02 SNWs
02 SNWs
02 SNWs
Nicolas Roulin
University of Lausanne
Adrian Bangerter
University of Neuchâtel
Industry surveys and media reports suggest that recruiters increasingly use social
networking websites (SNWs) in the selection process, but corresponding scientific research is
still limited. Using signaling theory, we examine SNWs as a new way for applicants to signal
their qualities to recruiters. Results suggest that recruiters and potential applicants (students
and graduates) both perceive professional SNWs (e.g., LinkedIn) as a potential antecedent of
Person-Job fit information and personal SNWs (e.g., Facebook) as a potential antecedent of
Person-Organization fit information. When evaluating the same SNW profile, recruiters and
potential applicants focus on different sections of the profile (e.g., recruiters focus more on
job-related information), but they tend to infer similar personality traits. Implications for
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 2
applicants’ perceptions
The use of social networking websites (SNWs) to gather information about applicants
has been reported as an increasingly common selection practice (Brown & Vaughn, 2011;
Dipboye, Macan, & Shahani-Denning, 2012; Karl, Peluchette, & Schlaegel, 2010). For
instance, the proportion of US recruiters using SNWs in selection increased from 12% in
2006 to 45% in 2009 (Careerbuilder.com, 2009). Such practice is especially relevant for
young graduates, for whom recruiters have limited background information (Du, 2007).
Recruiters can access profiles’ information, despite options available to applicants to limit
access. Many applicants fail to activate privacy settings and recruiters can create their own
(Brandenburg, 2008). More recently, employers have started to ask applicants to provide full
access to their profiles (Brown & Vaughn, 2011). Yet, despite the growing attention devoted
to SNWs in the social sciences (Wilson, Gosling, & Graham, 2012), research in personnel
selection is still limited. For instance, there is little empirical research examining what
information recruiters actually collect from SNW profiles or potential differences between
personal SNWs (e.g., Facebook) and professional ones (e.g., LinkedIn). Also, there is little
research on applicants’ perceptions of such practices and whether or not they converge with
personnel selection and presenting data from a study with professional recruiters and potential
Recently, Bangerter, Roulin, and König (2012) proposed a new framework for
personnel selection based on signaling theory. They suggested that organizations (and
recruiters) look for so-called honest signals of applicants’ ability and commitment to the
characteristics that are difficult to fake because they are beyond the conscious control of the
sender (e.g., ability test scores) or because they require investment of costly resources (e.g.,
time and energy spent to obtain a university degree). Honest signals of ability include
such signals to assess whether or not applicants possess the required abilities or skills for the
job. As such, signals of ability correspond to antecedents that can be used by organizations to
predict applicants’ level of Person-Job (P-J) fit (Kristof-Brown, 2000). Similarly, honest
motivations to join the organization, such as their willingness to move to another city or to
accept a lower salary. Other signals, like applicants’ personality and values, inform about the
fit between the applicant and the organization and can thus be considered as indirect signals
of potential commitment. Organizations can compare such signals with their organizational
values or culture to assess whether or not the applicant will be a good fit with the organization
and will be likely to be committed to the organization (i.e., accept an offer, and then remain in
the job for a long period). As such, signals of commitment correspond to antecedents that can
(Kristof-Brown, 2000). We note that the term “commitment” in this sense is similar but not
identical to organizational commitment (e.g., Meyer & Allen, 1991). Moreover, applicants try
to detect organizations’ selection criteria and adapt their behavior to send the right signals
changing their selection criteria or the way they interpret applicants’ signals. Over time,
how signals emerge, evolve, and decline, but also determine the stability of a given signal1.
See Bangerter et al. (2012) for examples of emerging, stable, and declining signals.
