Antenatal Therapy For Fetal Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias
Antenatal Therapy For Fetal Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias
Antenatal Therapy For Fetal Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmias
7, 20
OBJECTIVES This study sought to evaluate the safety and efficacy of protocol-defined transplacental treatment for
fetal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and atrial flutter (AFL).
METHODS In this multicenter, single-arm trial, protocol-defined transplacental treatment using digoxin, sotalol, and
flecainide was performed for singleton pregnancies from 22 to <37 weeks of gestation with sustained fetal SVT or
AFL $180 beats/min. The primary endpoint was resolution of fetal tachyarrhythmia. Secondary endpoints were fetal
death, pre-term birth, and neonatal arrhythmia. Adverse events (AEs) were also assessed.
RESULTS A total of 50 patients were enrolled at 15 institutions in Japan from 2010 to 2017; short ventriculoatrial (VA)
SVT (n ¼ 17), long VA SVT (n ¼ 4), and AFL (n ¼ 29). One patient with AFL was excluded because of withdrawal of
consent. Fetal tachyarrhythmia resolved in 89.8% (44 of 49) of cases overall and in 75.0% (3 of 4) of cases of fetal
hydrops. Pre-term births occurred in 20.4% (10 of 49) of patients. Maternal AEs were observed in 78.0% (39 of 50) of
patients. Serious AEs occurred in 1 mother and 4 fetuses, thus resulting in discontinuation of protocol treatment in 4
patients. Two fetal deaths occurred, mainly caused by heart failure. Neonatal tachyarrhythmia was observed in 31.9%
(15 of 47) of neonates within 2 weeks after birth.
CONCLUSIONS Protocol-defined transplacental treatment for fetal SVT and AFL was effective and tolerable in
90% of patients. However, it should be kept in mind that serious AEs may take place in fetuses and that tachy-
arrhythmias may recur within the first 2 weeks after birth. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2019;74:874–85)
© 2019 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.
From the aDepartment of Perinatology and Gynecology, National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Japan; bDepartment
of Pediatrics and Child Health, Kurume University School of Medicine, Kurume, Japan; cDepartment of Data Science, National
Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Japan; dDepartment of Pediatric Cardiology, Osaka Women’s and Children’s Hospital,
Izumi, Japan; Department of Cardiology, Nagano Children’s Hospital, Azumino, Japan; fDepartment of Gynecology and
Obstetrics, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan; gDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Tsukuba,
Tsukuba, Japan; hDepartment of Neonatology, Toho University Omori Medical Center, Tokyo, Japan; iDepartment of Pediatric
Cardiology, Saitama Medical University International Medical Center, Hidaka, Japan; jDepartment of Cardiology, Shizuoka Chil-
dren’s Hospital, Shizuoka, Japan; kDepartment of Internal Medicine, Kanagawa Children’s Medical Center, Yokohama, Japan;
Listen to this l m
Department of Pediatric Cardiology, National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan; Department of
manuscript’s audio
Cardiovascular Medicine, Nippon Medical School, Tokyo, Japan; nDepartment of Pediatric Cardiology, National Cerebral and
summary by
Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Japan; Department of Advanced Medical Technology Development, National Cerebral and
Dr. Valentin Fuster on Cardiovascular Center, Suita, Japan; pCenter for Maternal-Fetal, Neonatal and Reproductive Medicine, National Center for Child Health and Development, Tokyo, Japan; and the qDepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mie University, Tsu, Japan. *Drs.
Maeno and Ikeda contributed equally to this work. This work was supported by the Agency for Medical Research and Develop-
ment of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (JP15lk0201001). The funding organization
had no role in the trial design; data collection, analysis, or interpretation; or manuscript preparation. All authors have reported
that they have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.
Manuscript received January 18, 2019; revised manuscript received June 5, 2019, accepted June 10, 2019.
ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00
J ACC VOL. 74 , NO. 7, 20 19 J A C C Miyoshi
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4 , al.
NO. 7, 2019
875 Miyoshi et al. 87
AUGUST 20, 2019:874–85 Transplacental Treatment for Fetal ATachyarrhythmias
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Transplacental Treatment for Fetal Tachyarrhythmias
with a
AE = adverse event
Analysis for maternal outcome (n = 50) nide were used as first-line and second-line therapy,
respectively, regardless of the presence or absence of
excluded from analysis (n = 0)
fetal hydrops. The dosage and administration
Analysis for fetal outcome (n = 49) schedule were the same as those for fetuses with
excluded from analysis (n = 1) short VA SVT or AFL.
