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14,1 A review of techniques for risk
management in projects
Ammar Ahmed, Berman Kayis and Sataporn Amornsawadwatana
22 School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Purpose – This paper aims to provide a review of techniques that support risk management in
product development projects using the concurrent engineering (CE) philosophy.
Design/methodology/approach – The Australia/New Zealand risk management standard
AS/NZS 4360:1999 proposes a generic framework for risk management. This standard was adapted
for product development projects in the CE environment. In this paper, existing techniques were
reviewed for their applicability to processes in risk management; namely, techniques for establishing
context, risk identification, risk assessment and treatment.
Findings – Risk management is an activity within project management that is gaining importance due
to current business environment with a global focus and competition. The techniques reviewed in this
paper are used on an ad hoc basis currently. A more risk focused approach is likely to result in an
integration of several of these techniques, resulting in an increased effectiveness of project management.
Practical implications – The techniques reviewed in this paper can be used for the development of
risk management tools for engineering and product development projects.
Originality/value – This paper provides a gist of techniques categorized in the form that they are
applicable for implementation of risk management functions in product development projects using
CE philosophy.
Keywords Risk management, Project management, Product development, Risk assessment
Paper type General review
Projects are managed through the concurrent engineering (CE) philosophy for faster
time to market and to achieve project objectives through a shorter iterative process. CE is
the development of product and process through simultaneous functions that aims at
reducing time to market, overall development cost and achieve a high product quality
(Salamone, 1995; Caillaud et al., 1999). Owing to the multi-functional nature of teams in
CE, product and process information is shared and a quick overall understanding of the
product and process is developed. This leads to an achievement of the right design in the
first attempt and helps attaining a clarity for the issues in the implementation phase of
the project, resulting in an overall lower developmental cost and a quicker response to
market as compared to a traditional over the wall approach (Jo et al., 1993).
The design process determines product geometry, materials, functional
specifications, machining processes, assembly sequences, tools and equipment
necessary to manufacture a product. Production plans, control tools such as inventory
Benchmarking: An International controls, resource allocations and job scheduling are other important outputs of the
Journal design process. Hence, it can be asserted that design influences to a great extent,
Vol. 14 No. 1, 2007
pp. 22-36 the quality and the cost of the product (Salamone, 1995; Jo et al., 1993). Short comings in
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited the product design process results in extra costs generated through project delays,
DOI 10.1108/14635770710730919 penalties, excess of materials used, labour, additional operations, resource
reallocations, rescheduling and rework. Hence, risk management in product design is Techniques for
beneficial and should complement project management activities, especially in a CE risk management
environment. This paper describes a framework for the risk management process, as
proposed by the Australian Risk Management Standard (Risk Management Standard in projects
AS/NZS 4360, 1999) and reviews the techniques that can be used for each process
within risk management so that a framework can be evolved for designing tools for
risk management. 23
The risk management process
In general, unexpected events occur in projects and may result in either positive or
negative outcomes that are a deviation from the project plan. Positive outcomes are
opportunities while negative outcomes generate a loss. Risk focuses on the avoidance of
loss from unexpected events (Williams, 1995). Several definitions of risk are available
in the literature and risk is usually referred to as an exposure to losses in a project
(Webb, 1994; Chapman and Ward, 1997) or as a probability of losses in a project (Risk
Management Standard AS/NZS 4360, 1999; Larson and Kusiak, 1996a; Remenyi and
Heafield, 1996; Jaafari, 2001; Kartam and Kartam, 2001). In this paper, the later definition
of risk has been used because this definition implies that risk is quantifiable and lends
itself to assessment and analysis through computational methods. A situation where it is
not possible to attach a probability of occurrence to an event is defined as uncertainty
(Clemen, 1996; Taha, 1997). While uncertainty is not measurable, it can be estimated
through subjective assessment techniques (Raftery, 1994).
The risk management process refers to uncovering weaknesses in methods used in
product development through a structured approach so that timely mitigation actions
are initiated to avoid risk, transfer risk, reduce risk likelihood or reduce risk impact (Risk
Management Standard AS/NZS 4360, 1999). The risk management process proposed by
the Australian Standard for Risk Management is shown in Figure 1. It is composed of
seven iterative sub-processes of establishing the context of risk, identifying risks,
analysing risks, evaluating risks, communication and consultation across stakeholders
and monitoring and controlling risk events. The risk management process blends itself
to CE product design and development, as changes and iterations in the design stage
cost less than changes initiated in the implementation phase (Salamone, 1995; Jo et al.,
1993). Hence, early discovery of risk events leading to downstream losses is much more
preferable than treating losses when they cannot be prevented.
Identify risks
Evaluate risks
Assess risks
Treat risks
Figure 1.
Representation of the risk
management process as
per AS/NZS 4360:1999
The overlapping of activities means that the estimation of project duration is usually
compressed and results in a shorter completion time when compared to PERT. However,
manual computations are tedious, especially for large networks (Badiru, 1996).
Checklists are a trivial method of risk identification where pre-determined crucial
points are examined for symptoms of potential risk situation (Webb, 1994; Duncan,
1996; Kumamoto and Henley, 1996; Cross, 2001). These are simple to use and usually
evolve over time through contributions from various functional experts and collective
experiences (Chapman and Ward, 1997; Ward, 1999).
Influence diagrams
An influence diagram is graphical representation of the structure of the decision context
such that decisions, uncertain events, consequences and their interrelationships are
graphically enumerated (Clemen, 1996; Clemen and Reilly, 2001). Owing to the visual
display, cause-and-effects of risk situations are described and can be used for identifying
risk situations before they eventuate.
