Theory of Metal Cutting Numericals PDF
Theory of Metal Cutting Numericals PDF
Theory of Metal Cutting Numericals PDF
1. A cylindrical bar has a bore of 25 mm diameter. Its face is being turned from inner
diameter to the outer periphery at a speed of 600 RPM with a feed of = 0.10 mm/rev
and a depth of cut = 1.0 mm. Calculate the instantaneous cutting speed (m/s), the
instantaneous diameter and total volume of metal removed at the end of 20 sec.
2. From the geometry of chip formation for a continuous chip without BUE, prove that the
r cos
shear plane angle is given by tan c , where rc =chip thickness ratio.
1 rc sin
3. A bar of 80 mm diameter is reduced to 74 mm diameter by using a single point cutting
tool for which the tool inclination angle is 90° (orthogonal turning). If the cutting ratio
is 0.3, find the mean length of the cut chip. The side rake angle is 15° and the feed rate
is 0.1 mm/rev. Also find the shear plane angle.
4. During turning a ductile alloy by a tool of rake angle 10°, it was found that the chip
thickness ratio is 0.6, cutting force is 1100 N and feed force is 600 N. Find graphically
using MCD, the values of F, N and μ as well as Fs and FN for the above operation.
5. The following observations were made in orthogonal turning operation with 10° side
rake angle tool,:
Cutting speed =160 m/min Width of cut = 2.5 mm
Feed rate = 0.20 mm/rev Deformed chip thickness = 0.35 mm
Tangential force FC = 1500N Axial force Ft = 500 N
Calculate: (a) chip thickness ratio (b) shear plane angle (c) friction angle
(d) shear strength of work material (e) shear strain.
6. Following data were recorded during orthogonal turning operation :
Bar diameter = 50 mm Rake angle = 7° Depth of cut = 2.5 mm
Spindle speed = 500 RPM Length of chip obtained = 90 mm/rev
Horizontal cutting force = 1200 N Vertical cutting force = 1850 N
Calculate: (a) chip thickness ratio (b) shear plane angle (c) friction angle
(d) chip velocity (e) shear velocity.
7. The following observations were made during turning a steel rod of 120 mm diameter
using a ceramic insert of geometry 0°,-10°,6°,6°,15°,75°, 0.4 (mm):
Spindle speed = 500 rpm Feed = 0.2 mm/rev Depth of cut = 4.0 mm
Chip thickness 0.7 mm FC=1600 N Ft=800 N
With the help of Merchant Circle diagram, determine the values of chip thickness ratio,
F, N, FN, FS, cutting power and specific energy consumption.
8. In an orthogonal cutting operation, the following data have been recorded:
Cutting speed = 2 m/sec Width of cut= 6.35 mm Rake angle = 10°
Uncut chip thickness=0.25 mm Chip thickness = 0. 45 mm
Cutting force = 575 N Thrust force = 225 N
Calculate: (a) shear plane angle
(b) forces exerted by the workpiece on the chip
(c) forces exerted by the tool on the chip
(d) coefficient of friction between the tool and the chip
(e) work done in shear and against friction.
[Type text] Theory of Metal Cutting [Type text]
9. In an orthogonal cutting operation, the tool has a rake angle = 15°. The chip thickness
before the cut = 0.30 mm and the cut yields a deformed chip thickness = 0.65 mm.
Calculate (a) the shear plane angle and (b) the shear strain for the operation.
Suppose the rake angle were changed to γ = 0°. Assuming that the friction angle
remains the same, determine (a) the shear plane angle, (b) the chip thickness, and (c) the
shear strain for the operation.
10. A carbon steel bar of 190 mm diameter has a tensile strength of 450 N/mm2 and a shear
strength of 300 N/mm2. The diameter is reduced using a turning operation at a cutting
speed of 120 m/min. The feed is 0.3 m/rev and the depth of cut is 3.0 mm. The rake
angle on the tool in the direction of chip flow is 13°. The cutting conditions result in a
chip ratio of 0.52. Using the orthogonal model as an approximation of turning,
determine (a) the shear plane angle, (b) shear force, (c) cutting force (d) feed force and,
(e) coefficient of friction between the tool and chip.
11. Determine Merchant's constant C for aluminium from the following information:
γ= 35° FC = 200 N Ft = 90 N t1 = 0.125 mm t2 = 0.25 mm
cutting speed = 30 m/mm width of cut = 2.5 mm.
What amount of work per minute is done against friction at the chip-tool interface?
12. A lathe consumes 4 kW when cutting an alloy steel at 120 m/min. If the spindle speed is
240 rpm, depth of cut=4.0 mm and feed = 0.2 mm/rev, determine:
(a) cutting force (b) specific power consumption (c) specific cutting pressure.
13. In a test using a lathe tool dynamometer the following data were obtained.
Depth of cut = 7.5 mm Cutting speed = 30 m/min,
Feed rate = 0.12 mm/rev Tangential load on the tool = 3.5 kN
Determine the efficiency of the machine tool if the input to the driving motor was 3 kW
and its efficiency is 85%. Find the specific cutting pressure and the MRR.
14. A lathe running idle consumes 325 W. When cutting an alloy steel at 120 m/min the
power input rises to 2525 W. Find the cutting force and torque at the spindle when
running at 600 rpm. If the depth of cut is 3.2 mm and the feed 0.2 mm/rev, find the
specific power consumption.
15. In a turning operation on stainless steel with hardness = 200 BHN and specific cutting
power of 2.0 W/mm3, the cutting speed = 200 m/min, feed = 0.25 mm/rev, and depth of
cut = 4.0 mm. How much power in kW will the lathe draw in performing this operation
if its mechanical efficiency = 90%?
16. A lathe performs a turning operation on a workpiece of 150 mm diameter. The shear
strength of the work is 270 N/mm2 and the tensile strength is 415 N/mm2. The rake
angle of the tool is 6°. The machine is set for cutting speed is 2000 m/min, feed = 0.3
mm/rev, and depth of cut = 2.5 mm. The chip thickness after the cut is 0.65 mm.
Determine (a) the power (in kW) required in the turning operation, (b) specific power
for this material under the specified conditions, and (c) input power (in kW) to the
spindle motor if mechanical efficiency = 90%.
17. For certain cutting conditions the cutting force is related to the depth of cut and feed by
the empirical equation: FC 2000d 0.82 f 0.68
A lathe having 4 kW power available at the spindle is used under these conditions to
turn a 200 mm diameter bar of metal, depth of cut 4.6 = mm, feed = 0.25 mm/rev.
Estimate the maximum spindle speed which may then be used.