Exp 1 Final-1

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LAB # 1: To measure the core losses and copper losses on a single-

phase transformer using open circuit test connections and short circuit
connections respectively


To evaluate the equivalent circuit components Rc, the core loss resistance and Xm, the
magnetization branch reactance of a single-phase transformer using measurements of Open
circuit current (Ioc), voltage (Voc) and power (Poc)
To evaluate the equivalent circuit series elements, Req and Xeq of a single-phase transformer
using measurements of Short circuit current (Isc), voltage (Vsc) and power (Psc)
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Transformer Theory:

A transformer is a device that changes ac electric power at one voltage level to ac electric
power at another voltage level through the action of a magnetic field. It consists of two or
more coils of wire wrapped around a common ferromagnetic core. These coils are (usually)
not directly connected. The only connection between the coils is the common magnetic flux
present within the core. The transformer winding connected to the power source is called
the primary winding or input winding, and the winding connected to the loads is called the
secondary winding or output winding. If there is a third winding on the transformer, it is
called the tertiary winding.

Equivalent Circuit of Transformer:

Ideal Transformer is a lossless device but in real transformers losses have to be accounted
for in any model of transformer behavior. The major type of losses considered in the
transformer’ equivalent circuit are:

1. Copper Losses- Copper losses are the resistive heating losses in the primary and
secondary windings of the transformer. They are proportional to the square of the
current in the windings. They are modeled by placing a resistor Rp in the primary circuit
of the transformer and a resistor Rs in the secondary circuit.
2. Eddy Current Losses- Eddy current losses are resistive heating losses in the core of the
transformer. They are proportional to the square of the voltage applied to the

3. Hysteresis Losses- Hysteresis losses are associated with the rearrangement of the
magnetic domains in the core during each half-cycle. They are a complex, nonlinear
function of the voltage applied to the transformer. These core excitation effects,
magnetization current and core-loss current, are modeled by a reactance X m connected
across the primary voltage source and a resistance R c connected across the primary
voltage source.

4. Leakage Flux- The fluxes which escape the core and pass through only one of the
transformer windings are leakage fluxes. These escaped fluxes produce a self-
inductance in the primary and secondary coils and they are modeled by primary and
secondary inductors.

Open Circuit Test on Transformer

It is possible to experimentally determine the values of the inductances and resistances in

the transformer model. An adequate approximation of these values can be obtained with
only two tests, the open-circuit test and the short-circuit test.

In the open-circuit test, a transformer's secondary winding is open-circuited, and its primary
winding is connected to a full-rated line voltage. In the equivalent circuit of transformer, all
the input current must be flowing through the excitation branch of the transformer. The
series elements Rp and Xp are too small in comparison to Rc and Xm to cause a significant
voltage drop, so essentially all the input voltage is dropped across the excitation branch.

In the open circuit test, Full line voltage is applied to the primary of the transformer, and the
input voltage, input current, and input power to the transformer are measured. From this
information, it is possible to determine the power factor of the input current and therefore
both the magnitude and the angle of the excitation impedance.
After the Introduction, you should be able to

 Draw the approximate equivalent circuit of the single phase transformer.

 Describe the purpose of performing open circuit test on the transformers.

Short Circuit Test on Transformer

It is possible to experimentally determine the values of the inductances and resistances in

the transformer model. An adequate approximation of these values can be obtained with
only two tests, the open-circuit test and the short-circuit test.

In the short-circuit test, the secondary terminals of the transformer are short-circuited, and
the primary terminals are connected to a fairly low-voltage source. The input voltage is
adjusted until the current in the short-circuited windings is equal to its rated value. (Be sure
to keep the primary voltage at a safe level. It would not be a good idea to burn out the
transformer's windings while trying to test it.) The input voltage, current, and power are
again measured.

Since the input voltage is so low during the short-circuit test, negligible current flows
through the excitation branch. If the excitation current is ignored, then the entire voltage
drop in the transformer can be attributed to the series elements in the circuit.

These same tests may also be performed on the secondary side of the transformer if it is
more convenient to do so because of voltage levels or other reasons. If the tests are
performed on the secondary side, the results will naturally yield the equivalent circuit
impedances referred to the secondary side of the transformer instead of to the primary side.

After the Introduction, you should be able to

 Describe the purpose of performing short circuit test on the transformers.

 Identify and strictly follow the safety precautions required while performing this test
In-Lab Task 1

1. Connect the circuit (using the single phase transformer as shown in figure 1.1.

Fig 1.1: Diagram for no load test of transformer

2. As shown in the figure, secondary is kept open circuited, full rated voltage is applied at
Measure the input voltage (Voc), open circuit current (Ioc) and core
loss (Poc).

Voc= _____



3. Now calculate the values of Rc and Xm (excitation branch components). In order to

find them, we need to perform the following steps.
4. Find open circuit power factor and then angle.

P.F is always lagging for real transformer

But admittance is given by:

Comparing these equations, we get Rc and Xm.

5. Calculate these values

and record:

Xm= H;

In- Lab Task 2

1. Connect the circuit (using the single phase transformer as shown in figure 1.2).

Figure 1.2: Short Circuit test to determine the transformer series losses

2. As shown in figure, secondary is short circuited; low voltage is applied at primary.

Measure the input voltage (Vsc), short circuit current (Isc) and winding loss (Psc).

3. Now calculate the values of Req and Xeq (equivalent components). In order to find
them, we need to perform the following steps.

4. Find short circuit power factor.

5. Now calculate the angle. Overall impedance angle is positive.

Series impedances referred to primary side is

6. Calculate these values:


Xeq= H

Post- Lab

Q1. Draw the equivalent circuit of transformer under open circuit conditions and properly
label the calculated parameters.

Q2. Draw the equivalent circuit of single phase transformer under short circuit conditions and
properly label the calculated parameters.

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