Pile Behavior-Consequences of Geological and Construction Imperfections
Pile Behavior-Consequences of Geological and Construction Imperfections
Pile Behavior-Consequences of Geological and Construction Imperfections
Abstract: This paper identifies some of the causes of imperfections in real pile foundations and then examines their possible effects on
pile behavior. The imperfections considered arise from two main sources, natural imperfections caused by the geological circumstances
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and imperfections related to the construction of the piles. In each case, single piles are considered first, and then pile groups are addressed
separately. Case histories are presented to illustrate the effects on pile performance which are predicted by theoretical analyses. The
analyses with which these examinations are carried out will still inevitably involve some degree of idealization, but at least attempt to
incorporate the key “nonideal” aspects. The paper also discusses the particular problems involved in investigating and analyzing under-
performing pile foundations and reviews some methods by which the consequences of imperfections may be overcome or ameliorated.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2005兲131:5共538兲
CE Database subject headings: Pile foundations; Foundation settlement; Construction; Geologic processes.
Sources of Imperfection
Fig. 1. Examples of natural 共geological兲 imperfections
The imperfections that may impact on pile foundation perfor-
mance may arise from a number of sources, including natural
sources, inadequate ground investigation, construction, pile load • A soft toe on bored piles due to inadequate base cleaning
testing, and loading during operation. Only the first three sources 共avoidable兲;
will be considered in this paper. However, the influence of other • Defects within the shaft of bored piles 共avoidable兲;
sources of imperfections has been studied by Poulos 共2000兲 in • Inadequate founding conditions 共avoidable兲;
relation to the effects of the testing setup on pile load-settlement • Ground movements developed due to drilling during the con-
performance, while the effects of loading arising from construc- struction process 共generally unavoidable兲;
tion operations during tunneling operations have been explored • Excavation and dewatering effects, especially with remedial
by Chen et al. 共1999兲; and Mroueh and Shahrour 共2002兲. piling projects 共generally unavoidable, but controllable兲; and
• Excessive driving of preformed piles 共avoidable兲.
Natural Geological Sources In general, construction-related imperfections in piles can be
broadly classified into two main categories, structural defects and
These imperfections arise from the geological processes at the
site, which have resulted in the present ground profile. They may
include 共among many others兲 layers which are not horizontal or
continuous, boulders within a soil layer, sloping bedrock, intru-
sions of rock over limited areas of the site, cavities in limestone
rock, or the presence of softer layers below what might be re-
garded as suitable founding strata for the piles. Fig. 1 illustrates
some of these situations.
These imperfections arise from processes related to construction
of the piles, either from inadequate construction control or from
inevitable consequences of construction activities. They may in- Fig. 2. Examples of imperfections related to inadequate ground
clude: investigations
1. Piles bearing on a rock stratum with compressible clay seams on the stiffness and ultimate axial capacity of the pile base;
共natural geological imperfections兲; and
2. Piles founded in a layer underlain by a compressible deposit 2. A pile-soil interaction analysis in which the base load-
共natural imperfections, and possibly imperfections from in- settlement characteristics are input to obtain the pile head
adequate investigations兲; load-settlement behavior.
3. A pile founded on a boulder within a soil layer 共natural geo- Fig. 4 shows an idealized case of a single seam below a pile base
logical imperfection兲; that has been analyzed by this approach. It is assumed here that
4. Piles founded in soil profiles of varying thickness 共natural the clay seam has a strength and Young’s modulus 1 / 100 times
geological imperfections兲; that of the rock into which the pile is founded. The finite element
5. Groups containing piles of different length 共imperfections program PLAXIS has been used to compute the reduction in base
from natural, investigation, and/or construction causes兲; capacity and stiffness as a function of the seam thickness and its
6. Piles with structural defects 共construction imperfections兲; depth below the pile, with the results being expressed in terms of
and base capacity and stiffness reduction factors, BCR and BSR, respec-
7. Piles with geotechnical defects 共construction imperfections兲, tively, where
in this case, piles with a “soft toe.”
