And You Think Your Mom Is Strict!
And You Think Your Mom Is Strict!
And You Think Your Mom Is Strict!
By Mary Rose
they learned to read, it had to be from the Bible of from book of
morals. The Pilgrims could not have imagined letting children read
You have probably already read a little about the Pilgrims about talking stuffed animal or aliens from another planet.
who came to America in the 1600s and 1700s. Did you ever read
about the Pilgrim children? Well their life was pretty tough. In addition The next time your mom asks you to clean your room or put
to not having CD players, video games, movies or any TV, they also away your many possessions, think of this story. your mom might be
had to work. They had to do real, physical work like chopping wood, strict, but she is nothing like a Pilgrim parents!
cooking and baking, sewing clothes by hand, working in the garden, List four ways you can compare and contrast your life to the lives of
shovelling out the barns, and taking care of animals. And they had to Pilgrim children.
walk everywhere they went. Be sure that each time you answer, you are comparing the same
The Pilgrims had very strict beliefs about children and their subject.
place in the family. Most of the time they were not allowed to speak 1. ________________________________________________________________
unless an adult talked to them first. They were not allowed to be
around whenever anyone came to their house for a visit, and if they
did make an appearance, it was for a very short time and they had ________________________________________________________________
to be very polite. Most of you have a private room full of toys. The ________________________________________________________________
Pilgrim children didn’t really own anything at all. They had very few
2. ________________________________________________________________
toys, mostly made from wood or cloth scraps found around the house.
They didn’t have their own bedrooms, but instead slept in the family ________________________________________________________________
gathering room or a loft. If there was a church or town event, children ________________________________________________________________
might be allowed to play games or dance, but usually they were
expected to work most of the time, just as the adults did.
3. ________________________________________________________________
But mealtime had to be the worst! The Pilgrims did not have
things like refrigeration and did not know very much about their
sanitary. They have to carry the water to the house in a bucket. ________________________________________________________________
Pilgrims were especially strict during melas. Children usually had to ________________________________________________________________
stand at the table, while the adults sat down to eat. Young people
4. ________________________________________________________________
had to eat what was put before them without complaining and
without reaching to get it themselves. Quite often, the children didn’t ________________________________________________________________
have plates but shared a wooden plate with another family member ________________________________________________________________
and they eat with their bare hands. ________________________________________________________________