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 4
ability and commitment. (Bangerter et al., 2012). Currently, applicants post personal
information on SNWs. Some job market actors (e.g., recruiters) may realize that such
applicants’ personality). Recruiters may then start to use information on SNWs to glean
information about applicants (Brandenburg, 2008). Applicants may become aware of this
trend and adapt their behavior (e.g., by censoring content or strategically posting
information). Recruiters may also adapt to applicants’ adaptations in turn. Over time, these
emerging signal or its decline and disappearance. If actors’ subsequent behaviors are mutually
reinforcing (e.g., if applicants do not post falsified information on their SNWs and if
recruiters do not develop strategies to use SNWs as a way to invade applicants’ privacy) the
signal will stabilize. SNWs allow recruiters to gather information (e.g., competencies, job
experience) they generally infer from résumés or cover letters to potentially predict P-J fit. In
addition, SNWs allow collecting information to potentially predict P-O fit. For instance,
SNWs can complement personality tests, since recruiters can attempt to infer applicants’
personality from SNW profiles (Back et al., 2010; Kluemper & Rosen, 2009). SNWs may
also yield information about applicants’ personal life that does not normally appear in
résumés or cover letters, such as interests, relationship status, and political views
(Brandenburg, 2008). But as a first step to assess whether SNWs are emerging as an honest
Given the increasing variety of SNW types (e.g., personal and professional), an
optimal strategy for recruiters may be to look for different types of information in different
types of SNWs (Roberts & Roach, 2009). For instance, information to predict P-J fit (e.g.,
work experience) is more likely to be found on professional SNWs (e.g., LinkedIn) that are
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 5
generally built like extended online résumés. Information to predict P-O fit (e.g., interests) is
more likely to be found on personal SNWs (e.g., Facebook) that have been originally created
to exchange personal information with friends or family. Thus, professional SNWs are
potential signals of abilities (i.e., to predict P-J fit) while personal SNWs are potential signals
of commitment (i.e., to predict P-O fit) and we expect recruiters to perceive them as such:
Hypothesis 1: Recruiters prefer to gather (1a) information to predict P-J fit from
professional rather than from personal SNWs, but (1b) information to predict P-O fit from
showing that applicants try to detect recruiters’ selection criteria and adapt the signals they
send. This step is especially important with SNW profiles, which allow users (e.g., applicants)
to construct a deliberate and calculated online identity (Vazire & Gosling, 2004), manipulate
the information on one’s profile (Kluemper & Rosen, 2009), and choose what information or
photographs to publish to be viewed favorably (Siibak, 2009). But in order to best adapt
signals, applicants should be aware of recruiters’ use of professional and personal SNWs as
signals of ability and commitment. This is similar to applicants preparing themselves for job
detect their selection criteria (Bangerter et al., 2012). Signaling theory suggests that
applicants’ attempts to detect selection criteria and organizations’ potential adaptation of their
selection criteria in response to these attempts are essential to the emergence and evolution of
signals. In the long run, applicants’ attempts to detect how recruiters use SNW content should
pressure organizations and recruiters to adapt their evaluation strategies, leading to one of two
possible outcomes: On the one hand, if applicants and recruiters’ behaviors are mutually
reinforcing, SNWs can reach a signaling equilibrium and become a stable signal, i.e., one that
is regularly used during the selection process. On the other hand, applicants and recruiters can
constantly adapt their behavior to each other to develop an advantage. Such cycles of
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 6
adaptation and counteradaptation may lead to an arms race. An example would be recruiters
developing new strategies to access personal information on applicants’ SNW profiles and
applicants trying to avoid recruiters accessing such information, or adapting their presentation
The increasing use of SNWs in selection has been largely covered in the media (e.g.,
Careerbuilder.com, 2009; Du, 2007). Also, some organizations inform university career
centers that they use SNWs in selection (Roberts & Roach, 2009). And some universities have
developed training programs to help graduates strategically use SNWs (Saedi & Nguyen,
2011). Therefore, it is likely that potential applicants in many job markets are currently aware
that recruiters may be interested in using SNWs in hiring and will be able to anticipate their
interests. This in turn suggests that their perceptions will converge with recruiters’ actual
information to predict P-J fit from professional than from personal SNWs, but (2b)
information to predict P-O fit from personal than from professional SNWs.
