Critical Care - Unit
Critical Care - Unit
Critical Care - Unit
Paralytic agent
Recommended Dose
Balanced vasodilator
Rapid onset, short elimination time
Useful in hypertensive emergency, severe CHF, aortic dissection
Accumulates in renal and liver dysfunction.
Toxicity= CN poisoning (decreased CO, lactic acidosis, seizures).
0.2- 10 mcg/kg/min
Other AE- ICP
Relieve pain, decrease anxiety and agitation, provide amnesia, reduce patient-
ventilator dysynchrony, decrease respiratory muscle oxygen consumption, facilitate
nursing care.
May prolong mechanical ventilation and increase costs.
Goals of Sedation
Old- Obtundation
New- Sleepy but arousable patient
Almost always a combination of anxiolytics and analgesics.
Side effects
o Anti-psychotic tranquilizer
o Slow onset (20 min)
o Not approved for IV use, but is probably safe
o No respiratory depression or hypotension.
o Useful in agitated, delirious, psychotic patients
o Side effects- QT prolongation, NMS, EPS
Relieve Pain
Can be given PRN or continuous infusion
o PRN avoids over sedation, but also has peaks and valleys and is more labor
Analog of phencyclidine, sedative and anesthetic, dissociative anesthesia.
Hypertension, hypertonicity, hallucinations, nightmares.
Potent bronchodilator
Facilitation of mechanical ventilation
Preventing increases in ICP
Decreasing metabolic demands (shivering)
Decreasing lactic acidosis in tetanus, NMS.
Symptomatic bradycardias
PEA (rate < 60 beats min)
May be beneficial in presence of AV block at the nodal level.
Maximum dose
Refractory VF / Pulseless VT
o when amiodarone is unavailable
Haemodynamically stable VT
o as an alternative to amiodarone
Refractory VF / Pulseless VT
1 to 1.5 mg/kg as bolus and ½ the dose incrementally up to max of 3 mg/kg.
Drip – 2mg/min
Sodium Bicarbonate
Used in
1 - 2 mmols / Kg i.v.
o Paradoxical intracellular acidosis
o Increases carbon dioxide load
o Inhibits release of oxygen to tissues
o Impairs myocardial contractility
o Hypernatremia.
The assistance and service provided to senior patients as they move from their
“inpatient hospital setting”to their residence setting (personal home, rest home or
assisted living).
There are several specifics healthcare providers must be aware of in order to bill for
Transitional Care Management under Medicare and Medicaid:
Initial contact
In person visit
There must be a face-to- face visit within the first 7 or 14 calendar days of the
transitional care
The number of days depends on the code being billed for
The Center for Medicare and Medicaid has a list of required services that must take
place within the 30 days
Each service must be properly documented in order to be billed.
Stressful situations are a part of everyday life. Any stressful situation can precipitate a crisis.
Crises result in a disequilibrium from which many individuals require assistance to recover.
Crisis intervention requires problem- solving skills that are often diminished by the level of
anxiety accompanying disequilibrium. Assistance with problem solving during the crisis
period preserves self esteem and promotes growth with resolution.
“A sudden event in one’s life that disturbs homeostasis, during which usual coping
mechanisms cannot resolve the problem.” -LAGERQUIST, 2006
“It is the situation of a complex system (family, economy, society) when the system
functions poorly, an immediate decision is necessary, but the causes of the
dysfunction are not known.”
“It occurs when individuals are confronted with problems that can’t be solved. These
irresolvable issues result in an increase in tension, signs of anxiety, a subsequent state
of emotional unrest, and an in ability to function for extended periods.”
Event or situation perceived as intolerably difficult that exceed an individual’s
available resources and coping mechanisms.” -JAMES & GILILAND (2005)
Normal life cycle transitions that may be anticipated but over which the individual
may feel a lack of control.
Crises precipitated by unexpected external stresses over which the individual has little
or no control and from which he or she feels emotionally overwhelmed and defeated.
Crises that occur in response to situations that trigger emotions related to unresolved conflicts
in one’s life.
