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A Cybernetic Theory of Psychopathology

Colin G. DeYoung & Robert F. Krueger

To cite this article: Colin G. DeYoung & Robert F. Krueger (2018) A Cybernetic Theory of
Psychopathology, Psychological Inquiry, 29:3, 117-138, DOI: 10.1080/1047840X.2018.1513680

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2018, VOL. 29, NO. 3, 117–138


A Cybernetic Theory of Psychopathology

Colin G. DeYoung and Robert F. Krueger
Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota

Cybernetics, the study of principles governing goal-directed, self-regulating systems, offers a useful Characteristic adaptations;
approach to understanding psychopathology or psychological dysfunction, overcoming limitations cybernetics; goals; mental
of other naturalistic approaches. Whereas influential theories of psychopathology have relied on disorder; psychopathology;
personality; traits
definitions of dysfunction rooted in evolution and fitness, we define psychopathology in terms of
cybernetic dysfunction, failure to make progress toward important goals. Cybernetic function in
organisms is not identical to evolutionary function, despite their causal phylogenetic relationship.
We define psychopathology as persistent failure to move toward one’s goals, due to failure to
generate effective new goals, interpretations, or strategies when existing ones prove unsuccessful.
This definition allows a thorough integration of dimensional approaches to psychopathology and
personality and provides a new perspective on the nosology of mental disorder. We review evi-
dence that the major dimensions of psychopathology correspond to major trait dimensions of per-
sonality, but we assert that extremity on these dimensions is neither necessary nor sufficient for
psychopathology, which requires cybernetic dysfunction. Drawing from psychological and neuro-
biological research on personality and psychopathology, we present a theory of the mechanisms
underlying the five major dimensions of psychopathology, some of their subdimensions, and the
general risk factor for psychopathology. We conclude by discussing implications of our theory for
research, diagnosis, and mental health interventions.

Surprisingly little progress has been made in uncovering the DeYoung, 2015). Cybernetics (also known as “control the-
sources of mental disorder. This failure can be attributed in ory”) is the study of principles governing goal-directed sys-
large part to two errors: (a) the characterization of mental tems that self-regulate via feedback,1 and it provides a
disorders as distinct, categorical entities and (b) the assump- powerful framework for understanding psychological and
tion that their sources in the brain are best described in brain function (Austin & Vancouver, 1996; Bechhoefer,
terms of one or a few biological abnormalities that are spe- 2005; Carver & Scheier, 1998; Powers, 1973; Wiener, 1961).
cific to each of the putatively distinct categories (e.g., the Drawing on CB5T allows us to begin identifying the under-
dopamine theory of schizophrenia; Kendler & Schaffner, lying causes of dysfunction in each of the major dimensions
2011). These errors are encouraged and exacerbated by lack of psychopathology, in terms of psychological processes that
of an adequate understanding of the nature of mental dis- can be functionally unified but are instantiated by complex
order as such. We introduce a theory of psychopathology networks of brain systems. CB5T also allows us to provide
(psychological dysfunction) that provides a new understand- new definitions of mental disorder and psychopathology that
ing of mental disorders (diagnostic entities) and corrects the are crucial to making progress in understanding etiology
two errors. and treatment.
In relation to the first error, we rely on a body of evi- We begin our endeavor with the question of definition.
dence showing that most symptoms of mental disorders are Having made an argument for a cybernetic conception of
on a continuum with normal personality traits (rather than psychopathology and its relation to personality, we then
existing as their own distinct categories) and that the symp- describe the hierarchical, multidimensional structure of psy-
toms that tend to appear together have a very similar covari- chopathology and attempt to identify the likely mechanistic
ance structure to normal personality traits. In relation to the sources of that structure. We draw upon evidence indicating
second, we draw on a cybernetic theory of personality that that dimensions of variation in psychopathology map onto
defines dysfunction in terms of inability to move toward the Big Five personality traits that constitute the most widely
important goals: cybernetic Big Five theory (CB5T; used model of normal personality variation: Neuroticism,

CONTACT Colin G. DeYoung [email protected] Department of Psychology, University of Minnesota, 75 East River Road, Minneapolis, MN 55455.
Feedforward regulation, in which the system uses information regarding the current state of the world to predict a likely future state and guides action
according to that prediction, is also common in complex cybernetic systems, including many organisms (Bechhoefer, 2005). It is certainly involved in most
human behavior, in conjunction with feedback processes (Del Giudice, 2015). However, feedforward is not part of the minimal necessary definition of a
cybernetic system, whereas feedback is.
ß 2018 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and applied to make such judgments. We do believe, however,
Openness/Intellect (John, Naumann, & Soto, 2008). that a valid objective standard exists for identifying psycho-
Psychological and neurobiological research on these trait pathology (although, for reasons explained later, its applica-
dimensions complements existing research on mental disor- tion to individual cases can involve some uncertainty).
ders to help delineate mechanisms of psychopathology.
As a whole, our theory is intended to provide a mechan-
istic account of psychopathology that can inform both scien- Evolutionary versus Cybernetic Dysfunction
tific and clinical thinking. It delineates functionally coherent Where our theory diverges most importantly from
individual differences that help make sense of the various Wakefield’s is in defining dysfunction. Many naturalistic
manifestations of psychopathology—that is, of the variety approaches to defining mental disorder or psychopath-
and comorbidity of mental disorders. Further, it offers a ology, including the naturalistic component of hybrid
scaffold for neurobiological inquiry into the etiology of men- approaches like Wakefield’s, rely on an evolutionary defin-
tal disorder that should be much more effective than current ition of function and dysfunction. In such approaches, a
diagnostic categories. mental mechanism’s function is that for which it was
selected by evolution—that is, the activity that allowed it
Defining Psychopathology to increase fitness, successful reproduction over genera-
tions (Wakefield, 1992a, 1992b, 2007). Adopting this evo-
Mental Disorder versus Psychopathology lutionary meaning of function introduces a fatal flaw into
attempts to specify naturalistic criteria, and indeed, it is
Approaches to defining “mental disorder” range from purely
this aspect of Wakefield’s argument that has been most
value-based accounts, which assert that mental disorders are
extensively critiqued. Most critiques of evolutionarily based
merely cultural constructions deriving from various sociopo-
naturalistic accounts have focused on the inadequacies of
litical concerns, to purely naturalistic accounts, which assert
the assertions that psychological processes are necessarily
that mental disorders are exclusively a matter of objective
dysfunctional if they are not in accord with their cause of
fact. In between these extremes are hybrid accounts, involv-
selection and, conversely, that processes are not dysfunc-
ing a combination of value and fact in the determination of
tional if they are in accord with their cause of selection
disorder. The most influential of the hybrid accounts (and
(e.g., Lilienfeld & Marino, 1995, 1999; Richters &
indeed the most influential account of any type) is
Hinshaw, 1999).2 We do not reiterate all of these critiques
Wakefield’s (1992a, 1992b) harmful dysfunction theory,
here (we find their general form compelling, even when
which asserts that “a condition is a disorder if it is nega-
some of their details can be rebutted; e.g., Wakefield,
tively valued (‘harmful’) and it is in fact due to a failure of
1999), but we do address what we believe is the root
some internal mechanism to perform a function for which it
cause of the problem: Two distinct kinds of function and
was biologically designed (i.e., naturally selected)” (Wakefield,
dysfunction are often not separated conceptually. These
2007, p. 149). “Harmful” is further glossed as “judged negative
are evolutionary and cybernetic.
by sociocultural standards” (Wakefield, 2007, p. 149).
A mechanism’s evolutionary function is its manner of
Like Wakefield, we take a hybrid approach, inasmuch as
increasing reproductive fitness that caused it to become spe-
we assert that, although dysfunction is a matter of fact, the
cies-typical. It is not always easy to determine whether and
diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders in a clinical
why a particular feature of an organism was evolutionarily
context requires culturally constructed judgments about the
selected, but the basic idea is straightforward. This is prob-
criteria for disorders. Unlike Wakefield, however, we do not
ably the most common usage for “function” in biology, but
assert that harm is entirely culturally constructed. Rather,
there are several others (Wouters, 2003). A mechanism’s
harm can be defined in relation to the individual rather
cybernetic function is its manner of facilitating the goal pur-
than socioculturally and is largely overlapping with dysfunc-
suit of the system of which it is a part. A thorough under-
tion (once dysfunction is properly understood cyberneti-
standing of this definition requires a description of
cally). Further, we believe that only the degree of
cybernetic systems and their necessary components.
dysfunction qualifying as a disorder is inescapably value-
Cybernetic systems must have three basic components:
laden and culturally constructed. We will focus primarily on
(a) one or more goals, (b) a representation of the current
psychopathology, which we consider synonymous with
state of the world in relation to the goal(s), and (c) a set of
“psychological dysfunction,” rather than on mental disorder
operators that allow movement toward the goal(s). In cyber-
(officially sanctioned diagnoses), precisely because we do not
netic terms, a goal is a value or range of values of a variable
intend to address the degree of dysfunction necessary for
for which the system acts to bring that variable toward or
specific diagnoses and interventions. Establishing thresholds
for mental disorders is a pragmatic project that must be
hashed out in a broader cultural context. Psychopathology Another relevant critique is that reliance on evolutionary function to define
psychopathology has the consequence that the validity of any mental disorder
becomes mental disorder based on a culturally negotiated will depend on a theoretical claim that is extremely difficult to prove, namely,
judgment that it has passed a level of severity deemed wor- the reasons for the evolution of whatever psychological features of the
thy of treatment (and this level will differ for different kinds organism are relevant to the disorder (Bolton, 2008). Our theory of
psychopathology as cybernetic dysfunction circumvents this problem because
of psychopathology and in different contexts). We do not identifying disruption of an individual’s goal pursuit is considerably more
believe there is any purely objective standard that can be tractable than determining evolutionary forces.