Recruiters and potential applicants may well converge on what type of information
professional and personal SNWs signal about applicants’ qualities. Yet, when examining the
same SNW profile they may differ in their focus of attention (e.g., focus on different content)
or in their interpretation (e.g., infer different characteristics about the applicant). Potential
applicants are not selection experts and they sometimes differ from experienced recruiters in
the way they make hiring decisions. For instance, recruiters tend to focus on the most relevant
cues while students use all cues available, even irrelevant ones (Barr & Hitt, 1986). Also
students tend to focus more on academic qualifications when making hiring decisions, while
professionals tend to focus more on work experience (Singer & Bruhns, 1991). When
examining a SNW profile, experienced recruiters and potential applicants may also differ on
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 7
the type of information they focus on. In exploring this issue, we only investigated personal
SNWs (e.g., Facebook) profiles. Personal SNW profiles generally include a wider range of
information about an applicant than professional SNWs. Also, because of the growing
popularity of personal SNWs like Facebook (Wilson et al., 2012), both recruiters and
(especially) potential applicants are more likely to be familiar with the structure and content
of personal SNWs than professional ones. Facebook profiles are generally structured around
main sections such as the wall (i.e., an open space where both the profile users and their
friends can post comments, pictures or videos), pictures, number of friends (people users are
connected to), personal information (e.g., birth date, relationship status), professional
information (e.g., education, jobs), and interests (e.g., sports, music, literature). Recruiters and
potential applicants may thus focus on different sections when evaluating a profile, but there
is little theoretical basis to hypothesize on what section they will focus on. Therefore, we
with friends or family. Users’ profiles may thus contain pictures or information that they do
not want employers to access, such as negative private behavior or faux pas (e.g., criminal
behavior, alcohol or drug abuse, partying) (Karl et al., 2010; Peluchette & Karl, 2008). Karl
and colleagues suggested that such private behavior may not necessarily be reproduced at
work, but they believed that recruiters may form a negative first impression and infer that,
implies that recruiters may construe faux pas as predictive of lower P-O fit. Recent
experimental studies with student evaluators have highlighted the potentially negative impact
of such information (e.g., Bohnert & Ross, 2010; Hanley, Farabee, & Macan, 2010). Yet,
except for recent surveys (Careerbuilder.com, 2009) or media stories (Du, 2007), there is little
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 8
evidence that recruiters actually notice faux pas when evaluating SNW profiles. On the one
hand, recruiters may notice faux pas and interpret them negatively like students do. On the
other hand, if they indeed focus only on cues that are relevant to most jobs (Barr & Hitt,
1986), they may simply consider faux pas as irrelevant. Our second research question
therefore examines whether or not recruiters and potential applicants actually focus on faux
Recruiters are also likely to make inferences about applicants’ qualities based on the
information collected on SNW profiles. This information could be posted by the applicant.
But information posted by third parties (i.e., friends) on someone’s page (Walther, Van Der
Heide, Kim, Westerman, & Tong, 2008) or simply the number of friends or their appearance
(Utz, 2010) can also influence inferences made by evaluators. One type of inference that
recruiters could make is related to applicants’ personality (Bohnert & Ross, 2010). People can
accurately infer applicants’ personality or intelligence based on SNW profiles (Back et al.,
2010; Kluemper & Rosen, 2009). For instance, Back et al. (2010) reported significant
correlations between the actual personality of SNWs’ profile owners (aggregated across
multiple personality reports) and personality ratings by external raters based on the SNW
profile. And perceived personality may be influenced by the content of the profile or its
orientation (Bohnert & Ross, 2010). Yet, participants in these studies were explicitly asked to
evaluate targets’ personality (e.g., using the Conscientiousness scale from the NEO FFI;
Bohnert & Ross, 2010). We thus do not know whether evaluators of a SNW profile (i.e.,
recruiters or potential applicants) would spontaneously make such inferences without being
asked to do so. This is important since spontaneous inference corresponds more closely to the
way recruiters actually evaluate applicants’ SNW profiles. Our last research question thus
responses from a sample of recruiters and potential applicants who participated in an online
survey on use of SNWs. We operationalized professional SNWs using LinkedIn and personal
SNWs using Facebook. Participants also evaluated a fictitious Facebook profile relative to a
was 40.01 (SD = 7.69) years, 51% were women, and most of them were either French-
speaking Swiss (79.2%) or French (15.6%). Mean experience in personnel selection was 9.37
years (SD = 6.14). Recruiters were active in a variety of sectors, including banking (20%),
manufacturing (20%), or technologies and medias (13%). Our sample of potential applicants
(N = 597) was composed of 443 students and 154 graduates (i.e., currently working or
unemployed). Mean age was 24.28 (SD = 4.97), 78.4% were women, and most of them were
applicants (i.e., 40%) studied (or were currently studying) business, economics, or social
sciences. The educational background for remaining of the sample was education sciences or
humanities (24%), law (16%), engineering or hard sciences (10%), or others (10%).
