CHEM English Version

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Prepared by


Under a grant from


C 3,-
Editor: GEORGE C. PIMENTEL, University of California, Berkeley, California

Associate Editors
BRUCE H. MAHAN, University of California, Berkeley, California

A. L. McClellan, California Research Corporation, Richmond, California

KEITH MacNAB, Sir Francis Drake High School, San Anselmo, California

MARGARET NICHOLSON, Acalanes High School, Lafayette, California

An Experimental Science
Miramonte High School, Orincla, California University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah


Miramonte High School, Orinda, California Cubberley Senior High School, Palo Alto, California


Forest Hills High School, Forest Hills, New York University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
University of California, Los Angeles, California Polytechnic High School, San Francisco, California


Fairfax High School, Los Angeles, California Cornell University, Ithaca, New York
South Pasadena High School, South Pasadena, California American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.


Wabash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana San Ramon Valley Union High School, Danville, California


Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio


Sacramento State College, Sacramento, California Howard University, Washington, D.C.


Beverly Hills High School, Beverly Hills, California Napa High School, Napa, California

Director: J. ARTHUR CAMPBELL, Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California

Chairman: GLENN T. SEABORG, University of California, Berkeley, California

W. H. FREEMAN AND COMPANY, Cooperating Publishers


© Copyright I960, 1961 , 1962, 1963 by The Regents of the University of California.

The University of California reserves all rights to reproduce this book,

in whole or in part, with the exception of the right to use
short quotations for review of the book.

Printed in the United States of America. '

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 63-18323.


Chemistry deals with all of the substances that in the laboratory gives you a valid picture of
make up our environment. It also deals with the how all scientific advances begin. It permits you
changes that take place in these substances to engage in scientific activity and thus, to some
changes that make the difference between a cold extent, to become a scientist yourself.

and lifeless planet and one that teems with life At the end of this course you won’t know all of
and growth. Chemistry helps us understand and chemistry. We hope that you will know enough
benefit from nature’s wondrous ways. chemistry and enough about science to feel that
Chemistry is an important part of what is the part you don’t know is understandable, not
called science. Since every phase of our daily mysterious. Perhaps you will appreciate the great
life is affected by the fruits of scientific activity, power of scientific methods and appreciate their
we all should know what scientific activity is, limitations. We hope that you will have become
what it can do, and how it works. The study of practiced in making unexpected observations, in
chemistry wilt help you learn these things. weighing facts, and in framing valid conclusions.
CHEMISTR Y— An Experimental Science pre- We hope that you will have formed the habit of
sents chemistry as it is today. It does so with questioning and of seeking understanding rather
emphasis upon the most enjoyable part of chem- than being satisfied with blind acceptance of
istry: experimentation. Unifying principles are dogmatic assertions. We expect that you will

developed, as is appropriate in a modern chemis- share in the excitement of science and that you
try course, with the laboratory work providing will feel the rich pleasure that comes with dis-

the basis for this development. When we are covery. If most of these hopes are fulfilled, then
familiar with these widely applicable principles you have had an optimum introduction to sci-
we no longer have need for endless memorization ence through chemistry. Nothing could be a
of innumerable chemical facts. To see these prin- more important part of your education at a time
ciples grow out of observations you have made when science is molding our age.


Editor for the Chemical
Education Material Study
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University of Alberta Libraries

[This textbook was prepared over a three year The textbook, CHEMISTR Y— An Experimen-
period by a group of university and high school tal Science, is designed for a high school intro-
chemistry teachers under a grant from the Na- ductory chemistry course and it is meshed closely
tional Science Foundation. The project, called with an accompanying Laboratory Manual and a
CHEM Study, was organized and directed on set of pertinent films. A comprehensive Teachers
broad policy by a Steering Committee of
lines Guide is available to aid teachers in gaining
nationally known teachers and pre-eminent sci- familiarity with the course. The first editions of
entists from a variety of chemical fields. The the textbook and laboratory manual, written
Steering Committee, headed by Nobel Laureate during the summer of 1960, were used during
Glenn T. Seaborg, attempted to staff the study 1960-1961 in 23 high schools and one junior
with the country’s most able university scientists college by about 1300 students. During this first
and high school teachers. The university profes- year, there was weekly staff contact with the
sors were drawn from all over the United States pioneering teachers. On the basis of their experi-
on the basis of demonstrated understanding of ence, the were revised during the
science and recognized leadership in teaching it. summer of 1961 and the Teachers Guide was
The names of the contributors to this text al- written. This second edition was used in 123
ready appear on more than a dozen widely high schools and 3 junior colleges scattered over
accepted college level textbooks. An equal num- the country and involving 13,000 students. Again
ber of outstanding high school teachers were the closely monitored field experience founded
named as contributors, each one individually the third and final revision. The course, essen-
selected on the basis of enthusiastic recommen- tially in the form presented here, was used during
dations by his peers. These teachers participated 1962-1963 in 560 high schools in 46 states by
in every phase of the preparation of this course. about 45,000 randomly selected students. Its
The effort of these highly qualified persons, teachability is assured.
totaling over fifteen man-years, is summed in the The title, CHEMISTRY—An Experimental
CHEM Study course. The National Science Science, states the one year course.
theme of this

Foundation deserves commendation for making A clear and valid picture of the steps by which
such activities possible; never before has such scientists proceed is carefully presented and re-
an array of talent been assembled to construct peatedly used. Observations and measurements
a high school chemistry course, | ,
lead to the development of unifying principles
/ I P vii

and then these principles are used to interrelate have striven for closer continuity of subject
diverse phenomena. Heavy reliance is placed matter and pedagogy between high school and
upon laboratory work so that chemical prin- modern freshman chemistry courses for those
ciples can be drawn directly from student ex- students who will continue their science training.
perience. Not only does this give a correct and We do believe that the CHEM Study course
nonauthoritarian view of the origin of chemical achieves the goals we have set. Experience has
principles, but it gives maximum opportunity shown that the course is interesting to and within
for discovery, the most exciting part of scientific the grasp of the average high school chemistry
activity. This experimental theme is supported student and that it challenges and stimulates
by a number of films to provide experimental the gifted student. The course content provides
evidence that is needed but not readily available a strong foundation for the college-bound stu-
in the classroom because of inherent danger, dent. Inevitably the question arises, “Is this
rarity, or expense. course better than (or, as good as) the traditional
The initial set of experiments and the first few one?” An answer is not readily found in com-
textbook chapters lay down a foundation for the parative tests. A CHEM Study student might be
course. The elements of scientific activity are handicapped in a test that has little emphasis
immediately displayed, including the role of un- upon principles, that is heavily laden with de-
certainty. The atomic theory, the nature of scriptive “recall questions,” or that uses obsolete
matter in its various phases, and the mole con- terminology. Conversely, a test designed specif-
cept are developed. Then an extended section of ically for the modern CHEM Study course
the course is devoted to the extraction of im- content would surely prejudice against a student
portant chemical principles from relevant labo- with a traditional preparation. The issue can-
ratory experience. The principles considered not be completely resolved “objectively” be-
include energy, rate and equilibrium character- cause value judgments are ultimately involved.
istics of chemical reactions, chemical periodicity, Wiiether the CHEM Study goals are valid and
and chemical bonding in gases, liquids, and the approach is reasonable must be decided with
solids. The course concludes with several chap- due consideration to the reported experience of
ters of descriptive chemistry in which the ap- teachers and to the credentials of those who
plicabilityand worth of the chemical principles develope^the materials.
developed earlier are seen again and again. There are numberless ways in which CHEM
There are a number of differences from more Study is indebted to the University of California
traditional courses. The most obvious are, of and to Harvey Mudd College for contributions
course, the shift of emphasis from descriptive of facilities, personnel, and encouragement. We
chemistry toward chemical principles to repre- acknowledge with thanks the stimulation and
sent properly the change of chemistry over the support we have received from the National
last two decades. Naturally, this reconstruction Science Foundation. Finally, the Staff feels a
of the entire course gives a unique opportunity heavy debt of gratitude to all of those who
to delete obsolete terminology and out-moded participated so energetically and enthusiastically
material. Less obvious but perhaps more im- in the preparation of the CHEM Study mate-
portant is the systematic development of the We thank the Steering Committee for their

relationship between experiment and theory. valued and helpful guidance. We thank the con-
Chemistry is gradually and logically unfolded, tributors listed on the
title page for their dedica-

not presented as a collection of facts, dicta, and and their ample talents to
tion of time, interest,
dogma. We hope to convey an awareness of the this effort. We acknowledge especially the key
significance and capabilities of scientific activities roles of Mr. Joseph Davis, Mr. Saul Geffner,
that will help the future citizen assess calmly and Mr. Keith MacNab, Miss Margaret Nicholson,
wisely the growing impact of technological ad- and Mr. Harley Sorensen. These individuals not
vances on his social environment. Finally, we only used the CHEM Study materials in the

classroom but also served continuously as staff vided a firm basis for revisions. Finally, we thank
members. Their contributions and critiques have the many students who labored through the trial

greatly increased the teachability of the CHEM versions of CHEM Study; their every reaction —
Study course. We thank the many teachers who pain or pleasure, enthusiasm or ennui, spark or
used the trial editions in their classrooms; their sputter —was noted and lent to the improvement
careful scrutiny of the text and laboratory man- of the course.
ual and their many valuable suggestions pro-


Director, Chemical Education Material Study Editor, Laboratory Manual
Harvey Mudd College University of Utah


Editor, Textbook Editor, Teachers Guide
University of California California Research Corporation

Berkeley, California DAVID RIDGWAY

January, 1963 Producer, Films

Quotations appearing on the following pages are 179 Elements of Chemistry, A. Lavoisier. New
used, with permission, from the indicated sources. York, 1806, p. 14.

Page 1 History of Science, W. Dampier. New 199 Predictions and Speculation in Chemis-
York: Cambridge University Press, 1949. try, W. M. Latimer, Chemical and Engi-
17 Principia, Isaac Newton. Mott’s transla- neering News, Vol. 31, 1953, p. 3366.
tion revised by F. Cajori. Berkeley: Uni-
224 Textbook of Quantitative Inorganic Anal-
versity of California Press, 1934, p. 673.
ysis, 1. M. Kolthofif and E. B. Sandell.
38 New Systems of Chemical Philosophy,
New York: Macmillan, 1936, p. 2.
John Dalton. Manchester, England, 1810.
49 Readings the Literature
233 The Rise of Scientific Philosophy, Hans
in of Science,
Reichenbach. Berkeley: University of
W. C. Dampier and M. Dampier. New
California Press, 1956, p. 168.
York: Harper and Row, 1959, p. 100.
65 Solutions, W. Ostwald. London: Long- 252 Valence, C. A. Coulson. New York: Ox-
mans, Green and Co., 1891. ford University Press, 1961, p. 3.

85 Letter by J. A. R. Newlands, Chemical 274 Chemical Analysis by Infrared, Bryce

News, Vol. 10, 1864, p. 94. Crawford, Jr., New York: Scientific
108 Chemical Thermodynamics, A Course of American, Oct. 1953.
Study, Frederick T. Wall. San Francisco:
300 The Nature of the Chemical Bond,
W. H. Freeman and Company, 1958, p. 2.
L. Pauling. Ithaca: Cornell University
124 The Drift Toward Equilibrium, H. Ey-
Press, 1939, p. 422.
ring, from Science in Progress, Fourth
Series, edited by G. A. Baitsell, New 321 Les Prix Nobel, 1947, Nobel lecture by

Haven: Yale University Press, 1945, p.

R. Robinson. Stockholm: Norstedt and

169. Sbner, 1947, p. 110.

142 Thermodynamics, G. N. Lewis and 421 From Quantum Chemistry to Quantum

M. Randall. New York: McGraw-Hill Biochemistry, Alberte Pullman and Ber-
Book Co., Inc., 1923, p. 18. nard Pullman, in Albert Szent-Gyoergyi
1 63 Solubility of Non-electrolytes, J. H. Hilde- and Modern Biochemistry, edited by Rene
brand. New York: Reinhold Publishing Wurmser. Paris: Institute of Biology,
Corp., 1936, p. 13. Physics, Chemistry, 1962.

436 Genesis of Life, J. B. S. Haldane, in The 299 L. Pauling, courtesy The California
Earth and Its Atmosphere, edited by D. R. Institute of Technology.
Bates. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 310 Network silicates, by Charles L. Pi-

1960. nance.
312 Sodium chloride crystals, by Charles
The following photographs are used with permission L. Finance.
from the indicated source. 320 P. Debye, courtesy Cornell Univer-

Frontispiece The Candle — Illuminating Chemistry, sity.

by Bernard Abramson. 351 R. Robinson, courtesy Canadian In-

Ross H. McGregor. dustries Limited.

Page 5 Ice melting, by

5 Aluminum melting, courtesy Alumi- 386 A. Stock, courtesy The American

num Corporation of America. Chemical Society.

5 Solder melting, by Charles L. Finance. 420 G. T. Seaborg, courtesy California

48 G. N. Lewis, courtesy the Hagemeyer Research Corporation, Richmond
Collection, Bancroft Library, Univer- Laboratory, Richmond, California.

sity of California. 435 R. B. Woodward, courtesy The Am-

94 Cutting potassium, by Charles L. Fi- erican Chemical Society.

nance. Color plate I Elements and compounds, by

107 D. Mendeleev, courtesy the Univer- Charles L. Finance.
sity of Leningrad. II Indicator colors, by Charles L.
141 H. Eyring, courtesy H. Eyring. Finance.
198 S. Arrhenius, courtesy The Bettmann Ill Spectrograph, by Charles L.
Archive. Finance.

Chapter 1. Chemistry: An Experimental Science 1

2. A Scientific Model: The Atomic Theory 17

3. Chemical Reactions 38

4. The Gas Phase: Kinetic Theory 49

5. Liquids and Solids: Condensed Phases of Matter 65

6. Structure of the Atom and the Periodic Table 85

7. Energy Effects in Chemical Reactions 108

8. The Rates of Chemical Reactions 124

9. Equilibrium in Chemical Reactions 142

10. Solubility Equilibria 163

11. Aqueous Acids and Bases 179

12. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions 199

Chemical Calculations 224

. 14. Why We Believe in Atoms 233

15. Electrons and the Periodic Table 252

16. Molecules in the Gas Phase 274

17. The Bonding in Solids and Liquids 300

The Chemistry of Carbon Compounds 321

19. The Halogens 352

20. The Third Row of the Periodic Table 364

21. The Second Column of the Periodic Table 377

22. The Fourth-Row Transition Elements 387


23. Some Sixth- and Seventh-Row Elements 411

24. Some Aspects of Biochemistry: An Application of Chemistry 421

25. The Chemistry of Earth, the Planets, and the Stars 436

Appendix 1. A Description of a Burning Candle 449

2. Relative Strengths of Acids in Aqueous Solution 451

3. Standard Oxidation Potentials for Half-Reactions 452

4. Names, Formulas, and Charges of Some Common Ions 454

Index 455
An Experimental

• • •
those sciences are vain and full of errors which are not born from
experiment, the mother of all certainty. • • •


Many words have been spoken and written in discovery. Hence we shall see the nature of sci-
answer to the questions: ence by engaging in scientific activity. We shall
see the nature of chemistry by considering prob-
“What is the nature of scientific study?” lems which interest chemists.
“What is the nature of chemistry?” Our starting point will be based on examples
of the activities of science, rather than on defini-
We shall try to find the answers in this course, tions. We will perform these activities, beginning
not through words alone, but through experi- on familiar ground. On such ground, where you
ence.No one can completely convey through know the answer, you will best see the steps by
words the excitement and interest of scientific which science advances.


Every form of life “feels” its surroundings in one stems to present full surface to the light. This
way or another. In response to the feel of the movement causes the leaves to intercept more
surroundings, it behaves according to a pattern light,and light is the source of energy which runs
which tends to prolong its existence. the amazing chemical factory operated by the
A tree is illuminated by the morning sunshine. tree. The tree grows.
In response, the leaves of the tree turn on their A bear feels that summer is over —perhaps by
2 chemistry: an experimental science I

the length of the day or by the color of fall So the activities of science begin with observa-
perhaps by some ursine almanac humans
leaves, tion. Observation is most useful when the condi-
cannot read. In response, he seeks a secluded tions which affect the observation are controlled

spot and takes a winter-long nap. During this carefully. A condition is controlled when it is

hibernation, his blood pressure and body tem- fixed, known, and can be varied deliberately if
perature drop, his digestion closes shop. The desired. This control is best obtained in a special
bear uses the minimum energy necessary to stay locale —a laboratory. When the observation is

alive. It is not a coincidence that this occurs dur- brought under careful control, it is dignified by
ing the season when food is most difficult to find a special name a controlled sequence of observa-
and the weather is quite unbearable. tions is called an experiment. All science is

Of all living things, man feels his surroundings built upon the results of experiments.
and responds to them in the most complex way.
He is more curious than the most inquisitive
kitten. Through his intellect he uses his senses 1-1.1 Observation and Description

more effectively than an antelope avoiding a

Everyone thinks of himself as a good observer.
stalking lion. He has developed communication
Yet there is much more to it than meets the eye.
far beyond the warning quack of a sentry duck
It takes concentration, alertness to detail, in-
or the mating call of a lonely moose. Man’s in-
genuity, and often just plain patience. It even
tellect, together with his communicative ability,
takes practice! Consider an example from your
permit him to respond to his environment in
uniquely beneficial ways. He accumulates infor-
own experience. Think how much can be written
about an object as familiar as a burning candle!
mation about his surroundings, he organizes this

information and seeks regularities in it, he won-

Of course, it takes careful observation —a careful
experiment. This means the candle must be ob-
ders why the regularities exist, and he transmits
served in a laboratory, that is, in a place where
his findings to the next generation. These are the
basic activities of science:
conditions can be controlled. But, how do we
know which conditions need be controlled? Be
to accumulate information through observa-
ready for surprises here! Sometimes the impor-
tant conditions are difficult to discover. Here are
to organize this information and to seek regu-
some conditions that are important in some ex-
larities in it
periments but are not important here.
to wonder why the regularities exist
to communicate the findings to others. The experiment is done on the second floor.
The experiment is done in the daytime.
Fig. 1-1. A scientist makes careful observations. The room lights are on.

Here are some conditions that might be impor-

tant here.

The lab bench is near the door.

The windows are open.
You are standing close enough to the candle
to breathe on it.

Why are these conditions important? Do they

have something in common? Yes, there is the
common factor that a candle does not operate
well in a draft. The conditions are important
because they influence the result of the experi-
SEC. 1-1 I

ment. Important conditions are often not as Table l-I. flammability

easily recognized as these. A good experimen- WILL BURN WON T BURN
talist pays much attention to the discovery of
Tree limbs
conditions that must be controlled. His success
Broom handles Blackberries
is often determined by his ability to control them. Pencils Marbles
Review your own description of a burning Chair legs Paperweights
candle and compare your essay with the one in Flagpoles
Appendix 1. How many of your observations
are included there? How many listed in the ap- This organization of the information was
pendix are not in your description? We see that quite an aid in his quest for warmth. How-
the burning candle is a complicated and fascinat- ever, as tree limbs and broom handles
ing object when subjected to careful observation became scarce, the child tried to find a

and detailed description. regularity that would guide him to new

burnable materials. Looking at the pile of
objects that failed to burn and comparing
1-1.2 The Search for Regularities
it with the pile of objects that would burn,
Observation inevitably leads to questions. One of the child noticed that a regularity ap-
the first questions that usually arises is “What peared. He proposed a possible “generali-
regularities appear?” The discovery of regulari- zation.”
ties permits simplification of the observations. Perhaps: '"'Cylindrical objects burn.’'
Instead of each observation standing alone, sev-
This procedure is one of the elementary logical
eral observations can be classed together and,
thought processes by which information is sys-
hence, can be used more effectively.
tematized. It is called inductive reasoning, and
You must become aware of the pitfalls that it means that a general rule is framed on the basis
exist in the search for regularities. The search is
of a collection of individual observations (or
a meandering one, frequently taking wrong
“facts”). Of what use is the inductive process?
turns. It is inherent in the exploration of the
It is an efficient way of remembering.
unknown that not every step an advance. Yet

there is no other way to advance than by taking The next day the child went looking for

steps. How the search proceeds is best seen in a

burnable materials, but he forgot to bring

fable.The development of such a transparent along his list. However, he remembered his

example may help you see how a scientist generalization. So, he returned to his

searches for regularities. hearthside hauling a tree limb, an old cane,

and three baseball bats (successful predic-
tions!). What’s more, he reflected with
Fable: A Lost Child Keeping Warm pleasure that he hadn’t bothered to carry

Once upon a time a small child became back some other objects; an automobile
lost. Because the weather was cold, he de- radiator, a piece of chain, and a large door.

fire. As he
cided to gather materials for a Since these objects weren’t cylindrical there

brought objects back to his campfire, he was no reason to expect them to burn.
discovered that some of them burned and No doubt you are ready to complain that this
some of them didn’t burn. To avoid collect- generalization isn’t really true! Quite the oppo-
ing useless substances, the child began to site! The generalization states a regularity dis-
keep track of those objects that burned and covered among all the observations available,
those that did not. (He organized his infor- and as long as observations are restricted to
mation.) After a few trips, his classification objects in the list, the generalization is applicable.
contained the information that is shown A generalization is reliable within the bounds
in Table l-I. defined by the experiments that led to the rule.
4 chemistry: an experimental science 1

As long as we restrict ourselves to the objects What good is this rule in the light of the earlier
in Table l-I (together with canes and baseball disappointment? Well, it caused the child to go
bats) it is surely true that all of the cylindrical back and get that door he had passed up two
objects burn! days earlier, but it didn’t lead him to go after

the chain, the automobile radiator, or the card-

board box full of newspapers.
Don’t think this is facetious it is exactly what —
science is all about! We make some observations,
organize them, and seek regularities to aid us in
the effective use of our knowledge. The regulari-
ties are stated as generalizations that are called
theories. A theory is retained as long as it is

consistent with the known facts of nature or as

long as it is an aid in systematizing our knowl-
edge. We can be sure that some day a number of
our present scientific views will seem as absurd
as “Cylindrical objects burn.” But on that day
we will be proud of better views that have been
substituted. If you are discouraged by the child’s
faltering progress —he hasn’t yet decided that the
box of newspapers will burn be reassured. This —
childis a scientist and his faltering steps will lead
Because of his successful predictions, the
him to the newspapers. They are the same steps
child became confident of his generaliza-
that led us to our present understanding of rela-
tion. The next day he deliberately left the
list at his campsite. This time, with the aid
tivity, to our discovery of polio vaccine, and to
our propulsion of rockets to the moon.
of his rule, he came back heavily laden with
two ginger ale bottles,
three pieces of pipe,
and the axle from an old car, while spurn- MELTING OF SOLIDS
ing a huge cardboard box full of news-
Through experiment, you yourself have discov-
ered an important regularity in the behaviors of
During the long cold night that followed solid substances.
he drew these conclusions:
A solid melts to a liquid when the temperature
(1) The cylindrical shape of a burnable ob- is raised sufficiently. The temperature at which

ject may not be intimately associated a solid melts is characteristic. When the warm
with its flammability after alL liquid is recooled, it solidifies at this same
(2) Even though the “cylindrical” rule is temperature.
no longer useful, tree limbs, broom
This generalization is of great value. It is based
handles, pencils, and the other burn-
upon exactly the type of experiment you have
ables in Table l-I still burn.
performed. We have confidence in the rule be-
(3) He’d better bring the list along tomor-
cause this type of experiment has been conducted
successfully on hundreds of thousands of sub-
But, thinking over the longer list, he saw
stances. The melting behavior is one of the most
a new regularity that fitted Table l-I and commonly used methods of characterizing a sub-
the newly acquired information as well: stance. It leads us to wonder if every solid can
be converted to a liquid if the temperature is

Perhaps: ''Wooden objects burn.'’'' raised sufficiently. Further, it leads us to wonder

SEC. 1-1 I

Fig. 1-3. A solid melts to a liquid at a characteristic


if every liquid can be converted to a solid if the

temperature is lowered sufficiently.

We have discovered that a solid can be converted
to a liquid bywarming it at or above its melting
point. Then the solid can be restored merely by
recooling. The solid and the liquid are similar
in many respects and one is easily obtained from
called “wondering why,” and it arises from our
the other.Hence they are called different phases
of the same substance. Ice is the solid phase of
irresistible urge to know more than merely
water and, at room temperature, water is in the
“What happens?” We must also seek the answer

liquid phase. The change that occurs when a

to '"'Why does happen?” This activity is prob-

ably the most creative and the most rewarding

solid melts or a liquid freezes is called a phase
part of a science. What is the process? What does
it mean to answer a question beginning “Why”?
1-1.3 Wondering Why EXPLANATIONS
We have already experienced some of the activi- Let us see what it means to search for an expla-
ties of science. First came careful observation nation. Consider a child blowing up a balloon.
under controlled conditions, then organization As he blows into the balloon again and again it
of the information and the search for regularities expands and it becomes “harder.” Evidently the
of behavior. There is one more activity that, like gas is “pushing” on the inside of the balloon,
dessert, fittingly comes last. This activity may be stretching its elastic walls. Why docs the gas push
6 chemistry: an experimental science I

outward more and more on the walls of the by assuming each collision with a cushion is

balloon as it is inflated? Why does the gas con- perfectly elastic. When the ball strikes the cush-
tinue to push outward without “tiring” or “run- ion, pushing on it, the cushion pushes back, and
ning down”? These are “wondering why” ques- the ball leaves again without any loss of velocity.
tions. Its movement can be reasonably foretold on the
There are two ways to proceed in trying to basis of this elastic collision assumption. Perhaps
answer these questions. We have already ex- the behavior of a gas can be explained in these
amined one of these ways — to look more closely same terms. Suppose we picture a gas as a col-
at the balloon, to record carefully what we see, lection of particles bouncing around in a con-
and to seek regularities in what we observe. The tainer, endlessly, making elastic collisions with
second way is to look away from the balloon and the walls, just like miniature billiard balls. Every
to seek similar behavior in another situation that time one of these particles strikes a wall, it

we understand better. Maybe this will enable us “pushes” on the wall and bounces away again.
to frame an explanation of the gas pressure in If there are many particles, there will be many

terms of the better-understood situation. Some- such collisions per second, which accounts for
times a useful explanation turns up in a quite the pressure of the gas. If gas is added to the
unexpected direction. balloon, there will be even more particles, hence
Consider the motion of a billiard ball. After more wall collisions per second, hence higher
it is struck by the cue, it moves until it strikes a pressure. Thus the billiard ball model does offer
cushion, from which it bounces, apparently with a possible answer to our question.
undiminished velocity. It rolls along in a new With this example, we can now see the mean-
direction until it strikes another cushion, chang- ing of an explanation. It began with a “wonder-
ing its direction again. It may continue to roll ing why” question:
until it has hit the cushions six or seven times.
Question: Why does a balloon expand as it is
The billiard ball seems almost tireless as it re-
bounds time and again from the “walls” of the
Possible Answer: Perhaps the gas put in the
billiard table. Could there be a connection be-
balloon consists of a collection of small par-
tween the “untiring” motion of a billiard ball
ticles that rebound from the wall of the bal-
and the “untiring” pressure of a gas in a balloon?
loon just as billiard balls rebound from the
Billiard balls have long fascinated both idle
cushions of a billiard table. As the gas particles
and curious men. The latter group has found
rebound from the balloon wall, they push on
that the motion of a billiard ball can be described
it. When more gas particles are added, the
number of such wall collisions per second in-
Fig. 1-4. A rebounding billiard ball suggests a possi- creases, hence the outward push on the bal-
ble explanation of gas pressure. loon wall increases. The balloon expands.
SEC. 1-1 I

This is the characteristic pattern of an explana- ity shown in the discovery of this regularity is

tion. It begins with a “Why?” question that asks that the likeness is not readily apparent. Fit-
about a process that is not well understood. An tingly, there is a special reward for the discovery
answer is framed in terms of a process that is of such hidden likeness. The discoverer can bring
well understood. In our example, the origin of on the studied system all of the experience
to bear
gas pressure in the balloon is the process we wish and knowledge accumulated from the well un-
to clarify. It is diflicult even to sense the presence derstood system.
of a gas. The around us usually cannot be
seen, tasted, nor smelled (take away smog); it
cannot be heard or felt if there is no wind. So we These ideas are best learned by using them your-
attempt to explain the properties of a gas in self. Let us take an example from your own labo-

terms of the behavior of billiard balls. These ratory work. You have observed the heating of a
objects are readily seen and felt; their behavior variety of solid materials: sulfur, wax, tin, lead,
has been thoroughly studied and is well under- silver chloride, and copper. Each melts at a char-
stood. acteristic temperature. This fact led us to the
The search for explanation is, then, the search generalization “A solid melts to a liquid at a
for likenesses that connect the system under characteristic temperature.” Your confidence in

study with a model system which has been the generalization was bolstered by the addi-
studied earlier. The explanation is considered to tional information (communicated to you, not
be “good” when: experienced) that this applies to “hundreds of
thousands of substances.”
(1) the model system is well understood (that is,
Your teacher demonstrated the effect of heat-
when the regularities in the behavior of the
ing steel wool, and it proved to be a spectacular
model system have been thoroughly ex-
exception to the generalization about melting.
plored); and
An inexperienced observer might note this spe-
(2) the connection is a strong one (that is, when
cialbehavior in his notebook, cross reference it
there are close similarities between the stud-
under “Sparklers,” and proceed to the next sub-
ied system and the model system).
stance. A curious person, however, cannot resist

Our example constitutes a good explanation, wondering, “Why does steel wool behave in this
because: special manner?”
In quite another direction of thought you in-
(1) how a billiard ball rebounds is well under-
vestigated the burning of a candle. You dis-
stood ;
we can calculate in mathematical de-
covered that and that the prod-
air plays a role
tail just how much push the billiard ball
ucts are different from the starting materials.
exerts on the cushion at each bounce; and
Here we have two areas that have been in-
(2) the connection to gas pressure is close; ex-
vestigated thoroughly and that are well under-
actly the same mathematics describes the
stood (and that you have examined to some ex-
pressure behavior if the gas is pictured as a
tent yourself). Stated briefly, our starting point
collection of many small particles, endlessly
of knowledge is
in motion, bouncing elastically against the
walls of the container. (1) Solids melt on heating.

Therefore, the particle explanation of gas pres-

(2) A candle burns, consuming oxygen from the
sure is a good one.
Now, perhaps, you can see that answering the We are wondering why steel wool makes such
question “Why?” is merely a highly sophisti- a brilliant display on heating. Perhaps the ex-
cated form of seeking regularities. It is indeed a planation is to be found in 2. Though there are
regularity of nature that gases and billiard balls striking visual differences, perhaps we can ex-
have properties in common. The special creativ- plain the behavior of steel wool by likening it to
8 chemistry: am experimental science I

Fig. 1-5. The behavior of steel wool on heating. Here is a proposal subject to direct test. We
can place wool under an atmosphere that

excludes oxygen gas, and look for a change in

a candle. Can we substitute the words “steel the heating behavior. We go to the laboratory,
wool” for “candle” in 2? heat steel wool under carbon dioxide and, lo, the
steel wool melts!
Perhaps: (3) Steel wool burns, consuming The special behavior of steel wool on heating
oxygen from the air.
can now be said to be explained:

If 3 is a useful connection with the behavior “Steel wool, like a candle, burns when heated
of a burning candle, then we should enjoy the in air.”
special reward for this discovery. The connection “Steel wool, like other solids, melts to a liquid
we propose implies that the knowledge
accumu- when heated under conditions that prevent burn-
lated on the candle can be brought to bear on ing.”
the new system.
This type of understanding makes possible the
Since: A candle does not burn if it is denied metallurgical processing of steel (and other met-
oxygen, als). This type of reasoning makes possible an
then: steel wool should not sparkle if it is increase in our perception of the regularities of
denied oxygen. nature. It begins with wondering why.


Here are three statements concerning the melting the second statement could be the most informa-
behavior of paradichlorobenzene: tive of the three? It is so. To understand why, we
must consider uncertainty in measurement.
(1) The melting point is 53°C.
(2) The melting point is 53.2°C.
(3) The melting point is 53.203°C. 1-2.1 Uncertainty in a Measurement

Apparently the third statement says more than A scientific statement conveys knowledge about
the second, and the second statement says more the environment. The statement is careless if it

than the first. Would it surprise you to learn that says less than is known. It is misleading if it says
SEC. 1-2 I

more than is known. The most accurate statement not 53.0°C. Consider, however, the chance of re-
clearly conveys just what is known and no more. fining your thermometry sufficiently to distin-
Thus, a scientist will decide whether to list the guish between 53.200°C and 53.203°C. With the
melting point as 53°C, 53.2°C or 53.203°C by equipment available to you, it just isn’t possible.
considering which value what is known
tells just We conclude, then, that a careful measurement
about the melting behavior and no more. could establish the melting point to be 53.2°C.
Consider your own laboratory measurement Then the second statement (m.p. = 53.2°C)
of the melting point of /7(3radichlorobenzene would tell just what is known. The first state-
(Experiment 3). Do your temperature measure- ment (m.p. = 53°C) does not tell all that is
ments permit you to say that the melting point known since only two figures are given, though
is 53°C, not 54°C? Probably, yes. It isn’t too three were measured. The third statement
difficult to read the thermometer with this cer- (m.p. = 53.203°C) tells far more than is known
tainty. Can you read the thermometer so as to since the last two figures were not learned ex-
distinguish 53.0°C and 53.2°C? This is more dif- perimentally. We see that the measurement gives
ficult. It depends upon the thermometer and us three figures which are meaningful and sig-
your skill in its use. It also depends upon whether nificant. The number 53.2°C is said to have three
the temperature of the solid during melting is significant figures.
uniform throughout. Still, a magnifying glass
permits more certainty in the reading of the
scale, and slower heating would increase the uni-

formity of the sample temperature. With this

type of extra care, it is possible to tell that the
melting point of /?aradichlorobenzene is 53.2°C,

Fig. 1-6. Every measurement involves some uncer-

tainty. The thermometer on the left can be
read to ±:0.2°C. The one on the right can
be read to ±0.002° C.
10 chemistry; an experimental science I

1-2.2 Uncertainty in a Derived Quantity: equal to the sum of the uncertainties in the parts,
Addition and Subtraction 0.2 + 0.2 = 0.4. Hence our derived result can
Results of scientific observations are often com- be written

bined. For example, in Experiment 5 you will Difference (temperature change) = 29.2 ± 0.4°C
determine the change of water temperature dur-
We see that the uncertainty in a derived quantity
ing the combustion of a candle (or during the
is fixed by the uncertainties in the
solidification of candle wax). The change of tem-
that must be combined. For an addition or a1
perature, which we called At, is the result of two
measurements, not just one — it is a derived quan-
subtraction, the
the sum
of the uncertainties in the components:
is simply ^

tity: j
0.2 + 0.2 = 0.4.
Temperature after heating = 38.5°C
Temperature before heating = 9.3°C
Difference (temperature change). At = 29.2°C EXERCISE 1-1

In accordance with good scientific practice, we In Experiment 5, the weight of a sample of water
would like to express the temperature change so is determined by subtracting the weight of the
as to include just what is known but no more. empty can from the weight of the can containing
To do this, we must investigate how the uncer- the water.
tainties in the two temperature readings fix the
(wt. water) = (wt. can + water) — (wt. empty can)
uncertainty in the difference. At. Suppose the
final temperature is measured by a second stu- Suppose the weight of the can is 61 ± 1 grams
dent who finds the temperature to be 38.3°C. and the weight of the can plus water 406 d= 1 is

Then a third student finds it to be 38.7°C. Ap- grams. Calculate the weight of the water and the
parently, different students making the same maximum uncertainty in the weight caused by
measurement may by a few tenths of a
differ the uncertainties in each of the two weighings.
degree. Apparently, the measurement recorded
by any one student could be in error by this
amount, about 0.2°C. Perhaps the temperature
1-2.3 Uncertainty in a Derived Quantity:
recorded as 38.5°C could be as high as 38.7°C
Multiplication and Division
(0.2° higher) or as low as 38.3°C (0.2° lower)!
This can be expressed briefly as follows: The temperature measurements made in Experi-
ment 5 enable you to calculate the quantity of
Temperature after heating = 38.5 ± 0.2°C*
heat liberated when a known weight of candle is
Presumably, the same uncertainty is present in burned. Heat is measured in units called calories;
the first temperature measurement, so our cal- one calorie is the heat needed to raise the tem-
culation becomes: perature of one gram of water one degree Centi-
gradef To raise the temperature of two grams
Temperature after heating = 38.5 ± 0.2°C
of water one degree would require two calories
Temperature before heating = 9.3 dz 0.2°C
Difference (temperature change). At = 29.2 ± ? ?°C 10 grams would require 10 calories. In general,

quantity of heat necessary to raise w grams

To decide what uncertainty to ascribe to 29.2,
of water one degree
consider the worst possible combination of the = w calories
uncertainties. The first temperature could be as
low as 9.1°C and the But in the experiment, the temperature of the
final temperature could be
as high as 38.7°C. Then the difference would be t The heat necessary to raise the temperature of one

29.6°C. Thus the worst possible combination of gram of water one degree is constant within ±0.2%
errors would place an error in the difference between 8 and 80°C. The calorie has been, in the past,
defined to be the heat necessary to raise the temperature
The symbol ± is read “plus or minus.” of one gram of water from 14.5 to 15.5°C.
SEC. 1-2 I

water rises several degrees —we call the tempera- In view of this large uncertainty, we can round
ture change A/. If it takes one calorie to warm off the answer sensibly:
one gram of water one degree Centigrade, it
= 10,100 ± 200 calories
takes five calories to warm it five degrees. In
Once again the uncertainty in the product, a
derived quantity, is fixedby the uncertainties in
quantity of heat necessary to raise w grams
the measurements that must be combined.
of water At degrees
= IV X Ar calories (/)

Again we are faced with the dual problem: first,

to calculate the quantity of heat, q; and, second, Calculate the uncertainty in the product w X A/
to decide the uncertainty in g. caused by the temperature measurement alone
The quantity of heat, q, is calculated with the (assuming the uncertainty in the 345 gram weight
aid of equation (7); it is simply the product of the of water has been made negligible by more care-
weight of water times the temperature difference. ful weighings). Calculate the uncertainty caused
Referring to our data, we find, by the dz2 gram weighing uncertainty alone
(assuming the uncertainty in the temperature
wt. of water = ± 2 grams
At = 29.2 ± 0.4°C
change, 29.2°C, has been made negligible by use
of a more sensitive thermometer). Compare these
The quantity of heat is equal to the product,
two contributions to the total uncertainty, about
345 200 calories.
X 29.2
3105 The uncertainty in the product, ±200 calo-
690 ries, is not simply the sum of the uncertainties
10,074.0 calories in the factors, ±0.4°C and ±2 grams. Instead,
q = 10,074.0 ± ? calories the sum of the percentage uncertainties in the
factors determines the uncertainty in a product
As in the last section, we can estimate the
or a quotient.* Fortunately, there is an easy
uncertainty in q by considering the worst possible
method for estimating it roughly without cal-
combination of uncertainties. Suppose the weight
culating percentages. This method, based upon
is actually 343grams and At is actually 28.8°.
the number of figures written, is described in
Then the product would be below 10,074.0 calo-
Section 1-2.5.
ries. But perhaps the weight is actually 347 grams

and At is actually 29.6°. Then the product would

1-2.4 The Absence of Certainty in Science
be above 10,074.0 calories. These extremes deter-
mine the uncertainty in the product: Each measuring device has limitations that fix its
accuracy. Hence every individual observation
Minimum value Maximum value
has some uncertainty associated with it. Since
343 347
every regularity of nature is discovered through
X 28.8 X 29.6
observations, every regularity (law, rule, theory)
2744 2082
2744 3123
has uncertainty attached to it.

686 694 Every scientific statement involves some ^

9878.4 calories 10,271.2 calories uncertainty.

We see that the product 10,074.0 could be in A corollary:

error by almost 200 calories. Now we can express No scientific statement is absolutely certain.
our result together with its uncertainty:
* The calculation based upon percentage uncertainty is

q = 10,074.0 ± about 196 calories presented in Appendix 4 of the Laboratory Manual.

12 chemistry: an experimental science I

1-2.5 How Uncertainty Is Indicated ple rule for estimating roughly the uncertainty

We now have seen two methods for indicating in a product or quotient. A product {a X b) or

uncertainty in a number. The most informative quotient (a/b) has the same number of significant
is to follow the number by the symbol db and
figures as the less precise component (a or b)*

then the best estimate available of the uncer-

tainty. The less informative but more widely used
method is to indicate crudely the uncertainty by EXERCISE 1-3
the number of figures shown. The last figure
shown is generally the one in which there is some In Section 1-2.3 we multiplied 345 X 29.2 to

uncertainty. Thus, the number 53.2°C indicates obtain 10,074.0 calories.

there may be uncertainty in the figure 2, but

(a) How many significant figures are there in the
there is none in either of the figures 5 or 3. The
factor 345? In the factor 29.2?
digits that are certain and one more are called
(b) How many significant figures should be re-
significant figures. The correct number of sig-
tained in the product, 10,074.0?
nificant figures should always be used and, wher-
(c) Six figures are specified in the number
ever possible, the more definite indication ± 10,074.0 —more than are warranted. “Round
should be added.
off” this number in accordance with your
need convenient rules for estimating the
answer to (b). Compare your answer with
maximum uncertainty in derived quantities. This
the final result derived in Section 1-2.3,
is rather easy for a sum or a difference. In either
q 10,100 dz 200 calories.
case, merely add up the uncertainties in the
components. Fortunately there is an equally sim-


One of the most important reasons for man’s arguments), then someone else would have had
progress in understanding and controlling his en- to do it all again.
vironment is his ability to communicate knowl- Communication of knowledge is, then, an im-
edge to the next generation. It isn’t necessary for portant part of scientific activity. The first re-

each twentieth century scientist to invent the quirement is good use of language. If an idea is

atomic description of matter. This was invented not well expressed, whether orally or in writing,
by John Dalton in the nineteenth century, and it is not likely to be clearly understood. An argu-
Dalton recorded his ideas in the scientific litera- ment loses its force if it is stated in an ambiguous
ture together with the observations that led him way. An essential thought can be lost in a maze
to the model. By study of this and subsequent of excess words. Choose and use your language
literature a modern scientist can appraise the carefully.
nature of the description, the facts it will explain, The manner in which you present an idea de-
and the limitations. He is quickly able to ap- pends to some extent upon the intended use, to
proach the frontiers of knowledge the frontiers — some extent upon the type of information avail-
defined by the limitations in our accepted models able. Usually, themore precise the statement of
of the behavior of matter. more valuable it is. In general,
the regularity, the
One can almost say that a scientific advance is there will be more than one way to express a
important only if it is communicated to others. generalization, and judgment is needed in mak-
If Dalton had not told others of his ideas nor * The use of significant figures is discussed in Appendix
tried to convince them (through his supporting 4 in the Laboratory Manual.
SEC. 1-3 I

pressed. In a third mode of expression, the meas-

urements can be presented graphically in a plot
ing a choice among them. This is best seen in of pressure against volume, as in Figure 1-8.

terms of an example. With these careful measurements, we might

Figure 1-7 shows a tire pump with a pressure also seek a mathematical statement of the behav-
gauge attached to the hose so that the gau^e ior. Sometimes inspection of the data suggests a
prevents escape of the gas in the pump. Pushing relationship. Sometimes the appearance of a
on the handle of the pump causes the plunger to plot, such as Figure 1-8, reveals a mathematical
go down, and reduces the volume occupied by expression. In the example we're studying, the
the gas. The gauge shows that the pressure is curve resembles a hyperbola, a curve described
higher. Pushing still harder on the handle in- by the simple equation, xj; = a constant. This
creases the pressure still more. Again the increase similarity leads us to multiply each pressure and
in pressure causes a reduction in volume. We see volume pair, as shown in the third column of
that as the pressure rises, the volume decreases. Table l-II. We find that during a ten-fold in-
This qualitative statement describes a regularity crease in pressure, the product P X F is fairly

in the behavior of a fixed amount of gas. Such a constant. There are some variations in the prod-
qualitative statement is the crudest form in which uct, as seen both in Table l-II and, as well, in
a regularity can be expressed. the scatter of the points around thesmooth curve
A curious person, attempting to understand in Figure 1-8. The random nature of the devia-
this regularity, might see a necessity for more tions from constancy suggests that they measure
careful measurements. He might build a new the uncertainty due to experimental technique.
piece of apparatus, one that would be more suit- We can use these deviations to provide an esti-
able for measuring volumes and pressures over mate of the uncertainty in the average, ±0.6.
a wide range. After carrying out a series of (How this is done is shown in Exercise 1-4.)
14 chemistry: an experimental science 1

Hence, with reasonable confidence we can state

the regularity mathematically
PXV= 22.4 ± 0.6

Thus we have found four ways to express the

regularity between the pressure and volume of
oxygen gas:

(a) Qualitatively: As the pressure rises, the vol-

ume decreases.
(b) Quantitatively: List the original data that
show how pressure and volume are related,
as in Table 1-11.
(c) Graphically: Plot the relationship between
pressure and volume of 32.0 grams of oxygen
gas at 0°C, as in Figure 1-8.

(d) Mathematically:

PXV = 22.4 ± 0.6 ,2 .4- .6 .8 1.0

P = pressure (in atmospheres) Pressure, atmospheres
V = volume (in liters) of 32.0 grams A of the pressure versus volume of
Fig. 1-8. plot
of oxygen gas at 0°C
32.0 grams of oxygen gas; t — 0°C.
Obviously the regularity expressed in the qual-
itative form (a) is far less informative than any

one of the quantitative presentations, (b), (c), or by experimental errors cause the data points to
(d). The relative merits of the expressions (b), fall above and below this smooth curve. Hence

(c), and (d) depend upon the use. Table l-II tells the graphical presentation reveals reliability of

in most detail exactly how much is known about the measurements. The smooth curve “irons
the pressure-volume behavior of oxygen gas out” these uncertainties and provides a con-
(from this experiment). In the graphical presen- venient basis for predicting volumes at inter-
1-8 the trend of the data mediate pressures (that is, for interpolating).
tation of Figure is

shown by the smooth curve drawn to pass near However, from the standpoint of usefulness, the
as many points as possible. Uncertainties caused mathematical expression (d) is often the best.
It is the most compact way of stating the regu-
larity together with its uncertainty. Mathematics
Table 1-IL is one of the most important tools of chemistry.
PRESSURE AND VOLUME OF 32.0 GRAMS No matter how expressed, all scientific “rules,”
OF OXYGEN GAS t = 0°C “laws,” and “theories” are statements of regu-
larities of nature. Their usefulness depends upon
the amount of experimental evidence that shows
(in units called (in units called
that the “rule,” “law,” or “theory” corresponds
atmospheres) liters) PXV bounds that
to experimental reality. Within the
it is known to correspond to experimental reality,
0.100 224 22.4
the relation can be used for prediction.
0.200 109 21.8
0.400 60.0 24.0
0.600 35.7 21.4
0.800 27.7 22.2
1.00 22.4 22.4 (a) Add the six values of F X F in Table l-II

Average 22.4 ± 0.6

and divide by 6 to obtain the average,
{P X F)av or, {PVU.
SEC. 1 -4 I

(b) Now add a fourth column to Table l-II deviations, add the column (disregarding al-

showing the deviation of each P X V prod- gebraic signs) and divide by 6 to obtain an
uct from (PF)av. Head this column with the average deviation.
word “Deviation,” and calculate each entry (d) Compare your calculations in (a) and (c)

by subtracting (PF)av from the measured with the result given in Table l-II,

value. For example, the second entry will be

- = Average = 22.4 ± 0.6
-0.6 (since, 21.8 22.4 -0.6).
(c) When you have completed the column of


This chapter began with the statement that we tance and value of careful study and attention
would what science is
find through experience to detail.
all about. Already you have had opportunities In your experimentation, be alert and ready
to do so in the laboratory. We see that science for unexpected developments. Record in your
is man’s systematic investigation of his en- notebook at the moment of observation a de-
vironment. Chapter 1 has told how this in- scription of everything you see. The time of the
vestigation proceeds. The remainder of the book observation frequently has importance. Com-
is concerned with those parts of this investigation pleteness is, by far, the most important property
that are carried out by chemists. Before going of a good notebook. Next in importance, legi-

on to see what chemistry is, let us review your bility, and organization make your
laboratory accomplishments so far with empha- notebook a more valuable record. Whenever
sis on the activities of science. possible, prepare tables in advance for the results
of measurements you can anticipate. This guar-
1-4.1 Accumulating Information Through antees that you won’t forget to note important
Observation information, and it frees you from clerical work
during an experiment.
Observation of a burning candle reveals an as-
Remember, chemistry is built upon the results
tonishing complexity. It also reveals the impor-
of experiments. An experiment is a controlled
sequence of observations. A good experimentalist
Fig. 1-9. A good experimentalist is a good observer. is a good observer.
Record in your notebook at the moment of
observation. Prepare tables in advance.
1-4.2 Organizing Information and Seeking
Regularities in It

The mere cataloging of observations is not sci-

knowledge of
ence. In fact, the advance of our
nature would long ago have ground to a halt if
we merely made observations. The multitude of
known facts can be dealt with only if it is pack-
aged efficiently. This packaging we have called
“organizing the information” and “seeking regu-

There is no single recipe for seeking regulari-

ties. That is probably why the search is so
interestingand why the scientist receives so much
personal satisfaction from his work. Here is op-
16 chemistry: an experimental science I

portunity for originality, opportunity for testing vironment we have dubbed “wondering why.”
one’s wit and cleverness. You can experience the We seek explanations. Through an example, we
pleasure a scientist derives from clarifying a pre- have seen that an explanation is the discovery of
viously mystifying behavior by careful experi- likenesses connecting a process we do not under-
ments of your own. stand with processes we do understand. This is

In our study of the candle the presence of the most rewarding activity of science. It leads
liquid at the top of the candle caught our atten- to exploration. Learn to ask yourself questions
tion. It led us to wonder about the behavior of beginning with “Why” when you observe both —
other familiar solids given a similar treatment. inand out of the chemistry laboratory. It is a
In this case, we went looking for regularity —we good habit to have, and it frequently makes life
sought, through experiment, to discover how more interesting.

other solids behave on heating. Our first studies, You have had opportunities to ask many
when organized, led us to the generalization that “Why” questions already from your work in the
solids melt at a characteristic temperature when laboratory. In fact, there are enough such ques-
heated. We made two gains thereby: we found tions to provide the basis for the rest of the
an efficient expression of the results of a number course. Some of the questions that have been
of experiments, and we provided a basis for ex- raised in your experiments are listed at the end
pectation on the effect of heating solids which of the chapter. Can you add to this list? How
we have not studied before. The confidence this many of the questions can you answer now? We
expectation deserves is fixed by the amount of will find the answers to many of them in our
evidence supporting the generalization. subsequent study. Some may not yet have satis-
factory answers. These are the most interesting
1-4.3 Wondering Why questions because they point into the future
The culmination of the investigation of our en- your future.


Why does a solid absorb heat when it melts ?

Why is heat liberated in the burning of a candle?

Why is the heat effect so much larger in the chemical reaction than in the phase change you studied?
Why does the candle react with air to give carbon dioxide and water rather than the reverse, carbon dioxide and
water reacting to give candle and air ?

Why didn’t the candle react with air (that is, burn) while the candle was stored in your desk drawer? Why did it

wait until you wanted it to burn ? What is the role of the match you used to light the candle ?

Why does a candle burn slowly when you light the wick, in contrast to what happens when you light the “wick”
of a firecracker ?

What is the role of the wick of the candle ?

How much water and carbon dioxide are produced from a burning candle?
Why does carbon dioxide cause limewater to become cloudy ?
Why does the burning of sulfur produce a bad smell while the burning of steel wool produces sparks?
Why does a flame emit colored light?
Why is the base of the flame blue?
What is the dark zone in the candle flame?

Why does the candle flame smoke more in a breeze?

Why don’t we run out of questions?

A Scientific Model:
The Atomic Theory

• • •
hypotheses ought to be fitted merely to explain the properties of
things and not attempt to predetermine them except in so far as they

can be an aid to experiments.


One of the activities of science is the search for i nyolyes a r eal physical system (such as rebound-
r egularity. Regularities that directly correlate ex - ing billiard balls), the explanat ion is us ually
peri mental results a re generally called rules o r called a model When the
. likeness _iayjQlyjes_aji
laws. A more abstract regularity, expressing a abstract idea (such as a mathematical equation),
hidden likeness, is generally called a model, th e expla nation is usually ca lled a th eory There

theory, or principle. Thus, the behayior of oxy- is no real distinction to be made, howeyer, and
gen gas summarized in the equation PX V= a we shall use the words model and theory inter-
cmslrnl. is„calied alaw.* The explanation of this changeably.
same regular gas behayior in terms of the motion When seeking an explanation, we sometimes
of particles is called a theory. It is a greater find more than one explanation. When this ha p-
abstraction to connect the PV product with the pens the model for theory) t ha t is most usefu 1

mathematical equations that describe rebound- is mo st used. A model that proyes to be useful

ing billiard balls. Neye rtheless, rules, laws, mod - generally points to new directions of thought.
els, theories, and principles all h aye a common The new directions guide us to new experiments
aim — they all systematize our experimental and, thereby, new facts come to light. Often, the
knowledge. They all state regularities among new facts will require growth of the model. Oc-
known facts. casionally the new facts forcibly contradict the
The more abstract regularities come from the model and it must be abandoned in faycr of
d iscoyery of a hidden likeness . When the likeness another. Both the growth and abandonment of
models or theories reflect increase in our under-
* It is called Boyle’s Law, after Robert Boyle, the standing of the enyironment.
scientist who first discovered this particular regularity. Let us see how a model grows.


As an example, we can explore the implications 2-1.1 The Pressure-Volume Behavior
of our explanation of the behavior of gases. Oxygen Gas

The exp^imental data in Table l-II show that

Question: Why d oes a balloon expand as it is
oae-h alf doubles the
Possible Answer: Perhaps the gas put in the
ments). How does the particle model correlate
balloon consists of a collection of small par-
with this observation? We picture particles of
ticles that rebound from the wall of the bal-
oxygen bounding back and forth between the
loon just as billiard balls rebound from the
walls of the container. Th e pressure is deter- ^
cushions of a billiard table. As the gas particles
mined by he push e^ch colhsion gives to the
rebound from the balloon wall, they push
wM^and. by the frequency of collisions. If tho

on it.
volume is halved without changing the number
of par ticles, then there, must be twice as many*
This model is u seful. first ^J]>ecB.use^e _can
particles per liter. With twice as many particles
calculate in mathematical detail just how^much per liter, the frequency of wall collisions will be
push a billiard ball exerts on a cushion at each doubled. Doubling the wall collisions will double
xehound,.and, semnd., because exactly t he sam e the pressure. Hence, our model is consistent with
mathematics describes th e pressure b ehavior of observation: Halving the volume doubles the
gas in_a balloon. The success of the model leads pressure.
to new directions of thought. For example, we
might now wonder whether the pressure-volume
behavior of oxygen, as shown in Table l-II
Fig. 2-1. In the particle model, wall collisions deter-
(p. 14), can be explained in terms of the particle mine pressure. Halving the volume doubles
model of a gas. the pressure.
SEC. 2-1 I

2-1.2 The Pressure-Volume Behavior Table 2-11

Having gained this understanding of the pres- OF HYDROGEN CHLORIDE GAS t = 0°C
sure-volume behavior of oxygen, it is natural to PRESSURE VOLUME
wonder whether the same model is applicable (atmospheres) (liters) P Y.V
to other gases. Thus, the development of the
0.100 196 19.6
theory leads us to perform new experiments. 0.500 39.2 19.6
Such experiments provide a systematic growth of 1.00 19.6 19.6
our knowledge of our environment. They are
generally much more effective than random,
“shot-in-the-dark” experiments.
To explain this behavior, chemists have found
Two other gases on the chemist’s shelf are
it convenient to consider a different weight of
ammonia and hydrogen chloride. Is the particle
each gas; they select that amount that gives the
model applicable to them as well as to oxygen?
same PV product as 32.0 grams of oxygen gas.
To find out, we must perform experiments that
Consider, first, ammonia gas. At 0°C and a pres-
duplicate the conditions used in the study of
sure of one atmosphere, 32.0 grams of ammonia
oxygen. Table 2-1 shows pressure-volume meas-
occupies 42.1 liters. We have taken too large a
urements for 32.0 grams of gaseous ammonia at
weight of ammonia. The weight of ammonia
0°C. Table 2-11 shows the same type of data for
needed to occupy only 22.4 liters at this pressure
32.0grams of gaseous hydrogen chloride at this
is smaller by a factor 22.4/42.1
same temperature.
wt. ammonia = 32.0 g X = 17.0 g

Table 2-1
Pressure-volume data for this weight of ammonia
are shown in Table 2-I1I.
(atmospheres) (liters) P^V Table 2-111
0.100 421 42.1
0.500 84.2 42.1
1.00 '

.„42J -42.1 ,,
(atmospheres) (liters) py.v
We see that these two gases also show the 0.100 224 22.4
behavior at a fixed temperature, PV = a con- 0.500 44.8 22.4

stant. The particle model should be useful for 1.00 22.4 22.4

these gases as well as for oxygen. On the other

hand, the numerical value of the constant varies
from one gas to another, if the same weight of

gas is Thus 32.0 grams of oxygen at

considered. EXERCISE 2-1

0°C and one atmosphere occupy 22.4 liters. The If 32.00 grams of hydrogen chloride gas (at 0°C
same weight of ammonia at this temperature and and one atmosphere) oceupy 19.65 liters, then a
pressure occupies 42.1 liters. The same weight of larger weight of hydrogen ehloride is needed to
hydrogen chloride occupies only 19.6 liters. The occupy the larger volume, 22.4 liters. Show that
particle model of gases must be modified to ex- the weight needed is 36.5 grams.
plain these differences.

Now the regularity between pressure and vol- 2-1.3 Some Properties of Gases

ume of these three gases can be expressed as What gases do we find in the chemical stock-
follows: room? How do they compare in other proper-
For 32.0 grams of oxygen at 0°C, ties? Looking down the row of tanks we find the

PXV = 22.4; names ammonia, chlorine, hydrogen, hydrogen

for 17.0 grams of ammonia at 0°C, chloride, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and oxy-
PXV= 22.4; gen, among others. Two of these gases are

for 36.5 grams of hydrogen chloride at 0°C,

colored — chlori ne is y ellow-green and nitrogen

PXV ^ 22.4.
dioxide is —
reddish-brown and the other five are
colorless. The colorless gases can be further
Each of the gases has a behavior consistent sorted according to their solubilities in water.
with the particle model of a gas (PV = a con- Figure 2-2 shows what happens if a stoppered
stant). However, the particles of the gas called test tube full of each gas is opened with the
oxygen must differ from the particles of gas mouth of the test tube under water. In the tubes
called ammonia. These, in turn, must differ from containing ammonia and hydrogen chloride the
the particles of the gas called hydrogen chloride. water rises rapidly, filling the tubes. These two
How do the particles differ? Why is it that 32.0 gases dissolve readily in water. In each of the
grams of oxygen give the same PV product as other three test tubes the liquid level rises very
17.0 grams of ammonia and 36.5 grams of hy- little, showing that little gas dissolves.
drogen chloride (all at 0°C)? Do the particles
have different weights? Again, we are led to new

questions and new questions lead to new experi-

ments. Fig. 2-2. Gases have different solubilities in water.
SEC. 2-2 I

Though a mmonia and hydrogen chloride both the splint bursts into flame. When a brightly
dissolve in water, these tw o gases are very dif- glowing splint is plunged into hydrogen, the glow
ferentin other pr operti es. For example, they is either extinguished or, if air has mixed with
behave differently when placed in contact with hydrogen, it produces a small explosion.
the dye, litmus. This dye, when moistened, turns Thus we find that each of these gases has dis-
red if it is placed in hydrogen chloride. However, tinctive properties. If these gases are made up of
if it is placed in ammonia, it turns blue. particles, then the particles must be distinctive.

Wehave not yet distinguished the gases nitric The particles that are present in ammonia cannot
oxide, hydrogen, and oxygen. Nitric oxide has be like the particles in hydrogen chloride, or like
its own personality. Immediately upon exposure those in the other gases. The nature of the am-
to air, the colorless nitric oxide becomes reddish- monia particles, then, is the key to the properties
brown — exactly the color of nitrogen dioxide. of ammonia. The particles that make up a gas
Neither oxygen nor hydrogen behaves this way. determine its chemistry. They are so important
The gases oxygen and hydrogen are readily to the chemist that they are given a special name.
distinguished by their combustion properties. A gas is described as a collection of particles
When a glowing splint is plunged into oxygen. called molecules.


The particles, or molecules, of the gas nitric blocks, are called atoms. With this assumption,
oxide cannot be exactly like those of nitroge n we can explain differences between two mole-
dioxide. There must be differen ges, t lLai_accounl cules in terms of the atoms present in each
one gas is colorless and the other
for the fact that molecule. Nitric oxide is different from hydrogen
reddish -brown. Yet when n itr ic oxid e and ajr
, chloride because it contains different atoms.
are mixed, color appears, suggesting that nit ro- Nitric oxide exposed to air forms nitrogen di-
gen. diojtide has been formed. A pparently moLe- oxide by some rearrangement of the available
c ules present in air somehow combine with th e atoms. In general, the properties of a gas are
molecules of nitric oxide to form molec ules of fixed by the number and types of atoms it con-
nitrogen dioxide. We would like to develop our tains.
picture of molecules so it will aid us in discussing

these changes.
To explainhow molecules can rearrange and Fig. 2-3. Models of molecules. The properties of a
change, we assume they must be built of smaller molecule are fixed by the number and types
fragments. These smaller fragm^ents, or building of atoms it contains.

I A model of A model of


Why do equal volumes of ammonia and hydrogen chloride have different weights?

At room temperature
and one
atmosphere pressure.

Chemists construct models of molecules to Fig. 2-4. Why do equal volume of ammonia and hy-
drogen chloride have different weights?
show how many atoms they contain. Figure 2-3
shows some examples. The model of ammonia
represents three atoms of one kind attached to ammonia weigh 17.0 grams when the same vol-
one atom of another kind. The model of hydro- ume of hydrogen chloride weighs 36.5 grams?
gen chloride contains only two atoms, and of There are two factors to consider. These are
dilferent kind. We shall spend the entire year the same two factors we would be concerned with
discussing why these and other models are con- if to ask why a bag full of beans weighs
we were
structed as they are. We shall see that a molecule 17.0 grams whereas the same bag full of marbles
of ammonia is pictured as shown in Figure 2-3 weighs 36.5 grams. The explanation would be
because this model helps us explain the proper- found by comparing the number of beans in the
ties of ammonia. Throughout the course, we bag and the weight per bean to the number and
^all investigate properties of substances found individual weights of marbles in the same bag.
in nature or prepared in the laboratory and then In our gas problem we make the same kind of
we will seek explanations in terms of the num- comparison; the weight per molecule and num-
ber vtypes^^^ndar^g^^ts of die atoms pres- ber of ammonia molecules in 22.4 liters must be
ent. These explanations are called the atomic compared to the weight per molecule and num-
theory. The atomic theory is regarded as the ber of hydrogen chloride molecules in 22.4 liters.
cornerstone of chemistry. There are two particularly simple possibilities:

2-2.1 The Weights of Molecules

(A) Perhaps:
(1) Equal volumes of these two gases con-
We have discovered that 32.0 grams of oxygen, tain the same number of molecules, and
17.0 grams of ammonia, and 36.5 grams of hy-
(2) ammonia molecules weigh less, per mol-
drogen chloride each exhibits the regular be-
ecule, than hydrogen chloride molecules
by the factor 17.0/36.5.
PV = 22.4 at 0°C (7)
(B) Perhaps:
For any of the three gases, if the pressure is (1) Equal volumes of these two gases con-
given, the volume occupied can be calculated. tain different numbers of molecules, am-
At one atmosphere, each of the specified weights monia containing fewer by the factor
of gas occupies 22.4 liters. At two atmospheres, 17.0/36.5, and
each gas is compressed into a smaller volume, (2) ammonia molecules weigh exactly the
11.2 liters. We wonder. Why do 22.4 liters of same as hydrogen chloride molecules.
SEC. 2-2 1


Why do equal volumes of ammonia, and hydrogen chlMridehave different -reeights ?

At room temperature
and one
atmosphere pressure.

1. 2. 45 liters ofammonia
contain the same
number of molecules
as 2.45 titers of
hydrogen, chloride.
2. Ammonia molecules
weigh less than
hydrogen chloride
molecules. (less by a
factor.1. 70/3. 65).

1. 2.45 liters of ammonia
contain fewer molecules
than do 2.45 liters of
hydrogen chloride.
by a factor,
2. Ammonia molecules
weigh the same as
hydrogen chloride

Fig. 2-5. Two simple models to explain the weights of equal volumes of gases.

tirely different substance, a solid, results. A quan-

titative study of this process is informative.
Figure 2-6 shows an apparatus suited to the
measurement of volumes of gases. Thirty milli-
liters of ammonia have been admitted to the left

tube from the ammonia storage tank. Next, 50

ml of hydrogen chloride were admitted to the
right tube. The leveling bulbs were used to adjust
the pressure of each gas to one atmosphere. The
apparatus is ready. The hydrogen chloride sam-
ple can be transferred slowly into the tube con-
Fig. 2-6. An apparatus suited to the measurement oj taining the ammonia. Figure 2-7 shows the prog-
volumes of gases.
ress of the experiment.
In Figure 2-7A we see the situation after 20 ml
These two possibilities are attractive because of hydrogen chloride gas have been transferred.
they are simple — one factor alone is held respon- A cloud of the white solid fills the left tube where
sible for the weight difference. We
must be the gases mix and, after the leveling bulbs are
prepared, however, for disappointment. There is adjusted, we find that just 10 ml of ammonia
the third possibility that neither of these pro- remain. Twenty milliliters of hydrogen chloride
posals, A or B, accounts for the properties of combined with just 20ml of ammonia, forming
gases. After all, neither A nor B applies to the the white solid. Ten milliliters more hydrogen
beans and marbles example. The bag probably chloride are just enough to consume the last of
wouldn’t contain the same number of beans as the ammonia, forming the solid of insignificant
marbles (as in B) but, in addition, beans and volume, as shown in Figure 2-7B. Continued
marbles don’t weigh the same (as in A). We need addition of hydrogen chloride causes no further
more information to decide if either proposal A solid formation but merely leaves an excess of
or B applies to gases. More information is ob- hydrogen chloride in the left tube (Figure 2-7C).
tained by observing how some gases behave This is a significant and simple result. Thirty
when mixed. millilitersof hydrogen chloride combine with
just 30 mi of ammonia, measured at the same
temperature and pressure. Therefore, one liter of
2-2.2 Mixtures of Ammonia and
hydrogen chloride would combine with just one
Hydrogen Chloride
liter of ammonia. Though a given volume of

When hydrogen chloride and ammonia gases are ammonia weighs less than the same volume of
mixed, a white powder is formed. When hydro-
gen chloride molecules and ammonia molecules Fig. 2-7 Mixing measured volumes of hydrogen chlo-
are mixed, the atoms are rearranged and an en- ride gas and ammonia gas.
SEC. 2-2 I

hydrogen chloride (less by the factor 17.0/36.5), 2-2.3 The Relative Weights of Molecules

these equal volumes combine. This simple situa- The importance of Avogadro’s Hypothesis is

tion suggests that we should seek a simple ex- that it furnishes a basis for weighing molecules.
planation. Our proposal A in Section 2-2.1 fits Two equal volumes of gas (at the same tempera-
nicely. If we propose that equal volumes contain ture and pressure) are weighed. If we assume
equal numbers of molecules, then 30 ml of am- these two volumes contain identical numbers of
monia contain the same number of molecules as molecules, then we must also conclude that the
do 30 ml of hydrogen chloride. Proposal A leads gas that weighs more must have heavier mole-
us to conclude that one molecule of ammonia cules. Furthermore, the ratio of the weights of
combines with one molecule of hydrogen chlo- the molecules must be exactly the ratio of the
ride to form the white solid. Through proposal weights of the two gas samples.
A, the combining volumes tell us the numbers For example, in Table l-II (p. 14) data were
of molecules that combine. In contrast, there is given thatshow that 32.0 grams of oxygen at 0°C
no correspondingly simple way to explain the and one atmosphere pressure occupy 22.4 liters.
new data with proposal B. This same volume of ammonia (also at 0°C and
Of course, a single example hardly furnishes one atmosphere pressure) weighs 17.0 grams. By
compelling evidence that equal volumes of any Avogadro’s Hypothesis, these two volumes con-
same temperature and pres-
pair of gases (at the tain equal numbers of molecules. Hence each
sure) contain equal numbers of molecules. Nei- ammonia molecule must weigh less than an oxy-
ther can we be convinced on the basis of gen molecule by the factor 17.0/32.0. By the
simplicity when we have but one example. How- same argument, each hydrogen chloride mole-
ever, many gases behave as simply as a mixture cule must weigh more than an oxygen molecule
of hydrogen chloride and ammonia. For ex- by the factor 36.5/32.0. We say ''must weigh”
ample. but, of course, this is a valid statement only if

two liters of one liter of

combine nitrogen
the gas the gas to form
with dioxide
nitric oxide oxygen

one liter of will burn one liter of the

the gas coal to gas carbon
oxygen form dioxide

two liters of one liter of

the gas the gas to form water
hydrogen oxygen

These simple, integer volume ratios confirm Avogadro’s Hypothesis is applicable.

the usefulness of the interpretation that equal By many such weighings, scientists have
volumes contain equal numbers of molecules. learned the relative weights of many gases. The
This proposal was first made in 1811 by an experiment is fairly simple. A carefully meas-
Italian scientist, Amadeo Avogadro; hence it is ured volume of oxygen is weighed at a fixed
called Avogadro’s Hypothesis. It has been used pressure and temperature. Then thesame volume
successfully in explaining the properties of gases of another gas is weighed at this same pressure
for a century and a half. and temperature. The relative weights of the
Avogadro’s Hypothesis: Equal volumes of gases indicate the relative weights of the mole-
gases, measured at the same temperature and cules, provided Avogadro’s Hypothesis is ap-
pressure, contain equal numbers of molecules. plicable. Neither the pressure nor the tempera-

ture need be measured, provided they are held been formed. How can this change be discussed
constant. interms of our molecular model of a gas?
First, we explain the differences between nitric

Table 2-IV oxide, oxygen, and nitrogen dioxide by asserting

that the molecules of nitric oxide, oxygen, and
nitrogen dioxide are somehow different. They
must be composed of smaller components that
OCCUPIED BY 32.0 GRAMS OF OXYGEN) we call atoms. The numbers and kinds of atoms
in a molecule of nitric oxide must be different
from the numbers and kinds of atoms in a mole-
GAS (grams)
cule of oxygen.
oxygen (32.0)
Now w e find that nitro gen dioxide can be
ammonia 17.0
formed from a mixture of nitric oxide and oxy-
chlorine 71.0
gen. This means
atoms in nitrogen di-
that the
hydrogen 2.02
oxide must have come from those in nitric oxide
hydrogen chloride 36.5
oxide 30.0
together with those in oxygen.

nitrogen dioxide 46.0 Finally, we discover that exactly two volumes

of nitric oxide combine with one volume of oxy-
gen and that exactly two volumes of nitrogen
Table 2-IV shows for some Other gases the
dioxide are formed. According to Avogadro’s
weights that have the same volume as 32.0 grams
Hypothesis, this indicates that

two molecules . • one molecule two molecules

- . combine „ ^
of nitric of oxygen to form of nitrogen
oxide dioxide

All of the atoms in the two molecules of nitrogen

of oxygen (at the same pressure and tempera-
dioxide came from two molecules of nitric oxide
and one molecule of oxygen. Of course, the two
molecules of nitrogen dioxide have twiee as many
2-2.4 The Number of Atoms in a Molecule
atoms as does a single molecule of nitrogen di-
Figure 2-3 shows a model of an ammonia mole- oxide. Hence, no matter how many atoms one
cule and a model of a hydrogen chloride mole- molecule of nitrog en dioxi d e m ight contain (for
cule. These models show how chemists picture example, one, two, three, four, . two mole-

the molecule of ammonia: it contains four cules of nitrogen dioxide must contain an even
atoms. A hydrogen chloride moleeule_contains number of atoms (for example, two, four, six,
only two atoms. Chemists decide how to con- eight, .). The same statement is applicable to
. .

struct these molecules from the same type of the two molecules of nitric oxide that were com-
information described in Section 2-2.2, by the bined. No matter how many atoms one molecule
volumes of gases that combine. of nitric oxide contains, two molecules must con-
Consider the combination of nitric oxide and tainan even number of atoms.
oxygen. Nitric oxide (a colorless gas) when mixed Thus we see that after the even number of
with oxygen gas (also colorless) beeomes reddish- atoms in two molecules of nitric oxide have
brown. The eolor is identical to that of another combined with the atoms in one molecule of
gas, nitrogen dioxide. All the properties of the oxygen, there is still an even number of atoms.
nitric oxide-oxygen mixture are consistent with This can be so only if a molecule of oxygen also
the conclusion that the gas nitrogen dioxide has contains an even number of atoms. We are led
SEC. 2-2 I

to the conclusion that a molecule of oxygen con- water are produced. (According to Avogadro’s
tainson even number of atoms. Hypothesis, this means that two molecules of
This can be demonstrated clearly in algebraic hydrogen combine with one molecule of oxygen
language. to form two molecules of water. If we define

Suppose: X= the number of atoms in a molecule of

one molecule of nitric oxide contains hydrogen,
X atoms, Y= the number of atoms in a molecule of
one molecule of oxygen contains oxygen,
Y atoms, and Z= the number of atoms in a molecule of
one molecule of nitrogen dioxide contains water,
Z atoms, then we have the algebraic relationship
where X, Y, and Z are integers.
2T + T = 2Z
two molecules of nitric oxide contain (a) Convince yourself that from these data alone
we can conclude that Y must be even (that is,
2X atoms, and
two molecules of nitrogen dioxide contain oxygen molecules must contain an even num-
2Z atoms. ber of atoms).

Also: (b) By solving for X in Y and Z, con-

terms of

all of the atoms in two molecules of nitrogen vince yourself that from the above data
dioxide (2Z atoms) came from two mole- alone, X could be odd or even.

cules of nitric oxide (2X atoms) plus one

molecule of oxygen ( atoms), or

2X + Y= 2Z (2) 2-2.5 Atoms in Liquids and Solids

So: When a candle is burned, a gas is produced —

we can solve for Y by subtracting 2X from gas containing carbon dioxide and water vapor.

each side of this equation: It is useful to describe such a gas as a collection

of molecules, each molecule containing smaller
Y = 2Z - 2X (3)
units called atoms. Each carbon dioxide mole-
Y = 2(Z - X) (4)
cule contains one carbon atom and two oxygen
Thus no matter what the integer values of Z atoms. Each water molecule contains one oxygen
and X are, their difference (Z — X) is an integer. atom and two hydrogen atoms. Where did these
Since doubling any integer produces an even atoms come from? Were they present in the
number, Y = 2(Z — X) must be an even num- candle before it burned?
ber. We have proved that a molecule of oxygen Similar questions are raised if we consider the
must contain an even number of atoms. effect of cooling the gases produced from the
The simplest acceptable structure we can pic- candle. Cooling these gases results in condensa-
ture for oxygen is that it contains two atoms. tion —drops of liquid water appear. If the water
More experiments are needed before we can vapor contains molecules, made up of atoms,
eliminate the possibility that oxygen contains what happens to these molecules (and atoms)
four, six, or a higher (but even) number of atoms. when the gas condenses? Are they still present
in the liquid?
Scientists always seek the simplest explanation
that fits the known facts. Since we find it con-
In Section 2-2.2 (p. 24) was noted that two
it venient to describe water vapor as a collection
volumes of hydrogen gas combine with one vol- of groups of atoms (called molecules), the sim-
ume of oxygen gas and two volumes of gaseous plest assumption we can make about the con-

Solid ca-rhon dioxide Lio^iid carhon dioxide (xaseous car-ion dioxide

Fig. 2-8. All matter consists of particles. In a gas, the consists of particles. We can state this as a pro-
particles are far apart; in a liquid or solid,
they are close together.
Proposal: All matter, whether solid, liquid, or gas,
consists of particles. In a gas these particles are

far apart; in a liquid or a solid, they are packed

densation of this vapor is that the liquid still
close together.
contains the atoms. Since a candle burns to
produce gases—collections of molecules — the This proposal is called the atomic theory.
simplest assumption we can make is that the As with any theory, its value depends upon its

candle already contained the atoms that formed ability to aid us in explaining facts of nature.
the gaseous molecules during combustion. These There is no more valuable theory in science than
—that liquids and solids
simplifying assumptions the atomic theory. We shall use it throughout
are made up of atoms — are acceptable and con- this course. Later, in Chapter 14, we shall review
venient as long as they prove to be consistent many of the types of experiments which cause
with all that is known about liquids and solids. chemists to regard the atomic theory as the
Thus, we are led to the view that all matter cornerstone of their science.


Molecules are clusters of atoms. Two types of Usually a good deal of experimentation is
molecules are possible. Some molecules are clus- needed before a substance can be considered to
ters of atoms in which all the atoms in a cluster be pure. Even then, much more work and study
are identical; some molecules contain two or are needed before one can decide with confidence
more different kinds of atoms. These two kinds that a given pure substance is an element or a
of molecules are given different names. compound. Consider the substance water. Water
An element or elementary substance contains is probably the most familiar substance in our

only one kind of atom. environment and all of us recognize it easily. We

A compound or compound substance contains are familiar with its appearance and feel, its
two or more kinds of atoms. density (weight per unit volume), the way in
SEC. 2-3 1
substances; elements and compounds 29

which it flows, the temperature at which it cannot be caused to form two other substances.
freezes and boils, and the way in which it dis- —
Oxygen, then, is an element it contains only one
solves sugarand salt. Because water is identified kind of atom, called the oxygen atom.
by constant and characteristic properties, it is a Now we can return to the decomposition of
pure substance. In a later experiment you will water. Water can bedecomposed to give hydro-
see how we can change the pure substance water gen and oxygen. Since hydrogen contains only \
into two other substances, hydrogen gas and hydrogen atoms and oxygen contains only-^oxy-
oxygen gas. The hydrogen and oxygen are pro- gen atoms, water molecules must contain some
duced in definite amounts. Since water can be hydrogen atoms and some oxygen atoms, but no
decomposed into two other substances, it must other kind of atom.
contain at least two kinds of atoms. Hence water This type of problem is one of the most im-
is a compound. portant in chemistry —deciding what atoms are
Notice the pattern here. First, we established present in a given substance. How important this
the characteristic properties of water that cause is can be seen by comparing the three substances
us to identify it as a pure substance. Second, we water, oxygen,and hydrogen. Both water and
found a change which two other substances
in oxygen contain oxygen atoms but these sub-
were formed in definite amounts from water stances are very diflTerent in their properties. Both
alone. This second piece of information shows water and hydrogen contain hydrogen atoms but
that water contains more than one kind of atom these substances are no more alike than are
and that, hence, water is a compound. water and oxygen. The properties of water are
Common sugar is another example of a sub- fixedby the combination of the two kinds of
stance. Most commercial samples of white sugar atoms and these properties are distinctive.
are rather pure; that is, they contain only very
small amounts of substances other than sugar.
One characteristic property of sugar is its sweet- EXERCISE 2-3

ness. Another characteristic property is theway What differences between water, oxygen, and
it dissolves in water. Still another is the way it hydrogen can you point out from your own ex-
behaves when heated. At a definite temperature perience? For example, you might consider
sugar not only begins to melt to a liquid but it
(a) boiling and melting points,
also begins to decompose. The liquid darkens
(b) role in combustion,
and gaseous water bubbles off. Finally, a black
(c) role in supporting life.
solid (charcoal) remains in the container. We
recognize the black solid as a form of carbon.
Thus, pure sugar, identified by its characteristic
properties, can be form water
decomposed to Sugar is another substance that contains both
and charcoal in definite amounts. Sugar is a oxygen and hydrogen atoms but it contains car-
compound. bon atoms as well. Sugar does not resemble
Water and sugar are compounds. What about water, oxygen, or hydrogen. The presence of the
hydrogen and oxygen? Hydrogen, for example, various types of atoms and their arrangement
is a gas at normal conditions. It can be liquefied accounts for the distinctive properties which
at a characteristic temperature by cooling. By identify sugar. In any substance, the atoms pres-
further cooling it can be solidified at a second ent, their numbers, and their arrangement fix the

characteristic temperature. It is a pure substance. properties of that substance.

No treatment, however, causes it to form two

other substances. Hydrogen must contain only
2-3.1 The Elements
one kind of atom, hence hydrogen is an element.
We call this kind of atom, the hydrogen atom. An element is a pure substance that contains
Oxygen, too, has characteristic properties but only one kind of atom. There are about one hun-

dred different elements known today— hence knowledge of the elements. In Figure 2-9A we
there are about one hundred kinds of atoms that see how the total number of elements known has
are chemically different. Some of these elements increased since 1700. Figure 2-9B re-expresses
occur pure in nature and hence have been known this same information in terms of the number of
for thousands of years. Such elements as iron, elements discovered in each half-century since
silver, gold, mercury, and sulfur were known to 1700. Both graphs show that the rate of discovery
the ancients and were given Latin names by the of new elements is declining. The plots suggest
alchemists. For example, iron was called ferrum, that there is a limited number of elements to be
silver was called argentum, and gold was called found in nature.

aurum. Each element has been named and, for con-

During the nineteenth century the discovery of venience, has been given a nickname a short- —
elements increased as chemists began to adopt hand symbol of one or two letters. Thus the
quantitative methods. At the beginning of the element carbon is symbolized by the letter C, the
nineteenth century, perhaps 26 elements were element neon by the letters Ne. The symbols are
known. One hundred years later, at the begin- adopted by international agreement among
ning of the present century, over 81 elements chemists. Eleven of the elements have names
were known. Over twice as many elements were derived from the capitalized first letter of the
discovered in that one century as were discovered Latin name of the element and, if necessary, by
in aU of time before. a second letter (uncapitalized).* These eleven in-
Figure 2-9 shows, as a function of time, our clude seven common metals known to the an-
cients. (See Table 2-V.)
The elements discovered more recently have
Fig. 2-9. The discovery of the elements. A. The total the same names in all languages, again by inter-
number of element.s known as a function national agreement. Except for the eleven ele-
of time. B. The number of elements discov-
ments listed in Table 2-V, all of the elements
ered in each half-century since 1700.
have symbols that can be derived from their
English names. For example, the symbols for
hydrogen (H), helium (He), carbon (C), nitrogen
(N), oxygen (O), calcium (Ca), and chlorine (Cl)
are easily obtained from the names. Notice that
He is used for helium to distinguish it from H

for hydrogen. Again, since C is used for carbon,

the symbols for calcium and chlorine each have
a second letter added to the first. The table of
elements (inside the back cover of the book) con-
tains a complete list of the chemical symbols.

Year 2-3.2 Chemical Formulas

Molecules are made up of atoms in definite num-

bers and definite arrangements. Models and sym-
bols for the elements aid us in showing the

* These symbols were adopted as a result of the urging

of an outstanding Swedish chemist, Jons Berzelius, during
the first half of the nineteenth century. Until Berzelius
lent his prestige as a chemist to this system, many of the
elements had several symbols in accordance with their
different names in different languages.
SEC. 2-3 I
substances: elements and compounds 31

three atoms of hydrogen (H). Experiments show

that oxygen is diatomic (each molecule contains
two atoms), hence its molecular formula is O 2 .

Hydrogen gas is diatomic; its formula is H 2 .

Both the numbers and the arrangement of the

atoms in the molecule are shown by a structural
formula. The structural formulas, like the models
we have seen, show which atoms are attached to
A modal of each other. Thus, H O has the structural formula

H— H—
¥ig. 2-10. A model of a molecule of water.

composition of a molecule. Figure 2-10 shows a

model of a water molecule. Experiments have In the structural formula H — O — H, the dashes
shown that the model should contain two atoms indicate the connections between the atoms. The
of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. The ad- connections between atoms are called chemical
vantage of such a model is that it shows also bonds. We see that each of the two hydrogen
the spatial arrangement of the atoms. In a mole- atoms is bound to the oxygen atom. Both of
cule of water, each of the two hydrogen atoms the alternate arrangements.
is connected to the oxygen atom in a triangular
H -H—
arrangement. How the shape is determined and
how important it is in chemistry will be treated
later in the course.
The number and kinds of atoms in a molecule
can also be shown in a molecular formula. For agree with the molecular formula HO2 but the
example, the water molecule is symbolized properties of water show that the atoms are not
“H 2 O.” In this molecular formula, “H” means so bonded.
“hydrogen atom,” “O” means “oxygen atom,” No written formula is quite as effective as a
and the subscript “2” following “H” indicates molecular model to help us visualize molecular
there are two hydrogen atoms bound to the shape. Since chemists find that the shape of a
single oxygen atom. The molecular formula of molecule strongly influences its chemical behav-
ammonia, NH3, one molecule of
indicates that ior, pictures and models of molecules are im-
ammonia contains one atom of nitrogen (N) and portant aids. A variety of types of models are

Table 2-V. chemical symbols that are not derivable from the common

anlimony Sb stibnum potassium K kalium

copper Cu cuprum silver Ag argentum
gold Au aurum sodium Na natrium
iron Fe ferrum tin Sn stannum
lead Pb plumbum tungsten W wolfram
mercury Hg hydrargyrum

Name Molecular Structural
Formula Formula Ball- and-Stich. Ball- and- Spring Space-Filling


Water H2O

Fig. 2-11. Different representations of molecules Hi, individual atoms or molecules but always with
HzO, and NH,.
collections of these particles. Chemists, there-
fore, have selected a unit larger than a single

commonly used, depending upon the emphasis atom or molecule for comparing amounts of
different materials. This unit, called the mole,
needed. Figure 2-11 shows some representations
of molecules of hydrogen, water, and ammonia.
contains a very large number of particles,

The ball-and-stick and ball-and-spring models 6.02 X 10^^ A

mole of oxygen atoms, or a mole
of hydrogen atoms, or a mole of copper atoms
display clearly the bonds and their orientations.
contains 6.02 X lO^^^ atoms of the specified kind.
The ball-and-spring models indicate molecular
flexibility. The space-filling models provide a
A mole of oxygen molecules, O 2 contains 2 ,

more realistic view of the spatial relationships moles of oxygen atoms (2 X 6.02 X lO^^^ oxygen
and crowding among nonbonded atoms. atoms) because each oxygen molecule contains
^ % two atoms. A mole of P 4 molecules contains
4 X 6.02 X 10^3 phosphorus atoms, that is, four
EXERCISE 2-4 moles of phosphorus atoms.*
Carbon dioxide has the formula CO 2 Remem- .
A baker counts biscuits in dozens —a con-
means two, and “tri”
bering that the prefix “di” venient number. Money is counted in dollars
means three, write the molecular formula for one hundred cents is, again, a convenient num-
each of the following substances: carbon disul- ber. How did chemists choose to count in terms

fide, sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide. (If you don’t of moles —the number 6.02 X 10^^ seems an odd
know the symbol for an element, use the table choice. Why, for instance, didn’t they settle on
inside the back cover of the book.) some simpler number, such as exactly one billion

particles? There is a reason. Chemists prefer a

definition in terms of a quantity that can be
measured readily and with high accuracy. Weigh-
2-3.3 The Mole
* If you have difficulty expressing numbers in terms of
Any sample of matter we examine contains a powers of ten, refer to Appendix 5 in the Laboratory
very large number of atoms. We never work with Manual.
SEC. 2-3 I
substances: elements and compounds 33

ing is easier than counting when the number of weighed on an ordinary balance. For practical
particles to be counted is so very large. Conse- purposes, the weight of a mole of atoms is a
quently, chemists based the definition of the mole valuable number. This weight is called the atomic
upon a chosen weight rather than a chosen num- weight. The atomic weight of an element is the
ber of particles. During the nineteenth century, weight grams of Avogadro' s number of atoms.

chemists decided that the number of molecules Now consider compounds. Again, a useful
in asample of oxygen weighing exactly 32 grams number to the chemist is the weight of a mole of
would be taken as a standard number. Thus de- molecules. This weight is called the molecular
fined, a mole number of oxygen mole-
is the weight (or the molar weight). The molecular
cules in exactly thirty-two grams of oxygen* weight of a compound is the weight in grams oj
The significance of a mole is most usefully con- Avogadro' s number of molecules.
nected with this number of particles, rather than Consider the substance hydrogen chloride.
the The number, found later to be
weight. This compound has the molecular formula HCl.
6.02 X 10“^^, is called Avogadro’s number. A chemist working with hydrogen chloride,HCl,
(Avogadro was the first to propose how to ob- must often know the weight of a mole of mole-
tain equal numbers of molecules of different sub- cules (the molecular weight). This weight is

stances.) readily calculated from the atomic weights of

the two kinds of atoms, H and Cl:

one molecule one atom of one atom of

contains and
of HCl hydrogen chlorine

one mole of HCl one mole of one mole of

contains and
molecules hydrogen chlorine
atoms atoms

the weight of the weight of the weight of

is the
one mole of
same as
one mole of + one mole of
HCl molecules hydrogen atoms chlorine atoms

molecular atomic weight atomic weight

= +
weight of HCl of hydrogen of chlorine

molecular =
weight of HCl
1.01 g + 35.5 g

= 36.5 g
weight of HCl

In a similar way, the weight of a mole of HO 2

2-3.4 Atomic and Molecular Weights molecules is the weight of two moles of hydrogen

Chemists deal with amounts of substances that atoms plus the weight of one mole of oxygen
are readily measured. Although a chemist is atoms. Hence

aware that the mass of a single oxygen atom is

molecular wt. of HO =
2 2 X (atomic wt. of H)
2.656 X 10“23 gram, he finds it much more useful
+ 1 X (atomic wt. of O)
to know that a mole of oxygen atoms weighs = 2(1.01) + (16.00) g
16.00 grams. This is an amount that can be = 18.02 g

* Recently the definition of a mole has been altered to

Atomic weights have everyday importance to
put it in terms of measurements made with higher accu'
racy. The change implied, —.0045%, is unimportant from a chemist. Therefore, the atomic weights must
a chemist’s point of view. be readily available. They are listed both in the

periodic table (inside the front cover) and in the dioxide. Estimate the uncertainty in your result.
table of atomic weights (inside the back cover). Compare to the value obtained in Exercise 2-5.


EXERCISE 2-5 What is the molecular weight of each of the sub-

Show that the weight of a mole (the molecular stances sulfur (formula, Ss), ammonia (formula,
weight) of CO 2 is 44.0 grams and that the weight NH3), and nitrogen (a diatomic molecule)?
of a mole of SO 2 is 64.1 grams.

EXERCISE 2-6 Calculate the weight of 6.02 X 10^^ molecules of

In Experiment 6 you calculated the ratio of the carbon monoxide, CO.
weight of carbon dioxide to the weight of the
same volume of oxygen. Oxygen has been as-

signed a molecular weight of 32.0. From the How many moles of iron atoms are present in

molecular weight of oxygen and your measured 1.73 grams of iron?

ratio, calculate the molecular weight of carbon


“Gases are composed of particles” was proposed is known about the numbers, types, and arrange-

in Chapter 1 as a useful model to aid us in dis- ments of atoms in the molecules represented.
cussing certain properties of oxygen gas. We Our success in treating gases, using this atomic
have continued to use this model in discussing theory, led us to propose that the atoms are
other types of information. First it was tested present, as well, in solids and liquids. Now we
for applicability to other gases, ammonia and postulate that atoms are present in all matter.
hydrogen chloride. The assumption of molecular Thus a model (a theory) grows. As it is tested
particles turned out to fit the properties of these in an ever widening range of experience, the
two gases as well, but it was discovered that the model often grows more complex. This is offset
weights of the particles of different gases must by the advantage of developing interrelationships
be different. Further studies of a variety of prop- among diverse phenomena (that is, by discover-
erties of gases (color, solubility in water, behav- ing hidden likenesses). The atomic theory, as
ior toward litmus, etc.) caused us to propose that developed to correlate chemical behavior, is

the molecules differ in their structures. We were much more complicated than is needed to ex-
thus led to the view that molecules contain plain the simple gas behavior mentioned in
smaller building blocks, called atoms. Chapter 1. Nevertheless, connections developed
Having proposed the existence of atoms, we between billiard balls rebounding from a cushion
began representing the structure of molecules and the pressure in a balloon have provided us
through molecular models and molecular for- with a substantial start in understanding chem-
mulas. These models and formulas picture what istry.


1. Hydrogen, helium, and carbon dioxide are all 4. Gaseous uranium hexafluoride is important in
gases at normal temperatures. What differences the preparation of uranium as a source of
among the properties of these gases account for “atomic energy.”
the following? A flask filled with this gas is weighed undei
certain laboratory conditions (temperature and
(a) Hydrogen and helium are used in balloons
pressure), and the weight of the gas is found to
whereas carbon dioxide is not.
be 3.52 grams. The same flask is filled with oxy-
(b) Helium is less dangerous to use in balloons
gen gas and is weighed under the same labora-
than is hydrogen.
tory conditions. The weight of the oxygen in the

2. Four differences between helium gas and nitro- flask is found to be 0.32 gram.

gen gas are listed below. What is the ratio of the weight of one uranium
hexafluoride molecule to the weight of an oxygen
(a) Dry air contains 80% nitrogen but only molecule? State any guiding principles needed
0.0005% helium (by volume). in answering this question.
(b) Helium is much less dense than nitrogen.
(c) Helium has much lower solubility in water 5. Two volumes of hydrogen fluoride gas combine
than nitrogen has. with one volume of the gas dinitrogen difluoride
(d) Helium is much more expensive than nitro- to form two volumes of a gas G.

(a) According to Avogadro’s Hypothesis, how
Which difference could account for the fact that many molecules of G are produced from one
a diver is much less likely to suffer from the molecule of dinitrogen difluoride?
bends if he breathes a mixture of 80% helium (b) If X= number of atoms in a molecule of
and 20%oxygen than if he breathes air? (The hydrogen fluoride,

bends is a painful, sometimes fatal, disease Y — number of atoms in a molecule of

caused by the formation of gas bubbles in the 6. dinitrogen difluoride,
veins and consequent interruption of blood flow. Z= number of atoms in a molecule of C,
The bubbles form from gas dissolved in the write the relation among X, Y, and Z appro-
blood at high pressure.) priate to the combining volumes given.
(c) For each of the following possible values of
3. The most important step in the process for the
X and Y, calculate the required value of Z.
conversion of atmospheric nitrogen into impor-
tant commercial compounds such as fertilizers If Z is and Y is then Z must be
and explosives involves the combination of one
volume of nitrogen gas with three volumes of
hydrogen gas to form two volumes of ammonia
From these data alone and Avogadro’s Hy-
pothesis, how many molecules of hydrogen com-
(d) No odd value of Y is suggested in question
bine with one molecule of nitrogen? How many Prove that Y must be an even integer.
molecules of ammonia are produced from one
molecule of nitrogen ? There are a number of gas mixtures that combine
in the general pattern

one volume of combines one volume of to two volumes of

gas A with gas B form gas C
For example,
one volume of combines one volume of to two volumes of
carbon dioxide with carbon disulfide form carbon oxysulfide

one volume of combines one volume of to two volumes of

hydrogen with chlorine form hydrogen chloride

If X= number of atoms in a molecule of A, (b) hydrochloric acid (or.

Y = number of atoms in a molecule of B, and hydrogen chloride) HCl

Z = number of atoms in a molecule of C, (c) hydrofluoric acid (or.
hydrogen fluoride) HF
(a) Show that X is even, Y must be even.
if 13.
(d) sulfuric acid H2SO4
(b) Show that if X is odd, Y must be odd.
(e) phosphoric acid H3PO4
7. A pure white substance, on heating, forms a Here are the names of some common chemicals
colorless gas and a purple solid. Is the substance and their formulas. What elements does each
an element or a compound ? contain ?

8 . What do the following symbols represent? K, (a) hydrogen peroxide HO

2 2

Ca, Co, CO, Pb. (b) jeweler’s rouge Fe203

(c) light bulb filament W
9. Write formulas for (d) tetraethyl lead Pb(C2H6)4
silicon dioxide (common sand, or silica), (e) baking soda NaHCOs
sulfur dichloride, (f) octane CgHis
nitrogen trifluoride, (g) household gas CH 4

aluminum trifluoride,
14. (a) What does the molecular formula CBr 4
dinitrogen difluoride.
10. (a) Write formulas for (b) What information is added by the following
structural formula?
hydrogen chloride,
hydrogen bromide, Br
hydrogen iodide,
boron trichloride, Br— C— Br
carbon tetrachloride, I

nitrogen trichloride, Br
oxygen dichloride.
(b) Locate in the table inside the front cover the
15. How many particles are there in a mole?

symbol for each element involved in these 16. A stone about the size of a softball weighs
compounds. roughly a kilogram. How many moles of such
stones would be needed to account for the entire
11. For each of the following substances give the
name of each kind of atom present and the total
mass of the Earth, about 6 X 10” grams?

number of atoms represented in the formula 17. If we had one mole of dollars to divide among
shown. all the people in the world, how much would
Name Formula each of the three billion inhabitants receive?

(a) graphite (pencil lead) C 18. How many moles of atoms are in

(a) 9.0 grams of aluminum

(b) diamond C
(b) 0.83 gram of iron
(c) sodium chloride (table salt) NaCl
Answer, (a) i mole.
(d) sodium hydroxide NaOH
(e) calcium hydroxide Ca(OH )2 19. The most delicate balance can detect a change
(f) potassium nitrate KNO 3 of about 10~® gram. How many atoms of gold
(g) magnesium nitrate Mg(N03)2 would be in a sample of that weight ?
(h) sodium sulfate Na 2 S 04
(i) calcium sulfate CaS 04 20. How many moles of oxygen atoms are in one
mole of nitric acid molecules? Of sulfuric acid
All of the following substances are called molecules ?
“acids.” What element do they have in com-
21. Determine the weight, in grams, of one silver
(a) nitric acid HNOj Answer. 1.79 X 10“” gram.

22. Write the formulas for the following compounds 29. A flask of gaseous CCI 4 was weighed at a meas-
and give the weight of one mole of each carbon : ured temperature and pressure. The flask was
disulfide, sulfur hexafluoride, nitrogen trichlo- flushed and then filled with oxygen at the same
ride, osmium tetroxide. temperature and pressure. The weight of the
CCI 4 vapor will be about
23. Consider the following data
(a) the same as that of oxygen,
Element Atomic Weight
(b) one-fifth as heavy as the oxygen,
A 12.01 (c) five times as heavy as the oxygen,
B 35.5 (d) twice as heavy as the oxygen,
(e) one-half as heavy as the oxygen.
A and B combine to form a new substance, X.
If four moles of B atoms combine with one mole
30. Suppose chemists had chosen a billion billion
of A to give one mole of X, then the weight of (10^*) as the number of particles in one mole.
one mole of X is What would the molecular weight of oxygen
(a) 47.5 grams gas be?
(b) 74.0 grams
(c) 83.0 grams 31. One volume of hydrogen gas combines with one
(d) 154.0 grams volume of chlorine gas to produce two volumes
(e) 166.0 grams of hydrogen chloride gas (all measured at the
same temperature and pressure). A variety of
24. Calculate the molecular weight for each of the
other types of evidence suggests that hydrogen
following: SiF 4 ,
HF, Ch, Xe, NO 2.
is an element and that its molecules are diatomic.

25. If 1^ moles of hydrogen gas (H 2 ) react in a given

experiment, how many grams of H 2 does this (a) Which one of the following possible molecu-
represent ? lar formulas for the substance chlorine is not
consistent with the volumes that combine?
26. How many moles are contained in 49 grams of
(Use only the data given here; do not pre-
pure H2SO4?
sume the molecular formula of hydrogen
Answer. 0.50 mole.

27. A chemist weighs out 10.0 grams of water, 10.0
(i) CI2
grams of ammonia, and 10.0 grams of hydrogen
chloride (hydrochloric acid). How many moles (ii)

of each substance does he have? (iii) H2CI2

(iv) H3CI2
(a) The ratio of the weight of a liter of chlorine (V) H4CI2
gas to the weight of a liter of oxygen gas,
both measured at room temperature and (b) For each formula in part (a) that is con-
pressure, is 2.22. Calculate the molecular combining volumes data (and
sistent with the
weight of chlorine. the formula H2 for hydrogen), calculate the
(b) How does this value compare with the molecular weight indicated by that formula.
atomic weight of chlorine found in the chart (c) For each acceptable formula in part (a) pre-
of atomic weights? What is the formula of a molecular formula for the substance
dict the
molecule of chlorine? hydrogen chloride.


We might as well attempt to introduce a new planet into the solar sys-
tem, or to annihilate one already in existence, as to create or destroy a
particle of hydrogen. All the changes we can produce consist in sep-

arating particles that are in a state of '

combination, and joining
those that were previously at a distance.

In Experiment 5 you compared the magnitude of carbon dioxide and liquid water (and perhaps
the heat released when melted wax solidifies to some soot), bear no resemblance to wax. Equally
the heat released when the same amount of wax dramatic is the contrast of the heat effects. The
is burned. In each case an obvious change occurs heat released during combustion two is well over
(liquid changes to solid or solid burns to a gas) hundred times greater than the heat released
and it isaccompanied by a measurable heat re- during solidification.
lease. These are likenesses between solidification Because of these differences, chemists differ-

and combustion. More apparent, however, are entiate these two kinds of change. We have
striking differences. Through experiments on already named the solidification of wax — in Sec-

warming and cooling wax, you know that after tion 1-1.2 we called this type of change a phase
wax melts to a liquid the solid wax can be re- change. A change like combustion, with its much
covered merely by recooling. After combustion larger heat effects, is called a chemical change or
of the wax, however, cooling the gases produced a chemical reaction.
does not restore the wax. Instead, the products.


The central activity of the chemist is to explore wish is to cause a change, sometimes to prevent
and exploit chemical changes. Sometimes his it, in a system of interest. Always he wishes to
SEC. 3-1 I

understand and control the chemical changes water could be formed? What would be left

that might occur. over?

We shall begin our study of chemical changes
with a simple chemical reaction that forms a
familiar substance— water. One million oxygen molecules react with suffi-
cient hydrogen molecules to form water mole-
How many water molecules are formed?
3-1.1 Formation of Water from Hydrogen
How many hydrogen molecules are consumed? "
and Oxygen

In Section 2-2.2 it was mentioned that two vol-

umes of hydrogen combine with one volume of Extending Figure 3-1, you can reason that the
oxygen. Water is produced. The reaction gives production of 100 molecules of water requires
off heat — a large amount of heat, as in the com- 100 molecules of hydrogen and 50 molecules of
bustion of a candle. The product, water, is not oxygen. Also, to produce one mole of water
at all like the starting materials, hydrogen and (6.02 X 10-^ molecules) you need one mole of
oxygen. Hence, the change that occurs when hydrogen gas (6.02 X lO^'^ molecules) and one-
hydrogen and oxygen combine should be clas- half mole of oxygen (3.01 X 10'-^ molecules).
sified as a chemical reaction. These results are summarized in Table 3-1.
In terms of the atomic theory, we begin with
molecules of hydrogen and molecules of oxygen.
After reaction, we find molecules of water. The Table 3-1.

bonds between atoms in the reacting substances REACTING AMOUNTS OF HYDROGEN

are broken, and the atoms rearrange to form the AND OXYGEN TO FORM WATER
new bonds in the product molecules. These
Amounts Amounts
changes are readily pictured with the aid of our
of Reacting of
molecular models. In Figure 3-1 two hydrogen-
molecules (four atoms) and one oxygen molecule Substances Product

(two atoms) are represented on the left. If these HYDROGEN OXYGEN WATER
molecules are to react to form water, the bonds (a) In numbers 1 2
between the atoms oxygen molecule and
in the of molecules 4

2 4
in the hydrogen molecules must be broken. Then, 100 50 100

the atoms can rearrange themselves to form two 6.02 X HP .1.01 X 10=3 6.02 X 10 '3

water molecules. Notice that the atoms are re- (b) In numbers 1 2 1

arranged as a result of the reaction but that the of moles 2 1 2

total number of atoms does not change. 10 5 10

The reaction between hydrogen gas and oxy-
Suppose ten hydrogen molecules and ten oxygen gen gas proceeds more quickly if we mix the
molecules are mixed. How many molecules of gases and then ignite the mixture with a spark.
A violent explosion results. Even so, the quan-
tity of product, water, and the heat evolved are
Fig. 3-1. Formation of water molecules jrom hydro- the same per mole of hydrogen reacting as in
gen molecules and oxygen molecules. controlled burning.

reacts -with to form


If we react one mole of pure hydrogen and

one-half mole of pure oxygen, one mole of water
is produced. The quantity of heat produced when
one mole of water is formed is 68,000 calories.
If we mix only 0.025 mole of pure hydrogen, only

(I) X (0.025) mole of oxygen is needed. The

amount of water produced is 0.025 mole. If only
0.025 mole of water is produced, only (0.025) X
(68,000) calories or about 1700 calories of heat
are released.
The source of this heat energy must be the re-
actants (hydrogen and oxygen) themselves since
no heat was supplied externally other than that
needed to ignite the mixture. We may conclude
that the water has less energy than did the re-
actants used to make
Such a reaction in which

energy is an exothermic re-

released is called
action. The quantity of energy produced when
one mole of hydrogen is burned, 68,000 calories
(68 kcal*), is called the molar heat of com-
bustion of hydrogen.

EXERCISE 3-3 absorbed in a reaction, the reaction is called

How much heat is released when two moles of
Now we can compare the formation and de-
hydrogen burn? One-half mole?
composition of water. As shown graphically in
Figure 3-3, the chemical change involved in the
formation of water is exactly the reverse of that

3-1.2 Decomposition of Water involved in the decomposition of water. These

changes are governed by simple rules. On the
We can decompose the water in a solution of left we find two atoms of oxygen, and on the
water and sulfuric acid by passing an electric right we find two atoms of oxygen. On the left
current through the solution in an electrolysis we find four atoms of hydrogen, and on the
apparatus, as shown in Figure 3-2. In this ap- right we find four atoms of hydrogen. We see
paratus,two conductors (called electrodes) are that atoms are neither gained, nor are they lost.
immersed in the liquid. When the electrodes are In chemical reactions, atoms are conserved.
connected to a source of electrical energy hydro- The number of molecules of H 2 needed to
gen gas appears at one electrode and oxygen gas react with one molecule of O 2 is the number
appears at the other. If we operate the apparatus needed to produce two molecules of H 2 O. If two
untilone mole of water has decomposed, one molecules of H 2 O are formed, four atoms of hy-
mole of hydrogen gas and one-half mole of oxy- drogen are needed. Two molecules of H 2 contain
gen gas are produced. We observe also that four atoms of hydrogen. Remember, in chemical
energy (electrical energy in this case) is needed reactions, atoms are conserved.
to cause the water to decompose. If energy is

3-1.3 Conservation of Mass

* 1 kilocalorie (1 kcal) = 1000 calories. The prefix
“kilo-” always means 1000. Thus, 1 kilogram = 1000 Belief in the conservation of atoms is based upon
grams; 1 kilometer = 1000 meters. a generalization that has stood the test of many
SEC. 3-2 I

decades. Matter can be neither created nor de- 1 mole of 1 mole of ^ mole of
liquid water, hydrogen, oxygen,
stroyed. Since we often measure a quantity of
matter in terms of its mass (by weighing, for
HO 2 H 2 ^02

example) we may say that mass

Thus, one mole of liquid water weighs
is conserved.
18.0 g — >- 2.0 g + 16.0 g
18.0 g 18.0 g
grams; in the decomposition of one mole of
water, 2.0 grams of hydrogen and 16.0 grams of
Since the mass of a mole of water is the sum
oxygen are produced
of the masses of the atoms in the mole of water,
the conservation of mass implies conservation of
Fig. 3-3. The reactions of formation and decomposi-
tion of water shown with molecular models.

reacts with to form

is decomposed to and


The graphic representations we have used for formula. [The coefficient 2 before the formula
reactions help us visualize the rearrangement of H2O means two molecules — it applies to every
atoms in the reactions. By a slight change we can symbol in the formula In two molecules of
show the results in a less detailed but simpler water, there are six atoms, four of hydrogen and
way. Chemical formulas can be used rather than two of oxygen. Notice also that we can change
drawings of the atoms and molecules. Thus, the equation (2) to equation (i) merely by doubling
formula of elementary hydrogen is H2, the for- all the coefficients. We can change equation (2)

mula of elementary oxygen is O2, and the formula to equation {4) by reversing it. Equation (2) rep-
of water is H2O. By using the formulas to repre- resents the formation of water; equation {4) rep-
sent the molecules, we can replace the diagram resents the decomposition of water.
of Figure 3-3 by the following expressions:* All equations are based upon the conservation
2 H2 -t-
—-> 2H2O
1 O2 (2)
of atoms. Every symbol, when multiplied by the
4 H2 + —->4H20
2 O2 (i)
subscript after it and the coefficient before the

2H2O — O2 + 2 H2 1 (4)
formula, must appear as often on the left side of
the equation as on the right.
Such expressions are called chemical equations.
Natural gas contains mainly the substance
Notice that we show two molecules of a sub-
methane, with the formula CH4. The chemical
stance by writing the coefficient 2 before the
equation for the burning of methane is
* Many chemists use an “equals” sign in place of the
arrow. Thus, equation (2) would be written
1 CH4 + 2 O2 1 CO2 + 2 H2O (5)

2 H 2 -1- 1 O =
2 2 HO
The number of atoms in the reactants equals the

number of atoms in the products. One carbon First, we may begin by choosing one mole of

atom, four hydrogen atoms, and four oxygen oxygen as the amount of this reactant consumed
atoms are represented on each side of the equa- in {a):

Because of the relation between a molecule

Mg + IO 2 — MgO ib)

and a mole, we can read equation (5) in either But one mole of O 2 with two moles of oxygen

of two ways: (1) “one molecule of methane reacts

atoms, will form two moles of magnesium oxide:
with two molecules of oxygen to form one mole- Mg + 102 —^ 2MgO (c)

cule of carbon dioxide and two molecules of

Two moles of magnesium oxide require two
water,” or (2) “one mole of methane reacts with
moles of magnesium metal. Thus,
two moles of oxygen to form one mole of carbon
dioxide and two moles of water.” 2Mg + IO 2
— 2MgO id) i6)

Equation (d) is a chemical equation —since atoms

are conserved, it is said to be balanced.
We could have decided to begin by choosing
Write an equation containing the information one mole of magnesium metal as the amount of
expressed in your answer to Question 1 of Ex- reactant consumed in (u):
periment 7.
IMg +O 2 —> MgO id)

One mole of magnesium contains a mole of

atoms, hence will form one mole of magnesium
3-2.1 Writing Equations for Reactions oxide:

How can you write the equations for a reaction lMg + 02-^1 MgO W)
without first drawing a picture? Remember that One mole of magnesium oxide contains one mole
to do either you must: of oxygen atoms, the number contained in one-

know what reactants are consumed and what half mole of oxygen molecules. Thus,
products form; lMg + |02—^MgO id) (7)
know the correct formula of each reactant
and each product;
Equation (7) is also a chemical equation — again
atoms are conserved. It is just as correct an ex-
(3) satisfy the law of conservation of atoms.
pression for the burning of magnesium as is (6).

Consider the reaction for the burning of mag- To show this, we can
multiply (7) by 2 to obtain
nesium to form magnesium oxide. Magnesium equation (6).(We can always multiply all the co-
metal and magnesium oxide are solids. They efficients by a common factor or divide by a
have the formulas Mg and MgO, respectively. common factor and obtain equally valid equa-
In preparation for writing the equation, we write tion^
the formulas for the reactants on the left and the In equation (d) the coefficient I may be
formula for the product on the right: dropped but it is never wrong to retain it.

Mg + O 2 MgO id)

Expression {a) does not yet conserve atoms. We 3-2.2 Other Examples of Chemical Equations
must find numerical coefficients to place before
Hydrogen gas, H 2 and chlorine gas, CI 2 react
, ,

each formula so that there are the same number

to form hydrogen chloride gas, HCl.* The re-
of atoms of each element on the left side of the
actants are H 2 and CI 2 the product is HCl: ;

equation as there are on the right. The process of

finding these coefficients is called balancing the
IH 2 + CI 2 —^ HCl
equation. For simple reactions, it is an easy and * Hydrogen chloride, HCl, dissolved in water, is com-
logical process. monly called hydrochloric acid.
SEC. 3-2 I

If we base the reaction upon one mole of H 2, we water to aecommodate the two atoms of hydro-
see that conservation of hydrogen atoms requires gen. Now we have
that two moles of HCl be produced: IH2CO + yO, ICO2 4 - IH2O
IHo + CI 2 —^ 2HC1 Notice that we have not yet determined the

Now the product, 2HC1, contains two moles of

coefficient of O we2 ;
it as y to have designated
remind ourselves of this. Since the oxygen atoms
chlorine atoms. This is just the number of chlo-
must also be conserved and three are required for
rine atoms in one mole of chlorine. The reaction
the products, three oxygen atoms must have been
is balanced. We may write
present in the reactants. One oxygen atom was
IH 2 + ICI 2 —^ 2HC1 (8) present in the molecule of formaldehyde, so two
or more are required. follows that y must be
H +
2 CI 2 — 2HC1 We now

have the balanced equation


H +
2 CI 2 = 2HC1 IH2CO + IO2 — ICO2 + IH2O ( 10 )


Ammonia gas, NH 3, can be burned with oxygen A paraffin candle burns in air to form water and
gas, O 2, to give nitrogen gas, N 2, and water, H 2 O. carbon dioxide. Paraffin is made up of molecules
See if you can follow the logic of the following of several sizes. We shall use the molecular for-
steps in balancing this reaction. mula C H 52
25 as representative of the molecules

O2 —^
present. One mole of candle contains the Avo-
NH3 + N.2 + H2O
gadro number of these molecules.
NH3+ Oo— N 1 - - HoO
O2 —^

2NH3 + IN., + H.2O

2 NH + 0-2 3 —^ IN .2
+ 3 H.2O
Formulas of Reactants
+ —^
Formulas of Products
H2O + CO2
2 NH + 102 3 — IN 2 + 3 H. O
2 (9)
C25H52 O2

Suppose one mole of paraffin (which weighs 353

State briefly what was done in each step.
grams) is burned. Using the method shown in
the preceding example, we obtain

The molecular formula for the substance form- IC25H52 + yO , 26H2O + 25CO2
aldehyde is H 2 CO. Formaldehyde burns to form
We still have not determined the coefficient
carbon dioxide and water. What equation rep-
for O2 . Since 76 O’s are required for the products
resents this reaction?
[26 + (2 X 25) = 76], they must have been pres-
Again we begin by writing the formulas for
ent in the reactants. Show that it follows that ;;
reactants and products:
must be 38
IH 2 CO + O 2 —^ CO 2 + H.2 O C25H52 + 380.2 26H2O + 25CO2 ( IJ )

Suppose we burn one molecule of formalde-

hyde. The one carbon atom, the two hydrogen
atoms, and one oxygen atom in the H 2 CO mole- Usually it is more useful to think of equations

cule must appear in the products. Since, among in terms of moles rather than molecules since a

the products, carbon atoms appear only in car- mole is a weighable amount. In equation ( 6 ) two

bon dioxide, there must be one molecule of CO 2 :

moles of magnesium weigh 48.6 grams; one

mole of oxygen weighs 32.0 grams; two moles

IH 2 CO + O 2 — ICO 2 +HO 2
of MgO weigh 80.6 grams. Mass is conserved:
Sinee hydrogen atoms appear in only one of the 48.6 grams + 32.0 grams = 80.6 grams.
products, water, there must be one molecule of In equation (11) the 3802 is usually read as

38 moles, not 38 molecules; “38 moles of oxygen IC25H52 + 3802 —^ 26H2O + 25CO2 { 11 )

gas” has experimental meaning. They weigh 1 mole of 26 moles

38 X 32 grams = 1216 grams.
C26H52 of HO2

^ mole of
3-2.3 Calculations Based upon Chemical
Since one mole of water weighs 18 grams, the
weight of 13 moles of water is (13 moles) X
Equations give us all the information we need (18g mole) = 234 g.

for computing the weights of the substances con-

sumed or produced in chemical reactions. Sup-
pose we wishknow how many moles of water
are produced when 68 grams of ammonia are Show that 3.80 moles of oxygen are needed to
burned. Equation (9) represents the reaction: burn 35.3 g of paraffin by reaction (77).

2 NH +
3 f02 —^ IN 2 + HO 3 2 (9) EXERCISE 3-8

One mole of ammonia weighs 17 grams. Two How many moles of oxygen, O 2 are required to ,

moles of ammonia, weighing 34 grams, produces produce 242 grams of magnesium oxide by equa-
three moles of water. We wish to burn 68 grams tion (<5)7
of ammonia. How many moles is this?
2Mg +102—^ 2MgO (6)

68 grams
4.0 moles of ammonia EXERCISE 3-9
17 grams/mole
Write the equation for the reaction which took
Hence we can write
place in Experiment 8, Part II. What was the
2NH3 + IO2 — >- IN2 -b 3H2O residue you obtained on evaporation of the solu-
two moles
three moles tion in beaker number 2?
of ammonia of water

so, EXERCISE 3-10

four moles
sixmoles In Experiment 8 you determined the number of
of ammonia of water moles of silver chloride formed in the reaction

We see that 68 grams (four moles) of ammonia of some sodium chloride with a known amount
produce six moles of water. of silver nitrate. How many moles of sodium
Suppose we wish to know how many grams chloride reacted with the silver nitrate? Compare
of water are produced from the burning of one- this with the number of moles of sodium chlo-
half mole of paraffin. Equation (77) shows the ride you added.


1 . One volume of hydrogen gas combines with one (a) According to this reaction, how many mole-
volume of chlorine gas to give two volumes of cules of hydrogen chloride, HCl, can be
hydrogen chloride gas. On the basis of many re- formed from one molecule of hydrogen, H 2 ?
actions, we have learned that the molecular (b) How many moles of hydrogen chloride, HCl,
formulas are, for hydrogen, H 2, for chlorine, CI 2 , can be formed from one mole of hydro-
and for hydrogen chloride, HCl. The reaction, gen, H 2 ?
in symbols, is
(c) Four molecules of chlorine, CI 2 will produce
H2 + CI2 — 2HC1 how many molecules of HCl?

(d) Eight moles of hydrogen chloride are formed (b) How many molecules of nitrogen dioxide are
from how many moles of CI2? required to form 25 molecules of nitric
oxide ?
2 The reaction between nitric oxide, NO, and oxy- .

(c) How many moles of nitric oxide are formed

gen, O2, is written
from 0.60 mole of nitrogen dioxide ?
2 NO + O2 —5 - 2NO2
6 . If 3 grams of substance A combine with 4 grams
(a) Two molecules of nitric how many
oxide give /
of substance B
make 5 grams of substance C
molecules of nitrogen dioxide, NO2?
and some D, how many grams of D would you
(b) Two moles of NO give how many moles of . expect ?
(c) How many moles of oxygen atoms are there 7 One step in the manufacture of sulfuric acid is
in two moles of NO? to burn sulfur (formula, Ss) in air to form a
(d) How many moles of oxygen atoms are there colorless gas with a choking odor. The name of
in one mole of O2? the gas is sulfur dioxide and it has the molecular
(e) How many moles of oxygen atoms are there formula SO2. On the basis of this information:
in two moles of NO2 ? .

(f) Use the answers to parts (c), (d), and (e) to (a) Write the balanced equation for this reac-

verify that the reaction is written so as to tion.

conserve oxygen atoms. (b) Interpret the equation in terms of molecules.

(c) Interpret the equation in terms of moles.
3 . (a) Write the equation for the reaction between (d) Two moles of sulfur, Ss, would produce how
nitrogen and hydrogen to give ammonia on many moles of sulfur dioxide, SO2?
the basis of your answer to Problem 3 of .

Chapter 2 and assuming the following mo-

8 When iron rusts, it combines with oxygen of the
lecular formulas: nitrogen, N2; hydrogen, air to form iron oxide, Fe203. Which of the fol-
H2; ammonia, NH3. lowing is FALSE?
(b) Verify that your equation conserves nitrogen
(a) The equation is
(c) Verify that your equation conserves hydro- 3O2 T" 4 Fe ^ 2Fe203
gen atoms.
(b) There are five atoms represented by the for-
4 . When ammonia is decomposed into nitrogen and mula, Fe203.
hydrogen, the reaction absorbs heat. Written in (c) Oxygen gas is triatomic.
terms of moles, the equation is (d) The mass of the reactants equals the mass
of the products.
2NH3 + 22 kcal N2 + 3H2
(e) Atoms are conserved.
(a) Two moles of ammonia produce how many
moles of nitrogen? 9 Balance the equations for each of the following
(b) The production of one mole of nitrogen ab- reactions. Begin on the basis of one mole of the
sorbs how much heat? substance underscored.
(c) The production of nine moles of hydrogen,
H2, absorbs how much heat? (afiLi + CI2 —^iCl
(d) Calculate the weight of two moles of am- (b>’Na —^:NaCl
+ CI2
monia and compare it to the sum of the (c)VNa —^'NaF
-f F2
weights of one mole of nitrogen, N2, plus (dpNa + —^.NaBr Br2
three moles of hydrogen, H2. (e)Q +5^12 —
2 O CI 2

5 In the manufacture of nitric acid, HNO3,

(f)^02 +(W—^ CI2O
. nitro- X- \_/ .
L" 2
gen dioxide reacts with water to form HNO3 and Show that your answers to parts (e) and (0 con-
nitric oxide, NO: tain the same information.
3NO2 + H2O —^ 2HNO3 + NO 10 Balance the equations for each of the following
(a) Verify that the equation conserves oxygen reactions involving oxygen. Begin on the basis
atoms. of one mole of the substance underscored.

(a) With metallic nickel (c) If two moles of graphite were burned, how
many moles of carbon dioxide would be
Ni 4- Q. NiO
produced? What is the weight in grams?
(b) With metallic nickel (d) If five moles of graphite were burned in a

M+O 2 NiO vessel containing 10 moles of oxygen gas,

what is the maximum number of moles of
(c) With metallic lithium
carbon dioxide that could be produced ?
Li -|- O — 2 Li20
If a piece of sodium metal lowered into a bottle
(d) With the rocket fuel hydrazine, NH 2 4 :

of chlorine gas, a reaction takes place. Table

NH +O2 4 2
— >• N 2 -14H20 salt, NaCl, is formed.
(e) With acetylene, CH 2 2, in an acetylene torch
Write the equation for the reaction.
14. (a)
(b) How many moles of NaCl could be formed
CH +
2 2 02 “^ CO + H O 2 2 from one mole of Na?
Answer. C0H2 + IO2 2CO2 + H2O (c) How many moles of NaCl could be formed
from 2.30 grams of Na?
(f) With the important copper ore, chalcocite,
CU 2 S (the process called “roasting” the ore): \Methane, the main constituent of natural gas,
^has the formula CH4. Its combustion products
ai 2 S + O2 CU2O -f SO2
are carbon dioxide and water.
(g) With the important iron ore, iron pyrites,

FeS 2 (again, “roasting” the ore): (a) Write the equation for the combustion of
methane. Compare your answer with equa-
FeS2 -^02 — FgoQa +yS02
tion (5), p. 41.

11. (a) Balance the equations for the decomposition (b) One mole of methane produces how many
(to elements) of ammonia, NHa, nitrogen moles of water vapor?
trifluoride, NF 3, and nitrogen trichloride, (c) One-eighth mole of methane would produce
NCI 3. Base each equation upon the produc- how many moles of carbon dioxide?
tion of one mole of N 2.
(d) How many moles of water vapor would be
produced by 4.0 grams of methane ?
NH 3 IN 2 + H 2

NF3 — IN2 + F2
15. If potassium chlorate, KCIO3, is heated gently,
NCI 3 IN 2 + CI 2
the crystals will melt. Further heating will de-
(b) Rewrite the equations to include the infor- compose it to give oxygen gas and potassium
mation that the decomposition of ammonia chloride, KCl.
is endothermic, absorbing 22.08 kcal/mole
(a) Write the equation for the decomposition.
N 2, the decomposition of NF 3 is endother-
mic, absorbing 54.4 kcal/mole N and the
(b) How many moles of KCIO3 are needed to
give 1.5 moles of oxygen gas?
decomposition of NCI 3 is exothermic, re-
leasing 109.4 kcal/mole N (c) How many moles of KCl would be given by
i mole of KCIO3?
(c) One of the three compounds NH NF and 3, 3,

NCI 3 is dangerously explosive. Which would

(d) How many moles of oxygen gas would be
produced by 122.6 grams of KCIO 3 ?
you expect to be the explosive substance?
Why? 16. One gallon of gasoline can be considered to be
Graphite, a form of carbon, C, burns in air to about 25 moles of octane, CsHis.
produce the colorless gas, carbon dioxide. On (a) How many moles of oxygen must be used to
the basis of this information
burn this gasoline, assuming the only prod-
(a) Write the equation for the reaction. ucts are carbon dioxide and water ?
(b) If one mole of graphite is burned, how many (b) How many moles of carbon dioxide are
moles of carbon dioxide are produced ? What formed ?
is the weight in grams of this amount of (c) How much does this carbon dioxide weigh ?
carbon dioxide? (Express your answer in kilograms.)

(d) What weight of carbon dioxide is released (a) According to the equation given in that
atmosphere when your automobile
into the problem,how many grams of nitric acid are
consumes 10 gallons of gasoline? Express formed from one mole of nitrogen dioxide ?
thisanswer in pounds (1 kg = 2.2 pounds). (b) How many more grams of nitric acid could
be formed if the nitric oxide formed could
I 7. Iron (Fe) burns in air to form a black, solid be completely converted into nitric acid (as-
oxide (Fe304). sume one mole of nitric oxide gives one mole
of nitric acid)?
(a) Write the equation for the reaction.
19. Hydrazine, N2H4, can be burned with oxygen to
(b) How many moles of oxygen gas are needed
provide energy for rocket propulsion. The energy
toburn one mole of iron?
released is 150 kcal per mole of hydrazine
(c) How many grams of oxygen gas is that?
(d) Can a piece of iron weighing 5.6 grams burn
completely to Fe304 in a vessel containing (a) How much energy is released if 10.0 kg of
0.05 mole of O2? hydrazine fuel are burned?
(b) Compare the energy that would be released
18. Problem 5 relates to the manufacture of nitric if the same weight of hydrogen, 10.0 kg, were
acid. burned as a fuel instead (see Section 3-1.1).
Gilbert Newton Lewis, one of the greatest American chem-
istsof the twentieth century, began his career teaching high
school chemistry. Born near Boston and reared in Ne-
braska, young Lewis returned to the East to study and
graduated from Harvard University. After a year teaching
high school, he returned to Harvard and received the Ph.D.
in 1899. There followed a year at universities in Germany,

another as Superintendent of Weights and Measures in the

Philippine Islands. Then, in seven years at the Massachu-
setts Institute of Technology he rose to the rank of Profes-
sor. Finally, in 1912 he accepted the position of Chairman
of what was then a little known chemistry department far
from the recognized scientific centers. He moved to the
University of California and spent the remainder of his
career at Berkeley, building one of the most powerful
chemistry departments in the world.
Lewis devoted most of his career to the understanding of
the structures of molecules and of thermodynamics, the
energy relations in chemical changes. His thinking was far
ahead of his time and his theories have had profound in-
fluence on chemistry. His understanding of chemical bond-
ing has strongly influenced modern thinking on this subject.
Lewis was one of the first to recognize that energy effects
provide a basis for predicting what chemical reactions can
occur. Thus he awakened chemists to the crucial importance
of thermodynamics. His book on this subject, published in
1923, became a classic of the chemical literature. He pub-
lished over 150 research publications on topics extending
from the phases of sulfur to quantum mechanics.
G. N. Lewis enjoyed chemistry. Throughout his distin-
guished career he remained active in the laboratory and

never tired of the of discovery. He favored simple


and direct experiments many of his important discoveries
were performed with a few test tubes and simple chemicals.
His enthusiasm and burning interest in chemistry were

contagious many of his students became great scientists.
Lewis virtually eliminated graduate courses, relying in-

stead upon the open debate of research seminars. He en-

couraged his colleagues to think critically, to challenge his
ideas, and to welcome challenge of their own.
G. N. Lewis died March 23, 1946, in the laboratory he
loved, surrounded by the beakers and books that were the
tools of his trade. He is remembered and respected by
chemists the world over.

The Gas Phase:

Kinetic Theory

it is my intention to make known some new properties in gases,

the effects of which are regular, by showing that these substances com-
bine amongst themselves in very simple proportions • • •


We have already seen that the behavior of gases Thus we see that the properties of gases pro-
is important to a chemist. The pressure-volume vide a substantial basis for developing the atomic
behavior leads to the particle model of a gas. theory. The gaseous state is, in many ways, the
Differences among gases (in properties such as simplest state of matter for us to understand.
color, odor, and solubility) show that the par- The regularities we discover are susceptible to
ticles of one gas differ from the particles of an- detailed mathematical interpretation. We shall
other gas. In chemical reactions, the simple examine these regularities in this chapter. We
combining volume relationships support Avo- shall find that their interpretation, called the
gadro’s Hypothesis and, hence, give us a way to kinetic theory, provides an understanding of the
measure molecular weights. meaning of temperature on the molecular level.


To a chemist, one of the most important regu- nitrogen first as a solid, then as a liquid, and
larities displayed by a gas relates to the volume finally as a gas.
occupied by one mole of a gas. We shall begin
investigating this subject by comparing the sizes
4-1.1 The Volume Occupied by a Mole
of gaseous particles with the average spacing
of Nitrogen, N 2
between them under normal conditions of tem-
perature and pressure.The comparison can be The molecular formula of nitrogen is N2; the
based upon the volumes occupied by a mole of nitrogen molecule is diatomic. One mole of N2

molecules contains, then, two moles of nitrogen
atoms. The weight of one mole of nitrogen mole- (a) Calculate the volume (in milliliters) occupied
cules is 28.0 grams. by one nitrogen molecule in the solid phase.
At a sufficiently low temperature, below (b) Recognizing that one milliliter is 1.00 cubic
--210°C, nitrogen is a solid with a density of centimeter, estimate the size (in centimeters)
1.03grams per milliliter. The volume occupied of a cube that has the volume calculated
by one mole of the solid, called the molar in part (a). Use one significant figure. Now
volume, is express your answer in Angstroms (1 A =
10~® cm).
Molar volume, solid: ml/mole
1.03 g/ml

Now if we warm the solid to — 210°C, the

solid melts to form liquid nitrogen. The density 4-1.2 A Comparison of IVlolar Volumes of Gases
of this liquid is 0.81 grams per milliliter. Now the
The volume calculated above, 22.4 liters, we
volume of a mole is
have seen before. In Table l-II the pressure-
Molar volume,
0.81 g/ml
34.6 ml/mole volume product of 32.0 grams of oxygen, O 2, was
found to be 22.4 at 0°C. (Notice that 32.0 grams
If we raise the temperature still further, the of O 2 is the weight of one mole of oxygen.) So
liquid vaporizes to form nitrogen gas, taking we can use this relation,
whatever density is necessary to fill the container.
now depends upon PX F=
^^ters X atmospheres .
The density volume of the the 22 4 ^
container and the temperature. For the sake of
comparison, suppose the gaseous nitrogen is to solve for the volume of a mole of O 2 at one
placed in that volume that gives a pressure of atmosphere pressure:
one atmosphere when the container is placed in
1 atm X V= 22.4 liters X atm/mole
an ice bath at 0°C. Then the density is found to
^^ters X atm/mole
be only 0.00125 gram per milliliter. This means 22 4
1 atm
that the volume required for one mole of gas is
= 22.4 liters/mole
Molar volume, gas at 0°C, 1 atm
28.0 g/mole This is the same volume as that just calculated
= 22.4 X 10^ ml/mole
0.00125 g/ml for a mole of nitrogen at 0°C and one atmos-
= 22.4 liters/mole phere pressure (in Section 4-1.1). Furthermore,
it is same volume occupied by 17.0 grams of
The volume of this gas is almost 1000 times as
ammonia at 0°C and one atmosphere pressure
volume of the same weight of solid.
great as the
(See Table 2-III, p. 19). Since the molecular
Experiments with other gases lead to similar
formula of ammonia is NH3, its molecular weight
results. If the size of a single molecule is assumed
is (14.0 +3X 1.0) = 17.0 grams. Thus one mole
to be the same in the solid and gas, then the
of ammonia, 17.0 grams, also occupies 22.4 liters
molecules must have separated from each other
at 0°C and one atmosphere pressure. Experi-
in the gUs. The free space between gaseous mole-
ments on many other gases are in agreement and
cules is on the order of 1000 times the volume
lead to the generalization:
a molecule occupies in the solid.

A mole of gas occupies 22.4 liters at 0°C and

one atmosphere pressure. (1)

How many molecules of nitrogen are present in What happens to a gas as the temperature is
one liter of the gas at 0°C and one atmosphere changed? An experiment provides the answer.
pressure‘s Table 4-1 shows some pressure-volume measure-

ments for ammonia gas at 25°C (approximately Fig. 4-1. A mole of gas occupies 22.4 liters at 0°C,
1 atmosphere.
room temperature). Although the data shown
A mole of gas occupies 24.5 liters at 25°C,
contain some experimental uncertainty, we find
1 atmosphere.
again the regularity, PV = a constant.,

can compare this with our earlier result:

Table 4-1.
For one mole of ammonia at 0°C,
PRESSURE AND VOLUME OF 17.0 GRAMS PX V= 22.4 liter-atm (2)
For one mole of ammonia at 25°C,
PRESSURE VOLUME PX V= 24.5 liter-atm (i)
(atmospheres) (liters) PX y
From (5) we see that the molar volume of
0.200 123 24.6
ammonia at 25°C and one atmosphere pressure
0.400 60.0 24.0
is24.5 liters, whereas it is 22.4 liters at 0°C. The
0.600 43.0 25.8
0.800 29.3 23.4
molar volume of ammonia depends upon the
1.00 25.7 25.7 temperature. This result is no surprise a sample —
1.50 15.9 23.9 of gas expands when heated at constant pressure.
2.00 12.1 24.2 So when we compare the molar volumes of dif-
Average 24.5 ± 0.7 ferent gases, they should be at die same tem-
perature (and, by the same sort of argument, at
the same pressure).
This time, however, the pressure-volume prod- Consider the following experiment. The air is
uct for a mole of ammonia is 24,5 zb 0.7. We removed from a one-liter flask and it is weighed

Table 4-II
volume of a mole of gas at 25°c and one atmosphere
GAS ^l(g) 1^2 (g) 1^2 - IFi (g/liter) MIV (g/mole) MWaWt - Wi)

oxygen, O 2 157.35
158.66 1.31 32.0 24.5
nitrogen, N 2 157.35 158.50 1.15 28.0 24.3
monoxide, CO 157.35 158.50 1.15 28.0 24.4
dioxide, CO 2 157.35
44.0 24.3

empty. Then the flask is weighed again filled with can be determined by comparing the weight
a gas at one atmosphere pressure and at 25°C. of a known volume of the gas with the weight
The difference in weight is the weight of one liter of the same volume of another gas of known
of the gas. From this, we can calculate the vol- molecular weight. It does not matter what t and
ume of a mole of that gas. Table 4-II shows the P are as long as they are the same for the
results. We find that all the gases have about the two gases.
same molar volume at 25°C and one atmosphere. “Avogadro’s Hypothesis” is often called
Whether the gas is O 2 N2 CO, or CO 2 the same
, , ,
“Avogadro’s Law” because it has such wide ap-
volume, 24.5 d= 0.2 liters, contains 6.02 X lO^^ plicability. It is one of the important generaliza-

molecules (at 25°C, one atmosphere). Whether tions of chemistry. It is important, not because
the gas is N 2 orCO, a volume of 22.4 ± 0.1 liter it is exact but because it applies to all gases,
contains 6.02 X lO^^ molecules at 0°C and one regardless of whether their molecules are large
atmosphere pressure. or small. The molecules of different gases actu-
ally have different sizes and slightly different
attractions forone another. As a result, different
gases do not have exactly the same number of
4-1.3 Avogadro’s Hypothesis
molecules in a given volume. Such variations are
When different gases are compared at the same small (usually less than 1 %) and do not impair
temperature and pressure, they have the same the usefulness of Avogadro’s Hypothesis as a
volume per mole. This is true at 0°C and one method for determining the molecular weight of
atmosphere but, more important, it is true at a gas.
other temperatures and pressures as well. It is an interesting commentary on the progress
When the two gases ammonia, NH3, and hy- of science that this important regularity, now
drogen chloride, HCl, react, one liter of ammo- often called a “Law,” was not generally accepted
nia reacts with one liter of hydrogen chloride if for half a century after it was proposed. Though
the two volumes are measured at the same tem- Avogadro published his idea in 1 8 1 1 its validity ,

perature and pressure. This simple one-to-one was not widely recognized until the proposal was
volume ratio is observed at 0°C and one atmos- reintroduced at an international conference of
phere pressure but, more important, this simple chemists at Karlsruhe, Germany, in 1858. Today,
ratio is observed at other temperatures and we find it easy to “discover” or “confirm” Avo-
pressures as well. gadro’s Hypothesis because we can draw upon
These and many similar ones led Avo-
results a wealth of accumulated quantitative weight and
gadro to propose his famous hypothesis, as dis- volume relations to develop a tightly knit pattern
cussed in Section 2-2.3. The hypothesis states of self-consistency. In contrast, even atomic
that equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers weights were in doubt early in the nineteenth
of molecules {at the same temperature and pres- century and quantitative methods were rela-
sure). Therefore, the molecular weight of a gas tively crude.


Avogadro’s Hypothesis provides a method for tion of the properties of gases important to a
identifying the molecules present in a gas. Also, chemist.
it explains why the volumes of gases that react We have already observed that there are many
with each other are in the same simple ratio as and close similarities between a gas and a col-
are the moles in the balanced equation. The lection of particles in endless motion. It is essen-
importance of these results makes the explana- tial in the particle model that each particle
SEC. 4-2 I

possesses energy of motion, called kinetic mm Hg or mm). This is the height of the mercury

energy. Hence, the mathematical expression column. (Notice that only mercury vapor is pres-
that describes this model is called the kinetic ent to exert pressure in the space at the top of
theory of gases. According to this theory, the the column. At room temperature, this vapor
molecules of a gas are in rapid motion. They pressure is negligible,about 10“^ mm.)
travel in straight lines until they meet other mole- The pressure of a gas sample can be measured
cules of the gas or the atoms in the walls of the in a device similar to a barometer, called a
container. They are then deflected and scattered. manometer. Figures 4-2B and 4-2C show two
The net result is a helter-skelter movement of types. Figure 4-2B shows a closed-end manome-
molecules traveling in all directions and at dif- ter. Here the downward pressure exerted by the

ferent speeds. column of mercury is balanced by the pressure

At room temperature, the average speed of a of the gas sample placed in the flask. The gas
nitrogen molecule is found to be about one- pressure is, in the example shown, 105 mm. As in
quarter mile per second. In one second, however, the barometer, only mercury vapor is present in
the nitrogen molecule has collided with many the right-hand tube.
other molecules, so motion follows a zig-zag
its The apparatus shown in Figure 4-2C differs in

path. Although the average distance between that the right-hand tube is open. In this type of
molecules is small, the molecule passes by many manometer, atmospheric pressure is exerted on
other molecules without hitting them, so the dis- the right-hand mercury column. Hence the pres-
tance it travels between collisions is about fifteen sure in the flask plus the height of the mercury
times the average distance between the molecules column equals atmospheric pressure. In the ex-
(at room pressure and temperature). ample shown, the pressure is 755 — 650 = 105
mm, the same as pictured in the closed-end
manometer. Figure 4-2B.
4-2.1 Gas Pressure

Pressure is an important quantity in a discussion STP

of gas behavior. The applicability of the kinetic Two conditions that are often important in
theory to an understanding of gas pressure is, chemical experiments are temperature and pres-
then, an important success (see Section 2-1.1). and
sure. Consequently, chemists usually control
We shall investigate this success in more detail, measure these conditions during experiments. In
but first we should investigate how pressure is addition, it is useful to refer many experimental
measured. results to a standard and generally accepted set
of temperature and pressure conditions. This
MEASURING THE PRESSURE OF A GAS facilitates comparison of results of different
A gas exerts pressure equally on all the walls of types and from different laboratories.
its container. The standard method of measuring The temperature 0°C is readily obtained and
this pressure is by measuring the height of a maintained with an ice water bath. The tem-
mercury column supported by the gas. An in- perature is one at which thermometers are cali-

strument for measuring the pressure of the air is brated; this aids measurement. A temperature
illustrated in Figure 4-2A; it is called a barome- that is easy to maintain and easy to measure
ter. We can make a barometer by filling a long makes a good standard temperature.
tube (closed at one end) with mercury and in- Air pressure varies somewhat from day to day
vertingit in a dish of mercury. Mercury will flow and from place to place. Nevertheless, air pres-
from the tube into the dish until the column of sure is always reasonably near 760 Hg, so mm
mercury exerts a downward pressure which is atmospheric pressure furnishes a convenient,
exactly balanced by the pressure of the air. In though approximate, reference pressure. How-
the illustration, the pressure of the air is ex- ever, it is not sufficiently constant for many
pressed as “755 millimeters of mercury” (written purposes. So, by international agreement, a

Air pressure,
Gas i-ntel: 755 ynm

755' 650 = 105 mm

Fig. 4-2. Pressure measurement. A. Barometer: pres- takes account of the fact that the gravitational attraction
sure 755 mm. B. Closed-end manometer, of the earth on the mercury varies slightly from place to
pressure = 105 mm. C. Open-end manom- place, and the fact that mercury expands and becomes less
eter: pressure = 755 — 650 — 105 mm. dense when it is heated. Thus, the mercury column of a
barometer is several millimeters longer at 20°C than at
0°C. In the standard barometer, the mercury is at 0°C.

Standard pressure for gases is represented by a You can find in published tables how much to subtract
from (or add to) your barometer reading to obtain the
height of 760 mm of mercury. This standard pres- same pressure value a standard barometer would give.
sure is often expressed merely as one atmos- The correction is seldom more than 1 or 2 mm, and is
phere (1 atm). often negligible compared to other possible errors. Unless
Thus chemists have accepted 0°C and one your other experimental measurements are rather precise,
atmosphere as convenient standard conditions. you need not convert youi readings in this way.
These conditions, 0°C and 760 mm pressure,
are calledstandard temperature and pres-
sure and are abbreviated STP, THE CAUSE OF GAS PRESSURE

The standard pressure is defined in terms of a pressure

In Chapter 1 we explained how gases exert pres-
reading on a standard barometer. A standard barometer sure in terms of collisions of particles with the
SEC. 4-2 I

container walls: this model of gas pressure is (93 mm). The second bulb contains 0.001 1 mole
part of the kinetic theory. Each time a gas mole- of water vapor. The pressure in this bulb is 20
cule strikes a wall, or a mercury surface, it exerts mm Hg. The third bulb contains 0.0050 mole of
a small push or force, just as a ball thrown at a air and also 0.0011 mole of water vapor. The
wall exerts a force upon it. The force per unit third manometer shows that the pressure in the
area, called the pressure, depends directly upon last bulb is 13 mm Hg.1

the number of molecules that strike the unit area This experiment shows that the pressure ex-
of the surface. Twice as many molecules in a erted by the mixture of gases is just th^sum of
given volume result in twice as many collisions th e pressure the air exerts^when alone in the

per unit area, hence twice the original pressure. flask and the pressure, the water vapor .exerts

Thus we explain why the pressure goes up as we when alone in the fla^
pump air into an automobile tire. If the volume
113 mm = 93 mm + 20 mm (4)
and temperature of the tire remain unchanged,
the pressure goes up in direct proportion to the The total pressure can be regarded as a sum of
number of moles of air pumped in. the parts furnished by the individual pressures
exerted by each of the components of the gas
mixtures. The pressure exerted by each of the
gases in a gas mixture is called the partial
A container of fixed volume contains two moles pressure of that gas. The partial pressure is the
of gas at room The pressure in the
temperature. pressure that the gas would exert if it were alone
container is more moles
four atmospheres. Three in the container. In the example of Figure 4-3,
of gas are added to the container at the same the total pressure in the third bulb is 113 mm.
temperature. Use the result just stated to show The partial pressure of water vapor in this bulb
that the pressure is now 10 atmospheres. is 20 mm and the partial pressure of air is 93 mm.


4-2.2 Partial Pressure Assume that 0.0050 mole of air contains 0.0040
mole of nitrogen, N and 0.0010 mole of oxygen,
Figure 4-3 shows three one-liter bulbs at 25°C.
O What
2. is the partial pressure of oxygen in the
The first bulb contains 0.0050 mole of air. The
first bulb in Figure 4-3? What is the partial pres-
manometer shows that the pressure is 93 mm Hg
sure of oxygen in the third bulb? Use three sig-
nificant figures.

Fig. 4-3. Pressure of a mixture of gases.

.0050 mole air- ,0011 mote water vapor .0050 mote air
in one liter in. one liter •+ ,0011 molewater vapor
i-= ZS^^C t^Z5°C in one liter

The pressure behavior shown in Figure 4-3 is change in temperature. The familiar
sitive to a

readily explained in terms of the kinetic theory mercury thermometer depends upon the expan-
of gases. There is so much space between the sion of the liquid as temperature is raised. Solids

molecules that each behaves independently, con- and gases also change volume with temperature
tributing its share to the total pressure through change. Hence either can be (and both are) used
its occasional collisions with the container walls. as a basis for a thermometer. A gas held at con-
The water molecules seldom
in the third bulb are stant volume also responds to a change in tem-

close to each other or to molecules provided by perature, the pressure rising with rising tem-
the air. Consequently, they contribute to the perature. This is the more common way in which
same amount they do in the
pressure exactly the a gas is used in a thermometer: the volume is

second bulb the pressure they would exert if fixed and the pressure varies with temperature.
the air were not present. The 0.0011 mole of So let us measure the temperature of a sample
water vapor contributes 20 mm of pressure of gas A by placing it in thermal contact with a
whether the air is there or not. The 0.0050 mole sample of gas B (our thermometer). There will
of air contributes 93 mm of pressure whether the be heat flow between the two gas samples if they
water vapor is there or not. Together, the two are initially at different temperatures. Energy is
partial pressures, 20 mm and 93 mm, determine transferred from the hotter gas to the cooler gas.
the measured total pressure. When heat flow ceases, the gases have reached
\ thermal equilibrium. Then the gases have the
same temperature.
4-2.3 Temperature and Kinetic Energy
We can visualize what is going on with the aid
If the kinetic theory is applicable to gases, we of the kinetic theory of gases. Suppose sample A
should expect pressure to be affected by other is initially at a high temperature relative to the
factors than the number of moles per unit vol- thermometer gas B. We interpret this to mean
ume. For example, the mass of the molecules and that the molecules in gasA have more energy of
their velocities should be important, as well. motion than those of gas B— the molecules of gas
After all, a baseball exerts more “push” on a A have higher kinetic energies (on the average).
catcher’s mitt than would a ping-pong ball When the samples are brought into thermal con-
thrown with the same velocity. Also, a baseball tact, collisions permit the rapidly moving A
exerts more “push” on the mitt if a “fast ball” molecules to transfer kinetic energy through the
is thrown rather than a “slow ball.” To see how thermal connection to the slowly moving B mole-
the mass of the molecules and their velocities are cules. This transfer of kinetic energy from gas A
dealt with in the kinetic theory, we must consider to gasB is the process that raises the temperature
temperature. of gas B and lowers the temperature of gas A.
To measure the temperature of a gas we im- When the thermal contact between molecules of
merse some kind of thermometer in it. If the A and B no longer results in a net transfer of
thermometer is colder than the system, heat flows kinetic energy from one gas to the other, then
into the thermometer until the gas and the ther- gases A and B are in thermal equilibrium: they
mometer are at the same temperature. Then we have the same temperatures.
read the thermometer to get a numerical value Thus, we picture heat flow between two gas
for the temperature. If the thermometer were samples as a transfer of kinetic energy. The proc-
hotter than the gas, heat would flow from the ess continues until the molecules of both gases
thermometer. When there is no net flow of heat, have the same average kinetic energy. Then the
the thermometer is said to be in thermal gases are at the same temperature. This is a
equilibrium with the gas. basic premise of the kinetic theory: Whm gases
There are many kinds of thermometers. Any are at the same temperature, the molecules_of the
substance can be fashioned into a thermometer gases have the same kinetic energy (on the aver-
if it has a readily measured property that is sen- age).
SEC. 4-2 I

4-2.4 Absolute Temperature Table 4-IIL

The on gases
quantitative effects of temperature CHANGE OF VOLUME OF A GAS
were first studied by Jacques Charles, a French WITH CHANGE IN TEMPERATURE
scientist, in 1787. He found that all gases expand RELATIVE VOLUME
by the same fraction of their original volumes TEMPERATURE (as measured by
when they are heated over the same temperature (°C) length of sample)

range. (In these experiments the pressure re-

200 1.73
mained the same.) A simple experiment shows 100 1.37
the relations. Into a small-bore glass tube, one- 50 1.18
half meter in length and closed at one end, we 0 1.00

place a drop of mercury. This mercury falls and

finally traps a sample of air in the bottom of the
tube. (See Figure 4-4.) Since the tube has a uni-
When we plot these results with relative vol-
form bore, we can use the length of the air
umes on the ordinate (vertical axis) and tem-
sample as a measure of its volume. The mercury
peratures on the abscissa (horizontal axis), we
plug moves up or down and maintains a con-
obtain the graph shown in Figure 4-5. The
stant pressure.
straight line passes through the experimental
points. When extrapolated upward,
it shows that

the volume 273°C is double that at 0°C.