• consent withdrawal (n = 1)
ENDPO I NTS. The primary endpoint was
Analysis for neonatal outcome (n = 47)
resolution of fetal tachyarrhythmia, defined as
excluded from analysis (n = 2)
normal sinus rhythm or mean heart rate of <180
• fetal death (n = 2)
beats/min. Res- olution of fetal tachyarrhythmia was
judged by a 40- min fetal heart rate monitoring or
30-min echocar- diography session. Secondary
*A total of 31 patients did not meet the inclusion criteria because of nonsustained fetal
endpoints were fetal death related to
tachyarrhythmia (n ¼ 16), ventricular tachycardia (n ¼ 5), $37 weeks of gestation
(n ¼ 5), twin pregnancy (n ¼ 1), and study participation refusal (n ¼ 4). Seven patients
tachyarrhythmia, pre-term birth, cesarean section
met the exclusion criteria for fetal life-threatening malformations: Ebstein’s anomaly performed as a result of fetal arrhythmia,
(n ¼ 4); hypoplastic left heart syndrome (n ¼ 2); and cardiac tumors with ventricular improvement in heart rate and less edema after
outflow obstruction (n ¼ 1). fetal therapy, prevalence of neonatal arrhythmia,
neonatal central nervous system disor- der, and
agents were observed, the investigator could reduce neonatal survival. Safety endpoints were maternal,
the dosage. Sotalol and flecainide were discontinued fetal, and neonatal AEs. All AEs were assessed by
if the corrected QT interval was >500 ms. After birth, the Independent Safety Evaluation Committee.
it was left up to each institution to decide whether to Because we focused on evaluating the safety of our
continue antiarrhythmic agents prophylactically. protocol-defined transplacental treat- ment, we
J ACC VOL. 74 , NO. 7, 20 19 J A C C Miyoshi
V O L . 7 et
4 , al.
NO. 7, 2019
877 Miyoshi et al. 87
AUGUST 20, 2019:874–85 Transplacental Treatment for Fetal ATachyarrhythmias
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Transplacental Treatment for Fetal Tachyarrhythmias
90%. More details were presented in the protocol Fetal hydrops at diagnosis 4 (8.0) 2 (11.8) 1 (25.0) 1 (3.6)
Fetal effusion or ascites at diagnosis 19 (38.0) 9 (52.9) 2 (50.0) 8 (28.6)
paper (9). All statistical analyses were performed ac-
Fetal abnormality‡ 6 (12.0) 2 (11.8) 2 (50.0) 2 (7.1)
cording to a pre-specified statistical analysis plan
Threatened pre-mature labor 10 (20.0) 3 (17.7) 1 (25.0) 6 (21.4)
finalized before database lock and release of data. All
analyses were performed using SAS for Windows Values are median (range) or n (%). *Significant difference when compared with fetuses with AFL and long VA
SVT (p < 0.05, the Steel-Dwass test). †Significant difference when compared with fetuses with short and long
software version 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, North Car-
VA SVT (p < 0.05, the Steel-Dwass test). ‡Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome with umbilical hernia (AFL),
olina). According to the intention-to-treat principle, suspected Costello syndrome with hypoplastic lung (AFL), corrected transposition of the great arteries
(AFL), isolated ventricular septal defect (short VA SVT), tuberous sclerosis with cardiac tumors (long VA SVT),
the primary analysis group was defined as all regis- and heterotaxy syndrome with severe pulmonary valve stenosis and ventricular septal defect (long VA SVT).
tered pregnant mothers, fetuses, or neonates. AFL ¼ atrial flutter; SVT ¼ supraventricular tachycardia; VA ¼ ventriculoatrial.
