This document contains long question topics in gynaecology and obstetrics from various medical colleges. The topics include definitions, causes, investigations, and management protocols related to conditions like infertility, menorrhagia, fibroids, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, pregnancy complications, labor management, and more. A total of 40 long question topics are provided under gynaecology and obstetrics.
This document contains long question topics in gynaecology and obstetrics from various medical colleges. The topics include definitions, causes, investigations, and management protocols related to conditions like infertility, menorrhagia, fibroids, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, pregnancy complications, labor management, and more. A total of 40 long question topics are provided under gynaecology and obstetrics.
This document contains long question topics in gynaecology and obstetrics from various medical colleges. The topics include definitions, causes, investigations, and management protocols related to conditions like infertility, menorrhagia, fibroids, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, pregnancy complications, labor management, and more. A total of 40 long question topics are provided under gynaecology and obstetrics.
This document contains long question topics in gynaecology and obstetrics from various medical colleges. The topics include definitions, causes, investigations, and management protocols related to conditions like infertility, menorrhagia, fibroids, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer, pregnancy complications, labor management, and more. A total of 40 long question topics are provided under gynaecology and obstetrics.
1. One 33year old p(3+0) lady attended to GOPD with h/o menorrhagia for 8months. How will you approach & manage the patient? (5+5) MCK 2. What is infertility? Write down the investigations for tubal factors of infertility. What are the medical & surgical methods for induction of ovulation? (1+5+2+2) MCK, Burdwan 3. Define infertility. Enumerate different causes of male infertility. Write down the investigations considered essential for the evaluation of tubal patency. (2+4+4) RGK 4. What are the different risk factors for ca ovary? Work up, necessary investigations & management protocol in a post-menopausal woman with suspected epithelial ovarian ca. (3+3+4) RGK 5. Define menorrhagia. Enumerate the common causes of same. Outline the management of 28yo woman with symptomatic fibroid of the body of the uterus. (1+3+6) CNMC SDMC 6. Define cervical premalignant lesions. Mention the different methods of diagnosis of the condition. Mention the measures for prevention of ca cervix. (1+5+4) CNMC 7. Define menorrhagia. What are its common causes? How will you manage such a case in a lady of 32 yrs with a 16week sized firm lower abdominal mass? (2+3+5) IPGMER, BSMC 8. 58yo woman p(3+0) attended gopd with c/o something coming out of vagina. What are the d/d? How to diagnose & manage 2nd degree uterine prolapse with cystocele? (3+7) Kalyani 9. A 65yo post-menopausal woman presents with bleeding PV for one month. Enumerate the causes. Outline the investigations. Discuss the management of stage IIB CA cervix. (2+3+5) ESI Joka 10. Define infertility. Enumerate factors. Discuss the management of a couple with inability to conceive. (2+3+5) ESI Joka 11. Define menorrhagia. How to investigate & manage AUB in a parous woman aged 36 years? (2+3+5) Burdwan 12. Define primary & secondary amenorrhea. What are the causes of secondary amenorrhea? Outline the investigative protocol for secondary amenorrhea. (2+3+5) NBMC 13. What are the common sites of Fibroid? What are causes of menorrhagia in fibroid? What are the other symptoms of fibroid? Give a brief outline of medical management of fibroid. (2+2+2+4) Midnapore 14. Define uterine prolapse. Enumerate the supports of Uterus. What are the causes of prolapse of uterus? How to manage 2nd degree prolapse in a 35yo mother having 3 children? (1+4+3+2) Midnapore 15. What is post-menopausal bleeding? How will you investigate and treat a case of post-menopausal bleeding? (2+8) icare 16. What is menorrhagia? What are the causes of menorrhagia? What are the treatment options of a 30 years old woman with AUB due to fibroid? (1+3+6) kpc 17. Define secondary infertility. How will you investigate a case of secondary infertility? (2+8) malda 18. Enumerate causes of lower abdominal lump. Enumerate complications of fibroid uterus and its management. (2+3+5) murshidabad
