Unit Assignment 7

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Mariah Leach Unit Assignment 7 -Self Evaluation/Reflection Table Tool

What went Well The activities in the lesson went very well. I
thought we used appropriate sets to start and
finish our lesson with the assess prior
knowledge puzzle activity and the exit ticket.I
liked our creativity and use of group work
within the lesson. We used great assessment
techniques and really tried to hit all 3 domains
of learning while following the correct steps in
each domain.

What Problems occured We had the differentiation slide activity

before giving them the breakdown areas of
differentiation so they had the knowledge to
reference. Double checking your slides and
practicing presentation multiple times can
catch these small errors that you have to roll
with during your lessons. We made it as
another prior knowledge assessment to
differentiation before teaching all the ways
they could have differentiated their intrusion.

Written effectively/ efficiently/ to meet Yes, we made sure that they got the chance
outcomes to build their way up the learning levels with
the correct steps in blooms verbs. First we
had the students categorize the tiers
definitions based on prior knowledge.We had
the students identify the steps of the tiers
through activity, answer analysis, and lecture.
We had them demonstrate their knowledge
by placing the students in the correct tiers.
We then, as a class, Compare and Contrast
the advantages and disadvantages of
RTI.Finally we had the students value the
principle of RTI and its use in their future
classrooms by making sure that they got the
importance of individualized student
placement and differentiation.

Student centered-How We had the activities and learning be hands

on and physically learning and doing. We had
them work collaboratively within their PLCS.
We made it relevant to their own content area
during the differentiation . We also showed
demonstrations of how we could have
individualized our activity for students who
need larger text , support on labeling
correctly, and color coded indicators
Clear and well paced We were clear and great paced for the
activities but we could have slowed down on
the delivery on the content. I think the big
difference in pace comes from
communicating with the want for
understanding from who you are speaking
to... With being a college kid comes being
nervous to deliver high level content to peers
and professors. Slowing down and having
confidence in your ability to deliver content
can help with that pace. That is one strategy,
but also studying more than enough of that
topic so that you can free verse parts of your
lecture and be able to conversate about the
topic and make it understandable/relevant/

Accurate methods of assessment We used correct prior-knowledge assessment

with the labeling of the RTI Tiers puzzle. We
then used the smiley face sticks for quick
checks for understanding. We used
application checks by letting them apply their
knowledge to the student placement activity
while we circulated the room evaluating

Done differently I would make sure that each person was able
to be there on the day we do a practice walk
through of the lesson. I would have made the
lesson more of a class discussion about RTI
then a powerpoint presentation on the topic.

Learned for future I learned that when you are conducting a

lesson it helps to keep students engaged and
understanding by asking questions after
delivering content. This brings the topic back
up, helps them understand in relevance, and
helps the educator assess understanding.I
learned that I prefer to create lesson plans by
myself because sometimes my expectations
for what content of a topic should be
presented can be left out or misrepresented
by someone else.

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