In each case 共except numbers 4 and 5 for obvious reasons兲, the BCR = ultimate capacity of base with seam/
effects on single pile response will be considered, and then the ultimate capacity of base without seams 共1兲
case of pile groups will be examined.
BSR = stiffness of base with seam/stiffness of base without seam
Effects of Thin Seams in Bedrock
The PLAXIS analyses indicate that, as might be expected, the
presence of the clay seam alters the failure mode of the pile base
Single Piles
An issue of considerable concern to pile foundation designers is
the presence of weak seams in the founding layer, below the pile
tip. Kulhawy 共1978兲 has given some consideration to the effects
of geological imperfections on rock mass stiffness and established
a relationship between the equivalent rock mass properties and
the individual rock mass properties of the rock material and the
discontinuities. The influence of discontinuities on bearing capac-
ity has been considered by Kulhawy and Carter 共1992兲. In many
cases, specifications for the construction of bored piles require
probing some distance below the founding level to avoid the pos-
sibility that discontinuities and clay seams underlie the pile base.
Nevertheless, the possibility remains that such seams may remain
undetected, and in the case of driven or jacked piles, the possi-
bilities may be even greater. The effects of such weak seams can
be investigated via numerical analysis procedures such as the fi-
nite element method. However, a more efficient approach is to
carry out a two-stage analysis process:
1. A finite-element analysis to assess the effect of a clay seam Fig. 4. Definition of clay seam imperfection
Fig. 7. Comparison between computed and design reduction factors 关adapted from Pells et al. 共1998兲兴
fb = f1 共zc/db 艌 3兲 共3b兲
Case History
Golder and Osler 共1968兲 have described an interesting case of a Fig. 12. Stratigraphy and pile group layout for furnace foundation
series of furnace foundations on piles, which were founded at a 关adapted from Golder and Osler 共1968兲兴
Pile Groups
If such a pile is part of a pile group, it will have a lower axial
stiffness and 共effectively兲 a lower axial capacity than other piles
which are properly founded on a hard stratum. Consequently, the
group will experience an uneven settlement as well as a lateral
displacement. The behavior of groups containing piles of different
lengths or stiffness is considered below.
mate shaft friction, ultimate end bearing, and ultimate lateral pile-
soil pressure兲 were derived from the available SPT data using a
Fig. 15. Pile group layout in wing of high-rise building combination of local Hong Kong correlations and also some cor-
relations developed by Decourt 共1995兲. The upper section of the
piles was cased to a depth of 22 m to minimize possible negative
taining six bored piles, and supporting one of four wings of the skin friction.
high-rise building. Each pile had a shaft diameter of 2.5 m, with The results of the DAMPIG analysis of the 6-pile group are
the base belled to a diameter of 3.0 m. The pile layout for this summarized in Table 2 for an applied vertical load of 210 MN.
wing is shown in Fig. 15. The coring indicated that three of the The following observations may be made:
piles, Nos. 14, 17, and 18, were founded about 40 m below the 1. The maximum differential settlement across the group was
surface in conditions similar to those in BHB4, while the other only about 3 mm.
three piles 共Nos. 13, 15, and 16兲 were founded about 48 m below 2. The axial load distribution was nonuniform, with the longer
the surface, in conditions typified by BHB3. The geotechnical piles 共13,14,16兲 taking greater loads than the shorter piles.
models developed for each borehole are illustrated in Fig. 16, 3. Bending moments were induced in the piles, but these were
together with the average standard penetration test 共SPT兲 values found to be considerably less than the design moment capac-
for each layer. ity of the pile sections.
The consequent analysis was carried out in two stages: In addition, a lateral deflection was induced, but was only
1. Analyses of single pile response were undertaken using the about 1.5 mm.
computer program PIES for axial response and DEFPIG for The relatively small effects of the construction imperfections
lateral response. Analyses were carried out for each set of that resulted in piles of unequal length were largely due to the
three piles to obtain the axial and lateral stiffness values. piles being relatively long and the contrast in founding conditions
2. The computer program DAMPIG 共Poulos 1997兲 was then not being great. As a consequence of the analyses carried out, it
used to analyze the behavior of the 6-pile group, using the was decided that no additional remedial works would be neces-
single pile characteristics for each of the two sets of piles, sary in this case.
assuming that the pile cap was rigid.