Extrapolated downward, the line shows that the

Fig. 4-4. Apparatus for demonstrating the effect of Fig. 4-5. An absolute temperature scale from the
temperature on the volume of a gas. change of volume of a gas with temperature.

We may place the tube in ice water (0°C) and volume would become zero at — 273°C. The vol-
measure the relative volume of the air sample. ume change per degree centigrade is of the
If the tube is immersed in water boiling at one volume at 0°C. Actually, all gases liquefy before
atmosphere pressure (100°C), the relative vol- their temperature reaches — 273°C.
ume has a higher value. From these data and If gases are heated or cooled at constant vol-
from similar measurements
tures, we collect data such
at other tempera-
as those in Table 4-III.
ume, the pressure changes, also
of its value at 0°C. Then
at the rate of
the pressure of a gas

would become zero at — 273°C. In terms of the EXERCISE 4-6

kinetic theory, the motion of the molecules In Experiment 9 a student obtained the result
ceases at this temperature. The kinetic energy that 2.00 X 10“^ mole of magnesium produced
has become zero. a volume of hydrogen that would occupy 49.0
There are great advantages to an absolute tem- ml at 25°C and one atmosphere pressure.
perature scale that has its zero point at — 273°C.
(a) If one mole of magnesium produces one mole
Whereas the “zero” of temperature in the Centi-
of hydrogen, use these data to calculate the
grade scale is based upon an arbitrary tempera-
because easily measured, the
volume of one mole of hydrogen at 25°C
ture, selected it is
(298°K) and one atmosphere.
zero point of the absolute scale has inherent
significance in the kinetic theory. If we express
(b) Calculate the volume one mole of hydrogen
temperatures on an absolute temperature scale,
would occupy at 0°C (273°K) and one at-
we find that the volume of a fixed amount of gas
(at constant pressure) varies directly with tem-

of a fixed amount
perature."^ Also, the pressure

of gas (at constant volume) varies directly with We have remarked that a temperature of zero
temperature. And, according to the kinetic the- on the absolute temperature scale would cor-
ory, the kinetic energy of the molecules varies respond to the absence of all motion. The kinetic
directly with the absolute temperature. For these energy would become zero. Very interesting phe-
reasons, in dealing with gas relations, we shall nomena occur at temperatures near 0°K (the
usually express temperature on an absolute tem- superconductivity of many metals and the super-
perature scale. fluidity of liquid helium are two examples).
This temperature scale, with the same size Hence, scientists are extremely interested in
degrees as the Centigrade scale, is called the methods of reaching temperatures as close to
Kelvin scale and values on this scale are ex- absolute zero as possible. Two low temperature
pressed in degrees Kelvin (°K). Both Kelvin and coolants commonly used are liquid hydrogen
Centigrade temperatures are shown in Figure (which boils at 20°K) and liquid helium (which
4-5. Notice that all numerical values on the boils at 4°K). Helium, under reduced pressure,
Kelvin scale are 273 degrees higher than the boils at even lower temperatures and provides a
corresponding temperatures on the Centigrade means of reaching temperatures near 1°K. More
scale. exotic techniques have been developed to pro-
duce still lower temperatures (as low as 0.00 1°K)
but even thermometry becomes a severe problem
at such temperatures.
(a) Express the following temperatures in de-
grees Kelvin: 4-2.5 Avogadro’s Hypothesis and
Boiling point of water : 100°C the Kinetic Theory
Freezing point of mercury: — 38.9°C
The kinetic theory is based upon the premise
Boiling point of liquid nitrogen: — 196°C
that if two gases are at the same temperature, the
(b) Express the following temperatures in de- molecules of the gases have the same average
grees Centigrade: kinetic energy. The ability of this kinetic theory
to explain Avogadro’s Hypothesis is one of its
Melting point of lead : 600°K
most important successes.
A normal room temperature; 298°K
Boiling point of liquid helium : 4°K
We may state Avogadro’s Hypothesis in this
form: If two gases at the same temperature have
* This direct relation between volume and temperature the same number of particles in a given volume,
(at constant pressure) is called Charles’ Law. they must exert the same pressure. Yet, as re-
SEC. 4-2 I

marked in Section 4-2,3, the mass of a molecule, Combining (S), (9), and {10), we find

as well as its velocity, should influence the pres- „ \/momentum\

/collisionsX / 1

sure exerted. If the molecules of our two gas = (litSnTjVaSajl collision )

samples have different masses, they must have
dilferent speeds in order to have the same kinetic
= 7^
X 4
X 2mv

energies. The lighter molecules must travel faster,

so they will strike the container walls more times \
per second. The effect of the more frequent col- Applying equation (77) to each of the gases A and B,
lisions exactly counteracts the lower “push” per
collision from these lower-mass molecules. The Pa = (12)

result is in perfect accord with Avogadro’s Hy-

pothesis: Two gases at the same concentration ft = ^
( 13 )

and at the same temperature exert the same

If the gases have the same pressure. Pa = Pb, we can
pressure even though their molecules have dif-
equate (72) and (72) so that
ferent masses.

Avogadro’s Hypothesis can be shown quite readily in 3

= 3
an approximate way. The kinetic energy of a moving
particle is expressed by the equation If the temperatures of the gases are the same, equation
(7) is applicable and equation {14) becomes
KE (5)

where m is the mass of the particle and v is the velocity.

Therefore, for gas A and gas B at the same temperature,
we have Thus we see that at the same temperature and pressure,
{KE)a = {KE)b (6) the two gases have the same number of molecules per
unit volume. This is Avogadro’s Hypothesis.

niAVA^ = WjsVij^ (7)
4-2.6 The Perfect Gas
Now suppose we place n molecules in a cubical box of
dimension d. The pressure is fixed by the number of wall We have examined experimental pressure-volume data
collisions per second on each square centimeter times the for oxygen gas (Table l-ll), ammonia gas (Table 4-1),
momentum transferred per collision and hydrogen chloride gas (Table 2-II). In each case,
within the experimental uncertainty of the data shown,
= / collisions X/ 1 \/ momentum \ the gases have the regular behavior, PV = a constant.
Pressure (S)
V second /Varea/\ collision / We find from many such experiments that many gases
Momentum depends upon mass and velocity. The par- follow this simple behavior. Of course such a generaliza-

ticle approaches the wall with momentum mv and leaves tion is any other scientific
subject to uncertainty, as is

with this same momentum in the opposite direction. The statement. The generalization was derived from a set of

momentum transferred to the wall is, then measurements, each of which involves some uncertainty,
and, hence, the constancy of the PV product is established
^^omentum ^~2mv y (9) only within corresponding bounds of uncertainty. What’s
The collisions per second with the wall, on the other more, there are limits to the pressure range over which
hand, depend upon the container dimension and the the behavior has been tested.
velocity (as the molecule bounces back and forth between To be specific, consider the data for 17.0 grams of
the walls). We can assume that one-third of the molecules ammonia gas at 0°C, as presented in Table 4-1 (p. 51).

bounce back and forth in a given direction between two These data show that PV = 24.5, but a complete state-
opposite walls. Then if there are n molecules in the con- ment should include both the uncertainty and the range
tainer, there are n/3 hitting these two walls. One of these over which the data are known to apply. In this case the
walls receives a collision each time one of the molecules uncertainty is ±0.7 and the range is 0.2-2 atmospheres
travels the box dimension d and back, a distance of 2d. pressure. It would not be safe, from these data alone, to
assume that the pressure-volume product is constant to
collisions / no. particles bouncing back and forth \
four significant figures, PV = 24.50. Neither would it be
second \time for a particle to travel distance 2d) safe to assume that the pressure-volume product is con-
collisions stant outside the range of pressure studied, 0.2-2.0 at-
second mospheres. Remember, a generalization is reliable within

the bounds defined by the experiments that led to the rule. is dramatic evidence of the danger lurking in careless
If we need four significant figures, or wish to know the extrapolation beyond the range of experience.
behavior at a higher pressure, more experiments are Even below the condensation pressure the pressure-
needed. volume product was not perfectly constant. With meas-
More accurate pressure-volume measurements extend- urements of sufficient accuracy and precision, we can see
ing to much higher pressures have been performed. Table that the PV product of ammonia at 25°C is not really

4-IV shows the results of such experiments. constant after all. It varies systematically from 24.45 at
0.1000 atmospheres to 23.10 at 9.800 atmospheres, just
before condensation begins. Similar measurements on
28.0 grams of carbon monoxide at 0°C show that the PV
Table 4-IV product is 22.410 at 0.2500 atmospheres pressure, but if

ACCURATE PRESSURE-VOLUME the pressure is raised to 4.000 atmospheres, the PV prod-

uct becomes 22.308. This type of deviation is common.
MEASUREMENTS FOR 17.00 GRAMS Careful measurements reveal the fact that no gas follows
OF AMMONIA GAS AT 25°C perfectly the generalization PV = a constant at all pres-
PRESSURE VOLUME sures. On the other hand, every gas follows this rule
(atmospheres) (liters) PXV approximately, and the fit becomes better and better as

0.1000 244.5 24.45

the pressure is lowered. So we find that every gas ap-

0.2000 122.2 24.44 proaches the behavior PV = a constant as pressure is

0.4000 61.02 24.41 lowered.

0.8000 30.44 24.35 There is a reasonable explanation for this type of
2.000 12.17 24.34 deviation. The kinetic theory, which “explains” the
4.000 5.975 23.90 pressure-volume behavior, is based upon the assumption
8.000 2.925 23.40 no force on each other. But real
that the particles exert
9.800 2.360 23.10 condensation
beginning molecules do exert force on each other! The condensation
9.800 0.020 0.20 no gas left; of every gas on cooling shows that there are always
liquid only attractive forces. These forces are not very important
20.00 0.020 0.40 liquid only
when the molecules are far apart (that is, at low pressures)-

50.00 0.020 1.0 liquid only but they become noticeable at higher pressures. With this
present explanation, we is based on an
see that the kinetic theory
“idealized” gas —one for
which the molecules exert no
force on each other whatsoever. Every gas approaches
such ideal behavior if the pressure is low enough. Then
The most startling fact revealed in Table 4-IV is the the molecules are, on the average, so far apart that their
drastic deviation from PV = 24.5 that occurs when the attractive forces are negligible. A gas that behaves as
pressure is raised above 9.800 atmospheres. Suddenly the though the molecules exert no force on each other is

relation PV = a constant is no longer applicable. Here called an ideal gas or a perfect gas.

Table 4-V. molar volumes of some gases

GAS FORMULA (grams) (liters)

hydrogen H 2 2.0160 22.430

helium He 4.003 22.426
(“perfect” gas) — — (22.414)
nitrogen N 2 28.016 22.402
carbon monoxide CO 28.011 22.402
oxygen 02 32.000 22.393
methane CH 4 16.043 22.360
carbon dioxide C02 44.011 22.262
hydrogen chloride HCl 36.465 22.248
ammonia NH 3 17.032 22.094
chlorine CI2 70.914 22.063
sulfur dioxide SO 2 64.066 21.888

Avogadro’s Hypothesis is consistent with the kinetic ing the volume occupied by one mole of that gas, the molar
theory. Therefore a perfect gas follows Avogadro’s Hy- volume. Table 4-V shows the molar volumes of a num-
pothesis. At one atmosphere pressure and 0°C, one mole ber of gases. We see that real gases do approximate
(6.02 X 10-^ molecules) of a perfect gas occupies 22.414 closely (to three significant figures) the perfect gas be-
liters. How closely real gases approximate a perfect gas havior at one atmosphere and 0°C. Every gas becomes a
at one atmosphere pressure and 0°C is shown by measur- perfect gas as the pressure is reduced toward zero.


Regularities observed in the behavior of gases rectly proportional to the temperature if the
have contributed much to our understanding of temperature is expressed in terms of a new,
the structure of matter. One of the most im- absolute scale. The melting point of ice (0°C) on
portant regularities is Avogadro’s Hypothesis: this new scale (called the Kelvin scale) is 273°K.
Equal volumes of gases contain equal numbers The boiling point of water at one atmosphere
of particles (at the same pressure and tempera- (100°C) is 373°K. The zero temperature on the
ture). This relationship is valuable in the deter- Kelvin scale corresponds to the hypothetical loss
mination of molecular formulas — these formulas of all molecular motion.
must be known before we can understand chemi- This progress gives us substantial basis for
cal bonding. confidence in the usefulness of the atomic theory
We have explored the meaning of temperature. and it encourages us to develop the model fur-
According to the kinetic theory, when two gases ther. We shall see that the concepts we have
are at thesame temperature, the molecules of the developed
in our consideration of gases are also
two gases have the same average kinetic energies. useful when we consider the behavior of con-
Changing the temperature of a sample of gas at densed phases — liquids and solids.
constant pressure reveals that the volume is di-


1. How many molecules are there in a molar vol- What ratio would you expect for the following?
ume of a gas at 100°C? At 0°C? number of SO 3 molecules produced
number of O 2 molecules consumed
2. What is the molar volume of water under each
of the following conditions? volume of SO3 gas produced

volume of O 2 gas consumed
(a) Solid, 0°C;
density of ice = 0.915 g/ml.
A glass bulb weighs 108.11 grams after all of the

(b) Liquid, 0°C; gas has been removed from it. When filled with

density of water (liquid, 0°C) = 1.000 g/ml.

oxygen gas at atmospheric pressure and room
(c) Gas, 100°C; temperature, the bulb weighs 109.56 grams.

density of water vapor (100°C, 1 atm) = When filled at atmospheric pressure and room
temperature with a gas sample obtained from
5.88 X 10-4 g/ml.
the mouth of a volcano, the bulb weighs 111.01
3. What is the molecular weight of a gas if at 0°C grams. Which of the following molecular for-
and one atmosphere pressure, 1.00 liter of the mulas for the volcano gas could account for the
gas weighs 2.00 grams? data?
Answer. 44.8 g/mole
The gas
-ocs Ss
4. sulfur dioxide combines with oxygen to
form the gas sulfur trioxide:
Si 2 H 6 A gas mixture, half CO 2,

SO half Kr
2 S 02 (gas) + 0)(gas) — 2 S 03 ("as) NFs

6. Compressed oxygen gas is sold at a pressure of cylinder is reduced to 1.00 atm. What is the

130 atm in steel cylinders of 40 liters volume. volume of the gas in the cylinder now?

(a) How many moles of oxygen does such a ^13. Suppose the total pressure in an automobile tire
filled cylinder contain ? is 30 pounds/inch^ and we want to increase the

(b) How many kilograms of oxygen are in the pressure to 40 pounds/inclF. What change in the
cylinder ? amount of air in the tire must take place? As-
Answer. 6.7 kg. sume that the temperature and volume of the tire
remain constant.
7. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher of 3 liters
volume contains about 10 pounds (4.4 kg) of 14. The density of liquid carbon dioxide at room
CO 2 What volume of gas could this extinguisher
. temperature is 0.80 grams/ml. How large a car-
deliver at room conditions? tridge of liquid CO 2 must be provided to inflate

a lifejacket of 4.0 liters capacity at STP?

8. Hydrogen for weather balloons is often supplied
by the reaction between solid calcium hydride, (^15. A student collects a volume of hydrogen over
CaH 2 and water to form solid calcium hydrox-
water. He determines that there is 2.00 X 10“®

ide, Ca(OH) 2 and hydrogen gas, H 2

. mole of hydrogen and 6.0 X 10“^ mole of water
vapor present. If the total pressure inside the
(a) Balance the equation for the reaction and
collecting tube is 760 mm, what is the partial
decide how many moles of CaH^ would be pressure of each gas?
required to fill a weather balloon with 250
liters of hydrogen gas at normal conditions.
Answer. Partial pressure H = 2 738 mm.
(b) What weight of water would be consumed in
Partial pressure HO =2 22 mm.
forming the hydrogen? 16. A sample of nitrogen is collected over water at
Answer. 0.18 kg.
18.5°C. The vapor pressure of water at 18.5°C
C/ 9. Gas is slowly added to the empty chamber of a is 16 mm. When the pressure on the sample has

closed-end manometer (see Figure 4-2B). Draw been equalized against atmospheric pressure, 756

a picture of the manometer mercury levels, show- mm, what is the partial pressure of nitrogen?

ing in millimeters the difference in heights of the

What will be the partial pressure of nitrogen if

two mercury levels:

the volume is reduced by a factor 740/760?

(a) before any gas has been added to the empty 17. A candle is burned under a beaker until it ex-
gas chamber; tinguishes itself. A sample of the gaseous mix-
(b) when the gas pressure in the chamber is ture in the beaker contains 6.08 X lO^® molecules
300 mm; of nitrogen, 0.76 X lO^o molecules of oxygen,
(c) when the gas pressure in the chamber is and 0.50 X 10^° molecules of carbon dioxide.
760 mm; The total pressure is 764 mm. What is the partial
(d) when the gas pressure in the chamber is pressure of each gas ?
865 mm.
18. A cylinder contains nitrogen gas and a small
10. Repeat Problem 9 but with an open-end ma- amount of liquid water at a temperature of 25°C
nometer (see Figure 4-2C). Atmospheric pres- (the vapor pressure of water at 25°C is 23.8 mm).
sure is 760 mm. The total pressure is 600.0 mm
Hg. A piston is
pushed into the cylinder until the volume is
1 1 . The balloons that are used for weather study are halved. What is the final total pressure?
quite large. When they are released at the surface
Answer. 1176 mm.
of the earth they contain a relatively small vol-
ume of gas compared to the volume they acquire 19. Consider two closed glass containers of the same
when aloft. Explain. volume. One is filled with hydrogen gas, the
other with carbon dioxide gas, both at room
12. A 1.50 liter sample of dry air in a cylinder exerts
temperature and pressure.
a pressure of 3.00 atm at a temperature of 25°C.
Without change in temperature, a piston is (a) How do the number of moles of the two
moved in the cylinder until the pressure in the gases compare?

(b) How do the number of molecules of the two (a) Will the final pressure be greater or lower
gases compare? than the original pressure?
(c) How do the number of grams of the two (b) By what factor does the pressure change if
gases compare? one mole of methane and one mole of oxygen
(d) If the temperature of the hydrogen container are mixed and reacted (with the temperature
is now raised, how do thetwo gases now changing from 25°C to 200°C) ?
compare in Answer. 2.38.
(i) pressure,
(ii) volume, 24. Automobiles are propelled by burning gasoline,
(hi) number of moles, typical formula CgHis, inside a container (the
(iv) average molecular kinetic energy. cylinder) that can change volume and drive the
wheels. Oxygen form
reacts with the gasoline to
carbon dioxide and water, releasing enough en-
The boiling points and freezing points in degrees
ergy to heat the gas from about 300°K to about
Centigrade of certain liquids are listed below. 1500°K.
Express these temperatures on the absolute tem- Balance the equation for the reaction and
perature (degree Kelvin) scale. decide whether the work done by the gas in the
Liquid helium. boiling point = -269 cylinder is mainly due to pressure rise caused by

Liquid hydrogen. freezing point = -259 change in number of moles of gas or due to
pressure rise resulting from heating.

Liquid hydrogen. boiling point

Answer. 14°K.
= -253 J does the pressure build up in a tire on a
Answer. 20°K. hot day? Answer in terms of the kinetic theory.

Liquid nitrogen. freezing point = -210

Liquid nitrogen. boiling point = -196 26. A vessel contains equal numbers of oxygen and

= -219
of hydrogen molecules. The pressure is 760 mm
Liquid oxygen. freezing point
Hg when the volume is 50 liters. Which of the
Liquid oxygen. boiling point = -183
following statements is FALSE?

(a) On the average, the hydrogen molecules are

v^l. If exactly 100 ml of a gas at 10°C are heated to
traveling faster than the oxygen molecules.
20°C (pressure and number of molecules remain-
(b) On the average, more hydrogen molecules
ing constant), the resulting volume of the gas
strike the walls per second than oxygen
will be which of the following?
(c) oxygen were removed from the system,
If the
(a) 50 ml,
(b) 1000 ml,
would drop to 190 mm Hg.
the pressure
(d) Equal numbers of moles of each gas are
(c) 100 ml,
(d) 375 ml,
(e) 103 ml.
(e) The average kinetic energies of oxygen and
hydrogen are the same.

^22. Why is it desirable to express all temperatures 27. The vapor pressure of a molten metal can be
in degrees Kelvin when working with problems measured with a device called a Knudsen cell.
dealing with gas relationships? This is a container closed across the top by a
thin foil pierced by a small, measured hole. The
cell is heated in a vacuum, until the vapor above
23. A gaseous reaction between methane, CH4, and the melt streams from the small hole (it effuses).
oxygen, O 2, is carried out in a sealed container. The weight of the material escaping per second
Under the conditions used, the products are tells the rate at which gaseous atoms leave.
hydrogen, H 2, and carbon dioxide, CO). Energy Two identical Knudsen cells are heated at
is released, so the temperature rises during the 1000°C, one containing lead and the other con-
reaction. taining magnesium.

(a) Contrast the average kinetic energies of the BOILING MOLAR

lead and aluminum atoms within each cell. POINT VOLUME
(b) Contrast the average velocities of the lead GAS FORMULA (°C) (liters)

and aluminum atoms leaving each cell.

(c) At this fixed temperature, the rate at which helium He -269 22.426

atoms leave is determined by two factors, nitrogen N2 -196 22.402

the vapor pressure and the mass of the carbon

gaseous particles. Explain.
monoxide CO -190 22.402
oxygen 02 -183 22.393
28. The following table indicates the boiling points methane CH4 -161 22.360
and the molar volumes (0°C and 1 atm) of some hydrogen
common gases. chloride HCl -84.0 22.248
ammonia NH3 -33.3 22.094
(a) What regularity is suggested in the relation-
chlorine Ch -34.6 22.063
ship between the boiling points and molar
volumes ?
dioxide S 02 -10.0 21.888
(b) Account for this regularity.

Liquids and Solids:

Condensed Phases
of Matter

Almost all the chemical processes which occur in nature, whether in

animal or vegetable organisms, or in the non-living surface of the earth,
• •
• take place between substances in solution.
W. OSTWALD, 1890

Only a handful of substances are gases under can be treated within a simple framework. We
normal conditions of temperature and pressure. shall begin our study of this framework by con-
Of the hundred or so elements, most are nor- sidering the properties of pure substances in their
mally solids; two or three are liquids. As for liquid and solid phases.
compound more than a million have
been prepared by chemists, yet, more than 99%
of these are liquids or solids, each with distinc-
tive and characteristic properties. It is no sur- The dozen or so elements that are normally

prise, then, that there is great variety among all found as gases include nitrogen, oxygen, fluo-
of these substances. Rather, it is remarkable that rine, helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and
they can be classified into a small number of chlorine. Where are these placed in the periodic

types and that the wealth of information repre- table (see inside front cover)?

sented by the diversity of all of these compounds


A gas, when cooled, condenses to a liquid. Fur- freezing of liquid water to ice are familiar cases.
ther cooling causes solidification. The condensa- These changes are called phase changes. We shall
tion of ammonia under pressure, the condensa- consider liquid-gas changes first and then, solid-
tion of water vapor (steam) on cooling, and the liquid phase changes.

5-1.1 Liquid-Gas Phase Changes EXERCISE 5-2

Wlien a pan of water is warmed, the input of When two moles of water are evaporated, how
heat causes the water temperature to rise. At a much heat isrequired? One-half mole of water?
certain point, however, the water begins to boil.
Then the temperature is constant as long as
liquid water remains, and continued heating When water vapor condenses to liquid water,
causes the formation of water vapor. Water the molecules release the energy it took to sepa-
changes from the liquid phase to the gas phase, rate them. A mole of gaseous water, therefore,

absorbing energy though the temperature re- will release 10 kilocalories of heat when con-

mains constant. The energy of the liquid is less densed to liquid water at the same temperature.
than the energy of the same weight of gas. The amount of heat released is numerically equal
Let us consider how much energy is needed to themolar heat of vaporization.
for this particular phase change. Other liquid-gas phase changes are similar,

HsOCliquid) —> H20(gas) (7)

though boiling points vary over a wide range.
Table 5-1 shows the boiling points and heats of
or, in abbreviation,
vaporization of a variety of liquids. In each case,
H,0(l) H20(g) (7)
energy is absorbed as the particles that make up
Suppose we wish to evaporate one mole of water, the liquid are separated into the molecules of the
as expressed in equation (7). One mole contains gas. We shall see in Chapter 17 that the extreme
the Avogadro number of molecules (6.02 X 10^®)
range of heats of vaporization shown in this
and has a weight of 18.0 grams. Using a calo- table can be explained using rather simple prin-
rimeter, as you did in Experiment 5, you could
ciples. These principles provide a basis for quali-
measure the quantity of heat required to evapo- tative predictions of boiling point, heat of
rate one mole of water. It is 10 kilocalories per
vaporization, and other properties.
mole. This value is called the molar heat of
vaporization of water. This is the energy re-
5-1.2 Liquid-Gas Equilibrium: Vapor Pressure
quired to separate 6.02 X 10^^ molecules of water
from one another, as pictured in Figure 5-1. Our knowledge of gas behavior helps us interpret
the evaporation of liquids. We have considered,
Fig. 5-1. Evaporation of liquid water. thus far, vaporization of a liquid at its usual

One mole
li(jiuid water + 10 kcat one mole wairer vapor
(t) H^O(g)
6.02 -x"
molecules 6,02 X 10^^ molecules
yoeight IQ weight 18 ^
SEC. 5-1 I

Table 5-1. the normal boiling points and molar heats of vaporization
SUBSTANCE (liquid) - (gas) °K °C (kcal/mole)

neon —
Nef/J >- NefA'J 27.2 -245.8 0.405
chlorine —^
chr/j Chig) 238.9 -34.1 4.88
water H20f/j—^ H20rgj 373 100 9.7

sodium —^
Na(l) Nar^j 1162 889 24.1

sodium chloride NaClfL —^ NaCirgj 1738 1465 40.8

copper —^
Cu(I) Cu(g) 2855 2582 72.8

boiling point. But liquids vaporize at all tempera- Ethyl alcohol is also a liquid at room tempera-
tures. Let us consider this process, beginning ture. Its vapor pressure at 20°C is 44 mm, higher
with liquid water again. than the vapor pressure of water at this same
If we place some liquid water in a flask at temperature. At 40°C, ethyl alcohol has a vapor
20°C and seal the flask, some water molecules pressure of 134 mm; at 60°C, the vapor pressure
leave the liquid and enter the gas phase. The is 352 mm. Again we find that the vapor pressure
partial pressure of water vapor in the flask rises, increases rapidly with increasing temperature.
but when it reaches 17.5 mm no more change This is always so. The v apor p ress u re of every
can be observed. The amount of excess liquid liquid incre ases as the temperature is raised.
remains constant thereafter, and the partial
pressure of water vapor in the flask remains at
17.5 mm, as long as the temperature is main- At any temperature, molecules can escape from
tained at 20°C. This partial pressure is called the the surface of a liquid (vaporizing or evaporat-
vapor pressure of water at 20°C. At this vapor ing) to enter the gas phase as vapor. At the spe-
pressure, liquid and gaseous water can coexist cial temperature at which the vapor pressure just
indefinitely at 20°C. This vapor pressure, 17.5 equals the atmospheric pressure, a new phe-
mm, is the same whether air is present or not; nomenon occurs. There, bubbles of vapor can
it is a property of water. If the flask were origi- form anywhere within the liquid. At this tempera-
nally evacuated, liquid would evaporate until the ture, the liquid boils.
pressure rose from 0 mm to 17.5 mm. If the flask We see that the boiling point is fixed by the
originally contained dry air at a pressure of 750 surrounding pressure. For example, if the sur-
mm, liquid would evaporate until the pressure rounding pressure is 760 mm, water boils at
rose from 750 mm to 767.5 mm (the partial pres- 100°C. This is the temperature at which the
sure of water vapor changing from 0 mm to 17.5 vapor pressure of water is just 760 mm. Ethyl
mm). When a liquid is in contact with its vapor alcohol, having a higher vapor pressure, achieves
at the vapor pressure, the liquid and gas are said a vapor pressure of 760 mm at 78.5°C. Ethyl
to be in equilibrium. At equilibrium, no measur- alcohol boils at 78.5°C with this surrounding
able changes are taking place. pressure. Suppose, however, that the atmos-
pheric pressure drops to 750 mm (as it might just
EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE before a storm). Then bubbles of vapor could
The vapor pressure of water at 20°C is 17.5 mm. form anywhere in liquid water at a temperature
At 40°C, the vapor pressure is 55.3 mm; at 60°C, of 99.6°C since the vapor pressure of water is

it is 149.4 mm. The vapor pressure of water in- 750 mm at 99.6°C. Water boils at 99.6°C when
creases with increasing temperature. the surrounding pressure is 750 mm.

The normal boiling point of a liquid is de- EXERCISE 5-3

fined as the temperature at which the vapor What is the normal boiling point of ethyl al-
pressure of that liquid is exactly one standard cohol?
atmosphere, 760 mm Hg.

Suppose a closed flask containing liquid water is

Fig. 5-2. Vapor pressure increases as temperature is
connected to a vacuum pump and the pressure
over the liquid is gradually lowered. If the water
temperature is kept at 20°C, at what pressure
will the water boil?


Answer Exercise 5-4, substituting ethyl alcohol

for water.

5-1.3 Solid-Liquid Phase Changes

Solids and liquids are called condensed phases.

The attractive forces in a condensed phase, either
a solid or a liquid, tend to hold the molecules
close together. In liquids, molecules are irregu-
larly spaced and randomly oriented. In a crystal-
line solid, the molecules occupy regular posi-
tions, resulting in additional stability (relative to
the liquid).
Liquid CLcetone in ic& hath, 0°C The dilference between the energy of a sub-
stance in liquid form and its energy in solid form
is usually much smaller than the difference be-
tween the energies of the liquid and gaseous
forms. For example, consider the heat of melting
a mole of ice,

H20(solid) — H20(liquid) (2)

or, in abbreviation,

H20rs) —^ H20ri; (2)

The heat accompanying the phase change (2)

is 1 .44 kcal/mole. This is much less than the mo-
lar heat of vaporization of water, 10 kcal/mole.
Table 5-II contrasts the melting points and the
heats of melting per mole (the molar heat of
melting, or the molar heat of fusion) of the same
pure substances listed in Table 5-L
Once again, we find an extreme range among
the properties of these substances. The molar
Liquid henzene in ice hath, 0°C heats of melting vary from 0.080 kcal/mole for
SEC. 5-2 I

Table 5-11. the melting points and heats of melting of some pure
SUBSTANCE (soHd) — >- (liquid) °K °C (kcal/mole)


sodium Na(sj —^ Na(Z) 371 98 0.63
sodium chloride NaCfisj —^ Uaa(l) 1081 808 6.8
copper Cu(s) — Cu(l) 1356 1083 3.11

neon to 6.8 kcal/mole for the substance sodium very great differences in the forces that bind
, chloride — a change by a factor of 85. There are these solids. Since these differences affect prop-
erties other than melting point and heat of melt-
ing, they are important to a chemist.
Fig. 5-3. Melting of ice.


Sodium chloride, sugar, ethyl alcohol, and water alcohol-water mixtures are called solutions. Solu-
are four pure substances. Each is characterized tions differ from pure substances in that their
by definite properties, such as vapor pressure, properties vary, depending upon the relative
melting point, boiling point, density. Suppose we amounts of the constituents. The behavior of
mix some of these pure substances. Sodium chlo- solutions during phase changes is dramatically
ride dissolves when placed in contact with water. different from that just described for pure sub-
The solid disappears, becoming part of the liq- stances. These differences provide, at once, rea-
uid. Likewise, sugar in contact with water dis- son for making a distinction between pure
When ethyl alcohol is added to water, the
solves. substances and solutions and, as well, a basis for
two pure substances mix to give a liquid similar deciding whether a given material is a pure sub-
in appearance to the original liquids. The salt- stance or a solution.
water mixture, the sugar-water mixture, and the

5-2.1 Differentiating Between Pure In a similar way, if we boil a sample of water

Substances and Solutions until half of it has changed to steam, condense
The earth has many unlike parts — it is heteroge- the steam to water in a different vessel, and then
neous. Some of the parts are uniform through- compare the separate samples, we find that the
out; that is, they are homogeneous. Familiar fractions of the original sample are indistin-
examples of heterogeneous materials are granite guishable. Such behavior on boiling {condensing)
(which consists of various minerals suspended in or freezing {melting) characterizes pure sub-
another mineral), and vinegar salad dressing
oil stances. Solutions behave differently.
(which consists of droplets of oil suspended in Suppose we boil off part of a sample of salt

aqueous acetic acid), and black smoke (which water. The temperature of the liquid rises, as
consists of particles of soot suspended in air). shown in curve b of Figure 5-4, until boiling
Examples of homogeneous materials are dia-
mond, fresh water, salt water, and clear air.
Heterogeneous materials are hard to describe
and classify but we can describe homogeneous
materials rather precisely.
Both pure substances and solutions are ho-
mogenous. A homogeneous material that contains
only one substance is called a pure substance.
A solution is a homogeneous material that con-

tainsmore than one substance.

We have used the terms gas phase, liquid
phase, and solid phase. A phase is a homogene-

ous part of a system a part which is uniform
and alike throughout. A system in turn, is any Fig. 5-4. Behavior on boiling, (a) A pure substance,
{b) A solution.
region and the material in it that we wish to
consider. It may include only one, or more than
one, phase.
Suppose we compare two liquid samples, one begins. Already, a difference from the behavior
of distilled water, and one of salt water. Each of pure water can be noted, shown in curve a
sample is a homogeneous system consisting of a of Figure 5-4: the boiling point of the salt solu-

single phase. However, one of the liquids is a tion is higher. As boiling continues, the tempera-
pure substance whereas the other is a solution. ture of the pure water remains constant whereas
We cannot tell, merely by visual observation, the temperature of the salt solution rises. As the
which of these clear liquids is the pure substance boiling point goes up, the remaining liquid be-
and which is the solution. True, there are dif- comes saltier. If we collect the steam from the
ferences — for example, the salt water has a salt solution and condense it in a separate vessel,
greater density than the pure water —but even we find that the resulting liquid behaves like pure
this property does not indicate which is the pure water rather than like the solution from which it

substance. came. If we boil off all the water, solid salt

Let us compare the behavior of these two sys- remains behind. Thus, by distilling — that is,

tems during a phase change. Consider, first, how evaporating and recondensing in a separate vessel —
water acts when it is frozen or vaporized. Pure we can separate a pure liquid from a solution;
water freezes at a fixed temperature, 0°C. If we and, by crystallizing — that is, forming a crystal-
freeze half of a water remove the
sample to ice, line solid —we
can obtain a pure solid from a
ice, melt it in another container, and compare solution. Chemists call the pure liquid obtained
the separate samples, we find that the two frac- by distilling and the pure solid obtained by crys-
tions of the original sample are indistinguishable. tallizing, the components of the solution. In our
SEC. 5-2 I

5-2.2 Gaseous Solutions

All gas mixtures are homogeneous hence ;
all gas
mixtures are solutions. Air isan example. There
is only one phase — —
the gas phase and all the
molecules, regardless of the source, behave as
gas molecules. The molecules themselves may
have come from gaseous substances, liquid sub-
stances, or solid substances. Whatever the source
of the constituents, this gaseous solution, air, is

a single, homogeneous phase. As with other

solutions, the constituents of air are separated by
phase changes.

5-2.3 Solid Solutions

Solid solutions are more rare. Crystals are stable

Fig. 5-5. A simple distillation apparatus.
because of the regularity of the positioning of
the atoms. A foreign atom interferes with this
experiment shown in Figure 5-4, the components regularity and hence with the crystal stability.
are salt and water. Therefore, as a crystal forms, it tends to exclude
Pure sodium chloride, like pure water, has a foreign atoms. That is why crystallization pro-
definite melting (freezing) temperature (at a vides a good method for purification.
given pressure). Separating operations —such as But in metals it is relatively common for solid
distilling —
do not separate the salt
or freezing solutions to form. The atoms of one element may
into components. The composition of the salt, enter the crystal of another element if their atoms
whether expressed in relative numbers of sodium are of similar size. Gold and copper form such
and chlorine atoms or in the relative weights of solid solutions. The gold atoms can replace cop-
these atoms, is fixed and is represented by the per atoms in the copper crystal and, in the same
formula NaCl. Sodium chloride, like water, is an way, copper atoms can replace gold atoms in the
example of a pure substance. gold crystal. Such solid solutions are called al-
On the other hand, operations such as distill- loys. Some solid metals dissolve hydrogen or
ing or freezing usually tend to separate solutions carbon atoms — steel is iron containing a small
into the pure substances that were the compo- amount of dissolved carbon.
nents of the solution. The nearer alike the com- Solid solutions, alloys in particular, will be
ponents are, the harder it is to separate them considered again in Chapter 17.
from the solution, but even in difficult cases, a
variety of methods in succession usually brings
5-2.4 Liquid Solutions
about a separation. In nature, solutions are much
more common than pure substances, and hetero- In your laboratory work you will deal mostly
geneous systems are more common than solu- with liquid solutions. Liquid solutions can be
tions. When we want pure substances, we often made by mixing two liquids (for example, alcohol
must prepare them from solutions through suc- and water), by dissolving a gas in a liquid (for

cessive phase changes. example, carbon dioxide and water), or by dis-

We are all familiar with liquid solutions. Gas solving a solid in a liquid (for example, sugar and
and solid solutions also exist. We shall consider water).The result is a homogeneous system con-
them briefly and then return to liquid solutions, taining more than one substance a solution. —
the most important from a chemist’s point of In such a liquid, each component is diluted by
view. the other component. In salt water, the salt

dilutes the water and, of course, the water dilutes for various purposes. We shall use only one in
the salt. This solution is only partly made up of this course.

water molecules and it is found that the vapor Chemists often indicate the concentration of
pressure of the solution is correspondingly lower a substance in water solution in terms of the
than the vapor pressure of pure water. Whereas number of moles of the substance dissolved per
water must be heated to 100°C to raise the vapor liter of solution. This is called the molar con-
pressure to 760 mm, it is necessary to heat a salt centration. A one-molar solution (1 M) contains
solution above 100°C to reach this vapor pres- one mole of the solute per liter of total solution,
sure. Therefore, the boiling point of salt water is a two-molar solution (2 M) contains two moles
above the boiling point of pure water. The of solute per liter, and a 0.1 -molar solution
amount the boiling point is raised depends upon (0.1 M) contains one-tenth mole of solute per
the relative amounts of water and salt. The more liter. Notice that the concentration of water is

salt that is added, the higher is the boiling point. not specified, though we must add definite
In a similar way, a lower temperature is re- amounts of water to make the solutions.
quired to crystallize ice from salt water or from We can make a 1 M solution of sodium chlo-
an alcohol-water solution than from pure water. rideby weighing out one mole of the salt. From
“Antifreeze” substances added to an automobile the formula, NaCl, we know that one mole
radiator act on this principle. They dilute the weighs 58.5 grams (23.0 grams -f 35.5 grams).
water in the radiator and lower the temperature We dissolve this salt in some water in a 1 liter

at which ice can crystallize from the solution. volumetric flask —a flask holding just 1 liter

Again, the amount the freezing temperature is when filled exactly to an etched mark. After the
lowered depends upon the relative amounts of salt dissolves, more water is added until the water
water and antifreeze compound. level reaches the etched mark to make the vol-
In general, the properties of a solution depend ume exactly 1 liter. Equally well, we can prepare
upon the relative amounts of the components. a 1 M sodium chloride solution using a 100 ml
It is important to be able to specify quantita- volumetric flask. Then the final volume of the
tively what is present in a solution, that is, to solution will be0. 100 liter and we need only one-

specify its composition. There are many ways to tenth mole of salt. In this case, we weigh out
do this, but one method will suffice for our 5.85 grams of salt, place it in the flask, dissolve
purposes. it, and add water to the 100 ml mark.

5-2.5 Expressing the Composition of Solutions 5-2.6 Solubility

The components of a solution are the pure sub- When solidis added to a liquid, solid begins to

stances that are mixed to form the solution. If dissolve and the concentration of dissolved ma-
there are two components, one is sometimes terial begins to rise. After all of the solid has
called the solventand the other the solute. These dissolved, the concentration remains constant,
are merely terms of convenience. Since both must fixedby the amount of dissolved solid and the
intermingle to form the final solution, we cannot volume of the solution. If more solid is now
make any important distinction between them. added, the concentration will rise further. Fi-
When chemists make a liquid solution from a nally, however, the addition of more solid no
pure liquid and a solid, they usually call the longer raises the concentration of dissolved ma-
liquid component the solvent. terial. When a.ffix ed apiount-T>f-4iquid-lias dis-
To indicate the composition of a particular solved all of the solidThat it can, the concentra-
solution we must show the relative amounts as tion reached is call^ ffie solubility of that solid.
well as the kind of components. These relative A solution in contact with exce^ solid-is_said to_
amounts chemists call concentrations. Chemists be satur^ed.
use different ways of expressing concentration The solubilities of solids in liquids vary widely.
SEC. 5-2 I

For example, sodium ehloride eontinues to dis-

solve in water at 20°C until the concentration
is about six moles per liter. The solubility of

NaCl in water is 6 M at 20°C. In contrast, only

a minute amount of sodium chloride dissolves in

ethyl alcohol at 20°C. This solubility is 0.009 M.

Even in a single liquid, solubilities differ over
wide limits. The solids calcium chloride, CaCE,
and silver nitrate, AgNOs, have solubilities in
water exceeding one mole per liter. The solid

called silver chloride, AgCl, has a solubility in

water of only 10“^ mole per liter.

Because of this range of solubilities, the word

soluble does not have a precise meaning. There
is an upper limit to the solubility of even the
most soluble solid, and even the least soluble

solid furnishes a few dissolved particles per liter

of solution. If a compound has a solubility of
more than one-tenth mole per liter (0.1 M),
chemists usually say it is soluble. When the solu-
bility lies below 0.1 M (10“i M), chemists usu-
ally say the compound is slightly soluble. Com-
pounds with solubility below about 10^^ M are
sometimes said to be very slightly soluble, and
if the solubility is so low as to be of no interest,

the solid is said to have negligible solubility. We

use glass containers for pure water because glass
has a negligible solubility in water.

5-2.7 Variations Among the Properties

of Solutions

Though many solutions are colorless and closely

resemble pure water in appearance, the differ-

ences among solutions are great. This can be

demonstrated with the five pure substances, so-
dium chloride (salt), iodine, sugar, ethyl alcohol,
and water. Two of these substances, ethyl alcohol
and water, are liquids at room temperature. Fig. 5-6. Salt water readily conducts electricity; sugar
solution does not.
Let’s investigate the properties of the solutions
these two substances form.
First we can investigate, qualitatively, the ex- in water but dissolves readily in ethyl alcohol.
tent towhich the solids dissolve in the liquids. Thus we see that the solvent properties of the
By adding a small piece of each solid to a milli- two liquids are quite distinctive, at least as far
liter of liquid, we easily discover that sugar dis- as sugar, salt, and iodine are concerned.
solves both in water and ethyl alcohol, sodium The experiment just described gives us four
chloride dissolves readily in water but not in solutions containing a substantial amount of
ethyl alcohol, and iodine does not dissolve much solute;

I II III IV Solution III conducts electric current much more

Sugar in Sugar in Sodium Iodine in readily than does pure water.
water ethyl chloride ethyl Thus we find great variation among solutions.
alcohol in water alcohol
Iodine dissolves in ethyl alcohol, coloring the
liquid brown, but does not dissolve readily in
water. Sodium chloride does not dissolve readily
Of these four solutions, IV is readily distin- in ethyl alcohol but does dissolve in water, form-
guished. This solution has a dark brown color. ing a solution that conducts electric current.
The other three, I, II, and III, are colorless. They Sugar dissolves readily both in ethyl alcohol and
can be easily distinguished by taste but chemists in water, but neither solution conducts electric
have safer and more meaningful ways of distin- current. These differences are very important to
guishing them. These solutions differ markedly the chemist, and variations in electrical con-
in their ability to conduct an electric current. The ductivity are among the most important. We
two sugar solutions, I and II, have virtually the shall investigate electrical conductivity further
same conductivity properties as the pure liquids but, first, we need to explore the electrical nature
— they do not conduct electric current readily. of matter.


We have mentioned the electrical conductivity of (6) The magnetic field generated by a current
solutions as a means of distinguishing solutions. passing through a coil of wire.
The interest of a chemist in the electrical nature (7) The work done by an electric motor when
of matter goes far deeper than this. We shall find electric current passes through its coils.

that an understanding of electrical behavior fur- (8) The emission of “radio waves” by the an-
nishes a key to the explanation of chemical prop- tenna of a radio or television station.
We shall find that electrical effects aid us

in predicting molecular formulas, in explaining

We see electrical devices all around us — fur-
nishing power, light, means of communication-
chemical reactions, and in understanding energy
influencing every facet of life. What does it mean
changes that accompany them.
to say that an electric current “passes through”
a coil of wire? What is an electric current? To
5-3.1 Electrical Phenomena begin answering these questions, we must explore
an electrometer, a device for detecting and meas-
Try to name several electrical phenomena that
uring electric charge.
you have often observed. Before you read on,
see if you can name five. Does your list include
the following? 5-3.2 Detection of Electric Charge

(1) The attraction of a comb for your hair on a Figure 5-7 shows a simple electrometer. It con-
dry day. sists of two spheres of very light weight, each
(2) The flash of a bolt of lightning. coated with a thin film of metal. The spheres are
(3) The shock you get if you touch a bare wire suspended near each other by fine metal threads
in a radio set. in a closed box to exclude air drafts. Each sus-

(4) The heat generated by an electric current pending thread connected to a brass terminal.

passing through the heating element of an Next to the box is a “battery” a collection of —
electric stove. electrochemical cells. There are two terminal
(5) The light emitted by the filament of a light posts on the battery. We shall call these posts Pi
bulb as electric current is passed through it. and P2 . If post Pi is connected by a copper wire
SEC. 5-3 I

saw that when one sphere received charge from

post Pi and the second sphere received charge
to the left terminal of the electrometer and post from post P2, the two spheres attracted. There
P2 is connected to the right terminal, we observe must be at least two kinds of charge!
that the two spheres move toward each other.
Now let us reverse the wires so that both
Evidently the wires have transmitted to the spheres are charged from battery post Pi. This
spheres the property of exerting force on each
time, P2 is connected to the base of the electrome-
other — an attractive force. The force is still pres-
ter. Again we observe that the spheres move
ent when the air in the electrometer is removed apart. Whenever both spheres are connected to
with a vacuum pump. The spheres react to each the same battery post, the two spheres repel each
other “across space.” They feel “force at a dis-
This represents a large gain in our knowledge
If now the wires are disconnected, the attrac-
of electric charge. One kind of charge comes
tive force remains. However, if the two elec-
from battery post Pi. Until we have reason to do
trometer terminals are connected by a copper
otherwise, we shall call this kind of charge Ci.
wire the spheres return to their original positions
The other kind of charge comes from battery
and hang vertically again. The attraction is lost.
post P2; we shall call this kind of charge C2. The
We see that the battery transfers to the elec-
spheres attract or repel each other when they
trometer spheres the property of attracting each
carry charge according to the following pattern
other. It is natural to imagine that something has
Cl attracts C2 unlike charges attract
been transferred from the battery to the spheres.
Cl repels Ci like charges repel (i)
This “something” is called electric charge. The
C2 repels C2 like charges repel
movement of this electric charge from the battery
through the metal threads to the spheres is called
Fig. 5-8. The electrometer with hath spheres con-
an electric current. This electric charge is lost
nected to battery post Pz.
when the two electrometer terminals are con-
nected by a copper wire.
We can learn more about electric charge by
another use of the electrometer. Connect one
wire from the battery (say, post Pi) to the base
of the electrometer and the other wire (from post
P2) to both terminals, as in Figure 5-8.
This time the two spheres move apart — they
repel each other! When both spheres are given
electric charge from the battery post labeled P2,

they repel instead of attract. In Figure 5-7 we


We have one more observation to symbolize. only these two. Any method of producing Ci also
When the spheres were given different charges produces an equivalent amount of C We 2. con-
(as in Figure 5-7), the charges could be removed clude there are two and only two types of electric
by connecting the two terminals by a copper charge.
wire. Then the spheres lost all attraction for each
other. We interpret this behavior to mean that 5-3.3 The Effect of Distance
either Ci or C2 (or both) has moved through the
wire so as to join the other kind of charge. When Figure 5-9 shows two electrometers which differ

Cl and C2 are united, no charge remains. Sym- Though the charges

in the spacing of the spheres.

bolically we can say, on the spheres come from the same battery, there
is more deflection of the spheres when they are
Cl +C 2 = no charge (4)
closely spaced (left) than when they are widely
Our accumulated evidence shows that there
spaced. When the spheres are closer together, the
are at least two kinds of electric charge, which
deflection is larger. Hence, we conclude that the
we have symbolized Ci and C 2. These two kinds
force of attraction varies with distance and is
of charge possess the properties (5) and (4). We when
stronger the charges are close to each
may wonder if there are other kinds of charge. other. Careful quantitative studies show that the
This answered by looking into other ways of
force is inversely proportional to the square of
producing electric charges. Chemists can assem- the distance r between the two spheres:
ble a variety of types of electrochemical cells
which show the same electrometer behavior (Electric force) is proportional to (5)
Some frictional processes leave
just described.
charges on the two surfaces rubbed together. The
attraction of a comb for your hair is caused by r = distance between centers of the two spheres.
charges left on the comb as it rubbed against
your hair. Many decades ago the properties of 5-3.4 The Electron-Proton Model
electric charge were investigated as they are pro-
duced by rubbing a hard rubber rod with cat fur. These new facts about electrical phenomena can
The hard rubber is found to carry charge Ci, and be incorporated into our particle model of the
the cat fur carries charge C2 If a glass rod is .
structure of matter if we again allow some
rubbed with silk, the glass rod is left with charge
C2 and the silk with charge Ci.
No matter how electric charge is produced, we Fig. 5-9. Contrast of deflections in two electrometers
always find these same two types, Ci and C and 2, with different distances between spheres.
SEC. 5-3 I

growth of the model. The new idea is that matter called C2 as “positive charge.” Notice the ad-
is made up of particles which carry the property vantages.
called electric charge.To be specific, we propose The combination of 5 units of Ci and 3 units
that in atoms there are two kinds of particles of C 2 leaves a net of 2 units of Ci. This now can
that carry unit charge, one which carries one be expressed
portion, or unit, of charge C\ and one which
carries one portion, or unit, of charge C2 These .
5(-l) + 3(+l)= -5 + 3= -2
particles are called electrons and protons.

Proposal: Matter includes particles, each of EXERCISE 5-6

which carries a unit of electric Suppose ten protons and eleven electrons are
charge. brought together. These charges, grouped to-
Electrons: Each electron carries one gether, have the same net charge as how many
unit of charge Ci. electrons? Remember that one proton plus one

Protons: Each proton carries one unit electron gives no charge.

I of charge C 2.


These particles exert force at a distance on
Write an algebraic expression to obtain the re-
each other in accordance with the electrical be-
sult of Exercise 5-6, using numbers with algebraic
I havior we have observed.
signs to represent charges.

, Since:

Cl repels Ci, electrons repel electrons;

C 2 repels C 2, protons repel protons
5-3.5 Electric Force: A Fundamental
, Cl attracts C 2, electrons attract protons;
Property of Matter
Cl + C = no
2 charge, one electron + one proton
= no charge;
We have learned that a battery can transfer to
or, one unit Ci + one unit C 2
the spheres of an electrometer a property called
= no charge.
electric charge. When this happens, the spheres

The atomic model now can cope with the facts on each other. The discussion brings
exert force
we have learned about electrical behavior. If a up two “wondering why” questions. The first is,
piece of matter (such as one of the electrometer “Why do the electric charges appear?” What
spheres) has the same number of electrons and caused the battery to transfer to the electrometer
protons, there are just as many units of charge the property called electric charge? We shall
of type Cl as of type C
2. Since Ci +C = 2 no examine this question carefully later in the course
charge, the sphere will have no charge. A body because the subject of the operation of an elec-
with no net charge (with equal numbers of pro- trochemical cell is extremely important in chem-
tons and electrons) is said to be electrically istry. It is the topic of an entire chapter in this

neutral. If we remove some of the electrons from book (Chapter 12). For the moment, all we can

the sphere, it will then have an excess of protons, say is that the electric charge did come from the
hence a net charge of type C2 If we add an excess . battery of electrochemical cells, thus indicating
of electrons to the sphere, it will have a net that the matter within the cells contains electric
charge of type Ci. The amount of net charge is the charges.
difference between the amount of charge Ci and The second question probes deeper: “Why do
i charge C 2 . the two electrometer spheres, when charged, ex-
It is a mathematical convenience if we express ert force on each other?” What is our explana-

the net charge in terms of algebraic symbols. tion of this phenomenon? We say that the

Henceforth we shall identify the type of charge spheres have an excess of electrons (or protons)
called Cl as “negative charge” and the type and these electrons (or protons) exert force on

each other. This does not really explain electric erty, an explanation no longer seems to be neces-
force at a distance. We are left with the equiva- sary.
lent questions, “Why do two electrons (or two
protons) repel each other? Why does an electron
attract a proton?” Without an answer, we say,
“It is a fundamental property of matter that it There was a time when atoms were said to be
can acquire electric charge and, when it does so, fundamental particles of which matter is com-
it exerts force on other charged bodies.” Such a posed. Now we describe the structure of the
statement may be taken as a definition of a atom in terms of the fundamental particles we
“fundamental property” —a property which is have just named, protons and electrons, plus
generally observed but for which diligent search another kind of particle called a neutron. Why
has failed to yield a useful model. Without an are atoms no longer said to be fundamental par-
explanation of a property, we call the property ticles? Do you expect neutrons, protons, and
“fundamental.” It is a curious fact that after a electrons always to be called fundamental par-
property has resisted explanation for quite a time ticles?
and it becomes classified as a fundamental prop-


Now we are ready to investigate behavior of decided that when sodium chloride dissolves in
condensed phases that shows evidence of the water, the charged species present are chlorine
presence and movement of electric charge. We atoms, each carrying the -negative charge of one
have already referred to one of the most impor- electron, and sodium atoms, each carrying the
tant examples —
the movement of electric current positive charge of one proton. We symbolize a
through water solutions. chlorine atom with a negative charge as CD.
A sodium atom with a positive charge is sym-
bolized Na+. Atoms or molecules that carry elec-
5-4.1 The Electrical Conductivity
tric charge are called ions.
of Water Solutions
With these symbols, we can write the equation
The movement of electric charge is called an for the reaction that occurs when sodium chlo-
electric current. Hence when we say electric cur- ride dissolves in water
rent flows through a salt solution, we mean there
is a movement of electric charge through the
NaCl( solid) 4- water — >-

Na+(in water) + CH(in water) (6)

solution. We shall be concerned here with the
Equation (6) shows that when water dissolves
manner in which this charge moves.
solid sodium chloride,Na+ ions (sodium ions)
Water is a very poor conductor of electricity.
and C\~ ions (chloride ions) are present in the
Yet when sodium chloride dissolves in water, the
solution. Chemists usually abbreviate this equa-
solution conducts readily. The dissolved sodium
tion as much as is consistent with retaining es-
chloride must be responsible. How does the dis-
sential information. On the left of equation (6),
solved salt permit charge to move through the
the term “water” is usually not written since its
liquid? One possibility is that when salt dissolves
presence is implied by the symbols on the right.
in water, particles with electric charge are pro-
duced. The movement of these charged particles NaCl(solid) —
through the solution accounts for the current.
Na+(in water) + Cl"(in water) (6)

Salt has the formula, NaCl for every sodium — We have already seen that NaCl(solid) is usually
atom there is one chlorine atom. Chemists have written NaClfs). There is a similar abbreviation
SEC. 5-4 I

for “in water.” To represent this, the expression NaClf sj dissolve in water to form aqueous ions,
“in water” is replaced by the term “aqueous,” they are considered to be similar.
commonly abbreviated “ag”. * Thus equation Silver nitrate, AgNOa, is a third solid sub-
(6),showing the reaction of sodium chloride dis- stance that dissolves in water to give a conduct-
solving in water to form a conducting solution, ing solution. The reaction is

AgNOsfsj —
is usually written in the form:
Ag'^(aq) + NOs'faqj (8)

NaClfsj — Na+fagj + C\-(a(i) ( 6) This time the ions formed are silver ions,
Ag+( aq), and nitrate ions, NOg-faqj. The aque-
Now we have a model of a salt solution that ous silver ion atom with the positive
is a silver
aids us in discussing electrical conductivity. The charge of a proton; same charge as
it carries the
solid dissolves, forming the charged particles does an aqueous sodium ion. The aqueous ni-
Na+fogJ and C\~(aq), which can move about trate ion carries the negative charge of an elec-
in the solution independently. An electric current tron — the same charge carried by the aqueous
: can pass through the solution by means of the chloride ion. This time, however, the negative

movement of these ions. move

The Cl~f aq ions charge is carried by four atoms, a nitrogen and
in one direction, causing negative charge to move three oxygen atoms, that remain together. Since
that way. The Na+fagj ions move in the oppo- this group, NO3”, remains together and acts as
site direction, causing positive charge to move a unit, it has a distinctive name, nitrate ion.
this way. These movements carry charge through These three solids, sodium chloride, calcium
the solution and current flows. chloride, and silver nitrate are similar, hence
Sugar dissolves in water, but the resulting solu- they are classified together. They all dissolve in
tion conducts electric current no better than does water to form aqueous ions and give conducting
pure water. We conclude that when sugar dis- solutions. These solids are called ionic solids.
solves,no charged particles result: no ions are The ease with which an aqueous salt solution
formed. Sugar must be quite different from so- conducts electric current is determined by how
, dium chloride. much salt is dissolved in the water, as well as by
! Calcium chloride, CaCb, is another crystalline the fact that ions are formed. A solution con-
solid that dissolves readily in water. The resulting taining 0.1 moles per liter conducts much more
solution conducts electric current, as does the readily than a solution containing 0.01 moles per
sodium chloride solution.Calcium chloride is, in liter. Thus the conductivity is determined by the
this regard, like sodium chloride and unlike concentration of ions, as well as by their pres-
sugar. The equation for the reaction is ence.
Silver chloride a solid that shows this effect.
CaCh(s) —^ Ca+Yaqj + 2C\-(aq) (7)

This solid does not dissolve readily in water.

When solid silver chloride is placed in water,
Equation ( 7) shows that when calcium chlo-
very little solid enters the solution and there is
ride dissolves, ions are present Ca+~(aq) and
I only a very slight increase in the conductivity of
C\~(aq) ions. In this case, each calcium ion has
the solution. Yet there a real and measurable

the positive charge of two protons. Therefore it

I has twice the positive charge held by a sodium

increase — ions are formed. Careful measure-
ments show that even though silver chloride is
ion, Na+fagJ. The chloride ion that forms,
much less soluble in water than sodium chloride,
Cl~f aq ), is the same negative ion that is present
it is like sodium chloride in that all the solid that
in the sodium chloride solution, though it comes
does dissolve forms aqueous ions. The reaction is
from the calcium chloride solid instead of the
sodium chloride. Because both CaChfsj and AgC\(s) —^ Ag+(aq) + d-(aq) (9)

* The adjective, aqueous, comes from the Latin name Silver chloride, like sodium chloride, is an ionic
for water, aqua. solid.

5-4.2 Precipitation Reactions for every two Cl“ ions. Summing these electric
in Aqueous Solutions charges,

Though both silver nitrate and sodium chloride r charge on _ f charge

“I on"]
9 f charge on")
have high solubility in water, silver chloride is LCaCh solidj LCa +2 ion J ^ Lci- ion
only slightly soluble. What will happen if we mix 0 = ( 2 +) +2 (1 -)
a solution of silver nitrate and sodium chloride? 0 = 0 (77)
Then, we will have a solution that includes the
In a balanced equation for a chemical reaction,
species present in a solution of silver chloride,
charge is conserved.
Ag+ (aq) and Cl- (aq), but now they are present
at high concentration! The Ag+(aq) came from

reaction (8) and the C\-(aq) came from reaction

(6) and their concentrations far exceed the solu-
bility of silver chloride. The result is that solid Balance the equations for the reactions given
will be formed. The formation of solid from a below. For each balanced equation, sum up the
solution is called precipitation: charges of the reactants and compare to the sum
Ag+(aq) + C\-(aq) —> AgClfs? (70)
of the charges of the products.

Notice that reaction (10) indicates the change (a) PbCbfsj — Pb+YaqJ + C\-(aq)
K 2 Cr20 /sj —^ K+(aq) + Cx,0~
that takes place when silver nitrate solutions

sodium chloride solutions are mixed. We

(c) Cr,0;' (aq) +HO 2 ^ ‘'(aq)

have written a more complete equation Cr 04 ‘'(aq) + H+( aq

Ag+(ag; + N 03-r«g; + Na+(ag) + C\-(aq)

—^ AgClf s) + NOs" ( aq) + Na+( aq)
5-4.3 The Electrical Conductivity of Solids
However, the two ions NO^ (aq) and Na+(aq)
do not play an active role in the reaction, nor do We have, in this chapter, encountered a number
they influence the reaction that does occur [re- of properties of solids. In Table 5-II, we found

action (70)]. Consequently, they are not included that melting points and heats of melting of dif-
in the equation for the reaction. The balanced ferent solids vary widely. To melt a mole of solid
chemical equation should show only species which neon requires only 80 calories of heat, whereas
actually participate in the reaction. These species a mole of solid copper requires over 3000 calo-
are called the predominant reacting species. ries. Some solids dissolve in water to form con-

Equations (6), (7), (8), (9), and (70) involve ducting solutions (as does sodium chloride),
charged species, ions. When we considered how others dissolve in water but no conductivity
to balance equations for chemical reactions (Sec- results (as with sugar). Some solids dissolve in
tion 3-2.1), we dealt with reactions involving elec- ethyl alcohol but not in water (iodine, for ex-
trically neutral particles. We were guided by the ample). Solids also range in appearance. There
rule that atoms are conserved. This principle is is little resemblance between a transparent piece
still applicable to reactions involving ions. In of glass and a lustrous piece of aluminum foil,

addition, we must consider the charge balance. nor between a lump of coal and a clear crystal
A chemical reaction does not produce or con- of sodium chloride.
sume electric charge. Consequently, the sum of The great variations among solids make it

the electric charges among the reactants must be desirable to find useful classification schemes.
the same as the sum of the electric charges among Though this topic is taken up much later in the
the products. In reaction (7), calcium chloride course (Chapter 17), a beginning is provided by
dissolves to give aqueous Ca+2 and Cl“ ions. The a look at the electrical conductivity of solids.
balanced equation tells us that the neutral solid The high electrical conductivity of a substance
calcium chloride dissolves to give one Ca +2 ion like copper or silver is familiar to all. Conduc-
SEC. 5-4 I

tivity measurements on many other solids show number of sodium atoms and chlorine atoms,
that all of the substances that conduct electricity but they are not present as molecules. On the
as readily as copper and silver are of similar basis of much experimental evidence, chemists
appearance. These good conductors could al- have concluded that sodium chloride crystals are
most all be classified visually as metals. The most built up of sodium Na+, and chloride ions,

distinctive property of metallic substances is high atoms or molecules.

Cl~, rather than of neutral
electrical conductivity. The numbers of Na+ and Cl~ ions must be equal
When we study a solid that does not have the because the entire crystal is electrically neutral.

characteristic lustrous appearance of a metal, we Nevertheless, there is electrical attraction be-

find that the conductivity is extremely low. This tween these oppositely charged particles. This
includes the solids we have called ionic solids: attraction between positive and negative ions
sodium chloride, sodium nitrate, silver nitrate, accounts for the binding in an ionic solid.
and silver chloride. It includes, as well, the To represent the composition of such a solid,
molecular crystals, such as ice. This solid, shown we use the formula NaCl. However, this formula
in Figure 5-3, is made up of molecules (such as does not indicate that molecules of sodium chlo-
exist in the gas phase) regularly packed in an ride are present — it is not a molecular formula.
orderly array. These poor conductors differ Since the formula NaCl shows
the composition
widely from the metals in almost every property. only it is an empirical formula.
Thus electrical conductivity furnishes the key to Figure 5-10 shows a representation of the ar-
one of the most fundamental classification rangement of the ions in the sodium chloride
schemes for substances. crystal. The ions are arranged in layers. A layer
in the interior of a crystal has a similar layer
lying in front of it and a similar layer lying
5-4.4 Ionic Solids
behind These layers are displaced so that a

Referring to Tables 5-1 and 5-II, we find that Cl“ ion lies in front of each Na+ ion and a Cl~
both sodium chloride and copper have extremely ion lies behind each Na+ ion. Thus, each ion is

high melting and boiling points. These two solids surrounded by six oppositely charged ions. We
have little else in common. Sodium chloride has call this arrangement the sodium chloride ar-
none of the other properties that identify a metal. rangement or sodium chloride lattice. Because of
It has no luster, rather, it forms a transparent the proximity of the oppositely charged ions in
crystal. It does not conduct electricity nor is it a this arrangement, it is strongly bonded and the
good heat conductor. The kind of forces holding melting point of such a crystal is high.
this crystal together must be quite different from

those in metals. Fig. 5-10. The packing of ions in an ionic crystal:

The sodium chloride crystal contains an equal sodium chloride.

When an ionic solid like sodium chloride is so strongly with ions that some molecular crys-
melted, the molten salt conducts electric current. tals dissolve in water to form conducting solu-
The conductivity is like that of an aqueous salt tions. For example, solid hydrogen chloride,
solution: Na+ and Cl“ ions are present. The ex- HClfsj, is a molecular crystal similar to the ice
tremely high melting temperature (808°C) shows crystal. The solid is made up of HCl molecules,
that a large amount of energy
needed to tear is not of ions like the ionic sodium chloride. Yet
apart the regular NaCl crystalline arrangement HClfsJ dissolves in water to form a conducting
to free the ions so they can move. solution containing hydrogen ions, H+(aq), and
In contrast, solid sodium chloride dissolves chloride ions, C\~(aq). Thus we cannot safely
readily in water at room temperature and with- interpret the conductivity of an aqueous solution
out a large heat effect. This can only mean that to mean that the solid dissolved was an ionic
the water interacts strongly with the ions — so solid. We can, however, state the opposite: When
strongly that aqueous ions are about as stable an ionic solid dissolves in water, a conducting
as are ions in the crystal. In fact, water interacts solution is obtained.


1. A liquid is heated at its boiling point. Although (a) Mercury, water,

energy is used to heat the liquid, its temperature (b) Gasoline, motor oil.

does not rise. Explain. (c) A perfume, honey.

2. What is the maximum amount of heat that you 8. Explain why the boiling point of water is lower
can lose as one gram of water evaporates from in Denver, Colorado (altitude, 5,280 feet), than
your skin? in Boston, Massachusetts (at sea level).
3. Note in Table 5-1 the correlation between the
normal boiling point and heat of vaporization 9. Both carbon tetrachloride, CCh (used in dry

of a number of liquids. Suggest possible reasons cleaning and in some fire and mer-

for this regularity. cury, Hg, are liquids whose vapors are poisonous
to breathe. If CCh is spilled, the danger can be
4. Which would likely cause the more severe burn, removed merely by airing the room overnight
one gram of H^Oig) at 100°C or one gram of but if mercury is spilled, it is necessary to pick
U^Od) at 100°C? up the liquid droplets with a “vacuum cleaner”
device. Explain,
5. Liquids used in rocket fuels are passed over the
outer wall of the combustion chamber before
Because of its excellent heat conductivity, liquid
being fed into the chamber itself. What advan- sodium has been proposed as a cooling liquid
tages does this system offer ?
for use in nuclear power plants.

6. Which of the following will require more energy ? (a) Over what temperature range could sodium
be used in a cooling system built to operate
(a) Changing a mole of liquid water into gaseous
at one atmosphere pressure or lower?
Decomposing, by
(b) How much heat would be absorbed per kilo-
(b) electrolysis, one mole of
gram of sodium to melt the solid when the
cooling system is put in operation?
Explain. How much heat would be absorbed per kilo-
gram of sodium if the temperature rose too
7. Pick the liquid having the higher vapor pressure
high and the sodium vaporized?
from each of the following pairs. Assume all

substances are at room temperature. Use the data in Tables 5-1 (p. 67) and 5-II (p. 69).

11. Water is a commonly used cooling agent in 22. What would you expect to observe if one elec-

power plants. Repeat Problem 10 considering trometer sphere were charged by your hair and
one kilogram of water instead of sodium. Con- the other by the comb used to comb your hair?
trast the results for these two coolants.
23. Why do scientists claim there are only two kinds

12. How much heat must be removed to freeze an of electric charge ?

ice tray full of water at 0°C if the ice tray holds

24. It is that electric charges attract or repel
500 grams of water? each other with a force that is inversely propor-
tional to the square of the distance between
13. List three heterogeneous materials not given in
them. If two spheres like those in the electrome-
Section 5-2.1.
ter (Figure 5-7) are negatively charged, what
14. List three homogeneous materials not given in would be the change in the force of repulsion if

Section 5-2.1. the distance between them were increased to four

times the original distance?
15. Which of the following statements about sea
water is FALSE? 25. Why do two electrically neutral objects with
mass attract each other?
(a) It boils at a higher temperature than pure
water. 26. Each of the following ionic solids dissolves in
(b) It melts at a lower temperature than pure water to form conducting solutions. Write equa-
water. tions for each reaction.
(c) The boiling point rises as the liquid boils
away. (a) potassium chloride, KCl
(d) The melting point falls as the liquid freezes. (b) sodium nitrate, NaN03
(e) The density is the same as that of pure water. (c) calcium bromide, CaBr2

Answer. CaBr2(sj — >- CsL+-(aq) + 2Br~(aq).

16. How many grams of methanol, CH3OH, must
(d) lithium iodide, Lil
be added to 2.00 moles of H2O to make a solu-
tion containing equal numbers of H2O and A chloride of iron called ferric chloride, FeCb,
CH3OH molecules ? How many molecules (of all dissolves in water to form a conducting solution
kinds) does the resulting solution contain ? containing ferric ions, Fe+®, and chloride ions,
17. How many grams of ammonium chloride,
NH4CI, are present in 0.30 liter of a 0.40 M (a) Write the equation for this reaction.
NH4CI solution? (b) If 0.10 mole of FeCE is dissolved in 1.0 liter
Answer. 6.4 grams.
of water, what is the concentration of ferric
18. Write directions for preparing the following ion and of chloride ion ?

aqueous solutions: Answer. Concentration of Fe+* = 0.10 M.

Concentration of CL = 0.30 M.
(a) 1.0 liter M lead
of 1.0 Pb(N03)2,nitrate,
28. The salt ammonium sulfate, (NH4)2S04, dissolves
(b) 2.0 of 0.50 M ammonium chloride,
in water to form a conducting solution contain-
NH4CI, solution. ing ammonium ions, NH^, and sulfate ions,
(c) 0.50 of 2.0 M potassium chromate,
K2Cr04, solution.
(a) Write the balanced equation for the reaction
19. How many liters of a 0.250 M K2Cr04 solution when this ionic solid dissolves in water.
contain 38.8 grams of K2Cr04? by com-
(b) Verify the conservation of charge
paring the charge of the reactant to the sum
20. List three properties of a solution you would
of the charges of the products.
expect to vary as the concentration of the solute
(c) Suppose 1.32 grams of ammonium sulfate is
dissolved in 0.500 liter of water. Calcu-
21. Give two forces other than electric that are felt late the concentrations of NH^ (aqj and
at a distance. SOi^(aq).

29. 1.00 liter of solution contains 0.100 mole of When solutions of barium chloride, BaCb, and
ferric chloride,FeCh, and 0.100 mole of ammo- potassium chromate, K2Cr04, are mixed, the
nium chloride, NH4CI. Calculate the concentra- following reaction occurs:
tions of Fe+*, Cl“, and NH^ ions.

Answer. Concentration Fe'*'^ = 0.100 M, 2K^(aq) + Cr04~V«qJ + Ba+YaqJ + 2Cl-rag;

Concentration NH^ = 0.100 M, — BaCr 04 rs; + m^(aq) + 2Cl-raq;
Concentration Cl~ = 0.400 M.
(a) Show how charge is conserved.
30. In Experiment 10 you mixed lead nitrate and (b) Rewrite the equation showing predominant
sodium iodide. Write an equation for the reac- reacting species only.
tion that occurred. Show only the predominant (c) Suppose 1.00 liter of 0.500 M BaCb mixed is
reacting species. with 1.00 liter of 0.200 M K2Cr04. Assuming
31. Write equations for the reactions between aque- BaCr04 has negligible solubility, calculate

ous bromide ions and the concentrations of all ions present when
precipitation stops.
(a) aqueous lead ions,
Answer. Concentration K'*' = 0.200 M,
(b) aqueous silver ions.
Concentration Cl~ = 0.500 M,
Both lead bromide, PbBr2, and silver bromide, Concentration CrO^T^ = negligible.
AgBr, are only slightly soluble. Concentration Ba+2 = 0.150 M.
Structure of
the Atom and
the Periodic Table

The eighth element, starting from a given one, is a kind of repetition of

the first, like the eighth note of an octave in music.
J. A. R. NEWLANDS, 1864

We have already learned that nature has great and one-half million different compounds, each
variety. Around us we find gases, liquids, and having its own special properties. Each year
solids. To liquefy air, we must cool it to about about 100,000 new compounds are reported.
— 180°C, far colder than the coldest winter. To Again we must deal with great variety.
liquefy rock, we must heat it to temperatures We have already remarked in Chapter 1 that
above 1000°C, the climate found in an active “the mere cataloguing of observations is not
volcano. When we examined chemical reactivity, science.” We could never cope with this great
we found even more variety. A candle burns variety in nature if we did not make use of its

quietly and slowly, once lit, though it does not regularities in organizing our knowledge. The
react appreciably until lit. Iron also reacts with fact that chemists have been able to synthesize
oxygen very slowly (it rusts), though not as more than a million compounds shows that they
slowly as we might like. Hydrogen, by contrast, have been successful in this organization. Their
reacts explosively with oxygen when it is ignited. success stems in large part from the regularities
In contrast to the slow reactions of paraffin wax embodied in the periodic table.
and iron with oxygen, and the instantaneous re- The periodic table groups elements with simi-
action of hydrogen with oxygen, helium gas will lar chemistry. It is of great value just as a
never react with oxygen. correlating device. It is even more powerful when
Turning to the atomic view of matter, we find coupled with an understanding of the structure
more than a hundred different elements. Each of of atoms. So, it is appropriate to consider this
these elements has a kind of atom that is some- topic before examining the relationships that es-
how different from all of the others. With these tablish the periodic table.
100 elements, chemists have prepared about one


Scientists have developed a highly sophisticated is that of a single proton, 1+ unit of charge.
view of the structure of the atom. The currently All other nuclei have positive charges that are
accepted model is called “the nuclear atom.” We exactly an integer times the proton charge; a
shall present it without trying to show immedi- nucleus may have 2+ units, 3+ units, 4+ units,

ately all of the experimental evidence that led to and so on. Each nucleus contains a definite num-
this particular model. Rest assured, though, that ber of protons and the charge on the nucleus is
every feature of the nuclear atom picture rests fixed by this number. All atoms of a particular

upon experimental evidence, as we shall see in element have the same nuclear charge. All hydro-
Chapter 14. gen atoms have a nuclear charge of 1+; all
helium atoms have a nuclear charge of 2+ all ;

lithium atoms have a nuclear charge of 3 + and ;

6-1.1 A Model: The Nuclear Atom so on. We shall see that the nuclear charge deter-
mines the chemistry of an atom.
An atom contains electrons and protons. Since
Since the nucleus has positive charge, it at-
mass is associated with all matter, it is natural
tracts electrons (each with negative charge). If a
to assume that atoms, which form matter, have
mass. And since any sample of matter occupies
nucleus attracts the number of electrons just
equal to the nuclear charge, an electrically neu-
a certain volume, we can also assume that each
atom has volume. Almost all the mass of the tral atom is formed. Consider a nucleus contain-

atom is concentrated in a region that is much ing two protons, a helium nucleus. When the
helium atom has two electrons as well (2

smaller than the total volume of the atom. This
The charge), an electrically neutral helium atom
region is called the nucleus of the atom. rest
of the volume of the atom is occupied by electrons.
The nucleus carries a positive electric charge. = no charge
2 protons -f 2 electrons
The element hydrogen has the lightest atoms,
and the nuclei of these atoms have the smallest (2+) -b (2-) = 0
positive charge anyone has observed. Every atom
Electrons can be removed from or added to a
of hydrogen has one proton in its nucleus. The
neutral atom, giving it a net charge. This is how
charge on the nucleus of an atom of hydrogen
ions are formed. Thus,

“neutral "positive
helium atom, helium ion,
+ energy — + (electron) U)
2 protons 2 protons
_2 electrons _1 electron

He + energy — >- He+ e U)

and, as another example.

"neutral "positive
fluorine atom, fluorine ion.
+ energy — + (electron) (2)

9 protons 9 protons
_9 electrons _8 electrons

F + energy F+ + e- (2)
SEC. 6-1 I

Since a positive charge attracts a negative charge, discovered. The neutron

carries no charge; it is

it is difficult to take the eleetron away from the a neutral particle. mass is almost identical to

positive helium or fluorine nucleus. Scientists the mass of the proton. Thus the nucleus of the
say “work must be done” or “energy is required” helium atom must consist of two neutrons and
to form a positive ion from a neutral atom, as in two protons. Then its charge will be 2+ but its
(7 or (2). “Work” and “energy” are synony- mass will be four times the mass of the hydrogen
mous here and they indicate that an external atom.
agent must exert force on the electron to make Now our nuclear model suffices. We can build
it leave the neutral atom. In analogy, the attrac- up the atoms Each atom has a
for all elements.
tion between electron and nucleus is like a nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons. The
stretched rubber band connecting the two par- protons are responsible for all of the nuclear
ticles. Continued force applied to the two parti- charge and part of the mass. The neutrons are
cles can result in the rubber band being stretched responsible for the rest of the mass of the nu-
until it breaks, releasing the two particles, but at cleus. The neutron plays a role in binding the
the expense of work. nucleus together, apparently adding attractive
Some neutral atoms can gain electrons, form- forces which predominate over the electrical re-
ing negative ions.Thus a neutral fluorine atom pulsionsamong the protons.*
can add an electron to form a negative ion, F'. Around the nucleus are enough electrons to
This change, for fluorine atoms, does not require make the atom as a whole, electrically neutral.
the input of energy; it releases energy:

“neutral negative
fluorine atom. fluorine ion,
+ (electron) — + energy (i)
9 protons 9 protons
_9 electrons _10 electrons _

F e~ — F" + energy (i)

6-1.2 The Mass of an Atom and Its Parts

Table 6-1
Protons are in the nucleus and electrons sur-
round it. Most of the mass of the atom is in the CHARGE AND MASS OF SOME
nucleus. These two statements imply that an FUNDAMENTAL PARTICLES
electron weighs far less than a proton; this is the CHARGE APPROXIMATE MASS
case. Experiments have been performed in which (relative to the (relative to the

individual and protons have been

electrons PARTICLE electron charge) mass of a proton)

weighed (they are deseribed in Chapter 14). Electron 1- Ts^

These experiments show that the mass of the Proton 1 + 1

electron is smaller than that of a proton by a Neutron 0 1

factor of T^o •

This means that most of the mass of the atom

must be furnished by the nucleus. However, the The charge and mass of each of the three funda-
mental particles we have discussed are shown in
mass of the nucleus is not determined by the
Table 6-1.
number of protons alone. For example, a helium
nueleus has two protons and a hydrogen nucleus * This model still does not explain what forces hold
has one proton. Yet a helium atom is measured the nucleus together in spite of the proton repulsions.

to be four times heavier than a hydrogen atom. We do know that the helium nucleus is stable it can —
What can be the composition of the helium nu-
exist indefinitely —
but the model does not explain why it
is stable. Thus we use models because they help us to
cleus? A partial answer to this problem was explain many important facts, even though they do not
obtained when a third particle, the neutron, was explain all the facts.

6-1.3 The Sizes of Atoms where behind second base. The one electron
present in the neutral atom would wander hither
How large is an atom? We cannot answer this
and yon, occupying all the rest of the stadium.
question for an isolated atom. We can, however, For the helium atom, the nucleus would be re-
devise experiments in which we can find how
closely the nucleus of one atom can approach
placed by a cluster of four fleas representing —
two protons and two neutrons. The two electrons
the nucleus of another atom. As atoms approach,
of the neutral helium atom would now share
they are held apart by the repulsion of the posi-
the ample space of the huge stadium. This situa-
tively charged nuclei. The electrons of the two
tion is made even more difficult to picture by the
atoms also repel one another but they are at-
fact that the fleas, occupying a minute volume in
tracted by the nuclei. The closeness of approach
center field, represent almost all of the mass that
of two nuclei will depend upon a balance between
is carried in the stadium.
the repulsive and attractive forces. It also de-
pends upon the energy of motion of the atoms 6-1.4 Atomic Number
as they approach one another. If we think of
What do the atoms of one element have in
atoms as spheres, we find that their diameters
mon them from the atoms of all
to distinguish
vary from 0.000 000 01 to 0.000 000 05 cm (from
other elements? Each hydrogen nucleus bears a
1 X 10“8 to 5 X 10“® cm). Nuclei are much
charge of 1 + Each neutral hydrogen atom has
smaller. A typical nuclear diameter is 10“^® cm,

one electron, charge 1 — situated in the rela-

about 1/100,000 the atom diameter.
tively large volume of the atom outside the nu-
Suppose we take Yankee Stadium (seating
cleus. Each helium atom has a nucleus whose
capacity, 67,000) as a model for the atom. To
charge is 2+ and each neutral atom has two
keep the proper scale, would be
the nucleus
electrons around the nucleus. The element lith-
about the size of a flea! For the hydrogen atom,
ium has atoms heavier than hydrogen or helium,
the flea would represent one proton. He would
and each lithium atom has a nucleus whose
be located at the center of the stadium, some-
charge is 3 + . Three electrons around the nucleus
are required to form a neutral lithium atom.
Thus, each of the chemical elements consists
Fig. 6-1. The nucleus is much smaller than the atom.
The nucleus occupies about the same rela- of atoms whose nuclei contain a particular num-
tive volume in the atom as does a flea in ber of protons, hence a particular nuclear charge.
Yankee Stadium. The number of protons in the nucleus is called the
SEC. 6-1 I

atomic number. Of course, all atomic num- above the chemical symbol for the element is the
bers are whole numbers. Thus, oxygen with atomic number.
atomic number 8, has eight protons in the nu-
cleus (nuclear charge 8+). A neutral oxygen
6-1.5 Mass Number and Isotopes
atom must have eight electrons (each with charge
1 —) as well. All of the atoms of an element have the same
The atomic number of each of the elements is nuclear charge. Do all of the atoms of an element
listed in the table on the inside of the back cover have the same mass? Almost all hydrogen atoms
of this book. You will find there that each ele- do have the same mass the sum of the mass of—
ment has a distinctive name, symbol, and atomic one proton and the mass of one electron. For
number. A given element can be identified by these atoms the nucleus consists of a single pro-
any of these. For example, helium can be called ton. However, a small fraction of the hydrogen
by its name, helium, by its symbol. He, or by its atoms (0.016% of them) have nuclei whose mass
atomic number, the element of atomic number 2. is approximately twice as great as the mass of

In the periodic table we shall see that the ele- the proton. (Compare with the helium nucleus.)
ments have been listed in the order of increasing To explain the mass of these hydrogen atoms,
atomic number. An example of the periodic table we conclude that each of their nuclei consists of a
is on the wall of your classroom and there is a neutron (charge zero, mass 1) and a proton
copy on the inside of the cover at the front of (charge 1 + ,
mass 1). This kind of hydrogen atom
this book. In each box in the table the number is called hyclrogen-2; another name commonly

Table 6-11. vital statistics of some common isotopes


1 [
99.984% 1 1 !
1 IP 1 1+ i



hydrogen-2 1

0.016 1
1 1 1
2 IP, 1/; 2 1 1

helium-3 !
1.34 X 10-' 2 3 2p, 1// 3 2+ 2
helium-4 1
100 1
2 i
4 2p, In 4 2+ !

lithium-6 j
7.40 1 3 !
6 3p, 3/7 6 3+ !

lithium-7 j
92.6 !

' i
7 3p, 4/7 7 3 + 3

beryllium-9 ! 100 i
' ^ 4p, 5/7 9 4-f 4


boron- 10 j
18.83 i
5 1
10 -

5/7, 5/7 10 5+ 5
boron- 11 81.17 i
5 !

11 1

5/7, 6/7 11 5+ 5

carbon- 12 98.892 !
6 1
12 1
6/7, 6/7 12 6+ !
carbon- 13 1.108 I
6 1
13 i
6/7, In 13 6+ 1
1 1

nitrogen-14 j
99.64 i

2 ! 14 I
7/7, In 14 7 + 1
nitrogen- 15 |
0.36 I
7 i

7/7, 8/7 15 7+ 7

oxygen-16 99.76 8+

8 1
16 i
8/7, 8/7 16 !

oxygen- 17 !
0.04 i

i 8 1
8/7, 9/7 17 8+ j
oxygen- 18 0.20 1

18 1
i 8/7, 10/7 18 8+ I

fluorine- 19
100 i
19 9p, 10/7 19 9+ 11

chlorine-35 i 75.4 ! 17 1

35 17p, 18/7 35 17+ 1
chlorine-37 '

24.6 I
! 17 1
37 17p, 20/7 37 17+ 1

gold- 197 ]

100 1
79 1 1
197 79/7, 118/7 197 79 + 79

uranium-235 ;
' i
0.71 1 1
92 i
! 235 92/7, 143/7 235 92+ j
uranium-238 1
92 ;
238 92/7, 146/7 238 92+ )

p = proton, n = neutron.

used is deuterium. The two kinds of hydrogen of the oxygen atoms have mass number 17 and
atoms (having the same atomic number but dif- about 0.20% have mass number 18. The nucleus
ferent masses) are called isotopes. An isotope is of an oxygen- 16 atom consists of eight protons
identifiedby specifying, first, which element it is and eight neutrons —charge 8+, mass 16, The
(usually by the symbol or name of the element) nucleus of an oxygen- 17 atom consists of eight
and, second, the sum of the number of protons protons and nine neutrons —
charge 8+, mass
and the number of neutrons. The number of pro- 17. The nucleus of an oxygen- 18 atom consists
tons plus the number of neutrons in a nucleus is of eight protons and ten neutrons charge 8+, —
called the mass number of the nucleus. The mass mass 18. Tablesummarizes the data on the

number is, of course, always an integer. atomic structure of a few common isotopes.
Reviewing: The nuclear charge and the electrons it attracts
primarily determine the ways in which atoms
Atomic number = number of protons in the
behave toward other atoms. Mass differences
nucleus (fixes nuclear charge)
cause only minor chemical effects. Since the iso-
Mass number = number of protons and neu-
trons in the nucleus (fixes
topes of an element have the same nuclear charge
nuclear mass) and the same number of electrons per neutral
atom, they react in the same ways. Thus we can
Most of the chemical elements consist of mix- speak of the chemistry of oxygen without speci-
tures of isotopes. Oxygen, atomic number 8, has fying which one of the three stable isotopes is
three stable isotopes. The kind having mass num- reacting. Only the most precise measurements
ber 16 is most abundant. About 99.76% of the will indicate the very slight chemical differences
oxygen atoms consist of this isotope. Only 0.04% among them.


We are now ready to consider why the elements according to their chemistry into families or
are arranged as they are in the periodic table. We groups. The elements in a particular group have
shall examine the known elements to discover similar chemistry. Knowledge about one element
the significance and usefulness of this table — in a group then aids in understanding the chem-
table so important it is printed on the inside istry of other elements in that group. In the
cover of this and almost every other general periodic table each group appears in a vertical
chemistry textbook.
When the elements are arranged in order of
increasing atomic number, each successive ele- Fig. 6-2. The inert gas elements —a chemical family.
ment has different chemistry from its neighbors.
On the other hand, there are striking likenesses
among some of the elements. For example, of the
one-hundred or so known elements, only about neon
a dozen are gases at normal conditions of tem-
perature and pressure. Of these, six elements are argon
so remarkably similar in chemistry that they are
conveniently considered together. Further, they krypton-
are identified by a family name, “the inert gases.”
If we look at the properties of other elements,
we find that this recurrence of properties is usual.
It is convenient to group all of the elements
SEC. 6-2 I

column. The key to this arrangement lies in the 6-2.2 Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, Radon
elements called the inert gases. It is one of Among all of the hundred or so known elements,
nature’s quirks that these gases provide the key there are only five with chemistry resembling that
to the organization of our chemical knowledge of helium. We have remarked that these ele-
because these elements are distinctive in their ments; neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon,
almost total absence of chemical reactivity. The together w th helium, are known as the inert
first of the inert gases is helium. gases. It is only since 1962 that chemists have
been able to prepare any compounds at all in-

6-2.1 Helium volving these elements. The few compounds that

have been prepared are extremely reactive, de-
Helium, the second element in the periodic table, composing readily to restore the inert gas to the
has atomic number 2. This means its nucleus elementary state. Everything that is known of
contains two protons and has a 2+ charge. The the chemistry of the inert gas elements indicates
neutral atom, then, contains two electrons. There that the atoms of the inert gases must be par-
are two stable isotopes, helium-4 and helium-3, ticularly stable.
but the helium found in nature is almost pure The physical properties of the inert gases are
helium-4. Helium is found in certain natural gas shown in Table 6-III. There is much information
fields and is separated as a by-product. Sources contained in this table, and we shall examine it

of helium are rare and most of the world supply in parts.

is produced in the United States, mainly in
Texas and Kansas. BOILING POINT
Helium is a monatomic gas and, as yet, no The inert gas elements are all gases at room
stable compounds of helium have been found. temperature. Helium has the lowest known boil-
The attractive forces between the atoms of he- ing point, 4.2°K. Neon has the third lowest
lium are unusually weak, as shown by the normal known boiling point, 27.2°K. (Hydrogen, H 2, has
boiling point. To liquefy helium, it must be the seeond lowest known boiling point, 20.4°K.)
cooled to — 268.9°C or 4.2°K. No other element The boiling point of argon is still quite low,
or compound has a boiling point as low. Helium 87.3°K, but not so low as to distinguish it from
has another distinction which reflects these weak a number of diatomie molecules. (Compare the
forces: it is the only substance known which boiling points of nitrogen, N 2, b.p. = 77.4°K;
cannot be solidified at any temperature unless it fluorine, F 2, b.p. = 85.2°K; oxygen, O 2, b.p. =
is subjected to pressure. Helium becomes solid 90.2°K.) Krypton, xenon, and radon have suc-
at 1.1 °K at a pressure of 26 atmospheres. cessively higher boiling points. Apparently, as
Chemical reactions tend to occur among at- the atomic number goes up, the boiling point
oms to form more stable arrangements of the goes up. Figure 6-3 shows the boiling point trend
atoms. Helium takes part in no chemical reac- of the inert gases in a plot of boiling point against
tions. Helium atoms must be particularly stable. atomic number. Since the atomic number gives

Table 6-III. some properties of the inert gas elements

Atomic number 2 10 18 36 54 86
Atomic weight 4.00 20.2 39.9 83.7 131 222
Boiling point (°K) 4.2 27.2 87.3 120 165 211
Melting point (°K) — 24.6 83.9 116 161 202
Atomic volume, liquid

(ml/mole of atoms) 31.8 16.8 28.5 32.2 42.9 50.5


(indeed, as it is in every other property listed in

200 this table). Otherwise, we see that volume per

mole of atoms increases with atomic number,
that is, with the number of electrons around the
nucleus. Notice that the volume per mole of
^ ISO atoms of neon (16.8 ml) is only slightly less than
that of water (18 ml). The water molecule occu-
5 pies slightly more space than does the neon
/ atom.
^ 100 4 "

04 / PHYSICAL properties: summary

r We have compared the physical properties of the
/ among themselves and with the cor-
50 inert gases
responding properties of a few simple diatomic
// molecules. We find that the forces between the
atoms are indeed weak though comparable to
8 ^0 60 60 the forces between some stable molecules. The

A-tomic n.umher, physical properties, however, do not distinguish
Mumher' eteotrrorLs
this group of elements. The uniqueness of the
Fig. 6-3. The correlation of boiling point and number inert gases relates to compound formation; when
of electrons per atom for the inert gases.
compared with the other elements, the inert gases
are seen to have a specially small tendency to
form stable compounds.
the number of protons in the nucleus, it also
gives the number of electrons held by each atom.
We can interpret a higher boiling point to mean 6-2.3 Number of Electrons and Stability

that more energy must be added to disrupt the

The inert character of stable compounds makes
liquid state. Hence, the weak attractive forces
them of special interest to us. We might make a
which cause the inert gases to liquefy increase as
the number of electrons per atom increases.
Fig. 6-4. Trends in the physical properties of the inert

At temperatures only slightly below the liquefac-

ZOO^kV {‘O in.p.,°K
tion temperatures, the liquids freeze. The solids
are all simple crystals in which the atoms are lOO^K-
close-packed in a regular lattice arrangement.
The narrow temperature range over which any
one of these liquids can exist suggests that the
forces holding the crystal together are very much
like the forces in the liquid.

We atoms in a liquid and in a solid
picture the
as being packed rather tightly. The packing is
random in the liquid and regular in the solid.
With this picture, we can deduce from the vol-
ume per mole of atoms the volume to be assigned
to a single atom. Consulting Table 6-III, we find
that helium is distinctive in its atomic volume
SEC. 6-3 I

list of the number of electrons possessed by each an element, sodium, which just follows an inert
inert gas. (Remember the lost child organizing gas. Sodium has atomic number (nuclear charge)
his information?) We shall find these numbers 1 1 one larger than neon, which has atomic num-

to be of particular value in all of our future study ber 10. Hence, the neutral atom of sodium has
of chemistry. one more electron than the number held by the
In Table 6-IV there is much food for thought. especially stable neon atom. Chlorine has atomic
First, each of the especially stable atoms has an number (nuclear charge) 17, one below that of
even number of electrons. Next we see that there argon, 18. The neutral atom of chlorine has one
seems to be some regularity in the differences less than the number of electrons held by the
between the number of electrons possessed by a especially stable argon atom. We find sodium
given inert gas and that of its predecessor. The and chlorine combined in a one-to-one ratio in
first two differences are eight and the second two the very stable compound called sodium chlo-
differences are eighteen. If there were another ride, NaClfsj.
inert gas, would it have 86 -f 32 = 118 elec- We have already discussed the structure of
trons? What is the special significance of the solid sodium chloride in Chapter 5. We said
numbers 8, 18, and 32? Is it true for any other there, “On the basis of much experimental evi-
element that the electron arrangements of he- dence, chemists have concluded that sodium
lium, neon, argon, and so on are especially chloride crystals are built up of charged particles
stable? We shall see that this is true, not just for rather than of neutral atoms.” The discussion
some elements, but for all elements. went on to identify the ions in the lattice as Cl~
ions packed tightly around Na+ ions (see Figure

Table 6-IV 5-10 on page 81). But how many electrons does

THE ELECTRON POPULATIONS a chlorine ion, Cl“, have? By gaining an electron,

OF THE INERT GASES the chlorine now has 18 electrons, exactly the
same number of electrons as does argon, the
adjacent inert gas. In a similar way, but by losing
an electron, the sodium has contrived to reach
helium 2
the 10 electron population of its adjacent inert
neon 10 10 - 2 = 8
gas, neon. The atoms reached these inert gas-like
argon 18 18 - 10 = 8
electron arrangements through compound for-
krypton 36 36 18 = 18
- mation and the resulting compound thereby
xenon 54 54 36 = 18
radon 86 86 - = acquired some of the unique stability of the
54 32
inert gases.
With this in mind, let us explore the chemistry
6-2.4 Sodium Chloride — Atoms Trying
of all of the elements immediately adjacent to
to Be Inert Gas Atoms
the inert gases. These two vertical columns of
Sodium chloride is a compound of an element, the periodic table are called the alkalies and the
chlorine, which just precedes an inert gas, and halogens.


The six elements adjacent to and following the alkalies (or, the alkali metals). Figure 6-5 shows
six inert gases are lithium, sodium, potassium, that these elements are neighbors to the inert
rubidium, cesium, and francium. These elements gases. Their chemistries can be understood in
have similar chemistries and are called the terms of the special stabilities of the 1+ ions







Fig. 6-5. The alkali metals.

which have the inert gas electron arrangements.

Fig. 6-6. Potassium is soft; it can be cut with a knife.
All the alkalies are metals in their elementary
states. When the metal surfaces are clean, they
have a bright, silvery luster. The metals are ex-
6-3.1 Physical Properties of the Alkali Elements
cellent conductors of and heat. They

are soft and malleable, and have low melting Table 6-V lists the same properties for the alkali
points (compared with almost all other elemen- metals that were listed in Table 6-II1 for the
tary metals). inert gases.

In Chapter 5 we identified metals by their high

electrical conductivity. Now we can explain why BOILING POINT AND MELTING POINT
they conduct electric current so well. It is because room tempera-
All the alkali metals are solids at
there are some electrons present in the crystal ture, though cesium melts just above room tem-
lattice that are extremely mobile. These “con- perature. Notice that both melting points and
duction electrons” move throughout the metallic boiling points decrease as atomic number in-
crystal without specific attachment to particular creases (the opposite of the inert gas behavior).
atoms. The alkali elements form metals because Figure 6-7a and 6-7b contrast the trends in the
of the ease of freeing one electron per atom to alkali metal melting and boiling points to the
provide a reservoir of conduction electrons. The opposite trends in the inert gases. Notice also
ease of freeing these conduction electrons derives the extremely wide temperature range over which
from the stability of the residual, inert gas-like the alkali liquids are stable. Sodium, for ex-
atoms. ample, melts at 37 TK and boils at 1162°K,


Atomic number 3 11 !
19 37 55
Atomic weight 6.94 23.0 39.1 85.4 133
Boiling point (°K) 1599 1162 1030 952 963
(°C) 1326 889 757 679 690
Melting point (°K) 453 371 336.4 311.8 301.7
(°C) 180 98 63.4 38.8 28.7
Atomic volume, solid
(ml/mole of atoms) 13.0 23.7 45.4 55.8 70.0
Density of solid at 20°C 0.535 0.971 0.862 1.53 1.90
SEC. 6-3 I

(a) m.p., °K vigorously when in contact with oxygen and

0 chlorine, and even with such a placid reagent as
water. Let us investigate some of these reactions.
\ tri 1 1

K Kr-
When chlorine gas is brought into eontact with
sodium metal, sodium chloride is formed:

NafsJ + hCh(g) NaClfs) + energy (4)

Sodium chloride has a lattice built up of so-

dium ions, Na+, and chloride ions, Cl~. There-
fore, the reaction (4) involves the transfer of
electrons from sodium atoms to chlorine atoms.
The resulting ions attract each other because
they have opposite electric charges. Of course, it

takes some energy to remove an electron from a

sodium atom to form a sodium ion. However,
it takes only a moderate amount of energy be-

cause the Na+ ion that is formed has the electron

population of an inert gas, neon. This electron,
removed from a sodium atom, is then added to
a chlorine atom to form a chloride ion, Cl~. This
reaction releases a small amount of energy the —
Cl~ ion also has the electron population of an
Fig. 6-7. Trends in the physical properties of the inert gas, argon. At a rather low net cost of en-
ergy, an electron can be removed from a sodium
atom and transferred to a chlorine atom, giving
almost 800° higher. Contrast neon, which melts Na+ and Cl~ ions. Now these two ions can move
at 24.6°K and boils only 2.6° higher, at 27.2°K. toward each other with a large reduction in total
How different are the alkali metals from the energy. The stability of the sodium chloride
inert gases, only one atomic number removed! crystal can be said to depend upon the electrical
attraction of the oppositely charged ions. The
ATOMIC VOLUME crystal is said to be held together by ionic bonds.
The atomic volumes of the alkali metals increase This chemistry is characteristic of all of the
with atomic number, as do those of the inert alkali metals. Each of them reacts with chlorine
gases. Notice, however, that the volume occupied gas in a similar way
by an alkali atom is somewhat larger than that
of the adjacent inert gas (with the exception of
\A(s) -\-\C\ 2 (g) — LiCLsj + energy (5)

and helium —helium Nafs) -h \CUg) NaClfsj + energy (6)

the lithium
this anomaly). The sodium atom in sodium metal
is the cause of
K(s) -i- iCUgJ — KCEsj + energy (7)

Rbrs) -f- lCh(g) RbCl(s) -f energy (8)

occupies30% more volume than does neon.
Cesium occupies close to twice the volume of Cs(s) + lCh(g) CsC\(s) + energy (9)

xenon. In every case, the alkali metal reacts to form

a stable, ionic solid in which the alkali is present
6-3.2 Chemistry of the Alkali Metals
as an inert gas-like ion. The product is, in each
The alkali metals are exact opposites of the inert case, a crystalline substance with high solubility
gases in chemical reactivity. These metals react in water.

REACTIONS OF THE ALKALI METALS Again, we see that the alkali metals display
WITH WATER likeness in their reactions with water. Further-
more, the reaction products always include an
Sodium metal reacts vigorously with water to
aqueous ion of the alkali element in which one
form hydrogen gas and an aqueous solution of
electron has been removed, giving a 1 + ion.
sodium hydrox'de, NaOH:
2 Nars; + 2H2O —
2Na+(aq) + 20H-(aq) + H2(g) + energy (70) SUMMARY OF CHEMISTRY
Energy is liberated and the reaction often takes
place so rapidly that the temperature rises and
The alkali metals are extremely reactive. Thus,
the hydrogen, mixing with air, explodes. Thus,
there is a dramatic change in chemistry as we
sodium metal is dangerous and must be handled
pass from the inert gases to the next column in
with caution. This chemistry is also character-
the periodic table. The chemistry of the alkali
istic of all of the alkali metals.
metals is interesting and often spectacular. Thus,
these metals react with chlorine, water, and oxy-
gen, always forming a +1 ion that is stable in
Write the equations for the reactions between contact with most substances. The chemistry of
water and: lithium, potassium, rubidium, ce- these +1 ions, on the other hand, is drab, re-
sium. flecting the stabilities of the inert gas electron
arrangements that they have acquired.


Now let’s slide to the left in the periodic table 6-4.1 Physical Properties of the Halogens

and consider the column of elements fluorine, Table 6- VI lists some properties of the halogens.
chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine. Each of
In the elemental state, the halogens form stable
these elements has one less electron than does
diatomic molecules. This stability is indicated by
its neighboring inert gas. These elements are takes extremely high temperatures
the fact that it
called the halogens. (The discussion that follows to disrupt halogen molecules to form the mona-
does not include astatine because this halogen is
tomic species. For example, it is known that the
very rare.)
chlorine near the surface of the sun, at a tem-
perature near 6000°C, is present as a gas consist-
Fig. 6-8. The halogens. ing of single chlorine atoms. At more normal
temperatures, chlorine atoms react with each
z 3 other to form molecules:
He Li
9- 10 11 2ClfgJ —^ Cl/gJ (77)
He Ha Then, no further reactions among chlorine mole-
n . 13 19
Cl Ar K cules occur.
Apparently the diatomic molecules of the hal-
36 37
hrontin-e ogens already have achieved some of the
3r Kr Rb stability

53 54^ 55 characteristic of the inert gas electron arrange-

I Xe Cs ment. How is this possible? How could one
86 87 chlorine atom satisfy its need for one more elec-
Rn Fr^ tron (so it can reach the argon stability) by
SEC. 6-4 I

Table 6-VI. some properties of the halogens


Atomic number 9 17 I
35 53 85

Atomic weight I
19.0 35.5 1
79.9 127
Molecular formula F2 Cb 1
Br2 h
Boiling point (°K) 85 238.9 i
331.8 457
(°C) -188 -34.1 58.8 184
Melting point (°K) 55 172 f
265.7 387
(°C) 1 -218 -101 -7.3 114

Atomic volume, solid i


(ml/mole of atoms) !
14.6 18.7 1 23.5 25.7

combining with another chlorine atom, an atom gens would be solids whereas neon would be a
with a similar need?We answer this question by liquid, helium a gas, and argon, krypton, and
suggesting that the two atoms share two elec- xenon would be solids.
trons, each atom contributing one electron. If

the two atoms huddle close together and place
Fig. 6-9. Trends in the physical properties of the
this communal pair of electrons between them, halogens.
each atom acts more as though it had the special

stability of the inert gas. This results in the for-
mation of a stable aggregate of atoms, a mole-
formula is Ch. The same argument can
cule. Its
be made to explain the diatomic molecular for-
mulas of the other halogens. Because each of
! these molecules is bonded by a shared pair of
Li Na K Rb Cs

electrons, the bond is called a covalent bond.


We have already made a comparison between
some of the halogens
the physical properties of
and those of inert gases. The comparison sug-
gests that after the formation of a diatomic
molecule, the bonding capacity of the two halo-
gen atoms is “used up.” The only attractive
interactions remaining between two such dia-
tomic molecules are of the extremely weak
Li Na K Rb Cs
variety that account for the liquefaction of the
inert gases. Thus, the melting points rise as
atomic number increases (remember that the
alkali metals did the reverse) and there is but a
narrow temperature range over which the liquid
is stable. Fluorine and chlorine are gases under

normal conditions, bromine is a liquid, and

iodine is a solid. These differences in physical
state result from the accident that normal condi-
tions fall where they do. On a planet with a
“normal” temperature of 25°K, all of the halo-

ATOMIC VOLUMES 6-4.2 Chemistry of the Halogens

Here we find a continuation of the trend dis- The reactions of the alkali metals with chlorine
played by the inert gases and alkali metals. Com- were used to display the similarities of the alkali
pare the atomic volumes of the three adjacent metals. In a similar way, the reactions of the
elements in the solid state: halogens with one of the alkali metals, say so-
dium, show similarity within this group. The
fluorine neon sodium reactions that occur are as follows.
14.6 ml 20.2 ml 23.7 ml
chlorine argon potassium Nafsj + |F fgj2
—^ NaFf'sJ -[-energy (72)
18.7 ml 24.2 ml 45.4 ml NafsJ -I- ^Chlg) —^ NaClfs) + energy (7.?)
bromine krypton rubidium
ml ml ml
Na('s; -1- ^ +
NaBr(^s) energy (74)
23.5 41.9 55.8
Naf'sJ -I- ^Mg) — >- Na.l(s) -|- energy (75)

In each set, the atomic volumes increase going

These reactions all proceed readily and they
from halogen to inert gas to alkali metal, as
produce ionic solids with the general empirical
shown graphically in Figure 6-9c. Figure 6-10
formula, NaX Each of these solids has a crystal
shows models constructed on the same scale to structure made up of positively charged sodium
show the relative sizes of atoms indicated by the atoms and negatively charged halogen atoms.
atomic volumes and by the packing of the ions
These negativeions, F~, Cl~, Bi", and I~, are
in the ionic solids.
called halide ions. The stabilities of these ions
can be related to the stabilities of the correspond-
ing inert gas electron arrangement.
Figure 6-10. Models (to scale) of halogen atoms, The halogens also react with hydrogen gas to
inert gas atoms, and alkali atoms. form the hydrogen halides:

Halogens Inert &ases Alkali Elements

2\i€olecutes -1 Ions Atoms +1 Ions Matattic Atoms

% Ne Na^ Na (in metal)
SEC. 6-5 I

+ —^ 2HFfgJ
^iig) solution, which contains silver ions, Ag+(aq),
hydrogen fluoride (76) and nitrate ions, NOg" ( aq), is added to a solution
U^(g) + Ck(g) —^ 2HClfgj containing I“(aq) ions, a yellow precipitate of
hydrogen chloride (77) AgIfsJ forms:
hydrogen bromide (18)
Ag+(aq) + l-(aq) Agl(s)

H.(g) + h(g) 2m(g)

hydrogen iodide (79) If Br~ ions are present, the reaction is

None of these reactions, (76), (77), (18), or Ag+raqJ + Br-faq) ^ AgBrfs)

light yellow

(79), proceeds readily at room temperatures.

This is because the bonds holding the atoms to- and if Cl“ ions are present, the reaction is

gether in the hydrogen and in the halogen mole-

Ag+(aq) + Cl-faq) AgCl(s) (22)
culesmust be broken if new bonds are to form white

between hydrogen atoms and halogen atoms.

Silver fluoride is soluble. Therefore, no precipi-
The breaking of the bonds is favored by high
tate forms as Ag+ ions are added to a solution
temperatures, however, and, once started, these
of F“ ions.
reactions tend to proceed rapidly or even ex-
All the hydrogen halides are gaseous at room
temperature but hydrogen fluoride liquefies at
19.9°C and 1 atmosphere pressure. The most
6-4.3 Chemistry of the Halide Ions important chemistry of the hydrogen halides
relates to theiraqueous solutions. All of the
Because of the stabilities of halides, most ele-
hydrogen halides dissolve in water to give solu-
ments form stable halide compounds. Thus cal-
tions that conduct electric current, suggesting
cium forms the compounds CaF 2 CaCh, CaBr2 , ,
that ions are present. The reactions may be
and Cal 2 all ionic solids. In each crystal, the
calcium ion carries a +2 charge, and each of the
halide ions carries a — 1 charge. The empirical UF(g) + water H^(aq) + F-(aq) (23)
formulas are all of the type CaZ 2. nC\(g) + water —^ H+(aq) + Cl-(aqj (24)
The alkali halides are relatively unreactive HBr(g) + water —^ H+faq) + Br-(aq) (25)
substances. They all display high solubility in
water and quite low solubility in ethyl alcohol.
Hl(g) + water —^ H+faq) + I-(aqj (26)

We have seen in Experiment 8 that silver chlo- These solutions have similar properties and are
ride has low solubility in water. This is also true called acid solutions. The common species in the
for silver bromide and silver iodide. In fact, these solutions is the aqueous hydrogen ion, ¥l+(aq),
low solubilities provide a sensitive test for the and the properties of aqueous acid solutions are
presence of chloride ions, bromide ions, and attributed to this ion. We shall investigate these
iodide ions in aqueous solutions. If silver nitrate solutions in Chapter 1 1


Perhaps you are wondering why the element tron and, in a sense, it is like an alkali metal.
hydrogen was not included among the halogens. The removal of one electron from an alkali metal
It is, after all, an element with one less electron atom leaves a specially stable electron popula-
than its neighboring inert gas, helium. On the —
tion that of an inert gas. The removal of one
other hand, the hydrogen atom has but one elec- electron from a hydrogen atom leaves it with no

electrons,which also turns out to be specially chloride is an ionic solid that dissolves in water
stable. We
shall see both of these influences in to give positively charged sodium ions, Na+fagj,
the chemistry of hydrogen. This element forms and negatively charged chloride ions, C\~(aq):
a family by itself, one having some similarities
and some
Na(s) + ^Ck(g) NaClfs; (27)
to the halogens
similarities to the
NaCl(s) + water —^ Na+(aq) + Cl~(aq) (28)

Does hydrogen react like sodium or chlorine

in reaction (27)? Experiments show that hydro-
6-5.1 Physical Properties
gen can take either position in reaction (27):
Hydrogen is a diatomic gas at normal conditions.
Its melting point is 15.9°K and its normal boiling Nafsj + NaHfs) (29)

+ Kk(g) — HCl(g) (JO)

point is 20.4°K. This is

point of any element. Table 6-VII

the second lowest boiling
lists these

HC\(g) + water ^ H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) (31)

The compound sodium hydride, formed in

reaction (29), is a crystalline compound with

physical properties similar to those of sodium
Table 6-VII chloride. The chemical properties are very dif-
SOME PROPERTIES OF HYDROGEN ferent, however. Whereas sodium burns readily
in chlorine, it reacts with hydrogen only on heat-
Atomic number 1

Atomic weight 1.008

ing to about 300°C. While sodium chloride is a
Molecular formula H form
stable substance that dissolves in water to

Boiling point (°K) 20.4 Na+(a</j and C\~(aq), the alkali hydrides burn
(°C) -252.8 in air and some of them ignite spontaneously.

Melting point (°K) 14.0 In contact with water, a vigorous reaction oc-
(°C) -259.2 curs, releasing hydrogen:
Atomic volume, solid

(ml/mole of atoms) 13.1 NaH(s) +HO 2

H^ig) -f Na+(aq) + OH-(aqj (32)

Thus, in reaction (29), hydrogen reacts with

We see that the physical properties of hydro- sodium a halogen [as in reaction (27)], but
gen are like those of the halogens. Hydrogen is
the product, sodium hydride, is very different in
a diatomic gas, like the halogens, rather than a its chemistry from sodium chloride.
metal, like the alkalies. Its melting point is very Reaction (30) shows hydrogen acting like an
low and it has a narrow temperature range over alkali metal. Though the product, hydrogen
which the liquid is stable. However, the family chloride, is not an ionic solid like sodium chlo-
relationships among the elements are based upon ride, it does dissolve in water to give aqueous
their chemistry, so we must investigate the reac- ions. The formation of li+( aq) and C\~(aq) is
tions of hydrogen before classifying this unique strikingly like the analogous formation of
element. Na+(aq) and C\-(aq) by sodium chloride. In
fact, the tendency of hydrogen to form a posi-
tively charged ion in water, K+(aq), and the
6-5.2 Some Chemistry of Hydrogen
absence of any evidence for a negatively charged
One of the most distinctive reactions charac- ion in water, H“( aq ), is one of the most signifi-

and the halogens is their

terizing both the alkalies cant differences between hydrogen and the halo-
reaction with each other. The example we have gens.
discussed most is the reaction between sodium An overall view of the chemistry of hydrogen
and chlorine to give sodium chloride. Sodium requires that it be classified alone — as a separate
SEC. 6-6 I

H 2
5 9 10
Lt F Ne
135 16 17 18
At ct Ar
19 35 36
K Br Kr
37 1

53 54
Rh 1
I Xe
55 85 86
Cs At Rh

Fig. 6-11. The placement of the third-row elements stable diatomic gas — but its chemistry is more
in the periodic table.
like that of the alkalies. Therefore, hydrogen is

usually shown on the left side of the periodic

chemical family. There are some important simi- table with the alkalies but separated from them
larities to halogens— as we have seen, it is a to indicate its distinctive character.


The chemistry of the elements we have examined excursion across a horizontal row of the periodic
thus far in this chapter is dominated by the table to see the trend in chemistry as we pass
special stabilities of the inert gas electron popu- from element to element. We shall consider the
lations. We can expect to see this same factor at third row, which contains the elements sodium,
work in the chemistry of the elements in other magnesium, aluminum, silicon, phosphorus, sulfur,
parts of the periodic table. We shall now take an chlorine, and argon.

Table 6-VlIl. some properties of the elements of the third row


Atomic number 11 i
12 i

13 14 1
15 16 17 18
1 1

Atomic weight 23.0 1

24.3 1
27.0 I
1 28.1 ii
31.0 32.1 35.5 39.9

Molecular formula metal I;

metal metal 1 network !
P4 Ss CI2 Ar


Boiling point (°K) 1162 1393 ;

2600 i

2628 553 718 238.9 87

1 ^

(°C) 889 1

1120 1
2327 ;
i 2355 280 445 -34.1 -186

Melting point (°K) 371 i

1 923 933 i
1683 317.2 392 172 84

(°C) 98 I
650 660 1410 1 44.2 119 -101 -189
Atomic volume, solid j

(ml/mole of atoms) 23.7 14.0 9.99 12-1 16.9 15.6 18.7 24.2
1 i
i 1

6-6.1 Physical Properties of the of compounds: the hydrides, the chlorides, and
Third-row Elements the oxides.
Table 6 -VIII presents some properties of the
elements we are considering. The first three,
sodium, magnesium, and aluminum, are metal- The hydrides are the compounds formed with

lic. The melting points and boiling points are hydrogen. Hot, molten sodium metal reacts
high and increase as we go from element to with hydrogen gas to form a solid, salt-like hy-
element. This trend reflects stronger and stronger dride having the empirical formula, NaH. The
bonding and it is paralleled by a decrease in the ions in the salt are thought to be the Na+ ion
atomic volume. and the H~ ion. The H~ ion may exist in the solid
The fourth element, silicon, forms a solid in or its melt but it does not exist in a water solu-
which each silicon atom is bonded to four neigh- tion.Magnesium forms a similar salt-like hydride
boring silicon atoms placed equidistant from having the empirical formula MgH2. Apparently
each other. (This arrangement places the four two electrons per neutral magnesium atom are
neighbors at the four corners of a regular tetra- removed to form the Mg+2 ion (with the stable,
hedron.) This arrangement generates a three- neon-like electron arrangement).
dimensional network, hence is called a network Aluminum forms a hydride which seems to be
solid. Typically such a network solid has a high more molecular in character than it is salt-like.
melting point and a high boiling point. The empirical formula is, however, AIH3. The
The remaining four elements form molecular remaining elements form hydrides which are
solids.The atoms of white phosphorus, sulfur, definitely molecular, gaseous compounds. The
and chlorine are strongly bonded into small formulas are, respectively, SiH4, PH3, H2S, and
molecules (formulas, P4, Sg, and CI2, respectively) HCl. These formulas are shown in Table 6 -IX,
but only weak attractions exist between the together with the ratio of number of atoms of
molecules. The properties are all appropriate to hydrogen per atom of the element (H/M). We
this description. Of course there is no simple see he regularity of the trend in combining ca-
trend in the properties since the molecular units pacity of the elements (as reflected in the ratio,

are so different. H/M). On the left side, the elements sodium and
magnesium (and, to some extent, aluminum)
achieve the neon-like electron arrangement by
surrendering electrons to hydrogen atoms, one
6-6.2 Compounds of the Third-Row Elements
electron to each hydrogen atom. Note that each
To see the trend in chemistry as we move across hydrogen atom thereby achieves the helium-like
the periodic table, we will consider three types electron structure. From silicon onward, the

Table 6-IX. the formulas of some compounds of the third-row elements

Na Mg A1 Si P S Cl Ar

Formula NaH MgH2 AIH 3 SiH4 PH 3 HS 2
HCl 1
H/M 1 2 3 4 3 2 0

Formula NaCl MgCh AhCls SiCU PCI 5 PCI 3
S 2 CI 2 CI2 —
Cl/M 1 2 3 4 5, 3 1 1 0

Formula NasO MgO AI 2 O 3 Si02 P 4 O 10 SO 3 CI 2 O 7 CI 2 O

2(0/M) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 1 0
SEC. 6-7 I

molecular compounds indicate that the elements

are achieving the next higher inert gas electron
arrangement (argon) by sharing electrons with Structure is shown in Figure 6-12. The atoms in
hydrogen atoms. For these compounds, the this molecule are arranged so that each sulfur
bonding to the hydrogen atoms resembles more atom reaches the argon-like electron arrange-
the covalent bonding we find in Ch than the ment by sharing one pair of electrons with a
ionic bonding we find in sodium chloride. What- chlorine atom and one pair of electrons with
ever the nature of the bond, however, the com- another sulfur atom.
bining capacity of each element is influenced by
the tendency to form the next lower or next
higher inert gas electron population. The simple trend in the molecular formulas
shown by the third-row elements demonstrates
CHLORIDES AND OXIDES the importance of the inert gas electron popula-
We can find the same sort of trends in the com- tions. The usefulness of the regularities is evi-
bining capacity by examining the chlorides and dent. Merely from the positions of two atoms
the oxides.* Again, we find the bonding can be in the periodic table, it is possible to predict the
understood in terms of electron transfer or elec- most likely molecular formulas. In Chapters 16
tron sharing, in either case, to reach an inert gas and 17 we shall see that the properties of a
electron arrangement. There is only one apparent substance can often be predicted from its molec-
anomaly —the
combining capacity of sulfur in ular formula. Thus, we shall use the periodic
the compound S 2 CI 2 This is not a real anomaly,
. table continuously throughout the course as an
however, for the structure of compound
this aid in correlating and in predicting the properties
reveals the expected combining power of 2. The of substances.


The power of the periodic table is evident in the ture. The elements grouped in a vertical column
chemistry we have viewed. By arranging the have pronounced similarities. General state-
atoms in the array shown on the inside of the ments can be made about their chemistries and
front cover, we problem of under-
simplify the the compounds they form. Furthermore, the
standing the variety of chemistry found in na- formulas of these compounds and the nature of
the bonds that hold them together can be under-
* It must be remarked that some stable compounds
stood in terms of the special stabilities of the
have been omitted (for example, Na202, SO 2 ). The com-
pounds listed are stable and display the trends in bonding inert gases.
capacity. The periodicity of chemical properties was dis-

covered about one-hundred years ago. J. W. lands. Independently and in this same year (the
Dobereiner (a German chemist) in 1828 recog- time was ripe for the next step, “Wooden objects
nized similarities among certain elements (chlo- burn”) D. 1. Mendeleev (a Russian) framed the
rine, bromine, and iodine; lithium, sodium, and periodic table in more complete form. He even
potassium; etc.) and he grouped them as “tri- predicted both the existence and properties of
ads.” (Remember, “Cylindrical objects burn?”) elements not then known. The subsequent dis-
J. A. R. Newlands (an English chemist) in 1864 covery of these elements and corroboration of
was ridiculed for proposing a “law of octaves” their properties solidified the acceptance of the
which foresaw the differences of eight that we periodic table. It remains, one-hundred years
noted in Table 6-IV. Simultaneously, Lothar later, the most important single correlation of
Meyer (a German chemist and physicist) pro- chemistry. It permits us to deal with the great
posed a periodic table similar to that of New- variety we find in nature.


1 . For which of the following processes will energy 5. The nucleus of an aluminum atom has a diame-
be absorbed? ter of about 2 X 10“i3 cm. The atom has an
average diameter of about 3 X 10~® cm. Calcu-
(a) Separating an electron from an electron. late the ratio of the diameters.
(b) Separating an electron from a proton.
(c) Separating a proton from a proton. 6. Suppose a copper atom is thought of as occupy-
(d) Removing an electron from a neutral atom. ing a sphere 2.6 X 10“® cm in diameter. If a
spherical model of the copper atom is made with
a 5.2 cm diameter, how much of an enlargement
2. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
is this?
The atoms of oxygen differ from the atoms of
every other element in the following ways 7. Suppose an atom is likened to bees flying around
their beehive.The beehive would be compared
(a) the nuclei of oxygen atoms have a different
to the nucleus and the bees roving about the
number of protons than the nuclei of any
countryside would be compared to the electrons
other element;
of the atom.
(b) atoms of oxygen have a higher ratio of neu-
(a) If the radius of the beehive is 25 cm, what
trons to protons than the atoms of any other
would be the average radius of the flight of
the bees to maintain proper scale with the
(c) neutral atoms of oxygen have a different
number of electrons than neutral atoms of atom? Express your answer in kilometers.
any other element (b) At any instant, where is the concentration of
bees apt to be highest?
(d) atoms of oxygen have different chemical be-
(c) Describe qualitatively the distribution of
havior than do atoms of any other element.
bees around the hive as a function of direc-
tion and of distance.
3. For every atom, less energy is needed to remove
one electron from the neutral atom than is 8. Helium, as found in nature, consists of two iso-
needed to remove another electron from the topes.Most of the atoms have a mass number 4
resulting ion. Explain. but a few have a mass number 3. For each
isotope, indicate the:

4. List the number and kind of fundamental par- (a) atomic number;
ticles found in a neutral lithium atom that has a (b) number of protons;
nucleus with a nuclear charge three times that (c) number of neutrons;
of a hydrogen nucleus and with seven times the (d) mass number;
mass. (e) nuclear charge.

Fill in the blanks of the following table.



10. How do isotopes of one element differ from each 16. Lithium forms the following compounds: lith-

other?How are they the same? ium oxide, LLO; lithium hydroxide, LiOH;
Name and write the for-
lithium sulfide, Li 2 S.
11. How much would 0.754 mole of chlorine-35 mulas of the corresponding sodium and potas-
atoms weigh? How much would 0.246 mole of sium compounds.
chIorine-37 atoms weigh ? What is the weight of
a mole of “average” atoms in a mixture of the
17. An alkali element produces ions having the same
above samples? What is the atomic weight of
electron population as atoms of the preceding
the naturally occurring mixture of these two
inert gas. In what ways do these ions differ from
isotopes of chlorine?
the inert gases? In what ways are they alike?

12. What is the significance of the trends in the boil-

ing points and melting points of the inert gases 18. There is a large difference between the energy
in terms of attractions among the atoms ? needed to remove an electron from a neutral,
gaseous sodium atom and a neutral, gaseous
13. Why is argon used in many electric light lamps? neon atom:

number of Nafgj 118.4 kcal —^ Na"^(g) + e~

14. Calculate the ratio of the
in a neutral xenon atom to the number
in a Ne(g)

-f 497.0 kcal
—^ Ne'^fg) +
neutral neon atom. Compare this number to the
Explain how these energies are consistent with
ratio of the atomic volumes of these two ele-
the proposal that the electron arrangements of
ments. On the basis of these two ratios, discuss
the inert gases are specially stable.
the effects of electron-electron repulsions and
electron-nuclear attractions on atomic size.
19. Refer to the halogen column in the periodic
15. The molar heats of vaporization of the inert table.How many electrons must each halogen
gases (in kcal/mole) are: He, 0.020; Ne, 0.405; atom gain to have an electron population equal
Ar, 1.59: Kr, 2.16; Xe, 3.02; Rn, 3.92. Using the that of an atom of the adjacent inert gas? What
data in Table 6-III, (p. 91), plot the boiling property does this population impart to each
points (vertical axis) against the heats of vapori- ion?
zation (horizontal axis). Suggest a generalization
based upon a simple curve passing near the 20. How do the trends in physical properties for the
plotted points. an equation for the
Write halogens compare with those for the inert gases ?
straight line passing through the origin (that is, Compare boiling points, melting points, and
through zero) and through the point for radon. atomic volumes.

21. Use your knowledge of the usefulness of the 27. Magnesium metal burns in air, emitting enough
periodic table to fill in the blank spaces in Table light tobe useful as a flare, and forming clouds
6-VI, p. 97, under Astatine. List some chemical of white smoke. Write the equation for the re-
reactions expected for astatine. action. What is the composition of the smoke?
22. Chlorine is commonly used as a germicide in
28. Use the formulas for magnesium oxide, MgO,
swimming pools. When chlorine dissolves in
and magnesium chloride, MgCb, together with
water, it reacts to form hypochlorous acid,
the periodic table to decide that magnesium ions
HOCl, as follows:
have the same number of electrons as each of
Ch + H2O the following, EXCEPT
UOC\(aq) + H+(aq) + C\~(aq)
Predict what happens when bromine, Br 2 ,
dis- (a) neon atoms, Ne;
solves in water. Write the equation for the re- (b) sodium ions, Na''';
action. (c) fluoride ions, F~;
(d) oxide ions, 0~^;
23. Zinc metal dissolves in a solution of gaseous (e) calcium ions, Ca'^
chlorine in water as follows:

Znfs) + Chfaq) Zn+YaqJ + 2C\-( aq) 29. Sodium metal reacts with water to form sodium
Zinc does not dissolve in a solution of gaseous ions, Na''", hydroxide ions, OH~, and hydrogen
hydrogen in water but it does dissolve in an gas, H 2, as follows:

aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride

— 2Nars; + 2H O 2

Zn(s) + 2H+raq; + 2Cl-rag;
2Na+rag) + 20H-raq) + mg)
Zxi^^iaq) -t- ll,(g) + 2Cl-raqJ
Recognizing that zinc metal must release elec- Assuming calcium metal reacts in a similar way,
trons to form Zn^‘^(aq), explain how these re- write the equation for the analogous reaction
actions demonstrate that gaseous hydrogen does between calcium and water. Remember that
not behave like a halogen. calcium is in the second column of the periodic

Write the molecular formulas of the hydrogen

table and sodium is in the first.
compounds of the second-row elements, Li, Be,
B, C, N, O, F, Ne. Indicate, for each compound, 30. Use Table 6-IX, p. 102, and the periodic table

the H/M ratio.

to write possible formulas for the following com-
pounds :

25. Indicate the electron rearrangement (gain or

loss) in each kind of atom assuming it attains (a) a hydride of barium, element 56;
inert gas-like electron structure in the following (b) a chloride of germanium, element 32;
reactions. (c) an oxide of indium, element 49;
(a) 2Rb + Bra — 5- 2RbBr (d) an oxide of cesium, element 55
(b) 2Cs + I —^ 2CsI (e) a fluoride of tin, element 50.

(c) Mg -b S

—^ MgS
(d) 2Ba + 02—^ 2BaO 31. All of the isotopes of the element with atomic
number 87 are radioactive. Hence, it is not found
26. Which of the following is NOT a correct formula in nature. Yet, prior to its preparation by nuclear
for a substance at normal laboratory conditions ? bombardment, chemists were confident they
(a) H Srg)
2 (d) NaNefs) knew the chemical reactions this element would
(b) CaCk(s) (e) ALOsrsj show. Explain. What predictions about this ele-
(c) mg) ment would you make?

Element 101 is named Mendelevium in honor of the great when only 32. Searching for regularities, he arranged the
Russian chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev. The youngest of elements by their properties. This organization led him to
seventeen children, he was born in Tobolska where his propose the periodic table and use it to predict the existence
grandfather published the first newspaper in Siberia and and properties of a number of additional elements. When
his father was the high school principal. Dmitri received his some of those that were foretold in 1869 were actually
early education from a political exile, but when his father discovered a few years later, Mendeleev was hailed as a
died, his mother traveled west in search of better educa- prophet.
tional opportunities for Dmitri. This inspiring teacher and tireless experimenter was so
At the University of St. Petersburg {now Leningrad), he deeply concerned over social issues that he resigned his
distinguished himself in science and mathematics and earned professorship rather than obey an order to cease interfering
the doctorate with a thesis on a subject that remains of with affairs of government. He made enemies by supporting
current interest, ‘‘‘‘The Union of Alcohol and Water.’’’’ Sub- liberal movements and even defied CzaPs wishes by
sequent studies in France and Germany permitted him to refusing to cut his hair. Nevertheless, hewon the appoint-
attend the 1858 Karlsruhe {Germany) conference at which ment as Director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures.
Avogadro's Hypothesis was heatedly debated. Later, he When Mendeleev first published his chart, there were
visited the oil fields of Pennsylvania to see the first oil well. 63 elements known. One year after his death, there were 86.
Upon his return to Russia, he developed a new commercial The rapidity of this increase was made possible by the
distillation process. most important generalization of chemistry, the periodic
He became a professor of chemistry at St. Petersburg table.

Energy Effects in
Chemical Reactions

Although a typical chemical reaction • •

may appear far removed
from the working of an engine, the same fundamental principles of heat
and work apply to both.
F. T. WALL, 1958

Chemical reactions form the heart of chemistry. of wood and the celestial joy ride an astronaut
And there is no more important aspect of chemi- receives from the reactions of his rocket fuels.
cal reactions than the energy effects that are How much energy is involved in a chemical re-
caused. You will realize this if you let your action? How do we find this out? Where does
thoughts wander between the warmth the little this energy come from? We shall investigate
child in the fable derived from the combustion these questions in this chapter.


At a temperature of 600°C, steam passed over the amount of heat absorbed by the system and
hot coal (coal is mostly carbon) reacts to give write it into the chemical reaction. Such a meas-
carbon monoxide and hydrogen: urement shows that 3 1 .4 kcal of heat are absorbed
\l,0(g) + C(s) — CO(g) + H,(g) (7)
per mole of carbon reacted. Since the heat is
used up (as are the reactants), we can rewrite
This reaction is quite useful because the mixture reaction (7) and show the heat on the left side
of product gases, called “water gas,” is an ex- of the equation:
cellent industrial fuel. In the
ration of water gas, the chemical engineer
commercial prepa-
H20(g) + Qs) + 31.4 kcal ^ CO(g)-\-H 2 (g) (la)
allow for the absorption of heat during the reac-
tion. In fact, he must periodically turn off the Now we might think of the mechanical engi-
steam and reheat the coal to keep the reaction neer who is designing a boiler to be heated with
going. To aid the engineer, we might measure water gas fuel. He is interested in burning the
SEC. 7-1 I

water gas. This involves two chemical reactions mechanical engineer. The same amount of coal
of combustion: converted into water gas releases the sum of the

CO{g) + \02(g) - C02{g) (2)

heats evolved in reactions (2a) and (3a):

67.6 + 57.8 = 125.4 kcal

^dg) + hodg) -^ H20(g) (i) The mechanical engineer has a better fuel in
water gas than in coal.
These reactions release heat, and our mechanical
With new manager might
respect, the business
engineer wishes to know how much. Again, we
now “Where did this
ask the chemical engineer,
might help by measuring these amounts of heat
extra heat come from?” “Did we get something
and adding the information to reactions (2) and
for nothing?” The answer is, “No.” The water
Since heat is produced by the reaction
(i). (as is a
gas releases more heat per mole of carbon be-
chemical product), we should on the place it
cause the chemical engineer put that amount of
right side of the equation. Experiments show:
heat in during reaction (la). The business man-
CO(g) + 102 (g) C02(g) + 67.6 kcal (2a) ager’s ledger is shown in Table 7-1.

Wg) + ^02(g) H20(g) + 57.8 kcal (3a)

Now let us talk with the business manager. He Table 7-1

thinks in terms of gains and losses. He is likely HEAT EFFECTS IN THE MANUFACTURE
to observe that the consumption of coal and AND USE OF WATER GAS
water to generate water gas is followed by the
combustion of the water gas to form carbon
dioxide and water. Without knowing much
Reaction (la): heat absorbed 31.4 kcal —
chemistry, he can see that what is finally accom-
Reaction (2a) heat released

— 67.6 kcal
Reaction (dfl): heat released — 57.8 kcal
plished is the combustion of coal to form carbon
dioxide. The overall reaction is obtained by add- Overall reaction 31.4 kcal 125.4 kcal
absorbed released
ing reactions (i), (2), and (i): (la) + (2a) + (3a) = (4a)

\\20(g) + C(s) CO(g) + 112 (g) (1) 31.4

C0(g)-h^02(g)-^C02(g) (2) 94.0 net

U2(g) + i02(g)-^U20(g) (3) Experiment reaction (4a):

Heat released 94.0 kcal

Overall j1

reaction : C(s) + 02(^) —^ C02( g) (4)

The business manager is frugal so he asks, “Why 7-1.1 Heat Content of a Substance
not burn the coal directly and save the cost of
manufacturing the water gas?” The mechanical The example just given shows that the 31.4 kcal
engineer is practical so he asks, “How much heat absorbed during reaction (la) was “stored” in
will the boiler receive if I use coal instead of the water gas. Furthermore, the amount of en-

water gas?” The chemical engineer goes to the ergy “stored” is definite, not alterable at the

laboratory to find the answers by measuring the demand of the business manager or the whim
heat released per mole of carbon burned in reac- of the chemical engineer. How much energy is

tion (4). The laboratory result shows that re-

stored depends upon the reactants and products
action (4) releases 94.0 kcal/mole: in reaction. We must add a fixed amount of
energy (as heat) to coal and steam to make a
C(s) + 02 (g) —> C02(g) + 94.0 kcal (4a)
specified amount of carbon monoxide and hy-
The chemical engineer now can answer all of the drogen. This heat is retained by the CO and H 2

questions. If one mole of carbon is burned di- molecules, as shown in Table 7-1. We might say
rectly, 94 0 kcal of heat are released for the that reaction (la) increases the “heat content” of

the atoms of the reactants by rearranging them Since the reaction consumes heat, the heat con-
to form the products. Apparently a mole of each tent of the products is higher and AH will be
molecular substance has a characteristic “heat positive. We can express this by writing
content” just as it has a characteristic mass. This U^O(g) + C(s) — CO(g) + Wdg)
heat content measures the energy stored in a AT/ = +31.4 kcal {lb)
substance during its formation. The heat effect in
Reaction {lb) is exactly equivalent to reaction
a chemical reaction measures the difference be-
tween the heat contents of the products and the
heat contents of the reactants. If more energy is
\l.O(g) + C(s; + 31.4 kcal

stored in the reactants than in the products, then

CO(g) + ndg) {la)

heat will be released during reaction. Conversely, Let’s try this on reaction (2):

heat will be absorbed if more energy is stored /heat content \ /heat content
^ _
in the products than in the reactants. \of products / \of reactants /
This idea —that each molecular substance has = Heoi — 7/co + 77^02]

a characteristic heat content —provides a good = Heo2 — 7/co — 7/102

explanation of the heat effects found in chemical
In this reaction, heat is evolved: hence, the heat
reactions. Chemists symbolize heat content by H.
content of the products is below that of the re-
Since the heat effect in a reaction is the difference
between the H’s of the products and the H’s of
actants. Therefore, AH must be negath^
the reactants, the heat of reaction is called AH, co(g) + \ofg) — coTi)
the Greek letter A (delta) signifying “difference.” AH = -67.6 kcal {2b)

We can see what AH means in terms of an This has exactly the same meaning as
example. Consider reaction (7):
cor^j + lOfg) —^ COfg) + 67.6 kcal {2a)
H^Ofg) + C(s) CO(g) + Hfg) (7)
We see that the sign of AH is sensible. It is
A heat content, H, is assigned to each substance. positive when heat content is rising (by heat
Then AH for reaction (7) is the difference: absorption) and it is negative when heat content

_ /heat content \ / heat content is dropping (by heat evolution). This is shown
\of products / \of reactants / diagrammatically in Figure 7-1.

= [
77co + T/hj] — [7/h20 + He]
= Hco "b Hu — 2 77h20 ~ He Fig. 7-1. Heat content change during a reaction.

Products Peaetarcts



"Reaction, proceedirtg Reaction ^proceeding

Heat is ahsoried Heat is evolved
A.H is joositive AH is negative
SEC. 7-1 I

7-1.2 Additivity of Reaction Heats

Let us return to the debit and credit balance we

found in our water gas fuel problem. In terms
of A//, the heat effects are as follows:

H^Oig) + C(s) CO(g) + H2(g)

AHj = +31.4 kcal (lb)

CO(g) + h02(g) co,(g)

A//^ = -67.6 kcal (2b)

Wg) + h 02 (g) —^ ii,o(g)

A ^3 = -57.8 kcal (3b)

Overall reaction (/) + (2) + (3) = (4):

C(s) + 02(g) COoJg)

= -94.0 kcal (4b)

We discover that not only is reaction (4) equal

to the sum of reactions (lb) + (2b) + (3b) in
terms of atoms, but also that

AH, = AH, + AH, + AHs

= 31.4 + (-67.6) + (-57.8)
Calorimeters vary in details and are adapted
= 31.4 - 67.6 - 57.8
to the particular reaction being studied. Figure
= —94.0 kcal 7-2 shows the general plan of a calorimeter that
We see that when a reaction can be expressed as might be used in measuring the heat evolved
the algebraic sum of a sequence of two or more during a combustion reaction. It might be ap-

other reactions, then the heat of the reaction is the

plied to the combustion of a candle to yield a
algebraic sum of the heats of these reactions. This much more reliable answer than can be obtained
generalization has been found to be applicable by the crude technique of Experiment 5.
to every reaction that has been tested. Because Essentially, the device consists of an insulated

the generalization has been so widely tested, it

vessel containing a known weight of water. A
is called a law —the Law of Additivity of weighed amount of the substance to be burned
Reaction Heats.* and an excess of oxygen are introduced under
pressure into a reaction chamber placed in the
vessel. The reaction mixture is ignited by means
7-1.3 The Measurement of Reaction Heat
of an electrical resistance wire sealed into the
The measurement of reaction heats is called reaction chamber. The heat produced by the

calorimetry a name obviously related to the reaction changes the temperature of the water,
unit of heat, the calorie. You already have some which is stirred to keep its temperature uniform.
experience in calorimetry. In Experiment 5 you From this temperature change and from the
measured the heat of combustion of a candle and amount of heat required to raise the temperature
the heat of solidification of paraffin. Then in of the calorimeter and its contents by one degree,
Experiment 13 you measured the heat evolved the heat of combustion per mole of substance
when NaOH reacted with HCl. The device you burned can be calculated. By using a large
used was a simple calorimeter. amount of water, the actual change in tempera-
ture is kept small. This is desirable in that it
*This generalization was first proposed in the year
keeps the final temperature of the products of
1840 by G. H. Hess on the basis of his experimental
measurements of reaction heats. It is sometimes called reaction fairly close to the initial temperature of
Hess’s Law of Constant Heat Summation. the reactants.

EXERCISE 7-1 measured reaction heats can be predicted by

applying the Law of Additivity of Reaction
Suppose reactants are mixed in a calorimeter at
Heats. Consequently, a compilation of known re-
25°C and the reaction heat causes the tempera-
action heats is extremely useful. Table 7-II is
ture of the products and calorimeter to rise to
such a compilation.
35°C. The resultant determination of A// applies
Suppose we are interested in the heat of com-
to what temperature? Explain why it is desirable
bustion of nitric oxide, NO:
to keep the final temperature close to the initial
temperature in a calorimetric measurement. NOfg; + \0,(g} —^ (5)

Since reaction (5) can be obtained by combin-

ing two reactions in Table 7-II, we can predict
In the combustion reaction as carried out in the IAH5. In Table 7-II we find
calorimeter of Figure 7-2, the volume of the system is kept
constant and pressure may change because the reaction + \0,(g) NO(g)
chamber is sealed. In the laboratory experiments you AHg = -f 21.6 kcal/mole NO (6)
have conducted, you kept the pressure constant by leaving —>.NO,(g)
the system open to the surroundings. In such an experi-
AH, = -fS.l kcal/mole NO 2 (7)
ment, the volume may change. There is a small difference
between these two types of measurements. The difference Now we wish to obtain reaction by combin-
arises from the energy used when a system expands
against the pressure of the atmosphere. In a constant
ing reactions (6) and (7). Since NO is a reactant

volume calorimeter, there is no such expansion; hence, in reaction (5), we need the reverse of reaction
this contribution to the reaction heat is not present. Ex- (6). We obtain the heat of the reverse reaction
periments show that this difference is usually small. How- merely by changing the algebraic sign of AHg. If
ever, thesymbol AH represents the heat effect that 21.6 kcal of heat are absorbed when one mole
accompanies a chemical reaction carried out at constant

pressure the condition we usually have when the reac-
of NO is formed, then 21.6 kcal of heat will be
tion occurs in an open beaker.
released when one mole of NO is decomposed
in the reverse reaction:

NOr^J —^ hN,(g) + ^0,(g)

7-1.4 Predicting the Heat of a Reaction AHs = -21.6 kcal/mole NO (8)

Chemists have measured the heats of many re- Now we can add reactions (7) and (8) to obtain
actions. With the measured values, many un- reaction (5):

Table 7-IL heats of reaction between elements, t = 25°C, p = 1 atm

FORMULA NAME (kcal/mole of product)

—^ H2org;
+ h02(g)
+ ^02(g)
SfsJ + 02fg)
^ n20(i)
water vapor
sulfur dioxide
H fg) + SfsJ + 202fg) -194

iN2fgJ + ^02fgJ ^

sulfuric acid

nitric oxide 4-21.6

i^2fg) + 02f g)
+ m2(g)
C(S) + ^02(g)
nitrogen dioxide
carbon monoxide
C(s) + 02 (g) C02(g) carbon dioxide -94.0
2C(s) + 3H2(g) —^ QHergj ethane -20.2
3C(s) + 4H2(g) —^ CaHsfg; propane -24.8
\^2(g) + hhfg) —^ Hifg; hydrogen iodide +6.2
SEC. 7-2 I

NO(g) iN 2 fgj + 102 (g) A//, = -21.6 kcal/mole NO (8)

+ O-.(g) AH, - +8.1 kcal/mole NO 2 (7)

Overall reaction:

NOf;?j + Onjg) + -sNofgj —^ NO./gj + 102 (g) + i'N/gj AH, = -21.6 + 8.1


NOfgj + i02(g) N02(g) AH, = -13.5 kcal/mole NO (5)


Predict the heat of the reaction Convince yourself that reaction (9) and also
cor^j + 102(g) — co^r^; AHg = —67.6 kcal can be obtained by carrying
out the indicated summation:
from two reactions listed in Table 7-II. Compare
your result with AH^^ given in Section 7-1.2. Subtract \n 2 (g) + %\i 2 (g) NHaf^J
Subtract AH = —11.0 kcal

obvious from
Add ^Ndg) + 02 (g) NOdg)
The usefulness of Table 7-II is
Add AH = +8.1 kcal
these examples. Many, many reaction heats can
be predicted — in fact, the heat of any reaction Add f times li 2 (g) + h^ (g) 2 —^ ^20(g)
that can be obtained by adding two or more of Add I times AH = —57.8 kcal
the reactions in the table. Furthermore, there is
an easy way to decide whether the table contains
the necessary information for a particular ex-
Thus, when we wish to predict the heat of
ample. A given reaction can be obtained by add- some reaction, it takes but a moment to decide
ing reactions in Table 7-II, provided every com-
whether the compilation of Table 7-II includes
pound in the reaction is included in the table. the necessary reactions. If every compound in the
The elements participating in the reactions auto- reaction of interest is in the “Compound” col-
matically will appear in proper amount.
umn of Table 7-II, then the prediction can be
Consider a more complicated example —the made. This is a convenience provided by a com-
oxidation of ammonia, NH3: pilation of heats of reaction between elements
NHsr^; + iodg) and explains why these reaction heats are the
N02rg; + m20(g) AH, (9) ones chemists tabulate. Of course, the list in
In reaction (9) we find three compounds, NHsf g ), Table 7-II includes only a small fraction of the
NO/gJ, and \{‘iO(g). These are all found in known values. Many more reaction heats are
Table 7-II. Consequently, we are able to calcu- tabulated in handbooks; they are listed in in-
late AHg. dexes under Heat of Formation.


We have seen how chemists measure the heat of isa very useful and reliable generalization. It
a reaction. Using a compilation of measured makes us wonder “Why should it be so?” The
values, we can predict the energy changes of explanation, as usual, is found by connecting the
many reactions that have not been measured, behavior of a chemical system to the behavior
Thus, the rule of Additivity of Reaction Heats of other systems that are better understood.

7-2.1 Conservation of Energy in a Billiard Let us review this experiment. First, an

Bali Collision amount of work was performed, Wi, with the
cylindrical stick. The amount of kinetic energy
Figure 7-3 shows an experimental study of the received by the white ball, {KEf, was exactly
collision of hard spheres. The experimenter im- fixed by Wi. After the white ball collided with
parts energy of motion to the white ball (see the red ball, the sum of the energies of the two
Figure 7-3A, 7-3B). He does so by doing work balls, {KE)2 + {KE)z, is exactly equal to {KE)i.
by striking the ball with the end of a cylindrical We can write
stick (a cue). The amount of energy of motion W, = {KE\ = (KE), 4- (KE)s (12)
(kinetic energy) received by the ball is fixed by
If we recognize work as a form of energy,
the amount of work done. If the ball is struck
we may say that energy was conserved during the
softly (little work being done), it moves slowly.
experiment. Every quantity in (72) is known
If the ball is struck hard (much work being done),
we can measure the work done as we do it and
it moves rapidly. The kinetic energy of the white
we can learn the magnitudes of (KE)i, {KE)^, and
ball appears because work was done the — (KE)z through velocity and mass measurements.
amount of work, Wi, determines and equals the
Many such experiments are performed every day
amount of kinetic energy, {KEf. In symbols,
and the results are always in agreement. In a

W, = {KE\ billiard parlor, energy is conserved.


