Rejaul Kaji, a 60-year-old male, visited the Diabetic OPD at Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata for his condition. His second visit was on an unspecified date and time. The clinical notes and advice from his doctor, Dr. A. Sinha/Dr. Prof. A.K. Basu, were recorded. Further follow up visits were scheduled but no additional details were provided.
Rejaul Kaji, a 60-year-old male, visited the Diabetic OPD at Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata for his condition. His second visit was on an unspecified date and time. The clinical notes and advice from his doctor, Dr. A. Sinha/Dr. Prof. A.K. Basu, were recorded. Further follow up visits were scheduled but no additional details were provided.
Rejaul Kaji, a 60-year-old male, visited the Diabetic OPD at Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata for his condition. His second visit was on an unspecified date and time. The clinical notes and advice from his doctor, Dr. A. Sinha/Dr. Prof. A.K. Basu, were recorded. Further follow up visits were scheduled but no additional details were provided.
Rejaul Kaji, a 60-year-old male, visited the Diabetic OPD at Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata for his condition. His second visit was on an unspecified date and time. The clinical notes and advice from his doctor, Dr. A. Sinha/Dr. Prof. A.K. Basu, were recorded. Further follow up visits were scheduled but no additional details were provided.
WELFARE Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata 88, College Street, Kolkata-700073 (PH:0) Name : REJAUL KAJI Age : 60 Yrs. 0 Months 0 Days Gender : Male Reg No. : MCHK/RG2000206192 Card No : MCHK/OR2000166592 Visit Date : 02/03/2020 Day : Monday Department : DIABETIC OPD Room No. SS- G3 , G4, G5 Doctor: DR.A.SINHA/Dr. PROF.A.K.BASU
Visit No : 2 Visit No : 3 Visit No : 4
Visit Date : Tm. Visit Date : Tm. Visit Date : Tm.