64 - Multi-Scale Hybrid Composites-Based Carbon
64 - Multi-Scale Hybrid Composites-Based Carbon
64 - Multi-Scale Hybrid Composites-Based Carbon
Since the carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been discov- polymer composites, which present tremendous strength-
ered, there has been a marked increase in the scientific ening effect for the composites [16–22]. Later, a number
literature dealing with multi-scale composites. The of research groups demonstrated that the tensile, shear,
multi-scale hybrid composites with CNTs could endow
the composites with some superior mechanical proper- flexural, fracture toughness, and thermal properties of
ties, such as improving the tensile performance, mod- polymer composites could be significantly improved,
est increasing compressive and flexural properties, and which contained loading CNTs between 0.1 and 5 wt%
significantly enhancing interlaminar, interfacial and [23–28].
fracture strength. In addition, composites with CNTs Because there is a much strong interfacial interaction,
can also develop the functional properties. A small
quantity of CNTs can significantly increase the electrical especially in the surface functionalized CNT/polymer
properties of composites and lower the coefficient of composite interphase, some investigations have been done
thermal expansion of composites. The purpose of this recently on the design and preparation of the CNT/fiber
work is to review the available literature in mechanical hybrid composites by growing CNTs on fibers [29–32].
and functional properties of multi-scale hybrid compo- The growth of CNTs offers potential for selective
sites manufactured using CNTs. POLYM. COMPOS.,
32:159–167, 2011. ª 2010 Society of Plastics Engineers reinforcement, improves through-thickness properties of
polymer composites or is used to stiffen the fiber/matrix
interface [29, 33]. The CNTs in the multi-scale hybrid
composites can not only grow directly on the fiber (see
INTRODUCTION Fig. 1) or fabric surface (see Fig. 2), but also be dispersed
Since the discovery of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in in matrix. The CNTs in polymers hold a potential to
1991 by Iijima, CNTs have been used extensively by improve the mechanical, thermal and electrical properties
researchers in various fields such as nano-electronic com- in the host materials [19, 35]. It has been demonstrated
ponents, catalyst, electrode materials, hydrogen storage that adding only 1wt% of CNTs to matrix material, the
materials, and composites [1–9]. And new structural com- stiffness of the resulting composite can increase as high as
posite concepts harnessing the attractive properties of 36–42% and the tensile strength can raise 25% [36]. And
CNTs are being intensely researched around the world the presence of CNTs in the matrix may alleviate many
[10–14]. In recent years, CNTs have been the excellent drawbacks of conventional fiber composites, especially lon-
candidates for a new generation of high-strength, high- gitudinal compression and interlaminar properties [37–39].
stiffness materials. And CNTs have been shown to have
potential applications in composites due to their remark- PREPARATION OF MULTI-SCALE HYBRID
able mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties, and COMPOSITES
because of their high aspect rations and low densities
[15]. Therefore, there have been many attempts to use Because of high performance of CNTs, a lot of investi-
CNTs in reinforcement of composite materials for over- gations have been done recently on design and prepara-
coming the performance limits of conventional materials. tion of the CNT/fiber hybrid composites. And there are
However, most efforts in this area have dealt with CNT/ many methods to prepare the multi-scale hybrid compo-
sites, and several methods to fabricate the composite of
them have been developed, e.g., solution casting [40–43],
Correspondence to: L. Chen; e-mail: [email protected] melt-mixing and in situ process through polymerization of
Contract grant sponsor: Tianjin Natural Science Foundation; contract
monomers with the presence of the CNTs [37, 44, 45].
grant numbers: 08JCZDJC24400, 10JCYBJC02300.
DOI 10.1002/pc.21035
But in this study, four kinds of commonly used methods
Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). are mainly introduced. Figure 3 shows the architectures of
C 2010 Society of Plastics Engineers CNT-carbon fiber hybrid composites. Figure 4 exhibits a
FIG. 1. SEM micrographs of carbon fibers (a) before and (b) after CNT growth [33].
schematic of the experimental set-up for the closed-mould mat scraped from nickel foil substrate. And as shown in
vacuum-assisted resin transfer moulding (VARTM) Fig. 5(b), the mat comprises of high purity nanotubes
process [46]. with different diameters.
