Cement Plant - Energy Optimisation
Cement Plant - Energy Optimisation
Cement Plant - Energy Optimisation
Packing 1.5
Total 75.0
The first step in the cement manufacturing process is the mining of limestone. Mining
has conventionally been with compressed air drilling and subsequently blasting with
explosives. The surface miner has been developed primarily for mining in locations,
which are located close to human inhabited areas. This equipment has proved to be
so useful that, they are fast replacing the conventional mining systems.
In one of the new plants, a surface miner was installed and the mining energy
consumption (compressors) was avoided. The size of the limestone mined is also
lower, resulting in reduction of crushing energy consumption to 0.5 units / ton of
cement, as against 1.5 - 2.0 units / ton in conventional plants. The surface miners
are presently available for medium limestone. Hence, wherever possible, the surface
miner can be installed for achieving energy saving. The operation of surface miner is
also environment friendly, with less dust & noise generation.
Hence, consider application of surface miner for soft and medium hard Limestone.
The next step in the cement manufacturing process is the crusher. The choice of
crusher type depends on the grindability and the type of down-the-line grinding
Typically, for a VRM system/ball mill with roll press system, it is recommended to
have a single stage hammer crusher, with a high efficiency screen before the
The other points to be taken care during the design stage are the additional auxiliary
power consumption. The auxiliary capacity and controls should be designed, such
that, the idle power consumption is avoided during operation of the crusher.
Transportation of Limestone
The transportation of the mined limestone to the crusher is normally done through
dumpers or trucks. In case of mountainous terrain, the ropeways are installed. The
detailed life cycle cost analysis of transportation with dumpers & ropeway indicates
that, the ropeway is more beneficial in some cases, where the distances are more
than 5 kms. The ropeway calls for higher investment, but the operating costs are
much lower. In one of the operating cement plants, the ropeway was installed
replacing the dumpers for transportation of limestone from the mines to the crusher
in the plant, resulting in substantial benefits. The option of installing a rope-way can
also be considered at the design stage.
Hence, consider installation of rope way for limestone transportation, where the
distances are more than 5 kms.
Pre-blending system
The pre-blending system plays a vital role in providing a uniform feed to the raw
mill. The statistics of the performance of the pre-blending stockpiles in various
operating cement plants in the country indicate that, the longitudinal stockpile has a
better pre-blending efficiency.
it is recommended to install closed stockpiles. This will help in avoiding feed failure
to the raw mill during the monsoon / rainy seasons.
Raw mill
The raw mill is a major energy consumer and should be designed based on the
grindability and moisture of the limestone available. The Vertical Roller Mill (VRM)
has at least 30% lesser power consumption, than the comparable ball mill system.
Hence, for upto medium hard limestone, the VRM should be the first choice.
Wherever the moisture percentage is also higher, say >15%, VRM should be the first
choice. Only in case of very abrasive raw materials or raw materials with higher free
silica content, the plant can consider installing a closed circuit ball mill, with a pre-
grinding system.
The VRM (wherever the design allows), should be installed with a reject handling /
mechanical re-circulation system, to ensure lower pressure drop across the mill.
The energy efficient alternative therefore is to install a VRM with mechanical re-
circulation system.
Mill inlet sealing - This is very essential, since majority of air infiltration in an
operating plant is through the inlet. The present day plants use either rotary / triple
gate seals for the mill inlet. These seals though effective in the initial days, start
developing leaks over a period, demanding regular maintenance.
In one of the new plants, a material seal at the VRM has been attempted with
satisfactory results. Hence, it is better to strongly consider installation of material
seal or reliable triple gate/rotary seals at the design stage itself
High efficiency mill internals (for ball mills)
In the case of ball mills, the present trend is to replace existing mill internals with
high efficiency internals (grinding media, liners and diaphragms). This has the
following advantages
Less wear
Lesser maintenance
Hence, all the new plants installing ball mills, should prefer high efficiency mill
The fans are the major power consumers, next only to the main drive in the raw mill
section and hence need attention during the design stage. The major power
consuming fans are the raw mill fan and the vent ESP/BH fan (with kiln).
The fans should be high efficiency (> 80%) backward curved fans with variable
speed controls.
The best variable speed systems are VFD for all LT fans and SPRS for all HT fans.
The other major decision, whether to adopt a 3-fan system or 2-fan system, should
be carefully weighed and taken at the design stage itself. The various conditions and
the corresponding decision making table is given below
The other major decision is to decide the excess margin for the fans. The closer the
operating point to the design point, the higher will be the efficiency of the fan.
However, a safety margin is required to meet the contingency requirements.
The fans are to be designed typically with 15 % margin over the operating condition.