away from that value or range.3 Thus, goals involve a con- pathological. Such behaviors are very likely to be evolution-
trolled variable represented physically in some manner arily dysfunctional, but they are not necessarily cyberneti-
within the system. To take one of the simplest cybernetic cally dysfunctional. Boorse’s account, therefore, is rooted in
mechanisms as an example, the goal of a thermostat is the an evolutionary account of function and is not properly
desired temperature that is set by the user. Pursuit of the considered cybernetic.4 Note, however, that Boorse explicitly
goal is possible due to feedback, which requires some way does not define “function” in terms of evolutionary fitness
for the system to measure the current state of the controlled and selection but rather simply as whatever species-typical
variable—a thermometer in the case of the thermostat. action supports current survival or reproduction, regardless
When feedback indicates that the current state does not of why it originally became species-typical. Perhaps this pos-
match the goal state, operators are engaged to change the ition should be called “quasi-evolutionary” as the specifica-
state. In the thermostat, these would be signals that turn on tion of survival and reproduction as the most important
or off heating and cooling systems. outcomes for an organism is clearly rooted in evolution-
Organisms contain many variables that are controlled ary theory.
cybernetically through feedback, and the very existence of We assert that cybernetic dysfunction, not evolutionary
organisms as cybernetic systems is caused by evolution dysfunction, is what is relevant to defining psychopathology,
because reproductive fitness is facilitated by the organism’s and when we refer to “dysfunction” we mean “cybernetic
pursuit of various goals. However, as noted by Gray (2004), dysfunction” unless otherwise indicated. In addition, we
reproductive fitness is not a variable that is itself physically believe that the kind of dysfunction that is typically intended
represented within the organism, and thus fitness is not a in clinical and lay conceptions of mental disorder resembles
goal of the living cybernetic system. (Nor is there any sense cybernetic dysfunction, not evolutionary dysfunction.
in which evolution itself has goals, being merely a probabil- Although we did not consider clinical or lay usage as a cri-
istic process, wherein certain features are selected by their terion in developing our account, we nonetheless believe
reproductive consequences for each generation and hence that its correspondence with those usages is a benefit. Our
increase in frequency.) Of course, most goals of living sys- position is that whether an evolutionary function (i.e., one
tems have been directly selected by evolution so that their that increased fitness in the environment of evolutionary
cybernetic and evolutionary functions overlap, but cyber- adaptedness) is being fulfilled is irrelevant for psychopath-
netic and evolutionary functions need not be identical. ology, except inasmuch as that function is also a cybernetic
Particularly for human beings, they are often not, because function governed by a goal of the individual in question.
we have evolved an apparently unprecedented degree of (Note that our avoidance of evolutionary function as a cri-
flexibility in the goals we can adopt. terion for psychopathology nonetheless leaves open the pos-
This distinction between cybernetic and evolutionary sibility that analysis of evolutionary function may be useful
function has occasionally been confused in the literature for understanding the sources of risk for different forms of
relevant to defining psychopathology. For example, one of psychopathology; Del Giudice, 2016).
the most influential naturalistic accounts is by Boorse (1977,
2011), who explicitly describes his account as based in The Cybernetics of Psychopathology
cybernetics but mischaracterizes the cybernetic definition of
“goal” by failing to specify that goals must be represented We believe that a hybrid definition of disorder as cybernetic
within the cybernetic system. This allows him to argue that dysfunction deemed severe enough for diagnosis and treat-
“for physiology, the highest level goals, of the organism as a ment could probably be extended to all medical pathology,
whole, are individual survival and reproduction” (Boorse, not just psychopathology, but we do not attempt this exten-
2011, p. 27). Although these two outcomes are crucial for sion here because most of the details of our theory are spe-
evolutionary function, they are not necessarily the organ- cific to psychopathology. This means that the cybernetic
ism’s highest level goals, or even (especially for reproduc- goals relevant to our theory are psychological goals. What
tion) goals it possesses at all. It is easier for evolution to are psychological goals? Organisms contain cybernetic sub-
select for a goal of engaging in sex than for it to select for a systems regulating many things—temperature, metabolism,
goal of reproduction, for example, and, barring human
ingenuity in birth control, only the former is necessary for 4
Boorse’s account suffers not only from the confusion of evolutionary and
fitness. There are many examples of human behaviors that cybernetic function but also from an unacknowledged appeal to value. Boorse
described his account as value-free, yet his primary criterion for disorder is
are contrary to reproduction (e.g., celibacy) and even sur- deviation from statistical normality. Even ignoring the difficulty of establishing
vival (e.g., a principled hunger strike) but are not necessarily a population norm (Boorse acknowledged that different norms are necessary
at different ages and for different sexes), this account cannot be value free
because of the fact that individual variation is the norm. Indeed, evolution
Goals for which the system acts to move away from the value or out of the cannot occur without variation in characteristics that have consequences for
range of values are avoidance goals. An important asymmetry exists between fitness. This means that one cannot identify disorder with any deviation from
approach and avoidance goals because, except in moments of sheer panic, the norm (even if, like Boorse, one limits the criterion to deviation in the
avoidance goals are unlikely to govern behavior without a simultaneously direction of reduced function) because every individual will vary from the
operative approach goal. This is because wanting not to do something or to norm in vastly many ways. Thus, Boorse’s account requires identifying how
avoid something does not specify what to do or where to go instead (Carver much distance from the norm in any given variable is required for identifying
& Scheier, 1998; Mansell, 2005). Formally, activation of approach goals tends disorder, and he himself acknowledged that this distance is arbitrary. Any
to reduce the entropy of the cybernetic system, whereas activation of such arbitrary decision entails a socioculturally negotiated value judgment.
avoidance goals tends to increase it. Hence, Boorse’s account is value-laden and, thus, hybrid (cf. Bolton, 2008).

defense against pathogens, and so on—and each has its own as many of one’s goals as possible without undermining any
goal(s) in cybernetic terms, but psychological goals in par- that are particularly important. Obviously, not all of one’s
ticular are just one of the specific types of variable con- goals are actively guiding behavior or decision making in
trolled by the brain (DeYoung & Weisberg, 2018). Unlike any given situation, but all goals that are retained in mem-
some psychologists who define psychological goals in terms ory (whether or not they are readily consciously accessible)
of conscious representations (e.g., Elliot & Fryer, 2008), we may contribute to a person’s ongoing interpretations of the
assert that they are not necessarily conscious. However, their world and are potentially relevant for function and dysfunc-
pursuit must involve processes over which the individual tion. Every person has stored in memory an extensive,
can, in principle, exert voluntary control, which entails that though typically somewhat vague and conflicted, set of goals,
they must be pursuable via output through the voluntary which constitute a representation of the desired future and
muscular system or through the operation of selective atten- which are crucial for guiding behavior and interpreting
tion and working memory. (Note, however, that pursuing experience. Identifying psychopathology requires an assess-
psychological goals will also always involve involuntary ment of the degree to which people are successfully pursu-
processes as well, such as those involved in many aspects of ing their collection of goals (For consideration of cases in
perception.) Under this definition, the direct control of which successful goal pursuit harms other people, see the
blood pressure by the brain and kidneys does not involve a Agreeableness versus Antagonism section).
psychological goal, but voluntary control of blood pressure Any given goal organizes behavior over a certain period
as measured with a blood-pressure cuff, through modifica- of time, and goals higher in the hierarchy, by definition,
tions of diet, exercise, or medication, does. To provide a organize larger periods than goals linked beneath them in
hypothetical example of an unconscious psychological goal, the hierarchy. The goal of writing an article, for example,
one might work extra hard to please a coworker who may play a key role in organizing behavior over a period of
reminded one of one’s father, even if the resemblance was weeks or months; the goal of getting a Ph.D. organizes
not consciously recognized and even if one did not realize behavior for 5 years or more. Asking a particular person out
that one was especially motivated to please this coworker. In on a date is a relatively brief goal; the goal of establishing
what follows, whenever we use the term goal, it is in refer- and maintaining a successful romantic relationship organizes
ence to psychological goals. a much longer period. Dysfunction can be assessed in terms
Goals are hierarchically organized, in that complex goals of persistent failure to pursue one’s goals successfully, with
are pursued by specifying simpler subgoals, which are them- its severity determined by how much time the failed or
selves composed of even simpler subgoals, down to the level endangered goals are organizing.
of specific motor or cognitive operations (Figure 1; Carver The organizational capacity of goals can be described in
& Scheier, 1998). One’s goal hierarchy is unlikely to be per- terms of psychological entropy (DeYoung, 2013; Hirsh, Mar,
fectly integrated under a small number of goals at the high- & Peterson, 2012). Entropy is a quantitative measure of dis-
est level because goals are often in competition or conflict order that was first formulated in relation to thermodynam-
with one another; pursuing one goal often interferes with ics and mechanical systems but was later generalized to all
the pursuit of others (Mansell, 2005). Psychological func- information systems, for which it describes the uncertainty
tioning, therefore, frequently requires compromises to satisfy or unpredictability of the system (Shannon, 1948).5 The
entropy of a cybernetic system at any given time corre-
sponds to uncertainty regarding its capacity to move toward
its goals (Wiener, 1961). This is dependent on the uncer-
tainty of the three cybernetic elements: goals, representations
of the world, and operators. Are nonconflicting, achievable
goals governing behavior? Is the world being interpreted
correctly? Will the operators succeed in moving toward the
goals? Psychological entropy reflects the number of plausible
options or affordances available to the individual for inter-
pretation (both perceptual and abstract) and for action
(Hirsh et al., 2012). In other words, the harder it is to
answer the questions “What is happening?” and “What
should I do?” the higher the level of psychological entropy.
These are not necessarily conscious questions, but rather
Figure 1. Hierarchical structure of goals for a hypothetical individual. Note. assessments carried out by the brain unconsciously as well
Lines between levels indicate dependence of goals on subgoals and indicate (a)
that goals often require multiple subgoals and (b) that goals sometimes as consciously, through pervasive mechanisms of predictive
advance multiple superordinate goals. Goals higher in the hierarchy organize coding (Clark, 2013; Friston, 2010).
larger stretches of time and tend to be more important than those lower in the
hierarchy. Goals within a row may also vary in importance or priority, however,
and will tend to organize differing amounts of time accordingly. Severity of psy- 5
Note that the invocation of “disorder” suggests that “mental disorder” could
chopathology increases with the number and importance of the goals that are reasonably be interpreted abstractly in terms of entropy. For the purposes of
disrupted. Adapted from On the Self-Regulation of Behavior by C. Carver and M. the present discussion, however, we choose to retain the more typical
Scheier, 1998, Figure 5.2. New York: Cambridge University Press. meaning of “mental disorder” as an official diagnostic entity.

Table 1 Definitions of key terms.

Cybernetics The study of principles governing goal-directed systems that self-regulate via feedback.
Psychological goal A representation (conscious or unconscious) of the desired state of some variable, capable of being pursued via output through
the voluntary muscular system or through the operation of selective attention and working memory.
Psychopathology Persistent failure to move toward one’s psychological goals due to failure to generate effective new goals, interpretations, or
strategies when existing ones prove unsuccessful.
Mental disorder Psychopathology deemed sufficiently severe for diagnosis. (What constitutes sufficient severity is sociopolitically negotiated.)
Personality All reasonably enduring psychological individual differences.
Personality traits Probabilistic descriptions of relatively stable patterns of emotion, motivation, cognition, and behavior, in response to classes of
stimuli that have been present in human environments over evolutionary time.
Characteristic adaptations Relatively stable goals, interpretations, and strategies, specified in relation to an individual’s particular life circumstances.