S A FET Y O U TCO M ES. Maternal, fetal, and Maternal serum digoxin concentrations after rapid
neonatal AEs related to the antiarrhythmic agents are initial saturation were not statistically different be-
shown in Table 3. Although maternal AEs related to tween oral administration and intravenous injection
trans- placental treatment were observed in 39 (Online Table 2). Maternal and umbilical vein serum
patients (78.0%), there was only 1 serious event: concentrations of the antiarrhythmic agents at de-
Mobitz type II AV block was observed but resolved livery are shown in Table 4. Interestingly, 7 of 13 had
immediately af- ter temporary discontinuation of higher serum sotalol levels of umbilical vein than
digoxin and sotalol. Nausea or vomiting, the most those of maternal vein.
common maternal adverse symptom, was
observed in 27 patients (54.0%). DISCUSSION
Electrocardiographic abnormalities were detected in
19 patients (38.0%). Elevated brain natriuretic The results of our study demonstrated that protocol-
peptide concentrations were found in 25 patients defined transplacental treatment for fetal SVT and
(50.0%). Despite a relatively high incidence of AFL was effective and tolerable in 90% of cases
maternal AEs, dose reduction allowed for contin- (Central Illustration). However, it should be kept in
uation of transplacental treatment. mind that serious AEs may take place in fetuses and
Fetal AEs related to transplacental treatment were that tachyarrhythmia may recur within 2 weeks after
observed in 12 fetuses (24.0%). Serious AEs resulting birth.
in discontinuation of the protocol-treatment occurred To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
in 4 fetuses. Fetal death occurred in 2 of 49 fetuses multicenter and largest prospective study of the
overall (4.1%; 95% CI: 0.5% to 14.0%). In 1 fetus heavy safety and efficacy of protocol-defined transplacental
for gestational age (>5.0 SD), AFL developed with treat- ment for fetal SVT and AFL. Dozens of studies
ascites, cardiac effusion, and polyhydramnios at showing the efficacy of fetal treatment have been
26 weeks of gestation. After digoxin and sotalol published, but they included stated limitations
combination therapy, the frequency and ventricular related to retro- spective data collection and different
rate of fetal AFL decreased, but hydrops progressed, protocols across centers. Two previous prospective
resulting in fetal death at 27 weeks of gestation. Post- studies had limi- tations related to the single-center
mortem examination showed hypoplastic lungs, design with small sample size (<20 cases) (11,12). In
small ears, and flexion of the long finger in both this study, digoxin was selected as the first-line
hands, findings suggesting Costello syndrome. agent (9) because of its relatively safe profile, long
Another fetus of 34 weeks of gestation with a diag- history of use during pregnancy, and clinician
nosis of short VA SVT once achieved sinus rhythm familiarity with its use (13–15). Sotalol and flecainide
and resolved pleural effusion and ascites after were used as second-line and third-line agents,
digoxin and sotalol, but the tachyarrhythmia respectively, for cases with short VA SVT and AFL
recurred at 36 weeks of gestation. SVT was without fetal hydrops in this protocol (9). Compared
sustained even after increased dosage of sotalol to with the previous studies, our multicenter
240 mg/day, and the fetus developed pleural prospective study demonstrated suffi- cient safety
effusion and ascites. The fetus died at 37 weeks of and efficacy. Some studies recommended sotalol or
gestation during prepara- tions for cesarean section. flecainide as primary therapy for fetal SVT and AFL
These fetal deaths were mainly caused by (7,14–19). Two systematic reviews showed the
progression of fetal heart failure secondary to AFL superiority of flecainide as first-line treatment for
and SVT. In 1 fetus with AFL, 7:1 AV block was fetal SVT (20,21). However, both studies com-
observed after starting the combination of digoxin mented on the lack of prospective studies as a limita-
and sotalol. Because the ventricular rate decreased tion. Our protocol, which is based on the multicenter
to 50 beats/min for 5 min at 36 weeks of gestation, prospective study, can become baseline data for
cesarean section was performed, and the newborn further prospective trials to establish the safest and
was treated by electrical cardioversion. In another most effective treatment for fetal tachyarrhythmia.
fetus with AFL, 1:1 AV conduction at 275 Favorable efficacy of our protocol treatment was
beats/min was observed 5 days after starting the obtained with each type of fetal tachyarrhythmia. In
combination of digoxin and flecainide. The fetus this study, the measurement of AV and VA intervals
progressed to ascites and pleural effusion and was with Doppler echocardiography was used to classify
delivered by cesarean section at 32 weeks of gesta- tachyarrhythmias (12,22,23). Short VA SVT is the
tion. AFL resolved spontaneously just after birth. typical pattern in re-entry tachycardia. Fetuses with
Neonatal AEs related to transplacental treatment short VA SVT and no hydrops had a resolution rate of
were observed in 5 of 47 neonates (10.6%). Two of 47% with digoxin alone as the first-line drug and an
these AEs were serious.
