PT for 18% & 12% were being created.
Now ST/PT for 5%, 12%, 18% & 28% will be created.
Printing tax summary in bottom of Dr/Cr Note, captions ‘Org. Vch No.’ & ‘Org. Vch Date’ were being used.
Now ‘Org. Inv. No.’ & ‘Org. Inv. Date’ will be used.
Tax Summary in accounting vouchers was being printed in normal font. Now it will be printed in
condense mode.
Bugs Removed
Starting from version 3.0, Contra vouchers were not being saved with message ’Invalid GST Nature for this
Voucher Type’. Now problem rectified.
Import vouchers from Excel without amount column (amount being recalculated on the basis of quantity
& price), reverse GST was not being calculated properly. Now problem rectified.
Saving company configuration and pressing <ESC> immediately, an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
Release 3.0 (21-07-2017)
Major Changes
a. While feeding receipt voucher user can specify GST Nature as ‘Advance Receipt’ and can create
advance references along with GST details.
b. While printing Receipt, GST details will be printed on it.
c. While feeding Sales Invoice, user can adjust the advance reference.
d. In case of refund, user can use payment voucher with GST nature as ‘Refund against Advance
Receipt’ and can adjust advance reference.
e. Two report, ‘Tax Payable on Advance Receipt’ and ‘Tax Adjustable against Tax on Advance’ are
provided. First report will show the tax liability arising out of Advance Receipt where invoice is
not raised in current tax period. Second report will show the invoices which have been adjusted
against Advance Receipt in previous tax period. Available as Transactions—GST Misc. Utilities-
>Check/Post Tax on Advance Receipt & Check/Post Tax Adjustable against Advance.
Provision for separate tax rate on the basis of price as required in footwear and garment industry. We
can specify different rate of tax on the basis of price in Tax Category master and same will be applied at
the time of voucher saving.
Provision for Composition Dealer. Can be configured through GST configuration window. In case of
composition dealer certain checks and controls provided as user will be able to create Exempt invoice only
and won’t be able to get Input credit in purchase.
Till now Sales/Purchase Account could be specified either with Sale/Purchase Type or with Items. Now
mixed mode can used where account can be specified both with Sales/Purchase type and Item level. At
the time of saving, Items with their own Sales/Purchase account will be posted in their respective
accounts and other Items will be posted as per Sales/Purchase Type. Required when both Goods &
Services/Expenses are being used in a single invoice and user can tag separate Service/Expense account
with respective Items.
Minor Changes
Provision made to specify default Tax Category & HSN Code with Item Group master which will be picked
automatically during new Item creation. Also provision made in Item group to update Tax Category &
HSN Code in all Items under that group with a single click.
Configuring SMS with API, an option was being asked ‘Remove Line Feed’. Now this option will not be
asked as it is no longer required.
New field ‘Port Code’ added in ‘Shipping Details’ window for Export Supply.
Voucher feeding with Item-wise tax; if final amount was changed after specifying the tax; basic amount &
tax amount was being recalculated on the basis of final amount. This treatment was not desirable for
Items with zero quantity (service items). Now in such cases on changing the final amount, tax will be
calculated over and above the final amount.
Bugs Removed
Item HSN code field chosen in Item’s drop down window was not showing GST HSN Code. Instead it was
showing VAT Comm. Code. Now problem rectified.
‘Regenerate Help File’ utility for ‘All Masters’ was not working. Now problem rectified.
Invoice configuration, total CGST/SGST/IGST fields were not working if tax was applied through Bill
Sundry. No problem rectified.
Creating a new company with VAT and then using ‘Create Default Masters’ button in GST configuration,
existing Purchase Types for VAT were getting deleted. Now problem rectified.
Item multiple price list being maintained; if during data entry Item’s price category was changed, MRP for
new category was not being picked. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry for Purchase Return voucher; scanning BCN directly, purchase price was not being picked
automatically. Now problem rectified.
Sometimes HSN-wise summary in invoice was skipping a few entries. Now problem rectified.
Release 2.7 (14-07-2017)
Minor Changes
st th
GST starting date was being considered as 1 July but in J&K GST was implemented from 8 July. Now for
J&K GST implementation date will be considered as 8th July.
Bugs Removed
a. If at one place configuration was VAT and at other GST, synch we not getting started. Now it can
be done.
b. Both VAT & GST vouchers were not getting synchronised in one go. Now it can be done
c. If option to update Account Op. Balance was disabled at HO then while receiving Account from
BO, Account’s Op. Ref. was getting deleted at HO. Now problem rectified.
Registering softlock, sometimes error ‘Service Not available’ was being generated. Now problem
Item-wise GST vouchers were not being imported from Excel. Now problem rectified.
‘Create Default Masters’ button in GST configuration was not creating Cess related Accounts (if enabled).
Now problem rectified.
‘Signatory Details’ form in GST configuration section was showing weird data fields. Now problem
Tax Summary in tabular format in invoice; in case of Cess exceeding 100%, *** was being printed. Now
problem rectified.
Release 2.6 (12-07-2017)
Minor Changes
New invoice format for 3” & 4” were being created on pressing ‘Create Default Masters’ button in GST
configuration. Now it will be created automatically while opening company.
Bugs Removed
Sometimes an error was being generated on clicking ‘Voucher Configuration’ menu. Now problem
Invoice standard format; if logo was enabled, GSTIN caption was being printed as GST. Now problem
Multi Rate GST voucher, sometimes Tax Summary was showing difference in tax amount in a few paisa.
Now problem rectified.
While registering softlock, sometimes an error ‘Service Not Available’ was being shown even if everything
was ok. Now problem rectified.
Release 2.5 (11-07-2017)
Minor Changes
Data entry in VAT after 1st July and vice versa was restricted. Now this restriction has been made
configurable (warning alarms) as in a few cases VAT entry is required after 1st July.
Creating new company, Cash account was being created without any State being mentioned in it. Now by
default company’s State will be set in Cash account as the same is required for GST reporting.
Separate Billing/Shipping Details window, a frame will be shown in bottom specifying whether this
transaction is B2B or B2C and other details which will be reflected in GST reports. Any transaction where
GSTIN is specified in Party in voucher will be treated as B2B otherwise it will be treated as B2C even if
GSTIN is specified in Billing Details window.
Sales/Purchase voucher feeding; if State is not found in Party, a warning message will be shown. Till now
this message was being shown in central transactions only.
Creating new company; till now single GST account was being created for both Input tax & Output tax.
Now separate accounts will be created for Input & Output.
Bugs Removed
Item Serial No.-wise stock maintained, zero balance serial nos. was being carried over to next FY. Now
problem rectified.
Sales Register with option ‘Show Party GSTIN also’ was showing error. Now problem rectified.
‘Import vouchers from Excel’; no formats were being shown for import. Now problem rectified.