Cause-and-effect diagrams
A cause-and-effect diagram or a fish bone diagram is a graphical representation of root
causes of quality problems, where major causes of the ultimate problem are grouped and
broken down into detailed sources (Russell and Taylor, 2000). Though, cause-and-effect
diagrams are easy to use, they do not provide a foundation for further analysis such as Techniques for
relative importance of individual causes of a problem. Hence, cause-and-effect diagrams risk management
are used for deterministic problems in a very specific domain.
in projects
Failure mode and effect analysis
Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) provides a structure for determining causes,
effects and relationships in a technical system. FMEA is used to determine failures and 27
malfunctions through exploration of failure modes, consequences of a system
component failure so that solutions for rectifying these problems can be visualized
(Risk Management Standard AS/NZS 4360, 1999; Kumamoto and Henley, 1996; Cross,
Fault trees
Fault tree analysis is a visual technique for breaking down failure in the system into
source events (Kumamoto and Henley, 1996; Cross, 2001; Kletz, 1985; Dhillon, 1982;
Birolini, 1993). Fault trees use event and gate symbols to structure cause and effect
relationships of a failure. It is a simple technique and helps in reflecting on logical
sequences that lead to failure. In project risk analysis, this technique is complicated
due to the large number of events and gates; however, it could be used in a smaller
domain to analyse a particular failure.
Event tree
Event tree analysis is a graphical representation of potential consequences arising
from a failure where possible consequences are generated and broken down from an
initial event (Kumamoto and Henley, 1996; Cross, 2001). In project risk analysis its
application is similar to fault tree analysis and works only on small zone of influence of
potentially damaging consequence arising from a risk event.
5 1
3 3 2
1 Figure 2.
Probability and
1 2 3 4 5
impact grid
BIJ Techniques for risk evaluation
14,1 Risk evaluation is the function of risk management where risk events need to be prioritised
so that risk mitigation plans are determined either based on past experience, lessons
learnt, best practices, organizational knowledge, industry benchmarks and standard
practices (Ahmed et al., 2003a, b). In risk evaluation, different aspects of the project –
strategic, budget or schedule may be considered in light of a risk event to determine risk
30 mitigation options and incorporate the most suitable option into a mitigation plan. This
section describes several evaluation techniques that can be applied for risk evaluation.
Portfolio management
Portfolio management compares multiple projects with respect to risk in investment
and returns (DeMaio et al., 1994; Clarke and Varma, 1999; Dickinson et al., 2001).
Projects are positioned on a matrix of risk magnitude and return, with high risk low
return projects being located at a different location to low risk and high return projects.
This enables decisions to be derived for corporate governance, based on the company
strategy and the maximum portfolio value, through calculation of a utility value for a
project (DeMaio et al., 1994). In project risk management, multiple risk events may be
compared by placing them on a matrix of risk magnitude against a return. Mitigation
options are then derived from predefined utility values.
0.6 $120,000
Invest −$50,000
Prior Risk
Risk Knowledge
Risk Focussed Project Team
Qualitative &
Risk Analysis Quantitative
Risk Support
Evaluation Systems
Treat Risks Mitigation Figure 4.
Planning Framework for risk
management tools
BIJ paper and the result is an establishment of a risk structure that will facilitate the
14,1 subsequent functions in the risk management process. For example, in process
focussed risk management context, the risk model could be a process model. Then,
information features such as technical, financial, schedule, organisational, etc.
aspects may be tagged to the process units to provide a relevance for risk
assessment. A risk query mechanism may then be formulated through techniques
32 presented fourth section and imposed on the process model through interactive or
collaborative interfaces to collect quantitative and qualitative data as described in
fifth section. The risk evaluation consists of decision support systems using
techniques presented in sixth section of this paper. Risks worth investigating
further due to their high chance of occurring or high potential impacts or
leading to new opportunities are then pursued leading to being treated. This whole
process of risk management is collaborative and requires incremental contributions
from all participants within the organization and supplementing project
management approach, which is more proactive.
Project risk management endeavours to supplement project management practices
by investigating project structure, organizational environment, external
environment, products, processes and procedures in detail. It further, supplements
the existing knowledge with lessons learnt, best business practices, industry
benchmarks and case studies such that risk mitigation plans are in place when risk
events do eventuate. This prevents crisis situations and also provides future
avenues for opportunities.
This paper presents techniques that are commonly used in project management
and elsewhere, outlining their usefulness to project risk management, especially in
CE projects. These techniques add to an understanding of risk management
functions and build on team communication and collaboration, not necessarily
completely dependent on a collaborative computer network or a computer
application. All the techniques presented in this paper have their own
characteristics and a specific realm of application. As such, a combination of these
techniques is likely to fulfil most needs for risk management by a project team and
evolve tools that are tailored for their needs but are generic in structure. Several
software tools are also commercially available for risk management, but they address
only a specific aspect of risk management using limited number of techniques
presented in this paper. The framework for risk management tools presented in this
paper provides an integrated approach to risk management in projects that can be
used for development of risk management tools that suit specific domain but are
generic in structure and may or may not be in the form of computer applications.
Current state of development in hardware and software technology enables
integration of applications for the techniques presented in this paper. There are many
risk management tools commercially available to support project management but
tend to address either a limited scope of application or limited processes in risk
management. Future developments in integrated and generic tools will lead to
widespread use of risk management principles in project management, retain
organisational knowledge and provide a competitive business edge.
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Further reading
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Journal of Project Management, Vol. 16 No. 6, pp. 345-51.
Corresponding author
Ammar Ahmed can be contacted at: [email protected]