J ACC VOL. 74 , NO. 7, 20 19 J A C C Miyoshi
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4 , al.
NO. 7, 2019
881 Miyoshi et al. 88
AUGUST 20, 2019:874–85 Transplacental Treatment for Fetal ATachyarrhythmias
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Transplacental Treatment for Fetal Tachyarrhythmias
Short VA SVT (n = 17)
Non-hydrops Fetal hydrops
Digoxin &
Digoxin (n = 15)
Sotalol (n = 2)
Effective Ineffective Ineffective Effective
Long VA SVT (n = 4)
Non-hydrops Fetal hydrops
Sotalol (n = 3) Sotalol (n = 1)
Effective Effective
n = 3 (Heterotaxy n = 1 (Cardiac
syndrome) tumors)
EAT (1) AVRT (1)
(A) In fetuses with short ventriculoatrial (VA) supraventricular tachycardia (SVT) and no hydrops, the resolution rate was 46.7% (7 of 15)
with digoxin alone, 71.4% (5 of 7) with digoxin plus sotalol, and 100.0% (1 of 1) with digoxin plus flecainide, resulting in an overall resolution
rate of 86.7%. Protocol treatment was discontinued in 1 patient because of fetal death. Five cases of atrioventricular re-entrant
tachycardia (AVRT), 2 of ectopic atrial tachycardia (EAT), and 1 of ventricular tachycardia (VT) were found after birth. (B) In all 4 fetuses
with long ventriculoatrial supraventricular tachycardia, including 1 fetus with hydrops, fetal tachyarrhythmia resolved. One case each of
atrioven- tricular re-entrant tachycardia and ectopic atrial tachycardia was observed after birth. (C) In atrial flutter (AFL) without fetal
hydrops, the resolution rate was 59.3% (16 of 27) with digoxin alone, 72.7% (8 of 11) with digoxin plus sotalol, and 50.0% (1 of 2) with
digoxin plus flecainide, resulting in an overall resolution rate of 92.6%. Protocol treatment was discontinued in 3 patients because of fetal
serious adverse event (SAE) and death. One case of atrioventricular re-entrant tachycardia, 1 of ectopic atrial tachycardia, and 3 of atrial
flutter were found after birth. Neonatal tachyarrhythmias are shown in the bottom of each box.
FIGURE 2 Continued
AFL (n = 28)
Non-hydrops Fetal hydrops
Digoxin &
Digoxin (n = 27)
Sotalol (n = 1)
Effective Ineffective Ineffective
n = 16 Digoxin & Progression
AVRT (1), EAT (1) Sotalol (n = 11) of fetal hydrops
AFL (1)
Effective Ineffective
n=8 n=1
Digoxin &
Fetal death
AFL (2) (Suspected
(n = 2) Costello syndrome)
Effective Ineffective
n=1 n=1
due to fetal SAE
overall resolution rate of 87%, comparable to that of a 93%. Also in this study, AFL accounted for 60% of
previous review article (3). Both cases of short VA SVT fetuses, a higher percentage than in previous reports
and fetal hydrops achieved resolution in utero. Long (25% to 30%) (1,3,6). A large multicenter retrospective
VA SVT is a rare tachyarrhythmia suggesting EAT or study showed that cardioversion at 5 and 10 days
atypical AVRT. Because digoxin was reported to be occurred in only 25% and 41% of fetuses with treated
ineffective in long VA SVT (24), in this study protocol, AFL, respectively (15). Sotalol was reported to effect
sotalol and flecainide were used as first-line and a higher proportion of fetal AFL termination
second-line therapy, respectively. All 4 cases with than
long VA SVT including 1 with fetal hydrops had res- digoxin or flecainide (15). A review article showed a
olution of fetal tachyarrhythmia. Therefore, our fetal AFL resolution rate of 45% with digoxin alone, a
findings indicate the effectiveness of protocol treat- finding suggesting that if AFL persists, postnatal
ment according to the waveforms assessed by conversion to sinus rhythm may be preferred over
Doppler echocardiography. Because no single agent is second-line transplacental treatment (3). However,
universally effective (12,15), it is important to give the our results showed a high resolution rate in fetuses
most efficient drug at the lowest effective dose to with AFL but no hydrops, thus suggesting that pre-
avoid the risk of maternal and fetal morbidity. We mature delivery should be limited to treatment-
believe that appropriate drug selection for each type refractory AFL with hydrops.