In each case, account was taken of the realities of nonlinear pile
behavior by specifying limiting values of shaft friction, end bear- Influence of Structural Defects—Necking
of the Shaft
Single Piles
An example of the effect of structural damage on the load-
settlement behavior of a single floating pile is shown in Fig. 17.
Fig. 18. Load test on pile, showing structural failure 关adapted from Fig. 19. Influence of structural defects on pile head stiffness—
Abdrabbo 共1997兲兴 floating pile 关adapted from Poulos 共1997兲兴
E dA dL
FSI = 共4兲
where E⫽Young’s modulus of intact pile; A⫽cross-sectional area
of intact pile; L⫽total pile length; Ed⫽Young’s modulus of dam-
aged portion of pile; Ad⫽cross-sectional area of defective portion
of pile; and Ld⫽length of defective portion of pile. If the pile is
intact, FSI is infinity; if the pile is seriously defective, FSI may be
small 共e.g., 0.1 or less兲, with a lower limit of zero.
To provide a measure of the pile performance, the “head stiff- Fig. 20. Influence of structural defects on pile head stiffness—end
ness reduction factor” RKS is introduced, where bearing pile 关adapted from Poulos 共1997兲兴
Fig. 21. Influence of structural defects on pile head stiffness— Fig. 23. Effect of structurally defective piles on axial group stiffness
experiment versus theory 关adapted from Poulos 共1997兲兴
Single Piles
A “soft base” at the toe of a bored pile is usually a result of debris
left from inadequate base cleaning during construction. Because
of its confinement by the surrounding soil, the debris is unlikely
to fail, but it will be expected to deform considerably. A very
instructive case history of the effects of inadequate base cleaning
has been presented by Woo and Moh 共1990兲. They have presented
load-settlement curves for three cases involving inadequate base
• End bearing piles on gravel;
• Piles about 32 m long through variable deposits, bearing in a
gravel layer which is underlain by clay; and
• Piles about 42 m long through variable deposits, bearing in a
fresh 共but fractured兲 sandstone.
The load-settlement curves measured for each of these three cases
are shown in Figs. 25–27. It can be seen from Fig. 25 that the Fig. 26. Effect of base cleanliness on pile performance 关adapted
load-settlement behavior of the piles bearing directly on gravel is from tests of Woo and Moh 共1990兲兴
Fig. 27. Effect of base cleanliness on pile performance 关adapted two shear walls near one side of the building. Fig. 28 shows the
from tests of Woo and Moh 共1990兲兴 measured changes in basement floor elevations. Subsequent in-
vestigations showed that not all the caissons were founded on
bedrock, and that the concrete shafts and/or bells had become
identifying the effects of the base debris in increasing the pile contaminated with fill debris, as indicated in Fig. 29. The location
settlement after mobilization of the shaft resistance. of the largest settlements was where a significant amount of fill
The computed load-settlement curves for the geotechnically debris was found at the base of the pile, and the bell had a
defective piles in Figs. 26 and 27 are also consistent with some relatively small enlargement. The structure was subsequently
other field observations. For example, Thorburn and Thorburn demolished.
共1977兲 quote the example of an 18 m long, 600 mm diameter This case demonstrates the vital importance of proper con-
bored pile, which performed satisfactory under a test load of 1.16 struction techniques in bored pile construction to avoid imperfec-
times the required working load, but appeared to fail 共settle ex- tions which may ultimately lead to destruction of the structure
cessively兲 at 1.5 times the working load. It was found subse- that the piles were intended to support. It was also perhaps unfor-
quently that the base was resting on about 0.6 m of natural debris tunate that the structure and the pile caps were not more rigid, as
共small lumps of soft clay兲 which had fallen from the unlined there appeared to be little ability for load redistribution to occur in
portion of the bore, thus giving a soft base condition. this case, and the highly imperfect pile thus appeared to be unable
to transfer load on to less imperfect piles.