Crisis situations in which general functioning has been severely impaired and the individual
rendered incompetent or unable to assume personal responsibility. Examples include acutely
suicidal individuals, drug overdoses, and reactions to hallucinogenic drugs, acute psychoses,
uncontrollable anger, and alcohol intoxication.
Crisis intervention
Phase I. Assessment 1
Ask the individual to describe the event that precipitated this crisis.
Determine when it occurred.
Assess the individual’s physical and mental status.
Determine if the individual has experienced this stressor before. If so, what method
of coping was used? Have these methods been tried this time?
If previous coping methods were tried, what was the result?
If new coping methods were tried, what was the result?
Assess suicide or homicide potential, plan, and means.
Assess the adequacy of support systems.
Determine level of precrisis functioning. Assess the usual coping methods, available
support systems and ability to problem solve.
Assess the individual’s perception of personal strengths and limitations.
In the planning phase of the nursing process, the nurse selects the appropriate nursing
actions for the identified nursing diagnoses.
In planning the interventions, the type of crisis, as well as the individual’s strengths
and available resources for support, are taken into consideration.
Goals are established for crisis resolution and a return to, or increase in, the precrisis
level of functioning.
Use a reality oriented approach. The focus of the problem is on the here and now.
Remain with the individual who is experiencing panic anxiety.
Establish a rapid working relationship by showing unconditional acceptance, by
active listening, and by attending to immediate needs.
Discourage lengthy explanations or rationalizations of the situations; promote an
atmosphere for verbalization of true feelings.
Set firm limits on aggressive, destructive behaviors. At high levels of anxiety,
behavior is likely to be impulsive and regressive. Establish at the outset what is
acceptable and what is not, maintain consistency.
Clarify the problem that the individual is facing. The nurse does this by describing
his/her perception of the problem and comparing it with the individual’s perception of
the problem.
Help the individual determine what he or she believes precipitated the crisis.
Advanced cardiac life support or advanced cardiovascular life support (ACLS) refers to a set
of clinical interventions for the urgent treatment of cardiac arrest, stroke and other life-
threatening medical emergencies, as well as the knowledge and skills to deploy those
Scene safety
o Make sure the environment is safe for rescuers and victim
Recognition of cardiac arrest
o Check for responsiveness
o No breathing or only gasping ( ie, no normal breathing)
o No definite pulse felt within 10 secs ( Carotid or femoral pulse)
o (Breathing and pulse check can be performed simultaneously within 10 secs)
Activation of emergency response system
o If alone with no mobile phone, leave the victim to activate the emergency
response system and get the AED before beginning CPR
o Otherwise, send someone and begin CPR immediately; use the AED as soon
as it is available
o In case of unwitnessed collapse of children or infant give CPR for 2 mins
before leaving the victim and getting the AED then resume CPR
Chest compression
o Adult- 30:2
o Children or infant- 30:2 if one rescuer
o 15:2 if more than one rescuer
Compression rate: 100-120/ min
Compression depth
o Adult- at least 5 cm
o Children or infant- at least 1/3rd AP diameter of chest
Hand placement
o Adult - 2 hands on the lower half of the sternum
o Children – 1 or 2 hands on the lower half of the sternum
o Infants – 2 fingers or 2 thumb defending of the number of rescuers
Chest recoil
o allow full recoil of chest after each compression; do not lean on the chest after
each compression.
Minimizing interruption: Limit interruptions in chest compressions to less than 10
Ventricular tachycardia
o Monomorphic or polymorphic
Ventricular fibrillation
o Fine or Coarse VF
PEA- pulseless electrical activity or EMD- electromechanical dissociation
Electrode placement
4 pad positions
o Anterolateral
o Anteroposterior
o anterior-left infrascapular,
o anterior-rightinfrascapular
For adults, an electrode size of 8 to 12 cm is reasonable (Class IIa, LOE B)
Any of the 4 pad positions is reasonable for defibrillation (Class IIa, LOE B).
Defibrillation Sequence
Hypoxia Toxins
Hypovolemia Tamponade (cardiac)
Hydrogen ion(acidosis) Tension pneumothorax
Hypo-/hyperkalemia Thrombosis, pulmonary
Hypothermia Thrombosis, coronary
Opening airway – Head tilt, chin lift or jaw thrust, in addition explore the airway for
foreign bodies, dentures and remove them. Consider oropharyngeal tube placement.