Release 2.4 (08-07-2017)
Minor Changes
Bulk Modification of Tax Categories, VAT rate column was not being shown along with GST rate column
creating confusion. Now VAT rate column and GST rate column will be shown together.
a. ‘Place of Supply’ field was picking state from ‘Separate Billing/Shipping Details’ window. Now if
Party has GSTIN (B2B) then state will be picked from Party master otherwise state will be picked
from Billing Details window.
b. ‘Place of Supply’ was being printed in all voucher types. Now it will be printed in Sales only.
c. Sometimes some blank space was being printed in the right portion of invoice. Now problem
Creating default masters, separate Purchase Types were being created for ‘Input-Goods’ & ‘Input-None’.
Now no caption related to Input type will be added to Purchase Type name. Also during this process,
extra Purchase Types created earlier and not being used will be deleted automatically.
Bugs Removed
Sale Register standard format with option ‘Show Bifurcation of Amount’ enabled, incorrect GST amounts
were being shown. Now problem rectified.
Release 2.3 (05-07-2017)
Minor Changes
a. ‘Purchase Invoice’ standard configuration, till now invoice heading was fixed and was to be
specified in configuration. Now option for auto heading provided and on the basis of tax charged
in invoice, heading will be decided (as in Sales Invoice).
b. Purchase Invoice standard format; caption ‘Party Details’ changed to ‘Supplier Detail’.
c. ‘Reverse Charge’ field will be printed in Sales/Purchase Invoice standard format with value as ‘N’.
d. Sales Return/Purchase Return standard document configuration, default title was being shown as
‘Sales Return Invoice’ & ‘Purchase Return Invoice’. Now default title would be shown as ‘Credit
Note’ & ‘Debit Note’.
e. Sales Invoice standard format, by default ‘Print Billing/Shipping Details Separately’ will be set to
f. If ‘Print Separate Billing/Shipping Details’ option is enabled, invoice will always be printed in this
mode even if ‘Separate Billing/Shipping Details’ option is disabled in voucher series.
g. New field <GST_INVOICE_TYPE> provided in invoice configuration which will decide the invoice
heading (‘Tax Invoice’ or ‘Bill of Supply’) to be printed on invoice.
h. New field <REVERSE_CHARGE_APPLICABLE> provided in invoice configuration. As of now it will
print ‘N’ but later on it will print actual value when we provided ‘Reverse Charge Mechanism’ in
Purchase voucher.
i. GST Rate field in Item body was working only in case of Item-wise tax invoice. Now it will work in
all the cases and tax rate will be picked from Item master.
a. Using ‘Create Default Masters’ option through configuration, provision made to create new
voucher series(s) for GST automatically.
b. While updating GST rates in existing tax categories, provision made to create new Tax Category
where user can specify both VAT rate & GST rate simultaneously. Required when Items of a
single VAT rate are migrated to multiple GST rates.
Option to show ‘Sales/Purchase’ as ‘Supply Outward/Supply Inward’ was disabled by default. Now it will
be enabled by default and user can disable it in GST configuration.
Switching to GST from VAT, sometimes list of ST/PT masters was not showing complete list of masters.
Now user can use ‘Create Default Masters’ button in GST configuration and all masters will be visible.
Option to switch between VAT & GST using F12 key was not available for users not having rights on
configuration. Now this restriction has been removed and any user can switch between VAT & GST using
F12 key.
ST/PT types, option ‘Lump-sum Dealer’ changed to ‘Composition Dealer’ and ‘Unreg. Dealer’ changed to
‘Unreg. (Without RCM)’.
Creating new company for India, till now default tax type was being shown as VAT. Now it will be shown
as GST.
While feeding an inventory voucher; if voucher is fed in VAT configuration with date greater than 1st July
or vice versa, voucher will not be saved with warning message.
While creating default masters for GST, separate Purchase Types were being created for ‘Input-None’ and
‘Input-Goods’ which was increasing the no. of Purchase Types. Now only one Purchase Type will be
created without mentioning the Input Type.
Busy Express data will be converted automatically in regular version. Till now it could be done with the
help of a utility.
Bugs Removed
Quantity of Sales/Purchase voucher was not being reflected properly in GST reports. Now problem
rectified. User will have to run ‘Update Voucher GST Summary’ option from House Keeping menu to
correct existing data.
a. Sometimes an additional vertical line was being printed in header section. Now problem
b. ‘Party Name’ was being printed instead of ’Party Print Name’. Now problem rectified.
c. If Trading Excise invoice printing was enabled in landscape mode, invoice in GST was also being
printed in landscape mode. Now problem rectified.
Material Issue and Stock Transfer printing in standard format, title as specified in configuration was not
being printed. Instead ‘Bill of Supply’ was being printed. Now problem rectified.
While converting data from Access to SQL mode, sometimes an error was being generated after the
conversion process. Now problem rectified.
While switching between users, custom menus were getting removed. Now problem rectified.
Sometimes button ‘Steps for Migration to GST’ was being shown on main form even if no company was
open. Now problem rectified.
Release 2.2 (30-06-2017)
Minor Changes
Demo period extended to 31 July and data will also be upgraded in demo mode.
Separate standard format for Stock Transfer printing for VAT & GST available now.
Bugs Removed
Item multiple price lists being maintained date-wise, sometimes wrong price was being picked during data
entry. Now problem rectified.
While changing FY, sometimes some strange values in P&L account were being carried over. It was
happening if Sub Ledgers were maintained for revenue accounts. Now problem rectified.
Release 2.1 (27-06-2017)
Minor Changes
Warning Alarms; warning for ‘Tax/Retail Invoice’ was being shown in GST also but actually it was not
required. Now these warning removed for GST.
Stock Transfer document printing in standard format was same for VAT & GST. Now different formats will
be used.
Stock Transfer/Material Issue document printing, heading of document was as per VAT. Now heading ‘Bill
of Supply’ will be printed as per GST.
Option to change Tax Type with F12 key was being shown in FY other than 2017 also. Now it will not be
shown in other FY.
Tax Type changed with F12 key was being saved back in configuration creating confusion for other users.
Now this change will be applicable for current session only and will not be updated back in company
Bulk Tax Category updation utility; while updating GST rates, existing VAT rates will be shown in grid for
‘Migration to GST’ button on main form; provision made to hide the same and if required again can be
invoked through Help menu.
While creating default masters for GST, a new Purchase Type ‘L/GST 18% (Expense)’ will be created which
can be used to book taxable expenses. In this Purchase Type, expense account will be asked in voucher
Provision made to show ‘Sale/Purchase’ voucher type captions as ‘Supply Outward/Supply Inward’ as
required in GST. Can be configured in Features/OptionsVAT/GST tab.
Enabling Sales Tax reporting in an existing company, till now a default Sale Type was being asked to
update in existing voucher. Now an Exempt Sale Type will be created automatically and will be set in
existing vouchers.
Bugs Removed
GST invoice, tax summary was showing sale value instead of taxable value. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry with Item-wise discount enabled; if list price was changed to zero, nett price was not
getting reset to zero. Now problem rectified.
Selecting Standard Narration with F4; in case no narration was available, program was getting hanged.
Now problem rectified.
Bulk Account/Item Addition utility was not working. Now problem rectified.