Pile Groups
Case History of Two Buildings in Hong Kong
Groups of piles in which some contain geotechnical imperfections
behave in a similar way to those with piles containing structural Construction of two adjoining residential high-rise blocks in Sha-
defects. While the failure of geotechnically defective piles is less tin, Hong Kong commenced in mid-1999. The 41-story blocks
abrupt than for those with structural defects, the overall group were each supported on 18 bored piles, 2.3 m in shaft diameter,
behavior is more forgiving because of the redundancy provided with a base belled out top of 3.8 m. Fig. 30 shows a plan of the
by the group. The consequences of having defective piles will two blocks 共denoted as Blocks D and E兲, while a typical geotech-
again depend on their location, and if the defective piles are con- nical profile for a section at the site is shown in Fig. 31. The piles
centrated in a particular part of the group, there may be a signifi-
cant rotation induced in the group, with consequent lateral deflec-
tions and induced moments in the piles.
An interesting case history of the consequences of having geo-
technically defective piles has been reported by Milligan 共1997兲.
During construction of a 13-story building, settlement of the
foundations led to cracking and severe distress of the partially
completed structure. The building was approximately rectangular
in shape 共15 m by 60 m in plan兲, with the structural loads carried
by shear walls down to drilled shaft 共caisson兲 foundations. The
shafts were 750 mm in diameter, and extended through mixed
clayey fill and dense glacial till to shale bedrock, the upper sur-
face of which was fractured and weathered. The bases of the
caissons were belled by hand to diameters ranging between 1 and
2 m. The caissons were backfilled with concrete and were
Settlement was observed about 6 months after completion of
the caissons, and as the building height increased, so did the Fig. 29. Partial section showing details observed during investigation
settlements. The excessive settlement was concentrated in one or 关adapted from Milligan 共1997兲兴
were designed as end bearing piles, to be founded in Grade II 2000. The conclusions of the independent consultant carrying out
共slightly weathered兲 granite, at a depth ranging between about 35 the coring and the assessment of pile conditions are summarized
and 46 m. in Table 3.
When the buildings had reached the 17th story, a program of It can be seen that only four of the total of 36 piles were
settlement monitoring was commenced on the buildings, follow- compliant with the construction specifications which required
ing concerns about pile construction practices with some other founding on Grade II rock. The pile lengths were up to 14 m short
projects in Hong Kong. Two to three months later, it was ob- of bedrock level. In addition to the geotechnical deficiencies, six
served that both buildings were settling unevenly, with each block of the concrete cores that were taken from the piles and tested
tending to tilt as a rigid body. A program of investigatory coring showed low uniaxial compressive strengths, ranging between 22.5
through the bored piles was subsequently instigated in December and 2 MPa, compared to the nominal strength of 35 MPa.
1999, and this program revealed a number of deficiencies in both Fig. 32 shows typical time-settlement readings for one of the
the pile length and the founding conditions at the base of the blocks, the locations being as shown in Fig. 30. It is interesting to
piles, and construction was halted at the 34th floor, very early in note that the coring investigation works caused a temporary ac-
movements to be generated during the enhancement works. Trun- may have deleterious effects on the piles being investigated. As
cation of the buildings was assessed to be technically feasible, but previously mentioned, the drilling of holes adjacent to piles will
was not considered to be economically feasible by the owner generally cause vertical and lateral ground movements and these
because of the stigma of having two lower-rise buildings 共12 or will act upon the nearby piles, inducing additional stresses and
13 stories high兲 within a larger group of much taller buildings. movements. These effects may be particularly severe if the
In a decision that was widely publicized in Hong Kong, the ground is highly stressed. Coring through the pile itself may also
decision was taken to demolish both buildings, and this was car- create difficulties for the existing foundation, via the following
ried out in 2001–2002. This was therefore a rather extreme case mechanisms:
of the consequences of a series of construction imperfections, • Unbalanced fluid pressures inside the core hole and outside the
leading to three undesirable conditions: pile. These may cause loosening or even piping of the soil
• Piles with a soft base; beneath the pile toe when “breakthrough” is achieved and the
• Piles with variable founding conditions; and underlying soil is soft or loose. In turn, the settlement of the
• Piles of variable length within a group. pile may then be exacerbated.