19. What are the signs and symptoms of onset of labor? What should be your role as an Obstetrician in labor room for a 23 year old 39weeks gestational age primi gravida mother with 6cm cervical dilatation? (4+6) MCK. 20. One 32 year old P(0+0+1+0), 33 weeks gestational age mother was admitted with epigastric pain. O/E BP was 164/116 mm Hg. How will you manage the mother? What is 3rd stage bleeding? (7+3) MCK 21. What is Ante Natal care? Outline the investigations advised at Antenatal Clinic. What is physiological anaemia of pregnancy? (2+3+5) NRS 22. Define PPH. Discuss causes of PPH. Discuss medical management. (2+4+4) NRS, SDMC, Kalyani 1|Page 8th semester Sorted questions NRSMCSU 23. Define Pre-eclampsia. Enumerate diagnostic features of Pre-eclampsia & Eclampsia. What are the common Anti hypertensives used in pregnancy? What is the anti-convulsant of choice in eclampsia? Write a suitable & commonly used regimen in eclampsia. (1+2+2+1+4) RGK, Midnapore 24. Enumerate causes of PV bleeding in early pregnancy. A woman has 2 months of amenorrhea & presents at emergency with severe pain abdomen, PV bleed & fainting attack. What is provisional diagnosis & how will you manage the case? (2+1+7) RGK 25. Enumerate the complications of twin pregnancy. Outline the management of twin pregnancy in labor. (4+6) CNMC 26. A primi gravida mother at 36weeks of pregnancy is admitted with convulsions. Examination revealed BP of 160/120 mm of Hg and significant proteinuria. What is provisional diagnosis & differentials? Outline the management. (1+2+7) CNMC, ESI Joka 27. Define APH. What are its common causes? How will you manage a case of painless APH in a primi gravida woman at 33 weeks of pregnancy? (2+3+5) IPGMER, Midnapore 28. What is IUGR? How will you manage a case of mild IUGR at 34 weeks of pregnancy? (2+4) SDMC 29. Define APH. D/d of 3rd gravida at 34weeks gestation with bleeding PV. Discuss the management of such a case with USG diagnosis of Placenta previa type IIb. (2+3+5) ESI Joka 30. What are the different types of Twin pregnancy? Write down the complications of Twin pregnancy. Outline the management of 2nd twin following delivery of 1st baby. (3+3+4) Burdwan 31. A multi gravida at 32 weeks gestation is admitted with Hb 5gm%. How will you investigate and manage the case? (5+5) Burdwan 32. Define APH. What are the causes of Abruptio Plancentae? How will you manage it at 35 weeks gestation? (2+3+5) BSMC 33. Define Anaemia of pregnancy. How to prevent it? Outline the investigative protocol. Mention the treatment of IDA in a 28weeks pregnant woman. (1+3+3+3) NBMC 34. Describe placental development and function. What is placental barier? Describe placenta succenturiata and its complications. (2+2+2+2+2) iq city 35. A 20 years old primi presented with 8 weeks of amenorrhoea with lower abdominal cramping pain and heavy per vaginal bleeding. On examination bp 110/60 mm Hg,pulse 110/min . What is your provisional diagnosis? What are differential diagnosis? How will you investigate and manage the case? (1+2+2+5) iq city 36. Define preeclampsia. A pregnant woman aged 20 years with period of gestation 32 weeks attended opd with generalised convulsion at midnight. What will be the initial management? What will be the subsequent management? (2+2+6) icare 37. What is ectopic pregnancy? What are the clinical features? How will you investigate a case of ectopic pregnancy? Outline the treatment options for ectopic pregnancy. (1+2+2+5) kpc 38. What is abortion? Enumerate causes of recurrent abortion. A 25 years old primi Gravida attended emergency with features of 2 months amenorrhoea and bleeding per vaginal and pain abdomen. How will you diagnose and manage? (2+3+5) murshidabad 39. Enumerate causes of bleeding per vagina in early pregnancy? Discuss the diagnosis and management of acute ruptured tubal ectopic pregnancy. (2+3+5) malda 40. Enumerate common causes of anaemia in pregnancy. How will you investigate and manage a case of anaemia in 28 weeks of pregnancy? (2+8) malda
2|Page 8th semester Sorted questions NRSMCSU