The Electro Static Separator (ESP) has been conventionally used for collecting the
dust in the kiln and raw mill circuits. The operating efficiency of the ESPs are
normally around 99.5 %. The operation of the ESP also depends on the CO content
of the flue gas. Whenever the CO content goes beyond 0.6 %, the ESP trips. The
amount of time the tripping occurs is less; it nevertheless, leads to particulate
emissions. With the increased emphasis on the environmental regulations, it is
necessary to have a dust collection system, that is say 99.9 % efficient and operate
The present trend has been to install bag houses for the kiln and raw mill exhaust.
The comparisons of the ESP and bag house are as below
Hence, at the design stage itself, the decision to install the Bag house or ESP has to
be taken, after carefully weighing the above aspects.
This is a very important operation having a major bearing on the operation of the
kiln and the thermal energy consumption of the kiln. The comparisons of the
effectiveness & energy efficiency of various systems indicate that, the continuous
blending & storage system is more efficient.
Hence, it is recommended to install a continuous blending & storage system. The target
blending efficiency should be 10.
The more the number of stages in a preheater, the higher the thermal efficiency of
the system.
In the older plants, the conventional cyclones offer a pressure drop of 550 to 600
mm wg resulting in higher power consumption of the pre-heater fan. Presently low-
pressure drop cyclones, having a pressure drop of 380 - 420 mm wg are available.
With the installation of these low pressure drop cyclones, it is possible to achieve a
pre-heater fan power consumption of about 6 units / ton of clinker, as against the
present consumption of more than 8 units / ton of clinker. The target pre-heater fan
air flow capacity should be below 1.8 Nm3/kg of clinker.
The margins in all the sections of the plant, also influence the energy efficiency of
the plant. It is recommended that all the equipment in the pre-heater system, be
designed for a kiln loading of 5 ton/m3/day.
Install separate right capacity coal conveying system for kiln & calciner .
Water sprays
Water spray systems can be installed, particularly in cooler vent, pre-heater outlet or
other areas, where further utilisation of heat is not required. The volume of the gas
can be reduced by spraying of water, which ultimately results in reduction of fan
power consumption. Presently, water spray systems, which can reduce temperature
by more than 100oC in a small area, are available. These systems can aid in
reducing the power consumption of the exhaust fans.
Water is sprayed in GCT (located before R/M or in the by-pass line) through high
pressure pumps. The capacity of pumps required depends on the operation of raw
mill and coal mill. The water requirement will be maximum, when none of the hot air
users are in operation. The water requirement will be least, when all hot air users are
in operation. Hence, it is better to install pumps of different capacities to suit both
the different requirements.
Install two GCT pumps of different capacities to meet the raw mill operation and
stoppage condition.
The cooler is a critical equipment used for cooling and also to recuperate the heat
back into the kiln system. This has a major bearing on the thermal efficiency of the
system. This is being dealt with in Section-5.4. The cooler is also a major consumer
of electrical energy. The major energy consumers are the cooler fans.
It is recommended to install high efficiency backward curved fans for cooler, with
Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) for all the fans.
Coal section
The coal is generally procured from the coalfields through rail or road, crushed,
ground to fine powder and then used in the mill. The coal receipts vary in quality
continuously. Hence, it will be better to install a longitudinal pre-blending stockpile
for coal also. The installation of pre-blending stockpile for coal will ensure uniform
quality of coal feed to the kiln.
The calciner can accept coarser coal, in comparison to the kiln. Hence, it is
recommended to have separate fine coal hoppers, for kiln coal and calciner coal. This
will enable differential grinding of coal for calciner & kiln.
The fans are major power consumers in the kiln and pre-heater system. Hence, by
design the fans should be of higher efficiency (>80%) and equipped with a variable
speed mechanism for speed control. The typical variable speed arrangements for the
fans in the kiln and coal mill sections are as below
Cement mill
The cement mill is another major energy consumer in a cement plant. In the present
operating plants, majority of the cement mills are open circuit ball mills. In some of
the plants, closed circuiting has been done, to increase the capacity & reduce the
energy consumption. The installation of the pre-grinding system, has also been
taken up in some plants, with substantial benefits. Recently, the VRM has also been
installed for grinding of cement in three cement plants in India. The results reported
by one of the plants (23-24 units/ton of OPC-43 grade) is very encouraging.
Hence, every new plant should go for either a VRM or a ball mill with pre-grinding
system & high efficiency separator.
The VRM should have a high efficiency separator and mechanical re-circulation
system. The ball mill if installed should have high efficiency internals (grinding
media, liner plates, diaphragm). The conveying of cement to the silo should be
through a mechanical conveying system.