Default ST/PT defined with Party belonging to VAT regime was being picked in GST also creating
confusion. Now it will not be picked in GST.
‘List of Logged-In User’ report; while trying to disconnect a user, an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
Changing FY, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
BCN enabled and Sales price not being maintained with BCN; if BCN was scanned directly during POS data
entry, BCN price was not being picked from default mode. Now problem rectified.
Repeating last voucher number incremented using Alt+F7 key was not working properly in case of last
voucher number with suffix or prefix. Now in such cases number will not be incremented and will be
repeated as it is.
Sales voucher feeding; list of Sale Types was being shown blank in case of country being other than India.
Now problem rectified.
Voucher feeding; if voucher series was changed from auto numbering to manual numbering, an error
‘Auto Number cannot be changed’ was being shown. Now problem rectified.
Master Series Group filtering was not working for ST/PT Masters. Now problem rectified.
Release 2.0 (21-06-2017)
Major Changes
While changing F.Y, following provisions made:
a. Option provided to carry Account/Item’s static information like Address, Description etc. Also to
next year. Till now only master’s balances were being carried over to next year and static
information (Address, Description etc.) was being carried over to next year only at the time of
creation of new F.Y.
b. Option provided to carry masters pricing information (Party-Item price, Parameter-wise price
etc.) to next year. Available as AdministrationChange F.Y.Carry Item’s Pricing Info to F.Y. DD-MM-
Minor Changes
Till now addition/modification of multiple masters on single screen was available under
AdministrationBulk Updation. Now new link provided as to AdministrationMastersBulk Updation.
New reports ‘Party Cash Summary’ and ‘Cash against Invoices’ provided in Accounts Summary sections as
the same is required by IT department.
TDS Module; provision made to create zero TDS references as required in case of transporters.
Feeding Payment/Receipt voucher, Cash/Bank name will be picked automatically from last voucher.
Regenerate Master Help File Utility, provision made to regenerate only ST/PT Mast as the same would be
required in VAT/GST dual mode.
Sending email to Party from voucher; if mail was copied to Broker also, email-id for Broker was being
picked from the Broker specified in Party master. Now if Broker has been specified in voucher itself, email
for that Broker will be picked else email from Party master Broker will be picked.
User Configuration, new option ‘Restrict Deletion of Row in Sale Voucher’ provided. If enabled user will
not be able to delete any Item row during Sales voucher feeding with the help of F9 key. Nor he would be
able to quit without saving the voucher.
Balance Sheet on screen; amount figures for sub groups were not formatted with coma. Now it will be
formatted. Also the columns of reports were not resizable. Now it can be resized.
‘Bill Reference Adjustment’ wizard, size of columns in data entry grid increased to improve the readability.
Utility to feed ‘Billing/Shipping Details’ separately, provision made to feed ‘Cash Tendered Details’ also.
Softlock registration; till now for Server OS softlock was being registered on the basis of computer’s
Machine ID and for non Server OS softlock was being registered on the basis of computer’s HDD Serial No.
Now it has been made optional and user can choose whether softlock is to be bound with Machine ID or
HDD Serial No.
Item Serial No. wise stock maintenance; negative stock of Serial Nos. was not being carried over to next
year. Now it has been made optional and user can configure to carry negative stock to next year.
Item-wise Sales/Purchase Analysis reports, provision made to show details in Packaging Unit also.
Item/Party-wise Sales/Purchase Analysis for one Item/Party on screen; till now entry level details were
being shown. Now initially summary will be shown and details will be shown on pressing <ENTER>.
Barcode labels if emailed were not getting printed properly after receiving the mail. Now option to email
barcode labels has been removed and user can only print them on printer.
HO/BO data synchronisation; if auto data sync option was enabled, data sync form was being shown
directly at specified interval. Now a message box will be shown asking for the same.
Date-wise Item pricing window, till now no. of rows shown were 128. Now increased to 400 as required
by users whose Item rates changes on daily basis.
Bugs Removed
Masters drop down list during data entry; if ‘Show End of List’ feature was enabled and some
additional information was also configured to be shown along with masters in drop down list, additional
information was not being shown. Now problem rectified.
Orders imported from Excel with Order No. field greater than 25 characters; while generating Invoice
against Order using F11 key, all Items from were not being picked. Now problem rectified.
While feeding Master/Voucher notes, calculator was not being invoked with the help of F10 key. Now
problem rectified.
Converting data from Access to SQL, ‘Job Work Finished Goods’ references were not being converted.
Now problem rectified.
Item-wise Discount report was not showing correct results in case of compound discount. Now problem
Sub Account Ledger report generated for multiple FY; sometimes an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
In case cross loop of groups created by mistake, errors were being generated while changing F.Y. or saving
vouchers. Now problem rectified.
Party-Item price structure; if first element in Item/Item Group grid was specified with zero value, same
was not getting printed properly. Now problem rectified.
Screen report summarised on some column with sub details being shown; on pressing <ENTER> on some
sub detail entry, wrong details were being shown. Now problem rectified.
Order-wise Statement; progress bar was not working properly. Now problem rectified.
‘Global Query on Masters’ was not searching data in master’s optional fields. Now problem rectified.
HO/BO data synchronisation enabled; if ‘Transport Details’ or ‘Purchase Bill Details’ were updated using
‘Misc. Data Entry’ utility at BO, same was not being synchronised to HO. Now problem rectified.
Sales/Purchase Analysis reports for multiple F.Y., incorrect average price was being shown. Now problem
Item MRP-wise stock maintained; sometimes Sales Price corresponding to MRP was not being picked
properly during Sales voucher feeding. Now problem rectified.
Importing ‘Trading Excise Opening References’; an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Physical Stock voucher, Item’s parameter-wise details were not being shown as per the configuration
defined in Item Group master. Now problem rectified.
Scheme based on Item Group was not being applied in Material Issue/Receipt voucher. Now problem
Importing Material Receipt vouchers Excel; while using fields from imported vouchers as custom columns
in screen report, proper value was not being shown. Now problem rectified.
Picking pending Job Work Receivable references using F11 key during Material Receipt voucher; incorrect
date was being shown with Job Reference No. in pending references window. Now problem rectified.
Generating Invoice from pending Orders using F11 key; Order Nos. were not being shown sorted date-
wise. Now problem rectified.
Custom column for Item Description being used in pending order report; in case of opening reference, no
value was being shown. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry; if Item Serial No. was scanned directly, Item’s warranty months were not being saved in
voucher. Now problem rectified.
Balance Sheet printed directly from screen with option ‘Remove Profit for Period’ enabled; Balance Sheet
Annexures were not being printed properly. Now problem rectified.
Few fields in configurable invoice were not working properly. Now problem rectified.
Batch-wise stock enabled; if Expiry Date was enabled in configuration and disabled for an Item, warning
for expiry was being shown at the time of voucher saving. Now problem rectified.
Scheme applied during data entry and scheme discount to be appended to exiting discount, same was not
working properly during voucher modification. Now problem rectified.
Purchase Billing Details window, check for duplicate bill no. was not working on the basis of Party. Now
problem rectified.