• SPT testing of the soil below the pile base may cause further
disturbance if it is not carried out carefully, and the SPT rods
Coping with the Consequences of Imperfections are withdrawn too quickly, thus causing a suction within the
during and after Construction soil surrounding the hole.
Thus the investigation process itself may help to accentuate the
problem being investigated. Such a mechanism was thought to
Introduction have contributed to the additional settlements of up to 30 mm
It would appear essential that monitoring of the foundation be- during the previously mentioned investigation of defective bored
havior be carried out during and after construction, so that any piles in a high-rise building in Hong Kong. Clearly, it is impera-
irregularities can be identified at the earliest possible opportunity, tive that such possible “side effects” of the investigation are an-
and appropriate investigation works, and if necessary remedial ticipated and that appropriate cautionary measures are adopted to
works, can be undertaken. The later problems are uncovered, the minimize the negative impact of these side effects.
more difficult and costly remedial action is likely to be.
In new foundation construction, there is usually relatively un- Design Issues
impeded access to the site and to the areas in which the new
foundation system is to be constructed. However, the environment There are at least three key design issues that may need to be
around or within an existing foundation system which is being addressed when designing remedial works for pile foundations
investigated and/or upgraded may pose several constraints and which have been demonstrated to be inadequate or are not per-
problems, and the following characteristics can be anticipated: forming to expectations:
1. Access to the area may be very difficult and may limit the • Correction of uneven settlements, if the foundation has already
range of construction methods that can be employed; undergone excessive tilting or differential settlement, or is
2. The ground will often be highly stressed, and thus changes in likely to do so during or after the remedial works;
the stress regime due to investigation or construction may • Design of remedial or enhancement works, which may include
result in larger ground movements than would be the case in repair of defective piles, the installation of additional piling, or
a “greenfield” situation; extension of the pile cap to obtain additional capacity and
3. The foundation system will generally be loaded, and it is stiffness; and
therefore necessary to try and assess these existing loads so • Consideration of the load sharing between the existing piles
that a more realistic design can be carried out. One cannot and the additional foundation elements. It is possible that ex-
assume 共as so often happens in new design兲 that the founda- cessive load may be carried by the additional elements, unless
tion system is stress-free and load-free; the design can incorporate means of controlling the distribu-
4. Existing piles will generally be subjected to some measure of tion of loads in the upgraded system.
restraint from the building which they are supporting, via These issues are discussed in more detail below.
attachment to pile caps and the overall foundation system;
5. Strict control of investigation and construction processes are Correction of Uneven Settlement
likely to be more critical, but more difficult to achieve, than
with “greenfield” situations; and Methods of correcting uneven settlements of buildings can be
6. The consequences of uncontrolled ground movements on the divided broadly into two categories:
“Hard” Methods
1. Application of Force by Anchor Stressing. This method in-
volves the installation of a series of strategically located an-
chors within the foundation system. The anchors are grouted
into a suitable hard stratum at depth below the building. The
anchors are then stressed 共typically to 60–75% of their ulti- Fig. 34. Details of soil extraction scheme for grain silo on mat
mate capacity兲 to obtain a corrective tilt to the foundation. In foundation 关adapted from Amirsoleymani 共1991b兲兴
some cases, repeated stressing and destressing may have a
beneficial effect in developing additional corrective tilting.
2. Application of Additional Loading. This method involves the plumb position. Amirsoleymani 共1991a兲 describes the use of
application of additional loading on the high side of the foun- mechanical jacking to correct the settlement of a storage
dation by water or other means. There are often limitations tank, and the use of chemical grouting to restore a piled
on the amount of loading that can be applied because of foundation that tilted and failed after a deep excavation
height limitations within the structure, and the limitations nearby caused piping of sand near the pile tips. An expansive
that may be imposed by the limited strength of the structure admixture was used in the grout to promote uplift of the
itself. columns, which were raised by 28 mm. Maffei et al. 共2001兲
3. Cutting of Piles. This method involves the cutting of some describe a case of a tall building in Sao Paulo in which the
piles supporting the high side of the building to promote load uneven settlement causing a tilt of 2.2° was corrected by
transfer to other piles on the high side and hence promote constructing a new pile foundation and jacking the low side
beneficial settlement. When the process has been completed up against these piles to transfer load from the old to the new
and the settlements have ceased, the piles may be reattached foundation system.