Psychopathology will typically be associated with high interpretations, or strategies that allow resumption of suc-
levels of psychological entropy, given that it is characterized cessful goal pursuit, is psychopathology present. (We prefer
by difficulty in pursuing goals effectively. For two reasons, the term strategies to operators, in the psychological context,
however, it is not the case that any increase in psychological for reasons that are clarified in the next section.) Hence we
entropy is indicative of dysfunction or psychopathology. arrive at our definition: Psychopathology is persistent failure
First, there is the second law of thermodynamics: Entropy to move toward one’s goals due to failure to generate effective
naturally tends to increase over time in all systems. Living new goals, interpretations, or strategies when existing ones
systems maintain relatively low entropy states by throughput prove unsuccessful (Definitions of key terms are listed in
of energy, which entails that, although they inevitably Table 1).
experience frequent gains in entropy, they are also able to
reduce entropy again through work (Friston, 2010;
The Relation of Psychopathology to Personality
Schr€odinger, 1944/1967). Cybernetic dysfunction occurs only
when the system persistently fails to be able to reduce CB5T asserts that personality encompasses all reasonably
entropy. To put this in more human terms, the world enduring psychological individual differences (including
changes unpredictably, and people themselves change over those labeled “abnormal” or “pathological”) and that all of
the course of development, rendering new adaptations those can be classified as traits or characteristic adaptations.
necessary; these changes lead to psychopathology only when This distinction between traits and characteristic adaptations
the person fails to be able to adapt and cope with them. is crucial for understanding psychopathology because our
Second, psychological entropy or uncertainty has the theory asserts that having extreme levels of a trait is not, in
remarkable property of being both innately threatening and itself, sufficient for the identification of psychopathology.
innately rewarding (DeYoung, 2013; Gray & McNaughton, Although psychopathology typically is associated with
2000; Peterson & Flanders, 2002). The reason it is innately extremes in one or more traits, it need not be, and failure of
threatening is obvious; an organism’s fitness depends on characteristic adaptations is necessary for the presence of
keeping entropy at a level that interferes minimally with fit- psychopathology. Before elaborating this argument, we first
ness-relevant goals. The reason it is innately rewarding is review CB5T’s definitions of personality traits and character-
less obvious but reflects precisely the fact that organisms istic adaptations.
inhabit complex, changing, and unpredictable environments.
Given this situation, existing knowledge and strategies often
Characteristic Adaptations and Personality Traits
prove inadequate, and new ones must be learned, which
requires exploration. Rather than waiting to explore only We begin with characteristic adaptations because they are
when entropy increases spontaneously, it is advantageous to closest to the cybernetic concepts discussed so far.
explore voluntarily, which means intentionally increasing the According to CB5T, “characteristic adaptations are relatively
entropy of the system, with the expectation that one will be stable goals, interpretations, and strategies, specified in rela-
able to reduce it successfully again, having learned new tion to an individual’s particular life circumstances”
adaptations (DeYoung, 2013, 2015; Schwartenbeck, (DeYoung, 2015, p. 38). The first part of this definition
FitzGerald, Dolan, & Friston, 2013). The fact that uncer- incorporates the three necessary components of any cyber-
tainty is innately rewarding as well as threatening entails netic system, with interpretations being representations of
that people actively seek out situations of increased entropy. the state of the world (in terms of potential motivational sig-
As examples, consider the appeal of gambling, novel nificance as well as fact) and strategies being organized col-
aesthetic experiences, and challenging sports. lections of operators. The second part specifies that, to be
In sum, neither occasional setbacks in one’s progress characteristic adaptations, these components must result
toward one’s goals nor occasionally placing oneself in situa- from the specific learning history of the individual. They are
tions that increase uncertainty about whether one can the updateable memory contents of the cybernetic system.
achieve one’s goals is sufficient to identify psychopathology. Characteristic adaptations are not evolutionary adaptations
Only when the increased psychological entropy involved in (which reflect changes to the genome from generation to
these situations cannot be decreased again given the individ- generation); rather, they are learned adaptations, acquired
ual’s existing set of goals, interpretations, and strategies, and during an individual lifetime in response to experience.
the individual proves unable to generate new goals, They reflect the characteristic ways that the individual has

adapted to his or her particular circumstances. To be learned response to a particular stressor but rather reflects
“characteristic” in this context simply means to be typical of one’s tendency toward defensive responses to any stressor.
the person. This raises the point that not every adaptation Traits reflect varying parameters of universal human
one makes at a given moment is characteristic. A goal, strat- mechanisms, whereas characteristic adaptations are learned
egy, or interpretation one adopts only briefly or in a single responses to specific circumstances. These two categories of
situation, never to adopt it again, is certainly an adaptation psychological individual differences are causally linked in
to that situation, but it is not a characteristic adaptation three ways. First, the mechanisms that underlie traits are
because an adaptation must be reasonably persistent to necessary for carrying out characteristic adaptations in
count as part of personality. It is when one’s characteristic, moment-to-moment behavior. Second, differences in traits
enduring adaptations to the world prove to be maladapta- lead to the development and adoption of different character-
tions, and one is unable to replace them with better ones, istics adaptations (e.g., the goals, interpretations, and strat-
that psychopathology emerges. egies of an extraverted person are likely to be systematically
Whereas characteristic adaptations are constructs speci- different from those of an introverted person). Third, char-
fied explicitly in relation to an individual’s particular cul- acteristic adaptations may create circumstances that cause
tural or idiosyncratic circumstances, traits are more changes in traits (e.g., taking a job in sales might eventually
universal. According to CB5T, personality traits are prob- cause someone to become more extraverted). Although traits
abilistic descriptions of relatively stable patterns of emotion, are remarkably stable, they can and do change over time
motivation, cognition, and behavior, in response to classes (Roberts, Wood, & Caspi, 2008). Even in adulthood, system-
of stimuli that have been present in human environments atic changes of traits in response to specific environmental
over evolutionary time (DeYoung, 2015). That traits are changes have been documented (Bleidorn, Hopwood, &
probabilistic means that they describe the likelihood of being Lucas, 2018).
in the states associated with the trait in question. Someone One potential source of confusion in CB5T is that not all
psychological goals are characteristic adaptations (DeYoung
scoring high in Neuroticism, for example, will not be in a
& Weisberg, 2018). The fact that traits encompass patterns
constant state of negative emotion but will experience nega-
of motivation (in addition to emotion, cognition, and behav-
tive emotion more often and more intensely than someone
ior) suggests that some goals are more closely linked to
low in Neuroticism. Scores on personality trait question-
traits than to characteristic adaptations. In particular, such
naires correspond very well to the average of states meas-
goals must be innate (e.g., goals of avoiding punishment or
ured repeatedly over time, despite considerable within-
affiliating with other people) rather than learned (although
person variability in states over time (Finnigan & Vazire,
learning processes may adjust their motivational intensity),
2018; Fleeson & Gallagher, 2009).
such that they reflect cybernetic mechanisms present in any
The within-person variability that renders traits probabil-
intact human brain. Note that their presence as goals in the
istic is not purely random; it reflects the features of the sit-
evolved human brain does not mean they must be equally
uations in which people find themselves. For each trait,
important to each individual. Indeed, it is precisely their
there is a relevant class of such features (stimuli) to which variation in importance and intensity in the population, due
human beings have evolved to respond (e.g., threat-related to both genetic and environmental forces, that qualifies
stimuli for Neuroticism). Trait-relevant states can be evoked them as personality traits. Their level in the individual is
by both external and internal features of the situation (such what constitutes the trait, rather than their mere existence
that the person high in Neuroticism may often experience in the individual (whereas some characteristic adaptations
threat simply due to ruminating on various concerns). This may be defined in a binary manner in terms of their exist-
means that traits are not completely decontextualized, as ence; e.g., I am either a lawyer or I am not). Nonetheless,
some theorists have claimed, but rather reflect responses to behavior that can achieve these very broad goals always
contextual features. Nonetheless, the classes of stimuli to involves characteristic adaptations as well. One does not go
which trait mechanisms respond—such as threats, rewards, about pursuing the goal of affiliating with another human
distractions, or other people—are typically so broad as to be being, for example, without specifying various more fine-
present in many diverse situations (Funder, 1991). grained subgoals and strategies that reflect the specifics of
Most importantly, these classes of stimuli have been pre- one’s situation. Thus, even if we can identify that a person
sent over evolutionary time, such that the brain’s cybernetic is failing in the pursuit of some very broad species-typical
mechanisms have evolved to respond to them effectively. goal (what we might call a basic human need), that failure
Traits, therefore, reflect variation in the parameters of the will also be reflected in the failure of the characteristic adap-
cybernetic mechanisms that evolved to create and enact tations necessary to pursue that broad goal. Hence, we retain
one’s goals, interpretations, and strategies. In other words, our criterion that psychopathology involves failure of char-
the regularities in behavior described by traits are not the acteristic adaptations.
result of a goal or set of goals acquired from the individual’s We close this section with some examples to help clarify
specific life experiences (those would be characteristic adap- the distinction between traits and characteristic adaptations:
tations); rather, they are due to regularities in the function- Being argumentative is a trait; being a trial lawyer is a
ing of the cybernetic mechanisms that generate and pursue characteristic adaptation. Liking to frolic with friends is a trait;
those goals. Neuroticism, for example, does not reflect one’s belonging to a fraternity is a characteristic adaptation. Being