Release 1.8 (31-05-2017)
Minor Changes
Configuration option ‘Update Prices in Item Master’ renamed to ‘Update Item Prices from Vouchers’ to
make it more clear.
Creating default AMC references during Sales; in case of ‘Sales against Challan’, Item’s Serial No. as
specified in challan were not being picked automatically in AMC references. Now it will be picked.
New fields <PARTY_STATE> & <PARTY_STATE_CODE> provided in configurable letters like ‘Confirmation of
A/c’, ‘Confirmation of VAT’ etc.
New field <COMM_CODE> provided while importing Items from Excel. This field will import Item’s
Commodity Code as per VAT.
Bill-by-bill details window during data entry; in case of Party having thousands of pending references,
window opening was taking a lot of time. Now speed improved.
Configuring PF Deduction master for Salary calculation; zero value was not being accepted for sub
components of PF. Now zero value will be accepted as required under certain circumstances.
Bugs Removed
Cost Centre Summary; on pressing <ENTER> no details were being shown. Now problem rectified.
Account Register columnar printing; printing of only odd or even pages was not working. Now problem
Regenerate Product Vouchers utility was generating error if any cancelled Production voucher was found.
Now problem rectified.
Material Received after Jobwork, specifying Items Consumed details; if ‘Load Default’ button was pressed,
an error was being generated while saving the voucher. Now problem rectified.
GST invoice in standard format, Item HSN code was not being printed. Now problem rectified.
Release 1.7 (15-05-2017)
Minor Changes
Balance Sheet printing, till now values till 99 Crore were getting printed properly. Now provision made for
values till 9900 Crore.
Stock Status report generated in Alt. Unit, stock of Items having only Main Unit was being shown as zero
creating confusion. Now for such Items stock in Main Unit will be shown as stock in Alt. Unit.
Call Register; full details related to opening calls (pertaining to last FY) were not being shown. Now it will
be shown.
Order Processing enabled; opening a voucher for modification for Parties having lot of pending orders was
taking long time. Now speed improved.
User tagged with a branch; while picking pending Orders from F11, pending Orders for all the branches
were being shown. Now Orders for user’s branch only will be shown.
Bill-by-bill adjustment data entry; for partially adjusted references carried over from last FY, ‘Org. Ref.
Amt.’ was being shown same as the partial amount carried over to this year. Now actual ‘Org. Ref. Amt.’,
as specified in last year will be shown.
Input Service Tax details window, assessable value was not being shown. Now it will be shown.
Provision made to show ‘ End of List ’ in masters drop down list during data entry (optional). Can be
configured through AdministrationFeatures/OptionsGeneral Tab.
Minor changes in Payroll PF & TDS default configuration as per new guidelines.
Configuring columnar account registers and picking data fields; fields which are not optimised for speed
will be shown marked with ‘*’. It will help user to avoid those fields, if possible.
Item Serial No.-wise data entry in Sales vouchers; if any partial Serial No. was specified, all matching Serial
Nos. were getting selected. Now a message will be shown telling about multiple matching Serial Nos. and
user will be able to either proceed or skip.
Generating Invoice from Order pertaining to last year; Billing Details from last year’s Order were not being
picked. Now it will be picked.
Bugs Removed
Voucher Approval utility; if a voucher was modified and resaved, sometimes the voucher entries were
getting duplicated in background. Now problem rectified.
Voucher feeding; updating discount of all Items in one go, compound discount was not getting updated in
Items. Now problem rectified.
Item batch-wise data entry; in the batch(s) drop down window, batch expiry status was being shown but
in case of expiry not being maintained, ‘Batch has been expired’ was being shown. Now problem
Item parameter-wise data entry; if transaction price was specified as zero in parameter window and
discount was specified in Item grid, effective price for that parameter combination was being shown in
negative. Now problem rectified
Item barcode printing from stock status; if Alt. Unit of Items feature was enabled, barcode for Items
having Main Unit only were not being printed. Now problem rectified.
‘Multi Currency Revaluation’ utility for closing balance was not working properly. Now problem rectified.
Pending Order report with parameter-wise details; sometimes wrong parameter details were being
shown. Now problem rectified.
‘On Account Entries’, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
‘Clear Order References’ utility was generating an error if date separator was set to ‘.’. Now problem
‘Party-Item Last Pricing’ mode enabled; if no Party-Item transaction was found in current year and Party
did not exist in last year, some random price was being picked. Now problem rectified.
Scheme master; discount could not be specified more than 999 which was ok in case of % but not in case
of absolute discount. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry and Settlement Details disabled; Settlement Details were always being printed in Standard
Invoice. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry, Alt. Qty. Total was not being shown properly below Item grid. Now problem rectified.
Columnar Account Register with Sales/Purchase Return included and voucher having more than one Item,
(-) sign was not being shown from second entry onward and wrong totals were being shown. Now
problem rectified.
Columnar Account Register for Sales/Purchase Return, ‘Cost of Goods’ field was showing incorrect values.
Now problem rectified.
Settlement configuration in POS configuration; while specifying the Invoice format to be used during
Settlement from Misc. Data Entry, formats list was being shown blank. Now problem rectified.
Production voucher, if unit of any Item in Raw Material grid was changed, Item’s price was not being
changed as per new unit. Now problem rectified.
Printing ‘Cost Centre Summary-Vertical’ for all cost centres, an error was being generated. Now problem
While opening Call Explorer sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Item parameter-wise data entry; if any entry was changed in grid, MRP corresponding to new entry was
not getting updated. Now problem rectified.
Scanning BCN in parameter-wise data entry; if default quantity of BCN was changed after scanning, MRP
was setting to zero. Now problem rectified.
Screen report; custom column(s) being used for Item fields, sometimes additional Item rows were being
shown in report. Now problem rectified.
Pending Sales Order report with parameter details; while generating Purchase Order for pending quantity
using F4 key, wrong Item quantity was being pushed in voucher. Now problem rectified.
Party-Item pricing configuration; if configuration was saved for All Items and then resaved for One Item,
existing entries for All Items were getting deleted. Now problem rectified.
Item-wise GP Reconciliation report, sometimes mismatch was being shown for a few vouchers where
actually there was no mismatch. Now problem rectified.
Release 1.6 (24-04-2017)
Minor Changes
Access 2 SQL data conversion was not possible on 64 bit SQL server. Now it can be done.
Item Master, HSN code for GST will always be asked even if GST is not enabled in configuration. It has
been done so that user can start feeding the HSN codes for smoother transition to GST.
Sale/Purchase Type master, caption ‘Tax Type’ will be shown on top of the form indicating whether the
master being created/modified is for VAT or GST. Will be required when both VAT and GST will be
applicable in a single FY.
Item Parameter-wise details feeding with predefined parameter values; in order to create a new
predefined parameter value, user had to go to configuration menu. Now provision made to create new
parameter value using F3 key during data feeding.
Material Issue for Job-work using F4 key; finished goods receivable reference was not being generated
automatically if Job-id was being maintained at Item level. Now in this case also finished goods reference
will be created automatically if a single Job-id is specified for all items.