of tachyarrhythmia contributes to avoiding maternal Our prospective study demonstrated a relatively
and fetal AEs. high incidence of maternal AEs related to antiar-
In this study, fetuses with AFL and no hydrops rhythmic agents. Maternal AEs, including gastroin-
had a resolution rate of 59% with digoxin alone as testinal symptoms and electrocardiographic
first-line therapy and an overall resolution rate of abnormalities, were observed in 78% of patients;
however, most of these AEs were minor, and dose
J ACC VOL. 74 , NO. 7, 20 19 J A C C Miyoshi
V O L . 7 et
4 , al.
NO. 7, 2019
883 Miyoshi et al. 88
AUGUST 20, 2019:874–85 Transplacental Treatment for Fetal ATachyarrhythmias
UGUST 20, 2019:874–85
Transplacental Treatment for Fetal Tachyarrhythmias
TA BL E 3 Continued
TA BL E 3 Maternal, Fetal, and Neonatal Treatment-Related AEs
and Serious AEs Patients Patients With
With AE Serious AE
Patients Patients With
With AE Serious AE Neonatal (n ¼ 47)
Short ventriculoatrial
(n = 45) Long VA SVT
(n = 4)
ydrops Fetal H
Non-h ydrops
Third-Choice Therapy
Digoxin & Flecainide
66.7% (2/3)
Antiarrhythmic Agents
Antiarrhythmic agents were selected by types of fetal tachyarrhythmia and/or presence of fetal hydrops. In short ventriculoatrial supra-
ventricular tachycardia and atrial flutter without fetal hydrops, the resolution rate was 54.8% (23 of 42) with digoxin alone, 72.2% (13 of 18)
with digoxin plus sotalol, and 66.7% (2 of 3) with digoxin plus flecainide, resulting in an overall resolution rate of 90.5% (38 of 42). In short
ventriculoatrial supraventricular tachycardia and atrial flutter with fetal hydrops, the resolution rate was 33.3% (1 of 3) with digoxin plus
sotalol and 100% (1 of 1) with digoxin plus flecainide, resulting in an overall resolution rate of 66.7% (2 of 3). In all 4 fetuses with long
ventriculoatrial supraventricular tachycardia, including 1 fetus with hydrops, fetal tachyarrhythmia resolved by sotalol alone.
speculated about the need for serial drug concentra- mortality increased to 15% to 40%, compared with 0%
tion monitoring and maternal electrocardiography to to 4% in fetuses without hydrops (3–5,26–29). One
assess drug effects and toxicity, especially during fetal demise occurred 2 days after sotalol dose esca-
dose escalation. lation. A previous study investigated the timing of 4
Two fetal deaths occurred during combination fetal deaths (3 SVT and 1 AFL). Three deaths occurred
therapy with digoxin and sotalol. In fetuses with just days after the initiation of sotalol, and 1 death
hydrops and SVT or AFL, arrhythmia-related occurred after a dose increase (7). Several reports
J ACC VOL. 74 , NO. 7, 20 19 J A C C Miyoshi
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4 , al.
NO. 7, 2019
885 Miyoshi et al. 88
AUGUST 20, 2019:874–85 Transplacental Treatment for Fetal ATachyarrhythmias
UGUST 20, 2019:874–85
Transplacental Treatment for Fetal Tachyarrhythmias
showed fetal deaths within 3 days of transplacental the safety and efficacy of each agent separately.
flecainide treatment (28,29). It is difficult to draw However, the results of our first multicenter and
conclusions about a potential AE of sotalol and fle- largest prospective study could provide important
cainide in this group of fetuses at increased risk of baseline data as protocol-defined transplacental
prenatal demise. The occurrence of fetal death raises treatment for analyzing the effectiveness of future
the question whether these agents have a proar- protocols, at least for fetal short VA SVT and AFL
rhythmic effect because serum sotalol concentrations without fetal hydrops.
