Knitted Together: Pastor's Notes

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APRIL 2020


MAIL: P.O. Box 9, SODDY DAISY, TN 37384 TEL: (423) 332-2327 E-MAIL: [email protected]

“… speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up into Him in every way who is the head, into Christ, from whom
the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied when each part is working
properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love.” Ephesians 4:15-16 RSV
“For Thou didst form my inward parts, Thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13 RSV

LET’S PRAY Pastor’s Notes

TOGETHER Our church has made drastic changes to how we worship and how we
Members & Participants interact, but how we approach this Holy Week does not change.
Easter week runs through all of our Human emotions beginning with
Bobby McRee, Heather Shannon enthusiasm and excitement, then guilt and shame, remorse and
Batson, Sherry Clark, Billy Crowe,
repentance, fear and at last hope, relief and deep joy.
Nita Crowe, Danny Curvin, Dottie
Curvin, Gene Curvin, Bud Ellis, Bill We begin with the “Hosanna!” A loud shout to our Lord Jesus of Palm
Newberry, Barbara Newman, Jan Sunday. We enter this week with the palm branches, joining in the
Newman, Dora Sowell, Doug excitement of the crowd in Jerusalem who celebrated Jesus’ entry into he
Stephenson, Lorie Tessmer, Delores city. We were happy to welcome Him but they did not understand His
White, Taylor Williams
call. They wanted God on their own terms, a god who would beat up their
Family & Friends enemies and put power into their hands.
On Thursday we gather for an evening service remembering the Lord’s
Becky Burchard (Irene Ammon’s
niece), The Clifton Family (friends of Supper, the beginning of what we call communion. This sacrament is a
Linda Kurzenberger), Gary Cross meal of mix emotions. This is a last meal together before the crucifixion,
(friend of Bill Newberry), Kevin the day when Jesus took our sins on His own body and died for us.
Daughtery (nephew of Jan This Lord’s Supper reminds us of our own sin and our own guilt. As we
Newman), Marilyn Kurzenberger- face Good Friday, this is a night of remorse and repentance, a time to
Wittke (family of John and Linda regret for the things we have done that we should not have done and for
Kurzenberger), David McCarell, the things we should have done and have neglected.
Jerry Newman (Gary’s brother/
Barbara’s son), Karen Smith, Vickie On Easter Sunday we celebrate the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper again.
Sullivan, Jill Tobin, Sophia Turner, This time everything is changed because of Christ is Risen! We focus on
Rick Kephart, David Stephenson, the empty tomb and the risen Lord. Because of Risen Christ, we too will
Rev. Bud Little, Mary Richey be risen with Him at the end and receive everlasting life. Therefore, we
Military look not at the past, but at the present and the future: a new life in Christ
here and now, loving and serving others; and we place our hope in Christ
Thomas Pelham and Family for the everlasting life to come, life with our Lord.
(Thomas is the son of John and
As we go through this uncertain time, may God provide you with all the
Jody Pelham; grandson of Billy and
emotions that draw near to Him, who came to us first to love us and to
Nita Crowe)
save us. May God lead us from the fear and guilt to lasting hope and
peace that only comes from God.
Rev. Peter Choi