Screen reports, provision made to export data in CSV format also. Required when user has any free/open
source Office Suite installed in his computer instead of MS Office. This CSV file can be opened directly in
any Office Suite and does not necessarily requires MS Office.
Call Register, provision made to show Items details specified in Call Receipt voucher.
Creating custom columns in Call Management related reports; if any Item related column was used then
only first Item from Call Receipt voucher was being shown. Now all Items from Call Receipt vouchers will
be shown.
Provision made for warning when Cash transactions from a single Account exceed a specified limit in
single day. Can be enabled through AdministrationConfigurationWarning Alarms.
BCN enabled and Purchase being fed by two different users from two different computers. While feeding
voucher, same BCN was being allocated and shown on screen for both users and at the time of saving,
allocated BCN was being saved for first user and second would get the message ‘Duplicate BCN’ and he
had to manually press ‘Regenerate BCN’ button for all Items to regenerate new BCN. Now in this
scenario, new BCN for second user will be generated automatically in the background during voucher
Bugs Removed
Order generated with zero Item price but with some non zero markup; while generating Invoice from
Order, Item price was not being picked properly. Now problem rectified.
Party-Item ledger was showing double entries for vouchers where any Bill Sundry was applied in voucher
and accounting was enabled for Material Issue/Receipt vouchers. Now problem rectified.
Importing Item Parameter-wise opening details for multiple Material Centres, sometimes an error was
being generated. Now problem rectified.
Bulk emailing of Invoices through ‘Print Utilities’; instead of individual email to respective parties, each
Invoice was being emailed to all Parties. Now problem rectified.
Item multiple price categories being maintained and only discount was specified category-wise; while
changing price category during data entry, discount from new category was not being updated in existing
data. Now problem rectified.
Invoice data fed directly in Alt. Unit of Item; during ‘Rewrite Books’ Item’s Main Qty. was getting set to
zero. Now problem rectified and user will have to run ‘Rewrite Books’ again to get proper value of Main
Qty in existing vouchers.
BOM created in Alt. unit of Items; while using BOM in Material Issue voucher to issue Raw Material,
wrong Raw Material quantity was being picked. Now problem rectified.
Multi-branch feature enabled in a company and branch-wise balances maintained in some Accounts and
later on Multi-branch feature disabled; while carrying balance to next FY, bill references of a few Accounts
were not getting carried over to next FY. Now problem rectified.
Configurable Account registers, if any field related to Item’s sub details (Batch, Parameter, Sr. No.) was
chosen, only one line for sub details was being shown with each Item even if multiple line sub detail had
been specified with Item. Now problem rectified.
Bills Receivable printing for multiple Accounts along with Ledger Balance; incorrect Ledger Balance was
being printed. Now problem rectified.
Warning for negative Item parameter-wise stock during data entry was not working. Now problem
Job work data entry for Items consumed; if Alt. Unit was disabled for an Item, sometimes default Alt. Qty.
to be consumed (which should have been equal to Main Qty. in this case) was not being shown correctly.
Now problem rectified.
Importing vouchers from Excel and Item being picked from Multiple Alias, sometimes an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Printing Item barcodes for Item Alias field; if Item multiple Alias feature was enabled, an error was being
generated during barcode printing. Now problem rectified.
Saving any general image (Other than Account/Item/User) in database, an error was being generated.
Now problem rectified.
Printing pending orders for multiple Parties; detail for Parties having only opening order references were
not being printed. Now problem rectified.
Stock valuation method FIFO/LIFO was not showing correct Item value during data entry. Now problem
MRP-wise Item stock being carried over to next year, value of Items was not being carried over properly.
Now problem rectified.
POS data entry; while feeding settlement details from ‘Misc. Utilities’, option ‘Post Settlement Over &
Above’ was not being considered. Now problem rectified.
Branch-wise balances being maintained; while changing FY with option to carry balances for ‘New &
Changed’ masters only, branch-wise P&L was not being carried over properly. Now problem rectified.
Printing Bills Receivable for multiple Accounts with option ‘Print On Account Entries’ enabled; sometimes
Parties with no pending bill(s) were also being printed. Now problem rectified.
While generating Pending Challan report filtered for a Broker, an error was being generated. Now
problem rectified.
Release 1.5 (12-04-2017)
Minor Changes
Account master, till now TIN was being asked if VAT was enabled and GSTIN was being asked if GST was
enabled. Now both will be asked.
Bills Receivable/Payable report, ‘On Account’ amount was being shown in a label. Now ‘On Account’
entries will be shown entry-wise.
‘On Account Entries’ report, provision made to Include/Exclude PDC entries. Till now PDC entries were
always been included.
Cheque printing configuration, provision made to specify cheque image to be shown in preview during
designing so that cheque can designed more conveniently.
New field <ITEM_GRP_WISE_SUM_CONTINUOS> provided in Sales Invoice configuration. This field will
print group-wise summary of Items. Details to be printed can be configured from
AdministrationConfigurationReference/Group Summary Printing Configuration.
Bank reconciliation; clearing multiple entries in one go, provision made to clear all selected entries at their
voucher date or at the specified date. Till now all selected entries were getting cleared at the specified
date only.
MRP-wise stock status; Sales Price of Item was not being shown. Now it will be shown.
Generation of invoice from order using F11 was very slow in case of heavy data in access mode. Now
speed improved.
Pending Orders report with option to include un-approved entries; un-approved rejected entries were
also being shown. Now un-approved rejected entries will not be shown.
Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss A/c; figures more than 99 Crore were being shown without currency
separator. Now it will be shown with currency separator.
Bugs Removed
Item Quantity-wise pricing mode was not working properly if date-wise pricing was maintained. Now
problem rectified.
Account Ledger printing directly from screen report, sometimes the date range in printing report options
would mismatch from screen report. Now problem rectified.
Pending Orders reference details report, quantity adjusted and quantity cleared were being shown in
single column. Now problem rectified.
Pending Orders for due orders only was not showing any data. Now problem rectified.
Stock Status with Pending Orders; on pressing <ENTER> on pending Sales Order, nothing was being
shown. Now problem rectified.
Production Planning; if Multi Godown feature was disabled, current stock of Items was being shown as
zero. Now problem rectified.
Pending Orders report generated for a branch was showing error. Now problem rectified.
In case of Bill sundry being applied over & above; narration specified along with Bill Sundry during data
entry was not being saved properly in accounting entries. Now problem rectified.
Tracking No. enabled, sometimes deleting any voucher in which no Tracking No. was specified was taking
a long time. Now problem rectified.
While scanning composite barcode having Item parameter details, Item’s price was not being picked from
Item parameter-wise pricing mode. Now problem rectified.
‘Update Transport Details’ utility; if user was tagged with a specific Voucher Series Group, an error was
being generated while saving. Now problem rectified.
Change F.Y. for ‘New & Changed’ masters, bank accounts were always being carried over to next year
even if there was no change in current year. Now problem rectified.
Screen report sorted on some column; on pressing <ENTER> on any row, details of some other row was
being shown. Now problem rectified.