study and a link to an online questionnaire. A total of 216 HR professionals were originally
contacted, 133 went to the study website and 96 completed the questionnaire (i.e., a 44%
response rate). Potential applicants were contacted by email (approximately 2,000 students
were originally contacted, 193 went to the study website and 146 completed the
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 10
similar invitation which also encouraged people to forward the invitation to members of their
social network (snowball sampling; the invitation was visible for 2231 persons, 610 went to
the study website and 451 completed the questionnaire, i.e., a 20% response rate). All
participants completed a short online questionnaire in French (average completion time was
13.3 minutes for recruiters and 12.1 for potential applicants). The first part of the
questionnaire included measures of use/perceived use of SNWs in selection. The second part
of the questionnaire included a short job description for a Junior Hiring Manager at a bank,
the Facebook profile of a mock applicant for the job, and a free-response format question
Recruiters reported their use of Facebook (i.e., a personal SNW) and LinkedIn (i.e., a
professional SNW) to gather information about applicants to predict their level of P-J fit and
P-O fit, while potential applicants reported their perceptions of recruiters’ use. For instance,
items for recruiters were all phrased as “When I search an applicant’s Facebook/LinkedIn
profile, I look for information about his/her…” A 3-item scale (professional experiences,
competencies, and recommendations; α = .74 for Facebook and α = .76 for LinkedIn) was
used as information to potentially predict P-J fit. A 3-item scale (personality, values,
interests; α = .70 for Facebook and α = .82 for LinkedIn) was used as information to
potentially predict P-O fit. All items were developed based on the antecedents of P-J/P-O fit
from Kristof-Brown (2000) and measured on 5-point Likert scales, where 1 = strongly
disagree and 5 = strongly agree. Moreover, we also measured participants’ frequency of use
of Facebook/LinkedIn in their private life using a 5-point Likert scales, where 1 = never and
5 = very often.
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 11
In the second part of the study, both recruiters and potential applicants read a short
mock job description for a Junior Hiring Manager in a bank and examined the Facebook
profile of a male applicant for this position. It contained all traditional sections of such
profiles, including pictures (e.g., main profile picture, photographs of sport activities or
parties with friends), number of Facebook friends, wall information (e.g., recent activities or
friends’ postings), personal information (e.g., name, birth date, relationship status, political
HR), and interests (e.g., interest in French literature, extracurricular activities). Participants
were then asked to openly describe the content they considered to be noteworthy in a free-
response format. We did not specify “noteworthy” with respect to personnel selection. Yet,
because participants were informed that they would have to examine the Facebook profile of
an applicant for the target job and answer some question about this applicant, it seems likely
that this question was interpreted in relation to the selection. Response length was equivalent
for the two types of participants. The average number of characters used was 108.8 (SD =
134.5) for recruiters and 109.9 (SD = 117.5) for potential applicants, F(1,692)=.007, p = .93.
various features. Interrater agreement statistics (Cohen’s kappa) for all features coded were
computed based on the independent coding of 70 participants by two different coders (i.e., the
mentioned information from the six sections of the profile mentioned above (i.e., pictures,
instance, the description “he is engaged, cultivated, has a lot of friends, likes to do things
well, is active in sports, and enjoys life” was coded as mentioning number of friends (“a lot of
Faux pas. We coded whether or not participants mentioned faux pas in applicants’
profile (e.g., excessive partying, drug or alcohol abuse). For instance, the description “[…] the
picture where he is sitting on the floor with friends drinking alcohol and (maybe) smoking
personality traits of the applicant, using the NEO PI-R model (Costa & McCrae, 1992) as a
coding basis. We coded any personality descriptors mentioned into 10 categories defined by
the two extreme ends of the continuum for each of the Big Five personality traits (i.e., open,
stable, neurotic) using the definitions and adjectives from the NEO PI-R. For instance, the
description “a young man, sociable, ambitious […]” was coded as mentioning traits
ANOVA (see Figure 1). Type of information (P-J fit vs. P-O fit) and type of SNW (Facebook
vs. LinkedIn) were entered as within-subjects variables, whereas type of participant (recruiters
vs. potential applicants) was entered as a between-subject variable. Moreover, because of the
between-subject control variable. Only participants using (for recruiters) or knowing (for
potential applicants) both types of SNWs were included in this analysis (i.e., N = 30 recruiters
and 226 potential applicants). We found no main effect of gender, F(1,252) = .76, p = .38, η2
=.00, partial η2 =.00, and none of the interactions including gender were significant. We found
no effect of the type of participant, F(1,252) = .04, p = .84, η2 =.00, partial η2 =.00. Thus, we
cannot reject the hypothesis that recruiters’ use of SNWs to gather information about
applicants and potential applicants' perceptions of such use are the same. Moreover, results
=.22, partial η2 =.42. Hypotheses 1a and 1b stated that recruiters preferred to gather (1a)
information to predict P-J fit from professional than from personal SNWs, but (1b)
information to predict P-O fit from personal than from professional SNWs. Mean
comparisons suggest that recruiters preferred to gather information about antecedents of P-J
fit from LinkedIn (M = 4.16, SD = .64) rather than from Facebook (M = 2.70, SD = .83), but
preferred to gather information about antecedents of P-O fit from Facebook (M = 3.54, SD =
.83) rather than from LinkedIn (M = 3.36, SD = 1.01). Yet, only the difference for antecedents
of P-J fit was significant (at p < .05), providing full support for Hypothesis 1a but not for 1b.