7-2.2 Conservation of Energy in a

Suppose the direction of motion of the white
Stretched Rubber Band
ball causes it to contact the motionless red ball.
A collision occurs. Figure 7-3C shows the result. Figure 7-4 shows an experimental study of the
The white ball has a lower kinetic energy, {KE) 2 ,
stretching of a rubber band. The rubber band is

but now the red ball is moving! The red ball now
has energy of motion — let’s call it {KE)‘i. Meas- Fig. 7-4. Conservation of energy in a stretched rubber
urements show that velocities are such that the band.
SEC. 7-2 I

Stretched and hooked over the end of the testing

device, as shown in Figure 7-4A. Work must be
done to stretch it —
let’s call it fVi. In Figure 7-4C

the rubber band has been released and has re-

turned to its initial length, but it now has energy
of motion, (KE) 3 . How much energy? The kinetic
energy the rubber band has depends upon how
much work was done in stretching it. fVi fixes

(K£) We may write


= {KE)3 (13)

Again we recognize work as a form of energy

and, since fVi = (KE)^, the overall result is that
energy was conserved. But was energy conserved
in Figure 7-4B? If so, where is the energy? The
work Wi has already been done. Though the
rubber band is stretched, there is no outward
manifestation of energy. The rubber band is mo-
tionless, so it has received no kinetic energy.
Yet, we know (from previous experiments) that
the rubber band will receive the energy (KE)^ at
any instant that we choose to release it. The
initial and final result are reminiscent of the 7-2.3 Conservation of Energy in a
billiard balls: energy is conserved. It would be Chemical Reaction
convenient to say that energy is conserved in
Figure 7-5 shows an apparatus in which an elec-

Figure 7-4B, as well. So, we invent a new form

tric current can be passed through water. As
of energy —energy of position, or potential en-
remarked in Section 3-1.2, the electric current
ergy. We say that as the work Wi was performed

causes a decomposition of water. As work is

it was stored in the rubber band as potential

done (electrical work), hydrogen gas and oxygen

: energy.
gas are produced. Measurements of the electric
Now we can review this experiment. In sym-
current and voltage show that 68.3 kcal of elec-
bols we have

work, Wi, must be done to decompose one


mole of water. The equation for the reaction is

W, = (PE), = (KE)3 (14)

; work potential
68.3 kcal
+ n,0(l) — n,(g) + hO,(g) (15)


The amount of work performed fixed Wi. Meas- Now suppose we measure the heat of reaction
i; urements of mass and velocity of the rubber band of hydrogen and oxygen in a calorimeter like
tell us,experimentally, the magnitude of (KE)^.
that shown in Figure 7-2. This experiment has
How do we know (PE),! How are we sure that been performed many times; 68.3 kcal of heat,
(PE), is equal to W, and to (KE)z! The evidence
Qs, are produced for every mole of water formed.
we have is that we put an amount of energy into The equation for this reaction is
the system and can recover all of it later at will.
It is natural to say the energy is stored in the
\l,{g) + \0,(g) H20(I) + 68.3 kcal heat (16)

meantime. Then we can say that the rubber band We have a situation just like that of the rubber
is just like the billiard ball collision: energy is band. We put a readily measured amount of
conserved at all times. energy, Wi, into the system and, at any time

later that we choose, this energy can be recovered drogen burns in oxygen, the heat content drops
as heat, Qz'. and energy is released.
Again we may ask Where was the energy put
W, = Qz (17)

in reaction (15) before we carry out reaction

The overall result is that energy is conserved. (7(5)? The rubber band experiment guides us.
It is easier to explain why Wi = Qz if we say
Figure 7-7 shows this schematically in a dia-
gram like that of Figure 7-1. If the heat content that the energy Wi was stored in the chemical

of two moles of water is represented by a line substances W^ig) and O-^ig). We assign to these

on this diagram, then the energy of two moles (and all other) substances the capacity to store

of hydrogen plus one mole of oxygen should be energy and we call it heat content. This permits
represented by a line 136.6 kcal higher. Now the us to say that energy is conserved at all times

diagram indicates that when water is decom- during a chemical reaction as it is in billiard ball

posed, energy must be put in to raise the heat collisions and in stretched rubber bands.

content enough to form the products. When hy-

7-2.4 The Basis for the Law
of Conservation of Energy

Fig. 7-6. Conservation of energy in a chemical We see that there are many forms of energy. We
reaction. have talked about work as a form of energy and

Two motas 13 Q. 6 Iccal two motas

liqtLtd -h etectr'ica.l work
hydrogari gets

ZH^O (t) "i"


= ^3
SEC. 7-3 I

2HJ^(s)t 0^(y)

/(r Ay I
AH =136.6 kcat


Decomposition of -water ^
Formation of water

Fig. 7-7 The energy change in a chemical reaction. In specific reference to the heat effects in chem-
icalreactions, hundreds of different reactions

referred to two kinds of work, muscular work have been studied calorimetrically. The results
and electrical work. Kinetic energy and heat are are always in accord with the Law of Additivity

other readily measured forms of energy. We have of Reaction Heats. If we assign a characteristic

added two additional forms that are only in- heat content to each chemical substance, then

directly detectable —the potential energy of the all of these experiments support the Law of Con-

stretched rubberband and the heat content of servation of Energy. Since the Law of Conserva-

chemical substances. With these two added tion of Energy is consistent with so many dif-

forms, we can write: ferent reactions, it can be safely assumed to apply

to a reaction which hasn’t been studied before.
Energy is always conserved.

This is called the Law of Conservation of The term “law” is usually applied to the older scientific
generalizations.Modern scientists do not apply the term
Energy. It says that in every experiment so far
to new generalizations because they realize that all “laws
performed, energy was conserved provided all of of nature” are human statements — human generalizations
the different forms of energy are taken into ac- —and are subject to For example, later in this

count. Because the number of such experiments chapter you will find that matter and energy are one and

extremely large and varied in type, the law the same. At that time, you will see that the two conserva-
tion laws, the Conservation of Matter and the Conser-
gives a reliable basis for predicting. Don’t be
vation of Energy, are really but one law, the Conservation
upset that the law is true only because we added of Matter (which is Energy). Yet in any chemical process
forms of energy to account for energy not di- the mass equivalent of the reaction heat is negligible.
rectly measurable. This law is like any other law Under these conditions, the Law of Conservation of
— its usefulness justifies it. As long as the several Matter and the Law of Conservation of Energy can be
considered as independent statements. In this form the
forms of energy give us a model that is always
conservation laws are very useful, even though the state-
consistent with experiments, the law remains ments we have made about them do not apply under all
useful. conditions.


In the discussion of Sections 7-2.1 to 7-2.4, we tent. Heat content sometimes called “chemical

found it useful to talk about different “forms” energy” because magnitude is intimately tied

of energy. Two of these are heat and heat con- up with chemical composition. These are macro-

scopic* manifestations of energy. Two other All of our experienceand knowledge about the
macroscopic manifestations of energy are kinetic moving baseballs (and billiard balls
properties of
energy (of a thrown baseball, for example) and and rubber bands and automobiles and pendu-
potential energy (of a baseball at the top of the lums and gyroscopes) can be used in clarifying
flightof a high foul ball, for example). Thus, we the nature of heat, heat content, electrical energy,
need to identify several “forms” of energy when etc. To see this, we must consider how chemists
discussing the macroscopic properties of sub- discuss the energy held by a molecule.
stances: heat, heat content (chemical energy),
kinetic energy, potential energy, electrical en-
7-3.1 The Energy of a Molecule
ergy,and mechanical work. The presence and
amount of each energy form is determined by Let us picture a molecule in terms of a model
methods uniquely applicable to that form. We consisting of balls of proper relative masses
determine the quantity of heat released in a hooked together by springs. The springs repre-
calorimeter by measuring a temperature rise with sent the bonds between the atoms. We can start
a thermometer. We measure the kinetic energy the springs vibrating and then toss the entire
of a baseball with a watch and a meter stick. assembly through space in an end-over-end mo-
You would learn little about the kinetic energy tion.There are now three kinds of kinetic energy
of a baseball by throwing it at a thermometer associated with our model, as pictured in Fig-
and nothing about water temperature by wearing ure 7-8.
your wrist watch in the shower. This model applies quite well to a molecule
When we turn to the molecular scale, however, in the gaseous state, but in the liquid state, and
we discover that all of these macroscopic forms (even more so) in the solid state, all these mo-
of energy can be discussed in terms of the two tions are restricted. In these phases the chief
kinds of energy we assigned to the baseball, kinetic energy manifestation is a back-and-forth
kinetic and potential energies. We can “explain” motion of the molecule about a fixed point.
allmacroscopic forms of energy with a micro-
scopic model involving only the energy of motion
and energy of position of the atomic and molecu- Fig. 7-8. Types of motion of a molecule of carbon
lar particles. The explanation has the special dioxide, CO2. A. Translational motion; the
molecule moves from place to place. B. Ro-
advantage given in Section 1-1.3 (pp. 5-8).
tational motion; the molecule rotates about
* Macroscopic means on a large scale — the opposite its center of mass. C. Vibrational motion;
of microscopic. In general, it is used to indicate weighable theatoms move alternately toward and away
and visible amounts. from the center of mass.

SEC. 7-3 I

In addition to the various kinds of kinetic above which the kinetic energy of the particles
energy listed in Figure 7-8, there is potential en- causes so much random movement that the lat-
ergy related to the forces which act between tice is no longer stable, a phase change occurs:
molecules. These forces are attractive, having a the solid melts.
very small average value in the gaseous state in In the liquid each molecule has considerably
which the molecules are far apart. The forces are, more freedom of movement, particularly for
on the average, larger in the liquid state and are translation and rotation. Warming the liquid
still larger in the solid state. enhances the amount of molecular movement.
Next, there is present, within the molecule, As always, kinetic energy provides a randomiz-
chemical energy which is related to the forces ing effect, tending to carry the molecules every-
which hold the atoms together in the molecule. where in the container. As the energy of motion
This is bond energy.
referred to as chemical rises (with the rising more of the
In addition, each atom has energy, some as- molecules are able to move away from the liquid
sociated with the electrons and some with the region where the potential energy is a minimum.
nucleus. The electrons in the atom possess kinetic Another phase change occurs: the liquid va-
energy and, because of their attraction to the porizes.
nucleus and repulsion from each other, they also If, now, we continue warming the substance
possess potential energy. The algebraic sum of sufficiently,we will reach a point at which the
these kinetic and potential energies represents kinetic energies in vibration, rotation, and trans-
the energy necessary to pull an electron away lation become comparable to chemical bond en-
from an atom. ergies. Then molecules begin to disintegrate.
Finally, there is present within the nucleus of This is the reason that only the very simplest
each atom a store of energy. This energy is re- molecules — diatomic molecules — are found in
lated to the forces holding the nuclear particles the There the temperature is so high
together. Since each nucleus remains intact and (6000°K at the surface) that more complex mole-
apparently uninfluenced through chemical reac- cules cannot survive.
tions, this nuclear energy does not change. Finally, if we continue the heating still further,
Hence, the nuclear contribution to the molecular we will ultimately reach a temperature at which
heat content does not usually concern a chemist. the kinetic energies are large enough to disrupt
The sum of all of these forms of molecular the nuclei. Then, “nuclear reactions” begin. The
energy makes up the molecular heat content. If conditions in some stars are considered to be
we add together the molecular heat content of suitable for rapid nuclear reactions.
6.02 X 10“'^ molecules of a given kind, we obtain To conclude this study, let’s consider the mag-
the molar heat content of that substance. nitudes of the energy effects. Phase changes usu-
ally involve energies of several kilocalories per
mole. Chemical reactions usually involve ener-
7-3.2 Energy Changes on Warming
gies of 50 to several hundred kilocalories per
Having this view of the make-up of the heat con- mole. Thus, we see that the energies involved in
tent of a substance, we can now visualize the chemical reactions are usually 10 to 100 times
effectsbrought on by warming the substance. If larger than those involved in phase changes.
the temperature is low at first, the substance will
be a solid. Warming the solid increases the ki-
netic energy of the back-and-forth motions of
the molecules about their regular crystal posi- Show that the ratio of the molar heat of forma-
tions. As the temperature rises, these motions tion of water from the elements (a chemical re-
disturb the regularity of the crystal more and action) to the molar heat of the fusion of water
more. Too much random movement de-
of this (a phase change) is of the order of 50.
stroys the lattice completely. At the temperature


Now let us consider nuclear changes. The fact How we get neutronsand how we get them to
that nuclei do remain intact during chemical re- react with uranium nuclei is not essential to our
actions suggests that much larger energies are present discussion.
required for nuclear changes. Experimentally, A glance at the periodic table will show that
this proves to be true. Nuclear reactions usually the subscripts we have attached to our symbols
involve energy changes over a million times are the atomic numbers of the elements desig-
greater than those we find in chemical reactions. nated by the symbols —
92 for U, 56 for Ba, 36
This enormous factor accounts for the current for Kr. The zero subscript attached to the neu-
interest in nuclear reactions as a source of en- tron denotes the lack of charge on this particle.
ergy. If we look at the subscripts,
One such
the equation
nuclear reaction is represented by
92 U+ on — >- seBa + seKr + 3o« {20)

we sum on each
+ qh —> -f- IlKr + 3o« + energy (75)
notice that their
equation is identical:
side of the

Before we examine the details of this rather 92 + 0 = 56 + 36 + (3 X 0)

strange looking equation, let us focus our atten-
This identity is but another way of expressing
tion on the “+ energy” term. The numerical
the law of conservation of charge.
value is of the order of 4.5 X 10^ kcal/mole of
In the model of nuclear structure you were
uranium. Look at that figure again and compare
given in Chapter 6, the nucleus was pictured as
it to the molar heat of combustion of carbon.
being built up of protons and neutrons. These
Roughly, what is the ratio of these two energies?
two kinds of particles are given the general name
It is10^ or 10 million!
nucleon. The mass number of a nucleus is
Now let us examine the reaction in more de-
equal to the number of nucleons present. The
tail. Forget momentarily the subscripts and su-
superscripts in our equation are mass numbers:
(«) is
from Chapter 6 that the
one of the fundamental particles 235U + ^ i4iBa + (27)

visualized as present in nuclei. What has hap- Apparently the mass numbers are also con-
pened? served :

U+ « Ba + Kr + 3« (79) 235 + 1 = 141 + 92 + (3 X 1)

Instead of producing new kinds of substances by We may rephrase this in the form of a rule: The
combination of atoms, the element uranium has total number of nucleons is unchanged during nu-
combined with a neutron and as a result has clear reactions.
split into two other elements — barium and kryp-
ton —plus three more neutrons. Atoms of a given EXERCISE 7-5
element are characterized by their atomic num-
ber, the number of units of positive charge on According to the model of Chapter 6, how many
the nucleus. For one element to change into nucleons would be present in a uranium nucleus
another element the nucleus must be altered. In of mass number 235? How many protons are
our example the uranium nucleus, as a result of pictured as being present? How many neutrons?
reacting with a neutron, splits or fissions into two
other nuclei and releases, in addition, neutrons.* power plant. The example we have selected is only one
of the ways the uranium nucleus can divide. Lanthanum
* Perhaps you have already recognized our nuclear and bromine nuclei are also produced, cerium and sele-
reaction as a fission reaction. It is of the type of reaction nium, and so on, each pair of fission products being such
used in an atomic pile, the energy source of a nuclear that the sum of their atomic numbers is always 92.
SEC. 7-4 I

Actually, then, by our symbol we are the nucleus. Here we have used the concept of expressing
the nuclear binding energy in terms of the implied de-
representing not an atom, but a nucleus. Our
crease in mass. We can do the same, if we wish, for a
equation is written in terms of nuclei and par-
chemical reaction. Again let us return to the molar heat
ticles associated with them. This nuclear equa- of combustion of carbon, roughly 10^ kcal:
tion tells us nothing about what compound of
C(s) + 02 (g) C02(g) AH = -94 kcal (22)
uranium was bombarded with neutrons or what
compound of barium is formed. We are sum- The mass change associated with an energy change of

marizing only the nuclear changes. During the

10^ kcal* is of the order of 5 X 10"® grams. This is a
quantity far too small to be detected on any balance
nuclear change there is much disruption of other
capable of weighing the 12 grams of carbon and 32 grams
atoms because of the tremendous amounts of of oxygen consumed in the reaction. Since the chemical
energy liberated. We do not know in detail what “mass defects” are too small to measure, we do not use
happens but eventually we return to electrically this terminology in chemistry.
If we wish to gain some idea of the alteration of mass
neutral substances (chemieal compounds) and
in a nuclear change, we cannot use the fission reaction
the neutrons are consumed by other nuclei.
because the exact masses of the nuclei involved are not
It is easy to determine that there is an electron known. Let us look at another type of reaction of pos-
balance between the reactants and products: sible importance in the production of nuclear energy

Nucleus: 92U o« seBa seKr o« ?H -f ?H ^ |He + hn (25)

Electrons associated This reaction is called fusion since nuclei are combining
with nucleus: 92 0 56 36 0 to form a heavier nucleus. The energy associated with
this change is 4.05 X 10^ kcal/mole of iH nuclei.
92 = 56 + 36
Let us do a little bookkeeping with the exact masses
of these nuclei. Actually we will simplify a bit and use
7-4.1 Exact Mass Relationships
the exact masses of the atoms. This will make no dif-
ference. The masses of the atoms differ from the nuclear
Although the mass numbers of the proton and neutron
masses by the masses of the number of electrons in each
are both one, the masses of these fundamental particles
are not identical. The mass of one mole of protons is
atom. We have shown that electrons are conserved in
nuclear changes. Exact masses of atoms (that is, exact
1.00762 grams and that of one mole of neutrons is
masses of each isotopic species and not the chemical
1.00893 grams. Further investigation would show that
the experimentally measured mass of the nucleus of any atomic weights shown on the inside back cover) are
readily available. For our hydrogen-helium reaction we
given isotope is not the exact sum of the masses of
protons and neutrons confined in the nucleus according
to our model. For example, the mass of the nucleus of Reactants: 2.01471 g/mole
the uranium isotope of mass number 235 is less than the m 3.01707
exact sum of the masses of 92 protons and 143 neutrons. 5.03178
One of the consequences of the special theory of rela-
Products; ^He 4.00390
tivity formulated in 1905 by the great German theoretical
physicist, Albert Einstein, was that we came to realize
that mass and energy are one and the same. Although
Reactants; 5.03178
this was a very radical notion at the time Einstein first
Products 5.01283
presented his theory, the equation relating mass to energy
is probably already familiar to you. The formula E = mc^ Mass Difference: 0.01895 g/mole
has become almost a part of common idiom since the
Compare this mass difference of about 0.02 g/mole with
successful application of nuclear energy became a part
one of about 5 X 10“® g/mole for the combustion of
of modern technology in the mid 1940’s. In this equation
c is the speed of light, 3.00 X 10'®cm/second. Apparently
In closing, let us remind ourselves of the difference
a small value of mass (m) is equivalent to a tremendous
between nuclear and chemical reactions. In nuclear re-
amount of energy since the proportionality constant (c^)
actions, changes in the nuclei take place. In chemical
relating mass to energy is numerically 9.00 X 10^®.
reactions, the nuclei remain intact and the changes are
We can use this idea of the relation of mass to energy
explainable in terms of the electrons outside the nucleus.
in several ways. The mass of a nucleus is less than
the sum of the masses of the 92 protons and 143 neutrons * Before using the E= mc^ relation to calculate the
postulated to be in it. The difference in mass represents amount of mass associated with this energy change, you
the binding energy which holds the nucleons together in must pay attention to the relation of various energy units.


1. Given Find AH for the manufacture of diamond from

3Crsj + 2Fe203rsj + 110.8 kcal — 9.


4Fe(s) + C(graphite) — C(diamond)

Rewrite the equation using one mole of carbon Is heat absorbed or evolved as graphite is con-
and use the AH notation. verted to diamond ?

2. Given To change the temperature of a particular calo-

rimeter and the water it contains by one degree
hU,(g) + ^Br,(l) UBr(g)
requires 1550 calories. The complete combustion
AH = —8.60 kcal/mole HBr
of 1.40 grams of ethylene gas, C2li4(g), in the
Rewrite the equation for one mole of hydrogen calorimeter causes a temperature rise of 10.7
gas and include the heat effect as a term in the degrees. Find the heat of combustion per mole
equation. of ethylene.

3. Which of the following reactions are endother- 10. The “thermite reaction” is spectacular and
mic? highly exothermic. It involves the reaction be-
tween Fe203,ferric oxide, and metallic alumi-
(a) H2(g) + i02(g) U^Ofg) num. The reaction produces white-hot, molten
AH = -57.8 kcal
iron in a few seconds. Given:
(b) h^2(g) + h02(g) NO(g)
AH = +21.6 kcal 2A1 + f02 AI2O3 AHi = -400 kcal/mole

(c) iN2(g) + — + 8.1 kcal 2Fe + f02 —^ Fe203 AH2 = —200 kcal/mole
(d) +
m2(g) — NHsrgJ + 11.0 kcal Determine the amount of heat liberated in the

(e) NHs(g) — iN2(g) + m2(g) 1 mole of Fe203 with Al.

reaction of
AH = +11.0 kcal Answer. AH = —200 kcal/mole Fe203.

4. What is the minimum energy required to syn- 1 1 . How much energy is released in the manufacture
thesize one mole of nitric oxide, NO, from the of 1.00 kg of iron by the “thermite reaction”
elements ? mentioned in Problem 10?

5. How much energy is liberated when 0.100 mole 12. How many grams of water could be heated from
of H2 (at 25°C and 1 atmosphere) iscombined 0°C to 100°C by the heat liberated per mole of
with enough O^fg) to make liquid water at 25°C aluminum oxide formed in Problem 10?
and 1 atmosphere?
13. Which would be the better fuel on the basis of
6. How much energy is consumed
decom- in the the heat released per mole burned, nitric oxide,
position of 5.0 grams of H20(l) at 25°C and NO, or ammonia, NH3? Assume the products
1 atmosphere into its gaseous elements at 25°C
are N02fg/ and R20(g).
and 1 atmosphere?
14. What is the minimum energy required to syn-
7. Using Table 7-II, calculate the heat of burning
thesize sulfur dioxide from sulfuric acid ?
ethane in oxygen to give CO2 and water vapor.

Answer. AH = —341 kcal/mole C2H6. H2S04r?; — + H2org; + h02(g)


8. Given
Answer. AH = +65 kcal/mole S02(g).
C(diamond) + p2(gj — COafg) 15. Why is the Law of Conservation of Energy con-
AH = -94.50 kcal sidered to be valid?

C(graphite) + 02(g) —^ C02(g) 16. What do you think would happen in scientific
AH = -94.05 kcal circles if a clearcut, well-verified exception was

found to the Law of Conservation of Energy as iH, and tritium nuclei, ^H, can “fuse” to form
stated in the text? helium nuclei, and a neutron:

17. Is energy conserved when a ball of mud is ^ 2He + In

dropped from your hand to the ground? Explain AH = -4.05 X 10^ kcal

your answer.
How many grams of hydrogen would have to be
18. What becomes of the energy supplied to water burned gaseous water) to liberate the same
molecules as they are heated in a closed con- amount of heat as liberated by fusion of one
tainer from 25°C to 35°C? mole of iH nuclei? Express the answer in tons
(1 ton = 9.07 X 105 g)
19. Outline the events and associated energy changes
that occur on the molecular level when steam at 22. Which of the following reactions is most likely
150°C and atmosphere pressure loses energy
1 to have a heat effect of — 505 Which would
continually until it finally becomes ice at — 10°C. be —1.7 X 10® kcal? Which would be +7.2
20. The heat of combustion of methane, CH4, is

— 210 kcal/mole: (a) UFe(g) AH = ?

CWiig) + 2O2 — CO2 + 2H2O (b) U(s)+ 3F2rg) —> UFe AH = ?

A/7 = -210 kcal (c) I2U + In AH = ?

Discuss why this fuel is better than water gas if 23. Fission of uranium gives a variety of fission
the comparison is based on one mole of carbon products, including praseodymium, Pr. If the
atoms. process by which praseodymium is formed gives
’sgPr and three neutrons, what is the other nu-
21. In a nuclear reaction of the type called “nuclear
clear product?
fusion,” two nuclei come together to form a
larger nucleus. For example, deuterium nuclei. ^92^ + 0 '^ ^ ^59 Pf + ? + 3ort

The Rates of
Chemical Reactions

a molecular system • •
• [passes] •

• from one state of
equilibrium to another by means of all possible intermediate
paths, but the path most economical of energy will be more often travelled.

A. candle remains in contact with air indefinitely the products are carbon dioxide, CO 2, and nitric
without observable reaction but it reacts when oxide, NO. The equation for the reaction is

given a start with a lighted match, A mixture of

2 2 (7)
household gas and air in a closed room remains
indefinitely without reacting but it may explode Suppose we prepare a mixture of carbon mon-
violently if so much as a glowing cigarette is oxide and nitrogen dioxide and then heat it to
brought into the room. A piece of iron reacts 200°C. When the gas is heated, we observe a
quite slowly with air (it rusts) but a piece of white gradual disappearance of the reddish brown
phosphorus bursts into flame when it is exposed color of NO 2. Reaction is taking place. We can
to air. These are all reactions with oxygen from find its time behavior by measuring the change
the air but they have extremely different time in color during a measured time interval. Since
behaviors. Reactions proceed at different rates. the other gases are colorless, this color change
We care about reaction rate because we must indicates the number of moles of NO 2 that have
understand how rapidly a reaction proceeds and reacted during the time interval. The quotient of
what factors determine its rate in order to bring these two, moles reacted divided by the time
the reaction under control.* interval, is called the rate of the reaction:
Let us see what the expression “the rate of a NO
_ quantity 2 consumed
reaction” means in terms of an example — the time interval
reaction between carbon monoxide gas, CO, and = quantity NO 2 consumed per unit time
nitrogen dioxide, NO 2. Chemical tests show that
We can express the rate of reaction (7) in terms
* The study of reaction rates is called chemical of the rate of consumption of either CO or NO 2.

kinetics. Equally well, we can express the time behavior

SEC. 8-1 I

of the reaction in terms of the appearance of The quantity consumed or produced is conven-
either product, CO2 or NO. Which is used de- iently expressed in partial pressure units if the
pends upon convenience of measurement. If the substance is a gas. Concentration units are con-
experimenter prefers to measure the production venient if the reactant or product is in solution.
of carbon dioxide, he would express the rate in The time measurement is also expressed in what-
the form ever units fit the reaction: microseconds for the
explosion of household gas and oxygen, seconds
- ^^2 produced or minutes for the burning of a candle, days for
time interval
the rusting of iron, months for the rotting of
= quantity CO2 produced per unit time wood.


In the laboratory you have observed the reaction many molecules. Yet, these are both rapid re-
of ferrous ion, Fe+YaqA with permanganate ion, actions.
MnOl (aq), and also the reaction of oxalate ion, Here are two reactions that take place in the
C-iO^^(aq), with permanganate ion, MnOl (aq). gas phase.
These studies show that the rate of a reaction
2 NO -b O2 — 2NO2 moderate at 20 °C (5 )
depends upon the nature of the reacting substances.
In Experiment 14 the reaction between lOg" and
CH4 -b 2O2 —^ CO2 -b 2H2O
extremely slow at 20 °C (6)
HSOg" shows that the rate of a reaction depends
upon concentrations of reactants and on the tern'- The oxidation of nitric oxide, NO, is a reaction
perature. Let us examine these factors one at a involved in smog production. It is moderately
time. rapid at normal temperatures. The oxidation of
methane, CH4 (household gas), however, occurs
so slowly at room temperature that we may say
8-1.1 The Nature of the Reactants
that, for all practical purposes it doesn’t react at
Compare the following three reactions, all of all. Again, the difference in the reaction rates
which occur in water solutions: must depend upon specific characteristics of the
reactants, NO and CH4.
^(aq) -b 2MnOp (aq) -b 1611+ (aq)
IQCOfg) + 2 Mn+Yaq; -b 8H2O slow 2) The determination of the molecular character-

5Fe+^(aq) -b MnO^ faqj + 8ll+(aq) —> istics which are important

interesting frontier of chemistry. It
in rate behavior is
seems that

5 Fe+Yaqj -b Mn+^(aq) + 4H2O very fast (i)

chemical reactions which involve the breaking of
Fe+Yaqj -b Ce+Yaqj — several chemical bonds and the formation of new
Fe+Yaqj -b Ce+YaqJ very fast (4 )
chemical bonds tend to proceed slowly at room
Both ferrous ion, Fe+Ya^J and oxalate ion, temperature. Reaction ( 2 ) is of this type —there
Cfdl^^iaq), have the capability of decolorizing are many bonds which must be broken in the
a solution containing permanganate ion at room five 0204“^ ions and the two MnOb ions to form
temperature. Yet, there is a great contrast in the the IOCO2 and 2Mn+Y This reaction might be
time required for the decoloration. The differ- expected to proceed slowly (as it does). Reac-
ence lies in specific characteristics of Fe+Ya^J tion (6) also involves breaking of bonds and
and C<iOl^(aq). On the other hand, Ft+faq) is forming of new bonds and it is slow at room
also changed to Fe+Y by reacting either with temperature. In contrast, reaction (3 ) is very
MnO^ (aq) or with ceric ion, Cc+faq). One of rapid though it involves breaking of chemical
these reactions is simple and the other involves bonds and it might be expected to proceed slowly.

We see that we cannot be certain of a prediction tions, raising the concentration of a reactant
that a reaction might be slow. Reaction {4) ap- increases the reaction rate. Not infrequently,
parently does not require bond breaking or bond though, there will be no effect. In this section we
formation. It can be expected to be rapid (as it shall consider how a rate increase with rising
is). A prediction of this type is usually reliable. reactant concentration is explained. In Section
Reaction '5) requires breaking of but one bond 8-1.3 we shall explore why some reactions pro-
and the formation of two. It has a moderate ceed at a rate independent of the concentration
reaction rate, rapid at high pressures and slow of one or more reactants. Both explanations are
at low pressures. based upon a model of the way chemical reac-
These and other examples lead to the follow- tions take place on the molecular scale.

ing rules: In the molecular view of matter, it is natural

to assume that two molecules must come close
(1) Reactions that do not involve bond rear-
together in order to react. Therefore, we postu-
rangements are usually rapid at room tem-
late that chemical reactions depend upon colli-
(2) Reactions in which bonds are broken tend
sions between the reacting particles atoms, —
molecules, or ions. This model of reaction rate
to be slow at room temperature.
behavior is called the collision theory. It pro-
We can say little more about how the nature vides a successful basis for understanding the
of the reactants determines the reaction rate effect of concentration. Just as an increase of the
until we consider in detail how some reactions number of cars in motion on a highway leads
take place. For the time being, it will suffice to to a higher rate of formation of dented fenders,
observe that this is an active field of study and increasing the number of particles in a given
much remains to be learned. volume gives more frequent molecular collisions.
The higher frequency of collisions results in a
higher rate of reaction.
EXERCISE 8-1 Consider a homogeneous system one in —
Are any of the following three reactions likely which all components are in the same phase.
to be extremely rapid at room temperature? Are According to the collision theory, we can expect
any likely to be extremely slow at room tempera- that increasing the concentration of one or more
ture? Explain. reactants will result in an increase in the rate of
the reaction. Lowering the concentration has the
(a) Cv+Haq) + Fe+Yaqj — opposite This is exactly the behavior found
Cr+YagJ + Fe+Yagj between HSOg'faq) and lO^ (aq)
in the reaction
(b) 3Fe+Yaq) + NOa-faqj + Am(aq} when the concentrations are varied by adding or
3Fe+Yaq) + NO(gj + 2H2O removing reactants or solvent (Experiment 14).
(c) CgHis
+ \2hO,(g) —^ %CO,(g) + m,0(g) In gases, also
homogeneous systems,
of an individual reactant can be
the con-

raised by admitting more of that substance into
the mixture. The concentrations of all gaseous
components can be raised simultaneously by de-
8-1.2 Effect of Concentration:
creasing the volume occupied by the mixture.
Collision Theory
Decreasing the volume by compressing the gas
Henceforth we shall concentrate our attention on raises the concentration of all reactants, hence
one reactionat a time. The nature of the reac- increases the rates of reactions taking place. In-
tants will be held constant while the other factors creasing the volume by expanding the gas has
that affect rates are considered. The first of these the opposite effect on concentrations, hence de-
factors is concentration. creases reaction rates.
Chemists have learned that, for many reac- In a heterogeneous reaction system, the com-
SEC. 8-1 I

Fig. 8-1. The number of collisions per second depends The explanation is found in the detailed steps
upon concentration.
by which the reaction takes place, the reaction

ponents are in two or more different phases. As 8-1.3 Reaction Mechanism

an example, consider As has been proposed, in order for a chemical
reaction to occur, particles must collide. The
wood (solid) + oxygen (gas) particles may be atoms, molecules, or ions. As
carbon dioxide (gas) + water (gas) a result of collisions, there can be rearrangements
of atoms, electrons, and chemical bonds, with
In a system of this sort, the rate of the reaction the resultant production of new species. As an
depends upon the amount of interface between example, let us take another look at the reaction
the phases, or, in other words, the area of con- between Fe^^ and MnOT in acid solution:
tact between them. For example, a log burns in
air at a relatively slow rate. If the amount of
5Fe+Y«qj + MnO^ (aq) + 8H+faq) —
5Fe+Yaq) + Mn^^( aq) + 4 H O 2 (7)
exposed surface of the wood is increased by re-
ducing the log to splinters, the burning is much The equation indicates that one MnOT ion, five
more rapid. If, further, the wood is reduced to Fe+2 ions, and eight H+ ions (a total of four-
fine sawdust and the latter is suspended in a teen ions) must react with each other. If this
current of air, the combustion takes place ex- reaction were to take place in a single step, these
plosively. Where one of the reactants is a gas, fourteen ions would have to collide with each
such as in the above example, the concentration other simultaneously. The probability of such an
of the gas is also a factor. A piece of wood burns event occurring is extremely small —so small that
much more rapidly in pure oxygen than it does a reaction which depended upon such a collision
in ordinary air, in which the oxygen makes up would proceed at a rate immeasurably slow.
only about 20% of the mixture. Since the reaction occurs at an easily measured
We see that the collision theory provides a it must proceed by some sequence of steps,
good explanation of reaction rate behavior. It is none of which involves such an improbable col-
quite reasonable that the reaction rate should lision.

depend upon collisions among the reactant mole- As a matter of fact, chemists regard the colli-
cules. In fact, it is so reasonable that we are left sion of even four molecules as an extremely
wondering why the concentrations of some re- improbable event if they are at low concentration
actants in some reactions do not affect the rate. or if they are in the gas phase. We conclude that

a complex chemical reaction which proceeds at reactions (70) and (77) are, they can produce
a measurable rate probably takes place in a HO 2 and Br 2 only as fast as the slowest reaction
series of simpler steps. The series of reaction in the sequence. Hence, the factors that deter-
steps is called the reaction mechanism. mine the rate of reaction (9) determine the rate
Consider the oxidation of gaseous hydrogen of the overall process.
bromide, HBr, a reaction that is reasonably The sequence of reactions (9), (70), and (77)
rapid in the temperature range from 400 to is called the reaction mechanism of the overall
600°C: reaction (5). Because it is the slowest reaction in
the mechanism, reaction (9) is the step that fixes
4HBrr^; + 0,(g) 2H,0(g) + 2Br,(g) (8) the rate. The slowest reaction in a reaction mecha-
nism is called the rate determining step.
By the collision theory, we expect that increasing
There are two features of this example that
the partial pressure (and thus, the concentration)
are rather common.
First, none of the steps in
of either the HBr or O 2 will speed up the reaction.
the reactionmechanism requires the collision of
Experiments show this is the case. Quantitative
more than two particles. Most chemical reactions
studies of the rate of reaction (5) at various pres-
proceed by sequences of steps, each involving only
sures and with various mixtures show that oxy-
two-particle collisions. Second, the overall or net
gen and hydrogen bromide are equally effective
reaction does not show the mechanism. In gen-
in changing the reaction rate. However, this re-
eral, the mechanism of a reaction cannot be de-
sult raises a question. Since reaction (8) requires
duced from the net equation for the reaction', the
four molecules of HBr for every one molecule
various steps by which atoms are rearranged and
of O why
2, does a change in the HBr pressure
recombined must be determined through experi-
have just the same effect as an equal change in
the O 2 pressure?
The explanation is found by considering the
details of the process by which reaction (8) oc-
curs. The overall reaction brings together five EXERCISE 8-2

molecules, four of HBr and one of O 2. However,

Imagine five people working together to wash a
the chance that five gaseous molecules will col-
stack of very greasy dishes.The first two clear
lide simultaneously is practically zero. The reac-
the table andhand the dishes to the third person
tion must occur in a sequence of simpler steps.
who washes them and hands them on. The last
All of the studies of reaction (8) are explained
two persons dry and stack them. Which step is
by the following series of reactions:
likely to be the rate determining step? In the

HBr —^ HOOBr
+O slow (9)
light of your answer, discuss how the rate of the
HOOBr + HBr —^ 2HOBr

fast (70)
overall process would be affected if a sixth person

HOBr + HBr —^ H O + Br 2 2 fast (77) joined the group (a) as a table clearer; (b) as a
second dishwasher; (c) as a dish dryer.
First,observe that adding reactions (9) and (10)
plus twice reaction (77) gives the overall reac-
tion (5). Next,we see that each step in the se-
quence requires only two molecules to collide. 8-1.4 The Quantitative Effect of Concentration
Finally, the proposal that reaction (9) is slow
whereas reactions (70) and (77) are fast explains The reaction mechanism is deduced from quantitative
studies of the dependence of the rate upon the concentra-
why HBr and O 2 have the same effect on the tions or pressures of the various reactants. To interpret
reaction rate. such studies, we need to develop our collision theory
Reaction (9) is a “bottle-neck” in the oxida- model.
tion of hydrogen bromide. As fast as HOOBr is Consider the reaction between gaseous hydrogen, H 2,

formed by this slow reaction it is consumed in

and gaseous iodine, b:

the rapid reaction (70). But no matter how rapid ^2(g) + h(g) 2m(g) U2)
SEC. 8-1 I

Each time a molecule of H 2 collides with an iodine mole- faster. This acceleration continues until finally
cule, reaction may occur. The frequency of these en-
(in a millisecond or so) it reaches an ex-
counters, for a particular
how many I2
2 molecule,
molecules are present. Doubling the number
is determined by
plosive rate — the most rapid reaction permitted
molecules per unit volume would just double the by the collisional properties of the gas. Raising
of I2

collisions. Tripling the number of I2 molecules per unit the temperature started it all by speeding up the
volume would triple the collisions. Since the iodine partial reaction.
pressure fixes the iodine concentration, the rate of the
In all of these reactions (and in almost all
reaction is proportional to the iodine partial pressure;
others), increasing the temperature has a very

iodine pronounced effect, always speeding up the reac-

(rate) is proportional to partial U3) tion. Two questions come to mind. “Why does
pressure. speed up a reaction?” and
a temperature rise

“Why does a temperature rise have such a large

In the same way, a particular iodine molecule must find
a hydrogen molecule to react. The rate of the reaction is
effect?” To answer these questions, we return to
proportional to the partial pressure of the hydrogen; our collision theory.
From what we know about molecular sizes,
’ hydrogen we can calculate that a particular CH4 molecule
(rate) is proportional to partial (14)
collides with an oxygen molecule about once
pressure J
every one-thousandth of a microsecond ( 10“^
In view of (13) and (14), the rate must be proportional seconds) in a mixture of household gas (methane,
to the product of the partial pressure of iodine and formula CH4) and air under normal conditions.
hydrogen This means that every second this methane mole-
(rate) is proportional to cule encounters 10^ oxygen molecules! Yet the
reaction does not proceed noticeably. We can
hydrogen "iodine
conclude either that most of the collisions are
partial X partial
_pressure_ ineffective or that the collision theory is not a
_ pressure
good explanation. We shall see that the former
In symbols, we can write
is the case —we can understand why most colli-

rate = k[p^^] X [FjJ (16) sions might be ineffective in terms of ideas that
are consistent with the collision theory.
Chemists have learned that chemical reactions
^8-1.5 Effect of Temperature: Collision Theory
occur when collisions occur but only when the
In Experiments 12 and 14, you discovered that collision involves more than a certain amount of
temperature has a marked effect upon the rate energy. We can understand this by returning to
of chemical reactions. Thus, raising the tempera- our analogy of cars bumping each other on a
ture speeded up the reaction between IO 3" and highway. In a line of heavy traffic one frequently
HSO^ . That the same effect, qualitatively, that
is receives gentle bumps from the car in front or
is observed in the reaction of a candle with air. the car behind. No damage is done to the cars
The match “lighted” the candle by raising its only to tempers. But occasionally a high speed
temperature (at the wick). Once started, the re- collision occurs. If this occurs with enough en-
action of combustion releases enough heat to ergy, a bumper may be knocked off a carand a
keep the temperature high, thus keeping the re- fender may be dented. It is the high energy col-
action going at a reasonable rate. Raising the lisionswhich cause the auto damage and it is
temperature speeded up the reaction. The same high energy molecular collisions which cause the
type of explanation applies to the explosion of “molecular damage” that we call a chemical re-
a kitchen full of household gas and air when a action. Just as a certain amount of energy is

cigarette is brought into the room. Around the required to break loose a bumper, a certain
glowing tip of the cigarette the gas temperature amount of energy is required to cause a chemical
is raised. At this locale, the reaction speeds up, reaction. In either instance, if there is more than
liberating heat. This heat warms the nearby re- this “threshold energy,” the reaction can occur
gion even more and the reaction goes somewhat and if there is less, it cannot.

Fig. 8-2. Rotating disc for ineasiireinent of atomic velocities.


Fig. 8-3. Distribution of

ities from
atomic (or molecular) veloc-
the rotating disc.
travel from Di to A and how fast A is rotating.
As the slotted disc Di lets through burst after
burst of tin atoms, a layer of tin builds up on the
surface of disc A. The pattern of this layer is

DISTRIBUTION OF KINETIC ENERGIES determined by the distribution of velocities of

the atoms escaping from the oven at tempera-
This discussion of threshold energy causes us to
wonder what energies are possessed by molecules
ture T. Figure 8-3 shows the disc A
divided into
sections, like slices of a pie. The fastest moving
at a given temperature. We have already com-
atoms are condensed on pie slices 3, 4, and 5.
pared the molecules of a gas with billiard balls
The slowest moving atoms are condensed on the
rebounding on a billiard table. When billiard
pie slices 10 and 1 1. If the disc is cut up and each
ballsbounce around, colliding with each other,
slice weighed, the amount of tin can be deter-
some of them move rapidly and some slowly. Do
mined. A plot of the weight of tin against the
molecules behave this way? Experiment provides
pie slice number indicates the distribution of
the answer.
atomic velocities.
Figure 8-2 shows a device for measuring the
Clearly, the plot of Figure 8-3 contains infor-
distribution of atomic or molecular velocities.
mation about the distribution of kinetic energies.
It consists of two discs, A
and A, rotating
From the rate of rotation of the discs and the
rapidly on a common axle. They rotate in a
distance between them we can calculate the ve-
vacuum chamber in front of an oven containing
locity an atom must have to condense on a
molten tin and held at a controlled temperature.
particular pie slice. From the atomic mass and
Vapor streams out of the small opening in the
its velocity, we learn the atom’s kinetic energy.
oven and strikes the rotating disc, Di. When the
Figure 8-4 shows the result. At a temperature Ti
disc has rotated to the position shown in Figure
8" IB, a small amount of gas has passed through

the slot in disc A- A short time later, shown in Fig. 8-4. Effect of temperature on atomic {or molec-
Figure 8- 1C, the atoms of tin have traveled part tdar) kinetic energy distribution.

of the way toward the second rotating disc. The

fastest moving atoms have traveled farther than
the others —
they are leading the way. The slowest
moving atoms are beginning to lag behind. Still
later. Figure 8- ID, the atoms have spread out in

space even more, and the fastest atoms have

already reached the second rotating disc. Now
as theatoms reach disc A, they condense on it.
The position where a given atom condenses on
disc A
depends upon how long that atom took to

a few atoms have very low kinetic energies and much as this energy, few collisions are effective,
some have very high kinetic energies. Most and the reaction is slow. But if we raise the tem-

of them have intermediate kinetic energies, as perature to T 2, the number of molecules with
shown by the solid curve. At a higher tempera- energy E or greater is raised in proportion to the
ture, T2, the energy distribution is altered to that diagonally shaded area. Only a small tempera-
shown as a dashed curve. As can be seen, increas- ture change is needed to make a large change in
ing the temperature causes a general shift of the the area out on the tail of the energy distribution
distribution toward one with more molecules curve. Consequently, the reaction rate is very
having high kinetic energies. Moreover, in going sensitive to change in temperature.
from Ti to there is a large increase in the
This argument is based upon the “typical” situation in
number of molecules having kinetic energies which E is well out on the tail of the curve. Suppose it is
above a certain value. not; suppose E is near the maximum of the curve at Ti,

or is even to the left of it. Then a large number of the

THRESHOLD ENERGY AND REACTION RATE molecules have the requisite energy, even at the lower
temperature, Ti. Since collisions occur so rapidly (re-
We can apply these curves to our reaction rate
member, one every 10“® second or so), the reaction is
problem. Suppose a reaction can proceed only if
over in a blink of the eye. This reaction would be called
two molecules collide with kinetic energy exceed- “instantaneous.” The circumstances shown in Figure 8-4
ing a certain threshold energy, E. Figure 8-4 are “typical” only of a slow reaction.

shows us a typical situation. At Ti the vertically It should be remarked that raising the temperature also
increases the rate by increasing the frequency of the
shaded area is proportional to the number of the
collisions. This is, however, a very small effect compared
molecules which possess this energy or more. with that caused by the increase in the number of mole-
Since only a small number of molecules have as cules with sufficient energy to cause reaction.


Now that we have this evidence about the mo- mount a 4200 foot pass, it will undoubtedly
lecular velocity distribution, we can see how make the trip to San Francisco.
temperature changes the fraction of the molecu- Chemical reactions are similar. As molecules
lar collisions involving an energy exceeding the collideand reaction takes place, the atoms must
threshold energy E. Now our understanding of take up, momentarily, bonding arrangements
the role of energy in fixing reaction rates can be that are less stable than either reactants or prod-
expanded. ucts. These high energy molecular arrangements
are like the mountain pass — they place an energy
barrier between reactantsand products. Only if
8-2.1 Activation Energy
the colliding molecules have enough energy to
Suppose you wished to make an automobile trip surmount the barrier imposed by the unstable
from Los Angeles to San Francisco. This trip re- arrangements can reaction take place. This bar-
quires that the Tehachapi Mountains be crossed. rier determines the “threshold energy” or mini-
As shown in Figure 8-5, this can be accomplished mum energy necessary to permit a reaction to
by taking the highway through the Tejon Pass. occur. It is called the activation energy.
Of course, the high altitude of this pass, 4200 This barrier can be shown graphically by am-
feet, makes this part of the trip the slowest and plifying Figure 7-1 (p. 110),which showed the
the biggest test of your automobile. This is the relative energies of reactantsand products. In
point in the trip where radiator fluids boil and Figure 8-6 we see that the diagram becomes the
engine troubles develop. This is the point where equivalent of the road map in our automobile
the older cars turn back and limp home. Yet, trip analogy. This diagram applies to the reac-

this is the lowest pass in these mountains, hence tion between carbon monoxide, CO, and nitro-
the most favorable route. If your car will sur- gen dioxide, NO 2 to produce carbon dioxide,
SEC. 8-2 I

ZA. T(^'on. Pass >- SP

Fig. 8-5. Crossing the mountains between Los Angeles from left to right along this reaction coordinate
and San Francisco.
signifies the CO and NO2 molecules approaching
each other, colliding, and going through inter-
mediate processes of reaction which result in the
CO2, and nitric oxide, NO. The horizontal axis formation of CO2 and NO, and, finally, the sepa-
of the diagram, called the reaction coordinate, ration of the latter two molecules. The vertical
shows the progress of the reaction. Proceeding axis represents the total potential energy of the

Reaction coordinate
React-ants * Activated complex Trod-uc1rs

Fig. 8-6. Potential energy diagram for the reaction

CO + NO.o —
^ CO 2 NO. +
energy); it is called the activated

Now there are two possibilities: (I) the acti-

vated complex may separate into the two original
system. Thus, the curve provides a history of the CO and NO2 molecules, which would then re-
potential energy change during a collision which trace their former path on the curve, or, (2) the
results in a reaction. The energy required to sur- activated complex may CO2 and
separate into
mount the potential energy “barrier” to reaction NO The latter possibility is repre-
usually is provided by the kinetic energies of the sented by moving down the right side of the
colliding particles, as fixed by the temperature. “barrier.” In the flat region at the right, CO2 and
Let us move from left to right along this curve NO have separated beyond the point of having
and describe the events which occur. Along the any effect on each other and the potential energy
flat region at the left, CO and NO2 are approach- of the activated complex has become kinetic en-
ing each other. In this region, they possess kinetic ergy again.
energy and their total potential energy shows no In the event that the CO and NO2 molecules
change. The beginning of the rise in the curve do not have sufficient energy to attain the sum-
signifies that the two molecules have come suffi- mit, they reach a point only part way up the left

ciently close to have an effect on each other. side of the “barrier.” Then, repelling one an-
During this approach, the molecules slow down other, they separate again, going downhill to the
as their kinetic energies furnish the potential left.

energy to climb the curve. If they have sufficient We have labeled the difference between the
kinetic energy, they can ascend the left side of high potential energy at the activated complex
the “barrier” all the way up to the summit. At- and the lower energy of the reactants as the acti-
taining this point is interpreted as follows: CO vation energy. The activation energy is the
and NO2 had sufficient kinetic energy to over- energy necessary to transform the reactants into
come the mutually repulsive forces of their nuclei the activated complex. This may involve weaken-
and negative electron clouds and thus come very ing or breaking bonds, forcing reactants close
close to each other. Here at the summit the together in opposition to repulsive forces, or
molecular cluster is unstable with respect to storing energy in a vibrating molecule so that it

either the forward reaction (to give CO2 and NO) reacts on collision. Increasing the temperature
or the reverse reaction (to restore the molecules affects reaction rate by increasing the number of
of CO and NO2). This transitory arrangement is molecular collisions that involve sufficient energy
of key importance (its potential energy fixes the to form this activated complex. The magnitude
SEC. 8-2 I

of the activation energy for a reaction can be The relationship between activation energies
determined by measuring experimentally the for the forward and reverse reactions can be ex-
change in reaction rate with temperature. pressed mathematically. The activation energy is

denoted by the symbol A7/^ (read “delta-//-

8-2.2 Heat of Reaction cross”) and the heat of the reaction by A//.
Hence we may write:
We can deduce the heat of reaction from Figure
8-6. In our example, the reactants are at a higher + ^H (18)
AH]i = activation energy for reaction pro-
total energy than are the products. This means
ceeding to right (always endothermic)
that in the course of the reaction there will be a
AHl = activation energy for reaction pro-
net release of energy. This reaction is exothermic.
ceeding to left (always endothermic)
Figure 8-6 shows that the reaction releases 54 A7f = heat absorbed during reaction pro-
kcal of heat per mole of carbon monoxide con- ceeding left to right (either endother-
sumed. Notice that the height of the energy mic or exothermic).
barrier between reactants and products has no
effect on the net heat release. We must put in an
The heat of reaction, AH, is positive if heat is

amount of energy equal to the activation energy

absorbed as the reaction proceeds, left to right.
It is negative if heat is evolved. In our example,
to get to the top of the barrier but we get it all

back on the way down the other side.

CO + NO 2 CO 2 4 NO,
Now let us consider the reverse reaction. We A//k= +32 kcal/mole
need not draw another reaction diagram, since AHi = +86 kcal/mole
Figure 8-6 will suffice. Now we are interested in A// = -54 kcal/mole
the reaction between CO 2 and NO to produce We see that
CO and NO (32) = (86) + (-54)


2 ^ CO + NO 2 (77) which is in accordance with equation (18). This

This reaction begins at the lower energy appro- relationship is important because it implies that
priate to the chemical stability of CO + NO
2 we need only two of the three quantities, AHj^,
(at the right side of Figure 8-6) and ends at the AHl, and AH and then we can calculate the
higher energy appropriate to the chemical sta- third. For example, if we measure the heat of the
bility of CO + NO 2 (at the left side of Figure reaction, AH, and also measure the rate of the
8-6). The difference in energy, the heat of this reaction between CO and NO 2 in order to deter-
reaction, is just equal to that of the reverse mine A//^, then we can calculate AHl by equa-
reaction but is opposite in sign. This reaction tion (18). From AHl we learn something about
absorbs 54 kcal of heat per mole of carbon the rate of reaction of CO + NO.

monoxide produced. It is endothermic.

Figure 8-6 contains one other very interesting
8-2.3 Action of Catalysts
piece of information concerning the rate of the
reverse reaction, (77). This reaction rate is con- Many reactions proceed quite slowly when the
trolled by the energy barrier confronting the reactants are mixed alone but can be made to
colliding molecules of CO 2 and NO. We see from take place much more rapidly by the introduc-
the diagram that the activation energy for this tion of other substances. These latter substances,
reaction is higher than that for the reaction we called catalysts, are not used up in the reaction.
studied earlier. Further, it is higher by exactly The process of increasing the rate of a reaction
the heat of reaction. We conclude that the reac- through the use of a catalyst is referred to as
tion between CO 2 and NO will be slower, at any catalysis. You have seen at least one example of
given temperature, than the reverse reaction be- catalytie action, the effect of Mn+‘^( aq) in speed-
tween CO and NO 2 if the rates are compared
ing up the reaction between C20^ ^(aq) and
at the same partial pressures. MnO^ (aq).

Fig. 8-7. An alternate, easier route through the moun- ing travel between Los Angeles and San Fran-
tains between Los Angeles and San Fran-
cisco. Many people who would like to take this
trip cannot because their automobile isn’t up to
this much of a climb. For this reason, an alter-

The action of a catalyst can be explained in nate route was improved. The coast route, shown
terms of our mountain pass analogy. In Figure in Figure 8-7 is somewhat longer but it is easier
8-5 we see a formidable mountain pass obstruct- because the highest pass, Gaviota Pass, is only
SEC. 8-2 I

Fig. 8-8. Effect of a catalyst on a reaction and its occur without the catalyst. The catalyst itself must be
reverse. regenerated in a subsequent step. (An added substance
which is permanently used by reaction is a reactant, not
a catalyst.) An example is provided by the catalytic action
900 feet above sea level. Some travelers still use of acid on the decomposition of formic acid, HCOOH.
Tejon Pass but, in addition, the trip can be made A model of formic acid is shown in Figure 8-9. The
The net result is that
via the easier Gaviota Pass. carbon atom has attached to it a hydrogen atom, an
oxygen atom, and an OH group.
more people per day are able to make the trip
Figure 8-10 shows how this molecule might decompose.
from Los Angeles to San Francisco. Of course, If the hydrogen atom attached to carbon migrates over
the lower pass serves to increase the rate of re- to the OH group, the carbon-oxygen bond can break to
turn travel as well. give a molecule of water and a molecule of carbon mon-

Figure 8-8 shows the analogous situation for oxide. This migration, shown in the center drawing, re-
quires a large amount of energy. This means there is a
a chemical reaction. The solid curve shows the
high activation energy. Hence, the reaction occurs very
activation energy barrier which must be sur-
mounted for reaction to take place. When a HCOOH —^ H O + CO
2 (79)
catalyst is added, a new reaction path is provided
with a different activation energy barrier, as sug- Fig. 8-9. A model of formic acid.

gested by the dashed curve. This new reaction

path corresponds to a new reaction mechanism
that permits the reaction to occur via a different
activated complex. Hence, more particles can get
over the new, lower energy barrier and the rate
of the reaction is increased. Note that the activa-
tion energy for the reverse reaction is lowered ^odet
exactly the same amount as for the forward re-
action. This accounts for the experimental fact
that a catalyst for a reaction has an equal effect
on the reverse reaction; that is, both reactions
are speeded up by the same factor. If a catalyst
doubles the rate in one direction, it also doubles
the rate in the reverse direction.

8-2.4 Examples of Catalysts

In all cases of catalysis, the catalyst acts by inserting
intermediate steps in a reaction — steps thatwould not Space. Jd^odet

Tieac-tio-n. coordinaire, u-ncafatyzed decomposttion

Fig. 8-10. Potential energy diagram for the uncata-

lyzed decomposition of formic acid. The highest energy required in this new reaction path
is only 18 kcal, much lower than the activation energy
shown in Figure 8-10 for the uncatalyzed reaction. Hence
If sulfuric acid, added to an aqueous solution
H2SO4, is the rate of decomposition is much faster when acid is

of formic acid, carbon monoxide bubbles out rapidly. present.

This also occurs if phosphoric acid, H3PO4, is added in- Notice that catalytic action does not cause the reaction.
stead. The common factor is that both of these acids A catalyst speeds up a reaction that might take place in
release hydrogen ions, H+. Yet, careful analysis shows its absence but at a much lower rate.
that the concentration of hydrogen ion is constant during In some cases, the catalyst is a solid substance on whose
the rapid decomposition of formic acid. Evidently, hy- surface a reactant molecule can be held (adsorbed) in a
drogen ion acts as a catalyst in the decomposition of position favorable for reaction until a molecule of another
formic acid. reactant reaches the same point on the solid. Metals such
Chemists have a rather clear picture of how H+ cata- as iron, nickel, platinum and palladium seem to act in
lyzes reaction (79).The availability of H+ in the solution this way in reactions involving gases. There is evidence
makes a new reaction path available. The new reaction that in some cases of surface adsorption, bonds of re-
mechanism begins with the addition of a hydrogen ion to actant particles are weakened or actually broken, thus
formic acid, as shown in Figure 8-11. Thus, the catalyst aiding reaction with another reactant particle.
is consumed at first, forming a new species, (HCOOH 2 )+. A very large number of catalysts, called enzymes, are
In this species one of the carbon-oxygen bonds is weak- found in living tissues. Among the best known examples
ened. With only a small expenditure of energy, the next of these are the digestive enzymes, such as the ptyalin in
reaction shown in Figure 8-11 can occur, producing saliva and the pepsin in gastric juice. A common func-
(HCO)+ and HoO. Finally, (HCO)+ decomposes to pro- tion of these two enzymes is to hasten the breakdown of
duce carbon monoxide, CO, and H+. This last reaction large molecules, such as starch and protein, into simpler
of the sequence regenerates the catalyst, H+. molecules which can be utilized by body cells. In addition
Each of the steps in this new reaction mechanism is to the relatively small number of digestive enzymes, there
governed by the same principles that govern a simple re- are many other enzymes involved in biochemical proc-
action. Each reaction has an activation energy. The over- esses. Enzymes are considered again in Chapter 24.
all reaction has a potential energy diagram that is merely The specific methods by which catalysts work are not
a composite of the simple energy curves of the succeeding clearly understood in most cases. Finding a catalyst suit-
steps. able for a given reaction usually requires a long period

Keacirioti. coordinaire., cairatyzad. decomjposiirion.

of laboratory experimentation. Yet, we can look forward 8-11. Potential energy diagram of the catalyzed
to the time when a catalyst can be tailor-made to fit a decomposition of formic acid.
particular need. This exciting prospect accounts for the
great activity on this chemical frontier.


1. The rate of movement of an automobile can be 3. Describe two homogeneous and two heteroge-
expressed in the units miles per hour. In what neous systems that are not described in the text.
units would you discuss the rate of
4. Explain why there is danger of explosion where
(a) movement of movie film through a pro- a large amount of dry, powdered, combustible
jector; material is produced.
(b) rotation of a motor shaft
(c) gain of altitude;
5. Explain (at the molecular level) why an increase
(d) consumption of milk by a family; in concentration of a reactant may cause an in-
crease in rate of reaction.
(e) production of automobiles by an auto as-
sembly plant. 6. Consider two gases A and 5 in a container at
room temperature. What effect will the following
2. Pick the member of each pair having the greater changes have on the rate of the reaction between
reaction rate. Assume similar conditions within these gases?
each pair.
(a) The pressure is doubled.
(a) Iron rusting or copper tarnishing. (b) The number of molecules of gas A is

(b) Wax burning or paper burning. doubled.

(c) Evaporation of gasoline or evaporation of (c) The temperature is decreased at constant
water. volume.

7. In an important industrial process for producing 13. An increase in temperature of 10°C rarely dou-
ammonia (the Haber Process) the overall re- bles the kinetic energy of particles and hence the
action is number of collisions is not doubled. Yet, this

N2(gj + 3U2(g) —^ 2NH3r^; + 24,000 calories

temperature increase
the rate of a slow reaction.
may be enough to double
How can this be
A yield of approximately 98 % can be obtained explained ?
at 200°C and 1000 atmospheres of pressure. The
14. In a collision of particles, what is the primary
process makes use of a catalyst which is usually
factor that determines whether a reaction will
finely divided, mixed iron oxides containing
occur ?
small amounts of potassium oxide, K2O, and
aluminum oxide, AI2O3. \|5. In Figure 8-6, why is kinetic energy decreasing as
NO2 and CO go up the left side of the barrier
(a) Is this reaction exothermic or endothermic? and why is kinetic energy increasing as CO2 and
(b) Suggest a reason for the fact that this reac-
NO go down the right side? Explain in terms of
tion is generally carried out at a temperature
conservation of energy and also in terms of what
of 500°C and 350 atmospheres in spite of the
is occurring to the various particles in relation
fact that the yield under these circumstances to each other.
is only about 30 %.
(c) What is the AH for the reaction in kilo- 16. Phosphorus, P4, exposed to air burns spontane-
calories per mole of NH3(gj? ously to give P4O10; the AH of this reaction is

(d) How many grams of hydrogen must react to — 712 kcal/mole P4.

form 1.60 moles of ammonia?

(a) Draw an energy diagram for the net reaction,
explaining the critical parts of the curve.
8. Give several ways by which the rate of combus-
tion in a candle flame might be increased. State
(b) How much heat is produced when 12.4

why the rate would be increased.

grams of phosphorus burn?

17. Considering that so little energy is required to

9. State three methods by which the pressure of a
convert graphite to diamond (recall Problem 8,
gaseous system can be increased.
Chapter 7), how do you account for the great

10. Do you expect the reaction difficulty found in the industrial process for ac-

complishing this?
C^Wg) + 302 (g) 2C02(g) -b 2H20r^j
18. Why does a burning match light a candle?
to represent the mechanism by which ethylene,
C2H4, burns? Why? 19. Draw an energy diagram for the reaction

11. A group of students is preparing a ten-page

c(s) -f 02(g) —^ co 2 rg;

directory.The pages have been printed and are (a) when the C is in large chunks of coal.
stacked in ten piles, page by page. The pages (b) Is the curve changed if very fine carbon
must be: (1) assembled in order, (2) straightened, powder is used?
and (3) stapled in sets. If three students work
'20. Sketch a potential energy diagram which might
together, each performing a different operation,
represent an endothermic reaction. (Label parts
which might be the rate-controlling step? What
of curve representing activated complex, activa-
would be the effect on the overall rate if the first
tion energy, net energy absorbed.)
step were changed by ten helpers joining the
individual assembling the sheets? What if these 21. Why is it difficult to “hardboil” an egg at the
ten helpers joined the student working on the top of Pike’s Peak? Is it also difficult to cook
second step ? The third step ? scrambled eggs there ? Explain.

12. Describe the life and death of an ordinary, empty Give two factors that would increase the rate
water glass. Utilize the concept “threshold en- of a reaction and explain why these do increase
ergy.” the rate.

Henry Eyring one of the most active and honored chem~


ists of our His advancement of the theory of reaction

rates benefits practically every field of chemistry and chemi-
cal technology. His 300 published papers and five books
range through chemistry, physics, metallurgy, and biology.
Henry was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, on a cattle
ranch. The Eyring family was forced to abandon this home
eleven years later under threat by the revolutionist Salazar.
With other displaced American colonists, the family moved
to Texas, then to Arizona. By distinguishing himself in
high school, Henry Eyring earned a scholarship to the
University of Arizona. Years later, this university gave
him their Distinguished Alumnus Award, proud that he had
earned a B.S. in mining engineering and an M.S. in
After graduation he was highly successful hut not satis-
fied as an engineer in a flotation mill. He turned to the
University of California where he received the Ph.D. in
physical chemistry and where he felt the inspiration of the
great G. N. Lewis. Two years of teaching at the University
of Wisconsin, a year of study in Germany, and a year as
lecturer at the University of California won him a faculty
position at Princeton University. In 1946 he went to the
University of Utah as Chairman of the Chemistry Depart-
ment and Dean of the Graduate School, carrying with him
world recognition in chemistry.
Henry Eyring' s research has been original and frequently
unorthodox. He was one of the first chemists to apply
quantum mechanics in chemistry. He unleashed a revolu-
tion in the treatment of reaction rates by use of detailed
thermodynamic reasoning. Having formulated the idea of
the activated complex, Eyring proceeded to find a myriad
of fruitful applications — to viscous flow of liquids, to dif-

fusion in liquids, to conductance, to adsorption, to catalysis.

Anyone who hears Eyring speak on chemistry leaves
convinced that clarifying chemical behavior is exhilarating
fun. Eyring' s enjoyment of science is as obvious as is the
importance of his fundamental contributions. There remains
the noteworthy facet of this great scientist that he is deeply
religious and gives generously of his time and energy to his
church. He shows deep concern about the political, social,

and ethical implications of science and is always ready to

discuss them. Thus it can be said that, in the broadest
sense, Henry Eyring acts as a catalyst of men's minds.

Equilibrium in
Chemical Reactions

• •• by '' ' equilibrium, we mean a state in which the properties of

a system, as experimentally measured, would suffer no further observ-
able change even after the lapse of an indefinite period of time. It is not
intimated that the individual particles are unchanging.
G. N. LEWIS and m. randall, 1923

In Chapter 8 we discussed the rate of the reaction (7). Which wins out?
between CO and NO 2, By direct observation of the reddish-brown
color of NO 2 we can see the progress of reaction
cof^; + co,(g) + u)
(7). The NO 2 is consumed at first, but after a
Then, later in that chapter, we turned to the time the color stops changing. When ehanges
question of the rate of the reaction that is the no longer occur in a reacting chemical system,
reverse of (7), we say the system has reached a state of equi-
librium. The equilibrium situation raises many
COdg) + NO(g) CO(g) + (2)
interesting questions. How do we recognize equi-
Indeed! Can’t this reaction make up its mind? librium? What are the molecules doing at the
If we mix CO(g) and N02fgJ, reaction (7) be- state of equilibrium? What factors change the
gins. But as soon as it does, C02(g) and NOfgj state of equilibrium? What is the composition of
are formed. As these products accumulate, re- the gas mixture at equilibrium? In this chapter
action (2) becomes possible, undoing reaction we shall seek answers to these questions.


We have encountered equilibrium before — in our we considered the liquid-gas equilibrium that
consideration of phase changes. In Section 5-1.2 fixes the vapor pressure of a liquid, and in Sec-
SEC. 9-1 I

Solid Ijegfi-yis Soiid stilt dissolving, Jib more changes

•to dissolve color deepening e<jfuilihrium e-jcista

Fig. 9-1. Iodine dissolving in an alcohol-water mix- heating to form carbon dioxide gas, CO and
tnre. Equilibrium is recognized by constant
calcium oxide (lime), CaOif
color of the solution.

CaC 03 (.sj CaOfsj -f CO,(g} (3)


tion 5-2.4 we considered the solid-liquid equilib- Figure 9-2 shows the result of heating solid
rium that fixes the solubility of a solid in a liquid. CaCOs, initially under a vacuum, to 800°C (part
I With this as background, let us consider the first A). Decomposition begins according to reaction
question about equilibrium: How do we recog- (3) and the gas pressure rises (part B). The pres-
nize it? sure continues to rise until it reaches 190 mm
(part C). Thereafter,no further change is evident.
Since we can detect no more evidence of change,
9-1.1 Recognizing Equilibrium
we say that the system is at equilibrium. Equi-

Figure 9-1 shows the addition of solid iodine to librium is characterized by constancy of macro-
a mixture of water and alcohol. At first the scopic properties.
liquid is colorless but very quickly a reddish Though a system at equilibrium is constant in
color appears near the solid. Stirring the liquid properties, constancy is not the only require-

causes swirls of the reddish color to move out ment. Consider a laboratory burner flame. There
solid iodine is dissolving to become part of the is a well-defined structure to the flame — an inner
liquid.Changes are evident: the liquid takes on cone surrounded by a luminous region whose
an increasing color and the pieces of solid iodine appearance does not change. A temperature
diminish in size as time passes. Finally, however, measurement made at a particular place in the
; the color stops changing (see Figure 9-1). Solid flame shows that the temperature at that spot
is still present but the pieces of iodine no longer is constant. At another place in the flame the
diminish in size. Since we can detect no more temperature might be different but, again, it

evidence of change, we say that the system is at would be constant, not changing with time. A
equilibrium. Equilibrium is characterized by con- measurement of the gas flow rate shows a con-
stancy of macroscopic properties.* stant movement of gas into the flame. Yet a
Calcium carbonate, CaCO^, decomposes upon laboratory burner flame is not at equilibrium be-

* Remember that the word macroscopic was defined in 1 Reaction (3) is used for the manufacture of millions
Chapter 7. It means a large —
amount of material enough of tons of lime every year in the United States, for use,
to see and weigh. principally, in plaster.

CaCO^ (S) Vacuum Ca CO^ (S) -h CaO Csj

JPressUra -f-iffinff. ipyessura ~190 mm.
Calcium. ox.ide artd JJomoye cTaatiges,
carhou. dioxide j^orntin.^. Uquitihrium exists.

Fig. 9-2. The thermal decomposition of calcium car- 9-1.2 The Dynamic Nature of Equilibrium
bonate, CaCOaC^) ^
CaO(.s) + C02(g).
The constancy of properties at equilibrium refers
to macroscopic measurements. Now we will con-
cause chemical change is occurring. Methane, sider what the equilibrium is like on the molec-
CH4, and oxygen, O2, are continuously fed into ular level, as chemists picture it.

the flame and carbon dioxide, CO2, and water,

H2O, are continuously leaving. Substances are SOLUBILITY
entering and leaving at all times. Such a system Figure 9 - 1 C shows a system at equilibrium.
is an open system. Furthermore, the tem-
called Solid iodine has dissolved in an alcohol-water
perature is not uniform throughout the system. mixture until the solution is saturated. Then no

Equilibrium can exist only in a closed system more solid dissolves and the color of the solution
a system containing a constant amount of matter remains constant.
with all of this matter at the same temperature. Among the molecules, however, business is

The laboratory burner flame is called a steady going on as usual. Iodine dissolves by the detach-
state to indicate that some of its properties are ment of surface layer molecules from the iodine
constant but equilibrium does not exist. crystals. The rate at which this process occurs is
Now we can give a complete statement about fixed by the stability of the crystal (tending to
recognizing equilibrium: equilibrium is rec- hold the molecules in the surface layer) and the
ognized by the constancy of macroscopic temperature (the thermal agitation tending to
properties in a closed system at a uniform dislodge the molecules from their lattice posi-
temperature. tions). As the dissolving continues, the concen-
tration of iodine molecules in the solution in-
Occasionally a molecule moving about in the
Which of the following systems constitute steady
solution encounters the surface of an iodine
and which are at equilibrium?
state situations,
crystal and lodges there. This addition to the
For each, a constant property is indicated. crystal is called precipitation, or crystallization,

(a) An open pan of water is boiling on a stove. and it occurs more and more often as the con-

The temperature of the water is constant. centration of iodine in solution rises.

(b) A balloon contains air and a few drops of Here we have two opposing processes. At a
water. The pressure in the balloon is con- given temperature, molecules leave the surface
stant. of the crystal at a constant rate, tending to in-
'(c) An ant-hill follows its daily life. The popula- crease the concentration in solution. On the

tion of the ant-hill is constant. other hand, dissolved molecules are continually
striking the surface and precipitating, tending to
SEC. 9-1 I

decrease the concentration of molecules in solu-

tion. When enough material has dissolved so that
the rate of return of molecules to the surface of
the solid is just equal to the rate at which they
are leaving the surface, no more net change will
occur. Even though molecules are continually
dissolving and others are precipitating, as long
as these two processes are in balance, the amount
of iodine dissolved per unit volume of solution
Unsaturafed Saturated Supersaturated
will be constant. This macroscopic property, the vapor
vapor vapor,
solubility, is now constant: the system is in solu- :equiubrium
bility equilibrium. But chemists interpret this
Fig. 9-3. Exchange of molecules between liquid and
constancy as a balance between two oppos- gas (A) when the partial pressure is below
ing processes which continue at equilibrium. the vapor pressure; (B) at equilibrium; (C)
At equilibrium, microscopic processes con- when the partial pressure is above the vapor
tinue but in a balance that yields no macro-
scopic changes.

VAPOR PRESSURE Figure 9-3 shows this schematically. If the

partial pressure of the vapor is less than the
Consideration of the dissolving of iodine in an
equilibrium value (as in Figure 9-3 A), the rate of
alcohol-water mixture on the molecular level
evaporation exceeds the rate of condensation
reveals the dynamic nature of the equilibrium
until the partial pressure of the vapor equals the
state. The same type of argument is applicable
equilibrium vapor pressure. If we inject an excess
to vapor pressure.
of vapor into the bottle (as in Figure 9-3C), con-
We have already noted that if we place liquid
densation will proceed faster than evaporation
water in a flask at 20°C and seal the flask, some
until the excess of vapor has condensed. The
water molecules leave the liquid and enter the
equilibrium vapor pressure corresponds to that
gas phase. The partial pressure rises as more and
concentration of water vapor at which condensa-
more water molecules become part of the gas.
tion and evaporation occur at exactly the same
Finally, however, the pressure stops rising and
rate (as in Figure 9-3 B). At equilibrium, micro-
the partial pressure of water becomes constant.
scopic processes continue but in a balance that
This partial pressure is the vapor pressure and
yields no macroscopic changes.
equilibrium now exists.

Yet, it is reasonable to suppose that water CHEMICAL REACTIONS

molecules from the liquid are still evaporating,
Let US examine a chemical reaction to see if these
even at equilibrium. Molecules in the liquid have
same conditions apply. Suppose we fill two iden-
no way of “knowing” that the partial pressure
tical bulbs to equal pressures of nitrogen dioxide.
of the vapor is equal to the vapor pressure. In
Now immerse the first bulb (bulb A) in an ice
the gas phase, the randomly moving molecules
bath and the second bulb (bulb B) in boiling
continue to strike the surface of the liquid and
water, as in Figure 9-4. The gas in bulb A at
condense. Equilibrium corresponds to a perfect
0°C is almost colorless; the gas in bulb B at
balance between this continuing evaporation and
100°C is reddish-brown. The predominant mo-
condensation. Then no net changes can be de-
must be different
lecular species in the cold bulb
from that in the hot bulb. A variety of experi-
* When the partial pressure of the water equals the
ments shows that the cold bulb contains mostly
vapor pressure, the gas above the liquid is said to be
saturated. The word “saturated” has the same meaning
N2 O4 molecules. These same experiments show
as it did relative to solubility: the gas phase contains as that the hot bulb contains mostly NO 2 molecules.
much water vapor as it can hold at equilibrium. The N2O4 molecules absorb no visible light, so

pale. Finally, as the two bulbs approach the same

temperature, the colors stop changing. A close
examination shows that the two colors are now
the same!
By direct visual observation we can watch the
contents of these two bulbs approach the con-
stancy of macroscopic properties (in this case,
color) that indicates equilibrium. In bulb A equi-
librium was approached by the dissociation of
NO2 4 reaction (4); in bulb B it was approached

by the opposite reaction, reaction (5). Here it is

Fig. 9-4. Nitrogen dioxide gas at different tempera-
tures.Bulb A: At 0°C: N^Oi (almost color- clear why the color of each bulb stopped chang-
less).Bulb B: At 100° C: NO. (reddish- ing at the particular hue characteristic of the
brown). equilibrium state at 25°C. The reaction between
NO 2 and NO 2 4 can proceed in both directions:

the cold gas is almost colorless. The NO 2 mole- N204rgj 2N02rg) (4)
cules do absorb some visible light, so the hot gas N,0,(g) 2N02rg) (5)

is reddish-brown. Since NO molecules can dissociate in bulb A,

2 4
Now let us transfer these two bulbs to a bath they must also be able to dissociate in bulb B.
at room temperature, as shown in Figure 9-5.
Surely an NO 2 molecule doesn’t act differently
Immediately the color begins to intensify in bulb in bulb A (at 25°C) than it does in bulb B (at
A. The color shows that a chemical change has The same
25°C). sort of statements must apply
occurred, forming NO 2 molecules from NO
2 4 ;
to the combination of two NO2 molecules. If the
In bulb A N 204 rg; —^ 2 N 02 rgJ (4) reaction occurs in bulb B, thenit must also occur

in bulb A. The net change we see (by observing

At the same time, the color in bulb B begins to
the changing NO2 color) represents, then, the
pale, showing that a chemical change has oc-
curred in this bulb as well, forming N 2 O 4 mole-
dijference in the rate of production of NO 2 by
cules from NO 2 :
reaction {4) and the rate of loss of NO
by reac- 2

tion (5). Changes will cease when these two rates

In bulb 5 2 N 02 rg; 204 rgj (5) are exactly equal. If we approach equilibrium
In each bulb the colors continue to change, bulb from a lower temperature (which favors N2O4),
A becoming darker and bulb B becoming more then reaction (4) predominates at first. But as
more and more 2 is produced, NO
reaction (5)

Fig. 9-5. Nitrogen dioxide gas at room temperature.

becomes faster and faster. When reaction (5) be-
Bulb A and bulb B after transfer to water comes just as fast as reaction (4), then equilib-
bath at 25° C. rium has been reached: macroscopic properties
no longer change even though both reactions still
proceed in a state of balance. At this time we
replace the single arrow in reaction (4) by a
double arrow (:<=^) or an equals sign ( = ) to
show that equilibrium prevails:*
N,0,(g) ^ r 2 N 02 fgj (6)

N204rg) - 2NO,(g) (6)

* These alternative notations, and = are used »

by chemists interchangeably in equations for chemical

reactions. Both notations will be seen.
SEC. 9-1 I

In bulb B we approached equilibrium from a obtain 1 mole of hydrogen and ^ mole of oxygen.
higher temperature (which favors NO 2 ); then re- It has been determined that in a closed vessel
action (5) predominated at first. Using the same at 2273°K and a total pressure equal to one
sort of argument we applied to bulb A, we see atmosphere at the time equilibrium is attained,
that as time progresses, reaction (4) becomes 0.6% of the water has dissociated. If we started
more and more rapid (as N 2 O 4 is produced) and with one mole of water, 0.6% = 0.6 X =
reaction (5) becomes slower (as NO 2 is used up). 0.006 mole would decompose. There would be
Finally, when the rates become equal, equilib- left 1 —
= 0.994 mole of undecomposed
rium is reached and the equilibrium expression water. Therewould be formed 0.006 mole of H 2
(6) is applicable in bulb B. and 0.003 mole of oxygen. We can summarize
For chemical reactions, just as for phase this as follows:

changes, af equilibrium, microscopic processes n^Oig) nfg) 4- ^OfgJ

continue but in a balance which gives no macro- Initial moles 1 0 0
scopic changes. Moles present
at equilibrium 0.994 0.006 0.003

9-1.3 The State of Equilibrium In other words, if we start with water, not much
of it has decomposed when the equilibrium state
It ismost important to note that in our descrip-
is attained at 2273°K.
we have not implied
tion of the equilibrium state
that at equilibrium the number of moles of N 2 O 4
Nowwhat about approaching the equilibrium
state by starting with hydrogen and oxygen? Let
remaining is the same as the number of moles of
us start with 1 mole of hydrogen and i mole of
NO 2 produced. Equation ( 6 ) gives us no informa-
oxygen and allow the reaction to attain equilib-
tion concerning the fraction of the nitrogen di-
rium at 2273°K and a total pressure equal to one
oxide present as NO 2 at equilibrium. This is
atmosphere. At equilibrium we find present 0.994
by heating the water surrounding
easily verified
mole of water, 0.006 mole of H 2 and 0.003 mole
bulbs A and B about 10°. The colors of the gases ,

of O 2 This can be summarized as follows:

in both bulbs change to a new equilibrium color
(one corresponding to the presence of more
NO 2 ). Yet the same expression is applicable: Initial moles
+ ^02{g)
^ H20(gJ

N204fg) ^ l^Ofg) (6) Moles present

at equilibrium 0.006 0.003 0.994
What does equation ( 6 ) tell us, then? First, it

tells us that equilibrium prevails (the =4 =^ sign

If we start with hydrogen and oxygen, equilib-
rium is attained after most of the hydrogen and
tells us that). Next, it tells us that there are two
oxygen have united to form water. More im-
types of molecules present, NO2 4 molecules and
portant, though, the partial pressures at equilib-
NO 2 molecules. Finally, it tells us that during the
rium are the same as those obtained beginning
approach to equilibrium, two molecules of NO 2
are produced (or consumed) for every one mole-
with pure H 2 O. The equilibrium pressures are
cule of NO fixed by the temperature, the composition, and
2 4 dissociated (or formed). It does not
the total pressure; theydo not depend upon the
tell us whether at equilibrium there will be much
direction from which equilibrium is approached.
or little NO 2 compared with the amount of N2O4.
To emphasize The balanced equation does not indicate the
this point, let us consider an-
concentrations (or partial pressures) at equilib-
other familiar reaction,
U^Oig) nfg) -h lOfg) (7)

Until we are given the necessary information we

9-1.4 Altering the State of Equilibrium
have no idea how complete the decomposition of
water is at equilibrium. All we know is that for We have seen that, qualitatively, the state of
every mole of water which decomposes we will equilibrium for a system is characterized by the

relativeamounts of products and reactants pres- a soluble salt such as ferric nitrate, Fe(N03)3j or
ent. With reference to the decomposition of more thiocyanate ion (by adding, say, sodium
water, any change in conditions which would thiocyanate) changes the concentration of one of
cause more than 0.6 % of the water to dissociate the reactants in (5). Immediately the color of
at equilibrium would be said to change the state the solution darkens, showing that there is an
of equilibrium for the reaction, increase in the amount of the colored ion,
FeSCN+2. The equilibrium concentrations are af-
H, 0 (g) n,(g) + h02(g) (7)
fected if the concentrations of reactants {or prod-
in favor of the formation of more hydrogen and ucts) are altered.

What conditions might alter the equilibrium
state? Concentration and temperature! These We have already considered an example of the
are factors that affect the rate of reaction. Equi-
change of equilibrium concentrations as the tem-
peratureis altered. The relative amounts of NO2
librium is attained when the rates of opposing
reactions become equal. Any condition that and N2O4 are readily and obviously affected by
changes the rate of one of the reactions involved a temperature change. The equilibrium concen-

may affect the conditions at

trations are affected if the temperature is altered.
in the equilibrium
equilibrium. CATALYSTS
CONCENTRATION Catalysts increase the rate of reactions. It is

found experimentally that addition of a catalyst

Consider the reaction you encountered in the
a system at equilibrium does not alter the
laboratory —that between ferric ion (Fe+®) and
equilibrium state. Hence it must be true that any
thiocyanate ion (SCN“):
catalyst has the same effect on the rates of the
Fe+YaqJ + SCN-( aq) ^ FeSCN+YaqJ (8) forward and reverse reactions.
that the effect of a catalyst
on reaction
will recall
rates can
Again we have visual evidence of concentration
be discussed in terms of lowering the activation
at equilibrium since the intensity of the color is
energy. This lowering is effective in increasing
fixedby the concentration of the FeSCN+2 ion.
the rate in both directions, forward and reverse.
The addition of either more ferric ion [by adding
Thus, a catalyst produces no net change in the
equilibrium concentrations even though the sys-
Fig. 9-6. Equilibrium conditions are affected by the tem may reach equilibrium much more rapidly
reactant concentrations. than it did without the catalyst.

S-1.5 Attainment of Equilibrium

The equilibrium state is not always attained in

chemical reactions. Consider reaction (7):

H,0(g; ^ Hfg) + io,(g)

AH = +57.8 kcal (7)

A large amount of heat is absorbed in this reac-

tion, 57.8 kcal/mole of water decomposed. If the

temperature is lowered, the state of equilibrium
is even more favorable to the production of
water at room temperature than it is at 2273°K.
Yet a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen can re-
main at room temperature for a long period
without apparent reaction. Equilibrium is not
SEC. 9-1 I

attained in this system because the rate of the SCN-(aq), the color of the complex ion in-
reaction between hydrogen and oxygen at room creases :

temperature is too low. This explanation is easily

Fe+Haq) + SCN-(aqj FeSCN+Yaq) (5)
by speeding up the reaction slightly. If a
mixture of H 2 and O 2 is disturbed with a small A new state of equilibrium is then attained in

spark, reaction begins and it enthusiastically (and which more FeSCN +2 is present than was there
explosively) continues until most of the gases before the addition of SCN”. Increasing the con-
have been converted to water. centration of SCN“ has increased the concentra-
This distinction between the conditions in a tion of the FeSCN+2 ion. This is in accord with
chemical system at equilibrium and the rate at Le Chatelier’s Principle. The change imposed
which these conditions are attained is very im- on was an increase in the concentra-
the system
portant in chemistry. By arguments that we shall tion of SCN". This change can be counteracted
consider a chemist can decide with confidence in part by some Fe+^ and SCN“ ions reacting to

whether equilibrium favors reactants or products form more FeSCN+2 The same argument applies

or neither. He cannot predict, however, how to an addition of ferric ion from a soluble ferric

rapidly the system will approach the equilibrium salt. In each case, the formation of FeSCN +2 uses
conditions. That is a matter of reaction rates, up a portion of the added reactant, partially
and the chemist must perform separate experi- counteracting the change.
ments to learn whether a given rate is rapid or
9-1.6 Predicting New Equilibrium Instead of altering the concentration of one in-
Concentrations; Le Chatelier’s Principle dividual component in an equilibrium system,
We are not satisfied with the conclusion that this we can alter the concentration of all gaseous
change or that change affects the equilibrium components by changing the pressure at which
concentrations. We would also like to predict the system is confined. Let us start with the sys-

the direction of the effect (does it favor products tem represented by equation (7) and double the
or reactants?) and the magnitude of the effect total pressure. The system now occupies a much
(how much does it favor products or reactants?). smaller volume than it did previously. The total

The first desire, to knov/ the qualitative effects, number of moles present per unit volume is
is answered by a generalization first proposed by greater than it was under the original equilibrium

a French chemist, Henry Louis Le Chatelier, and conditions. This change can be counteracted in

now called Le part if some hydrogen and oxygen combine to

Chatelier’s Principle.
Le Chatelier sought regularities among a large form gaseous water. Then the total number of
amount of experimental data concerning equi- moles present is reduced (U moles unite to form
libria. To summarize the regularities he found, 1 mole). Hence, we can predict that increasing

he made this generalization: If an equilibrium the concentration of all components by increas-

system is subjected to a change, processes ing the pressure will shift the state of equilibrium

occur that tend to counteract partially the in favor of the formation of gaseous water. This

imposed change. This generalization has been is in accord with experiment.

found to be applicable to such a large number A change in total pressure does not always
of systems that it is now called a principle. Let shift equilibrium. The first reaction mentioned

us see how it applies to our examples. in this chapter exemplifies this:


If we increase the pressure on a mixture of these
If added to an equi-
a soluble thiocyanate salt is four gases at equilibrium, the gases are com-
librium solution containing both Fe+Yagj pressed to a smaller volume. Once again the con-

centrations are all increased. What does Le temperature, the equilibrium is changed to form
Chatelier’s Principle tell us here? If the equilib- more NO 2 . The formation of NO 2 absorbs a por-
rium state is altered to favor products, some CO tion of the heat that caused the temperature rise.

and NO 2 molecules react to form an exactly Raising the temperature of liquid water raises
equal number of molecules of CO 2 and NO. its vapor pressure. This is in accord with Le
Since there is no change in the total number of Chatelier’s Principle since heat is absorbed as the
moles, the proposed change in the equilibrium which
liquid vaporizes. This absorption of heat,
does not partially reduce the pressure change. accompanies the change to the new equilibrium
Le Chatelier’s Principle tells us that processes conditions, partially counteracts the temperature
occur so as to “counteract partially the imposed rise which caused the change.
change.” Here neither a change favoring the
reactants nor a change favoring products will
9-1.7 Application of Equilibrium Principles:
“counteract” the imposed pressure change.
The Haber Process
Hence, Le Chatelier’s Principle leads us to expect
no change of the equilibrium state for reaction Knowledge of chemical principles pays rewards

(9) when the pressure is altered. Experimentally in technological progress. Control of chemical
we find that no change is observed. The equilib- reactions is the key. The large scale commercial
rium state is not affected by a pressure change production of nitrogen compounds provides a
for any equilibrium gas mixture where the num- practical example of the beneficial application of
ber of reactant molecules is the same as the Le Chatelier’s Principle.
number of product molecules in the balanced The most difficult step in the process for the
reaction. conversion of the inert nitrogen of the atmos-
phere into important commercial compounds
such as fertilizers and explosives involves the
Does Le Chatelier’s Principle predict a change of N,(g) + 3H,(g) 2NH3rg; + 22 kcal (Wa)
equilibrium concentrations for the following re-
actions if the gas mixture
does the change favor reactants or products?
is compressed? If so,
N2rg; + 3H2(g) ^ 2NH3rg)
AH = -22 kcal (Wb)
(a) N,0,(g) 2NO,(g)
Can we predict the optimum conditions for a
(b) H,(g) + h(g) 2m(g) high yield of NH3? Should the system be allowed
(c) N,(g) + 3H,(g) 2NUs(g)
to attain equilibrium at a low or a high tempera-
ture? Application of Le Chatelier’s Principle sug-
gests that the lower the temperature the more
TEMPERATURE AND LE CHATELIER’S the equilibrium state will favor the production
PRINCIPLE of NH3. Should we use a low or a high pressure?

Let us add to reaction (4) the information that The production of NH3 represents a decrease
N in total moles present from 4 to 2. Again Le
the decomposition of 2 O 4 is endothermic:

N 204 rg; ^ 2N02fg; = + 14.1 kcal (4)

Chatelier’s Principle suggests use of pressure to
increase concentration. But what about prac-
Our experimental observations indicated that ticality? At low temperatures reaction rates are
warming a bulb containing NO 2 and N2 O 4 caused slow. Therefore a compromise is necessary. Low
a shift of the equilibrium state in favor of the temperature is required for a desirable equilib-
formation of NO 2 (the reddish-brown color rium and high temperature is necessary for
deepened). It is easy to see that this is in accord a satisfactory rate. The compromise used in-
with Le Chatelier’s Principle. A rise in tempera- dustrially involves an intermediate temperature
ture is caused by an input of heat. At the higher around 500°C and even then the success of the
SEC. 9-2 I

process depends upon the presence of a suitable The unreacted N 2 and H 2 are then recycled until
catalyst to achieve a reasonable reaction rate. the total percent conversion to ammonia is very
With regard to pressure, another compromise high.
is needed. It is expensive to build high pressure Prior to World War I the principal sources of
equipment. A pressure of about 350 atmospheres nitrogen compounds were some nitrate deposits
is actually used. Under these conditions, 350 in Chile. Fritz Haber, a German chemist, suc-
atmospheres and 500°C, only about 30% of the cessfully developed the process we have just
reactants are converted to NH3. The NH3 is re- described, thus allowing chemists to use the
moved from the mixture by liquefying it under almost unlimited supply of nitrogen in the at-

conditions at which N 2 and H 2 remain as gases. mosphere as a source of nitrogen compounds.


Le Chatelier’s Principle permits the chemist to ues. Many experiments just like these show that
make qualitative predictions about the equilib- the ratio
[FeSCN+^l P
rium state. Despite the usefulness of such predic-
( 11 )
tions, they represent far less than we wish to [Fe+ 3 ][SCN-] <
know. It is a help to know that raising the pres-
comes closest to being a fixed value. Note that
sure will favor production of NH3 in reaction
this ratio is the quotient of the equilibrium con-
{lOd). But how much will the pressure change
centration of the single substance produced in
favor NH3 production? Will the yield change by
the reaction divided by the product of the equi-
a factor of ten or by one-tenth of a percent? To
librium concentrations of the reactants.
control a reaction, we need quantitative informa-
Colorimetric analysis based on visual estima-
tion about equilibrium. Experiments show that
tion is not very exact. Some more accurate data
quantitative predictions are possible and they
on the H 2 I 2 HI system at equilibrium are
, ,
can be explained in terms of our view of equilib-
shown in Table 9-1. The reaction is
rium on the molecular level.

2Hir^j ^ Wg) + h(g) (12)

9-2.1 The Equilibrium Constant The data have been expressed in concentrations,
although pressure units are more usual for a
By means of colorimetric determination in the reaction involving gases.
laboratory you measured the concentration of
FeSCN+^ which we shall designate [FeSCN+^J,*
in solutions containing ferric and thiocyanate EXERCISE 9-3

ions, Fe+3 and SCN~. The reaction is

For the last two experiments in Table 9-1, num-
bers 4 and 5, why is [H 2 ] = [I 2 ] ? For experiment
Fe+Yaqj + SCN-(aq) FeSCN+Yaqj (8 )
1 , what were the initial concentrations of H 2 and
I 2 before the reaction occurred to form HI?
From [FeSCN+2] and the initial values of [Fe+^]
and [SCN~] you calculated the values of [Fe+®]
and [SCN“] at equilibrium. You then made cal-
culations for various combinations of these val- work with these data. Heartened by your
from your own laboratory data, let us
compute the value of the ratio
* Hereafter, we shall regularly use the square brackets
notation, ], to indicate concentration. Thus, we read rH2i[i2i
( 13 )

[Fe+^] as “ferric ion concentration.” [HI]


Table 9-1. equilibrium concentration at 698.6°K of hydrogen,

EXPT. [H 2 ] [I 2 ] [HI]
NO. (moles/liter) (moles/liter) (moles/liter)

1 1.8313 X 10-3 3.1292 X 10-3 17.671 X 10-3

2 2.9070 X 10-3 1.7069 X 10-3 16.482 X 10-3

3 4.5647 X 10-3 0.7378 X 10-3 13.544 X 10-3

4 0.4789 X 10-3 0.4789 X 10-3 3.531 X 10-3

5 1.1409 X 10-3 1.1409 X 10-3 8.410 X 10-3

* Values above the line were obtained by heating hydrogen and iodine
together; values below the line, by heating pure hydrogen iodide.

We obtain the numbers in Table 9-II. In view of the concentration of the reacting substance,
the precision of the data from which these ratios [HI]^ In this ratio, the power to which we raise

are derived, the ratios are far from constant. the concentration of each substance is equal to
Now let us try the ratio its coefficient in reaction (72).

9-2.2 The Law of Chemical Equilibrium
These calculations are summarized in Table
Let us summarize what we have learned. For the
The results are most encouraging and imply
that with a fair degree of accuracy we can write Fe+Yaq; + SCN-(aq) FeSCN+Haq) (8)

fH2l[l2l we found that the concentrations of the mole-

= a constant
[HI]^ cules involved have a simple relationship.

= 1.835 X 10-2 at 698.6°K (75) [FeSCN+2]

= a constant (16)
Look at this ratio in terms of reaction (72):

2Hl(g) ^ H,(g) + h(g) (12)

Then we considered
the reaction
precise equilibrium data for

The ratio (75) is the product of the equilibrium

concentrations of the substances produced in the
H2r^) + h(g) (12)

reaction, [H 2 ] X [I 2 ], divided by the square of

Table 9-II Table 9-III



EXPT. [H2][l2] EXPT. [H2][l2]

NO. [HI] NO. [HI]2

1 32.429 X 10-3 1 1.8351 X 10-2

X 10-2
2 30.105 X 10-3 2 1.8265

3 24.866 X 10-3 3 1.8359 X 10-2

X 10-2
4 6.495 X 10-3 4 1.8390
X 10-2
5 15.477 X 10-3 5 1.8403

Average 1.835 X IO
SEC. 9-2 I

The concentrations of the molecules appearing In this generalized equation, {18), we see that
in reaction (72) were found to have a simple again the numerator is the product of the equi-
relationship, librium concentrations of the substances formed,
each raised to the power equal to the number of
^ constant (74) moles of that substance in the chemical equation.
The denominator is again the product of the
In each of our simple relationships, {16) and (74), equilibrium concentrations of the reacting sub-
the concentrations of the products appear in the stances, each raised to a power equal to the
numerator. In each relationship the concentra- number of moles of the substance in the chemi-
tions of reactants appear in the denominator. In cal equation. The quotient of these two remains

reaction (72), two molecules of hydrogen iodide constant. The constant K is called the equilib-
react. This influences expression (74) because it rh^c onstan t. This generalization is one of the
is necessary to square the concentration of hy- most useful in all of chemistry. From the equa-
drogen iodide, [HI], in order to obtain a con- tion for any chemical reaction one can imme-

stant ratio. diately write an expression, in terms of the con-

These observations and many others like them centrations of reactants and products, that will
lead to the generalization known as the Law of be constant at any given temperature. If this
Chemical Equilibrium. For a reaction constant is measured (by measuring all of the
concentrations in a particular equilibrium solu-
aA ^ bB eE fF {17)
tion), then it can be used in calculations for any
when equilibrium exists, there will be a simple other equilibrium solution at that same tempera-
relation between the concentrations of products, ture.

[E] and [E’J, and the concentrations of reactants, In Table 9-1 V are listed some reactions along

[A] and [B]: with the equilibrium law relation of concentra-

tions and the numerical values of the equilibrium
= 7^ = a constant at (75) constants. First, let’s verify the forms of the
^ constant temperature equilibrium law relation among the concentra-

Table 9-IV. some equilibrium constants


Cufsj + 2Ag+f«qj Cu+Y«q7 + 2Ag(s)

2 X 1015 at 25°C

Ag+far/j + 2NH37aqJ Ag(NH3)2+('aqj ‘1

1.7 X 10^ at 25°C

[N 02 ]^
N^O^g) z^ 2 N 02 f^j
[N 2 O 4 ]
0.87 at 55°C

2H\(g) ^ i^2(g) + U(g) j.

[H 2 ][l 2 ]
0.018 at 423°C

HSOi- (aq) z^ U+(aq) + SOr^(aq)
0.013 at 25°C

CHsCOOHraq; H+faqJ + CHsCOO^faqj 1

1.8 X 10-5 at 25°C


AgClfsJ :i=±: Ag+(aq) + C\-(aq) j
= [Ag+][C1-] 1.7 X 10-1“ at 25°C
HO 2 H'^(aq)+ OH~(aq) /C=[H+][OH-] 10-1' at 25°C Ag+(aq) + l-(aq) /C=[Ag+][I-] 10-15 at 25°C


tions. The very first has an unexpected form. For that consume or produce water. It is justified

the reaction, because the jyariation in the concentration of

water during reaction is so slight in dilute aque-
Cu(s) + 2Ag^(aq) = Cu+Yaq; + 2Agrs; (19)
ous solutions. We can treat [H 2 O] as a concen-
you do not find tration that does not vary. Hence, it can be in-

corporated in the equilibrium constant.

rcu+^irAg? ^ ( 20 )

but rather, you find EXERCISE 9-5

[Cu^ = K Water has a density of one gram per milliliter.

( 21 )
Calculate the concentration of water (expressed
This is because the concentrations of solid cop- in moles per liter) in pure water. Now calculate
per and solid silver are incorporated into the the concentration of water in 0.10 M aqueous
equilibrium constant. The concentration of solid solution of acetic acid, CH3COOH, assuming
copper is fixed by the ^.gijsity of the metal — it each molecule of CH3COOH occupies the same
cannot be altered either by the chemist or by the volume as one molecule of H2O.
progress of the reaction. The same is true of the
concentration of solid silver. Since neither of
these concentrations varies, no matter how much In summary, the concentrations of solids and
solid is added, there is no need to write them the concentrations of solvent (usually water) can
each time an equilibrium calculation is made. be and usually are incorporated in the equilib-
Equation (21) will suffice. rium constant, so they do not appear in the
equilibrium law relation.
Now look at the numerical values of the equi-
librium constants. The AT’s listed range from 10+^®
If we assign the equilibrium constant K' to ex- to 10“^®, so we see there is a wide variation. We
pression (20) and K to expression (21), want to acquire a sense of the relation between
the size of the equilibrium constant and the state
^ [Cu+^lfAg? ^ [C^

[Ag+]^[Cu] [Ag+]^
of equilibrium. A large value of K must mean
that at equilibrium there are much larger con-
show that centrations present of products than of reactants.
K= K' Remember that the numerator of our equilib-
rium expression contains the concentrations of
the products of the reaction. The value of
2 X IQi® for the K for reaction (79) certainly
Another K of unexpected form applies to the
indicates that if a reaction is initiated by placing
metallic copper in a solution containing Ag+
HO 2 U+(aq) + OU-(aq) ( 22 ) (for example, in silver nitrate solution), when
equilibrium is finally reached, the concentration
For this reaction we might have written
of Cu+2 ion, [Cu+2], is very much greater than
[H+irOH-l ^ the square of the silver ion concentration, [Ag+]^
[H 20 ]
A small value of K for a given reaction implies
Instead, Table 9-IV lists expression (24) as that verylittle of the products have to be formed

[H+][OH-] = K from the reactants before equilibrium is attained.

The value of AT = 10~^® for the reaction
The concentration of water, [H 2 O], does not
appear in the denominator of expression (24).
Agl( s) Ag+( aq) + 1~( aq) (25)

This is usually done in treating aqueous reactions indicates that very little solid Agl can dissolve
SEC. 9-2 I

before equilibrium is attained. Silver iodide has molecular view of equilibrium as a dynamic balance

extremely low solubility. Conversely, if 0.1 M between opposing reactions.

solutions of KI and AgNOs are mixed, the values

of [Ag+] and and the equilibrium
[I~] are large
9-2.4 The Factors Which Determine
state cannot be reached [Ag+] and [I~] until the
have been greatly reduced by the precipitation
of Agl. We have learned mueh about equilibrium. It is

eharacterized by eonstancy of maeroscopie prop-

9-2.3 The Law of Chemical Equilibrium Derived erties but with moleeular processes continuing

from Rates ofOpposing Reactions in a state of dynamic balance. At equilibrium we

can conclude that every reaction that takes place
Chemists picture equilibrium as a dynamic balance be-
does so at the same reaction rate as its reverse
tween opposing reactions. An understanding of the Law
of Chemical Equilibrium can be built upon this basis. reaction.
Consider the oxidation of nitric oxide, NO, to nitrogen We have gone further and discovered that the
dioxide, NO equilibrium conditions imply a constant relation-


2Norg; -1- 2N02r^; ( 26) ship among the concentrations of reactants and
The reaction to the right, (R), proceeds with a rate that products. This relationship is called the Law of
is found experimentally to depend upon the concentra- Chemical Equilibrium. Using this law, we can
tions of the reactants as follows: express the conditions at equilibrium in terms of
(rate)ij = A:;j[N0]2[02] (27) a number K, called the equilibrium constant.
The reverse reaction to the left, (L), has been studied as Despite this detailed familiarity with equilib-
well. The rate of this reaction rium, there is one facet we have not considered

2NOrg; -b 0,fg) 2N02(g) (28) at all. What determines the equilibrium con-
depends upon the concentrations as follows:
stant? Why does one reaction favor reactants
and another reaction favor products? What fac-
(rate)L = kLlNO-^f (29)
tors cause sodium chloride to have a large solu-
Expressions (27) and (29) show how the rates of reaction
bility in water and silver chloride to have a low
(26) and its reverse, reaction (25), depend upon the con-
centrations. Now we can apply our microscopic view of
solubility? Why does equilibrium favor the re-

the equilibrium state. Chemical changes will cease (on action of oxygen with iron to form Fe 203 (rust)
the macroscopic scale) when the rate of reaction (26) is but not the reaction of oxygen with gold? As
exactly equal to that of reaction (25). When this is so, scientists, we cannot resist wondering what fac-
we can equate expressions (27) and (29):
tors determine the conditions at equilibrium.
(rate)fl = (rate)L (30) This is the activity of science we called “Won-
A:ij[N0]2[02] = A:l[N02]2 (J7)
dering why” (Section 1-1.3) —we are searching
for explanation. An explanation is a likeness
By algebraic rearrangement, equation (31) can be written
which connects the system under study with a
^^ [N02]^
model system which is well understood. We
kL [N0]2[02]
might begin by considering Figure 9-7. Here we
Since both ku and kt are constants at a given temperature,
see a golf bag thrown into the rear of a station
their ratio is constant. Hence (52) is the equilibrium law
expression for the equilibrium wagon. Unfortunately, the ball pocket is open

and the equilibrium constant
-b 02 (g) ^ 2N02rg; (33)
and all of the golf balls have spilled out onto the
floor of the station wagon. Because the floor has
a step in it, the golf balls on the upper level pos-
(33) sess some potential energy (energy of position).
The golf balls tend to roll to the lower level
Thus we see that the experimental rate laws for this
spontaneously, as shown in Figure 9-8. As a golf
reaction and its reverse lead to the equilibrium law. In
every reaction that has been sufficiently studied, this same ball does this, its potential energy becomes ki-

result is obtained. We are led to have confidence in the netic energy (energy of motion). Finally, this

kinetic energy is dissipated into heat. Now the

(1) There are two states of each system:
golf balls lie at rest at the lower floor level.
This situation has some similarities to the
Initial State Final State
chemical change in a spontaneous, exothermic
reaction. The reactants of high heat content re- Golf balls: on upper level — on lower level

act spontaneously to form products of lower Reaction: reactants — >- products

heat content. As each molecular reaction occurs,

the excess heat contentbecomes kinetic energy.
The product molecules separate from each other Fig. 9-8. Comparison of a chemical reaction to golf

with high kinetic energy. As they collide with balls rolling downhill.

- - — gV-7 (5=3

\ Zoyv
••••••• •o<f
SEC. 9-2 I

(2) The potential energy of the initial state is a liquid. Water evaporates spontaneously
higher than the potential energy of the final but it absorbs heat as it does so. It is not
state: “rolling downhill” energetically. When am-
monium chloride dissolves in water, the solu-
Initial State Final State
tion becomes cooler. Again heat is absorbed
Golf balls: high potential — low potential — yet the ammonium chloride goes ahead
energy energy and dissolves.
Reaction: high heat — low heat (2) Another difficulty is that spontaneous chemi-
content content
cal reactions do not go to completion. Even
if a spontaneous reaction is exothermic, it
(3) As from initial state to final state
the change
proceeds only till it reaches equilibrium. But
proceeds, the form of the energy changes:
in our golf ball analogy, “equilibrium” is

reached when all of the golf balls are on the

Initial State Final State
lower level. Our analogy would lead us to
Golf balls: potential — 5^ kinetic energy, expect that an exothermic reaction would
energy and then heat
Reaction: heat content — >- molecular kinetic
proceed until all of the reactants are con-
verted to products, not to a dynamic equi-
energy, and
then heat librium.

(4) The changes from initial to final state pro- Because of these failures, we need to alter our
ceed spontaneously toward lowest potential proposed explanation. We must seek a new anal-
energy, the direction corresponding to “roll- ogy that gives a better correspondence with the
ing downhill’’: behavior of chemical reactions. How should we
alter our golf ball analogy to bring it into better
Initial State — Final State accord with experimental facts? Here is a pos-
sible view.
Golf balls: spontaneous
Reaction: spontaneous
Consider how the golf ball situation shown in
Figure 9-8 will change when the station wagon
Having established these similarities, we might is driven over a bumpy road. Now the golf balls

offer a possible generalization: are shaken and around

jostled about; they roll
and collide with each other. Every now and then
Since: golf balls always roll downhill spon- one of the golf balls even accumulates enough
taneously energy (through collisions) to return to the upper
Perhaps: reactions always proceed spontane- level of the station wagon floor. Of course, any
ously in the direction toward minimum golf ball that is bounced up tends to roll back
energy. down to the lower level a little later. As this
bumpy ride continues, a state is reached in which
This proposal leads us to expect that a reaction
golf balls are being jostled up to the higher level
will tend to proceed spontaneously if the prod-
at the same rate they are rolling back down to
ucts have lower energy than the reactants. This
the lower level. Then “equilibrium” exists. Some
expectation is in accord with experience with
of the golf balls are on the lower level and some
many reactions, especially for those which re-
on the upper level. Since the rate of rolling up
lease a large amount of heat.
equals the rate of rolling down, a dynamic bal-
There are two basic and serious difficulties
ance exists.
with our proposed explanation. (Remember
This analogy solves the problems of the sim-
“Cylindrical objects burn”?)
pler “golf balls roll downhill” picture. The
(1) Some endothermic reactions proceed spon- bumpy road model contains a new feature that
taneously. One example is the evaporation of gives a basis for expecting “reaction” in the

ii i il
1 ill



\ Low

Fig. 9-9. Golf balls rolling on the floor of a station On the other hand, the molecular changes will
wagon driving on a bumpy road.
finally reach a dynamic equilibrium when the
random jostlings or energy transfers at the tem-
perature of the system are restoring molecules to
endothermic direction. Some golf balls roll uphill
the molecular forms of higher energy at the same
if they are shaken hard enough. The tendency to
rate as they are “rolling downhill” to the lower
roll back down will always keep them coming
energy forms.
back to the lower level and, finally, equilibrium
Now we have an analogy that does aid us in
will be reached when the rate of rolling down
understanding chemical reactions and equilib-
equals the rate of jostling up.
rium. We can see the following features of chem-
What happens if the road becomes smoother?
ical reactions:
The “jostling up” reaction is less favored —the
equilibrium conditions change in favor of the (1) Chemical reactions proceed spontaneously
golf balls at the lower level. to approach the equilibrium state,
Now turn to the chemical reaction. What fea- (2) One factor that fixes the equilibrium state is

ture in a reacting chemical system corresponds the energy. Equilibrium tends to favor the
to the jostling of the bumpy road in our analogy? state of the lowest energy.
It is the temperature. At any temperature except (3) The other factor that fixes the equilibrium
absolute zero there is a constant random jostling state is the randomness implied by the tem-

of the molecules. Some molecules have low ki- perature. Equilibrium tends to favor the
netic energies, some have high kinetic energies state of greatest randomness.
we looked at the distribution of the energies in (4) The equilibrium state is a compromise
Chapter 8 (see Figure 8-4, page 131). Some of the between these two factors, minimum en-
molecules will occasionally accumulate enough ergy and maximum randomness. At very
energy to “roll uphill” to less stable molecular low temperatures, energy tends to be the
forms. On the one hand, molecular changes will more important factor. Then equilibrium
take place in the direction of minimum energy. favors the molecular substances with the
SEC. 9-2 I

lowest heat content. At very high tempera- able to it much larger than it had in the crowded
tures, randomness becomes more important. liquid. This “available space” factor, accom-
Then equilibrium favors a random distribu- panied by the random jostlings of temperature to
tion among reactants and products without overcome the potential energy difference, aids
regard for energy differences. vaporization.
Now let us review what happens as we warm
Our analogy can be stretched one point fur- a solid substance from a very low temperature
ther. We might ask whether the relative area of to a very high temperature. As the temperature
the upper floor level compared with that of the is raised, small energy differences become unim-
lower floor level has any bearing on the distribu- portant. Thus, if the temperature of the solid is

tion of golf balls. After all, if the upper level area raised too much, the lower energy of the regular
is small, as in Figure 9-7, few golf balls are likely solid becomes unimportant compared with the
to remain there. Contrast Figure 9-10, in which random thermal energies. The solid melts, sur-
the golf bag has been removed. Now the upper rendering this energy stability in return for the
floor level has much more area. Golf balls which randomness of the liquid state. If the tempera-
reach the upper level will now have a great deal ture is raised still further, the energies of attrac-
of space. They can roll around longer before tion among the molecules become unimportant
returning to the lower level. The effect of extend- compared with the random thermal energies.
ing the upper level will be to increase the fraction Then the liquid vaporizes, surrendering the lower
of the golf balls that occupy the upper level at potential energy afforded by the molecules re-
“equilibrium.” maining close together in favor of the still higher
This extension of the analogy increases its randomness of the gaseous state. If we raise the

value in considering chemical reactions. The temperature still further, the energies that hold
simplest example is probably the vaporization of molecules together begin to become unimportant
a liquid. It is true that the molecules have lower compared with random thermal energies. Fi-
energy when they cluster together tightly in the nally, at extremely high energies, molecules no
liquid state. On the other hand, the gaseous state longer exist — all is chaos. This is the chemical
provides a broad upper level. Every molecule situation within the Sun. Since at such high en-
which vaporizes has an amount of space avail- ergies chemical reactions become unimportant,
all chemists on the Sun are out of work. We’d
better return to room temperature to apply our
knowledge of equilibrium to chemical systems
Fig. 9-10. Golf balls rolling on the floor of a station within our interest.
wagon. The effect of extending the upper


1. Which of the following are equilibrium situa- (b) A large salt shaker containing one kilogram
and which are steady state situations ?
tions of salt is gradually emptied into one liter of
water. The same amount of solid dissolves
(a) A playing basketball team and the bench of as in (a).
The number of players “in the
game” and the number “on the bench” are 7. The following chemical equation represents the
constant. reaction between hydrogen and chlorine to form
(b) The liquid mercury and mercury vapor in a hydrogen chloride:

thermometer. Temperature
Grand Coulee dam and
is constant.
the lake behind
constant, though a river flows
H^ig) + CUg) ^ 2nC\(g) -f- 44.0 kcal

Water level is
(a) List four important pieces of information
into the lake. conveyed by this equation.
(d) A well-fed lion in a cage. The lion’s weight (b) What are three important areas of interest
is constant. concerning this reaction for which no infor-

Answer, (a) and (b) are equilibrium situations.

mation is indicated ?

2. Which of the following are equilibrium situa- 8. How does a catalyst affect the equilibrium con-
ditions of a chemical system ?
and which are steady state situations ?

(a) A block of wood floating on water. 9. In any discussion of chemical equilibrium why
(b) During the noon hour, the water fountain are concentrations always expressed in moles,
constantly has a line of ten persons. rather than in grams, per unit volume?
(c) When a capillary tube is dipped in water,
water rises in the capillary (because of sur- 10. If the phase change represented by
face tension) to a height h and remains con- Heat + H20(1) HzOig)
stant there.
(d) The capillary system of (c) considered over has reached equilibrium in a closed system
such a long period that evaporation of water
out the end of the capillary cannot be neg- (a) What will be the effect of a reduction of vol-
lected. ume, thus increasing the pressure ?
(e) At a particular point in the reaction chamber (b) What will be the effect of an increase in tem-

of a jet engine, the gas composition (fuel, perature?

air, and products) is constant. (c) What will be the, effect of injecting some
steam into the closed system, thus raising
3. What, specifically, is “equal” in a chemical re- the pressure?
action that has attained a state of equilibrium?
1 1 . Methanol (methyl alcohol) is made according to

4. One drop of water may or may not establish a the following net equation
state of vapor pressure equilibrium when placed
in a closed bottle. Explain.
CO(g) + 2R2(g) ^ CH,OH(g) + heat

Predict the effect on equilibrium concentrations

5. Why are chemical equilibria referred to as
of an increase in (a) Temperature, (b) Pressure.

“dynamic” ?
Answer, (a) Decreases CH3OH.
6. What do the following experiments (done at (b) Increases CH3OH.
25°C) show about the state of equilibrium ?
12. Consider the reaction


partly dissolves.
added a few milliliters
of water is

a time, to a kilogram of salt which only 4Hcirg; + 02^^; ^

2H20(g) + 2C\2(g) + 27 kcal

What effect would the following changes have on Nitric oxide, NO, releases 13.5 kcal/mole when
the equilibrium concentration of CI 2 ? Give your it reacts with oxygen to give nitrogen dioxide.
reasons for each answer. Write the equation for this reaction and predict
the effect of (i) raising the temperature, and of
(a) Increasing the temperature of the reaction
(ii) increasing the concentration of NO (at a
fixed temperature) on
(b) Decreasing the total pressure.
(c) Increasing the concentration of O 2. (a) the equilibrium concentrations;
(d) Increasing the volume of the reaction cham- (b) the numerical value of the equilibrium con-
ber. stant;
(e) Adding a catalyst. (c) the speed of formation of NO 2.

13. Write the equation for the dissociation of 111(g)

17, Given:



HI dissociate to a greater or a lesser

S02rgj -f lO,(g) ^ SO^(g) + 23 kcal

extent as the temperature is increased? (a) For this reaction discuss the conditions that

A// = —6.2 kcal/mole HI(gj. favor a high equilibrium concentration of

(b) How many grams of iodine will result if at SO3.
equilibrium 0.050 mole of HI has disso- (b) How many grams of oxygen gas are needed
ciated? to form 1.00 gram of SO 3 ?

14. Consider two separate closed systems, each at Answer. 0.200 gram of O 2.

18. Given:

HI and from which it is formed,
the elements
H 2 S and the elements from which it is
CaCOafs) ^ CaOrs) + CO^ig)
(closed system)

What would happen in each if the total pressure At a fixed temperature, what effect would adding
were increased ? Assume conditions are such that more CaCOs have on the concentration of CO 2

all reactants and products are gases. in the region above the solid phase? Explain,

15. Each of the following systems has come to equi- Given

^ 19 .

librium.What would be the effect on the equilib-

rium concentration (increase, decrease, no
change) of each substance in the system when
Hsfg) + h(g) ^ 2m(g) (closed system)

the listed reagent is added? At 450°C, K= 50.0 for the above reaction.
What is the equilibrium constant of the reverse
ADDED reaction at 450°C?
20. Write the expression indicating the equilibrium
(a) CH ^H,(g) + C,H4g)
6 r^) Wg) .ji-

law relations for the following reactions.
(b) Cu+Haq) + 4NHs(g)
Cu(NH3)4+Vaq) CuSOi(s) (a) N rgj -f SWg)
2 2 NH 3 rg)

(c) Ag‘^(aq,) + Cl“(aq) :?=A: (b) CO(g) + N02(g) :i=±: C02rg) + NO(g)
AgClfs) AgC\(s) (c) Zn(s) -f 2Ag'^(ag) :<=±: Zn'^^aq) + 2Ag(s)
(d) PbS 04 rs) -f H+faq) (d) Pbl 2 (s) :<=±: Fh+~(aq) + 2 I-(aq)
Fh+Haq) + HS 04“raq) Pb(N03)2
(e) CN-(aq) + UG(l)
(e) CO(g) + ^02(g) ^+
C 02 (g) heat heat
HCN(aqj + OH-raq)

21. Equilibrium constants are given for several sys-

Answer, (a) CH 2 6 (increase), H 2 (increase), tems below. In which case does the reaction as
CH 2 4 (decrease). written occur to the greatest extent ?


H^(aq) + CH,COO-(aq) 1.8 X IQ-^ NO. CO H2O CO2 H 2

(b) CdSfsj :?=»: 1 0.352 0.352 0.648 0.148

Cd+Yag; + S-^(aq) 7.1 X 10-^8
2 0.266 0.266 0.234 0.234
(C) H+faqJ + HS-raqj =f=±: 3 0.186 0.686 0.314 0.314
H2Sraq; 1 X 10^
(a) Write the equilibrium constant expression.
22. In the reaction (b) Verify that the expression in (a) is a con-
stant, using the data given.
2Hirg; Wg) + h(g)

at 448°C the partial pressures of the gas at

25. Select from each of the following pairs the more
equilibrium are as follows:
random system.

[HI] - 4 X 10-3 atm; (a) A brand new deck of cards arranged accord-
= and number.
ing to suit
[Ho] 7.5 X 10-3 atm;
= (a') The same deck of cards after shuffling.
[I 2 ] 4.3 X 10-3 atm.
(b) A box full of sugar cubes.
What is the equilibrium constant for this re-
(b') Sugar cubes thrown on the floor.
action ?
(c) A hay stack.
23. Reactants A and B are mixed, each at a concen- (c') Stacked fire wood.
tration of 0.80 mole/liter. They react slowly, pro-
C+ 26. For each of the following reactions, state: (i)
ducing C and D: A B D. When
equilibrium is reached, the concentration of C whether tendency toward minimum energy fa-

vors reactants or products, (ii) whether tendency

is measured and found to be 0.60 mole/liter.
Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant.
toward maximum randomness favors reactants
or products.
Answer. K= 9.0.
H20(s) AH = -1.4 kcal
(a) H20rij
The water gas reaction (b) H^OiD U20(g) A/7 = +10 kcal

co,(g) + H,(g) ^ cofg; + (c) CaCO;(s) + 43 kcal CaOfs; + C02(g)

(d) Ffsj + 1.6 kcal I2 (in alcohol)
was carried out
at 900°C with the following
(e) 4Fersj + 302^^) ^ 2 Fe 203 rs; + 400 kcal


• • •
solubility depends fundamentally upon the ease with which

• • •
two molecular species are able to mix, and if the two species dis-
play a certain hostility toward mixing, • •
• saturation [w] attained at
smaller concentration • •


The principles of equilibrium have wide applica- uid, then the solubility of a gas in a liquid. The
bility and great utility. For example, they aid us usefulness of equilibrium principles is even
in understanding and controlling the solubility greater in treating the solubilities of ionic solids
of solids and gases in liquids. We shall consider, in water. Much of this chapter will be devoted to
first, the solubility of a molecular solid in a liq- aqueous solutions of ionic solids.


The starting point in any quantitative equilib- tion system of solid iodine dissolving in liquid
rium calculation is the Equilibrium Law. For a ethyl alcohol.
generalized reaction,

z^eE + fF+--- 10-1.1 The Solubility of Iodine

aA + bB-\ (7)
in Ethyl Alcohol
equilibrium exists when the concentrations sat-
isfy the relation As a solid dissolves in a liquid, atoms or mole-
cules leave the solid and become part of the
= \EV\FV • • •

Ti: a constant = (2) liquid. These atoms or molecules may carry no

charge (then they are electrically neutral) or they
First, we shall apply expression (2) to the solu- may be ions. The iodine-alcohol system is of the
CHAP. 10

former kind. As iodine dissolves, neutral mole- crystal than in the solution. The potential energy
cules of iodine, h, leave the regular crystal lattice must rise as a molecule leaves the crystal and the
and these molecules become part of the liquid principles that govern rates of reaction are op-

phase.At equilibrium, excess solid must remain erative. Presumably there is an activated complex
and a fixed concentration of iodine is present in for the process. The rate at which molecules leave
solution. This fixed concentration is called the a square centimeter of surface, passing over the
solubility. energy barrier, is determined by the height of the

For this system at equilibrium, the reaction is barrier and by the temperature. We can call this
rate kd. Changing the temperature does not affect
l 2 (solid) == l 2 (alcohol solution) (i)
the activated complex, but the molecular energy
The Equilibrium Law applied to this reaction distribution is altered (see Figure 8-3, p. 131).
gives Hence, kd is a function of temperature. These
K= a constant = [concentration L in alcohol] two factors determine completely the rate of dis-

K= [L] (4) solving:

. / ratemolecules leave\
(rate of dissolving) = X a square centimeter
j I |
\of crystal surface /
= (A) X (kd)

(rate of dissolving) = A X kd (5)

10-1.2 The Dynamic Nature of Solubility
Equilibrium The rate of precipitation is the rate at which
molecules return to the surface and fit into the
The simple form of the equilibrium expression
crystal lattice. To do this, the molecules in solu-
(4) follows directlyfrom the dynamic nature of
tion must first strike the crystal surface. Again,
the solubility equilibrium. There must be a dy- more surface, the more frequently will dis-
namic balance between the rate that iodine mole-
solved molecules encounter a piece of crystal.
cules leave the crystal and the rate that iodine
The rate of precipitation is proportional to A.
molecules return to the crystal. To understand In addition, the rate that molecules strike the
this dynamic balance, we must consider the fac-
upon how many molecules there
surface depends
tors that determine these two rates. are per unit volume of solution. As the concen-
tration rises, more and more molecules strike
RATE OF DISSOLVING the surface per unit time. The rate of precipita-

One of the factors that influences the rate of dis- tion is proportional to the iodine concentration,
solving of solid is the area. A, of the crystal [I 2 ].

surface that contacts the liquid. If many crystals The last factor is, again, the rate that mole-

(with large A) are dissolving simulfhneously, the cules can pass over the energy barrier — the acti-

rate of dissolving is faster than if only a few vated complex for precipitation. Again there is

crystals (with small A) are in the solvent. The a rate constant, kp, that is determined by tem-
rate of dissolving is proportional to this liquid- perature and the height of the energy barrier to
solid surface area, A. precipitation.

A molecule of iodine is more stable in the We have, then, three factors that determine
the rate of precipitation:

(rate of precipitation) = / surface concentration ofWrate dissolved molecules pass\

\area /V dissolved L /\over activation energy barrier/

= (A) X [I 2 ] X (kp)

(rate of precipitation) = A X kp X [I ]
2 ( 6)
SEC. 10-1 I
solubility; a case of equilibrium 165

THE DYNAMIC NATURE wise, however, each is constant. We can write


At equilibrium, we can equate (5) and (6): where

(rate of dissolving) = (rate of precipitation)

A X kd = A X kpX [I 2 ] (7)
Thus, by expressing the dynamic balance be-
The area of contact, A, appears both on the left
tween the rates of dissolving and precipitation,
and on the right of expression (7). Hence, it
we obtain (4). The concentration of I2 at equi-
cancels out. Dividing both sides of (7) by kp, we librium is a constant, fixed by the temperature.
obtain This constant equals the solubility.
= [U] («)
10-1.3 The Factors That Fix Solubility
Since kd and kp each depend upon temperature,
of a Solid
their ratio depends upon temperature. Other-
All of the discussion we have just applied to the
dissolving of iodine in ethyl alcohol applies
Fig. 10-1. Solubility equilibrium is dynamic. equally well to the dissolving of iodine in carbon


(prllipitCion) =

At equitibrium.
/Kate of ) _ X Rate of
\dis5olvin^ J pre cipitatiovi
[p J
CHAP. 10

tetrachloride, CCI4. Iodine at room temperature domness. The tendency toward maximum ran-
dissolves in carbon tetrachloride at a certain rate domness tends to cause solids to dissolve.
that, at equilibrium, exactly equals the rate of
Again we reach the simple equi-
librium expression Experiment shows that heat is absorbed as iodine
dissolves. The packed iodine
regular, ideally
K. = '^
= W W an iodine molecule a lower potential
crystal gives
energy than does the random and loosely packed
Despite this qualitative similarity, the solu- solvent environment. We see that the second
bility of iodine in CCI 4 is very different from its
factor, tendency toward minimum energy, favors
solubility in alcohol. One liter of alcohol dis-
precipitation and growth of the crystal.
solves 0.84 mole of iodine, whereas one liter of
Now we see the opposing factors at equilib-
CCI4 dissolves only 0.12 mole:
rium. To increase randomness, solid tends to dis-
-fi^aicohoi = 0.84 mole/liter (9) solve. To lower energy, solid tends to precipitate.
Equilibrium is reached when the concentration
Kccu = 0.12 mole/liter (70)
is such that these two tendencies are equal.
Why are these constants so different? To see
How much the energy factor favors the crystal
why, we must turn to the two factors that control depends upon the change in heat content as a
every equilibrium, tendency toward minimum
mole of solid dissolves. This change is called the
energy and tendency toward maximum random- heat of solution. The heats of solution of iodine
in these two solvents have been measured; they
are as follows:
In either solvent, alcohol or carbon tetrachloride, h(s) + 1.6 kcal l 2 (in alcohol) (77)

the dissolving process destroys the regular crys- 12 ( 5 ) + 5.8 kcal ^(in CCI 4) (72)
tal lattice of iodine and forms the disordered
solution. The dissolving process increases ran- We see that there is a much greater energy rise
when a mole of I2 dissolves in CCI4 than when
a mole of I2 dissolves in alcohol. Thus the energy

Fig. 10-2. A large energy difference between solid factor (favoring the crystal) that opposes the
and solution lowers the solubility. randomness factor (favoring solution) is much

A targe energy ej[fect A smatt energy effecf

Ojpposing dissolving opposiny dissot vin^
SEC. 10-1 I

larger for CCI4 than for alcohol. The solubility the liquid, it comes close to the solvent molecules
of iodine in CCI4 is not as high as it is in alcohol. and they attract each other, lowering the poten-
This energy rise establishes, for this case, the tial energy. Again we find a contrast to the
“hostility” toward mixing referred to in the quo- behavior of solids. When a gas dissolves in a
tation at the beginning of the chapter. The larger liquid, heat is evolved. The tendency toward
the “hostility,” as measured by heat absorbed minimum energy favors the dissolving process.
on mixing, the lower will be the solubility. Thus we see that the equilibrium solubility of
a gas again involves a balance between random-
THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ness and energy as it does for a solid, but the

Raising the temperature always tends to favor effects For a gas, the tendency
are opposite.

the more random state. For these solvents, this

toward maximum randomness favors the gas
phase, opposing dissolving. The tendency toward
means that more solid will dissolve, since the
liquid solution is more random than the solid.
minimum energy favors the liquid state, hence
favors dissolving.
The solubility of iodine increases as temperature
is raised, both in alcohol and in carbon tetra-
As an example, consider the solubilities of the

two gases, oxygen, O 2, and nitrous oxide, N O, 2

in water. The heats of solution have been meas-

ured and are as follows:

Oiig) 02( aq) + 3.0 kcal/mole 2 (75)

The heat of solution of iodine in benzene is +4.2

N20(gj N20raq; + 4.8 kcal/mole NO 2 (74)
kcal/mole (heat is absorbed). Assuming the in-
crease in randomness is the same when iodine Assuming the randomness factor is about the
dissolves in liquid benzene as it is in ethyl alco- same, the gas with the larger heat effect (favoring
hol and in CCI4, justify the prediction that the dissolving) should have the higher solubility. The
solubility of I2 in benzene is higher than in CCI4 measured solubilities at one atmosphere pressure
but lower than in alcohol. and 20°C of oxygen and nitrous oxide in water
are, respectively, O 2 1.4 X 10^^ mole/liter and

N 2 O, 27 X 10“^ mole/liter, consistent with our

10-1.4 Solubility of a Gas in a Liquid

Gases, too, dissolve in liquids. Let us apply our THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE
understanding of equilibrium to this type of sys-
tem. Raising the temperature always tends to favor
the more random state. This means that less gas
THE EFFECT OF RANDOMNESS will dissolve, since the gas is more random than
the liquid. The solubility of a gas decreases as
The gaseous more random than the liquid
state is
temperature is raised.
state since the molecules move freely through a
much larger space as a gas. Hence randomness
decreases as a gas dissolves in a liquid. In this
case, unlike solids, the tendency toward maxi-
mum randomness favors the gas phase and op- From the heat of solution of chlorine in water,
poses the dissolving process. — 6.0 kcal/mole (heat evolved), how do you ex-
pect the solubility of chlorine at one atmosphere
THE EFFECT OF ENERGY pressure and 20°C to compare with that of oxy-

In a gas the molecules are far apart and they gen and of nitrous oxide, N O?

interact very weakly. As a gas molecule enters

CHAP. 10

Tendertcy to TevLcierLcy tro

tninimum. eyLergy ynaximum

’Raising T favors solut-ion.:

Sotuhitity rises as rises. T


jpavors dissolving Oyjposes dissolving^

Raising T favors gas!

Fig. 10-3. Maximum randomness versus minimum sotuhitity drops as T rises.
energy — solubility of solids and gases.


Expression { 4) is applicable to the solubility equi- leave the crystal and become a part of the liquid.
libria of some substances in water, but not of all. This is exactly the situation we described for
Contrast, for example, water solutions of sugar, iodine in alcohol, and expression { 4 ) is applicable
salt, and hydrochloric acid. Sugar forms a mo- to aqueous sugar solutions. But sodium chloride,
lecular solid and, as it dissolves in water, the NaCl, behaves quite differently. As salt dissolves,
sugar molecules remain intact. These molecules positively charged sodium ions and negatively
SEC. 10-2 I

charged chloride ions enter the solution and gives hydrogen ion, H+(a</j, hydrogen sulfate or
these ions behave quite independently: bisulfate ion, HS04“, and sulfate ion, 804“^:

NaC\(s) —^ Na+faqj + C\-(aq) (75) HC\(g) + water — +

H'^(aq) Cl~( aq) ( 16 )

Hydrochloric acid, HCl, is similar. This sub- H2SO4I) + water —^ H+foqj HS04“faqj ( 17 )

stance is a gas at normal conditions. At very low

temperatures it condenses to a molecular solid.
mO^ (aq) li+ (aq) + S04“"(aq) ( 18 )

When HCl dissolves in water, positively charged

However they are formed, and from whatever
hydrogen ions and negatively charged chloride source, aqueous ions are individual species with
ions are found in the solution. As with sodium
properties not possessed by the materials from
chloride, a conducting solution containing ions
which they came. Furthermore, the properties of
is formed: a particular kind of ion are independent of the
HC\(g) H^(aq) -b Cl-raqj ( 16 ) source. Chloride ions from sodium chloride,
NaClfsJ, have the same properties as chloride
Substances like NaClfsj and WC\(g) that dis-
ions in an aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid,
solve in water to form conducting solutions are
HCl. In a mixture of the two, all of the chloride
called electrolytes. The conduction involves
ions act alike; none “remembers” whether it
movement of the ions through the solution, posi-
entered the solution from an ionic NaCl lattice
moving in one direction and negative
tive ions
or from a gaseous HCl molecule.

ions in the other. This shows that the positive
Since the properties of an ionic solution (that

and negative ions behave independently. In view
is, a solution containing ions) differ in important
of this independence of the ions, solubility be-
ways from those of nonconducting solutions, it
havior in an electrolyte solution is more com-
is important to be able to predict which sub-
plicated than that given by expression ( 4). We
stances are likely to form ionic solutions in
shall find that equilibrium principles are corre-
water. The periodic table guides us.
spondingly more important.
we saw that the chemistry of
In Chapter 6
sodium can be understood in terms of the special
10-2.1 Types of Compounds That stability of the inert gas electron population of
Are Electrolytes neon. An away from a
electron can be pulled
sodium atom relatively easily to form a sodium
The ions in an electrolyte solution can arise in
ion, Na+. Chlorine, on the other hand, readily
two major ways. They may already be present
accepts an electron to form chloride ion, Cl~,
! in the pure compound, as in ionic solids. When
achieving the inert gas population of argon.
such a solid is placed in water, the ions separate
and move throughout the solution.* However,
When sodium and chlorine react, the product,
sodium chloride, is an ionic solid, made up of
some compounds that form ions in water are not
Na+ ions and Cl~ ions packed in a regular lat-

considered to contain ions when pure, whether in

tice. Sodium chloride dissolves in water to give
the solid, liquid, or gas phase. Hydrochloric acid,
Na+(aq) and Cl-(aq) ions. Sodium chloride is
HCl, and sulfuric acid, H2SO4, are good exam-
an electrolyte; it forms a conducting solution in
ples of the second type of compound. They form
molecular liquids (or solids, if cold enough). But
This example illustrates the guiding principles.
in water they form ions: HCl gives hydrogen
ion, H+fagj, and chloride ion, Cl“(agj; H2SO4

Sodium is a metal electrons can be pulled away
from sodium relatively easily to form positive

* Liquids that form conducting solutions are called

ions. Chlorine is a nonmetal — it tends to accept
ionizing solvents. A few Other compounds (ammonia, When a
electrons readily to form negative ions.
. NH3, sulfur dioxide, SO2, sulfuric acid, H2SO4, etc.) are
metallic element reacts with a nonmetallic ele-
“ionizing solvents” but water is by far the most impor-
tant. We will discuss water exclusively but the same ideas ment, the resulting compound usually forms a
apply to the other solvents in which ions form. conducting solution when dissolved in water.
CHAP. 10

\JPositive. ions -fhair form. sottchLe

H‘ compounds yvtirh, ALL anions He


Net Mg’ AV Si PO. cv Ar


K\ Car Sc Ti Cr y-5 Mn Fe-'
Co" Ni Ztir G-ct &e Hr' Kn

Nh Mo Sri SR
SP Zr Tc Ru Rh Pd Cd^ Te Xe
Cs-' Ba
Hf Ta VP Re Os Ir Pt Au Tl-^ PR BP Po At Rn

Fr RcC

The metals are found toward the left side of the Fig. 10-4. Almost all compounds of the alkalies, hy-
drogen ion, and ammonium ion are soluble
periodic table and the nonmetals are at the right
in water.
side.|^ compound containing elements from the
opposite sides of the periodic table can be expected
to form a conducting solution when dissolved in
a substance to be soluble if it dissolves to a
wateT^ oticQ from our examples that hydrogen concentration exceeding one-tenth of a mole per
reacts with nonmetals to form compounds that
M) at room temperature. Using this
liter (0.1
give conducting solutions in water. In this sense,
meaning of the word soluble, we can say that
hydrogen acts like a metallic element.
some cations (positive ions) form soluble com-
pounds with all anions (negative ions). These
cations are the hydrogen ion, H+(aqj, ammo-
nium ion, NH^, and the alkali ions, Li+, Na+,
Using the periodic table as a guide, predict which K+, Rb+, Cs+, Fr+. Figure 10-4 shows the place-
of the following compounds form ionic solutions ment of these ions in the periodic table.
in water: silicon carbide, SiC; magnesium bro- The same sort of remark can be made about
mide, MgBra; carbon tetrabromide, CBr4 ;
chro- two anions (negative ions). Almost all com-
mic chloride, CrCls. pounds involving nitrate ion, NOg" and acetate ,

ion, CHaCOQ-, are soluble in water.*

Other anions (negative ions) form compounds
of high solubility in water with some metal
10 - 2.2 A Qualitative View of Aqueous
cations (positive ions) and compounds of low
solubilities with others. Figure 10-5 indicates, for
Hereafter in this chapter we shall be concerned five anions, the metal ions that form compounds
exclusively with substances that form ionic solu- of low solubilities. Figure 10-5A refers to chlo-
tions in water. Since each substance is electrically rides, bromides, and iodides, Cl“, Br“, and I~;
neutral before it dissolves, it must form ions of Figure 10-5B refers to sulfates, SO^^; Figure
positive charge and, as well, ions of negative 10-5C refers to sulfides, Notice the difference
charge, ^ons with positive charges are called between Figure 10-4 and Figure 10-5. The cross-
cations. Ions with negative charges are called
anionsTjA conducting solution is electrically There are a few compounds of alkalies, nitrate, and

acetate that have low solubilities, but most of them are

neutral; it contains both anions and cations.
quite complex in composition. For example, sodium
First, let us consider substances with high solu- uranyl acetate, NaU02(CH3C00)3 has low solubility.
bility. As was stated on p. 73, chemists consider Silver acetate is an exception but its solubility is moderate.
SEC. 10-2 I

hatching in Figure 10-4 identifies metal ions that usual in solubility behavior and is seen again in
form soluble compounds. Figure 10-5 identifies Figures 10-5B and 10-6A. In these two figures,
i the ones with low solubility. the elements in the second column (the alkaline
Figure 10-6 continues this pictorial presenta- earths)show a trend in behavior. Thus, beryllium
A shows the posi-
tion of solubilities. Figure 10-6 and magnesium ions (Be+2 and Mg+2) form solu-
tive ions that form hydroxides of low solubility. ble sulfates. The others calcium, strontium, —
Figure 10-6B shows the positive ions that have barium, and radium ions (Ca^^, Sr+’^ Ba+^ and

low solubility when combined with phosphate —
Ra+2) form sulfates with low solubilities. Just
ion, POF^, carbonate ion, COg"^, and sulfite ion, the opposite behavior is seen in Figure 10-6A for
SOg-^ the compounds of these same elements with hy-
These figures furnish a handy summary of droxide ion, OH~. As for the elements in the
solubility behavior. We see from Figure 10-5A middle of the periodic table, we see that they
that few chlorides have low solubilities. The few form compounds of low solubilities with the
that do contain cations of metals clustered to- ions: sulfide, S-^, hydroxide, OH-, phosphate,
ward the right side of the periodic table (silver POF^, carbonate, COg"^, and sulfite, SOg”^.
ion, Ag+, cuprous ion, Cu+, mercurous ion, The information contained in Figures 10-4,
and lead ion, Pb+2) but they do not fall 10-5, and 10-6 is collected for reference in Table
in a single column. This irregularity is not un- lO-I.

Table 10-1. solubility of common compounds in water

^ . •

s +,


Alkali ions Soluble

Li+, Na+, K+, Rb+, Cs+ Fr+

All Hydrogen ion, H+(aq) Soluble

All Ammonium ion, NH4+ Soluble

Nitrate, NOs" All Soluble

Acetate, CH3COO All Soluble

Chloride, CFI Ag+, Pb+ 2 Hg2+2, Cu+

Low Solubility
Bromide, Br~ >

Iodide, 1“ J All others Soluble

Ba+2, Sr+2, Pb+2 Low Solubility

Sulfate, SOr^
All others Soluble

Alkali ions, n+(aq), NH4+, Bq+\ Soluble

Sulfide, S-2 Mg+2, Ca+2, Sr+2, Ba+2 Soluble
All others Low Solubility

Alkali ions, li+(aq), NH4+ Sr+\ Ba+2 Soluble

Hydroxide, OH“
All others Low Solubility

Phosphate, P04“® "j Alkali ions, H+(aq), NH4+ Soluble

Carbonate, COs"^ ,

Sulfite, SO3-2 J All others Low Solubility

CHAP. 10

that form
Pos’itiye ions
compounds of LOVv sotuhiti^y
Li-*- with Cl ZfBr', /" B CO'/ OH' F~ Ne
j 1 /no;

Net Ai^^ Si poy 5'V cr Ar

K-^ Ti V Mn^ Fe-^y\ Nt^ Zrt^\ Ga^ Ge As*y Se B-r Kr

/Pt^ /At^


Nb Mo

Ta W




Ft Au

% sFV Te





Positive ions irhair form He

compourLdg of LOV^T soluhility
yvith F~ Ne

Ncf cr Ar

Br~ Kr

r Xe

At~ Rn

Fig. 10-5. Positive ions forming compounds of low solubilities with various anions.
SEC. 10-2 I

thaf form. He

Li-*- B co;^ F~ Ne
<--2 /
No*- cr Ar

R-*- Br- Kr-

Kb-* Sr-*^ r Xe

Cs-* At~ Rn

Fr-* Rct^

compourLcls of LOIN solubility
Li-* B OH' F~ Ne

w i
m cr Ar

m / Se Br- Kr'


f '

At~ Rn

Fr-* Rct^

Fig. 10-6. More positive ions forming compounds of water.Silver carbonate; aluminum chloride;
low solubilities with various anions.
aluminum hydroxide; cuprous chloride (the
chloride of Cu+); cupric chloride (the chloride
of Cu+^); ammonium bromide.

Use Figures 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 to decide the

solubility of each of the compounds listed below.
Write “sol” if the compound is soluble and 10-2.3 The Equilibrium Law
“low” if it has low solubility.
Table lO-I and the schematic presentations of
Mg(N03)2, MgCb, MgS04, Mg(OH)2, MgCOa,
Figures 10-4, 10-5, and 10-6 are useful for a
Ca(N 03 ) 2 , CaCb, CaS 04 ,
Ca(OH) 2 ,
CaC 03 ,
quick and qualitative view of solubilities. But
Sr(N 03) 2 , SrCb, SrS 04 ,
Sr(OH) 2 ,
SrC 03 . chemists are not satisfied with the statement that
a substance has low solubility. We must know
how much of the substance dissolves. We must be
Decide the formula of each of the following com- able to treat solubility in a quantitative fashion.
pounds and indicate those with low solubility in Fortunately this can be done with the aid of the
CHAP. 10

principles of equilibrium, developed in Chap-
ter 9. Write the equation for the dissolving of calcium
As mentioned earlier, the quantitative concen- sulfate, CaS 04 and ,
the solubility product ex-
tration relationship that exists at equilibrium is pression.
shown in the Equilibrium Law Relation:
\E^^\Fy . •


( 2) Write the equation for the dissolving of

[A^Bf •
• • silver
chromate, Ag Cr 04 and
2 ,
the solubility product
Expression (2) applies to a solubility equilibrium, expression. Silver chromate dissolves to give Ag+
provided we write the chemical reaction to show and CrO^^ ions.
the important molecular species present. In Sec-
tion 10-1 we considered the solubility of iodine
in alcohol. Since iodine dissolves to give a solu-
tion containing molecules of iodine, the con- 10-2.4 Calculation of the Solubility
centration of iodine itself fixed the solubility. of Cuprous Chloride in Water
The situation is quite different for substances
that dissolve to form ions. When silver chloride The solubility product is learned from measure-

dissolves in water, no molecules of silver chlo- ments of the solubility. In turn, it can be used as
ride, AgCl, seem to be present. Instead, silver a basis for calculations of solubility. Suppose we
ions, Ag+, and chloride ions, Cl“, are found in wish to know how much cuprous chloride, CuCl,

the solution. The concentrations of these species, will dissolve in one liter of water. We begin by
Ag+ and Cl“, are the ones which fix the equilib- writing the balanced equation for the reaction:

rium solubility. The counterpart of equation (7) CuC\(s) Cu+raq) + Cl-(aqJ (22)
will be
From this equation, we can write the equilibrium
AgCirsj Ag+raqj + a-(aq) {19)
and equilibrium will exist when the concentra- Ksp = [Cu+][C1-] (24)

tions are in agreement with the expression

Now the numerical value of Ks,p is found in Table
K= di constant = [Ag+] X [CL] (20) lO-II:
K,p = 3.2 X 10-^ = [Cu+][CL] (25)
Just as in expression (4), the “concentration” of
the solid (silver chloride) does not appear in the
equilibrium expression (20); it does not vary. Table lO-II
To consider a more complicated example, con- SOME SOLUBILITY PRODUCTS AT
sider the application of expression (2) to the ROOM TEMPERATURE
solubility of lead chloride, PbCL:
X 10-^ X 10-6

PbChfs) ^ Pb+Yaq) + 2Cl-raq; (27)






At equilibrium,
TlBr 3.6 X 10-6 CaS 04 2.4 X 10-6
Ti: = a constant = [Pb+2] x [CL]^ (22) CuBr 5.9 X 10-9 SrS04 7.6 X 10-7

Solubility equilibrium constants, such as (20)

AgBr 5.0 X 10-13 PbS04 1.3 X 10-6

and (22), are given a special name — the solubility BaS04 1.5 X 10-9

product. It is symbolized K^p. A low value of TII 8.9 X 10-3 RaS04 4 X 10-11

Ksp means the concentrations of ions are low at Cul 1.1 X 10-19

equilibrium. Hence the solubility must be low. Agl 8.5 X 10-17 AgBrOs 5.4 X 10-6

Table lO-II lists solubility products for some

common compounds. AglOs 3,1 X

SEC. 10-2 I

Expression (25) indicates that cuprous chloride

dissolves, according to reaction (25), until the
molar concentrations of cuprous ion and chlo-
ride ion rise enough to make their product equal
to 3.2 X 10-7.

Now is the time to dust off the algebra and put

it to work. Suppose we designate the solubility
of cuprous chloride in water by a symbol, s. This
symbol 5 equals the number of moles of solid
cuprous chloride that dissolve in one liter of
water. Remembering equation 23), we see that s
moles of solid cuprous chloride produce s will
moles of cuprous ion, Cu+, and s moles of chlo-
ride ion, Q-. Hence these concentrations must
be equal, as shown below.

[Cu+] = [C1-] = s moles/liter

= moles CuCl dissolved (26)

Substituting (26) into (25), we have

Ksp = 3.2 X 10-7 = X _ ^^2

52 = 3.2 X 10-7 = 32 X 10-8

s = V 32 X 10-8 ^ 5 7 X 10-4 mole/liter

Will a precipitate form in either case? In both?
= 0.00057 M (27) The first step is to write the balanced equation
for the reaction of calcium sulfate dissolving in

water and then use the Equilibrium Law

Calculate the solubility, in moles per liter, of CaS04( sj Ca+Yaq) + S04“Vaq) (28)

calcium sulfate in water, using the solubility =

Ksp [Ca+2][S04"1 (29)
product given in Table lO-II.
The next step is to find the concentration of each
ion in the final mixture. After we mix equal vol-
10-2.5 Will a Precipitate Form? umes, each ion is present in twice as much solu-
tion so the concentration is only half as great as
When two solutions are mixed, a precipitate may before mixing. Therefore, in case 1,
form. For example, suppose solutions of calcium
chloride,CaCE, and sodium sulfate, Na 2 S 04 are , [Ca+ 2 ] = 03)2M ^ Q Qj M= 1 X IO -2 M
mixed. The mixture contains both calcium ions,
Ca+^ and sulfate ions, SO^^, so solid calcium
|-gO-2] _ 0-QQQ4 M ^ Q QQQ 2 M = 2 X 10-4 M
sulfate may form. The solubility product per-
mits us to predict with confidence whether it will
A trial value of the ion product must be com-
or not.
pared to Ksp:
Let us consider two cases to show how the
prediction is made: [Ca+ 2 ] X [SO 4""] = (1 X 10-2) X (2 X 10-4)
= 2 X 10-8
(1) Equal volumes of 0.02 M CaCh and 0.0004 M
Na 2 S 04 are mixed. The trial product, 2 X 10-®, is less than Ksp =
(2) Equal volumes of 0.08 M CaCh and 0.02 M 2.4 X 10-8 so precipitation will not occur in the

Na 2 S 04 are mixed. mixture of case 1. In case 2,

CHAP. 10

^Ca+2] = OiMif = 0.04 M=4X M solved by applying equilibrium considerations.

Suppose we have a solution known to contain
[So-2] ^ aO|M ^ Q M= 1 X 10-2 M both lead nitrate, Pb(N03)2, and magnesium
nitrate, Mg'N03)2. The lead and magnesium can

Again we calculate a trial value of the ion be separated by removing from the solution all
product, of the lead ion, Pb+2, as a solid lead compound.
[Ca+2] X [SOr'] = (4 X 10-2) X (1 X 10-2) We must avoid, of course, precipitation of any
= 4 X 10-4 magnesium compound. Consulting Figure 10-5
or Table lO-I, we see that lead ion and sulfate
This time the trial product, 4 X 10-^, is greater
ion form a compound with low solubility. If
than Ksp = 2.4 X 10-^ so a precipitate does form.
enough sodium sulfate, Na2S04, is added, lead
Solid calcium sulfate, CaS04, will continue to
sulfate,PbS04, will precipitate. Since Figure
form, lowering the concentrations [Ca+^J and
10-5B and Table lO-I indicate that magnesium
[S04“^] until they are low enough that the ion
sulfate, MgS04, is soluble, there will be no pre-
product equals K^p. Then equilibrium exists and
cipitate of MgS04. The solid can be removed
no more precipitation occurs.
from the liquid by filtration and the desired
separation has been obtained.