prevention focused is a trait; checking the stove every time one some degree of uncertainty into the process of evaluating
leaves the house is a characteristic adaptation. Having an psychopathology, but that does not contradict our claim that
avoidant coping style in general is a trait; habitually avoiding a
its presence is fundamentally an objective matter of fact
particular acquaintance is a characteristic adaptation. (DeYoung,
2015, p. 40) rather than determined by socially negotiated value judg-
ments. What matters is whether people are successfully pur-
Note that characteristic adaptations, such as those listed suing their own goals, even those they have not consciously
here, often consist of collections of related goals, interpreta- selected and may not be aware of. Of course, the individual’s
tions, and strategies, but they are always decomposable into social context will have considerable effect on what goals
those three elements. have been adopted (and may have encouraged the adoption
of unrealistic or conflicting goals), but that is separate from
Maladaptation and the Identification of the question of whether the individual is functioning well
Psychopathology cybernetically—that is, capably pursuing whatever goals he
or she happens to have adopted. Society, therefore, can con-
To the extent that characteristic adaptations do not allow tribute causally to psychopathology, but it does not provide
people to pursue their goals successfully, yet are not aban- criteria for psychopathology.
doned or replaced with more effective adaptations, they may The fact that our theory specifies that dysfunction is to
be considered maladaptations. Maladaptive behaviors can be identified by criteria within the individual renders dys-
persist for a variety of reasons, including that they are so function largely overlapping with harm. Although Wakefield
well-learned as to be thoroughly entrenched habits; that fear (2007) defined “harmful” as “judged negative by sociocul-
or anxiety prevents the exploration that would be necessary tural standards” (p. 149), more common definitions empha-
to develop new adaptations; that one is too easily daunted size that what is harmful causes physical or mental injury to
or distracted to pursue a challenging goal successfully, des- the person. In cybernetic terms, harm and injury necessarily
pite knowing viable strategies; that the goals one has involve interference with the goals of the organism (psycho-
adopted are fundamentally incompatible with one another logical or otherwise). The severity of dysfunction, therefore,
or with one’s basic needs; or that one is unable to coordin- should correspond reasonably well to the severity of harm.
ate one’s goals with other people’s goals effectively This entails that, although harm is often subjectively obvi-
(DeYoung, 2015; Mansell, 2005). Per the definition in Table ous, people can be harmed without awareness.
1, the persistence, for whatever reason, of unsuccessful char- Because harm is often subjectively felt as negative emo-
acteristic adaptations—goals, interpretations, and strategies— tion, something important to consider in relation to our
is central to psychopathology. contention that extreme levels of a trait do not, by them-
Our specification that psychopathology involves failure of selves, indicate psychopathology is that most people have an
characteristic adaptations is reasonably congruent with recent explicit goal of not being miserable. This entails that very
editions of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental high levels of Neuroticism (or any of its various facets, such
Disorders (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association, as anxiety or depression), which describes the tendency to
which uses impairment in social or occupational functioning experience negative emotion, are almost always associated
as a criterion for disorder. (Note, however, that the DSM def- with some level of psychopathology. Nonetheless, it is pos-
inition of mental disorder does not provide specific defini- sible for people who are highly neurotic to have accepted
tions of “impairment,” “disability,” or “dysfunction”; Stein their tendency toward negative emotion and to have devel-
et al., 2010.) Merely having extreme levels of some trait is not oped characteristic adaptations that allow them to pursue
sufficient to indicate psychopathology; one must also be fail- their goals effectively, despite frequent experiences of nega-
ing to achieve one’s goals. This is true even for traits identifi- tive emotion. To the degree that they have abandoned the
able as “persistent symptoms” in a clinical context, unless the goal of avoiding negative emotion, they may not be dysfunc-
symptom in question explicitly describes dysfunction (some tional. This state is presumably achieved by few, and most
failure of goal pursuit). Hence, carrying out an assessment of people high in Neuroticism are likely to have some degree
psychopathology must always involve an attempt to determine of psychopathology, though it often will not be severe
the range of the person’s goals, situated in his or her particular enough to be deemed mental disorder.
life context (cf. Mansell, 2005; Widiger & Trull, 2007). This Extreme trait levels are neither necessary nor sufficient
will include attempting to determine the relative importance for psychopathology, but they are often associated with psy-
placed on various goals over time. chopathology because they can lead to persistent failure of
We take the specifics of a person’s goal hierarchy to be a characteristic adaptations and cybernetic dysfunction.
matter of fact about which there is an objective answer Because traits represent functional parameters of the mecha-
(which can change over time), despite the fact that the per- nisms that allow us to generate and enact our characteristic
son cannot have perfect subjective (conscious) awareness of adaptations, extreme values of those parameters can lead to
all specifics of his or her own goals. Ultimately, these goals instability in the system, increased psychological entropy,
are representations of a desired future state that are physic- failure of immediate goal pursuit, and inability to generate
ally instantiated within the brain. The fact that neither the effective new adaptations, all of which risk serious disrup-
clinician nor the person being evaluated will have full direct tion of goal pursuit. Feedback processes are also possible, as
access to the goal hierarchy in question will often introduce failure of characteristic adaptations can lead to changes in

traits, most obviously increases in Neuroticism. A major as dimensional (by using symptom severity scores rather
goal of our theory is to describe the underlying mechanisms than binary diagnoses) increases their reliability and validity
by which particular traits are linked to dysfunction, but first substantially (Markon, Chmielewski, & Miller, 2011).
we must review how the surface features of personality and Finally, and most directly relevant to the link between psy-
psychopathology are empirically related. chopathology and personality, assessments of psychopath-
ology have been shown to be measuring the same
underlying latent trait dimensions as normal personality
Hierarchical Covariance Structure in Personality and
measures, and this is true not only of the so-called personal-
ity disorders but of mental disorders more generally
Having explained the theoretical relation of psychopathology (Griffith et al., 2010; Markon, Krueger, & Watson, 2005;
to personality in general, we now switch our focus to the Suzuki, Samuel, Pahlen, & Krueger, 2015; Stepp et al., 2012;
empirical relation between specific dimensions of psycho- Widiger & Trull, 2007).
pathology and personality traits. This requires an under- This last observation is what is crucial for the develop-
standing of what is meant by “hierarchical covariance ment of a theory of psychopathology based on CB5T, which
structure.” We have already encountered a different applica- is a theory of the mechanisms underlying the Big Five. The
tion of the concept of hierarchy; goals are organized hier- Big Five personality dimensions have been demonstrated
archically within the individual in two senses: First is a extensively in both self- and other-ratings of descriptors
hierarchy of timescale, in which broader, longer term goals drawn either from the natural language (trait-descriptive
must be accomplished through narrower, shorter term sub- adjectives) or from existing questionnaires not specifically
goals (Figure 1). Second, goals are prioritized for each indi- designed to measure the Big Five (John et al., 2008; Markon
vidual, even when they are on a similar timescale, such that et al., 2005; Waller, DeYoung, & Bouchard, 2016). They
some are more important, and therefore more likely to thus form a solid basis for a theory of personality. Five simi-
influence thought and behavior (and hence to organize lar dimensions have been repeatedly observed in the pat-
more of the person’s time), than others. Another type of terns of covariation of symptoms and diagnoses of mental
hierarchy is crucial for understanding personality and psy- disorders, which have been labeled Negative Affect or
chopathology, however, and this is the hierarchical structure Internalizing, Disinhibition, Antagonism, Detachment, and
of patterns of covariance among traits (including persistent Psychoticism or Thought Disorder (Kotov et al., 2017;
or recurring symptoms of psychopathology)—in other Krueger & Markon, 2014; Wright & Simms, 2015; cf.
words, which traits tend to appear in the same individuals. Harkness, Reynolds, & Lilienfeld, 2014). Indeed, as previ-
At each level of the hierarchy, traits are grouped together ously mentioned, psychometric evidence indicates that these
because they tend to covary with each other more strongly are actually the same latent dimensions—at least for four of
than with the other traits represented at the same level (e.g., the Big Five. The one dimension that does not map as
Neuroticism groups together anxiety, depressed mood, irrit- cleanly onto one of the Big Five is Psychoticism. However,
ability, and emotional lability). At the next level down in the as we discuss further later, Psychoticism can be mapped
hierarchy, however, some of these traits are separated, again cleanly onto the Big Five hierarchy at the level below the
based on which are most closely related (e.g., below Big Five. After splitting the Openness/Intellect dimension
Neuroticism, anxiety and depressed mood can be grouped into subdimensions of Openness to Experience and Intellect,
in one dimension, whereas irritability and emotional lability Psychoticism is seen to be a maladaptive variant or facet of
can be grouped in another; see the Neuroticism, Negative Openness specifically, unrelated or even negatively related to
Affect, and Internalizing section). At each level of the hier- Intellect (DeYoung, Carey, Krueger, & Ross, 2016; DeYoung,
archy below the highest, each dimension contains both valid Grazioplene, & Peterson, 2012).
variance that is shared with other traits at the same level CB5T makes use of a four-level trait hierarchy (Figure 2).
(allowing identification of higher dimensions) and valid The two most familiar of these levels are probably the Big
unique variance that is not shared, and this is true both Five and their many facets at the bottom level. No consen-
phenotypically and genetically (Jang, McCrae, Angleitner, sus exists regarding the number of facets within each Big
Riemann, & Livesley, 1998; Jang et al., 2002; McCrae Five dimension, but empirical evidence indicates that exactly
et al., 2008). two factors (labeled aspects) exist between each of the Big
Before characterizing the hierarchical covariance structure Five and their facets (DeYoung, Quilty, & Peterson, 2007;
of the dimensions of psychological individual differences, it Jang et al., 2002). For the purposes of the current theory we
is important to establish that psychopathology is dimen- focus primarily on the Big Five, as the best established level,
sional rather than categorical. Mental disorders are trad- and secondarily on the aspect and metatrait levels. It may be
itionally and officially considered to be discrete binary possible to insert additional levels of the hierarchy between
categories, discontinuous from healthy personality variation. the Big Five and the metatraits or below the facets, but we
However, no mental disorder has ever been empirically veri- focus on those labeled in Figure 2, for which there is good
fied as a categorical entity (Carragher et al., 2014; Haslam, empirical evidence in the study of normal personality
Holland, & Kuppens, 2012; Markon & Krueger, 2005; (DeYoung, 2006; DeYoung et al., 2007; McCrae et al., 2008).
Walton, Ormel, & Krueger, 2011; Widiger & Samuel, 2005; One important caveat regarding the schematic representa-
Wright et al., 2013). Treating assessments of mental disorder tion of this hierarchy in Figure 2 is that it may falsely imply

Figure 2. A hierarchical taxonomy of personality traits, with the five major dimensions of psychopathology (plus intellectual disability) indicated in parentheses.
Note. Top level: metatraits. Second level: Big Five. Third level: aspects. Bottom level: facets. (Constructs at every level are traits.) Negative sign indicates inverse asso-
ciation of Neuroticism with Stability.