EXPLAIN WHY • Iron supplementation is mandatory in pregnancy • HIV screening should be done in pregnancy • Pap smear is advocated at regular interval in sexually active women • Once a cesarean section always an institutional delivery • Lifestyle modification is the mainstay of treatment for the women with pcos • Mirena can be categorised as long term reversible contraceptive • A detailed past obstetric history is of immense importance while evaluating a woman with suspected urinary fistula • Medical management of symptomatic fibroid uterus is considered as a temporary measure • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus is dangerous in pregnancy • Breast feeding in HIV+ woman • All cases of placenta previa should be delivered by C-section • Height of fundus of uterus may not always corelate with period of amenorrhoea • Maternal mortality can be largely prevented • Routine USG should be advised at 18-20 weeks of pregnancy • Laparoscopy and hysterosalpingography are complimentary to each other in evaluation of female infertility • Anatomical position of pelvic part of ureter must be known before proceeding for abdominal hysterectomy • Partograph is very useful in labor monitoring • Husband's semen analysis should be initial investigation in case of primary infertility • Endometriosis causes infertility • Cesarean section is done liberally in breech • Role of tumour markers in the management of ovarian malignancy • All women after molar evacuation should be under strict follow up • Labor should be monitored by partograph • Diagnosis of chronicity is must for management of twin pregnancy • Regular antenatal care is must to bring down the maternal mortality • PCOS is an endocrinal and metabolic disorder • Hormonal replacement therapy is essential in all postmenopausal women--justify • Prolapse of uterus is preventable • Once cesarean section does not always mean cesarean section-- comment • Episiotomy is necessary but not mandatory---comment • Late cord clumping is beneficial in uncomplicated baby following vaginal delivery-- justify • Cytoreductive surgery has definitive role in advanced ovarian malignancy when definitive surgery cannot be done-- justify • All cases of puerperal pyrexia are not puerperal sepsis • Partographic monitoring of labor can prevent obstructed labor/prolonged labor • Not all ectopic pregnancy require surgery • Submucous fibroids are mostly symptomatic indirect coomb's test should be performed in all Rh negative women during pregnancy • All pregnant women in India should be screened for gestational diabetes mellitus • Laparoscopy in an invaluable tool in modern gynaecology. • Induction and augmentation are not synonymous • Molar pregnancy is always malignant-- comment • Fibroid uterus may present with menorrhagia 3|Page 8th semester Sorted questions NRSMCSU SHORT NOTES • Functions of placenta • Prophylaxis of Rh isoimmunisation • Deep transverse arrest • Management of convulsions in • Chronic PID eclampsia • Transformation zone of cervix • Management of missing thread in a • Chocolate cyst of ovary woman using cut for contraception • Antihypertensive medications used in pregnancy • Diagnosis of early (first trimester) • Intrauterine contraceptive device pregnancy • Causes of abnormal uterine bleeding • Use of magnesium sulphate in • Supports of uterus management of eclampsia • Follow up protocol in gestational trophoblastic • Imperforate hymen neoplasia • Classification of benign ovarian • Surgery in management of endometriosis tumours • Indications of hysteroscopy • Red degeneration of fibroid • Active management of third stage of labor • Value of antenatal care • Complications of multifetal gestation • Inevitable abortion • Role of ultrasound in early pregnancy • Diagnosis of placenta previa • Clinical signiuficance of plane of least pelvic diameter • Complications of twin pregnancy • Hematological changes in pregnancy • Symptom and signs of menopause • Bishop's score • Contraindications of combined oral • Injectable contraceptives contraceptives • Clinical presentation of pcos • Partograph • Medical management of mtp • PCOS • Puerperal pyrexia • Involution of uterus • Complications of ovarian cyst • Post-partum IUCD • Screening of ca cervixcord prolapse • Degenerations of fibroid • Induction of labor • Causes of female infertility • Emergency contraception • Prevention of preterm labor • Dilatation and curettage • Common causes of vaginal discharge • Hydatiform mole • Differential diagnosis of vulval itching • Outlet forceps • Lower uterine segment external • IUFD cephalic version • Prevention of eclampsia in severe pre-eclampsia • Subinvolution • Medical management of ectopic pregnancy • Non-contraceptive benefits of OCP • Long acting reversible contraception • Germ cell tumours of ovary • Management of iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy • Cardiotocograph • Cervical priming agents • Dermoid cyst of ovary • Complications of fibroid uterus • Three swab tests for VVF • Screening of down syndrome