APRIL 2020

CHURCH SCHEDULE News From The Session

We hope that you and your families are well and that you are
* All schedules are cancelled not being significantly impacted by the many business and
due to coronavirus.
school closings that have resulted from the Coronavirus. It was
Services not an easy decision for the Session to close the church for in-
person worship, but the circumstances for the health of our
Sunday Worship 11:00 am
members and directions from government officials dictated that
(Facebook Live)
we do so. Because the situation changes daily, we don’t know
when we will be able to gather again in person, but it will be at
least the beginning of May. We will all miss celebrating
Caregiver - Kathleen Djami resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ together as a community
* Available for children ages of faith on Resurrection Sunday, April 12, but remember that
cradle to 4 years old God is with us wherever we are. We will keep you informed
when we plan to resume normal worship services. In the
Children’s Worship meantime, we hope that you are able to see Pastor Peter’s
worship service using our Facebook page.
Sunday Worship 11:00 am
* Available for children ages 5 to One of the things that the unprecedented closures due to the
5th grade coronavirus has highlighted is our need to be able to rapidly
keep in touch with everyone in our congregation about
Wednesday Bible Study changes in our worship and other activities. The Caring and
Sharing text messages have been our best way to get the word
Adult Bible Study 6:30 pm out. The others without the text messaging capability receive a
Children’s Activity 6:30 pm telephone call. A special word of thanks to Danny Curvin, Nancy
(Caregiver - Kathleen Djami) Burks, and Becky May for doing this. For Pastor Peter’s Letter to
the congregation about the coronavirus, we took a new
approach and sent an e-mail to about half of the congregation
Ministry Opportunities for whom we have e-mail addresses. The rest of the
congregation received the letter via the regular U.S. Post Office
Newsletter Editor: Monthly mail. We are looking at using e-mail more for things such as the
newsletter and letters to the congregation. We would
Children & Youth Ministry
appreciate any feed-back you have on this.
- Teachers, assistants for Sunday
worship and other activities We continue to pray for everyone around the world as well as
all who struggle to cope with the coronavirus pandemic. We are
Movie Nights - Monthly
especially prayerful for those in our congregation who struggle
(Talk to Rev. Choi)
with physical and mental ailments. If you have any issues or
Fellowship of the Table concerns, or just need someone to talk to, please contact one
- Lunch following Sunday of your Session members.
worship at various locations
May the Peace of Christ be with you.
- Covered dish dinner on
Jim Hargrove, Clerk of Session

APRIL 2020

WOMEN OF THE Financial Notes

Women’s Bible Study As you know, the regular bills for utilities, food, and other
necessities haven’t gone away even though much of our
*Cancelled due to coronavirus economy is shut down. Some of you may have lost your
work and are struggling to make payments. Our prayers go
out to you that God will guide you through these times.
Though we have cancelled our worship services and other
activities, Wednesday
the church’s regular bills for@ 5:30
the pm
pastor’s salary,
MEN OF THE utilities, and other expenses continue. Through the
CHURCH generous bequests of several former members, our church
is in a strong financial position to meet our financial
Men’s Group Gathering commitments. Praise God! Below is a summary of our year
*Cancelled due to coronavirus to date financial status as of March 15.

Income $ 13,428.00
Expenses $ 24,784.85
Checkbook balance $ 51,251.03
WEEKLY PRAYER Investments $ 630,122.77
Please note that our income from tithes and offerings only
*Cancelled due to coronavirus
paid 54% of our expenses. A deficit was anticipated when
we hired Rev. Choi, but we would like to see more of the
expenses covered by congregational giving, so that we
don’t have to liquidate some of our investments
prematurely. Therefore we ask that, if you are able , you mail
in your tithes and offerings to:

First Presbyterian Church

PO Box 9
Soddy Daisy, TN 37384

God loves a cheerful giver.

Jim Hargrove, Clerk of Session

APRIL 2020

L isten to God’s voice and reflect. Let go and Let God.
O bey His word and His teachings.
C all on Jesus’ name and be Calm.

K now that God has a purpose for all of this.

D well in His presence. Do not panic.

O ffer a prayer for everyone’s safety

W ait on the Lord and be patient. This too shall pass

N urture our personal relationship with God.


1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Palm Sunday
Worship 11AM
(Facebook live)

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Resurrection Sunday
He is Risen!
Worship 11AM
(Facebook live)

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Worship 11AM
(Facebook live)

26 27 28 29 30
Worship 11AM
(Facebook live)

March Birthday Wedding Anniversary

April 15 Cody Fuller April 5 Charlie & Nancy Burks

Soddy Daisy, TN 37384
P.O. Box 9
First Presbyterian Church
Newsletter will be published monthly near the 1st of the month. Please send items to publish to Pastor
Peter, [email protected] by the 20th of the previous month. Thank you.
Our newsletter staff is: (production manager); Jim Hargrove (distribution manager).
Review editors include Effie Heiss, Doug Stephenson, Danny Durvin, Peter Choi.
Please give Jim Hargrove (423-760-8787; [email protected]) the names, mailing addresses or email
addresses of family and friends, and possible new members, so that we can send them our monthly
newsletter. Please let Jim know if you prefer your newsletter via email.
Newsletter can also be found on Facebook:
Church telephone number: 423-332-2327
Church email: [email protected]

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