The Health care provider should open the airway and give rescue breaths with chest
Rescue breaths
By mouth-to-mouth or bag-mask
Deliver each rescue breath over 1 second
Give a sufficient tidal volume to produce visible chest rise
Use a compression to ventilation ratio of 30 chest compressions to 2 ventilations
After advanced airway is placed, rescue breaths given asynchronus with ventilation
1 breath every 6 to 8 seconds (about 8 to 10 breaths per minute)
Breathing devices
Routes of administration
o Peripheral IV – easiest to insert during CPR, must followed by 20 ml NS push
o Central IV – fast onset of action, but do not wait or waste time for CV line
o Intraosseous – alternative IV route in peds, also in Adult
o Intratracheally (down an ET tube)- not recommended now a days
o FIO2 100%
o Assist Ventilation
o O2 Toxicity should not be a concern during ACLS
IV Fluids
o Volume Expanders
o crystalloids , e.g. Ringer’s lactate, N/S
Amiodarone (Cordarone)
o Like Lidocaine – Vtach, Vfib
IV Dose
o 300 mg in 20-30 ml of N/S or D5W
o Supplemental dose of 150 mg in 20-30 ml of N/S or D5W
o Followed with continuous infusion of 1 mg/min for 6 hours than .5mg/min to
a maximum daily dose of 2 grams
o PVCs, Vtach, Vfib
o Can be toxic so no longer given prophylactically
IV dose
o 1-1.5 mg/kg bolus then continuous infusion of 2-4 mg/min
o Can be given down ET tube
Signs of toxicity
o slurred speech, seizures, altered consciousness
Physiologic parameters
o Monitoring of PETCO2 (35 to 40 mmHg)
o Coronary perfusion pressure (CPP) (15mmHg)
o Central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2)
o Abrupt increase in any of these parameters is a sensitive indicator of ROSC
that can be monitored without interrupting chest compressions
Quantitative waveform capnography
o If Petco2 <10 mm Hg, attempt to improve CPR quality
Intra-arterial pressure
o If diastolic pressure <20 mm Hg, attempt to improve CPR quality
o If ScvO2 is < 30%, consider trying to improve the quality of CPR
Initial objectives of post– cardiac arrest care
Defibrillation was invented in by Prevost and Batelli, two Italian physiologists. They
discovered that electric shocks could convert ventricular fibrillation to sinus rhythm in
dogs.The first case of a human life saved by defibrillation was reported by Beck in
1947 .
minimum defibrillation energy occurs for pulse durations of 3 - 10 ms (for most pulse
pulse amplitude in tens of amperes (few thousand volts).
operator selects energy delivered: 50-360 joules, depends on
o intrinsic characteristics of patient
o patient‟s disease
o duration of arrhythmia
o patient‟s age
o type of arrhythmia (more energy required for v. fib.)
Fibrillations cause the heart to stop pumping blood, leading to brain damage
Defibrillators deliver a brief electric shock to the heart, which enables the heart's
natural pacemaker to regain control and establish a normal heart rhythm.
Power of defibrillation
Higher voltages are required for external defibrillation than for internal defibrillation.
A corrective shock of 750-800 volts is applied within a tenth of a second.
That is the same voltage as 500-533 no of AA batteries!
Defibrillator electrodes
mono-phasic waveform
o Energy delivered in one direction through the patient‟s heart a
Biphasic waveform
o Energy delivered in both direction through the patient‟s heart
A monophasic type, give a high-energy shock, up to 360 to 400 joules due to which
increased cardiac injury and in burns the chest around the shock pad sites.
A biphasic type, give two sequential lowerenergy shocks of 120 - 200 joules, with
each shock moving in an opposite polarity between the pads.
