Porcelainwasteglassslip IJAC2009
Porcelainwasteglassslip IJAC2009
Porcelainwasteglassslip IJAC2009
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In this work, it was investigated as to what happens when waste glass is introduced into the composition of a ceramic body
in an industrial slip-casting process. For pressed products, such as tiles and bricks, the use of waste glass is sufficiently simple,
but when used for slip-casting products, such as china and porcelains, the presence of glass destabilizes the slip. A better
stabilization of the casting slip was achieved with an organic deflocculant instead of sodium silicate. Therefore, the factors that
determine the success or the failure of a deflocculant were analyzed, such as pH, x potential, viscosity, and thixotropy.
an energy barrier to coagulation, keeping the system Table II. Characterization of the Slip as Received
deflocculated. An alternative method is the adsorption
of a polyelectrolyte that can provide a steric hindrance
to prevent coagulation.8–10 Technical parameter slip
The aim of the present work was to investigate as to Density (g/cm3) 1.78
what happens when waste glass is introduced into the Temperature (1C) 31
composition of a ceramic body in an industrial slip- Moisture (%) 25
casting process, and why the addition of waste glass Minimum viscosity (cps) 778
makes the slip unstable for ceramic processing. Partic- Retained on sieve 325# (%) 3.09
ularly, a composition adjusted for production of sani- Particle size o10 mm (%) 70
tarywares was used, investigating changes in pH, x Particle size o1 mm (%) 22
potential, viscosity, and thixotropy. Organic material (%) 1.8
Sulfate (ppm) 105
Experimental Procedure Soluble salts (ppm) 515
–20 1000
–50 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
–60 Reaction time (min) or % Na2SiO3(x10–3)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
pH Fig. 2. Viscosity as a function of reaction time of 5% waste glass
added to the aged slip, and deflocculation curve of the aged slip with
Fig. 1. x potential versus pH. The suspension concentration is sodium silicate (% Na2SiO3 dry-weight basis).
0.001 solid volume/liquid volume in deionized water. pH is
adjusted using NaOH or HCl. The deflocculant concentration is
0.01% on a dry-weight basis. previous assay, the viscosity of the industrial slip (with-
out waste glass) was about 2500 cps, and this value did
not change during the assay (60 min). Also in Fig. 2, it
were added—standard deviations increased from 76% can be seen that the deflocculating effect of sodium sil-
to 720%; (iii) sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) has an effi- icate is similar to the glass addition.
ciency similar to NaOH addition for the new slip with
waste glass addition, for an adjusted pHB8; (iv) a good Comparison between the Deflocculation of the
x potential of 4074 mV for pHB7.2 was obtained Industrial Slip with Glass Using Sodium Silicate
for the new slip with waste glass addition, using the or- or an Organic Deflocculant
ganic deflocculant.
As a consequence of the waste glass slip instability, The deflocculation curves of the aged slip with
the results indicated in Fig. 1 have to be confirmed in waste glass, considering both sodium silicate and or-
industrial tests.15 ganic deflocculant additions, are shown in Fig. 3. It can
be seen that just a narrow deflocculation range was ob-
Effect of Waste Glass on Slip Viscosity tained with the use of sodium silicate. This proves the
influence of a higher concentration of ions, after aging
The addition of waste glass in a slip causes a de- for a month. As a consequence of this, it did not have
crease in the viscosity value, which is a very interesting the same efficiency as the organic deflocculant, which
result and is also beneficial for the slip-casting process. can yield a lower viscosity and a higher x potential as
This can be a consequence of a higher pH, as explained shown in Fig. 1, probably due to the steric repulsion
in equation 1. It can also be pointed out here that the mechanism.
interaction with kaolin particle may be similar to the In the deflocculation curve of the new slip shown in
behavior of the sodium silicate deflocculant (water glass) Fig. 3, a reduction of viscosity with addition of glass can
in a traditional ceramic slip. The release of Na1 pro- also be noticed. But, in this case, both the organic
motes an ion-exchange mechanism, removing the un- deflocculant and the sodium silicate reached a suffi-
wanted calcium (Ca21), and consequently increasing ciently low viscosity. However, the organic deflocculant
the x potential.8,9 Besides, the adsorption of OH or continues to reduce viscosity, while a trend toward an
SiO23 increases the negative charge of kaolinite parti- increase in viscosity with increasing amount of
cles, increasing repulsion forces.13 deflocculant can be observed for sodium silicate; fur-
Figure 2 shows that the slip viscosity starts to de- ther addition leads to a higher ion concentration, which
crease just after addition of waste glass (time zero is the means a lower x potential.14 As it is well known, wider
instant when waste glass was added to the slip). In a ranges of deflocculation in relation to the amount of
268 International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology—Bragança and Bergmann Vol. 6, No. 2, 2009
aged slip + 5% waste glass + Na2SiO3 were taken in a Gallenkamp viscometer. The thixotropic
aged slip + 5% waste glass + org. deflocc.
new slip + org. deflocc.
analysis was evaluated in terms of the difference in de-
new slip + 5% waste glass + org. deflocc. grees between the readings of the first and the second
1400 new slip + 5% waste glass + Na2SiO3 measurements. These data provide the thixotropic be-
Apparent viscosity (cps)
1200 havior of the slip for ceramic parts’ casting. The results
1000 can be found in Table IV.
800 In Table IV, it can be seen that the new slip defloc-
600 culated with the organic deflocculant achieved the de-
400 sired rheological properties. However, the slip
200 deflocculated with sodium silicate was unstable accord-
0 ing to the test performed using a Gallenkamp viscom-
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 eter, with a significant variation of values between the
% deflocculant
two readings. Using the slip1sodium silicate, it was
Fig. 3. Deflocculation curves with sodium silicate or an organic
impossible to produce casting parts with conditions
deflocculant (% dry weight basis). Aged slip15% waste glass, new similar to the tests performed on a day-to-day basis in
slip, and new slip15% waste glass. the laboratory of the company. On the other hand, the
slip1organic deflocculant produced good casting parts
with a smooth surface and easy detachment from the
deflocculant added improve the cast processing, because plaster mold. This proved the viability of using glass in
this means that a more stable slip is cast, and particle the composition of an industrial slip.
precipitation is more difficult to occur. This is a signifi-
cant advantage shown by the organic deflocculant.
Table IV. Comparison of Slip Fluidity Data (New Slip) Using a Gallenkamp Viscometer between the Use of
Sodium Silicate and an Organic Deflocculant
Deflocculated Slip 1 Deflocculated slip 1
Slip 1 5% glass 5% glass
Slip 5% glass (organic deflocculant) (sodium silicate)
Quantity of deflocculant 0.031% 0.062% 0.028% 0.056%
Density (g/mL) 1.78 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77
Brookfield viscosity (cps) 1240 1010 525 460 648 663
Initial fluidity (degree) 167 215 251 255 236 225
Fluidity after stand for 6 min (degree) 13 161 228 246 194 199
D degree (Thixotropy) 180 54 23 9 40 26
Temperature (1C) 23 23 23 23 23 23
Sodium silicate was used in milling, clay blunging, and batch mixing, but with no further addition.
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glass promotes the reduction of the viscosity of the slip.
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