simple structure that does not exist, especially below the value of some parameter of the mechanism. An extreme
level of the Big Five. The lines connecting traits in the figure trait, therefore, typically presents a persistent risk for
suggest that any traits subsumed under Plasticity should be dysfunction.
unrelated to any traits subsumed under Stability, but this is Cybernetic control of behavior can be described heuristic-
not the case. For example, Enthusiasm is positively related ally in terms of a cycle, and the stages of this cycle usefully
to Compassion, and Assertiveness is negatively related to delineate the core tasks that the human cybernetic system
Politeness. It has long been known that personality does not must accomplish (DeYoung, 2015): (a) Goal activation: A
have simple structure, and cross-relations not depicted in goal must be sufficiently activated to control behavior; (b)
the figure are likely to be meaningful (e.g., the covariation Action selection: An operator deemed likely to move the sys-
between Assertiveness and Politeness may, in part, reflect tem toward the goal must be chosen from the available rep-
the influence of testosterone on personality; DeYoung, ertoire; (c) Action: The operator must be enacted; (d)
Weisberg, Quilty, & Peterson, 2013). The figure is a simpli- Outcome interpretation: The current state of the world is
fied heuristic. assessed; (e) Goal comparison: The current state is compared
to the goal state. If they match, then the goal is accom-
plished and a new goal will be activated. If a mismatch is
Cybernetic Mechanisms Underlying Dimensions of
detected, however, the cycle begins again with the same
goal, and a new action must be selected (or alternatively the
Given that our definition of psychopathology specifies fail- goal may be abandoned). In an important sense, this linear
ure of characteristic adaptations as a criterion and that cycle is merely a convenient heuristic; it suggests that these
extreme levels of personality traits are not necessary for psy- operations are carried out serially, when, in reality, many of
chopathology, one may wonder why manifestations of psy- the processes associated with most stages of the cycle take
chopathology can be described so well in terms of place in parallel more or less constantly (DeYoung &
personality traits. In part, this is because characteristic adap- Weisberg, 2018). For example, we are almost constantly
tations are specific to individuals or groups of individuals, interpreting the world around us, not just at the moment of
whereas, when attempts are made to specify symptoms for completing some action, and thus mismatches between our
diagnosis, a usable system must be generally applicable to all current state and our desires or expectations can be detected
people to whom the diagnosis might be applied. Thus, it is at any time. Nonetheless, the stages of the cycle are helpful
precisely the forms of psychological dysfunction that might for conceptualizing the core mechanisms that constitute the
potentially apply to anyone that get codified in diagnostic human cybernetic system.
systems, and these are, by our definition, traits, as long as In the rest of this section, we describe which mechanistic
they are reasonably persistent or recurring. parameters are likely to underlie each trait dimension and
More substantively, we take the correspondence between how and why their extreme values are linked to psychopath-
psychopathology and personality to reflect that traits are ology, considering neurobiological as well as psychological
caused by the typical functional levels of the mechanisms evidence. Throughout this section, we draw on a study
that are necessary to generate and carry out one’s character- showing that the 25 scales of the Personality Inventory for
istic adaptations. These are the cybernetic mechanisms that DSM-5 (PID-5) share the same 10-factor space as the Big
govern moment-to-moment behavior. Whatever goal one is Five Aspect Scales, which were designed to assess the 10
pursuing, the same set of core mechanisms are likely to be empirically identified aspects depicted in Figure 2 (DeYoung
involved. When persistent cybernetic dysfunction occurs, it et al., 2016; Krueger, Derringer, Markon, Watson, & Skodol,
is typically because one (or more) of these mechanisms is 2012). Although these 25 symptom dimensions, or
not functioning well as an integrated component of the sys- “pathological personality traits,” were designed specifically to
tem, and this malfunctioning often stems from an extreme assess personality disorders in the DSM, they describe many

or even most of the symptoms that are present in other immediate threats where the only motivation is to escape or
mental disorders as well (Wright & Simms, 2015). Thus, eliminate the threat. Volatility encompasses emotional labil-
they are informative for linking the Big Five hierarchy to ity, irritability, and anger (DeYoung et al., 2007; 2016).
psychopathology in general. Linking the PID-5 scales to the Passive avoidance, in contrast, involves involuntary inhib-
aspect-level traits is additionally informative beyond the well ition of approach toward a goal in response to increases in
demonstrated links between the PID-5 and Big Five (e.g., psychological entropy. Thus, it occurs when motivation is
Gore & Widiger, 2013; Krueger & Markon, 2014). conflicted, most commonly in approach-avoidance conflicts,
We also draw on a recent review of the neurobiological in which an approach goal (e.g., acquiring a romantic part-
correlates of the traits appearing in Figure 2, which framed ner) conflicts with an avoidance goal (e.g., avoiding rejec-
them in terms of CB5T (Allen & DeYoung, 2017). Although tion), creating uncertainty about the action to select (Gray
CB5T attempts to identify a reasonably coherent cybernetic & McNaughton, 2000; Mansell, 2005). Passive avoidance can
function associated with each dimension, it acknowledges be subdivided into anxiety and depression, which cover
that each of those functions will be carried out by a complex most of the Withdrawal aspect of Neuroticism. (Here
set of neural mechanisms. This complexity is implied not “depression” refers specifically to depressed mood, negative
only by a network perspective on brain function (Yeo et al., self-evaluation, and hopelessness, not to the broader criteria
2011) but also by evidence that most behavioral traits are for an official diagnosis of a mood disorder.) The label
massively polygenic, influenced by variation in hundreds or “Withdrawal” does not refer to “social withdrawal” (which is
even thousands of genes (Manolio et al., 2009; Munaf o & related more specifically to low Extraversion or Detachment)
Flint, 2011). but to the involuntary withdrawal of effort from a goal,
which constitutes passive avoidance (DeYoung, 2015).
Anxiety describes the initial response to goal conflict and
Neuroticism, Negative Affect, and Internalizing
uncertainty, in which the perceived possibility of reward has
Neuroticism reflects the general tendency to experience not been completely overcome by the likelihood of punish-
negative emotions of all kinds, with accompanying cognitive ment, and thus the goal in question is still perceived to be
processes like rumination and self-doubt. Neuroticism is dif- potentially attainable. In addition to inhibition or slowing of
ficult to distinguish statistically from the general risk factor approach to the conflicted goal, anxious passive avoidance
for the internalizing disorders (Griffith et al., 2010), one of involves increased attention to both sensory input and infor-
the two major dimensions of covariation among common mation in memory in order to scan for further threat (Gray
mental disorders (the other being externalizing; Krueger & McNaughton, 2000; Hirsh et al., 2012). In addition, dur-
et al., 2007). Internalizing encompasses disorders of anxiety, ing anxiety, arousal increases to prepare to switch to active
depressive mood, and fear (Kotov et al., 2017). CB5T, like defense if danger becomes too great. These defensive meas-
several other theoretical accounts of Neuroticism, specifies ures help to prevent encounters with danger that might be
that this dimension reflects sensitivity of defensive responses associated with the goal in question. In depression, the goal
to threat, punishment, and uncertainty (DeYoung, 2015; is perceived to be unattainable and approach motivation is
Shackman et al., 2016). In cybernetic terms, a threat is any extinguished (Carver & Scheier, 1998). This should lead to
indication that progress toward a goal may be hindered or the abandonment of an unreachable goal and the selection
prevented, and punishment is any definite thwarting or fail- of a new goal, but it can overgeneralize, leading to the dys-
ure of a goal (and most punishments also serve as threats of functional extinction of many goals characteristic of clinical
further punishment). As just discussed, uncertainty is depression. The extremely high comorbidity of anxiety and
innately threatening because it increases psychological depression is probably due to the facts that both are forms
entropy (Gray & McNaughton, 2000; Hirsh et al., 2012). of passive avoidance and that people often oscillate between
Indeed, all threats inherently increase psychological entropy. feeling that a conflicted goal is still potentially obtainable
In terms of the cybernetic cycle, Neuroticism is most rele- versus out of reach.
vant to the final stage, at which it corresponds to how likely The distinction between Volatility and Withdrawal
a mismatch is to be detected. The highly neurotic person appears to be important for distinguishing different types of
chronically feels that things are not as they should be, that psychopathology. Within a sample of 275 patients diagnosed
the current state does not match the desired state. with mood disorders, Volatility specifically predicted a diag-
Neuroticism will influence other stages of the cycle as well, nosis of bipolar disorder, whereas Withdrawal specifically
however, including which goals are activated (e.g., a higher predicted a diagnosis of unipolar disorder (Quilty, Pelletier,
proportion of avoidance goals) and how information is DeYoung, & Bagby, 2013; cf. Stanton, Gruber, & Watson,
weighted when selecting an action. 2017). Given a general risk for internalizing psychopathology
Defensive responses initiated after threat detection are of conferred by high Neuroticism, the balance of its two
two distinct kinds, which can be described as active defense aspects may influence whether unipolar or bipolar psycho-
and passive avoidance (DeYoung, 2015; Gray & pathology develops. In addition, the tendencies toward anger
McNaughton, 2000). CB5T posits that the two aspects of and lability associated with Volatility seem likely to be asso-
Neuroticism—Volatility and Withdrawal—correspond to ciated not only with internalizing but also with externalizing
these two forms of defensive response, respectively. Active problems, such as those described by intermittent explosive
defense involves emotional and behavioral responses to disorder or antisocial personality disorder. Considering these

traits from a developmental perspective, a similar distinction Extraversion versus Detachment