Bank reconciliation with Nepali Date; while clearing any entry in Nepali Date, same was being reflected as
Roman Date on screen. Now problem rectified.
Bank reconciliation; while clearing multiple opening entries, an error was being generated. Now problem
Vendor-wise stock details report, sometimes an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Sales/Purchase columnar register, sometimes an error was being generated if some numeric column was
configured. Now problem rectified.
Changing F.Y. with a user tagged with some state/branch, an error was being generated. Now problem
Scheme master configured for one Party was getting applied to all Parties. Now problem rectified.
User configuration; option ‘Allow Customisation of Reports’ was being shown in Enterprise Edition only
and not in Standard Edition. Now problem rectified.
Sending ‘ST Form Reminder Letter’ for one Party by email, an error was being generated. Now problem
Full master type Voucher Optional Field was not being accepted during data entry if size of Optional Field
master being specified was more than 20 characters. Now problem rectified.
‘Purchase Bill No. & Date’ fields were not working properly as custom columns. Now problem rectified.
Release 1.4 (28-03-2017)
Minor Changes
Viewing Party Ledger/Stock Ledger during voucher feeding, current voucher’s Party Name/Selected Item
Name will be shown by default in report options so that user does not need to specify them again.
Speed of Item Serial No. related fields improved when used as custom columns.
Speed of data entry in data(s) having large no. of transactions for a single Item was slow. Now speed
Sales Tax reporting window was being shown for local sales for states ‘Telangana’ & ‘Chhattisgarh’ but the
same was not required. Now same has been disabled.
Credit Limit Variance report speed improved for heavy data in Access mode.
Batch-wise stock report speed improved for heavy data in Access mode.
Budget Variance report for ‘Crossing Heads’, option provided to show ‘Annual Budget’ also.
Material Issue/Receipt voucher for challan reversal, provision made to pick pending challans for Party
using F11 key.
Pressing <CTRL+A> for monthly summary, option was being asked to show summary for Account or
Account Group. Now this option will not be asked and directly Account monthly summary will shown as
most of the time Account monthly summary is required. Group monthly summary can be seen from
menu DisplayAccount SummariesMonthly Summary.
New report ‘Comm. Code-wise Stock Status’ report provided as the same is required by tax department.
Available as Display/PrintStock StatusComm. Code-wise Stock Status.
Features/OptionsAccounts section, an option was being asked ‘Double Entry System for
Payment/Receipt’. Now this option has been changed to ‘Single Entry System for Payment/Receipt’ as
Double Entry System is the preferred choice and user can switch to Single Entry System if required.
No. of entries in masters drop down list during data entry was 15. Now reduced to 9 to improve time
taken in showing the list.
Sales Tax / VAT reporting details window; default value for field ‘Item Description’ was being picked
automatically from last voucher. Now default value will not be picked automatically and user will be able
to repeat the last value using F7 key.
South Asia edition, restriction on country in company configuration has been removed and user can
choose any country (even outside of South Asian region). Till now only South Asian countries were
allowed in South Asia edition.
Bugs Removed
Specifying Credit Limit/Budget for any Account having Name more than 35 characters, sometimes
program would stop responding to mouse click after saving the account. Now problem rectified.
Auto posting of accounting voucher through Target Variance report using F4 key, an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Custom columns for Item body fields were not working properly in reports having single row for one
voucher (Account Sales Register, Account Ledger etc.). Now problem rectified.
BOM Product Utilisation report, status bar was not working. Now problem rectified.
Batch-wise stock report was not working properly in case of ‘Separate Stock Updation Date’ feature was
enabled. Now problem rectified.
Country Nepal and date type Nepali, all reports were showing Roman date instead of Nepali date. Now
problem rectified.
After upgrading from Busy 16, Party-Item pricing mode stopped working and user had to resave the
configuration to start it again. Now problem rectified.
Invoice designing, header fields using #L tag were not working for second line onward. Now problem
Voucher Audit report generated for a single voucher type was showing result for all voucher types. Now
problem rectified.
Account/Item label printing configuration, tag #BC (to print barcode of any field) was not working. Now
problem rectified.
Changing F.Y., an error was being generated if ‘Item Multiple Price List’ feature was enabled. Now
problem rectified.
‘Item Free Quantity’ report was not working while pressing <ENTER> on menu item. Now problem
Branch-wise Balance Sheet; while printing directly from screen report, an error was being generated.
Now problem rectified.
Pending Sales Order report; while viewing reference adjustment details for any reference, sometimes
adjustment quantity was not being shown. Now problem rectified.
Release 1.3 (15-03-2017)
Minor Changes
Enquiry management; while creating Contact master, provision made to create connected Account
automatically (configurable).
Pressing F5 from data entry, list of vouchers was being shown for full year which was time consuming.
Now on pressing F5, report options form will be shown where user can specify the date range and other
parameters for which list is to be shown.
Selling any Item at a price greater than MRP, a warning message was being shown. Now this warning
message has been made optional through ‘Warning Alarms’.
Cash/Credit Sales Summary; on pressing <ENTER>, option will be asked to show Cash Only or Credit Only
or All transactions. Till now All Transactions were being shown.
Sales/Purchase Analysis reports generated for selected vouchers; list of voucher for selection was taking
long time in loading. Now speed improved.
Custom column field <ITEM_SERIAL_NO> was not optimised for speed. Now optimised.
Reports which were being generated for a date range (Ledger, Day Book etc.), till now by default Start
Date was being shown as F.Y. beginning date. Now if any such report is generated for a single date only
(same Start Date & End Date) then next time by default Start Date will be shown same as End Date so that
single date report can be generated easily.
Bugs Removed
Option ‘Show Last Transactions during Data Entry’ enabled; while feeding data at fast speed sometimes
program was getting hanged. Now problem rectified.
Account ledger printing, if some filter was applied for printing then an error was being generated while
printing. Now problem rectified.
Selective Data Freezing, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Printing Item’s image in Barcode, if name of image file was on the basis of Item Alias then the image was
not being printed in Barcode. Now problem rectified.
Invoice printing in standard format with self configured Item body columns; if total character for body
were 80 then currency symbol was not being printed in body header. Now problem rectified.
Auto adjustment of Bill references for a group having large no. of accounts (more than 32000), an error
was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Generating invoice from orders using F11 key; if feature ‘Pick Orders Till Voucher Date’ was enabled then
an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Picking orders from F11 during Invoice generation, Order narration was not being picked. Now problem
Item Batch-wise data entry; while selecting any batch from drop down list by typing the batch no., batch
details were not getting picked properly. Now problem rectified.
Party Abstract report, on pressing <ENTER> no details were being shown. Now problem rectified.
Voucher splitting utility; if splitting was done once on the basis of voucher optional field, an error was
being generated while running the utility second time. No problem rectified.
Printing screen report directly from grid; in case of report having exact 100 entries, an error was being
generated. Now problem rectified.
Tagging Bill Sundry with vouchers; while specifying Bill Sundries, if any key was pressed directly on grid,
that key was being ignored while searching in drop down list. Now problem rectified.