Moreover, Hypotheses 2 stated that potential applicants perceive recruiters to prefer gathering
(2a) information to predict P-J fit from professional than from personal SNWs, but (2b)
information to predict P-O fit from personal than from professional SNWs. Mean
information about antecedents of P-J fit from LinkedIn (M = 4.06, SD = .72) rather than from
Facebook (M = 2.47, SD = .83), but perceived recruiters to prefer gathering information about
antecedents of P-O fit from Facebook (M = 4.12, SD = .55) rather than from LinkedIn (M =
3.20, SD = .76)2. Both differences were significant (at p < .05), providing full support for both
[Figure 1]
first investigated potential differences between recruiters and potential applicants in the
Although only 30 recruiters used both Facebook and LinkedIn in their selection process, more recruiters used
only one SNW. Means computed on the full data available were similar to those obtained with n = 30 for the use
of LinkedIn to gather antecedents of P-J fit (M = 3.95, SD = .62, n = 65) and P-O fit (M = 3.02, SD = .97, n =
65), and the use of Facebook to gather antecedents of P-J fit (M = 2.63, SD = .87, n = 36) and P-O fit (M = 3.54,
SD = .82, n = 36). Similarly, although only 226 potential applicants knew both SNWs (i.e., knew LinkedIn), all
of them but one knew Facebook, And means computed on the full data available were similar to those obtained
with n = 226 for the use of Facebook to gather antecedents of P-J fit (M = 2.61, SD = .87, n = 596) and P-O fit
(M = 4.07, SD = .59, n = 596).
Participants who used LinkedIn more in their private life seem to use LinkedIn (or perceived recruiters to use
it) more to gather information about antecedents of P-J fit (r = .25, p < .01) but not information about
antecedents of P-O fit (r = -.06, p = .31). Participants who used Facebook more in their private life seem to use
Facebook (or perceived recruiters to use it) more to gather information about antecedents of P-0 fit (r = .08, p <
.05) but not information about antecedents of P-J fit (r = .01, p = .76).
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 14
sections of the mock Facebook profile they mentioned after examining it (Research Question
1). We found that recruiters mentioned the section of the profile containing potentially job-
related information (i.e., the professional information section) more often than potential
applicants, χ2(1, N=668) = 10.18, p < .01. Recruiters also mentioned the personal information
section, χ2(1, N=668) = 4.92, p < .05, and the number of friends, χ2(1, N=668) = 6.35, p < .05,
more often than potential applicants. Potential applicants mentioned pictures and the wall
more often, χ2(1, N=668) = 7.28, p < .01, and χ2(1, N=668) = 4.34, p < .05, respectively.
information. There was no significant difference between potential applicants and recruiters
regarding the interests section, χ2(1, N=668) = .40, p = .52. We then investigated potential
differences between recruiters and potential applicants regarding faux pas (e.g., alcohol
abuse) mentions (Research Question 2). Potential applicants noticed content related to faux
pas more often than recruiters, χ2(1, N=668) = 4.12, p < .05. We finally investigated potential
differences between recruiters and potential applicants in the personality inferences made
based on the SNW profile (Research Question 3). About one-third of participants made
spontaneous references to personality traits in their response. Both recruiters and potential
applicants mostly mentioned characteristics that were coded as conscientious and extroverted.