Although the CVD process is an efficient technique for
the growth of CNTs on a variety of surfaces, the use of
Chemical Vapor Deposition(CVD) high temperatures and predeposited catalysts, taken to-
gether with the difficulties in processing large panels,
At present, some research groups are working on imposes serious limitations on the practical application of
growth of CNTs by chemical vapor deposition (CVD) this technique for the fabrication of CNT-reinforced struc-
directly onto a carbon fiber surface [29, 47]. And the tural composites [50]. CVD can produce well-aligned sin-
CVD route has been established as the most effective and gle wall carbon nanotube (SWNTs) or MWNTs but can
practical route to synthesize CNTs [36]. Matsuda et al. also yield entangled CNTs [51]. And many difficulties
[48] used direct current (DC) plasma CVD method on the need to be solved, such as homogeneous dispersion of
submicron-sized dot-catalyst array substrate which was CNTs in polymeric matrix and strong interfacial interac-
fabricated by electron beam lithography for the purpose tion so as to affect load transfer from polymeric matrix to
of developing nano-sized electron field emitters. Experi- CNTs [37]. Moreover, the properties of pristine fiber are
mental results showed that multi-walled carbon nanotubes seriously injured because of the catalyst and prophetic gas
(MWNTs) grown from Ni-C composite nanoclusters have environment.
become narrower than those from Ni evaporated thin film.
Their diameters were reduced from 50–100 nm to 5 nm
or less. Guo et al. [49] used CVD method to synthesize
Chemical Grafting
hybrid composites. Ni foil with thickness of 0.2 mm was
used as a catalyst for CNT growth. The Ni foil was He et al. [30] presented a new chemical method used
placed in a thermal CVD system using a gas mixture of for preparation of the CNT/carbon fiber multi-scale rein-
acetylene and hydrogen. The as-prepared CNTs were forcement, which combines micrometric fibers with nano-
processed to field emission emitter by screen-printing metric CNTs. MWNTs functionalized with hexamethylene
method. Figure 5a shows a photograph of typical CNTs diamine at the end caps were grafted onto the surfaces of
carbon fibers treated by acyl chloride using the fiber sur-
face grafting technique [30, 52–54]. Laachachi et al. [47]
developed a simple method for grafting CNTs onto a car- Electrophoresis is a simple and versatile technique that
bon fiber surface. CNTs and carbon fiber underwent an can be readily automated and utilized for industrial appli-
oxidation treatment. Oxidation generated oxygen, like car- cation. On the basis of the ability of CNTs to respond to
boxyl, carbonyl, or hydroxyl groups on nanotube and car- an electric field, Bekyarova et al. [50] developed the
bon fiber surface. Functionalized CNTs were dispersed in method for the deposition of CNTs on the surface of car-
a solvent and deposited on carbon fibers. The bonds bon fibers by using of electrophoresis. It was found that
between CNTs and carbon fibers were operated by esteri- CNTs were deposited uniformly on the surface of a car-
fication or anhydridation of the chemical surface groups bon fiber from aqueous nanotube dispersions upon apply-
(see Fig. 6). ing a DC potential between the carbon fibers and the
The grafted MWNTs stuck to the carbon fiber surface counter electrode. Because of their negative charge, CNTs
at different angles and were uniformly distributed along migrate toward the positive carbon fiber electrode and are
the outer edges of the grooves in the fiber surface. The subsequently deposited on the fiber surface (see Fig. 9).
grafting increased the weight of the carbon fiber by 1.2%, The negative charge is attributed to the carboxylic acid
and it was implied that a considerable amount of MWNTs groups introduced into the nanotubes during the nitric
were grafted onto carbon fiber surface [30]. But this acid treatment [57], and the adsorption of hydroxyl anions
method may damage the strength of the fiber during the from the dispersion may also contribute to the net nega-
fiber surface functionalization. tive charge [58]. Figure 10 shows the images of carbon
fibers with CNTs deposited by electrophoresis.
By using this method, the manufactured multi-scale
Surface Coating
hybrid composites reinforced with CNT-coated carbon
Zhu et al. [55] developed a coating method for distrib- fabric showed 30% enhancement of the interlaminar
uting a very small amount of CNTs on the woven fiber to shear strength, and importantly, they have preserved in-
facilitate the fabrication of large scale nanocomposites plane mechanical properties. However, this method
compatible with the traditional composite manufacturing required relatively harsh conditions and the CNTs can get
FIG. 5. (a) Photograph of CNTs mat by CVD on nickel foil, (b) SEM image of as-prepared CNTs by CVD on nickel foil [49].
a homogeneous dispersion on the fiber/fabric surface but tests on these three samples showed that for pristine
can not disperse homogeneously in the inner-fabric. MWNT-reinforced composites, both tensile modulus and
shear modulus were improved by about 8%, but the ten-
sile strength and shear strength decreased. However, all
the properties of multi-scale composites using functional-
ized MWNTs showed significant enhancement. Modulus
Adding the CNTs in the composite can significantly along fiber orientation was enhanced by 27.2%, while ten-
improve the composite mechanical properties and the sile strength was enhanced by 15.9%. Siddiqui et al. [56]
improvement in mechanical properties can be mainly showed that the 0.3 wt% CNT-epoxy nanocomposite coat-
attributed to the following characteristics of this new type ing gave rise to a significant increase in tensile strength
of interface structure. First, stress can be efficiently trans- of the single fiber for all gauge lengths, which was better
ferred from the matrix to the reinforcements. Second, the than the neat epoxy coating. The results on glass fiber
matrix surrounding the reinforcement particles is rein- roving also indicated a clear beneficial effect of compos-
forced by CNTs. Finally, CNTs may promote formation ite impregnation on tensile strength.