The cement silo should have a blower extraction system, to reduce the power
consumption. The packing should be through an electronic packer, for accurate
weight and reduced energy consumption.
The major aspects which affect the thermal energy consumption in a cement plant
are listed below.
The number of stages in the pre-heater system has a major bearing on the thermal
energy consumption of the kiln.
The more the number of stages in the preheater, the higher the thermal efficiency of
the system. Presently, it is recommended to install a 6-stage / 5-stage pre-heater
system. One additional stage, will on one hand reduce the thermal energy
consumption by 10 - 15 kcal / kg of clinker. On the other hand it increases the pre-
heater fan power consumption by 1 unit / ton of clinker. The net benefit is to be
quantified before taking the decision. It is also important to note that, the pre-heater
outlet temperature reduces by about 25oC, when an additional stage is added. This
reduces the heat available for drying the limestone and coal. This aspect also has to
be borne in mind, while deciding the number of stages in the pre-heater.
The continuous monitoring of the pre-heater is very essential, to maintain the pre-
heater system leak proof. Hence, it is recommended to install oxygen and CO
analysers at the kiln inlet, pre-heater outlet to enable continuous monitoring of the
The inlet & outlet seals of the kiln are important, as it helps reduce the air infiltration
into the system. The inlet seal is more important, as the infiltration chances are
higher. Based on the experiences of the Indian cement plants, recommend installing
The pre-heater flanges, poking holes & inspection holes are all potential sources of
leakage during operation of the plant. Hence the number of flanges should be
reduced to a bare minimum. The inspection & poking holes in the pre-heaters should
be provided with air tight covers, so that, the air infiltration into the system is
The cooler is a critical equipment used for cooling and also recuperate the heat back
into the kiln system. In majority of the existing plants, conventional grate coolers are
being used. These coolers have lower recuperation efficiency, occupy more space &
need more cooling air. The latest high efficiency coolers, have higher recuperation
efficiency, need lesser cooling air, are compact in size and has lower radiation loss.
The typical comparison of a conventional cooler and a high efficiency cooler are as
Typically, the high efficiency cooler can reduce the thermal energy consumption by
30 - 40 kCal/kg of clinker.
Wherever possible, the cooler exhaust air should be used for raw material
drying/coal drying/slag drying.
The cooler should also have an ESP/bag house for collection of clinker dust.
The burner system also plays a vital role, in determining the thermal efficiency of the
system. The present operating burners operate with, a primary air ranging from 12%
- 18%. The latest trend is to install multi-channel low primary air burners. These
burners have the following advantages
The refractory lining in the kiln, pre-heaters & coolers are very vital for conserving
thermal energy within the system and protect the outside supporting metallic part.
The older systems used to utilise all along only high alumina bricks. The present
trend is to install basic bricks in the kiln, which have comparatively higher life
(more than twice) and lower consumption. Since this reduces the stoppages of the
plant, the run factor of the plant improves, resulting in lower thermal and electrical
energy consumption. In all other areas of the pre-heaters and the cooler, it is
recommended to install alumina bricks (30 - 40%), preceded by insulation
The other miscellaneous energy efficiency aspects, which need to be taken care in
the design stage, are listed below
1. The bag filters & de-dusting fans distributed over the entire plant consume
about 2 -3 % of the over-all energy consumption. These fans should be
designed, based on the individual user requirement and not from the point of
standardisation. The typical de-dusting air requirements for different
applications are given below
Equipment De-dusting air quantity
Hammer crusher 100m3/hour/ton
Bucket elevators 1800m3/hour/m2 of BE cross section
Pneumatic conveyor Conveying air + 50 %
Air slides Air supplied + 20 %
Cement packers 2000 m3/hour/spout
Bins section 4000 m3/hour/m2 of bin cross
Electrical systems
Lighting system
Electrical distribution
The electrical distribution should have an auto PF control system and an 'on-load' tap
changing facility for the main transformer. The auto PF control system will aid in
maintaining high PF on a consistent basis. This will enable consistent PF and better
demand management of the plant.
The 'on-load' tap changing facility of the main transformer, enables maintenance of
the optimum voltage as required by the system. The optimum voltage helps in
operating the motors at higher efficiency.
The oil fired generators are also being installed to supply power to the plant during
power failures.
The generators should have the facility of operating in parallel with the grid. The
facility should be such that, the kiln continues to operate, even when the grid power
These generators should have the following facilities
1. Operation with multiple fuels
2. Waste heat recovery systems, which can be used for generator oil heating.
The waste heat can also be used for meeting the plant A/C load by installing a
vapor absorption refrigeration system.