We found no significant difference between recruiters and potential applicants for open, low
recruiters mentioned more often than potential applicants characteristics that were coded as
impulsive, χ2(1, N=668) = 10.85, p < .01, and neurotic, χ2(1, N=668) = 17.72, p < .01.
[Table 1]
In recent years, both media (Careerbuilder.com, 2009; Du, 2007) and the scientific
literature (Brown & Vaughn, 2011; Dipboye et al., 2012) have described a growing interest of
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 15
recruiters in SNWs as a new source of information in the selection process. But empirical
research is still relatively scarce. The present study was an attempt to fill this gap.
We found that that recruiters use professional SNWs to infer applicants’ ability (i.e., to
assess characteristics predictive of P-J fit) and personal SNWs to infer applicants’
of P-O fit). Moreover, our analyses could not reject the hypothesis that potential applicants'
and recruiters' perceptions are the same. These results are based on a small sample of
recruiters and thus limited statistical power. But this constitutes initial evidence that
actual use, thus suggesting that SNWs may be emerging as a signal. However, our results
suggest that potential applicants (i.e., students and graduates) and recruiters tend to differ in
the way they analyze an applicant’s Facebook profile. First, they seem to focus on different
sections of the profile. Recruiters focus more than potential applicants on professional
information (i.e., education and experience) and personal information (i.e., demographics,
marital status) sections, which correspond to information they traditionally find on applicants’
résumés. But they also focus on the number of friends, which may indicate the scope of
applicants’ network. As one respondent wrote: “He has a lot of friends, which may suggest a
good network”. On the other hand, potential applicants focused more than recruiters on
pictures and the wall. Overall, recruiters focus more than potential applicants on sections
containing potentially job-related information, and less than potential applicants on sections
less-related to the job. Differences between experienced recruiters and potential applicants in
hiring decisions (Barr & Hitt, 1986) may thus also apply to SNW profile evaluations. Second,
potential applicants focused more than recruiters on faux pas (Karl et al., 2010). As such, faux
pas may not be perceived as the most relevant information by recruiters, who may focus more
despite focusing on different sections of SNW profiles, recruiters and potential applicants
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 16
tend to infer similar personality traits from the profile. Both mainly perceived the mock
impulsive and neurotic more frequently than potential applicants. Therefore, when receiving
the same signal (i.e., the same SNW profile), experienced recruiters and potential applicants
tend to have different analytical strategies (i.e., focus on different sections) but end up making
Our findings advance research on signaling theory by highlighting that SNWs may be
currently emerging as a new signal in personnel selection (Bangerter et al., 2012). Yet, it is
not clear whether signals of ability and commitment sent by applicants through their profiles
can be considered as honest signals. Honest signals should be associated with investment cost
(i.e., be costly to send for applicants) and cheating cost (i.e., involve risks in situation of
falsification) (Bangerter et al., 2012). On the one hand, applicants can easily select and
manipulate the information they post of their profile (Kluemper & Rosen, 2009; Siibak,
2009), making SNWs susceptible to honest impression management (e.g., online self-
promotion), but also to deceptive impression management (i.e., cheating). Such behavior
would be difficult to detect by recruiters and undermine the value of the signals. On the other
hand, applicants’ profiles are primarily designed for contact with friends (or family members),
can be edited by friends (e.g., by posting pictures or comments; Walther et al., 2008) and
generally correspond to the actual qualities (e.g., personality) of the applicant (Back et al.,
2010), thus making the signals more difficult to falsify without consequences. But future
research is needed to examine potential applicant manipulation of their profile and the actual
Our findings also have implications for research on SNWs in selection. Since
experienced recruiters and non-professionals (i.e., potential applicants) differ in the way they
analyze and (to some extent) interpret SNW profiles, results from previous studies involving
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 17
students as evaluators of SNW profiles (e.g., Bohnert & Ross, 2010; Hanley et al., 2010;
Kluemper & Rosen, 2009) may not generalize to recruiters. For instance, Hanley et al. (2010)
including faux pas may impact post-interview hiring decisions. Yet, their sample was
composed of students. And since less than 20% of recruiters actually mentioned such faux pas
when examining SNW profiles, their impact may be lower than previously suggested.