Types of defibrillators
Internal defibrillator
o Electrodes placed directly to the heart
o e.g..-Pacemaker
External defibrillator
o Electrodes placed directly on the heart
o e.g..-AED
External defibrillator
For each minute elapsing between onset of ventricular fibrillation and first
defibrillation, survival decreases by 10%.
defibrillators should be portable, battery operated, small size.
energy in defibrillators usually stored in large capacitors
Working of AED
Risk of defibrillators
Skin burns from the defibrillator paddles are the most common complication of
Other risks include injury to the heart muscle, abnormal heart rhythms, and blood
“Finger on pulse” is the easiest and quickest method to assess heart rate.
ECG is most common method to detect heart rate in ot, by measurement of r-r
ECG can get confounded by electrosurgical instruments, power line noises,
twitchings and fasciculations, lithotripsy machine, cardiopul bypass, and fluid
Direct ECG monitoring is better than monitoring of derived heart rate.
Difference between pulse rate and heart rate is the difference between electrical
depolarization and mechanical contraction of heart.
Pulse deficit arises in conditions such as AF , PEA( in Cardiac tamponade, extreme
hypovolemia, and conditions where electrical activity is present but not capable of
producing pulse).
Pulse oxymetery gives PR. Although it seems redundant to measure both HR and PR
but its important to avoid error.
Automated NIBP
Petechiae and ecchymoses
Limb edema
Venous stasis and thrombophlebitis
Peripheral neuropathy
Compartment syndrome
Condition Characteristics
Aortic stenosis Pulsusparvus (narrow pulse pressure)
Pulsustardus (delayed upstroke)
Aortic regurgitation Bisferiens pulse (double peak)
Wide pulse pressure
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Spike-and-dome pattern (midsystolic obstruction)
Systolic left ventricular failure Pulsusalternans (alternating pulse pressure amplitude)
Cardiac tamponadePulsusparadoxus (exaggerated decrease in systolic blood pressure
during spontaneous inspiration
Complications of CVP
Breathing plays an very important role in the human being by the way of providence
& delivery of oxygen to the cells in the condition of deprivation of oxygen cells will go for an
state called anoxia where the normal functions of the human body will be get affected thus
the mechanical ventilators are the machines which are responsible for providing the oxygen
to the client in the absence of normal respiratory functions. Thus during the state of
respiratory arrest or unconscious the ventilator plays an greater role in maintain the normal
functioning of the lungs .
Types of ventilation
Mechanical ventilation
Negative pressure
Positive pressure
Negative-Pressure Ventilators
Early negative-pressure ventilators were known as “iron lungs.” The patient’s body was
encased in an iron cylinder and negative pressure was generated . The iron lung are still
occasionally used today. Intermittent short-term negative-pressure ventilation is sometimes
used in patients with chronic diseases. The use of negative-pressure ventilators is restricted
in clinical practice, however, because they limit positioning and movement and they lack
adaptability to large or small body torsos (chests) . Our focus will be on the positive-pressure
Untreated pneumothorax
Patient’s informed consent
Medical futility
Reduction or termination of patient pain and suffering
Artificial airway
Ventilator circuit
Mechanical ventilator
A/c or D/c power source
O2 cylinder or central oxygen supply
Artificial airways
Articles required :
Sterile gloves
3 sizes of ET tubes
Laryngoscope with assorted blades
Ambu bag and mask
Suction catheter
Suction apparatus and tubing
Oxygen flowmeter and O2 tubing
Intubation Procedure Check and Assemble Equipment
Transport ventilators
Intensive-care ventilators
Neonatal ventilators
Positive airway pressure ventilators for NIV
Volume-cycled ventilator
Inspiration is terminated after a preset tidal volume has been delivered by the ventilator.
The ventilator delivers a preset tidal volume (VT), and inspiration stops when the preset tidal
volume is achieved.
Pressure-cycled ventilator
In which inspiration is terminated when a specific airway pressure has been reached.
The ventilator delivers a preset pressure; once this pressure is achieved, end inspiration
Time-cycled ventilator
In which inspiration is terminated when a preset inspiratory time, has elapsed. Time
cycled machines are not used in adult critical care settings. They are used in pediatric
intensive care areas.
Savina by Drager
Servo S by Maquet
Modes of ventilation
The way the machine ventilates the patient .How much the patient will participate in his
own ventilatory pattern. Each mode is different in determining how much work of breathing
the patient has to do.