so that they may carry part of the future loadings. The cutting 6. Fracture Grouting. This method involves the use of a grout
of the piles is in itself a process that requires considerable under controlled high pressure to fracture the soil and cause
care so that the cut pile is not destroyed in the process. A uplift of the foundation. Amirsoleymani 共1991a兲 has de-
method that has been developed in Hong Kong involves the scribed a case of a five-story warehouse in which 210 mm of
partial cutting of both sides of the pile, the placement of differential settlement was corrected by hydraulic fracturing
jacks to support the upper and lower parts of the pile and through 24 tubes installed into rock below the foundation.
carry the load existing in the pile, and then the cutting away Cement lenses 50–100 mm in thickness were found to have
of the remaining central portion of the pile which is freed of been formed by the fracture grouting.
load prior to the cutting by the jacks. This process has been
used in conjunction with anchor stressing in correcting a
“Soft” Methods
building in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, because of legal con-
straints, it is not possible to present details of this case. 1. Soil Extraction. In this method, soil is excavated from be-
4. Jetting of the Soil Beneath Pile Tips. There have been anec- neath or between the piles on the high side. This process
dotal reports of the use in China of high pressure water jet- causes the ground to settle and thus induces a settlement of
ting applied below the tips of piles to reduce their stiffness the pile foundation also. Soil extraction was used to arrest the
and capacity and promote settlement of the high side of the tilt of the famous Pisa Tower in Italy 共which was supported
building. This process is in some ways similar to the cutting by a shallow foundation兲 共Jamiolkowski 2001; Burland
of piles, but is a less controlled procedure whose effects ap- 2004兲. Amirsoleymani 共1991b兲 described the use of a similar
pear to be difficult to predict. process to correct the tilt of a grain storage silo. In that case,
5. Jacking of the Foundations on the “Low” Side. This method thin layers of soil were extracted via specially constructed
generally employs compaction grouting to push the low side chains which cut through the soil 共Fig. 34兲. Brandl 共1989兲
up and at the same time strengthen the foundation. An ex- has described the use of soil extraction to correct uneven
ample of this approach is described by Tsai et al. 共1991兲 and settlement of piles supporting bridge piers, while the use of
was used to correct a building on a raft foundation that had soil extraction to correct uneven foundation settlements has
tilted by about 0.74° after being subjected to hurricane load- been described by Tamez et al. 共1997兲. In this case, involving
ing together with seismic forces. A process of staged grout- two historic churches in Mexico City, soil extraction was
ing allied with careful monitoring restored the building to a carried out via 32 shafts 3 m in diameter, from tubes 100 mm
Fig. 36. Effects of base grouting on pile behavior 关adapted from Moh 共1994兲兴
reasonable agreement has been found between the measured and pile load test results is shown in Fig. 38 and indicates an ultimate
computed ratio of settlement reduction arising from the installa- capacity of only about 2,500 kN. Many of the piles had already
tion of piles beneath a shallow footing. been installed and the pile caps cast. For the particular pile tested,
An issue of concern with the installation of additional piles is the working load on the column was about 2,000 kN, and various
the disturbance of the ground caused by the installation process. options for remedial action were considered. The conventional
Installation of displacement piles will cause both vertical and lat- solution was to add an additional two piles to the group 共one on
eral ground movements which will interact with the existing foun- either side of the original pile, to avoid asymmetric loading兲, thus
dations system. Such ground movements have the potential to
cause additional vertical and lateral forces and bending moments
in existing piles, which may compromise their integrity. The ef-
fects of such ground movements may be particularly severe for
the case where the existing piles are restrained from moving lat-
erally or vertically, as mentioned previously. For piles which are
installed by drilling, there may also be potentially damaging
ground movements as a consequence of the release of lateral
ground stress and changes in water pressure arising from lack of
control of water levels during drilling. The effects may be of
particular concern if the existing foundation is heavily loaded, as
the release of stress due to drilling can then be large. These side
effects of foundation remediation are thought to have been sig-
nificant in a recent case in Hong Kong, where an existing building
adjacent to a building being remediated experienced some addi-
tional settlements during the installation of over 50 remedial
Extension of Existing Pile Caps. A remedial option which can
be useful is to extend an existing pile cap and make use of its
capacity and stiffness. Clearly, this option may be limited to those
cases in which the near-surface soils themselves have reasonable
strength and stiffness. The performance of such a remediated sys-
tem can again be assessed readily using pile raft analysis concepts
共Randolph 1994; Poulos 2001兲.