has been made in research on personality and mental health
Whereas Neuroticism reflects sensitivity to threat and pun-
in childhood, between “anxious distress” and “irritable dis-
ishment, Extraversion reflects sensitivity to reward
tress,” which may be informative about risk for later dis-
(DeYoung, 2015; Wacker & Smillie, 2015). Extraversion
order (Caspi & Shiner, 2006).
encompasses a range of traits including talkativeness, assert-
Brain structures that have been empirically linked to
iveness, sociability, positive emotionality, activity level, and
Neuroticism, with reasonably solid evidence, include the
excitement seeking. It is often manifested in social behavior
amygdala and adjacent bed nucleus of the stria terminalis,
because many human rewards are social in nature, involving
the hypothalamus (as part of the hypothalamic-pituitary-
innately rewarding classes of stimuli such as social affili-
adrenal axis), and the rostral anterior cingulate cortex
ation, social status, and sex. However, the sensitivity of
(ACC) and adjacent medial prefrontal cortex (Allen &
extraverts to reward is not limited to the social, as they
DeYoung, 2017; Holmes et al., 2012; Shackman et al., 2016).
respond more strongly to monetary and other rewards as
These structures have also been implicated in internalizing
well. Extraversion predicts better learning under conditions
disorders (Holmes et al., 2012; Shackman et al., 2016). Gray of reward in reinforcement learning paradigms, as well as
and McNaughton (2000) referred to the brain systems that facilitation of reaction times and accuracy following reward
govern active defense and passive avoidance as the (Pickering, 2004; Robinson, Moeller, & Ode, 2010;
fight–flight–freeze system and the behavioral inhibition Smillie, 2008).
system (BIS), respectively. The BIS is centered around the In cybernetic terms, rewards are any stimuli that indicate
hippocampus and extended amygdala, whereas the progress toward or attainment of a goal, which renders the
fight–flight–freeze system is centered around the hypothal- range of what people may find rewarding extremely broad
amus and brainstem (although it also involves the amyg- (DeYoung, 2013, 2015). Rewards have both incentive prop-
dala). These systems are both modulated by serotonin and erties (serving as cues for the possible attainment of a goal)
norepinephrine, neurotransmitters that have been linked and hedonic properties (enjoyment of goals when they are
empirically to Neuroticism (Allen & DeYoung, 2017; Gray & attained; Berridge, Robinson, & Aldridge, 2009). Because
McNaughton, 2000). The serotonergic system is the most goals are nested, with larger goals achieved through sub-
common target of pharmacological treatments for anxiety goals, the achievement of a goal can be simultaneously a
and depression, and reductions in the symptoms of these hedonic reward and an incentive indicating progress toward
disorders following treatment with selective serotonin additional goals. Extraversion reflects variation in sensitivity
reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) are mediated by declines in to both incentive and hedonic rewards, and the difference
Neuroticism (Du, Bakish, Ravindran, & Hrdina, 2002; between these two types may be reflected in the two aspects
Quilty, Meusel, & Bagby, 2008; Tang et al., 2009). Of inter- of Extraversion. Assertiveness seems more purely incentive
est, some evidence suggests that SSRIs may be more effective related, reflecting the drive to achieve one’s goals, and its
for reducing characteristics related to Volatility than to link to social status is consistent with the fact that social sta-
Withdrawal (Ilieva, 2015; Kamarck et al., 2009).6 tus, or “dominance” in ecological terms, represents relative
More than any of the other four dimensions, elevated access to resources (DeYoung et al., 2013). Enthusiasm
Neuroticism is likely to be a result as well as a cause of psy- encompasses sociability and positive emotionality and is
chopathology. Cybernetic dysfunction is likely to result from more related to the hedonic qualities of reward, though
too frequent engagement in passive avoidance or active especially in an incentively rewarding context (DeYoung,
defense, but, additionally, distress in response to increased 2015; Smillie, Geaney, Wilt, Cooper, & Revelle, 2013).
psychological entropy due to failure in goal pursuit is the Considerable neuroscientific evidence links Extraversion
final common pathway of nearly all psychopathology. Few to variation in the brain’s reward system (Allen & DeYoung,
traits posing a risk for psychopathology are associated with 2017; Depue & Collins, 1999; DeYoung, 2013; Wacker &
low Neuroticism—that is, with insensitivity of threat detec- Smillie, 2015). At the heart of this system is the neurotrans-
tion and lack of distress. The fearless and unemotional traits mitter dopamine, governing incentive reward. Dopamine is
linked to psychopathy may be one exception (Henry, released in response to outcomes that are better than
Pingault, Boivin, Rijsdijk, & Viding, 2016; Miller & Lynam, expected and triggers both approach behavior and learning
2003; Patrick, Fowles, & Krueger, 2009). Also, without caus- about stimuli that predict reward. Gray (1973; Pickering &
ing psychopathology per se, very low Neuroticism might be Gray, 1999) described the incentive reward system as the
associated with dangerous levels of risk taking. Behavioral Approach System (BAS). At least nine studies
have used pharmacological manipulation of dopamine to
Although the serotonergic system is the most common target of show that Extraversion predicts variation in dopaminergic
pharmacological treatments for anxiety and depression, which are the major function (Allen & DeYoung, 2017). Studies of the brain’s
components of Withdrawal, we note that its causal action in treatment is electrical activity also provide evidence that Extraversion is
poorly understood, so much so that debate remains regarding whether
serotonergic function is typically reduced or elevated in most cases of associated with the strength of the value signal encoded by
depression (Andrews, Bharwani, Lee, Fox, & Thomson, 2015). Acute serotonin dopamine (Wacker & Smillie, 2015). Both structural and
administration often increases anxiety in animal models, and one study found functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have
that a week-long course of a serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) increased,
rather than decreased, neural reactivity to emotionally negative stimuli in linked Extraversion to key brain structures in the reward
people high in Neuroticism (Di Simplicio, Norbury, Reinecke, & Harmer, 2014). system, including the midbrain regions where dopaminergic

neurons originate, the nucleus accumbens and caudate cybernetic function associated with Industriousness is to pri-
nucleus, and the medial orbitofrontal cortex (Allen & oritize nonimmediate goals, whereas that associated with
DeYoung, 2017). The hedonic component of reward appears Orderliness is to follow rules set either by oneself or by
to be controlled by the endogenous opiates rather than by others (DeYoung, 2015). Both of these functions require
dopamine (Berridge et al., 2009), and one study has shown selecting and following through with strategies that are not
that Social Closeness (an indicator of Enthusiasm) moder- merely responsive to the immediately rewarding or threaten-
ates the emotional and behavioral effects of an opiate antag- ing properties of the situation but rather take more elaborate
onist (Depue & Morrone-Strupinsky, 2005). and abstract goals into account. Consistent with this obser-
Psychopathology related to low Extraversion can be char- vation, Conscientiousness predicts the ability to perform
acterized as Detachment—inability to be motivated by the well on tasks that require decisions about how to prioritize
possibility of achieving goals or to enjoy rewards that are various subtasks (Stock & Beste, 2015).
attained. Problems associated with Detachment involve In relation to psychopathology, low Conscientiousness is
anhedonia, amotivation or avolition, restricted affect, and most specifically associated with risk for disinhibited exter-
lack of social connections (DeYoung et al., 2016; Kotov nalizing problems like impulsivity, substance abuse, criminal
et al., 2017). Presumably because activation of the BIS dir- behavior, and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (Kotov,
ectly inhibits the BAS (Gray & McNaughton, 2000), Gamez, Schmidt, & Watson, 2010; Kotov et al., 2017;
Extraversion is negatively correlated with Withdrawal, anx- Krueger et al., 2007). These problems appear to be primarily
iety, and depression (DeYoung et al., 2007; Watson, Stasik, associated with low Industriousness, suggesting a tendency
Ellickson-Larew, & Stanton, 2015). The opposite direction of to prioritize immediate goals that interfere with longer-term
causality is also possible, however, as being less sensitive to goals (DeYoung et al., 2016). In contrast, Orderliness is
reward may be a particular risk for depression because lack associated positively with problems linked to compulsivity,
of motivation to pursue goals can lead to hopelessness
such as rigid perfectionism and obsessive-compulsive per-
(Bress, Smith, Foti, Klein, & Hajcak, 2012; Pizzagalli et al.,
sonality disorder, suggesting an inflexible attention to detail
2009; Pizzagalli, Iosifescu, Hallett, Ratner, & Fava, 2008).
and overreliance on rules (DeYoung et al., 2016; Samuel &
Fewer forms of psychopathology are associated with high
Widiger, 2008). It thus appears that the risks associated with
Extraversion—that is, with oversensitivity to reward—the
high versus low Conscientiousness are differentially associ-
most notable being mania (DeYoung, 2013; Stanton et al.,
ated with its two aspects, which may explain why indicators
2017; Tackett, Quilty, Sellbom, Rector, & Bagby, 2008), but
of disinhibition and compulsivity sometimes form distinct
also the histrionic tendency toward attention seeking (Kotov
factors in analyses of the covariance structure of psycho-
et al., 2017; Samuel & Widiger, 2008; Wright & Simms,
2015). In addition, high Assertiveness specifically may be a pathology (e.g., Forbes et al., 2017). Low Conscientiousness
risk for some externalizing problems (Watson et al., 2015). is a fairly general risk factor for psychopathology (Kotov
Extraversion is particularly relevant to the first stage of et al., 2010), which is consistent with our definition of psy-
the cybernetic cycle, where goals must become sufficiently chopathology, given that prioritizing goals and sequencing
activated to guide the system. People low in Extraversion actions correctly is crucial for the accomplishment of all but
may have difficulty finding many possibilities sufficiently the simplest goals.
energizing to trigger goal pursuit. Enthusiasm, in particular, Relative to Neuroticism and Extraversion, evidence for
with its emphasis on enjoyment of reward, is also relevant the neural substrates of Conscientiousness is sparse.
to the final stage of the cycle, at which the current state and Most clearly implicated both theoretically and empirically is
goal state are compared. Those high in Enthusiasm are the lateral prefrontal cortex. A number of structural
more likely to experience pleasure when things are going MRI studies have reported positive associations between
well. Like high Neuroticism, low Enthusiasm is probably Conscientiousness and volume of regions in dorsolateral
more likely than most other traits to be caused by psycho- prefrontal cortex (DLPFC; Allen & DeYoung, 2017; Riccelli
pathology because failure of goal-pursuit reduces opportuni- et al., 2017), which is in keeping with this region’s role in
ties for pleasure. forming and maintaining complex goals and plans (Bunge &
Zelazo, 2006; Miller & Cohen, 2001). Conscientiousness is
not associated with working memory ability, however, which
Conscientiousness versus Disinhibition is the function most commonly attributed to DLPFC and to
Conscientiousness reflects the tendency to be self-disciplined the large cognitive control network of which DLPFC is a
and organized. In developmental research, it is often key node (DeYoung et al., 2005, 2009). However, there is
described as “effortful control” (Caspi & Shiner, 2006). The another major brain network with a node in DLPFC, which
two aspects of Conscientiousness are Industriousness, which encompasses networks typically labeled the ventral attention
involves the ability and tendency to work hard and avoid and salience networks (Yeo et al., 2011). This network
distractions, and Orderliness, which involves the ability and appears to be crucial for prioritizing goals and directing
tendency to be neat, punctual, and concerned with details attention away from distractions and toward goal-relevant
and rules. Both of these traits are crucial in the process of stimuli, and recently found support for the hypothesis that
determining which goals should be followed and which it is an important substrate of Conscientiousness (Rueter,
actions selected at any given time. According to CB5T, the Abram, MacDonald, Rustichini, & DeYoung, 2018).