A 50 ml volume of 0.04 M Ca(N03)2 solution is

added to 150 ml of 0.008 M (NH4)2S04 solution. EXERCISE 10-10

Show that a trial value of the calcium sulfate ion
product is 6 X lO”®. Will a precipitate form? Use Figures 10-5 and 10-6 or Table lO-I to decide
which of the following soluble salts would permit
a separation of magnesium and lead through a
10-2.6 Precipitations Used for Separations precipitation reaction: sodium iodide, Nal; so-
A chemist is often interested in separating sub-
dium sulfide, Na2S; sodium carbonate, Na2C03.
stances in a solution mixture. Such a problem is



1. Sugar is added to a cup of coffee until no more FCN(s) FCN(g) AH = -H5.7 kcal
sugar will dissolve. Does addition of another ICN(sj ICN(g; AH = +14.2 kcal
spoonful of sugar increase the rate at which the
(a) In sublimation, does the tendency toward
sugar molecules leave the crystal phase and enter
maximum randomness favor solid or gas ?
the liquid phase ? Will the sweetness of the liquid
(b) In sublimation, does the tendency toward
be increased by this addition ? Explain.
minimum energy favor solid or gas?
(c) The vapor pressure of solid FCN is 760 mm
2. In view of the discussion of the factors that de- would you expect
at 201 °K. In view of part b,
termine the rate of dissolving (Section 10-1.2), solid ICN to have a lower or higher vapor
propose two methods for increasing the rate at pressure than solid FCN at this same tem-
which sugar dissolves in water. perature, 201°K?

When Liquid chloroform, CHCI3, and liquid acetone,

3. a solid evaporates directly (without melt-
ing), the process is called sublimation. Evapo-
CH3COCH3, dissolve in each other in all pro-
portions (they are said to be miscible).
ration of “dry ice” (solid CO2) is a familiar
example. Two other substances that sublime are (a) When pure CHCI3 is mixed with pure ace-

FCN and ICN: tone, is randomness increased or decreased?


(b) Does the tendency toward maximum ran- Using Figures 10-4 to 10-6 (or Table lO-I), make
domness favor reactants or product in the a statement about the solubilities of the com-
reaction pounds containing the following ions.

CUCh(l) + CHsCOCRs(l) -^1:1 solution Anion Cations

AH = -495 cal
(a) carbonate, COT ^ alkali ions, LC, Na^,
(c) Considering the sign of AH shown in part b, K+, Rb+, Cs+
does the tendency toward minimum energy (b) carbonate, COT ^ alkaline earth ions, Be^^,
favor reactants or product ? Mg+^ Ca+^ Sr+^ Ba+^
(d) In view of your answers to parts b and c, (c) sulfide, S-2 alkaline earth ions, Be^^,
discuss the experimental fact that these two Mg+^ Ca+^ Sr+^ Ba+^
liquids are miscible. (d) hydroxide, OH~ the cations of the fourth
row of the periodic
5. Which of the following substances can be ex-
pected to dissolve in the indicated solvent to
(e) chloride, Cl“ the cations of the fifth
form, primarily, ions? Which would form mole-
row of the periodic
cules ?
(a) sucrose in water. (e) HNO3 in water.
Answer, (a) All alkali carbonates are soluble,
(b) RbBr in water. (f) Ss in carbon disul-
(b) All alkaline earth carbonates
(c) CHCls in water. fide, CS2.
have low solubilities.
(d) CsNOs in water. (g) ICl in ethyl alcohol.

6. Which of the substances listed in Problem 5 12. Write the empirical formulas for each of the
would be called electrolytes ? following compounds and indicate which have
low solubilities.
7. Assume the following compounds dissolve in
water to form separate, mobile ions in solution. (a) silver sulfide.

Write the formulas and names for the ions that (b) potassium sulfide.

can be expected. (c) ammonium sulfide.

9. (d) nickel sulfide.
(a) HI (d) Ba(OH).2
(e) ferrous sulfide (Fe'*'^).
(b) CaCb (e) KNO3 (f) ferric sulfide (Fe^®).
(c) Na2C03 (f) NH4CI

8. Write the equation for the reaction that occurs 13. Write net ionic equations for any reactions that

when each of the following electrolytes is dis- will occur upon mixing equal volumes of 0.2 M
solved in water.
solutions of the following pairs of compounds.

(a) lithium hydroxide (solid).

(a) silver nitrate and ammonium bromide.
(b) nitric acid (liquid).
(b) SrBr2 and NaN03.
(c) potassium sulfate (solid).
(c) sodium hydroxide and aluminum chloride.
(d) sodium nitrate (solid).
(d) Nal and Pb(N03)2.
ammonium (e) barium chloride and sodium sulfate.
(e) iodide (solid).
(f) potassium carbonate (solid). Answer, (a) Ag'^(ag) -f Br“(aq) — >- AgBr(s).

Answer, (a) LiOH(s) — Li+(agJ -f OH~(agj.

What ions could be present in a solution if

What would you expect to happen if equal vol- samples of it gave

umes of 0.1 M
MgS04 and 0.1 M ZnCb were
mixed together? (a) A precipitate when either Cl“(aq) or
SO4 aq is added ?
Predict what would happen if equal volumes of (b) A precipitate when Cl"faq) is added but
0.2 M Na2S03 and 0.2 M MgS04 were mixed. If none when SOT^(ag) is added?
a reaction takes place, write the net ionic equa- (c) A precipitate when SO 4 ^(aq) is added but
tion. none when Cl“(agJ is added?
CHAP. 10

15. What cations from the fourth row of the periodic 21. How many milligrams of silver bromide dissolve
table could be present in a solution with the in 20 liters of water? (Use the data given in
following behavior. Table lO-II.)

(a) No precipitate is formed with hydroxide ion. 22. To one liter of 0.001 M H2SO4 is added 0.002
(b) A precipitate forms with hydroxide ion and mole of solid Pb(N03)2. As the lead nitrate dis-
with sulfate ion. solves, will lead sulfate precipitate?
A precipitate forms with hydroxide ion and

with sulfide ion.

23. Suppose 10 ml of 1.0 M AgNOs is diluted to one
liter with tap water. If the chloride concentration
(d) A precipitate forms with carbonate ion, none
in the tap water is about 10“® M, will a precipi-
with sulfide ion.
tate form ?
16. The solubility of silver chloride is so low that all
24. The test described in Problem 23 does not give
but a negligible amount of it is precipitated when
a precipitate if the laboratory distilled water is
excess sodium chloride solution is added to silver What
used. is the maximum chloride concentra-
nitrate solution. What would be the weight of
tion that could be present?
the precipitate formed when 100 ml of 0.5 M
NaCl is added to 50.0 ml of 0.100 AgNOs? M 25. Will a precipitate exist at equilibrium if | liter
of a 2 X 10“3 M AICI3 solution and of a liter
Answer. 0.715 gram.
4 X 10~2 M solution of sodium hydroxide are
. mixed and diluted to 10^ liters with water at
17. Write the solubility product expression for each;"
of the following reactions.
room temperature? {Ksp = 5 X 10~®^)

^^ Ba+V«qJ +
Zn+Vogj + 20H-( aq)
26. Use Figures 10-5 and 10-6 or Table lO-I to decide
which of the following soluble substances would
permit a separation of aqueous magnesium and
(c) Ca3(P04)2fsj 3Ca+VaqJ + 2PO^^ (aq)
barium ions. For those that are effective, write
18. Write the solubility product expression applica- the equation for the reaction that occurs.
ble to the solubility of each of the following
(a) ammonium carbonate.
substances in water.
(b) sodium bromide.
(a) calcium carbonate. (c) potassium sulfate.

(b) silver sulfide. (d) sodium hydroxide.

aluminum hydroxide.
27. To a solution containing 0.1 M of each of the
ions Ag’*', Cu"^, Fe"^^, and Ca"^^ added 2 M
19. The solubility product of AgCl is 1.4 X 10“^ at
100°C. Calculate the solubility of silver chloride NaBr solution, giving precipitate A. After filtra-

in boiling water.
tion, a sulfide solution is added to the solution
and a black precipitate forms, precipitate B.
20. Experiments show that 0.0059 gram of SrCOs This precipitate is removed by filtration and 2 M
will dissolve in 1.0 liter of water at 25°C. What sodium carbonate solution is added, giving pre-
is K,p for SrCOs? cipitate C. What is the composition of each
Answer. 1.6 X 10“®. precipitate. A, B, and C?

Aqueous Acids
and Bases
The acids, • • • are compounded of two substances • •

the one
constitutes acidity, and is common to all acids, •

the other is pecul-
iar to each acid, and distinguishes it from the rest • • •


In Chapter 10 we used the principles of equilib- In reaction (7), all of the molecular species in-
rium to help us understand solubility in liquids. volved in the equilibrium are in the solution as
In such a system constituents in solution reach dissolved species. Though the equilibrium rela-
the dynamic balance of equilibrium with another tionship that exists among the concentrations
phase, a solid or a gas. Equilibrium can also is a little more complicated than in the solu-
exist among two or more constituents present in bility product expressions, the guiding princi-
the same solution. One of the examples already ples are the same.
encountered (in Chapter 9 and in Experiment In this chapter we shall explore some more
15) is equilibria like (7), in which all of the important

Fe+Y«q) + SCN-( aq) FeSCN+Y«qJ

species are dissolved. We will consider mainly
those equilibria in which one of the ions is
for which experiment showed H^(aq). This type of equilibrium furnishes one
fPeSCN+Y of the most important classes of chemical reac-
K= ( 2)
[Fe+3][SCN-] tions of all those that occur in water.


In Section 10-2 we considered electrolytes, sub- NaOHf sj -f water — Na+(aq) + OH-faqJ (4)

stances that dissolve in water to give solutions

According to reaction when HCl gas dis-
containing ions. Thus far, we have considered solves in v/ater, all of the HCl molecules break
electrolytes such as \lC\(g) and NaOHfsj: up, or dissociate, into ions, H+( aq and Cl“( aq ).
HCl(g) -f- water —^ H+(aq) + Cl-rag) (S) There is no experimental evidence for the pres-
CHAP. 11

ence of molecules of HCl in aqueous hydro- Careful measurements show that water is,

chloric acid solutions. In a similar way, there is itself, a weak electrolyte. We shall consider it

no evidence for the presence of molecules of first.

NaOH in aqueous solution — apparently the so-

dium hydroxide crystal breaks up completely
11-1.1 Water: A Weak Electrolyte
into sodium ions, Na+(aq) and hydroxide ions,
OH~( aq). A substance that dissolves and exclu- Pure water does not conduct electric current
sively gives ions is called a strong electrolyte. readily. Yet an extremely sensitive meter shows
Not all substances that form conducting solu- that even the purest water has a tiny conduc-
tions break up, or dissociate, so completely. For tivity. To conduct electric current, water must
example, vinegar an aqueous solution of
is just dissociate to a very small extent, forming ions.
acetic acid. Such a solution conducts electric The ions prove to be hydrogen ion, H+(aq), and
current, showing that ions are present: hydroxide ion, OU~(aq):

CH3COOH ze±: U+(aq) CUsCOO-(aq) ( 5) U^Od) H+fagJ -h OH-(aq) (6)

The conductivity of a 0.1 M acetic acid solu- This an equilibrium involving three species in

tion is much lower, however, than that of a the liquid phase, H 2 O, H+faqj, and Oli-(aq).
0. 1 M hydrogen chloride solution. This and other The equilibrium law can be written
experiments show that only a small fraction of
the dissolved acetic acid, CH3COOH, has formed ^ [H^][OH-] (7)
ions. Such a substance that dissolves and dis-

sociates to ions only to a limited extent is called a However, as we have remarked in Section 9-2.2,
weak electrolyte. the concentration of HO2 in water is so large,
55.5 M, and so few ions are formed that its con-
Fig. 11-1. A strong electrolyte solution conducts bet- centration is virtually constant. Consequently,
ter than a weak electrolyte solution. expression (7) is usually simplified by incorporat-

HCi : a strong eiectrotyte

SEC. 11-1 I

ing the factor 55.5 in the constant. We shall do cates that increased temperature will shift the equilibrium
condition toward larger concentrations of the ions (so as
this, and label the constant Ky, to indicate that
to absorb heat). Hence, Kw is expected to increase. This
it includes the factor [H 2 O]
agrees with the experimental values for Ky,, given for
is:^= [H+][OH-] (5) various temperatures in Table 11 -I.

Ky, = [H O] 2 XK= 55.5 X K (9)

The magnitude of is given in Table 9-IV Table ll-I

Ky, = 1.00 X 10-14 {10) TEMPERATURES
Having this value of Ky,, we can calculate the ion TEMPERATURE (°C) Ky,

concentrations, using the same methods we ap- 0 0.114 X 10-14

plied to solubility. 10 0.295 X 10-14

one H+f aq) ion formed

In reaction (6) there is 20 0.676 X 10-14

for every OH~(aq) ion. Hence, in pure water 25 1.00 X 10-14

where the only source of ions is reaction (6), the 60 9.55 X 10-14

concentrations of H+(aq) and Oll~(aq) must

be equal. That is,
11-1.3 The Special Roles of H+(aqJ and
in pure water, [OH-] = [H+] (77)
OH-(aq; in Water
Substituting (77) into the equilibrium expression,
The equilibrium reaction (6) gives the two ions
we can calculate the concentrations of the two
H+faq) and OH“faqj special roles in aqueous
types of ions:
Ky, = [H+] X [OH-] = [H+] X [H+] = [H+]2
2 H+faq) + OH-(aq) (5)
In pure water, where the only source of ions
[H+] = VKy, = Vl.OO X 10-14

[H+] = 1.00 X 10-1 M (72)

is reaction {6), the concentrations of H+faqj and

Oll-(aq) must be equal. But what if we add

Because of (77), we can also write some HCl to the solution? We have already
[OH-] = [H+] = 1.00 X 10-1 ^ (72) noted that HCl is a strong electrolyte, dissolving
to give the ionsH+faqj and C\-(aq). Thus, hy-
Now we can explain the low conductivity of
drogen chloride adds H+faqj but not OH-fagj
pure water. Though water dissociates into ions,
to the solution. The concentrations [H+] and
K+(aq) and OH-(aqj, it does so only to a very
[OH-] are no longer equal. However, they are
slight extent. At equilibrium, the ion concentra-
found to be “tied together” by the equilib-
tions are only IQ-i M. Water is a weak elec-
rium relationship
Ky^ = [H+][OH-] {8)

11-1.2 The Change of with Temperature
[OH-]=|- (15)
Experiments show that reaction (6) absorbs energy;

H20{1) -t- 13.68 kcal — H+(aq) + OR-faq) {14) Expression (75) shows that as the concentration
Even though only a minute fraction of the water present of H+ rises (for example, as we add HCl to
actually is dissociated at equilibrium, if we measure the water), the concentration of [OH“] must de-
energy effect and divide by the number of moles, we find
that it takes 13.68 kcal per mole of water broken into
Suppose, on the other hand, that we add so-
This heat effect can be used in predicting how Ky, dium hydroxide, NaOH, to pure water. Sodium
changes with temperature. Le Chatelier’s Principle indi- hydroxide is also a strong electrolyte, adding
CHAP. 11

OH“ ions to the solution. Now we can rewrite ions, ¥[+(aq) and OH~(aq), always remain re-

(8) in the form lated through the equilibrium relation (5). In

[H*] = US) pure water they are equal, [H+] = [OH-]. In a

solution of HCl, in which [H+] [OH-] is high,

and we see that raising the concentration [OH~] must be low. In a solution of NaOH, in which
lowers the concentration [H+]. [OH-] is high, [H+] must be low. Furthermore,
In this way the two ions H+(aq) and OH~(aq) as shown in the calculation (18) and Exercise
are connected in the chemistry of water. When 11-1, with rather low concentrations of HCl
[H+] is [OH-] must be low. When [OH-]
high, and NaOH, the concentration of H+(aq) [or
is high, [H+] must be low.
OH-[aq)] can be varied from 0.1 to 10-^^ M, M
Let’s consider an example. Suppose we dis- by the immense factor of 10^2 (a million million).
solve 0.10 mole of hydrogen chloride in 1.0 liter This ease with which we can control and vary
of water. Since HCl is a strong electrolyte, 0.10 the concentrations of H+(aqj and OH~(aq)

mole of HCl forms 0.10 mole of H+(aq) ions would be only a curiosity but for one fact. The
and 0.10 mole of C\-(aq) ions in the one liter ions nq ) and OH~(aq ) take part in many im-
volume. The concentrations of U+(aq) and portant reactions that occur in aqueous solution.
C\~(aq) due to the HCl are equal:* Thus, if H+(aq) is a reactant or a product in a
reaction, the variation of the concentration of
[H+] = [C1-] = O.IOM (17)
hydrogen ion by a factor of 10^2 can have an
If the concentration [H+] is O.IOM, expres- enormous effect. At equilibrium such a change
sion (75) allows us to calculate the concentration causes reaction to occur, altering the concentra-
[OH-]: tions of all of the other reactants and products

roH-1 = = i-QQ X = 1.00 x lo-^^ until the equilibrium law relation again equals
^ [H+] 0.10 1.0 X 10-1
the equilibrium constant. Furthermore, there are
[OH-] = 1.0 X 10-1* (/§) many reactions for which either the hydrogen
ion or the hydroxide ion is a catalyst. An ex-
We see that adding the 0.10 mole of HCl to 1.0
ample was discussed in Chapter 8, the catalysis
liter of water lowered the OH” concentration
of the decomposition of formic acid by sulfuric
from 10-'^ M
(its value in pure water) to lO-i® M,
acid. Formic acid is reasonably stable until the
a change by a factor of a million!
hydrogen ion concentration is raised, then the
rate of the decomposition reaction becomes very
EXERCISE 11-1 rapid.
In these ways, by affecting equilibrium condi-
Show that the addition of 0.010 mole of solid
NaOH tions and by changing reaction rates, the con-
to 1.0 liter of water reduces the concen-
10“i2 centrations of H+(aq) and Oll-(aq) give us
tration of li+(aq) to 1.0 X M.
immense leverage in controlling the chemistry
of aqueous solutions.
Suppose that 3.65 grams of HCl are dissolved in
10.0 liters of water. What is the value of [H+]? EXERCISE 11-3

Use expression (75) to show that [OH“] = The color of asolution of potassium chromate,
1.00 X 10-12 M. K2Cr04, changes to the color of a solution of
potassium dichromate, K2Cr207, when a few
drops of HCl solution are added. Write the
Thus we see that the concentrations of the two balanced equation for the reaction between
*There is a small additional concentration of H+faqj, CrO ^‘^(aq) and ¥l+(aq) to produce CrgOy"^ and
owing to the dissociation of water, but it will be quite explain the color change on the basis of Le
negligible compared with the 0.10 M concentration pro- Chatelier’s Principle.
vided by the HCl.
SEC. 11-2 I


The significant influence that H+(aq) and Electrical Conductivity. Each of these com-
OH-(aq) exert on aqueous solution chemistry pounds dissolves in water to form solutions that
was recognized long ago. Consequently chemists conduct electricity. Ions are present in these
have long identified by the class names “acids” aqueous solutions.
and “bases” those substances that change the Liberation of Hydrogen Gas. The aqueous
concentrations of these two ions. We shall see, solutions of each compound produce hydrogen
later in this chapter, that the meanings of the gas, H2, if zinc metal is added.
terms “acid” and “base” are evolving and have Color of Litmus. Litmus, a dye, is red in color
become more general in modern usage. This is a when placed in these aqueous solutions.
natural and desirable development as chemists Taste. The dilute, aqueous solutions of each
attempt to relate the chemistry of aqueous solu- compound are sour tasting.*
tions to the chemistry that occurs in other
Because the aqueous solutions of these com-
solvents and For the moment,
in other phases.
pounds have these properties in common, the
however, we shall keep our attention focused on
compounds are conveniently classed together
aqueous solutions and consider how a chemist
and identified as acids. In fact, these properties
recognizes acids and bases.
constitute the simplest definition of an acid. They
provide a basis for deciding whether some other
compound should be classified as an acid.
11-2.1 Properties of Aqueous Solutions
What is the common factor makes these that
of Acids
different substances behave in the same ways?
Consider the following compounds: In water they all form conducting solutions; we
conclude that they all form ions in water. Each
HCl : hydrochloric acid (or, hydrogen
substance contains hydrogen and each reacts
with zinc metal to produce hydrogen gas. Per-
HNO3 : nitric acid,
haps all of these aqueous solutions contain the
CH3COOH : acetic acid,
same ion and this ion accounts for the formation
H2SO4 : sulfuric acid,
of 112(g)- It is reasonable to propose that the
H3PO4 phosphoric acid.
common ion is H+(aq). postulate: a sub-
stance has the properties of an acid if it can re-
Each of these five compounds is called an
lease hydrogen ions.
acid.They ail share this name because they have
the following important properties in common.
Hydrogen Containing. Each of these com- 11-2.2 Properties of Aqueous Solutions
pounds contains hydrogen. of Bases

Consider the following compounds:

Fig. 11-2. Some familiar acids. NaOH : sodium hydroxide,
KOH : potassium hydroxide,
Mg(OH)2 : magnesium hydroxide,
Na2C03 : sodium carbonate,
NH3 : ammonia.

* Many chemicals, including some acids and some

bases, are poisons. Therefore chemists rarely use taste as
a voluntary means of deciding if an unidentified solution
Ci-tric A.eettc Tartaric is acidic or basic.

Each of these five compounds is called a base. •hydrogen ion to account for the second property
They all share this name because they have the of bases, the removal of acid properties:
following important properties in common. HO
OH-raqj + Ufaq) 2 (23)

Electrical Conductivity. Like acids, these com- The similarities among the hydroxides are ob-
pounds dissolve in water to form conducting vious. Let’s compare sodium carbonate and am-
solutions. Ions are present in an aqueous solu- monia. Sodium carbonate, Na C 03 dissolves in
2 ,

tion of a base. water to give a solution with the properties that

Reaction with Acids. When one of these com- identify a base. Quantitative studies of the solu-
pounds is added to an acid solution, it destroys bilities of carbonates show that carbonate ion,
the identifying properties of the acid solution COg-^, can react with water. The reactions are
all but electrical conductivity.
Color of Litmus. The dye, litmus, is blue in
Na2C03rs; :<=±: 2Na+raqj + CO^^(aq) (24)

color when placed in an aqueous solution of any COs^(aq) + H2O

of these compounds.
HCOi-faqJ + OH-faqj (25)

Taste. The dilute aqueous solutions taste bit- Reaction (25) indicates that the presence of car-
ter.* bonate ion in water increases the hydroxide ion,
Feel. The aqueous solutions feel “slippery.” OH“, concentration. This is a constituent that
Again, these properties constitute the simplest is present in the solutions of NaOH, KOH,
definition of a base. These properties provide a Mg:OH) and Ca(OH)
2, 2.

basis for deciding whether some other compound Reaction (25) also provides a basis for under-
should be classified as a base. standing the removal of acid properties. If
readily forms bicarbonate ion,t HCOg", then re-

action (26) is likely:

11-2.3 An Explanation of the Properties
of Bases COi-Yaq; + H+raqj liCO^(aq) (26)

Using the same argument we used for acids, we We see that the existence of the stable bicar-

can seek a common factor that accounts for the bonate ion, HCOg- faqj produces the chemical
similarities of bases. Because of the electrical species, Oll~(aq) in common with solutions of

conductivity, we might seek an ion Because of the hydroxides. We can postulate that OH“faqJ
the ability to counteract the properties of acids, accounts for the slippery “feel” and bitter taste
we ought to seek an ion which can remove the of the basic solutions. The stability of bicarbo-
hydrogen ion, H+f aqj, since hydrogen ion ac- nate ion also explains the removal of acid prop-
counts for the properties of acids. erties through reaction (26).

Sodium hydroxide, NaOH, when dissolved in The fifth substance listed as a base is ammonia,
water, gives a solution with the properties of a NH3. Ammonia readily forms ammonium ion,
base. The hydroxides of many elements —those NH^. Ammonia can react with water,
from the left side of the periodic table—behave NHsraqj +HO 2 NH+faqj + OHf aq) (27)
in the same way. Perhaps they dissolve to form
and with hydrogen ion,
ions of the sort

NaOHrsj ^ Na+f aqj + OHfaq) (19)

NUfaq) + H+raqj

again, the formation of NH^

accounts for

KOHrsj K+faq; + OH-faqj (20)

Mg(OH)2rs; ^ Mg+YaqJ + 20H-raqJ ( 21 )

ammonia having the properties of a base. Reac-
tion (27) produces hydroxide ion, which, by our
Ca(OH) 2 rsj Ca+f aq) + 20H-raq; (22) postulate, accounts for the taste and “feel” prop-
The hydroxide ion, OH~(aq), could react with erties of solutions of bases. Reaction (28) shows

* If you have forgotten the danger of tasting chemicals, fBicarbonate ion, HCO^, is also called “hydrogen
reread the preceding footnote. carbonate” or “monohydrogen carbonate.”
SEC. 11-2 I

how ammonia can act to destroy the acid proper- DEFINITIONS

ties of a solution containing hydrogen ions,
An acid is a hydrogen-containing substance that
H+faqJ. has the following properties when dissolved in
Investigation of the reactions of other com- water:
pounds that have the properties of a base shows
that each compound can produce hydroxide ions it is an electrical conductor;
in water. The Oll~(aq) ions may be produced it reacts with Zn to give H2(g)‘,

directly (as when solid NaOH dissolves in water) it makes litmus red;

or through reaction with water (as when Na2C03 it tastes sour.

and NH3 dissolve in water):

A base is a substance that has the following
NaOH(s) Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) {19) properties when dissolved in water:

CO 3 ^(aq) + H O 2 it is an electrical conductor;

llC03(aq) + 0R-(aq) (25)
it reacts with an acid, removing the acidic
NHsfaq) HO
2 NH + (aq) + OH-raq) (27) properties;
it makes litmus blue;
Furthermore, any substance that can produce hy-
it tastes bitter;
droxide ions in water also can combine with
it feels slippery.
hydrogen ions:
OR-(aq) -t- H+faq) HO 2 (23)
COi^(aq) -b H+raq) HCO3 (aq) (26)
NHdaq) -b H+raq) ^ NH + raqj (25) ions,
is an acid if it can release hydrogen

Since production of OH-(aq) and reaction with A substance is a base if it can react with hy-
H+(aq) go hand in hand when we are dealing drogen ions, H+(aq).
with aqueous solutions, a base can be described
either as a substance that produces 0}Ar(aq) or
as a substance that can react with }A+(aq). In il-2.5 The Nature of H+(aq)

solvents other than water, the latter description

Both of our explanations of the properties of acids and
is more generally useful. Therefore, we postulate: bases involve the hydrogen ion, H+('aq). This species has
a substance has the properties of a base if it can great importance in the chemistry of aqueous solutions,
combine with hydrogen ions. so we shall consider what is known about it.

Before considering what a chemist means by the sym-

bols H+faqj, we must discuss more generally the inter-
11-2.4 Acids and Bases: Summary action of ions with water. Lithium chloride provides a
good example. Lithium chloride dissolves in water spon-
Let us repeat our two definitions and explana- taneously at 25°C, forming a conducting solution. At
tions. equilibrium, it has a high solubility:

LiCbs) Li+raq) + CLraq) t = 25°C (29)

Fig. 11-3. Some familiar bases. Lithium chloride melts spontaneously above 613°C and
forms a liquid that conducts electricity:

LiCfis) z^ UHD + C\~(l) t = 613°C (30)

Equilibrium in any reaction determined by a compro-


mise between tendency toward minimum energy (“golf

balls roll downhill”) and tendency toward maximum
randomness. Reaction (29) and reaction (30) both involve
increase in randomness since the regular solid lattice dis-
solves or melts to become part of a disordered liquid
state. Both reactions produce ions. But reaction (29)
proceeds readily at 25°C, whereas reaction (30) does not
CHAP. 1 1


Li^’ 'fH^O 4H2O

Fig. 11-4. Possible tetrahedral * arrangements of ions as Li+faqj, H+(aq), and Cl'~(aq). The notation (aq)
water molecules around LF and ions. reminds us that the ions interact strongly with the solvent.
The symbol is purposely vague because, in most cases,
chemists are not certain of the arrangement of the water
occur until the solid is quite hot, 613°C. The difference molecules around a given ion. For Li+(aq) and H+(aq),
must be and Cl“ ions in
in the special stabilities of Li+ there may be simple packing of four water molecules
water. The high melting point of lithium chloride shows around each ion, as shown in Figure 11-4. This figure
that the crystal is very stable. The high solubility of suggests similarity between Li+faqj and H+faqj.
lithium chloride in water can be explained only by saying However, most chemists feel there is quite a difference
that Li+faqJ and C\^(aq) must also be very stable. This between these two ions. After all, H+ is unique the —
means that watermust interact strongly with these ions. proton has no electrons. Many chemists suggest that the
A similar situation exists for hydrochloric acid, HCl. proton attaches itself strongly to one molecule of water,
This gaseous compound dissolves readily in water at forming a new molecular species, H^O^faq). Figure 11-5

UCl(g) ^ H+^oq; + Cl-faq; t = 25°C (31)

Fig. 11-5. A model of hydronium ion, HsO .

The HCl molecule is a stable one —

must be heated to a

few thousand degrees before the atoms will separate.

Even then, neutral atoms are obtained and still higher
temperatures are needed before gaseous ions are ob-

HClfg; ^ H(g) + Cl(g) t very high {32)

The high temperature required to separate the two atoms

of a molecule of HCl shows that HCl is very stable.
Again, we can explain the solubility of HCl in water by
saying H+faqJ and Cl-faqj must also be very stable.
Water must interact strongly with these ions.
This is why we have been symbolizing these aqueous

* The word tetrahedral means four-sided. If the oxygen

atoms of the four water molecules are connected by lines,

the lines form a four-sided figure.
SEC. 11-2 I

shows a model of this proposed ion called hydronium — ductivities of aqueous acid solutions have been inter-
ion —
surrounded by solvent. Notice that the three hy- preted to indicate the presence of a molecular unit, H9O4+.
drogen atoms are pictured as equivalent. There is a Figure 1 1-4 shows the hydrogen ion surrounded by four
pleasing similarity to the formation of the well-established oxygen atoms, each part of a water molecule. We could
ammonium ion, NH 4
with its four equivalent hydrogen write the formula for this arrangement as H+- 4 H 20 or
atoms; H 9 O 4 +. But Figure 11-6 shows how an H 3 O+ ion can serve
HoO + H+ HsO+faq; (33) as the basis for another structure with the formula

NHsfaq; + H+ NH4+raq; (34)

HsO+’SHoO, again giving H O 4 +. Still, there seems to be

no compelling experimental basis for preference.

Still other chemists feel there are probably several ar-
So we are faced with at least three plausible structures
rangements of water molecules around the proton. In
for the species H+(aq), as shown in Figures 11-4, 11-5,
addition to H 3 O+, there may be molecules such as HO 6 2 +,
and 11-6. Under these circumstances, convenience in dis-
H7O3+, H«04+, etc.
cussing the experimental properties of H+faqj governs
Unfortunately, the experimental data do not provide
our choice.
a definite answer to the nature of H'^(aq). The hydronium
So far in this chapter, we have referred to the aqueous
ion, shown in Figure 11-5, does exist in certain crystal
hydrogen ion as H+(aq). Later in the chapter we will
structures.* Spectroscopic studies! indicate that several
consider a more general theory of acids and bases. Then
species are present in water. Thermal and electrical con-
it will be more convenient to designate the aqueous hy-
* Hydronium ion, H3O+, is a structural unit in solid drogen ion as Y{zO^(aq). The reason will be clear such —
perchloric acid hydrate, HCIO4 H2O, •
as shown by nuclear usage aids us in seeing regularity in the behavior of a
magnetic resonance studies.
t Spectroscopy refers to the study of the absorption
of light — in this case, by aqueous solutions of acids such Fig. 11-6. A possible model for HoOi^ based upon
as HCl. UsO\
CHAP. 11

larger class of acids and bases. That is sufficient basis for OH (aq) do not satisfy the equilibrium expres-
the use of any theory. sion. Their product far exceeds 1.00 X 10-44;

initial [H+] = 1.00 M

11-2.6 Acid-Base Titrations

We have noted that the two concentrations [H+]

and [OH-] are “tied together.” If 0.100 mole of
HCl is dissolved in 0.100 liter of water to raise
initial product, [H+] X [OH-] = 9.01 X lO-i
(far exceeding 1.00 X lO-^O
[H+] to 1 .00 M, then [OH“] goes down to
X 10-14 and the product [H+] X [OH-] Again Le Chatelier’s Principle tells us quali-
remains equal to Ky, = 1.00 X 10“i4. Perhaps what will occur and the equilibrium
you are wondering what happens to the hydrox- expression tells us quantitatively. If we add
ide ions to reduce their concentration from OH~(aq), a change will take place that tends to
(their concentration in pure wa- counteract partially the resulting increase in
ter) to the new value, 1.00 X lO-i^ M. The an- [OH-]. This occurs through the reaction be-
swer is that they are consumed through reaction tween OH-(aq) and H+faq), consuming both
with the added ll+(aq): ions and reducing the value of [H+] X [OH-].

OH-(aq) + H+(aq) —> H O 2 (55)

Reaction continues until this product reaches the
equilibrium value, Ky, = 1.00 X 10-^4.

This is in accord with Le Chatelier’s Principle. Since Ky, is so small, the reaction consumes
Addition of HCl to water raises [H+]. By Le almost all of one of the constituents (H+ or
Chatelier’s Principle, processes take place that OH-) if the other is present in excess. In our
tend to counteract partially the imposed change. example, [H+] initially exceeds [OH-] by 0.10
Reaction with Oll-(aq) does tend to counteract mole/liter:
the raised concentration of H+(aqj.
initial [H+] — initial [OH-] = excess [H+]
In the case we have considered, the actual
amount by which [H+] is reduced is extremely
LOOM - 0.90 M = 0.10 M
small. To reduce [OH-] from 1.00 X 10“^ M to In Section 11-1.3 we calculated that if the
X 10-14 M (by a factor of 10^), reaction concentration [H+] =
M, then at equilib-
(55)must consume about 10-^ mole of hydrox- rium, [OH-] = 1.00 X 10-43 M. Thus the rather
one mole
ide ion for every liter of solution. Since small excess of hydrogen ion, 0.10 M, is sufficient
of OH-(aqj reacts with one mole of the H+(aq)
to guarantee that the reaction between
amount of H+faq) required is also 10-^ mole and OR-(aq) consumes most of the 0.90 M
for every liter of solution. Subtracting IQ-^ OH-, reducing [OH-] to 1.0 X 10-4^ M.
mole/liter from a concentration near 1 mole/liter
causes such a small change in [H+] that it need
not be considered in calculations (such as in
Exercises 11-1 and 11-2).
Suppose that 0.099 mole of solid NaOH is

HCl AND NaOH IN THE SAME added to 0.100 liter of 1.00 HCl. M
solution: excess HCl (a) How many more moles of HCl are present in
Suppose that to the 0.100 liter of LOOM HCl the solution than moles of NaOH?
solution we add 0.090 mole of solid sodium hy- (b) From the excess number of moles and the
droxide. Now we have added both H+faqJ and volume, calculate the concentration of excess
OH~(aq) in high concentration to the same solu- n+(aq).
tion. What will happen? (c) Calculate the excess concentration of H+faq)
Immediately after the sodium hydroxide dis- from the difference between the initial con-
solves, the concentrations of H+faq) and centrations ofHCl and NaOH.
SEC. 11-2 I

(d) Calculate the concentration of OR~(aq) at Reaction between H+faqj and 0\l-(aq) must
equilibrium (see your calculations for Exer- occur, forming water:
cise 11-2). OH-(aq) -i- H+faq) HQ 2

Since one mole of OH~(aq) consumes one mole

HCl AND NaOH IN THE SAME of ll+(aq), the concentrations [H+] and [OH-]

solution; excess NaOH remain equal as reaction (35) proceeds. When

equilibrium is reached, they will still be equal.
Returning to our original 0.100 liter of LOOM As we
This is exactly the situation in pure water.
HCl, let us now consider the addition of 0.101
saw in Section 11-1.2,
mole of solid NaOH. Again we have added both
H+(aq) and OR~(aq) to the same solution, and [H+] = [OH-] = = 1.00 X 10-^ M
the concentrations immediately after mixing do
A solution containing exactly equivalent
not satisfy the equilibrium expression:
amounts of acid and base is neither acidic nor
initial [H+] = 1.00 M basic. Such a solution is called a neutral solu-

0-101 rnols tion.*

1 rrMj 1
1 ni


initial product, [H+] X [OH“] = 1.01
TO HCl: a titration
(far exceeding 1.00 X lO^^O
Now we have considered the progressive addi-
This solution contains excess hydroxide ion.
more and more
tion of NaOH to a fixed amount
Since OH~(aq) is in excess, almost all of the
of HCl solution. The results are compiled in
R+(aq) will be consumed, forming water:
Table ll-II.
initial [OH~] — initial [H+] = excess [OH“] Table ll-II shows that the concentration of
1.01 M - 1.00 M = 0.01 M hydrogen ions changes drastically as the amount
In Exercise 11-1 we calculated the equilibrium of NaOH nears the equivalent amount of HCl.

concentration [H+] in a solution containing There is a change of [H+] by a factor of 10^'* as

[OH-] = 0.01 M. The result is [H+] = 1.0 X the initial concentration of OH“faq) is changed
10-12 M. from 0.99 to 1.01. Thus the concentration
changes by a huge factor near the point at which
HCl and NaOH in the same the amounts of acid and base are equivalent.
solution: no excess of either Because of this, the progressive edition of a base
In each example used in this section, a number to an acid, a titration, furnishes a sensitive means
of moles of NaOH
was added to 0.100 liter of of comparing the concentrations of an acid and
1 .00 M
HCl with one or the other constituent in a base solution.
excess. Reaction between H+fag) and OH-(aq) An is carried out by adding
acid-base titration
consumes almost all of the constituent not in carefullymeasured amounts of a base solution
excess. Let us now consider the case in which to a known volume of the acid solution. The acid
there is excess of neither HCl nor NaOH. solution contains some substance that provides

Suppose we add 0.100 mole of NaOH to 0.100 visual evidence of the magnitude of [H+]. The
liter of 1.00 M
HCl. The initial values of [H+] dye litmus is such a substance. As mentioned in
and [OH“] are equal and their product far ex- Sections 11-2.1 and 11-2.2, litmus is red in solu-
ceeds 1.00 X 10-1^ tions containing excess [H+]. Litmus is blue in

initial [H+] = 1.00 M * This use of the word “neutral” for a solution with
equal amounts of H+ and OH“ has its disadvantages
because the same word is used in reference to electrical

neutrality. Aqueous solutions are always electrically neu-

initial product, [H+] X [OH-] = 1.00 tral whether there is an excess of either H+ or OH“ or
(far exceeding 1.00 X 10“i9 an excess of neither.
CHAP. 11

Table 11-11. the concentrations [H+] and eohi in solutions containing

H+ OH- H+ OR OH- [H+] [OH-]

LOOM none 1.00 MH+ 1.00 M 1.0 X 10 -11 /VP

1.00 0.90 M 0.10 MH+ 1.0 X 10-1 1.0 X 10-12
1.00 0.99 0.01 MH+ 1.0 X 10-2 1.0 X 10-12

1.00 1.00 none 1.0 X 10-7 1.0 X 10-7

1.00 1.01 0.01 M OH- 1.0 X 10-12 1.00 X 10-2

solutions in which [H+] is less than [OH“]. A This result helps us to understand the symbol pH, first

defined by a Danish chemist, Sprenson. used the p to He

small amount of litmus in the solution will tint
stand for the Danish word potenz (power) and H to stand
the solution red until the point in the titration
for hydrogen. After a change of sign, pH is the power of
at which the number of moles of OH^foqj be- ten needed to express the hydrogen ion concentration in
comes equal to the number of moles of H+(aq). moles per liter. In acidic solutions, pH is less than 7
Then, the slightest addition of more OH-(aq) (pH < 7); and in basic solutions, pH is greater than 7

causes a drastic reduction in [H+] and the solu-

(pH > 7). Table ll-III expresses the results of Table
11 -I I in terms of pH.
tion color turns to blue. A dye whose color is
sensitive to the change of [H+] (such as litmus)
is called an acid-base indicator.
Table ll-III
11-2.7 pH
For compact expression of H+far/j concentrations, chem- BASICITY [H+] pH
ists use a quantity, pH, defined by the equation

acidic 1.00 0
pH = -logic [H+]
acidic 10-1 1

Since [H+] = lO"'^ M in a neutral solution at 25°C, it acidic 10-2 2

follows that for such a solution neutral 10-7 7
basic 10-12 13
pH = -logic [10-7] = _(_ 7 ) = +7


Earlier in this chapter, strong and weak electro- and acetic acid (see Figure 11-1). In water, hy-
lytes were distinguished in terms of the degree drochloric acid dissociates completely to ions;
to which the dissolved material forms ions.As HCI is a strong electrolyte. Because one of the
a particular case, such distinctions can be made ions released is H+faqj, HCI is also called a
in terms of acids, furnishing a quantitative basis strong acid. Acetic acid, on the other hand, dis-
for defining the strength of an acid. sociates to ions only to a slight extent; acetic
acid is a weak electrolyte. Because one of the ions
released is H+faq), acetic acid is called a weak
11-3.1 Weak Acids
We have contrasted the electrical conductivities These qualitative ideas can be expressed more
of 0. 1 M aqueous solutions of hydrochloric acid usefully in terms of the principles of equilibrium.
SEC. 11-3 I

For example, let us contrast the behavior of two The equilibrium constant for reaction (40) meas-
weak acids, acetic acid and hydrofluoric acid: ures quantitatively the ease with which re- HB
CH,COOH( aq) ^ H+( aq ) CHiCOO-( aq) (36)
leases H+(aq) ions.

HF(aq) ^ H^(aq) + F-(aq) (37)


Measurements of the electrical conductivities of Tables of Ka furnish a quantitative measure of

0.10 M solutions of these two acids show that acid strengths with which we can compare dif-

there are more ions present in the HF solution ferent acids and predict their properties. Several
than in the acetic acid solution. We can conclude values of Ka are given in Table 11 -IV.
that acetic acid is a weaker acid than HF. This We see in Table 11 -IV that the equilibrium
information is conveyed quantitatively in terms view of acid strengths suggests that we regard
of the equilibrium constants for reactions (36) water itself as a weak
can release hydro-
acid. It
and (37): gen ions and the extent to which it does so is
indicated in its equilibrium constant, just as for
A^CHsCOOH = rH+irCHsCOO] = X 10-5 38 )
1.8 ( the other acids. We shall see that this type of
comparison, stimulated by our equilibrium con-
A'hf = 6.7 X 10-4
( 39 ) siderations, leads us to a valuable generalization
of the acid-base concept.
Since Kuf is a larger number than ATchjCooh,
hydrofluoric acid dissociates in water to a larger
extent than does acetic acid. Though HF is a
weak acid (only partially dissociated), it is a Which of the following acids is the strongest
stronger acid than is acetic acid. acid and which the weakest?
We can express these ideas in terms of a
nitrous acid, HNO2; K^^q^ = 5.1 X 10“^
general acid, FiB. The acidic nature of HB is con- sulfurous acid, H2SO3; K^^qq^ = 1.7 X lO"^
nected to its ability to release hydrogen ions,
phosphoric acid, H3 PO); A'h 3P04 7.1 X 10~®
HB(aq) H^(aq) +B (aq) (40)

Table ll’IV. relative strengths of acids in aqueous solution

Ka =

HC\(g) >•
H+raq) + Cl-faq) very large
HNO3 HN03f^) — H+(aq) + N03-raq) very large
H2SO4 H2SO4 — >-
H+faq) + HS04-('aq) large
HSO4- HS04-raq) li+(aq) + S04-Y«qj 1.3 X 10-2

HF HF(aq) H+(aq) + F-raqj 6.7 X 10-4


CH3COOH CH3COOHraq) H+faqj + CH3COO-raqj 1.8 X 10-5

H2CO3 (CO2 + H2O) H C03 raq)

2 ::^=±: U+(aq) + HC03-raq) 4.4 X 10-^

H2S + HS-raq) X 10-7

^ H+raq)
+ NH raq)
+ C03-Y«q;



H2O H20raq; H+faq) + OH-(aq) 1.8 X 10-46 *

* The equilibrium constant, Ka, for water equals

1.00 X 10-44
• See Section 11-1.1,
[H2O] 55.5

11-3.2 Equilibrium Calculations of Acidity zoic acid if we assume very little of it has reacted

The acidity of a solution has pronounced effects to form H+faqj according to reaction {42):
on many chemical reactions. It is therefore im-
moles 0.0100 mole
portant to be able to learn and control the hy- [CeHaCOOH] =
volume 1.00 liter
drogen ion concentration. This control is ob-
tained through application of the Equilibrium
[CgHsCOOH] = 0.0100 M= 1.00 X lO-^ M {44)

Law. Common types of calculation, based on and, by measurement,

needed to determine Ka from
this law, are those [H+] = 8 X 10-4 M {45)
experimental data and those using Ka to find
(Notice that [H+] is less than 10% of
[H+]. We will illustrate both of these types, using
benzoic acid, CeHsCOOH, as an example. [CeHsCOOH], verifying our assumption that
very little of the acid reacted.) Now we know two
DETERMINATION OF Ka of the concentrations in expression {43) and, to

To apply the Equilibrium Law to acid solutions,

complete the calculation, we must know the con-
centration of benzoate ion, [CeHsCOQ-]. Since
a chemist must know the numerical value of the
equilibrium constant, Ka. Experiments which
the benzoic acid was dissolved in pure water, the
only source of CeHsCOO"" is reaction {42). This
provide this information require the measure-
is also the source of hydrogen ion, H+faqj. Since
ment of hydrogen ion concentration. Acid-sensi-
tive dyes, such as litmus, offer the easiest esti-
these two ions are both produced only by reac-
mate of [H+]. tion {42), their concentrations must be equal in
this solution. That is,
A typical example is as follows. Benzoic acid,
CeHsCOOH, is a solid substance with only mod- [H+] = [CeHsCOO-]
erate solubility in water. The aqueous solutions
Thus, if [H+] 8 X 10-^, then, also
conduct electric current and have the other prop-
erties of an acid listed in Section 11-2.1. We can [CeHsCOO-] = 8 X 10-4 ( 45)

describe this behavior with reaction {42) leading Now we can complete the calculation by sub-
to the equilibrium relation {43)\ stituting {44), {45), and {46) into {43):

C,H,COOH(aq) H^(aq) + C,H,COO-(aq) ^ [H+irCeHsCOO-] ^ [8 X 10-4] X [8 X 10-4]

^ [QH COOH] 5 [1.0 X 10-2]
64 X 10-^
^ [H+irCeH^COO-l _
{43) 1.0 X 10-2
^ [CeHsCOOH]
KA = eAX 10-6 =. 6,4 X 10-6
The following experiment was performed to
determine the equilibrium constant in {43). A CALCULATION OF [H+]
1 .22 gram sample of benzoic was dissolved
acid Having established experimentally the numerical value of
in 1.00 liter of water at 25°C. With dyes whose Ka, we can use it in calculations of equilibrium concen-
color is sensitive to acidity (indicators) the con-
As an example, suppose a chemist needs to know the
centration of H+(aq) was estimated to be
hydrogen ion concentration in a solution containing both
8 X M.
0.010 M
benzoic acid, CeHsCOOH, and 0.030 sodium M
To make use of these data, we must first ex- benzoate, CeHsCOONa. Of course, he could go to the
press all quantities in terms of moles. The mo- laboratory and proceed to investigate the colors of in-
dicator dyes placed in the solution. However, it is easier
lecular weight of benzoic acid, CeHsCOOH, is
to calculate the value of [H+], using the accurate value
122.1 grams/mole. Hence,
of Ka listed in Appendix 2.
1-22 g electrolyte; its aqueous
Sodium benzoate is a strong
1.22 g CeHsCOOH solutions contain sodium ions, Na+faq], and benzoate
122.1 g/mole
ions, CeHsCOO-faqJ. Hence the equilibrium involved is
= 0.0100 mole CeHsCOOH the same as before:

Now we can calculate the concentration of ben- CeHsCOOHfaqj H+raq) + CeHsCOO-faqj {42)
SEC. 11-3 I

At equilibrium, the concentrations must be in accord with CHjCOOHfaq) H+(aq) + CHsCOQ-faq;

the equilibrium expression. That is,
NHsfaqj + H'^(aq) NH +(aqj 4

Ka = 6.6 X 10-6 {43)
Net reaction
CHsCOOHfaq) + NHs( aq) z^
First, let us assume that very formed through
little [H+] is

dissociation of benzoic acid. This assumption implies that

CHsCOO-( aq) + NH^+faqj {50)

the concentrations of benzoate ion and benzoic acid are

very little affected by reaction {42). Assuming this, we see
Practically, the result of reactions {48) and {49)

that two of the concentrations in (39) are already speci- is reaction {50). In react on {50), we see that
fied: acetic acid acts as same sense that
an acid in the
[CeHeCOOH] = M
0.010 it does in {48). In either case, hydrogen it releases
[CeHeCOO-] = 0.030 M
ions. In {48) acetic acid releases hydrogen ions

^ rH+irCeH^COO-l ^ rH+1(0.030) and forms li+(aq) and in {50) it releases hydro-

gen ions to NH 3 and forms NH 4^. In the same
^ ^
^ [CeHfiCOOH] (0.010)

Rearranging (47), we obtain way, ammonia acts as a base in {50) by reacting

with the hydrogen ion released by ace ic acid.
(0.010) 0.010
[H+] =KaX (0.030)
6.6 X 10-6 X 0.030
So reaction {50) is an acid-base reaction, though
the net reaction does not show H+faq explicitly.
[H+] = 2.2 X 10-6
Nowby taking one more step we can view
The calculation cannot be considered complete until acid-base reaction in a broader sense. Suppose
we check the assumption. Was it reasonable to assume we mix aqueous solutions of ammonium chlo-
that the concentrations of benzoate ionand benzoic acid ride, NH4CI, and sodium acetate, CHsCOONa.
were not changed by reaction (42)? To decide, we com-
pare the magnitude of [H+], 2.2 X 10-6 the ben-
A sniff indicates ammonia has been formed. Re-
action occurs,
zoate ion and benzoic acid concentrations. We find that
[CeHsCOOH] = 0.010 M is about 500 times larger than NH + (aqJ -f Cli^COO~( aq) z^
form 2.2 X 10-6
the concentration change necessary to M CHsCOOHraq) + NHafaq; (51)
H+. The same argument applies to [CeHsCOQ-]. The
assumption is valid. Reaction {51) is just the reverse of reaction

{50). Inspection of this reaction reveals that re-

action (57), too, is an acid-base reaction! Once
11-3.3 Competition for H+ Among Weak Acids
again there is an acid that releases H+ — it is NH^
We have explained the properties of acids in — and a base that accepts H+ — the base is
terms of their abilities to release hydrogen ions, CH COO-.
3 Once again the net effect of the re-
H+faqj. Thus acetic acid is a weak acid because action is transfer of a hydrogen ion from one
of the slight extent to which reaction {48) re- species to another. We see that the acid-base
leases H+(aq): reaction between acetic acid and ammonia gave
two products, one an acid, NH^, and one a
CHsCOOHraq) =e±:
H+(aq) + CH COO-(aq; 3 {48)
base, CH COO-. A
3 little thought will convince
you that every acid-base reaction does so. The
We have explained the properties of bases in transfer of a hydrogen ion from an acid to a
terms of their abilities to react with hydrogen ion. base necessarily implies that it might be handed
Thus ammonia is a base because it can react as back. The reaction of handing it back, the re-
in {49): verse reaction, is just as much a hydrogen ion
transfer, hence an acid-base reaction, as is the
NHsraqj + H+(aq; MHUaq) {49)
original transfer.
Now consider the result of mixing aqueous solu- Notice that we are now referring to reactions
and ammonia. The reaction
tions of acetic acid in which a hydrogen ion is transferred from an
that occurs can be compared to a sequence of acid to a base without specifically involving the
reactions. aqueous species H+faqj. A hydrogen ion, H+, is
CHAP. 1 1

nothing more than a proton. Consequently we ciation of acetic acid, reactions (54) and (55):
can frame a more general view of acid-base
H+faq) + OH-faq) =i=±: H2O ( 54 )
reactions in terms of proton transfer. The main
value of this view is that it is applicable to a
wider range of chemical systems, including non-
H+(aq) + CHsCOO-(aq) (55)

aqueous systems. It does so by making a specific assumption

We generalize our view of the acid-base type about the nature of the species H+(aq). It is
of reaction as follows. In our example, reaction considered to have the molecular formula
(50), HsO+faqj. Thus, when HCl dissolves in water,
the reaction is written
CH3COOH + NH3 NH+ + CH3COO- ( 50 )
an acid a base an acid a base UC\(g) +HO 2 UsO+(aq) Clf aq) (56)

The acetic acid reacts as an acid, giving up its

instead of

proton, to form acetate, CHsCOO-", a substance UC\(g) :^H^(aq) + Cl-(aq) (57)

that can act as a base. We can write (50) in a
general form: Whenever H+(aq) might appear in an equation
it is replaced by the hydronium
for a reaction,
HBi HB, + Bi (52) ion, H3O+, and a molecule of water is added to
Acidi + Base 2 Acid 2 + Basei (5i) the other side of the equation. We write (55) in
the form
We see that an acid and a base react, through
proton transfer, to form another acid and another CHsCOOH(aq) + H2O :i=±:

H30faq; + CHsCOO-fag) ( 58 )

We can use this more general view to discuss Now the dissociation of acetic acid can be re-
the strengths of acids. In our generalized acid- garded as an acid-base reaction. The acid
base reaction (52), the proton transfer implies CH3COOH transfers a proton to the base HO 2

the chemical bond in HBi must be broken and forming the acid H3O+ and the base CH3COO~.
the chemical bond in HB 2 must be formed. If the The reaction (54) now takes the form
HBi bond is easily broken, then HBi will be a
strong acid. Then equilibrium will tend to favor H30+raq) + OH-( aq) H2O + H2O ( 59 )

a proton transfer from HBi

some other base,
In (59) the acid H3O+ transfers a proton to the
B 2 If, on the other hand, the HBi bond is ex-

base OH~, forming an acid, H 2 O, and a base,

tremely stable, then this substance will be a weak
H O. We
2 see that within the proton transfer
acid. Equilibrium will tend to favor a proton theory, the molecule HO must be assigned the
transfer from some other acid, HB 2, to base Bi, properties of an acid and, as well, those of a base.
forming the stable HBi bond. This designation of the species H+(aq) in

terms of hydronium ion, H3O+, is not necessi-

Hydronium Ion tated by experimental evidence that proves the

11-3.4 in the Proton Transfer
Theory of Acids unique existence of this molecule, H3O+, in dilute
aqueous solutions (see Section 1 1-2.5). Neverthe-
In the proton transfer view of acid-base reac- less, the convenience of this assumption, as an
tions,an acid and a base react to form another aid in correlating acid-base behavior, amply
acid and another base. Let us see how this theory justifies its use.

encompasses the elementary reaction between

H+faqj and OH~(aq) and the reaction of disso-
11-3.5 Contrast of Acid-Base Definitions
* This more general view of acids and bases named is

the Br0nsted-Lowry theory after the two scientists who In this chapter we first identified acids and bases
proposed it, J. N. Brpnsted and T. M. Lowry. in aqueous solution by investigating the proper-
SEC. 11-3 I

ties possessed by acid solutions and base solu- an unusually large number of points or who,
tions. By so doing, we defined an acid in terms in clever defensive acts, repetitiously and ad-

of the properties of solutions of acids. Now we vantageously contributes to the welfare of

are explaining the behavior of an acid in terms his team.
of the process of proton transfer. Because this (2) A “star” is an athlete with unusual muscular
explanation fits number of experimental
a large coordination.
facts well and conveniently, it has come into
common use. If a chemist is asked what sub- The first definition is “operational.” It ex-
stances are acids, he is liable to refer to the ex- plicitly states criteria for deciding whether a
planation rather than to the identifying proper- player is a “star.” He is one who “regularly
ties. At this point, he has shifted to a new scores an unusually large number of points” or
definition. Let us compare these two definitions. who “in clever defensive acts, repetitiously
Definition 1 . An acid is a substance that has and. • •
’’To decide if a player is a “star,” you
the properties listed below when dissolved in count his scoring or, alternatively, number the
water: outstanding defensive plays he makes.
The second definition might be called a “con-
it is an electrical conductor;
ceptual definition.” It offers an explanation of
it reacts with Zn to give ¥L 2 (g)',
why the athlete enjoys special success in his
it makes litmus red;
sport. Itis one step removed from things that
it tastes sour.
show on the scoreboard.
Definition 2. An acid is a substance that can The first definition gives no clue why one
release protons. player is a “star” and another player is not. Its
The first definition is of the type called an value is that it is practical, useful, and surely
“operational definition.” To understand this correct. It does not matter how awkward a
term, consider the intended meaning of the word basketball player is; if he scores 30 points per
“definition.” According to the dictionary, “defi- game he is assured of a considerable amount of
nition” means “a statement of what a thing is.” public acclaim.
With a definition to help, it is possible to sort The value of the second (conceptual) definition
the universe into two piles — one pile containing is it contains more information about “star-
those objects that fit the definition, and another dom.” If accurate, it has the deeper significance.
pile containing those that do not. The “state- It might help the basketball coach more in de-

ment” gives criteria by which this sorting can be veloping the optimum characteristics of his
carried out. An “operational definition” is, then, squad. It permits him to predict athletic skill in
a definition that lists, as criteria, measurements advance of the first game.
or observations (that is, “operations”) by which Returning to our two definitions of an acid,
you could decide whether a given object is “in” the first, the operational definition, gives clearcut
or “out.” instructions on how to decide whether a given
substance is an acid. Dissolve it in water and see
The second definition is a “conceptual defini-
if it has certain properties. The second (concep-
tion.” It defines the class in terms of an expla-
tual) definition, however, has the deeper sig-
nation of why the class has its properties. To see
nificance since includes our knowledge of why
the difference — and the relative merit — of the

an acid has these particular properties. It pro-

two kinds of definition, let us consider an anal-
vides a basis for finding hidden likenesses be-
tween acid-base reactions in water and other-
Contrast the following pair of definitions.
reactions in other solvents. Each type of defini-

(1) A “star” is an athlete who regularly scores tion has its merit; neither is the definition.
CHAP. 11


1. What is the concentration of H+f aq) in an aque- 10. How much more 0.200 M
NaOH solution need
ous solution in which [OH“] = 1.0 X 10“® M? be added to the solution in Problem 9 to change
[H+] to 10-7 M?
2. 100 ml of the HCl solution described in Exercise
11-2 (p. 182) is diluted with water to 1.00 liter. 11. An acid is a substance HB that can form H+(aq)
What is the concentration of H+faq)? What is in the equilibrium

[OH“] in this solution?

Vinegar, lemon juice, and curdled milk, all taste

H^raq) ^ H+(aq; + B-(aq)

sour. What other properties would you expect (a) Does equilibrium favor reactants or products

common ? for a strong acid?

them to have in
(b) Does equilibrium favor reactants or prod-
4. Give the name and formula of three hydrogen 12. ucts for a very weak acid?
containing compounds that are not classified as (c) If acid HBi is a stronger acid than acid HB2,
acids. State for each compound one or more is Ki a larger or smaller number than A^2?
properties common to acids that it does not
„ FH+irBrl
5. As a solution of barium hydroxide is mixed with
a solution of sulfuric acid, a white precipitate (a) Which of the following acids is the strongest

forms and the electrical conductivity decreases and which is the weakest ?

markedly. Write equations for the reactions that 13.

ammonium ion, NH/ (in an NH4CI
occur and account for the conductivity change. solution)

6. An eyedropper is calibrated by counting the

bisulfate ion, HSO^ (in a KHSO4
number of drops required to deliver 1.0 ml.
hydrogen sulfide, H2S.
Twenty drops are required.
(b) If 0.1 M solutions are made of NH4CI,
(a) What isvolume of one drop ?
the KHSO4, and H2S, in which will [H+] be
(b) Suppose one such drop of 0.20 HCl is M highest and in which will it be lowest ?
added to 100 ml of water. What is [H+]?
(c) By what factor did [H+] change when the (a) Nitric acid is a very strong acid. What is

one drop was added? [H+] in a 0.050 M HNO3 solution?

(b) Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2, is a very weak
Answer, (c) X 1000.
acid. What is [H2O2] in a 0.050 M H2O2
7. Suppose drops (from the same eyedropper) of solution ?
0.10 M
NaOH are added, one at a time, to the
100 ml of HCl in Problem 6b. 14. From Appendix 2, what generaliza-
a study of
tion can you make concerning acids which con-
(a) What will be [H+] after one drop is added? tain more than one atom of hydrogen in their
(b) What will be [H+] after two drops are molecules or ions?
(c) What will be [H+] after three drops are 15. A 0.25 M solution of benzoic acid (symbolize it

added ? HB) is found to have a hydrogen ion concentra-

tion [H+] = 4 X 10-® M.
8. Calculate [H+] and [OH“] in a solution made
by mixing 50.0 ml 0.200 M HCl and 49.0 ml (a) Assuming the simple reaction \{B( aq)
0.200 M NaOH. H+faq) -h B-(aq), calculate Ka for benzoic
— acid.
Answer. [OH“] 5 X 10“^^ M.
(b) Compare the values of [HB], [H+], [B~],
9. Calculate [H+] and [OH“] in a solution made by and Ka used in this problem to the corre-
mixing 50.0 ml 0.200 M HCl and 49.9 ml sponding quantities in the benzoic acid cal-

0.200 M NaOH. culation presented in the text. Section 11-3.2.


16. If 23 grams of formic acid, HCOOH, are dis- 20. Write the equations for the reaction between
solved in 10.0 liters of water at 20°C, the [H+] each of the following acid-base pairs. For each
is found to be 3.0 X 10“^ M. Calculate Ka. reaction, predict whether reactants or products
are favored (using the values of Ka given in
17. A chemist dissolved 25 grams of CH3COOH in Appendix 2).
enough water to make one liter of solution. What
is the concentration of this acetic acid solution? (a) HNO^raq) + NHafaq; =i=±:
+ F“(aq
What is the concentration of
a negligible change in [CH3COOH]
H+faqj? Assume
because of
(b) 'NHi+( aq)

CeHBCOOHfaqj + CH3COO-(aq)
Answer, (a) HNOafoqj + NHsfaqj
dissociation to H^(aq).

When sodium acetate, CHsCOONa, is added to

^N02-(aqj + NH4+faq).
Products, N02“(agj and
an aqueous solution of hydrogen fluoride, HF, NH +(oq) favored.

a reaction occurs in which the weak acid HF

21. Write the equations for the reactions between
loses H+.
each of the following acid-base pairs. For each
reaction, predict whether reactants or products
(a) Write the equation for the reaction.
are favored.
(b) What weak acid is competing with HF for
Answer, (b) CH3COOH, acetic acid.
(a) H S03 raq) +
2 HCOs-faqj
H2C03(aq) + S03“Y«qJ
19. (a) Write the equation for the reaction that
(C) H2S03raq) + SOz-^(aq) ^
shows the acid-base reaction between hy- 22. If the pH of a solution is 5, what is [H+] ? Is the
drogen sulfide, H 2 S, and carbonate ion, solution acidic or basic ?
23. What is [H+] in a solution of pH = 8? Is the
(b) What are the two acids competing for H+?
solution acidic or basic? What is [OH“] in the
(c) From the values of Ka for these two acids
same solution?
(see Table 11 -IV), predict whether the equi-
librium favors reactants or products. 24. Devise an operational and also a conceptual
Answer, (c) Products. definition of a gas.

During a full life this great Swedish chemist met practically University but chose to return to Sweden as a lecturer and
all the important men of science of his day and won their teacher at a high school in Stockholm. His theory was still

affection as well as their highest regard. He is said to have not generally accepted, and those who did not agree with it

had a genius for friendship. Nevertheless, his early career dubbed its proponents "the wild horde of the lonians."
was filled with a battle for acceptance. Even Arrhenius' assignment as professor at Stockholm in
At 22 Arrhenius had performed many experiments con- 1893 questioned until a storm of protest came from
cerned with the passage of electricity through aqueous Germany. Within two years of this appoint-
scientists in
solutions and he decided to continue this work in prepara- ment he was elected President of the University and was
tion for his doctorate. For two years he collected voluminous named a Nobel laureate, the award being only the third
data on hundreds of solutions and concentrations while such in chemistry. Arrhenius finally received the acclaim he
working in the laboratory of the University of Upsala. He had so long deserved. He was offered the coveted position
then formulated a carefully considered hypothesis that of professor of chemistry at Berlin but the King of Sweden
aqueous solutions contain charged species, ions. This was a founded the Nobel Institute for Physical Chemistry and, in
revolutionary suggestion and his professors found it so 1905, Arrhenius became its director. He continued as a
different from their own ideas that they only grudgingly tireless experimenter and an extremely versatile scientist

granted his degree. until his death in 1927.

Undiscouraged, Arrhenius sent copies of his thesis to Arrhenius' success in science must be credited not only
other scientists. Although few took his radical idea seri- to his brilliance as a scientist but also to his conviction in
ously, the great German scientist, Ostwald, became so his views.His understanding of the electrical properties of
excited that he traveled to Sweden to meet Arrhenius. aqueous solutions was so far ahead of contemporary thought
Encouraged by this support, Arrhenius traveled and studied that it would have been ignored but for his confidence in
in Germany and Holland. Finally, in 1889, his paper '"''On the usefulness of his theory and his refusal to abandon it.
the Dissociation of Substances in Aqueous Solutions" was It is fitting tribute that the ionic model of aqueous solutions
published. has changed permanently the face of inorganic chemistry.
He was invited to come to Leipzig as a professor at the

Oxidation- Reduction

Chemical thermodynamics enables one to state what may happen when

two substances react.

We have now made use of the principles of equi- ring entirely in solution and involving proton
librium in two general types of reactions. In transfer. Now we shall take a more general view
Chapter 10 we considered reactions involving a of equilibrium in aqueous solutions, a view pro-
solid and a solution: dissolving and precipita- vided by an investigation of the chemistry of an
tion. In Chapter 1 1 we turned to reactions occur- electrochemical cell.


Electrochemical cells are familiar —a flashlight vors reactants or products. The reactions are of
operates on current drawn from electrochemical the type called oxidation-reduction reactions,
cells called dry cells, and automobiles are started which is the subject of this chapter.
with the aid of a battery, a set of electrochemical
cells in tandem. The last time you changed the
12-1.1 The Chemistry of an Electrochemical
dry cells in a flashlight because the old ones were
“dead,” did you wonder what had happened
inside those cells? Why does electric current flow Let’s begin our investigation of an electrochemi-
from a new dry cell but not from one that has cal cell by assembling one. Fill a beaker with a
been used many hours? We shall see that this is dilute solution of silver nitrate (about 0.1 M will
an important question in chemistry. By studying do) and another beaker with dilute copper sul-
the chemical reactions that occur in an electro- fate. Put a silver rod in the AgNOs solution and
chemical cell we discover a basis for predicting a copper rod in the CUSO 4 solution. With a wire,
whether equilibrium in a chemical reaction fa- connect the silver rod to one terminal of an
CHAP. 12

Fig. 12-1. An electrochemical cell.

SEC. 12-1 I

ammeter to measure the electric current. Con- the neutral copper metal atoms. This means
nect the other terminal of the ammeter through atoms of copper release electrons into the copper
a wire resistance, R, to the copper rod. Finally, rod. These electrons move into the wire, through
connect the two solutions to complete the elec- the resistance, and through the ammeter. They
tric circuit. Figure 12-1 shows suitable equip- arrive at the silver rod in the left beaker, where
ment. These two drawings show how a connec- silver metal is formed from silver ions, Ag+(aq).

tion can be made between the two solutions to Here, the positive silver ions draw electrons from
complete the electric circuit. A glass tube con- the silver rod to become neutral silver metal
taining a sodium nitrate solution furnishes an atoms. Summarizing these processes, we have:
electrical path. It is called a salt bridge.
In the right beaker, Cufsj — >-

As soon as the last connection is made, things Cu+^(aq) + 2e- (7)

start to happen. The ammeter needle deflects In the left beaker, aq + 2e~—^ 2Ag( s) (2)
moving through the meter and
electric current is
the wire resistance, R. The direction of current
Overall reaction, Cuf s j + 2 Ag+f aq — >-

flow is that of electrons moving from the copper

2Agrs; + Cu+Yaq; (3)

rod to the silver rod. The resistance becomes The overall reaction describes what goes on in

warm the cell is doing work as it forces elec- the entire electrochemical cell. In half of the cell,

trons through R. In the beakers, the copper rod the right beaker, reaction (7) occurs. In the other
dissolves and the silver rod grows. As time goes half of the cell, the left beaker, reaction (2)
by, the ammeter shows less and less current flow occurs. Hence, reactions (7) and (2) are called
until, finally, there is none. half-cell reactions or half-reactions.
Now let’s be more quantitative. Let’s repeat There are several interesting features about
the experiment, weighing the metal rods before these half-reactions:
and after the test. The weighing shows that dur-
(1) The two half-reactions are written separately.
ing the test the copper rod has become 0.635
In our electrochemical cell the half-reactions
gram lighter and the silver rod has become 2.16
occur in separate beakers. As the name im-
grams heavier. Chemical reaction has occurred
plies, theremust be two such reactions.
and, as any good chemist will do, we imme-
(2) Electrons are shown as part of the reaction.
diately ask, “How many moles of copper and
Our ammeter shows that electrons are in-
silver are involved?”
volved. They flow when the reaction starts,

Moles Cu dissolved _ wt Cu dissolved and do not flow when the reaction stops. The
atomic wt Cu meter also indicates that the electrons leave
0.635 g the copper rod, pass through the wire, and
63.5 g/mole enter the silver rod.

= 0.0100 mole (3) New chemical species are produced in each

half of the cell. The copper rod is converted
_ wt Ag deposited
Moles Ag deposited and the
to copper ions (the rod loses weight)
atomic wt Ag
silver ions arechanged to metal (the silver
2.16 g
^ rod gains weight). The new species can be
108 g/mole
explained in terms of gain of electrons (by
= 0.0200 mole and loss of electrons (by copper).

(4) The half-re actions, when combined, express

We see that there is a simple relationship between
the overall, or net, reaction.
the weight of copper dissolved and the weight of
silver deposited. One mole of copper dissolves in The net reaction (i) is obtained by combining
the right beaker for every two moles of silver (7) and (2) so as to cause the exact balancing of
deposited in the left beaker. Copper ions, electrons lost by copper atoms, in (7), and elec-
Cu+^(aq), are formed in the right beaker from trons gained by silver ion, in (2). This cancella-
CHAP. 12

tion is necessary because electrical measurements COPPER OXIDIZED BY Ag+(aq)

show that the electrochemical cell operates with- IN A BEAKER
out accumulation or consumption of electric We can easily demonstrate that reaction (3) can
charge. The reaction mixture always remains
occur even when the half-cells are not separated.
electrically neutral. The number of electrons lost
You did this in Experiment 7. A copper wire
equals the number of electrons gained. immersed in AgNOs solution caused copper to
We see that the overall chemical reaction that
dissolve [the blue color of CvTfaq) appeared]
occurs in an electrochemical cell is conveniently
and metallic silver was precipitated. The ratio of
described in terms of two types of half-reactions. (Cu dissolved) to (Ag formed) was the same as
In one, electrons are lost; in the other, they are
that in our cell, hence the net reaction was the
gained. To distinguish these half-reactions we same.
need two identifying names.
The half-reaction in which electrons are lost is

called oxidation. EXERCISE 12-1

Oxidation Cuf-sJ —^ Cu+Y«qJ + (/), {4)* Compare the mole ratio Ag/Cu derived from
yourown data for Experiment 7 to the electro-
The half-reaction in which electrons are gained
chemical data given in Section 12-1.1.
is called reduction.

Reduction 2Ag^( aq) + 2e~ — >- 2AgfsJ (2), (5)

The overall reaction is called an oxidation- The moles of silver deposited per mole of cop-
reduction reaction. per dissolved are the same whether reaction (5)
is carried out in an electrochemical cell or in a
Oxidation-reduction reaction
single beaker, as in Experiment 7. If, in the cell,
Cn(s) -h 2Ag+(aq) — electrons are transferred from copper metal
Cu+YaqJ + 2Ag(s) (i), (6)
(forming Cu+2) to silver ion (forming metallic
It is often convenient and usually informative silver), then electrons must have been transferred
to treat oxidation-reduction in terms of half- from copper metal to silver ion in Experiment 7.

reactions. When it is convenient, oxidation is in-

volved in the half-reaction showing loss of elec-

Fig. 12-2. Oxidation-reduction reactions can occur
trons, and reduction is involved in the half-
in a beaker.
reaction showing gain of electrons.

12-1.2 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions

in a Beaker

These ideas, developed for an electrochemical

cell, have great importance in chemistry because
they are also applicable to chemical reactions
that occur in a single beaker. Without an elec-
tric an opportunity for electric cur-
circuit or
rent to flow, the chemical changes that occur in
a cell can be duplicated in a single solution. It is
reasonable to apply the same explanation.

* In this and later chapters, each equation is assigned

a consecutive number (given on the right). If the equation
has occurred earlier in the chapter, the earlier number is

given as well (on the left).

SEC. 12-1 I

Thus, Experiment 7 involved the same oxidation-

reduction reaction but the electron transfer must
have occurred locally between individual copper
atoms (in the metal) and individual silver ions
(in the solution near the metal surface). This
local transfer replaces the wire “middleman” in
the cell, which carries electrons from one beaker
(where they are released by copper) to the other
(where they are accepted by silver ions).


Many oxidation-reduction reactions (nicknamed
“redox” reactions) take place in aqueous solu-
tion. One of these was mentioned in Section
11-2.1 when we characterized acids:

Zn(s) + 2H+raq; Zn^faq) + Hfg) (7)

Fig. 12-3. Some metals release electrons to H* and
others do not.
Each zinc atom loses two electrons in changing
to a zinc ion, therefore zinc is oxidized. Each
hydrogen ion gains an electron, changing to a some metals release electrons to H+ [as zinc does

hydrogen atom, therefore hydrogen is reduced. in reaction (10)] and others do not.

(After reduction,two hydrogen atoms combine

to form molecular H 2 .) As before, reaction (7)
can be separated into two half-reactions:
As a third oxidation-reduction example, suppose
Zn(s) — Zn+f aq) + 2e- (8)
a strip of metallic zinc is placed in a solution of
2ll+(aq) -h 2c- H,(g)* (9) copper nitrate, Cu(N 03 ) 2 The. strip becomes
coated with reddish metallic copper and the
Net reaction
bluish color of the solution disappears. The
Zn(s) + 2H+ —^ Zn+2 + H^ig) (7), (10) presence of zinc ion, Zn+ 2 among
the products
Thus, the reaction by which a metal dissolves in can be shown when the Cu +2 color is gone. Then
an acid is conveniently discussed in terms of oxi- if hydrogen sulfide gas is passed into the mixture,
dation and reduction involving electron transfer. white zinc sulfide, ZnS, can be seen. The reaction
The reaction can be divided into half-reactions between metallic zinc and the aqueous copper
to show the electron gain (by H+ ions) and the nitrate is

electron loss (by metal atoms). Znfs) + Cu+'^ —^ Zn+2 + Cufs) (11)
Not all metals react withaqueous acids.
Among the common metals, magnesium, alumi- Zinc has lost electrons in reaction (11) to form
num, iron, and nickel liberate H as zinc does. Zn+2:
Other metals, including copper, mercury,

Znfs) — Zn+2 + 2e- (8), (12)

and gold, do not produce measurable amounts Zinc is oxidized. If zinc is oxidized, releasing
of hydrogen even though we make sure that the electrons, something must be reduced, accepting
equilibrium state has been attained. With these these electrons. Copper ion is reduced:
metals, hydrogen is not produced and it is surely
not just because of slow reactions. Apparently Cu+2 + 2e- Cu(s) (13)

This time, copper ion gains electrons from the

* From this point on in this chapter we will consider
only aqueous solutions, hence we will not specify (aq) zinc, in contrast to the behavior in Experiment 7,

for each ion. where copper metal lost electrons to silver.


Fig. 1 2-4. Two electrochemical cells involving copper: with silver, copper is oxidized; with zinc, is reduced.
SEC. 12-1 I

What about the state of equilibrium for the listed by tendency to release electrons just as we
reaetion represented by equation (77)? Let us did in Table 11-IV (p. 191) in which the acid
plaee a strip of metallic copper in a zinc sulfate strength indicates tendency for an acid to re-
solution. No visible reaction occurs and attempts lease H+.
to detect the presence of cupric ion by adding We can already make some comparisons. We
HS 2 to produce the black color of cupric sulfide, might begin by listing some of the half-reactions
CuS, fail. Cupric sulfide has such low solubility we have encountered in this chapter. We shall
that this an extremely sensitive test, yet the
is write show the release of electrons and
them to
amount of Cu+2 formed cannot be detected. Ap- then arrange them in order of their tendency to
parently the state of equilibrium for the reaction do so. First we considered reaction (3) and dis-
(77) greatly favors the products over the reac- covered that copper releases electrons to silver

tants. ion. Therefore, we shall write our first two half-

reactions in the order

12-1.3 Competition for Electrons

CufsJ —^ Cu+2 + 2e- (7), (75)

These reactions can be viewed as a competition Ag(s) — Ag+ +

>- e~ (16)
between two kinds of atoms (or molecules) for
electrons. Equilibrium is attained when this com- Listing the Cu-Cu +2 half-reaction first indicates
petition reaches a balance between opposing re- that it releases electrons more readily than does
actions. In the case of reaction (5), copper metal the Ag-Ag+ half-reaction.
reacting with silver nitrate solution, the Cufs) Now consider reaction (77). Since zinc releases
releases electrons and Ag+ accepts them so electrons to copper ion, we know that we must
readily that equilibrium greatly favors the prod- add it to our list at the top
ucts, Cu+2 and Agfsj. Since randomness tends to
favor neither reactants nor products, the equi-
Zn(s) Zn+2 + 2e- (8), (17)

librium must favor products because the energy Cu(s) —^ Cu+2 + 2e- (7), (18)
is lowered as the electrons are transferred. If we
Ag(s) Ag+ + (16), (19)
regard reaction (i) as a competition between
silver and copper for electrons, stability favors Listing the Zn-Zn +2 half-reaction first tells us
silver over copper. that it releases electrons more readily than does
The same sort of competition for electrons the Cu-Cu+2 half-reaction. But if this is true,
is involved in reaction (77), in which Zn(s) re- then the Zn-Zn+2 half-reaction must also release
leases electrons and Cu +2 accepts them. This time electrons more readily than does the Ag-Ag+
the competition for electrons is such that equi- half-reaction. Our list leads us to expect that zinc
librium favors Zn+2 and Cufs). By way of con- metal will release electrons to silver ion, reacting
trast, compare the reaction of metallic cobalt to produce zinc ion and silver metal.
placed in a nickel sulfate solution. A reaction We should test this proposal! We dip a piece
occurs, of zinc metal in a solution of silver nitrate. The
Cofs) + Ni+2 Co +2
-f Nifs) {14)
result confirms our expectation; zinc metal dis-
At equilibrium, chemical tests show that both solves and bright crystals of metallic silver ap-
Ni+2 and C 0+2 are present at moderate concen- pear.
trations. In this case, neither reactants (Co and Our data allow us to make one more addition
Ni+2) nor products (C 0+2 and Ni) are greatly to the list. By reaction (7), zinc reacts with H+

favored. to give Zn+2 and H 2 (g). The half-reaction

This competition for electrons is reminiscent H 2-2 H+ must be placed below the Zn-Zn+2 half-
of the competition for protons among acids and reaction. How far below? To answer that, re-

bases. The similarity suggests that we might de- member that copper does not react with H+ to
velop a table in which metals and their ions are produce H 2. This indicates that the half-reaction
CHAP. 12

H -2 H+
2 releases electrons more readily than
does the half-reaction Cli-Cu+2. Now we can
expand our list to that given in Table 12-1.

Table 12-1

>- Zn+2
+ 2e~
+ 2e-
( 5 ), m
Cu(s) — >- Cu+2 + 2e- (/), ( 22 )
Ag(s) — Ag+ -f e- {16), {23)


From the statement in the text that nickel metal

reacts with H+ to give and the additional
information that zinc metal reacts readily with
nickel sulfate solution, decide where to add the
half-reaction Ni-Ni+2 in our list.

The value of this list is obvious. Any half-

reaction can be combined with the reverse of
another half-reaction (in the proportion for
which electrons gained is equal to electrons lost)
to give a possible chemical reaction. Our list

permits us to predict whether equilibrium favors Before examining the processes in a cell, we
reactants or products. We
would like to expand should name the parts of a cell and clear away
our list and to make it more quantitative. Elec- some language matters. The electrons enter and
trochemical cells help us do this. leave the cell through electrical conductors —the
copper rod and the silver rod in Figure 12-5
called electrodes. At one electrode, the copper
12-1.4 Operation of an Electrochemical Cell
electrode, electrons are released and oxidation
Now let’s take a more detailed look into the occurs. The electrode where oxidation occurs is

electrochemical cell. Figure 12-5 shows a cross- called the anode. At the other electrode, the
section of a cell that uses the same chemical re- silver electrode, electrons are gained and reduc-
action as that depicted in Figure 12-1. The only tion occurs. The electrode where reduction oc-
difference is that the two solutions are connected curs is called the cathode.
differently. In Figure 12-1 a tube containing a As from the anode
electrons leave the cell
solution of an electrolyte (such as KNO3) pro- (electrons are released where oxidation occurs),
vides a conducting path. In Figure 12-5 the silver positively charged Cu +2 ions are produced. Nega-
nitrate is placed in a porous porcelain cup. Since tive charge is leaving (by means of the electron
the silver nitrate and copper sulfate solutions can movement) and positive charge is produced (the

seep through the porous cup, they provide their Cu+2 ions) in this half of the cell. How is elec-

own connection to each other. trical neutrality maintained? It must be main-

SEC. 12-2 I

tained by the movement of ions through the The Cu+2 ion drifts away into the solution but
solution. Negative ions drift toward the anode the electrons remain in the copper rod. They
and positive ions move away. It is because nega- move up through the copper anode, through the
tive ions in a cell always drift toward the anode wire, and enter the silver cathode. At the surface
that negative ions are called anions (pronounced of this rod, the electrons encounter Ag+ ions in
an'ions). Since positive ions drift away from the the solution. The electrons react with Ag+ ions
anode and toward the cathode, positive ions are to give neutral silver atoms which remain on the
called cations (pronounced cat' ions). rod as silver metal:
Here is our electrochemical glossary: 2Ag+ + 2e- 2Ag(s) (2), (25)

Electrodes: The conductors at which reactions Now an excess of positive charge in the
there is
occur in an electrochemical cell.
solution near the copper anode and a deficiency
Anode: The electrode at which oxidation of positive charge in the solution near the silver
occurs. cathode. Two negative charges have been moved
Cathode: The electrode at which reduction from the anode half-cell through the wire to the
occurs. cathode half-cell. This charge movement causes
Anion: Negatively charged ion. all of the negative ions (anions) in the solution
Cation: Positively charged ion.
(SO.f^ and NOg") to start drifting toward the

With the verbal matters out of the way, let’s

anode. All of the positive ions (cations) start

take an electrical tour through the cell shown in drifting toward the cathode. When the movement
Figure 12-5. We’ll start at the surface of the of all of these ions amounts to the charge move-

copper rod and follow the process around the ment of two negative charges from the cathode
and back to the copper rod. Let us
entire circuit porous cup to the anode beaker, our tour of the
begin with a particular copper atom that loses cell is completed. Electrical neutrality has been

two electrons: restored and the net reaction is

Cu(s) —^ Cu+2 + 2e- U), (24) Cufs) + 2Ag+ — Cu+2 -f- 2Ag(sj (3), (26)


The usefulness of Table 12-1 is clear. Qualitative entered. As they fall to the lower potential en-
predictions of reactions can be made with the ergy, the energy change appears as heat. This
aid of the ordered list of half-reactions. Think potential energy change is measured by voltage.
how the value of the list would be magnified if Just as lowering a mass from a higher altitude
we had a quantitative measure of electron losing decreases its potential energy, moving an electric
tendencies. The voltages of electrochemical cells charge to a lower voltage lowers its potential
furnish such a quantitative measure. energy.
So the voltage of an electrochemical cell meas-
ures its capacity for doing electrical work. Dif-
12-2.1 Electron Losing Tendency
ferent cells show different voltages. To see the
The circuit shown in Figure 12-1 includes a wire importance of this voltage, consider the experi-
resistance coil, R. As the current flows through ment shown in Figure 12-6. In Figure 12-6A we
R, heat is generated. The cell is doing electrical have a cell based upon reaction (27):
work in forcing the electron current

Again we apply the Law of Conservation of

through R.
Zn(s) + Ni+2 — Zn+2 + Nifs) (27)

Energy. As the electrons leave R, they must have If the concentrations in the cell are 1 M, the
lower potential energy than they had when they voltage in the cell is 0.5 volt. We will call this
CHAP. 12

Fig. 12-6. Two cells in opposition. In which direction will current flow?
SEC. 12-2 I

voltage E° (Zn-Ni+2). As the cell is shown, elec- 2Ag+ + 2^- —^ 2Agfs; (2), {30)

trons move clockwise through the meter. On the Zn-Ni+2 cell:

right in Figure 12-6B is a cell based upon reac- Zn+2 + 2e- —^ Zn(s) {8), {31)
The E° (Zn-Ag+),
tion {28).
is 1.5 volts for
voltage of this
1 M concentrations.
Ni(s) —^ Ni+2 + 2e- {32)

Zn(s) + 2Ag+ —^ Zn+2 + 2Agrs; {28)

Net reaction in both cells

The electrical hookup in this cell causes electrons

(29) + {30) + {31) + {32)

to move counterclockwise through the meter. Ni(s) -f 2Ag+ — Ni+2 + 2Ag(sj {33)

Then, in Figure 12-6C, the two cells are recon- But the net reaction is just the reaction that oc-
nected in opposition to each other. The zinc- curs in a Ni-Ag+ cell! What is the voltage of
nickel cell pushes the electrons clockwise and such a cell? Experiment shows that such a cell
the silver-zinc cell pushes the electrons counter- has a voltage of 1 .0 volt. We find our double cell
clockwise. In each cell, the zinc electrode has a (Figure 12-6) has a voltage identical to that of a
tendency to dissolve, releasing electrons into the Ni-Ag+ cell alone. The tendency of zinc to re-
external circuit. But electrons cannot flow in lease electrons through reaction (29) must have
both directions. Which cell will win out? Ex- influenced the voltage of the Zn-Ag+ cell. The
periment shows that electron current flows coun- same tendency of must
zinc to release electrons
terclockwise from the zinc electrode of the also have influenced the voltage of the Zn-Ni+2
Zn-Ag+ cell into the zinc electrode of the cell. When these cells are put in opposition, the
Zn-Ni+2 cell. We can explain this intuitively by tendency of zinc to release electrons exactly
saying the stronger (1.5 volts) cell has over- cancels.
powered the weaker (0.5 volt) cell. The Zn-Ag+ This shows that the voltage of a given cell may
cell proceeds to react in the sense it would if it be thought of as being made up of two parts, one
were alone in the circuit. The other cell is forced part characteristic of one of the half-reactions
to react in the direction opposite to that it would and one part characteristic of the other half-
take spontaneously. The reaction that generates reaction. Chemists call these two parts “half-cell
the higher voltage prevails. The reaction which potentials,” a term that emphasizes the relation
generates the higher voltage has the greater tend- between voltage and potential energy. The half-
ency to proceed and the observed voltage meas- cell potentials are symbolized E°.
ures the tendency. Thus we write for the Zn-Ag+ cell
Wecan learn one more valuable lesson from
E° = E°{Zn-Zn+^) - E°{Ag-Ag+) = 1.5 volts {34)
these two cells working against each other. The
measured voltage of our double cell (Figure 12-6) and for the Zn-Ni+2 cell

is 1.0 volt. Since the voltage for each cell is a E =

E°{Zn-Zn+^) - £:°(Ni-Ni+2) = 0.5 volt {35)
measure of the tendency to send out electrons,
we could calculate the net voltage (1.0 volt) by
If we place these batteries in opposition, the net

combining the individual cell voltages. In this voltage will be

case we must subtract the two because they are ^3° = E°- El = [£°(Zn-Zn+2) - F°(Ag-Ag+)]
hooked up to oppose each other. So we find - [F°(Zn-Zn+2) - E°(Ni-Ni+2)]
El = F:°(Ni-Ni+2) - E°{Ag-Ag+) = 1.0 volt {36)
E^et = E°{Zn-Ag+) - £°(Zn-Ni+2)
= 1.5 - 0.5 and also
= 1.0 volt
El = El- El = (1.5) - (0.5) = 1.0 volt
It is interesting to write an overall reaction for
these two cells when they are operating as in
We see that

Figure 12-6: (a) the value E°{Zn-Zn+^) cancels in {36);

Zn-Ag+ cell: (b) {36) is just the expected sum of half-reactions

Zn(s) —^ Zn+2 -f 2e- {8), (29) for a Ni-Ag cell;
CHAP. 12

(c) the calculated difference between El and El has been producing the energy has the Same
is just 1.0 volt, the same as measured for a tendency to proceed as does the reverse reaction.
Ni-Ag+ cell. Again the voltage measures the net tendency for
reaction to occur. At equilibrium there is a bal-
MEASURING HALF-CELL POTENTIALS ance between forward and reverse reactions,
We would measure the contribution each
like to hence there is no net tendency for further reac-
half-reaction to the voltage of a cell. Yet
makes tion either way. Therefore, the voltage of a cell
every cell involves two half-reactions and every at equilibrium is zero.
cell voltage measures a difference between their Since concentration variations have measura-
half-cell potentials. We can never isolate one on the cell voltage, a measured voltage
ble effects
half-reaction to measure its E°. An easy escape cannot be interpreted unless the cell concentra-
is to assign an arbitrary value to the potential of tions are specified. Because of this, chemists
some selected half-reaction. Then we can com- introduce the idea of “standard-state.” The
bine all other half-reactions in turn with this standard state for gases is taken as a pressure of
reference half-reaction and find values for them one atmosphere at 25°C; the standard state for
relative to our reference. The handiest arbitrary ions is taken as a concentration of 1 M; and the
value to assign is zero and chemists have decided standard state of pure substances is taken as the
to give it to the half-reaction pure substances themselves as they exist at 25°C.
H,(g) — 2H+ + 2c-
half-cell potential associated

reaction taking place between substances in their

with a half-

E° = 0.00 • •
• volt (27), (37)
standard states is called E° (the superscript zero
must control concentration during these means standard state). We can rewrite equation
measurements of E°, since the voltage of a cell (57) to include the specifications of the standard
changes as concentrations change. For example, states:
in the laboratory we studied a cell based on re-
H (g,2 1 atm) —> 2H+(aq, lM) + 2e-
action (55): E° = 0.00 ‘
volt (assigned) (39)

Zn(s) + Cu+2 Zn+2 + Cufsj (77), (55) Now if we combine a Zn-Zn+^ half-cell in its

We found that the voltmeter readings were dif-

standard state with a H -2 H+2 half-cell in its

standard state, the voltage (potential) we meas-

ferent for different concentrations. Were these
ure (0.76 volt) is the value assigned to the half-
readings in agreement with predictions we would
make on the basis of equilibrium principles?

Increasing the concentration of Cu+2 ion in re- Zn(sj Zn+%aq, 1 M) -b 2c-

action (55) should increase the tendency to form E° = -1-0.76 volt (40)

the products (Le Chatelier’s Principle). Experi- we combine a Cu-Cu+^ half-cell in

Similarly, if
mentally, we find an increase in voltage when its standard state with a standard H -2 H+ 2 half-
more solid copper sulfate is dissolved in the solu-
cell, the voltage (potential) we measure (0.34
tion around the copper electrode. Conversely, volt) is the value assigned to the half-reaction:
decreasing the concentration of the copper ion
should decrease the tendency to form the prod-
Cufsj —> Cu^\aq, 1 M) -f- 2e~
E° = -0.34 volt (41)
ucts. Again in agreement, voltage readings de-
crease when the concentration of Cu+2 ion is Chemists have determined a large number of
reduced by precipitation of CuS. The voltage these half-cell potentials. The magnitude of the
shows the tendency for reaction to occur. voltage is a quantitative measure of the tendency
What happens to any cell or battery as it of that half-reaction to release electrons in com-
operates? The voltage decreases until, finally, it parison to the H2-2H+ half-reaction. If the sign
reaches zero. Then we say the cell is dead. Equi- is positive, the half-reaction has greater tendency
librium has been attained and the reaction that to release electrons than does the H -2 H+ 2 half-

u w

§# #
I # r # 1 #0 I 1
% 0 mir

# #
1 1 1 %
f • J :

1, \1
57 \

TO # ii
i i i \


, t

"" '


* # • # # t
# #
9 • f 0
m # # # • • 0
s 0 •
S'- s ,7 # s m 0
s m • 0 s m 0 0 0 ..V

71 • % s f 0

Plate I. (Above) The elements in the periodic table. (Below) Compounds in the periodic table. CHLORIDES




















SEC. 12-2 I

reaction. If the sign is negative, the half-reaction H,(g) 2H+ + 2e-

E° = 0.000 volt (21), (43)
has less tendency.
CufsJ Cu+2 + 2e-
E° = —0.34 volt (1), (44)
12-11 gives the values of the standard oxi-
Agf s j ^ Ag+ + e-
Table E° = -0.80 volt (16), (45)
dation potentials for a number of half-reactions.
A more complete table is given in Appendix 3. The half-reactions, listed in order of decreasing

We have not added the information “1 M” for half-cell potentials, are in the same order as in

each ion since this is implied by the symbol E°. Table 12-1^ which was dictated by laboratory ex-
For the same reason, 25°C and 1 atmosphere perience.

pressure of gases are understood.


Table 12-11 In Exercise 12-2 you placed the Ni-Ni+2 half-

SELECTED STANDARD OXIDATION reaction into Table 12-1. Check your placement
POTENTIALS FOR HALF-REACTIONS* by examining the half-cell potential of this half-

HALF-•REACTION E° reaction in Table 12-11.

Reduced state Oxidized state (volts)

Znfsj 2e + Zn+2 +0.76

Cofs) — 2e~ + Co+2 +0.28 Another way to
Ni+j — 2e- + Ni+2 +0.25
verify the usefulness of Table

Wg) — 2e- + 2H + 0.000

12-11 is to its voltage predictions to one

Cuf+ — 2e~ + Cu+2 -0.34

we have measured. For example, we found a

21- — 2e- + -0.53

value of approximately 0.5 volt for a cell based

Ag+; — e~ + Ag+ -0.80

on reaction (46):

2Bi- — 2e^ + -1.06 Zn(s) + Ni+2 —^ Zn+2 + Nifsj (27), (46)

Mn+- + 2H,0 2e- + MnO., + 4H + -1.28
2CE — 2c- + -1.36 This cell involves the following two half-
Mn+2 + 4H,0 — 5c- + MnOj- + 8H + -1.52 reactions:

* A more complete table is given in Appendix 3.

Zn(s) —^ Zn+‘- + 2e~
= +0.76
E° volt (S), (47)

Let’s examine this table to see if agrees with

Ni( sj —^ Ni+2 + 2e~
= +0.25
it E° volt (32), (48)
our laboratory experience. Table 12-1 summa-
some of By the values of E°, we conclude that the
rized these results in a qualitative way.
Extracting these four half-reactions from Table
Zn-Zn+2 half-reaction has the greater tendency
to release electrons. Hence it will tend to transfer
12-11, we find
electrons to nickel, forcing half-reaction (48) in

Zn(s) —^ Zn+2 + 2e-

= +0.76
the reverse direction. Our net reaction will be
E° volt (8), (42) obtained by subtracting half-reaction (48) from

Znfsj —^ Zn+2 + 2e- E\ = +0.76 volt (47), (49)

minus Nifsj —^ + 2e- El = +0.25 volt (48), (50)

E° = El - El
E° = (+0.76) - (+0.25)
Net reaction Zn(s) + NE^ — Zn+2 + Ni(s) E° = +0.51 volt (.51)
CHAP. 12

Table 12-11 predicts the cell will operate so as to does not depend upon how many moles we con-
dissolve metallic zinc and deposit metallic nickel, sider. Thus:
and its voltage will be -1-0.51 volt. This is exactly
what occurs in such a cell. Predicting is fun Ag( s) —^ Ag+ + e-
El = -0.80 volt (16), (58)
let’s try it again! Another cell we studied is based

on reaction (52): 2 Ag( s) —^ Ag+ +

2 2e~
= -0.80
Zn(s) -f 2Ag+ — Zn+2 + 2Ag(s) (28), (52)
El volt (16), (59)

The two half-reactions involved are You might wonder what we would have
if we had assumed that either of these
Zn^s) —^ Zn +2
+ 2e-
two operates with the reverse reaction. Sup-
E° = +0.76 volt (5), (55)

Ag^sj —^ Ag+ + e-
= -0.80
pose we had proposed a
of nickel and reduction of zinc:
cell based on oxidation
E° volt (16), (54)

Ni(s) —^ Ni+2 + le- El = +0.25 volt (32), (60)

minus Zn(s) —^ Zn+2 + 2e- El = +0.76 volt (8), (61)

E° = El -
= (+0.25) - (+0.76)
Net reaction Ni(sJ + Zn+2 —^ Ni+2 + Zn(s) E° = —0.51 volt (62)

By the half-cell potentials, we conclude the Our assumption concerning the chemistry leads
Zn-Zn+2 half-reaction has the greater tendency us to the reverse reaction of that we obtained
to release electrons. It will tend to transfer an earlier — reaction (57)— and to an equal voltage
electron to silver ion, forcing (54) in the reverse but with opposite sign. The significance of the
direction. Hence we obtain the net reaction by negative voltage (
— 0.51 volt) is that equilibrium
subtracting (5^^) from (55). But remember that in the reaction favors reactants, not products. We
this subtraction must be in the proportion that obtain the same prediction we did before — since
causes no net gain or loss of electrons. If two the voltage is negative, the reaction will tend to
electrons are lost per atom of zinc oxidized in operate a cell in the reverse direction —to dissolve
(55), then we must double half-reaction (5^) so zinc metal and to precipitate nickel metal. The
that two electrons will be consumed. reaction will occur in the direction written (con-

Zn(s) Zn+2 + 2e- El = +0.76 volt (55), (55)

minus 2Ag(s) —^ 2Ag+ + 2e- El = —0.80 volt (54), (56)

E° = El - El
= (+0.76) - (-0.80)
Net reaction Znfs) + 2Ag+ —^ Zrsd''^ + 2Ag( s ) E° = +1.56 volts (28), (57)

Our conclusions are again in agreement with suming nickel and precipitating zinc) only if the
experiment.The cell operates so as to dissolve cellis “overpowered” by an opposing cell of

zinc metal and precipitate silver metal. The volt- higher voltage than 0.51 volt (as was done in the
age is indeed about 1.5 volts. Finally, experiment experiment pictured in Figure 12-6).
shows that one mole of zinc does react with two
moles of silver ion, as required by the balance of
12-2.2 Predicting Reactions from Table 12-11
Notice that we did not double El for (5-7) in The ideas we have developed for reactions occur-
obtaining (57).The voltage of a half-reaction ring in electrochemical cells are also applicable
SnC. 12-2 I

lo reactions that occur in a beaker. Therefore, 12-11 (something which can be oxidized), and
chemists use half-cell potentials to predict what it must involve a substance from the right
chemical reactions can occur spontaneously. column (something which can be reduced).
If a chemist wishes to know whether zinc can 2. A substance in the left column of Table 12-11
be oxidized if it is placed in contact with a solu- tends to react spontaneously with any sub-
tion of nickel sulfate, the values of E° help him stance in the right column which is lower in
decide. The half-cell potential for Zn-Zn+2 is the Table.
+0.76 volt, which is greater than that for
Ni-Ni+2 (which is +0.25 volt). The difference, Applying these rules, we would predict: cop-

+0.51 volt, is positive, indicating that zinc has per metal could be oxidized to Cu+‘^ by Br-d I or

a greater tendency to lose electrons than does Mn02(s) but not by Ni+2 or Zn+^. Of course,

nickel. Therefore, zinc can transfer electrons to copper metal cannot be oxidized by either zinc
Ni+2. The chemist predicts: zinc will react with metal or mercury metal because neither zinc
Ni+2, zinc being oxidized and nickel being re-
metal nor mercury metal can accept electrons to

duced. be reduced (as far as we know from Table 12-11).

AN example: copper and silver

Suppose the question is whether silver will be EXERCISE 12-5

oxidized if it is immersed in copper sulfate. The

Use Table 12-11 to decide which substances in
half-cell potential for Ag-Ag+ is —0.80 volt and
the following list tend to oxidize bromide ion,
that for Cu-Cu+2 is —0.34 volt. The first value,
— 0.80 volt, is more negative than the second, Br-: ClofgJ, H+, Ni+\ Mn 04-.
— 0.34 volt. The difference, then, is still negative:
— 0.80 — ( — 0.34) = —0.46 volt. The negative
answer shows that Ag-Ag+ has Jess tendency to Use Table 12-11 to decide which substances in
lose electrons than does Cu-Cu+^ The reaction the following list tend to reduce Bt2(1): CU,
will not tend to proceed spontaneously. Silver Ni(s), Mn+2.
will not be oxidized to an appreciable extent in
copper sulfate.



Use the values of E° to predict whether cobalt All of our predictions have been based upon the
metal will tend to dissolve in a 1 4/ solution of values of E° that apply to standard conditions.
acid, H+. Now predict whether cobalt metal will Yet we often wish to carry out a reaction at
tend to dissolve in a 1 4/ solution of zinc sulfate other than standard conditions. Our prediction
(reacting with Zn+^). then must be adjusted in accord with Le Cha-
telier’s Principle as we change conditions from
standard conditions to others of interest to us.

generalizing on predictions with E° For example, by comparing E°'s, we predicted

that zinc would dissolve in nickel sulfate. These
We can generalize now on the use of Table 12-11.
A substance on the left in Table 12-11 reacts by E°'s show that zinc metal will dissolve if zinc ion

losing electrons. A substance on the right reacts

and nickel ion are both present at 1 concen- M
by gaining electrons. We may draw the following
conclusions: Zn+) + Ni+2 Zn +2 + Ni(s) (27), {63)

1. An oxidation-reduction reaction must involve In our case, however, no zinc ion is present at
a substance from the left column of Table all. How does this affect our prediction? By
CHAP. 12

Le Chatelier’s Principle, the removal of Zn+2 12-2.3 Reliability of Predictions

tends to shift equilibrium toward the products. There is one more limitation on the reliability of
Therefore, removing Zn+^ increases the tendency predictions based upon j. To see it, we shall
for reaction (63) to occur. Our prediction of re- consider the three reactions
action is still valid. Cu(s) + —
2H+ Cu+2 + H,(g)
This will not always be the case, however. E^'
- -0.34 volt (65)
Consider the question: “Will silver metal dis- Fe(s; + 2H+ — Fe+2 + H,(g)
solve in 1 M H+?” According to Table 12-11, E^’
= +0.44 volt (66)

2Ag(s) —^ 2Ag+(l M) + 2e- E° = -0.80 volt

2H+(1 M) + 2e- \\^(g) E° - 0.00 volt

Net reaction 2Ag(s) + 2H+(1 M) —^ 2Ag+(l M) + Y{^(g) E° = -0.80 volt {64)

The negative voltage shows

equilibrium favors the reactants
that the state of
more than the
3Fe(sj + 2NO3- + 8H+ —^ 3Fe+2
+ 2NO(g; + 4H O 2 E° = +1.40 volts (67)
products for the reaction as written. For stand-
ard conditions, the reaction will not tend to The three values of E° are easily calculated from
occur spontaneously. However, if we place Agfsj half-cell potentials. Then, we can predict with
in 1 M H+, the Ag+ concentration is not 1 M— confidence that reaction (65) will not occur to an
it is zero. By Le Chatelier’s Principle, this in- appreciable extent if solid copper is immersed in

creases the tendency to form products, in opposi- dilute acid. The negative value of E° ( — 0.34 volt)
tion to our prediction of no reaction. Some silver indicates that equilibrium in (65) strongly favors
will dissolve, though only a minute amount be- the reactants, not the products.
cause silver metal releases electrons so reluctantly Furthermore, we can predict that reactions
compared with H2. It is such a small amount, (66)and (67) might occur. The positive values of
in fact, that no silver chloride precipitate forms, E° (+0.44 and +1.40 volts) show that equilib-
even though silver chloride has a very low solu- rium strongly favors products in these reactions.
bility. Again, experiments are warranted. A piece of
That some silver does dissolve to form Ag+ iron is immersed in dilute acid — bubbles of hy-
can be verified experimentally by adding a little drogen appear. Reaction (66) does occur. A piece
KI to the solution. Silver iodide has an even of iron is immersed in a one molar nitric acid
lower solubility than does silver chloride. The solution —
though bubbles of hydrogen may ap-
experiment shows that the amount of silver that pear, no nitric oxide, NO, gas appears. Reaction
dissolves is sufficient to eause a visible precipi- (67) between iron and nitrate ion does not im-
tate of Agl but not of AgCl. This places the Ag+ mediately occur: the reaction rate is extremely
ion concentration below 10“^^^ M but above slow. This slow rate could not be predicted from
10“!^ M. Either of these concentrations is so the F°’s.
small that we can consider our prediction for the So the equilibrium predictions based on £'°’s
standard state to be applicable here too — silver do not make all experiments unnecessary. They
metal does not dissolve appreciably in 1 M HCl. provide no basis whatsoever for anticipating
In general, the question of whether a prediction whether a reaction will be very slow or very fast.

based upon the standard state will apply to other Experiments must be performed to learn the
conditions depends upon how large is the mag- reaction rate. The E°’s do, however, provide
nitude of E°. If E° for the overall reaction is only definite and reliable guidance concerning the
one- or two-tenths volt (either positive or nega- equilibrium state, thus making many experi-

tive), then deviations from standard conditions ments unnecessary; the multitude of reactions
may invalidate predictions that do not take into that are foredoomed to failure by equilibrium
account these deviations. considerations need not be performed.
SEC. 12-2 I

12-2.4 E° and the Factors That reduced involves bisulfite* ion, HSO3 . The bal-
Determine Equilibrium anced equation is

We see that E° furnishes a basis for predicting the equi-

librium state. In Chapter 9 and in subsequent chapters,
H O + HSO - +
2 3 2Fe+3 —
2Fe+2 -f HSOp + 2H+ {71)
equilibrium was two opposing tenden-
treated in terms of
cies — toward minimum energy and toward maximum
Again half-reaction (70) describes what happens
randomness. What is the connection between E° and
to ferric ion:
these two tendencies?
Consider two reactions for which E° shows that prod- 2Fe+3 + 2e- —^ 2Fe+2 (72)
ucts are favored, one an exothermic reaction, and the
other an endothermic reaction. For the exothermic reac- Since two electrons are gained by the two ferric
tion, when the reactants are mixed they are driven toward
ions in half-reaction (72), two electrons must be
equilibrium in accord with the tendency toward minimum
released by the remaining constituents in (77).
energy. Now contrast the endothermic reaction for which
E° shows that equilibrium favors products. When these The other half-reaction can be found by sub-
reactants are mixed, they approach equilibrium af^ainst tracting (72) from (77) to give,
the tendency toward minimum energy (since heat ab-
sorbed). This reaction is driven by the tendency toward

H2O + HSO3- - 2e- —^ HSOp + 2H+

maximum randomness.
Summarizing, E° measures quantitatively the difference
to minimum energy and tendency to
between the tendency
H2O + HSO3- ^ HSOp + 2H+ + 2c- {73)

maximum randomness under the standard state conditions.

The combination of H2O and HSOg” acts as a
reducing agent toward Fe+\ Since water solu-
tions of Fe+^ are quite stable, HSOg” is con-
12-2.5 Oxidation Numbers An Electron sidered to be the actual reducing agent.
Bookkeeping Device Half-reaction (75) differs from the others we
have looked at. This is not the same simple situa-
The reaction between ferric ion, Fe+^ and cu-
tion in which a single atom is oxidized by re-
prous ion, Cu+, to produce ferrous ion, Fe+^
leasing electrons or is reduced by accepting them.
and cupric ion, Cu+^ is plainly an oxidation-
Here a complicated ion, HSOg", furnishes elec-
reduction reaction:
trons to Fe+'^ in an intricate process in which an

Fe+3 + Cu+ ^ Fe+2 + Cu+2 {68)

oxygen atom
forming HSO^
is transferred from H2O to HSO^,
and two hydrogen ions. We can-
not assign the electron loss to a particular atom.
It is readily separated into two half-reactions
In this situation, it is convenient to have a book-
showing electron transfer:
keeping device that at least keeps track of the
Oxidation (loss of electrons) number of electrons so that none is forgotten.
Cu+ —^ Cu+2 + e- {69)
The bookkeeping device is called assigning oxi-
dation numbers.
Reduction (gain of electrons) Since we don’t know the locations of the elec-
trons held by a molecule such as HSOg", we
Fe+3 _j_ ^ Fe+2 {70)
assume that the hydrogen atom has a + 1 charge,

Because of the presence of Cu+ ion, ferric ion is that each oxygen atom has a —2 charge, and

reduced. Chemists say that Cu+ ion acts as a that the sulfur atom has all the rest of the elec-

reducing agent in this —

reaction Cu+ ion is the
trons in the molecule. Of course, if the charges

“agent” that caused the reduction of ferric ion.

on all HSOg” are added together,
the atoms in

At the same they must sum to —1, the molecular charge.

time, Cu+ is oxidized because of the
presence of ferric ion. Hence, Fe+^ Since there are three oxygen atoms in HSOg", the
is called an
oxidizing agent in this reaction. algebra looks like this:

Another reaction by which ferric ion can be * This ion, HSO^, is also called hydrogen sulfite.
CHAP. 12

charge on \ /charge on\ /charge on\

/ molecular \
+ 3 I oxygen
+ I sulfur
\ charge )
( atom / \ atom / \ atom /
charge on\
sulfur (- 1 )
( atom /

charge on\
( atom /

This fictitious charge is called the oxidation num- half-reaction, we can calculate the oxidation
ber of sulfur: numbers of sulfur in SO2 and SO3.

Oxidation number sulfur = +4 in HSOg" {74) In SO 2 :

charge on \ / charge on
The same process can be applied to HSO^. oxygen
/ molecular \
+ 1
\ charge /
Again assuming hydrogen has a charge of -fl ( atom / \ atom /
and each of the four oxygen atoms has a charge oxidation \
of — 2 we calculate a fictitious charge on the
number ( 0)
sulfur atom of +6 :
( sulfur /
Oxidation number sulfur +4 in SO 2 (77)
Oxidation number sulfur = +6 in HSOp (75)
In SO 3 :

According to the oxidation number bookkeep-

charge on\ /charge on\
ing, the two electrons released in the HSOg'- / molecular \
oxygen j
+ sulfur
\ charge )
HS 04“ half-reaction {73) are associated with the ( atom / \ atom /
change in oxidation number of sulfur from -f 4 oxidation \
to -|- 6 . number
= ( 0)
This arbitrary scheme of assigning oxidation ( sulfur /
numbers turns out to be quite useful, provided Oxidation number sulfur = +6 in SO 3 {78)

we don’t forget that the oxidation number is a

Thus, in reaction (75) the sulfur atom changes
fictitious charge. We can see the usefulness by
oxidation number from -}-4 to +6 ,
just as it did
considering a reaction related to the oxidation
in the HSO^-HSO^ half-reaction. The oxida-
of HSO -. 3
tion number gives a basis for connecting the
Sulfur forms two oxides, SO (a gas at normal
SO -SO change to the oxidation of HSO^ to
2 3
conditions) and SO 3 (a liquid that boils at
HS 04“. Both changes are considered to be ex-
44.8°C). Under suitable conditions, SO 2 reacts
amples of oxidation.
with oxygen to form SO 3 :
reactions occurring in

2^0,(g) -f- 02^^) —^ 2S03r^) (75)

aqueous solutions are conveniently treated in
terms of half-reactions showing transfer of elec-
Is this an oxidation-reduction reaction? His- trons. Under more general conditions (gaseous
torically, it surely is, for the term “oxida- state, etc.), it is more convenient
other solvents,
tion” originally referred specifically to reactions to treat oxidation-reduction reactions in terms
with oxygen. Yet our electron-transfer view of of oxidation numbers, based upon the arbitrary
oxidation-reduction reactions provides no help scheme of assigning charge +1 to a hydrogen
in deciding so. Where in reaction (75) is there atom bound to an unlike atom and charge —2
any evidence of electrons being gained or lost? to an oxygen atom when it is bound to un-
In such a doubtful case, our oxidation number like atoms. Generally, then, an oxidation-
scheme provides an answer. Applying the same reduction reaction is one in which oxidation
assumptions used in treating the HSOg'-HSOT numbers change.
SEC. 12-3 I


The reactions by which SO2 and SO3 dissolve in In reaction (76) the oxidation number of sulfur
water are not considered to be oxidation- changes from +4 +6. According to this, two
reduction reactions: electrons are released by each sulfur atom oxi-

S 02 rg; -t- HO 2
—^ HSO 3- raqj + U+(aq) (79) dized. Show that these electrons are gained by
SOs(g) -1- HO 2 — HSO - (aq)
4 + H+roq) (80) oxygen if we assume oxygen has oxidation num-

ber equal to zero in O 2.

Convince yourself that none of the atoms in
either (79) or (80) changes oxidation number.


When a reaction is properly written, it expresses will know

already what the experiment would
certain conservation laws. A chemical reaction give.Sometimes what the products will be is not
does not destroy or produce atoms. Therefore obvious but it is easily learned from a reference
there must be the same number and types of book. Sometimes you must do the experiment
atoms among the reactants as among the prod- yourself or proceed on the basis of an assump-
ucts. A chemical reaction also does not destroy tion.
or produce electric charge. Therefore the sum of For lithium metal in 1 M HCl, the observed
the charges appearing on the reactant species facts are that the metal dissolves spontaneously
must be the same as the sum of the charges and a gas bubbles out of the solution. From
appearing on the products. The process by which Appendix 3 we select the two half-reactions
we write a correct chemical reaction, making (notice that the half-reactions are already “bal-
sure these two conservation laws are followed, anced” in both charge and number of atoms):
is called balancing the chemical reaction.*
U(s) Li+ -f e- (81)
Oxidation-reduction reactions must be bal-
anced if correct predictions are to be made. Just Wg) 2H+ -k 2e- (27), (82)

as in selecting a route for a trip from San Fran- Both of these half-reactions show production of
cisco to New York, there are several ways to electrons. But we know there must be an electron
reach the desired goal. Which route is best de- used for each produced, so one of the equations
pends to some extent upon the and dislikes
likes must be reversed. Experiment shows us it is the
of the traveler. We will discuss two ways to second because hydrogen gas is evolved from the
balance oxidation-reduction reactions — first, us- solution. The first equation is correct as written.
ing half-reactions and, next, using the oxidation Lithium metal dissolves and is converted to ions.
numbers we have just introduced. Thus,
U(s) Li+ + e- (81), (83)

2H+ + 2e- — Wg) (9), (84)

12-3.1 Use of Half-Reactions for Balancing
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions These equations now correctly express the ob-
served facts and they must be properly com-
Suppose we want to describe by an equation bined. The first step is to make them indicate the
what happens when pure lithium metal is added same number of electrons produced and used.
to a 1 M HCl solution. Our first step must be to We “balance the electrons.” By inspection we
decide what products will be obtained. This can find that we achieve balance by doubling the
be determined only by experiment. Often you first equation.
* Some
chemists prefer to call this process balancing
2U(s) 2Li+ + (81), (85)

the equation for the reaction. 2H+ + 2c- —^ H2(g) (9), (86)
CHAP. 12

Now we add the two equations to get the net The electrons cancel out. The atoms and charges
reaction, are properly balanced, but there is one remaining
2H+ + 2U(s) —^ 2Li+ + H,(g) (87)
disturbance. There are H+ ions included among
the reactants as well as the products. Cancelling
Note that the electrons cancel — we took care
the excess, we obtain the final, balanced reaction:
that this would happen because we know elec-
trons are neither consumed nor produced in the
5H2Sfg; + 2Mn04- + 6H+
net reaction.
5Srs) + 2Mn+2 + 8H2O (95)

As a final check, let us verify the conservation Before leaving the equation, let us check the
of charge: electric charge balance:

5H.>Sfg; + 2 Mn 04-+ 6H^ — 5S(sj + 2Mn+2 + 8H2O (95)

5(0) +2(-l) + 6 + l) ( 5(0) + 2( + 2) + 8(0)
-2 + +6 +4
+4 = +4

+ 2+0
+ 2Lir.s) ^ + 2+0
+ 2Li+ H,(g) 12-3.2

Balancing Half-Reactions
potassium chlorate solution, KCIO3, is added to
+2 = +2 hydrochloric acid, chlorine gas is evolved. Although we
can find the half-reaction, 2C1- = Chlg) + 2e~, in Ap-
As a more complex case, suppose we want to
pendix 3, we find no equation with CIOs' ion involved.
write the equation for the reaction that occurs We can surmise that CIO^ is accepting electrons and
when hydrogen sulfide gas, H 2 S, is bubbled into changing into chlorine. Let us write a partial half-reaction
an acidified potassium permanganate solution, in which we indicate an unknown number of electrons
KMn 04 When we do we and in which we have conserved only chlorine atoms:
. this, observe that the
purple color of the MnO^ ion disappears and C103“ + xc- —^ ^Ch(g) (96)

that the resulting mixture is cloudy (sulfur par- From experience we note that in acid solution the oxygen
ticles). From Appendix 3 we find the two half- MnOr and Cr20f ^ ends up
in such oxidizing agents as

reactions as water and that H+ is consumed. Let us include this

notion by showing 6H+ among the reactants and 3H2O
^ Sfs) + 2H+ + 2c- ( 88 )
among the products:
Mn +2 + 4 H O 2
—^ MnOp + 8H+ + 5c- (89) CIO3' + 6H+ + xe- —^ ^Ch(g) + 3H2O (97)

Since we know that sulfur is formed, we will use Finally, we have to remember that charge is conserved.
equation ( 88 ) as it is written. However, the purple Since the products are neutral molecules, x will have to

Mn 04 '
is being changed to almost colorless Mn +2 be 5 in order that the total charge represented among the
reactants is zero. Our desired half-reaction is
so we will rewrite equation ( 89 ) as the reverse of
what we obtained from Appendix 3: CIOs' + 6H+ -b 5e- —^ hCh(g) + 3H2O (95)

H Srg; 2 —
srs) + 2H+ + 2c- (88), (90)
Now we
can return to working out the equation for the
we observed. The least common multiple be-
MnOp + 8H+ + 5c- ^ Mn +2 -f 4 H O — 2 (91) tween and 5 is 5. Writing the half-reactions to involve
1 5
electrons and adding them, we obtain
Balancing the electrons
time it is a little more
is the next step, but this
difficult. We see that if we
CIOs' + 6H+
-f 5c-
— ^ hCUg)
^Chfg) +
multiply equation ( 90 ) by 5 and equation ( 91 )

by 2, there will be 10 electrons in each case. 5C1- -b CIOs' + 6H+ —^ 3CU(g) + 3H2O (101)
Arithmetic teachers call this finding the least Again demonstrate to yourself that atoms and charge are
common multiple: conserved.

5H S(«; —^ 5S+) + 10H+ + 10c- (92)

2Mn04- + 16H+

+ 10c- —^ 2Mn+2 + 8H2O (93)

5H2S(^) + 2Mn04- + 16H 5S(s) + 10H+ + 2 IVIn +2 + 8H O 2 (94)

SEC. 12-3 I

12-3.3 Use of Oxidation Number in Balancing BALANCING REACTIONS

Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Just as before, the first step in balancing a reac-
We have already introduced oxidation numbers tion must be to decide the products. Again, ex-
as a device for assigning a fictitious charge to an periment provides the answer. Let us reconsider
atom in a molecule. According to this scheme, one of the same examples we balanced previously
oxidation-reduction reactions involve changes of by the half-reaction method. For these we al-
oxidation numbers. Consideration of conserva- ready know the products.
tion of charge reveals that theremust be a bal- In the second example of Section 12-3.1, we
ance between changes of oxidation number. Con- find H 2 S gas reacts with Mn 04“ to give solid
sequently, oxidation numbers provide just as sulfur and Mn+^i
good a basis for balancing equations as do half-
MnOp + HS(g) gives S(s) + Mn +2 (102)
First, we assign oxidation numbers to each ele-
ASSIGNING OXIDATION NUMBERS ment, using rules 1-5. We find

For the present, we will limit ourselves to mole- MuOt + H.Sfg) Srs) + Mn+2
cules containing hydrogen and/or oxygen along number +7 —2 0 +2
with the element to which we wish to assign an
with changes,
oxidation number. The rules we will utilize are -5
as follows: for manganese +7 —
^ 1-2

for sulfur “ 2^0

(1) The oxidation number of a monatomic ion
is equal to the charge on the ion. If the gain in oxidation number by sulfur is to

(2) The oxidation number of any substance in equal the loss by manganese, then atoms of five

the elementary state is zero. sulfur must react with two atoms of manganese:

(3) The oxidation number of hydrogen is taken 2 Mn 04- + 5HoSfg) gives 5S(s) + 2 Mn +2
to be -f 1 (except in H 2, which is the elemen- (not balanced) (103)
2(-5) = -10
tary state).
2( + 7) ^ 2( + 2)
(4) The oxidation number of oxygen is taken to
5(-2) ^ 5(0)
be —2 (except in O 2 ;
ozone; O 3 ;
and perox- 5( + 2) = +10
Now we proceed to ensure conservation of oxy-
(5) The other oxidation numbers are selected to
gen atoms. There are eight oxygen atoms on the
make the sum of the oxidation numbers left in (103), hence we must add eight molecules
equal to the charge on the molecule.
of HO 2 to the right. (The reaction occurs in
( 6) Reactions occur such that the net change of H O.)
aqueous solution, so there is plenty of 2
oxidation numbers is zero. (This last rule is
2MnOp + SHiSfg) gives
really a result of the conservation of charge.)
5Sfs) + 2 Mn +2 + 8H,0 (not balanced) (104)

Do not worry about the exceptions included Next we must ensure conservation of hydrogen
within parentheses in rules 3 and Your atten-
4. atoms. On the left, there are 10 hydrogen atoms
tion will be called to them later when substances (in 5 H 2 S) and on the right 16 (in 8 H 2 O). In

involving them are considered. aqueous solutions (in neutral or acidic solution)
we assume that these six hydrogen atoms needed
on the left are provided by H+:

2Mn04- + 5HS(g) + 6 H+ —
5Sfs) + 2 Mn +2 + 8 H O 2 (95), (705)

Show that the oxidation number of nitrogen is The equation is balanced now but experience
+5 in each of the two species NOg" and N 2 O 5 .

dictates that a check should always be made on

the basis of charge balance:
CHAP. 12

2(-l) + 5(0) 6( + l) 5(0) + 2( + 2) + 8(0) Of course, the oxidation number method gives
-2 +6 +4 the same balanced equation as the half-reaction
+4 = -F4 method.


So far in this chapter we have dealt with reac- electron movement. Electrons flow through the
tions that proceed spontaneously. But the same wire without changing the metal chemically.
ideas and names are applied to reactions that we In contrast, the movement of electric charge
force to take plaee, against their natural tend- through an aqueous solution of an eleetrolyte
ency, by supplying energy with an externally causes significant chemical changes.
applied electrie current. Sueh a process is termed Figure 12-7 shows, on the right, the behavior
electrolysis or “separation by electricity.” of an aqueous hydrogen iodide solution during
We have dealt with eleetrolysis before —every conduction. The two carbon rods are conneeted
time we discussed or measured the electrical con- by wires to the terminals of a 2 volt battery.
ductivity of an electrolyte solution. To see this, Electrons flow from the battery through the left
let’s consider the processes that occur when we carbon rod, entering the solution. An equal num-
eause electric charge to pass through an aqueous ber of electrons leave the solution through the
solution of hydrogen iodide. rightcarbon rod to return to the battery. The
A distinguishing property of ionic solutions is hydrogen ion, H+, has the ability to accept an
electrical conductivity, just as it is a distinguish-
ing property for metals, but the current-carry-
ing mechanism differs. Electric charge moves Fig. 12-7. A schematic view of electrolytic
through a metal wire, we believe, by means of conduction.

HI solution

electron at the left electrode, where electrons are charge. This drift of the ions through the
in excess. The H+ ion is changed chemically to a solution, positive ions in one direction and
neutral atom. An iodide ion, I“, has one excess negative ions in the other, explains the con-
electron that can be released at the right elec- duction in aqueous solutions.
trode, where electrons are in deficiency. The (4) The battery performs work in forcing current
ion changes chemically to a neutral atom. The to flow through the solution and in causing
net result of these two occurrences is the process chemical changes to occur that would not
we call electrolysis. proceed spontaneously.
Let us sum up the process during the move-
The net reaction is
ment of one electron through the entire circuit
shown on the left in Figure 12-7. m H,(g} + \, U06)

An electron on the left carbon rod is gone; Reaction {106) is just an oxidation-reduction re-

another electron has shown up at the right action and it is readily separated into the two
carbon rod. half-reactions

2H+ + 2c- = c = u.uuu vou

21- = Ug) + 2c- E° = -0.53 volt

Overall reaction 2H+ + 21“ = Ho(g) + Lfgj E° = —0.53 volt (106), {107)

(2) One H+faqj ion and one l~((iq) ion are The negative value of E° = —0.53 volt tells us
gone; one H atom and one 1 atom have been that the reaction will not occur spontaneously as
formed. written. This voltage tells us further that elec-

(3) As this process continues to take place, the trolysis will occur only if a cell with a voltage
ions in the solution at the left tend to be exceeding —0.53 volt is placed in the external
used up and the same occurs for 1“ ions in circuit so as to oppose the voltage generated by
the solution at the right. Since only positive the cell itself.

ions are used up at the left, the remaining

negative ions are electrically repelled from
this region and are attracted toward the
solution at the right where positive ions are
plentiful. Here, negative ions are used up, so
the remaining positive ions are repelled and From Appendix 3, estimate the minimum voltage
they are attracted toward the left where nega- required to cause electrolysis of 1 M HCl, form-
tive ions are plentiful. Iodide ions, 1“, move ing H and 02 (g), each at 1 atmosphere pres-
2 (g)
from left to right through the solution,
sure. Show that at this voltage electrolysis to
carrying negative charge. At the same time,
produce and Chig) will not occur.
hydrogen ions, move from right to
left through the solution, carrying positive


1. One method of obtaining copper metal is to let 2. (a) If a neutral atom becomes positively charged,
a solution containing Cu"*-^ ions trickle over scrap has it been oxidized or reduced? Write a
iron. Write the equations for the two half- general equation using M for the neutral
reactions involved. Assume the iron becomes atom.
Fe"^^. Indicate in which half-reaction oxidation
is taking place. (b) If an ion X~''- acquires a —2 charge, has it
CHAP. 12

been oxidized or reduced? Write a general (a) Zn + Ag+

equation. (b) Cu + Ag+ —
(c) Sn + Fe+2 —
Hg + H+ —
3. Aluminum metal reacts with aqueous acidic
solutions to liberate hydrogen gas. Write the
two half-reactions and the net ionic reaction. 11. For each of the following,

4. When copper is placed in concentrated nitric (i) write the half-reactions;

acid, vigorous bubbling takes place as a brown (ii) determine the net reaction;
gas is evolved. The copper disappears and the (iii) predict whether the reaction can occur giv-
solution changes from colorless to a greenish- ing the basis for your prediction:
The brown gas NO
+ Sn+2 —
blue. is nitrogen dioxide, 2,

(a) Mg(s)
+ Cs+ —
and the solution’s color is due to the formation
of cupric ion, Cu^^. Using half-reactions from (b) Mn(s)
Appendix 3, write the net ionic equation for this (c) Cufs; + CU(g) —
reaction. (d) Zn(s) + Fe+2 —
(e) FefsJ + Fe+3 —
5. Nickel metal reacts with cupric ions, Cu^^, but
not with zinc ions, Zn+“; magnesium metal does 12. A half-cell consisting of a palladium rod dipping
react with Zn+'^. In each case of reaction, ions into a 1 M Pd(N 03)2 solution is connected with
of +2 charge are formed. Use these data to a standard hydrogen half-cell. The cell voltage
expand the table of reactions on p. 206. is and the platinum electrode in the
0.99 volt
hydrogen half-cell is the anode. Determine E°
6. In acid solution the following are true: H 2 S will for the reaction
react with oxygen to give H^O and sulfur. H 2 S
will not react in the corresponding reaction with Pd —^ Pd+2 + 2e-
selenium or tellurium.
giving H 2 S and selenium but
H 2 Se will react

it will
with sulfur
not react
13. Suppose chemists had chosen to call the 2I~ — >-

with tellurium. Arrange the hydrides of column

I2 + 2e^ half-cell potential zero.

VI, H 2 O, H 2 S, HoSe, and HiTe, in order of their (a) What would be E° for Na ^ Na+ + e“? —
tendency to lose electrons to form the elements, (b) How much would the net potential for the
O 2, S, Se, and Te. reaction 2Na + I 2 —
^ 2Na+ + 2U change?
7. Ifyou wish to replate a silver spoon, would you 14. If a piece of copper metal is dipped into a solu-
make it the anode or cathode in a cell? Use half-
tion containing Cr+^ ions, what will happen?
reactions in your explanation. How many moles Explain, using E°s.
of electrons are needed to plate out 1.0 gram
of Ag? 15. What would happen if an aluminum spoon is
used to stir an Fe(N 03)2 solution ? What would
8. Figure 12-5 shows electrons leaving the Cuf'sJ happen if an iron spoon is used to stir an AICI3
and going to the Agfsj. Experimentally, both solution?
half-cells are found to be electrically neutral
before current flows and to remain so as the cell 16. Can 1 M FeifSOds solution be stored in a con-
operates. Explain this. tainer made of nickel metal? Explain your an-
9. In the electrolysis of aqueous cupric bromide,
CuBr 2 , 0.500 gram of copper
is deposited at one 17. Suppose water is added to each of the beakers
electrode. How many grams of bromine are containing copper sulfate in the two electro-
formed at the other electrode? Write the anode chemical cells shown in Figure 12-4 (p. 204).
and cathode half-reactions. What change will occur in the voltage in each
Answer. 1.26 grams of Br 2 (l) cell? Explain.

Complete the following equations. Determine 18. Determine the oxidation numbers of carbon in
the net potential of such a cell and decide the compounds carbon monoxide, CO, carbon
whether reaction can occur. dioxide, CO 2 and in diamond.

19 . Determine the oxidation number of uranium in (b) NO3- + Cl- -f H+

each of the known compounds: UO3, UgOs, gives NO + CI2 -f H2O
U.Ofi, UO2, UO, K2UO4, Mg.^U^OT. (c) Zn + NO3- -F H+
gives Zn+2 + NO2 + HjO
20 . By use of half-reactions, give a balanced equa- (d) BrO“ gives Br” + Br03-
tion for each of the following reactions:
22 . Use oxidation numbers to balance the reaction
(a) H2O2 + I- + H+ between ferrous ion, Fe+F and permanganate
gives H2O -f- I2
ion, MnOF, in acid solution to produce ferric
(b) Cr.JJr^ + Fe+2 + H+ ion, Fe’^F and manganous ion, Mn+2.
gives Cr+^ + Fe+^ -f- H2O
(c) Cu + NO3- -f H+ 23 . Show the arbitrariness of oxidation numbers by
gives Cu +2 + NO + H^O balancing the reaction discussed in Problem 22

(d) MnOr + Sn+2 + H+ with the assumption that the oxidation number
gives Mn+^ + Sn'^ + H^O of manganese in Mn04- is -f 2 . Compare with
the result obtained in Problem 22 .

21. By use of oxidation numbers, give a balanced

24 . In order to make and CbfgJ, an electric
equation for each of the following reactions:
current is passed through NaC\(I). What does
(a) HBr + H2SO4 gives SO2 -f Br2 + H-.O the energy supplied to this reaction do?


The sceptical chemist • •

draws conclusions regarding chemical ma-
terials • •

chiefly on the basis of quantitative chemical analysis
which is the touchstone of all chemical hypothesis.

G. T. MORGAN, 1930

Chemistry is a quantitative science. This means We base our calculations upon the two assump-
that a chemist wishes to know more than the tions above, whether they are stated or not. First,
qualitative fact that a reaction occurs. He must we assume this is the only reaction that occurs.
answer questions beginning “How much . .
.?” Reaction (2), for example, is assumed to be un-
The quantities may be expressed in grams, vol- important.
umes, concentrations, percentage composition,
or a host of other practical units. Ultimately,
2Airs; + 3 Fe.. 03 rs; ^ 6FeOfsj + Al^Oarsl (2)

however, the understanding of chemistry re-

Sometimes such an assumption is based upon
quires that amounts be related quantitatively to experience, sometimes upon hope. Furthermore,
it is assumed that a mole of FeoOs reacts com-
balanced chemical reactions. The study of the
quantitative relationships implied by a chemical pletely according to reaction (/). None of the

reaction is called stoichiometry .

Fe-iOs remains unreacted at the finish, either be-

Stoichiometric calculations are based upon cause of equilibrium, because of mechanical

two assumptions. First, we assume that only a losses of some sort, or because insufficient alumi-
single reaction need be considered to describe the num was added. In practice these conditions are

chemical changes occurring. Second, we assume sometimes difficult to obtain.

that the reaction is complete. For example, con- If these assumptions are valid, however, stoi-

sider the question. How much iron is produced chiometric calculations provide a reliable basis

per mole of Fe^Os reacted with aluminum in the

for quantitative predictions. It is important to be
following reaction? able to make these calculations with ease. Fortu-
nately, they all can be made with a single pattern

224 + Fe.yDfs) ^ AlOs(s) + 2Fefsj (/) based upon the mole concept.
SEC. 13-1 I


The equation for a chemical reaction speaks in Let’s put this down schematically. Suppose
terms of molecules or of moles. It contains the two substances, A and B, combine according to
basis for stoichiometric calculations. However, a known reaction. We wish to know how much
in the laboratory a chemist measures amounts in B will react with (or, be produced from) a meas-
such units as grams and milliliters. The first step ured quantity of A. The solution to this typical
in any quantitative calculation, then, is to con- problem of stoichiometry consists of three steps.
vert the measured amounts to moles. In mole We shall apply this scheme to a series of types
units, the balanced reaction connects quantities of calculations to show its general applicability.
of reactants and products. Finally, the result is The calculations are all connected with the man-
expressed in the desired units (which may not ufacture of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, one of the most
necessarily be the same as the original units). important commercial chemicals.

Amount of A in Convert to moles of A

Step /.
Moles of A
measured units Mol wt of A (3)

Convert to moles of B
Step II. Moles of A Balanced reaction Moles of B { 4)

Convert to amount of B
Moles of B Mol wt of B
Amount of B in
( 5)
Step III. desired units


Many millions of tons of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, The chemical reactions appear simple. They
are produced every year. Its uses are so wide that begin with pure sulfur (which occurs in natural
theamount consumed per year by a country can deposits in the elemental state). First, sulfur is

be taken as a crude index of the technological burned to give gaseous sulfur dioxide, SO2. Next,
development of that country. Two manufactur- the SO 2 is further oxidized, catalytically, to sulfur
ing processes have widespread industrial im- trioxide, SO3. Finally, addition of water forms
portance and both will be described. These sulfuric acid. The reactions are: )

processes are so highly perfected that the cost

of this useful chemical only about $ 22.00 per
Ssfs) + 8S02fg) (6)


+ 402(g) ^ SSOsfg)
(catalyst needed) (7)

SSOsfgj + 8H20f L 8H2S04f7j (8)

Overall reaction

2 4

how many moles

is purchased at a price of $22.00 per
are obtained for a penny?
Ss^s) + 1202 (g) + 8H20flj ^ 8H2S04(/j (9)

(Note: 1 pound = 453.6 grams.) Now let’s investigate some of the quantitative
questions that are connected with this important
CHAP. 13

13-2.1 Weight-Weight Calculations 13-2.2 Weight-Gas Volume Calculations

A shovelful of sulfur containing 1.00 kg is placed The first step in the manufacture of H2SO4 is to
in the hopper to be converted to sulfuric acid. burn it to sulfur dioxide. Sulfur burns spontane-
What weight of H2SO4 will be formed? ously in air, liberating heat.
This practical question is of a familiar form.
We wish to calculate the weight of product re-
S,(s) + 802 (g) 8SO./gj

sulting from a specified weight of reactant. Our AH = -70.96 kcal/mole SO2 (6), {15)

calcLilational pattern is applicable.

An important economic feature of the modern
First, a reaction must be assumed. According
processes is the utilization of this heat in another
to the intent of the process, the overall reaction
step in which heat is absorbed.
is (9):
Of course, a plant designer must anticipate the

Ssfsj + 120/gj + 8H,0(/j ^ 8H,SO,rF (9, 10)

weights and volumes of the constituents at each
stage of the process. Hence, he must be able to
Our calculation proceeds on the assumption that
answer such a question as, ''What weight of sulfur
equation {10) is the only reaction that occurs and will burn to liters of pure SO2 at
produce 100,000
that the entire kilogram of sulfur is consumed 500° C and one atmosphere pressure?''
in it.
Again, we must assume reaction {15) can be
carried out exclusively and completely. This time
Step I. We must convert grams of sulfur to
The molecular weight of the calculation begins with a specified amount of
moles. sulfur is

a product and we wish to calculate the corre-
sponding amount of a reactant. Note that we are
Mol wt Ss = 8 X (atomic wt of sulfur) immediately confronted with a question of sig-
= 8 X (32.1) = 256.8 g/mole {11) nificant figures. How many significant figures are
intended in the volume, 100,000 liters? In the
Now the number of moles of Sg in 1.00 kg of
sulfur is
absence of other information, let’s let common
sense dictate. Would it be of value to make the
(wt sulfur) _ (1.00 X 10’^
Ss calculation to six significant figures? Undoubt-
(mol wt) (256.8 g/mole)
edly not. Two, or at most three, significant fig-
moles {12)
ures will probably suffice for the purposes of the
Step The next step is to decide how many plant designer. Other conditions, such as the

moles of H SO can be produced from 3.89 weight of sulfur and the temperature, can’t be
2 4

moles of Sg. The balanced reaction {10) tells

easily controlled to more than this accuracy.

us that Let’s carry three significant figures to be sure we

have enough. The volume of SO 2 is, then,
one mole of Sg forms eight moles H2SO4 1.00 X 10' liters.*

Step I. We must convert thevolume of specified
moles of Sg form 8 X (3.89) moles H0SO4 SO 2 into moles. A to do this
convenient way
moles of Sg form 31.1 moles H SO
2 4 {13) is to calculate the volume this gas would oc-

Step III. The amount of sulfuric acid formed is

cupy under conditions at which we know the
31.1 moles. How much does this weigh? volume occupied by one mole of gas. For ex-
ample, we know that one mole of gas occupies
Wt H2SO4 = (moles HoS04)(mol wt of H2SO4) 22.4 liters at 0°C and one atmosphere pressure.
= (31.1 moles)(98.1 g/mole) Increasing the temperature of a gas at constant
= 3051 g
Wt H.SO4 = 3.05 kg
* This volume, 1.00 X lO'^ liters, is about the volume
Answer. 1 .00 kg of sulfur produces 3.05 kg II2SO4 of a small room — a practical dimension for a reaction
by reaction {10). {14) chamber.
SEC. 13-2 I

pressure increases the volume in proportion to Yet the reaction is quite slow, even at high tem-
the absolute temperature: peratures. Evidently the rate is controlled by a
high activation energy. In fact, the practical use
1.00 0°C = 273°K
500°C = 273 + 500 - 773°K of reaction (79) depends upon the presence of a
mole of gas occupies 22.4 liters catalyst to provide a reaction path with a lower

at 273°K, 1 atm activation energy. The two important commer-

mole of gas occupies 22.4 X liters cial methods for manufacture of H2SO4 differ
at 773°K, 1 atm principally in the choice of catalyst for this step.
mole of gas occupies 63.4 liters The older process is called the lead chamber
at 773°K, 1 atm
1.00 process. It uses a mixture of gaseous oxides of

or nitrogen— nitric oxide, NO, and nitrogen diox-

1.00 ide, NO2 — as the catalyst. This process has been
63.4 liters SO2 at 773°K, 1 atm contain
1.00 SO2 in use and under development for over 200 years.
It is named after the large room-like chambers
1.00 lined with lead in which the gaseous reactions
X 10'^ liters contain are carried out. The lead walls react with the
acid and become coated with an inert protective
X 10^
X 1.00 mole SO2 coating of lead sulfate.
The newer process uses a solid catalyst for
X 10'^ liters contain
reaction (79). Either finely divided platinum or
X 10^ moles SO2 at 773°K, 1 atm {16)
1.58 vanadium pentoxide, V2O5, is effective. Because
Step Next we decide how many moles of Sg
II. where the gas contacts the sur-
catalysis occurs
needed to produce 1.58 X 10'^ moles of face of the catalyst, this process is called the
SO2. The balanced reaction (75) indicates contact process.

8 moles SO2 are produced from1 mole Sg

1 mole SO2 produced from

is mole Sg
X 10^ moles SO2 are produced from
id. 58 X m
moles Sg Reaction (79) is carried out at a high temperature

X 10^ moles SO 2 are produced from (about 500°C in the contact process). How does
198 moles Ss {IT) temperature affect equilibrium, according to Le
Chatelier’s Principle? In view of your answer,
Step III. How much do 198 moles of Sg weigh?
propose an explanation of why the temperature
Wt Sg = (moles S8)(mol wt Sg) is kept high.
= (198 moies)(256.8 g/mole)
Wt Sg = 50.8 X 103 g

Answer. 1.00 X 10^^ liters of SO 2 are produced Reaction (79) requires the reaction of oxygen
from 50.8 kilograms of 1.00
sulfur by re- from air and sulfur dioxide. What volume of air,
action (75). {18) at 500°C and one atmosphere pressure, is needed
to react with the 1.00 X 10^ liters of SO 2 produced
13-2.3 Gas Volume-Gas Volume Calculations from 50.8 kilograms of sulfur ?
After sulfur dioxide is produced by combustion Step I. In considering a chemical reaction be-
of sulfur, further oxidation is needed in the tween gases, we can apply Avogadro’s Hy-
manufacture of H2SO4. The reaction, producing pothesis: Equal volumes of gases contain
sulfur trioxide, SO3, exothermic; heat
is is re- equal numbers of molecules (at the same pres-
sure and temperature). The volume of the SO2,
+ lOfg)
^ = -23.5
kcal/mole SO3 (7), {19)
X 103 liters,

number of moles
is already a measure of the
of SO2.
CHAP. 13

H25O4 +
Catalys't' (NO,NOji) St'eam

SO^ -t- O2 A A Lead-tlned cfiamber




H2SQ4 product

function: Burn sulfur

5q + 8 O2
— Catalyst (MO,
NOf) added
Catalytic oxidation
of SO3 , reaction -with H^O
502 + ^02 SOy
503-h H3O

Fig. 13-1. The “lead chamber” process for HiSOi man- 1 atm) to provide the amount of oxygen in
1 literof pure oxygen (at 500°C, 1 atm). If
0.500 X 10^ liters of pure O2 are needed, then
5(0.500 X 10^) = 2.50 X 10^ liters of air are
Step II. By reaction (79), 1 mole of SO2 reacts needed.
with I mole of O2. By Avogadro’s Hypothesis,
1 liter of SO2 reacts with \ liter of O2 (if they Answer. 2.50 X 10^ liters of air (at 500° C, 1 atm)

are at the same temperature and pressure). react with 1.00 X 70’ liters of SO 2 (at

Hence 1.00 X 10^ liters of SO2 react with 500°C, 1 atm). (21)

1(1.00 X 10^) liters of O2 if both SO2 and O2

are pure and measured at 500°C and one at-

13-2.4 Weight-Liquid Volume Calculations
The last step in the preparation of commercial
Answer. We need 0.500 X 10^ liters ofpure O 2 at
sulfuric acid is to allow the sulfur trioxide to
500° C and one atmosphere to oxidize
react with steam:
X 10^ liters of SO

Now we must convert to the desired

2. (20)
SOfg) + H20(g; ^ H2S04ri) (9), (22)

units. We need the number of moles of oxygen This results in a concentrated sulfuric acid solu-
that are present in 0.500 X 10^ liters (at 500°C, tion that contains 98% H2SO4. It is a viscous,
1 atm), but we wish to use air instead of pure colorless liquid. When it mixed with water, so

oxygen. If air contains about 20% oxygen (by much heat is liberated that the operation must
volume), then it takes 5 liters of air (at 500°C, be carried out very cautiously. The sulfuric acid
SEC. 13-2 I

is slowly poured into the water, not the reverse. Step I. We wish to oxidize 1.00 kg of carbon.
The density of this concentrated sulfuric acid The number of moles of carbon is

solution (98%) is 1.84 grams/ml and its con- 12.01

Moles carbon = (wt C) 1.00 X 10^ g
centration is 18.3 M. (at wt C) g/mole
One of the important uses of sulfuric acid is
= 83.2 moles
that of an oxidizing agent. For example, when
heated, it will even dissolve carbon. The reac- Moles carbon — 83.2 (24)

tion is
Step II. Now we must decide how many moles
C + 2 H SO 2 4 CO + 2 H O +
2 2 2SO2 (23)
83.2sulfuric acid are needed. Reaction (23)
shows that
1 mole C reacts with 2 moles H2SO4
Verify that reaction (23) is an oxidation-reduc-
moles C react with 2(83.2) moles H2SO4
tion reaction and that the oxidation number
moles C react with 166 moles HiSOi (25)
change of carbon is balanced by the oxidation 18.3

number change of the sulfur. Step III. We need 166 moles of H SO What2 4 .

volume of concentrated sulfuric acid (18.3 M)

is needed?
How many liters of concentrated sulfuric acid
would be consumed in reaction (23) to oxidize moles H2SO4 are present in 1.00 liter

1.00 kg of carbon ? 98%H2S04

166 moles H2SO4 are present in - liters
1 0.3
Fig. 13-2. The “contact” process /or // ,.504
% H2SO4
manufacture. 166 moles HiSO^ are present in 9.07 liters

FUNCTION • Burn, sutfur. Remove impurities Vry Catatyticatty A.bsorh SOj 6gJ
SQ + 8O2 SSO^ thal mighir SO2 - O2 burn. SO2 , in 112^0^
"poison" catalysF mixture SO^ +1^02— 503
CHAP. 13

Answer. 1.00 kg of carbon is oxidized by 9.07 HiSOjl) — 2H^(aq) + SOy~(aq) (27)

liters of concentrated H2SO4 in reac-
tion (2J). (26)
Moles H^(aq) = 2(moles HJSO4)
= 2(2.314 X 10-3)
13-2.5 Liquid Volume-Volume Calculations Motes H+(aq) = 4.628 X IQ-^ (28)

A second major use of sulfuric acid of commerce Now we are concerned with the acid-base
is in reactions with bases. In laboratory use it is reaction
diluted to a much lower
be used as a standard acid.
concentration and can
A typical problem
H+(aqJ + OH-(aqJ ^ HO 2 (29)

would be the titration of a base solution of By reaction (29),

unknown concentration using a sulfuric acid
one mole of OH~(aq) ion reacts with one
solution of known concentration. For example,
''What is the concentration of a sodium hydroxide
mole of H+(aq) ion. 4.628 X 10^3 gj-

OH~(aq) ion reacts with 4.628 X 10~^ mole of

solution if 25.43 ml of the NaOH solution just
reacts with 18.51 ml of 0.1250 M
H^SOi (to pro-
ion. (30)

duce a neutral solution) Step 111. We can now calculate the concentra-
Step I. We are given the concentration and vol- tion of hydroxide ion. We now know that

ume of H2SO4 solution. How many moles of 4.628 Xmole of OH-( aq) is contained
10-3 in

H2SO4 are present? 25.43 ml of sodium hydroxide solution:

Moles H,S04 Concentration

= (moles OH- ion)
present = (volume)(concentration) hydroxide ion
= (18.51 X 10-3 liter)(0.1250 M) 3.
Moles H2SO4 = 2.314 X lO'* mole [-Qij -I _ (4.628 X 10-3 mole)
^ ^ “ (25.43 X 10-3 liter)
Step 11. We are interested in the reaction be-
tween H+faryj and Sulfuric acid
[OH-] = 0.1820 M
gives 2 moles of W^(aq) per mole of H2SO4 Answer. The sodium hydroxide solution has a con-
dissolved in water. centration of 0.1820 M. (31)


1. In Experiment 7, would the ratio between moles (b) How many grams of sodium carbonate are
of copper atoms used and moles of silver atoms produced?
formed change if silver sulfate, AgoSOj, had been
used rather than silver nitrate, AgNOs? Explain. Some catalysts used in gasoline manufacture
consist of finely divided platinum supported on
Although sodium carbonate is needed in the an inert solid. Suppose that the platinum is

manufacture of glass, very little is found in

formed by the high temperature reaction between
platinum dioxide, Pt02, and hydrogen gas to
nature. It is made using two very abundant
chemicals, calcium carbonate (marble) and so-
form platinum metal and water.
dium chloride (salt). The process involves many
(a) What is the oxidation number of platinum
steps, but the overall reaction is
in platinum dioxide?
CaCOa + 2NaCl —^ Na.COa + CaCl2 (b) Is hydrogen an oxidizing or reducing agent
in this reaction?

