Periodontal Osseous Defects A Review PDF
Periodontal Osseous Defects A Review PDF
Periodontal Osseous Defects A Review PDF
Flow Chart 1: The modified classification of periodontal osseous defects (POD) by Vandana and Bharath13
B. Buccal wall ever, still lacks the necessary systematic approach. The disease
Classification by Clarke11
A. Vestibular, lingual or palatal structures or defects
l Normal anatomic structures
(a) External oblique ridge
(b) Retromolar triangle
(c) Mylohyoid ridge
(d) Zygomatic process
l Exostoses and tori
(a) Mandibular lingual tori
(b) Buccal and posterior palatal exostoses
l Dehiscence
l Fenestrations
Note: The term supra bony defect is not appropriate or misleading,
l Reverse osseous architecture i.e., no defect exists above the bone.
Fig. 1: Bulbous bone contours Fig. 2: Pathologic fenestration irt 11, dehiscence irt 12
affected teeth by dehiscence are the mandibular canine reversed and these type of defects are most commonly
(40.645%), mandibular first premolar (18.06%) and maxil- seen in the maxilla2 (Fig. 3).
lary canine (17.41%).16 Flat architecture: The marginal bone loss occurs in such a
Acquired Osseous Defects way that both interdenytal crest and midfacial and mid-
lingual margins remain at same level.2 Due to periodontal
Alveolar Bone formation disease, the marginal bone remains thin or thickened
The Buttressing Bone (Lipping) formation: Alveolar bone either with positive architecture, negative architecture,
formation at some instances occurs to buttress the bony and flat architecture.these marginal bone alterations
trabeculae which are weakened due to bone resorption can be restricted to either 2 to 3 teeth or whole segment/
and if it occurs within the jaw, termed as central but- quadrant may be involved.
tressing bone formation and if it occurs on the external Marginal Gutter: The shallow linear defect which is
surface of bone, termed as peripheral buttressing bone present in between the marginal alveolar bone of the
formation which usually causes bulging of the contour radical cortical plate or inter-dental alveolar bone14
of bone, termed as lipping, which at sometimes may (Figs 4 and 5).
accompany the production of osseous craters and angular Ledges : These are plateau-like margins of bone which
bone defects.17 are caused due to resorption of the thickened bone plates
Alveolar Bone loss usually the buccal\labial bone2 (Fig. 6).
Buccal and lingual/palatal Furcation Involvement: The furcation involvement usually
refers to the periodontal disease invasion of bifurcation
Marginal Defects: The Architecture is a commonly used
or trifurcation of a multirooted teeth. The most common
term in periodontics to describe gingival and/or bony
form.2 In physiologic architecture concept the bone or sites are usually the mandibular first molars and the
soft tissue form includes positive architecture in a vertical involvement of maxillary teeth increase with age.18
dimension, bucco-lingual contours devoid of exostoses,
ledges, interradicular grooves and interdental bonecrest
is always coronal to the midfacial bone.The marginal bone
shows scalloping and festooning .the buccal lingual bone
presents as tapering margin.2
Positive architecture is the marginal bone loss which
occurs in such a way that the interdental gingiva or
bone crest is coronally located tomargins of their mid-
facial or midlingual surfaces. Reverse architecture is
the marginal bone loss which occurs in such a way that
the interdental gingiva or bone crest is apically located
to themargins of their midfacial or mid-lingual levels.2
These type of defects are produced by loss of interdental
bone, including the facial and/or lingual plates without
loss of radicular bone and thus the normal architectureis Fig. 3: Reverse architecture irt 12,11,21,22
Fig. 4: Gutter irt 13 palatally Fig. 5: Mid palatally intrabony defect with palatal groove irt 22
Fig. 6: Ledge irt 15 Fig. 7: Grade 2 furcation involvement of with flat marginal
Fig. 8: Grade 2 furcation involvement Fig. 9: Hemiseptum irt 23 (1 wall intrabony defect)
bone loss. In these defect base is present apical to the confined within the facial and lingual bony walls. In
surrounding alveolar bone. These angular defects have this type of defect the facial/buccal and lingual/ palatal
accompanying infrabony pockets in most of the instances walls are of unequal height. Craters are also classified by
and these type of pockets usually have an angular defect the number of osseous walls (i.e., a one-, two-, or three-
underlying them. Further these angular or vertical defects walled) or combination bone defects also exist.14 These
are classified upon on presence of remaining osseous type of bone defects are frequently found about one third
walls as three wall defects which are bordered by one of all bone deformities or defects and about two thirds
tooth surface and three osseous surfaces, two wall defects of mandibular bone defects and these defects are seen
(inter dental craters) which are bordered by two tooth twice as common in posterior segments than in anterior
surfaces and two bone or osseous surfaces (one facial and segments.20
one lingual) and one wall defects which are bordered by The suggested reasons for such high prevalence of
two tooth surfaces, and bone surface (facial or oral) and inter-dental craters are as follows: (i) as these areas show
soft tissue2 (Fig. 9). increased plaque accumulation as well as are difficult to
clean; (ii) the flat or concave facio-lingual morphology of
Hemisepta the interdental septum in mandibular molars may favor
the formation of craters and the vascular patterns from
A vertical or angualar bone defect in the presence of adja-
gingiva to alveolar crest may also provide a pathway for
cent roots such that only half of theinterdental septum
extension of inflammation and formation of craters.20
is remained on one tooth is termed as hemiseptum.The
Trench and Moat: When bone loss involves either two
remaining half of an inter-dental septum forms the proxi-
or three confluent surfaces of same tooth then the term
mal surface or wall of a one walled intrabony defect.2
rench is applied and when the bone loss involves all four
The interdental septum is shared by two adjacent
surfaces of a tooth, then the term moat is applied.19
teeth. The hemisepta in relation to any tooth refines to
The periodontal treatment outcomes are assessed
the half of the septum adjacent to this specific tooth root
quantitatively based on defect angulations and depth
is lost.
defects in radiographs and there are certain classifica-
These one wall vertical defect occurring interdentally
tions of defects radiographically given by Steffensen
is called hemiseptum which can generally be seen on the
and Weber, 21 Papapanou and Wennstrom, 22 Cortel-
radiograph but sometimes vertical defects which may be
lini and Tonetti23 and Tsitoura et al.24 as shown in the
present on facial or buccal and lingual or palatal surfaces
Table 2.
are not seen on radiographs and surgical exposures are
the better way for determining the presence of defect and
also the configuration of vertical bone defects.2
Osseous Defects Model (Figs 10 and 11)
Osseous Craters: Craters are cup- or bowl-shaped alveolar To facilitate the descriptive visualization of various
defects in inter-alveolar bone with bone loss approxi- periodontal osseous defects in a mandible will serve as
mately equal on the contiguous roots or the concavities realistic demonstrable model. The true osseous defects
present in the crest of inter-dental alveolar bone and are morphology detection is possible only on surgical
COD Journal of Dentistry, January-June 2017;9(1):22-29 27
Bharath Chandra GNR, KL Vandana
Fig. 10: Osseous defects model Fig. 11: Individual osseous defects
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