Other regions in this network that have been linked to preventing their suffering (Hall & Benning, 2006). This per-
Conscientiousness and Disinhibition include the insula and son may be able to attain his or her own goals while exploit-
ACC (Abram et al., 2015; Allen & DeYoung, 2017). The lat- ing and hurting others. Such behavior is not inherently
eral orbitofrontal cortex is not part of this network but has psychopathological, and preventing it is best considered a
also been repeatedly linked to Conscientiousness and legal matter.
appears to be crucial for encoding the contrasting values of As with Conscientiousness, knowledge of the neural basis
different outcomes, which is obviously relevant to prioritiz- of Agreeableness is not yet extensive. It seems clear that
ing goals (Cheetham et al., 2017; Jackson, Balota, & Head, variation in the systems responsible for social information
2011; Matsuo et al., 2009; Nouchi et al., 2016; Rudebeck & processing, including emotional empathy and theory of
Murray, 2011). Thus, a relatively coherent functional mind (the ability to reason about the mental states of
account is beginning to link Conscientiousness to others), are involved, as one cannot accommodate the goals
neural substrates. of others if one cannot understand them. Indeed, research
has shown that some facets of Agreeableness predict per-
formance on a theory of mind test (Allen, Rueter, Abram,
Agreeableness versus Antagonism Brown, & DeYoung, 2017; Nettle & Liddle, 2008). Theory of
Agreeableness encompasses all of the traits directly related mind depends on components of the so-called default net-
to altruism and cooperation. From a cybernetic perspective, work, a set of brain regions that tend to be active when peo-
Agreeableness has a unique role because it does not reflect ple are not engaged in an externally oriented task, and
variation in mechanisms that are necessary for pursuing which appears to be crucial for thinking about experience
every goal. Instead, it reflects variation in the mechanisms that is not present to the senses, including episodic memory
that are responsible for allowing people to coordinate their of the past, imagination of the future, and the imagined
goals with those of others (DeYoung, 2015). Human beings experience of others (Allen et al., 2017; Andrews-Hanna,
are intensely social animals, so this capacity for coordination Smallwood, & Spreng, 2014).
is fundamental to our nature and pervasively important in Most of the neural research relevant to Agreeableness has
our development and adult functioning. Nonetheless, at least come from the study of empathy as a trait, which is a major
in adulthood, one can potentially manage to accomplish component of Compassion. Individual differences in
some of one’s own goals with a minimum of attention to empathy have been linked to regions of the default network
the needs and desires of others, and the most adaptive in both functional and structural MRI studies (Takeuchi
degree of Agreeableness is likely to vary with context. The et al., 2014a, 2014b). In addition to theory of mind, empathy
two aspects of Agreeableness are Compassion, which reflects is also related to the tendency to experience emotions vicari-
empathy, interpersonal concern, and the absence of callous- ously, and this ability appears to be linked especially to the
ness, and Politeness, which reflects the tendency to follow insula and ACC and to patterns of neural activity that are
social norms and to avoid exploiting or acting belligerently similar when one experiences distress oneself or witnesses
toward others (DeYoung et al., 2007, 2016). someone else in distress. Several studies have found trait
Psychopathology related to Agreeableness is mostly asso- empathy to be positively related to the cortical volume or
ciated with a lack thereof, typically labeled “Antagonism” thickness of the insula (Mutschler, Reinbold, Wankerl,
but also well characterized as selfishness. Antagonism is Seifritz, & Ball, 2013; Patil et al., 2017; Sassa et al., 2012;
associated with various externalizing problems involving Valk et al., 2017), and another found Compassion (but not
misconduct, antisocial behavior, and aggression, as well as Politeness) to be positively correlated with cortical volume
with narcissistic entitlement and grandiosity, paranoid dis- of the insula and ACC (Hou et al., 2017). Finally,
trust, dishonesty, and inability to maintain stable social rela- Antagonism is positively associated with levels of the hor-
tionships (DeYoung et al., 2016; Kotov et al., 2017; Krueger mone testosterone, which appears to be most specifically
et al., 2007; Wright & Simms, 2015). The initial presentation linked to low Politeness, based on research relating testoster-
of CB5T argued that extremely low Agreeableness might one to individual differences in interpersonal behavior and
indicate psychopathology even in the absence of cybernetic aggression (DeYoung et al., 2013; Montoya et al., 2012;
dysfunction, given that extremely disagreeable people are Turan et al., 2014).
likely to cause suffering for others even if not for themselves
(DeYoung, 2015). In further developing our theory of psy-
Psychoticism, Thought Disorder, and Openness
chopathology based on CB5T, however, we have come to
to Experience
the conclusion that this exception is untenable.
Psychopathology must involve failure to move toward one’s The final major dimension of psychopathology,
own goals. Almost always, enough of one’s own goals are Psychoticism or Thought Disorder, has been the most diffi-
sufficiently dependent on other people that dramatically cult to integrate with the Big Five model of personality vari-
mistreating people will tend to undermine those goals, lead- ation (Kotov et al., 2017). Psychoticism reflects deficits in
ing to psychopathology. Nonetheless, we recognize the possi- reality testing—that is, the tendency to make errors in inter-
bility of what has been called “the successful psychopath,” preting the facts of the world one inhabits. Hallucinations
someone who is competent but also sufficiently callous as to and complex delusions are the extreme forms of these
have little to no goal of affiliating with other people or errors, but they simply represent extremes of a common

phenomenon in human mental life, which has been called Openness and Psychoticism are related to increased activity
apophenia, the detection of meaningful patterns where none in a branch of the dopaminergic system distinct from that
in fact exist (DeYoung et al., 2012). Apophenia is equivalent underlying Extraversion (Allen & DeYoung, 2017).
to making Type I errors—false positives—in perception and Extraversion is linked to dopaminergic neurons that encode
belief. Everyday examples include seeing faces in inanimate value, increasing their firing rate when outcomes are better
objects, mistakenly hearing one’s name, and holding super- than anticipated and decreasing it when worse than antici-
stitious beliefs, such as the gambler’s fallacy or astrology. pated. Another set of dopaminergic neurons appears to
Studies in both healthy and clinical samples have demon- encode salience, or the value of information regardless of
strated that the general tendency toward apophenia, includ- valence; these neurons increase firing rate for both better-
ing unusual perceptual experiences and magical ideation, is and worse-than-anticipated outcomes, project to different
positively associated with the Openness aspect of the parts of the brain than value-coding neurons, and appear to
Openness/Intellect dimension, but at least weakly negatively facilitate cognitive exploration (Bromberg-Martin,
related to the Intellect aspect (Chmielewski, Bagby, Markon, Matsumoto, & Hikosaka, 2010; DeYoung, 2013). Functional
Ring, & Ryder, 2014; DeYoung et al., 2012, 2016). This dif- connectivity analysis of fMRI data has provided evidence
ferential association at the aspect level explains the lack of that Openness predicts synchronized activity between dopa-
strong congruence at the Big Five level. Even given this con- minergic neurons in the midbrain and the DLPFC during
found, however, large molecular genetic studies have shown pleasant sensory experiences and at rest (Passamonti et al.,
genetic correlations and overlapping genetic variants for 2015). A process of “aberrant salience” may help to explain
Openness/Intellect and risk for schizophrenia (Lo et al., why people high in Openness and at risk for psychosis are
2017; Smeland et al., 2017). prone to detecting patterns erroneously, if dopamine signals
CB5T posits that Openness/Intellect reflects the capacity that valuable information is present even when that is highly
for cognitive exploration that allows people to generate unlikely (DeYoung et al., 2012; Kapur, 2003).
interpretations of the past, present, and possible future in Another major neural correlate that has been well estab-
terms of their factual properties. Whereas Intellect reflects lished for psychosis is altered white matter connectivity,
the ability and tendency to interpret the causal and logical especially reductions in white matter coherence in tracts
structure of the world, through reasoning, Openness reflects connecting particular thalamocortical and frontotemporal
the ability and tendency to interpret the correlational struc- regions (Cannon, 2015; Pettersson-Yeo, Allen, Benetti,
ture of the world, largely through perception and imagin- McGuire, & Mechelli, 2011). Altered connectivity may con-
ation (which is simulation of perception). Correlational tribute to atypical sensory and cognitive integration, leading
structure refers broadly to anything that tends to co-occur, to unusual modes of pattern detection. Openness has been
from basic patterns in visual perception to patterns of found to predict reduced white matter coherence in the
covariation among complex events. CB5T posits that same frontal lobe tracts that are implicated in psychosis
Psychoticism stems primarily from high Openness but is (Grazioplene, Chavez, Rustichini, & DeYoung, 2016; Jung,
exacerbated by the absence of sufficient intellectual capacity Grazioplene, Caprihan, Chavez, & Haier, 2010). Other
to weed out Type I errors in the multifarious patterns that neural processes involved in Psychoticism are also likely to
are detected by highly open people (DeYoung, 2015). show connections with Openness/Intellect. For example,
Psychoticism or apophenia can be considered openness to psychosis has been linked to deficits in episodic memory, a
highly implausible patterns (DeYoung et al., 2012). This cognitive function that depends on the default network
form of Openness is especially likely in conjunction with (Cannon, 2015), and Openness/Intellect has been linked to
low levels of cognitive abilities, like intelligence and working functional parameters of that network (Beaty et al., 2016). In
memory capacity, that are associated with Intellect and that relation to cognitive disorganization, much is known about
are reduced in the “disorganized” or “formal” symptoms of the neural correlates of intelligence and working memory,
Thought Disorder (DeYoung et al., 2009, 2014; Goghari, and questionnaire measures of Intellect share some of those
Sponheim, & MacDonald, 2010; Kotov et al., 2016). Indeed, correlates (DeYoung et al., 2009). The major network
CB5T considers intelligence (which is well measured as IQ) involved in these abilities is the fronto-parietal control net-
to be a facet of Intellect (DeYoung, 2015; DeYoung et al., work, which has also been implicated in cognitive disorgan-
2012), and we suggest that cognitive disorganization, inas- ization (Goghari et al., 2010; Kotov et al., 2016).
much as it is distinct from Psychoticism, may be akin to Psychosis is considered one of the most severe forms of
intellectual disability and considered a disorder of Intellect, psychopathology, but we would argue that even hallucina-
as depicted in Figure 2. tions and delusions are not, by themselves, sufficient to indi-
Human beings have evolved an astonishing capacity to cate psychopathology. Imagine a woman who regularly hears
create complex mental models of the world they inhabit, voices and believes that she is communicating with the spi-
and many brain systems are likely to be involved in the vul- rits of the dead—these are hallucinations and delusions.
nerability of those models to distortion. The neural corre- Now, imagine that this woman is a successful psychic with a
lates we review here are, thus, probably only a few among flourishing business and a social network that either accepts
many. Both psychosis and Openness have been linked to or humors her beliefs, and she leads a relatively normal and
dopamine (DeYoung, 2013; Howes, McCutcheon, Owen, & happy life (Powers, Kelley, & Corlett, 2017). In the absence
Murray, 2017; Maia & Frank, 2017). CB5T hypothesizes that of cybernetic dysfunction, even psychotic symptoms are not