Item Serial No.-wise details configuration; description with Serial Nos. could not be enabled. Now
problem rectified.
Selecting ‘State’ while creating company, sometimes ‘State’ was not being picked properly on the basis of
keys pressed. Now problem rectified.
In a few screen reports; while hiding any entry using F9 key and pressing <ENTER> on next row, wrong
voucher was being shown for modification. Now problem rectified.
Bill-by-bill data entry window with multiple reference adjustment, reference once adjusted was being
shown again in drop down list. Now problem rectified.
Posting interest voucher directly from report, sometimes wrong entry (Debit & Credit reversed) was being
posted. Now problem rectified.
Scheme applied on Items clubbed for a group, sometimes the scheme was not being applied properly.
Now problem rectified.
HO/BO configuration at HO; if any branch had more than 200 voucher series, an error was being
generated during configuration. Now problem rectified and voucher series limit increased to 500.
Regularising PDC, an error was being generated in SQL mode. Now problem rectified.
FTP backup was not working for some FTP sites. Now problem rectified.
Release 1.2 (04-03-2017)
Minor Changes
Introduction of Busy Product Updates. Till now for every new release of Busy, user had to download full
installer of Busy for new release. Now Busy Product Update for new release will also be made available
which is much smaller in size (around 16 MB) and can be installed over an existing installation of Busy.
This Product Update can be downloaded from Busy itself like Statutory Updates. Available through menu
CompanyCheck BUSY Updates.
GST Summary, provision made to post GST Cross Adjustment Voucher & GST Payment voucher from
report itself using F4 key.
Speed of Party-wise Sales/Purchase Analysis reports with heavy data in access mode improved.
Speed of picking of pending Challans/Orders from F11 in heavy data with access mode improved.
Bulk Updation of Item Price/Discount, provision made for selected Items also.
Minor changes in Mahajani Interest calculation reports related to calculation of average days.
Call Explorer columns made configurable. Till now fixed columns were being shown.
While feeding Call Report from Call Explorer, provision made to specify ‘Action Taken’ also.
Bill Sundry master, provision made to calculate on the basis of Item’s Packing Unit also.
Specifying TIN/GSTIN/Aadhar No. in Account Master; if same no. is found to be specified in any other
master, a warning will be shown for the same.
Cash/Credit Summary report was not available in printing. Now made available.
Bugs Removed
Alt. unit details modification restricted during data entry, while pressing <ENTER> on Qty. field a message
was being shown which was not required. Now problem rectified.
Item Multiple Price Categories enabled; while changing Party during data entry, prices were not getting
updated as per the new Party category. Now problem rectified.
Bill Sundries tagged with Voucher Type + Sale Type; sometimes on selecting Sale Type during data entry,
tagged Bill Sundries were not getting loaded. Now problem rectified.
Release 1.1 (28-02-2017)
Minor Changes
Speed of Balance Sheet with option to show Pending Challans was slow. Now speed improved.
New reports Cash/Credit Sales Summary and Cash/Credit Purchase Summary provided in Accounts
Summaries section. These reports will show Date/Month/Quarter wise summary of Cash & Credit
Tax Category master for GST, three tax components are being defined (CGST, SGST & IGST). Now a label
has been put against all the components mentioning whether they will be used in Local transactions or
Inter-state transactions.
While copying accounting vouchers data from Excel and & pasting in voucher data entry screen, user had
to press ENTER on all the fields manually on order to save the voucher. Now it is not required and
voucher can be saved directly after pasting.
Bugs Removed
Global Query on Transactions; sometimes an error ‘overflow’ was being generated. Now problem
Parameterised Stock Ledger, sometimes an error ‘invalid use of null’ was being generated. Now problem
While showing last transactions during data entry, Item quantity was showing blank value if free quantity
feature was enabled. Now problem rectified.
Screen reports with graph and auto filter applied; if regenerated, an error was being raised. Now problem
Registering softlock with systems information for some other computer, softlock was getting registered
for current computer only. Now problem rectified.
While starting BUSY, if internet was not available a message for the same was being shown. Now problem
Trade specific configuration for FMCG-Retail; while disabling any feature, an error was being generated.
Now problem rectified.
While reregistering softlock and providing new email id, same was not being reflected back in installation
details of user. Now problem rectified.
POS data entry, items were not getting consolidated (if configured) at the time of saving. Now problem
If Multi-Godown feature was disabled then during printing of Stock Status Grouped report, user was not
able to come out of report options. Now problem rectified.
Barcode printing, option to print barcode for BCN was not working. Now problem rectified.
While posting brokerage from report using F4, brokerage bill reference was not being created properly.
Now problem rectified.
Sales/Purchase Analysis for selected Parties/Items, an error was being generated. Now problem rectified.
Pending Orders report, sometimes orders with zero balance (fully cleared) were also being shown. Now
problem rectified.
Day Book printing with Cash balances; wrong Cash balances were being printed. Now problem rectified.
Release 1.0 (20-02-2017)
Major Changes
Provision made to input implementation notes in BUSY company data. Executives can feed
implementation notes with in BUSY data so that it can be referred by other executives later on. Available
through <Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N>.
Provision made to export/email XML of a single voucher and import that XML in another company.
Required where seller and buyer are both using Busy and seller’s Sales Invoice can be imported as buyer’s
Purchase Invoice.
a. XML can be exported while printing Invoice.
b. XML can be exported and emailed while emailing Invoice.
c. XML can be imported while adding a new voucher using ALT + F12 key.
d. During import if masters are not found then a form will pop asking either to create the master
automatically or map them with some existing master. This mapping can also be done through
configuration using AdministrationConfigurationMapping of Masters.
Country configured as Nepal, user had to specify the date type (Nepali or Roman) and data entry was
restricted to that date type only. Now while data feeding user can feed date in any format (Nepali or
Roman) and the same will converted automatically to the configured date type. Also a label below the
date field will show the other date type also.
c. User will be able to feed data either in Main Unit or Packaging Unit.
d. While viewing reports, option will be asked to show stock on the basis of packaging unit.
Speed of reports using Custom Columns increased. Till now using even a single custom column was
reducing the speed of report drastically. Now 90% of the fields have been optimised and will not slow
down the report. 10% fields which will slow down the report will be marked in grey colour while defining
the custom columns.
Provision made for Trade-wise default Configuration in Features/Options. Can be invoked using
<CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+T> key on Features/Options main screen.
Item multiple aliases option; provision made to specify different MRP/Sales Price with each alias or
different Qty./Unit/Price with each alias. Required in FMCG retail for faster billing.
Now for changes in statutory reports (VAT/GST/Excise/TDS/TCS), no need to release new BUSY version.
Only a single file related to statutory reports will be available for download and user will be able to
download the same within BUSY. Available as HelpCheck for Statutory Update.
Sales price along with Item MRP in MRP-wise stock maintenance, till now one Sales price could be
specified with MRP. Now if Item’s multiple price categories are being maintained, user can specify price
of category ‘A’ also along with MRP. Required when two different prices are required (different price for
different party) with one MRP.