Volume Modes
Pressure Modes
Control Mode Delivers pre-set volumes at a pre-set rate and a pre-set flow rate. The
patient CANNOT generate spontaneous breaths, volumes, or flow rates in this mode.
Assist/Control Mode Delivers pre-set volumes at a pre-set rate and a pre-set flow rate.
The patient CANNOT generate spontaneous volumes, or flow rates in this mode. Each
patient generated respiratory effort over and above the set rate are delivered at the set
volume and flow rate.Volume or Pressure control mode Parameters to set: Volume or
pressure, Rate , time,FiO2 51
Machine breaths: Delivers the set volume or pressure , Patient’s spontaneous breath:
Ventilator delivers full set volume or pressure & I-time ,Mode of ventilation provides the
most support ,Negative deflection, triggering assisted breath Assist Control .
Detects a patient’s spontaneous breath attempt and doesn’t initiate a ventilator
This is a volume targeted, pressure limited mode. (available in SIMV or AC) . Each
breath is delivered at a set volume with a variable flow rate and an absolute pressure limit.
The vent delivers this pre-set volume at the LOWEST required peak pressure and adjust with
each breath.delivers a set tidal volume with each breath at the lowest possible peak pressure.
Delivers the breath with a decelerating flow pattern that is thought to be less injurious to the
lung…… “the guided hand”
variable tidal volumes Volume Flow Pressure Set tidal volume 62 © Charles
Gomersall 2003PRVC: Disadvantages Pressure delivered is dependent on tidal volume
achieved on last breath Intermittent patient effort
This is NOT a specific mode, but is rather an adjunct to any of the vent modes. PEEP is
the amount of pressure remaining in the lung at the END of the expiratory phase. Utilized to
keep otherwise collapsing lung units open while hopefully also improving oxygenation.
Usually, 5-10 cmH2O 65
Pplat Measured by occluding the ventilator 3-5 sec at the end of inspiration Should not
exceed 30 cmH2O 67
Peak Pressure (Ppeak) Ppeak = Pplat + Pres Where Pres reflects the resistive element of
the respiratory system (ET tube and airway)
Ppeak :Pressure measured at the end of inspiration , Should not exceed 50cmH2O? 69
Auto-PEEP or Intrinsic PEEP :Normally, at end expiration, the lung volume is equal to
the FRC – When PEEPi occurs, the lung volume at end expiration is greater than the FRC
70 .
Adverse effects:
Predisposes to barotrauma
Predisposes hemodynamic compromises
Diminishes the efficiency of the force generated by respiratory muscles
Augments the work of breathing
Augments the effort to trigger the ventilator
This is a mode and simply means that a pre-set pressure is present in the circuit and lungs
throughout both the inspiratory and expiratory phases of the breath. CPAP serves to keep
alveoli from collapsing, resulting in better oxygenation and less WOB. The CPAP mode is
very commonly used as a mode to evaluate the patients readiness for extubation.
Combination “Dual Control” Modes Combination or “dual control” modes combine features
of pressure and volume targeting to accomplish ventilatory objectives which might remain
unmet by either used independently. Combination modes are pressure targeted Partial support
is generally provided by pressure support Full support is provided by Pressure Control
Combination “Dual Control” Modes Volume Assured Pressure Support (Pressure
Augmentation) Volume Support (Variable Pressure Support) Pressure Regulated Volume
Control (Variable Pressure Control, or Autoflow) Airway Pressure Release (Bi-Level, Bi-
Inverse ratio ventilation (IRV) mode reverses this ratio so that inspiratory time is equal to,
or longer than, expiratory time (1:1 to 4:1). Inverse I:E ratios are used in conjunction with
pressure control to improve oxygenation by expanding stiff alveoli by using longer distending
times, thereby providing more opportunity for gas exchange and preventing alveolar collapse.
As expiratory time is decreased, one must monitor for the development of hyperinflation
or auto-PEEP. Regional alveolar overdistension and barotrauma may occur owing to
excessive total PEEP. When the PCV mode is used, the mean airway and intrathoracic
pressures rise, potentially resulting in a decrease in cardiac output and oxygen delivery.