pathological. They are much more likely to be accompanied is likely to lead to dysfunction in others—that is, in the sys-
by psychopathology, we suspect, if the individual is unable tem as a whole—and this general tendency toward dysfunc-
to form normal social connections, a feature of the so-called tion, captured by the p-factor, may be well described as an
negative symptoms of schizophrenia that are subsumed absence of Stability. Further, Stability may reflect not just an
within Detachment in our theory. emergent property of the system’s many interacting parts
but also the operation of broadly acting mechanisms that
evolved to regulate stability. Serotonin is a strong candidate
The Metatraits and the General Factor of as a factor directly influencing Stability (and hence also the
Psychopathology p-factor) both because of what is known regarding
One difference between measures of psychopathological serotonin’s role in constraining impulses and facilitating
traits or symptoms and normal personality measures is that goal-pursuit (Carver, Johnson, & Joormann, 2008; Gray &
the former show a greater tendency toward intercorrelation, McNaughton, 2000; Spoont, 1992) and because variation in
such that there appears to be a general factor of psychopath- serotonergic function has been linked not only to
ology or p-factor (Caspi et al., 2014; Lahey, Krueger, Neuroticism but also to Agreeableness and
Rathouz, Waldman, & Zald, 2017). In normal personality Conscientiousness (Allen & DeYoung, 2017). Our character-
measures, the general factor is weaker and appears to be an ization of the p-factor as low Stability is consistent with
artifact of the biases of individual raters, as it disappears descriptions of both constructs in terms of inability to
when using scores from multiple raters (Chang, Connelly, & restrain urgent emotional impulses (Carver, Johnson, &
Geeza, 2012; DeYoung, 2006; McCrae et al., 2008; Revelle & Timpano, 2017; DeYoung & Rueter, 2016; Hirsh, DeYoung,
Wilt, 2013). Hence, Figure 1 depicts the metatraits, Stability & Peterson, 2009).
and Plasticity, as uncorrelated. An important question, then, Whereas CB5T associates Stability with serotonin, it asso-
is, What is the relation of the p-factor to the metatraits? ciates Plasticity with dopamine, which drives exploration
Studies of both common mental disorders and personality both in behavior (Extraversion) and in cognition (Openness/
disorders have shown that the p-factor is strongly related to Intellect; Allen & DeYoung, 2017; DeYoung, 2013). Lack of
Neuroticism but is additionally associated with low association of Plasticity with the p-factor may be due to the
Conscientiousness and Agreeableness (Caspi et al., 2014; fact that Plasticity should facilitate mental health only inas-
Castellanos-Ryan et al., 2016; Tackett et al., 2013; Wright, much as it successfully increases Stability. Exploration is not
Hopwood, Skodol, & Morey, 2016). Thus, it strongly resem- always beneficial and can destabilize the system instead of
bles Stability (DeYoung, 2006). The p-factor is also weakly generating effective and well-integrated characteristic adapta-
negatively associated with IQ, as is Neuroticism, which may tions. Indeed, Plasticity has been shown to be positively
reflect that intelligence is somewhat protective against most associated with externalizing problems in adolescent boys
forms of psychopathology or may simply be attributable to (DeYoung, Peterson, Seguin, Pihl, & Tremblay, 2008), and
heightened test anxiety among people high in Neuroticism both Extraversion and Openness/Intellect are elevated in
(Caspi et al., 2014; Castellanos-Ryan et al., 2016; DeYoung, bipolar disorder (Tackett et al., 2008). Nonetheless, some
2011; Gale, Batty, Tynelius, Deary, & Rasmussen, 2010; amount of exploration is necessary for stable cybernetic
Moutafi, Furnham, & Tsaousis, 2006). function in any sufficiently unpredictable environment.
The similarity between Stability and the general factor of Thus, having a greater capacity to generate new characteris-
psychopathology is consistent with our definition of psycho- tic adaptations may be protective against many forms of
pathology in terms of the failure of characteristic adapta- psychopathology, given that our definition requires not only
tions. CB5T describes the metatraits as reflecting variations that characteristic adaptations fail but also that they are not
in people’s ability to meet the two most fundamental needs soon replaced with effective new ones. Relations among the
of any cybernetic system that can adapt to complex and metatraits, the p-factor, and the tendency toward resilience
changing environments: Stability is related to the need to is an intriguing topic for future research.
maintain the stability of ongoing goal-directed functioning,
whereas Plasticity is related to the need to engage in explor-
Conclusion: Implications for Research, Diagnosis,
ation to develop new adaptations. Stability reflects the ten-
and Intervention
dency of existing characteristic adaptations to remain intact
and to resist disruption by emotions, impulses, and doubts, Having articulated our cybernetic theory of psychopath-
whereas Plasticity reflects the tendency to generate new ology, we conclude with a relatively brief consideration of
adaptations (DeYoung, 2015). its implications. First, research on the etiology of psycho-
According to our theory, all psychopathology involves pathology should move from studying diagnostic categories
cybernetic dysfunction, failure to make progress toward to studying continuous dimensions of psychopathology. The
important goals due to failure of characteristic adaptations. best research designs will involve community or treatment-
Breakdowns in the mechanisms associated with any particu- seeking samples, rather than being selected on the basis of
lar dimension of psychopathology will tend to lead to dys- diagnosis as in case-control designs. This means ignoring
function in the domain of behavior described by that current diagnostic categories and focusing on
dimension. Because the cybernetic system consists of inter- “transdiagnostic” constructs in a manner similar to the
acting mechanisms, however, dysfunction in one mechanism National Institute of Mental Health’s Research Domain

Criteria (RDoC) initiative. The five major dimensions of severity is worthy of diagnosis in which contexts, but this
psychopathology are reasonably similar to the domains of is fundamentally no different than the process by which it
RDoC (although we believe that their Cognitive Systems is determined, for example, what level of insulin response is
domain, targeting executive deficits, could usefully be frac- worthy of the diagnosis “type 2 diabetes.”
tionated into two separate domains related to Disinhibition In the improved clinical approaches that we envision,
and Thought Disorder) and can fruitfully be integrated into diagnosis should proceed using the criterion of cybernetic
RDoC-oriented research. Such research should not limit dysfunction—that is, determination that important goals are
itself to studying the five major dimensions but should also unable to be achieved and effective new characteristic adap-
consider their subdivisions into aspects and facets. tations have persistently failed to be developed. Once identi-
Our theory posits that the isomorphism of the major fied, dysfunction should additionally be characterized
dimensions of psychopathology with normal personality according to the dimensions of psychopathology that the
traits is because the same mechanisms that underlie normal individual exhibits, at multiple levels of the trait hierarchy.
personality are precisely those that produce dysfunction in Reviewing mental health in terms of the functions associated
most cases of psychopathology, due to unusually high or with each of the major trait dimensions is analogous to a
low levels of function, either chronically or in a temporary “review of systems” approach in physical health (Harkness
fluctuation away from one’s typical level. This isomorphism et al., 2014). When people seek treatment for reasons of
implies that research in psychopathology can be facilitated mental health, it is sensible to evaluate how they are func-
by studying normal personality variation in parallel. Our tioning in all major areas of psychological function, regard-
discussion of neural variables linked to dimensions of per- less of their presenting complaints.
sonality and psychopathology was not intended to be com- Our perspective leads to multiple conclusions regarding
prehensive, but, along with our identification of cybernetic intervention. First, it lends itself to a dimensional matching
functions associated with each dimension, it provides a of severity to treatment. There need not be only a single
wealth of potential hypotheses for future research. diagnostic threshold, even for dysfunction within a single
According to our theory, what are typically considered as trait dimension, and different degrees of psychopathology
symptoms or consequences of psychopathology are probably may be amenable to different treatments. Second, clinicians
more often contributing causes of psychopathology. People should pay attention to whether the cause of psychopath-
are unable to pursue their goals and develop successful new ology in a given case is more likely to be due to extreme
adaptations because extreme levels of certain traits render trait levels or to some particularly problematic characteristic
the cybernetic system unstable and inflexible. Nonetheless, adaptations, as this distinction may have implications for
given that our theory specifies that extreme trait levels are the optimal locus of control. Figure 3 illustrates the causal
not, by themselves, sufficient to identify psychopathology, a dynamics that CB5T identifies in both the sources and the
particularly important area for future research will be inves- consequences of personality. If the cause of psychopathology
tigating what factors increase the likelihood that an extreme appears to be that extremes of some trait(s) are chronically
trait leads to dysfunction. It may also be fruitful to conduct leading to the failure of characteristic adaptations, then one
research on the dynamics through which common types of may wish to intervene with pharmaceuticals, thereby
characteristic maladaptation lead to dysfunction even in the attempting to adjust directly the cybernetic mechanisms
absence of extreme trait levels. underlying the trait(s) in question. However, it may be
Not only should the current diagnostic categories be equally or even more effective to target characteristic adapta-
avoided in research, we believe they should be replaced in tions directly, through behavioral or talk therapies.
official diagnostic systems as well. Most existing diagnoses
are so heterogeneous that they are ambiguous in identifying
likely sources of psychopathology and, hence, ambiguous in
directing treatment (Clark, Watson, & Reynolds, 1995;
Harkness et al., 2014; Hasler, Drevets, Manji, & Charney,
2004; Zimmerman, Ellison, Young, Chelminski, &
Dalrymple, 2015). Current diagnoses neither accurately rep-
resent which symptoms tend to co-occur within individuals
nor reflect conditions with functionally coherent etiologies.
We argue that the actual causal processes, which should Figure 3. Causal processes in the functioning of personality and treatment of
serve as loci of control for prevention and treatment, are psychopathology. Note. Solid arrows represent spontaneous causal processes.
Dashed arrows represent therapeutic interventions. Both genetics and the envir-
often associated with traits that can be located within the onment directly influence the cybernetic mechanisms underlying personality
Big Five personality hierarchy. A growing movement, exem- traits. All genetic influences on characteristic adaptations are funneled through
plified by the Hierarchical Taxonomy of Psychopathology traits, but the environment can influence characteristic adaptations independ-
ently of the influence of traits. Circular arrows indicate that cybernetic parame-
consortium, is attempting to replace current nosologies with ters can influence each other, as can characteristic adaptations and other life
empirically based models like the one we propose here outcomes, such as physical health. Neurobiological interventions are aimed dir-
(Kotov et al., 2017). To get from our theory of psychopath- ectly at changing the parameters of cybernetic mechanisms that cause variation
in personality traits. Behavioral or talk therapy interventions are aimed directly
ology to a working diagnostic system will require a process at changing characteristic adaptations. Each kind of intervention can influence
of sociopolitical negotiation to determine what level of the other component of personality indirectly.

Such therapies can help people to interpret their experience and mental health problems in adolescents (Conrod,
in different ways, to develop new strategies for pursuing Castellanos-Ryan, & Strang, 2010; Newton et al., 2016).
their goals, and to change their goals, either by adding and Our cybernetic theory of psychopathology offers a new
subtracting goals or by rethinking the importance of particu- perspective on research, diagnosis, and intervention. We
lar goals. believe it provides a more coherent and useful definition of
One of the most important features of Figure 3 is that psychopathology than any existing definition. It also pro-
the causal paths between traits and characteristic adaptations vides a mechanistic account of the causes and manifestations
flow in both directions, as characteristic adaptations can of psychopathology, though this account is naturally incom-
feed back to change the cybernetic parameters underlying plete, as much remains to be learned at both psychological
traits. Someone who learns various strategies to act in a and neurobiological levels. Nonetheless, the theory provides
more conscientious manner, for example, such as using a a framework in which the most important classes of func-
structured to-do list and dedicated workspaces, may become tion are described and in which new details can be inte-
better able to prioritize goals effectively and resist distrac- grated in a way that leads to a cohesive body of knowledge
tions in general, thus increasing in trait Conscientiousness. and theory rather than a fragmented list of associations
Voluntary changes in characteristic adaptations can lead to between poorly defined diagnostic categories and psycho-
trait change (Hennecke, Bleidorn, Denissen, & Wood, 2014; logical or neural parameters that lack clear functional con-
Hudson & Fraley, 2015; Hudson, Roberts, & Lodi- nections with one another or with the psychopathology they
Smith, 2012). are intended to explain. The cybernetic perspective allows a
For three reasons, we believe that interventions targeting truly systematic and synthetic understanding of
characteristic adaptations directly are often likely to be more psychopathology.
effective than pharmacological interventions and to have
fewer unwanted side effects. First, extreme trait levels are
neither necessary nor sufficient for psychopathology.
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