The above approach was recommended in a major project in
Queensland Australia, involving jacked piles in sand which had
not developed their anticipated ultimate capacity of 4,000 kN
共this being the jacking force employed for installation兲. Fig. 37
shows the geotechnical conditions at the site and reveals reason-
able ground conditions above the pile founding level. One of the Fig. 37. Geotechnical profile for jacked pile project
group analysis such as DEFPIG, PIGS, or PIGLET in which all 1. What was the anticipated load-settlement behavior of the
the piles are assumed to be equally loaded. bored pile, as-constructed, versus the behavior as-designed?
From Eq. 共6兲, to avoid a negative insert stiffness, there is a 2. What was the load-settlement behavior of the remediated pile
lower limit for the target settlement 共STi lim兲 which is as follows: group, upon the application of the remaining dead plus live
STi lim = Pi/KGi 共7兲 Two main steps were involved in the subsequent analysis:
Alternatively, there will be a lower limit 共KGi lim兲 to the pile stiff- 1. An analysis to compute the load-settlement behavior of the
ness for which stiffness inserts are required, and this limit is given original pile and the remedial piles; and
by 2. The development of an interaction analysis, which combined
the computed load-settlement behavior of the original pile
KGi lim = Pi/STi lim 共8兲 with the computed behavior of the remedial piles, in order to
obtain the load-settlement behavior of the remediated group.
By adjusting the target value of settlement for each pile, and the
This analysis took into account the existing load acting on
load on that pile, it is possible 共at least in principle兲 to design the
the pile prior to the addition of the remedial piles, and was
stiffness inserts so that the pile group settles in a predetermined
manner. implemented via the computer program PIGS.
An example of an inadequate foundation that was remediated The required geotechnical parameters were estimated, based on
with additional piles is described below. Fig. 40 shows a simpli- correlations used in Hong Kong, as shown in Table 4. The fol-
fied and idealized example of a case involving a large-diameter lowing analyses were carried out.
bored pile which was judged to be founded on an inadequate • The as-designed pile was analyzed to obtain the load-
bearing stratum 共Grade III/IV rock, rather than the intended Grade settlement behavior to failure. This pile was meant to be
II rock兲. The alleged deficiency in the pile was discovered during founded on Grade II rock, and would have had an ultimate
construction of the building, when the dead loading was about load capacity in excess of 250 MN.
one-quarter of the final value. Subsequently, construction was • The as-constructed pile was analyzed to obtain the estimated
halted, and a remedial piling system was designed to compensate load-settlement behavior of the deficient pile. This pile was
for the alleged pile deficiency. The actual remedial system founded on Grade IV/III rock, and had an estimated ultimate
adopted was via the use of eight remedial prebored H-piles, i.e., load capacity of about 104 MN.
H-pile sections which were grouted into prebored holes 0.5 m in • The remedial H-piles were analyzed to obtain the load-
diameter. The new remedial piles were then joined to the original settlement curve to failure. The computed ultimate capacity of
bored pile by means of a pile cap. However, the system consid- each pile was about 8 MN.
ered herein is an alternative scheme consisting of an additional 16 • The as-constructed pile was analyzed with the additional re-
prebored H-piles, as shown in Fig. 40. medial piles being part of the group. The remedial piles were
Two questions needed to be answered in relation to this case: “activated” once the load of 20 MN had been reached 共1 / 4 of
the dead load, the stage at which the remedial piles were in-
The results of the calculations are shown in Figs. 41 and 42.