of microcracks in the interface [15]. Figure 11 shows me- However, adding the CNTs in the carbon fiber/epoxy
chanical property improvement of carbon fiber reinforced composites can’t improve the tensile properties signifi-
plastic (CFRP) by incorporation of CNTs. cantly. Bekyarova et al. [50] had carried out some tensile
tests on the carbon fiber/epoxy and multi-scale MWNT/
carbon fiber/epoxy composites and found that the tensile
Tensile Strength and Modulus strength and tensile modulus of the composites prepared
The tensile properties are some of the most important with MWNT deposited carbon fiber are similar to those
indicators to reflect the composite mechanical properties. of the composites made with carbon fiber alone. Kim
In the composites, different reinforcement may cause dif- et al. [61] showed that the longitudinal tensile modulus
ferent tensile properties. Adding the CNTs in the glass and transverse tensile modulus of epoxy/carbon fiber com-
fiber/epoxy composites can improve the tensile properties. posite were 221.3 and 13.08 GPa, however, after adding
Qiu et al. [60] fabricated three different composite the CNT in the epoxy/carbon fiber composite the longitu-
samples based upon conventional epoxy/glass-fiber com- dinal tensile modulus and transverse tensile modulus were
posites: (1) 1 wt% functionalized MWNT-reinforced
multi-scale composites; (2) 1 wt% pristine MWNT-rein-
forced multi-scale composites; (3) conventional epoxy/
glass fiber composites without adding MWNT. The tensile
FIG. 7. Illustration of the overcoating method for distributing nano- FIG. 8. Schematic illustration of a fiber with CNT-epoxy nanocompo-
tubes onto woven fiber [55]. site coating [56].
Flexural Properties
Although the conventional composites have been
widely used in many industries, the flexural properties
always blocked its development. However, the conven-
tional composites with CNTs can make up for this
deflects. Song [68] tested the flexuous properties of ara-
mid fiber/epoxy composite and CNT/aramid fiber/epoxy
composite. It was found that the flexuous properties of
the aramid/epoxy composites with CNTs were slightly
improved. Zhou et al. [69] showed that the carbon fabric/
epoxy composites with 0.3% CNTs can slightly improve
FIG. 9. Deposition of carbon nanotubes on a carbon fiber surface by the composites flexuous properties. Yokozeki et al. [66]
electrophoresis [50]. added the cup-stacked carbon nanotubes (CSCNTs) in the
CFRP laminates composites, and he found that adding 5
wt% CSCNTs in the composites can improve the compo-
221.4 and14.15 GPa, respectively. It is indicated that the
sites flexural properties, and the flexural strength is 912
CNTs can’t significantly improve the composites tensile
MPa. At the same time, adding the CNTs in the matrix
can also improve the properties of the matrix. When 0.3
wt% reactive CNTs were added in the matrix, the flexural
strength, modulus and breaking strain of the epoxy sys-
Compressive Properties
tems increased by 32, 9, and 70%, respectively [70]. Yan
There are a large volume of works concentrating on [71] tested five specimens of glass fiber reinforced epoxy
buckling of CNTs by themselves, but there have been rel- composites, and found that glass fiber/epoxy composites
atively few studies on the compressive behavior of CNTs with or without SWNTs had no obvious change on the
when embedded in composites. However, adding some flexural properties of composites. However, the SWNTs/
CNTs in the composites affects not only the tensile prop- glass fiber/epoxy composites containing SWNTs treated
erties but also the compressive properties [62–67]. Cho by Volan or by both Volan and BYK-9076, the flexural
and Daniel [65] showed that adding 0.5 wt and 1.0 wt% strength of composite improved dramatically by 2.64 or
CNTs in carbon fiber/epoxy composites, the in-plane 16.11%. The reasons of these results can be separated
compressive strength increased by 39 and 26%, respec- into two factors, one is that the dispersing agents can
tively. Zhu et al. [55] indicated that in glass fiber rein- improve the dispersion of SWNTs and the other one is
forced vinyl ester composites, the compressive strength is that the Volan can improve the interface property between
27 MPa. The addition of 0.1 wt% SWNTs and 0.2% SWNTs or glass fiber and epoxy resin. Kepple et al. [8]
SWNTs in the composites, the compressive strength is found that after woven carbon fiber laminates were func-
about 39 and 33 MPa, respectively. So, it is proper to add tionalized in situ with CNTs, the flexural modulus of car-
right amount of CNTs in the composites to improve com- bon/epoxy composites actually increased by a slight 5%
FIG. 10. SEM images of carbon fibers with (a) SWNTs and (b,c) MWNTs deposited by electrophoresis [50].