(a) How many grams of sodium chloride react (c) How many grams of hydrogen are needed to
with 1.00 kg of calcium carbonate? produce 1.0 gram of platinum metal?

(d) How many moles of water are produced (a) How many grams of CgHig can be made
along with 1.0 gram of Pt? using 224 liters of H 2 at STP?
(e) How many grams of water are produced (b) What pressure conditions favor production
along with 1.0 gram of Pt? of CgHisfgJ?

Answer, (e) 0.18 gram of HO 2

Answer, (a) 1.14 X 10^ g CgHig

10. How many of oxygen gas, at STP, will be

4. Hydrazine, NH
and hydrogen peroxide, H 2 O 2
2 4, ,
released bydecomposing 14.9 grams of NaOCl
are used together as a rocket fuel. The products
to produce 0>fgj + C\~(aq) (as in Experiment
are N 2 and H 2 O. How many grams of hydrogen
peroxide are needed per 1.00 X 10'* grams of
hydrazine carried by a rocket ? 11. A compound found in kerosene, a mixture of

Answer. 2.12 X 10^ grams of HO 2

hydrocarbons, is C 10 H 22 A stove might
decane, .

burn 1.0 kg of kerosene per hour. Assume kero-
5. Iodine is recovered from iodates in Chile salt- sene is C 10 H 22 and answer the following:
peter by the reaction
(a) How many liters (STP) of oxygen are needed
HSOg- + IO 3- gives I2 + SOr^ + H+ + H O 2 per hour?

(a) How manygrams of sodium iodate, NalOs, (b) How many liters (STP) of carbon dioxide
are produced per hour?
mole of KHSO3?
react with 1.00
(b) How many grams of iodine, I 2 are pro- , 12. How many grams of zinc metal are needed to
duced? react with hydrochloric acid to produce enough
hydrogen gas to fill an 11.2 liter balloon at STP ?
6 . The hourly energy requirements of an astronaut
What would be the volume of this balloon at
can be satisfied by the energy released when 34
27°C and 680 mm Hg pressure? How many
grams of sucrose are “burned” in his body. How
grams of zinc would be needed if sulfuric acid
many grams of oxygen would need to be carried
were used ?
in a space capsule to meet this requirement ?

sucrose + oxygen gives carbon dioxide -f water 13. How many liters of air (STP) are needed to burn
C H O O gives CO HO 2.2 liters (STP) of methane, CH4, gas in your
12 22 11 -)- 2 2 -p 2
laboratory burner? How much heat is released?
7. The chlorine used to purify your drinking water The AH for combustion of CH4 is —210
was possibly made by electrolyzing molten kcal/mole of CH4. Assume air is 20% oxygen.
NaCl to produce liquid sodium and gaseous
chlorine. 14. In the reaction

NHsfgJ + 02 (g) gives NO(g) + HaOfgj,

(a) How many grams of sodium chloride are
needed to produce 355 grams of chlorine
if 4.48 liters of ammonia gas measured at STP
are used, how many liters of oxygen measured
(b) What volume would this gas occupy at STP? at STP will be needed to react with all the
8 . A reaction involved in the production of iron Answer. 5.60 liters of O 2 at STP
from iron ore is
15. The following reaction is carried out with all gas
Fe 203 + CO gives Fe + CO 2 volumes measured at the same pressure and tem-
AH = -4.3 kcal/mole Fe^Os perature :

(a) How many grams of CO must react to re- CiHio(g) + 02 (g) gives C 02 (^j + H 20 (g)
lease 13 kcal? (a) How many liters of oxygen are required to
(b) How many liters of CO(STP) are needed to produce 2.0 liters of CO 2 ?
produce 1.0 kg of Fe? (b) If 15 liters of oxygen are used, how many
liters of butane, C 4 H 10 will be burned? ,

9. More CgHig, a hydrocarbon that is useful in

(c) If 8.0 liters each of oxygen and butane are
gasoline, can be obtained from petroleum if this
mixed, how many liters of CO 2 are produced
reaction takes place:
(assume complete reaction) ?
Ci6H32('gJ -f 2ii2(g) — >- 2CgHigfgj Answer, (a) 3.2 liters of O 2
CHAP. 13

16. What volume of CI 2 gas at 37°C and 753 mm Commercial concentrated acid contains 68 % by
could be obtained from 58.4 liters of HCl, also weightHNO3 in water. The solution is 15 M.
measured at 37°C and 753 mm, if the following How many liters of concentrated acid are needed
reaction could be carried effectively to comple- to react with 0.100 kg of copper metal?
Cu(sJ -b H+(aqJ -f NO^ (aq) gives
WC\(g) + 02 (g) gives li20(g) + CUig) Cu+^(aq) + N02r^; + H or[; 2

17. Suppose 105 liters of NH3 and 285 liters of O 2 Answer. 0.42 liter of HNO 3

are allowed to react until the reaction

20. How many grams of silver metal will react with
+ 02 (g) gives H 20 (g) + N 02 rgj 2.0 liters of 6.0 M HNO3? The reaction is

is The temperature and pressure are

maintained constant at 200°C and 0.30 atmos-
Ag(s) + H+(aq) + NO -
3 (aq) gives

phere during all volume measurements. What

Ag^(aq) -f NO(g) + HAAd)
gas and what volume of it measured at the stated 21. A measured volume, 10.00 liters, of the waste
conditions remains unreacted? process water from a cotton mill require 23.62

18. A 6 volt lead storage battery contains 700 grams ml of 0.1000 M hydrochloric acid to produce a
of pure }rl 2 SOi(l) dissolved in water. neutral solution. What is the hydroxide ion con-
centration in the waste?
(a) How many grams of solid sodium carbonate,
Na C 03 would be needed to neutralize this
2 , 22. What weight of silver chloride may be obtained
acid (giving CO 2 gas and H O)
2 if it were from 1.0 liter of 1 .0 M AgN 03 ,
if 12 ml of 0. 1 5 M
spilled ? NaCl are added?
(b) How many liters of 2.0 M Na C03 solution

would be needed ? 23. How many milliliters of a 0.050 M KMn 04 solu-

tion are required to oxidize 2.00 grams of FeSOj
19. Nitric acid, HNO3, is made by the process
in a dilute acid solution?

3N02fgJ + H20(l) 2HN03ri; + NO(g) Answer. 53 ml of KMn 04 solution


Why We Believe
in Atoms

From the time of Dalton • • •

the history of the atom has been a march
of triumph. Wherever the concept of the atom was employed for the in-

terpretation of observational measurements, it supplied lucid explanation;

conversely, such success became overwhelming evidence for the existence
of the atom.

In Chapter 2 you were introduced to atoms and his wife about the same matter, the tenant says,
inChapter 6 they were described in more detail. “I have been told there is a garbage collector and
You were told that the atom contains charged that he comes early Thursday morning. We shall
particles, that it has a nucleus made up of neu- see if this is true.” The tenant, a scientist, ac-
trons and protons, and that the nucleus is sur- cepts the statement of the neighbor (who has had
rounded by electrons. The atom is incredibly opportunity to make observations on the sub-
small but the nucleus is even smaller. But also ject). However, he accepts it tentatively until he
you were told that every theory (including the himself knows the evidence for the conclusion.
atomic theory) should be thought about and After a few weeks, the new tenant has made a
criticized —the evidence
upon which it is based number of observations consistent with the ex-
should be examined and understood. It is one istence of a Thursday garbage collector. Most
thing to ask “Do we believe in atoms?” and important, the garbage does disappear every
quite another to ask ""Why do we believe in Thursday morning. Second, he receives a bill
atoms?” In this chapter we shall try to answer from the city once a month for municipal serv-
this last, harder question. ices. And there are several supplementary ob-
Let’s begin with an unpretentious example that servations that are consistent — often he is

shows how we make such decisions in day-to-day awakened at 5:00 a.m. on Thursdays by a loud
living. banging and sounds of a truck. Occasionally the
A new tenant is told by his neighbor that the banging is accompanied by gay whistling, some-
garbage collector comes every Thursday, early in times by a dog’s bark.
the morning. Later, in answer to a question from The tenant now has many reasons to believe
CHAP. 14

in the existence of the garbage collector. Yet he passes the test of a good theory — it is useful in
has never seen him. Being a curious man and a explaining a large number of experimental ob-
scientist, he sets his alarm clock one Wednesday servations. This was true even before the tenant
night to ring at 5:00 a.m. Looking out the win- set eyes on the shadowy form at 5:00 a.m.

dow Thursday morning, his first observation is Yet we must agree, there are advantages to the
that it is surprisingly dark out and things are “direct vision” type of experiment. Often more
difficult to see. Nevertheless, he discerns a detailed information can be obtained this way.
shadowy form pass by, a form that looks like a Is the garbage collector tall? Does he have a

man carrying a large object. mustache? Could the garbage collector be a

Seeing is believing! But which of these pieces woman? This type of information is less easily
of evidence really constitutes “seeing” the gar- obtained from other methods of observation. It

bage collector? Which piece of evidence is the is worthwhile setting the alarm clock, even after
basis for “believing” there is a garbage collector? we have become convinced there is a garbage
The answer is, aJI of the evidence taken together, collector.
constitutes “seeing.” And all of the evidence At the beginning of this course you were a new
taken together, furnishes the basis for accepting tenant. You were told that chemists believe in
the “garbage collector theory of garbage dis- atoms and you were asked to accept this proposal
appearance.” The direct vision of a shadowy tentatively until you yourself knew the evidence
form at 5:00 a.m. would not constitute “seeing for it. Since that time, we have used the atomic
a garbage collector” if the garbage didn’t dis- theory continuously in our discussions of chemi-
appear at that time. (The form might have been cal phenomena. The atomic theory passes the
the paper boy or the milkman.) Neither would testof a good theory: it is useful in explaining a
the garbage disappearance alone consist of “see- large number of experimental observations. We
ing” the garbage collector. (Perhaps a dog comes have become convinced there are atoms.
by every Thursday and eats the garbage. Remem- Now we are going to review the types of evi-
ber, a dog’s bark was heard!) No, the tenant is dence that form the basis for belief in the atomic
convinced there is a garbage collector because theory. We shall include a number of experi-
the assumption is consistent with so many ob- ments that are close, in concept, to the “direct
servations, and it is inconsistent with none. Other vision” type. These are particularly convincing
possible explanations fit the observations too, and they provide detailed information that
2.016 is less

but not as well (the tenant has never heard a dog readily obtained in other ways.
whistle gaily). The garbage collector theory


Let us begin by looking again at the kinds of of hydrogen are found combined
grams 2.016
evidence we already have for the existence of with 16.00 grams of oxygen in the compound
atoms — the evidence from chemistry. We shall water whether the water
is prepared by burning
consider, in turn, the definite composition of hydrogen in oxygen, by decomposing gaseous
compounds, the simple weight relations among nitrous acid, by heating barium chloride dihy-
compounds, and the reacting volumes of gases. drate, or by some other process:
Each behavior provides experimental support
for the atomic theory.
Wg) + io,(g) —^ H,org)
g hydrogen/16.00 g oxygen (7)
14-1.1 The Law of Definite Composition
Compounds are found to have definite composi- 2HN02rgj —> NO(g; -b N02rg) r
tion, no matter how prepared. For example. g hydrogen/ 16.00 g oxygen (2)
SEC. 14-1 I

1 molecule O2 2 molecules 2 molecules H^O

1 mole O2 2 moles 2 -motes

32 g O2 36 g HO

g oxygen _ 32 _ 3
g 'hydrogen dr 1

1 rnolec^ule ~i~ 1 molecule K2 1 molecule H26IZ


1 -mote O2 -j- 1 mole H 2 1 mole H2 O 2

32 g + 2 ^2 34 ^ H2 O2
g oxygen _32 _16
g hydrogen~ 2 1

i[BaCl2-2H20]fsj —^ IBaCUfsj + HlO(g) Fig. 14-1. Simple multiple proportions of oxygen to

2.016 g hydrogen/' 16.00 g oxygen (i) hydrogen in HjO and HO 2 2.

The atomic theory provides a ready explana-

tion for the definite composition of chemical hydrogen is the weight of oxygen in the com-
compounds. It says that compounds are com- pound. This weight ratio in water is exactly
posed of atoms, and every sample of a given twice as large. What a simple relationship! The
compound must contain the same relative num- weight ratio one to sixteen in one compound

ber of atoms of each of its elements. Since the of hydrogen and oxygen and one to eight in
atoms of each element have a characteristic another. Such simple numerical relationships are
weight, the weight composition of a compound always found among different compounds of a
isalways the same.* Thus, the definite composi- set of elements. This is explained very clearly
tion of compounds provides experimental sup- within the atomic theory. Each molecule of hy-
port for the atomic theory. drogen peroxide contains two atoms of hydrogen
and two atoms of oxygen. The ratio of the num-
14-1.2 The Law of Simple Multiple Proportions ber of hydrogen atoms to oxygen atoms is
2/2 = 1. In contrast, a molecule of water con-
In many two elements brought together
cases, tainstwo atoms of hydrogen and only one atom
under dilferent conditions can form two or more of oxygen. The ratio of hydrogen atoms to
dilferent compounds. In addition to water, hy- oxygen atoms is 2/1 = 2. Since there are twice
drogen and oxygen can form a compound called as many hydrogen atoms per oxygen atom in
hydrogen peroxide, H 2 O 2 in which the weight of
, water as in hydrogen peroxide, of course the
* This statement pplies if the naturally occurring dis- weight ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water is
tribution of isotopes is not disturbed. twice that in hydrogen peroxide.
CHAP. 14

In general, different compounds of the same these atom ratios to the weight ratio ob-
two elements have different atomic ratios. Since tained in part (b) and convince yourself that
these atomic ratios are always ratios of integers, compound II could have the formula N2F4
1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 2/3, etc., the weight ratios will be but not N2F2.
simple multiples of each other. Thus the atomic
theory explains the observation that different
compounds of the same two elements have rela-
14-1.3 The Law of Combining Volumes
tive compositions by weight that are simple
multiples of each other. Gases are found to react in simple proportions
This success of the atomic theory is not sur- by volume, and the volume of any gaseous prod-
prising to a historian of science. The atomic uct bears a whole-number ratio to that of any
theory was first deducedfrom the laws of chemical gaseous reactant. Thus, two volumes of hydrogen
composition. In the first decade of the nineteenth react with exactly one volume of oxygen to pro-
named John Dalton
century, an English scientist duce exactly two volumes of water vapor (all at

wondered why chemical compounds display such the same temperature and pressure). These in-

simple weight relations. He proposed that per- teger relationships naturally suggest a particle
haps each element consists of discrete particles model of matter and, with Avogadro’s Hypothe-
and perhaps each compound is composed of sis, are readily explained on the basis of the

molecules that can be formed only by a unique atomic theory.

combination of these particles. Suddenly many Once again it is no surprise that the simple
facts of chemistry became understandable in integervolume ratios are readily explained with
terms of this proposal. The continued success of the atomic theory. The atomic theory was de-
the atomic theory in correlating a multitude of vised for this purpose, as is indicated in Chap-
new observations accounts for its survival. To- ter 2.
day, many other types of evidence can be cited To summarize, we find that the weight and
to support the atomic postulate, but the laws of volume relations that are observed in chemical
chemical composition still provide the corner- changes provide an experimental foundation for
stone for our belief in this theory of the structure the atomic theory. All of contemporary chemical
of matter. thought is based upon the atomic model and,
hence, every successful chemical interpretation
strengthens our belief in the usefulness of this
EXERCISE 14-1 theory.

Two compounds are known that contain only

nitrogen and fluorine. Careful analysis shows that 14-1.4 Chemical Evidence for the Electrical

23.67 grams of compound I contain 19.00 grams Nature of Atoms

of fluorine and that 26,00 grams of compound
You have been told that the atomic nucleus bears
II contain 19.00 grams of fluorine.
a positive charge and is surrounded by a number
(a) For each compound, calculate the weight of of negatively charged particles called electrons.
nitrogen combined with 19.00 grams of fluo- Also, the nucleus is supposed to contain most of
rine. atom and to be made of protons
the mass of the
(b) What is the ratio of the calculated weight of and neutrons, each of which has nearly two
nitrogen in compound II to that in I? thousand times the mass of the electron. How
(c) Compound I is NF3. This compound has one do we know that atoms are built this way? How
atom of nitrogen per three atoms of fluorine. do we know that there is such a particle as an
How many atoms of nitrogen are there per electron? Again, weight relations associated with
three atoms of fluorine for each of the mo- chemical reactions provide key evidence.
lecular formulas N2F2 and N2F4? Compare In Chapter 12 we discussed the operation of
SEC. 14-1 I

6 03 g Hg' produced
. 1. 33 ^ Na produced .538 g' At produced
6.03 = 1.38
.0300 mole - 0 600 mole = .0200 m.ole
201 23.0 26.

Hg Na At
.0300 : .0600 : .0200
3 6 2

an electrochemical cell. We successfully inter- Fig. 14-2. Weights of different elements deposited by
a given amount of electricity.
preted the chemical changes brought about by
the movement of electric charge in terms of the
atomic theory. To understand the full impact of On the other hand, this same amount of elec-
these experiments on the development of the tricity will deposit exactly twice as much mer-
atomic theory, we must turn back the scientific cury, 2 X (6.03) = 12.1 grams, from a solution
clock to the views held in the nineteenth century. of mercurous perchlorate, Hg2(C104)2. If we re-

When Michael Faraday first performed his elec- state Faraday’s experimental finding in terms of
trolysis experiments (in the early 1830’s), the the atomic theory, we see that the number of
atomic theory had been proposed but no one had atoms of mercury deposited by a certain quan-
yet suggested the existence of electrons. There tity of electricity is a constant or a simple
was no reason to suspect that electricity con- multiple of this constant. Apparently this certain
sisted of individual units. Faraday observed that quantity of electricity can “count” atoms. A
the quantity of electricity necessary to deposit a simple interpretation is that there are “packages”
given weight of an element from solutions of its of electricity. During electrolysis, these “pack-
differentcompounds was always equal to a con- ages” are parcelled out, one to an atom, or two
stant, or some simple multiple of this constant. to an atom, or three.
For example, the amount of electricity that will The second of Faraday’s observations was that
deposit 6.03 grams of metallic mercury from a the weights of clifferenl elements that were de-
solution of mercuric perchlorate, Hg(C104)2, will same amount of electricity formed
posited by the
deposit the same number of grams of mercury simple whole-number ratios when divided by the
from a solution of mercuric nitrate, Hg(N03)2. atomic weights of these elements. For example.
CHAP. 14

suppose electric current is passed through the that simple numbers result in such a case if each
three electrolysis cells pictured in Figure 14-2. weight is divided by the appropriate atomic
The two ammeters have the same reading, show- weight: 6.03

ing that the current entering the cell at the right

wt Hg g =
is identical to that leaving the cell at the left. 0.0300 mole
at wt Hg 201 g/mole
Thus, the electric circuit guarantees that the same
amount of electricity passes through each of the wt Na _ 1.38 g
0.0600 mole
three cells. at wt Na 23.0 g/mole

In the first cell the net reaction is the produc- wt A1 0.538 g

^ 0.0200 mole
tion of metallic mercury and gaseous oxygen atwt A1 26.9 g/mole
through electrolysis of aqueous mercuric nitrate:
These numbers are simply related to each
2Hg+2f„q; + HO
2 2
— other as shown by the ratios:
2Hg(l) + 02 (g) + 4H^(aq) (4)

After current has passed through the cell for a Hg : Na ; A1

definite time, the weight of the mercury produced 0.0300 0.0600 0.0200
is found to be 6.03 grams. 3:6:2 ; :

In the second cell molten sodium chloride is

Within the atomic theory, this result means
electrolyzed.* The net reaction is
that a certain amount of electricity will deposit
NaClfi; —> Na(l) + IC^g) (5) a fixed number of atoms, or some simple mul-
The same current produced 6.03 grams of
tiple of this number, whatever, the element. Thus,
in both of Faraday’s experiments, we find that
mercury is found to produce 1.38 grams of
an atom ean carry only a fixed quantity of
molten sodium.
The third cell represents another industrial charge, or some simple multiple of this quantity.

process, the electrolytic process for manufactur-

Therefore, electric charge comes in paekages. An
ing aluminum. Here, AI 2 O is electrolyzedf and
atom can carry one package, two packages, pos-
sibly three paekages, of charge, but not 1.5872
the net reaction in the cell is

AhOefT ^ im) +
i02(g) (6)
packages. Whatever the package of charge
is the same for all atoms. The realization that
is, it

Here we find that the same current that produced electric charge comes in packages led to the
grams of mercury produces 0.538 gram of proposal that eleetricity is eomposed of particles.
aluminum. Since atoms carry electric charges, atoms must
Thus after the same amount of electricity is contain these particles.
passed through the three cells, the weights of
metals produced are found to be

1.38 g Na As current is passed through the cells shown in
0.538 g A1
Figure 14-2, the oxygen produced in the first cell

How are these weights related? Faraday realized is collected and its volume is compared with the
volume of chlorine produced in the center cell
* In practice, calcium chloride must be added to such
(the volumes being compared at identical tem-
a cell to lower the melting point of the salt mixture and,
peratures and pressures). The volume of chlorine
even then, the temperature must be high (600°C). This is

the commercial method for manufacturing metallic so- is found to be exactly double that of oxygen.

dium. Applying Avogadro’s Hypothesis, explain how

t This is the basis for the commercial manufacture of this result shows that electricity can “count”
aluminum. Another added as solvent to lower the
salt is
melting point. A mixture of AI 2 O 3 and NasAlFe (cryolite)
can be electrolyzed at 950°C.
SEC. 14-2 I
“seeing” parts of atoms 239


Despite the convincing support for the atomic theory
provided by chemical evidence, there is intuitive appeal
to evidence that is closer to the “direct vision” type. From
such experiments comes a much more detailed view of
the atom and its make-up.

14-2.1 “Seeing” Electrons

The Faraday experiments were the original basis for the

suggestion that electricity consists of individual charges
called electrons. Other experiments involving the passage
of electricity through gases provide further evidence that
electrons do exist. Fig. 14-4. An electric discharge tube, very low pres-
Consider the apparatus shown in Figure 14-3. A glass sure. Electrons travel from the negative
tube is fitted with electrodes so that a potential difference electrode to the positive electrode; some of
of 10,000 volts can be applied across a space filled with a them pass through the triangular hole to
desired gas at various pressures. Suppose neon, for ex- produce a triangular spot on the fluores-
ample, is placed in the tube. With the voltage applied, cent screen.
the gas will begin to conduct electricity when its pressure
is reduced to about 0.01 atmosphere. The tube then glows
with the familiar color of a “neon sign.” If a difTerent voltage can be applied to plates Pi and P-, when switch S
gas is used, the color is different, but otherwise, the be- is closed. When switch 5i is open, the fluorescence appears
havior is about the same. If the pressure is reduced still at position A, just as in Figure 14-4. When Si is closed,
further to about 10“® atmosphere, the glow from the gas however, the fluorescent spot moves to position B. Ap-
parently the fluorescent spot is caused by particles that
are attracted to the positively charged electrode, P 2.

Therefore these particles must be negatively charged.

Light cannot be deflected in this way, hence the fluo-
rescent glow cannot be caused by light. Such experiments
with discharge tubes show that negatively charged par-
ticles exist. These particles are now known to be electrons.
This experiment does have some features of a “direct
vision” observation. First, the glowing spot is directly
visible. Second, it is easy to imagine an invisible stream
of particles hurtling through the triangular hole in the
electrode to crash against the fluorescent screen in a burst

Fig. 14-5. An electric discharge tube with deflection

disappears but there remains a fluorescent glow from the electrodes.

glass walls of the tube. The apparatus shown in Figure
14-4 demonstrates that the fluorescent glow is either
caused by particles or by light rays that travel from the
negative electrode and past the positive electrode (in this
apparatus, through the triangular hole in the center of
the electrode). When the tube operates, a glowing area
appears on the glass wall at position A directly opposite
the hole in the positive electrode and just the same shape
as the hole. Because the glowing area is “shadowed” by
the positive electrode, it must be caused by rays that travel
in straight lines.

Figure 14-5 shows this same apparatus fitted with an

auxiliary pair of electrode plates, Pi and P An
2. electrical
CHAP. 14

of light. Third, the experiment conveys detailed informa- The calculations can be made only if the strength of
tion about these particles, information difficult to obtain the magnetic field is known and if the field is uniform.
any other way. The electric charge on a particle is clearly Therefore, apparatus more suitable than that shown in
evident from the deflection experiments. Accurate meas- Figure 14-6 is needed. An electric current flowing through
urements of such deflections even lead to a measure of a wire coil generates a magnetic field that
is easily meas-

the ratio of electron charge to electron mass. ured and readily made uniform (by making the coil large
Yet there is a real difference between this experiment compared to the apparatus).
and the “direct vision” of the shadowy form of the gar- Substituting, then, a large coil for the magnet shown
bage collector. We don’t see the electron directly; rather in Figure 14-6, we can proceed with our measurement.
we see a burst of light on the fluorescent screen. The light The beam of electrons passes through the positive elec-
isn’t considered to be the electron: the burst of light is trode and strikes the far end of the tube, producing a
caused by molecular damage to the screen— damage re- fluorescent spot. When the magnetic field is turned on
sulting from the electron crash. A more apt comparison (by passing current through the coil), the fluorescent spot
from our analogy would be our seeing some footprints moves. The spot moves because a charged particle moving
in the garden. We assume the footprints are caused by in a uniform magnetic field has a path which is an arc of a
the garbage collector. Then from certain properties of the perfect circle. From the deflection of the spot and the
footprints —
size, depth, spacing —
we form a detailed length of the apparatus, the radius of this circular path
image of his height, weight, stride. You will find that this can be determined. This radius we shall call r.
is most of the experiments that might be called
typical of This radius is useful to us because it is related to the
“seeing” atoms and their components. We see their “foot- mass, m, charge, e, and velocity, v, of the electron. It is
prints” —
bursts of light on a screen, marks on a photo- determined also by the strength of the magnetic field, B,
graphic plate, discharges in a Geiger counter, etc. These as follows:
“footprints” substantiate in every way the atomic theory
and furnish detailed information on the nature of atoms

This equation shows that the greater the mass or velocity

of the particle, the less curved is its path (a small value
of r describes a highly curved path). On the other hand,
By the action of a magnetic field electrons may be made the path of the particle becomes more curved if the mag-
to follow a curved path. Such experiments lead to a deter-
netic field is made stronger.
mination of the ratio of the electric charge of an electron
We can rearrange equation (7) to the form
c, to its mass, m.
Consider the apparatus shown in Figure 14-6. The
equipment is similar to that shown in Figure 14-4 except
a fluorescent screen within the tube reveals the trajectory
Equation (8) shows us how to calculate the charge/mass
of the particles that pass through the slot in the positive
ratio for the electron measured and both v and B
if r is
electrode. When a magnetic field is added, the electron
are known.
trajectory is curved. A mathematical analysis of the
However, the velocity, v, of the electron is still un-
curvature permits an interpretation of this experiment
known. We must calculate this quantity from the work
that leads to a determination of c/m.
done on the electron as it was accelerated, moving from
the negative electrode to the positive electrode. The work
done on the electron is the product of the charge on the
Fig. 14-6. The effect of a magnetic field on the elec- electron times the voltage difference, V, between the
tron beam.
Work done on electron = e X V (9)

This work is used to accelerate the electron, giving it

kinetic energy. Also, we know that the kinetic energy of

the electron can be expressed in terms of its mass and

Kinetic energy of a moving electron = ^mv^ (70)

We must equate (9) and (70): the work done, eV, equals
the kinetic energy the electron acquires, fmv^:

eV = §OTV^ (77)

The voltage, V, we obtain from a voltmeter reading.

Expressions {8} and (77) both relate the ratio e/m to
SEC. 14-2 I
“seeing” parts of atoms 241

the electron velocity and the measured quantities, r, B, cist, Robert Millikan, in 1906 to determine the charge on
and V. We can calculate e/m if v is eliminated from the the electron. The apparatus used for his experiment is
two equations. This is an algebraic process that can be shown schematically in Figure 14-7.

done several ways. Here is one way. Tiny droplets of oil or some other liquid are sprayed
Since {11) involves v^, let us square expression (8): into the upper part of the apparatus. A few droplets
fall through a small hole into the lower chamber. During
g" v^
~2 _
= {12) its production, an oil drop is very likely to become
^. 2^2
charged by friction. When an oil drop enters the lower
Now let us multiply both sides of (72) by m/e\ chamber, a voltage is applied to the metal plates. If the
oil drop is charged, its fall can be completely stopped by
g _ (13) adjusting the voltage so that the electrical force on the
m g
charged drop is just equal and opposite to the force of
Now we can rearrange (77) to the form gravity.
Millikan made thousands of determinations of the
= 2V (14) charge on drops of oil, glycerol, and mercury. The charge
on the drop was sometimes positive and sometimes nega-
And, finally, we can substitute (14) into (13): tive, but in every casemagnitude was some integral

multiple of 1.602 X coulomb.* In no case was the

1 _
(2n X charge any less than this. These experiments give a clear
m~ e
demonstration that the fundamental unit of electricity
e _2V (15)
must be a charge of 1.602 X lO^^^ coulomb. If the elec-
m r^B^ tron carries this fundamental unit of electricity (as we
believe it does), the value of the charge on the electron
We measure V (from the voltmeter reading), r (from
must be 1.602 X lO^i® coulomb:
the deflection of the spot), B (from the current through
the magnet coil windings), substitute them into (75), and e = 1.602 X 10“i3 coulomb (77)

calculate We may use this value of the charge on the electron

- = coulombs to calculate the mass of an electron. To do so, it is neces-

1.759 X 10«
sary to know the ratio of (electron charge /electron
mass) = measured with apparatus
e/m. This ratio is

THE CHARGE ON THE ELECTRON based on principles displayed in Figures 14-4 and 14-6.

Experiments like those described in Figures 14-3 to 14-6 Using the result e/m = 1.759 X 10® coulombs/g, the
establish that the electron is a negatively charged particle mass of an electron is found to be
and that it is present in all substances. Further confirma- 1.602 X 10~^^ coulomb/electron
^ ~
tion of the particulate nature of electricity comes from 1.759 X 10^ coulomb/g
experiments that were conducted by an American physi-
w = 9.11 X 10“^* g/electron (IS)

Fig. 14-7. Millikan's oil-drop apparatus for determin-

ing the electron charge. EXERCISE 14-3

Suppose five measurements of oil-drop charges give the

values listed below;

4.83 X 10^1^ coulomb

3.24 X 10-19

9.62 X 10-19

6.44 X 10-19

4.80 X 10-19

* The coulomb is a unit of electric charge. Its magni-

tude can be appraised by its relation to the ampere. One
ampere is an electric current of one coulomb of charge
passing a point in a wire every second. One mole of elec-
trons has, then, 96,500 coulombs of charge. In a wire
carrying 10 amperes, it takes about two and one half

hours for one mole of electrons to pass any point.

CHAP. 14

(a) Divide each charge by the smallest value to investi- urement is made for electrons, the same value is

gate the relative magnitudes of these charges. obtained no matter what gas is introduced.
(b) Assuming each measurement has an uncertainty of (2) The charge/mass ratio for positive ions is very much
ztb.04 X 10“^^ decide what electron charge is indi- smaller than (e/m) for electrons. These facts are in-
cated by these experiments alone. terpreted to mean that the positive ions are ions
formed from the gas in the tube. The electric charge
is considered to arise from the removal of one or more
electrons from an atom or a molecule. Thus the value
14-2.2 ^‘Seeing’' Positive Ions of the ratio (charge/mass) for positive ions depends
upon the gas because each type of atom (or molecule)
Experiments can be conducted in which positive ions are has a distinctive mass.
detected and their properties measured (charge and mass).
These experiments are similar to those we have described “weighing” positive ions, the mass
for electrons. A gas discharge tube, such as was shown SPECTROGRAPH
in Figure 14-3, can be used because measurements show
A mass spectrograph is an instrument with which the
that positive ions are present as well as electrons. Whereas
masses of individual atomic or molecular ions can be
electrons are accelerated toward the positive electrode,
measured. One type of mass spectrograph is shown in
the positively charged ions are accelerated in the opposite
Figure 14-8. Positive through a
ions are accelerated
direction, toward the negative electrode. These ions can
slotted negative electrode and then passed through a
be removed from the apparatus as a beam in the same
uniform magnetic field. The left view in Figure 14-8 shows
way that the electron beamremoved in the apparatus
the apparatus supported between the pole faces of a
of Figure 14-4. In such fashion, we obtain a beam of posi-
strong magnet. The right view is an enlargement of the
tive ions. By deflecting these beams in electric and mag-
spectrograph with the magnetic field directed vertically
netic fields, the charges and masses of the positive ions
through the figure. This is the view of the mass spectro-
can be measured.
The results of experiments of this type show two very
important differences from measurements on electrons.

(1) The charge/mass ratio for positive ions changes when Fig. 14-8. A mass spectrograph and the mass spec-
the gas in the tube is changed. When the {ejm) meas- trum of neon.
Plate IN. \ simple spectrograph and the spectrum of a hot tungsten ribbon.













Hot Plate
SEC. 14-2 I
“seeing” parts of atoms 243

graph seen by an ant sitting on one pole face of the mag- THE RATIO OF CHARGE TO POSITIVE
net looking toward the other pole face. ION MASS, elm
The positive ions can be produced with a glow dis-
In amass spectrograph, the factors that determine the
charge tube like that shown in Figure 14-3. More usually,
same as those we discussed
trajectory of the ions are the
however, gaseous atoms or molecules are bombarded
when we considered the measurement of (e/m) for the
with an electronbeam as shown in Figure 14-8. If the
electron. In that discussion we derived equation (79):
bombarding electrons have enough energy, they cause
positive ion formation when collisions occur with gas
_ 2V
~ (19)
molecules. The figure shows neon gas entering at the m
bottom. The gas passes through the electron beam and where e = electron charge,
some of the atoms collide with electrons to form neon m = electron mass,
ions. Both Ne^ and Ne^^ ions are formed and they are V = accelerating voltage,
accelerated by the slotted electrode. As the positive ions B = magnetic field strength.

enter the magnetic field, they follow a circular path. They

For positive ions, the charge is e or 2e or, in general,
have a large radius of curvature if the mass is high, a low
some integer, n, times e, the electron charge. We might
radius of curvature if the charge is high. Thus each posi-
tive ion follows a circular path fixed by its mass and
write a capital M for mass to indicate that the mass of a
positive ion is involved. Then we can solve (79) for the
charge. After circling through an arc of 180°, the ions are
mass as a function of V, B (experimental conditions we
collected on a photographic plate. The impact of the ions
control), n (which will be one, two, three, or some low
with the photographic plate causes a reaction that leads
integer), and r, the radius that we measure on the photo-
to a darkening of the sensitized surface, just as exposure
graphic plate:
to light does. Such a record shows a spot for each ion at
a position fixed by the charge/mass ratio. Measurement M = ner^B^
2V ( 20 )
of the position of each spot reveals the masses of the
With equation (20), we can verify quantitatively our
ions. The record is called a mass spectrum.
identifications of the ionic masses and their charges. The
When neon gas is put in the spectrograph, the mass
two sets of three spots immediately suggest that one set
spectrum consists of two widely separated groups of three
is caused by three isotopes, each with the same ionic
spots each. The three spots corresponding to large radii
charge, and the second set by the same three isotopes with
are caused by neon ions with a single positive charge,
a different ionic charge. Measurement of the radii shows
while the three spots corresponding to small radii are
that one set has a larger radius by just the square root of
caused by doubly charged ions. For each ionic charge
two. This ratio is consistent with the assignment of -)-l
there are three slightly separated spots which indicate that
to one set of ions and 4-2 to the other set. Calculations
neon consists of atoms with three different masses.
based on the assumption that n = 1 for the outer set,
This shows that ordinary neon consists of three different
isotopes. The relative abundances of these isotopes can
together with the accurately measured radii of the
paths corresponding to the three spots on the plate
be determined by measuring the intensity of the spots
give isotopic masses corresponding to 20, 21, and 22
caused by each of the ion beams.
grams/mole, the three stable isotopes of neon. If the true
value of n for this outer set of spots had been n = 2, the
calculated masses would correspond to isotopic masses of
40, 42, and 44 grams/mole. The choice between the two
When chlorine, Cb, is examined in a mass spectrograph, assumptions is usually easily made on the basis of chemi-
Cl^, C1+, and CI +2 ions are formed. Remembering that cal arguments about the possible atoms or molecules

there are two isotopes in chlorine, 35 (75%) and 37 present.

(25 %), describe qualitatively the appearance of the mass

spectrum. Which ion will produce lines at the largest
radius? Which at the smallest radius? How many lines
will each ion produce? Suppose a mass spectrograph is used to measure the
charge/mass ratio for fluorine ions. Fluorine has only one
stable isotope and its atomic weight is 19.0 grams/mole.
From the measured charge/mass ratio, 5.08 X 10^ cou-
Figure 14-8 shows a mass spectrograph that uses photo-
lombs/gram, and the assumption that the ion has one
graphic detection. Nonphotographic detection is also
electron charge, calculate the mass of one ion. Repeat the
The ions, after being sorted according to mass
calculation assuming the ion has two electron charges.
and charge, can be “counted” by a charge measuring Now calculate Avogadro’s number from the weight of a
The advantage of such a detector is that the result
mole of fluorine ions, using each of your two calculations.
can be presented continuously on a paper chart, thus
Which assumption about ion charge do you prefer?
eliminating the cumbersome and slow photographic Could the other be correct as well?
CHAP. 14

Fig. 14-9. Rutherford’s apparatus for observing the ismounted on an arm in such a way that it can be moved
scattering of alpha particles by a metal foil. around in a circle whose center is in line with the point
{The entire apparatus is enclosed in a where the alpha particles strike the foil. A telescope is
vacuum chamber.) mounted behind the screen so that the very small flashes
of light produced when individual alpha particles strike
the scintillation screen can be detected and counted. The
apparatus operates in a vacuum chamber in order that
14-2.3 ^'Seeing” the Nucleus: Structure no deflections are caused by the impact of alpha particles
of the Atom upon gaseous molecules.
The first observation made with this apparatus was that
So far we have described experiments that indicate that apparently all the alpha particles passed through the foil
atoms exist and that indicate atoms are composed of undeflected. Let us see if this result is consistent with the
charged particles. We know also that all the positively model of the atom proposed by Thomson. You will recall
charged part of the atom is located in a very small but that Thomson’s picture of the atom assumed that the
dense region which we call the nucleus. The negatively positive charge is distributed evenly throughout the entire
charged electrons spend most of their time at relatively volume of the atom with the negative electrons embedded
great distances from the nucleus. The story of how this in it. Since the electrons weigh so little, the positive part
nuclear model of the atom was first proposed gives a accounts for nearly all of the mass of the atom. Thus the
fascinating view of how science progresses. Thomson model pictures the atom as a body of uniform
The first model of the atom, proposed by
detailed density.
J. J. Thomson in 1898, was based upon the expectation Imagine what our thin metal foil would be like if it

that the atom was a sphere of positive electricity in which were to be made up of Thomson atoms. The physical
electrons were embedded like plums in a pudding. This properties of a solid suggest that the atoms lie very close
picture of the atom was not particularly satisfying be- together, so the metal foil would look something like the
cause it was not useful in predicting or explaining the diagram shown in Figure 14-10. Of course, the real foil
chemical properties of the atom. Finally, in 1911, a series is 10,000 atoms thick. What would happen to the alpha
of experiments performed in the McGill University labo- particles if they were shot into a solid of such uniform
ratory of Ernest Rutherford showed that Thomson’s density? At first we might think that they would be
picture of the atom had to be abandoned. stopped or deflected back upon colliding with the atoms.
The experiment conducted by Rutherford and his co- Since it was observed that the alpha particles went straight
workers involved bombarding gold foil with alpha par- through the metal foil, we must reconsider the problem.

ticles, which are doubly charged helium atoms. The When we shoot at a paper target with a high-powered
apparatus used in their experiment is shown in Figure rifle, the projectile forces its way through the paper. The
14-9. The alpha produced by the radioactive
particles are alpha particles produced by radium have very high kinetic
decay of radium, and a narrow beam of these particles energy and are very much like bullets from a high-
emerges from a deep hole in a block of lead. The beam powered Perhaps the very high kinetic energy allows

of particles is directed at a thin metal foil, approximately an alpha particle to force its way right through the atoms
10,000 atoms thick. The alpha particles are detected by of the metalfoil. Since a rifle bullet fired into paper passes

the light they produce when they collide with scintilltaion through undeflected, it seems reasonable to conclude that
screens, which are zinc sulfide-covered plates much like the alpha particle would also pass through the metal foil
the front of the picture tube in a television set. The screen undeflected.
SEC. 14-3 1

Fig. 14-10. The scattering of alpha particles by a

metal foil made of Thomson atoms.

9 Q

In summary, in the Thomson model a metal foil is

Fig. 14-11. The scattering of alpha particles by a foil
considered to have essentially uniform density. If this is made of Rutherford nuclear atoms.
true, there is no way for bombarding alpha particles to
be deflected through large angles. At best, the alpha par-
ticles might suffer slight deflections from many collisions

with many atoms. The model predicts the scattering dis- large and small angles.we allow alpha particles to

tribution shown in Figure 14-10. impinge upon a metal composed of atoms based on

The first results of Rutherford’s experiments seemed Rutherford’s model, only a few of the particles would be
to be quite consistent with the Thomson picture of the appreciably deflected by the foil. The heavy, fast moving
atom. On more an astounding dis-
careful examination, alpha particles can brush past the lighter electrons with-
covery was made. By moving the screen around the metal out being deflected. Since most of the volume of the metal
foil, Rutherford and his co-workers were able to observe foil is relatively empty space, the greatest number of

that a very few scintillations occurred at many different alpha particles pass through the metal undeflected. It is

angles; some of these angles were nearly as large as 180°. possible, however, for a few particles to be scattered
It was as if some of the alpha particles had rebounded through very large angles. Since both the alpha particle
from a head-on collision with an immovable object. In and the nucleus of the atom are positively charged, they
the words of Rutherford, “It is about as incredible as if exert a force of repulsion on each other. This force be-
you had fired a 15 inch shell at a piece of tissue paper comes large only when the alpha particle comes quite
and it came back and hit you.” It was impossible to ex- close to the nucleus. Since the nucleus in question is much
plain the simultaneous observation of large-angle and heavier than the alpha particle, it can deflect the alpha
small-angle deflections by using the Thomson atom. particle considerably, just as a steel post can deflect a

In order to explain his experimental results, Rutherford rifle bullet.

designed a new picture of the atom. He proposed that the Besides providing a qualitative picture of the atom,
atom occupies a spherical volume approximately 10^* cm Rutherford’s experiments provided a way of measuring
in radius and at the center of each atom there is a nucleus the charge of the nucleus. The force that a nucleus exerts
whose radius is about cm. He further proposed that on an alpha particle depends upon the magnitude of the
this nucleus contains most of the mass of the atom, and charge on the nucleus. Rutherford showed how to relate
that it also has a positive charge that is some multiple the number of alpha particles scattered at any angle to
of the charge on the electron. The region of space outside the magnitude of the charge on the nucleus. The first
the nucleus must be occupied by the electrons. We see measurements of the nuclear charge by this method were
from Figure 14-1 1 that Rutherford’s picture requires that not very accurate, but they did show that different ele-
most of the volume of the atom be a region of very low ments have different nuclear charges. By 1920, however,
density. the alpha particle scattering experiments were so refined
Using this kind of model of the atom, we can account that they could be used to determine nuclear charge
for the alpha particles that are deflected through both accurately.


There are several ways by which sizes of atoms methods because they involve the interaction of
in molecules and in solids can be estimated. light with matter. The measurements show
These methods are classified as “spectroscopic” atomic size in the sense that they show how

closely theatoms pack together. These packing specified. This quantity, with the dimension
distances, as measured spectroscopically, have waves per second, is called frequency and is sym-
provided the dimensions for the atomic models bolized V (“nu”). Light, which is an electromag-
you have seen. netic disturbance traveling through space, has
properties much like water waves. The electro-

14-3.1 Light and the Frequency Spectrum magnetic disturbance varies periodically, as does
the water disturbance, hence it can be charac-
Light can be characterized by its frequency or
terized by its frequency. Also, light travels
its wavelength. To understand the meaning of
through space with definite distance between the
these terms, consider water waves approaching
“wave crests” where the electromagnetic dis-
and breaking on a beach. Figure 14-12 shows turbance is greatest. This distance is called the
two measurements we might make, the distance wavelength.
between crests and the time between waves. The Figure 14-13 shows a spectrograph — an in-
distance between crests is called wavelength and
strument that reveals the frequency composition
it can be expressed in centimeters. The time be-
of light. The light entering a narrow slit is
tween waves, r, indicates how often waves pass focused into a beam by the lens. This beam is
a fixed point. Usually the reciprocal, 1/r, is
passed through the prism. All of the light is

refracted (bent) by the angular prism, but dif-

Fig. 14-12. Waves can be characterized by wavelength ferent frequencies (colors) are bent through
or by time between waves. different angles. The result is that the frequency

SEC. 14-3 I

Infra red
Lens Ultraviolet

fun gfs ten

Photographic ptate

Fig. 14-13. A simple spectrograph. or, in more usual terminology, v = 7.5 X 10^^
cycles per second. The red light has a lower
frequency; v is about 4.3 X 10^^ cycles per sec-
composition of the light entering the slit can be
learned from the pattern focused on a photo-
The experiment shown in Figure 14-13 points
graphic film. The light source is a tungsten rib-
up another extremely important fact. The photo-
bon heated to a temperature near 1000°C by an graphic film is darkened at larger angles than
electric current.
that at which blue light appears and at smaller
This separation of light into its component angles than that at which red light appears. This
frequencies produces a spectrum. This spectrum
implies that the light emitted by the hot ribbon
is recorded on the photographic film because the
includes frequencies that are not detected by the
darkening of the film (on development) is deter-
human eye. The frequencies lower than the fre-
mined by the light intensity. From the spectrum
quency of red light are called infrared frequen-
we learn that different colors correspond to dif-
ferent frequencies. Blue light is found to have a
frequency of about 7.5 X 10^^ waves per second Fig. 14-14. The complete light spectrum.

Gantrna rays


Frequency, '

cyclcsysecond 10 ^
Rfolecular rotation
RIotecular vibrafion
Flectron excitation
CHAP. 14

cies. The frequencies higher than the frequency of in copper, though oecupying the same relative
violet light are called ultraviolet frequencies. positions as the atoms in aluminum, are closer
Scientists have now realized that the electro- together. In contrast, the pattern of lines pro-
magnetic phenomenon called light extends over duced by sodium does not resemble either of the
an enormous range of frequencies much wider — preceding patterns. Sodium atoms are packed
than the rather narrow region in which the differently in the metallic sodium crystal.
human eye is sensitive. Figure 14-14 shows the The X-ray diffraction method is applicable to
range that is commonly studied and the familiar solidsand provides such detailed views of crystal
names given to various spectral regions. geometry as those shown for sodium ehloride
There are three spectral regions or ranges of solid in Figure 5-10, p. 81.
light frequencies that are particularly useful to
chemists in learning atomic sizes. We shall dis-
cuss each briefly. 14-3.3 Microwave Spectroscopy:
Molecular Rotation

Radio waves are light rays of macroscopic wavelengths

14-3.2 X-Ray Diffraction Patterns
(that is, wavelengths of many meters). Using techniques

X-Rays are light waves of frequencies near 10^® similar to those used in generating radio waves, “micro-
wave” can be produced with wavelengths in the
cycles per second and wavelengths near 10“® cm.
range 1 mm
to 10 cm. In this spectral region, gaseous
Such light waves, when
reflected from the surface
molecules absorb light because of excitation of rotational
of a crystal, give patterns on a photographic movements of the molecules. The frequencies of these
film. The pattern is fixed by the spacings of the rotational motions, shown in Figure 7-8 (p. 118), depend
atoms of the crystal and their spatial arrange- upon the distance of the atoms from the molecular center
of gravity.
ment. The pattern is obtained only with X-rays
Microwave spectroscopy is applicable only to gases but
because it results from scattering effects that
it is capable of extremely high accuracy. Interatomic dis-
occur only if the wavelength of the light is close tances and structures have been so measured for many
to the atomic separations within the crystal. molecules containing only a few atoms.
Therefore, a knowledge of the wavelength of the
X-ray light permits an interpretation of the pat-
tern in terms of atomic packing. 14-3.4 Infrared Spectroscopy:
Figure 14-15 shows three X-ray diffraction Molecular Vibration
patterns obtained from small crystalline particles
Light found in the spectrum just beyond the red
of metallic copper, aluminum, and sodium. The
end of the visible spectrum is called infrared
qualitative similarity of the patterns given by
copper and aluminum shows that they have the
light. The frequencies are in the range 2 X 10^®

same crystal packing. Careful measurements of

to 12 X 10^® cycles per second (with wavelengths

the spacing of the lines indicate that the atoms

between 1.5 X lO-"* to 2.5 X 10“^ cm). Mole-
cules absorb light in this spectral region, and
analysis of the frequencies shows that the ab-
sorptions are associated with the excitation of
Fig. 14-15. X-Ray diffraction patterns of finely di- vibrational motions. These to-and-fro motions of
vided metallic copper, aluminum, and the atoms occur at natural frequencies just like
sodium. the natural vibrational frequencies of a ball-and-

- Ill UK nr I II
spring model of a molecule. These natural fre-
quencies are fixed by the masses of the atoms,
the molecular shape, and the strengths of the
-uimiii null chemical bonds that link the atoms together.
Again the frequencies absorbed by gaseous mole-
- ; lilKK Dlllll cules provide information about the molecular
SEC. 14-3 1

moments of inertia, the molecular geometry, and theless, the vibration frequencies of these two
the chemical bonds. In addition, infrared study molecules differ because the atom masses differ.

can be extended easily to the liquid and solid Since the deuterium atom is heavier than the
state, hence it finds widespread use in chemistry. hydrogen atom, it vibrates more slowly.
Figure 14-16 contrasts the infrared absorption More complicated molecules, with two or
spectra of hydrogen bromide gas, HBr, and more chemical bonds, have more complicated
deuterium bromide gas, DBr. The horizontal absorption spectra. However, each molecule has
scale shows frequency. For a given frequency, such a characteristic spectrum that the spectrum
the vertical scale shows the percentage of light can be used to detect the presence of that par-
of that frequency transmitted by the sample. ticular molecular substance. Figure 14-17, for

Thus a reading of 100% means all of the light is example, shows the absorptions shown by liquid
transmitted; hence, no light is absorbed at that carbon tetrachloride, CCfi, and by liquid carbon
frequency. Plainly, gaseous HBr absorbs in only disulfide, CS 2 The bottom spectrum is that dis-

one spectral region, that near 7.9 X 10^^ cycles played by liquid CCI4 containing a small amount
per second. This one absorption corresponds to of CS2. The absorptions of CS2 are evident in the
the vibrational excitation of the chemical bond spectrum of the mixture, so the infrared spec-
in HBr. There is only one bond, hence only one trum can be used to detect the impurity and to
absorption. The spectrum of gaseous DBr is measure its concentration.
similar but the absorption occurs near 5.9 X 10^® The value of infrared spectra for identifying
cycles per second. Of course, the chemistries of substances, for verifying purity, and for quan-

DBr and HBr are identical, hence the chemical titative analysis rivals their usefulness in learning

bond in DBr is identical to that in HBr; never- molecular structure. The infrared spectrum is as
important as the melting point for characterizing
a pure substance. Thus infrared spectroscopy
Fig. 14-16. Infrared absorption spectra of gaseous has become an important addition to the many
HBr and DBr. techniques used by the chemist.

Fre-quency , cycleSy/seco-nd.
CHAP. 14



Fig. 14-17. Infrared absorption spectra of liquid carbon tetrachloride, CCh, carbon disulfide, CS2 and
, a
mixture of the two.


1 . A compound of carbon and hydrogen is known 3. John Dalton thought the formula for water was
that contains 1.0 gram of hydrogen for every 3.0 HO (half a century passed before the present
grams of carbon. What is the atomic ratio of formula for water was generally accepted). What
hydrogen to carbon in this substance? he then obtain for the weight
relative weights did
of oxygen and hydrogen atoms ?

2. There are two known compounds containing 4. Nitrogen forms five compounds with oxygen in
only tungsten and carbon. One is the very hard which 1.00 gram of nitrogen is combined with

alloy, tungsten carbide, used for the edges of 0.572, 1.14, 1.73, 2.28, 2.85 grams of oxygen,
cutting tools. Analysis of the two compounds respectively. Show that the relative weights of
gives, for one, 1.82grams and, for the other, the elements in these compounds are in the ratio
3.70grams of tungsten per 0.12 gram of carbon. of small whole numbers. Explain these data us-
Determine the empirical formula of each. ing the atomic theory.

5. Using Appendix 3, list two metals that could 11. When several oil drops enter the observation

have given the same number of moles as alumi- chamber of the Millikan apparatus, the voltage
num did in the experiment shown in Figure 14-2. is turned on and adjusted. One drop may be

made to remain stationary, but some of the

6. If n coulombs will deposit 0.1 19 gram of tin from
others move up while still others continue to
a solution of SnS 04 how many coulombs are
fall. Explain these observations.
needed to deposit 0.119 gram of tin from a solu-
tion of Sn(S 04 ) 2 ? 12. Dust particles may be removed from air by pass-
ing the air through an electrical discharge and
7. Suppose two more cells were attached to the then between a pair of oppositely charged metal
three in Figure 14-2. In one cell, at one of the
plates. Explain how this removes the dust.
electrodes copper is being plated from CUSO 4
solution and at one of the electrodes in the other 1 3. How many electrons would be required to weigh
cell, bromine, Br 2 f g ), is being converted to bro- one gram? What would be the weight of a
mide ion, Br". How many grams of Cu and Br" “mole” of electrons ?
would be formed during the same operation
14. About how many molecules would there be in
discussed in the figure?
each cubic centimeter of the tube shown in Fig-

8. Carbon monoxide absorbs light at frequen- ure 14-3 when the glow appears? When the glow
disappears again because the pressure too
cies near 1.2 X 10“, near 6.4 X 10^^ and near is

1.5 X 10^^ cycles per second. It does not absorb
at intermediate frequencies. 15. Describe the spectrum produced on a photo-
graphic plate in a mass spectrograph if a mixture
(a) Name the spectral regions in which it ab-
of the isotopes of oxygen (i®0, and ^®0) is
sorbs (see Figure 14-14).
(b) Explain why carbon monoxide is colorless.
analyzed. Consider only the record for +1 and
+2 ions.
9. The wavelength and frequency of light are re-
lated by the expression \ = c/v, where X =
16. Hydroxylamine, NH OH,
2 is subjected to elec-
tron bombardment. The products are passed
10. wavelength in centimeters, v = frequency in
through a mass spectrograph. The two pairs of
cycles per second, and c = velocity of light =
lines formed indicate charge/mass ratios of
3.0 X 10^® cm/second. Calculate the wavelength
and 0.1250, 0.1176. How can this
0.0625, 0.0588
corresponding to each of the three frequencies
be interpreted?
absorbed by CO Problem 8). Express each
answer first in centimeters, and then in Ang- 17. Platinum and zinc have the same number of
stroms (1 A = 10“* cm). atoms per cubic centimeter. Would thin sheets
of these elements differ in the way they scatter
Answer. 1.5 X 10^® cycles/sec;
alpha particles ? Explain.
2.0 X lO"^ cm/cycle = 2.0 X 10®

A/cycle. 18. Assume that the nucleus of the fluorine atom is

a sphere with a radius of 5 X 10“^® cm. Calculate

The oxygen molecule carries out molecular vi-
the density of matter in the fluorine nucleus.
bration at a frequency of 2.4 X 10^® cycles/sec-

ond. If the pressure is such that an oxygen 19. An average dimension for the radius of a nucleus
molecule has about 10^ collisions per second, is 1X 10~^® cm and for the radius of an atom is
how many times does the molecule vibrate be- 1 X 10“® cm. Determine the ratio of atomic vol-
tween collisions ? ume to nuclear volume.

Electrons and the

Periodic Table

It is the behavior and distribution of the electrons around the nucleus that
gives the fundamental character of an atom: it must be the same for mole-
C. A. COULSON, 1951

We have seen that much is known about the element just following an inert gas (one of the
structure of the atom. A small nucleus containing alkalies) releases electrons quite readily. The re-
protons and neutrons accounts for most of the sulting positively charged ion has, then, the
mass of the atom. Electrons occupy the space number of electrons possessed by an atom of its

around the nucleus like bees around a hive. inert gas neighbor. In each type of element, the
In the electrically neutral atom, the number of halogens and the alkalies, the chemistry can be
electrons is equal to the number of protons. discussed in terms of the tendency of atoms to
Looking back to Chapter 6, we have discov- acquire or release electrons so as to reach the
ered marvelous regularity among the elements. special stability of the inert gases. The impor-
Of the 100 or so elements, six are unique in their tance of this tendency is revealed in the dramatic
absence of chemical reactivity. Those six ele- differences that exist between the chemistry of
ments, the inert gases, provide the key to the the halogens and the chemistry of the alkalies.
most important correlation of chemistry, the This special stability associated with the inert
periodic table. Not only do these elements fur- gas electron populations was found to pervade
nish the cornerstone for the periodic table but, the chemistry of every element of the third row
also, their electron populations seem to play a of the periodic table (see Section 6-6.2). Each
dominant role in the chemistry of the other ele- element forms compounds in which it contrives
ments in the table. An element just preceding an to reach an inert gas electron population. Ele-
inert gas in the table (one of the halogens) has a ments with a few more electrons than an inert
strong tendency to acquire an extra electron. gas are apt to donate one or two electrons to
The resulting negatively charged ion has, then, some other more needy atom. Elements with a
the number of electrons possessed by an atom of few less electrons than an inert gas are apt to
its inert gas neighbor. In striking contrast, an acquire one or two electrons or to negotiate a
SEC. 15-1 I

communal sharing with other atoms. In all cases, regularity. This clue has led scientists to a de-
the number of electrons transferred or shared is tailed and quantitative understanding of the
understandable in terms of the inert gas stability. atomic properties that give rise to the periodic

In this chapter we shall explore our current table.

understanding of this behavior. We are guided
by a regularity presented in
in this exploration
Chapter 6 and reproduced in Table 15-1. The
To see that these numbers have regularity, con-
sider the series of numbers 2-8-18-32. (We shall
Table 15-1 forget, for the time being, that 8 and 18 each

REGULARITY AMONG THE ELECTRON appear twice in the series.)

POPULATIONS OF THE INERT GASES (a) If you were to consider this series incom-
INERT GAS ELECTRONS DIFFERENCES plete, would you expect the next number
helium 2 ^ (after 32) to be even or odd?

neon 10 10 - 2 = 8 (b) The numbers 2-8-18-32 were obtained by

argon 18 18 - 10 = 8 subtracting electron populations (that is, by
krypton 36 36 - 18 = 18 taking differences). Take differences again
xenon 54 54 - 36 = 18 and use them to predict the next number
radon 86 86 - 54 = 32
beyond 32 in the series.
(c) Divide the numbers 2-8-18-32 by two. Use
these numbers as a basis for predicting the
regularity of the differences 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32 is a next number beyond 32 in the series by an-
clue of magnificent proportions. The electron other method than taking differences.
populations of the inert gas atoms have startling


Just as the inert gases form the cornerstone of — a property less obvious than the “water wave”
the structure we call the periodic table, the sim- characteristics. Light is a form of energy.
plest atom, hydrogen, provides the key that un- The statement, “Light is a form of energy,”
locks the door of this structure. Atoms of every is consistent with quite a bit of common experi-
other element mimic the hydrogen atom. To see ence. Many of you have used a hand lens to
that this is so, we must examine the interaction focus light rays on a paper, setting it afire. This
of hydrogen atoms with light. The light emitted experiment is put to work in the huge solar
(or absorbed) by hydrogen atoms is called the furnaces that achieve temperatures of many
atomic hydrogen spectrum. This spectrum ex- thousands of degrees and that melt the most
plains the existence of the periodic table. refractory material. The temperature rise in the

paper or in the refractory material is caused by

15-1.1 Light —A Form of Energy the absorption of light. A temperature rise means
energy has been absorbed. This energy must have
Before we can analyze the spectrum of hydrogen been carried by the light.

atoms, we must become more familiar with light. Wedo not need a hand lens to “feel” the
In Chapter 14 light was characterized by fre- energy of light rays. Just remember those lazy
quency or wavelength. (Reread Section 14-3.1.) afternoons you spent last summer soaking up
Now we shall consider another property of light the warmth of the sun. The afternoon pleasure
CHAP. 15

came from the absorption of the energy by the merely a conversion factor that reexpresses fre-

tissues of your skin. The sunburn pain you suf- quency, V, in energy units. The experimental
fered that night was caused by the chemical evidence that led to equation (7) furnishes a
reactions energized by the treacherous light rays. fascinating story —
a story that you will hear in
Here we have a personal basis for claiming that your physics class. Our interest is in the applica-
light carries energy. tion of this equation to the interpretation of the
As one other familiar reference, consider pho- atomic hydrogen spectrum. This spectrum gives
tosynthesis. You have undoubtedly heard many a record of the frequencies that are emitted by a
times that this is the chemical process by which hydrogen atom. By equation (7), then, the spec-
a plant “stores” the energy of the sun. Much is trum also gives information about the energies a
known about the chemical reactions of photo- hydrogen atom can possess.
synthesis and it is indeed true that they result in
formation of chemical compounds with higher
15-1.2 The Light Emitted by Hydrogen Atoms
heat content than the starting substances. These
reactions will not occur in the absence of light Figure 15-1 shows again the spectrograph de-
the light supplies the energy required to raise the scribed in Section 14-3.1. This time the light
reactants to the higher heat content of the source is a gas discharge tube such as was shown
products. in Figure 14-3 on p. 239. Just as before, some of
We have all of this familiar experience to build the light emitted by the source passes through a
upon, but it is all qualitative. We need a quan- narrow slit and is focused to a beam by the lens.
titative relationship. How much energy is carried Again this light beam is refracted (bent) by the
by light? The answer is simple in form, but not angular prism. The spectrum, or frequency com-
in concept. Light, too, comes in packages. Each position of the light, appears on the photo-
package, called a photon, contains an amount of graphic film.
energy determined by the frequency. This state- When hydrogen gas is admitted to the dis-

ment is contained in the famous equation

E= hv (7)
Fig. 15-1. The spectrum of light emitted by a hydro-
The quantity h is called Planck’s constant. It is gen discharge tube.



Thoto graphic ptaire

SEC. 15-1 I

Hoir tun^s'iren- rihhon emits Two peculiarities of the hydrogen discharge

Itg'ht' a.t' att ^requertcies spectrum are immediately evident — they were
evident to scientists as long ago as 1840. First,
hydrogen atoms are very particular about the
frequencies they emit. Only special frequencies
are observed in the spectrum. Second, the fre-
quencies corresponding to the lines on the film

Vtsihle region Ultraviotet' region are spaced systematically. There are two groups
of one group in the visible part of the light

spectrum and another group in the ultraviolet

part. Within each group there is a regular de-
crease in the spacing between successive lines as

Hydrogen discharge iruhe emtirs
the frequency increases.
cies are shown in Figure 15-3.
The measured frequen-

frequencies only
tighir air spectat
Fig. 15-2. Contrast between the continuous spectrum
Complete the following table for all of the ultra-
of a hot tungsten ribbon and the line
spectrum of a hydrogen discharge tube. violet lines listed in Figure 15-3. Plot the energy
spacing against the arbitrary spacing number
assigned in the last column to convince yourself
charge tube and a high voltage is applied, light that there is regularity in the spacings of these
is emitted. To the eye, the light appears magenta lines. Make the same sort of a table for the lines
in color but the spectrograph tells a surprising in the visible group.
story! Instead of a fairly continuous darkening
across the photographic film (as obtained from
the hot tungsten ribbon) the film shows a series
of lines! Each line corresponds to a particular 235.2 kcal
43.6 Real 1
frequency emitted by hydrogen atoms. Each Ultraviolet
space between two lines on the film corresponds lines 2
to a frequency range in which no light is emitted
by the hydrogen atom.

Fig. 15-3. The spectrum of the hydrogen atom.

To see how these results might be explained,

let us translate these spectral lines into energy
terms. The hydrogen atom just before light emis-
sion has some amount of energy let us call it —
E2. Fight of frequency v is emitted, carrying
away energy hv. The hydrogen atom is left with
CO On Energy cq
of photons, ^ CO less energy — let it Ex. As is habitual, we
us call
(kcat/mole) assume energy is conserved, so the energy lost
by the hydrogen atom must be exactly equal to
N that carried away by the light:
In ^inN ^ (cvctes/sec) > ^
E -
2 Ex = hv (2)

To “explain” why hydrogen atoms emit the

(A) line spectrum, we must seek a model with the
CHAP. 15

same sort of properties. What sort of a system Fig. 15-4. The notches implied by light emission at
235.2 kcal.
has the property that its initial energy, E^, tells

it how much energy it can release so as to make

the difference — Ei just exactly one of the
special energies, hvl Fortunately, we have just scientists have deduced the energy properties of
such a system at hand, though it deals in weights, the hydrogen atom from its line spectrum. We
not energies. can use the observed energies, listed in Figure
Picture your triple beam balance. The front 15-3, to construct a notched beam that would
beam has a sliding hanger that permits you to “deliver” the observed spectrum. This beam
balance any weight placed on the pan up to the must have a scale calibrated not for weight but
full scale reading on the beam. This front beam for energy. There must be notches on this scale
might be compared to the hot tungsten ribbon. to match the observed lines in the spectrum. We
The beam can be used to balance any small shall find it convenient to begin with the line
weight change made on the pan: the hot tungsten observed at wavelength 1216 A or, in energy
ribbon emits light of any energy (that is, of any units, 235.2 kcal/mole of photons. This energy
frequency). represents the difference in energy between two
But now consider the other two beams —they notches. If we number the notches jfl and #2,
are quite different. They are notched so that only changing an imaginary hanger from notch #1 to
particular hanger positions can be selected. Each notch jfl delivers 235.2 kcal, as shown in Figure
position corresponds to a particular weight and 15-4.

intermediate weights cannot be balanced without Now consider the other lines in the ultraviolet
the front beam.The notched beam has properties group. Exercise 15-2 showed that they are related
in common with the hydrogen atom. The weight to the one at 235.2 kcal in their systematic spac-
added to the notched beam is fixed by the ings. Eet’s seek regularity among these energies
notches — intermediate weights cannot be meas- by making a simple assumption. We shall assume
ured. atom the energy is some-
In the hydrogen that each line in the ultraviolet group corre-
how “hung on beam” and the amount
a notched sponds to a movement of the hanger from notch
of energy it can absorb or release must corre- #1 to a new notch. This assumption is arbitrary
spond to the energy difference between two of and will be kept only if it turns out to be helpful.
these “notches.” (Remember the lost child and his rule, “Cylin-
If we pursue this analogy, we can see how drical objects burn”?)
SEC. 15-1 I

Nofck *t 1 2 3 4sl

Fig. 15-5. The notches required by the ultraviolet for corroboration or contradiction of this inter-
group of lines if all changes begin in notch
pretation? To seek such evidence, let’s base a
# 1-
prediction upon the model. One such prediction
concerns the energies that this notched beam
would deliver if we movements of
So we can add four more notches to the beam, the hanger from notch jfl to notch #3. Notch §2
as shown in Figure 15-5. Notch jf3 is cut at a
is 235.2 kcal from notch §\, and notch §5 is
scale position 278.8 kcal relative to notch f\.
Notch §4 is at 294.0 kcal, and so on.
The appearance of this notched beam is un- Fig. 15-6. The energy change implied by a change
familiar, to say the least. Can we find any basis from notch #2 to notch #3.

Notch, # 1 2 3

(276.6 -23^.2)
^^3.6 kcat
CHAP. 15

278.8 kcal from notch #1. Therefore, the energy

difference going from notch #2 to #3 is the dif-
ference between these two numbers 300

Energy change from notch #2 to #3

= 278.8 - 235.2 = 43.6 (i)

Calculation (3) indicates that our notched beam

model implies light would be emitted with en-
ergy at 43.6 kcal as well as at 235.2 kcal and
278.8 kcal. We refer back to the spectrum in
Figure 15-3 and, indeed, there is light emitted at -100
43.6 kcal — this is one of the group of lines in the
visible region!
With this encouragement, let’s calculate the
other lines implied by changes beginning in
notch §2. Energy based on Snergy based on
notch notch ^ O



#2—^#3 278.8 - 235.2 = 43.6 kcal 43.6 kcal

#2—>-5^4 294.0 - 235.2 = 58.8 58.8
100 -
n-t-is 301.1 - 235.2 = 65.9 66.0
#2—>-#6 304.9 - 235.2 = 69.7 69.8

Plainly, the agreement between calculation

and experiment is too good to be accidental.
Our notched beam is a useful basis for interpret-
ing the spectrum of the hydrogen atom. -300

O -313.6-


Plot the energy of each line of the ultraviolet Fig. 15-7. The energy level scheme of the hydrogen
group against notch number, n, using the higher atom.

of the two notch numbers assigned to that line

in Figure 15-5. For example, plot 235.2 kcal on
the vertical axis against 2 on the horizontal axis. Historically, the visible emission lines shown in Figure
15-3 were the first atomic hydrogen lines discovered. They
Assign to notch #1 the arbitrary value zero and
were found in the spectrum of the sun by W. H. Wollaston
draw a smooth curve through all of the points, in 1802. In 1862, A. J. Angstrom announced that there
including the point for notch ^1. Estimate the must be hydrogen in the solar atmosphere. These lines

energy value that would be observed for a notch were detected first because of the lesser experimental dif-

with very high notch number, as suggested by ficulties in the visible spectral region. They are called the
“Balmer series” because Balmer was able to formu-
the curve. (Call this “notch infinity,” n = co
J. J.

late a simple mathematical relation among the frequencies

(in 1885). The ultraviolet series shown in Figure 15-3 was
SEC. 15-1 I

actually predicted prior to its discovery (in 1915 by energy change between notch §1 and §5. Com-
T. Lyman). pare your calculations with the numbers shown
Hence our analysis and prediction, selected for logical
in Figure 15-6.
clarity, reverse the actual chronology. Our prediction of
the visible spectrum from the ultraviolet spectrum is more
straightforward than was the reverse prediction. Notice
that the ultraviolet spectrum utilizes all of the notches Long after this energy level diagram for the
involved in producing the visible spectrum. In contrast,
hydrogen atom had been established, scientists
none of the visible frequencies involves notch #1, the key
to the ultraviolet spectrum.
still pondered its significance. Finally, in the late
1920’s, a mathematical scheme was developed
that explained the facts. The mathematical
15-1.3 The Energy Levels of a Hydrogen Atom scheme is called quantum mechanics.

Scientists deduced the notched energy scale of

the hydrogen atom from the spectrum in just the 15-1.4 Quantum Mechanics and the
same way we did. Hydrogen Atom
Of course, more sophisticated language is gen-
Prior to the development of quantum mechanics,
erally used.For example, the energy possibilities the spectrum of the hydrogen atom posed quite a
are usually shown on a vertical scale and they
dilemma. To see the problem, and how it was
are called energy levels rather than notches. Fig-
resolved, let’s go back about fifty or sixty years
ure 15-7 shows the energy level scheme of the
and trace the history of this problem. This is a
hydrogen atom. Each energy level is character-
valuable example because it shows how science
ized by an integer, n, the lowest level being given
the number 1
By the year 1912it was known that the hydro-
Two energy scales are shown in Figure 15-7.
gen atom composed of a proton and an elec-
On the left is a scale based upon the energy zero
tron. These two particles are attracted to each
for the n = 1 level. On this scale, the levels
other by reason of their electric charges. Physi-
appear at energies corresponding to our notched
cists felt they should be able to calculate the
beam spacings. The right-hand scale is displaced
properties of such a combination. After all, the
upward so that the n = 1 level corresponds to a
laws of motion of macroscopic bodies had been
negative energy, —313.6 kcal. The zero has been studied for centuries. The behavior of electrically
moved upward by this amount so that the zero charged bodies was also thoroughly understood
of the energy scale corresponds to the “notch jf
on the macroscopic scale. Yet scientists could
infinity” that you estimated in Exercise 15-3.
why atom
not explain a hydrogen exists, let
Obviously, the positioning of the energy levels is
alone why it would have only particular values of
not affected by this arbitrary change of the zero
energy. In fact, the laws that had been deduced
of energy, so either scale can be used. For rea-
for macroscopic bodies gave the firm (though
sons that will become evident later in this chap-
incorrect) prediction that the nuclear atom is un-
ter, the right-hand scale is more convenient and stable and the electron should collapse into the
is the one generally used.
At this point a Danish physicist, Niels Bohr,
decided to take a fresh start. In effect, he faced
the fact that an explanation is a search for like-
Calculate the energy change that occurs between nesses between a system under study and a well-
notch ^1 and notch jfl, using the right-hand scale understood model system. An explanation is not
in Figure 15-7. (Remember that the energy good unless the likenesses are strong. Niels Bohr
change is the energy of the final level minus the suggested that the mechanical and electrical be-
energy of the initial level. Pay careful attention havior of macroscopic bodies is not a completely
to algebraic signs.) Repeat the calculation for the suitable model for the hydrogen atom. He pro-
CHAP. 15

ceeded to seek a new model that did not contra- In this example there is much food for thought con-

dict the known facts.

cerning the development of science. The wide applicability
of the laws of motion and of electromagnetics made it
He began by supposing that the structure of
natural for scientists to assume that these same laws,
an atom (the arrangement of the electrons without change, applied to the atom. True, this repre-
around the nucleus) is determined by its energy. sented an extrapolation, for the laws were deduced on the
To agree with the facts, Bohr proposed that only macroscopic level. Yet, the same laws that described the

special atomic structures can exist —he called motions of the planets also described the motions of
tennis balls —
why not also the motions of electrons?
these special structures “stationary states.” Each
Many experimental facts said no, but physicists held to
such state is characterized by a particular energy, the expectation that a way would be found to explain
and since a set of special atomic structures exists, these facts within the framework of the known (and
a corresponding set of energies will be found. almost sacred) laws. When Bohr finally broke away from

Here Bohr departed from the older atomic the established laws, he still used them for guidance,
proposing only those changes required by the discordant
models (those of classical physics) that permitted
facts. Perhaps the most ironic part is that Bohr’s principal
structures corresponding to all possible energies. weapon new
in gaining acceptance for his attack was his
The most stable state of the atom would be mathematical success in predicting the energy levels of

expected to be the one in which the atom has the hydrogen, though his model has since been discarded

lowest energy. Bohr reasoned that since we ob- completely.The model he used proved to fit only the
hydrogen atom and no other.
serve that the nuclear atom does exist then it
Don’t be too eager, though, to scoff at this example.
must be a fundamental fact of nature that an Instead, you may some of the theories
rest assured that
atom can exist in its most stable state indefinitely. you book are waiting to be swept aside
will find in this

Even though this fact could not be rationalized as we learn more about nature. The rub no, the excite- —
(remember, the earlier laws of physics predicted —
ment in the game is that we don’t know which theories
are fated to go. That remains for some of you to discover
the atom should collapse) it had to be accepted
because it was a result of experiments.

Bohr also proposed that although the lowest

15-1.5 The Hydrogen Atom and
energy state of the atom is its most stable state,
Quantum Numbers
the atom can be excited to its higher allowed
energy states (by absorbing light or through a The modern theory of the behavior of matter,
atoms or
violent collision with other electrons). called quantum mechanics, was developed by
The excited atom does not remain in this condi- several workers in the years 1925-1927. For our
tion for long; it loses its extra energy by emitting purposes the most important result of the quant-
light. Since only certain levels of energy exist, um mechanical theory is that the motion of an
only certain energy changes can occur. The en- electron is described by the quantum numbers
ergy change of the atom must be equal to the and orbitals. Quantum numbers are integers
energy of the light emitted, in accord with equa- that identify the stationary states of an atom;
tion (2), E —
2 El = hv. Consequently, the fre- the word orbital means a of
spatial description
quency of the light emitted by an atom is entirely the motion of an electron corresponding to a par-
determined by the values of the allowed energies ticular stationary state.
of its electrons.
These ideas were so revolutionary that they THE PRINCIPAL QUANTUM NUMBER, «

would not have been accepted except for the fact If we return to our notched beam analogy, as
that Bohr was able to propose a way to calculate shown in Figure 15-5, we find that we numbered
exactly the energy levels for the hydrogen atom. the notches, 1, 2, 3, •. These numbers serve
• •

Within ten years Bohr’s calculational methods as natural identifying designations. They are the
were completely replaced by better techniques, “quantum numbers” of the balance beam.
but his postulate that only certain atomic energy In Exercises 15-2 and 15-3 you observed that
states are possible has been repeatedly shown to the energy levels of hydrogen vary systematically
be correct. with the quantum (or notch) number. The
SEC. 15-1 I

smooth curves suggest that the energy could be We see that the holes in the dartboard tell us
conveniently expressed mathematically in terms only the probability that a given throw will land
of n, the quantum number. Using the right-hand a particular distance from the bullseye. It does
scale in Figure 15-7, we see that for any value not tell us the order in which the holes were made
of n, E is always negative. As n becomes larger, in the dartboard. In the case of the electron dis-

the energy rises and approaches zero on the tribution, the orbital tells us the probability that
scale. Investigation of the actual energy values an experiment designed to locate the electron
shows that the energy levels of Figure 15-7 are will find it a particular distance from the nucleus.
exactly determined by n according to the relation It does not tell us how the electron moves from
point to point — its trajectory.
En = — - ^7^
kcal/mole (4) Though quantum mechanics does not tell us

the eleetron trajectory, it does tell us how the

En = energy level with quantum number n
orbital changes as n increases. It also indicates
n = I, 2, 3, 00
that for each value of n there are different

The number n is called the principal quantum orbitals. For the hydrogen atom, the n^ orbitals

number. for a particular value of n all have the same en-

The mathematical relationship (4) is the one Bohr was
313.6 kcal
able to deduce. Current quantum mechanical methods
also deduce this relationship, of course, but with a model
that is in fundamental discord with the one used by Bohr.
ORBITALS AND THE PRINCIPAL Consider the lowest energy level of a hydrogen
QUANTUM NUMBER, n atom, « = 1. We have just learned that there are
Quantum mechanics provides a mathematical levels with this energy, and since « = 1 ,

framework that leads to expression (4). In addi- is but one level. It eorresponds to an electron
tion, for the hydrogen atom it tells us a great distribution that is spherically symmetrical
deal about how the electron moves about the around the nucleus, as shown in Figure 15-8. It

nucleus. It does not, however, tell us an exact is called the \s orbital.* An electron moving in

path along which the electron moves. All that an 5 orbital is called an s electron.

can be done is to predict the probability of find- The term “spherically symmetric” and the
ing an electron at a given point in space. This picture of an s orbital (Figure 15-8) must be
probability, considered over a period of time, clearly understood. They indicate that if we were
gives an “averaged” picture of how an electron to look for the electron somewhere on the sur-

behaves. This description of the electron motion face of a sphere of a particular radius, n, which

iswhat we have called an orbital. has the nueleus at its center, the probability of

Thus, an orbital description of the motion of finding the electron at any one point on the n
an electron contains the same information con- sphere is the same as the probability of finding

veyed by the holes made by darts in a dartboard. it at any other point on the ri sphere. The same
After the board has been used in many games, would be true at a different radius, r^, but the
the distribution of holes shows how successful somewhere on
probability of finding the electron
earlier players had been in their scoring. There the r 2 sphere would not be the same as that on
are many holes near the bullseye and, moving the ri sphere. The chance of finding the electron

away from it, there is a regular decrease in does depend upon the radius of the sphere on
the number of holes per square centimeter of
dartboard. At any given distance from the bulls-
* In the symbol U, the number 1 tells us that n = 1.

The letter ^ tells us that the orbital is spherically sym-

eye, the “density” of dart holes (number per
metric. Since the letter 5 has been used for an orbital that
square centimeter) is a measure of the probability is spherically symmetric, we might as well think of it as
that the next throw will land there. an abbreviation; s — spherical.
CHAP. 15

y — 313.6/4 = —78.4 kcal/mole. One of them is

again spherically symmetric and it is called the

2s orbital. Figure 15-8 shows the atomic 2s
orbital. Here we find the reasonable result that
the higher energy of the 2s electron permits the
electron to spend more time far from the nucleus.
For every value of n, there is one spherically
symmetric orbital. As n increases, the ns orbitals
place the electron, on the average, farther and
farther from the nucleus.

There is only one orbital corresponding to « = 1

the \s orbital. For « = 2, there are four different

spatial arrangements and we have described one
of them, the 2s orbital. The other three are called
2p orbitals. An electron in a /? orbital behaves
ly orbifaX in such a way that it is most likely found in either
of two regions located on opposite sides of the
nucleus. The motion of a /? electron creates an
electron distribution that shaped somewhat

like a dumbbell. We can place the axis of the

dumbbell along one of the three perpendicular
cartesian coordinate axes. Just as there are three
distinct coordinate axes, there are three distinct

p orbitals, each with its axis perpendicular to the

other two. They are sometimes referred to as the
Px, Py, and p^ orbitals to emphasize their direc-
tional character. The px orbital is concentrated
in the a: direction — a px electron is more apt to
be found near the a: axis than anywhere else. The

Py orbital, on the other hand, is concentrated

along the ;; axis. These directional characteristics
are useful in explaining the geometrical proper-
ties of molecules. Figure 15-9 shows the electron
distribution of the 2p orbitals.*
Every energy level with n above 1 has three p
2s orbiirat
orbitals. As n increases, the np orbitals place the
Fig. 15-8. Atomic orbitals: Is and 2s orbitals. electron, on the average, farther and farther from
the nucleus, but always with the axial directional
properties shown in Figure 15-9.
which we search. A Is electron can be found any-
where from right at the nucleus to a great dis- d and / orbitals
tance —
away but it is most likely to be found At this point we might recast the hydrogen atom
approximately 10“^ cm from the nucleus. energy level diagram to express what we know
The next energy level corresponds to « = 2.
* The three p orbitals can be considered to extend along
According to our rule, there are = 2^ = 4 dif- the three perpendicular axes, x, y, and z. Hence, p might
ferent spatial arrangements with the same energy, be thought of as an abbreviation: p = /perpendicular.
SEC. 15-1 I

2px ^Py 2p^

orbita-i orbital orbital

Fig. 15-9. Atomic orbitals: the 2p orbitals.

15-1.6 The Hydrogen Atom and
the Periodic Table

about orbitals. Figure 15-10 shows each orbital At last we are ready to return to the periodic

as a pigeon hole. For a given value of «, there table. At last we are able to begin answering

are total orbitals. For « = 3, there are 3^ = 9 those who are “wondering why” about the spe-

orbitals, five more than accounted for by one 3^ cial properties of the electron populations in

orbital and the three 3/? orbitals. These five or- Table 15-1. Let us reproduce Table 15-1 together

bitals are called d orbitals and they have more with the numbers of orbitals of the hydrogen
complicated spatial distribution than do the p atom. The suggestion of a connection is irresist-

orbitals. ible, as seen in Table 15-11.

The hydrogen atom orbitals give us the num-
bers 2, 8, 18, and 32 — the numbers we find
separating the specially stable electron popula-
EXERCISE 15-5 tions of the inert gases. It was necessary to
From the information that the numbers of s, p,
multiply by two — an important factor that
could not have been anticipated. Furthermore,
and d orbitals are 1, 3, and 5, how many of the
it will be necessary to find an explanation for the
next higher (/) orbitals would you expect?
Verify your answer by calculating = occurrence of eight-electron differences both at
for « 4
and comparing to your sum of the numbers of neon and at argon and eighteen-electron differ-

ences both at krypton and at xenon.

X, p, d, and / orbitals.
Nevertheless, we seem to have a significant
start toward explaining the periodic table. We

Table 15-11. stable electron populations and the hydrogen atom


number of number of
element electrons differences n orbitals 2 X
helium 2 2 n = 1 = 1 2X1=2
neon 10 10 - 2= 8 n = 2 „2 ^ 4 2X4=8
argon 18 18 - 10 = 8 n = 3 = 9 2 X 9 = 18
krypton 36 36 - 18 = 18 n = 4 = 16 2 X 16 = 32
xenon 54 54 - 36 = 18
radon 86 86 - 54 = 32

pi ©••••©©©
^ ©•••©©© @@@@@
2 ^ ( 25)

-100 —


-200 —


Fig. 15-10. The energy level scheme of the hydrogen The first assumption springs from the similarities
noticed in Table 15-11 and is well substantiated
by a wealth of spectral study of these atoms. The
second assumption is stimulated by the factor of
can understand the chemical trends within the
two needed in the last column of Table 15-11.
first ten elements in terms of the hydrogen atom
With these two assumptions, we can propose
orbitals with the following two assumptions:
the electronic arrangement of lowest energy for
(1) that atoms of these elements have orbitals each atom. We do so by mentally placing elec-
and energy levels that are qualitatively like trons successively in the empty orbitals of lowest
those of the hydrogen atom energy. The electron orbital of lowest energy is

(2) that a single orbital (of any element) can the I 5 orbital. The single electron of the hydro-
accommodate, at most, two electrons. gen atom can occupy this orbital. In the helium
SEC. 15-2 I

atom, there are two electrons and the nuclear to form the Be +2 ion.
charge is two. Since each orbital can accommo- Thereis no more room in the 2s orbital for a

date two electrons, both of the electrons can go fifth electron, which appears when we move on

into the I 5 orbital. The resulting electronic ar- to the boron atom. However, another orbital
rangement is described by the notation 1^^ which with principal quantum number 2 is available.
means that there are two electrons in the b A 2p orbital accepts the fifth electron, giving the
orbital. The notation is called the electron configuration \s‘^2s‘^2p^. Continuing this process.

configuration. we obtain the following configurations:

Now let us consider what will happen when
there are three electrons near a triply charged carbon atom b^ 2s^2pl2pl

nucleus, as in the lithium atom. The first two of nitrogen atom b^ 2s^2p\2pl2pl
the three electrons go into the lowest energy oxygen atom b2 2s^2pl2pl2pl
orbital, the b When this orbital has two
electrons in it,
it is completely filled, according
fluorine atom W 2s^2pl2pl2pl

to our second assumption. Any additional elec- neon atom b2 2s‘^2pl2pl2pl

trons must be placed in orbitals of higher energy.

If we proceed to the next element, sodium atom,
Therefore, the third electron in lithium goes into
we are again forced to use an orbital with the
the 2s orbital, and we write the electron configu-
next higher quantum number:
ration as 15^25^ Despite the nuclear charge of
three in the lithium atom, this last electron is
sodium atom b^ 3^^
rather weakly bound because the 2s electron in
lithium spends most of its time farther away from Again there is one electron which spends most
the nucleus than do the b electrons. This elec- of its time farther away from the nueleus than
tron should be easily removed to give Li+, which any of the others. This one electron could be
is, indeed, the characteristic behavior of an removed to give Na+, and we return to the
alkali element. type of chemistryshown by lithium.
The beryllium atom has one more electron The hydrogen atom energy levels, together
than does the lithium atom. The fourth electron with our two assumptions, have provided a good
that enters the beryllium atom can occupy the 2s explanation of some of the properties of the first
orbital to give a configuration of 15^25^. The two eleven elements. We shall see that they explain
2s electrons will be most easily removed, tending the entire periodic table.


All atoms display line spectra. In general these (1) All atoms have “stationary states” and can
spectra are much more complicated than the hold only particular values of energy.
atomic hydrogen spectrum shown in Figure 15-3. (2) The atomic spectra can be understood in
Nevertheless, these spectra can be interpreted in terms of transitions between energy levels
terms of the concepts we have developed for the corresponding to these particular values of
hydrogen atom. energy.
(3) The energy level diagrams resemble the hy-
drogen atom level diagram except that the n^
15-2.1 Energy Levels of IVIany-Electron Atoms levels with the same value of n no longer all
have the same energy.
Analysis of the speetra of many-electron atoms
shows the following similarities to the hydrogen Figure 15-11 shows a schematic energy level
atom case. diagram of a many-electron atom. Blue patterns


Fig. 15-11. A schematic energy level diagram of a many -electron atom

SEC. 15-3 I

indicate levels with the same hydrogen atom right of Figure 15-11 are exactly the numbers we
principal quantum number. The effect of placing found as differences between inert gas electron
many electrons into the energy levels of the hy- populations (see Table 15-1).
drogen atom is a “tilting” of the diagram. The p It is important to recognize what we have

orbitals are slightly higher in energy than are the done. We have shown how the energy level dia-
5’ orbitals of the same value of n. The d orbitals gram of hydrogen was deduced from the atomic
and / orbitals of this same value of n are suc- hydrogen spectra. We have seen that the energy
cessively even higher. The result is that the M level diagram of a many-electron atom can be
orbitals are raised approximately to the energy regarded as a tilted hydrogen atom diagram.
of the 4s and 4p orbitals. The 3^ and 3p orbitals Such a diagram contains clusters of energy levels
are left more or less isolated in energy. They are with large energy gaps between. These clusters of
much higher in energy than are the 2s and 2p energy levels provide a basis for explaining the
orbitals but much lower than is the cluster of electron populations of the inert gases, provided
%, 4p, and 3d orbitals. we assume two electrons can occupy each orbital.
We have not explained why two, but no more
than two, electrons can occupy each orbital. This

15-2.2 The Periodic Table is not known and is accepted because the facts
of nature require it. This assumption is called
Now we can see the development of the entire the Pauli Principle.
periodic table. The special stabilities of the inert We have given much explanation of why the
gases are fixed by the large energy gaps in the clusters and energy gaps of the energy level dia-
energy level diagram, Figure 15-11. The number gram should give rise to a periodicity of chemical
of orbitals in a cluster, multiplied by two because properties as we move across the periodic table.
of our double occupancy assumption, fixes the We shall seek such an explanation in terms of
number of electrons needed to reach the inert the energy necessary to remove an electron from
gas electron population. The numbers at the an atom, the ionization energy.


The amount of energy required to remove the most electron: 0. Of course we assume the Pauli
loosely bound electron fron'i a gaseous atom is Principle that only two electrons can occupy a
called the ionization energy. We can repre- given orbital. Hence, an orbital shown as 0 is
sent this process by the equation

Fig. 15-12 The ionization of a lithium atom.

gaseous atom + energy gaseous ion
+ gaseous electron 0
In terms of our energy level diagram it is the
energy necessary to lift an electron from the -Si -500
highest occupied orbital the rest of the way up to
J24 kcat
the limit corresponding to n = oo. Figure 15-12 i
shows the ionization process for lithium atom in -1000
terms of an energy level diagram. Each orbital
is shown as a pigeon hole, designated O . If this I
orbital is occupied by one electron, it can be

indicated by a diagonal line across the pigeon 'Isl 'Is ,

hole: 0. If two electrons occupy the orbital,

crossed diagonal lines are shown, one for each Li (y) ^ energy — Li*(5) I- e (yj

filled; an orbital shown as 0 or 0 is half- Table 15-III

occupied; an orbital shown as O is empty.
The term ionization energy is also applied to OF THE ELEM ENTS
the removal of the most loosely bound electron
from an atom that has already lost one or more NUMBER ELEMENT (kcal/mole)
electrons (that is, an ion). Hence the “ionization
energy” Mg+ is the energy of the process
1 H 313.6
of, say,
2 He 566.7
Mg+ (g) + energy -» Mg+2 (g) + ^-(g)
3 Li 124.3
Since the process removes the second electron
4 Be 214.9
from a magnesium atom, the ionization energy 5 B 191.2
of Mg+ is called the “second ionization energy” 6 C 259.5
of magnesium. 7 N 335
8 O 313.8

15-3.1 Measurement of Ionization Energy 9 F 401.5

10 Ne 497.0
The ionization energy provides a basis for under-
standing the periodicity of the chemistry of the 11 Na 118.4

elements. Owing to the stimulation of Bohr’s

12 Mg 175.2
13 A1 137.9
ideas, many systematic determinations of ioniza-
14 Si 187.9
tion energies were carried out between 1914and
15 P 241.7
1920. The first determinations were done by
16 s 238.8
bombarding an atomic vapor with electrons 17 Cl 300

whose kinetic energy was known accurately. 18 Ar 363.2

When the kinetic energy of the bombarding elec-
19 K 100.0
trons is increased to a certain critical value,
singly charged positive ions can be detected elec-
These ions result from collisions between
following it. This is followed by a slow rise in the
atoms and the bombarding electrons that have ionization energy (another regularity) as we
been given just enough kinetic energy to cause proceed across a row of the periodic table. The
the most weakly bound electron to be ejected
best way to see the trend is in a graphical pre-
from the atom. This critical value was found to sentation of the data of Table 15-III, as shown
be characteristic of the substance being investi- in Figure 15-13. We see that the ionization en-
gated. Table 15-III shows some of the measured
ionization energies for some of the lighter ele-
ments.* Fig. 15-13. Ionization energy as a function of the
atomic number.

15-3.2 Trends in Ionization Energies

Examine the figures in the last column of Table

15-III and search for regularities. The most ob-
vious one is the dramatic change in ionization
energy between each inert gas and the element

* The ionization energy is given in this book in units

of kilocalories per mole, the energy that would be re-
quired to remove an electron from each one of a mole of
atoms. These units allow an easy comparison between
ionization energies and the energy changes that occur in

ordinary chemical reactions. Atomic nutnher

SEC. 15-3 I

ergy increases more or less regularly across a chemistry of these elements. As the ionization
row of the periodic table, reaching a maximum energy rises, the chemistries of silicon, phos-
at the inert gas. As soon as we encounter an phorus, and sulfur show a trend toward electron
alkali metal, we notice that the ionization energy sharing. For these elements, an inert gas electron

is quite small, and in subsequent elements the population cannot be reached by losing electrons
general upward trend repeats itself. There is a because the ionization energy required is too
startling similarity between the regularities we high. They seek the inert gas stability by sharing
have found in the ionization energies and the electrons or, for sulfur and chlorine, by acquiring
periodicity of chemical properties. We shall see electrons to form negative ions.
that this is not an accident: the trend in chemical These correlations between ionization energy
behavior as we move across the periodic table and chemical properties confirm the idea that
can be explained in terms of the trends in the the electronic structure of an element determines
ionization energies. itschemical behavior. In particular, the most
Let us begin by contrasting the ionization weakly bound electrons are of greatest im-
properties of sodium and chlorine: portance in this respect. We shall call the

NafgJ — Na+fgj + e-(g)

electrons that are most loosely bound, the
AH = +118.4 kcal/mole
C\(g) C\^(g) + e-(g)
AH = +300 kcal/mole 15-3.3 Ionization Energies and

Since sodium has a low ionization energy, 118.4 Valence Electrons

kcal/mole, a relatively small amount of energy It is possible to remove two or more electrons
is required to remove an electron. This is con-
from a many-electron atom. Of course it is
sistent with the chemical evidence that sodium always harder to remove the second electron
tends to formcompounds involving the ion, Na+. than the first because the second electron to come
The ease of forming Na+ ions can be explained off leaves an ion with a double positive charge
in terms of the low ionization energy of the
instead of a single positive charge. This gives an
sodium atom. In contrast, it requires a large additional electrical attraction. Even so, the
amount of energy, 300 kcal/mole, to remove an values of successive ionization energies have
electron from a chlorine atom. It is not surpris-
great interest to the chemist.
ing, then, that this element shows little tendency
Consider the three elements, sodium, magne-
to lose electrons in chemical reactions. Instead,
sium, and aluminum. For each of these elements
chlorine commonly acquires electrons to form
we know several ionization energies, correspond-
negative ions, Cl~.
ing to processes such as the following:
Between sodium and chlorine, there is a slow
rise in ionization energy. For magnesium and NafgJ —^ Na+fgj + e-(g)

aluminum the ionization energy is still rather El = first ionization energy (5)

low. Hence electrons are readily lost and positive Na+fgj Na+Tg; + e-(g)
ions can be expected to be important in the E = 2 second ionization energy (6)

Table 15-IV. successive ionization energies of Na, Mg, a n o ai


sodium 2s‘^2p^
35I 118 1091
1653 —
magnesium I52 2522/76 352 175 345 1838 2526
3523/7I 656 2767
aluminum j
I52 2522/76 138 434
CHAP. 15

+ e-(g) pared to eleven protons in the nucleus of the

Es = third ionization energy (7) sodium atom. Of course the valence electrons are
Na+Y^J —^ Na+YgJ + e-(g) more strongly attracted to the +12 nucleus of
Ei = fourth ionization energy 8) Mg than the +11 nucleus of Na.
The second ionization energy, however, re-
The experimental values of these energies are verses the situation:
shown in Table 15-IV. Let us begin by comparing
sodium and magnesium. For each, the first Na+gJ + 1091 kcal — >- Na+YgJ + e-(g} (11)

ionization process removes a 3^ electron, the Mg+gJ+ 345 kcal Mg+Y^j + c-fgj (12)
most weakly bound. Nevertheless, the ionization
For sodium, it takes three times as much energy
energies are somewhat different:
to remove the second electron as it does for
NafgJ +118 kcal —^ Na+fg^ + e-(g) (9) magnesium. We can understand the energies in
Mgf^; + 175 kcal —^ Mg+fg) + e-(gj (10)

The difference is caused by the higher nuclear Fig. 15-14. Energy level diagram representation of
charge of magnesium. Magnesium is element 12, the ionization of magnesium and sodium
hence it has twelve protons in the nucleus, com- atoms.

Q 0 DO

175 kcal 345 kcat
1638 kcat

Te T» 1 T®
Mg(g) -h 175 kcat— Mg'^ 9) -h e'Cg) Mg^^(g) -f- 1838 kcal—Mg'^^(g)+e-{g)
-lyCg-^^(g) + e-(g)

0^ iOOQi ^sOvO.^O=;';^’:

118 kcat 1091 kcat

0': i

-2.000. 1 _
isFi Ti»’ ;
Jm ^

Na(^) -h 116 kcal- — Na'*' (g) + e~ (g)

Na^(g) + 1091 kcal + e’ (g)
SEC. 15-3 I

{11) and (72) in terms of two principles. First, electrons a given atom possesses. We count the
for magnesium the second ionization energy (345 electrons placed in the orbitals that form the
kcal) exceeds the first (175 kcal) because reaction highest partially filled cluster of energy levels.
(72) takes a 3^ electron away from the positively These electrons are most easily removed and
charged ion, Mg+, whereas reaction {10) removes they determine the chemistry of the atom.
a 35 electron from an initially neutral atom. This
same factor is operative in sodium, of course,
but in addition, the second ionization energy of EXERCISE 15-6

sodium must remove an electron from a 2p Explain why chemists say that boron has three
orbital instead of the 35 orbital. This 2p orbital valence electrons and that chlorine has seven.
is one of a cluster much lower in energy than How many valence electrons has fluorine? Oxy-
the 35-3/7 cluster. Figure 15-14 shows that this gen? Nitrogen?
behavior is readily understood with the aid of
the energy level diagram. We conclude that it is

difficult to remove two electrons from sodium

but it is relatively easy to remove two electrons 15-3.4 The Fourth Row of the Periodic Table

from magnesium. This is why we say sodium has Turn back to Figure 15-11, the energy level dia-
one valence electron and magnesium has two. gram of a many-electron atom, and consider the
Removing more than one electron from sodium occupied orbitals of the element potassium. With
or more than two from magnesium is very diffi-
19 electrons placed, two at a time, in the orbitals
cult because orbitals much lower in the energy
of lowest energy, the electron configuration is
diagram are involved.
potassium atom 2s‘^2p^ 3s‘^3p^ 4s^
Continuing to aluminum, we see that its first
ionization energy is below the first ionization Potassium has one valence electron. It is the first
energy of magnesium —despite the fact that alu- member of the fourth row, the row based on the
minum has the higher nuclear charge. We find cluster of orbitals with about the same energy as
the explanation, however, in the second column the 45 orbital. There are nine such orbitals, the
of Table 15-IV. For aluminum we remove a 3/7 45 orbital, the three 4/7 orbitals, and the five 3d
electron to produce A1+ whereas a 35 electron orbitals. Hence the fourth row of the periodic
is removed from Mg to form Mg+. A glance at
table will differ from the second and third rows.
the energy level diagram. Figure 15-11, shows The fourth row, as seen in the periodic table,
that the 3/7 level is somewhat above the 35 level, consists of eighteen elements.
hence it should be easier to remove the 3/7 Calcium is the second element of the fourth
electron. row. It has two electrons more than the argon
If we continue to remove electrons from alu-
inert gas population and these two electrons both
minum, we discover a very large increase in occupy the 45 orbital:
ionization energy when the fourth electron is re-
calcium atom 2s‘^2p^ 35^3/7® 45^
moved. Again this is because the fourth electron
must be withdrawn from a 2p orbital, an orbital When we add the next electron to form the
much lower on the energy level diagram. We element scandium, the orbital of lowest energy
conclude that three electrons, the two 35 and the that is available is one of the 3d orbitals (since
one 3/7, more easily removed than the others.
are the 3d orbitals are slightly lower in energy than
Since aluminum has three easily removed elec- the 4/7 orbitals). As succeeding electrons are
trons, aluminum is said to have three valence added to form other elements, they enter the 3d
electrons. orbitals until the ten available spaces in these
Remembering how we placed electrons in the orbitals are filled.
lowest empty orbitals, two per orbital, we can The elements that are formed when the 3d elec-
now generalize concerning the number of valence added are called the transition metals
trons are

or the transitionelements. Since their chemi- elements. Once the 4/ orbitals are full, electrons enter the

and electronic structures are unlike

cal properties 5d and 6p orbitals until the sixth period is completed with
the inert gas radon.
those of any of the lighter elements we have
discussed, it is reasonable that these transition We see that the rows of the periodic table arise
elements should head a new set of ten columns from filling orbitals of approximately the same
of the periodic table. The next orbitals in line energy. When all orbitals of similar energy are
for occupancy are the 4p, and it is not surprising full (two electrons per orbital), the next electron
that the chemical properties of the element gal- must be placed in an s orbital that has a higher
lium, which has one 4p electron, resemble those principal quantum number, and a new period of
of aluminum, which has one 3p electron. This We can summarize the relation
the table starts.
row of the periodic table is completed when the between the number of elements in each row of
4p orbitals are entirely filled. We see that the the periodic table and the available orbitals of
reason the fourth row of the periodic table con- approximately equal energy in Table 15-V.
tains eighteen elements is that the five 3>d orbitals
have energies that are approximately the same
as those of the 4s and 4p orbitals. The ten extra
Table 15-V
spaces for electrons provided by the 2>d orbitals

increase the length of the period from eight to THE NUMBER OF ELEMENTS IN EACH
Just as the long fourth row of the periodic table arises
from filling the 4^, M, and Ap orbitals, the fifth row, which
also consists of eighteen elements, comes from filling the 1 2 U
5s, Ad, and 5p orbitals. In the sixth row, something new 2 8 2s, 2p
happens. After the and the first one of the electrons 3 8 2)S, 3p
have entered, subsequent electrons go into the 4y orbitals. 4 18 As, 3d, Ap
The fact that there are seven 4/ orbitals means that
5 18 5s, Ad, 5p
fourteen electrons can be accommodated in this manner.
6 32 6s, Af, 5d, 6p
Filling the 4/ orbitals gives rise to a series of elements with
7 Is, 5f, 6d, Ip
almost identical chemical properties called the rare earth


1. Which of the following statements concerning 3. Your plot in Exercise 15-2 suggested that the
light is FALSE? energy levels given in Figure 15-7 are systemati-
cally related. To explore this relationship further,
(a) It is a form of energy. divide the energy of each level by that of the
(b) All photons possess the same amount of first level (using the right-hand scale). How are
the fractions so obtained related to the numbers
(c) It cannot be bent by a magnet. of the energy levels?
(d) It includes the part of the spectrum called
X-rays. 4. Calculate, using frequency units (cycles per sec-
ond) and Figure 15-3, the lines predicted by the
2. Use the energy level diagram in Figure 15-7 to notched beam due to changes beginning in notch
calculate the energy required to raise the electron #3. Use the complete light spectrum shown in

in a hydrogen atom from level #1 to level #2; Figure 14-14 (p. 247) to decide in what spectral
from level #1 to level #3; from level #1 to level region these additional lines were found. (It was
if4. Compare these energies with the spectral this sort of prediction that actually led to the
lines shown in Figure 15-3, p. 255. discovery of this set of lines.)

5. According to the quantum mechanical descrip- 1 1 . Make a table listing the principal quantum num-
tion of the Is orbital of the hydrogen atom, bers (through three), the types of orbitals, and
relation exists between the surface of a sphere the number of orbitals of each type.
centered about the nucleus and the location of
an electron ? 12. The electron configuration for lithium is 15^25’

and for beryllium it is 15^25^. Estimate the ap-

6. What must be done to a 2s electron to make it a
proximate ionization energies to remove first
35 electron? What happens when a 35 electron
one, then a second, electron. Explain your esti-
becomes a 2s electron?
7. If the energy difference between two electronic
states is 46.12 kcal/mole, what will be the fre- 13. What trend is observed in the first ionization
quency of light emitted when the electron drops energy as you move from lithium down the col-
from the higher to the lower state ? umn I metals? On this basis, can you suggest a
Planck’s constant reason why potassium or cesium might be used
= 9.52 X 10“^^ (kcal sec)/mole in preference to sodium or lithium in photo-
electric cells?
8. Determine the value of £„ for n = \, 2, 3,
4, for a hydrogen atom using the relation 14. Consider these two electron populations for
En = — 313 6 // 72 For each
. . indicate how
neutral atoms:
many orbitals have this energy.
A. l5^ 25^2p® 35^;
9. The quantum mechanical description of the I5
B. 15^ 25^2/7® 65 k
orbital is similar in many respects to a descrip-
tion of the holes in a much used dartboard. For Which of the following is FALSE?
example, the “density” of dart holes is constant
anywhere on a circle centered about the bullseye, (a) Energy is A to B.
required to change

and the “density” of dartholes reaches zero only (b) A represents a sodium atom.
at a very long distance from the bullseye (effec- (c) A and B represent different elements.
10. tively, at infinity). What are the corresponding (d) Less energy is required to remove one elec-

properties of a I 5 orbital?
tron from B than from A.
In the light of your answer, point out errone-
ous features of the following models of a hydro- 15. How many valence electrons has carbon? Sili-
gen atom (both of which were used before con? Phosphorus? Hydrogen? Write the elec-
quantum mechanics demonstrated their inade- tron configurations for neutral atoms of each
quacies). element.

(a) A ball of uniform density.

(b) A “solar system” atom with the electron
16. The first four ionization energies of boron atoms
are as follows;
circling the nucleus at a fixed distance.

Name the elements that correspond to each of El = 191 kcal/mole

the following electron configurations

E =
2 578
£3 = 872
W £4 = 5962
I52 25I

152 2snp^ Explain the magnitudes in terms of the electron

I 52 2snp^ configurations of boron and deduce the number
I52 2snp^ 3s‘^3p^ 45I of valence electrons of boron.

Molecules in the
Gas Phase
For the nature of the chemical bond is the problem at the heart of all

A molecule is a cluster of atoms that persists will restrict our attention to molecules as they
long enough to have characteristic properties exist in the gas phase. Then, in Chapter 17, we
which identify it. The questions we would like shall considerwhat additional ideas we need in
to answer are “Why does the cluster of atoms order to understand the forces which cause the
persist?” and “Why does the clustering result in formation of liquids and solids.
characteristic properties?” In this chapter we


When two atoms become fixed together they are ured volume of hydrogen gas and applying
said to form a molecule. In “explaining” the Avogadro’s Hypothesis, we discover that a mole-
properties of a molecule we use models such as cule of hydrogen containstwo hydrogen atoms.
two styrofoam spheres glued together, or two Only if the temperature is raised to several thou-
wooden spheres held together by a stick, or sand degrees are the collisions with other mole-
perhaps by a spring. In each model it is necessary cules sufficiently energetic to knock a hydrogen
to provide a connection — glue, stick, or spring. molecule apart:
It is natural to assume that there is a connection
\i(g) + n(g) AH = 103.4 kcal (7)
between the atoms in a molecule. This connec-
tion is called the chemical bond. Since energy is absorbed in reaction (7), the
molecule H 2 is more stable (has a lower energy)
than two separated atoms. This chemical bond
16-1.1 The Hydrogen Molecule
{and every chemical bond) forms because the
Under normal conditions of temperature and energy is lower when the atoms are near each
pressure, hydrogen is a gas. By weighing a meas- other.
SEC. 16-1 I

d) +

Fig. 16-1. The formation of a molecule of hydrogen, in terms of the average attraction between elec-
tron 1 and nucleus A. This is fixed by the average
of the distance between the two, kia. The same
THE ORIGIN OF THE STABILITY is true of hydrogen atom B —electron 2 and

OF THE CHEMICAL BOND nucleus B attract each other. Now consider the
new electrical interactions present after the two
To see why the e nergy is lo wer when t he atoms ^oms have moved close together. Now electron
are near~each~'other, we must examine interac-
1 feels the attraction of both protons. Electron 2,
tions ammrgThe electric charges of the atoms.
as well, feels the attraction of both protons. This
Figure 16-1 shows the reverse of reaction (7) in
is the “glue” that holds the two atoms together.
a schematic way. Quantum mechanics tells us The chemical bond in H 2 forms because each of
that the ly orbital of each hydrogen atom has the two electrons is attracted to two protons
spherical symmetry before reaction. This is sug- simultaneously. This arrangement is energetically
gested by the shading in Figure 16-1. Yet, at any
more stable than the separated atoms in which
instant, we picture the electron at some particu-
lar point, as shown by the negative charge of
electron 1 located a distance riA from nucleus A. Fig. 16-2. Attractive and repulsive forces in the hy-
The energy of hydrogen atom A can be explained drogen molecule.

Electron.-prot-on. distrances: Electron.- eiectron and
attractive forces proton, -proton distances
repu-tsive forces

CHAP. 16

each electron is one proton.

attracted to only terms or the two new repulsion terms illustrated
Figure 16-2 A
shows a possible set of the in Figure 16-2? Experiment shows that the new
electron-proton distances as they might be seen attraction terms dominate —a stable chemical
if it were possible to make an instantaneous bond is formed. That is not to say the repulsions
photograph. Such distances fix the attractions are not felt. In fact, the proton-proton repulsions
that cause the chemical bond. But it is well to prevent the two hydrogen atoms from approach-
remember there are also repulsions caused by ing even closer. The stable bond length in the
the approach of the two atoms, as shown in hydrogen molecule is fixed by a balance between
Figure 16-2B. The two electrons repel each other
and the two protons do the same. These repul-
sions tend topush the two atoms apart. Which Fig. 16-3. Schematic representation of the interaction
are more important, the two new attraction between two atoms.

A. simpUfied representation of a Is orhitat:

with the addition

of shadingi to
indicate occu.pancy

B. jA simplified representation of orhitat occupcLyicy:

Is orhitat Is orhitat Is orhitat

envjrty containing containingr
one electron tvoo electrons!
"half fitted" "fitted"

Overlap and hondtnp of the hydropen, n^otecu-te /

H ^ H ^ Hz

B. Absence of overlaf for two helium atoms!

SEC. 16-1 I

E lectrorL-proton distances ' Elecirron- electron and
attractive forces jproton-proton distances :
repulsive forces

the forces of attraction (Figure 16-2A) and the Fig. 16-4. Attractive and repulsive forces when helium
atoms approach.
forces of repulsion (Figure 16-2B).

We see in Figure 16-2 that bringing two hydrogen

atoms together produces two new repulsions and two new of two hydrogen atoms. Each atom has a single
attractions. Experiment shows that a chemical bond is electron in a b orbital. As the two hydrogen
formed; the energy of attraction predominates over the atoms approach each other, the circles overlap
energy of repulsion. Why is this so? An explanation is
each other. In this region of overlap the two
found in the mobility of the electrons. The electrons do
not occupy fixed positions but move about through the
electrons are shared by the two protons (as
molecule. They take advantage of this mobility to remain shown by and shaded area).
the crosshatched
as far from each other as possible. They preferentially This sharing, which permits the two electrons to
occupy positions like those shown in Figure 16-1 in which be near both protons a good part of the time,
each electron is closer to both nuclei than to the other
causes the chemical bond. When a bond arises
electron.The two electrons preferentially move away
from positions in which they would be near each other. from equal sharing, it is called a covalent bond*
Thus they are said to “correlate” their motion so as to
remain apart, reducing the electron-electron repulsion.
16-1.2 Interaction Between Helium Atoms
OVERLAP AND THE CHEMICAL BOND A measurement of the density of helium gas
We can simplify our discussion of the chemical shows that it is a monatomic gas. Molecules of
bonding in the hydrogen molecule with the aid He 2 do not form. What difference between hy-
of Figure 16-3. First, in Figure 16-3 A, we picture drogen atoms and helium atoms accounts for the
the electron distribution in cross-section. The absence of bonding for helium? The answer to
electron distribution extends outward far from this question also must lie in the attractive and

the nucleus and uniformly in all directions. But repulsive electrical interactions between two he-
the distribution is concentrated near the nucleus lium atoms when they approach each other.
so we ought to focus our attention on the center Figure 16-4A shows the attractive forces in one
region of the Is orbital. We do so by representing of our hypothetical instantaneous snapshots.
the Is orbital by a circle with radius large enough There are, of course, four electrons and each is

to contain most of the electron distribution. attracted to each nucleus. In Figure 16-4B we
An orbital can accommodate either one or two see the repulsive forces. Taking score, we find
electrons but no more. Figure 16-3B shows a way in Figure 16-4A eight attractive interactions, four
of differentiating an empty Is orbital, a 1^ or-
* The prefix “co” in “covalent” conveys the notion of
bital containing one electron, and a Is orbital
“sharing” as it does in the words “coworker,” “co-
containing two electrons. author,” etc. The stem of the word, “-valent” refers to
Now, in Figure 16-3C, consider the interaction “combination.”
CHAP. 16

more than in the separated atoms. In addition, ORBITAL REPRESENTATION

we count seven repulsive interactions, five more OF CHEMICAL BONDING
than in the separated atoms. Again we appeal to
experiment and we learn that the four new at- Our rule about covalent bond formation can be
applied quite simply through an orbital repre-
tractive terms are not sufficient to outweigh the
five new repulsions. A chemical bond does not
form. Is Zs 2p
Thus we find that an explanation of the bond-
ing in H 2 and the absence of bonding for He 2 lies
in the relative magnitudes of attractive and re-
^0 O 003
pulsive terms.
work with
Quantum mechanics can be put
the aid of advanced and difficult
to ^0 Bond can fortn
o CXX)
mathematics to calculate these quantities, to tell

us which is more important. Unfortunately,

solving the mathematics presents such an ob-
H. ^ O OCX)
stacle that only a handful of the very simplest ^^0 o (XX)
molecules have been treated with high accuracy. Bond cannolr form.
Nevertheless, for some time now chemists have
been able to decide whether chemical bonds can In this representation there is no need to con-
form without appealing to a digital computer. sider the next higher energy level cluster — ^the
Figure 16-3D shows the simplified representa- Is, Ip For hydrogen and helium these
tion of the interaction of two helium atoms. This
are much higher in energy and can give rise only
time each helium atom is crosshatched before the
to extremely weak attractions.
two atoms approach. This is to indicate there are
already two electrons in the \s orbital. Our rule
of orbital occupancy tells us that the \s orbital
can contain only two electrons. Consequently,
when the second helium atom approaches, its The sharing of electrons can be shown by rep-
valence orbitals cannot overlap significantly. The resenting valence electrons as dots placed be-
helium atom valence electrons fill its valence tween the atoms:
orbitals, preventing from approaching a sec-

ond atom close enough to share electrons. The

H +H •
— H H :

helium atom forms no chemical bonds.* We shall use both orbital and electron dot rep-
resentations to show chemical bonding.
16-1.3 Representations of Chemical Bonding

We propose, then, that chemical bonds can form 16-1.4 The Bonding of Fluorine

if valence electrons can be shared by two atoms

Our explanation of chemical bonding is of value
using partially filled orbitals. We need a short-
only if it has wide applicability. Let us examine
hand notation which aids in the use of this rule. compounds of
its usefulness in considering the
Such a shorthand notation is called a represen-
the second-row elements, beginning with fluo-
tation of the bonding.

* Each helium atom does have, of course, vacant 2s Under normal conditions of temperature and
and 2p orbitals which extend farther out than the filled pressure, fluorine is a gas'. From gas density
I 5 orbital. The electrons of the second helium atom can experiments we discover that a molecule of fluo-
“overlap” with these vacant orbitals. Since this overlap
rine contains two atoms. There is a chemical
is at great distance, the resulting attractions are extremely
small. This type of interaction presumably accounts for
bond between thetwo fluorine atoms. Let us see
the attractions that cause helium to condense at very low if our expectations agree with these experimental
temperatures. facts.
SEC. 16-1 I

ORBITAL REPRESENTATION OF THE pacity and a stable compound

is formed, HF.

BONDING OF FLUORINE In each of these cases, F2 and HF, we find that

the fluorine atom forms one bond in F2 it is to —
A fluorine atom has the orbital occupancy shown a second fluorine atom, in HF it is to a hydrogen

Is 2s 2p 3s 3p
We see that the neutral fluorine atom has seven
/ atom. We describe this single bonding capacity
valence electrons; that is, seven electrons occupy;
by saying, fluorine is univalent.
the outermost partially filled cluster of energy
levels. This cluster of energy levels, the valence ELECTRON DOT REPRESENTATION
orbitals, contains one electron less than its ca- OF THE BONDING OF FLUORINE
pacity permits. Fluorine, then, has the capacity
In the electron dot method of showing chemical
for sharing one electron with some other atom
bonds it is necessary to show only the valence
which has similar capacity. for example, an-
other fluorine

atom approaches, they might share

electrons. In fluorine there are seven — the pair
of electrons in the \s orbital is so tightly bound

Is 2s 3s 3p

0 00(g 0 (XO (5)

F (g) 0 000 0 (XX)

After the second atom approaches, sharing its
that it plays little role in the chemistry of fluo-
electron, each fluorine atom now has “filled” all
rine. In this representation, then, we show the
of its valence orbitals. No additional bonding
reaction between two fluorine atoms as follows:
capacity remains. Hence F2 does not add a third
or fourth atom to form F3, F4, etc.
Now consider the possibility of the bonding
F- + F: F:F: (7)

that might occur if a fluorine atom encounters

From ( 7 ) we conclude that a covalent bond can
a hydrogen atom. Again fluorine has an oppor-
form between two fluorine atoms. Furthermore,
tunity to share electrons with a second atom a census of the number of electrons owned or
having a partially filled valence orbital:
Is 2s 2p 3s 3p

O OCX) 6)

H (S) o 000
Is 2s

Fluorine now has, by sharing a pair of electrons

with hydrogen, “filled” its valence orbitals. It shared by either of the fluorine atoms shows that
has no further bonding capacity. The same is the valence orbitals are filled. For example, the
true of thehydrogen atom, though for this atom fluorine atom on the left feels the electrical at-
there is but one valence orbital, the Is orbital. tractions of eight electrons near at hand,* as
Since no partially filled valence orbitals remain * Remember, we are omitting from the discussion the
for either atom, there is no more bonding ca- tightly bound Is electrons of each fluorine atom.
CHAP. 16

shown in Figure 16-5. Since eight electrons is just sharing makes the molecule F 2 (or HF) energeti-
the capacity of the 2s, 2p valence orbitals, each cally more stable than the separated atoms would
fluorine atom has reached the energetically stable be. The energy stability results from the shared
arrangement of an inert gas. electrons being attracted simultaneously to both
positive nuclei. A chemical bond results.

The flux>rine atom The flttorine atom. ELECTRON AFFINITY OF THE FLUORINE ATOM
on the left on the right
feels eight' electrons feels eight electrons Experiment shows that a gaseous fluorine atom can
acquire an electron to form a stable ion, F~(g). We can
discuss the energy of formation of this ion in the same
way that we treated ionization energies. The first ioniza-
tion energy of fluorine atom is the energy required to
remove an electron from a neutral atom in the gas phase.
We shall call this energy Ei. Then the heat of reaction
Fig. 16-5. The electrons near each fluorine atom in can be written in terms of Ei
F(g) F+(g) + e~(g) AH = Er (9)

The second ionization energy, E 2, refers to reaction (70):

electron dot picture
fluoride can be represented by the F+rg) ^ F+^(g) + e-(g) AH = E 2 UO)

Now we can add a new process with an energy which

: F •
+ H
• — : F : H (5)
might logically be called Eo :

Again, a census of the number of electrons near

F-(g) — F(g) -b e-(g) AH = E, {11)

Comparing equations (9), {10), and {11), we see that Eo

each of the atoms shows that this is a stable
is just the ionization energy of F~(g). By usual practice,
arrangement. True, the hydrogen atom has, close however, the reverse of reaction {11) is usually considered.
at hand, only two electrons whereas fluorine has Of course the heat of reaction (72) is just the negative of
eight. This is energetically desirable, however, that of reaction (77):

because hydrogen has only one valence orbital,

F(g) + e-(g) F-(g) AH = -Eo {12)
the \s orbital. Two electrons just fill this orbital.
The energy change of reaction (72) is called the electron
affinity of the fluorine atom. It is symbolized by E and,
The fluorine atom The hydrogen atom as defined here, is a negative quantity if heat is released
feets eight electrons feels two electrons when the ion is formed

E= -Eo {13)

Electron affinities and are

are difficult to measure
known reliably for only a small fraction of the hundred
or so elements. The electron affinity of fluorine is one
that is known
Fig. 16-6. The electrons near each atom in HF. £ = — 83 kcal/mole {14)

Eo = +83 kcal/mole {15)

We bonding of a fluorine atom to

see that the
The experimental quantities shown in {14) and (75) indi-
another fluorine atom or to a hydrogen atom can cate that the F“ ion is more stable than a fluorine atom
be explained in terms of sharing electrons so as and an electron. Energetically, a fluorine atom “wants”
to fill the partially filled valence orbitals. This another electron. It is profitable to express reaction (72)
in terms of orbital occupancy:

Is Zs 2p 3s Is 2s 2p 3s

0 0 i- electron (^) (gxgxg) 0

F t e- F’
SEC. 16-2 I

The neutral fluorine atom has seven valence electrons; fluorine atom number 1 shares one valence electron of
that is, seven electrons occupy the highest partially filled fluorine atom number 2. Thus a part of the electron affin-
cluster of energy levels. This cluster of energy levels thus ity of fluorine atom number 1 is “satisfied” though it was

contains one fewer electron than its capacity permits. The not necessary to take the electron away from atom num-
electron affinity of fluorine shows that the addition of this ber 2. Meanwhile, fluorine atom number 2 is getting the
last electron is energetically favored. This is in accord same sort of energy benefit from the valence electron of
with much other experience which shows that there is a atom number 1. Each fluorine atom has acquired another
special stability to the inert gas electron population. electron at least a part of the time. We have gained a part
In view of the electron affinity of a fluorine atom, we of the stability of reaction (19) without paying for reac-
can speculate on what would be the result of a collision tion (18). The most energy that could be released by such
between two fluorine atoms. Will a reaction occur? The an electron sharing would be double the electron affinity
energyis one of the factors which determines the answer. of fluorine, 2 X 83 = 166 kcal. This takes no account of
First let us consider a reaction that does not occur spon- the work done in bringing the two positive nuclei near
taneously. each other. Nor can we expect to gain the whole electron
affinity under conditions of electron sharing. Yet the
F(g) + F(g) F+(g) - F-(g) (17) energy released when two fluorine atoms form a bond is

36.6 kcal /mole, a reasonable fraction of the maximum

Reaction (17) can be rewritten in two steps;

-f e-(g)
^ F+r^;
+ e-(g) AH = El =
AH = -Eo =
401.5 kcal/mole

Net F(g) + F(g) ^ F+(g) -b F-(g) AH = 318.5 (17)

We see that reaction (17) is energetically unfavorable.

The stability of F“
more than outweighed by the diffi-
is Now we can say why the chemical bond forms between
culty of removing an electron from another fluorine atom. two fluorine atoms. First, the electron affinity of a fluorine
There is another possible consequence of a collision atom makes it energetically favorable to acquire one more
between two fluorine atoms. The two atoms can remain electron. Two fluorine atoms can realize a part of this
together to form a molecule. Each atom has a valence energy stability by sharing electrons. All chemical bonds
electron in a “half-filled” orbital. We can imagine these form because one or more electrons are placed so as to feel
two atoms orienting so that these “half-filled” orbitals electrostatic attraction to two or more positive nuclei
overlap in space. Then the “half-filled” valence orbital of simultaneously.


In Chapter 6 we saw that the chemical com- 16-2.1 The Bonding Capacity of Oxygen Atoms
pounds of the third-row elements display a The neutral oxygen atom has eight electrons. Six
remarkable regularity. Return to Chapter 6 and of these occupy the 2s, Ip orbitals and are much
reread Section 6-6.2. The same simple trend in more easily removed than the two in the \s
chemical formulas is discovered in the second orbital. Therefore oxygen has six valence elec-
row of the periodic table. Now we have a basis trons.The Is, 2p orbitals are the valence orbitals.
for explaining why these trends are found. They can accommodate the valence electrons in
two ways, as follows:

Is Zs 3s Sp

0 0 00O O CXX) ( 20 )

0 0 020 o OC0 ( 21 )
CHAP. 16

Remember the spatial arrangement of the p or- atom has partially filled valence orbitals. Elec-
bitals? Each one protrudes along one of the tron sharing can occur, placing electrons close
three cartesian axes (as shown in Figure 15-9). to two nuclei simultaneously. Hence a stable
If the electrons have the orbital occupancy of bond can occur. This is shown in representations
{20), then two electrons occupy the p orbital (22) and {23).

Is 2s 3s 3p
0 0 000 0 (X0 ( 22 )

H Q 0 (XX)
Is Zs 2p

or : 0 . + iO%H {23)

protruding along the x axis {p2) and two elec- In either representation, (22) or (2i), we see
trons occupy the p orbital protruding along the y that there is residual bonding capacity remaining
axis {py). In the occupancy of {21), two electrons in the speciesOH. In (22) the third 2p orbital has
occupy px, only one electron occupies py, and the a single electron but a capacity for two. This
last is in p,. Thus {21) differs from (20) by the means more bonding can occur. In {23) a census

movement of one of the electrons from py to a of the electrons near the oxygen atom indicates
there are only seven. The oxygen atom would be
different region of space, ^[7^. Since electrons repel
more stable if it could add one more electron.
each other, we can expect that the configuration
With either representation, we conclude that OH
which keeps the electrons farther apart, (27), is
should be able to react with another hydrogen
the lower in energy. Experiment shows that it is
atom. See representations {24), (25).
and we shall base our discussion of the bonding
Now we have the compound H 2 O. By either
of oxygen on orbital occupancy (27). However,
representation, the bonding capacity of oxygen
the occupancy represented by {20) also contrib-
is expended when two bonds are formed. Oxygen
utes to the chemistry of oxygen atoms. is said to be divalent, and the compound H 2 O is
Suppose a hydrogen atom approaches an oxy- extremely stable. Each of the atoms in HO2 has
gen atom in its most stable state, (27). Each filled its valence orbitals by electron sharing.

Is Zs 2p

O (XX)
o 000 O (XX {24)

i O OCX)
2s 2p


:H {25)

SEC. 16-2 I

REACTION BETWEEN TWO OH MOLECULES The electron dot representation is

Though OH is reactive, it is a cluster of atoms : O : F : (29)

with sufficient stability to be identified as a mole- : F :

cule. It is present in a number of high tempera-

ture flames, for example. Its chemistry might be Again we find that oxygen is divalent.
expected to be like that of fluorine atoms. Com-
pare the electron dot formulas
: F :
9 H

Draw orbital and electron dot representations of

Since two fluorine atoms react, forming a cova- each of the following molecules: OF, F 2 O HOF,

lent bond, we can expect two OH molecules to HFO 2. Which of these is apt to be the most
do the same sort of thing reactive?

: O + O.

: — : O O

1 (26)
H H 16-2.2 The Bonding Capacity
of Nitrogen Atoms
Reaction (26) yields the compound H 2 O 2 This .

is the formula of the well-known substance,

For the same reason we discussed for oxygen
hydrogen peroxide. By these considerations of atoms, the nitrogen atom is most stable when it

chemical bonding, we has the maximum number of partially filled

see that the structure of
HO must involve an oxygen-oxygen bond: valence orbitals. This keeps the electrons as far
2 2
apart as possible. The most stable state of the
H nitrogen atom is as follows:

Js Zs 2p

(g) 0 000 W
It is now straightforward to predict that nitrogen
Predict the structure of the compound S 2 CI 2 from willform a stable hydrogen compound with for-
the electron dot representation of the atoms. mula NH3. Nitrogen is trivalent. A similar com-
After you have predicted it, turn back to Figure
pound, NF3, will be formed with fluorine. The
6-12, p. 103, and check your expectation. electron dot formulas are

H ;F :

It is a simple matter to predict that oxygen will FI ;F ;


form a stable compound with two fluorine ammonia nitrogen trifluoride

atoms, F 2 O. The orbital representation is*

Ig Zs
F 0 0 000 The molecule NH has residual, unused bonding


capacity and is extremely reactive. The molecule

0 0 000 NH2 4 (hydrazine) is much more stable. Draw an

\ 0 0 000
electron dot representation of the bonding of
hydrazine. Draw
which atoms are bonded to each
its structural formula

* Henceforth we will omit empty orbitals much higher

in energy than the valence orbitals.
CHAP. 16

16-2.3 The Bonding Capacity of Carbon Atoms hital is completely vacant, we can expect CH^ to

There are a number of orbital occupancies that be reactive.

we might consider for the carbon atom: In fact, both CH 2 and CF 2 are considered to
be stable* but extremely reactive molecules.
2s Zp Though there is reaction mechanism evidence

® <800
verifying the existence of each species,
possible to prepare either substance pure. This
it is not

great reactivity shows that energy considerations

favor the use of all four of the valence orbitals if

0 0 020 possible. This argument leads us to consider a

third orbital occupancy:

First let us compare (33) and (34). By our con-

ventional argument that electrons repel each
other, configuration (34) should be
than (53). The second, (34), places
more stable
one electron
.^ 0 0 000 (^ 7)

in each of the px and py orbitals whereas (55) With orbital occupancy (57), a carbon atom
places two electrons in the same orbital, px. It is
has four half-filled valence orbitals. True, (57) is
an experimental fact that (34) is more stable somewhat less stable than (34) because an elec-
than (55). tron was raised from the 2s energy level to the
Now we
can predict the chemistry of the car- slightly higher 2p energy level. This process is
bon atom in this state. It should be divalent, called “promoting” the electron. On the other
forming compounds CH 2 and CF 2 Let us con- .
hand, the promotional energy is not very large,
sider one of these, say CH 2. and in return for it atom acquires the
the carbon
capacity to form four covalent bonds. Each co-

Is valent bond increases stability, more than com-

pensating for the energy investment in promoting
one of the 2s electrons. With orbital occupancy
(57), carbon can share pairs of electrons with,
0 000 for example, four hydrogen atoms or four fluo-
rine atoms. Flence, carbon is tetravalent:

0 H
H C H: :
C %H (36)
or .*
: F C F
: : : (39)
Here is a situation we haven’t met before.
After using the two available partially filled
carbon tetrafluoride
orbitals to form covalent bonds with hydrogen
atoms, there remains a vacant valence orbital.
In the electron dot formulation (56) we see that
* The molecule CH 2 is stable in the sense that it does
the carbon atom finds itself near only six elec-
not spontaneously break into smaller fragments. It is
trons in CH2 The valence orbitals will accom-
reactive because other molecules formed from this group
modate eight electrons. Because one valence or- of atoms have much lower energy.
SEC. 16-2 I

Is 2s 2p
Draw electron dot formulas for the molecules
CHa, CFs, CHFs,
extremely reactive?
2 2, 3 F. Which will be B 0
EXERCISE 16-5 '{

Draw an electron dot and a structural formula

for the molecule C 2 H 6 (ethane) which forms if
two CHs molecules are brought together. Explain
- 0 :

why C 2 H 6 is much less reactive than CH 3.

Boron Atoms
16-2.4 The Bonding Capacity of
same. Such is the case. There is only indirect
The boron atom presents the same sort of option
evidence establishing the existence of BH3. In-
in orbital occupancy as does carbon:
stead boron forms a series of unusual compounds
Is Zs Zp with hydrogen, the simplest of which is called

0 0 030 diborane, B2 H
You might wish to

predict the structure of diborane

(which is now known) but do not be discouraged if you

sS 0 0 000 are not able to. Its structure, once elucidated,

quite a surprise to even the most sophisticated chemists.
came as

The electron configuration {41) is somewhat The explanation of the structure is, even today, composed
of a large proportion of words and a small proportion of
higher in energy than {40). It is necessary to
promote a 2s electron to the Ip state to obtain
{41). In return, however, the boron atom gains Boron is an obliging element. On the one hand
bonding capacity. Whereas a boron atom can itconforms to our expectation that the unused
form only one covalent bond in configuration valence orbital will affect the bonding capacity

{40), it can form three in configuration {41). of boron, as shown by the reactivity of BH3. On
Since each bond lowers the energy, the chemistry the other hand boron conforms to our expecta-

of boron is fixed by the electron configuration tion that electron configuration {41) will make
{41). boron The compound BF 3 is a stable,

Now we can expect that boron will be tri- gaseous compound and, in contrast to BH3, is
valent.We predict that there should be molecules readily prepared in a pure form. The explanation

such as BH and BF 3 3
of how the fluorine atoms are able to satisfy in
part the bonding capacity of the vacant 2p or-
bital (though hydrogen atoms eannot) must wait
B H {42)

until a later chemistry course. For our interest

here, BF 3 is the most stable boron-fluorine com-
:F: pound and it demonstrates the trivalent bonding

B F capacity of boron.
: {43)

:F: 16-2.5 The Bonding Capacity

of Beryllium Atoms
We cannot help noticing, however, that there
remains a completely vacant valence orbital. For The beryllium atom, like boron and carbon, can
example, for BHg the orbital representation promote an electron in order to form more
would be as shown in {44). chemieal bonds:
The last vacant 2p orbital is reminiscent of the
Is Zs 2jp
configuration found for CH 2 [see (i5)]. Since
CH 2 is very reactive, presumably BH 3 will be the .,Be
0 0 000
CHAP. 16

Therefore we should expect in the gaseous state 16-2.7 Valence

to find molecules such as BeH 2 and BeF 2. These Very often the word valence is used in discussing
molecules have been detected. On the other the nature of chemical bonding. Unfortunately
hand, beryllium has the trouble boron has, only thisword has been used as a noun to mean a
in a double dose. It has two vacant valence or- number of different things. Sometimes valence
bitals. As a result, BeH 2 and BeF 2 molecules, as has been used to mean the charge on an ion,
such, are obtained only at extremely high tem- sometimes it has meant the total number of
peratures (say, above 1000°K). At lower temper- atoms to which a particular atom will bond, and
atures these vacant valence orbitals cause a at other times, the word valence has been used
condensation to a solid in which these orbitals to mean oxidation number. Perhaps the most
can participate in bonding. We shall discuss these widely accepted definition of the word is that it
solids in the next chapter. is the number of hydrogen atoms with which an
atom can combine, or release, in a chemical re-

action. It is clear that a word with so many mean-

16-2.6 The Boarding Capacity of Lithium Atoms
ings might confuse a discussion of chemical
There is little new to be said about the bonding bonding. For this reason we have avoided and
capacity of a lithium atom. With just one valence will continue to avoid using the word as a noun
electron, it should form gaseous molecules LiH in this book.
and LiF. Because of the vacant valence orbitals, We have, however, made a careful definition
these substances will be expected only at ex- of the term “valence electrons” (“the electrons
tremely high temperatures. These expectations that are most loosely bound”; see p. 269).
are in accord with the facts, as shown in Table We have also used carefully the term “valence
16-1, which summarizes the formulas and the orbitals” to mean the entire cluster of orbitals
melting and boiling points of the stable fluorides of about the same energy as those which are
of the second-row elements. In each case, the occupied by the valence electrons. In both of
formula given in the table is the actual molecular these uses, the word valence is used as an
formula of the species found in the gas phase. adjective.

Table 16-1. the fluorides of the elements in the second row

Li Be B C N 0 F
Formula LiF BeF 2 BF3 CF 4 NFa F2 O F2

Melting point (°K) 1143 1073 146 89 56 49 50

Boiling point (°K) 1949 172 145 153 128 85


We have termed the chemical bond in the hydro- All chemical bonds occur because electrons
gen molecule, H 2, a covalent bond. This indicates can be placed simultaneously near two nuclei.
that electrons are shared so that they are simul- Yet it is often true that the electron-sharing
taneously and, on the average, equally near two which permits this is not exactly equal sharing.
nuclei. This makes the system more stable and a Sometimes the electrons, though close to both
chemical bond results. nuclei, tend to distribute nearer to one nucleus
SEC. 16-3 I

than to the other. We can see why by contrasting When the bonding electrons move closer to one
the chemical bonding in gaseous fluorine, F 2 and
, of the two atoms, the bond is said to have ionic
in gaseous lithium fluoride, LiF. character.
In the most extreme situation, the bonding

16 - 3.1 The Bonding in Gaseous electrons move so close to one of the atoms that

Lithium Fluoride this atom has virtually the electron distribution

of the negative ion. This is the case in gaseous
We have already treated the bonding in an F 2 LiF. In an electron dot representation, we might
molecule. Since neither fluorine atom can pull an show
away from the other, they com-
electron entirely
promise by sharing a pair of electrons equally. Li :F: m
How does the chemical bonding in the lithium or
fluoride molecule compare?
Li+ F- (51)
As we have mentioned earlier, lithium has one
valence electron, hence can share a pair of elec- When a formula like (50) or (51) provides a use-
trons with one fluorine atom: ful basis for discussing the properties of a mole-

Is 2s
S) coo
F (g) <8x8)0
Is .25 2p

or (47)

Thus we can expect a stable molecular species, eule, the bond in that molecule is said to be an
LiF. The term “stable” again means that energy ionic bond.
is required to disrupt the molecule. The chemical

bond lowers the energy because the bonding CONTRAST OF COVALENT AND
electron pair feels simultaneously both the lith- IONIC BONDS
ium nucleus and the fluorine nucleus. That is not
to say, however, that the electrons are shared The fluorine molecule is held together by the
equally. After all, and fluorine atoms
the lithium energy gain resulting from plaeing a bonding
attract the electrons dilferently. This is shown by pair of electrons near both fluorine nuclei simul-

the ionization energies of these two atoms: taneously. The electrons move about in the
moleeule in such a manner on the average,
F(g) F+(g) + e-(g)
they are distributed symmetrically between and
AH = 401.5 kcal/mole (48)
around the identical fluorine nuclei. This sym-
U(g) —^ U+(g) -f e-(g)
metrical distribution is reasonable, since the two
AH = 124.3 kcal/mole (49)
fluorine nuclei attract the bonding electrons
Clearly the fluorine atom holds electrons much equally. The lithium fluoride moleeule also is

more strongly than does the lithium atom. As a held together by the energy gain resulting from
result, the electron pair in the lithium fluoride plaeing a bonding pair of electrons near the
bond is more strongly attracted to the fluorine lithium and fluorine atoms simultaneously. In
atom than to the lithium. The energy is lower if this case, however, the electrons move in such a
the electrons spill toward the fluorine atom. way as to remain closer to the fluorine than the
CHAP. 16

atoms as a pair of ions near each other. Figure

16-7 shows schematically how the electron dis-
tributions are pictured in covalent, partially
ionic, and ionic bonds. The figure also shows
how the electrons might look in an instantaneous
snapshot. In each type of bond, the electron-
nucleus attractions account for the energy sta-
bility of the molecule.


The spilling of negative electric charge toward
one of the atoms in an ionic bond causes a
charge separation. This can be repres^ted
crudely as in the last drawing in Figure 16-8.
The molecule is electrically positive at the lithium
end and electrically negative at the fluorine end.
It is said to possess an electric dipole. The mole-
cule is then called a polar molecule. The forces
between molecules possessing electric dipoles are

Ionic bond much stronger than those between nonpolar

molecules. We shall see in Chapter 17 that these
forces, too, involve the same electrical interac-
tionswe have discussed here.
The last representation of Figure 16-8 is com-
monly used and it is the simplest way of showing
a bond dipole. The arrow means that the nega-
tive charge is mainly at one end of the bond. The
directional property of the arrow implies that
the force this molecule exerts on another mole-
Fig. 16-7. Electron distributions in various bond
cule depends upon the direction of approach of
the second molecule.

lithium atom. Fluorine attracts the bonding elec-

16-3.2 Ionic Character in Bonds to Fluorine
trons more strongly than does lithium.
We see again that there is but one principle We can expect the effects just discussed to be at
which causes a chemical bond between two work in the bonds fluorine forms with other ele-

atoms: all chemical bonds form because electrons

are placed simultaneously near two positive nuclei.
Fig. 16-8. Representations of the electric dipole of
The term covalent bond indicates that the most gaseous lithium fluoride.
stable distribution of the electrons (as far as
energy is concerned) is symmetrical between the F~
two atoms. When the bonding electrons are
somewhat closer to one of the atoms than the
other, the bond is said to have ionic character.
The term ionic bond indicates the electrons are
displaced so much toward one atom that it is a
good approximation to represent the bonded
SEC. 16-3 I

ments. The ionization energies of the elements gen cannot be predicted from its measured ioniza-
give us a rough clue to the electron-nuclear tion energy.

attractions. Table compares the ionization

16-11 Examination of the properties of a number of
energies of each element of the second row with compounds involving hydrogen indicates that
that of fluorine. The last column describes the the ionic character of bonds to hydrogen are
type of chemical bond. roughly like those of an element with ionization
The trend bond type shown in Table 16-11
in energy near 200 kcal/mole. Thus the hydrogen
has important influence on the trend in proper- fluorine bond in HF is ionic and chemists believe
ties of the fluorine compounds. The trend arises that the electrons are spilled toward the fluorine
because of the increasing difference between atom, leaving the hydrogen atom with a partial
ionization energies of the two bonded atoms. positive charge. Hydrogen acts like an element

Table 16-11. bond types sn sotviE fluorsne compounds



FF 1

F— F 401.5 401.5 Covalent


OF2 0— 0 313.8 401.5 ionic

NF3 N—F N 335 401.5 increasing

CF4 C— C 259.5 401.5 character increasing
BF .3 B— B 191.2 401.5

BeF^ Be— Be 214.9 401.5 covalent

LiF Li— Li 124.3 401.5 '


16-3.3 ionic Character in Bonds to Hydrogen with lower ionization energy than fluorine. The
In Chapter 6 the element hydrogen was charac- same is true but in decreasing amount for hydro-
terized as a family by itself. Often its chemistry gen when it is bonded to oxygen and to nitrogen.
distinguishes it from the rest of the periodic The carbon-hydrogen bond has only a slight
table. We find this is the case when we attempt ionic character. At the other end of the periodic
to predict the ionic character of bonds to hy- table, gaseous lithium hydride known to have

drogen. a significant electric dipole but now with the

The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom, electric dipole turned around. In LiH the elec-
313.6 kcal/mole, is quite close to that of fluorine, trons are spilled toward the hydrogen atom,
so a covalent bond between these two atoms in leaving the lithium atom with a partial positive
HF is expected. Actually the properties of HF charge. This is in accord with the low ionization
show that the molecule has a signifieant electric energy of lithium, 124.3 kcal/mole, well below
dipole, indicating ionic character in the bond. the value of 200 keal/mole that we have assigned
The same is true in the O— H bonds of water to hydrogen. For our purposes, it suffices to dis-
and, to a lesser extent, in —
the N H bonds of cuss the bonding of hydrogen in terms of an
ammonia. The ionic character of bonds to hydro- apparent ionization energy near 200 kcal/mole.

16-3.4 Bond Energies and Electric Dipoles The large difference implies that the energy is lowered
even more than 37 kcal because the electron pair need not
It found experimentally that a bond between two
remain equally shared between the two atoms in NaCl.
atoms with very different ionization energies tends to be
Instead they can concentrate nearer the atom that holds
stronger than a bond between atoms with similar ioniza-
electrons more tightly (the chlorine atom) if a net lower-
tion energies. Since electric dipoles are causedby .differ-
ing of the energy results.
ences in the ionization energies of bonded atoms, we can
Table 16-III collects some data. The existence of a
conclude that strong bonds are expected in molecules
correlation between the ionization energy difference,
with electric dipoles.
For example, contrast the bond energies of the gaseous
Ei{X) — E^iY), and the bond energy discrepancy,

molecules Na 2 CI 2 and NaCl: AHxy — ^(AHxi + AHvi), is obvious.

, ,

Needless to say, ionic character affects the energy

Na rgj — 2Nafgj AfffNaj) = 17 kcal stability

of a chemical bond also affects the chemistry


C\ 2 (g) —

>- 2Cirg; A//(Cl 2 ) = 57 kcal of that bond. The tendency toward

minimum energy is

NaClfg; >- Nafg; + C\(g) A//(NaCl) = ? one of the factors that determine what chemical changes
will occur. As a bond becomes stronger, more energy is
A rough estimate of the bond energy of NaCl could be
required to break that bond to form another compound.
based upon the bond energies of Na 2 and CI 2 17 kcal .

Hence we see that ionic bonds are favored over covalent

and 57 kcal. Since the 17 kcal bond energy of Na 2 is
bonds and that ionic character in a bond affects its
derived from the sharing of an electron pair between two
sodium atoms, the one sodium atom in NaC! might be
expected to contribute one-half this amount to the bond
energy of NaCl, ^= 8.5 kcal. In a similar way, the
single chlorine atom in NaCl might contribute one-half EXERCISE 16-6
the bond energy of CI 2 ,
= 28.5 kcal. Thus we arrive
at an estimate of A//(NaCl): From the following bond energy data and the ionization

A//(NaCI) (estimated) = ^ Na ,) .
+ A//(CI.)
energies given in Table 15-1 1 1, calculate the entries in the
lasttwo columns of Table 16-111 for the compounds LiF
and LiBr. The ionization energy, Ei, for bromine atom is
= 8.5 + 28.5 = 37.0
273 kcal/mole.
larger, 98.0 kcal
This discrepancy

discover that A//(NaCl)
discrepancy of 98
explained in terms of the large
— 37 =
is much
61 kcal.
^ 2U(g)
25 kcal
Br2 (^£r) 2Br(gj AH = 45.5
ference in ionization energy of sodium and chlorine
AH =
C\(g) —^ Cl+r^j + e- E, = 300 kcal
UBr(g) ^
LiF(^) =i=±: Li(g)
Lir^) -f Br(g)
AH =

Na(g) —^ Na+(gj + e- = 118 kcal

Table 16-III. ionization energy differences and bond energies

X Y XY EilX) - Ei(Y) AHxy - hPHx^ + AHy.)
Na K Ni\K(g) 18 kcal/mole
0 kcal/mole
Cl Br C\Br(g) 27 i
Cl Li Ua(g) 176 I 58
Cl Na NaC\(g) 182 11
Cl K ^Cl(g) 200
F Li UP(g) 277 j

— "
2. '
The properties of a molecule are primarily deter- and by the molecular “architecture.” By archi-
mined by the bond types which hold it together tecture we mean the structure of the molecule
SEC. 16-4 I

the shape of the molecule. We shall investigate to the ball-and-stick model of the molecule. A
what is known about the molecular structures of line drawn between the oxygen atom and each

the second-row hydrides and fluorides. hydrogen atom to indicate that a chemical bond
holds these two atoms together. No line is drawn
between the two hydrogen atoms since we feel
16-4.1 The Shapes of H O and F O
2 2
they are not directly bonded to each other. Now
The bonding in
orbital representations of the we can apply our discussion of the role of elec-
HO2 and in F 2 O suggest that two p orbitals of trons in bonding to add to the meaning of this
oxygen are involved in the bonding [see repre- line representation. A line is drawn between two
sentation {24)]. Figure 16-9 shows the spatial atoms to indicate that a pair of electrons is
arrangement we assign to the p orbitals (assum- shared between these two atoms, resulting in a
ing they are like hydrogen atom orbitals). If the chemical bond.


16-4.2 The Shapes of NH 3 and NF 3

In NH 3 and NF 3 three p orbitals are involved in


the bonding [see representation (iO)]. Figure

16-10 shows the spatial arrangement implied by
assuming persistence of the hydrogen atom or-
bitals after bonding. We expect, then, that am-

Fig. 16-9. The expected shape of the H,0 molecule:


spatial arrangement persists after the bonds

form, the molecular shape would be fixed, as
shown. The molecule would be bent, with an
angle near 90°. The same would be true for F 2 O.
The measured bond angles are as follows:
Fig. 16-10. The expected shape of the NHs molecule:
= 10 ^. 5^
H H {52a)
monia has a pyramidal shape (a pyramid with
o a three-sided base). The bond angles should be
ZF-O-F =102^ near 90°. Both NH 3 and NF 3 do have pyramidal
F F shapes. The measured bond angles are as fol-
It is generally true that a divalent atom with
two p orbitals as valence orbitals forms an angular
molecule. Since this prediction is reliable, the 2H-N-H= 107‘'
bonding is usually characterized by identifying
the valence orbitals. Oxygen is said to use p-
(read, “/> two”) bonding in water and F 2 O.
Notice that the structural formulas {52a) and
ZF-N-F = 102^
{52b) use another representation of the bonding.
It is quite familiar, of course, since it corresponds {55b)
CHAP. 16

Again, experiments show that it is generally

true that a trivalent atom with three p orbitals as
valence orbitals forms a pyramidal molecule. The
bonding is called p^ bonding (read, “p three”).

