MPX 9.100 Quarter 4 PDF
MPX 9.100 Quarter 4 PDF
MPX 9.100 Quarter 4 PDF
Industry Monitor
In Quarter 4 the file format MPX will turn 10
Wafer and Wrap Material Prices Cu.1
years old. In 1995 it was proclaimed in an email
that the extension “.mpx” would be used as an
Labor Costs no change ↔ acronym for “MPEG Audio Layer x”. The MPX
Corporate Income Tax 30 % format took 40 engineers years to create at
Capital Costs have marginally Cu.5 Fraunhofer IIS in Germany. This revolutionary
increased by audio codec was way ahead of its time in 1992,
P2P OTG + XM demand is ……… 6000 units of when it was then standardized. In fact, in 1992 the
Bone at a industry thought it was too complex for practical
Payment terms are 50% in current price premium applications. But today it is the undisputed
qtr and the balance next qtr. of around 10% standard in the digital music world.
Even though you may have opted to average
for this choice in Q3 you may industry Bone
decide against taking up the prices at the
contracted quantity stated in the end of qtr 3.
right hand box.
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