of umbilical vein can reach higher than those of
maternal vein (11). In this regard, fetal magneto- CO NCLUSIONS
cardiography has a potential role for detection of
repolarization abnormalities or conduction defects Our study demonstrated that protocol-defined trans-
that may lead to fetal sudden death. placental treatment for fetal SVT and AFL was effec-
tive and tolerable in 90% of cases. Maternal AEs were
ST UDY ST R E NGTHS. First of all, this was the observed in 78% of patients; however, most AEs were
first multicenter and largest prospective trial to minor, and dose reduction allowed for continued
confirm the safety and efficacy of protocol- protocol treatment. However, it should be kept in
defined trans- placental treatment for fetal SVT and mind that serious AEs may take place in fetuses and
AFL. Further- more, our results showed a high that tachyarrhythmia may recur within 2 weeks after
resolution rate even in fetuses with AFL, a birth even if it is well controlled in utero. We believe
treatment-refractory type of fetal tachyarrhythmia. that our results will help optimize the design of
Second, our findings indicate the effectiveness of future randomized controlled trials to establish the
protocol treatment. Notably, all 4 patients with long safest and most effective treatment for fetal
VA SVT were effectively treated with sotalol alone tachyarrhythmia.
and with no mortality. Appropriate drug selection for ACKNOW LE DGMENTS The authors thank Dr.
each type of tachyarrhythmia is important not Makoto Nishibatake (chairperson), Dr. Masao
only to improve fetal and neonatal outcomes but Nakagawa, Dr. Ichiro Kawabata, and Dr. Naokata
also to avoid maternal and fetal AEs. Third, we Sumitomo for their contribution as members of the
prospectively confirmed accurate incidence of Independent Safety Evaluation Committee in this
maternal, fetal, and neonatal AEs related to study trial. The authors also thank Dr. Takeshi Kotake for
antiarrhythmic agents. Our results showed a rela- measuring serum sotalol and flecainide
tively high incidence of maternal AEs, thus suggest- concentrations.
ing underestimation in previous retrospective
studies. Notably, serious AEs resulting in discontin- ADDRESS F OR CORRESPO NDENCE: Dr.
uation of the protocol treatment were found in 4 fe- Yasuki Maeno, Department of Pediatrics and Child
tuses during combination therapy. This information Health, Kurume University School of Medicine, 67
will help obstetricians and pediatric cardiologists Asahi-machi, Kurume 830-0011, Japan. E-mail:
administering transplacental treatment for fetal SVT yasukim@med. Twitter: @YMaeno2.
and AFL.
ST UDY L IMITATIO NS. First, this was a single-arm
trial; however, this was the most completable pro-
spective study design in the limited number of the COMPETENCY IN PATIENT CARE AND PROCE-
cases in each year by referring the results of our DURAL SKILLS: Transplacental administration of
retrospective survey and historical control data from digoxin, sotalol, or flecainide in singleton pregnancies
the literature. Second, as a result of the limited from 22 to 37 weeks of gestation with sustained fetal
sample size, only 4 patients with fetal hydrops and SVT or AFL at ventricular rates $180 beats/min was
only 4 patients with long VA SVT were enrolled in this effective and tolerated in 90%. Maternal AEs were
study. We used a strict definition of fetal hydrops (10) frequent and usually mild, but they required treat-
because we intended to limit combination therapy in ment discontinuation in 8%, and fetal loss occurred in
truly severe cases in patients with fetal hydrops to 4%.
avoid AEs to mothers and fetuses. Hence, our study
did not have enough patients to make conclusions TRANSLATIONAL OUTLOOK: Further studies are
about combination therapy for the cases with fetal needed to establish the safest and most effective
hydrops and about the therapy for long VA SVT. antenatal treatment regimens for fetal supraventric-
Third, because we used a treatment protocol with ular tachyarrhythmias.
3 antiarrhythmic agents, it is difficult to analyze
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NO. 7, 2019
886 Miyoshi et al. 88
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Transplacental Treatment for Fetal Tachyarrhythmias
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AP P E N D I X For supplemental tables,
please see the online version of this paper.