16-4.3 The Shapes of CH and CF4 4

The bonding of methane, CH4, and that of car-

bon tetrafluoride, CF4, involve four valence or-
the Is orbital and the three 2p orbitals.

Four bonds are formed by carbon and, as before,

we characterize the bonding by naming the va-
lence orbitals: sp^ (read, ''sp three”). This time,
however, the assumption of the persistence of Fig. 16-12. ThQ slrnctuxQ of BFa: sp^ bonding.
the spatial distributions of the hydrogen atom
orbitals does not indicate directly what bond
angles to expect. Experiment shows, however,
called sp‘^. Again we must let experiment tell us
that sp^ bonding always gives bond angles which
the bond angles which are found with sp"^ bond-
are exactly or very close to tetrahedral angles.
ing. The structure of BF3 is that of an equilateral
This means that the angle between any two
triangle. The structure, shown in Figure 16-12,
carbon-hydrogen bonds is 109°28'. The structure
is planar and each of the three fluorine atoms is
is called tetrahedral because the four hydrogen
the same distance from the boron atom as are
atoms occupy the positions of the corners of a
the others.
regular tetrahedron (a four-sided figure with
equal edges). The structure is shown in Figure
16-4.5 The Shape of BeF 2

16-4.4 The Shape of BF 3

Beryllium atom in gaseous BeF 2 uses the 2^ and

The boron atom BF3 uses the 2s and two 2p
in only one 2p orbital in bonding. The bonding is
orbitals in bonding. Therefore the bonding is called sp. Experiment shows that the molecule is
linear and symmetrical, as shown in Figure
Fig. 16-11. The tetrahedral bonding of carbon: sif 16-13. The structure of gaseous BeH 2 is un-
bonding. doubtedly linear and symmetric as well, by
analogy to BeF 2 .

Fig. 16-13. The structure of BeF2 : sp bonding.

SEC. 16-4 I

16-4.6 Summary of Bonding Orbitals THE MOLECULAR DIPOLE OF LiF

and Molecular Shape The lithium fluoride bond is highly ionic in char-
acter because of the large difference in ionization
From the data presented here, the orbitals in-
energies of lithium and fluorine. Consequently,
volved in bonding correlate with the molecular
gaseous lithium fluoride has an unusually high
architecture. The relationships are summarized
electric dipole.
in Table 16-IV.

Table 16-IV. bonding orbitals, bonding capacity, and molecular shape


He none 0 monatomic He
Li s 1 linear, diatomic molecule LiF
Be sp 2 linear BeF2
B sp'^ 3 planar, triangular BF3
C sp^ 4 tetrahedral CF 4

N 3 pyramidal NF3
O p^ 2 bent OF 2

F p 1 linear, diatomic molecule F2

Ne none 0 monatomic Ne

16-4.7 Molecular Shape and Electric Dipoles THE MOLECULAR DIPOLE OF BeF2
Consider the fluorides of the second-row ele-
The beryllium-fluorine bond is also highly ionic
ments. There is a continuous change in ionic
in character. However, there are two such Be-F
character of the bonds fluorine forms with the
bonds and the electrical properties of the entire
elements F, O, N, C, B, Be, and Li. The ionic
molecule depend upon howtwo bonds are
character increases as the difference in ionization
oriented relative to each other. We must find
energies increases (see Table 16-11). This ionic
the “geometrical sum” of these two bond dipoles.
character results in an electric dipole in each
The geometrical sum of two arrows can be
bond. The molecular dipole will be determined
understood simply with the aid of Figure 16-14.
by the sum of the dipoles of all of the bonds,
Figure 16-14A shows how two arrows pointing
taking into account the geometry of the mole-
in the same direction combine to give a longer
cule. Since the properties of the molecule are
arrow. Figure 16-14B shows how two arrows
strongly influenced by the molecular dipole, we oppositely directed combine to give a shorter
shall investigate how it is determined by the
molecular architecture and the ionic character
of the individual bonds. For this study we shall Fig. 16-14. The geometrical sum of dipoles: both
begin at the left side of the periodic table. length and direction are important.

= O

Fig. 16-15. The absence of a molecular dipole in zero. Careful consideration of the geometry
shows that there is a complete cancellation by
the bond dipoles in each molecule. This cancel-
lation is shown in Figure 16-16 for BF3. The
molecular dipole is zero.
arrow. Figure 16-14C shows how two arrows
that are not parallel add to give an arrow in a
new direction.
Now we can apply the process of combination
shown in Figure 16-14 to BeF 2 . In the linear, Since F 2 O, with bonding, is a bent molecule,
symmetric BeF 2 molecule, the two bond dipoles the two bond dipoles do not cancel each other
point in opposite directions. Since the two bonds as they do in BeF 2 On the other hand, the ioni-

are equivalent, there is a complete cancellation, zation energies of oxygen and fluorine are not
as shown in Figure 16-15. Hence the molecule very different, so the electric dipole of each bond
has no net dipole; the molecular dipole is zero. is small in magnitude. These add together, ac-

cording to the geometry, to give a polar mole-

THE MOLECULAR DIPOLES cule, as shown in Figure 16-17.


Both of these molecules are thought to have

moderate amounts of ionic character in each / /g. 16-I6. The absence of a molecular dipole in
bond. Yet the molecular dipoles are each exactly BF3 .
SEC. 16-5 I


In deciding the bonding capacity of a given atom Fig. 16-17. The molecular dipole 0/ FoO.

from the second row, we have counted the num-

ber of hydrogen atoms or fluorine atoms with
which it v/ould combine. Thus oxygen combines But suppose oxygen can find no hydrogen
with two hydrogen atoms to form water, H 2 O. atoms or fluorine atoms. Then, it does the lazy
Oxygen is said to be divalent. Oxygen shares two thing: the two atoms, already bound by one
pairs of electrons, one pair with each hydrogen bond, form a second bond with each other. The
atom. Each of these shared pairs forms a single result might be shown in the orbital representa-

bond. tion (55).

Is 2s 2p


in the Oxygen Molecule

us investigate the oxygen molecule,


0 0 (008 (55)

which experiment
mula O We
tells us has the molecular for-
might begin by considering forma-
0 0 000
tion of a single bond between two oxygen atoms, There is strong evidence supporting this pro-

as represented by the orbital representation posal. The bond in the oxygen molecule is

stronger than the oxygen-oxygen bond in hy-

Is 2s 2p drogen peroxide (more energy is required to
0 break The
(8) (80S) it). vibrational frequency of the oxy-
gen molecule is higher than that of a normal
0 (g) (8) (020 single
bond, showing that there
(see Section 14-3.4). The bond
is additional
We see that each oxygen atom has residual bond- in the O 2 molecule is 1.21 A. In the gaseous
ing capacity. Each atom could, for example, hydrogen peroxide molecule, the oxygen-oxygen
react with a hydrogen atom to form hydrogen distance is 1.48 A. The short bond length in the
peroxide, as shown in electron dot representa- O 2 molecule shows that the two oxygen atoms
tion (26). Each oxygen atom could react with a are drawn together more effectively than in
fluorine atom to form F 2 O 2 In short, each oxy-
. HOOH, suggesting there are extra bonding elec-
gen atom is in need of another atom with an trons in O 2.

electron in a half-filled valence orbital so that it Because all of the evidence we have examined
can act as a divalent atom. is consistent with the orbital representation (55),
CHAP. 16

the bond in O2 is called a double bond. An elec- with many chemical reagents. Having four elec-
tron dot representation can be written as follows trons forming the carbon-carbon bond, the elec-
trons of the double bond seem to be accessible
iO: :0; (56) to attack. We find that the typical reactions of
ethylene are those with reagents that seek
The representation ( 56) shows two pairs of elec- electrons.For example, oxidizing agents are
trons shared. Each oxygen atom finds itself near electron-seeking, and we would expect the dou-

eight electrons. There is, on the one hand, a ble bond to be readily oxidized. This is indeed

stable molecule, because all of the bonding the case. Ethylene will reduce (that is, be oxidized
capacity of each oxygen atom is in use. On the by) such oxidizing agents as potassium perman-

other hand, this special aspect of the bonding of ganate or potassium dichromate at ordinary
oxygen undoubtedly contributes to the reactivity temperatures. Under these same mild conditions
of oxygen. ethane is completely unreactive to the same re-


Double Bond The shape of the ethylene molecule has been learned by a
variety of types of experiments. Ethylene is a planar
Ethylene is a simple compound of carbon and
molecule— the four hydrogen and the two carbon atoms
hydrogen with the formula C2H4. Thus it has two all lie in one plane. The implication of this experimental

lesshydrogen atoms than does ethane, C2H6. fact is that there is a rigidity of the double bond which

This means that to write a structure of ethylene prevents a twisting movement of one of the CH 2 groups

we must take account of two electrons that are relative to the other. Rotation of one CH 2 group relative

not used in C — H bond formation. Suppose we

to the other — with the C— C bond as an axis—must be
energetically restricted or the molecule would not retain
write an electron dot representation involving this flat form.
only single bonds
: : : (57)
It is possible to replace hydrogen atoms of ethylene by
This formula has two unpaired electrons, repre- halogen atoms. For example, one such compound has the
formula C2 H 2 CI 2 In preparing such a compound, chem-

senting unused bonding capacity. This objection-

ists discovered long ago that they could obtain three dif-
able situation can easily be rectified by allowing ferent pure substances with thissame formula, C2 H 2 CI2 .

the two unpaired electrons to pair, and thus form Dijferent compounds with the same molecular formulas are
an additional two-electron bond. Now the car- called isomers. The existence of three separate C2 H2 CI 2
isomers is readily explained in terms of the molecular
bon atoms are joined by a double bond, just as
geometry. The three structures possible with this formula
the oxygen atoms in O2 are double bonded to
are shown in Figure 16-18. They are all called dichloro-
each other ethylene.
H . . H Two types of isomerism are involved. Formula (59)
:c::c: (5S) differs from (60) and
formula (59) both chlorine
(61). In
H H atoms are attached to the same carbon atom. In both
(60) and (61) there is one chlorine atom attached to each
CHEMICAL REACTIVITY OF ETHYLENE carbon atom. The difference between (59) and the other
pair, (60) and (61), is indicated by calling these molecules
In ethane, C2H6, all of the bonds are normal
structural isomers.
single bonds. Experiment shows that ethane is a The pair of isomers (60) and (61) differ in another way.
fairly unreactive substance. It reacts only when Though each has one chlorine atom attached to each
treated with quite reactive species (such as free carbon atom, in (60) they are on the “same side” of the
double bond. This relationship is called the cis form. In
chlorine atoms), or when it is raised to excited
(61) the chlorine atoms are across from each other. This
energy states by heat (as in combustion). relationship is called the trans form. Formulas (60) and
Ethylene, on the other hand, reacts readily (61) identify cis and trans isomers of dichloroethylene.


Fig. 16-18. The isomers of dichloroethylene. must be almost as large as the energies of the bonds being
broken. In contrast, the conversion of (60) into (67) (or
the reverse) can be accomplished merely by heating the
Experiment shows that it is exceedingly difficult to substance. No bonds must be broken completely — only
convert (59) into {60) or (67). To make such a conversion, a rotation around the carbon-carbon double bond is

bonds must be broken and reformed. Such reactions are necessary. This process has a much lower activation
almost always quite slow because the activation energies energy and the reaction occurs at moderate temperatures.


Which one of the following statements is FALSE (d) The spectrum of liii(g) is the same as the
as applied to this equation ? spectrum of \i(g).

ll,(g) ^ H(g) + H(g) AH = 103.4 kcal 2. What are the molecular species present in gase-
ous neon, argon, krypton, and xenon? Explain.
(a) The positive AH means the reaction endo- is
3. Determine the number of attractive forces and
thenumber of repulsive forces in LiH.
(b) Two grams of \i(g) contain more energy
than 2 grams of H-iig)- 4. What energy condition must exist if a chemical
(c) Weight for weight, H(g) would be a better bond is to form between two approaching
fuel than 'H.iig). atoms 7
CHAP. 16

5. What valence orbital and valence electron condi- 13. Consideringcomparable oxygen compounds,
tionsmust exist if a chemical bond is to form predict the shape of H2S and H2S2 molecules.
between two approaching atoms ? What bonding orbitals are used?
14. Predict the formula and molecular shape of a
6. Give the orbital and also the electron dot repre-
hydride of phosphorus.
sentations for the bonding in these molecules:
CI2, HCl, CI2O. 15. Draw an electron dot representation for the
NH^ ion. What shape do you predict this ion
7. Using the electron dot representation, show a will have?
neutral, a negatively charged, and a positively
charged OH group. 16. Predict the type of bonding and the shape of the
ion BF^.
8. Draw the orbital representation of the molecule
17. Consider the two compounds CH3CH3 (ethane)
N2H4, hydrazine.
and CH3NH2 (methylamine). Why does CH3NH2
have an electric dipole while CH3CH3 does not ?
9. Knowing the orbitals carbon uses for bonding,
use the periodic table to predict the formula of 18. Consider the following series: CH4, CH3CI,
the chloride of silicon. What orbitals does silicon CH2CI2, CHCI3, CCI4. In which case(s) will the
use for bonding? molecules have electric dipoles? Support your
answer by considering the bonding orbitals of
10. Draw the orbital representations of carbon, the molecular shape of the molecules,
and the resulting symmetry.
(a) sodium fluoride,
(b) beryllium fluoride, BeF2. 19. Predict the structure of the compound N2F2 from
the electron dot representation of the atoms and
11. In general, what conditions cause two atoms to the molecule.
combine to form:
20. Which of the isomers of dichloroethylene shown
(a) a bond that is mainly covalent
in Figure 16-18 will be polar molecules?
(b) a bond that is mainly ionic;
(c) a polar molecule? *21. Draw structural formulas for all the isomers of
ethylene (C2H4) in which two of the hydrogen
12. What type of bonding would you expect to find atoms have been replaced by deuterium atoms.
in MgO? Explain. Label the cis and the trans isomers.

No other living chemist has contributed more to our under- the ionic and covalent character of chemical bonds and
standing of chemical bonding than Linus C. Pauling. His introduced the term '’’‘resonance" —a concept that many
ideas pervade every aspectof chemistry. These ideas have chemists criticize but that most chemists use regularly.
won him some seventeen medals and high awards, including Pauling gave detailed consideration to the effective sizes
the 1954 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. His international re- of atoms in molecules and crystals. He became an authority
nown is bespoken by his election to honorary membership on hydrogen bonding and he proposed a theory of metallic
in sixteen scientific societies in ten dijferent countries. bonding. He advocated and, with his colleagues, established
Linus Pauling was born in Portland, Qregon, and his the existence of helical structures in proteins. And, while
hobbies as a boy were largely scientific. At 11 he began an publishing over 300 papers, he authored several books that
insect collection, which led to reading books on entomology. won wide acceptance: Introduction to Quantum Me-
At 13 Linus found a chemistry book in the family library chanics {with E. B. Wilson, Jr.), The Nature of the
and founded a laboratory in the family basement. By the Chemical Bond, General Chemistry, and College Chem-
time he entered Oregon State College he was determined istry.

to become a chemical engineer. In 1922 Pauling received Pauling has a deep sensitivity to the welfare of mankind
the B.S. degree, and this was followed by the Ph.D. at and he has worked energetically to awaken the conscience
California Institute of Technology. By now his interest had of society to its new responsibilities in a nuclear age. At-
turned to the fundamental aspects of chemistry and after a tempting to inform the public of the pressing need for
year of post-doctoral study in Europe he returned to the lasting peace, he has written a book entitledNo More War.
faculty at California Institute of Technology. There he He has engaged in many public forums and debates, even
established and pursued his illustrious career. though these activities sometimes attracted ridicule in times
Linus Pauling’s prodigious scientific productivity has when fear made his cause an unpopular one.
broadly influenced the face of chemistry. His interest fo- There is no chemistry course given today that is not in-
cused on the chemical bond and he was one of the earliest fluenced by the ideas of Linus C. Pauling. He is a man of
of chemists to recognize the importance of the quantum broad imagination, dramatic personality, and boundless
mechanical point of view. He gave quantitative meaning to inspiration. Mankind will long benefit because he chose to
the electronegativity concept. He discussed the mixing of explore the frontiers of science.

The Bonding in
Solids and Liquids

It is • possible to discuss the structure of any substance ‘

describing the types • ‘
of its bonds and in this way to account for its

characteristic properties.


Any pure gas, when cooled sufficiently, will con- favors that arrangement. This is true whether
dense to a liquid and then, at a lower tempera- the cluster of atoms is strongly or weakly bound,
ture, will form a solid. There is great variance whether it contains a few atoms or 10^^ atoms,
in the temperature at which this condensation whether the arrangement is regular (as in a
occurs. Apparently there is a corresponding vari- crystal) or irregular (as in a liquid). The cluster
ance of the forces in liquids and For solids. of atoms and only if the energy is
is stable if

example, lithium fluoride gas at one atmosphere lower when the atoms are together than when
pressure condenses when cooled below 1949°K. they are apart.
When the temperature is lowered to 1 143°K, the Furthermore, there is but one reason that two
liquid forms a clear crystal. In contrast, lithium or more atoms have lower energy when they are
gas at this pressure must be cooled to 1609°K in proximity. In this way electrons can be close
before it forms a liquid and this liquid does not to two or more positive nuclei simultaneously.
solidify until the temperature reaches 459°K. The However, the magnitude of the attractive forces
solid is a white, soft metal, not resembling varies greatly, depending on how close the elec-
crystalline lithium fluoride at all. Fluorine gas is trons are able to approach these positive nuclei.
equally distinctive. At one atmosphere pressure This approach distance is fixed by the electron
it must be cooled far below room temperature occupancy of the valence orbitals.
before condensation occurs, at 85°K. Then the Thus the occupancy of the valence orbitals is

liquid solidifies to a crystal at 50°K. Why do the clue we shall follow in our attempt to predict
these three materials behave so differently? Can when to expect a substance to be a high-melting,
we understand this great variation? Let us begin salt-like crystal, when to expect a metal, when
by finding a common point of departure. to expect a low-melting, molecular crystal. This
Two or more atoms remain near each other is an ambitious program. Let’s see how far we

in a particular arrangement because the energy can go, beginning with the pure elements.
SEC. 17-1 I


The examples just mentioned include two ele- when a weakly bound molecular liquid and a
ments, fluorine and lithium. Fluorine forms a low-melting crystal will be formed by a given
weakly bound molecular solid. Lithium forms a element. If the element forms a molecule that
metallic solid. Let us see how we can account for gives each atom the orbital occupancy of an inert
this extreme difference, applying the principles gas, then only van der Waals interactions among
of bonding treated in Chapter 16. such molecules remain.
We shall take up later in this chapter the fac-
tors that determine the magnitude of van der
17-1.1 van der Waals Forces
Waals For the moment, we will merely

The diatomic molecule of fluorine does not form observe that the elements forming van der Waals
higher compounds (such as F3, F4, liquids and solids are concentrated in the upper
) because
• •

each fluorine atom has only one partially filled right-hand corner of the periodic table (see Fig-

valence orbital. Each nucleus in F2 is close to a ure 17-1). These are the elements able to form

number of electrons sufficient to fill the valence stable molecules that satisfy completely the

orbitals. Under these circumstances, the diatomic bonding capacity of each atom.
molecule behaves like an inert gas atom toward
other such molecules. The forces that cause
molecular fluorine to condense at 85°K are,
then, the same as those that cause the inert gases Gaseous phosphorus is made up of P4 molecules
to condense. These forces are named van der with four phosphorus atoms arranged at the
Waals forces, after the Dutch scientist who corners of a regular tetrahedron. In such a
studied them. geometry, each phosphorus atom bound to is

When the outer orbitals of all of the atoms in three other phosphorus atoms. Would you ex-
the molecules are filled — giving inert gas con- pect this gas to condense to a solid with a low
figurations— then the electrons of another mole- or high melting point? After making a prediction
cule cannot approach the nuclei closely. When on the basis of the valence orbital occupancy,

molecules of this sort approach each other, the check the melting point of phosphorus in Table
energy is lowered only a few tenths of a kilo- 6- VIII, p. 101.

calorie per mole. This weak interaction is typical

of van der Waals forces. Fig. 17-1. Elements that form molecular crystals
We have, now, a simple rule for predicting bound by van der Waals forces.


Oz Pz Ne


Br^ Kr

I2 Xe

At, Rn


! 1
CHAP. 17

Fig. 17-2. Carbon forms network solids: diamond Furthermore, sp^ bonding is connected with
and graphite.
tetrahedral bond angles (as in Figure 16-11).
These expectations are consistent with the ex-
perimentally determined structure of diamond,
17-1.2 Covalent Bonds and Network Solids shown in Figure 17-2.

Fluorine, F oxygen, O and nitrogen, N all

Diamond is a naturally occurring form of
2, 2, 2,

form molecular crystals but the next member of pure, crystalline carbon. Each carbon atom is

surrounded by four others arranged tetrahe-

this row of the periodic table, carbon, presents

another situation. There does not seem to be a

The result is a compact structural network

small molecule of pure carbon that consumes

bound by normal chemical bonds. This descrip-
tion offers a ready explanation for the extreme
completely the bonding capacity of each atom.
hardness and the great stability of carbon in this
As a result, it is bound in its crystal by a network
of interlocking chemical bonds.
With one^and three Ip orbitals available for
the bonding of carbon, we canexpect it to form Fig. 17-3. Elements that form solids involving cova-
a lattice in which each atom forms four bonds. lent bonding.


B C O2 Pz Ne

$i P-1- Ss Ctz At'

0-e As Se Br^ Kr

Sh Te I2 Xe

Bi Fo.^ Af^ Rn






SEC. 17-1 I

Graphite is another solid form of carbon. In and lithium, are metallic. These elements do not
contrast to the three-dimensional lattice struc- have enough electrons to permit the complete
ture of diamond, graphite has a layered structure. use of the valence orbitals in covalent bonding.
Each layer is strongly bound together but only Furthermore, the ionization energies of these
weak forces exist between adjacent layers. These elements are quite low. We find there are two
weak forces make the graphite crystal easy to conditions necessary for metallic bonding:
cleave, and explain its softness and lubricating vacant valence orbitals and low ionization en-
qualities. ergies.

The elements that form network solids lie on

the right side of the periodic table, bordering
the elements that form molecular crystals on
one side and those that form metals on the other. Perhaps the most obvious metallic property is

Thus they are intermediate between the metals With few exceptions (gold,
reflectivity or luster.

and the nonmetals. In this borderline region copper, bismuth, manganese) all metals have a
sometimes difficult. Whereas
classifications are silvery white color which results from reflecting

one property may suggest one classification, an- all frequencies of light. We have said previously
other property may lead to a dilferent conclu- that the electron configuration of a substance
sion. Figure 17-3 shows some elements that form determines the way in which it interacts with
solids that are neither wholly metallic nor wholly light. Apparently the characteristic reflectivity of
molecular crystals. metals indicates that all metals have a special
type of electron configuration in common.
A second characteristic property of metals is
17-1.3 IVIetallic Bonding high electrical conductivity. The conductivity is

so much higher than that of aqueous electrolyte

We have considered solid forms of the elements
solutions that the charge movement cannot in-
fluorine, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. In each
volve the same mechanism. Again we find a
case, a solid is formed in which the bonding
capacity is completely satisfied. The remaining
elements of the second row, that is, beryllium. Fig. 17-4. The metallic elements.

Li Be C Rz Pz Ne

I/a ¥9 At Si Ctz Ar

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co m Cu Zn Ca Ce iiiiii Se Br^ Kr

Rh Sr Y Zr Nh JS/[o Tc Ru Rh Pd ^9 Cd In Sn ilil Te-- Iz Xe

Cs Ba
Lu Ta w Re Os Jr Ft Au Hs Tl Fh illi ini Rn
Ac- 1 1 1 I I

Fr Ra. 1 1
1 ' 1

Lw 1

- t




La Ce Fr Rd Fm Stn Fit Cd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

Ac Th Fa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm RTd Lyv
CHAP. 17

metallic behavior that suggests there is a special bor nuclei nearby and complete freedom of
electron configuration. movement empty valence orbitals around
in the
Metals also possess unusually high thermal its parent Everywhere the electron
conductivity, as anyone who has drunk hot moves it finds itself between two positive nuclei.
coffee from a tin cup can testify. It is noteworthy All of the space around a central atom is a
that among metals the best electrical conductors region of almost uniformly low potential energy.
are also the best thermal conductors. This is a Under these circumstances, it is not surprising
clue that these two properties are somehow that an electron can move easily from place to
related and, again, the electron configuration place. Each valence electron is virtually free to
proves to be responsible. make its way throughout the crystal.
Though the mechanical properties of the vari- This type of argument leads us to picture a
ous metals differ, all metals can be drawn into metal as an array of positive ions located at the
wires and hammered into sheets without shatter- crystal lattice sites, immersed in a “sea” of
ing. Here we find a fourth characteristic property mobile electrons. The idea of a more or less

of metals: they are malleable or workable. uniform electron “sea” emphasizes an important
difference between metallic bonding and ordi-
LOCATION OF METALS IN THE nary covalent bonding. In molecular covalent
PERIODIC TABLE bonds the electrons are localized in a way that
The location of the metals in the periodic table fixes the positions of the atoms quite rigidly. We

is shown in Figure 17-4. We see that the metals say that the bonds have directional character
are located on the left side of the table, while the the electrons tend to remain concentrated in
nonmetals are exclusively in the upper right certain regions of space. In contrast, the valence
corner. Furthermore, the elements On the left electrons in a metal are spread almost uniformly
side of the table have relatively low ionization throughout the crystal, so the metallic bond does
energies. We shall see that the low ionization not exert the directional influence of the ordinary
energies of the metallic elements aid in explain- covalent bond.
ing many of the features of metallic behavior. We can obtain some idea of the effectiveness
of this electron “sea” in binding the atoms to-
ELECTRON BEHAVIOR IN METALS gether if we compare the energy necessary to
What is the nature of the metallic bond? This vaporize one mole of a metal to the free atoms
bond, like all others, forms because the electrons with the energy required to break one mole of
can move in such a way that they are simultane- ordinary covalent bonds. We find that the energy
ously near two or more positive nuclei. Our necessary to vaporize a mole of one of the alkali
problem is to obtain some insight into the special metals is only one-fourth to one-third of the
way in which electrons in metals do this. energy needed to break a mole of ordinary co-
Consider a crystal of metallic lithium. In its valent bonds. This is not too surprising. The
crystal lattice, each lithium atom finds around ionization energy of a free alkali metal atom is

itself eight nearest neighbors. Yet this atom has small ;

this means that the valence electron in the
only one valence electron, so it isn’t possible for free atom does not experience a strong attraction
it form ordinary electron^gair^oi^ to all of
to to the nucleus. Since the electron is not strongly
these nearby atoms. However, it does have four attracted by one alkali metal atom, it is not
valence orbitals available so and the
its electron strongly attracted by two or three such atoms
valence electrons of its neighbors can approach in the metallic crystal. Thus, the binding energy
quite close to its nucleus. Thus each lithium between electrons and nuclei in the alkali metal
atom has an abundance of valence orbitals but crystals is rather small, and the resulting metallic
a shortage of bonding electrons. bonds are rather weak. We might expect, how-
Consider the dilemma of the valence electron ever, that the metallic bond would become
of a particular lithium atom. It finds eight neigh- stronger in those elements which have a greater
SEC. 17-1 I

number of valence electrons and a greater nu- plane of atoms may slip by another, but as they
clear charge. In these cases there are more elec- do so, the electrons are able to maintain some
trons in the “sea,” and each electron is more degree of bonding between the two planes.
strongly bound, owing to the increased nuclear Metals can be hardened by alloying them with
charge. This argument is in accord with the ex- elements which do have the property of forming
perimental heats of vaporization shown in Table directed covalent bonds. Often just a trace of
17 - 1 . carbon, phosphorus, or sulfur will turn a rela-
tively soft and workable metal into a very brittle

Table 17 ~I

Second Row Be B

32.2 53.5 129

Third row Na Mg A1
1 1

23.1 ;
31.5 67.9

Fourth Row K :
Ca Sc
18.9 '

36.6 :

Fifth Row Rb Sr !
18.1 i 33.6 1 94

Sixth Row Cs i
Ba La

|j« ! 35.7 96

To let us compare the

pick a specific case,
heats of vaporization of magnesium and alumi- Fig. 17-5. Slippage of planes of metal atoms.

num. The higher value for aluminum shows that

the meta llic bond is indeed stronger when the
number of valence electrons and the charge on Metals conduct electricity because some va-
the nucleus increase. [Thus the strength of the lence electrons are free to move throughout the
metallic bond tends to Increase as we go from solid. At the same time, these mobile electrons
left to right along a row in the periodic table. are effective in holding the crystal together be-
The transition metal elements are harder and cause wherever they move, they are simultane-
melt and boil at higher temperatures than the ously close to two or more nuclei. In covalently
alkali or alkaline earth metals. bonded solids the electrons are strongly localized
in the space between a particular pair of atoms.
EXPLANATION OF THE PROPERTIES In order for these substances to conduct elec-
tricity, a great deal of energy must be supplied
The nonlocalized or mobile electrons account for to remove the electrons from this region between
the many unique features of metals. Since metal- the atoms. This energy is not available in normal
licbonds do not have strong directional charac- electric fields, so covalent substances do not
not surprising that many metals can be
ter, it is normally conduct electricity.
easily deformed without shattering their crystal The excellent heat conductivity of metals is

structure. Under the influence of a stress, one also due to the mobile electrons. Electrons which
CHAP. 17

are in regions of high temperature can acquire low) and that they can be close to two or more
large amounts of kinetic energy. These electrons positive nuclei just aboutanywhere in the crystal
move through the metal very rapidly and give (there are numerous vacant valence orbitals). As
up their kinetic energy to heat the crystal lattice the nuclear charge on atoms increases and the
in the cooler regions. In substances where the vacant orbitals become filled, the regions imme-
electrons are highly localized, heat is conducted ^ diately between two nuclei become relatively
amounts of energy are transferred from
as small more attractive to the electron, compared with
one atom to its immediate neighbor; this is a all other regions. Electrons tend to be more and

slower process than electron energy conduction. more localized in these regions, and normal
To complete our discussion of metallic bond- covalent bonds with their directional character
ing we must explain why metallic properties appear.
eventually disappear as we proceed from left to In summary we can say that the metallic bond
right along a row in the periodic table. is a sort of nondirectional covalent bond. It

We have seen that the reasons for the mobility occurs when atoms have few valence electrons
of electrons in metals are that they are readily compared with vacant valence orbitals and when
removed from the atom (the ionization energy is these valence electrons are not held strongly.

We have seen that the pure elements may solidify cules. These weak interactions give low melting
in the form of molecular network solids,
solids, solids and low boiling liquids that retain many
or metals. Compounds also may condense to of the properties of the gaseous molecules.
molecular solids, network solids, or metallic There are three factors that seem to be par-
solids. In addition, there is a new effect that does ticularly important in determining the magni-
not occur with the pure elements. In a pure ele- tudes of van der Waals forces: the number of
ment the ionization energies of all atoms are electrons, the molecular size, and the molecular
identical and electrons are shared equally. In shape. These factors are effective both for ele-
compounds, where the most stable electron dis- ments and compounds, though greater variety is

tribution need not involve equal sharing, electric found for compounds.
dipoles may result. Since two bonded atoms may
have different ionization energies, the electrons
may spend more time near one of the positive
nuclei than near the other. This charge separa- We have already observed in Chapter 6 that the
tion may give rise to strong intermolecular forces melting and boiling points of the inert gases in-

of a type not found in the pure elements. crease as the number of electrons increases (see
Figure 6-3). Elements and compounds with co-
valent bonding behave in the same way. Figure
17-2.1 van der Waals Forces and
17-6 shows this in a graphical presentation.
Molecular Substances
Figure 17-6 A
shows the melting and boiling
Though charge separations are possible in com- point trends among the inert gases and among
pounds, there are many molecules that do not the halogens. The horizontal axis shows the row
have appreciable electric dipoles. On cooling, number, which furnishes an index of the total

these molecules behave much like the molecules number of electrons of the respective elements.
of pure elements. If the bonding capacity of Figure 17-6B refers to compounds with formulas
each atom is completely satisfied, then only the CXi. Again the horizontal axis shows the row
weak van der Waals forces remain between mole- number but now of the outermost atoms in the
SEC. 17-2 I

400 -

300 -

200 -

100 - Boilifig poifi't

CH^ CF^ Ffeifin^ poitit

1 2 3 4-5 6
Fow number Row number of JC in CX
A. B
Fig. 17-6. The melting and boiling points of some tributed to the fact that there must be greater
molecular compounds and the halogens.
contact surface between two ethane molecules
A. The inert gases and the halogens. B.
than between two methane molecules. The same
The carbon compounds of formula CXi.
effect is found for CF 2 6 (boiling point, 195°K)
and CF 4 (boiling point, 145°K); for C 2 Br 6 (this

substance decomposes at 483°K before it reaches

molecule since these are the atoms which “rub
shoulders” with neighboring molecules. As far
its boiling point) and CBr4 (boiling point,
as van der Waals forces are concerned, it is quite
important that CBr 4 has atoms from the fourth
Notice that the two factors just mentioned, number of
row of the periodic table on the “surface” of the electrons and molecular size, might lead to another gen-
molecule and somewhat less important that the eralization — that the boiling point goes up in proportion

central atom, carbon, is from the second row. to molecular weight. The molecular weight, the molecular
size, and the number of electrons all tend to increase
The outermost atoms are most influential in fix-
together. This molecular weight-boiling point correlation
ing intermolecular forces.
has some usefulness among molecules of similar com-
position and general shape but chemists do not feel that
VAN DER WAALS FORCES AND there is a direct causative relation between molecular
MOLECULAR SIZE weight and boiling point.

If comparisons are made among similar mole-

cules, then the larger the molecule, the higher
is its melting point. For example, if we compare MOLECULAR SHAPE
methane, CH4, and ethane, CH
2 6, the exterior Substances whose structures have a high degree
atoms are the same —hydrogen atoms. Still, the of symmetry generally have higher melting points
boiling point of ethane, 185°K, is higher than than closely related compounds that lack this

that of methane, 112°K. This difference is at- symmetry. There are striking examples of this
CHAP. 17

Table 17-11. the effect of RAOLECULAR shape on RHELTING point: cIs-

A N D trans- ISOMERS
NAME FORMULA m.p. cis- m.p. trans-

1 ,
2 -dichloroethylene C1CH=CHC1 — 80°C —50°C 0ra//5- 30° higher m.p.)

butenoic acid CH CH— CHCOOH

15° 72° {trans- 57° higher m.p.)

fumaric, maleic acids HOOCCH=CHCOOH 130° 290° 160° higher m.p.)

among the double-bonded compounds. The cis- are called normal pentane and neopentane and
and trans- isomers of many such compounds their molecular shapes differ drastically as
have melting point and boiling point differences shown in Figure 17-7.
that can be traced to the differences in molecular The extended molecule, n-pentane, has a zig-

shape. For example, the higher melting point of zag shape. We van der Waals forces act
see that
trans-1,2 dichloroethylene than that of the iso- between the external envelope of hydrogen atoms
meric cis-1,2 dichloroethylene may be partly ex- of one molecule and those of adjacent molecules.
plained by arguing that the long and symmetrical This large surface contact gives a relatively high
trans- form can pack into an orderly crystal boiling point. On the other hand, this flexible,
lattice in a neater and more compact fashion snake-like molecule does not pack readily in a
than the “one-sided” cis- form molecules. This regular lattice, so its crystal has a low melting
and two other examples of this are shown in point.
Table 17-11. (The dichloroethylene structures are Contrast the highly compact, symmetrical neo-
shown in Figure 16-18.)
Another example of the influence of molecular
symmetry on physical properties is found in two Fig. 17-7. Molecular shape, a factor that influences
structural isomers of the formula C6 H 12 These . melting and boiling points.

penirane l<

h.p. 36°C b.p. 9^0

nv.p. -ISO'^C tn.p. -20° C
SEC. 17-2 I

pentane. This ball-like molecule readily packs 17-9, are held together weakly. Hence these
in an orderly crystal lattice which, because of its minerals cleave readily into thin but strong
stability, has a rather high melting point. Once sheets. The micas have this type of structure.
melted, however, neopentane forms a liquid that Clays also have this structure, and their slippery
boils at a temperature below the boiling point of “feel” when wet can be explained in terms of the
«-pentane. Neopentane has less surface contact hydration of the planes on the outside of the
with its neighbors and hence is more volatile. crystals. The three-dimensional network shown
It is add that most of the compounds
well to in Figure 17-10 is silica (quartz). Like diamond,
of carbon condense to molecular liquids and it is hard and it has a high melting point.
solids. Their melting points are generally low The various minerals that make up granite are
(below about 300°C) and many carbon com- of this type.
pounds boil below 100°C. The similar chemistry
of the liquid and solid phases shows the reten-
17-2.3 Metallic Alloys
tion of the molecular identities.

We have already learned that metals may be deformed

easily and we have explained this in terms of the absence
17-2.2 Covalent Bonds and Network of directional character in metallic bonding. In view of
this principle, it is not surprising that two-element or
Solid Compounds
three-element metallic crystals exist. In some of these,
regular arrangements of two or more types of atoms are
Compounds can form network solids and, since found. The composition then is expressed in simple in-
two or more different atoms are involved, there teger ratios, so these are called metallic compounds. In
is much greater variety among the network solid other cases, a fraction of the atoms of the major con-
compounds than among the network solid ele- stituent have been replaced by atoms of one or more
other elements. Such a substance is called a solid solution.
ments. Silica, with empirical formula Si02, is a
These metals containing two or more types of atoms are
network solid. Silica and other silicon-oxygen
called alloys.
compounds make up about 87% of the earth’s
crust.Almost all common minerals contain sub- ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY
stantialamounts of silicates, the general term for depends upon
Electrical conductivity in metals apparently

silicon-oxygen solids. These are network solids the smooth and uninterrupted movement of electrons
through the lattice. This is suggested by the fact that small
but with interesting and important variations.
amounts of impurities reduce the conductivity very much.
Figures 17-8, 17-9, and 17-10 show in a schematic
We shall see, in Chapter 22, that copper is purified com-
way the three types of network solids formed by mercially to 99.999% and the reason is directly connecfed
silicon.The silicon is always tetravalent but in to the consequent gain in electrical conductivity.
some of its compounds it forms infinite silicon- Table 17-III shows some conductivities of copper with

oxygen-silicon chains; in some it forms infinite

interlinked sheets; and, in some, it forms an
infinite three-dimensional network solid. Table 17-111
Many properties of silicates can be understood CONDUCTIVITY OF COPPER ALLOYS
in terms of the type of network lattice formed. (ALL AT 20°C UNLESS NOTED)
In the “one-dimensional” networks, shown in PERCENT
Figure 17-8, the atoms within a given chain are PERCENT ALLOYING ALLOYING CONDUCTIVITY

strongly linked by covalent bonds but the chains COPPER ELEMENT ELEMENT (ohm-cmr^

interact with each other through much weaker 100.00 - 1

— 5.9 X 10^

forces. This is consistent with the thread-like 99 Mn (0°C) j

0.98 2.1 X 10^

properties of many of these silicates. The asbes- 95.8 Mn } 4.2 0.56 X 10^

tos minerals are of this type. 97 A1 (0°C) 1 3 1.2 X 10^

In a similar way, the sheets of the “two- 90 A1 (0°C)

10 0.79 X 10^

dimensional” network silicates, shown in Figure

88 Sn
12 0.56 X 105
Fig. 1 7-8. One-dimensional network silicates:

the asbestos minerals.

Fig. 17-9. Two-dimensional network silicates:

the mica and clay minerals.
SEC. 17-2 I

ten-fold by the addition of only a percent of carbon and

smaller amounts of nickel or manganese. The tensile
strength of brass (65-70% Cu, 35-30% Zn) is more than
twice that of copper and four times that of zinc.
The hardness and strength of alloys can be explained
in terms of bonding. The impurity atoms added may form
localized and rigid bonds. These tend to prevent the
slippage of atoms past each other, which results in a loss
of malleability and an increase in hardness,

17-2.4 Ionic Solids

Thus far we have not considered the effects that

arise from charge separations. The most extreme
case is represented by the formation of ionic
solids. Usually, these can be looked on as arrays
of positive and negative ions, neatly stacked so
that each positive ion has only negative ion
neighbors and each negative ion has only posi-
Fig. 17-11. Electrical resistivity of copper containing
tive ion neighbors. Figure 5-10 (p. 81) shows
such a crystal arrangement, that of sodium
chloride. Why does such a solid form and what
various impurities.* Figure 17-11 shows the data for are its properties? These are the questions we
copper-manganese alloys graphically. The figure shows shall try to answer here.
resistivity, the reciprocal of conductivity, plotted against
percent manganese (by weight). The importance of puri-
fication of copper for electrical wire is evident in this
figure if we remember that the power lost in a conductor In discussing the bonding in the gaseous LiF
is proportional to resistance (for a given current). In a
molecule, the electric dipole of the molecule is
conductor hundreds of miles long, a factor of two reduc-
explained in terms of the different ionization
tion in resistivity is a lucrative gain to a company selling
electrical power. energies of Li and F atoms. Though the molecule
holds together because the bonding electrons are
near both nuclei, the energy favors an electron
EXERCISE 17-2 distribution concentrated toward the fluorine.

Use Figure 17-11 to estimate the resistivities of two metal A stable and polar molecule is formed. Stable,
samples, onemade of pure copper and the other of a perhaps, but in the gaseous state, reactive! The
copper-manganese alloy containing one atom of manga- valence orbitals of the lithium atom are almost
nese for every one hundred copper atoms. Calculate the
vacant. According to our experience (for exam-
ratio of the cost due to power loss from wire of the impure
ple, with CH2, BH3, carbon atoms, metal atoms)
material to the cost due to the power loss from wire of
the pure material. the presence of empty valence orbitals implies
that additional electron sharing can occur. Lith-
ium fluoride molecules are, then, more stable
HARDNESS AND STRENGTH when they condense so as to place each lithium
Alloys are harder and stronger than pure metals as usu-
atom simultaneously near several fluorine atoms.
ally prepared. The most familiar example is steel and pure Just as in metals, an atom with vacant orbitals
iron. The tensile strength of pure iron can be increased is more stable with several neighbors. Then the

electrons held by the neighbor atoms can be near

* The conductivities are given in units (ohm-cm)^^ The
two or more nuclei at once. There is, however,
reciprocal of this number the resistance one would find
(in ohms) for a wire 1 cm

long and with a cross-section a significant difference from metals in solid —

of 1 cm''*. lithium fluoride, half of the atoms have high
CHAP. 17

Fig. 17-12. Sodium chloride crystals.

properties of substances with ionic bonds. In
contrast, molecular crystals generally melt to
form molecular liquids that do not conduct elec-
ionization energies. Fluorine atoms hold their tricity appreciably.
electrons tightly. Therefore the characteristic
electron mobility of metals is not present in the
ionic solids. The absence of mobile electrons 17-2.5 Effects Due to Charge Separation
implies that none of the metallic properties is

expected. Let us see what properties such a solid We have considered the weak van der Waals
does have. forces that cause the condensation of covalent
molecules. The formation of an ionic lattice
results from the stronger interactions among
molecules with highly ionic bonds. But most
Ionic solids, such as lithium fluoride and sodium molecules fall between these two extremes.
chloride, form regularly shaped crystals with well Most molecules are held together by bonds that
defined crystal faces. Pure samples of these solids are largely covalent, but with enough charge
are usually transparent and colorless but color separation to affect the properties of the mole-
may be caused by quite small impurity contents cules. These are the molecules we have called
or crystal defects. Most ionic crystals have high polar molecules.
melting points. Chloroform, CHCL, is an example of a polar
Molten lithium fluoride and sodium chloride molecule. It has the same bond angles as meth-
have easily measured electrical conductivities. ane, CH4, and carbon tetrachloride, CCI4. Car-
Nevertheless, these conductivities are lower than bon, with sp^ bonding, forms four tetrahedrally
metallic conductivities by several factors of ten. oriented bonds (as in Figure 16-11). However,
Molten sodium chloride 750°C has a conduc-
at the cancellation of the electric dipoles of the four
tivity about 10“® times that of copper metal at C— Cl bonds in CCI4 does not occur when one
room temperature. It is unlikely that the electric of the chlorine atoms is replaced by a hydrogen

charge moves by the same mechanism in molten atom. There is, then, a molecular dipole remain-
NaCl as in metallic copper. Experiments show ing. The effects of such electric dipoles are
that the charge is carried in molten NaCl by important to chemists because they affect chemi-
Na+ and CE ions. This electrical conductivity cal properties. We shall examine one of these,
of the liquid is one of the most characteristic solvent action.
SEC. 17-2 I

SOLVENT PROPERTIES AND cules. Since dipoles interact strongly with each
MOLECULAR DIPOLES other, a polar molecule such as CH3CI is en-

The forces between molecules are strongly af-

ergetically more stable when surrounded by
solvent molecules that are also polar. Hence,
fected by the presence of molecular dipoles. Two
molecules that possess molecular dipoles tend to
CH3CI has the higher solubility in the polar

attract each other more strongly than do mole-

solvent acetone than in carbon tetrachloride. On
the other hand, a nonpolar molecule such as
cules without dipoles. One of the most important
results of this is found in solvent properties.
CH4 will find it difficult to wedge in between the
strongly interacting molecules of a polar solvent
Table 17-IV shows some solubility data of
— more difficulty than it will encounter in dis-

solving in a nonpolar solvent. Hence CH4 has

Table 17-IV higher solubility in the nonpolar solvent, CCI4.


CH3COCH3 ( 25 °C, moles/liter)
SOLVENT The dissolving of electrolytes in water is one of
the most extreme and most important solvent
3 3

effects that can be attributed to electric dipoles.
{nonpolar) {polar)
Crystalline sodium chloride is quite stable, as
CH methane
4 ,
nonpolar 0.029 0.025
shown by its high melting point, yet it dissolves
C H ethane
2 6, nonpolar 0.22 0.13
readily in water. To break up the stable crystal

chloromethane I
polar 1.7 2.8 arrangement, there must be a strong interaction
CH OCH3 3,
between water molecules and the ions that are
methyl ether polar 1.9 2.2
formed in the solution. This interaction can be
explained in terms of the dipolar properties of
various solutes in the two solvents, carbon tetra- When an electric dipole is brought near an ion,
chloride, CCI4 and acetone, CH3COCH3. These the energy is lower if the dipole is oriented to
two solvents differ in their polar properties. In place unlike charges in proximity. Hence water
CCI4 the central carbon atom is surrounded by molecules tend to orient preferentially around
four bonds that form a regular tetrahedron like ions, the positive end of the water dipole pointing
that pictured in Figure 16-11. With this molecu- inward if the ion carries negative charge and the
lar shape, CCI4 has a zero molecular dipole. In negative end pointing inward if the ion carries
contrast, acetone has a bent structure and the positive charge. Figure 17-13 shows this process
oxygen atom gives it a significant electric dipole. schematically: it is called hydration.
Contrast the solubilities in Table 17 -IV. The There are two effects of the orientation of
first two substances, CH 4 and CH 2 6, have zero water dipoles around the ions. First, the energy
molecular dipoles. In each case, the solubility in is lowered because the orientation serves to bring
CCI4 exceeds the solubility in CH3COCH3. The unlike charges near each other. This tends to
next two substances, CH3CI and CH3OCH3, have encourage the ions to leave the sodium chloride
nonzero molecular dipoles. In each of these crystaland enter the solution. Also, however,
cases, the solubility in acetone is the larger. there is an on randomness whose magni-
There is a reasonable explanation of the data tude is The orientation of the
difficult to predict.

in Table 17-IV. When a solute dissolves, the water molecules around the ion, fixing them rela-
solute molecules must be separated from each tive to the ion, constitutes an orderly arrange-
other and then surrounded by solvent molecules. ment. Since all systems tend toward maximum
Furthermore, the solvent molecules must be randomness, the orientation effect works against
pushed apart to make room for the solute mole- molecules leaving the crystal to enter the solu-
CHAP. 17

Fig. 17-13. Hydration of ions: orientation of water 17-2.6 Hydrogen Bonds

dipoles around ions in aqueous solutions.
In Figure 17-6 A we saw that the boiling points of
symmetrical molecules increase regularly as we
tion. These two effects of ion-hydration, lower- drop down in the periodic table. Figure 17-14
ing the energy of an electrolyte solute while shows the corresponding plot for some molecules
decreasing the change in randomness as it dis- possessing electric dipoles.
solves, give water distinctive properties as an Consider first the boiling points of HI, HBr,
electrolyte solvent. It helps explain, for example, HCl, and HF. The last, hydrogen fluoride, is far
why some salts absorb heat as they dissolve in out of line, boiling at 19.9°C instead of below
water (for example, NH4CI) while some release — 95°C as would be predicted by extrapolation
heat as they dissolve (for example, NaOH). For from the other three. There is an even larger
most solvents the crystal has lower energy than discordancy between the boiling point of H 2 O
the solution, and heat is absorbed as solid dis- and the value we would predict from the trend
solves. In water, however, the hydration effects suggested by H 2 Te, H 2 Se, and H 2 S.
can cause the solution to have the lower energy, Could the extremely high boiling points of HF
so heat can be evolved during the dissolving and H 2 O be due to the fact that these are the
process. smallest molecules of their respective series? No,
SEC. 17-2 I

this does not appear to be the explanation, for The dotted line shows the second bond formed

corresponding discrepancies are not present in by hydrogen, the bond called the hydrogen bond.
the data plotted in Figure 17-6A. There must be It is usually dotted to indicate that it is much
some other explanation for these exceptional weaker than a normal covalent bond. Considera-
boiling points. Theremust be forces of some new tion of the boiling points in Figure 17-14, on the
kind between the molecules of H 2 O and of HF other hand, shows that the interaction must be
that tend to keep them in the liquid phase. much stronger than van der Waals forces. Ex-
These same forces are recognized in solid com- periments show that most hydrogen bonds re-

pounds. The most familiar example is solid H 2 O, lease between 3 kcal/mole and 10 kcal/mole
or ice. Ice has a crystal structure in which the upon formation:
oxygen and hydrogen atoms are distributed in a ATT = -3 to -7 kcal/mole (/)
regular hexagonal crystalline lattice that some-
what resembles the diamond lattice (see Figure The energy of this bond places it between van
17-2). Each oxygen atom is surrounded by four der Waals and covalent bonds. Roughly speak-
other oxygen atoms in a tetrahedral arrange- ing, the energies are in the ratio

ment. The hydrogen atoms are found on the lines

van der Waals .
|^y(jrogen bonds covalent bonds
extending between the oxygen atoms. attractions

1 : 10 : 100
O— H- •
• O
/ \
Hydrogen bonds are found between only a few
The attractive force between — OH and O must atoms of the periodic table. The commonest are
be the bond that joins the water molecules to-
those in which H connects two atoms from the
gether into the crystal lattice of ice. This bond
group F, O, and N, and less commonly Cl.
is a hydrogen bond.
The hydrogen bond to fluorine is clearly evi-
dent in most of the properties of hydrogen fluo-
ride. The high boiling point of HF, compared
The hydrogen bond is usually represented by with those of the other hydrogen halides, is one
O—H O in which the solid line represents of several pieces of data that show that HF does
the original O — H bond in the parent compound not exist in the liquid compound as separate HF
(as in water, HOH, or methyl alcohol, CH3OH). molecules. Instead there are aggregates of mole-
cules, which we describe in general terms as
(HF)x. Gaseous hydrogen fluoride contains the
Fig. 17-14. The boiling points 0 / some hydrides. molecular species HF H
2 2, 3 F 3, and so on up to
HzO HeFe as well as some single HF molecules.
/Oil These species can be represented in a descrip-
tive formula such as the following:

so H— F- • • •
H— F- • • • H— F- • • • H— F (2)

- HF
An extreme example of the fluorine-hydrogen
Boiiing' point',
oc 0
1 I I 1 11 bond is found in the hydrogen difluoride ion,
- 1 2 3 -4 / 6
HFa". This ion exists in acidic solutions of fluo-
H2Se / HI
-SO 1
H+faq) -b F-raq) ^ HF(aq) (3)


HBr HFfaqJ + F-faqJ ^ HF^-faq) (4)

Row numher of X and in the ionic crystal lattice of salts such as

in HX and H2X KHF 2. The HFa" ion may be regarded as con-
CHAP. 17

sisting of two negatively charged fluoride ions this difference is that intramolecular hydrogen bonds can
held together by a proton: exist between the two —COOH groups for maleic acid
but not for fumaric acid:

O r' w maleic acid 0=C c~o (S)


It is not typical, however, for few hydrogen

bonds form with the proton equidistant from fumaric acid (9)
the two atoms to which it bonds.
One of the factors connected with the formation of strong
This intramolecular bonding in maleic acid, (S), halves
hydrogen bonds is the acidic character of the hydrogen
its ability form intermolecular bonds. In fumaric acid,
atom involved. Thus the hydrogen bond formed by hy-
on the other hand, all of the hydrogen bonds form between
drogen fluoride is one of the strongest known. Acetic acid,
molecules (intermolecular bonds) to give a stronger, in-
CH3COOH, is a representative of an important class of
terlinked crystal structure.
acidic hydrogen bonding compounds. All of the members
of this class possess the structural unit called the car-
boxylic acid group:
O In the hydrogen bond we find the hydrogen atom
attached to two other atoms. Yet our bonding
—c (6)
\ O— rules tell us that the hydrogen atom, with only
bond formation, cannot form
the \s orbital for
For this type of compound, the formation of hydrogen two covalent bonds. We must seek an explana-
bonds can lead to the coupling of the molecules in pairs, tion of this second bond.
to form a cyclic structure:
The simplest explanation for the hydrogen
O- • •
H— bond is based upon the polar nature of F H, —
\ C—CH3 O — H, and N—H bonds. In a molecule such as
\O— H--0 H2O, the electron pair in the O—H bond is dis-

A//=-14kcal placed toward the oxygen nucleus and away from

the hydrogen nucleus. This partial ionic charac-
Here the favorable geometrical arrangement with two
hydrogen bonds contributes 14 kcal to the stability of the
ter of the O— H bond lends to the hydrogen

hydrogen bonded product, (7). These are called inter- atom some positive character, permitting elec-
molecular hydrogen bonds (inter means between). trons from another atom to approach closely to
Hydrogen bonds can also exist when the O H group — the proton even though the proton is already
and the other bonding atom are close together in the
bonded. A second, weaker link is formed.
same molecule in such positions that a ring can be formed
without disturbing the normal bond angles. These are
called //i/ramolecular hydrogen bonds (intra means
An example of intramolecular hydrogen bonding Hydrogen bonds play an important part in de-
is provided by the cis- and trans- forms of the acid
termining such properties as solubility, melting
HOOC— CH=CH — COOH. The trans- form, fumaric
points, and boiling points, and in affecting the
acid, has a higher melting point than the cis- form, maleic
acid. In addition to the general effect of molecular shape form and stability of crystal structures. They
(mentioned earlier in this chapter), another reason for play a crucial role in biological systems. For ex-

ample, water is so common in living matter that or in accepting the proton, as in

itmust influence the chemical behavior of many H
biological molecules, most of which can also \N— H--0 / {11)
form hydrogen bonds. Water can attach itself by
/ \
hydrogen bonding, either by providing the pro- H
ton, as in Furthermore, intramolecular hydrogen bonding
/ is one of the chief factors in determining the
O— H -0=C {10)
structure of such important biological sub-
stances as proteins, as discussed in Chapter 24.


1. Make a table that contrasts the melting points (b) Place a number at the left of each row in-
and boiling points of LiF, Li, and Fo, expressing dicating the number of elements in that row.
the temperatures on the Centigrade scale. (c) Fill in the symbols for as many of the first

18 elements as you can (leave blank any that

2. Without looking in your textbook, do the fol-
you forget).

lowing. (d) Draw two diagonal lines across the table to

separate it into three regions. Write in each
(a) Draw an outline of the periodic table, indi- region one of the words “metals,” “non-
cating the rows but not the individual ele- metals,” “covalent solids.”
ments. (e) Now compare your diagram to Figure 17-4.

Sulfur exists in a number of forms, depending upon the temperature and, sometimes, upon the past
history of the sample. Three of the forms are described below. A is the room temperature form and
it changes to .6 above the melting point of A, 113°C. B changes to C on heating above 160°C.

Crystalline solid Liquid Liquid
Yellow color, no metallic Clear, straw color Dark color
luster —
>- Viscosity (fluidity) about —
Very viscous (syrupy)
m.p. = 113 °C the same as water
Dissolves in CS2, not in
Electrical insulator Electrical insulator Electrical insulator

Which of the following structures would be most likely to account for the observed properties of each
of the three forms described above?

(a) a metallic crystal of sulfur atoms; (f) a molecular liquid of Ss molecules;

(b) a network solid of sulfur atoms; (g) a molecular liquid of S„ chains, with « = a
(c) an ionic solid of S+ and S~ ions; very large number;
(d) a molecular crystal of Ss molecules (h) an ionic liquid of S+ and S” ions.
(e) a metallic liquid like mercury;
CHAP. 17

4. Contrast the bonds between atoms in metals, in (c) Silicon carbide (carborundum) is a very high
van der Waals solids, and in network solids in melting, hard substance, used as an abrasive.
regard to
10. If you were given a sample of a white solid,
(a) bond strength; describesome simple experiments that you
(b) orientation in space; would perform to help you decide whether or
(c) number of orbitals available for bonding. not the bonding involved primarily covalent
bonds, ionic bonds, or van der Waals forces.
5. Aluminum, silicon, and sulfur are close together
in the same row of the periodic table, yet their
11. If elements A, D, E, and J have atomic numbers,
electrical conductivities are widely different.
respectively, of 6, 9, 10, and 11, write the formula
Aluminum is a metal; silicon has much lower for a substance you would expect to form be-
conductivity and is called a semiconductor sul- ;
tween the following;
fur has such low conductivity it is called an
insulator. Explain these differences in terms of (a) D and J; (d) E and E;
valence orbital occupancy. (b) A and Z); (e) 7 and J.
(c) D and D\
6. Sulfur is made up of Sg molecules; each molecule
has a cyclic (crown) structure. Phosphorus con- In each case describe the forces involved between
tains P4 molecules; each molecule has a tetra- the building blocks in the solid state.
hedral structure. On the basis of molecular size
12. Consider each of the following in the solid state:
and shape, which would you expect to have the
sodium, germanium, methane, neon, potassium
higher melting point ?
chloride, water. Which would be an example of
7. Discuss the conduction of heat by copper (a
(a) a solid held together by van der Waals forces
metal) and by glass (a network solid) in terms
of the valence orbital occupancy and electron
that melts far below room temperature;
(b) a solid with a high degree of electrical con-
ductivity that melts near 200°C;
8. The elements carbon and form oxides
silicon (c) a high melting, network solid involving co-
with similar empirical formulas CO2 and Si02.
: valentlybonded atoms;
The former sublimes at — 78.5°C and the latter (d) a nonconducting solid which becomes a good
melts at about 1700°C and boils at about 2200°C. conductor upon melting;
From this large difference, propose the types of (e) a substance in which hydrogen bonding is
solids involved. Draw an electron dot or orbital pronounced ?
representation of the bonding in CO2 that is con-
sistent with your answer. 13. Predict the order of increasing melting point of
these substances containing chlorine; HCl, CI2,
9. How do you account for the following properties NaCl, CCI4. Explain the basis of your prediction.
in terms of the structures of the solids?
14. Identify all the types of bonds you would expect
(a) Graphite and diamond both contain carbon.
to find in each of the following crystals
Both are high melting yet the diamond is
very hard while graphite is a soft, greasy (a) argon, (f) Al,
solid. (b) water, (g) CaCb,
(b) When sodium chloride crystals are shattered, (c) methane, (h) KCIO3,
plane surfaces are produced on the frag- (d) carbon monoxide, (i) NaCl,
ments. (e) Si, (j) HCN.

Each of three bottles on the chemical shelf contains a colorless liquid. The labels have fallen off the
bottles. They read as follows.

Label No. 1 Label No. 2 Label No, 3

«-butanol /;-pentane diethyl ether

mol wt = 74.12 mol wt = 72.15 mol wt = 74.12

The three bottles are marked A, B, and C, and a series of measurements were made on the three liquids
to permit identification, as follows.


m.p. b.p. density AH vap’n in water

Liquid A -131. 5°C 36.2°C 0.63 g/cc 85 cal/g 0.036 g/100 ml

Liquid B -116 34.6 0.71 89.3 7.5

Liquid C -89.2 117.7 0.81 141 7.9

Which liquid should be given Label No. 1, Label No. 2, Label No. 3? Explain how each type of meas-
urement influenced your choices.

16. Maleic and fumaric acids are cis- and frans- Maleic acid gives up its first proton more readily
isomers having two carboxyl groups, than does fumaric acid. However, the opposite
is the case for the second proton. Account for
HOOC—CH=CH— COOH this in terms of structure.
During his brilliant scientific career, Peter Debye has With the onset of World War II, politics began to inter-

added richly to our knowledge of the structure of physical fere with his research. Debye actually forbidden to
chemistry. His research contributions have won for him enter the Max Planck Institute which he directed because
awards and honorary degrees from many countries and he be refused to accept German citizenship. Despite obstruc-
has earned unbounded respect wherever men seek a deeper tion by the German government, he left Germany by way
understanding of nature. of Italy and came to the United States. In 1940 he was
Born in Maastrecht, the Netherlands, he graduated in appointed professor of chemistry and head of the depart-
electrical engineering, did his early research in theoretical ment of chemistry at Cornell University. Six years later,
physics, and received his doctorate at the University of he became an American citizen. During the war years his
Munich in 1908. Three years age of 27, he
later, at the research turned toward the structure and particle size of
accepted a full professorship at the University of Zurich high polymers.
where his immediate predecessor was Albert Einstein. Dur- Attacking this new field
with his usual deep insight and
ing this year he developed two of his most lasting and characteristic originality,Debye made fundamental and
fundamental studies, establishing still accepted theories of important contributions in the study of macromolecules.
the specific heat of solids and of the interactions among Now professor emeritus, Debye is in great demand as a
polar molecules. Shortly thereafter, he returned to the consultant and lecturer. He has rare ability in presenting
Netherlands as professor of theoretical physics at Utrecht. the most complicated subjects in a fashion that gets to the
As his scientific contributions multiplied, he occupied pro- heart of the problem with penetrating clarity. Whenever he
fessorships successively at the Universities of Goettingen speaks at a scientific meeting, the auditorium is filled to
{Germany), Zurich {Switzerland), Leipzig {Germany), and capacity with an audience confident they will hear new and
Berlin {Germany). In Berlin he was appointed director of interesting ideas. Inevitably they leave inspiredand stimu-
the Max Planck Institute. During these fruitful years, his lated by their contact with this great scientist a man who —
research ranged through X-ray scattering, interatomic dis- can delve into the most profound aspects of nature and
tances, the theory of electrolytes, magnetic cooling, and bring to them light and understanding.
dipole theory; this work won for him the Nobel Prize in
Chemistry for 1936.

The Chemistry of
Carbon Compounds

The synthesis of brazilin would have no industrial value; its biological

importance is problematical, but it is worthwhile to attempt it for the
sufficient reason that we have no idea how to accomplish the task.


The compounds of carbon furnish one of the these compounds has given rise to a huge chemi-
most intriguing aspects of all of chemistry. One cal industry requiring millions of tons of raw
reason they interest us is that they play a domi- materials every year.
nant role in the chemistry of living things, both Where do we find the enormous quantities of
plant and animal. Another reason is that there carbon and carbon compounds needed to feed
are innumerable carbon compounds useful to this giant industry? Let’s begin our study of

man — dyes, drugs, detergents, plastics, perfumes, carbon chemistry by taking a look at the chief
fibers, fabrics, flavors, fuels — many of them sources of carbon and carbon compounds.
tailored to suit particular needs. Manufacture of


18 - 1.1 Coal rocks excluded air from the lower material and
Coal, a black mineral of vegetable origin, is subjected it to enormous pressures. In time the
believed to have come from the accumulation of layers were compressed into hard beds composed
decaying plant material in swamps during pre- chiefly of thecarbon that was present in the origi-
historic eras when warm, wet climatic conditions nal plants, and containing appreciable amounts
permitted rapid growth of plants. The cycles of of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and some sulfur.
decay, new growth, and decay, caused successive Thus, coal is not pure carbon. The “hardest”
layers of plant material to form and gradually coal, anthracite, may contain from 85 to 95%
build up into vast deposits. The accumulation of carbon; the “softest,” peat, is not really coal at
top layers of this material and of sedimentary all but one of the early stages in the geological

history of coal. Peat still contains unchanged 18-1.3 Natural Gas

plant remains and may contain no more than 50 Natural gas is a mixture of low molecular weight
to 60% carbon. ^
compounds of hydrogen and carbon (hydrocar-
When coal is heated to a high temperature in bons) found in underground “fields” of sand-
the absence of air, it undergoes decomposition: stone or other porous rock. This gas escapes to
volatile products (coal gas and coal tar) distill the surface of the earth when the field is tapped
away and a residue called coke remains. Coke is by drilling.

a valuable industrial material which finds its

chief use in the reduction of iron ore (iron oxide)

18-1.4 Certain Plant and Animal Products
to iron for the manufacture of steel. Coke is

essentially carbon that still contains the mineral Plants and animals are themselves highly effec-
substances that are present in all coals (and form tivechemical factories and they synthesize many
the ash that results when coal or coke is burned). carbon compounds useful to man. These include
About eight gallons of coal tar are obtained sugars, starches, plant oils and waxes, fats, gela-

from a ton of coal. Coal tars are very complex tin, dyes, drugs, and fibers.

mixtures ;
over 200 dilferent carbon compounds Because all of these sources of carbon com-
have been isolated from them. While the great pounds ultimately find their origin in living
value of coal to mankind has been as a fuel, a matter, plant or animal, the chemistry of carbon
source of energy, the many substances in coal is called organic chemistry. Compounds contain-
gas and coal tar make coal also an important ing carbon are called organic compounds.
source of chemical raw materials. This term includes all compounds of carbon
except CO 2, CO, and a handful of ionic sub-
stances (for example, Na 2 C 03
sodium carbonate, ,
18-1.2 Petroleum
and sodium cyanide, NaCN). You may wonder
Petroleum is a complex mixture which may how many organic substances are known. The
range from a light, volatile liquid to a heavy, number is actually so large it is difficult to pro-
tarry substance. Petroleum also has its origin in vide a reliable estimate. A great many more
living matter that has undergone chemical compounds of carbon have been studied than of
changes over the course of geological time. It is any other element except hydrogen (hydrogen is
found in porous rock formations called oil pools, present in most carbon compounds). There are
between impervious rock formations that seal undoubtedly over one million different carbon
off the pools. When a pool is tapped, the oil compounds known. The number of new organic
flows through the porous structure (driven by compounds synthesized in one year (about
subterranean gas or water pressure) and so is 100,000 per year) exceeds the total number of
brought to the surface. compounds known that contain no carbon!


How can there be so many compounds contain- cule with distinctive properties. To understand
ing this one element? The answer lies in the why a particular substance has its characteristic
molecular structures. We shall find that carbon properties, its structure must be known. Thus
atoms have an exceptional tendency to form the determination of the molecular structure of
covalent bonds to other carbon atoms, forming carbon compounds is one of the central prob-
long chains, branched chains, and rings of atoms. lems of organic chemistry. Let’s see how it is

Each different atomic arrangement gives a mole- done.

SEC. 18-2 I

18-2.1 The Composition and Structure Fig. 18-1. Structural formulas of ethane, Csffe.
of Carbon Compounds

Ethane and ethanol* are two common carbon

every carbon atom. Its empirical formula, there-
compounds. Ethane is a gas that usually makes
fore, is CHs.
up about 10% of the household gas used for
heating and cooking. Its useful chemistry is al- MOLECULAR FORMULA
most wholly restricted to the combustion reac-
The molecular formula tells the total number of
tion. Ethanol is a liquid that takes part in a
atoms of each element in a molecule. Ethane is
variety of useful chemical reactions. It has great
found to have a molecular weight of 30. This
value in the manufacture of chemicals and it
molecular weight together with the empirical
bears little chemical resemblance to ethane. Yet,
formula tells us the molecular formula. It cannot
the similarity of the two names, ethane and
ethanol, suggests that these compounds are re-
be CHs — this compound would have a molecular
weight of 15. The molecular formula C 2 H also 6
lated. This is so. To understand how they are
has three hydrogen atoms per carbon atom.
relatedand why their chemistries are so different,
Since it has a molecular weight of 30, it has both
we must learn their molecular structures. We
the correct empirical formula and the correct
must find out what kinds of atoms are present in
molecular weight. Ethane has the molecular for-
each substance, how many atoms there are per
molecule, and their bonding arrangement. Usu-
mula CH 2 6.

ally many experiments must be performed before

the molecular structure of a compound is known EXERCISE 18-1
with certainty. This fascinating problem of car-
bon chemistry involves three basic experimental
Write the molecular formula for the carbon-

steps: to determine the empirical formula, then

hydrogen compound containing two carbon
the moleeular formula, and finally the structural
atoms and having empirical formula CH 2 What .

formula. First we shall review the information

is its molecular weight?

conveyed by each of these formulas, using eth-

ane as an example. Then, in Section 18-2.2 we
will consider what experiments are used in the STRUCTURAL FORMULA
determination of each type of formula, using The structural formula tells which atoms are
ethanol as an example. connected in the molecule. In ethane, the two
carbon atoms are linked and three hydrogen
atoms are attached to each carbon atom. Various
The empirical formula tells only the relative ways of representing its structural formula are
number of atoms of each element in a molecule. shown in Figure 18-1.
For example, consider ethane. Analysis shows The formulas in Figure 18-1 all represent the
that this is a compound of carbon and hydrogen same structure; the choice of which formula to
and that there are three hydrogen atoms for use depends upon what feature of the structure
is to be emphasized. The first and second draw-
* Ethanol is another name for the substance ethyl
alcohol. ings emphasize the three-dimensional nature of
CHAP. 18

ethane; the third is a simpler way of doing the (from the hydrogen). The weight of the carbon
same and the last formula merely shows
thing; dioxide reveals how much carbon was in the
that three hydrogens are attached to each carbon weighed amount of sample. The weight of water
atom. It is not at all difficult to decide that reveals how much hydrogen was in the sample.
CH3CH3 must be the structural formula for eth- The remainder of the sample must have been
ane. By the bonding rules developed in Chapter oxygen. (There is no need to discuss here the
16, we know that carbon is always surrounded procedures for compounds containing halogens,
by four electron pair bonds and that a hydrogen nitrogen, or sulfur, for they are quite similar.)
atom forms only one covalent bond. There is no Suppose we burn 46 grams of ethanol. Collec-
structure other than the one shown in Figure tion of the products yields 88 grams of carbon
18-1 in which two carbon atoms and six hydro- dioxide and 54 grams of water. We wish to learn
gen atoms can be bound together and satisfy all the relative numbers of carbon, hydrogen, and
the bonding rules. oxygen atoms in the compound, and we can do
this by calculating the number of moles of car-

bon dioxide and water produced by the combus-

18-2.2 Experimental Determination
tion of the 46 gram sample. Therefore, we
of Molecular Structure
We have seen three steps in fixing molecular
Number of ^ 8 ^ §
structure. What experiments are involved in each moles CO 2 mol wt CO 2 44 g/mole
of these steps? Let’s investigate the nature of
= 2.0 moles CO 2
these experiments using ethanol as a second ex-
ample. Number of ^ 54 g ^ 54 g
moles HO2 mol wt HO 2 18 g/mole

In order to determine the empirical formula of a

Now we can make the following statements
compound, you must first what ele-
find out just
about the compound ethanol:
ments are present in it. Sometimes this is done
simply by burning some of the compound in 46 grams of ethanol yield two moles of CO 2 and
three moles of H 2 O
pure oxygen. If the compound contains only
carbon and hydrogen, only carbon dioxide and or
water will be produced. If the compound con-
46 grams of ethanol contain two moles of carbon
tains some nitrogen as well, nitrogen gas or one
atoms and six moles of hydrogen atoms
of the nitrogen oxides will be produced in the
combustion and can be identified. Another way or
of finding out which elements are in a compound 46 grams of ethanol contain 24 grams of carbon
is to allow the compound to react with hot, atoms and 6 grams of hydrogen atoms.
liquidsodium metal. If the compound contains
Thus we have accounted for (24 + 6) = 30 g
nitrogen, sodium cyanide, NaCN, will be
of the 46 g we started with. The remainder of the
formed; if it contains sulfur, sodium sulfide,
sample, (46 — 30) = 16 g, must have been oxy-
Na 2 S, will be a product. Once such reactions
gen. This is just
show which elements are in the compound, rela-
tive numbers of atoms of each element (the ^ - = 1.0 mole oxygen atoms
empirical formula) can be determined. at. wt oxygen 16 g/mole

The usual method for finding the empirical

Summarizing, we know that 46 grams of the
formula is simply illustrated with ethanol, a
compound ethanol contain
compound containing only carbon, hydrogen,
and oxygen. A weighed amount of the pure com- two moles of carbon atoms,
pound is oxygen to give
completely burned in six moles of hydrogen atoms,

carbon dioxide (from the carbon) and water one mole of oxygen atoms.
SEC. 18-2 I

Since the relative number of atoms of each ele- apply the method to a liquid, such as ethanol,
ment in the compound is the same as the relative a temperature above the boiling point is needed.
number of moles of atoms of each element in the A weighed amount of liquid is placed in a gas
sample, we can say that the empirical formula eollecting device held at an easily regulated
of ethanol is temperature. For example, a steam condenser
around the device provides a convenient way of
C.HeOi or CHO 2 6
holding the temperature at 100°C. When the
substance has vaporized completely, its pressure
much simplified by our
This example has been
and volume are measured (perhaps using equip-
selection of 46grams of sample. In practice, less
ment like that shown in Figure 9-1 of the Labo-
than a gram of sample is used and whole num-
ratory Manual). This provides a measurement of
bers of moles are not obtained. A typical set of
the weight per unit volume of gaseous ethanol
experimentally obtained data is given in Exer-
at a known temperature and pressure. Again,
cise 18-2.
this weight is compared with the weight of the

same volume of a reference gas (usually O 2 ) at

the same temperature and pressure.
Suppose such a vapor-density measurement
shows that a given volume of ethanol at 100°C
Automobile antifreeze often contains a com- and one atmosphere weighs 1.5 times as much
pound called ethylene glycol. Analysis of pure as the same volume of oxygen gas at 100°C and

ethylene glycol shows that it contains only car- one atmosphere. Since equal volumes eontain
bon, hydrogen, and oxygen. A sample of ethylene equal numbers of moleeules at the same tem-
glycol weighing 15.5 mg is burned and the perature and pressure (Avogadro’s Hypothesis),
weights of CO 2 and H O resulting are as follows:
one molecule of the unknown gas must weigh
1.5 times the weight of a molecule of O 2. There-
weight of sample burned = 15.5mg, fore,
weight of CO formed
2 = 22.0 mg,
weight of H O formed
2 = 13.5 mg. mol wt of the unknown gas = (1.5) X (mo! vvt O 2)

= 1.5 X 32 = 48 g/mole
What is the empirical formula of ethylene glycol?

Even though this number is not very accurate,

it will suffice for the purpose of deciding that the
molecular formula is CHO
2 6 (with molecular
DETERMINING THE MOLECULAR weight 46.07 g/mole), not (C2H60)2 (with mo-
FORMULA lecular weight 92.14 g/mole), or (C2H60)3 (with
molecular weight 138.21 g/mole), or any higher
Now we know that the relative numbers of atoms multiple of empirical formula units.
in ethanol are two carbon to six hydrogen to one
oxygen. We do not know yet whether the molec- There are two other common methods for learning the
ular formula is CH 2 6 O, CH O
4 12 2, CgHisOg, or molecular weight of an unknown compound. They are
some other multiple of the empirical formula, important in the study of compounds which are not
C2H6O. readily vaporized (as is required in the vapor-density
method). These methods are called the boiling point eleva-
This returns us to the problem of the deter-
tion and freezing point lowering methods. We have already
mination of molecular weight. Avogadro’s Hy- mentioned in Section 5-2.1 that a solution of salt water
pothesis provides one of the eonvenient ways of has a higher boiling point than that of pure water. The
measuring molecular weight if the substance can boiling point elevation for a given solute concentration

be vaporized. (expressed in moles) is almost independent of the choice

of solute. Hence this temperature measurement can be
This was exactly the measurement you made
readily interpreted in terms of a molar concentration.
in Experiment 6 — it is called the vapor-density From the weight of sample used in preparation of the
method for molecular weight determination. To solution, the molecular weight can be calculated.
CHAP. 18

Exactly the same type of behavior is found for the ethane is a saturated"^ compound. Neither can
freezing point of a solution except that the freezing
the oxygen atom just be attached somehow to a
point is lower than that of the pure solvent. Thus we have
hydrogen atom. Eaeh hydrogen atom in ethane
two methods for molecular weight determination which
are applicable to compounds with such low vapor pres- has its bonding capacity already satisfied.
sure or which decompose so readily that the vapor density Rather than trying to find the structural for-
method cannot be used. mula of ethanol by tacking an oxygen atom to
ethane, let us start with the oxygen atom and see
how we might build a molecule around it, using
the two carbon atoms and six hydrogen atoms
Ethylene glycol, the example treated in Exercise which are at our disposal. We already know that
an empirical formula of CH 3 O. (Is this
18-2, has the oxygen atom is commonly divalent, and that,
what you obtained?) A sample weighing 0.49 as in water, it makes bonds to hydrogen atoms.
gram is vaporized completely at 200°C and at Let us start our molecular construction with a
one atmosphere pressure. The volume measured bond between one hydrogen atom and the oxy-
under these conditions is 291 ml. This same vol- gen atom:
ume, 291 ml, of oxygen gas at 200°C and one O—
atmosphere weighs 0.240 gram. What is the The other bond which the oxygen atom can
molecular formula for ethylene glycol, CH 3 O, make must be to a carbon atom, since if it were
2 6 2, 3 9 3, 4 12 4 ,
or some higher mul- to another hydrogen atom we would simply have
tiple of CH O? 3 a water molecule. Therefore we write

formula: ETHANOL The carbon atom we have added must form
The determination of how the atoms of a mole- three additional bonds to satisfy its tetravalent

cule are connected is the most important prob- bonding capacity. If all of these bonds were to
lem in identifying an unknown compound. It can hydrogen atoms, we would have the completed
be as exciting as a detective story, with the molecule CH3OH, and would also have two hy-
chemical and physical properties furnishing the drogen atoms and a carbon atom left over.
clues. With the right collection of clues, the Therefore, one of the bonds our first carbon
chemist can ascertain the identity of the mole- atom forms must be to the other carbon atom,
cule. and the two other bonds must be to hydrogen
What, then, is the structure of ethanol? First atoms. We have then
we must learn its empirical formula. Analysis H
shows that the empirical formula is C 2 HeO. The
molecular formula is fixed by a vapor density C—C^H
measurement. The molecular weight is found to O—
be 46, showing that the molecular formula is the
same as the empirical formula, C 2 H 6 O. It remains We can easily complete the structure by adding
to discover the arrangement and connections of three bonds from our last carbon atom to the
the atoms. We might begin by eliminating some * This usage of the word “saturated” shows that chem-
structures which we can be sure are incorrect. ists, like other people, sometimes use the same word with
Ethanol is not simply ethane with an oxygen two entirely different meanings. On p. 164 this word was
used to describe a solution which contains the equilib-
atom somehow attached to a carbon atom, be-
rium concentration of a dissolved substance. As used
cause in ethane all of the four bonds of each
compounds, it means that
here, in reference to organic
carbon are satisfied, and so there is no way in allbonds to carbon are single bonds and they are all
which an additional bond can form. We say that formed with hydrogen or other carbon atoms.
SEC. 18-2 I

three hydrogen atoms we have left. The result is

\ /
H— C—C—
/ \
We have now used all six hydrogen atoms, the
two carbon atoms and the oxygen atom which
the molecular formula of ethanol requires. All
the bonding rules are satisfied, so the structure
we have written must be taken as a possible
structural formula for ethanol. However, we
CHi CH;i OH (1)
must also decide whether this is the only possible
structural formula for a molecule with molecular
formula C 2 H 6 O. A little reflection shows it is not.
Instead of having the oxygen atom form one
bond to carbon and one to hydrogen, why not
start with two oxygen-carbon bonds?

We have six hydrogen atoms at our disposal, and

each of the carbon atoms must form three more
bonds. Therefore we complete the structure by

CHjOCHj (z)
H H H H Fig. 18-2. The structures of the CHO 2 0 isomers.

Satisfy yourself that this structure violates no

bonding rules, and conforms to the empirical
and molecular formula of ethanol. tance of learning the structural formulas (as well
We have now found all possible structural as molecular formulas) to identify the isomers.
formulas for the ethanol molecule. The oxygen So our problem is to decide whether ethanol
atom is either directly bonded to one carbon has structure 1 or structure 2. How can we tell

atom or two carbon atoms. Once a choice

to which is correct? Let us see what preliminary
between these two possibilities is made, the ideas we can get from an examination of the
structure of the rest of the molecule can be deter- structural formulas.
mined from the molecular formula and the bond- In structure 2, all of the hydrogen atoms are
ing rules. The two possible structures are shown the same —each hydrogen atom is bonded to a

in Figure 18-2. Such compounds with the same carbon which is, bonded to the oxygen
in turn,
molecular formula but different structural formu- atom. In structure 1, one of the hydrogen atoms
las are called structural isomers. The existence is quite different from any of the others: it is

of the two compounds 1 and 2 was known long bonded to oxygen and not to carbon. Of the
before their structures were clarified. Hence the remaining five, two are similarly placed, on the
existence of these isomers perplexed chemists for carbon bonded to oxygen, and three are on the
decades. Now we recognize the crucial impor- other carbon. Structures and 2 should have
CHAP. 18

quite different chemistries. Which one should We can find further evidence that structure 1,

correspond to the chemistry of ethanol? CH3CH2OH, is the correct structural formula

We can offer several kinds of evidence. Some for the substanceknown as ethanol. It is known
comes from the behavior of ethanol in chemical thatcompounds which contain only carbon and
reactions and some from the determination of hydrogen (such as ethane, C 2 H 6 ) do not react at
certain physical properties. Let’s consider the all readily with metallic sodium to produce hy-
reactions first. drogen gas. In these compounds the hydrogen
Clean sodium metal reacts vigorously with atoms are all bonded to carbon atoms (see Fig-
ethanol, giving hydrogen gas and an ionic com- ure 18-1), so we can make the deduction that, in
pound, sodium ethoxide, with empirical formula general, hydrogen atoms which are bonded to
C 2 H 50 Na. The reaction is quite similar to the carbon atoms do not react with sodium to
behavior of sodium and water which yields hy- produce hydrogen gas. In structure 2 CH3OCH3, ,

drogen and the ionic compound sodium hy- all the hydrogen atoms are bonded to carbon
droxide, NaOH. This suggests, but certainly does atoms, so we do not expect a compound with
not prove, that ethanol shows some structural this structure to reaet with sodium. Ethanol re-

similarity to water. In water we have two hydro- acts with sodium, so it is unlikely that ethanol
gen atoms bonded to oxygen atoms, and in struc- has structure 2.

ture 1 we have one hydrogen atom bonded to Let us consider one other reaction of ethanol.
oxygen. This bit of chemical evidence suggests If ethanol is heated with aqueous HBr, we find
ethanol has structure 1. that a volatile compound is formed. This eom-
More quantitative evidence can be obtained pound is only slightly soluble in water and it

by carrying out the reaction between an excess contains bromine: its molecular formula is found
of sodium and a weighed amount of ethanol and by analysis and molecular weight determination
measuring the amount of hydrogen gas evolved. to be C 2 H 5 Br (ethyl bromide, or bromoethane).
When this is done it is found that 46 grams of With the aid of the bonding rules, we can see
ethanol (one mole) will produce only ^ mole of is only one possible structure for this
that there
hydrogen gas. We can therefore write a balanced compound. This result is verified by the fact that
chemical equation for the reaction of sodium only one isomer of C 2 H 5 Br has ever been dis-
with ethanol: covered.

+ CsHeOfl) —
Now we can ask how this chemical reaction
Na(s) hU,(g) + C H 50 Nars)
2 (7)
furnishes a clue to the structure of ethanol.
This equation expresses the fact that one mole Structure 1 could give strueture 3 in Figure 18-3
of ethanol produces | mole of hydrogen gas. merely by breaking the carbon-oxygen bond.
Hence, one mole of ethanol must contain one
mole of hydrogen atoms that are uniquely ca-
Fig. 18-3. The structural formula of ethyl bromide
pable of undergoing reaction with sodium. Ap-
parently one molecule of ethanol contains one
hydrogen atom that is capable of reacting with
sodium and five that are not. Let us now consider
structures 1 and 2 in the light of this information.
In structure 2 all six of the hydrogen atoms are
structurally equivalent, whereas in structure 1

there one hydrogen atom in the molecule


which is structurally unique that is, the one —

bonded to the oxygen atom. Structure 1 is there-
fore consistent with the experimental fact that
only one hydrogen atom per molecule of ethanol
will react with sodium and structure 2 is not. CHjCHzBt’ (3)
SEC. 18-2 I

Convince yourself of this fact by writing an absolute proof of the structure, but all the facts
equation using the structural formulas I and 3. considered together show that 1 is unquestion-
In contrast, bromoethane can be obtained from ably the correct structure for ethanol. A com-
structure 2 only through a complicated rear- parable set of experiments shows that another
rangement. Two carbon-oxygen and one carbon- compound with the formula CHO 2 0 has proper-
hydrogen bond would have to be broken. Expe- ties consistent with structure 2. This compound
rience shows that such complicated reshufflings is called dimethyl ether.
of atoms rarely occur. Therefore, the reaction
between ethanol and hydrobromic acid, HBr, to
form bromoethane provides more evidence that
Ethylene glycol has empirical formula CH3O and
ethanol has structure 1.

The evidence
molecular formula CHO 2 6 2. Using the usual
cited so far has been associated
bonding rules (carbon is tetravalent; oxygen is
with the chemistry of ethanol. Its boiling point
divalent; hydrogen is monovalent), draw some
provides a different sort of information also
of the structural formulas possible for this com-
leading to structure 1 . Ethanol is a liquid with a
boiling point of 78°C. This can be compared
with the boiling point of ethane, C 2 EI 6 , which is EXERCISE 18-5

— 172°C, and to that of water, 100°C. Plainly, Decide which of your structures in Exercise 18-4
the substance ethanol is more like water than best fits the following list of properties observed
like ethane, as far as boiling point is concerned. for pure ethylene glycol.
Once again this can be understood better in
(a) It is a viscous (syrupy) liquid boiling at
terms of structure 1 . Structure 1 has, in common
with H 2 O, oxygen linked to hydrogen. The high
(b) It is miscible with water, that is, it dissolves,
boiling point of water is explained in terms of an
forming solutions, in all proportions.
abnormally large intermolecular attraction of

such an O H group to surrounding water mole-
(c) It is

(d) It reacts with

miscible with ethanol.
sodium metal, producing hy-
cules. The interaction is called hydrogen bonding
(see Section 17-2.6). If ethanol also has the O— gas.

group (as in structure 1) then it too can exert the

(e) A 6.2 gram sample of ethylene glycol reacts
with an excess of sodium metal to produce
same abnormally large attraction to neighboring
2.4 liters of hydrogen gas at one atmosphere
ethanol molecules. Thus structure 1 provides an
pressure and 25°C.
explanation of the fact that the boiling point of
ethanol is so high.
This possibility of forming hydrogen bonds 18-2.3 The Ethyl Group
should cause a strong attraction between water
All of the reactions and the physical properties
and a compound of structure 1. If there is strong
of ethanol have been explained on the basis of
attraction, then ethanol should have high solu-
the behavior of the OEI group in structure 1,
bility in water. Experiment shows that they are
miscible — they dissolve in all proportions. Again
CH CE120 H. This is true of most of the reactions

of ethanol — the reaction centers at the OH group

the evidence tends to strengthen belief in struc-
ture 1.
(which is called the hydroxyl group), and the
Notice that our attempt to determine the
remainder of the molecule, CH 2 5 — ,
remains in-

structural formula of ethanol has involved the

tact. The reactions lead to the suggestion that
there are two parts in the molecule of ethanol, the
consideration of a variety of types of evidence.
Others could be listed as well — for example, the H H

H — C— C —

infrared spectrum of the liquid and the X-ray group, which is unchanged during
diffraction pattern of the solid add strong sup-
port for structure 1. No one fact by itself gives H H
CHAP. 18

reactions, and the —OH group, which can with ethane, CH2 6. Looking at the structural
change. This concept of the structural integrity formula of ethane, you see that it is simply the
of the hydrocarbon group is an important one —
CH3CH2 group attached to hydrogen:
in organic chemistry. It focuses attention on the H H
groups that do change, the so-called functional
H—C—C— H

groups. If the chemistry of a particular functional or CH3CH2— H

group is understood for one compound, it is a 1


good assumption that this same chemistry will be

found for another compound containing this This group, CH3CH2— (also written C2H5—), is

same functional group. Thus, compounds with called the ethyl group.

the OH group are given a family name, alcohols. Because ethyl bromide, ethyl alcohol (etha-
The rest of the molecule, the carbon skeleton, nol), etc.,can be thought of as being derived
has relatively little effect and it remains intact from ethane by the substitution of one of its
through the reactions of the functional group. hydrogens by —
Br, —OH, etc., we speak of these

We have mentioned earlier that when ethanol as derivatives of ethane, and we say that ethane

reacts with hydrogen bromide, ethyl bromide is is the parent hydrocarbon for a series of related

formed. Similar treatment of ethanol with hy- compounds.

drogen chloride or hydrogen iodide gives us the The name ethyl is derived from the name of
corresponding ethyl halides: the parent hydrocarbon, ethane. In the same

— + H2O
way the name of the methyl group (CH3 — ) is
CH3CH2OH + HBr CHsCH^Br (2)
derived from that of methane, CH 4 ;
the name of
CH3CH2OH + HCl CH3CH2CI + H2O ( 5) the propyl group (CH3CH2CH2 — ) is derived
from propane, CH3CH2CH3; etc.
CH3CH2OH + HI CH3CH2I + H2O (4)
It is important to recognize that these groups
We say that the hydroxyl group has been dis- are not substances that can be isolated and
placed, and the halogen atom substituted for it. bottled. They are simply parts of molecules that
You can see that the group CH3CH2 — has re- remain intact in composition and structure dur-
mained intact in all of these reactions. Indeed, ing reactions. We find this way of classifying
this group has appeared in most of our discussion organic groups a useful and convenient one, but
so far, sometimes attached to oxygen (as in we must keep in mind that in the reactions we
ethanol and sodium ethoxide), sometimes at- have described, the ethyl group is not actually
tached to other atoms (as in the ethyl halides). formed as a distinct substance. Table 18-1 gives
You will recall that earlier we became acquainted more examples of group names (see p. 338).


18-3.1 Chemical Behavior of Ethyl and C H Br +
2 5 OH-(aq) —^ C H OH + Br-faq)
2 5 (5)
Methyl Bromide This reactionmay seem similar to the reaction
We can use these bromine compounds to illus- between aqueous HBr and NaOH but there are
trate one kind of organic reaction. Ethyl bromide two important differences. The ethyl bromide
is not particularly reactive but it does react with reaction is very slow (about one hour is needed
bases such as NaOH or NH3. If we mix ethyl for the reaction) and it occurs between a covalent
bromide and aqueous sodium hydroxide solu- molecule (C 2 HBBr) and an ion (OH"). In con-
tion and heat the mixture for an hour or so, we trast, the reaction between HBr and NaOH in

find that sodium bromide and ethanol are water occurs in a fraction of a second and it

formed. involves ions only, as shown in reaction (6).

SEC. 18-3 I

H+(aq) + OR-(aq) HoO (6) These observations remind us of Chapter 8,

Let’s describe the course of reaction (5) in in which we considered the factors that deter-

terms of a model. We will use methyl bromide mine the rate of a chemical reaction. Of course,
to make the description simpler but the reaction the same ideas apply here. We can draw qualita-
of ethyl bromide is of the same type. tive information about the mechanism of the

CHaBr + OH- — CH3OH + Br- (7)

reaction by applying the collision theory. With
quantitative study of the effects of temperature
First of all, let us recount a few of the experi-
and concentration on the rate, we should be
mental facts.
able to construct potential energy diagrams like
(1) Methyl bromide is a compound in which the those shown in Figure 8-6 (p. 134).
chemical bonds are predominantly covalent. Figure 18-4 illustrates the mechanism chemists
An aqueous solution of methyl bromide does have deduced for this reaction. This picture
not conduct electricity, hence it does not shows: (A) the approach of the hydroxide ion,
form ions (such as CHj/' and Br- ions) in (B) the atomic arrangement thought to be the
aqueous solutions. activated complex, and (C) the final products.
(2) The reaction takes a measurable time for In the activated —
complex the O C bond is be-
completion. —
ginning to form and the C Br bond is beginning
(3) Experiments show that the rate of the reac-
tion is increased by increasing the concentra- Fig. 18-4. The mechanism and potential energy dia-
tion of OH- and also by raising the tem- grams for the reaction
perature. CH3B1 + OH-r«qJ—^CHsOH + Br-(aq)

A. Reactarvtrs approaching


C> Products separating (N'otice the new, stable positions of the hydropen atornsj
CHAP. 18

to break. The potential energy curves for the

reaction are shown alongside the molecular
models. The slow rate shows that activation
energy is needed. One of the reasons why activa-
tion energy must be supplied is that in the ac-
tivated complex the bond angles have been
distorted from their favorable (stable) configura-
tions and forced into an unstable condition.
18-3.2 Oxidation of Organic Compounds

By far the majority of the million or so known

compounds of carbon also contain hydrogen and formatdehyde, HCHO
oxygen. There are several important types of
oxygen-containing organic compounds and they
can be studied as an oxidation series. For in-

stance, the compound methanol, CH3OH, is very

closely related to methane, as their structural
formulas show. Methanol can be regarded as the
first step in the complete oxidation of methane
to carbon dioxide and water.

Fig. 18-5. Structural formulas of methane and


acetaldehyde, CH3CHO
Fig. 18-6. Structural formulas of formaldehyde and

methane, ALDEHYDES
Methanol (and other alcohols) react with com-
mon inorganic oxidizing agents such as potas-
sium dichromate, K 2 Cr 207 When an acidic,

aqueous solution of potassium dichromate reacts

with methanol, the solution turns from bright
orange to muddy green, owing to the production
of the green chromic ion, Cr+l The solution then
has a strong odor easily identified as that of
formaldehyde, CH 2 O. This formula represents
the structure at the top in Figure 18-6. Notice
that the bond between carbon and oxygen is a
double bond (see Section 16.5), and that all the
methanol, CH^OH atoms lie in the same plane.
SEC. 18-3 I

The balanced net reaction for the formation of 3 CH CH OH + Cr20i ^(aq) + 8H+(aq) —
3 2

formaldehyde is 3 CH CHO -b 2Cr+Yaq) + 7 H O

3 2 (11)

3CH3OH + Cr,Oi^(aq) + Sn+(aq) CARBOXYLIC ACIDS

3 CH O +
2 2Cr+^( aq) + 7H O 2 (8)
Another oxidation product can be obtained from
Since the dichromate ion on the left side of the the reaction of an acidic aqueous solution of
equation has been reduced to chromic ion, Cr+^ potassium permanganate with methanol. The
on the right side, the conversion of methanol to product has the formula HCOOH, and is called
formaldehyde must involve oxidation. To show formic acid. The structural formula of formic
more methanol has been oxidized,
clearly that acid is shown in Figure 18-7. The structure of
let us balance this reaction by the method of formic acid is also related to the structure of
half-reactions. We have encountered the half- formaldehyde. If one of the hydrogen atoms
reaction involving dichromate and chromic ions of formaldehyde is replaced by an OH group, the
before (Problem 20b in Chapter 12). It is

Cr20f + 14H+(aq) + 6e~ —>-

2Cr+Yaq) + 7H O 2 (9) Fig. 18-7. Structural formulas of formic acid and

acetic acid.
To balance the methanol-formaldehyde half-
reaction we write, as a start,

CH3OH gives CH2O UOa)

This statement does not yet show the fact that

hydrogen atoms are conserved in the reaction,
since there is a deficiency of two hydrogen atoms
on the right. This can be remedied by adding
two hydrogen ions,
CH3OH gives CH2O + 2H+(aq) (10b)

Now the equation is chemically balanced, but

not electrically balanced. The addition of two
electrons to the right-hand side completes the
balancing procedure, and the completed half-
reaction is
/ormic acid, HCOOH
CH3OH — CH2O -b Z:i^(aq) + 2e- (10c)

This equation shows that the methanol molecule

has lost electrons and thus has been oxidized.
Formaldehyde is the second member in the oxi-
dation series of methane.
In a similar manner, ethanol can be oxidized
by the dichromate ion to form a compound
called acetaldehyde, CH3CHO. The molecular
structure of acetaldehyde, which is similar to
that of formaldehyde, is shown at the bottom in
Figure 18-6. We see that the molecule is struc-
turally similar to formaldehyde. The methyl
group, —CH3, replaces one of the hydrogens of
formaldehyde. The balanced equation for the
formation of acetaldehyde from ethanol is acetic acid, CH^ COOH
CHAP. 18

resulting molecule is formic acid. The balanced causes its complete oxidation to carbon dioxide

equation for its formation from methanol is and water. Formic acid also can be oxidized to
5 CH OH + 4MnOz (aq) + l2U+(aq) carbon dioxide and water by combustion with

5HCOOH + 4Mn+H aq) + IIH O (72)


The half-reaction involving methanol and formic

acid can be obtained by using the three steps
outlined in our previous example:
There is a compound called propanol with struc-
CH OH 3 gives HCOOH (ISa)
tural formula CH3CH2CH2OH. If it is oxidized
Chemical balance: carefully,an aldehyde called propionaldehyde is
3 2 gives HCOOH + 4H+roq) (13b)
obtained. Vigorous oxidation gives an acid called
Charge balance; CH3OH + H2O — >-
propionic acid. Draw structural formulas like
HCOOH + 4H+(aq) + 4e- (13c) those shown in Figures 18-6 and 18-7 for pro-
pionaldehyde and propionic acid.
From this completed half-reaction we see that
the conversion of methanol to formic acid in-
volves the loss of four electrons. Since the oxida-
tion of methanol to formaldehyde was only a Balance the half-reaction involved in the oxida-
two-electron change, it is clear that formic acid tion of ethanol to acetic acid. Compare the

IS a more highly oxidized compound of carbon number of electrons released per mole of ethanol
than formaldehyde or methanol. with the number per mole of methanol in the
equivalent reaction (13c). How many electrons
would be released per mole of propanol in the
EXERCISE 18-6 oxidation to propionic acid?

Balance the half-reaction for the conversion of

formaldehyde, HCHO, to formic acid, HCOOH.

Just as methanol can be oxidized to formic

The bonding rules permit us to draw two accept-
able structural formulas for an alcohol contain-
acid [reaction (72)], ethanol can be oxidized to
an acid, CH3COOH, called acetic The
ing three carbon atoms, CH3CH2CH2OH and
molecular structure of acetic acid is shown in CH3CHOHCH3. In the first of these isomers

Figure 18-7. The atomic grouping — COOH is

(theone considered in Exercises 18-7 and 18-8),
the OH group is attached to the end carbon
called the carboxyl group and acids containing
this group are called carboxylic acids. atom. In the second, the OH group is attached

The balanced equation for production of to the second carbon atom. They are both called

acetic acid from ethanol propanol because they are both derived from
CH3CH2CH3, propane. They
5CH3CH2OH + 4Mn04- (aqj -f 12 H+(aq; — )-
by numbering the carbon atom to which the
are distinguished

5CH3COOH + 4 Mn+ 2
(aqj + IIH2O (14)
functional group, the OH, is attached. Thus,
Acetic acid can also be obtained by the oxidation CH3CH2CH2OH is called 1 -propanol because
of acetaldehyde, CH3CHO: the OH on the first
is (the end) carbon atom in

5CH3CHO + 2 MnOp (aq) + 6 H+faq) — >-

the chain. The other
is called 2-propanol because the
alcohol, CH3CHOHCH3,
OH is on the
5CH3COOH + 2 Mn+Yaqj + 3H2O ( 75 )
second carbon atom. The structures of these two
The oxidation of acetic acid is difficult to accom- alcohols are shown in Figure 18-8.
plish. It does not react in solutions of K Cr207
2 We have already considered the oxidation of
or KMn 04 . Vigorous treatment, such as burning. 1 -propanol in Exercise 18-7. The second isomer,
SEC. 18-3 I

hydrogen atom attached to this same carbon

atom whereas the ketone does not. (Compare

Figures 18-6 and 18-9.) Since this hydrogen atom
is not present, a ketone cannot be oxidized
further to an acid.
Figure 18-10 summarizes the successive oxida-
tion products that can be obtained from alcohols.
When the hydroxyl group, OH, is attached on
an end carbon atom, an aldehyde and a car-
boxylic acid can be obtained through oxidation.
When the hydroxyl group is on a carbon atom
attached to two other carbon atoms, oxidation
gives a ketone. Huge amounts of aldehydes and
ketones are used industrially in a variety of
chemical processes. Furthermore, these func-
tional groups are important in chemical syn-
theses of medicines, dyes, plastics, and fabrics.

18-3.3 The Functional Group

The reactive groups we have encountered thus

far, such as — Br, — OH, — CHO, — COOH, are
called functional groups. They are the parts from
which the molecules get their characteristic
chemical behavior.
For example, it is a general behavior of alco-
hols to undergo a reaction in which the — OH
group is displaced by a halogen atom, such as
- Br [as in reaction (77)].

Fig. 18-9. The molecular structure of acetone, the

Z -propanol. CHjCHOHCHj
simplest ketone.
Fig. 18-8. The molecular structures of 1 -propanol
and 2-propanol.

2-propano], can also be oxidized and the product

is called acetone:

3CH3CHOHCH3 + Cr,OfY«f/J + SW(aq) —

3CH:,C0CH3 + 2Cr+Y«qj + 7HoO (76)
Acetone has the structure shown in Figure 18-9.
Acetone is the simplest member of a class of
compounds called ketones. They are quite similar
in structure to the aldehydes, since each contains
a carbon atom doubly bonded to an oxygen
atom.* They differ in that the aldehyde has a
\ O
* The group C=0 is called the carbonyl group.
/ ace tone, CH^ C O CH^
CHAP. 18

It is a general characteristic of aldehydes to be Fig. 18-10. Summary: The successive steps in the oxi-
dation of an alcohol.
oxidizable to acids, as in reaction {19).
These common types of behavior are shown
by using the general symbol, R —
to stand for
of water. In the same way, amines are related to
the part of the molecule which does not change, ammonia:
and writing a reaction in such a way as to focus H H H
attention on the functional group. For example: \ 1 \ N— \ N—
2 ^ RCH 2 Br +HO 2 (77)

RCH Br + On-(aq)
ammonia an amine ethylamine
RCH OH + Br-(aqJ (18)

3RCHO + Cr20j-^(aq) + 8H+(aq) — >-

Amines can be prepared by
ammonia with an
direct reaction of
alkyl halide, such as CHsBr or
3RCOOH + 2CY+^(aq) + 4 H O (79) 2

CH3CH2I. Iodides react fastest and an excess of

The symbol R — represents any alkyl group ammonia is often used to help control formation
(such as CH — C H —) in these formulas.
2 6
3 ,
of undesired alternate products:

CH3CH2I + 2NH3 —^ CH3CH2NH2 + NH4I { 20 )

18-3.4 Amines ethyl iodide ethylamine

Alcohols can be related to water by imagining

R—I + 2NH3 RNH2 + NH4I ( 27 )

that an alkyl group (such as — CH3) has been Equations {20) and (27) represent a net change
substituted for one of the two hydrogen atoms that occurs when an excess of ammonia reacts
SEC. 18-3 I

with an alkyl iodide. The actual reaction goes by The method of naming is indicated by the bold
two successive steps. The first step is analogous face parts of the names of the reactants.
to the attack of the hydroxide ion on an alkyl
halide (see Figure 18-4): EXERCISE 18-9
NHa + RI —^ RNH + (aq) + l-(aq) ( 22 )
Write equations for the reaction of (a) ethanol
The second step is a proton transfer reaction (see
and formic acid; (b) propanol and propionic
Section 11-3.3): acid; (c) methanol and formic acid. Name the
NHs + RNH3+ (aq) — RNH2 + NHt(aq) (23) esters produced.

18-3.5 Acid Derivatives: Esters and Amides

We see from reactions (75) and (79) that oxida- When equilibrium is reached in reaction (25),
tion of an aldehyde gives an organic acid. All appreciable concentrations of all of the reactants

of these acids contain the functional group may be present. If methyl acetate (the product

— COOH, the carboxyl group. The bonding in on the right) alone is dissolved in water, it will

this group is as follows: react with water slowly to give acetic acid and
methanol until equilibrium is attained:


The carboxyl group readily releases a proton, so
O— CH 3

it is an acid. For example, acetic acid dissolves

in water and the solution is conducting, it turns CH 30 H + CH3C (26)

blue litmus red, it is sour, and it shows all the

other properties of an acid. The reaction
Of course, the usual equilibrium considera-
tions apply. For example, if we add the substance
CH,COO-(aq) + (aq) (24)
methanol, equilibrium conditions will shift,
has an equilibrium constant of 1.8 X 10~^ suming the added reagent (methanol) and acetic
In addition to this acidic behavior, an im- acid to produce more methyl acetate and water,
portant characteristic of carboxylic acids is that in accord with Le Chatelier’s Principle. Thus a
the entire OH group can be replaced by other large excess of methanol causes most of the
groups. The resulting compounds are called acid acetic acid to be converted to methyl acetate.
derivatives. We will consider only two types of
acid derivatives, esters and amides.
Write the equilibrium expression relating the
Compounds in which the —OH of an acid is concentrations of reactants and products in re-
transformed into —OR (such as — OCH3) are action (26). Notice that the concentration of
They can be prepared by the direct
called esters. water must be included because it is not neces-

reaction between an alcohol and the acid. For sarily large enough to be considered constant.

CH3OH + CH3C CH3C + H2O (25)

OH O— CH 3

methyl acetic methyl

+ acid acetate
+ water
CHAP. 18

Reaction (25) between methanol and acetic acid AMIDES

isslow, but it can be speeded up greatly if a
A compound in which the —OH group of an
catalyst is added. Either a strong acid (such as
acid is replaced by —NH 2 is called an amide.
hydrochloric or sulfuric acid) or a strong base
(such as sodium hydroxide) will act as a catalyst.
When the — OH is replaced by —NHR, the
product is called a nitrogen-substituted amide or,
As mentioned in Section 9-1.4, the catalyst does
abbreviated, an N-substituted amide. One way
not alter the equilibrium state (that is, the con-
to make amides is to react ammonia (or an
centrations of the reactants at equilibrium), but
amine) with an ester:
only permits equilibrium to be attained more


Either a strong acid or a strong base will catalyze acetate

reaction (25). Explain why this implies that either

/ + CH3OH (27)
a strong acid or a strong base will catalyze re- \ NH2
action (26) as well. (Consult Section 8-2.3.) acetamide

Esters are important substances. The esters of

CH3C + H ,N— CH CH
2 3 ^
the low molecular weight acids and alcohols have
o— CH 3
fragrant, fruit-like odors and are used in per-
acetate o
fumes and artificial flavorings. Esters are useful CH3C + CH3OH (28)
solvents; this is the reason they are commonly
found in “model airplane dope” and fingernail
A-ethyl J,
polish remover. acetamide IT

Table 18-1. regularities in names of alkanes, alcohols, and amines



methane methanol methylamine
methyl alcohol


ethane ethanol ethylamine
ethyl alcohol


propane 1-propanol 1 -propylamine
propyl alcohol

4 ^
butane 1-butanol 1-butylamine
butyl alcohol

8 ; CH (CH CH
3 2 )6 3 CH (CH CH 20 H
3 2 )6 CH3(CH2)6CH2NH2
octane 1-octanol 1-octylamine
octyl alcohol
SEC. 18-4 I

Note the similarity of the two reactions. Amides is the basic structural element in the long-chain
are of special importance because the amide molecules that make up proteins and enzymes
in living matter. Hydrogen bonding between two
amide groups helps determine the protein struc-
ture, a topic that will be dealt with later, in
NH— Chapter 24.


The names of organic compounds have some to the system is the name of the alkane which is

system. Each functional group defines a family modified in a systematic way to get the names
(for example, alcohols, amines) and a specific that carry over into the acid derivatives. Starting
modifier is added to identify a particular example at pentane (C 5 H 12 ) and hexane (CeHn) the alkane
(for example, ethyl alcohol, ethyl amine). As an names are themselves quite regular. They are
alternate naming system, the family may be derived from Greek words for the number of
named by a general identifying ending (for ex- carbon atoms.
ample, alcohol names end in and a particular
-ol) The compounds with more complicated shapes
example is indicated by an appropriate stem and more than one functional group are de-
(ethyl alcohol would be ethanol). These naming scribed by a straightforward numbering system
systems are illustrated in Tables 18-1 and 18-11. that you will learn in later chemistry courses.
Scrutiny of these tables reveals that the key Other functional groups will be studied then too.

Table 18-11. regularities in names of acids, amides, and esters



formic acid formamide methyl formate


acetic acid acetamide methyl acetate


propionic acid propionamide methyl propionate


butyric acid butyramide methyl butyrate

8 CH3(CH2)6C00H CH3(CH2)6C0NH2 CH3(CH2)6C00CH3

octanoic acid octanamide methyl octanoate
caprylic acid caprylamide methyl caprylate
CHAP. 18

Compounds and carbon
that contain only hydrogen
18-5.1 Saturated Hydrocarbons

are called hydrocarbons. The hydrocarbons We have already remarked that ethane is a mem-
that have only single bonds all have similar ber of a family of compounds called the saturated
chemistry and they are called, as a family, the hydrocarbons. This term identifies compounds
saturated hydrocarbons. If there are carbon-
that contain only carbon and hydrogen in which
carbon double bonds, the reactivity is much all bonds to carbon are single bonds formed with
enhanced. Hence hydrocarbons containing one hydrogen or other carbon atoms. They occur in
or more double bonds are named as a distinct
chains, branched chains, and cyclic structures.
family, unsaturated hydrocarbons. Both saturated
and unsaturated hydrocarbons can occur in
chain-like structures or in cyclic structures. Each Fig. 18-11. Structural formulas for some five-carbon
of these families will be considered. saturated hydrocarbons.

X c.
SEC. 18-5 I

The chain and branched chain saturated hydro- normal conditions — their boiling points are
carbons make up a family called the alkanes. shown in Table The composition of gaso-

Some saturated hydrocarbons with five carbon line is mainly highly branched alkanes with from
atoms are shown in Figure 18-11. The first ex- six to ten carbon atoms. Paraffin waxes are usu-
ample, containing no branches, is called normal- ally alkanes with from twenty to thirty-five

pentane or, briefly, «-pentane. The second ex- carbon atoms.

ample has a single branch at the end of the chain. The saturated hydrocarbons are relatively in-
Such a structural type is commonly identified by ert except at high temperatures. For example,
the prefix “wo-”. Hence this isomer is called sodium metal is usually stored immersed in an
wo-pentane. The third example in Figure 18-11 alkane such as kerosene (8 to 14 carbon atoms)
also contains five carbon atoms but it contains to protect it from reaction with water or oxygen.
the distinctive feature of a cyclic carbon struc- Combustion is almost the only important chemi-
ture. Such a compound is identified by the prefix cal reaction of the alkanes. That reaction, how-

“cyclo” in its name in the case shown, cyclo- ever, makes the hydrocarbons one of the most
pentane. important energy sources of our modern tech-

What are the empirical formulas of the three
compounds shown in Figure 18-11? The molecu- Using the data given in the last column of Table
lar formulas? Which are structural isomers? 18-III, plot the heat released per carbon atom
against the number of carbon atoms for the
EXERCISE 18-13 normal alkanes. Consider the significance of this
plot in terms of the molecular structures of these
There is one more alkane with molecular formula
C5H12, called neopentane. Draw its structural

In a sense, the absence of reactivity of satu-

The alkanes compounds pres-
are the principal rated hydrocarbons, whether cyclic or not, is a
ent in natural gas and in petroleum. The low crucial aspect of their chemistry. This inertness
molecular weight compounds are gases under accounts for the fact that the chemistry of

Table 18-IIL some properties of saturated hydrocarbons


methane j
CH4 -182.5°C -161.5°C -212.8
ethane I CH3CH3 -183.3°C -88.6°C -372.8
propane j
CH3CH2CH3 -187.7°C -42.rc -530.6
CH3CH2CH2CH3 -138.4°C -0.5°C -687.7
isobutane CH3— CH— CH3 -159.6°C -11.7°C -685.7

«-hexane CeHu -95.3°C 68.7°C -1002.6
cyclohexane |
C6H12 +6.6°C 80.7°C -944.8
«-octane CsHis -56.8°C 125.7°C -1317.5
«-octadecane |
CisHss +28.2°C 316.1°C -2891.9
CHAP. 18

organic compounds is mainly concerned with the The structural formulas of ethylene and propyl-
functional groups. The functional groups are ene are shown in Figure 18-12. Cyclic hydrocar-
usually so much more reactive than the carbon bons also can involve double bonds. The
“skeleton” that itcan be assumed that the skele- structural formula of a cyclic unsaturated hydro-
ton will remain intact and unchanged through carbon is shown also in Figure 18-12.
the reaction. Unsaturated hydrocarbons are quite reactive
— in contrast to the relatively inert saturated
hydrocarbons. This reactivity is associated with
18-5.2 Unsaturated Hydrocarbons the double bond. In the most characteristic re-
action, called “addition,” one of the bonds of
Unsaturated compounds are those organic com- the double bond opens and a new atom becomes
pounds in which less than four other atoms are bonded to each of the carbon atoms. Some of
attached to one or more of the carbon atoms.
the reagents that will add to the double bond are
Ethylene, C2H4, is an unsaturated compound.
Because ethylene involves only carbon and hy-
drogen, it is an unsaturated hydrocarbon. Pro-
pylene, the next most complicated unsaturated Fig. 18-12. Structural formulas of some unsaturated
hydrocarbon, has the molecular formula CsHe. hydrocarbons.
SEC. 18-5 I

H 2 Br 2 HCl, and
, ,
H 2 O. Examples are shown A difficulty arises when we attempt to represent
below for ethylene. the bonding in benzene and its derivatives. We
might write
\ C=C/
+ H 2 —^ H—\ C—C—/H i29a)
/ \H H
/ \
H H H Br
+ Br2 —^ H—\ -C^H
/ \ / \
H H Br H Both of these structures satisfy the formal va-

H H H H lence rules for carbon, but each has a serious

\ \ / fault. Each structure shows three of the carbon-

+ HCl —^ H— u1 X carbon bonds as double bonds, and three are
/ / \
shown as single bonds. There a wealth of
H H H Cl is

experimental evidence to indicate that this is not

Any one of the six carbon-carbon bonds in
—^ H— C—C—/ H
C=C +HO 2 (29d) benzene is the same as any other. Apparently the

/ ^
fourth bond of each carbon atom is shared
equally with each adjacent carbon. This makes
Oxidizing agents also attack the double bond. it difficult to represent the bonding in benzene
When a reaction between an unsaturated com- by our usual line drawings. Benzene seems to be
pound and the permanganate ion occurs, the best represented as the “superposition” or “aver-
violet color of permanganate fades. This reac- age” of the two structures. For simplicity, chem-
tion, as well as reaction (29b) in which a color ists use either one of the structures shown in
change also occurs, is used as a qualitative test (30) usually expressed in a shorthand form (31)
for the presence of double bonds in compounds. omitting the hydrogen atoms:

18-5.3 Benzene and Its Derivatives

There is another important class of cyclic com-

pounds that is still different from the two classes Still another shorthand symbol sometimes used
just described. The simplest example is the com- is

pound benzene, a cyclic compound with six car-

bon atoms in the ring and formula CeHe. The
benzene ring is found to be planar with 120°
angles between each pair of bonds formed by a
Whichever symbol is used, (30), (31), or (32), the
given carbon atom. Thus, experiment tells us the chemist always remembers that the carbon-
molecule is a regular hexagon with the following
carbon bonds are actually all the same and that
atomic arrangement:
they have properties unlike either simple double
H bonds or simple single bonds.




Benzene shows neither the typical reactivity nor

\ / the usual addition reaction of ethylene. Benzene
does react with bromine, Br 2 but in a different

H type of reaction:
CHAP. 18

modified in various ways. Benzene and its deriva-

tives are commonly called aromatic com-

One of the most important derivatives of benzene is

HBr (33)
nitrobenzene. The nitro group is — NO 2. Nitrobenzene is

important chiefly because it is readily converted into an

aromatic amine, aniline, by reduction. One preparative
procedure uses zinc as the reducing agent

In this reaction, called bromination, one of the

hydrogen atoms has been replaced by a bromine 3Zn(s) +
atom. Notice that the double bond structure is nitrobenzene

not affected — this is not an addition reaction. NH 2

Nitric acid causes a similar reaction, called nitra- 3Zn+Yaq; + 2H O + 2 {35)

H !
Aniline and other aromatic amines are valuable indus-
raw materials. They form an important starting point
+ HONO 2

from which many of our dyestuffs, medicinals, and other

valuable products are prepared. For example, you have
H used the indicator, methyl orange, in your laboratory
H experiments. Methyl orange is an example of an aniline-
NO2 derived dye, although it is used more as an acid-base
indicator than for dyeing fabrics. The structure of methyl

+ HO
2 (34) orange is as follows:


Reactions of the type shown in (33) and (34) are CH3 ^

called substitution reactions. The substitution re- methyl orange

action is the characteristic reaction of benzene

and its and is the way in which a
derivatives The portions of the methyl orange molecule set off by
multitude of compounds are prepared by the the dotted lines come from aromatic amines like aniline.
Aniline is indeed the starting material from which methyl
organic chemist. By this means he is able to
orange and related dyes (“azo dyes”) are made.
introduce functional groups, which can then be which
Another useful aniline derivative is acetanilide,
is simply the amide formed from aniline and acetic acid

+ H2O

acetic acid + aniline — acetanilide + water (i5)

SEC. 18-5 I

Acetanilide has been used medicinally as a pain-killing zene, which is chlorinated as a first step. Reaction of
remedy. chlorobenzene with base gives phenol:


Another important constituent of coal tar is hydroxy-

benzene, or phenol:
OH C 1


Most of our phenol is now made industrially from ben-

Table 18-IV. structures and uses of some benzene derivatives


vanillin flavoring material


phenacetin pain-reliever (in headache


hydroquinone photographic developer

“Novocaine” local anaesthetic


styrene monomer for preparation
of polystyrene plastics
CHAP. 18

Phenol is a germicide and disinfectant, and was first The acid itself (or the sodium salt) is a valuable drug in
used by Lister in 1867 as an antiseptic in medicine. More the treatment of arthritis. But the most widely known
effective and less toxic antiseptics have since been dis- derivative of salicylic acid is aspirin, which has the fol-

covered. lowing structure:

Perhaps the most widely known compound prepared O
from phenol is aspirin. If phenol, sodium hydroxide, and
carbon dioxide are heated together under pressure, sali-
cylic acid is formed (as the sodium salt):


Q + CO,+NaOH-.Q:°»^_^^^ (i9)
will see, by examining
ester of acetic acid. Aspirin
this structure, that aspirin is

used drug. Somewhat over 20 million pounds of aspirin

mankind’s most widely

are manufactured each year in the United States alone!

This amounts to something like 150 five-grain tablets for
— OH
O salicylic acid
every person in the country!
Table 18-IV shows the structures of a few simple ben-
zene derivatives that are important commercial products.
Study these structures so that you can see their relation-
Salicylic acid is quite useful. Its methyl ester has a sharp, ship with the simple compounds from which they are
characteristic odor and is called “oil of wintergreen.” derived.

Table 18-III, p. 341, shows that the melting properties are obtained only with giant mole-
points of the normal alkanes tend to increase as cules, each containing hundreds or even thou-
the number of carbon atoms in the chain is sands of monomers. These giant molecules are
increased. Ethane, CH 2 6, is a gas under normal called polymers and the process by which they
conditions; octane, CsHig, is a liquid; octadec- are formed is called polymerization.
ane, CigHsg, is a solid. We see that desired physi-
cal properties can be obtained by controlling the
length of the chain. Functional groups attached 18-6.1 Types of Polymerization
to the chain provide additional variability, in-
cluding chemical reactivity. In fact, by adjusting Polymerization involves the chemical combina-
the chain length and composition of high mo- tion of a number of identical or similar molecules
lecular weight compounds, chemists have pro- to form a complex molecule of high molecular
duced a multitude of organic solid substances weight. The small units may be combined by
called plastics. These have been tailored to meet addition polymerization or condensation poly-
the needs of a wide variety of uses, giving rise merization.
to an enormous chemical industry. Addition polymers are formed by the reaction
The key to this chemical treasure chest is the of the monomeric units without the elimination
process by which extended chains of atoms are of atoms. The monomer is usually an unsatu-
formed. Inevitably it is necessary to begin with rated organic compound such as ethylene,
relatively small chemical molecules —with car- H C=CH
2 2, which in the presence of a suitable

bon chains involving only a few atoms. These catalyst will undergo an addition reaction to
small units, called monomers, must be bonded form a long chain molecule such as polyethylene.
together, time after time, until the desired mo- A general equation for the first stage of such a
lecular weight range is reached. Often the desired process is
SEC. 1 8-6 I

H H H H “Lucite,” and “Plexiglas” result. It is thus pos-

\ / \c=c / — sible to create molecules with custom-built prop-
C=C -I-

/ \ / \ erties for various uses as plastics or fibers.

H H H H Condensation polymers are produced by reac-
H H H H tions during which some simple molecule (such
111 /
H— C—C—C=C as water) is eliminated between functional groups

I I \ (such as alcoholic OH or acidic COOH groups).

H H H In order to form long chain molecules, two or
more functional groups must be present in each
The same addition process continues and the
of the reacting units. For example, when ethylene
final product is the polymer, polyethylene:
glycol, HOCH2CH2OH, reacts with /?nraphthalic

acid HOOC— >

— COOH a polyester of

high molecular weight called “Dacron” is pro-

duced. The equation below shows the first
in which « is a very large number.
stages of this process:

H H “I H H
H/O— C—C— O-fH + HO-hC— / \ C-^OH + H 4- 0— C— C— 0/H

—I ! I





When one or more of the hydrogens are re-

placed by groups such as fluorine, F; chlorine.
18-6.2 ^^Nylon,” a Polymeric Amide
Cl; methyl, CH3 or methyl ester, COOCH3;
synthetic polymers such as “Teflon,” “Saran,” “Nylon,” the material widely used in plastics
and fabrics, is a condensation polymer. It con-
sists of molecules of extremely high molecular
Fig. 18-13. Molecular structures of a-amino acids.
weight and it is made up of small units joined
one to another The
in a long chain of atoms.
reaction by which the units become bonded to-
gether is a conventional amide formation. There
an. et^amirio acij,
is, however, the additional requirement that the
(genereU /ormuta)
reaction must take place time after time to
an extended, repeating chain. To accomplish
this, we select reactants with two functional
groups. Thus polyamides can be made from one
compound with two acid groups,

alanine HOOC—CH2—CH2—CH2—CH2—COOH
adipic acid

and another with two amine groups.

glutamic add
H2N— CH2— CH2— CH2— CH2—CH2— CH2— NH2
1 ,6-diaminohexane
CHAP. 18

These molecules can react repeatedly, each time

removing water, and forming amide linkages at
both ends:

o o o o o o
C— (CH2)4— c C—(CH2)4—
%C— (CH2)4— C^ H
H— N— (CH2)6— N-(CH2)6-N N-(CH2)6-N'

H H k k H H

Other polyamides can be made from different An amide is decomposed by aqueous acids to
acids and other amines, giving a variety of prop- an acid and an amine (produced as the ammo-
erties suited to a variety of uses. nium salt):

CH C 3 4- HsO+raqj
18-6.3 Protein, Another Polymeric Amide
A most important class of polyamides is that of acetamide

the proteins, the essential structures of all living

matter. In addition, they are a necessary part in CH C 3 + CH3NH3+raq) (41)

the diet of man because they are the source of
the “monomeric” units, the amino acids, from
acetic methyl
which made.
living protein materials are
Proteins are polyamides formed by the poly-
In this same type of reaction, a protein can be
merization, through amide linkages, of a-amino
broken down into its amino acids.
acids. Three of the 25-30 important natural
It is in this that most of what we call the
a-amino acids are shown in Figure 18-13. Each
“natural” amino acids have been discovered.
acid has an amine group, —
NH 2 attached to,
Proteins from many sources —egg yolk, milk,
the a-carbon, the carbon atom immediately ad-
jacent to the carboxylic acid group.
animal tissues, plant seeds, gelatin, etc. —have
been studied to learn what amino acids compose
The protein molecule may involve hundreds
them. In this way about thirty of the “natural”
of such amino acid molecules connected through
amino acids have been identified.
the amide linkages. A portion of this chain might
When you consider how many different ways
be represented as shown in Figure 18-14.
thirty (or even fewer) different amino acids can
be combined in long chains of a hundred or
Fig. 18-14. The structure of protein showing the am- more, you can see why there are so many pro-
ide chain. teins known, and why different living species of

plants and animals can have in their tissues a EXERCISE 18-15

great many different proteins. Enzymes, the bio- Take the letters A, B, C, and see how many dif-
logical catalysts, are also proteins. Each enzyme,
ferent three unit eombinations you can make;
of course, has its own particular structure, de-
for example, ABC, BAC, AAC, CBC, etc. This
termined by the order and spatial arrangement
will convince you that a chain made of hundreds
of the amino acids from which it is formed.
of groups with up to thirty different kinds of
Perhaps the most marvelous part of the chem-
units in each group can have an almost unlimited
istry of living organisms is their ability to syn-
number of combinations.
thesize just the right protein structures from the
myriad of structures possible.


1. What information is revealed by the empirical 11. One mole of an organic compound is found to
formula? The molecular formula? The struc- react with \ mole of oxygen to produce an acid.
tural formula ? Demonstrate, using ethane, C 2 H 6 . To what class of compounds does this starting
material belong?
2. Write the balanced equation for the complete
burning of methane. 12. Using the information given in Table 7-II, deter-
3. Draw the structural formulas for all the CH CI 3 mine the reaction heat per mole of CoHefgj for
2 3

compounds. the complete combustion of ethane.

4. Draw the structures of two isomeric compounds 13. An aqueous solution containing 0.10 mole/liter
corresponding to the empirical formula CH3 8 O. of chloroacetic acid, CIH 2 CCOOH, is tested with
indicators and the concentration of H+faqJ is
5. Draw the structural formulas of the isomers of
butyl chloride.
found to be 1.2 X 10~2 M. Calculate the value
of Ka (if necessary, refer back to Section 11-3.2).
6 . What angle would you expect to be formed by Compare this value with Ka for acetic acid the —
the C, O, H nuclei in an alcohol molecule? change is caused by the substitution of a halogen
Explain. atom near a carboxylic acid group.

7. When gram of a sample having an em-

0.601 14. Give simple structural formulas of
pirical CH 2 O was vaporized at 200°C,
and one atmosphere pressure, the volume occu- (a) an alcohol,
pied was 388 ml. This same volume was occupied (b) an aldehyde, and
by 0.301 gram of ethane under the same condi- (c) an acid,
tions. What is the molecular formula of CH O? 2
each derived from methane; from ethane; from
One mole of the sample, when reacted with butane; from octane.
zinc metal, liberated (rather slowly) | mole of
hydrogen gas. Write the structural formula. 15. Write the equations for the preparation of
Answer. The molecular formula is CHO
2 4 2.
methylamine from methyl iodide.

8 . A 100 mg sample of a compound containing only 16. Write equations to show the formation of the
C, H, and O was found by analysis to give 149 esters, methyl butyrate and butyl propionate.
mg CO 2 and 45.5 mg H 2 O when burned com-
pletely. Calculate the empirical formula. 17. Given the structural formula

9. How much ethanol can be made from 50 grams H O H H H

of ethyl bromide? What assumptions do you /O— C—C—C—
H—C— C—

make in this calculation?


Write the balanced equation for the production
of pentanone from pentanol, using dichromate for an ester, write the formula of the acid and
ion as the oxidizing agent. the alcohol from which it might be made.
CHAP. 18

How much acetamide can be made from 3.1 [RCOOH] = 0.3 M;

grams of methyl acetate? See equation (27), [R'OH] =0.3 M;
p. 338. Assume the ester is completely converted. [H 2 O] = 1.0 M.
Answer. 25 grams acetamide. 20. Give the empirical formula, the molecular for-
mula, and draw the structural formulas of the
An ester is formed by the reaction between an isomers of butene.
acid, RCOOH, and an alcohol, R'OH, to form 21. There are three isomers of dichlorobenzene (em-
an ester RCOOR' and water. The reaction is
pirical formula C3H2CI). Draw the structural
carried out in an inert solvent.
formulas of the isomers.

(a) Write the equilibrium relation among the

concentrations, including the concentration 22. Consider the compound phenol,
of the product water.
(b) Calculate the equilibrium concentration of (a) Predict the angle formed by the nuclei C, O,

the ester if K= 10 and the concentrations H. Explain your choice in terms of the
at equilibrium of the other constituents are: orbitals used by oxygen in its bonds.
(b) Predict qualitatively the boiling point of
[RCOOH] = 0.1 M; phenol. (The boiling point of benzene is

[R'OH] = 0.1 M; 80°C.) Explain your answer.

[H O] = 1.0 M.
(c) Write an equation for the reaction of phenol
as a proton donor in water.
(c) Repeat the calculation of part b if the equi- (d) In a 1.0 M aqueous solution of phenol,
librium concentrations are: [H+] = 1.1 X 10-^. Calculate K.

Sir Robert Robinson will always be recognized as one of

the outstanding British scientists. With admiration and
pride, his country knighted him in 1937. His international
recognition in organic chemistry was signaled in 1947, when
he received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
The son of a surgical dressing manufacturer, Robinson
was born in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England. He received
the Ph.D. at the University of Manchester, and his early
scientific promise led to a Professorial appointment at the
University of Sydney when he was only 26. Three years
later, he returned to England as Professor at the University

of Liverpool. As his reputation grew, he moved from uni-

versity to university, until, in 1930, he accepted one of the
most coveted academic positions in England Professor of —
Chemistry at Oxford.
During a prolific career that has produced an astounding
bibliography of about 600 publications, Robinson has found
leisure time to scale many of the mountain peaks in Switzer-
land, Norway, and New Zealand. This zeal for moun-
taineering couples well with his interest in photography.
He is a formidable chess player and a lover of music. His
wife, also a chemist of note, aided him in his career while
raising his family, a son and a daughter.
Sir Roberta master of organic synthesis. His research

centered on the synthesis and the determination of struc-

tures of biochemically important substances. These include
extremely complicated molecules with as many as five
closed rings and a variety offunctional groups whose posi-
tioning and spatial relationships are critically important
in fixing biological activity. His name is linked with our
knowledge of certain alkaloids —a family of nitrogen con-
taining compounds that includes some powerful drugs, such
as strychnine and morphine. His crowning achievements
may have been in the total synthesis of such important
compounds as cholesterol, cortisone, and other related
structures, called steroids. During the second world war.
Professor Robinson led the Oxford scientific team that
studied the chemistry and structure of the antibiotic,

These are but a few pinnacles of success in a brilliant

scientific career. Like the Alpine peaks that Sir Robert
Robinson loves to climb, these accomplishments tower high,
to challenge and inspire this and future scientific genera-

The Halogens

The halogens are a family of elements appearing electron populations of the outer levels are
on the right side of the periodic table, in the analogous. Each element has one electron less

column just before the inert gases. The elements than an inert gas arrangement. The trends, too,
in this —fluorine, chlorine, bromine,
group io- are understandable in terms of the increases in
dine, and astatine—show some remarkable simi- nuclear charge, number of electrons, and atomic
larities and some interesting trends in chemical size, going from top to bottom of this column
behavior. The similarities are expected since the of the periodic table.


You have already studied some properties of the larger. Even iodine, I 2 ,
should be handled with
halogens. They are very reactive elements that caution.*
exist under normal conditions as diatomic mole-
19-1.1 Electron Configurations of the Halogens
cules with covalent bonds. These molecules all

are colored. Gaseous fluorine is pale yellow; Table 19-1 shows the electron configurations of
gaseous chlorine is yellow-green; gaseous bro- the halogens, using the symbols introduced in
mine is orange-red (remember the film equilib-
* These elements produce nasty “burns” that are slow
rium); gaseous iodine is violet. The halogens are
to heal.The mucous membranes are attacked especially,
all toxic and dangerous substances. Fluorine, F 2 ,
and chlorine “poisoning” is really a lung inflammation.
is the most hazardous; the danger decreases as Under no circumstances should inexperienced people
the atomic number of the halogen becomes handle these substances without close guidance.
SEC. 19-1 I

Fig. 19-1. Orbital representations of the bonding in sharing in Br 2 and I2 raise the question of hov/
Fz and Bn.
many valence electrons need be shown. Each of
these two elements appears in a row of the
periodic table in which the inert gas element has
Section 15-1.6. The superscripts give the number 18 electrons in the orbitals that fix the chemistry
of electrons in a particular type of orbital; the
of the row. Nevertheless, it is a convenience to
letters s, p, and d indicate the shape of the
emphasize the similarity among the halogens by
orbital; the number before the letter indicates
showing only the valence electrons in the outer-
the principal quantum number of the orbital.
most s and p orbitals. Thus the ?>d (valence)
The important point to note is that each of these
electrons of bromine are usually omitted so that
halogens has one less electron than the number
the electron dot representations of F2 and Bra
required to fill the outermost cluster of energy
will appear alike, as shown in Figure 19-2.
levels. In each case the shortage is in the outer-
Table 19-1 also shows the ionization energies
most p orbitals in which six electrons can be
accommodated. Therefore, one electron could be
added to each of the halogen atoms without re-
quiring the population of additional, higher en-
ergy orbitals. Sharing an electron that spends
some time in a valence orbital of another atom
produces a covalent bond to the halogen atom.
: Br . :
Organic compounds (such as ethyl bromide) and
the halogen molecules (F 2 ,
CI 2 ,
Br 2 ,
I 2) contain
Fig. 19-2. Electron dot representations of the bond-
covalently bonded halogen atoms. The similar
ing in Fz and Bn. Note the omission, for
orbital representations of the bonding in F and2
convenience, of the 3d valence electrons of
Br 2 are contrasted in Figure 19-1. bromine.
Electron dot representations of the electron

Table 19-1. electron configurations and ionization energies of the


NUCLEAR inner valence ENERGY, El
ELEMENT SYMBOL CHARGE electrons electrons {kcal/ mole)

fluorine F +9 Xs’’- 25-2/?® 401.5

chlorine Cl + 17 Zs^p^ 300
bromine Br +35 • • • 35^3/?® 3 ^ 104 ^ 24^5 273
iodine I + 53 • •
• 45^4/5® 4(/i®5525/?® 241
CHAP. 19

of the gaseous halogen atoms. They decrease another atom to which it is bonded. To atoms to
significantly as we move downward in the pe- which it is not bonded, a halogen atom seems
riodic table. Nevertheless, all of these ionization to be larger. We can take as a measure of this

energies are very large compared with those of size one-half the distance between neighboring
the alkali metals (compare sodium, whose ioni- molecules in the solid state. This defines an

zation energy is 118.4 kcal). Hence when any of effective radius, the van der Waals radius, and
the halogens reacts with an alkali metal, an it is shown by the black lines in Figure 19-3.
ionic solid is formed. These ionic solids, or salts, It is an effective radius, not a real radius, be-
contain halide ions, F", Cl“, Br~, or I", each cause the electron distribution actually extends
with the appropriate inert gas electron popula- far out from the atom.
tion. These distances aid us in explaining and pre-
dicting bond lengths in other covalent halogen
compounds. For example, when a chlorine atom
19-1.2 The Sizes of Halogen Atoms and Ions
is bonded to a carbon atom (as in carbon tetra-

The atom or ion requires

“size” assigned to an chloride, CCI4), the bond length can be expected
a decision about where anatom “stops.” From to be about the sum of the covalent radius of the
quantum mechanics we learn that an atom has carbon atom plus the covalent radius of the
no sharp boundaries or surfaces. Nevertheless, chlorine atom. The covalent radius of carbon is

chemists find it convenient to assign sizes to taken as 0.77 A (from diamond), so the C— Cl
atoms according to the observed distances bond length might be near (0.77 + 0.99) =
between atoms. Thus, atomic size is defined op- 1 .76 A. Experiment shows that each bond length

erationally it is determined by measuring the in CCI4 is 1 .77 A.
distance between atoms.
For example. Figure 19-3 contrasts the dimen-
sions assigned to the halogens in the elementary
state. One-half the measured internuclear distance Using the carbon atom covalent radius 0.77 A
is called the covalent radius. This distance and the covalent radii given in Figure 19-3, pre-
indicates how close a halogen atom can approach dict the C X bond length in each of the follow-
ing molecules: CF4, CBr 4 ,
CI4. Compare your
calculated bond lengths with the experimental
Fig. 19-3. Covalent radii and van der Waals radii values: C— F in CF4 = 1.32 A, C Br in CBr4 = —
(m parentheses) of the halogens {in Ang- 1.94 A, C— I in CI4 = 2.15 A.
SEC. 19-1 I

Fig. 19-4. Ionic radii of the halide ions (in Ang- ity. This type of force is higher for more complex
molecules with more electrons.
The last column of Table 19-11 shows the dis-
sociation constants for the reactions of the type
Figure 19-4 contrasts the effective sizes of the
Each of these dimensions is obtained
halide ions.
from the examination of crystal structures of
X,(g) ^ 2X(g) (7)

with equilibrium constant

many salts involving the particular halide ion.

The effective size found for a given halide ion is K-

called its ionic radius. These radii are larger than
the covalent radii but close to the van der Waals
[X] = partial pressure of X atoms,
radii of neutral atoms.
[X2 ] = partial pressure of X molecules.
The covalent, van der Waals, and ionic radii
are collected in Table 19-11 together with some Again the available data show a trend; K in-
physical and chemical properties of the halogens. creases in the series CI 2 Br 2 , ,
I2. The equilibrium
We see some interesting trends. For each type conditions are fixed by two factors: tendency to
of radius we find a progressive increase from the minimum energy and tendency to maximum
top of the column to the bottom. This increase randomness. The randomness factor is about the
in size reflects the fact that as atomic number same for the three halogens, so the trend in equi-
rises, higher energy levels are used to accommo- librium constants is largely determined by the
date the electrons. In addition, Table 19-11 shows energy effects. In each dissociation reaction (of
a trend of increasing melting and boiling points CI 2 ,
Br 2 ,
and I 2) energy is absorbed. However,
as we move downward in the periodic table. more energy is absorbed to break the Br 2 bond
This trend is appropriate for a series of molecular than to break the I2 bond, and still more to
solids in which van der Waals forces are the break the CI 2 bond. The energy absorbed ac-
principal ones holding the molecules in proxim- counts for the trend in equilibrium constants.

Table 19-11. sizes of the halogen atoms, melting points, boiling points,
— 1 ion) ^-2 ^2 OF X 2 Ao AT 1000°C

fluorine, F 0.72 A 1.35 A 1.36 A 55°K 85°K 36 kcal —

chlorine. Cl 0.99 1.80 1.81 172°K 238.9°K 57.1 10-»

bromine, Br 1.14 1.95 1.95 265.7°K 331.8°K 45.5 8 X 10-3

iodine, I 1.33 2.15 2.16 387°K 457°K 35.6 10-1

CHAP. 19

Why should the bond energy be greater for Cb necessary to break the bond in F 2 is much lower
than for Br 2and greater for Br 2 than for b?
than that in CI 2 This . is still not well explained
Presumably the size effect is a factor. Two halo- so, rather than abandon familiar arguments con-
gen atoms remain together because a pair of cerning halogen properties based on the trend
electrons is simultaneously near both nuclei. in size, chemists treat fluorine as a special case.
However, the larger the halogen atoms, the more
distant are those bonding electrons from the
nuclei. Since the electrical forces decrease with
distance, the bond energy lessens. On the basis of the trend in atomic size, what
The dissociation constant of F 2 at 1000°C is trend is expected in the ionization energy Ei of
not known and bond energy of F 2 was only
the the halogen atoms? Compare your prediction
learned recently. Almost all chemists were sur- with the actual trend in E^, given in Table 19-1.

prised when experiment showed that the energy


Most of the reactions of the halogens are of the made by electrolysis of molten sodium chloride
oxidation-reduction type. The halogens are so (dissolved in CaCb to lower the melting point).
reactive that they do not occur uncombined in Figure 19-5 shows the components of the elec-
nature and they must be made from halide com- At one electrode molten sodium
trolysis cell. is

pounds (salts). We shall consider briefly the produced, and at the other, chlorine gas is

preparation of the elements and then explore collected.

some of the very interesting chemistry of this

19-2.1 Preparation of the Halogens
At the left electrode in Figure 19-5 the half-
Oxidation through electrolysis is used to make reaction occurring is Cl“ — ^Chig) + and
fluorine and chlorine. Chlorine, for example, is at the right electrode the half-reaction is

Na+ + Nafb- Which electrode is the

anode and which is the cathode? With these
Fig. 19-5. Preparation of chlorine and sodium by half-reactions, balance the net reaction occurring
electrolysis of molten NaCl.
in the electrolysis cell.

Gaseous fluorine is also prepared by electroly-

sis of molten fluoride salts but simpler methods
are available for the preparation of bromine and
iodine. Chemical oxidation, usually with chlo-
rine as the oxidizing agent, provides Br 2 and I2

economically because chlorine is a relatively in-

expensive chemical. The reactions are

2I-raqj + Cl(g) h(s) + 2Cl-raq) (2)

2Br-( aq) + Cbf g) — Br,(g) + 2Cl-(aq) (3)

SEC. 19-2 I

EXERCBSE 19-4 How can this trend in half-cell potentials and oxidizing
abilities be explained? Let us imagine that reaction (7),
From the E°'s for the half-reactions of the type
2X- —
^ X2 -f 2e-, show that CI 2 can be used
as an example,
simpler steps:
is carried out in a hypothetical series of

to produce Br 2 from Br~ and

to produce F 2 from F~.
I2 from 1“ but not
2l-(aq) —^ 2I-r^; Dehydration (8)

2T(g) 21 (g) + 2e-(g) Electron removal (9)

21(g) \2(g) Molecule formation (10)

h(g) Ffs) Condensation (11)

19-2.2 Reduction of the Halogens

A substance that is readily reduced is a good

2I-raqj —^ l 2 (s) + 2e-(g) Net reaction (12)

oxidizing agent. The oxidizing abilities of the We can consider the energy effect that accompanies the
net reaction (12) in terms of the energy effects of the
halogens vary in a regular manner, fluorine being
hypothetical steps. Since the tendency toward minimum
the strongest and iodine the weakest. On the
energy one of the factors that fixes equilibrium, the
other hand, the iodide ion sometimes acts as a energy change is one of the factors influencing E°. Step

reducing agent, while fluoride ion never does. (5) is a dehydration step in which the 1“ ions are pulled

These statements are reflected in the E° values out of the water into the gas phase. In this step, heat is

for the oxidation half-reactions:

absorbed; since the system gains energy, AH is positive
for step (5). In step (9), electrons are pulled off the gaseous
2F- —^ F. + 2e- E° = -2.87 volts (4) I~ ions to give neutral gaseous I atoms; this step also
2C1- —
requires energy, and again is positive. In step (10),
CI + 2c-
2 E° = -1.36 (5)
two atoms of iodine come together to form a diatomic
2Br- — >- Br 2 -F 2e = -1.07 (6) molecule. This is the opposite of breaking the bond in L;
21- — >- I2 + 2c- E° - -0.53 (7)
energy is liberated and the system
negative for this step. In step (77), the gaseous
loses energy, so AH is
h mole-
The trend in oxidizing ability is quantitatively cules form solid iodine crystals; this is the reverse of
vaporizing the solid and also corresponds to liberation of
expressed in the trend in E°'s. The E° for reac-
energy. The question as to which halide ion is the best
tion (4), —2.87 volts, indicates that fluoride ion,
reducing agent depends primarily upon the net energy
F“, has little tendency to release electrons. Con- change considering all the steps involved in the half-
versely, F2 has a high tendency to acquire elec- reaction. The halide ion that requires the least energy to

trons. Hence, F2 is readily reduced — 2 is a convert it to the halogen should be the best reducing
agent. Table 1 9-1 II shows the experimentally measured
powerful oxidizing agent. At the bottom of the
requirement for each of the above steps for the four
list, E° for reaction (7) is —0.53 volt. Iodide
halogens (using Z as a general symbol for a halogen
ion, I“, has a moderate tendency to release atom).
electrons, oxidizing 1“ to I2 . Thus iodide ion has Notice that in Table 19-III dehydration and electron
a moderate tendency to be oxidized, acting as a removal are the steps that involve the largest energy
changes. The amount of energy required for each of these
reducing agent. Conversely, I2 has only a moder-
processes diminishes as atomic weight increases for the
ate tendency to acquire electrons. Iodine has a
For fluorine, dehydration accounts
moderate tendency to be reduced —
three large halogens.
12 can act as for more than half the total energy, but electron removal
an oxidizing agent. is still a major part of the positive energy change. The

Table 19-IIL the energy required for some halogen reactions

GEN 2X-(aq ) ^ 2X-(g) 2X(g) + 2e-(g) 2X(g) —^ X^fg) (normal state) 2X-(aq ) ^ X + 2e-

F +246 kcal + 162 kcal -37 kcal — 1.6 kcal +369 kcal

Cl + 178 kcal + 171 kcal — 58 kcal —4.4 kcal +287 kcal

Br + 162 kcal + 161 kcal — 46 kcal -7 kcal +270 kcal
I + 144 kcal + 146 kcal -36 kcal — 10 kcal + 244 kcal
CHAP. 19

values in the last column show that the energy change and it furnishes the basis for the qualitative test
for the overall reaction forms a regular series, roughly known
for iodine as the “starch-iodine” test.
comparable to the variation of E°. The half-reactions
More important, the complex serves as a sensi-
having the most negative E° are those that require the
most energy, and that show the least tendency to proceed tive indicator in oxidation-reduction titrations

as written from left to right. Therefore, the energies listed based upon the I“-l 2 half-reaction.
in the last column do help to explain why the iodide ion
is a better reducing agent than the fluoride ion. This also
explains why F2 oxidizes compounds better than do the
other halogens. In aqueous solution the affinity of ffuorine
for electrons, plus the rather strong attraction between Balance the reaction that occurs when 1“ is
water molecules and F~, make F2 a good oxidizing agent.
oxidized to I2 by MnOf^ in acid solution, produc-

The halogens are reactive even without water.

ing Mn+ 2

All the halogens react quite vigorously with most

of the metals to produce simple halide salts.

Copper and nickel, however, appear to be quite

19-2.4 Positive Oxidation States
inert to F2 . This apparent inertness is attributed
of the Halogens: The Oxyacids
to the fact that a thin layer of the fluoride salt
forms on the surface of each of those metals and The halogens, except fluorine, can be oxidized to
protects it from further attack by fluorine. positive oxidation states. Most commonly you
will encounter these positive oxidation states in a

19-2.3 lodimetry set of compounds called “halogen oxyacids” and

their ions.
The I“-l 2 half-reaction has many applications in Compounds of the type HCIO3, HCIO4, etc.,
aqueous solution chemistry. The use of I~ as a are examples of the halogen oxyacids. Chlorine
reducing agent and I 2 as an oxidizing agent, and iodine form a series of these acids in which
particularly for quantitative purposes, is called the halogen oxidation number can be +1, -1-3,
iodimetry. -1-5, or -FT. For chlorine the series is made up
This half-reaction possesses an E° of —0.53 of HCIO (hypochlorous acid), HCIO2 (chlorous
volt; neither is I~ a particularly powerful re- acid), HCIO3 (chloric acid), and HCIO4 (per-
ducing agent nor is I2 a particularly powerful chloric acid). Although it is not easy to handle
oxidizing agent: these unstable substances, aqueous solutions of

21- — >- I2 -f 2e- E° = -0.53 volt (13)

these acids have been examined to find out how
HCIO is a weak
strong they are as proton donors.
There are many half-reactions below this one in proton donor, HCIO2 is somewhat stronger,

Appendix 3, so there are quite a few substances HCIO3 is and HCIO4 is the strongest
quite strong,
that will oxidize I-. For example, iodide ion can of all. (Perchloric acid, HCIO4, is, in fact, one
be quantitatively oxidized to I 2 by Fe+^ Br 2 ,
of the strongest acids known.)
Mn02, Cr 207“^, CI 2 and MnO^. On the other
, Now we might wonder how to account for the
hand, there are many
above half-reactions observed trend in terms of structure and bond-
E° = —0.53 Appendix
For example,
volt in 3. ing. Figure 19-6 shows the presumed positions
I 2 can be quantitatively reduced to I~ by Sn+^ of the atoms in these molecules. It is evident that
H2SO3, and Cr+2. The usefulness of the I~"-h re- in each case we need to break a hydrogen-
action derives from the fact that all of the sub- oxygen bond to split off the proton. A regular
stances mentioned react rapidly and without side decrease in the strength of the hydrogen-oxygen
reactions. bond as we proceed from chlorous to perchloric
To top off this versatility, iodine possesses an acid would explain the trend in acidity. How do
unusually sensitive and specific indicator. Iodine we account for the fact that the strength of this
reacts with starch to give a blue-colored complex. bond varies as we go through the sequence?
This complex is so intensely colored that I 2 can Formally, we say that the oxidation number of
be detected at a concentration as low as 10“^ M chlorine ranges from -}-l to -1-3 to -1-5 to -F7
SEC. 19-2 I


Hypochlorous acid HO Cl

Chlorous ctcid HO CIO


Chloric acid

Perchloric acid

Fig. 19-6. Presumed structures of the chlorine oxyacids.