POS and few other data entry screens will use more space in wide screen monitors and user will get more
space in grid columns.
Introduction of separate South Asia edition and Global edition. Till BUSY 16 only Global edition was
available which could be used anywhere in the world. Now South Asia edition will be usable only in South
Asian countries and Global edition will be usable anywhere in the world.
No. of users in MS Access mode working through Windows Terminal Services / Thin Clients restricted to
Minor Changes
a. Provision made to specify mode of feeding price/discount structure like Party-Item-wise, Party
Group-Item-wise and so on. Till now user had the option to feed data in all the four possible
modes which was creating confusion later on during data feeding
b. Provision made to update back price/discount from voucher (if changed).
Option to change Item-wise discount for All/Group of Items during voucher feeding, interface changed to
show the current discount allowed with each Item and discount for All/Group of Items can be changed in
one go.
Option to Pick Item Sizing Information from Item Description; in case of multiple lines were being used,
values specified in multiple lines were getting added to get the final value. Now user can specify the
formula to get the final value from multiple lines.
Configuring data export/import from Excel, available data fields was being shown in a list box and user
had to search manually the desired field. Now a textbox has been provided where user can type the field
name (full or partial) and the list of field will be filtered making it easy to search the desired field.
Master drop down list being filtered on some value, there was no indication that the list is being filtered
which was creating confusion sometimes. Now in case of filtered list, the color of the list elements will
change and the Tool Tip of list box will show the value on which the list is being filtered.
While enabling/disabling features, provision made to view the help video of that feature (hosted on
YouTube). User can click on the button provided there and he will be connected to the relevant help
video on YouTube.
BUSY Training Videos and GST eLearning videos made available at YouTube and link provided through
BUSY. Training videos are useful in training a new person who does not have operational knowledge of
BUSY. GST eLearning videos are meant to give an overview of GST and its impact on businesses. Available
as HelpBUSY Training/Help Videos.
Standard Invoice configuration, provision made to configure captions of ‘Declaration’ & ‘Terms &
Item Serial No.-wise Sales voucher feeding, the Serial No. specified was being searched fully and if found
then the Serial No. was being picked. This was creating problem in lengthy Serial Nos. Now partial Serial
No. will also be searched and matching entries will be shown.
Item master, default unit for Sales/Purchase will be asked. Till now main unit was being used as default
unit in all the transactions.
Bill-wise details feeding, it was not possible to Adjust to an existing cleared reference. Now it is possible.
Regularising PDC, provision made to retain cheque receiving date (voucher date) in narration.
Scheme Master, if scheme was applied on time also then the interpretation of Date & Time was of
scheme was confusion. It was being applied from Start Date and Start Time to End Date and End Time.
Now it will be applicable from Start Date to End Date and with-in that from Start Time to End Time.
Parameterised Stock enabled; till now stock was being grouped on the basis of parameter combination +
MRP + Sales Price. Now grouping of stock on the basis of Sales Price made optional.
Bulk Invoice printing, provision made to print for One/Group/Selected/All Parties or Items.
Balance Sheet / P&L Account were not using full screen space in case of wide screens. Now full space will
be used.
Bulk Tax Category addition/modification, provision made to use for a Branch/Date also.
While adjusting Order/Challan in Invoice, till now it was possible to adjust Order/Challan issued after the
Invoice date. Now we can restrict the adjustment of Order/Challan issued after the date of Invoice
‘Input Settlement Details’ utility, provision made to filter unsettled invoices for one Party also.
Production Planning data entry form, Item name was being asked first and then the BOM name was being
asked. Now BOM name was being asked first and Item name will be shown automatically.
Production Planning report for multiple level BOM, semi finished goods already available in stock were
not being considered. Now it will be considered.
Party/Item-wise VAT summaries, provision made to show for One Party/Item also. Till now it was
available for All/Group of masters.
Party-wise Item code option, provision made to export/import the same in XML format. Required where
same Party-wise Item codes are being used in multiple branches.
BOM Master & Scheme Master, provision made for tagging of Master Series Group.
HO/BO data synchronisation, date and time when sync was done from branch will be maintained and a
report will be available in HO to check the same.
‘Stock Status Alphabetical’ report, provision made to show Item’s Tariff Heading also. Required to
reconcile Excise reports which are generated on the basis of Tariff Heading.
Call Explorer, provision made to filter on ‘Source’ field. Also provision made to search a call by Call No.
using <Ctrl + Alt +S> on grid.
Payment voucher, ‘Loan & Advance Scheduling’ option was not being shown for Sub Ledgers. Now it will
be shown.
List of Items, provision made to show Tax Category and filter on a Tax Category.
Creating new company, a message box was being prompted to copy Master, Configurations and Users
from existing company. Now this option will be shown in bottom of company creation form and user will
be able to choose from there.
‘Regenerate Master Help File’ utility, provision made to run for All Masters / Only Items / Only Accounts.
Till now it was being run for all masters.
Binding data with HDD Serial No., a button provided to read current HDD Serial No. and append it to text
box where HDD Serial No. is to be specified.
Specifying Original Sales/Purchase Invoice details during Sales/Purchase Return, Surcharge Amount of
original invoice was not being asked. Now it will be asked.
Option to import data from Busy DOS version removed as it is no longer required.
Importing vouchers from Excel, multi currency vouchers were not allowed for import. Now it has been
Data Import in XML format; Voucher Series(s) were not being created automatically in target data (if not
found) and user had to create them manually to start the import process. Now Voucher Series(s) will be
created automatically.
Length of master based Master/Voucher optional fields was 20 characters. Now increased to 30
a. Provision made to feed data for selected Items also. Till now price/discount was being specified
for All/Group/One Item.
b. We can check the date-wise pricing of any item from this form.
c. While printing price structure, provision made to print prices for all the dates in one go for which
prices have been specified.
Customer support management, while creating Invoice for AMC for any Party, pending AMC references
were being shown for that party and user was able to pick the existing references to be cleared and create
a new reference. Now a message box will be shown asking user if pending references are to be shown or
directly create new AMC reference.
Statement of A/c & Confirmation of A/c reports, provision made to print Party’s TIN also.
Account master, length of Email & Mobile No. fields increased from 40 to 80.
While saving Physical Stock voucher, if due to any reason Stock Journal could not be saved, no message
was being shown. Now a message will be shown specifying the reason for the same.
Sales/Purchase register in standard format, provision made to show/print Party TIN also.
Bill-by-bill details window, font of the drop down list was very small. Now font size increased. Also in the
bottom of drop down list, additional details like Ref. Original Amount, Broker name etc. will be shown.
Global Query, provision to check in Purchase Indent was not there. Now provision made.
Bugs Removed
Item parameter-wise data entry; if parameter combination was specified manually instead of picking from
drop down list, Sales Price of parameter combination was not being picked properly in background
resulting discrepancy in reports. Now problem rectified.
While updating back Item’s Sale/Purchase price from voucher, the change was not being reflected in
Item’s drop-down list additional information (if configured). Now problem rectified.