Avian Influenza
Avian Influenza
Avian Influenza
Avian Influenza going thinking about current (and fu- and low pathogenicity avian influenza
ture) influenza-related events. viruses are detailed. In this chapter,
David Swayne, editor Technical chapters cover the epi- the authors emphasize that surveil-
Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, demiologic and virologic aspects of lance and monitoring for avian influ-
Hoboken, NJ, USA, 2008 avian influenza, such as viral determi- enza worldwide should be increased
nants of pathogenicity and pathophys- and made more sustainable and that
iology of different avian influenza vi- collaborative efforts between animal
ISBN-10: 08138220472
ruses in various species of birds and health and public heath authorities
ISBN-13: 978-0813820477
mammals. Also covered are disease should continue to be strengthened.
Pages: 628; Price: US $120.66
control topics such as poultry culling/ The authoritative and comprehen-
David Swayne has recruited top depopulation, carcass disposal, virus sive nature of the information provid-
experts worldwide to contribute to his inactivation, biosecurity, vaccinology, ed, as well as extensive reference lists
new book, Avian Influenza. Each of and diagnostic testing. Disease im- and a volume-wide index, make this
the 25 chapters focuses on a specific pacts on trade and economics, includ- book a valuable reference asset for
area of expertise, and together they ing livelihoods, are also discussed, and the scientific community, researchers,
offer a variety of perspectives on this a description of the animal health sec- veterinary practitioners, governmental
disease from the technical to the his- tor strategy for global control of high- animal health agencies, those in the
torical to the strategic. ly pathogenic avian influenza is pre- poultry industry, and others working
The history of avian influenza sented in conclusion. Although much to control and prevent avian influenza
starts with a fascinating look at the of the recently available research and globally, including those working in
domestication of poultry and moves to experience is focused on the H5N1 public health. As an added benefit, all
a description of the first known fowl subtype, Dr Swayne and his collabo- book proceeds will go to the American
plague outbreaks in Europe in the late rators have methodically extended Association of Avian Pathologists to
1800s and a description of the initial their discussion to include other avian further educational programs on avian
determination of the pathogenic agent. influenza subtypes and both high and diseases worldwide.
Epidemiologic details of outbreaks low pathogenicity viruses wherever
caused by high and low pathogenic- information exists. Elizabeth Mumford
ity influenza viruses since that time The focus of the book is clearly Author affiliation: World Health Organiza-
are given for the different geograph- on avian influenza in birds. However, tion, Geneva, Switzerland
ic regions. The current panzootic of information on public health aspects DOI: 10.3201/eid1508.090095
highly pathogenic avian influenza of the disease is provided in a chapter
virus (H5N1) is described event by devoted to this topic as well as in other Address for correspondence: Elizabeth
event since 1996, and the phyloge- chapter contexts as appropriate. The Mumford, World Health Organization–
netic relationships among influenza relevant aspects of human seasonal Influenza Division, 20 Ave Appia, Geneva 1211,
viruses (H5N1) and potential methods influenza and pandemic influenza are Switzerland; email: [email protected]
of spread are discussed. This valuable reviewed, and the occurrence and im-
historical and technical background pact of zoonotic infections with avian
offers context and perspective to on- influenza virus (H5N1) and other high
Erratum Erratum
Vol. 15 No. 3
Vol. 14 No. 8 The name of Oliver Donoso Mantke was
The author list was incorrect in the article incorrect in the author list for the article Coor-
Imported Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Europe dinated Implementation of Chikungunya Virus
(M.J. Pinazo et al.). The authors were María Jesús Reverse Transcription–PCR (M. Panning et al.).
Pinazo, José Muñoz, Ljiljana Betica, Tomislav The article has been corrected online (www.cdc.
Maretic, Sime Zekan, Tatjana Avsic-Zupanc, gov/eid/content/15/3/469.htm).
Ethel Sequeira, Antoni Trilla, and Joaquim Gas-
con. The article has been corrected online (www.
1334 Emerging Infectious Diseases • www.cdc.gov/eid • Vol. 15, No. 8, August 2009