CHAP. 19

across the set, but actually there are no Cl+S basic solutions. For example, iodine in an acidic
Cl+^ Cl+^ or Cl+^ ions in these acids. The oxida- solution is quite stable, but in a basic solution
tion number is only an artificial way of keeping it is spontaneously oxidized to oxidation number
count of electric charges, as we learned in Sec- -|-5 in the lOg" ion. The reason for this can be
tion 12-3.3. What is more to the point (and this seen by considering the half-reactions ( 75 ) and
is really why the number changes in
oxidation (76):
the first place) is that there is an increasing num- 21- — I2 + 2e-
ber of oxygen atoms bonded to the central E° = -0.53 volt (75)
chlorine. Each time an additional oxygen bonds
to the chlorine atom, some electron charge is
I2 + 6H2O ^ 2IO3- -1- 12H+
+ lOe-
-1.2 volts (76)
drawn off the chlorine and hence away from the
original O— Cl bond. This, in turn, draws elec- The E° for reaction (76) is more negative than
trons from the adjacent H —O bond and thereby that of reaction (75), hence lOg"" will not react
weakens it. with I-. In 1 M acid solution, the E° for the net
This increase in acid strength with oxidation reaction
nitric acid
is a general phenomenon. For example,
(HNO3, which the oxidation num-
6I2 4- 6H2O — 2IO3- 4-101-4- 12H+ (77)

ber of N equals +5) is stronger than nitrous is (—1.2 volts) — (—0.53 volt) or —0.7 volt.

(HNO2, oxidation number +3); sulfuric acid Since E° of the net reaction is so negative, we
(H2SO4, in which the oxidation number of S expect that the reaction will not proceed spon-
equals +6) is stronger than sulfur ous (H2SO3, taneously, and it doesn’t. Let us now see what
oxidation number +4). A consistent, hence use- happens when the H+ concentration becomes so
ful,explanation is found. When an oxygen atom low that the OH- concentration is 1 M. When a
isadded to the central atom, there is a reduction reaction occurs in basic solution it is conven-

of the strength of O H bonds in attached OH tional to show OH- (rather than H+) in the

groups. balanced reaction. Therefore, for the reaction of

The halogen oxyacids and their anions are iodine in basic solution, half-reaction (76) be-
quite easily reduced — they are good oxidizing comes
agents. When one of these acts as an oxidizing
I2 4- 120H- —> 2IO3- 4- 6H2O 4- lOe- {18)
agent, the halogen is reduced to a lower oxida-
tion number. Just what oxidation number is Le Chatelier’s Principle aids us in predicting how
attained depends upon a variety of factors, in- the tendency for I2 to release electrons in (18)
cluding acidity of the solution, strength of the will be affected if we raise the hydroxide ion
reducing agent, amount of reducing agent, and concentration. Raising the concentration of a
temperature. reactant (such as OH-) tends to favor products.
For example, the common use of sodium hy- Hence E° for (75) (1 M OH-) will be more posi-
pochlorite solution, NaOCl, as a bleaching solu- tive than E° for (76) M H+). (1 In 1 M OH-,
tion depends upon the oxidizing action of hypo- E° = 0.23 volt. Since this E° is now more posi-

chlorite, OCl~. lodate ion, lOg", also furnishes tivethan E° for reaction (75) {E° = —0.53 volt),

a strong oxidizing power, as shown by E° for the the net reaction (79) can occur:
half-reaction l2-IOf
6I2 4- 120H- — 2IO3- 4- 101- 4- 6H2O (79)

I2 + 6H2O —> 2IO3- -M2H+ 4- lOe-

now has an E° of (—0.23 volt) —
£°=- 1.2 volts (74)
This reaction
— 0.53 volt) or 4-0.30 volt. With this positive

The chlorine and bromine counterparts, chlo- value of E°, we can expect that in basic solution
rate, ClOg-, and bromate, BrOg", have E°'s that the reaction will proceed spontaneously (if the
are even more negative. Hence these ions are rate is rapid), and it does.
even stronger oxidizing agents than iodate ion. The industrial preparation of bromine takes
It is not unusual in halogen chemistry to find advantage of this effect of hydrogen ion concen-
striking differences in the chemistry of acidic and tration on the direction of the spontaneous re-
SEC. 19-2 I

action. A dilute solution of bromine is produced EXERCISE 19-6

by chlorination of salt well brines:

Show that when an aqueous solution of NaCl
CI2 + 2Br- —^ Br2 + 2C1- (20)
is being electrolyzed, vigorous stirring in the cell

might permit reaction (23) to occur.

The liberated bromine is carried by a stream of
air into an alkaline solution of sodium carbonate
where it dissolves as a mixture of bromide and
bromate [the analogy of reaction (79)]. This last Going one step further, if a basic solution
step serves to concentrate the product, and free containing hypochlorite ion is heated, the C10~
bromine is obtained by subsequent acidification can again disproportionate,
of the solution, through the reaction
3C10- — 2C1- + CIO3- (24)

6H+ + 5Br- + BrOi- —^ 3Br2 + 3H2O (27)

this time to produce the chlorate ion, CIO^
An alternative process for preparing bromine
from sea water begins again with reaction (20). 19-2.6 Special Remarks on Fluorine
The liberated bromine is produced at a very low
partial pressure and it is necessary to concentrate Because of the small size of the atom, fluorine is

it. This is accomplished through the reaction rather special in the halogeri~gfbup. We have
between SO2 and Br2 already seen that it is a strong oxidizing agent

Br,(g) + SO,(g) + 2H20r-) — in aqueous solution, and that a large part of this
arises because of the large hydration energy
2HBr(g)-\-2HSO,(g) (22)
associated with the fluoride ion. Another way in

The resulting acid vapors have a great affinity which fluorine reveals its special character is in

for water (do you remember how rapidly HCl the pxopcilies-Qf hydr ogen^^oride compared
dissolved in water in the film, gases and how with the oth er h ydrogeiL halides. These are ex-
THEY COMBINE?). Hence the HBr rapidly dis- plained in terms of a special attractio^ijjffluiorine
solves in water and concentrations as high as for protons— an attraction called hydrogen
0.5 Mcan be reached, a thousandfold more bonding (reread Section 17-2.6).
concentrated than original sea water. With this The strong attraction of fluorine for protons

concentration, chlorine is again introduced to shows up in another way. In aqueous solution,

produce Br2 by reaction (20). HF is a weak acid whereas HCl, HBr, and HI
are strong acids. The dissociation constant of
HF is 6.7 X 10~^, so hydrofluoric acid is less
19-2.5 Self-Oxedation-Reduction: than 10% dissociated in a 0.1 Tff HF solution.
Disproportionation Another contrast between HF and the other
hydrogen halides, HCl, HBr, and HI, is found
In reaction (79) the iodine shown on the left has
in the reactivity with glass. Hydrofluoric acid
an oxidation number of zero. After the reaction,
cannot be stored in glass bottles because it etches
some of the iodine atoms have oxidation number
the silica, Si02, in glass. On the other hand, even
+ 5 and some —1. In other words, the iodine the most concentrated hydrochloric acid solu-
oxidation number has gone both up and down
tionscan be stored indefinitely in glass without
in the reaction. This is an example of self-
any evidence of a comparable reaction. To store
oxidation-reduction, sometimes called dispropor-
tionation. It a reaction quite typical
HF solutions, we must use either polyethylene or
is of, but not
wax containers (rather than glass) because of
at all restricted to, the halogens.
this reactivity with silica. Silicon bonds more
When chlorine gas is bubbled into a solution
strongly to fluorine than to oxygen and hence
of NaOH, self-oxidation-reduction occurs to give
hypochlorite ion, C10~, by the reaction
silica dissolves in a solution of HF by the reac-
CI2 + 20H- Cl- + CIO- + 2H2O (23) SiOo + 6HF SiFe-^ + 2H3O+ (25)
CHAP. 19

Hydrofluoric acid is a polar material, as water F F

is, and it behaves as an ionizing solvent when it
is serupulously free of water. Salts that dissolve
/ \F
HF include LiF, NaF, KF, AgF,
readily in liquid
NaNOs, KNO3, AgNOs, Na 2 S 04 K2SO4, and ,
is the fluorocarbon analogue of ethane. It is

Ag S 04 2 . Liquid HF also dissolves organic com- called perfluoroethane. Many of the fluorocar-
pounds and is used as a solvent for a variety of bons are quite inert and their uses exploit this
reaetions. property. CCI 2 F 2 Freon,
is a volatile, nonpoison-
A bond involving fluorine is the
very stable ous, noncorrosive material used in refrigerators
carbon-fluorine bond. The strength of this C — and as the propellant in some aerosol cans.
bond is comparable to the C H bond, and has — Increasingly important also are the polymeric
led to the existence of a series of compounds fluorocarbons, such as Teflon, which are derived
known These are analogous
as the fluorocarbons. from perfluoroethylene, CF 2=CF 2 by polymeri- ,

to the hydrocarbons and can be imagined as zation. They can be used, for example, as
being derived from them by substituting F atoms gaskets, valves, and fittings for handling ex-
for H atoms. For example, tremely corrosive chemicals.


1. Give the electron configuration for each of the ( 9) Using E° values, predict what will happen if, in
trioF“, Ne, Na+. How do the trios CL, Ar, K+, turn, each halogen beginning at chlorine is added
and Br“, Kr, Rb+ differ from the above? to a 1 M solution of ions of the next lower halo-
gen; CI 2 to Br“, Br 2 to L. Which halogen is
2. Table 19-11 contains values for the covalent
oxidized and which is reduced in each case ?
radii and the ionic radii of the halogens. Plot
both radii versus row number. What systematic 10. Write a balanced equation for the reaction of
changes are evident in the two curves ? dichromate and iodide ions in acid solution.
Determine E° for the reaction
3. Using the data from Table 19-11, plot on one set
of axes the melting and boiling points of the Cr 20 f + L(aq) + H+(aqj gives
halogens versus row number. Cr+Taq) - - I2 1 -h H2O
Answer. E° = -1-0.80 volt.
4. For astatine, use your graphs from Problems 2
and 3 as a basis for a prediction of its covalent 11. Balance the equation for the reaction of iodine
radius, ionic radius of the —1 ion, melting point, with thiosulfate ion
and boiling point.
I2 + S 203"^(aqj gives ‘^(aq) -f l~(aq)
thiosulfate tetrathionate
5. Predict the molecular structures and bond ion ion

lengths for SiF 4 SiCU, SiBr 4 and SiL, assuming

, ,
What is the oxidation number of sulfur in the
the covalent radius of silicon is 1.16 A.
tetrathionate ion?

6 . Explain in terms of nuclear charge why the K+ 12. How many grams of iodine can be formed from
ion is smaller than the CL ion, though they are
20.0 grams of KI by oxidizing it with ferric
isoelectronic (they have the same number of chloride (FeCh)? Determine E°.
Answer. 15.3 grams of I2.

7. Can aqueous bromine, Br 2 be used ,

to oxidize
13. Balance the equation for the reaction between
ferrous ion, ¥&^‘^(aq), to ferric ion, Fe+YoqJ
(use Appendix 3)? Aqueous iodine, I 2 ?
SO 2 and I 2 to produce 804“^ and in acid solu- L
tion. Calculate E°. From Le Chatelier’s Prin-
8 . What will happen if F 2 is bubbled into 1 M NaBr ciple, predict the effect on the E° in this reaction
solution? Justify your answer using E° values. if H+ = 10“^ M is used instead of H+ = 1 M.

14. What is the oxidation number of the halogen (c) What is E° for the reaction ?
in each of the following: HF, HBr02, HIO3, (d) Explain, using Le Chatelier’s Principle, why
ClOg-, F2, ClOr? the self-oxidation-reduction reaction occurs

15. Comparable half-reactions for iodine and chlo-

in 1 M OH“ solution instead of M H+. 1

rine are shown below.

17. How many grams of Si02 would react with
il2 + —^
3H2O IO3- -b 6H+ -f 5e- 5.00 X 102 ml of 1.00 M HF to produce SiF ? 4

E° = -1.195 volts
iCl2 + 3H2O —^ CIO3- + 6H+ -f 5e- 18. A water solution that contains 0.10 M HF is 8 %
E° = -1.47 volts dissociated. What is the value of its

(a) Which is the stronger oxidizing agent, iodate, Answer. 6.9 X 10 i

10 ^ or chlorate, CIO^ ?

(b) Balance the equation for the reaction be- From each of the following sets, select the sub-

tween chlorate ion and 1“ to produce I 2 and stance which best fits the requirement specified.

CI 2 .
(a) Strongest acid HOCl, HOCIO,
iJ^Two half-reactions involving chlorine are HOCIO 2

2C1- —^ CI
(b) Biggest atom F, Cl, Br, I
2e- 2 -f
(c) Smallest ionization
E° = -1.36 volts
H O — 2HOC1 + 2H+
energy F, Cl, Br, I
CI 2 -f 2 2 -b 2e-
(d) Best reducing agent F-, C1-, Br-, I-
E° = -1.63 volts
(e) Weakest acid HF, HCl, HBr, HI
(a) Balance the reaction in which self-oxidation- (f) Best hydrogen bonding HF, HCl, HBr, HI
reduction of CI 2 occurs to produce chloride
ion and chlorous acid, HOCl. Describe two properties that the halogens have
(b) What is the oxidation number of chlorine in in common and give an explanation of why they
each species containing chlorine? have these properties in common.

The Third Row of

the Periodic Table

In earlier chapters we recognized that strong in certain atomic properties, such as ionization
chemical similarities are displayed by elements energy, as we proceed from left to right along a
which are in the same vertical column of the row of the periodic table. Our purpose in this
periodic table. The properties which chlorine chapter is to examine the chemieal behavior of
holds in eommon with the other halogens reflect the elements in the third row of the periodic
the similarity of the electronie structures of these table to look for trends in chemical properties.
elements. On the other hand, there is an enor- Specifically, we will consider the physical prop-
mous difference between the behavior of ele- erties of the elements themselves, their per-
ments on the left side of the periodic table and formance as oxidizing or reducing agents, and
those on the right. Furthermore, the discussions the acid-base behavior of their hydroxides.
in Chapter 15 revealed systematic modification


All the elements in Row 3 are commercially arrange them in order of atomic number and
available or can be easily prepared in the labo- compare them. You can hardly imagine a more
ratory. Try to examine as many of these elements varied set of appearances. At one extreme we
as possible in the laboratory as you study this have the metals sodium, magnesium, and alumi-
chapter. If all the elements are available to you, num. When they are freshly cut these solids show
SEC. 20-1 I

the bright luster or reflectivity typical of metals. Table 20-1

They are sodium is so soft it can be cut
with a knife; magnesium and aluminum bend in BOILING POINTS OF METALS
your fingers and can be easily scratched by a Na Mg A1
sharp object. Silicon also shows the metallic
A//vap (kcal/mole) 23.1 31.5 67.9
luster, but is much harder than magnesium or 1

aluminum. Phosphorus in the form known as

b.p. CO 889 1120

white phosphorus is a yellowish, waxy solid with

a distinctly nonmetallic appearance. Black phos-
20-1.2 Silicon: A Network Solid
phorus, obtained by subjecting white phosphorus
to high pressure, is a dark gray solid which does Even though silicon is metallic in appearance, it

have some of the which characterizes

luster is not generally classified as a metal. The elec-
metals. By the time we get to sulfur, however, trical conductivity of silicon is so much less than
it is very clear we have a nonmetal. The two that of ordinary metals it is called a semicon-
gases chlorine and argon complete the trend ductor. Silicon is an example of a network solid
away from metallic appearance. (see Figure 20-1) — it has the same atomic ar-
rangement that occurs in diamond. Each silicon
20-1.1 Sodium, OHagnesium, and Aluminum: atom is surrounded by, and covalently bonded
to, four other silicon atoms. Thus, the silicon
[Metallic Solids
crystal can be regarded as one giant molec T \
Can we explain the wide variation in appearance Almost all of the valence electrons tue .7

and physical properties of these elements? We silicon crystal are localized in the covr.l.ut bonds
have already said in Chapter 17 that metals are and are not free to conduct heat or electricity by
found at the left of the periodic table. The low moving throughout the solid. On the other hand,
ionization energy and vacant valence orbitals of in the solid there are always a few valence elec-
one of these elements lead to a sea of highly trons which have acquired enough energy to be
mobile valence electrons. The mobile electrons nonlocalized and these few electrons account for
hold the atoms together in the metallic crystal the small, but noticeable, electrical conductivity
and, at the same time, are responsible for the of silicon. Again, we can rationalize the behavior
ease of conduction of heat and electricity. We of silicon in terms of its atomic structure and
also remarked that the metallic bond becomes ionization energy. The fact that the silicon atom
stronger as the number of valence electrons per has four electrons in its valence orbitals
atom and their ionization energy increase. The accounts for its tendency to form four covalent
trend in the physical properties of the third-row bonds. The increase in ionization energy and
metals seems to be well explained in terms of the
increasing number and increasing ionization en-
ergy of the valence electrons.
Fig. 20-1. The crystal structures of silicon and


Write out the electron configuration of sodium,

magnesium, and aluminum and find the ioniza-
tion energies for all their valence electrons (Table
20-IV, p. 374). Account for the trend in the heats
of vaporization and boiling points (Table 20-1)
of these elements. Compare your discussion with
that given in Section 17-1.3.
C-C dt^f-ance =1.54 A
CHAP. 20

absence of vacant valence orbitals as we proceed

along the row accounts for the increasing locali-
zation of the valence electrons into covalent
bonds and the almost complete disappearance of
electrical conductivity.

20-1.3 Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Chlorine:

IVlolecular Solids

Since the ionization energy of the phosphorus

atom is still higher than that of the silicon atom,
Fig. 20-3. The structure of an Sg molecule.
it is not surprising that the common forms of
phosphorus are nonmetallic molecular solids.
White phosphorus consists of discrete P4 mole- three bonds, and each atom is at one apex of a
cules (see Figure 20-2) and weak van der Waals
forces between the separate molecules are re-
The electron configuration in the valence or-
sponsible for the stability of the solid. The bitals of the sulfur atom (3s‘^3p'^) suggests that it
electronic structure of the phosphorus atom
will form two covalent bonds by making use of
provides an explanation of the formula and
two half-filled 3p orbitals. This is, in fact, ob-
structure of the P4 molecule. Phosphorus has the
served in the molecule Sg, which is present in the
electron configuration and we
common forms of solid sulfur. The Sg molecules
can suggest that since the 3/? orbitals are half- assume the form of a puckered ring, as shown in
filled, phosphorus should be able to form three
Figure 20-3. As with the phosphorus, the sta-
covalent bonds. The geometry should be like
bilityof this crystalline form of sulfur is due to
that inammonia, NH3, in which the three N — van der Waals forces between discrete molecules.
bonds form a pyramid with a three-sided base The electronic structure of the chlorine atom
(see page 291). As shown in Figure 20-2, in the
{3s‘^3p^) provides a satisfactory explanation of the
P4 molecule each phosphorus atom does make elemental form of this substance also. The single

3p orbital can be used to form one


covalent bond, and therefore chlorine exists as

Fig. 20-2. The structure of a P4 molecule.
a diatomic molecule. Finally, in the argon atom
allvalence orbitals of low energy are occupied
by electrons, and the possibility for chemical
bonding between the atoms is lost.


Using the principles discussed in Chapter 17,

attempt to arrange the third-row elements from

silicon through argon in order of increasing boil-

ing point, starting with the element you think

has the lowest boiling point. Be prepared to
defend in a class discussion your choice of the
position you assign each element in this se-

SEC. 20-2 I


In the last section your attention was called to Table 20-11
the extreme variation in the physical appearance THE HALF-CELL POTENTIALS
and properties of the third-row elements. We OF THIRD-ROW METALS
might start this section with a similar statement
about the behavior of the elements as oxidizing
Naf sj —^ Na+ffKyJ -\- e~ E° = 2.71 volts

Mg(s) ^ Mg+^(aq) + 2e- E° = 2.37 volts

and reducing agents. The outstanding chemical
characteristic common to metallic sodium, mag-
Alfsj —^ Al+Yfif/; + 3e- E° = 1.66 volts

nesium, and aluminum is strong reducing power.

Their tendency to lose electrons and to react with
tendency for metals to lose electrons and become
other elements is so great that they are found in
positive ions in aqueous solutions is a result of
nature only in compounds, never as free ele-
the fact that the valence electrons of their atoms
ments. All three of these metals will react with
water to give hydrogen. In the case of sodium
are not very strongly bound, as is shown by their

this reaction is fast and all of the sodium is con-

low ionization energies.
sumed if sufficient water is present. For mag-
However, this is not the complete explanation for their
nesium and aluminum, the reaction produces a reducing properties. Let us analyze the energy require-
thin layer of oxide on the metallic surface. This ments of the process
oxide layer has low solubility in water and the
Nafs) >- Na+(aq) -f e~ (7)
oxide adheres strongly to the metal. Hence it

forms a protective layer that prevents further in much the same way as we treated the half-reactions of
the halogens in Section 19-2.2. Reaction (7) can be dis-
contact between water (or air) and the metal.
cussed in terms of a series of hypothetical steps:
This protection accounts for the notable
ance of aluminum to weathering, upon which
Nafs) —^ Nafg; vaporization (2)

most of the structural uses of aluminum depend. Na(g) Na+r^) + e-(g) ionization (3)

If either magnesium or aluminum comes in con-

tact with mercury, the protective layer is re-

Na+(g) —^ Na+(aq) hydration (4)

Step (2) is just the vaporization of solid sodium to a gas.

moved and rapid reaction takes place.
This step requires energy; A// is positive for this reaction.
As we saw in Chapter 19, chlorine represents removed from a gaseous atom
In step (i) an electron is
the other extreme in chemical reactivity. Its most to form a gaseous ion; AH is positive since this step re-
obvious chemical characteristic is its ability to quires energy also. Step (4) is the hydration of a positive
acquire electrons to form negative chloride ions, ion; energy is evolved in this process, so AH is negative.

and, in the process, to oxidize some other sub- Sodium metal is a good reducing agent, primarily because
the energy required to carry out reaction (7) is small. In
stance. Since the tendency to lose or gain elec-
other words, the energy we put in to cause steps (2) and
trons is a result of the details of the electronic (i) is small and is somewhat compensated by the energy
structure of the atom, let us try to explain the we get out in step (4). We can use this example to set up
chemistry of the third-row elements on this basis. general criteria for a good metallic reducing agent (a) the :

metallic crystal must not be too stable [otherwise the

energy required for step (2) will be large] (b) the ioniza- ;

20-2.1 Sodium, Magnesium, and Aluminum: tion energy of the gaseous atom should be small; (c) the

Strong Reducing Agents hydration energy, the energy evolved in step (4), should
be large.
A glance at Appendix 3, the table of E°’s for We have already mentioned that the stability of the

half-reactions, should convince you that sodium, metallic crystaland the ionization energies of the atom
tend to increase in the series sodium, magnesium, and
magnesium, and aluminum are among the
aluminum. In spite of this, aluminum is still an excellent
strongest reducing agents available. Their £'°’s AH^
reducing agent because the hydration energy of the
are also listed in Table 20-11. Part of this strong ion is very large (Table 20-III).
CHAP. 20

Table 20-III
MgChd) Mgrs; + Cl,(g) (8)
THIRD-ROW IONS (kcal/mole) The magnesium metal is thus recovered for re-
peated use in reaction (7). Chlorine produced in
Na+ Mg+2 Al+3 reaction (8) is also put to use in the manufacture
97 460 1121
of TiCh, the other reactant in reaction (7).

The third-row metals also show their strong 20-2.2 Silicon, Phosphorus, and Sulfur:
reducing properties in reactions which do not Oxidizing and Reducing Agents
take place in aqueous solution. For instance, of Intermediate Strengths
magnesium metal ignited in air will react with
carbon dioxide, reducing it to elemental carbon: Silicon also can act as a reducing agent, as we

2Mgfs; + CO,(g) —^ 2MgOrs; + C(s) (5)

might expect from the properties of sodium,
magnesium, and aluminum. It reacts with mo-
If aluminum metal is mixed with a metal oxide lecularoxygen to form silicon dioxide, Si02. This
such as ferric oxide, Fe 203 and ignited, the oxide
network solid is held together by very strong
is reduced and large amounts of heat are evolved: bonds. However, because of the rather high
2Airs; + Fe203rs; — 2Fers; + Al^OsrsJ ionization energy of the silicon atom, and the
kcal great stability of the silicon crystal, its reducing
AH -203 ( 6)
properties are considerably less than those of the
mole Fe 203
typical metals.
These reactions are possible because of the great
Phosphorus continues the trend away from
stability, or low energy, of the oxides of mag-
strong reducing properties. Elemental phospho-
nesium and aluminum. The oxides are ionic com-
rus will react with strong oxidizing agents like
pounds whose great stability can be attributed
oxygen and the halogens,
to strong electrostatic forces between small, posi-
tively charged Mg+2 ions (or Al+^ ions) and P4rs) -f 502r^j —^ P404orsj (9)

negatively charged oxide ions, 0“^.

the Mg+2 and Al+^ ions are very small allows
The fact that P4rs) + 6ci2rg; —^ 4pci3fi) m
but will also react with strong reducing agents
these positive ions to approach closely the nega-
tive oxide ions, resulting in strong attractive
such as magnesium to form phosphides:

forces. P4rs) + 6Mg(s) — 2 Mg P

3 2 fs) (77)
The ease of oxidation of magnesium is im-
Therefore, elemental phosphorus shows both re-
portant in the commercial manufacture of tita-
ducing and oxidizing properties. This interme-
nium metal. Titanium, when quite pure, shows
diate behavior can be explained in terms of the
great promise as a structural metal, but the
electron occupancy and ionization energy of the
economics of production have thus far inhibited
phosphorus atom. The fact that the ionization
its use. One of the processes currently used, the
energy of phosphorus is greater than the previous
Kroll process, involves the reduction of liquid
elements in Row 3 suggests it will be a poorer
titanium tetrachloride with molten metallic
reducing agent than, for example, aluminum.
jicm -h 2Mgr/j — Ti(s) -I- 2Mgci2r/; (?)
The combination of a noticeable affinity for elec-
trons (as evidenced by the ionization energy) and
Titanium has a very high melting point (1812°C), three half-filled 3p orbitals provides an explana-
so the magnesium chloride can be vaporized and tion for the appearance of a weak oxidizing tend-
distilled away from the solid titanium. The gase- ency in phosphorus. Since phosphorus neither
ous magnesium chloride condensed and then
is loses nor gains electrons readily, it is neither a
electrolyzed to regenerate magnesium and chlo- strong reducing agent nor a strong oxidizing
rine: agent.
SEC. 20-2 I

From this discussion you should not conclude EXERCISE 20-3

that phosphorus is an inert element. Many of the Water saturated with SO 2 gas is a relatively mild
reactions of elemental phosphorus take place but quite useful reducing agent. Which of the
very rapidly. For instance, when white phospho- following aqueous ions might be reduced by it?

rus is exposed to the air it reacts rapidly accord- (a) Fe+^ to Fe+2
ing to reaction (9). Evidently this reaction has a (b) Cu+2 to Cu+
low activation energy, accounting for the fact (c) Sn+4 to Sn +2
that though phosphorus is not a strong reducing (d) Hg +2 to ngi)
agent, yet, with oxygen, it reacts rapidly.
The ionization energy of the sulfur atom shows
that it is even more reluctant than phosphorus
20-2.3 Chlorine: A Strong Oxidizing Agent

to lose electrons. The common compounds of The formation of several oxidation states is

sulfur are the sulfides, which may be formed by typical of the elements on the right side of the
reactions of elemental sulfur with a large number periodic table. We have already discussed in
of metals. Typical reactions are Chapter 19 the fact that chlorine can exist in the

8 Znfs; + Ss(s) 8ZnS(s) (12) + 1, -f-3, +5, and -f 7 oxidation states as well as

16Agrsj + Ss(s) —^ 8 Ag 2 SrsJ (75)
in the
most often found
1 state. In its

in the
compounds, chlorine
— 1 state. This prepon-

These reactions show sulfur in the role of an derance of — 1 compounds shows that elemental
oxidizing agent. The properties of compounds chlorine behaves as an oxidizing agent in most
such as ZnS suggest they contain the sulfide ion, of its reactions.
S“2. The formation of this ion again can be ex- When we review the oxidation-reduction prop-
pected on the basis of the fact that the neutral erties of the Row 3 elements we do see a rather
sulfur atom has two electrons less than enough smooth trend in behavior from the strong reduc-
to fill the valence orbitals. Acquisition of two ing agent sodium, through the elements like
electrons completely fills the low energy valence phosphorus and sulfur which are neither strong
orbitals and solid ionic compounds can be reducing agents nor strong oxidizing agents,
formed. finally ending with the strong oxidizing agent
Sulfur reacts with molecular oxygen to form chlorine, where the reducing tendency is very
compounds in which sulfur is assigned positive low. This trend is quite consistent with the
oxidation numbers, +4 and -f6. The reactions ionization energies and orbital occupancy of the
are those used in the manufacture of sulfuric atoms. This rationalization of chemical behavior
acid (see Chapter 13): in terms of electronic structure aids in remember-
-g-SsfsJ + 02 (g) >- S02(g) (14) ing the chemistry of these elements, and in

+ \02(g) —^ SOsrg) (15)

making predictions of the chemistry of other
elements in the table.
Of these two oxides, SO 2 (sulfur dioxide) is gase-
ous at ordinary temperatures and pressures,
while SO3 (sulfur trioxide) is a solid with a rather
high vapor pressure. Gaseous sulfur trioxide con- Water containing dissolved CI 2 is a useful oxidiz-
sists of discrete SO3 molecules. Even though ing agent. Which of the following aqueous ions
sulfur forms these and other compounds in which might be oxidized by it?

it is assigned a positive oxidation number, it does (a) Fe+2 to Fe+3

so only by reacting with the strongest of oxidiz- (b) Cu+ to Cu+2
ing agents. Therefore we see that sulfur is (c) Sn+2 to Sn+4
somewhat like phosphorus — its strength as a (d) Mn+2 to Mn 02 (sj
reducing agent or as an oxidizing agent is in- (e) Mn+2 to MnO^
CHAP. 20


We can attempt to predict whether a com-
In the last section we saw that the variation in
chemical reactivity of elements in the third row
pound containing the MOH
group will behave
as an acid or base by considering the strength
of the periodic table can be understood in terms
of electronic structure of the atoms. Those ele-
with which the element M
binds electrons. If the

ments which have both high ionization energies

atom M has a high ionization energy, it holds
electrons strongly, so we would not expect the
and vacant valence orbitals tend to gain electrons
and act as oxidizing agents, while those with
M—O bond to break and form M+ and OH“
lower ionization energies tend to lose electrons
ions. Also, if M holds electrons strongly, we
expect it to draw electrons away from the oxygen
and act as reducing agents. We wish now to ex-
plain the acid-base behavior of the hydroxides
atom in the MOH group, with the result that
the oxygen atom will be less able to acquire and
of the third-row elements, again using the sim-
bind a proton as indicated in reaction (18).
plest possible ideas of atomic structure. We
already encountered a similar problem in Chap-
Therefore, as the ionization energy of M in-

ter 19 when we explained the acidity of the

creases, we expect MOH to be less able to act
as a base, either by reaction (16) or (18).
oxyacids of chlorine. In this chapter we will
again deal with a series of compounds which
An increase in strength with whieh M binds
eleetrons has another consequence, as we men-
contain the group
tioned in Chapter 19. As draws electrons M
M— O— toward itself, the O H bond may beeome —
weakened and the compound would be expected
Here M might be any of the third-row elements.
to display aeidic properties.
Compounds of this structure may, of course, act
as bases by releasing hydroxide ions, breaking
the M —OH bond. The hydroxide ion, then, can
accept a proton from an acid YiB
20-3.1 Sodium and Magnesium Hydroxides:
Strong Bases
M— O— H M+(aq) + OH~(aq) (16)
Let us apply these ideas to the third-row ele-
OH- (aq) + H5 q=±: HO+
2 B-(aq) (17)
ments. On the left side of the table we have the
Chemists recognize another way in which metallic reducing agents sodium and magnesium,
M —O— H compounds can act as bases. The which we already know have small affinity for
M—O — H can react directly with H5:
base electrons, since they have low ionization energies

M—O— H HB -1-
M(OH,)+(aq)-\- B-(aq) (18)
and are readily oxidized.
then, that the hydroxides
It is not surprising,
of these elements,
NaOH and Mg(OH) 2, are solid ionic compounds
In reaction (18), one of the unshared pairs of made up of hydroxide ions and metal ions.
electrons on the oxygen atom of the MOH group Sodium hydroxide is very soluble in water and
has accepted a proton, and so MOH can act as its solutions are alkaline due to the presence of
a base without actually releasing hydroxide ion. the OH- ion. Sodium hydroxide is a strong base.
MOH compounds
In addition, can act as Magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH) 2 ,
is not very
acids, breaking the MO — H bond: soluble in water, but it does dissolve in acid
solutions because of the reaction
M—O— H
M—0-(aq) -h U+(aq) (19)
Mg(OH) 2 fs; + 2H+faq; ^
Mg+YaqJ + 2H20 (20)
M—0—H(s) + H O 2

M—0-(aq) + li^O+(aq) (19a) Magnesium hydroxide is a strong base.

SEC. 20-3 I

20-3.2 Aluminum Hydroxide: Both an Acid Si02 •

AH 2 O. This hydrated oxide does react with
and a Base hydroxide ion to form soluble silicate ions:

We can from the ionization energy of alumi-

tell Si02 xH20(solid hydrate) + 20 H“(aq) —
num that this atom holds its second and third SiOs ^(aq) + H2O (24)
valence electrons rather firmly. With this fact in
This reaction shows that the hydrated oxide
mind, we can see why aluminum hydroxide,
Si 02 -A:H 20 is acidic, since it reacts with a base.
A1(0H)3, would not be as strongly basic as are
As we mentioned earlier, phosphorus can be
the hydroxides, NaOH and Mg(OH) 2 Alumi- .

found in four different oxidation states. The

num hydroxide has extremely low solubility in
“hydroxides” of the -fl, +3, and +5 states of
neutral aqueous solutions but does react with
phosphorus are hypophosphorous acid, H3PO2,
strong acids according to the reaction
phosphorous acid, H3PO3, and phosphoric acid,
AKOHlafs; + 3H+(aq) —^ Al+^aq) + 3H.20 (21)
H3PO4. Their structures are shown in Figure
20-4. As suggested by their names, these com-
pounds are and are of moderate
Al(OH) 3 rsj + 3HsO^( aq) — strength.
distinctly acidic,
The equilibrium constant for the first
A\(Om^^(aq) (22)
ionization of each acid is approximately IQ-^:
These reactions say the same thing, but reaction hypophosphorous acid:

(22) emphasizes the fact that the Al+^ ion is H3PO2 —^ n+(aq) + H2PO2- faq)
hydrated in aqueous solutions. In any case, the
K= I X 10-2 (25)
fact that A 0H 1
( )3 reacts with acids shows that
phosphorous acid:
has the properties of a base.

Aluminum hydroxide will also react with hy- H3PO3 —^ H+(aq) + H2PO3- faq)

droxide ion to dissolve according to the equation K 1.6 X 10-2 (26)

phosphoric acid:
Al(OH)3rs; + OH-faqJ —^ Al(OH),- faqj (23)
H3PO4 ^ H+(aq) -h H2POrr«q)
Reaction (23) shows that Al(OH )3 has the prop- K= 0.1 X 10-2 (27)
erties of an acid, since it reacts with the base
Notice that this series differs from the oxyacids
OH~. A substance that acts as an acid under some
of chlorine, shown in Figure 19-6. In the chlorine
conditions and as a base under other conditions
oxyacids, oxygen atoms add successively and the
is said to be amphoteric. The electronic situa-
first ionization constants become larger. In the
tion in A ( 0H
1 )3 is such that it can either accept
phosphorus oxyacids, hydrogen atoms are suc-
a proton (act as a base) or react with OH~ (act
as an acid). We will see in Chapter 22 that
cessively replaced by O —
H groups but the first
ionization constants change very little.
several other hydroxides also show amphoteric
The most common oxyacid of sulfur is H2SO4,
sulfuric acid. In dilute aqueous solutions this
substance is almost completely dissociated into
20-3.3 Silicon, Phosphorus, Sulfur, ions according to the equation
and Chlorine Oxyacids
H2SO4 —^ H+(aq) + HS04-(aqJ (28)

Both our original prediction about the effect of SO sulfuric acid is classified as a strong acid. The
ionization energy on acid-base behavior and the
bisulfate ion, HS 04“ (also called the hydrogen
trend which we have observed in the first three
sulfate ion), is also an acid, since the equilibrium
elements lead us to expect that the hydroxide or
constant for the reaction
oxide of silicon should not be basic, but perhaps
should be weakly acidic. This is in fact observed.
HSO4- ^ H+foq) + SO^^(aq) (29)

Silicon dioxide, Si02, can exist as a hydrated is approximately 10“^. From these equilibrium
solid containing variable amounts of water, constants it is clear that sulfur in the -fb oxida-
CHAP. 20


Hypophosphorous acid H3 PO2

Phosphorous acid HjPOj

Phosphoric acid HsPO^

Fig. 20-4. Presumed structures of the phosphorus we have observed in the successive third-row
The oxyacids (or, hydroxides) of chlorine were
discussed in Section 19-2.4 and an explanation
tion state is even more acidic than silicon and of their acid strengths was given there. The ar-
phosphorus. guments used to explain the increase in acid
Sulfur in the +4 oxidation state also forms strength of the oxyacids of chlorine with in-
an oxyacid, sulfurous acid (H2SO3). This com- creasing oxidation number connect with those
pound is not as strong an acid as H2SO4. The used in this chapter to explain the increase of
equilibrium constant for the reaction acidity which occurs as we successively consider

H2SO3 — n+(aq) + HSOs (aq) ( 30 )

the oxygen
compounds of the third-row ele-
As a halogen atom adds oxygen atoms,
is approximately 10“2. The species HSO^ is
electron charge is drawn away from the halogen.

called the bisulfite ion or the hydrogen sulfite

This, in turn draws electrons from the O —
ion. It too is a weak acid and dissociates in water bond and weakens it. Acid strength increases.
to form the sulfite ion, As we move to the right in the periodic table, the

HSO3- —> H+raqj + SOl^(aq) (31)

ionization energy increases and, again, attrac-
tion of electrons by the central atom increases.
Therefore we see that the oxyacids of sulfur This, too, draws electrons from the O —H bond
continue the trend of increasing acidity which and weakens it. Acid strength increases.
SEC. 20-4 I


Except for argon, the third-row elements make complex mixture of Ca 3(P 04)2 and CaF 2 Most .

up an important fraction (about 30%) of the phosphates have low solubility in water. The
earth’s crust. Silicon and aluminum are the sec- element is not found uncombined in nature.
ond and third most abundant elements (oxygen Sulfur (fourteenth most abundant element) oc-
is the most abundant). Both the occurrence and curs in minerals either in an oxidized state as
the mode of preparation of each element can be sulfate anion, SO^^, or in a reduced state as
understood in terms of trends in chemistry dis- sulfide anion, S~2. Gypsum, CaS04 -21420, with
cussed earlier in this chapter. low solubility in water, and Epsom salt,

MgS 04 -74420 with high solubility in water, are

two common sulfate minerals. Galena, PbS, iron
20-4.1 Occurrence in Nature pyrites, FeS 2 and
zinc blende, ZnS, are impor-
tant sulfide minerals. Sulfur occurs as the free
Sodium (fifth most abundant element) is found element in large underground deposits.
principally as Na+ ion in water soluble salt Chlorine (sixteenth most abundant element) is

deposits, such as NaCl, and in salt waters. The found as CF in water soluble salt deposits, such
element reacts rapidly with water and with at- as NaCl, and in salt waters. The element, CI 2 ,

mospheric oxygen, hence is not found in an not found in the atmosphere.

uncombined state in nature. Argon is found only in the elemental state.
Magnesium (eighth most abundant element) is Air contains about 1 % argon.
found principally as Mg+2 ion in salt deposits,
particularly as the slightly soluble carbonate,
MgCOs, and also in sea water. The element is
20-4.2 Mode of Preparation of the Element
oxidized by atmospheric oxygen and is not found
inan uncombined state in nature. Sodium is prepared by electrolysis of molten
Aluminum (third most abundant element) is NaCl (giving chlorine as a by-product) or of
found as the Al+^ ion in oxides and as the com- molten NaOH.
plex ion AIF^^. Important minerals are bauxite, Magnesium is an important structural metal.

which is best described as a hydrated aluminum It can be prepared through the sequence of
oxide, Al 203 -xH 20 and
cryolite, NasAlFg. The steps: precipitation of Mg+2 from sea water by
element is readily oxidized and is not found in OH“ to form Mg(OH) 2 ;
conversion of Mg(OH )2
an uncombined state in nature. to MgCb; electrolysis of molten MgCE.
Silicon is the second most abundant element Aluminum, though the third most abundant
in the earth’s crust. It occurs in sand as the element, was quite expensive until about 1886,
dioxide Si 02 and as complex silicate derivatives when a practical commercial electrolysis process
arising from combinations of the acidic oxide was developed by a young American chemist,
Si02 with various basic oxides such as CaO, C. M. Hall. Bauxite, AI 2 O 3 -XH 2 O, is dissolved
MgO, and K O.2 The clays, micas, and granite, at about 1000°C in molten cryolite, Na 3 AlF 6 and ,

which make up most soils and rocks, are silicates. electrolyzed.

All have low solubility in water and they are Silicon in the elemental state has important
difficult to dissolve, even in strong acids. Silicon electronic applications as a semiconductor that
is not found in the elemental state in nature. were developed only during the last decade. The
Phosphorus (eleventh most abundant element) discovery of these uses was possible only after
occurs mostly as the phosphate anion, P 04"^, in methods were developed for preparing silicon of
such minerals as “phosphate rock,’’ which is a extremely high purity. Reduction of Si02 with
CHAP. 20

carbon in an electric furnace is one process for Argon is obtained through fractional distilla-

manufacture of silicon. Very pure silicon is made tion of liquefied air.

by decomposing SiCb. Still further purification 20-4.3 Some Properties of the Second-
of the element is based upon the “zone-melting” and Third-Row Elements
technique in which a rod of silicon is heated to
The first ionization energies of elements 1 to 19
melting in a thin zone. This molten zone is
are shown in Table 15-III. The energies to re-
gradually moved along the length of the rod.
move successive electrons from gaseous Na, Mg,
The impurities dissolve in the liquid and move
and A1 atoms are shown in Table 20-IV.
along with the zone, leaving metal of ultra-high
Trends in the properties of SH of vaporization
and boiling point for the second- and third-row
Phosphorus is prepared by heating a mixture
elements are compared in Table 20- V.
of Ca 3 (P 04 ) 2 ,
sand, and carbon (coke). White
phosphorus, P4, distills out and can be cooled
Table 20-IV
and collected under water.
Sulfur is pumped out of natural underground OF SODIUM, MAGNESIUM,
deposits in the molten state after it is melted AND ALUMINUM (kcal/mole)
with water heated under pressure to about
El £2 £3 £4
ELEMENT (1st e-) (2nd e-) (3rd e~) (4th e~)
Chlorine is prepared by the electrolysis of
molten NaCl or of aqueous NaCl. Na 118 1091 1653 —
Mg 175 345 1838 2526
Al 138 434 656 .


A//vap B.P. AHvap B.P.
ELEMENT (kcal/mole) (°C) ELEMENT (kcal/mole) (°C)

Li 32.2 1326 Na 23.1 889

Be 53.5 2970 1
Mg 31.5 1120
B 128.8 ~3900 i
Al 67.9 2327
C 170 ~4000 1 Si (105) 2355
N 0.67 -196 P 3.0 280
0 0.81 -183 1
s 2.5 445
F 0.78 -188 !
Cl 4.9 -34.1
Ne 0.42 -246 '

Ar 1.6 -186


Make a graph with an energy scale extending circle around each ionization energy that identi-

on the ordinate from zero to 3000 kcal/mole and fies a valence electron.
with the abscissa marked at equal intervals with
2. Plot the ionization energy of the first electron
the labels Na, Mg, and Al. Now plot and con-
removed from the atoms of both the second- and
nect with a solid line the first ionization energies,
third-row elements against their atomic number
El, of these three elements (see Table 20-IV).
(abscissa). What regularity do you observe ?
Plot E 2 and connect with a dashed line, E3 with
a dotted line, and £’4 with a solid line. Draw a 3. Silicon melts at 1410°C and phosphorus (white)

at 44°C. Explain this very great difference in (c) Balance the equation for the reaction be-
terms of the structures of the solids. tween phosphorous acid and Fe+® and cal-
culate E° for the reaction.
4. Recalling the chemistry of nitrogen, write for-
mulas for phosphorus compounds correspond- 11. Answer the following in terms of electron con-
ing to figuration and ionization energy

(a) ammonia, (a) Which elements in the second and third rows
(b) hydrazine, are strong
(c) ammonium iodide.
(i) oxidizing agents?

5. Write the formula for the fluoride you expect to (ii) reducing agents ?

be most stable for each of the third-row ele- (b) What properties do strong oxidizing agents
ments. have?
(c) What properties do strong reducing agents
6 . The heat of reaction for the formation of
MgOfsj from the elements is —144 kcal/mole
of MgOfsJ. How much heat is liberated when 12. Of the elements Na, Mg, Al, which one would
magnesium reduces the carbon in CO 2 to free you expect to be most likely to
carbon? See Table 7 -II. (a) form a molecular solid with chlorine?
Answer. AH = —91 kcal/mole MgO. (b) form an ionic solid with chlorine?

7. Magnesium oxide is an ionic solid that crystal- 13. One kilogram of sea water contains 0.052 mole
lizes in the sodium chloride type lattice. of magnesium ion. What is the minimum num-
(a) why MgO is an ionic substance.
Explain ber of kilograms of sea water that would have

(b) How many calories would be required to to be processed in order to obtain 1 kg of

decompose 8.06 grams of MgO? (Use the Mg(OH) 2 ?

data in problem 6 .) Answer. 3.3 X 10^ kg of sea water.

(c) Draw a diagram of a crystal of MgO. 14. Why is aluminum hydroxide classed as an am-
photeric compound?
8. Aluminum oxide (AI2O3) is thought to dissociate
at high temperature (1950°C) according to the 15. Some of the following common compounds of
equation; 2 Al 203 fsJ — 4A\0(g) + 02 (^/ The the third-row elements are named as hydroxides

total vapor pressure at 1950°C is about 1 X 10"® and some as acids
atm. NaOH sodium hydroxide
(a) Which element is oxidized and which is re- Mg(OH )2 magnesium hydroxide
duced in this reaction ? A 0H1( )3 aluminum hydroxide
(b) Write the equation for the equilibrium con- Si(OH )4 silicic acid (usually written H 4 Si 04 )

stant. P( 0 H )3 phosphorous acid (usually written

(c) Calculate its value using partial pressure as H3PO3)
the unit of “concentration” for the gases. S( 0H )2 not known
Cl(OH) hypochlorous acid (usually written
9. Explain the observation that phosphorus acts
both as a weak reducing agent and as a weak
oxidizing agent. (a) Explain why these compounds vary system-
atically in their acid-base behavior.
(a) What are the oxidation numbers of phos- (b) Write equations that show the reactions of
phorus in the two compounds phosphorous each of these substances either as acids, as
acid, H3PO3, and phosphoric acid, H3PO4? bases, or both.
(b) From the E° values in Appendix 3, decide
which of the following substances might be
16. A solution containing 0.20 M H PO3 3, phospho-
rous acid, is tested with indicators and the
reduced by phosphorous acid: Fe+ ; Sn^^;
I2; Cr+K
ii^(aq) concentration is found to be 5.0 X
10~2 M.
H2O -I- H3PO3 — H3PO4 -f- 2 H+ + 2e- H PO3 3,
Calculate the dissociation constant of
assuming that a second proton cannot
E° = 0.276 volt be removed.
CHAP. 20

17. Elemental phosphorus is prepared by the reduc- (a) Write the equation for the reaction.
tion of calcium phosphate, Ca 3 (P 04 ) 2 ,
with coke (b) Using 75.0 kg of the ore, calcium phosphate,
in the presence of sand, Si 02 . The products are calculate how many grams of P 4 can be ob-
phosphorus, calcium silicate, CaSiOs, and car- tained and how many grams of coke (as-
bon monoxide. sumed to be pure carbon) will be used.

The Second Column

of the Periodic Table:
The Alkaline Earths
H 2
3 4 7 6 9 lO
Li Be c N O F Ne
ii 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18
Na Ug At Si P "
s Cl Ar
19 20 21 22 23 24" "'25
26 27 23 29 30 31 y2 34 35 3b
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Se Br Kr
37 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 : 49 50 51 52 53 54
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Fu Fh Td Aq Cd In Sn $b 1 Xe
55 56 37-71 7Z 73 74 75 7b 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 "84 85 86
Cs Ba Hf Ta tv Be Os Ir Ft Au Hg Tt Pb Bl Po^ At Fn
Fr Fa
38 39-
In the preceding chapter we looked at the ele- in terms of the ionization energies and orbital
ments of the third row in the periodic table to occupancies.
see what systematic changes occur in properties There are similar, but smaller, trends in the
when electrons are added to the outer orbitals properties of elements in a column (a family) of
of the atom.' We saw that there was a decided the periodic table. Though the elements in a
trend from metallic behavior to nonmetallic, family display similar chemistry, there are im-
from base-forming to acid-forming, from simple portant and interesting differences as well. Many
ionic compounds to simple molecular com- of these differences are explainable in terms of
pounds. These trends are conveniently discussed atomic size.


The elements of the second column and their electrons than a mert gas. We can expect these
electron configurations are given in Table 21-1. two electrons to be easily removed, to give the
For each element, the neutral atom has two more stability of the inert gas electron configuration.
CHAP. 21

Table 21-1. electron configurations of the alkaline earth elements


beryllium Be 4 W i

magnesium Mg 12 1^2 2s^2p^ 1


calcium Ca 20 •••2522^6 3s^3p^ 452

strontium Sr 38 • • •
4s^p^ 5^2

barium Ba 56 •
4sHp^ 4^10 5s^5ff ;

radium Ra 88 • •
4P^5s^5p^ 6s‘^6p^ 752

Exercises 21-1 and 21-2 pose some of the

EXERCISE 21-1 simplest questions we can ask about the alkaline
On the basis of the electron configurations and earths. The periodic table arranges in a column
positions in the periodic table, answer the follow- elements having similar electron configurations.
ing questions. We can expect elements on the left side of the
periodic table to be metals (as magnesium is).
(a) Is calcium likely to be a metal or nonmetal?
Furthermore, we can expect that the elements in
(b) Is calcium likely to resemble magnesium or a given column will be more like each other than
potassium in its chemistry?
they will be like elements in adjacent columns.
(c) Is calcium likely to have a higher or a lower
Thus, when we find that the chemistry of mag-
boiling point than potassium? than scan-
nesium is almost wholly connected with the
dium? behavior of the dipositive magnesium ion, Mg+2,
we can expect a similar situation for calcium,
and for strontium, and for each of the other
Predict the chemical formula and physical state alkaline earth elements. This proves to be so.
at room temperature of the most stable com- Remembering, then, that the alkaline earths
pound formed by each alkaline earth element are classed as a family because of general simi-
with (a) chlorine; (b) oxygen; (c) sulfur. we shall
larity, investigate the detailed differences
among them.


21-2.1 Atomic Radii in Solids
pure metals, in the gaseous oxide molecules, and
The size of an atom is defined in terms of the in the solid oxides (which, except for BeO, have
interatomic distances that are found in solids the sodium chloride crystal structure pictured in
and in gaseous molecules containing that atom. Figure 5-10, p. 81). This table also shows the
For an atom on the left side of the periodic table, corresponding radii assigned to each alkaline
gaseous molecules are obtained only at very high earth atom, first, in the metallic state, second,
temperatures. At normal temperatures, solids in the gaseous molecule (assuming that oxygen
are found and there are two important types to has the same size as in O ) and third,
2 in the state
consider, metallic solids and ionic solids. Table of a +2 ion (assuming that the oxide ion,
21-11 shows the nearest neighbor distances in the should be assigned a radius of 1 .32 A).
SEC. 21-2 I

^- 11



Be 2.23 1.33 1.64 1.11 0.73 0.32

Mg 3.20 1.75 2.10 1.60 1.15 0.78
Ca 3.95 1.82 2.40 1.97 1.22 1.08
Sr 4.30 1.92 2.57 2.15 1.32 1.25
Ba 4.35 1.94 2.76 2.17 1.34 1.44

We see that, no matter what type of bonding
situation is considered, there is a trend in size If the ionization energy Ei is regarded as a
moving downward in the periodic table. The measure of the distance between the electron
alkaline earth atoms become larger in the and the nuclear charge, what do the ionization
sequence Be < Mg < Ca < Sr < Ba. These energies of Be and Ba indicate about the relative
atomic sizes provide a basis for explaining trends sizes of the two atoms?
in many properties of the alkaline earth elements
and their compounds.

From Exercise 21-4 we see that the decreasing

21-2.2 Ionization Energies ionization energies observed for the alkaline
earth atoms are readily explained in terms of
Table 21 -III shows the first three ionization en- their increasing size moving down in the periodic
ergies of the alkaline earths. table. Notice that the ionization energy trend
going down in the periodic table is the same as
the trend going to the left in the periodic table.
Table 21-III


From the ionization energies, predict which
ELEMENT £;i (1st e-) £ 2 (2nd e-) E, (3rd e-) solid substance involves bonds having the most
ionic character: BeCb, MgCb, CaCb, SrCh,
Be 214 420 3533
BaCb. Which substance is expected to have most
Mg 175 345 1838
covalent character in its bonds?
Ca 140 274 1173
Sr 132 253 986
Ba 120 230 811

21-2.3 Metallic Properties

Table 21 -IV shows some properties of the metals

and their crystal forms. Since different crystal
For each of the alkaline earths, calculate the forms are involved in the series, trends in the
ratio E2 /E1 Account for the results in terms of
. properties are obscured. Figure 21-2 shows scale
the charges on the ions formed in the two ioniza- representations of the crystal structures of metal-
tion steps. lic beryllium, calcium, and barium.
CHAP. 21

Mztat, AT Gaseous oxide, JMi-O Solid oxide,

Jlfetaltic radius Double bond radius Ionic radius

Fig. 21-1. Sizes of the alkaline earth atoms with various bond types (in Angstroms)
SEC. 21-3 I

Be Ca Ba
Hexagonal Face- cenirered cubic Body- cetctered cubic
Fig. 21-2. Scale representations of the crystal struc-
tures of Be, Ca, and Ba.

Table 21-IV. properties of the alkaline earths in the metallic state

ELEMENT STRUCTURE (g/ml) (°C) (kcal/mole) (ohm-cm)“i

Be hexagonal
1 1
1283 54
1.69 X 10^
Mg hexagonal 1.75 650 32 2.24 X 10^
Ca face-centered cubic 1.55 850 42 2.92 X KF
Sr face-centered cubic 2.6 770 39 0.43 X 10^
Ba body-centered cubic
710 42 0.16 X 105

the metallic state. Compare the trend in these
From the density of each element, calculate the molar volumes with the trend in the metallic

volume occupied by one mole of its atoms in radii shown in Table 21-11.


We have already observed (in Exercise 21-2) that agents, since they readily release electrons. The
the alkaline earths have similar chemistry. As values of E° are collected in Table 21-V.
shown in Table 21-1, they have similar electron
configurations. Table 21 -IIIshows that each ele- Table 21-V
ment has two valence electrons. With these basic THE HALF-CELL POTENTIALS
likenesses in mind we shall explore the chemical FOR THE ALKALINE EARTHS
trends among these elements.
Be — Be+2 +2e- E° = 4-1.85 volts

Mg — Mg+2 + 2e- E° = 4-2.37

Ca — Ca+2 + 2c- E° = 4-2.87
21-3.1 Oxidation and Reduction Sr — Sr+2 +2c- E° = -b2.89

All of the alkaline earths are strong reducing

Ba — Ba+2 + 2c- E° = +2.90
CHAP. 21
Caors; + H20r[; z^ Ca(OH)2rs;
The ease of removal of an electron from a gase- Aif = -15.6kcal (7)

ous atom, the ionization energy, one of the


factors that is important in fixing E°. Refer back The process is called “slaking” the lime and it is

to Table 21 -III and predict the trend in E° that used by plasterers in preparing mortar, which
this factor would tend to cause. requires Ca(OH) 2 As water. is added to lime
there a considerable evolution of heat, as

evidenced by wisps of steam that rise from the

21-3.2 Acid and Base Properties Because all of the alkaline earth oxides react

We have explained the trends in acid-base char-

with water to form basic hydroxides, they are

by considering
called basic oxides. The reactions and their
acter across the periodic table
heats are as follows:
the increasing ionization energy of the metal
atom. As the atom M in a structure M — O— Beors; -b z^ Be(OH)2rs;
attracts electrons more and more strongly, there
is increasing tendency toward acidic properties.
AH = -2.5kcal (8)

As the ionization energy of M goes down, there MgOfs; + U^Od) z^ Mg(OH),(s)

increasing tendency toward basic properties.
AH= -8.9kcal (9)
Moving down in a column is equivalent in
many respects to moving to the left in the peri- Caors; -b U20(l) Zfz±: Ca(OH) 2 rs;
odic table. Since we find basic properties pre- A// = -15.6 kcal (70)
dominant at the left of the periodic table in a
row, we can expect to find basic properties SrOfs) + U^Od) z^ Sr(OH) 2 rs;
increasing toward the bottom of a column. Thus A77 = -19.9 kcal (77)
the base strength of the alkaline earth hydroxides
is expected to be largest for barium and stron- BaOfsj + H20(1) z^ Ba(OH) 2 rsj

tium. The greatest acid strength is expected for AH = -24.5 kcal (72)

beryllium hydroxide.
Experimentally we find that strontium and Notice the progressively increasing exothermic
barium hydroxides are indeed strong bases. All reaction heat, moving downward in the series.

of the alkaline earth hydroxides dissolve readily

in acidic solutions, showing that they are all
bases to some extent:
How much heat is evolved if one pound (454
Be(OH)2rsJ -f 2 H+( aq) Be +2+ 2H2O (/)
grams) of lime is slaked according to reaction
Mg(OH)2rs; -f 2 H+(aq) Mg+2 + 2H2O ( 2) (70)? How many grams of water can be evapo-
rated with this heat? (The heat of vaporization
Ca(OH)2rs; -b 2 li+( aq) z^ Ca+2 -f 2H2O (i)
of water is about 10 kcal/mole.)
Sr(OH)2fs; -b 2 H+(aq) z^ Sr+2 2H2O (4 )

Ba(OH)2rsj -b 2H+raq; Ba +2 -f 2 HO
2 (5)

21-3.3 Solubilities of Alkaline Earth

Only beryllium hydroxide dissolves appreciably
Compounds in Water
in strong base solutions,

Be(OH)2fsj -b 20H- BeQ-^ HO We encountered the solubilities of alkaline earth

-b 2 2 (6)
salts in Chapter 10 and discovered some interest-

These hydroxides are formed from the cor- ing trends. Before looking back to Figures 10-5
responding oxides. For example, calcium oxide, and 10-6, see how much you can recall about
or lime, reacts with water as in reaction (7). these solubilities.
SEC. 21-3 I

EXERCISE 21-9 Table 21 -VI

In your notebook indicate one of the four THE SOLUBILITY PRODUCTS OF THE
(i) none of the alkaline earth ions; ... g
(ii) all alkaline earth ions;
Mg(OH)2 8.9 X 10-12
Ca(OH )2 1.3 X
(iii) Be+2,Mg+2, and Ca+2, but not Sr+2, Ba+\
Sr(OH )2 3.2 X IQ-^
or Ra+2;
Ba(OH )2 5.0 X lO-^
(iv) Sr+2, Ba+2, and Ra+^ but not Be+2, Mg+2,
or Ca+2

for each of the following: few ions in solution; the larger values correspond
to higher concentration in a saturated solution
(a) form compounds of low solubilities
that is, higher solubility.
with Cl“, Br“, and I“.

(b) form compounds of low solubilities

with sulfate, SO^^,

(c) r form compounds of low solubilities

with sulfide, Suppose you have a solution in which the con-

(d) Ibrm compounds of low solubilities centration of hydroxide ion is 1 M. How many
with hydroxide, OH~. moles per liter of the different alkaline earth ions
(e) furm compounds of low solubilities listed in Table 21 -VI could you have (at equilib-

with carbonate, rium) in this solution? If the concentration of

hydroxide ions were 0.5 M, how would your
Now compare your answer with Figures 10-5
answers change?
and 10-6.

Exercise 21-10 demonstrates that there is a

THE HYDROXIDES regular trend in the solubilities of the alkaline
earth hydroxides.
When a hydroxide such as calcium hydroxide is

added to water amount, we get a

in sufficient
saturated solution containing Ca+2 and OH“ in
equilibrium with excess undissolved solid. The
Although the hydroxides of the alkaline earth
elements become more soluble in water as we go
down the column, the opposite trend is observed
Ca(OH) 2 rsJ Ca+Yaqj + 20H-( aq) (7i) in the solubilities of the sulfates and carbonates.
For example. Table 21 -VII shows the solubility
can also be established by mixing Ca+^ ions (for
products of the alkaline earth sulfates.
example, from a solution of CaCb) with OH~
ions (for example, from a solution of NaOH)
until a precipitate of Ca(OH )2 forms. In either
Table 21 -VII
case, at equilibrium the concentrations of Ca+2
and OH~ ions are such that the equilibrium THE SOLUBILITY PRODUCTS OF THE

expression is satisfied:
[Ca+2][OH-]2 = K,, (14)
MgS04 soluble (ICp » 10-2)

In Table 21 -VI the numerical values of CaS04 2.4 X 10-5

SrS04 7.6 X 10-'

[M+2][OH“]2 are listed for some of the alkaline

1 earth hydroxides. Small values indicate relatively BaS04 1.5 X 10-2

CHAP. 21

The solubility of calcium carbonate is such H C03 raq) +

2 CO^^(aq) 2UCO^(aq) (19)

that a saturated solution the product of

in or, in the net reaction,
ion concentrations [Ca+^][CO^^] is 5 X 10^®.
Though this may seem quite small, it is large
CaC03fs; + CO,(g) + l\,0(l) z^
enough to be important to man, especially if he
Ca+Yaq) + 2 HC03-(aq; (20)

lives in a region of the earth where there are The result is that we get an appreciable concen-
extensive limestone deposits. Calcium carbonate tration of Ca+2 in the water, giving so-called
can be dissolved in water, especially if it contains hard water —hard on the soap and hard on the
much dissolved CO 2. This is objectionable be- people who use it. Caves in limestone regions are

cause soap added to water which contains even formed essentially by the combination of the two
traces of Ca +2 forms a precipitate of calcium equilibria above. In contrast, the weird icicle-like
stearate. This is the ring that is so difficult to projections (stalactites) found hanging from the
remove from the bathtub. roofs of such caves are formed by the reverse of
The dissolving of limestone by ground water these reactions. On standing, a droplet of a satu-
is another example of chemical equilibrium. The rated solution containing Ca+2 and HCOg' may
behavior of this system depends upon the chemi- lose some CO and H O by evaporation. Loss of
2 2

cal equilibrium between CaCOs and its dissolved CO 2 and H O from the equilibrium (20) en-

ions and the equilibrium between carbonate ion hances the reverse-directed change, resulting in
and dissolved CO 2 in the water. When CaCOs the deposit of a fleck of CaCOs. The same change
dissolves in water it establishes the equilibrium occurs when hard water of this kind is boiled in

- a pot or heated in a boiler. The white scum you

CaCOjf J Ca+Y«q ) + CO 3 ^faq) (75)
may see forming on the surface of boiling water
The carbonate ion, a base, can accept a proton is often due to these equilibria.
from water, an acid,

COs ^{aqj + Fig. 21 - 3 . Stalactites: solubility equilibria at work.

HCOf (aqj + OH-(aq) (75)

Limestone: CaCO^^
Thus, solutions of carbonates are found to be
basic. Aqueous solutions of carbon dioxide are,
CaCOs (s) + CO^ + H2 O — t ZHCOj

on the other hand, acidic. The reactions in this

equilibrium are

CO, (gj + H20(tJ ^ H2COsfaqJ (17)

\i,CO,(aq) HCO - faq) +

3 H+faqj (18)

The combination of reaction (18) and (75) shows

how carbon dioxide enhances the solubility of
calcium carbonate by removing carbonate ion to
form bicarbonate ion.


we conclude 21-4.1 Occurrence in Nature
As we did in the preceding chapter,
by summarizing some information about the All of the alkaline earth elements exist in nature
occurrence in nature and the modes of preparing as the M +2 cations.
the alkaline earth elements. Beryllium (forty-fourth most abundant ele-
SEC, 21-4 I

merit) is rather rare and occurs mostly as EXERCISE 21-11

an aluminum beryllium silicate called beryl, What property held in common by the following
BesAbSieOig. Beryl containing traces of chro- compounds accounts for their presence in natu-
mium has a beautiful green color and is called ral mineral deposits: MgCOs, CaCOs, SrCOa,
emerald. BaS04, and (in bones) Ca3(P04)2?
Magnesium (eighth rnost abundant element) is

found principally as Mg+2 ion in salt deposits,

particularly as the slightly soluble carbonate,
MgCOs, and also in sea water. The natural de-
What property held in common by the alkaline
earth elements accounts for the fact that the free
posits of MgCOs with CaCOs are called dolo-
elements are not found in nature?
mite. Magnesium is present as a cation in the
asbestos silicates.
Calcium (sixth most abundant element) is
found in limestone, CaCOs, and gypsum,
CaS04 -21420. Bones are made up of calcium 21-4.2 Mode of Preparation of the Element
phosphate, Ca3(P04)2.
Strontium (thirty-eighth most abundant ele- Only magnesium is produced in any substantial
ment) is rather rare and
found principally as
is quantity in the elemental form. The reaction
the mineral strontianite, SrCOa. sequence used is given in Section 20-4.2.
Barium (eighteenth most abundant element) The general method for preparing the alkaline
is also rather rare; it occurs as the mineral earth elements is to convert the mineral to a
barite, BaS04. chloride or a fluoride by treatment with HCl or
Radium is radioactive and extremely rare. It HF. Then the molten salt is electrolyzed or, as
occurs in trace amounts (one part in 10^^) in in the case of BeF2, reduced with a chemical
uranium ores such as pitchblende (mainly UsOs). reducing agent such as Mg.
Alfred E. Stock was one of the greatest inorganic chemists rector to select another area because the chemistry of
of the twentieth century. His research investigations, which boron was already thoroughly investigated. His persistence
resulted in over 250 publications, were characterized by was rewarded by discoveries of a succession of hydrides
brilliant experimental technique and convincing thorough- H
of boron, such as diborane, B2 6 tetraborane, BiHw,

ness. Both of these rich qualities were needed for his pentaborane, B0 H9 and decaborane, B^Hu. The structures

hazardous studies of the hydrides of boron, an overlooked and even the very existence of these compounds baffled
area of chemistry in which he was recognized as the single chemists for many years. Even to the date of Stock's death,
world authority for a period of at least a decade. It is fitting theoreticians had no convincing explanation of the absence
that his name is perpetuated system" of in-
in the '"''Stock of the prototype molecule, BHz, and their discussions of the
organic chemical nomenclature (in which Roman numerals nature of the bonding in diborane were based upon an
indicate oxidation numbers). assumed structure that was later shown to be incorrect.
in Danzig, Poland, and his aptitude for
Stock was born Stock's amazing exploratory study went far beyond the
science was displayed early in his boyhood collections of expectations and predictions of other inorganic chemists
salamanders, butterflies, and plants. He studied at the of his day. This work, that culminated in his book. Hydrides
University of Berlin where the chemistry facilities of the of Boron and Silicon, presaged the rapidly opening field
day were so limited that this brilliant experimentalist-to-be of “unusual" inorganic chemistry now so actively pursued.
had to wait till his third semester to approach a laboratory Alfred E. Stock was always zealous in recognizing the
bench. He received the Ph.D. at the University of Berlin contributions and help of his coworkers and subordinates
in 1899, graduating magna cum laude. during a period in which this was an uncommon virtue. He
Shortly after 1900, young Alfred Stock began his life- was not only an outstanding scientist, but also a considerate
time work: study of the chemistry of boron. He reasoned and thoughtful human being as revealed by his comment:
that this neighbor of the versatile carbon atom could not '"'"The most important problem for the scientific mind to

possibly have the dull and limited chemistry popularly as- solve will be how to free mankind from political, social,
sumed at the time. He entered this study stimulated by his and economic limitations and how to give it a purer,

own desire to know despite advice by the laboratory di- broader-minded understanding of humanity. . .

The Fourth- Row

Transition Elements

In the preceding chapters we have studied the sides of the periodic table. Today, the term
chemistry of the elements across the top of the “transition element” remains mostly a useful
periodic table and down the two sides. Now we way of designating elements in this particular
shall consider the elements in the middle. These region of the periodic table, even though we can-
are usually referred to as the transition elements not pinpoint a specific set of properties and say
because chemists once believed that some ele- that all the transition elements have all these
ments behaved in a way intermediate between properties.
the extremes represented by the left and right


There is some disagreement among chemists as tion region, we have the elements scandium (Sc),
to just which elements should be called transi- titanium (Ti), vanadium (V), chromium (Cr),
tion elements. For our purposes, it will be con- manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel
venient to include all the elements in the columns (Ni), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn). On the left, we
of the periodic table headed by scandium have the scandium column which includes, be-
through zinc. sides Sc, yttrium (Y, 39), lanthanum (La, 57),
Across the top, as the first row of the transi- and actinium (Ac, 89). For reasons that we shall

Fig. 22-1. The fourth-row transition elements in the energy level diagram.
SEC. 22-1 I

take up in the next chapter, we group with that is not already fully occupied. With this prin-
lanthanum the fourteen elements that follow La ciple as a guide, let us consider the electron
(Z = 58 through Z = 71); these we call the configurations as we build up the first row of
lanthanide elements. On the right, the transition transition elements from scandium through zinc.
elements end with the zinc column. Besides zinc, Looking at the periodic table, we see that calcium
this includes cadmium (Cd, 48) and mercury comes just before scandium. The twenty elec-
(Hg, 80). It is strongly advisable during the dis- trons in a calcium atom are distributed as shown
cussion that follows to look back at the periodic in the following arrangement:

0 0


0 oooooooo

In element number 21, we must accommodate

table frequently to see where each particular
one more electron. At first sight we might predict
element is placed.
that the 21st electron goes into the 4p orbital, as

22-1.1 Electron Configuration the next higher energy level after As. The Ap
orbital is of higher energy than the As but, more
There are two immediate questions we ask about
the transition elements once we know where they
important, there is a set of five M orbitals in
between. The 21st electron goes into a Si/ orbital
are in the periodic table: (1) Why do we consider as the level of next higher energy. This is shown
these elements together? (2) What is special
Figure 22-1 (which
in is just Figure 15-11 re-
about their properties? These questions are
produced here for convenient reference).
depend upon
closely related because they both
the electron configurations of the atoms. What,
the electron configuration we might ex-
then, is

pect for these elements? Draw on one line a set of orbitals from 15
To answer this question, we need to review through Ad. Under this give the orbital occu-
some basic ideas on the electronic buildup of pancy for Al, Sc,and Y. Account for the fact
atoms. We saw in Chapter 1 5 that as we progres- that yttrium is much more like scandium than is
sively add electrons to build up an atom, each aluminum.
added electron goes into the lowest energy level

Table 22-1. the electron configurations of the fourth-rowtransition


scandium Sc 21 2s^ 2p^ 3^2 3/>® 3^/1 4^2

titanium Ti 22 3^/2 4^2

vanadium V 23 4^2

chromium Cr 24 3^/® 45 I
manganese Mn 25 Each fourth-row transi- 7>d^ 4^2

iron Fe 26 tion element has these 3flf® 452

cobalt Co 27 levels filled. 3cf 4^2

nickel Ni 28 3 4^2

copper Cu 29
zinc Zn 30 3^/^0452
CHAP. 22

There are orbitals available, all more

five In the sixth-row transition elements (lan-
same energy. Putting a pair of elec-
or less of the thanum through mercury) an additional
there is

trons in each of these five orbitals means that a complication. There are seven Af orbitals which
total of ten electrons can be accommodated are very close in energy to the 5d orbitals. Put-
before we need to go to a higher energy level. ting electrons into these Af orbitals means there
Not only scandium but the nine following ele- willbe fourteen additional elements in this row.
ments can be built up by adding electrons into These fourteen elements are almost identical in
Not until we get
2>d orbitals. to gallium (element many chemical properties. We will discuss them
number 31) do we go up to another set of in the next chapter.

22-1.2 General Properties

What properties do we actually find for the
Again using Figure 22-1, decide which orbital transition elements? What kinds of compounds
would next be used after the five 3i/ orbitals have do they form? How can the properties be inter-
been filled. What orbital would next be used preted in terms of the electron populations of
after the Ad set has been filled? What element
the atoms?
does this correspond to in the periodic table?
Looking at a sample of each transition element
in the fourth row, we see that they are all

At this stage, with the help of Figure 22-1, or

metallic. When clean, they are shiny and lus-

with an atomic orbital chart, you should be able

trous.They are good conductors of electricity
to work out the electronic configuration of most
and also of heat: some of them (copper, silver,
of the transition elements. You will not be able
gold) are quite outstanding in these respects. One
of them (mercury) is ordinarily a liquid; all
to deduce them all correctly because there are
some exceptions resulting from special stabilities others are solids at room temperature.
So far as chemical reactivity is concerned, we
when a set of orbitals is filled or half-filled. The
fourth-row transition elements have the set of
find atremendous range. Some of the transition
elements are extremely unreactive. For example,
electron configurations shown in Table 22-1.
Notice that chromium (Z = gold and platinum can be exposed to air or water
24) and copper
(Z = for ages without any change. Others, such as
29) provide interruptions to the continuous
buildup. In the case of chromium the whole
iron, can be polished so they are brightly metallic
for a while, but on exposure to air and water they
has lower energy if one of the 45 electrons moves
slowly corrode. Still others are vigorously re-
into the 2>d set to give a half-filled set of 'id
orbitals and a half-filled 45 orbital; in the case
active when exposed to air, produce a

of copper, the atom has lower energy if the id

shower of sparks. Lanthanum and cerium, for
instance, especially when finely divided, oxidize
set is completely populated by ten electrons and
the 45 orbital is half-filled, instead of having nine
immediately when exposed to air. (Some ciga-
id electrons and two in the 45 orbital.
rette lighters have flints containing these metals.)
It is hard to generalize about the chemical
reactivities of a group of elements since reactivi-
ties depend upon two factors: (A) the relative
Make an electron configuration table like Table stability of the specific compounds formed com-
22-1 for the fifth-row transition elements pared with the reactants used up, and, (B) the
yttrium (Z = 39) through cadmium (Z = 48). rate at which the reaction occurs. In special
In elements 41 through 45, one of the 55 electrons cases there are other complications. For exam-
moves over to a Ad orbital. In element 46, two ple, chromium metal (familiar in the form of
electrons do this. chrome plate) is highly reactive toward oxygen.
Still, a highly polished piece of chromium holds
SEC. 22-1 I

its luster almost indefinitely when exposed to air. EXERCISE 22-4

The explanation is that a very thin, invisible coat

What number of chromium in
is the oxidation
of oxide quickly forms on the surface and pro-
each of the following compounds: Cr207~^,
tects the underlying metal from contact with the
CrO^-^ Cr(OH)3, Cr02Cl2?
oxygen in the air. In other words, bulk chromium
is unstable with respect to oxidation by air, but
the protective layer of oxide cuts the rate of
conversion somuch that no reaction is observed.
What about compounds of the transition ele- Along with these simple compounds, we might
ments? Suppose we go into the chemical stock- some rather more complex substances.
also find
room and see what kinds of compounds are on For example, we might find next to CrCb
the shelf for a particular element, say chromium. vials of several brightly colored solids labeled
First we might find a bottle of green powder CrCl3-6NH3, CrCl3-5NH3, CrCl3-4NH3, and
labeled Cr203, chromic oxide, or chromium(III) CrCl3-3NH3. Recalling that the dot in these for-
oxide. Next to it there would probably be a mulas simply indicates that a certain number of
bottle of a reddish powder, CrOs, chromium(VI) moles of NH3 are bound to one mole of CrCE,
oxide. On an amply stocked chemical shelf, we we would conclude that here also the oxidation
might also find some black powder marked CrO, number of chromium is -1-3. Looking further,
chromous oxide, or chromium(II) oxide. There we might find other complex compounds such
would probably also be some other simple com- as K3CrF6, Na3Cr(CN)6, KCr(S04)2* I2H2O. In
pounds such as CrCb, chromic chloride, or all chromium has a 4-3 oxidation num-
these the
chromium(III) chloride, a flaky, reddish-violet ber.As a result of our stockroom search, we
solid, and maybe some green CrF2, chromous would form three conclusions: (1) chromium
fluoride or chromium(II) fluoride. Elsewhere in forms simple and complex compounds; (2) chro-
the stockroom we would run across K2Cr04, a mium forms a number of stable solids, most of
bright yellow powder (potassium chromate), them colored; (3) chromium may have different
probably next to a bottle of orange potassium oxidation numbers, including 4-2, 4-3, and 4-6.
dichromate, K2Cr207. Soon we would get the Similar conclusions would have resulted for most
idea that the compounds of chromium, at least of the other transition elements.
the common ones, correspond to oxidation num- Is there any regularity to the kind of com-

ber of +2 (CrO and CrF2), -1-3 (Cr203 and pounds the fourth-row transition elements form?
CrCb), and +6 (CtO^, K^CtO,, Table 22-11 shows what chemists have found.

Table 22-11. typical oxidation numbers found for fourth-row


Sc SC2O3 +3 3

Ti TiO, Ti 203 ,
Ti 02 +2, 4-3, +4 4
V VO, V2O3, VO2, V2O6 -F2, +3, +4, -F5 5
Cr CrO, Cr203 ,
Cr03 +2, +3 -h 6 6
Mn MnO, Mn203,
Mn 02 ,
K2Mn04, KMn04 +2, 4-3, 4-4 +6, 4-7 7
Fe FeO, Fe 203 4-2, 4-3 8
Co CoO, C02 O 3 +2, 4-3 9
Ni NiO, Ni 203 4-2, 4-3 10
Cu CU 2 O, CuO + 1 , +2 11

Zn ZnO 4-2 12
CHAP. 22

EXERCISE 22-5 What explanation can we give for these ob-

Look through a handbook of chemistry and find servations? Why does the combining capacity

one other compound of each oxidation state vary from one transition element to another in

given for the elements in Table 22-11. such a way that the above pattern of oxidation
numbers develops? The combining capacity of
an atom depends upon how many electrons the
atom uses for bonding to other atoms. The
Several points should be noted from this table:
unique feature of the transition elements is that

(1) For most of the transition elements, several they have several electrons in the outermost d
oxidation numbers are possible. and s orbitals, and the ionization energies of all

(2) When several oxidation numbers are found of these electrons are relatively low. Therefore
for the same element, they often ditfer from it is possible for an element like vanadium to
each other by jumps of one unit. For exam- form a series of compounds in which from two
ple, in the case of vanadium the common to five of its electrons are either lost to, or shared
oxidation numbers form a continuous series with, other elements. Consider, for example, the
from +2 to +3 to +4 to +5. Compare this oxides VO and V2O3, which contain the V+2 and
with the halogens (Chapter 19). In the case the While more energy is
ions, respectively.
of chlorine, for example, the common states needed to form V+^ than to form V+2, the
are —1, +1, +3, -1-5, and -)-7 (jumps of has, because of its higher charge, a greater attrac-
two units instead of one unit). tion for the ion than does V+2 extra
(3) The maximum oxidation state observed for attraction in V2O3 compensates for the energy
the elements first increases and then de- needed to form the V+^ ion, and both oxides (as
creases as we go across the transition row. well as VO2 and V2O5) are stable compounds.
Thus we have -[-3 for scandium, 4-4 for Notice, moreover, that the maximum oxidation
titanium, 4-5 for vanadium, -(-6 for chro- number of the transition elements never exceeds
mium, and 4-7 for manganese. The 4-7 rep- the total number of 5 and d valence electrons.
resents the highest value observed for this The higher oxidation states become increasingly
transition row. After manganese, the maxi- more difficult to form as we proceed along a row,
mum value diminishes as we continue toward because the ionization energy of the d and s elec-
the end of the transition row. trons increases with the atomic number.


The remaining general point to be made about a solution of silver nitrate in an attempt to
the transition elements is that they form a great precipitate the chloride as AgCl,
variety ofcomplex ions in which other molecules Ag+ 4- Cl- AgCLs) (2)
or ions are bonded to the central transition ele- we find that sometimes much of the chloride
ment ion to form more complex units. These are cannot be precipitated. The observed results are:
called complex ions. Take the series already men-
tioned: CrCl3-6NH3, CrCl3-5NH3, CrCl3-4NH3, Moles of Cl~ Moles of Cl~
and CrCl3-3NH3. How can we account for the Compound precipitated not precipitated
existence of such a series? The answer can be
CrCl3-6NH3 3 of 3 0
seen if we consider some of the observed facts CrCl3-5NH3 2 of 3 1 of 3
about these complex compounds. For example, CrCl3-4NH3 1 of 3 2 of 3
ifwe dissolve one mole of each in water and add CrCl3-3NH3 0 3 of 3
SEC. 22-2 I

two ways in which chlorine

Evidently, there are shapes do these complex ions show? Can we find
is bound compounds, one way which
in these any regularity in the transition elements that will

allows the Cl“ to be precipitated by Ag+ and enable us to predict what complex ions will
another way which does not. In CrCb-bNHs, form?
all can be precipitated; in
of the chloride First, let us introduce a concept useful in
CrCls 3NH3, none of it can be. Other data also
• giving spatial descriptions; the coordination

indicate different types of bonding. For instance, number is the number of near neighbors that
the freezing point lowering of an aqueous solu- an atom has. For example, in the complex ion
tion of CrCls-bNHa indicates there are four AlFg”^ (which is the anion present in the solid
moles of particles per mole of CrCb -bNHs; the mineral cryolite), each A1 atom is surrounded by
solution is highly conducting.* On the other six fluorine atoms at the corners of an octa-
hand, the freezing point lowering of CrCb 3NH3 •
hedron, as shown in Figure 22-2. We say that
solution indicates there is one mole of particles aluminum has a coordination number of 6 with
per mole of CrCl3-3NH3; furthermore, the solu- fluorine. In thecomplex ion AlBr4“ which seems ,

tion does not conduct at all. The explanation of to be an important intermediate when aluminum
this behavior was provided in the early 1900’s bromide acts as a catalyst for many organic re-
by Alfred Werner, who noted that complex com- actions, the bromine atoms are arranged around
pounds of chromium H-3 could be accounted a central A1 at the corners of a regular tetra-
for by assuming each chromium is bonded to hedron. Figure 22-3 shows the arrangement. The
six near neighbors. In CrCl3-6NH3, the cation coordination number of aluminum is 4 with
consists of a central Cr+^ surrounded by 6 NH3 bromine.
molecules at the corners of an octahedron; If more than simple atoms are bound to a
the three chlorine atoms exist as anions, Cl“. central atom, then the coordination number still
In CrCl3-5NH3, the cation consists of the refers to the number of near neighbors. For
central chromium surrounded by the five NH3 example, in solidpotassium chrome alum,
and one of the Cl atoms; the other two Cl KCr(S04)2- I2H2O, and also in its fresh aqueous

atoms are anions. In CrCl3-4NH3, the chro- solutions, the chromium-containing cation is

mium is bound to four NH3 and two Cl leaving
one chloride anion. In CrCl3-3NH3, all three

Fig. 22-2. octahedral complex: aluminum with

Cl atoms and all three NH3 molecules are
coordination number 6.
tied to the central chromium. The formulas

can be written

i [Cr(NH3)5Cl]Cl3


22-2.1 Geometry of Complex Ions

The way that atoms or molecules are arranged
in space around a central atom has a great in-
fluence on whether a given complex aggregate
is stable enough to be observed. What kinds of

i| arrangements are found in complex ions? What


* From work on simple salts such as NaCl we expect

that the “particles” are ions, and the conductivity con-

firms this.
CHAP. 22

which also holds two H atoms. The shape of

thiscomplex ion is octahedral and we say that
in Cr(H20)^® chromium shows a coordination
number of 6 to oxygen.
Notice that in an octahedral complex ion such
as [Cr(NH3)4Cl2]+ there is a possibility of ob-
serving isomers. The two chlorine atoms may
occupy octahedral positions which are next to
each other on the same side of the metal atom,
or positions located on opposite sides of the
metal atom (see Figure 22-4). The isomer in
which the two similar groups are located on the
same side of the metal atom is called the cis-
isomer, and the other is called the ^raw^-isomer.
The complex ion Fe(C204);f ^ is formed when
rust stains are bleached out with oxalic acid
solution. It also has a transition element showing
Fig. 22-3. A tetrahedral complex: aluminum with co-
ordination number 4.
coordination number of 6, even though there are
only three groups (€20^^ groups) around each
iron ion. Figure 22-5 shows the arrangement.

Cr(H20)6^®. It consists of a central chromium Each the oxalate group, uses two of its

joined to six H2O molecules, exactly as the fluo- oxygen atoms to bind onto the central iron atom.
rines are arranged around aluminum in Figure The number of near neighbors, as viewed from
the iron atom, is six oxygen atoms at the corners
22-2. The oxygen portion of each H2O molecule
is turned toward the central chromium and the
of an octahedron. Picturesquely, a group such as

H portions point away from the center. The

corners of the cage that holds the central Cr
atom are occupied by six oxygen atoms, each of Fig. 22-4. The isomers of {Cr{NHz),Ch]\

Ci's- isomer Trans- isomer

SEC. 22-2 I

plex is Ag(CN )2 ,
which is formed during the
leaching of silver ores with NaCN solution.

22-2.2 Bonding in Complex Ions

What holds the atoms of a complex ion together?

There are two possibilities. In some complexes,
as in AIF^^, the major contribution to the bond-
ing comes from the attraction between a positive
ion (A1+®) and a negative ion (F“). The bonding
is ionic. In other complexes, as in FeCCNjg-^,
there is thought to be substantial sharing of elec-
trons between the central atom and the attached
groups. The bonding is mainly covalent. When
there is such sharing, an electron or an electron
pair from the attached group spends part of its

time in an orbital furnished by the central atom.

In either type, as emphasized in Chapter 16, the
Fig. 22-5. The structure of FeiCiOi)^^.
electron is attracted to both atoms in the bond.

For transition elements there are usually

empty d orbitals ready to accommodate elec-
oxalate, which can furnish simultaneously two
trons from attached groups. This is by no means
atoms for coordination, is said to be bidentate,
always necessary, as witness the case of Zn+2, a
which literally means double-toothed.
good complex-former even though all its
In addition to the tetrahedral and octahedral
orbitals are already occupied. Any vacant or-
complexes mentioned above, there are two other
low enough in energy to be populated, will
types commonly found —the square planar and bital,

serve as a means whereby complex formation

the linear. In the square planar complexes, the
can be accomplished.
central atom has four near neighbors at the
The geometry of a complex ion often can be
corners of a square. The coordination number
explained quite reasonably in terms of the or-
is 4, the same number as in the tetrahedral com-
bitals of the centralatom populated by electrons
plexes. An example of a square planar complex
from the attached groups. If only one 5 and one
is the complex nickel cyanide anion, Ni(CN)^^.
p orbital is used, the bonding is called sp bond-
In a linear complex, the coordination
ing. We have already seen in Section 16-4.5 that
is 2, corresponding to one group on each side of
this bonding situation gives rise to a linear ar-
the central atom. The silver-ammonia complex,
rangement. Therefore this might explain why
which generally forms when a very slightly solu-
some complexes are linear, as is Ag(NH 3)2
^. If
ble silver salt such as silver chloride dissolves in
one s and three p complex
orbitals are used, the
aqueous ammonia, is an example, as shown in
uses sp^ bonding. Then a tetrahedral complex
Figure 22-6. Another example of a linear com-
can be expected, as observed for Zn(NH 3 )4

When d orbitals are involved, other geometries

can be explained (for example, square planar,
Fig. 22-6. A linear complex, Ag{NHs) 2 ^.
dsp"^', octahedral, d~sp^).
Jon. -with -hi charge

22-2.3 Significance of Complex Ions

Besides their occurrence in solid compounds,

complex ions such as we have mentioned are
CHAP. 22

important for two other reasons: (1) they may What happens when enough NaOH has
decide what species are present in aqueous solu- been added to remove three protons from
tions; and (2) some of them are exceedingly im- each Cr(H20)6^^? Removal of three protons
portant in biological processes. leaves the neutral species Cr(H20)3(0H)3, or
As an example of the problem of species in Cr(0H)3-3H20. This neutral species has no
solution, consider the case of a solution made charges to repel other molecules of its own kind
by dissolving some potassium chrome alum, so it However, as more NaOH is

KCr(S04)2- I2H2O, in water. On testing, the solu- added to this solid phase, one more proton can
tion is distinctly acidic. A currently accepted be removed to produce Cr(H20)2(0H)4“ and the ;

explanation of the observed acidity is based upon Cr(0H)3-3H20 dissolves. [In principle, more
the assumption that, in water solution, chromic protons could be removed, perhaps eventually to
ion is associated with six H2O molecules in the form Cr(OH)0“^, but there is as yet no evidence
complex ion, Cr(H20)^^. This complex ion can for this.]
act as a weak acid, dissociating to give a proton The following equations summarize the steps
(or hydronium ion). Schematically, the dissocia- believed to occur when NaOH is slowly added
tion can be represented as the transfer of a pro- to a solution of chromic ion. Step (4c) corre-
ton from one water molecule in the Cr(H20)6^^ sponds to formation of solid hydrated chromium
complex to a neighboring H2O to form a hy- hydroxide step (4d) corresponds to
its dissolving
dronium ion, H 3 O+. Note that removal of a in excess NaOH.
proton from an H2O bound to a Cr+® leaves an Cr(H20)6+' + OH-
OH~ group at that position. The reaction is Cr(H 20 ) 50 H +2 +HO 2 (4a)
reversible and comes to equilibrium:
+ OH-
Cr(H20)6+3 +HO 2 ^ Cr(H 20 ) 50 H +2 + H O+
3 (3)
Cr(H20)4(0H)2+ +HO 2 (4b)

We see that Cr(H20)6^^ acts as a proton-donor, Cr(H20)4(0H)2+ + OH- =i=±=

that is, an acid. Ct(H,0)s(0H)s(s) +HO 2 (4c)

22-2.4 Amphoteric Complexes

Cr(H20)3(0H)3(s; + OH- ^
Cr(H20)2(0H)4- +HO 2 (4d)

Another reason chemists find the above complex When acid is added to a solution such as in

ion picture of aqueous solutions useful is that equation (4d), the above set of reactions is

it is easily extended to explain amphoteric be- progressively reversed, first causing precipitation
havior. Take the case of chromium hydroxide, of chromium hydroxide by the reverse of reac-
Cr(OH)3, a good example of an amphoteric hy- tion (4d) and then its subsequent dissolving by
droxide. It dissolves very little in water, but is the reverse of reaction (4c).
quite soluble both in acid and in base. Presum-
ably it can react with either. How can this
22-2.5 Complexes Found in Nature
behavior be explained in terms of the complex
ion picture? Complex ions have important roles in certain
First, consider the equilibrium represented by physiological processes of plant and animal
equation (3) when NaOH is added to solution. growth. Two such complexes are hemin, a part
Added OH“ combines with the H O+3 to form of hemoglobin, the red pigment in the red cor-
H O. 2 This removes one of the species shown on puscles of the blood, and chlorophyll, the green
the right side of the equation, so formation of coloring material in plants. The first of these,
Cr(H20)60H+2 is favored. In other words, as hemoglobin, contains iron and properly fits in a
OH~ is added to Cr(H20)6'‘^ the reaction is discussion of complex compounds of the transi-
favored which corresponds to pulling a proton tion elements; the second, chlorophyll, is a com-
off Cr(H20)6+^ plex compound of magnesium. Magnesium is
SEC. 22-2 I

not a transition element, but chlorophyll is dis- five-membered ring. Consider also the vast
cussed here because it has some features in amount of knowledge and experimentation that
common with hemoglobin and because it avoids are summed up in the statement that the struc-

the impression that only transition elements form ture of this complicated molecule is known.
Chlorophyll, as extracted from plants, is actu-
ally made up of two closely related compounds, EXERCISE 22-7

chlorophyll A and chlorophyll B. These differ

If a typical plant leaf yields 40.0 mg of chloro-
slightly in molecular structure and can be sepa-
phyll A, how many milligrams of this will be
rated because they have different tendencies to
magnesium? The molecular weight of chloro-
be adsorbed on a finely divided solid (such as
phyll A is 893.
powdered sugar).

EXERCISE 22-6 Hemin is shown on the right in Figure 22-7.

Ifyou wish to prepare some chlorophyll, grind shown beside the model of chlorophyll A to
It is

up some fresh leaves and extract with alcohol. emphasize the astonishing similarity. The por-
The alcohol dissolves the chlorophyll, as shown tions within dotted lines identify the differences.

by the solution color. Except for the central metal atom, the differences
are on the periphery of these cumbersome

molecules.We cannot help wondering how na-

ture managed to standardize on this molecular
To show the complexity of this biologically
skeleton for molecules with such different func-
important material, the structural formula of tions. We cannot avoid a feeling of impatience
chlorophyll A is shown on the left in Figure 22-7. as we await the clarification of the possible rela-
You need not memorize it. The most obvious tionship, a clarification that will surely be pro-
thing to note is that it is a large organic molecule
vided by scientists of the next generation.
with a magnesium atom in the center. Right
around the magnesium atom there are four near-
neighbor N atoms, each of which is part of a Fig. 22-7. The structures of chlorophyll A and heinin.

chtorophytt A. Hemin
CHAP. 22

The most important function of hemoglobin normally used to carry O2 molecules are thus
in the blood is that of carrying oxygen from the by the CO molecules, the tissue cells starve

lungs to the tissue cells. This is done through a for lack of oxygen. If caught in time, carbon
complex between the iron atom of the hemin monoxide poisoning can be treated by raising
part and an oxygen molecule. Just how the O2 the ratio of O2 to CO in the lungs (in other words,
is bound to the hemin is not yet clear, but it must administering fresh air or oxygen). The two re-
be a rather loose combination since the O2 is actions,
readily released to the cells. The complex is
02(g) + hemoglobin complexi (5a)
bright red, the characteristic color of arterial
blood. When the O2 is stripped off the hemin COf g) -b hemoglobin complex2 (5b)
group, the color changes to a purplish red, the
color of blood in the veins. have go to the
sufficiently similar tendencies to

Not only O2 molecules but also other groups can be made to exceed
right that the first reaction
can be bound to the iron atom of hemoglobin. the second if the concentration of O2 sufficiently
Specifically, carbon monoxide molecules can be exceeds that of CO. Another remedial measure
so attached and, in fact, CO is more firmly is to inject methylene blue directly into the blood
bound to hemoglobin than is O2. This is one stream. Carbon monoxide bonds more strongly
detail of the carbon monoxide poisoning mecha- to methylene blue than to hemin. Equilibrium
nism. If we breathe a mixture of CO and O2 conditions then favor the transfer of CO to the
molecules, the CO molecules are preferentially methylene blue, thus freeing hemoglobin for its

picked up by the red blood cells. Since the sites normal oxygen transport function.


The preceding discussion of the transition ele- tion of iron, which is very abundant, and tita-
ments has been quite general, with the implica- nium, which is moderately abundant, all the

tion of rather wide applicability. Now we turn other elements of the first transition row are
to a consideration of the transition elements and However, some of them, such
relatively scarce.
their compounds as specific individuals. as copper, are quite familiar. Copper is one of
Table 22-III collects some of the data ordi- the few metallic elements found free in nature.
narily found useful for the transition elements The existence of deposits of metallic copper
of the fourth row of the periodic table. The undoubtedly accounts for the fact that man
following are some notes on regularities ob- evolved through the Bronze Age before the Iron
served. Age. Copper, the essential ingredient of bronze,
The atomic weight increases regularly across did not require the difficult smelting process
the row except for the inversion at cobalt and needed for iron.
nickel. We would expect the atomic weight of Melting point. Except for zinc at the end of
Ni to be higher than that of Co because there the row, the melting points are quite high. This
are more protons (28) in the Ni nucleus than in is appropriate, since these elements have a large
the Co nucleus (27). The reason for the inversion number of valence electrons and also a large
lies in the distribution of naturally occurring number of vacant valence orbitals. Toward the
isotopes. Natural cobalt consists entirely of the end of the row, in zinc, the M
orbitals become
isotope 27C0 natural nickel consists primarily of
filled and the melting point drops.
the isotopes llNi and ^gNi, the 58-isotope being Density. There is a steady increase in density
about three times as abundant as the 60-isotope. through this row, with some leveling off toward
Abundance in the earth’s crust. With the excep- the right. This trend is closely tied to the almost
SEC. 22-3 I

constant size of the atoms so the main effect to shrink. (2) As more M electrons are added,
producing density change is the increasing nu- these electrons repel each other and the ions
clear mass. ought to swell. These effects just about cancel.
Ionization energy. As ionization energies go, As expected, the size of the +3 ion is smaller
the values found for the transition elements are than the size of the -f 2 ion of that same element.
neither very high nor very low. They are all Keeping nuclear charge constant, removal of one
rather similar in magnitude. The sequential in- additional 'id electron would reduce the repul-
crease in nuclear charge, which would tend to sion between the id electrons remaining, thus
increase the ionization energy, seems to be al- allowing them all to be pulled closer to the
most by the extra screening of the nucleus
offset nucleus.
provided by the added electrons. Color. Many solid compounds of the transi-
Ionic radius. Ionic radii do not change much tion metals and their aqueous solutions are
in going across a transition row. The reason for colored. This color indicates light is absorbed in
a balance of two effects: (1) As
this is essentially

nuclear charge increases across the row, the

electrons would be pulled in, so the ions ought Fig. 22-8. Atomic sizes of the transition elements.

CHAP. 22

the visible part of the spectral region. The energy about the rate. The rate may be slow.) For cop-
levels that account for this absorption are rela- per the reaction
tively close together
and involve unoccupied d
The environment of the ion changes the
Cufs) 4- 2H+raq) ^ Cu+Y«q; 4- n,(g) (S)

spacing of these levels, thereby influencing the has a negative E° (—0.34 volt), so reaction to
color. A familiar example is the Cu+Y«qJ ion, the right is not expected.
which changes from a light blue to a deep blue Zinc, at the end cf the row, has E° (4-0.76),
when NH 3 is added. The formation of the am- which is intermediate between the values at the
monia complex alters the energy level spacing beginning of the row and those toward the end.
of the central Cu+^ ion to produce the color We predict, with this value of E°, that Zn should
change. reduce Fe+ 2 ,
Co+^ Ni^^, and Cu +2 to the corre-
E°. The last row of the table gives the values sponding metals but should not be able to reduce
of the oxidation tendencies for these metals. Sc+^ Ti+^ Cr+Y or Mn+2 to the metals.
Except for scandium (which goes to a 4-3 state),
the values quoted correspond to the reaction
22-3.1 Scandium
M(s) —^ M+YaqJ -f 2e- (6)
Scandium has not yet been available in large
As can be seen from the table, all the elements enough amounts to have it develop interesting or
except copper have positive values, which means important uses. Neither has it been available for
these metals are more easily oxidized than is much experimental work, so there remains much
hydrogen gas, for which E° is zero. Thus, man- to be learned about this element.
ganese metal should dissolve in acid to liberate
hydrogen gas. The E° for the overall reaction,
22-3.2 Titanium
Mn(s) -t- 2li+(aq) Mn+Yaq) + H,(g) (7)
There is intense interest in titanium. This interest
is 4-1.18 volts, so the reaction should proceed stems from an unusual combination of desirable
spontaneously to the right. (Note that this is an properties in one metal. It is strong; it has low

equilibrium consideration and it tells nothing density; and it is remarkably resistant to corro-

Table 22-III. some properties of fourth-row transition elements

ELEMENT Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn

Atomic number 21 I
22 j
23 S 24 1

25 i
26 1 27 i!
28 ?
29 !

Atomic weight i
45.0 1
47.9 1
51.0 52.0 :

54.9 i 55.9 i
58.9 1
58.7 65.4

Abundance* j

(% by wt.) 1
0.005 :
0.44 1
0.015 i 0.020 i
0.10 i
0.0023 i;
0.008 i
0.0007 0.01

Melting point (°C) !

1400 1
1812 j
1730 1
1900 1
1244 1535 i
1493 i
1455 i
1083 i

1 1

Boiling point (°C) 3900 1

3130t| I
3530t \
2480t 1
2087 2800 i
3520 ;
2800 1 2582 907

Density (g/cm®) 2.4 i

4.5 7.1 7.2 S 7.9 8.9 8.9 8.9 7.1

First ioniz. energy \ !



(kcal/mole) f 154 i
! 157 1
155 155 ! 171 180 i
180 i
175 1
176 216

i 1


ion radius (A) ;

0.90 ;
0.88 1 0.84 1 0.80 i
0.76 1 ! 0.74 0.72 0.72 i
; 1 1

4-3 ion radius (A) i

0.81 1 !
0.76 ! 0.74 i 0.69 0.66 i
0.64 1
0.63 ^
0.62 1

E° (volt)

M —^ M+2 4- 2e-


i 1.6

1 1










* In the earth’s crust,

** M —^ M+3 -f- 3e-.
SEC. 22-3 I

sion. The difficulty has been to find an economi- some reagents —chlorine, for instance. In air,
cal way of getting it out of its natural minerals: however, prpbably because of for-
it is inactive,

rutile, Ti02, and ilmenite, FeTiOs. This was mation of an impervious oxide coat. Other
solved in part by heating Ti02 in chlorine gas to metals, such as the alkali and alkaline earth
convert it to TiCfi and then reducing the TiCfi metals, also form oxide coats but they are not
with magnesium metal. Two problems still stand very effective in protecting the underlying metal
in the way of large-scale use of this rather abun- from atmospheric oxidation. The main difference
dant element. One is the great sensitivity of its is that when chromium is converted to oxide
properties to the presence of trace impurities there is a swelling in this oxide layer that arises
(especially H, O, C, and N); the other is the from the increase in volume per chromium atom.
difficulty of forming it into useful shapes. This gives a nonporous surface coat of oxide.
On the other hand, when a metal such as calcium
is oxidized, the oxide layer has a smaller volume
22-3.3 Vanadium
per Ca atom than the metal itself. The result is

This element is important mainly because of its that the surface layer shrinks, tending to crack
use as an additive to iron in the manufacture of and open up fissures through which oxygen (and
steel. A few percent of vanadium stabilizes a water vapor) can reach the underlying metal.
high-temperature crystal structure of iron so that Many of the transition elements show the kind
it persists at room temperature. This form is of self-protective action found in chromium.
tougher, stronger, and more resistant to corro- Most of the chromium we see is only a thin
sion than ordinary iron. Automobile springs, for coating on iron or other metals. Such a coating
example, are often made of vanadium steel. called chrome plate, is put on in an electrolysis
Also important is V2O5, divanadium pentox- cell in which the object to be plated is the
ide,an orange powder which is used as a catalyst cathode of the cell. The essential ingredients of
for many
reactions of commercial significance. the plating bath are Cr03, chromium(VI) oxide,
For example, in the manufacture of sulfuric acid, and either H2SO4 or Cr2(S04)3, chromium(III)
V2O5 catalyzes the step in which SO2 is oxidized sulfate, but there are various additives, including
to SO3. How it works is still in dispute, but the such unlikely substances as glue or milk, which
general belief is that the catalytic action is de- are supposed to give better coatings. Pure bulk
pendent upon the ability of vanadium to show chromium metal is fairly difficult to make. It

various oxidation states. One suggested mecha- can be done by using a reaction called the
nism is that the solid V2O5 absorbs an SO2 mole- Goldschmidt reaction in which aluminum metal
cule on the an oxygen atom to
surface, gives it is used as a reducing agent. So much heat is re-

convert it to SO3, and is itself reduced to V2O4, leased when AI2O3 formed from the elements

divanadium tetroxide. The V2O4 in turn is re- that stable oxides, as for example Cr203, can be
stored to V2O5 by reaction with oxygen. Catalytic reduced by Al. A mixture of aluminum powder
reactions, especially those involving solid-gas and Cr203, when ignited, gives a vigorous reac-
interfaces, are not very well understood at the tion to produce AI2O3 and chromium.
present time.

22-3.4 Chromium EXERCISE 22-8

Write the equation for the reduction of Cr203

Interest in this metal comes from its remarkable
inertness to atmospheric corrosion. Also, it is
by Al. If it takes 399 kcal/mole to decompose
very hard and thus AI2O3 into the elements and 270 kcal/mole to
it forms an ideal protective
coating. On the basis of its 1.18 volts higher
decompose Cr203, what will be the net heat

than hydrogen) we expect chromium to be quite liberated in the reaction you have just written?

reactive; in fact, it is vigorously reactive with

CHAP. 22

Metallic chromium is an ingredient of several 2Cr(OH)3rs; Qx^O^{s) + 3U,0(g) {10)

important alloys. Some forms of stainless steel,

There is much argument about how to write an
for example, contain about 12 Cr. Nichrome, % appropriate formula for “chromium trihydrox-
which is commonly used for heating coils, has ide.” A gelatinous, green precipitate does form
about 15 %
Cr in addition to 60 Ni and 25 % % when base is added to a solution containing
iron. Both these alloys are quite resistant to chromic ion (Cr+^), but it includes a great deal
chemical oxidation. of excess H2O, so pure Cr(OH)3 is never ob-
In compounds, the important oxidation num- tained. This is a common problem with the
bers of Cr are +2 +3 , ,
and +6 . In all of these transition elements. Their hydroxides are not
states the chromium ions are colored and, in well-characterized, mainly because of the con-
fact, the element got its name from this property siderable difficulty of distinguishing between a
{chroma is the Greek word for color). The +2 water molecule of hydration and an OH group.
state is not frequently encountered but it can be For example, many chemists maintain that the
made quite easily as the beautiful blue chromous formula is really Cr203-nH20, and that n usually
ion in solution by dripping a solution containing is found to equal 3 This agrees with the empirical

Cr+® over metallic zinc. Air has to be excluded formula Cr(OH)3.

since O2 rapidly converts Cr+2 back into Cr+^
The +3 state of chromium is best represented
by chromium(III) oxide, Cr203, which is a green, EXERCISE 22-9

inert solid used as a green pigment. It can be

Calculate the percent chromium in Cr(OH)3 and
made in rather spectacular fashion by heating
in Cr203*3H20.
ammonium dichromate. Once started, the re-

(NH4)2Cr207rs; Whatever that green precipitate has for its

N fg; +
2 m,0(g) + Cr 203 rsj ( 9) chemical formula, it is observed to be ampho-
teric. It dissolves both in excess acid and in
keeps itself going. The nitrogen and water are
excess base, as explained earlier.
formed as hot gases which blow the light, fluffy
Cr203 about. Another way of getting Cr203 is
by dehydrating “chromium trihydroxide” with Fig. 22-9. The structures of chromate and dichromate
heat: ions.


chrotnaire ion dichromate ion.

SEC. 22-3 I

Probably the most common compound of compound of Mn is manganese dioxide, Mn02,

-1-3 chromium is potassium chrome alum, used in the ordinary flashlight cell. What goes on

KCr(S04)2* I2H2O. We know that the twelve when it generates electricity is very
in a dry cell
water molecules are distributed equally, six much The reactions are complicated
in dispute.
around Cr+^ and six around K+. Potassium and apparently change character depending upon
chrome alum is just one example of the general the amount of electric current being drawn
class of solids called alums which have a 4-1 from the cell. When small currents are involved,
ion, a 4-3 ion, two sulfates, and twelve molecules which is what dry cells are designed for, the
of water. In the dyeing industry chrome alum reactions are believed to be as follows:
is used for fixing dyes to fabrics.
The 4-6 chromium is represented by
state of AT THE ANODE the zinc container is oxidized
the chromates and dichromates. The chromate (the terminal in- from the metallic state to the
ion is a tetrahedral ion with Cr at the center; dicated as the 4-2 state, probably as some
dichromate ion may be visualized as two such negative pole on complex zinc ion, but writ-
tetrahedra having one oxygen corner in common. commercial cells) ten for simplicity as Zn+^
Figure 22-9 shows the arrangements. Chromates
can easily be converted to dichromates by addi-
Zn(s) — Zn+2 4- 2e- (12)

tion of acid, AT THE CATHODE the Mn02 picks up, in a

2CrO^^(aq) 4- 2n+(aq) complicated reaction, an
CraOf 4- H2O (77) electron which reduces the
manganese from the 4-4 to
The change can be followed by noting the color 4-3 state in the presence of
change from yellow (characteristic of chromate) NH4CI
to orange (characteristic of dichromate). The
reverse conversion from dichromate to chromate
2Mn02 4- 2NH+ 4- 2e- —
Mn203 -b 2NH3 4- H2O (13)
occurs on addition of base.
Both chromates and dichromates are strong The role of the other components in the cell is
oxidizing agents. One example of their use is in not completely understood. Some of these com-
“cleaning solution,” a mixture of K2Cr207 and ponents (such as NH4CI, ammonium chloride,
concentrated sulfuric acid. Laboratory glassware and ZnCL, zinc chloride, in the center paste) are
can be thoroughly cleaned of grease films by involved in other reactions that come into play
immersion in cleaning solution. at larger current drain.
One other important compound of manganese
22-3.5 Manganese is potassium permanganate, KMn04. This is an
intensely violet-colored material much used as
The major use of manganese is in the production an oxidizing agent in the laboratory. (It is too
of steel, during which manganese reacts with expensive to use on a large scale; in industry,
oxygen and keeps the gas from forming bubbles chlorine is more likely to be used.)
when the iron solidifies. This prevents the forma-
tion of structure-weakening holes in finished
22-3.6 Iron
steel.Manganese usually occurs in nature as a
mixture of oxides along with oxides of iron. The Iron the workhorse of the metals. It is quite

ore, without separation,can be reduced with abundant (ranking fourth of all elements and sec-
carbon in a high temperature furnace to give ond of the metals, by weight) and easy to make
alloys of iron and manganese. This so-called inexpensively on a large scale; and it has useful
“ferromanganese” is added to the crude molten mechanical properties, especially when alloyed
iron on its way to becoming steel. with other elements. Steel, one of our most use-
Probably the most commonly encountered ful construction materials, is essentially iron
CHAP. 22

containing a small percentage of carbon and CO(g) + 3Fe203rs) —^ + CO,(g)

2Fe304rs; (15)

often small amount of other elements. CO(g) -f Fe304rs) —^ 3FeO(s) + CO^fg) (16)

NATURAL OCCURRENCE OF IRON CO(g) + FeOrsj —^ Fed) + CO,(g) (17)

Most of the accessible iron is combined either Since the reactions (75), (16), and (77) require
with oxygen or sulfur. The oxygen compounds successively higher temperatures, the blast fur-

are the common minerals hematite, Fe203, and nace temperature is kept highest near the bottom
magnetite, Fe304, both of which are useful raw of the furnace. Near the bottom, the temperature
materials for producing iron. Another mineral, is sufficiently high that the impure iron —satu-
FeS2, is called iron pyrites or “fool’s gold,” but rated with carbon — molten
collects there as a

this is not a common source since removing all liquid. The which is mainly calcium silicate,

the sulfur is difficult. (Sulfur impurity in steel CaSi03, removes any sand in the ore through
makes it brittle. The sulfur compounds of iron reaction with limestone, CaC03.

are low melting and on cooling they stay liquid CaCOs(s) — CaOfsj + C02rg; (18)
longer than does the mass itself and keep the
iron from compacting efficiently.) Iron exists in
CaO(s) + SiOsfs) —^ CaSiOs(l) (19)

the elemental form in some meteorites. Since Molten CaSi03 is less dense than molten iron
meteorites are believed to come from the and floats on top of it. An average furnace that
break-up of a planet, the existence of iron me- produees about 750 tons of iron per day, will

teorites is taken as support for the theory that also yield 410 tons of slag. The slag is sometimes
the core of the earth is largely iron. useful in the manufacture of cement and, when
it contains sufficient phosphorus, in the manu-
MANUFACTURE OF IRON facture of fertilizer.
The production of iron is an excellent example When this impure iron cools, the resulting
of chemical reduction on a massive scale. The solid is called pig iron or cast iron. It is quite
proeess is carried out in a huge vertical reactor, and is not useful if high strength is needed.

called a blast furnace, whieh may be several The impure iron is made into steel by burning
stories tall. Raw materials — iron ore, limestone, out most of the carbon, sulfur, and phosphorus.

and coke are fed into the top of the furnace Today there are three common furnace types for
and oxygen is blown in at the bottom. The pur- —
making steel the open-hearth furnace (85% of
pose of the iron ore (let us assume Fe203) is to U.S. production), the electric arc furnace (10%),
provide the iron. The limestone reacts with sand, and the Bessemer converter (5 %). These furnaces
Si02, in the iron ore removing it as molten differ in construction but the chemistry is basi-
calcium silicate, called slag. The coke supplies cally similar.
the reducing agent, carbon, and as it reacts the The process of burning out the impurities is

heat released maintains the required high tem- slowest in the open-hearth furnace. This implies
perature. there is plenty of time to analyze the melt and
Here is a simplified version of what goes on in add whatever is needed to obtain the desired
a blast furnace. As the mixture of ore, limestone, chemical composition. Manganese, vanadium,
and coke falls through the furance, it meets the and chromium are frequent additives. The prop-
updraft of oxygen. Carbon monoxide is formed, erties of the finished steel depend upon the

2Crs; + 02^^; —^ 2CO(g) -p 52.8 kcal (14)

amount of carbon left in and upon the identity

and the quantity of other added elements. Soft

and as this carbon monoxide rises through the steel, for example, contains 0.08-0.18 weight per-
furnace it progressively reduces the Fe203 — first cent carbon; structural steel, 0.15-0.25%; hard

to Fe304, then to FeO, and eventually to Fe. The steel or tool steel, 1-1.2%.
successive reactions take place progressively as The electric arc furnace is used for special

the solid descends: purpose steels. Because the environment ean be

SEC. 22-3 I

controlled, electrically heated crucibles avoid the O2 supply is restricted (as under a rivet head)
contamination problems caused by chemical the iron is eaten away
one spot (shank of the

fuels. rivet) but the rust deposits where the O2 is

The Bessemer converter is the oldest of the plentiful (where the rivet head overlaps a plate).
three methodsand the fastest (about 15 minutes One can surmise that the rivet shank is dissolved
per charge). However, the speed is a mixed bless- by the half-reaction
ing because there is not sufficient time to
analyses and fine adjustments in the amounts
Fe(s) —^ Fe +2
+ 2 e~ ( 20 )

of the alloying elements. in some acidic solution, perhaps rain water con-
taining CO2. Then the Fe+2 could have been
RUSTING washed out to the surface where oxidation con-
One well-known property of iron is the way in verted Fe +2 to Fe203-nH20. A similar explana-
which it tends to go back to oxide from which tion would hold for the observation that iron
it was derived. In fact, one out of every four men pipes buried in the soil near cinders usually rust
in the steel industry is concerned essentially with rapidly. Cinders generally contain acid-forming
replacing iron lost by rusting! This shows how oxides, which could help speed up the dissolving
important corrosion What
is. is the chemical of iron.
nature of rusting, and how can it be controlled ?
First, rusting is a special case of corrosion in
which the metal being corroded is iron and the The observed effect of metals on the rate of
corroding agent is oxygen. The observed facts rusting also supports the above theory and sug-
are that H2O and O2 are necessary; H+(aq) gests a way to stop the corrosion. When zinc is

speeds up the reaction; some metals such as Zn in close contact with iron, the iron does not
hinder the corrosion, other metals such as Cu corrode but the zinc tends to oxidize away. The
speed it up; and strains (as are produced when belief here is that the zinc, with a more positive
a nail is bent) usually accelerate the reaction. E° than Fe, gives electrons up to the iron,
How can these observations be interpreted? effectively preventing Fe from dissolving. This
The most promising mechanism suggested is a kind of protection is called cathodic protection
many-step process in which the following se- and has a variety of applications. For example,
quence of events occurs: (1) the iron acts as an ship hulls, particularly of tankers, are so pro-
anode to give up two electrons and form Fe+2 tected in sea water. Magnesium is used rather
(ferrous) ion; ( 2 ) the electrons are picked up by than zinc but the principle is the same. Easily
H+faq) ions to form transient neutral H atoms; replaceable blocks of magnesium are bolted to
( 3 ) the H atoms are immediately oxidized by O2 the steel hulls and the magnesium oxidizes in-
to form H2O; ( 4 ) the Fe+2 is oxidized by O2 in stead of the hull. Zinc coated iron (“galvanized
the presence of H2O to form rust. Rust, in- iron”) furnishes a second example. The zinc
cidentally, is not a simple compound but seems fortunately does not oxidize very much because
to be an indefinite hydrate of Fe203, so it is fre- when it reacts with oxygen and water in the
quently given the formula Fe203-77H20. presence of CO2 it forms a self-protective coat of
Acids, for example those in fruit juices, cata- basic zinc carbonate. Thus the zinc is self-
lyze rust formation because they furnish H+(aq) protective and at the same time gives cathodic
to accept electrons from the iron, causing it to protection to the underlying iron.
Oxygen gas is necessary to oxidize
dissolve faster. Some metals such as copper or tin, when in
Fe+2 to Fe203. The presence of water facilitates contact with iron, actually speed up the rate of
the migration of Fe+2 from the reaction site. The rusting. The reason for this is that on these
resulting reduction in Fe+2 concentration allows metals, reaction of electrons with H+(aqj is
more to be formed. Support for these ideas more rapid than on iron itself. Thus the effect is
comes from the frequent observation that when todraw the electrons away from the iron, speed-
CHAP. 22

ing up the rate at which Fe goes to Fe+2. Tin In most of its simple compounds, cobalt has a
itself is inert to the atmosphere so a piece of iron +2 oxidation number. This includes the well
completely covered with tin is safe from rusting. known cobaltous chloride. In dilute aqueous
However, once the protective tin coat is punc- solution this salt is an almost invisible pink; on

tured the rusting of the iron will be faster than dehydration it changes to deep blue. The color
if the tin were not there at all. This accounts for change, which is ascribed to a replacement of
the observation that “tin cans,” which are tin- some of the water molecules surrounding C 0+2
covered steel, rust very quickly once they start. by Cl~ ions (to form a complex ion), is exploited

One of the easiest ways to prevent rusting of which appears

in “invisible inks,” the writing of

iron objects is to shut out the supply of O 2 and on heat Another use is the simple-
H 2 O. This can be done by
painting the object or weather forecasters in which a swatch of blotting
by smearing it with grease. The only caution here paper turns pink when the humidity rises, sug-
is do the job thoroughly, since an exclusion
to gesting that rain is supposed to be coming.
of O 2 and H 2 O that is only partial can do as In its complex compounds, of which there are
much harm as good. Witness the rivet that would many thousands, Co almost invariably has a -1-3

have been saved if there were a good tight oxidation number. Apparently, Co+^ ion accom-
coating of paint to seal the lip against entrance panied by six coordinating groups is particularly
of the dissolving solution. stable. Cobalt complexes are important in bio-
chemistry. Some enzyme reactions go through a
cobalt-complexing mechanism. Although only
22-3.7 Cobalt
small traces are needed, cobalt is essential to the
This element does not appear in the headlines
very often but it is of practical importance. Prob-
22-3.8 Nickel
ably its greatest single use is in alloys, including
stainless steels. Pure cobalt is almost as magnetic The five-cent coin, ordinarily called the “nickel,”

as iron and, when alloyed with aluminum, nickel, is actually 25% nickel (the other 75% is copper).
copper, and iron, the resulting Alnico alloy has
a permanent magnetization far exceeding that of Fig. 22-10. Cells from Edison and lead storage bat-
iron. teries {schematic).

Edison Cell Lead. Cell

SEC. 22-3 I

This familiar metallic object furnishes an im- H2SO4 concentration during use of a lead cell

portant example of a nickel alloy. Other impor- provides the basis for the convenient hydrometer
tant nickel alloys include the nickel steels, test of the state of discharge of an automobile
are toughand rust-resistant, Monel metal (60% battery. The hydrometer measures the density
Ni, 40% Cu), which is acid-proof, and Nichrome of the electrolyte solution, thus indicating how
(60% Ni, 25% Fe, 15% Cr), mentioned in Sec- much of the H2SO4 has been consumed. Obvi-
tion 22-3.4. Finely divided nickel is used as a ously, this method cannot be used to check an
catalyst for hydrogenation, the addition of hy- Edison cell since the electrolyte concentration is

drogen to double-bonded carbon atoms. This constant.

process is important in the foods industry to
convert edible vegetable oils, such as cottonseed
oil, into solid fats. The carbon chains of the Table 22-IV

vegetable oils have double bonds which have a COMPARISON OF EDISON AND
high tendency to become oxidized and tend to LEAD STORAGE BATTERIES
develop an unpleasant flavor. When H 2 is added EDISON LEAD

to the double bond, the carbon chain becomes Oxidizing agent NbOa Pb02
saturated and the material becomes more attrac- Reducing agent Fe Pb
tive to the cook. Oleomargarine is an example of Electrolyte KOH H SO2 4

such a catalytically hydrogenated compound. Voltage (one cell) 1.35 volts 2.0 volts

In most of its compounds nickel has a -1-2 Features light weight heavy

oxidation number, but it is possible to get a constant variable voltage dur-

voltage ing discharge
higher state by heating Ni(OH )2 with hypochlo-
expensive inexpensive
rite ion in basic solution. Hypochlorite ion,
rugged voltage and H SO
2 4
C10“, one of the stronger oxidizing agents at
density indicate
our disposal in basic solution. There is consider-
when recharge
able argument about the formula of the black
solid that is formed, but we shall label it as NbOs
and write the equation EDISON CELL (DURING DISCHARGE)

2Ni(OH)2(s; C\0-(aq) Anode reaction


NhOs(s) + 2H O 2 -b C\-(aq) (21)

Fe(s) + 20H-(aq) —^ Fe(OH) 2 rs) + 2^“ (22a)

Cathode reaction
Nickel(III) oxide is important as the oxidizing
Ni 203 (s; + 3H O +
2 2e- —
agent in the Edison storage cell, shown in Figure
2Ni(OH).2rs; + 20n-(aq) {22h)
22-10. Table 22-IV compares the Edison battery Net reaction
and the more common “lead storage battery.”
Fers) -h NisOars) + 3H2O
In both batteries the electrode products are
solids and they adhere to the electrodes; the
Fe(OH)2 (sj + 2Ni(OH)2rs; (22c)

batteries can be regenerated by reversing the LEAD CELL (DURING DISCHARGE)

flow of electricity with some external device such
Anode reaction
as a direct current generator. “Charging a bat-
Pb(s) -f HSOufaq) >-

tery” simply means reversing the half-reaction

PbS04(s; + H+(aqj + 2c- (23a)
at each electrode. It should be noted that on
Cathode reaction
discharge, in the Edison cell there is no net
Pb02rs; -b HSOufaq) -f SH+faq) + 2c- ^
consumption of the electrolyte, potassium hy-
droxide, so its concentration stays constant. In
PbS04(s; + 2H O 2 (23b)

Net reaction
contrast, in the lead cell the sulfuric acid elec-
trolyte is consumed during use of the cell and is
Ph(s) + PbOofs) -b 2H+(aqj + 2 HSO - 4

regenerated during charging. This variability of
2PbS04(sj + 2H20 (23c)
CHAP. 22

Edison batteries cost more than lead storage (such as silver and gold) simply crumble off into
batteries, but they have the advantage of being a heap under the anode. This so-called “anode
lighter, so the amount of electrical energy avail- sludge” can then be worked to recover and iso-

able per unit weight is greater. Also they are late these very valuable by-products. At the
more rugged in standing up to mechanical shock. cathode there is reduction but, with well regu-
The difficulty of determining when recharging lated voltage, only of copper.
is needed and the expense are disadvantages.
Cu+Haq) -h 2e- —^ Cu(s) {28)

Of course, as time goes on the copper sulfate

22-3.9 Copper
solution in the cell has to be replaced because
itcollects undesirable ions such as Fe+^ which
This element occurs in nature in the uncombined
and in the combined have not been reduced because the voltage used
state as native copper state
is favorable to the reduction of Cu+2 only.
as various oxides, sulfides,and carbonates. The
chief mineral is chalcopyrite, CuFeS2, from
In compounds, copper usually has a +2 oxi-
dation number, cupric, or copper(II), and oc-
which the element is extracted by roasting (heat-
ing in air) followed by reduction. The roasting
casionally H-1, cuprous, or copper(I). The
reaction can be written
most common compound of cupric copper is

CUSO4 -51120. The blue color of this solid is due

4CuFeS2rsj + 90,(g) to the Cu+2 ion hydrated by four of the five
lCn,S(s) + 2Fe203rs; + e^O^(g) {24) H2O molecules in a surrounding square planar
It shows the formation of the important by- arrangement. This ion is present in aqueous solu-
product SO2, which may be converted to H2SO4. tions as well, but with two more distant H2O
It also shows the formation of Fe203, which is molecules along the axis perpendicular to this

subsequently removed by adding sand and heat- square. When cupric solutions are treated with

ing in a furnace. The sand furnishes Si02 which an excess of ammonia, they turn a deep blue.
combines with the iron oxide to form a low This is attributed to formation of a tetra-

melting slag of iron silicate. After the slag is run ammine copper(II) ion complex, usually written
off, the CU2S is heated in a current of air to give Cu(NH 3)/^ but probably also containing two
consecutively additional H2O molecules coordinated to the

2Cu2Srs) + — 2Cu20rs) + 2^0,(g)

20,(g) (25)
copper. Cupric ion
is toxic to lower organisms,
used to suppress the growth of algae in
+ 2Cu20rs) —^ bCufs) + S02rg)
it is
CusSrs) (26) ponds and fungi and molds on vines. Bordeaux
The copper obtained from this process is about mixture used to spray grapes and potatoes is

99% pure, yet this is not pure enough for most made of copper sulfate and lime.
uses, especially those involving electrical con- The -h 1 state of copper is found only in com-
ductivity. To refine the copper further, it is made plex compounds or slightly soluble compounds.
the anode of an electrolytic cell containing cop- The reason for this is that in aqueous solution
per sulfate solution. With careful control of the cuprous ion is unstable with respect to dispro-
voltage to regulate the half-reactions that can portionation to copper metal and cupric ion.
occur, the copper from the anode
is transferred This comes about because cuprous going to
(where it is about 99%
Cu) to the cathode where cupric is a stronger reducing agent than copper
it can be deposited as 99.999% Cu. At the anode going to cuprous. The following exercise in the
there is oxidation of copper, use of E° puts this on a more quantitative basis

Cufs) —> Cu+Yaq) + 2e- (27) Cu(s) —>- Cu%aq) + e~'

along with oxidation of any other metal (such as E° = -0.52 volt (29)

Fe) which is more readily oxidized than copper. Cu^(aq) ^ Cu+^f aq) + e~
The elements less readily oxidized than copper E° ^ -0.15 volt {30)

Since reaction (30) has a more positive F° than carbonate (zinc hydroxycarbonate). When a hole
reaction (29), can force reaction (29) to reverse,
it forms, penetrating into the iron, the iron does
thus in effect transferring an electron from one not rust as would be the case with tin-coated
Cii+ ion to another Cu+ ion. The net reaction, iron. On the contrary, the fresh Zn surface ex-
obtained by subtracting reaction (29) from re- posed reacts with CO O
2, 2, and HO 2 of the air
action (30) is to form a plug of zine hydroxycarbonate which
seals the hole.
2Cu+{aq) CufsJ + Cu+Y«q) (30
One other interesting and important com-
which has an £° of —0.15 minus —0.52 volt, pound of zinc is the sulfide, ZnS. It is the mineral
or H-0.37 volt. Positive £°’s for net reactions zinc blende, one of the major sources of zinc
mean the reaction should take place spontane- and, also, it is the luminescent material on the
ously from left to right. face of many television picture tubes. Zine sulfide
is a semiconductor and, when a beam of elec-
trons strikes the screen, electrons in the solid are
22-3.10 Zinc
energized so they can wander through the ZnS
We have already encountered zinc as the irregu- much like the electrons in a metal. When these
lar member at the end of the fourth transition electrons find an attractive site, usually in the
row. We have also mentioned, in Section 17-2.3, vicinity of a purposely added impurity atom,
its use as a constituent of the important class of they can be trapped and give olf energy as visible
and its use in “galvanizing”
alloys called brasses light. This phenomenon, called fluorescence,
iron to protect iron from rusting. Galvanized makes possible the conversion of one frequency
iron is made by dipping iron into molten zinc so of light energy to another. The observed color
as to give a thin adhering layer of Zn over the Fe. of the fluorescence depends upon the mode of
On prolonged exposure to air containing CO 2 the preparing the ZnS and on the nature of the
zinc forms a thin protective skin of basic zinc impurity in the ZnS structure.


1. Why are the elements with atomic numbers 21 to 5. Draw the different structures for an octahedral
30 placed in a group and considered together in cobalt complex containing four NH3 and two
this chapter? NO 2 groups.

6. Draw the structures of the compounds

2. Write the orbital representation for
(a) chromium, Cr(NH3)3(SCN)3
(b) molybdenum,
(SCN“ is the thiocyanate ion). Consider the oxi-
(c) tungsten.
dation number of chromium to be +3 and the
coordination number to be 6 in both compounds.
3. What properties of the transition elements are
consistent with their being classified as metals?
(a) the solubility of these compounds in water;

4. Ferrous ion, iron(II), forms a complex with six (b) their relative melting points;
cyanide ions, CN“; the octahedral complex is (c) the relative conductivity of the liquid phases.
called ferrocyanide. Ferric ion, iron(III), forms
7. Why does NH3 readily form complexes, but
a complex with six cyanide ions the octahedral
NH^ does not?
is called ferricyanide. Write the struc-
tural formulas for the ferrocyanide and the ferri- 8. Place a piece of paper over Figure 15-13 and
cyanide complex ions. trace it. Extend the abscissa and add the ioniza-
CHAP. 22

tion energies of the transition elements. Com- 15. Iron exists in one cubic crystalline form at 20°C
plete the row with the following ionization (body centered cubic, with cube edge length
energies: Ga, 138; Ge, 187; As, 242; Se, 225; 2.86 A) and in another form at 1100°C (face
Br, 273; Kr, 322; Rb, 96 kcal/mole. centered cubic, with cube edge length 3.63 A).

The volume per mole of atoms of some fourth- (a) Draw a picture of each unit cell, showing the
row elements (in the solid state) are as follows nine atoms involved in a body centered cubic
K, 45.3; Ca, 25.9; Sc, 18.0; Br, 23.5; and Kr, cell and the fourteen atoms involved in a
32.2 ml/mole of atoms. Calculate the atomic face centered cubic cell. (See Figure 21-2.)
volumes (volume per mole of atoms) for each of (b) Decide the number of unit cells with which
the fourth-row transition metals. Plot these each atom is involved (in each structure).
atomic volumes and those of the elements given (c) How many atoms are in each unit cell if we
above against atomic numbers. take into account that some atoms are shared
by two or more adjoining unit cells?
10. Chromic oxide, Cr 203 is used as a green pigment

and is often made by the reaction between

(d) Calculate the volume of the unit cell and,
with your answer to part (c), the volume per
Na 2 Cr 207 (s) and NH 4Cl(s) to give CroOsfs),
atom (for each structure).
NaClfsJ, N 2 (g), and H20(g). Write a balanced
equation and calculate how much pigment can
(e) What conclusion can be drawn about the

be made from 1.0 X 10^ kg of sodium dichro-

“effective size” of an iron atom?
16. One of the important cobalt ores is

11. Chromic hydroxide, Cr(OH) 3 ,

is a compound C03(As04)2-8H20
with low solubility in water. It is usually hy-
drated and does not have the definite composi-
How much of this ore is needed to make 1.0 kg
of Co?
tion represented by the formula. It is quite
soluble either in strong acid or strong base. 17. Nickel carbonyl, Ni(CO) 4 boils at 43°C, and

(a) Write an equation showing the ions pro- uses the sp^ orbitals of Ni for bonding. Give
duced by the small amount of Cr(OH )3 that reasons to justify the following:

(a) it forms a molecular solid;
(b) Explain, using Le Chatelier’s Principle, why
(b) the molecule is tetrahedral;
Cr(OH )3 is more soluble in strong acid than
(c) bonding to other molecules is of the van der
in water.
Waals type;
(c) What is the significance of the fact that
(d) the liquid is a nonconductor of electricity;
Cr(OH )3 dissolves in base, as well as in acid?
(e) it is not soluble in water.
12. What is number of manganese in
the oxidation
18. Write balanced equations to show the dissolving
each of the following: MnO^ (aq); Mn+Yoq);
Mn 304 (s); Mn02(sj; Mn(OH) 2 (s); MnCbfs); of Cu(OH) 2 (s) on the addition of NHsfaqj, and
also the reprecipitation caused by the addition
of an acid.
13. Manganese(III), Mn'^^(aq), spontaneously dis-
proportionates to Mn+^oq) and Mn02(sj. Bal- 19. Cupric sulfide, copper(II) sulfide, reacts with hot
ance the equation for the reaction. nitric acid toproduce nitric oxide gas, NO, and
elemental sulfur. Only the oxidation numbers of
14. Use the E° values in Table 22-III to predict what S and N change. Write the balanced equation for
might happen if a piece of iron is placed in a the reaction.
1 M solution of Mn^^ and a piece of manga-

nese placed
is a M solution of Fe+2. Balance
in 1 20. The solubility of copper(II) iodide, CuF, is 0.004
the equation for any reaction that you feel would g/liter. Determine the value of the solubility
occur to an appreciable extent. product.

Some and Sixth-



The fifth-row transition elements have general cuss these fourteen elements and some of the
similarity to the fourth-row transition elements. seventh-row elements.
The electron structure is essentially the same
except that the Ad orbitals are filling instead of
23-1.1 The Lanthanides, or Rare Earths
the orbitals. Near the beginning of the sixth-
row transition elements there is a change; the The lanthanides, or rare earths, are lanthanum
orbitals begin to fill to form fourteen elements and the fourteen chemical elements following.
before the d orbitals can be occupied to give the These fourteen elements, all of which are very
typical transition elements. This chapter will dis- similar to La in chemical behavior, include
CHAP. 23

cerium, praseodymium, neodymium, prome- 2?r(s) + 6H2O

thium, samarium, europium, gadolinium, ter- 2Pr(OH)3(s; + 3H2(gj (5)

bium, dysprosium, holmium, erbium, thulium, Pr(OH)3(sj + 3 H+(aq) zf±: Pr+^aq) + 3H2O (6)
ytterbium, and lutetium (atomic numbers 58 to
The reason usually cited for the great simi-
71). These elements are called the rare earth
larity in the properties of the lanthanides is that
elements because they were extracted from ox-
they have similar electronic configurations in the
ides, for which the ancient name was “earth,”
outermost 65 and 5d orbitals. This occurs be-
and because those oxides were rather rare.
cause, at this point in the periodic table, the
During the 1940’s, techniques for separating
added electrons begin to enter Af orbitals which
elements were developed to such a degree that
are fairly deep inside the atom. These orbitals
the rare earth elements are no longer so rare.
are screened quite well from the outside by outer
The most striking property of these elements is
electrons, so changing the number of 4/ electrons
that their chemical properties are almost identical.
has almost no efiTect on the chemical properties
For example, they are all reactive metals (about
of the atom. The added electrons do not become
like calcium). They react with water to give
a vigorous evolution of hydrogen. They all form
valence electrons in a chemical sense — neither
are they readily shared nor are they readily re-
basic trihydroxides which are only slightly solu-
ble in water but readily soluble in acid.
The very slight differences that do exist among
For example,

2Lars) + 6H2O ^ these elements are due to small changes in size

brought about by increase of nuclear charge. The
separation of the lanthanide elements from each
2La(OHh(s)^3H,(g) (7)
other is based upon clever exploitation of these
La(OH)3rs) + 3H+(aq) La+Yaq) + 3H O2 (2)
slight differences in properties. Table 23-1 shows
And, in similar reactions, a comparison of some of the properties of the

2 Ce(s; + 6HvO — various lanthanide elements.

+3 is the
As can be
common oxidation number and is most

2Ce(OH)3rs;+ 3H2(g) (5)

characteristic of the chemistry of these elements.
Ce(OH) 3 (s) + 3H^(aq) Ce+faq) + 3 H O 2 (4) Another thing to note is the steady decrease in

Table 23-1. some properties of lanthanum and the lanthanide elements


La 57 5d^ +3 2.52 volts 1.15 A

Ce 58 4/1 5d^ 6^2 +3, +4 2.48 1.11

Pr 59 Ap + 3, +4 2.47 1.09
Nd 60 4/4 6s2 +3 2.44 1.08

Pm 61 4/6 65=1 +3 2.42 1.06

Sm 62 4/6 6^2 +2, +3 2.41 1.04

Eu 63 Af 6^2 +2, +3 2.41 1.03

Gd 64 Af 5d^ 6^2 +3 2.40 1.02

Tb 65 4/9 6^2 +3, 4-4 2.39 1.00

Dy 66 4/10 652 +3 2.35 0.99

Ho 67 4/11 6^2 +3 2.32 0.97

Er 68 4/12 6^2 +3 2.30 0.96

Tm 69 4/13 6^2 +3 2.28 0.95
Yb 70 AP^ 652 +2, +3 2.27 0.94
Lu 71 4/115(7' 6^-2 +3 2.25 0.93
SEC. 23-2 I

the M+^ ionic size, shown in the last column. tion less than lO^^^ added 0.01 lantha- M
This decrease is called the “lanthanide contrac- num chloride, LaCb, and 0.1 M
hydrogen fluo-
tion” and is due to the fact that the nuclear ride, HF. A precipitate of lanthanum fluoride
charge increases through the series (and, con- forms and it contains most of the radioactive
sequently, so is the attraction for the electrons gadolinium. Explain in terms of the similarity of
increased), while the added electrons are not lanthanum and gadolinium ions.
entering outer orbitals where they would tend to
increase atomic size.
23-1.2 Occurrence and Preparation

EXERCISE 23-1 The most important minerals of the lanthanide

(a) Balance the equation for the reaction be- elements are monazite (phosphates of La, Ce,

tween neodymium metal and chlorine gas.

Pr, Nd and Sm, as well as thorium oxide) plus
(b) At 0°C and one atmosphere pressure, how cerite and gadolinite (silicates of these elements).
many liters of chlorine gas would react with Separation is difficult because of the chemical
similarity of the lanthanides. Fractional crystal-
14.4 grams of the metal?
lization, complex formation, and selective ad-
sorption and elution using an ion exchange resin
To a solution containing “tracer” amounts of (chromatography) are the most successful meth-
radioactive gadolinium, Gd+^(aq) (concentra- ods.


The last row of the periodic table is unique in interest directly tied to the nuclear instability. As
that all of these elements have radioactive nuclei. we have mentioned in Chapter 7, the energy
However, this property has no direct effect on contents of nuclei are many orders of magnitude
the chemistry of these elements. The nuclear higher than chemical heat contents. If this nu-
charge and nuclear mass affect the chemistry of clear energy content can be tapped and put to
an atom but the fact that the nucleus might ex- work, enormous quantities of energy become
plode at any moment (that is, undergo some sort available. Thus far, the radioactive nuclei of
of radioactive decay) isn’t known by the elec- some of these seventh-row elements have been
trons surrounding the nucleus. We might com- most useful in our attempts to harness nuclear
pare the situation to the packing of eggs in egg energy.
crates. How many eggs can be placed in an egg Nuclear fuels, like chemical fuels, must be
crate is by their shape and size. It
fixed entirely purified to be most effective. The purification of
is immaterial that eggs have the additional prop- the seventh-row elements has presented some
erty that they can hatch if fertilized. The packing fascinating and difficult problems of chemistry
of fertile eggs is also fixed entirely by their shape so difficult, in fact, that chemists have played as
and size, so a crate of fertile eggs is indistinguish- big a role in the development of nuclear energy
able from a crate of infertile eggs (unless one of as have physicists.
the fertile eggs happens to hatch while you are
looking at them). In exactly the same way, the
23-2.1 The Occurrence of the
chemistry of an atom has nothing to do with the
Seventh-Row Elements
stability or instability of its nucleus.

Nevertheless, there is special interest in the Only five of the seventh-row elements are found
chemistry of the seventh-row elements, a special in nature: radium, actinium, thorium, protac-
CHAP. 23

tinium, and uranium. It is one of the significant table under lanthanum, hafnium, tantalum, and
advances of science in the first half of this cen- tungsten, since they resemble these elements in
tury that ten additional elements of this row have many chemical reactions. With the discovery that
been synthesized: francium, neptunium, pluto- one could make elements beyond uranium (those
nium, americium, curium, berkelium, califor- of higher Z than 92), it was suggested that there
nium, einsteinium, fermium, and mendelevium. might be a 5/ series of elements analogous to the
The methods for raising the nuclear charge of a 4/ series of rare earths (the lanthanides). As a
nucleus require ingenious applications of phys- result, it has become customary to place the ele-

ics.However, the synthesis of these ten elements ments following actinium under the rare earths
could never have been demonstrated if it had not and to call these elements
(see inside front cover)
been for the solution of some difficult problems the “actinides.” Table 23-11 collects information
of chemistry, worked on by some of the most concerning the known oxidation states of the
highly skilled chemists in the world. At this time, elements following lanthanum, those following
elements 102 and 103 have been prepared and lutetium (that is, beginning with hafnium), and
the preparation of elements beyond is under those following actinium.
study. The most striking feature of the contrasts
shown in Table 23-11 is that the seventh-row
elements display the multiplicity of oxidation
23-2.2 The Elements Following Actinium
states characteristic of transition elements rather
The most interesting elements of the seventh row than the drab chemistry of the +3 rare earth
are those following actinium. For some of these ions. Whereas Ce+Yaqj can be oxidized to
elements a large amount of chemistry is known. Ce+Y aq only with an extremely strong oxidizing
The first four, actinium, thorium, protactinium, agent, Th+^( aq) is the stable ion found in tho-
and uranium, used to be shown in the periodic rium salts and Th+Y is unknown. In a similar

Table 23-11. oxidation numbers found for some sixth-row and


Oxidation Oxidation Oxidation

Name Numbers* Name Numbers Name Numbers

lanthanum +3 lutetium 4-3 actinium 4-3

cerium +3, +4 hafnium 4-4 thorium 4-4
praseodymium +3, -f4 tantalum 4-5 protactinium +4, +5
neodymium +3 tungsten +2, +3, 4-4, -b5, -b6 uranium -h3, 4-4, -b5, +6
promethium +3 rhenium +3, 4-4, 4-5, -f 6, 4-7 neptunium 4-3, 4-4, +5, +6
samarium +2, +3 osmium -b2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-6 4-8 plutonium -b3, 4-4, -f5, 4-6
europium +2, 4-3 iridium 4-3, -b4, 4-6 americium 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, -|-6
gadolinium +3 platinum 4-2, 4-4 curium +3
terbium +3, -1-4 gold 4-1, -h3 berkelium 4-3, +4
dysprosium +3 mercury + +2
1, californium 4-3
holmium -b3 thallium +1, 4-3 einsteinium -f3
erbium +3 lead 4-2, 4-4 fermium 4-3
thulium 4-3 bismuth 4-3, 4-5 mendelevium 4-3
ytterbium 4-2, +3 polonium 4-2, 4-4, 4-6 102
lutetium 4-3 astatine (-1) 103

* The most common oxidation numbers are in blue type.

SEC. 23-2 I

contrast, the most important oxidation state of Np+^ + 2H,0 —^ Np02+ + 4H+ + c"

protactinium is +5 whereas no compound in- E° = -0.75 volt (5)

volving the +5 oxidation state of praseodymium

Find an oxidizing agent in Appendix 3 that eould
is known.
oxidize Np+^(aq) to Np+Yaqj but not to
Yet it is generally accepted today that the
NpOa^ ( aq).
elements following actinium involve 5/ energy
levels, identifying them as the seventh-row equiv- EXERCISE 23-4

alents of the lanthanides.

Balance the equation for the reaction between
Speetroseopie investigations of the gaseous
permanganate, MnO^ (aq), and plutonium(III),
atoms and of ions in suitable crystals furnish Pu+^(aq), to form manganous, Mn+‘^( aq), and
one of the bulwarks of this view. Table 23-III plutonyl ion, Fu 02 ^(aq), in acid solution.
contrasts the actinide electronie configurations
as they are known today with the configurations EXERCISE 23-5

of the corresponding rare earths. Although the

Plutonium(IV), Fu+^( aq), forms a complex ion
corresponding configurations are not identical
with fluoride ion, PuF+^:
they are quite similar. They offer no hint of
explanation for the varied actinide oxidation
PuF+3 Pu+4 -f F- K= 1.6 X 10-^ (9)

states and the monotonous similarity of the If the F~ eoncentration is adjusted to 0.10 M in
lanthanides. It may be one of the most
that a solution containing 1.0 X 10“^ M Pu+^ calcu-
significant conclusions to be drawn from the late the ratio of the concentration of Pu+^ to
investigations of the actinides is that elements of PuF+^ What is the equilibrium concentration of
an / orbital transition series do not neeessarily Pu+4?
resemble each other strongly in chemical be-
havior, contrary to what had been inferred from
studies of the rare earths. Chemical investigation of the actinides is made
diflfieultby the extreme instability of the nuelei
an instability that increases as we go to higher
Table 23-111 atomic numbers. This leads to intense radioac-
THE ELECTRON CONFIGURATIONS tivity (which makes shielding precautions neces-
OF GASEOUS ACTINIDE AND sary)and small amounts of material to work
LANTHANIDE ATOMS with.The heavier actinides are usually made by
LANTHANIDES ACTINIDES bombarding the lighter actinides with neutrons,
helium nuclei (alpha particles), or even carbon
La 5 d^ 652 Ac 6d ^
nuclei. With very unstable nuclei, it is hard to
Ce 4/^ 5d ^
6^2 Th 6d ^ 752
accumulate enough atoms to permit chemical
Pr 4/3 652 Pa 5/2 6d ^ 7^2
studies on a maeroseopic scale since the element
Nd 4/4 6a'2 U 5/3 6d ^ 7^2

Pm Np is disintegrating at the same time it is being

4/5 6s - T
5 6d ^

Sm 4/6 6s

Pu 5/« 7^2 produced. The consequence is that much of the

Eu 4/’ 6^2 Am 5/2 752 chemical investigation is done by tracer tech-
Gd 4/’ 5d ^ 6.v2 Cm 5C 6d ^ 7.^2 niques wherein ehemical reactions are performed
on a bulk scale with some other, more available,
element. Clues to the chemistry of the trace ele-
ment are furnished by the behavior of the
EXERCISE 23-3 radioactivity — whether it follows along with the
bulk carrier or is lost in the chemieal operations.
Two half-reactions involving neptunium are
There is reason to believe that not many more
Np+3 —^ Np+^ + e~~ new elements be created. The instability of

E° = -0.147 volt (7) the nuclei of the last few elements suggests that
CHAP. 23

most or all of the still higher elements have half the nuclei to decay; this length of time is

nuclei so unstable that they will not survive long known as the half-life of the nucleus. For ex-
enough to be detected. ample, measurements show that after 4.5 X 10^

years, half the atoms in any sample of will

decay to ^ggTh. A nucleus is considered to be
23-2.3 Nuclear Stability and Radioactivity
stable if its half-life is much longer than the age
The outstanding characteristic of the actinide of the earth, which is about 5 X lO*’ years.
elements is that their nuclei decay at a measur- Nuclei that are very unstable are characterized
able rate into simpler fragments. Let us examine by half-lives which are quite short —in some
the general problem of nuclear stability. In cases only a small fraction of a second.
Chapter 6 we mentioned that nuclei are made up
Now let us turn to the problem of how the composition
of protons and neutrons, and that each type of
of a nucleus affects its stability. The forces that exist
nucleus can be described by two numbers: its between the particles in the nucleus are very large. The
atomic number (the number of protons), and its most familiar of the intranuclear forces is the coulomb
mass number (the sum of the number of neu- force of repulsion which the protons must exert on one
another. In order to appreciate the magnitude of this
trons and protons). A certain type of nucleus is
repulsive force, let us compare the force between two
represented by the chemical symbol of the ele-
protons when they are separated by 10~* cm, as they are
ment, with the atomic number written at its
in the hydrogen molecule, with the force between two
lower left and the mass number written at its protons separated by cm, as they are in a helium
upper left. Thus the symbol nucleus. In the first case we have

— proton I)(charge on proton 2)

(distance between protons)^

represents the nucleus of the plutonium isotope (+g)(+g)

— = 1016^2
which contains 94 protons and 239 94 = 145 (I0-s)2 lO-i'

neutrons. Since the forces that exist in the nu-

where e is the electric charge on one proton. In the
cleus depend upon the number of protons and second case we have
neutrons of which it is composed, we can get a
rough idea of whether a nucleus is stable just force = (+g)(+g)
- 1026^2
( 72 )
10 13)2
by examining these two numbers.
First of all, let us define what we mean by By comparing these two answers we can see that the
repulsive force between two protons in the nucleus is
stability. Consider an initially pure sample of
^ about ten billion times as great as the repulsive force
U. Regardless of the physical or chemical
92 between two protons bound together in a hydrogen mole-
state in which we find the uranium atoms, some cule. In order to overcome these enormous intranuclear
of them will decay each instant to become coulomb repulsions and hold the nucleus together there
thorium atoms by the spontaneous reaction: must exist some very strong attractive forces between the
nucleons. The nature of these forces is not understood
"iU —^ |He + (/O) and remains a very important problem in physics.