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Fig. 41 shows the load-settlement curves for the three cases de-
scribed above. It can be seen that the pile, as-designed, would
have had a factor of safety in excess of 3 and would have settled
about 8 mm under the design load of 80 MN. The short as-
constructed pile would barely have had adequate capacity to sus-
tain the design load and would have settled about 140 mm. The
remediated pile 共group兲 with 16 prebored H-piles develops suffi-
cient load capacity to bring the capacity back to that of the as-
designed bored pile. However, the settlement of the remediated
pile exceeds that of the as-designed pile, although the beneficial
effects of the increased stiffness of the remediated pile group can
be seen clearly after the loading is resumed beyond 1 / 4 of the
dead load.
Fig. 42 shows the computed loads within the original short pile
and all the additional remedial piles as a function of the applied
Fig. 41. Load-settlement curves for bored pile and effects of reme-
load. Clearly, the original short pile carries all the load until the
dial actions
additional piles are added and the construction is resumed. There-
after, the remedial piles tend to take the majority of the load until
the full capacity of the additional piles is developed. The original
pile then continues to take all the additional load until the ultimate
capacity of the group is mobilized.
Analyses were also carried out to investigate the effects of
including CSIs at the top of the remedial piles. By application of
Eq. 共6兲, it was possible to develop a system that developed equal
loads in the remedial piles. Table 5 summarizes the computed pile
loads and settlement at the design load of 80 MN, without and
with CSIs. It can be seen that, without CSIs, there is a significant
inequality of load in the remedial piles, with the corner piles
carrying about 71% more than the least-loaded piles. With the use
of CSIs, the load distribution is almost uniform in the remedial
piles. As would be expected, the settlement increases with the
CSIs in place, but only by a small amount. The reduction in load
inequality is particularly important in places such as Hong Kong,
where local building regulations require that all piles should have
a prescribed factor of safety against individual pile failure of at
least 2 at the working load. While this requirement has little logi-
Fig. 42. Load carried by original bored pile in remediated system cal basis, it is nevertheless enforced. The use of CSIs in this case
Table 5. Summary of Computed Performance of Remediated Bored Pile 共at Design Load of 80 MN兲
Without inserts With inserts
Pile load Settlement Pile load Settlement Insert stiffness
Pile 共MN兲 共mm兲 共MN兲 共mm兲 共MN/ m兲
Original bored pile 21.24 47.5 21.72 51.3 —
Remedial piles A 4.79 47.5 3.66 51.3 992
Remedial piles B 3.91 47.5 3.62 51.3 1,865
Remedial piles C 3.19 47.5 3.66 51.3 6,021
Remedial piles D 2.80 47.5 3.64 51.3 —
Natural imperfections, arising from the geology of the site, can ment can be distressingly important.” It is hoped that this paper
create significant problems for a piled foundation and lead to will make some contribution to the understanding of the possible
reductions in both capacity and stiffness of a single pile or pile effects which complex real soil conditions can have on the behav-
group. Among the more significant imperfections are ior of pile foundations, and an appreciation of the many difficul-
• Clay seams below the pile toe; ties which, more than 50 years later, geotechnical engineers still
• Compressible layers below the founding levels of the piles; face in forecasting pile foundation performance.
• Soil layers of uneven thickness; and
• Differences in founding conditions, which can give rise to
piles of different length within a group. Acknowledgments
The first two sources have been shown to have the potential to
reduce axial pile load capacity and decrease the stiffness. The The writer is grateful to John P. Carter, John C. Small, Patrick
effects on pile groups are generally more significant than on a Wong, and Masoud Makarchian for their constructive comments,
single pile. The latter two sources of imperfection are of particu- and to Charles C. W. Ng for providing details of the RSS centri-
lar concern, as they generate uneven settlements and can induce fuge tests.
unexpected bending moments and shears in the piles under axial
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