Therefore, further research examining how the content of SNW profiles actually influences
selection outcomes should be conducted with actual recruiters. Moreover, the importance of
faux pas may also depend on the availability of such information as compared to more
Future experimental studies could manipulate the content of profiles (e.g., the proportion of
perceptions. Future research may also try to replicate the above results about inferences made
Our results also have practical implications for organizations and applicants.
Organizations may want to use SNWs as part of their selection process, but may be concerned
about potential legal issues (Brandenburg, 2008) or negative applicants’ reaction (Stoughton,
Thompson, Meade, & Wilson, 2012). Previous studies stressing potential ethical and legal
issues (e.g., invasion of privacy) related to such practice have focused mainly on personal
SNWs (e.g., Facebook) (Brandenburg, 2008; Brown & Vaughn, 2011; Clark & Roberts,
2010). Professional SNWs (e.g., LinkedIn) may represent a practical alternative for recruiters.
Such websites may limit ethical or legal issues and negative reactions, because applicants
build their profiles for professional use (including job search) and expect employers to view
them (Stoughton et al., 2012). But more research is required to examine the advantage (e.g.,
cost reduction, quality and quantity of information available) and disadvantages (risk of
selection. Moreover, when entering the job market, applicants may want to spend time
constructing a deliberate and calculated online identity (Vazire & Gosling, 2004) and make a
good e-impression on recruiters (Hanley et al., 2010). Our results suggest that they should
worry less about smaller faux pas, such as pictures of parties with friends, and focus more on
developing the professional information section in their profiles (i.e., the section most often
mentioned by recruiters).
This study has limitations. Our results are based on sample composed of Swiss and
French participants and should be replicated in other countries. Our sample of recruiters was
also small for some analyses, resulting in limited statistical power (e.g., when comparing
recruiters’ and applicants’ perceptions). As such, our results should thus be replicated in
future studies. We also note that, as compared to standard response rates for online surveys
(e.g., Cook, Heath, & Thompson, 2000; Deutskens, de Ruyter, Wetzels, & Oosterveld, 2004),
our response rate was relatively high for recruiters but relatively low for potential applicants.
In the first part of our study, we examined the type of information recruiters were looking for
in professional vs. personal SNWs in general (and potential applicants’ perceptions of it).
Future research could examine information-gathering strategies on SNWs that are job-
specific. Moreover, observed differences between recruiters and potential applicants in their
way of analyzing a Facebook profile may also be due to generational differences. Recruiters
and potential applicants were 40 and 24 years old on average respectively. Potential
applicants may also be more used to Facebook profiles than recruiters. Indeed, 84% of
potential applicants reported using Facebook “often” or “very often” in their personal life, as
compared to 25% for recruiters. Also, results of the second part of the study are based on the
Facebook profile of only one mock applicant for only one specific job (i.e., junior hiring
manager at a bank). We do not know to what extent participants paid attention to the job
description and thus if their responses (e.g., sections of the profile mentioned, personality
inferences) were specific to this job or reflected a more general way of analyzing SNWs
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 19
potential applicants was not in HR, management, or banking. Future research should replicate
these results with other types of SNW profiles, other types of jobs or actual applicants for
specific jobs.
In conclusion, SNWs represent a promising way for applicants to send signals about
their ability or commitment to recruiters. Professional SNW profiles may work as an extended
information, with low cost and without the legal or ethical issues associated with private
SNWs. This study is only a first step in investigating the potential of SNWs in selection and
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Table 1.
Personality trait Recruiters Total χ2
SNW profile sections
Picture 33.3 49.6 47.7 7.28**
Wall 5.1 13.4 12.5 4.34*
Number of friends 16.7 8.0 9.0 6.35*
Personal information 56.4 43.1 44.7 4.92*
Professional information 39.7 23.1 25.0 10.18**
Interests 28.2 31.7 31.3 .40
Note: N = 668 (78 recruiters and 590 potential applicants). * p < .05; ** p < .01
RUNNING HEAD : Social networking websites in personnel selection 24
applicants on two types of SNWs to potentially predict P-J fit and P-O fit. Bars represent
standard errors.