Notice that both the electric charge and the It is relatively easy to summarize how nuclear
total number of nuclear particles (nucleons) are stability (and hence the attractive nuclear forces)
conserved in the nuclear decomposition. Careful depends upon the numbers of protons and neu-
study of the rate of this nuclear decay shows that trons in the nucleus. For atoms with atomic
in a given period of time a constant fraction of number less than 20, the most stable nuclei are
the nuclei present will undergo decomposition. those in which there are equal numbers of pro-
This observation allows us to characterize or tons and neutrons. For atoms with atomic num-
describe the rate of nuclear decay in a very simple bers between 20 and 83, the most stable nuclei
manner. We simply specify the length of time it have more neutrons than protons. For atoms of
takes for a fixed fraction of the nuclei initially atomic number greater than 83, no nucleus can
present to decay. Normally we pick the time for be considered stable by our definition. These
SEC. 23-2 I

Fig. 23-1. The relation between number of neutrons 23-2.4 Types of Radioactivity
and protons in stable nuclei. Each dot
There are three common ways by which nuclei
identifies a stable nucleus.
can approach the region of stability: (1) loss of
alpha particles (a-decay); (2) loss of beta parti-
cles (/3-decay); (3) capture of an orbital electron.
statements are demonstrated in Figure 23-1, We have already encountered the first type of
where the number of neutrons is plotted against radioactivity, a-decay, in equation (10). Emis-
the number of protons for all stable nuclei. We sion of a helium nucleus, or alpha particle, is a
see that these stable nuclei form a belt which common form of radioactivity among nuclei
from a neutron to proton
deviates increasingly with charge greater than 82, since it provides a
ratio of unity (the line, N = P) as the
dashed mechanism by which these nuclei can be con-
charge on the nucleus increases. Nuclei whose verted to new nuclei of lower charge and mass
neutron-proton ratio is such that they lie outside which lie in the belt of stability. The actinides, in
of this belt of stability are radioactive. particular, are very likely to decay in this way.
CHAP. 23

For example, the most stable isotope of element

100, fermium, has a half-life of only 4.5 days:

?egFm—^249Cf+4He (75)

Nuclei that have a neutron-proton ratio which

is so high that they lie outside the belt of stable
nuclei often decay by emission of a negative
electron (a beta particle) from the nucleus. This
effectively changes a neutron to a proton within Fig. 23-2. The binding energy per particle in the
the nucleus. Two examples are nucleus.

ma —^ (14)

flNa —^ f|Mg + (75) amount of energy must be released (see Section

7-4.1).By the Einstein mass-energy relationship,
This type of radioactivity, j5-decay, is in

both the light and heavy elements.

E= we can calculate that in the formation
of 1 mole of helium nuclei there would be
Nuclei that have too many protons relative to
their number of neutrons correct this situation
in either of two ways. They either capture one ( 0.03 X (3 X 1010—
\ mole / \ sec /
of their Is electrons or they emit a positron
same mass g cm^
(a positively charged particle with the 2.7 X 1019
sec^ mole
as an electron). Either process effectively changes
g cm^ \
a proton to a neutron within the nucleus. E= ^2.7 X 1019
sec^ mole /
calories \
23-2.5 Nuclear Energy X ^2.4 X 10-8
g cmVsecV
In the previous section we saw that the stability calories
= 6.4 X 10+11
of a nucleus is affected by its neutron/proton mole
ratio. Even among those nuclei that we consider
stable, however, there is a variation in the forces or 640 billion calories of energy released. This

which hold the nucleus together. In order to amount of energy can be considered as the bind-
study this variation in nuclear binding energy, ing energy of amole of helium nuclei since this
let us consider the process of building a nucleus much energy must be supplied to dissociate a

from protons and neutrons. For an example, let

mole of 2 He into two moles each of protons and
us look at the hypothetical reaction neutrons.

2 IH + 2 ^ |He ( 16)
Similar calculations can be
nuclei. A comparison between nu-
made for other

First we will compare the masses of the reactants clear binding energies can be made if we divide
with those of the product: the total binding energy of each nucleus by the

Mass of 2 protons = 2 X 1.00759 = 2.01518 g/mole

Mass of 2 neutrons = 2 X 1.00897 = 2.01794 g/mole

Total mass of reactants = 4.03312 g/mole

Mass of |He = 4.00277 g/mole

Mass difference between

products and reactants 0.03035 g/mole

Since there is a decrease of 0.03035 gram/mole number of nucleons in the nucleus. This calcula-
of helium formed in this reaction, an equivalent tion provides us with the binding energy per
SEC. 23-2 I

particle in the nucleus. The binding energy per the fission process eventually appears as heat.
particle varies in a systematic way as the mass The energy released by the fission of one pound
number of the nucleus increases. This variation of
92 U is equivalent to that obtained from more
is shown in Figure 23-2. than 1000 tons of coal.
The nuclei that have a mass number of ap- Figure 23-2 shows that when very light nuclei
proximately 60 have the highest binding energy such as |H or iH are brought together to form
per nuclear particle, and are therefore the most heavier elements, the binding energy per nucleon
stable nuclei. This graph helps us to understand again increases and energyis released. The graph

the existence of the processes of nuclear fission also shows that the energy released per nucleon
and nuclear fusion. If the nuclei of the heavier (therefore per gram of reactant) is considerably
elements such as uranium and plutonium are greater in the fusion process than in the fission
split into two smaller fragments, the binding reaction. By use of a set of reactions in which
energy per nucleon is greater in the lighter nuclei. four protons are converted into a helium nucleus
As in every other reaction in which the products and two electrons, one pound of hydrogen could
are more stable than the reactants, energy is produce energy equivalent to that obtained from
evolved by this process of nuclear fission. Gener- 10,000 tons of coal. For this reason, and because
ally this fission reaction is induced by the bom- of the great abundance of hydrogen, fusion re-
bardment of a particular isotope of uranium or actionsare potentially sources of enormous
plutonium with neutrons. amounts of energy. Unfortunately fusion reac-

In -f 23|U —> ^I^Ba + liKr + 3 In (18)

tions take place rapidly only at temperatures
that are greater than a million degrees. These
The two nuclei on the right side are just two of temperatures have been attained briefly by use
the many possible products of the fission process. of nuclear fission explosions. At present, at-
Since more than one neutron is released in each tempts are being made to attain the temperatures
process, the fission reaction is a self-propagating, required for nuclear fusion by less destructive
or chain reaction. Neutrons released by one means, so that these reactions can be used as an
fission event may induce other fissions. When energy source. The most promising processes are
fission reactions are run under controlled condi- based upon the fusion of deuterium, iH, or
tions in a nuclear reactor, the energy released by tritium, iH, nuclei.
One of the major advances of science in the first half of
thiscentury was the synthesis of ten elements beyond ura-
nium. Glenn T. Seaborg participated in the discovery of
most of these, a sufficient tribute to his outstanding ability
as a scientist. For the first such discoveries, those of nep-
tunium and plutonium, he shared with Professor Edwin M.
McMillan the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 1951.
Seaborg rose from humble surroundings. He was born
in a small mining town, Ishpeming, Michigan. During his
boyhood, his Swedish- American parents moved to southern
California. There, two important traits began to become
apparent — his high intellect and his unlimited willingness
to work. Attending the University of California at Los
Angeles, he worked his way through, first as a stevedore,
then picking apricots, then as a linotype apprentice. By his
sophomore year Seaborg had distinguished himself enough
to be appointed a laboratory assistant. This employment

continued through his undergraduate career and it provided

him his first opportunity to engage in research.
For graduate study, Seaborg moved to the Berkeley
campus of the University of California. He received the
Ph.D. in 1937 and, after two years of work with G. N.
Lewis, began work on the attempted preparation of elements
beyond uranium. This research, following earlier work of
E. M. McMillan, culminated rather rapidly in the discovery -

of plutonium. During the war years, Seaborg had a key
role in working out the chemical processes used to extract
and purify plutonium. Then, after the war, he returned with
full force to the discovery of new elements. There grew
under his direction a large portion of the now-famous
University of California Radiation Laboratory. With Sea-
borg's stimulation and guidance, highly skilled research
teams prepared, many for the first time, americium,
curium, berkelium, californium, einsteinium, fermium, and
mendelevium. More elements are to come from this excit-

ing laboratory.
In 1958, Glenn T. Seaborg was asked to become Chan-
cellor of the Berkeley campus of the University of Cali-
fornia, a world center of learning. Two years later his
talents were demanded for national service: Seaborg was
appointed Chairman of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commis-
sion. Thus he brings deep knowledge of science and of

of society in an age when society has

scientists to the service
desperate need for guidance by scholars of this preeminent

Some Aspects
of Biochemistry:
An Application
of Chemistry

• • • the elucidation of the structure of biochemicals • • • will neces-

sarily lead to a deeper understanding of their function, and thus finally

to the understanding of the mechanism of life itself.


Living organisms — bacteria, fungi, mosses, al- mystery in the chemistry of living things was due
gae, plants, animals — are highly organized sys- to ignorance of the details of what went on, and
tems of chemical compounds. All organisms with an increased understanding of chemical
derive the energy for their activities, and produce principles, the mystery gradually began to dis-

the substances of which they are built, by means appear. Compounds that were earlier known
of chemical reactions. only as the products of plants and animals were
A century and a half ago men regarded the produced in the laboratory from ordinary in-

chemistry of living organisms as something quite organic substances. By the middle of the nine-
distinct from the chemistry of rocks, minerals, teenth century the superstitious belief in a chemi-
and other nonliving things. Indeed, there was in cal “vital force” had disappeared, and now there
their minds at that time the inclination to believe are few chemists who believe that the chemistry
that living things were imbued with some mys- of living organisms is beyond the power of men
terious “vital force” that was beyond the power to understand.
of men to define and understand. We still, however, mark off a large area of
As time went on, it became apparent that the chemical study by the term “biochemistry.” This
CHAP. 24

is not because biochemistry is fundamentally isms.These scientists must use information from
different from chemistry in general. It is because allbranches of chemistry to answer the questions
in order for a chemist to use his talents effectively they ask, but their questions are usually some-
to solve certain kinds of problems he must devote thing like, “What kind of molecules make up
special (but not exclusive) attention to what is living systems?” “How
does a living system
known about a particular field of knowledge. produce the energy needs?” or “What struc-

Biochemists are chiefly concerned with the tures do biochemicals have?”

chemical processes that go on in living organ-


The chemical system of even the smallest plant
or animal one of extreme complexity. It has a

multitude of compounds, many of polymeric Glucose, a sugar simpler than sucrose, has a
nature, existing in hundreds of interlocking equi- molecular weight of 180 and empirical formula
librium reactions whose rates are influenced by CH O. 2 What is its molecular formula?
a number of specific catalysts. We will not try
to study such a system. Instead we will show
The structure of the glucose molecule was
some parts of it, some examples that have been
deduced by a series of steps somewhat like those
well studied and which illustrate the applicability
described in Chapter 18 for ethanol. Glucose was
of chemical principles. All of our knowledge of
biochemistry has come through use of the same
basic ideas and the same experimental method you found to contain one aldehyde group

have learned in this course.

We shall consider four classes of compounds C j

that have great importance in biochemistry. and five hydroxyl groups ( —OH). These func-
Sugars, fats, and proteins occur in most animals tional groups show their typical chemistry. The
and plants, while cellulose is more common in aldehyde part can be oxidized to an acid group.
plants. These are all discussed in the following This reaction is like equation (18-19) (p. 336).
sections. If a mild oxidizing agent (such as the hypobro-
mite ion in bromine water) is used, the aldehyde
group can be oxidized without oxidizing the
24-1.1 Sugars hydroxyl groups.


Write the equation for the oxidation of

The word “sugar” brings to mind the sweet,
white, crystalline grains found on any dinner O
table. The chemist calls this substance sucrose
/ by hypobromite ion, BrO~, to pro-
and knows it as just one of many “sugars”
which are classed together because they have
related composition and similar chemical re- duce Br“. What are the oxidation numbers of
actions. Sugars are part of the larger family of carbon and bromine before and after reaction?
carbohydrates, a name given because many such Which element is oxidized? Which is reduced?
compounds have the empirical formula CH O.
SEC. 24-1 I

If all the oxygen containing groups are re- There is another aspect of the structure of
duced, n-hexane results. This test helps establish glucose and fructose. They, like other simple
that the glucose molecule has a chain structure. sugars, can exist as a straight chain but this form
One representation of the structural formula of is in equilibrium with a cyclic structure. In solu-
glucose, CH O
6 12 6, is tions the latter form prevails. Reaction (2) shows
both forms of glucose.

C^ H




CHOH ^ \ /A
CHOH CHOH /\?« ^

/ c - c

CHOH 1 1 (



Using a delicate reduction method, the alde-

The ring form can be written in a simpler way,
hyde group can be converted to a sixth hydroxyl
showing the hydrogen atoms attached to carbon
group, giving the substance called sorbitol. This
atoms by lines only and omitting the symbols for
compound shows the typical behavior of an
the ring carbons:
alcohol. For example, it forms esters with acids:


H 0 — C — OH

H—C— 0— C— CH3

+ 6H3CCOOH - 0
CHOH acetic 11

H— 0— c— CH3
And so on for all six carbons.
This is a hexa-acetate.
0 )

Another naturally occurring sugar is fructose,

also C 6 H 12 O 6 It is an isomer of glucose but the

carbon of the
\ C=0 group
at the second
At equilibrium in a 0.1 M solution of glucose in

position in the carbon chain instead of at the water, only 1 % of the glucose is in the straight

end. This makes fructose a ketone (see Section chain form. What is K for reaction (2)?


The two sugars we have discussed are mono-
Draw a structural formula for the fructose mole- saccharides —they have a single, simple sugar
cule (remember that fructose is an isomer of unit in each molecule. The sugar on your table
glucose). Explain why fructose cannot be oxi- is a disaccharide — it has two units. One molecule
dized to a six-carbon acid. of sucrose contains one molecule of glucose
and one of fructose hooked together (losing a
CHAP. 24

molecule of water in the joining reaction). Fruc- what with the sugar). High solubility in water
tose has a slightly different ring structure because is readily explained because sugars have many
\ functional groups that can form hydrogen bonds.
the C=0 group is not on the end carbon. From your previous study of hydrogen bonding
/ (Section 17-2.6) you might recall that about
The formation of sucrose is shown in equa-
5 kcal are released per mole of hydrogen bonds
tion (5).

PROPERTIES formed. This energy can then make up part of

that needed to disrupt the structure of the
Sugars occur in many plants. Major commercial
sources are sugar cane (a large, specialized grass
Sugars are easily oxidized. One oxidation re-
which stores sucrose in the stem) and sugar beet
action that shows this involves cupric hydroxide,
(as much as 15% of the root is sucrose). In
addition, fruits, some and honey con-
/ + 2Cu(OH)2 —
tain sugars. On the average every American eats
almost 100 pounds of sugar per year. The nation \H
requires about 2 X lO^® pounds per year of which O
about one-fourth is grown in the United States.
Sugar, at about 10 cents a pound retail, is one
R—C/ + Cu20rs; + 2H2O (4)

of the cheapest pure chemicals produced.

\ OH
Sugars are fairly soluble in water, about 5 The reaction is more complicated than shown.
moles dissolving per liter (solubility varies some- The Cu(OH )2 is not very soluble in the basic
SEC. 24-1 I

solution used, so tartaric acidis added to form a

24-1.3 Fats

complex The Cu20f sj is a red solid which

ion. Fats, as well as animal and plant oils, are esters.
does not form such a complex and thus precipi- Actually they are triple esters of glycerol (1,2,3-
tates from solution. The reaction is characteristic propanetriol):
and is used as a qualitative test for simple alde-
hydes and for sugars. I 1 I

An important metabolic reaction of disaccha- H C C C H or CsHgOa

rides is the reverse of (d). Water, in the presence 1 I I

o o o
of ¥[+(aq), reacts with sucrose to give glucose \ \
and fructose. This process is called hydrolysis^ H H H
meaning ''reaction with water.'’ When carboxylic acids, similar to those you
studied in Section 18-3.2, react with glycerol OH
groups, a fat is formed. In natural fats the acids
24-1.2 Cellulose and Starch usually have twelve to twenty carbon atoms,
Ci6 or Ci8 acids being most common.
Cellulose an important part of woody plants,

occurring in cell walls and making up part of the

structural material of stems and trunks. Cotton
and flax are almost pure cellulose. Chemically, EXERCISE 24-6

cellulose is a polysaccharide —
a polymer made Write the formula for glycerol tributyrate, and
by successive reaction of many glucose molecules
made from
then write the formula of the fat
giving a high molecular weight (molecular weight
glycerol and one molecule each of stearic
'^600,000). This polymer is not basically dif-
(C17H35COOH), palmitic (C15H31COOH), and
ferent from the polymers that were discussed in
myristic (C13H27COOH) acids. How many iso-
Section 18-6:

— C— OH — C — OH

Starch is a mixture of glucose polymers, some
mers are possible for the last fat? How many
of which are water-soluble. This soluble portion
would be possible if all possible combinations of
consists of comparatively short chains (molecular
the three acids were used? Compare your answer
weight '-^4000). The portion of low solubility
with that for Exercise 18-15, p. 349.
involves much longer chains and the polymer
chain is branched.

Common fats (butter, tallow) and oils (olive,

palm, and peanut) are mixed esters; each mole-
The monomer unit in starch and that in cellulose cule has most often three, sometimes two, or,
each has the empirical formula CeHioOs. These rarely, one kind of acid combined with a single
units are about 5.0 A long. Approximately how glycerol. There are so many such combinations
many units occur and how long are the molecules in a given sample that fats and oils do not have
of cellulose and of the soluble starch? sharp melting or boiling points. Ranges are
found instead.
CHAP. 24

An important reaction of fats is the reverse of The metal salts of natural carboxylic acids, like
ester formation. They hydrolyze, or react with sodium stearate, are called soaps.
water, just as disaccharides do. Usually hydroly- Fats make up as much as half the diet of many
sis is carried out in aqueous Ca(OH) 2 NaOH, , or people. Fats are agood source of energy because
KOH solution. Because of long use in the prepa- when they are completely “burned” in the body
ration of soap from fats, the alkaline hydrolysis they supply twice as much energy per gram as
reaction (6) is called saponification. do proteins or carbohydrates.


— C — O — C — C17H35

— C — OH 0

0 + 2 Na — 0 —-C-C17H35
— C — OH

— C — O — C — C17H35

+ 3 Na+(aq) + 30 H~(aq)

sodiu.rrL s Ire ctr dire.

— C —OH 1

+ Ka-O--c-c,,h,3
SOdiurrL myrisirarte
a fci1:r


24-2.1 Some Fundamental Biochemical Ci2H220n +HO 2 CgHioOe +CH O6 12 6 (7a)
Processes sucrose glucose fructose

An animal (such as man) expends energy con- HO(CeHio05)„H + (n- 1)H20 —^ «C6Hi206 ( 7b)
tinuously, to maintain body temperature and to starch glucose

perform such activities as breathing, circulating

blood, and moving about. What chemical proc- Glucose is one of the most important sources
esses supply this energy? of energy for living creatures of all kinds. We
The chief source of such energy is the combus- can illustrate this with the fermentation of sugar.
tion of carbon compounds to CO 2 You know .
Yeast, a plant, uses glucose in a chemical reac-
that man exhales more carbon dioxide than he tion

inhales in the air he breathes. This extra carbon CH O6 12 6 — 2C2H50Hr[) + 2CO,(g) (8)
dioxide one of the products of the oxidation

processes by which food is oxidized and energy In this transformation of glucose into alcohol
is liberated. and carbon dioxide, energy is liberated, and this
One of the important foods of animal organ- energy is used by the yeast plants. Thus glucose
isms is sugar. Man eats sugar in various forms: is used as a fuel by the growing organism to

as sucrose, as glucose, and as starch, the form furnish the energy needed for growth.
in which sugar is stored in many plant tissues, The process by which yeast breaks down glu-
such as the potato. Cellulose, although a glucose cose has been carefully studied by biochemists
polymer, is not a good food for humans because and the way in which this transformation occurs
their digestive chemistry cannot hydrolyze it to is now known in considerable detail. One of the
sugar rapidly enough. Termites, however, can reasons this process is so interesting is that a
hydrolyze cellulose and they find wood products nearly identical process takes place in human
quite palatable. muscle, in this case to furnish energy needed for
We can regard sucrose and starch as sources muscular activity.
of glucose, for these react with water to form Both yeast and muscle break glucose down
glucose in the body: into an acid called pyruvic acid.
SEC. 24-2 1

CHs— O


The process requires eight separate steps, all of which are carried out with the aid of biological
catalysts called enzymes. We can picture the series of reactions in the following, much sim-
plified manner:




1 1 j j

CHOH is CHOH and CHOH which reacts CHOH

converted I broken 2 1
with water 2 1
( 9)
CHOH to CHOH down C to give CHOH

/ \0 1

1 1

glucose fructose glyceraldehyde an intermediate
(C 6 H 12 O 6 ) (CeHnOe) 2(C3H603)

I 1

reacts with an enzyme 1
+ reduced enzyme (£'H2) (10)
CHOH {E) to produce C

/ \0
glyceric acid


then 11 II 1


CHOH loses a C— OH c=o

water |
+ H2O 1
rearranges 1

C molecule C C into C
\0 to give
// \0 HO
/ \0 HO
/ \0
pyruvic acid
{ 11 )
{ 12 )

To this stage, yeast and muscle reactions are the same. Now, however, they proceed differently:

In Yeast CH3 reduced

from {10),
{EHD —

is 1
decomposed C + CO2 CH3

c to / I
+ enzyme {E)
HO acetaldehyde ethanol

{13) {14)
CHAP. 24

You equation (9) each mole-

will notice that in C6Hi206(s; + 602(g) —
cule of six-carbon sugar gave two molecules of 6C02(gJ + 6H20(f; + 673 kcal (77)

the three-carbon compound, glyceraldehyde.

Thus, each molecule of glucose gives two CO 2
Since 673 kcal/mole could be released by com-

and two ethanol molecules. plete oxidation, we might wonder why the yeast
cells (and muscle) extract only 20 kcal/mole and
leave so much of the potentially available energy
In Muscle untouched. This extra energy is there in ethanol
and and could be released if these
lactic acid
compounds were oxidized further to CO 2 .


+ reduced enzyme (EH 2) — Fermentation in the absence of oxygen, equa-
tion (76), with the liberation of only a small frac-
/ \O tion of the total available energy of glucose,
not the usual chemistry employed by living or-

ganisms. It is a “reserve” mechanism, useful in

CHOH tiding over yeast or muscle during times of oxy-

+ enzyme {E) (75) gen shortage. In the case of muscle, it provides a
C temporary source of energy when excessive de-
mands require the performance of work at a
lactic acid faster rate than oxygen can be supplied by the
circulation of blood to the tissue.

Lactic acid is commonly produced when sugar Ordinarily, oxygen is used and glucose is oxi-

isbroken down by living cells. Lactic acid is so dized all the way to CO 2 and H O.2 Most living

named because it is produced when milk sours. creatures exist in contact with a supply of oxy-

What happens to the energy from the oxida- gen, either in the air or dissolved in water. Hence,

tion of glucose? A study of the breakdown of most of the metabolic activities of the living
glucose in the absence of oxygen shows that about world occur in the presence of oxygen. Under
20 kcal are liberated per mole of glucose con- these conditions, the breakdown of the glucose

sumed: molecule proceeds without the use of oxygen

C6Hi206(s; ^ 2C2H50Hr7) + 2CO,(g)

AH = -20
only to the point at which pyruvic acid is formed.
Then the pyruvic acid, instead of being reduced
kcal (76) to lactic acid or ethanol and CO 2 , is oxidized by
oxygen to CO 2 and water. It is during this oxida-
This energy is used by the organism to synthesize
tion thatmost of the energy, originally available
other very reactive chemical compounds which
in glucose, is liberated.
are not shown in our simplified scheme. These
reactive molecules then take part in other proc-
esses (such as muscle action) in which the energy
is released. Part of the energy of glucose is stored
as heat content (or “chemical energy”) in the
reactive compounds. This “storage” of energy Write a balanced equation for the oxidation of
in compounds enables living organisms to make pyruvic acid toCO 2 and H 2 O.
efficient use of the energy of oxidation.

24-2.2 Oxidative IVIetabolism

Little of this energy is directly given off as

If a mole of glucose is completely burned in a heat, as would be if we burned pyruvic acid


calorimeter, a great deal of energy is liberated; with a match. Most of the energy is stored in new
SEC. 24-2 I

chemical compounds that can undergo reactions in which it is the fuel that keeps the cycle run-
leading to the synthesis of fats and proteins and ning, and CO 2, water and energy are taken off
the other substances of which living matter is along the course of the cycle. This cycle is shown
made. in Figure 24-1 and its steps are represented by
Let us look at a very simple part of the overall equations {I9d) to (79/).
process. The first thing that happens is the break- Each “turn” around this cycle uses up one
down of pyruvic acid into acetic acid and CO 2 molecule of acetic acid and produces two of CO 2

(the “oxidation” process has started!); and two of water. The stages at which oxidation
occurs are not shown in detail, for this is a rather
O O complex subject and is beyond our present ability
CH3C O —
CH3C to consider in detail. However, it can be seen
that the oxidation does occur (because acetic
OH acid and oxygen are fed in and CO 2 and H 2 O
im and the energy of “burning”
OH are discharged),
sugar, the source of the acetic acid, is being
The acetic acid then enters a cycle of reactions released.

Fig. 24-1. The cycle by which acetic acid is burned as an energy source.



o. C
/ Cityic
HO-C-COOH ( acid J

+ energy^

(L9d) CH.COOH (19 cj

CHAP. 24





no — c— COOH -F
^ Oj CH^ + CO 2 -F H^O + c-nergy (iP h)


CH^ + I
+ CO^ + energy (J-Pc)

I + i-o, II
+ H2O + energy (^P d)

+ H2O (l9e)

I + J 0^ — I
+ H^O + energy (l 9

+ CH3COOH cy<te begins again (^Po-)
24-2.3 Photosynthesis Green plants reverse the process of sugar
What is amount of energy
the source of the vast breakdown by synthesizing sugars from CO2 and
consumed by our mechanized society? The water:
largest of all of our energy sources is the sun,
6C02rg) + 6H20(/; + 673 kcal —
and energy from the sun is stored in our fuels
C6H12O6 + 602rg; {20)
(wood, coal, petroleum) as a result of the photo-
synthesis process. We cannot specify exactly how this energy is
SEC. 24-3 I

used by the plant. We know that the reaction EXERCISE 24-9

requires a special compound, chlorophyll, which Normally about 0.03% of the molecules in air
is the green compound that gives green plants are carbon dioxide molecules. How many liters
their color. Chlorophyll does not appear as a of air (at STP) are needed to provide enough
reactant in equation (20) because it is a catalyst. CO 2 to form 1.8 grams of glucose in reaction
We also know that the process of incorporat- ( 20 )?
ing CO into complex molecules (that result

finally in the synthesis of sugar) is very similar EXERCISE 24-10

to the reverse of the process of sugar Suppose red light of wavelength 6700 A is ab-
These reactions are complicated, however, and sorbed by chlorophyll.
will not be discussed here.
(a) Show that the frequency of this light is

X 10^^ cycles per second.

(b) How much energy is absorbed per mole of
EXERCISE 24-8 photons absorbed? (See Section 15-1.1;
h= 9.5 X 10“^^ kcal sec/mole.)
The sun provides about 0.50 calorie on each
square centimeter of the earth’s surface every
(c) How many moles of photons would be
needed to provide enough energy to produce
minute. How
long would it take ten leaves to
one mole of glucose by reaction (20) if all
make 1.8grams of glucose if the area of each
of the energy were provided by red light?
leaf is 10 cm^ and if only 10% of the energy is
used in the reaction?


Some of the most exciting recent advances in sis gives only glucose in each case. But the
biochemistry have come from recognition of the glucose ring differs slightly in the arrangement
importance of the structural arrangement of of the OH groups. This results in two different
molecular parts. You saw in Chapter 18 that polymers. Let us represent the ring structure of
the chemistry of a C H O compound
2 6 depends equation (2) by this simplified symbol:
upon structure. Thus an ether, CH3 —O CH3,
behaves quite dilferently from an isomeric alco-
hol, CH3CH2OH. You also learned how inter- OC - form
actions between molecules can influence the
properties of water (Sections 17-2.5, 17-2.6) and (21a)

arrange the molecules in preferred positions

There is another isomer, identical in all parts,
around an ion (Figure 17-13). This kind of struc-
ture also influences the observed properties.
except for the placement of the right-hand OH
Both the covalent bond arrangement and inter-
group. Its symbol is

molecular interactions are involved in fixing the

structure of biochemical substances. A few ex-
amples are discussed below.
^ -form

The Structure (21b)

24-3.1 of Starch and Cellulose

A example of the effect of structure is

striking If a string of the a-form and allow
we connect
shown by cellulose and water-soluble starch. for the normal 105° angle of bonds to oxygen we
Both contain the same monomer since hydroly- get the polymer called starch:
CHAP. 24


On the other hand, a chain of the /3-form of the coiled form of the proteins it contains. A few
glucose gives the polymer called cellulose: moments of thought concerning the profound


The very different geometry of the ether link- differences between the physical form and be-
ages in starch and cellulose causes these two tween the chemical potentialities of an egg before
polymers to have different chemical properties. and after it is cooked will suggest the very great
importance of molecular structure in biochem-
24-3.2 Proteins

In Section 18-6.3 the composition of proteins

24-3.3 Enzymes
was given. They are large, amide-linked poly-
mers of amino acids. However, the long chain All of the biochemical reactions we have just
formula (Figure 18-14, p. 348) does not represent been discussing proceed at ordinary tempera-
allthat is known about the structure of proteins. tures and pressures. Most biochemical reactions
Itshows the covalent structure properly but does (especially those in the human body) take place
not indicate the relative positions of the atoms at about 37°C (98°F), and proceed at a rate ade-
in space. quate for the role they play, which is to make
The use of X-ray diffraction (Section 14-3.2) life, growth, and reproduction possible. Most of
and the principles that describe hydrogen bond- them would not proceed at a measurable rate at
ing have led to the recognition of a coiled form of this temperature outside of living organisms.
the chain in natural proteins. This model is con- Glucose, pyruvic acid, acetic acid, etc., are very
sistent with other tests also and has received stable compounds and can remain in contact
general acceptance. It is shown in Figure 24-2. with oxygen without apparent change. This is so,
This form has a great deal of regularity — it is not even though their oxidation to carbon dioxide
at all a random shape. Order is not achieved and water releases large amounts of energy. To
without some energy factor to maintain and it, make these reactions proceed, nature uses cata-
this order results in large part from hydrogen lysts to provide new paths with lower activation
bonds. These are shown in the figure as dotted energy hills over which the systems can pass so
lines, just as they were in Section 17-2.6. When that measurable reaction rates are achieved.
the hydrogen bonds are broken (by heating or Biological catalysts are called enzymes. Nearly
putting the protein in alcohol), the order dis- every step of the breakdown of a complex mole-
appears and the coiled form loses its shape. Often cule to a series of smaller ones, within living
this damage cannot be repaired and the coil is cells, is catalyzed by specific enzymes. For in-
permanently deformed. Cooking an egg destroys stance, when acetaldehyde is reduced in yeast
SEC. 24-3 I

cells to ethanol, in a process we can represent as reaction, but of course it catalyzes the reaction
follows, in either direction (see Section 9-1.4). Con-
O OH ditions at equilibrium are not affected by the

CH3— C
/ + 2 [H] CH3— CH2
enzyme, but the rate at which the reacting sub-
stances reach the equilibrium state is affected by
\ enzyme (as with any catalyst).
H the
Enzymes are protein molecules. While all en-
the reaction takes place in the presence of a zymes are proteins, we do not imply that all
specific enzyme called “alcohol dehydrogenase.” proteins can act as enzymes. The protein mole-
You can see that the hydrogenation of acetalde- cules of enzymes are very large, with molecular
hyde is the reverse of the dehydrogenation of weights of the order of 100,000.* In contrast, the
ethanol. The enzyme is named for the latter substance upon which the enzyme acts (called a
substrate) is very small in comparison with the
enzyme. This creates a picture of the reaction in
Fig. 24-2. The coiled or helix form of a protein
which the small substrate molecule becomes at-
tached to the surface of the large protein mole-
cule, at which point the reaction occurs. The
products of the reaction then dissociate from the
enzyme surface and a new substrate molecule
attaches to the enzyme and the reaction is re-
peated. We can write the following sequence:
enzyme + substrate — >-

enzyme-substrate complex (24)

enzyme-substrate complex — >-

enzyme + reaction products (25)

Adding these equations and cancelling gives

substrate —^ reaction products (26)

Despite the large size of an enzyme molecule,

there is reason to believe that there are only one
or a few spots on its surface at which reaction
can occur. These are usually referred to as
“active centers.” The evidence for this view of
enzyme reactions comes from many kinds of
observations. One of these is that we can often
stop or slow down enzyme reactions by adding
only a small amount of a “false” substrate. A
false substrate is a molecule that is so similar to
the real substrate that it can attach itself to the
active center, but sufficiently different that no
reaction and consequently no release occurs.
Thus, the active center is “blocked” by the false

* Since so many enzymes are known, this number is

given only to offer a rough idea of size, because actual

molecular weights may range from considerably less than
100,000 to considerably more.
CHAP. 24

SPECIFICITY OF ENZYMES acid and can grow and multiply in the human
body because sufficient amounts of this com-
Most enzymes are quite specific for a given sub-
strate. For example, the enzyme “urease” that
pound occur in blood and the tissues. The con-
trol of many diseases caused by these (and other)
catalyzes the reaction
bacteria was one of the first triumphs of chemo-
NH2 therapy,* and the first compound found to be

0 =C^ 4- H2O CO2 + 2NH3 ( 27 ) an effective drug of this type was sulfanilamide:
\ NH2 NH2 NH2

is specific for urea. If we try to use urease to

catalyze the analogous reaction of a very similar

molecule, A^-methyl urea, no catalysis is ob- 0=C— OH 0=S—NH 2

served :

NHCH3 pamaminobenzoic acid sulfanilamide

0 =C
+ H2O ^ CO2 -f- NH3 + CH3NH2 It seems reasonable that an enzyme which
used ;7oraaminobenzoic acid as a substrate
NH 2 (28)
A-methyl urea might be deceived by sulfanilamide. The two
compounds are very similar in size and shape
This suggests that on the surface of the enzyme
and in many chemical properties. To explain the
there is a special arrangement of atoms (belong-
success of sulfanilamide, proposed that the
it is
ing to the amino acids of which the protein is
amide can form an enzyme-substrate complex
constructed) that is just right for attachment of
that uses up the active centers normally occupied
the urea molecule but upon which the methyl by the natural substrate.
urea will not “fit.”
Usually fairly high concentrations of such a
Specificity is not always perfect. Sometimes an
drug are needed for effective control of an in-
enzyme will work with any member of a class of fection because the inhibitor (the false substrate)
compounds. For example, some esterases (en- should occupy as many active centers as possible,
zymes that catalyze the reaction of esters with and also because the natural substrate will prob-
water) will work with numerous esters of similar,
ably have a greater affinity for the enzyme. Thus
but different, structures. Usually, in cases of this
the equilibrium must be influenced and, by using
kind, one of the members of the substrate class
a high concentration of the false substrate, the
will react faster than the others, so the rates will
false substrate-enzyme complex can be made to
vary from one substrate to another. predominate. The bacteria, deprived of a normal
metabolic process, cannot grow and multiply.
INHIBITION BY A “FALSE” SUBSTRATE Now the body’s defense mechanisms can take
over and destroy them.
It is now believed that many of our useful drugs
* Chemotherapy is the control and treatment of disease
exert their beneficial action by the inhibition of
by synthetic drugs. Most of these are organic compounds,
enzyme activity in bacteria. Some bacteria, such
often of remarkably simple structure. Sulfanilamide is one
as staphylococcus, require for their growth the example of an organic compound synthesized by chemists
simple organic compound /?araaminobenzoic for the treatment of bacterial infections.
Robert Woodward is surely one of the outstanding Ameri- synthesized. Quinine has the formula C2oH2i02N2, and it

can synthetic organic chemists of all time. His astonishing includes two benzene rings, a tricyclic structure, a double
record of successful syntheses of biologically important bond, an OH group, and a methyl ether linkage, all com-
substances has won him ten honorary doctorate degrees bined in a very particular geometrical configuration. A host
and at least as many major awards here and abroad. of other, comparably dijficult syntheses have been achieved
Woodward was born in Quincy, Massachusetts. His in- by Woodward and his large group of students, including
terest in chemistry developed at an early age and it seemed some natural products whose importance has made their
to grow without need for stimulation nor urging. By the names familiar household words: cholesterol, cortisone,
time he entered Massachusetts Institute of Technology at and chlorophyll. His contributions to the structure deter-
the age of sixteen, he knew as much organic chemistry as minations of antibiotics reads like a doctor's chemical
the average graduating senior. M.I.T. recognized his capa- shelf, including penicillin, terramycin, and aureomycin. He
bilities and opened the laboratory to him. He passed course has added to our knowledge of the polymerization processes
examinations at a rate and with a performance that brought by which amino acids link into proteins, and some of his
him the Bachelor'sDegree in three years and, in only one synthetic protein-like polymers have physical properties
additional year, the Ph.D. Professor J. F. Norris, then quite comparable to those of silk and wool fibers.
director of the M.I.T. laboratory announced, '‘We saw we Allof these accomplishments bespeak a dedication to
had a person who possessed a very unusual mind. We • • •
chemistry and a capacity for work that are commensurate
think he will make a name for himself in the scientific with his intellectual capability. Woodward can be found
world." in his office or in the laboratory after midnight many days
How richly this prophecy has come true is read in the a week. However, the rewards jor such intensive effort are

of organic chemistry. His first major

scientific literature proportionate. To Robert Woodward, as to most chemists,
success was the synthesis of quinine, a problem he began chemistry is an exciting adventure for which there just
worrying as a high school student. This compound was isn't enough time.
to be typical of the dijficult molecules he has successfully

The Chemistry
of Earth,
the Planets,
and the Stars

There may, of course, be types of life with a wholly different chemical

basis to our own, for example, a low temperature life on the outer planets
which is based on reactions in liquid ammonia.
J. B. S. HALDANE, 1960

The advent of space exploration quickens the will. The magnitude of this success is measured
pulse of every scientist including, as much as any, in an awesome and exponential population
that of the chemist. Chemists are playing many growth. This growth portends problems of food
crucial roles: preparing new new metals,
fuels, production, fuel consumption, and even of living
and new plastics to cope with a new range of space that dwarf those of the past. Suddenly
performance needs; anticipating the environ- immense urban areas are threatened by air pol-

mental chemistry that will face the first space lution problems that were completely unknown
explorers, devising ways to permit survival under thirty years ago.Power consumption is expand-
conditions so extreme that they are not even ing so rapidly that some scientists anticipate the
present on our planet, collecting and interpreting depletion of fossil fuel supplies and they urge
data that Vv'ill reflect onto and illuminate age-old haste in developing nuclear fuels and in harness-
questions about the origin of the earth, the solar ing more completely the vast energy of the sun.
system, and life itself. It is —
an exciting age challenging, yes, but
This age is heavily laden with terrestrial prob- is an age in which we must understand
exciting. It
lems for the chemist, as well. Our planet seems our planet. Earth, and if we do, we can begin to
to be shrinking under man’s fantastic success in venture toward our neighbor planets and beyond
curbing nature’s whim and in bending it to his them toward the stars.
SEC. 25-1 I


The earth is the source of all the substances This relatively thin shell that we can study
directly available to us. Energy comes to us from directly is called the earth's crust. In view of
outside the earth — from our sun and to a small seismic observations, we consider the thickness
degree from the other stars. The earth, in turn, of this crust to be about 20 miles. The remainder
radiates energy into outer space. If the amount we shall call the inner lithosphere, which includes
of energy radiated _is-' more than the amount the central part called the core.
received, theeai^ will grow colder if it is less, — About 80% of the earth’s surface is covered
the earth willwarm. Some of the solar energy is with aqueous solution. This liquid layer, the
stored as chemical heat content when new sub- oceans, is called the hydrosphere. The average
stances, particularly organic compounds, are depth of the hydrosphere is about three miles
formed. For short periods of time (as measured but at ocean “deeps” or “trenches, ”_jt j^hanges
in terms of geologic ages) we can use the energy precipitously to depths over twice that.
stored in fossil fuels such as coal and oil or we Surrounding the earth is the third phase, a
can draw on nuclear fuels. In the long run, we gas. The gas mixture surrounding the earth is
shall have to depend upon the sun as our pri- called the atmosphere. Over 98% of this gas
mary source of energy. (air) is less than 40 miles above the earth’s
The substances we can use come primarily surface.
from the earth. In its movement around the sun,
the earth sweeps through space and collects
25-1.2 Composition and Properties
material from meteors and some cosmic dust,
of the Atmosphere
but the amount of gathered material is small
compared with the amount present in the earth.* The composition of the earth’s atmosphere dif-
We shall consider the material of the earth and fers from day to day, from altitude to altitude,
see how it is put to use by mankind. and from place to place. The largest variation is
in the concentration of water vapor. Water
evaporates continually from the hydrosphere,
25-1.1 The Parts of the Earth
from the soil, from leaves, from clothes drying,
A discussion of the chemistry of the earth is etc. At intervals, parts of the atmosphere become

conveniently broken into three parts, each of chilled until the dew point or frost point is

which corresponds to one of the phases solid, reached and then any vapor in excess of the
liquid, or gas. saturation amount is precipitated as rain or
The lithosphere is the solid portion of the snow.
earth. We shall use the term to include the Since the concentration of the water vapor
central core, though there remains controversy varies so much, geochemists usually report the
as to whether the core is solid or liquid. The composition of “dry air” —
that is, air from
lithosphere is a sphere of solid material about which all the water vapor has been removed.
4000 miles in radius. We have direct access to The composition of a sample of dry air is shown
only a minute fraction of this immense ball. The in Table 25-1. Notice the low concentration of
deepest mine penetrates only two or three miles. hydrogen and helium in the air. The earth is a
The deepest oil wells are about five miles deep. rather small object in the universe and exerts a
relatively low gravitational attraction on the
* It has been estimated that about five tons of material
gases above it. Hence, most of the hydrogen and
are gathered per day as the earth sweeps through space.
helium originally associated with the matter of
Yet the amount collected in a billion years would form
a dust layer only a few millimeters thick if spread evenly the earth could be lost rather easily. Notice also
over the earth’s surface. that nitrogen is more abundant than oxygen in
CHAP. 25

Fig. 25-1. The parts of the earth. atmospheric pressure is 750 mm and that after
drying a sample of this air we find the pressure
to be 738 mm. Then the partial pressure of the
the air, even though oxygen is much more abun-
dant in the hydrosphere and lithosphere. Notice
water vapor was 750 mm — 738 mm = 12 mm.
Since the partial pressure varies directly with the
also that, except for water and carbon dioxide,
number of molecules, we find that the fraction
the major components of air are elements.
of the air molecules that are water molecules in
the moist gas is 12 mm/750 mm = 0.016. In
this rather moist gas, 1.6% of the molecules are
Table 25-1
water molecules.
SAMPLE OF DRY AIR* The gravitational force on a heavy molecule
exceeds that on a light molecule. Consequently,
there is a tendency for “sedimentation” of the
Name Formula molecules
molecules of high molecular weight relative to
nitrogen N 2 78.09
the gas molecules of low molecular weight. This
oxygen O 2 20.95
is opposed by the tendency toward maximum
argon Ar 0.93
randomness, which tends to keep the atmosphere
carbon dioxide CO 2 0.03
thoroughly mixed. The net result is a slight
neon Ne 0.0018
helium He 0.00052
change of composition with altitude. Dry air at
krypton Kr 0.0001 sea level contains about 78% nitrogen molecules

hydrogen H 2 0.00005 and 21% oxygen molecules, but at 60,000 feet

xenon Xe 0.000008 a sample of dry air has about 80% nitrogen
molecules and only 19% oxygen molecules.
* Traces of other compounds (less than
Apart from this gravitational effect, there are
0.0002 % of the molecules) are also known to be
composition changes due to chemical reactions
induced by light. These are caused by absorption
With the aid of the gas laws we can calculate of ultraviolet light in the upper atmosphere. For
components in
the relative concentrations of the example, oxygen absorbs ultraviolet light and
moist air. Suppose that on a certain day the the energy taken up by the molecule exceeds the
SEC. 25-1 I

bond energy. The bond breaks, to give two oxy- gaseous water and carbon dioxide. Thus we find
gen atoms: that the air, normally regarded as transparent,
02 (g) + hv —^ 20(g) (7) actually serves to filter the sun’s rays striking
the earth. The very high energy photons (in the
Of course the oxygen atoms so produced are
ultraviolet) and the very low energy photons (in
very reactive. One fate of these atoms is to com-
the infrared) are removed and the spectral region
bine with another oxygen molecule, O2, to form
between is transmitted.
ozone, O3:
orgj + 02(g) —^ o,(g) ( 2)

Ozone is a highly reactive form of the element

oxygen, though by no means as reactive as oxy-
gen atoms. It is produced in the atmosphere only On this planet, of what value would be an eye

at high altitudes because the ultraviolet light of that is sensitive only to light in the ultraviolet

the frequency required in reaction (7) is so com- spectral region? Discuss the evolutionary sig-

pletely absorbed that it does not reach lower nificance of the facts that the human eye and the

altitudes. Balloon flights have shown that the photosynthesis process are both dependent upon

ozone concentration is negligible at sea level but light in the part of the spectrum called the

that it rises to a maximum at a height of about “visible.”

15 miles.
This small amount of ozone 15 miles above
the earth’s surface absorbs most of the ultra-
25-1.3 Composition of the Hydrosphere
violet light not absorbed by O2. Thus, O2 and O3
together make opaque in most
the atmosphere Waters exposed to air dissolve some of it. In
of the ultraviolet spectral region. Presumably the water, oxygen is twice as soluble as nitrogen but
chemistry of life on this planet would have since nitrogen is four times more abundant than
evolved quite differently if this ultraviolet light oxygen in air, more dissolved nitrogen is present
reached the earth’s surface. As a single example, than dissolved oxygen. It is the dissolved ele-
reflect that photosynthesis would have photons mentary oxygen that is used by living organisms
of much higher energy with which to operate if
for their oxidative processes. The concentration
the atmosphere were transparent in the ultra- of dissolved carbon dioxide is low because its
violet region. concentration in the air is low. But dissolved
carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis
in marine plants. Dissolved carbon dioxide is
responsible for part of the pleasant taste of
Suppose that the photosynthesis reaction {20b) water. Boiled water has lost almost all of the
in Chapter 24 (p. 430) could be based upon light
dissolved gases. It tastes “flat.”
of wavelength 2400 A (this light is absorbed Ocean water also contains dissolved molecules
heavily by ozone). How many moles of these from the gases of the air. These can be removed
photons would provide the 673 kcal of energy by boiling, but other solutes remain. When a
needed to produce one mole of glucose? (Re- kilogram of average ocean water is distilled, 967
member, E ^ hv, and h = 9.5 X lO^i^ kcal grams of water can be collected and 33 grams of
sec/mole). Compare your answer with that of solids (primarily salts) remain behind. Thus, we
Exercise 24-10. may the weight of the ocean
say that 3.3% of
water is due to dissolved salts. Actually, more
than forty of the elements have been identified
At the opposite end of the spectrum, the infra- as being present in ocean water but half of these
red, again the atmosphere becomes virtually are present in very small concentrations “less
opaque. This is due mainly to absorption by than 1 gram per billion, 10®, grams of water.”
CHAP. 25

Table 25-11. an average composition of ocean water (disregarding


oxygen o}
HO2 53.7

chlorine Cl C\-(aq) 0.535

sodium Na Na+raqj 0.460
magnesium Mg Mg+Yaqj 0.052
sulfur S S07Haq) 0.028
calcium Ca Ca+Y«qJ 0.010
potassium K K+faq; 0.010
bromine Br Br-(aq) 0.008

In Table 25-11 are shown the concentrations (in outermost portion, or mantle, is approximately
number of moles per 1000 grams of ocean water) 2000 miles in depth and it is generally thought
of water and of the most abundant ions. to be solid. This solid has a density of about 3
Several facts become apparent. There are grams per milliliter near the crust and it in-
fewer Na+ ions than Cl~ ions; other positively creases to about 5 grams per milliliter at the
charged ions —Mg+^ Ca^^, and K+ are also— bottom of the mantle. This higher density is

present. Sulfate ions, SO^^, and bromide ions, caused by increasing pressure in the depths of
Br“, are other negatively charged ions present in the earth. For a comparison, the pressure at this
the water. Thus, ocean water is more than a depth is thought to be over a million atmos-
solution of sodium chloride. Another fact is that pheres, two or three times greater than the
K+ ions are much less plentiful than Na+ ions highest pressures recorded in static laboratory
(NaVK+ is about 46) even though K+ ions are experiments.
rather plentiful in the earth (Na+/K+ is about 2). The inside of the lithosphere is called the core.
Still higher pressures are expected and the den-
sity may rise as high as 18 grams per milliliter
25-1.4 Composition and Properties
at the center of the earth. Some of the core may
of the Lithosphere
be liquid but the evidence is not decisive.
We know very much about the outermost por- The composition of the mantle is probably
tion of the lithosphere because it is available for rock-like, meaning it is made up of various
direct study. In contrast, we know almost noth- silicates. These minerals have densities,com-
ing about the inner lithosphere, though it con- pressibilities, and rigidities that match those
stitutes over 99.5% of the mass of the earth. indicated by the seismic studies. The core has
long been thought to be largely iron, a view sug-
THE INNER LITHOSPHERE gested by the composition of meteorites. These
Seismic observations furnish our only probe of are solid objects that plummet through the at-
the inner lithosphere. The shock waves initiated mosphere from space and they may be pieces of
by an earthquake travel through the interior of exploded planets resembling earth. Hence their
the earth in paths that are bent in accordance composition furnishes a possible clue to the
with the elastic properties and density of the composition of the inner lithosphere. Current
medium they penetrate. From these paths, seis- speculation ranges from iron to a high density
mologists have been able to determine the ex- rock but new evidence is needed.
istence of zones within the lithosphere. The The temperature of the center of the earth is
SEC. 25-1 I

thought to be a few thousand degrees. Though of the earth, iron would probably move into
this would melt rock at the earth’s surface, solids second place ahead of and magnesium

can remain stable at the exceedingly high pres- would be fourth. Thus, the exact order is changed
sures thought to exist in the core. by the sample (part of earth) chosen. In any of
Needless to say, very much remains to be the lists of elements, the most abundant atoms are
learned about the chemistry of the inner litho- those of elements having low atomic numbers, 26
sphere. It is a high temperature and high pressure or less. All of the elements beyond iron (element
laboratory whose door has not yet been opened. number 26) account for less than 0.2% of the
weight of the earth’s crust.
THE earth’s crust
Oxygen and most abundant ele-
silicon are the
25-1.5 Availability of Elements
ments Table 25-III shows
in the earth’s crust.
that 60% of the atoms are oxygen atoms and In our daily life most of us are more concerned
20% are silicon atoms. If our sample included with the availability of the elements than with
the oceans, hydrogen would move into the third their general abundance in earth. The air is all
place ahead of aluminum (remember that water around us and equally accessible to all. Water is
contains two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen somewhat more restricted. Some regions have
atom). If the sample included the central core a surplus of water, whereas other regions are
deficient. Even in regions of abundafit rainfall,
the use of water may be so great that the reserves
Table 25-111 become depleted gradually. Thus, as the earth’s

ABUNDANCE OF ELEMENTS population increases and more and more water

BN THE EARTH’S CRUST* is being used, water is becoming a natural re-

source to be treated with respect.

Many of the metals used by ancient man
RANK ELEMENT NUMBER 10,000 ATOMS copper (cuprum, Cu), silver (argentum, Ag),
gold (aurum. An), tin (stannum, Sn), and lead

2 silicon

(plumbum, Pb) — are in relatively short supply.

3 aluminum 13 625
Ancient man found deposits of the first three
occurring as the elementary metals. These three
4 hydrogen 1 270
5 sodium 11 258 may also be separated from their ores by rela-

6 calcium 20 189 tively simple chemical processes. On the other

7 iron 26 187 hand, aluminum and titanium, though abundant,
8 magnesium 12 179 are much more difficult to prepare from their
9 potassium 19 138 ores. more abundant in the earth than
Fluorine is

10 titanium 22 27 chlorine but chlorine and its compounds are

11 phosphorus 15 8.6

much more common they are easier to prepare
12 carbon 6 5.5
and easier to handle. However, as the best
13 manganese 25 3.8
sources of the elements now common to us be-
14 sulfur 16 3.4
come we will have to turn to the ele-
fluorine 9 3.3
16 chlorine
ments that are now little used.
17 2.8
17 chromium 24 1.5
During geological time, a number of separat-
18 barium 56 0.75 ing and sorting processes —melting, crystalliza-
tion, solution, precipitation —have concentrated
* From calculations of I. Asimov (7. Chem. Ed.) 31, various elements in local deposits. In these, the
70 (1954) on the data of B. Gutenberg (Editor) “Internal
elements tend to be grouped together in rather
Constitution of the Earth” 2nd Ed. Dover Publications,
New York, 1951, p. 87. Reprinted with permission of the
stable compounds. These are called minerals.
publisher. Many of the minerals have compositions similar
CHAP. 25

to compounds we can make in the laboratory air. Thus, the air is our best source of oxygen
but most are not so pure. There are large de- and nitrogen —two very important elements.
posits of sodium chloride, for example, appar-
ently formed when ancient seas evaporated in
locales where the solid deposits were later pro-
tected from the dissolving action of water. The Explain in terms of energy the significance of the
ocean itself is an enormous source of sodium fact that a piece of wood is stable in air at room
chloride. In contrast, potassium salts have not temperature but if the temperature is raised, it

been concentrated in a similar way. Many of the burns and releases heat.
metallic elements are concentrated as sulfide
minerals (for example, lead, PbS molybdenum,

M 0S 2 ;
zinc, ZnS). Other elements occur in rather
25-1.7 The Age of the Earth
concentrated oxide deposits (for example, iron,
Fe 203 ;
manganese, Mn02). Large deposits of Part of looking ahead is understanding the past.
carbonates (for example, zinc, ZnCOg; calcium, One of the most interesting questions man has
CaCOs) and sulfates (for example, barium, asked about the past is, “How old is the earth?”
BaS 04 ) of some metallic elements are known. Of course we are not sure there is an answer. We
The minerals sufficiently concentrated to act as shall see, however, that ingenious methods have
commercial sources of desired elements are called been developed that date the earth’s crust.
ores. Scientists generally accept the proposal that the
earth’s crust, as we now find it, has a finite age.

The most reliable methods for establishing the

25-1.6 The Air as a Source of Elements

age of a long-lasting object (such as a mountain)
depend upon the presence of natural radioac-
We are so used to free air that we do not think tivity. The decay of the radioactive elements can
be likened to a clock thatis partially unwound.
of oxygen as an important chemical. For ex-
ample, we buy natural gas (mostly methane) as By studying the extent to which the clock has
a fuel and burn it in air to furnish heat to us. unwound, we cannot tell the age of the clock but
If methane were free in the air and oxygen were we can measure how long ago it was wound.
scarce so that we had to purchase it we would For example, consider the chemical composi-
consider oxygen to be the “fuel.” In either case, tion of a very old crystal of pitchblende, UsOg.

the amount of heat released would be that for We may presume that this crystal was formed
the reaction represented by the following equa- at a time when chemical conditions for its for-

tion. mation were favorable. For example, it may have

cufg) + 202r^; — precipitated from molten rock during cooling.

The resulting crystals tend to exclude impurities.
COfg) + 2 H 20 ( 1) + 213 kcal (i)
Yet, careful analysis shows that every deposit of
Despite the general availability of unlimited pitchblende contains a small amount of lead.
quantities of oxygen in the air, tremendous quan- This lead has accumulated in the crystal, be-
tities of the pure gas are prepared annually for ginning at the moment the pure crystal was
industrial and medical use. Billions of cubic feet formed, due to the radioactive decay of the
of oxygen gas are manufactured every year, by uranium.
liquefaction of air followed by fractional distilla- The sequences of radioactive decays that lead
tion to separate it from nitrogen. to lead are well-known and the rates of decay
Ores of nitrogen are relatively rare. The best have been carefully measured. We shall consider
mineral is sodium nitrate, NaNOs, found in large the sequence based upon the relatively slow de-
deposits in Chile. We now prepare the nitrogen composition of the most abundant uranium
compounds we desire from the nitrogen of the isotope, mass 238 (natural abundance, 99%):
SEC. 25-1 1

238U — >- 234jh + |He a-decay, half-life, This isotope of polonium, ^^oPo, again decays by
hi 2 = 4.6 X 10® years (4) a-decay, but this time giving an isotope that does
not decay further:
The products are an a-particle (a helium nu-
cleus), and a thorium isotope that is unstable and 2’5Po —^ 2or,pb 4He
that rapidly decays by emitting successively two a-decay = 140 days
/ 1/2 (77)

ToTh 234pa +
“^|Pb —^ not radioactive / 1/2 infinite (7S)

jS-decay /‘
1/2 = 24.1 days (5) The products in this long sequence of reactions
®-itPa — accumulate in the stable isotope of lead, ^oepb.

((3-decay 6/2 =1.14 minutes (6) The amount of present depends upon how
long the deposit of uranium has decayed since the
Thus we have returned to an isotope of uranium,
crystal U^Os was formed.
but one of half-life very much shorter than
There is, fortunately, a rather simple verifica-
that of This isotope begins a succession of
tion of the presumption that all of the lead in
a:-decays, each moving the product upward in
the UO3 8 came from this tedious sequence of
the periodic table:
nuclear reactions, (4) to (77). Lead ores that do
"iiu —^ 4- |He not contain uranium include several isotopes
a-decay /‘
1/2 = 2.7 X 10^ years (7) 206
pb makes up about 26% of the total and the
230Th —^ mRa + |He rest is 204pb (1.4%), ^o^Pb (21 %), and ^o^Pb (52%).
a-decay / 1/2 = 8.3 X lO-* years (5)
Of these, two other isotopes can be formed

2||Ra — + tUQ
through radioactive decay of some other ura-
nium or thorium isotope by a sequence like that
a-decay = 1.6 X 10^ years (9)

ri /2
shown for Of the four stable lead isotopes,
P0 + 4He only one is not derived from radioactive decay,
a-decay ti/o = 3.8 days (70) 2°^Pb. Hence, the ratio of the amount of this
P0 2|4p5 + iHe isotope to that of “‘’Tb measures the amount of
a-decay / 1/2 = 3.1 minutes (77)
pb present in excess of the natural abundance.
This excess must have come from decay of
We have at last reached lead — but ^^^Pb is itself If there is no ^^^Pb present, then all of the ^oepb
radioactive! This isotope decays in a succession came from
of |d-decays: Thus, analysis of uranium minerals with the
aid of the mass spectrograph gives information
214pb 214Bi + 0
_ ^
on the age of the mineral. Though many different
/3-decay tii 2 = 27 minutes (72)
half-lives are involved in forming the lead, only
%tBi — %tPo + the longest half-life (the rate-determining step) is

i(3-decay h /2 = 20 minutes (7i) of importance. Combining the lead content with

the provides estimates of mineral
Again a-decay occurs, returning to the element
ages in the range of five billion years.
lead, but to another isotope that decays by
What have we learned in this estimate? Surely
emitting successively two |S-particles:
we can say the age of the earth cannot be shorter
2i4po 2 iopb
iHe than 5 X 10® years. That was when the uranium
a-decay / 1/2 = 1.5 X 10“^ seconds (74) mineral clock was wound —but the clock could
be much older. To evaluate this number further,
+ 0
_ ^
we must look for other types of data.
jd-decay / 1/2 = 22 years (75)
Fortunately, there are other radioactive ele-
^i«Bi — 2|0Po + ments in nature that give similar bases for esti-

/3-decay /‘
1/2 = 5 days (76) mates. As a second example, potassium in nature
CHAP. 25

includes one radioactive isotope, tgK, which de- eral age estimation. Such estimates also tend to
cays by capturing an electron into its nucleus. date the minerals as a few billion years old.
The product is ^°Ar, a stable isotope: Similar age figures are obtained from the natural

K+ radioactivity of rubidium.
19 l^Ar electron capture
= In conclusion, the agreement of all of these
fi /2 1.5 X IQio years
methods based upon radioactive decay furnishes
Once again, the ratio of the abundance in a a strong clue that the earth’s crust as we know
crystal of the two isotopes, ^°Ar/‘^°K, provides a it today was formed about five billion years ago.

clue to the age of the crystal. Mica is a mineral What preceded is a subject of intense interest and
that has been much studied in this type of min- monumental disagreement.


Our solar system consists of the Sun, the planets they are deduced from the orbital movements in
and their moon satellites, asteroids (small plan- the solar system.
ets), comets, and meteorites. The planets are
generally divided into two categories: Earth-like
(terrestrial) planets —Mercury, Venus, Earth, Table 25-IV
and Mars; and Giant planets— Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune. Little is known about
Pluto, the most remote planet from Earth.
MASS (kilometers) (g/ml)
As space exploration begins, we can look for-
ward to a vast multiplication of our present Sun 3.32 X 10^ 695 X 103 1.41

knowledge of the planets. Conceivably we shall Mercury 0.05 2.5 X 103 5.1

be analyzing samples of the moon within this

Venus 0.81 6.2 X 103 5.0
Earth (1.00) 6.371 X 103 5.52
decade. The distances to the other planets are
Mars 0.11 3.4 X 103 3.9
such that voyages of the order of a few months
Jupiter 3.18 X 102 71 X 103 1.33
suffice to reach them. Again information will Saturn 95 57 X 103 0.71
accumulate rapidly. Uranus 14.6 25.8 X 103 1.27
Contrast our position ten years ago. There lay Neptune 17.3 22.3 X 103 2.22
the planets — ours to see but not to touch. And Pluto 0.03? 2.9 X 103 2?
not to see well, either. No, we must view the
planets through the gauze curtain of the at-
mosphere. Small wonder we know rather little
25-2.1 Meteorites
about our nearest neighbors, despite our eager-
ness to pry. Yet we do know enough about the We do have some direct evidence concerning the
other planets to say that their surface environ- composition of solid matter outside the earth’s
ments are totally unlike that on earth. Though atmosphere. Occasionally a piece of solid, a
much of what is today thought to be true will be meteorite, falls through the atmosphere to give
known to be false tomorrow, it provides stimu- us a real sample for analysis. Such a piece of
lating reading. solid may become hot because of its rapid move-
Table 25-1 V begins this survey with a com- ment through the air and therefore glow brightly.
parison of mass, radius, and density of the Many meteors burn up or evaporate but some
planets and the sun. These data are probably the are large enough to survive and reach the earth’s
most reliable facts known about the planets since surface. These we can examine and analyze.
SEC. 25-2 1

Meteorites are of two kinds: stony meteorites these are the substances that can be detected and
that are rock-like in character, and metallic other gases are undoubtedly present as well.
meteorites that consist of metallic elements. The There appears to be a correlation between the
kinds of substances in the stony meteorites are mass of the planets and the mass and composi-
very much like the substances in the crust of the tion of their atmospheres. Generally, only those
earth, if we allow for the fact that the meteors planets of high mass were able to retain much
could not bring gases or liquids with them. We of their atmospheres. Nitrogen, hydrogen, and
feel that the other type, the metallic meteors, give helium are probably abundant, though not yet
valuable clues about the nature of the earth’s detected, on the heavier planets. Table 25-V also
central core. Experts have long believed that reveals a considerable range in the surface tem-
these meteorites are fragments from exploded peratures of the planets. The higher tempera-
planets that, perhaps, resembled the earth. tures on the terrestrial planets also contributed
Whether this is true or not, meteorites give us to the loss of their atmospheres.
one definite piece of information. Isotopic analy-
sis shows that each element in a meteorite has
the same isotopes in the same percentages that
this same element has on earth. The accepted Nitrogen is considered to be a likely constituent
explanation for this fact is that meteorites and of the atmosphere of Jupiter, though it is un-
the earth share a common origin and that they detected as yet. As a chemist, would you expect
became separated after the elements were cre- oxygen also to be an important constituent of
ated. CH4-NH3 atmosphere?

25-2.2 The Planetary Atmospheres

The composition of the planetary atmospheres
Through spectroscopic observations and some- is fairly constant. This is indeed surprising in
times tenuous deductions there has accumulated view of the fact that molecules such as methane,
a significant picture of the makeup of the plane- ammonia, and carbon dioxide are easily decom-
tary atmospheres. Doubt pervades much of this posed by the ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
picture, yet it represents our starting place in Presumably other reactions regenerate those sub-
knowledge as we venture outside our own atmos- stances that are light sensitive.
phere for the first time. Table 25- V summarizes The atmosphere of Venus is chiefly carbon
a part of this information — the maximum surface dioxide in a concentration much higher than
temperatures and the chemical compositions. that found on Earth. Surprisingly, no evidence
Naturally, these compositions are incomplete: has been found for carbon monoxide, though
ultraviolet light decomposes CO 2 to form CO.
The atmosphere of Mars is thought to be largely
Table 25-
nitrogen (around 98 %) and some carbon dioxide.
THE PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES Recent space-probe and earth-based spectro-
MAX. SURFACE SOME OF THE scopic studies of the planet Venus suggest how
PLANET TEMPERATURE (°C) GASES PRESENT much remains to be learned about the other

Venus 430 0P planets. Earlier estimates of the surface tempera-

Mercury 350 none ture of Venus placed it near 60°C. The more
Earth 60 O N H O, etc.
2, 2, 2
detailed studies show, however, that two charac-
Mars 30 N CO H O
2, 2, 2 teristic temperatures can be identified, — 40°C
Jupiter -138 CH NH 4, 3 and 430°C. The lower temperature is attributed
Saturn -153 CH NHs4 , to light emittedfrom high altitude cloud tops.
Uranus -184 CH 4
The higher temperature is likely to be the average
Neptune -200 CH 4
surface temperature.
CHAP. 25

CH^, NHj, He atmosphere

Liquid (?)
Liquid CH^ Solid hydroffeu
Xce^ hiffh pressure form
Solid hydroyen , hi^h
pressure form

These latest findings provide an estimate that Fig. 25-2. Two proposed structures of Jupiter.

the atmospheric pressure at the ground surface

is 10 d= 2.5 atmospheres. This is the pressure felt

by a deep-sea diver at a depth of 300 feet, near atmosphere. Free hydrogen and helium are also
the limit of human endurance. The atmospheric thought to be present but this is difficult to
temperature at the surface averages around verify. Estimates of the average molecular weight
430°C, rising in some locales possibly as high as of the gases in Jupiter’s atmosphere are around
550°C (near the softening temperature of ordi- 3. The atmosphere of Jupiter includes belts or

nary glass) whereas in other regions, cool breezes bands that seem to be indicative of climate
may blow at temperatures below 350°C (near variations similar to our own equatorial, tem-
the boiling point of mercury and the melting perate, and polar climates.
point of lead). Compare these extremes to the Jupiter has a single permanent marking called
narrow range in which humans can survive com- the Great Red Spot. This spot is oval in shape,
fortably. If you have ever experienced a desert about 30,000 miles long and about 7,000 miles
temperature as high as 43 °C (1 10°F) or a winter wide.The coloring is thought to result from light
as cold as — 35°C (— 30°F), you will realize that reflected from the ditferent layers in the planet’s
Venus will not be plagued by too many tourists atmosphere. Theories concerning the origin of
from Earth. this spot and of Jupiter’s brightly colored at-
The giant planets possess low surface tempera- mospheric belts are imaginative, numerous, and
tures and have atmospheres that extend several in general disagreement.
thousand miles. The markings on Jupiter, the
largest planet, consist of cloud formations com-
25-2.3 The Planetary Lithospheres
posed of methane containing a small amount of
ammonia. The atmosphere of Jupiter absorbs the Needless to say, the extreme difficulty we experi-
extreme red and infrared portions of the spec- ence in probing the composition of the earth
trum. These absorptions correspond to the ab- beneath us suggests that little is known about
sorption spectra of ammonia and methane, the inner composition of the planets. The evi-

suggesting the presence of these gases in Jupiter’s dence available is indirect (average density, sur-
SEC. 25-3 I

'JV 'A-
CH NH •St'.'
BH Cl m/ -<;/- -

CN CU :7V 'J




face composition, etc.) and the interpretations Fig. 25-3. Some molecules detected in the solar at-
mosphere and the elements they contain.
are eonflicting. Nevertheless, we present in Fig-
ure 25-2 two proposals that have been offered as
possible structures for the planet Jupiter. A va- The solar spectrum is, of course, as well
riety of responses are evoked by these startling studied as our planetary atmosphere will permit.
proposals: dismay —that the available data are so More information will be forthcoming as spectra
ineonclusive; discouragement —that our knowl- from man-made satellites are recorded above the
edge is so incomplete; anticipation — for the near atmosphere. At this time, the spectra of many
future when some of the uncertainties will be diatomic molecules have been detected. These
removed; sympathy — for the poor astronaut who are not the familiar, chemically stable molecules
is to step out of his space vehicle to plant his we find on the stockroom shelf. These are the
flag in an unfriendly sea of, alas, liquid methane. molecules that are stable on a solar stockroom
shelf. Figure 25-3 shows some of these and the
location in the periodic table of the elements
25-2.4 The Sun
The surface temperature of the sun is about Inside the sun, thermal energies are sufficient
5500°C. Moving inward from the surface, the to destroyall molecules and to ionize the atoms.

temperature rises, probably above one million These ions emit their characteristic line spectra
degrees. At these large temperatures the competi- and tens of thousands of lines are observed. The
tion between opposing tendencies toward lowest lines that have been analyzed show the existence
energy (favoring molecules) and toward highest of atoms ionized as far as 0+^, Mn+i^ and Fe+^^
randomness (favoring atoms) is dominated by At this time, over sixty of the elements have been
the randomness factor. As a result, only the detected in the sun through their spectral emis-
simplest molecules are to be expected there. sions and absorptions.


Our knowledge of the stars and of space is en- permit us to build quite a reasonable likeness of
tirely obtained through spectroscopy and will be the Universe.
for the forseeable future. That is not at all to say As evidence that this is so, consider that the
we know and shall know little of the other gal- element helium was detected in the sun before
axies. It is to say that our information will be it was found on earth! Though oxygen contains
incomplete. But man is opportunistic and clever 0.2% of the oxygen- 18 isotope on earth, it, too,
— small pieces of a spectroscopic jawbone may was first detected in a solar spectrum. Two
CHAP. 25

chemical species whose spectra were first pro- light emissions, the space between them is part
vided through photographs of comets are CO+ of the astronomical spectroscopy laboratory.
and C3. Let us look briefly then, and with respect, Light from a distant star must traverse fantastic
at the astronomers’ knowledge of stellar chem- distances to reach our telescopes
and the absorp-
istry. by the most minute concentra-
tion of this light
tions of atoms and molecules in space becomes
25-3.1 Stellar Atmospheres important and detectable. Absorption spectra
have shown that diatomic molecules such as CH,
Our sun is, of course, a star. It is a relatively cool
CN, and CH+ are present at an average concen-
star and, as such, contains a number of diatomic
tration of about one molecule per 1000 liters.
molecules (see Figure 25-3). There are many
These molecules are probably concentrated in
stars, however, with still lower surface tempera-
“clouds” with one molecule per 100 liters.
tures and these contain chemical species whose
presence can be understood in terms of the
temperatures and the usual chemical equilibrium
principles. For example, as the star temperature
CN and
drops, the spectral lines attributed to Calculate the volume in liters of a sphere of
CH become more prominent. At lower tempera- radius 6400 kilometers (the radius of the earth).
tures, TiO becomes an important species along How many grams of oxygen would be needed
with the hydrides MgH, SiH, and AlH, and to fill this volume to a concentration of one
oxides ZrO, ScO, YO, CrO, AlO, and BO. molecule per 1000 liters?

Detailed consideration of the chemical equi-

libria among these species provides evidence of
the presence of other molecules that cannot be
In addition to these molecules, atoms are
observed directly. The chemical properties of the
present, as shown by absorptions of Ca, Na, K,
molecules mentioned provide a firm basis for
Fe, and other atoms. There are some absorptions
predicting the presence and concentrations of
that have not been identified but these may be
such important molecules as H2, CO, O2, N2,
due to small solid particles. How these particular
and NO. Thus the faint light by which we view
molecules and atoms happen to be present in
the distant stars is rich with information. We
these almost nonexistent “clouds” and what
need but learn how to read it.
other molecules and atoms are there, yet to be
detected, is a matter for wondering. But wonder-
25-3.2 Interstellar Space
ing is at once the pleasure and the driving force
In addition to the stars, with their characteristic of science.


A drawing of a burning candle is shown^ in Figure

A 1-1. The candle is cylindrical in shape^ and has a
diameter^ of about f inch. The length of the candle
was initially about eight inches'* and it changed
slowly® during observation, decreasing about half
an inch in one hour®. The candle is made of a
translucenF, white® solid® which has a slight odor*®
and no taste**. It is soft enough to be scratched with
the fingernail*®. There is a wick*® which extends from
top to bottom** of the candle along its central axis*®
and protrudes about half an inch above the top of
the candle*®. The wick is made of three strands of
string braided together**.
A candle is lit by holding a source of flame close
to the wick for a few seconds. Thereafter the source
of flame can be removed and the flame sustains itself

The burning candle makes no sound*®.

at the wick*®.
While burning, the body of the candle remains cool
to the touch®® except near the top. Within about
half an inch from the top the candle is warm®* (but
not hot) and sufficiently soft to mold easily®®. The
flame flickers in response to air currents®® and tends
to become quite smoky while flickering®*. In the
absence of air currents, the flame is of the form
shown in Figure Al-1, though it retains some move-
ment at all times®®. The flame begins about | inch
above the top of the candle®® and at its base the flame Fig. Al-1. A burning candle.
has a blue tint®*. Immediately around the wick in a
region about J inch wide and extending about | inch
above the top of the wick®® the flame is dark®®. This sharply defined sides®®, but a ragged top®*. The wick
dark region is roughly conical in shape®®. Around is white where it emerges from the candle®®, but from
this zone and extending about half an inch above the base of the flame to the end of the wick®® it is

the dark zone is a region which emits yellow light®*, black, appearing burnt, except for the last yV inch
bright but not blinding®®. The flame has rather where it glows red®*. The wick curls over about |
APP. 1

inch from its end^^. As the candle becomes shorter, smell? taste? feel? sound? (Note: chemist A
the wick shortens too, so as to extend roughly a quickly becomes reluctant to taste or smell an
constant length above the top of the candle^®. Heat is unknown chemical. A chemical should be con-
emitted by the flame^®, enough so that it becomes sidered to be poisonous unless it is known not
uncomfortable in ten or twenty seconds if one holds to be!)
his finger I inch to the side of the quiet flame'‘i or (2) Wherever possible, the description is stated
three or four inches above the flame^^. quantitatively. This means the question “How
The top of a quietly burning candle becomes wet much?” is answered (the quantity is specified).
with a colorless liquid^® and becomes bowl shaped"^. The remark that the flame emits yellow light is
If the flame is blown, one side of this bowl-shaped made more meaningful by the “how much” ex-
top may become liquid, and the liquid trapped in the pression, “bright but not blinding.” The state-
bowl may drain down the candle’s side^^ As it ment that heat is emitted might lead a cautious
courses down, the colorless liquid cools^®, becomes investigatorwho is lighting a candle for the first
translucent^^ and gradually solidifies from the out- time to stand in a concrete blockhouse one hun-
side^®, attaching itself to the side of the candle^^ In dred yards away. The few words telling him
the absence of a draft, the candle can burn for hours “how much” heat would save him this overpre-
without such dripping^®. Under these conditions, a caution.
stable pool of clear liquid remains in the bowl-shaped (3) The description does not presume the importance
top of the candle^k The liquid rises slightly around of an observation. Thus the observation that a
the wick“, wetting the base of the wick as high as burning candle does not emit sound deserves to
the base of the flame®^. be mentioned just as much as the observation
that it does emit light.

(4) The description does not confuse observations

Several aspects of this description deserve specific with interpretations. It is an observation that the
mention. Compare your own description in each of top of the burning candle is wet with a colorless

the following characteristics. would be an interpretation to

liquid. It state the
The description comprehensive in qualitative
is presumed composition of this liquid.
terms. Did you include mention of appearance ?

All ions are aquated r

(ag) +B-(aq)
'~{aq) Ka

perchloric acid HCIO 4 H+ + CIO 4 very large
hydriodic acid HI >- H+ + I- very large
HBr >- H+
hydrobromic acid + Br- very large
hydrochloric acid HCl >- H+
+ ci- very large
nitric acid HNO 3 H+ + NOr very large
sulfuric acid H SO2 4
> H+ + HSO - 4 large
oxalic acid HOOCCOOH >- H+
+ HOOCCOO- 5.4 X 10-2

sulfurous acid (SO2 + H2O) H SO2 3

>- H+
+ HS 03 - 1.7 X 10-2

hydrogen sulfate ion HSO - H+ + S 04-2 X 10-2

phosphoric acid —

H+ + H P 04 -

X 10-2

ferric ion Fe(H20)6+3—3 4


+ Fe(H20)3(0H)+2

6 X 10-2

hydrogen —H2Te >-

H+ + HTe- X 10-2

HF —
telluride 2.3
hydrofluoric acid weak H+ + F- 6.7 X 10-^

nitrous acid HNO — >- H+

+ NO - X 10-''

hydrogen selenide —H2Se


H+ + HSe-
2 5.1

X 10-^

chromic ion Cr(H20)6+*— >-

H+ Cr(H20)o(OHr“

benzoic acid CeHoCOOH — + CeHsCOO- >-

H+ X 10-2

hydrogen oxalate ion 5.4 X 10-2

acetic acid weak CH COOH — H + CH COO >- +

X 10-2

aluminum ion

— H +
A1(H20)6+=> +


hydrogen telluride ion HTe- —> H+ + Te-2 10-2

carbonic acid (CO2 + H2O) H CO — H + HCOr +

4.4 X 10-^

hydrogen sulfide — + HS-



1.0 X 10-^

dihydrogen phosphate ion H PO — H+ + HPO - >- 4-2 X 10-2

HSO — H+ + SO
2 4 6.3
hydrogen sulfite ion weak 3-2 X 10-»

NH — H+ + NH
3 6.2
ammonium +
ion X lO-'o

4 3 5.7
- 10-"
hydrogen carbonate ion 3-2 X
H O — H+ + HO
3 4.7
hydrogen peroxide very weak 2.4 X 10-'2

HPO — H+ + PO
2 2 2

monohydrogen phosphate ion 4-2 4-3 4.4 X 10-'2

hydrogen sulfide ion HS- — H+ + >-

S-2 1.3 X 10-'2

water H O —> H+ + OH- 1.0 X 10-"

OH- — H+ +

hydroxide ion )- 0-2 <10-26

ammonia very weak —NH 3 H+ + NH - 2 very small


All ions are aquated


Very strong — Li >- e~ + Li+ 3.00 Very weak

reducing —^
Rb e- + Rb+ 2.92 oxidizing
agents K —^ e- + K+ 2.92 agents
— -
/ \
-f- Cs+
+ Ba+2
—^ 2e- 4- Sr+2 2.89
Ca —
le- + Ca+2 2.87
Na — >- e- + Na+ 2.1 \

Mg — >- le- + Mg^'* 2.37

—^ A1 3e- + Al+=> 1.66
Mn — >- 2e~ + Mn +2 1.18

H^ig)+ 20H- —^ 2e- + 2 H O 0.83

Zn —^

2e- + Zn+2 0.76

— Cr 3e- + Cr+3 0.74
H Te —^

2e- + Te + 2H+
CG 9-!

2Ag + —^

S-2 2e- + AgoS 0.69


— Fe >- 2e- + Fe+^ 0.44


Wg) —^
2e- + 2H+ (10-^ M) 0.414
Cr +2—^ e- + Cr+3 0.41

HaSe —^ 2e- + Se + 2H+ 0.40

Co —
.£ 2e- + Co +2 0.28 0
—^ Ni 2e- + Ni+2 0.25 s
—^ Sn 2e- + Sn +2 0.14

Pb —^ 2e- + Pb+2 0.13

H —^ 2e- -F 2H+ 0.00

2e- + + 2H^
S -0.14

Sn +2 2e- + Sn+^ -0.15
Cu+ — >- e- + Cu +2 -0.15
S02(g)+ H O —^
2 2e- + SOr^ + 4H+ -0.17
Cu —

2e- + Cu +2 -0.34
Cu — >- e- + Cu+ -0.52
—^ 21
- 2 e- + -0.53
H O —^
\ f
2 2 2e- 4- 02(^) 4- 2H+ - 0.68

APP. 3 I

APPENDIX 3— {Continued)


—^ Fe+2 c-+ Fe+3 -0.77

N02(.(7) —^
+ HoO c + NO;r -f 2H + -0.78
Hg(0 — 2^- + Hg+2 -0.78 O
Hg(0 —^
c- + ^Hg2+2 -0.79 &
Ag —^

o N_'
c c- + Ag+ -0.80 5’

H O —^ 2c- + -^02(g) + 2H+ (10-7 ^ -0.815 tJQ

NO(g) + H O —^
2 3c- + NO,- + 4H+ -0.96
Au + —^

3c- + AuCU- - 1.00


2Br- 2c- + Br2(0 -1.06
H O —^ 2c- + iO^ig) + 2H+ -1.23
H O —^
'o 2
Mn+2 -f 2 2c- + Mn02 + 4H+ -1.28
H O —^
T3 2
Qi 2Cr+3 -f 7 6c- + Cr 207-2 + 14H+ -1.33

2c- + Cl -1.36
Au —^
2 (,g)

3c- + Au+^ -1.50

Very weak Mn+2 + 4H2O 5c- + MnOr -h 8H+ -1.52 Very strong
reducing 2H2O 2c- + H O + 2H+
2 2 -1.77 oxidizing
agents 2F- 2c- + F^Cg) -2.87 agents



aluminum A1+* acetate CH3COO-

ammonium NH4+ bromide Br-
barium Ba+2 carbonate COr"
calcium Ca+2 hydrogen carbonate ion, bicarbonate HCOr
chromium (11), chromous Cr-^ chlorate C103-
chromium (III), chromic Cr+3 chloride Cl-
copper (I),* cuprous Cu+ chlorite C102-
copper (II), cupric Cu+2 chromate Cr04-2
hydrogen, hydronium H+, H, 0 + dichromate Cr 207-2
iron (II),* ferrous Fe +2 fluoride F-
iron (III), ferric Fe+3 hydroxide OH-
lead pb +2 hypochlorite cio-
lithium Li+ iodide I-

magnesium Mg+2 nitrate NO3-

manganese (11), manganous Mn+2 nitrite NO2-
mercury (1),* mercurous Hg ,+2 oxalate C2O4-2

mercury (II), mercuric Hg+2 hydrogen oxalate ion, binoxalate HC2O4-

potassium K+ perchlorate CIO4-

silver Ag+ permanganate Mn 04 -

sodium Na+ phosphate PO4 3

tin (II),* stannous Sn+2 monohydrogen phosphate HPO4-2

tin (IV), stannic Sn+^ dihydrogen phosphate H2PO4-
zinc Zn+2 sulfate SOi'2

hydrogen sulfate ion, bisulfate HSO4-

sulfide S-2

hydrogen sulfide ion, bisulfide HS-

sulfite SO3-2

hydrogen sulfite ion, bisulfite HSO3-

* Aqueous solutions are readily oxidized by air.

Note: In ionic compounds the relative number of positive and negative ions is such that the sum of their electric

charges is zero.

Absolute temperature, 57 atom models, 98 Ammonia

Kelvin scale, 58 atomic volume, 95 a base, 184
Absolute zero, 58 chemistry, 95 boiling point, 64
Abundance of elements in earth’s ionic bonds, 95 complexes, 392, 395, 408
crust, see Elements, abundance properties, table, 94 complex with Ag+, 154
in earth’s crust reactions with chlorine, 95 Haber process for, 150
Acetaldehyde structure, 332 reaction with water, 96 and hydrogen chloride, 24
Acetamide, 338 Alkaline earth elements model of, 21
Acetanilide, 344 atomic radii, 378 molar volume, 60, 64
Acetic acid chemical properties, 381 production, 150
in biochemistry, 428 electron configuration, 378 P-V behavior of, 19, 51, 60
structure, 333 ionization energies, J79 solubility, 20
Acetone occurrence, 384 Ampere, 241
solubility of ethane in, 313 preparation, 384 Amphoteric, 371
structure, 335 properties of, 377, 381 complexes, 396
Acetylene, 43 solubilities, 382 Analogy
Acid-base Alkaline earth hydroxides billiard ball, 6, 18
Br0nsted- Lowry theory, 194 heat of reaction to form, 382 car collision, 126, 129
contrast definitions, 194 K^t,, 383 dartboard, 261
indicators, 190 Alkaline earth oxides, heat of reac garbage collector, 233
reactions, 188 tion with water, 382 golf-ball, 155
titrations, 188 Alkaline earth sulfates, K^-p, 382 Lost child, 3
Acids, 183 Alkanes, 341 mountain pass, 132
aqueous, 179 naming, 338 notched beam, 256
carboxylic, 334 Alkyl group, 336 , station-wagon, 155
derivatives of organic, 337 Alloys, 309 Angstrom, A. J., 258
equilibrium calculations, 192 Alnico, 406 Aniline, 344
experimental introduction, 183 copper, 71, 309 Anions, 170, 207
names of common, 183 covalent bonds, and, 305 Anode, 207
naming of organic, 339 gold, 71 Anode sludge, 408
properties of, 183 hardness and strength, 311 Anthracite, 321
relative strengths, 192, 451 nickel, 407 “Antifreeze,” 72
strength of, 190 Alnico, 406 Antimony, 31
summary, 185 Alpha carbon atoms, 348 Aq notation, 79
weak, 190, 193 Alpha decay, 417, 443 Aqueous, 79
Actinides, 414 Alpha particle, 417 Aqueous solutions
Actinium scattering, 245 of acids, 179
electron configuration, 415 Aluminum of bases, 179
oxidation number, 414 boiling point, 365 electrical conductivity of, 78
Activated complex, 134 compounds, 102 of electrolytes, 78, 313
Activation energy, 132, 134, 369 heat of vaporization, 365 precipitation reactions in, 80
Activities of Science, 1 hydration energy, 368 Argon, 91
Addition polymerization, 346 hydroxide, 371 broiling point, 374
Additivity of reaction heats, ionization energies, 269, 374 heat of vaporization, 105, 374
law of. 111 metallic solid, 365 ionization energy, 268
Adipic acid, 347 occurrence, 373 melting point, 307
Adsorption, 138 properties, 101 occurrence, 373
Age of earth, 442 preparation, 238, 373 preparation, 374
Air reducing agent, 367 properties, 101
as source of elements, 442 Alums, 403 use 105
composition, 438 Americium Aromatic compounds, 344
oxygen content, 228 electron configuration, 415 Arrhenius, Svante, 198
Alanine, 347 oxidation numbers, 414 Arsenic, ionization energy, 410
Alcohols, 330 Amides, 338 Asbestos, 310
naming 338 naming, 339 Aspirin, 346
oxidation of, 336 Amines, 336 Astatine
Aldehydes, 332 naming, 338 oxidation number, 414
Alkali metals, 93 Amino acids, 347, 348, 432 properties, 97

Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.


Astronaut, 231 Benzene p\ 291

Atmosphere, 437 derivatives, 343 p\ 291
composition, 437 modification of functional group, representations, 275
one, 54 344 sp,292
properties, 437 representation of, 343 sp\ 292
Atmospheric pressure, 53 substitution reactions, 343 sp\ 292
Atom Benzoic acid, 192 tetrahedral, 292
chemical evidence for existence, Berkelium, oxidation numbers for, Bonding capacity of
234 414 beryllium, 285
defined, 21 Beryl, 385 boron, 285
mass and charge of parts, 87 Beryllium carbon, 284
nuclear model, 86 atomic size, 379 lithium, 286
number per molecule, 26 boiling point, 374 nitrogen, 283
sizes, 88 bonding capacity, 285 second-row elements, 257
structure, 86 chemistry of, 382 Bordeaux mixture, 408
Atomic hydrogen spectrum, 253 electron configuration, 378 Boron
Atomic number, 88 heat of vaporization, 374 boiling point, 374
and periodic table, 89 ionization energies, 379 bonding capacity, 255
table, inside back cover occurrence, 384 heat of vaporization, 374
Atomic orbitals, 262, 263 preparation, 385 ionization energies, 273
Atomic pile, 120 properties, 381 Boron trifluoride, dipole in, 294
Atomic theory, 77, 22, 28, 234 structure, 381 Boyle’s Law, 17
as a model, 77 Beryllium difluoride, dipole in, 293 Brackets, concentration notation, 151
chemical evidence for, 234 Berzelius, Jons, 30 Brass, 311
of John Dalton, 236 Bessemer converter, 404 Bromate ion, 360
review, 34 Beta decay, 417 Bromine
Atomic velocity distribution, 130, 131 Beta particle, 417 atomic volume, 410
Atomic volume, 94, 98 Bicarbonate ion, 184 boiling point, 307
alkali metals, 94 Bidentate, 395 color, 352
halogens, 97 Billiard ball analogy, 6, 18 covalent radius, 354
inert gases, 91 and kinetic energy, 1 14 electron configuration, 353
third-row elements, 101 Billiard ball collision, conservation electron dot representation, 353
Atomic weight, 33 of energy in, 114 ionic radius, 355
table, inside back cover Binding energy, 121, 418 ionization energy, 410
Atoms, 21 Biochemistry, 421 melting point, 307
conservation of, 40 Bismuth, oxidation numbers, 414 orbital represen ation, 353
electrical nature of, 236 Blast furnace, 404 preparation, 356, 361
measuring dimensions of, 245 Bohr, Niels, 259 properties, 97, 355
Avogadro, Amadeo Boiling point, 67 van der Waals radius, 354
hypothesis, 25, 52 elevation, 325 Br0nsted-Lowry theory, 194
hypothesis and kinetic theory, 58 normal, 68 Burning
law, 25 pure substances, table, 67 candle, 449
number, 33 Bond methane, 41
Azo dyes, 344 breaking and rate, 125 paraffin, 44
chemical, 31, 35, 274 Butane, 338
covalent, see Covalent bond properties, 341
Bacteria, 434 covalent and ionic contrasted, 287 wo-butane properties, 341
Balancing reactions, 42 covalent and network solids, 302, Butanoic acid, properties, 308
by half-reactions, 2J8 309 1-Butanol, 338
by oxidation number, 219 double, 295 Butyl alcohol, 338
oxidation-reduction reactions, 277, energies and electric dipoles, 290 1-Butylamine, 338
219 energy, 119 Butyramide, 339
Balmer, J. J., 258 energy of halogens, 355 Butyric acid, 339
Balmer series, 258 hydrogen, see Hydrogen bond
Barite, 385 infrared indentification, 250
Barium ionic, see Ionic bond Calcium
atomic size, 379 length, 276, 295 atomic size, 379
chemistry, 382 origin of stability, 215 atomic volume, 410
electron configuration, 378 overlap, 277 chemistry, 382
heat of vaporization, 305 reason for forming, 274 electron configuration, 271, 378
hydroxide, Ksp, 383 stability, 275 heat of vaporization, 305
ionization energies, 379 stability and acid strength, 187, ionization energies, 379
occurrence, 385 188 occurrence, 385
properties, 381 type, 256 properties, 381
Barometer, 53 types in fluorine compounds, 289 Calcium carbonate, 384
standard, 54 Bonding Calcium hydroxide, 62, 383
Barrier, potential energy, 134 capacity and molecular shape, 293 Calculations
Bases, 185 dsp"^, 395 based on chemical equations, 44
aqueous, 779 d^sp\ 395 of H+ concentration, 192
common, 185 electron dot representations, 275 gas volume-gas volume, 227
experimental introduction, 183 in complex ions 395 liquid volume-volume, 230
properties of, 183, 184 in fluorine, 278 weight-gas volume, 226
Basic oxides, 382 in gaseous lithium fluoride, 257 weight-liquid volume, 225
Battery, storage in oxygen molecule, 295 weight-weight, 226
Edison, 406 in solids and liquids, 300 Californium
lead, 406 metallic, 303 electron configuration, 415
Bauxite. 373 orbital representation, 278 oxidation number, 414
Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.

Calorie, 10 Cesium, 23 Citric acid, 428

Calorimeter, 111 chemistry, 95 Cleaning solution, 403
Calorimetry, 111 heat of vaporization, 305 Coal, 321
Candle, description of burning, 449 properties, 94 Coal gas, 322
Caprylamide, 339 Chain reaction, 419 Coal tar, 322
Caprylic acid, 339 Chalcocite, 46 Cobalt
Carbohydrates, 422 Chalcopyrite, 408 atomic radius, 399
Carbon Charge electron configuration, 389
alpha (a), 348 conservation of, 80 ore, 410
boiling point, 374 electric, 75 oxidation numbers, 391
bonding in, 284 electron, 241 properties, 400, 406
compounds, sources of, 321 positive, 242, 243 Coke, 322, 404
compounds, composition and separation, 312 Collision theory, 126
structure, 323 Charge/mass ratio of electrons, concentration effect, 126
covalent radius, 365 240 and organic mechanism, 331
electron configuration, 265 Charles, Jacques, 57 temperature effect, 129
heat of vaporization, 374 Charles’ law, 58 Color, 399
ionization energy, 268 Chemical bonding, see Bonding Colorimetric analysis, 151
Carbon dioxide, 28 Chemical bonds, see Bond Communicating scientific informa-
molar volume, 51, 60 Chemical change, 38 tion, 12
Carbon disulfide, infrared spectrum, Chemical energy, 119 Combining volumes, law of, 26, 236
249 Chemical equations, see Equations Combustion, heat of hydrogen, 40
Carbon monoxide Chemical equilibrium, law of, 152 Complex ions, 392
absorption by, 251 Chemical formulas, see Formula amphoteric, 396
boiling point, 64 Chemical kinetics, 124 bonding in, 395
molar volume, 51, 60, 64 Chemical reactions, see Reactions formation, 413
poisoning, 398 Chemical stability, 30 geometry of, 393
Carbon tetrabromide Chemical symbols, 30 in nature, 396
boiling point, 307 not from common names, 31 isomers, 394
bond length, 354 see inside back cover linear, 395
melting point, 307 Chemotherapy, 434 octahedral, 393
Carbon tetrachloride Chlorate ion, 360 significance of, 395
boiling point, 307 Chloric acid, 359 square planar, 395
bond length, 354 Chlorides tetrahedral, 394
infrared spectrum 249 chemistry of, 99 weak acids, 396
melting point, 307 of alkali metals, 93, 103 Compound, 28
poison, 82 of third-row elements, 103 bonding in, 306
solubility of ethane in, 313 Chlorine Concentration
use, 82 boiling point, 374 and equilibrium, 148
Carbon tetrafluoride color, 352 and E zero’s, 213
boiling point, 307 compounds, 102 and Le Chatelier’s Principle, 149
bond length, 354 covalent radius, 354 effect on reaction rate, 126, 128
dipole in, 294 electron configuration, 353 molar, 72
melting point, 307 heat of fusion, 69 of solids in equilibria expressions,
Carbon tetraiodide heat of reaction to form atoms, 290 153
boiling point, 307 heat of vaporization, 347 of water in equilibria expressions,
bond length, 354 ionic radius, 355 154
melting point, 307 ionization energy, 268 pH, 190
Carbonyl group, 335 melting point, 307 Conceptual definition, 195
Carboxyl group, 334, 337 molar volume, 60, 64 Condensed phases, 27, 68, 78
Carboxylic acids, 333, 334, 425 occurrence, 373 electrical properties, 78
Car collision analogy, 126, 129 oxidation numbers, 359 Conductivity, electrical
Cast iron, 404 oxidizing agent, 369 in metals, 81
Catalysis, 135 oxyacids, 359, 373 in water solutions, 78
Catalysts preparation, 356, 374 of solids, 80
action of, 135 properties, 97, 101, 355 Condensation polymerization, 346
enzymes, 138 structure, 366 Conservation
and equilibrium, 148 use, 106 of atoms, 40
examples of, 137 van der Waals radius, 354 of charge, 80, 218
in formic acid decomposition, 137 Chloroacetic acid, 349 of mass, 40
in manufacture of H 2 SO 4 227 ,
Chlorobenzene, 345 Conservation of energy
and rusting, 405 Chloromethane in a billiard ball collision, 114
Cathode, 207 solubility in CCI 4 , 313 in a chemical reaction, 115
Cathodic protection, 405 solubility in acetone, 313 in a stretched rubber band, 114
Cations, 170, 207 Chlorophyll, 431 law of, 113, 117, 207
Cell structure, 397 Constant heat summation law, 1 1
dry, 403 Chlorous acid, 359 Contact process, H 2 SO 4 227 ,

electrochemical, 199, 206 Chromate ion, structure, 402 Coordination number, 393
Cellulose, 425 Chromatography, 413 Copper
structure, 431 Chromium alloys, conductivity of, 309, 311
Centigrade temperature, 57, 58 electron configuration, 389 atomic radius, 399
relation to °K, 58 oxidation number, 391 electron configuration, 389
Cerite, 413 properties, 400, 401 heat of fusion, 69
Cerium radius, 399 heat of melting, 69
properties, 412 Chromium(III) oxide, 402 native, 408
source, 413 Chromium trihydroxide, 396, 402 occurrence, 408
Certainty, absence of, 11 Cis-trans isomerism, 296, 394 oxidation numbers, 391
Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.

Copper {continued) Disaccharides, 424 capture, 417

properties, 400, 408 Discharge tube, 239, 255 charge, 241
Core, of earth, 440 Disproportionation, 361 charge/mass ratio, 240
Corrosion, 405 Dissociation, 179 competition for, 205
Coulomb, 241 constant of HF, 361 deflection, 239
Coulombic forces, 416 Dissolving rate, 164 evidence for existence, 236
CouLSON, C, A., 252 Distillation, 70 losing tendency, 207
Covalent bonds, 274, 277, 288 Disulfur dichloride, 103 mass of, 87, 241
elements that form solids using, Divalent, 282 “sea” of, 304
302 Divanadium pentoxide, 401 “seeing,” 239
in halogens, 97 Dobereiner, J. W., 104 transfer, 201, 202
vs. ionic, 287 Dolomite, 385 valence, 269
and network solids, 302, 309 Double arrows, use of, 146 van der Waals forces and, 306
Covalent radius, 354 Double bonds, 295 Electron configuration, 265
of halogens, 354 Dry cells, 199, 403 of alkaline earths, 378
Crawford, Bryce, Jr., 274 Dyes, azo, 344 of halogens, 352
Cryolite, 393 Dynamic nature of equilibrium, 144, of lanthanides, 415
Crystal 165 of transition elements, 389
ionic, 81, 311 Dysprosium, properties, 412 Electron dot representation of chemi-
metal, 304 cal bonding, 278
molecular, 81, 302 E = mc\ 121, 418 Electron populations of inert gases,
Crystallization, 70, 71 E°, 209 92, 263
and equilibrium, 144 and equilibrium, 215 Elements, 29
fractional, 413 table, 452 abundance in earth’s crust, 441
Curium, oxidation number, 414 Earth availability, 441
Cyclohexane, properties, 341 age of, 442 covalent solids formed by, 302
Cyclopentane, 340 chemistry of, 437 discovery, 30
Cyclopentene, 342 core of, 440 in ocean, 440
crust of, 441 known to ancients, 30, 441
d orbitals, 262 data, 444 metals, 303
dsp^ bonding, 395 parts of, 438 molecular crystals formed by, 301
bonding, 395
d'^sp^ Edison storage battery, 406 naming, 30, 31
“Dacron,” 347 Einstein, Albert, 121 on Sun, 447
Dalton, John, 12, 38, 236 Einsteinium, oxidation number, 414 symbols, see inside back cover
atomic theory, 236 Elastic collision, 6 e/m, 240, 243
Dartboard analogy, 261 Electrical nature of atoms, 236 Emerald, 385
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 1 Electrical phenomena, 74 Empirical formula, 81, 323, 324
Debye, Peter J., 320 Electrical properties of condensed Endothermic reaction, 40, 135
Decomposition phases, 78 Energy
of formic acid, 137 Electric arc furnace, 404 activation, 132, 134, 369
of water, 40, 115 Electric charge, 75 binding, 121, 418
Definite composition of compounds. detection, 74 changes on warming, 119
Law of, 234 effect of distance, 76 chemical, 119
Definitions, see under word of in- in matter, 77 effect on equilibrium, 167
terest interactions, 75 kinetic, see Kinetic energy
conceptual, 195 negative, 77 law of conservation of, 113, 117,
experiment, 2 positive, 77 207
operational, 195 production, 76 molecular, 118
Delta H
{^H), 110 types, 76 nuclear, 119, 418
Delta H
cross {AHt), 135 Electric conductivity, see Conduc- of hydrogen bond, 315
Density, 28 tivity of light, 253
Derived quantity, 10 Electric current, 78 of motion, see Kinetic energy
Deuterium, 90, 123, 419 Electric dipoles, see Dipoles of position, see Potential energy
Deuterium bromide, infrared spec- Electric discharge, 239 potential, see Potential energy
trum, 248 Electric force, 76, 77 stored in living organisms, 428
Diamond, structure, 302, 365 Electricity, fundamental unit, 241 stored in a molecule, 117
Diatomic, 31 Electrochemical cell stored in the nucleus, 110
Diborane, 285 chemistry of, 199 Energy levels, 259
Dichloroethylene, isomers of, 297 and Le Chatelier’s Principle, 214 notched beam analogy, 256
properties, 308 operation, 206 of H atom, 258, 259, 264
Dichromate ion, 402 standard half cell, 210 of many-electron atoms, 265, 266
Diffraction Electrodes, 207 Enzymes, 138, 427, 432
of X-rays, 248 Electrolysis, 220, 221 Equations
patterns, 248 apparatus, 40 balancing, 42
Dipoles, 288 cells,238 calculations based upon, 44, 226
BF3, 294 of water, 40, 115 chemical, 41
BeFa, 293 Electrolytes, 169 179 ,
symbols used in, 41, 146
and bond energy, 290 strong, 180 writing, 42
CF4, 294 weak, 180 Equilibrium, 67, 144, 145, 158
F2O, 294 Electrolytic conduction, 220, see also altering, 147
geometrical sum, 293 Conductivity, electrical and chemical reactions, 145
LiF, 293 Electrometer, 75 and E°, 215
molecular, 293 Electron, 77 and Le Chatelier’s Principle, 149
and molecular shape, 293 affinity, 280 and rate, 155
of ionic bond, 288 affinity of fluorine atom, 280 and solubility, 144, 163
and solvent properties, 313 behavior in metals, 304 attainment of, 148

Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.


Eq u m
b ri u (co/; tin ued)
i 1 i heat of reaction to form atoms, 290 volume, calculation of, 227
calculations, 192 heat of vaporization, 374 volume, change with temperature,
constant, 757, table, 154 ionic character of bonds, 288 57
crystallization and, 144 ionic radius, 355 volume measurement, 24
dynamic nature of, 144, 165 ionization energy, 268 Gasoline, 46, 63, 126, 341
effect of catalyst, 148 melting point, 307 Gastric juice, 138
effect of concentration, 148; of en- orbital representation, 353 Gaviota Pass, 136
ergy, 767; of randomness, 166-, preparation, 356 Gay-Lussac, Joseph L., 49
of temperature, 67, 148, 767 properties, 355 Geiger counter, 240
factors determining, 155, 158 special remarks, 361 Generalization, 4, 153
law of chemical, 752, 173 van der Waals radius, 354 melting of solids, 4
liquid-gas, 66 Fluorine compounds, bond type, 289 reliability of, 59
qualitative aspects of, 142 Fluorine oxide Geometry
quantitative aspects of, 757 dipole in, 294 molecular, 290-297
recognizing, 143 molecular shape, 297 of complex ions, 393
state of, 142, 147 Fluorocarbons, 362 Germanium, ionization energy, 410
sugars, 423 Fool’s gold, 404 Glucose, 422
thermal, 56 Force, electric, 76, 77 Glutamic acid, 347
use of double arrows, 146 Formaldehyde, 332 Glyceraldehyde, 427
Equilibrium constant, 757 Formamide, 339 Glyceric acid, 427
for water, 181 Formation, heat of, 113 Glycerol, 425
table, 154 Formic acid, 197, 333 Glycine, 347
table (acids), 191, 451 catalytic decomposition, 137 Gold
Equilibrium Law relation, table, 154 Formula alloy, 71
Erbium, properties, 412 chemical, 30 oxidation numbers, 414
Esters, 337 empirical, 81, 323, 324 Goldschmidt reaction, 401
Ethane, 323 molecular, 31, 323, 325 Golf ball analogy, 155
properties, 341 structural, 31, 323, 326 Graphite
solubility in CCU; in acetone, 313 Fourth row of periodic table, 277, burning, 46
Ethanol, 323 387 structure, 302
boiling point, 329 Fractional crystallization, 413 Gypsum, 385
determining structural formula, Freezing point lowering, 325, 393
326 “Freon,” 362
Ethylamine, 338 Frequency of light, 246 h (Planck’s constant), 254
A^-Ethyl acetamide, 338 relation to wave length, 251 H and A77, 110
Ethyl bromide, 328 Fructose, 423 [H+], calculation of, 192, see also
reactions of, 330 Fumaric acid, 428 Hydrogen ion
Ethyl iodide, 336 properties, 308 Haber, Fritz, 151
Ethylene, 346 structure, 316 Haber process, 140, 150
chemical reactivity, 296 Functional groups, 330, 335 Hafnium, oxidation number, 414
double bond in, 296 Fundamental Haldane, J. B. S., 436
Ethylene glycol, 325 property, 78 Half-cell potentials
Ethyl group, 329 unit of electricity, 241 effectof concentration, 213
Europium, properties, 412 Furnace, electric arc, 404 measuring, 210
Exothermic reaction, 40, 135 Fusion, heat of, 68 standard, 210
Experiment, 2 pure substances, table, 69 table of, 211, 452
Experimental errors, see Uncertainty Fusion, nuclear, 121, 419 Half-cell reactions, 201
Eyring, Henry, 124, 141 Half-life, 416
E zero, 209, table, 452 Half-reaction, 201
Gadolinite, 413 balancing, 218
orbitals, 262 Gadolinium, properties, 412 potentials, 452
Fable, Lost Child in Woods, 3 Gallium Halides
Faraday, Michael, 237 atomic radius, 399 chemistry of, 99
Fats, 425 ionization energy, 410 ions, 98
Fermentation, 426 Galena, 373 Hall, C. M., 96, 373
Fermium, oxidation number, 414 Galvanized iron, 405, 409 Halogens
Ferromanganese, 403 Garbage collector analogy, 233 atom models, 98
Fission, nuclear, 120, 419 Gas bond energies, 355
Flea, 88 elements found as, 65 chemistry, 98
Fluorescence, 239, 409 ideal, 60 color, 352
Fluorides inert, 90 covalent bonds, 97
bonding capacity, 293 and kinetic theory, 49, 53 covalent radius, 355
bond types in first row, 286 liquid-gas equilibrium, 66 electron configuration, 352
of second-row elements, melting liquid-gas phase change, 66 ionization energies, 353
and boiling points, 286 measuring pressure, 5i oxyacids, 358
orbitals, 293 model of, 18, 23 positive oxidation states, 358
shape, 293 molar volume, 49, 50, 51, 60 preparation, 556
Fluorine molecules in, 274 properties, 96; table, 97, 552, 355
boiling point, 374 molecular weight, 34, 51 reactions, energy required for, 357
bonding, 278 natural, 522 reactions of compounds, 556
color, 352 perfect, 59 reduction of, 557
complex, 393 pressure, 53 sizes of atoms and ions, 354
covalent radius, 354 pressure, cause of, 54 toxicity, 352
electron affinity, 280 properties of, 20 Hardness of metals and alloys, 311
electron configuration, 265 review, 61 Hard water, 384
electron dot representation, 353 solubility, 20, 767 Heat and chemical reactions, 108
Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.

Heat content, 110, 116 Hydrochloric acid, 42 Hydronium ion, 187

change during a reaction, 110 Hydrofluoric acid, storage of, 361 concentration calculation, 192
of a substance, 109 Hydrogen, 99 concentration and pW, 190
Heat of combustion of apparent ionization energy, 289 model, 186
diamond, 122 boiling point, 63 Hydroquinone, 345
graphite, 122 bonding in, 274 Hydrosphere, 437
hydrazine, 47 burning, 25, 41 composition, 439
hydrogen, 40 chemistry, 100 Hydroxide ion, 106, 180
methane, 123 energy level scheme, 258, 264 Hydroxides of third row, 371
Heat of formation, 113 freezing point, 63 Hydroxy lamine, 251
Heat of reaction, 135 heat of combustion, 40 Hydroxyl group, 329
between elements, table, 112 helium nuclear reaction, 419 Hypobromite ion, 422
oxidation of HCl, 160 ion, and weak acids, 193 Hypochlorite ion, 361
oxidation of sulfur dioxide, 161 ion (aqueous), 187 Hypochlorous acid, structure, 359
predicting, 112 ion as catalyst, 137 Hypophosphorous acid, 372
Heat of reaction to form ion, competition for in weak acid, Hypothesis, Avogadro’s, 25, 52
ammonia, 112 194
Br atoms, 290 ion concentration, calculation of,
carbon dioxide, 112 192 Ice
carbon monoxide, 112 ion, hydrated form, 187 bonds in, 315
Cl atoms, 290 ion, nature of, 185 melting of, 69
CO H2, 110+ ionic character of bonds, 289 structure, 69, 315
ethane, 112 ionization energy, 268 Ideal gas, 60
F atoms, 290 isotopes, 90, 123, 419 see also Perfect gas
H atoms, 274 molar heat of combustion, 40 Ilmenite, 401
hydrogen chloride, 160 molar volume, 60 Indicators
hydrogen iodide, 112 production, 62 acid-base, 190
iron(III) oxide, 162 properties, table, 100 litmus, 21, 189
Li atoms, 290 solubility, 20 Inductive reasoning, 3
Li+ Br, 290 spectrum of, 253, 255 Inert gases, 90
Li+ F, 290 Hydrogenation, 407 atom models, 98
Na + Cl, 290 Hydrogen atom, 253 compounds, 91
NHs products, 114 energy level scheme, 258, 264 electron population, 92, 263
Na atoms, 290 energy levels of, 259 properties, table, 91
NO, 112 heat of reaction to form, 274 stability of structure, 93
NO 112
2, light emitted by, 254 Information
NA'a products, 114 orbitals, 263 accumulating, 15
P4O10, 140 periodic table and, 263 organizing, 15
propane, 112 quantum mechanics and, 259 Infrared, 247
sulfur dioxide, 112 quantum numbers and, 260 Infrared spectra, 248
sulfuric acid, 112 spectrum of, 253, 255 of HBr, DBr, 248
water, 109, 112 Hydrogen bonds, 314, 329, 361 of CCI4, CSo, 249
Heat of solution, 166 energy of, 315 Infrared spectroscopy, 249
CI 2 in H
2 O, 167 inter- and intramolecular, 316 Invisible ink, 406
I 2 in benzene, 167 nature of, 316 lodate ion, 360
I2 in ethyl alcohol, 166 and proteins, 432 lodimetry, 358, 358
I2 in CCI4, 166 representation of, 315 Iodine
O H O, 167
2 in 2 significance of, 316 boiling point, 307
N O in H O, 167
2 2 sugars, 424 color, 352
Heat of vaporization, 66; see also Hydrogen bromide covalent radius, 354
Vaporization boiling point, 315 electron configuration, 353
Helium, 91 infrared spectrum, 248 ionic radius, 355
boiling point, 63 Hydrogen chloride melting point, 307
heat of vaporization, 105 ammonia mixture, 24 preparation, 231, 356
interaction between atoms, 277 boiling point, 64 properties of, 97, 355
ionization energy, 268 heat of oxidation, 160 solubility in CCI4, 166
molar volume, 60 heat of reaction to form, 160 solubility in ethanol, 163
on Sun, 447 model of, 21 van der Waals radius, 354
source, 91 molar volume, 60, 64 Ion, 78
Hematite, 404 P-V relation, 19 exchange resin, 413
Hemin, structure of, 397 Hydrogen fluoride formation, 86
Hess’s Law, 111 boiling point, 315 hydrogen (aqueous), 185
Heterogeneous, 70 bonding, 280 names, formulas, charges of com-
systems and reaction rate, 126 melting point, 99 mon, 454
«-Hexane properties, 341 Hydrogen halides, 315 Ionic bond, 287, 288
Hibernation, 2 Hydrogen iodide, boiling point, 315 dipole of, 288
Hildebrand, Joel H., 163 Hydrogen peroxide bonding, 283, 295 in alkali metal halides, 95
Holmium, properties, 412 Hydrogen selenide, boiling point, 315 covalent, 287
Homogeneous, 70 Hydrogen sulfide, boiling point, 315 Ionic character, 287
systems and reaction rate, 126 Hydrogen telluride, boiling point, Ionic crystal, 81, 311
Hydration, 313 315 Ionic radius, 355
Hydrazine, 46, 47, 231 Hydrolysis Ionic solids, 79, 81, 311
Hydrides of third-row elements, 102 of fats, 426 electrical conductivity, 80
boiling point of, 315 of starch, 426 properties of, 312
Hydrocarbons, 340 of sugars, 426 solubility in water, 79
unsaturated, 342 Hydrometer, 407 stability of, 311
Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.

Ionization ionization energy, 410 properties, 440

lithium, 267 melting point, 307 Litmus, 21, 189
magnesium, 270 color in acids, 183
sodium, 270 Laboratory, 2 color in bases, 184
Ionization energy, 267 Lanthanide elements, 411, 389 Los Angeles to San Francisco anal-
alkaline earths, 379 contraction, 413 ogy, 132
and atomic number, 268 electron configurations, 415 Lost Child fable, 3
and the periodic table, 267 occurrence and preparation, 413 “Lucite,” 347
and valence electrons, 269 oxidation numbers, 414 Lutetium, properties, 412
halogens, 353 properties, 412 Lyman, T., 258
measurement of, 268 Lanthanum
successive, 269 heat of vaporization, 305
table of, 268 properties, 412 M, (symbol for molar concentration),
trends, 268 source, 413 72
Iridium, oxidation numbers, 414 Latimer, Wendell M., 199 Macroscopic
Iron Lattice, 81 changes and equilibrium, 143, 147
atomic radius, 399 Laws, 117
14, properties, 118
cast, 404 additivity of reaction heats, 1 1 Magnesium
complex with oxalate, 395 Avogadro’s, 25, 52 atomic size, 379
electron configuration, 389 Boyle’s, 17 boiling point, 365
galvanized, 405, 409 Charles’, 58 chemistry, 382
manufacture of, 404 chemical equilibrium, 152, 173 complex formation, 396
occurrence, 404 chemical equilibrium derived, 155 compounds, 102
oxidation numbers, 391 combining volumes, 236 electron configuration, 378
properties, 400, 403 conservation of charge, 80 heat of vaporization, 365
rusting of, 45, 85, 405 conservation of energy, 113, 117 hydration energy, 368
Iron(III) oxide, heat of reaction to conservation of mass, 40 ionization energies, 269, 374
form, 162 constant heat summation. 111 ionization, 270
Iron pyrites, 46, 404 definite composition, 234 metallic solid, 365
Isomers Hess’s, 111 occurrence, 373, 385
cis-and trans-, 296, 394 octaves, 104 oxide, heat of reaction to form, 375
of complex ions, 394 of nature, 117 preparation, 373
of CzHeO, 327 simple multiple proportions, 235 properties, 101, 381
structural, 327 Lead, oxidation numbers, 414 reducing agent, 367
/50-prefix, 341 Lead chamber process, H2SO4, 227 Magnesium hydroxide, 370
Isotopes, 90 Lead storage battery, 406 Ksp, 383
and mass number, 89 Le Ch atelier, Henry L., 149 Magnesium sulfate, Ksp, 383
and mass spectrograph, 243 Le Chatelier’s Principle, 149, 181, Magnetic field, 240
vital statistics, table, 89 188, 337, 360 Magnetite, 404
and concentration, 149 Maleic acid
and electrochemical cells, 214 properties, 308
Jupiter, data on, 444
and equilibrium, 149 structure, 316
and pressure, 149 Manganese
K and temperature, 150 atomic radius, 399
magnitude, 154 Levels, energy, 259 electron configuration, 389
table, 154 Lewis, G. N., 48, 142 oxidation numbers, 391
Ka Light, 246 properties, 400, 403
determination, 192 a form of energy, 253 Manganese dioxide, 403
values, 191 emitted by hot tungsten, 255 Manometer, 53
Ksj,, 174 emitted by hydrogen atoms, 254 Mantle, 440
table, 174 spectrum, 247 Manufacture of
K^, 181 Lime, manufacture, 143 aluminum, 373
change with temperature, 181 Limestone, 385, 404 ammonia, 140, 150
values at various temperatures, 181 Linear complex, 395 helium, 91
Kcal, 40 Line spectra, 255 hydrogen, 62
Kelvin temperature scale, 58 Liquid, 27, 65 iodine, 231
Ketones, 334 gas equilibrium, 66 lime, 143
Kerosene, 231, 341 gas phase change, 66 magnesium, 373
Kilo, 40 solid phase change, 5, 68 methanol, 160
Kilocalorie, 40 volume calculations, 230 nitric acid, 45, 232
Kinetic energy, 53, 114 Lister, 346 nitrogen compounds, 35, 150
billiard ball analogy, 6, 114 Lithium phosphorus, 376
distribution, 130, 131 boiling point, 374 sodium, 238
formula for, 59 bonding capacity, 256 sodium carbonate, 230
of a moving particle, 59 bonding in gaseous, 257 sulfuric acid, 225, 369
relation to temperature, 56, 131 heat of reaction to form atoms, 290 titanium, 368
Kinetic theory, 49, 52, 53 heat of vaporization, 374 uranium, 35
and Avogadro’s Hypothesis, 58 ionization energy, 268 Many-electron atoms
review, 61 ionization, 267 energy level diagram, 266
Kinetics, chemical, 124 properties, 94 energy levels of, 265
Knudsen cell, 63 Lithium fluoride Mars, data on, 444
Kroll process, 368 bonding in gaseous, 257 Mass
Krypton, 91 dipole in, 293 conservation of, 40
atomic volume, 410 heat of reaction to form atoms, 290 of atom and its parts, 57
boiling point, 307 Lithosphere, 437 of electron, 87, 241
heat of vaporization, 105 composition, 440 Mass defects, 121

Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.


Mass-energy relationship, 121 Microscopic processes, and equilib- number of atoms in, 26
Mass number, 90, 120 rium, 147 polar, 288
Mass spectrograph, 242, 443 Microwave spectroscopy, 249 relative weights, 25
Mass spectrum of neon, 242 Millikan, Robert, 241 representations of, 32
Matter oil drop experiment, 241 weights of, 22
electrical nature, 74, Minerals, 373, 385 Momentum, 59
fundamental property, 78 Miscible, 176 Monazite, 413
McMillan, Edwin M., 420 Model Monel metal, 407
Measurement of gas pressure, 53 atomic theory, 34 Monomer, 346
Mechanism of reaction, 127, 128 electron-proton, 76 Monosaccharides, 424
CHsBr -f OH-, 331 gases, 23 Morgan, G. T., 224
decomposition of formic acid, 138, kinetic theory of gases, 53 Motion, types of, 118
139 nuclear atom, 86 Mountain pass analogy, 132
oxidation of HBr, 128 particle, 18 Multiple proportions. Law of, 235
Melting pressure of gases, 18 Myristic acid, 425
of ice, 69 scientific, 18
of solids, generalization, 4 system, 7
Melting, heat of, see Fusion, heat of Models n (principal quantum number), 259,
Melting point alkali atoms, 98 261
alkali metals, 94 halogen atoms, 98 Names
alkaline earths, 381 inert gas atoms, 98 of common ions, 454
halogens, 355 molecular, various representations, organic, 339
inert gases, 91 32 Natural gas, 46, 322
/?aradichlorobenzene, 9 water, 31 Negative charge, 77, see also Electron
sodium chloride, 69 Molar concentration, 72 Negative ion, 87, 207
third-row elements, 101 Molar heat Negligible solubility, 73
transition elements, 400 of combustion, see Heat of com- Neodymium
water, 69 bustion properties, 412
Mendeleev, Dimitri, 104, 107 of fusion, see Fusion, heat of source, 413
Mendelevium, oxidation number, 414 of melting, see Fusion, heat of Neon, 91
Mercuric perchlorate, 237 of vaporization, see Vaporization, boiling point, 374
Mercurous perchlorate, 237 heat of electron configuration, 265
Mercury, oxidation numbers, 414 Molar volume, 50 heat of fusion, 69
Mercury (planet), data on, 444 alkali metals, 94 heat of vaporization, 105, 374
Metabolism, oxidative, 429 gases, comparison, 50, 51, 60 ionization energy, 268
Metallic halogens, 97 mass spectrum of, 242
alloys, 309 inert gases, 91 melting point, 307
bond, 303 table of, 60 sign,239
elements, 303 third-row elements, 101 Neopentane, 341
radius, 380 Mole, 32, 32, 33 properties, 308
substances, 81 in calculations, 44, 225 Neptune, data on, 444
Metals volume of, see Molar volume Neptunium
alkali, 94 Molecular architecture, 290 electron configuration, 415
characteristic properties, 81, 303 Molecular crystal, 81 oxidation numbers, 414
conductivity, 81 Molecular formula, 31 Net reaction, 201
electron behavior in, 304 determination, 325 Network solid, 102
hardness and strength, 311 Molecular rotation, 249 and covalent bonds, 302, 309
heats of vaporization, 305 Molecular shape diamond and graphite, 302
location in periodic table, 304 BF3, 292 one-dimensional, 309
properties explained, 305 BeFj, 292 three-dimensional, 309
Meteorites, 404, 444 CF3, 292 two-dimensional, 309
Methane CH4, 292 Neutral, 77, 189
burning, 41 F2O, 291 Neutron
molar volume, 60 H2O, 291 properties, 87
properties, 341 NF3, 291 ratio to proton, 417
solubility in CCh; in acetone, 313 NH3, 291 relation to mass number, 90
structural formula, 332 and melting point, 308 Newland, J. a. R., 85, 104
Methanol, structural formula, 332 and van der Waals forces, 307 Newton, Isaac, 17
Methyl Molecular size, and van der Waals Nichrome, 402
acetate, 338 forces, 307 Nickel
alcohol, 338 Molecular solids, 102, 301, 306 atomic radius, 399
amine, 338 Molecular substances and van der alloys of, 407
ammonium ion, 348 Waals forces, 306 electron configuration, 389
bromide, 330 Molecular structure, experimental oxidation number, 391
butyrate, 339 determination of, 324 properties, 400, 406
caprylate, 339 Molecular velocities, distribution of, Nickel carbonyl, 410
ether, boiling point, 313 131 Nitration, 344
formate, 339 Molecular vibrations, 249 Nitric acid, manufacture, 45, 232
group, 330 Molecular weight, 33, 33 Nitric oxide
octanoate, 339 boiling point correlation, 307 as catalyst, 227
orange, 344 calculation, 33 reaction with oxygen, 26
propionate, 339 determination, 325 solubility, 20
salicylate, 346 Molecules, 21, 274 Nitrobenzene, 344
N-Methyl acetamide, 348 energy of, 118 Nitrogen
Meyer, Lothar, 104 measuring dimensions, 245 boiling point, 63, 374
Mica, 310 models of, 21 bonding capacity, 283
Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.

Nitrogen {continued) Overall reaction, 201 front cover

compounds, manufacture of, 35, Overlap and bonding, 277 and atomic number, 89
150 Oxidation, 202 elements in each row of, 272
density, 50 of alcohols, 336 fourth row, 27/ 387
electron configuration, 265 of ammonia, 113 historical development, 103
freezing point, 63 of food, 426 and hydrogen atom, 26i
heat of vaporization, 374 of hydrogen chloride, 160 and ionization energy, 267
ionization energy, 268 of organic compounds, 332 second column, 377
molar volume, 49, 51, 60 of sulfur, 225, 369 seventh column, 352
reaction with hydrogen, 150 of sulfur dioxide, 225, 369 seventh row, 413
Nitrogen dioxide, as catalyst, 111 Oxidation numbers, 215, 216 sixth row, 411
Nitrous acid, Ka, 191 balancing redox reactions using, Permanganate ion
Noble gases, see Inert gases 219 oxidation of Fe+2 125 ,

Nomenclature rules for assigning, 219 oxidation of H 2 S, 218

common ions, 454 Oxidation potentials, 211, 452 oxidation of oxalate ion, 125
organic compounds, 339 Oxidation-reduction, 202, 216 Petroleum, 322
Normal boiling point, 68 self, 361 pH, 190
Notched beam analogy to H spec- Oxidation-reduction reactions, 202 Phase, 70
trum, 256 balancing with half-reactions, 2/7 Phase change, 5
Novocaine, 345 balancing with oxidation numbers, liquid-gas, 66
^-pentane, 308, 340 219 solid-liquid, 5, 68
nu, 246 Oxides Phases, 5
Nuclear basic, 382 condensed, 27, 68, 78
atom model, 86 third-row elements, 102 Phenacetin, 345
changes, 121 Oxidizing agent, 215 Phenol, 345
charge, 86 Oxyacids Phosphides, 368
energy, 119, 418 of chlorine, 359, 373 Phosphoric acid, 372
fission, 120, 419 of phosphorus, 371, 372 Ka, 191
forces, 87 of sulfur, 371 Phosphorous acid, 372
fuels, 35, 413 Oxygen Phosphorus
fusion, 121, 419 abundance in earth’s crust, 441 black, 365
power plant, 82 boiling point, 63, 374 boiling point, 374
reactions, 120, 443 bonding capacity, 281 chemistry of, 368
stability, 416 bonding in molecules, 295 compounds, 102
Nucleon, 120, 416 bond length, 295 heat of vaporization, 374
Nucleus double bond in, 295 ionization energy, 268
energy stored in, 120 electron configuration, 265 melting point, 374
radius, 88, 251 fluorine compounds, 283 occurrence, 373
“seeing,” 244 freezing point, 63 oxyacids, 371, 372
“Nylon,” 347 heat of vaporization, 374 preparation, 374, 376
ionization energy, 268 properties, 101
isotopes, 90 structure, 366
Observation, 2, 15 mass of atom, 33 white, 120, 365, 366, 369
Ocean, composition 440 of, molar volume, 51, 60 Photon, 254
Ocean water, composition, 439 molecule, 27 Photosynthesis, 254, 430
n-Octadecane, properties, 341 preparation from KCIO3, 46 Pig iron, 404
Octahedral complex, 393 pressure-volume behavior, 18 Pitchblende, 385, 442
Octane, 46, 338 reaction with nitric oxide, 26 Planck’s constant, 254
properties, 341 solubility, 20 Planets
Octanamide, 339 Ozone, 439 atmosphere 445
Octanoic acid, 339 chemistry 444
1-Octanol, 338 p electron, 262 lithosphere of, 446
Octaves, Law of, 104 p 262
orbitals, Plastics, 346
Octyl alcohol, 338 bonding, 291 Platinum
1-Octylamine, 338 bonding, 291 catalyst, action of, 227
OH molecules, reaction between, 282 Packing in crystals, 81 dioxide, 230
Oil-drop experiment, 241 Palmitic acid, 425 oxidation numbers, 414
Oil of wintergreen, 346 /joraaminobenzoic acid, 434 ‘Plexiglas,” 347
Oleomargarine, 407 poradichlorobenzene, 8 Pluto, data on, 444
Open hearth furnace, 404 Paraffin, 43 Plutonium
Operational definition, 195 /jaraphthallic acid, 347 electron configuration, 415
Orbital representation of chemical Partial pressure, 55, 67, 438 oxidation numbers, 414
bonding, 278 Particles, fundamental, table, 78, 87 Polar molecule, 288
Orbitals Pauli Principle, 267 Polonium, oxidation numbers, 414
atomic, 262, 263 Pauling, Linus C., 299, 300 Polyethylene, 347
d and /, 262 Peat, 321 Polymerization, 346
molecular shape and, 293 n-Pentane, 340 types of, 346
overlap, 277 properties, 308 Polymers, 346, 431, 432
p, 262 wo-Pentane, 340 Polysaccharides, 425
principa’quantum number and, Pepsin, 138 Polystyrene, 345
261 Perchloric acid, 359 Positive charge, 77, see also Proton
s, 261 Perfect gas, 59 formation of, 242
Ores, 442 molar volume, 60 Positive ions, 207
Organic compounds, 322 Perffuoroethane, 362 charge to mass ratio, 243
Osmium, oxidation numbers, 414 Perffuoroethylene, 362 “seeing,” 242
OSTWALD, W., 65 Periodic table, 85, 267, see inside Positron, 218

Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.


Potassium, 93 transfer, 194 predicting from E°, 212

atomic radius, 399 transfer theory of acids, 194 redox, 203
atomic volume, 410 Ptyalin, 138 substitution, of benzene, 344
chemistry, 95 Pullman, Alberte, 421 Reactive, 284
electron configuration, 271 Pullman, Bernard, 421 Reasoning, inductive, 3
heat of vaporization, 305 Purification, 70 Redox, 203
ionization energy, 268 Pyruvic acid, 426 Reducing agent, 215
properties, 94 Reduction, 202
Potassium chrome alum, 393 Regularities, search for, 3
Qualitative aspects of equilibrium,
Potassium permanganate, 218 Reichenbach, Hans, 233
Potential energy, 115 Relativity, theory of, 121
Qualitative presentation of data, 14
barrier, 134 Repulsive forces in H 2 275
Quantitative aspects of equilibrium, ,

diagrams, 134, 138, 139, 331 Resin, ion exchange, 413

Potentials, half-cell Rhenium, oxidation number, 414
Quantitative analysis, infrared, 250
effect of concentration, 213 Roasting, 46
Quantitative presentation of data, 14
measuring, 210 Robinson, Sir Robert, 321, 351
Quantum mechanics, 259, 260
table, 211, 452 Rotational motion, 118
and the hydrogen atom, 259
Praseodymium and microwave spectroscopy, 249
Quantum number, 260
properties, 412 Rubber band, conservation of energy
and hydrogen atom, 260
source, 413 in, 114
and orbitals, 261
Precipitation Rubidium
principal, 260
and equilibrium, 144 heat of vaporization, 305
for separation, 176 ionization energy, 410
from aqueous solution, 80 Radioactive nuclei, 413 properties of, 94
rate, 164 Radioactivity, 416, 442 Rule, 14
Predictions types of, 417 Rusting, 45, 85, 405
based on E°'s, 212 Radium Rutherford, Ernest, 244
of equilibrium conditions, 149 electron configuration, 378 Rutherford
of formation of precipitate, 175 occurrence, 385 nuclear atom, 244
of heat of reaction, 112 Radius scattering experiment, 244
Predominant reacting species, 80 covalent, 354 Rutile, 401
Pressure, 55 double bond, alkaline earths, 380
and Le Chatelier’s Principle, 149 double bond, oxygen, 295
and reaction rate, 126 ionic, 355, 380 s electron, 261
atmospheric, 53 metallic, 380 s orbitals, 261
cause, 54 van der Waals, 354, 380 sp bonding, 292
2- measurement, 53 Radon, 91 sp^ bonding, 292
of gases, 53 boiling point, 307 sp^ bonding, 292
partial, 55, 67, 145 heat of vaporization, 105 Salicylic acid, 345
standard, 54 melting point, 307 Salt bridge, 201
vapor, 66, 67, 145 Randall, M., 142 Samarium, properties, 412
Pressure-volume relationships, 13, 18 Randomness, effect on equilibrium, source, 413
of ammonia, table, 19, 51, 60 166, 447 San Francisco to Los Angeles anal-
of hydrogen chloride, table, 19 in dissolving, 313 ogy, 132
of other gases, 19 Rare earths, 272, see also Lantha- Saponification, 426
of oxygen, table, 14, 18 nides “Saran,” 347
Principle Rate Saturated
Le Chatelier’s, 149 determining step, 128 hydrocarbons, 326, 340
Pauli, 267 effect of concentration on, 126 128 , solutions, 72
Principal quantum number, 260 of dissolving, 164 vapor, 145
Procaine, 345 of opposing reactions, 148, 155 Saturn, data on, 444
Product, 39 '
of reactions, 124 Scandium
Promethium, properties, 412 Reactant, 40 atomic radius, 399
Promoting electrons, 284 Reacting species, predominant, 80 atomic volume, 410
Propane, 338 Reaction coordinate, 133 electron configuration, 389
properties, 341 Reaction heat, 135 heat of vaporization, 305
Propanol, 335 additivity of, 111 oxidation number, 391
Propanol, 335 measurement of. 111 properties, 400
Protactinium, 415 Reaction rates, 124 Scattering of alpha particles, 245
electron configuration, 415 factors affecting, 125 Science, 2, 15
oxidation numbers, 414 Reactions, 38, 129 activities of, 1
Propionamide, 339 acid- base, 188 communicating information, 12
Propionic acid, 338 balancing, 42, 217, 219 review, 15
Propyl alcohol, 338 calcium carbonate decomposition, “Sea” of electrons, 304
1-Propylamine, 338 143 Seaborg, Glenn T., 420
Propylene, 342 chemical, principles of, 38 Second column of periodic table, 377
Propyl group, 330 conservation of energy in, 115 Second-row elements, bonding ca-
Protein, 348, 432 effect of heat on, 108 pacity, 281
helical structure, 433 endothermic, 40, 135 Selenium, ionization energy, 410
hydrogen bonds in, 432 equations for chemical, 41 Self oxidation-reduction, 361
Proton, 77 equilibrium in, 145 Separation of charge, 312
and atomic number, 89 exothermic, 40, 135 Separations
competition for, 193 half-cell, 201 by crystallization, 413
donors, 396 mechanism of, 127, 128 by distillation, 70
mass of, 87 nuclear, 120, 121, 419 by precipitation, 176
relation to atomic number, 88 oxidation-reduction, 202, 216 Seventh column of periodic table, 352

Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.


Seventh row of periodic table, 41 alkali compounds, 170 State

occurrence, 413 alkaline earth compounds, 382 standard, 210
Significant figures, 9, 12 ammonium compounds, 170 steady, 144
see also Uncertainty bromides, 172 Stationary states, 260
Silica, 309 carbonates, 173 Station-wagon analogy, 155
dissolves in HF, 361 chlorides, 172 Stearic acid, 425
Silicates, 310 common compounds, table of, 171 Steel, 403
Silicic acid, 375 dynamic nature, 164 slag, 404
Silicon electrolytes in water, 313 varieties of, 402, 404
boiling point, 374 equilibrium, 144, 163 wool, heating, 7
chemistry of, 368 factors fixing, 165 Stellar atmospheres, 448
compounds of, 102 gases, 20, 167 Stock, Alfred E., 386
crystal structure, 365 hydrogen compounds, 170 Stoichiometry, 224
heat of vaporization, 374 hydroxides, 171 Stoichiometric calculations,
ionization energy, 268 iodides, 172 pattern for, 225
melting point, 374 iodine in ethyl alcohol, 163 Storage batteries
occurrence, 373 ionic solids in water, 79 Edison, 406
oxyacids, 371 phosphates, 173 lead, 406
preparation, 373 product, 174 Stored energy, 109
properties, 101 products, table of, 174 STP, 53
Silver qualitative, 170 Strontianite, 385
complex with ammonia, 395 quantitative, 173 Strontium
nitrate, 79 range of, 73 atomic size, 379
Simple multiple proportions. Law of, sulfates, 172 chemistry, 382
235 sulfides, 172 electron configuration, 378
Sixth row of the periodic table, 411 sulfites, 173 heat of vaporization, 305
Slaking, 382 table of, 171 hydroxide, K^p, 383
Smog, 125 Soluble, 73 ionization energies, 379
Slightly soluble, 73 Solute, 72 occurrence, 385
Sodium Solutions, 69, 70 properties, 381
boiling point, 365 aqueous, 79, 168 Structural formula, 31
compounds, 102 expressing composition of, 72 Structural isomers, 327
coolant in nuclear 82 pile, gaseous, 71 Styrene, 345
electron configuration, 265 heat of, 166 Sublimation, 176
heat of fusion, 69 liquid, 71 Substance, 28
heat of vaporization, 365 and pure substances, 70 pure, 29, 65, 70
hydration energy, 368 saturated, 72 Substitution reactions of benzene,
ionization energies, 269, 374 solid, 71 344
ionization of, 270 variations of properties, 73 Substrate, 433
metallic solid, 365 Solvent, 72 Sucrose, 424
occurrence, 373 ionizing, 169 Sugars, 422
preparation, 238, 356, 373 Solvent properties and dipoles, 313 hydrogen bonds in, 424
properties, 94, 101 Sorbitol, 423 hydrolysis of, 425
reducing agent, 367 S0rensen pH scale, 190 properties, 424
Sodium benzoate, 192 Space, interstellar, 448 Sulfanilamide, 434
Sodium carbonate Spectrograph Sulfur
a base, 184 mass, 242 boiling point, 374
manufacture of, 230 simple, 247 chemistry, 368
Sodium chloride Spectroscopy, 187 chloride, 103
crystal, 312 infrared, 249 compounds, 102
electrolysis of, 356 microwave, 249 heat of vaporization, 374
heat of fusion, 69 X-ray, 248 ionization energy, 268
lattice, 81 Spectrum occurrence, 373
melting point, 69 atomic hydrogen, 253, 255 oxidation of, 225, 369
resemblance to inert gases, 93 light, 247 oxyacids, 371
Sodium hydroxide, 328, 370 tungsten, hot, 255 preparation, 374
catalyst, 338 Spontaneous properties, 101
Sodium hypochlorite, 360 chemical reactions, 212 structure, 366
Sodium myristate, 426 endothermic reactions, 157 Sulfur dioxide
Sodium stearate, 426 exothermic reactions, 156 boiling point, 64
Sodium uranyl acetate, 170 Square planar complex, 395 formation of, 225, 369
Solar atmosphere, 447 Stable, 284 molar volume, 60
Solids, 27, 65 Stability oxidation of, 225, 369
atoms in, 27 origin of bond, 215 Sulfuric acid
concentration of in equilibrium ex- Stalactites, formation of, 384 as oxidizing agent, 229
pressions, 153 Standard half cell, 210 concentration of, 228
electrical conductivity of, 80 Standard potentials, 209 density of, 229
ionic, 79, 81, 311 and equilibrium, 215 manufacture, 225
and liquids, bonding in, 300 table, 452 contact process, 229
melting of, 4, 69 Standard pressure, 54 lead chamber process, 228
metallic, 81 Standard state, 210 Sulfurous acid, Ka, 191
molecular, 102, 301, 306 Standard temperature, 54 Sulfur oxides, 225, 369
network, 102 Starch, 425 Sulfur oxyacids, 371
solid-liquid phase change, 5, 68 iodine test, 358 Sulfur trioxide
solutions, 71 structure, 431 formation of, 225, 369
Solubility, 72, 72, 144, 164 Stars, 447 hydration of, 225
Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.

Sun, data on, 119, 444, 447 acid-base, 188 Velocity of atoms and molecules
Superconductivity, 58 definition, 189 distribution, 130
Superfluidity, 58 Trajectory, 261 measuring, 131
Symbols, chemical, 30 T’/u/w-isomers, 296, 394 Venus, data on, 444
not from common names, table, 31 Transition elements. 111, 387 Vibrational motion, 118
System, 70 atomic radii, 399 and infrared, 250
homogeneous and heterogeneous, complex ions of, 392 Voltage, 207
126 electron configuration, 389 Volume, 50
open and closed, 144 oxidation numbers, 391 relation to pressure, 13, 18
properties, 390, 398 relation to temperature, 57
reactivities, 390 see also Atomic volume
hn, 443 table of, 400 see also Molar volume
At,10 Transition metals, 271
Tantalum, oxidation number, 414 Translational motion, 118 Wall, F. T., 108
“Teflon,” 347 Tritium, 123, 419 Water
Tehachapi mountains, 132 Trivalent, 283 as a base, 194
Tehon pass, 132 Tungsten as an acid, 194
Television picture tube, 409 carbides, 250 as a weak electrolyte, 180
Temperature oxidation numbers, 414 concentration in equilibrium ex-
absolute, 57 spectrum of hot, 255 pressions, 154
absolute zero, 58 Dalton and formula, 250
earth’s center,440 Ultraviolet light, 248 decomposition, 40, 115
effecton equilibrium, 67, 148, 767; absorption in atmosphere, 438 density, 154
on gas volume, 57; on rate, 729; Uncertainty in science, 8 electrolysis, 40, 115
on K^, 181 how to indicate, 72 formation of, 39, 116
Le Chatelier’s Principle and, 150 experimental errors. Lab Manual, H+ and OH" in, 181
Kelvin, 58 App. 4 heat of fusion, 69
kinetic energy and, 56, 131 in derived quantities, 10 liquid-gas phase change, 66
Tensile strength of metals, 311 in measurement, 8 model of molecule, 31
Terbium, properties, 412 Univalent, 279 molar heat of vaporization, 66
Termites, 426 Unsaturated, hydrocarbons, 342 reaction with alkali metals, 95
Tetrahedral, 186 Uranium solubility of ionic solids in, 171
arrangement of H 2 O around Li+ compounds, 223 solution, electrical conductivity, 78
and H+, 186 electron configuration, 415 vapor pressure, 67
complex, 394 oxidation number, 414 Water gas, 108
Tetrathionate ion, 362 preparation, 35 heat effects in manufacture of, 109
Tetravalent, 284 Uranium hexafluoride, 35 Wavelength of light, 246
Thallium, oxidation numbers, 414 Uranus, data on, 444 relation to frequency, 251
Theory, 4, 14, 17 Urea, 434 Weight-gas volume calculations, 226
atomic, 77, 22, 28, 234 Weight-liquid volume calculations,
Br0nsted-Lowry, 194 Valence, 256 228
collision, 126 Valence electrons, 269 Weight-weight calculations, 226
kinetic, 52 and ionization energies, 269 Werner, Alfred, 393
relativity, 121 Vanadium Winter green, oil of, 340
use of, 28 atomic radius, 399 Wollaston, W. H,, 258
Thermal equilibrium, 56 electron configuration, 389 Wondering Why, 5, 8, 16, 155
Thermite reaction, 122 oxidation numbers, 391 Woodward, Robert Burns, 435
Thermometers, 56 pentoxide catalyst, 227 Work, 114
Thiosulfate ion, 362 properties, 400, 401 Writing equations, 42
Third-row elements, 101 van der Waals forces, 301
compounds, 102 elements that form molecular crys-
Xenon, 97
physical properties, 102 tals using, 301
boiling point, 307
properties, table, 101 and molecular shape, 307
heat of vaporization, 105
Third row of the periodic table, 364 and molecular size, 307
melting point, 307
Thomson, J. J., 244 and molecular substances, 306
X-Rays, 248
Thomson model of atom, 244 and number of electrons, 306
diffraction patterns, 248
Thorium van der Waals radius, 354
electron configuration, 415 halogens, 354
oxidation number, 414 Vanillin, 345 Yankee stadium, 88
Thorium oxide, source, 413 Vaporization, molar heat of, 66 Yeast, 426
Threshold energy, 130 alkali metals, 94 Ytterbium, properties, 412
and reaction rate, 132 alkaline earths, 381 Yttrium, heat of vaporization, 305
Thulium, properties, 412 copper, 67
Tin chlorine, 67 Z, (atomic number), 389
catalyst for rusting, 405 inert gases, 105 Zinc
use, 406 metals, 305 atomic radius, 399
Titanium neon, 67 complex with ammonia, 395
atomic radius, 399 pure substances, table, 67 electron configuration, 389
electron configuration, 389 sodium, 67 galvanizing, 405
oxidation numbers, 391 sodium chloride, 67 oxidation of, 203
production, 368 water, 66 oxidation numbers, 391
properties, 400 Vapor pressure, 66, 67, 145 properties, 400, 409
Titrations see also Pressure Zinc blende, 409

Boldface numbers refer to definitions. Italic numbers refer to sections.


Actinium Ac 89 (227) Mercury Hg 80 200.6

Aluminum A1 13 27.0 Molybdenum Mo 42 95.9
Americium Am 95 (243) Neodymium Nd 60 144.2
Antimony Sb 51 121.8 Neon Ne 10 20.2
Argon Ar 18 39.9 Neptunium Np 93 (237)
Arsenic As 33 74.9 Nickel Ni 28 58.7
Astatine At 85 (210) Niobium Nb 41 92.9
Barium Ba 56 137.3 Nitrogen N 7 14.01
Berkelium Bk 97 245 Osmium Os 76 190.2
Beryllium Be 4 19.01 Oxygen 0 8 16.00
Bismuth Bi 83 269.0 Palladium Pd 46 106.4
Boron B 5 10.8 Phosphorus P 15 31.0
Bromine Br 35 79.9 Platinum Pt 78 195.1
Cadmium Cd 48 112.4 Plutonium Pu 94 (242)
Calcium Ca 20 40.1 Polonium Po 84 210
Californium Cf 98 (251) Potassium K 19 39.1
Carbon c 6 12.01 Praseodymium Pr 59 140.9
Cerium . Ce 58 140.1 Promethium Pm 61 (147)
Cesium Cs 55 132.9 Protactinium Pa 91 (231)
Chlorine Cl 17 35.5 Radium Ra 88 (226)
Chromium Cr 24 52.0 Radon Rn 86 (222)
Cobalt Co 27 58.9 Rhenium Re 75 186.2
Copper Cu 29 63.-5 Rhodium Rh 45 102.9
Curium Cm 96 (247) Rubidium Rb 37 85.5
Dysprosium Dy 66 162.5 Ruthenium Ru 44 101.1
Einsteinium Es 99 (254) Samarium Sm 62 150.4
Erbium Er 68 167.3 Scandium Sc 21 45.0
Europium Eu 63 152.0 Selenium Se 34 79.0
Fermium Fm 100 (253) Silicon Si 14 28.1

Fluorine F 9 19.0 Silver Ag 47 107.9

Francium Fr 87 (223) Sodium Na 11 23.0
Gadolinium Gd 64 157.3 Strontium Sr 38 87.6
Gallium Ga 31 69.7 Sulfur S 16 32.1
Germanium Ge 32 72.6 Tantalum Ta 73 180.9
Gold Au 79 197.0 Technetium Tc 43 (99)
Hafnium Hf 72 178.5 Tellurium Te 52 127.6
Helium He 2 4.00 Terbium Tb 65 158.9
Holmium Ho 67 164.9 Thallium T1 81 204.4
Hydrogen H 1 1.008 Thorium Th 90 232.0
Indium In 49 114.8 Thulium Tm 69 168.9
Iodine I 53 126.9 Tin Sn 50 118.7
Iridium Ir 77 192.2 Titanium Ti 22 47.9
Iron Fe 26 55.8 Tungsten W 74 183.9
Kr 36 83.8 Uranium U 92 238.0
Lanthanum La 57 138.9 Vanadium V 23 50.9
Lead Pb 82 207.2 Xenon Xe 54 131.3
Lithium Li 3 6.94 Ytterbium Yb 70 173.0
Lutetium Lu 71 175.0 Yttrium Y 39 88.9
Magnesium Mg 12 24.3 Zinc Zn 30 65.4,
Manganese Mn 25 54.9 Zirconium Zr 40 91.2
Mendelevium Md 101 (256)

Parenthetical names refer to radioactive elements; the mass number (not the atomic weight) of the isotope with largest

half-life is usually given.

* Latest values recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, 1961.
QD 33 C51I 19B3





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historical i 1

33 csi l 1963
Chemistry *

39677602 CUEH

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