Assessment of Student Learning 2

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Assessment of Student Learning 2

Name: Glydel Dela Torre, Dyane D. Nadado, and Oscar Ramirez Topic: Rubrics Date: March 30,2020

Program: BEED & BSE-Eng. 3A Professor: Dean Nico Largo

Grading Scale

5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point

Criteria Greatly Exceeds Meets Below Doesn’t Meet Score and
Exceeds Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectation Feedback
Expectations (very good) (Satisfactory) (Fair) (Poor)

1. The use of Audio-visual Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates a

presentation superior ability above average an average below average poor ability in
to use creative ability to use ability to use of ability to use using creative
and effective creative and creative and creative and and effective
methods of effective effective effective methods of
Audiovisual methods of methods of methods of Audiovisual
presentation in Audiovisual Audiovisual Audiovisual presentation in
interviewing presentation in presentation in presentation in interviewing and
and delivering interviewing and interviewing interviewing delivering the
the news. delivering the and delivering and delivering news.
news. the news. the news.

2. Communication skills Demonstrate Demonstrate Demonstrate an Demonstrate Demonstrate a

(Verbal and non-Verbal). great gestures above average average gesture below average poor gesture as
as news anchor gestures as news as news anchor gestures as news anchor and
and field anchor and field and field news anchor field reporter,
reporter (well reporter (well reporter, and field showing an
poised), poised), showing showing self- reporter, inferiority
showing self- self-confidence confidence and showing lack of towards the
confidence and and speak using a speak using a self-confidence other and needs
speak using a proper volume proper volume and speak using to improve the
proper volume level of voice and level of voice inappropriate volume level of
level of voice also the tone of and also the tone and their voice, tone,
and also the their voice, with tone of their volume level of the clarity and
tone of their clarity and voice, with their voice, the diction in
voice, with diction in broad clarity and vagueness of broad casting
clarity and casting and there diction in broad the statements because it is
diction in broad is no repetition casting but and diction in difficult to
casting and of words and there’s slightly broad casting understand the
there is no phrases at all. repetition of and there’s words and
repetition of words and stuttering in phrases at all.
words and phrases. utterance of
phrases at all. the words and

Dyane D. Nadado

3. Audience/ Viewer’s Excellent in Job well done in Getting a good Need to Need to improve
impact delivering the getting the feedback from enhance the the
headlines that attention of the the audience for headlines of the Communication
catches the viewers and well the precisely news because it process so that
attention of the inform the information is too lousy for the audience can
viewers. audience on the they give. the viewers. easily cope with
highlights of the what they’re
news. trying to imply.
4. Uses of Vocabulary Complete Knowledgeable Good in Some spelling Lack of
knowledge, with the content, vocabulary, little problem and vocabulary and
excellent outstanding with errors of did not knowledge about
grammatical the choice of grammatical, understand the the content.
words and no words and there understanding content
spelling is no error in the content.
problem and deliberation.
uses a good

Ramirez, Oscar

5. Measurement accuracy The student The student used The student The student The student did
used all the used used not used
all the measurements most of the some of the measurements
measurements accurately with measurements measurements accurately and
accurately minimal errors. accurately with accurately but completely
without many errors. incorrect. wrong.
any errors.

6. Models The student The student The student did The student did The student did
showed all the showed all the showed most of not show some not show any of
models used to models used to the models the models the models used
solve the solve the used used to solve the
problem problem to solve the to solve the problem and
and they were and they were problem and problem or they
explained explained they were there were explained
excellent. correctly. explained with were explained incorrectly.
minimal errors. with many

Dela Torre, Glydel

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