Unit Assignment 7
Unit Assignment 7
Unit Assignment 7
What went Well The activities in the lesson went very well. I
thought we used appropriate sets to start and
finish our lesson with the assess prior
knowledge puzzle activity and the exit ticket.I
liked our creativity and use of group work
within the lesson. We used great assessment
techniques and really tried to hit all 3 domains
of learning while following the correct steps in
each domain.
Written effectively/ efficiently/ to meet Yes, we made sure that they got the chance
outcomes to build their way up the learning levels with
the correct steps in blooms verbs. First we
had the students categorize the tiers
definitions based on prior knowledge.We had
the students identify the steps of the tiers
through activity, answer analysis, and lecture.
We had them demonstrate their knowledge
by placing the students in the correct tiers.
We then, as a class, Compare and Contrast
the advantages and disadvantages of
RTI.Finally we had the students value the
principle of RTI and its use in their future
classrooms by making sure that they got the
importance of individualized student
placement and differentiation.
Done differently I would make sure that each person was able
to be there on the day we do a practice walk
through of the lesson. I would have made the
lesson more of a class discussion about RTI
then a powerpoint presentation on the topic.