Therefore, the patient’s hemodynamic status must be monitored closely. Used to limit
plateau pressures that can cause barotrauma & Severe ARDS
Clinical Application
Adjustable Parameters :Mean Airway Pressure: usually set 2-4 higher than MAP on
conventional ventilator
Amplitude: monitor chest rise
Hertz: number of cycles per second
FiO2 I-time: usually set at 33%
Comparison of HFOV & Conventional Ventilation Differences CMV HFOV Rates 0
– 150 180 – 900 Tidal Volume 4 – 20 ml/kg 0.1 – 3 ml/kg Alveolar Press 0 - > 50
cmH2O 0.1 – 5 cmH2O End Exp Volume Low Normalized Gas Flow Low High
Initial settings
When flow-by triggering is used, a continuous flow of gas through the ventilator circuit is
monitored. A ventilator-delivered breath is initiated when the return flow is less than the
delivered flow, a consequence of the patient's effort to initiate a breath 85 When pressure
triggering is used, a ventilator-delivered breath is initiated if the demand valve senses a
negative airway pressure deflection (generated by the patient trying to initiate a breath)
greater than the trigger sensitivity. There are two ways to initiate a ventilator-delivered
breath: pressure triggering or flow-by triggering
Obtain an ABG (arterial blood gas) about 30 minutes after you set your patient up on the
ventilator. An ABG will give you information about any changes that may need to be made to
keep the patient’s oxygenation and ventilation status within a physiological range.
ABG Goal:
Keep patient’s acid/base balance within normal range pH 7.35 – 7.45, PCO2 35-45
mmHg , PO2 80-100 mmHg
A range of 6 – 12 ml/kg IBW is used for adults – 10 – 12 ml/kg IBW (normal lung
function) – 8 – 10 ml/kg IBW (obstructive lung disease) – 6 – 8 ml/kg IBW (ARDS) – can be
as low as 4 ml/kg ,A range of 5 – 10 ml/kg IBW is used for infants and children , Respiratory
Rate Normal respiratory rate is 12-18 breaths/min. A range of 8 – 12 breaths per minute
(BPM) Rates should be adjusted to try and minimize auto- PEEP
Rate of Gas Flow – As a beginning point, flow is normal set to deliver inspiration in
about 1 second (range 0.8 to 1.2 sec.), producing an I:E ratio of approximately 1:2 or less
(usually about 1:4) – This can be achieved with an initial peak flow of about 60 L/min (range
of 40 to 80 L/min) Most importantly, flows are set to meet a patient’s inspiratory demand
Inspiration Expiration Time (sec) Flow (L/min) Beginning of expiration exhalation valve
opens Peak Expiratory Flow Rate PEFR Duration of expiratory flow Expiratory time TE
Flow Patterns Selection of flow pattern and flow rate may depend on the patient’s lung
condition, e.g., Post operative patient recovering from anesthesia may have very modest flow
demands ,Young adult with pneumonia and a strong hypoxemic drive would have very strong
flow demands , Normal lungs: Not of key importance, Constant Flow (rectangular or square
waveform) Generally provides the shortest TI – Some clinician choose to use a constant
(square) flow pattern initially because it enables them to obtain baseline measurements of
lung compliance and airway resistance
Sine Flow May contribute to a more even distribution of gas in the lungs Peak
pressures and mean airway pressure are about the same for sine and square wave patterns
Descending (decelerating) Ramp Improves distribution of ventilation, results in a
longer TI, decreased peak pressure, and increased mean airway pressure (which increases
Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) :Initially set at 3 – 5 cm H2O , Restores FRC
and physiological PEEP that existed prior to intubation , Subsequent changes are based on
ABG results , Useful to treat refractory hypoxemia
Hypotension ,
Elevated ICP
Uncontrolled pneumothorax
FiO2 Initially 100% during Severe hypoxemia , Abnormal cardiopulmonary functions Post-
resuscitation, Smoke inhalation , ARDS , After stabilization, attempt to keep FiO2 <50% ,
Avoids oxygen-induced lung injuries, Absorption atelectasis , Oxygen toxicity
FiO2 of 40% or Same FiO2 prior to mechanical ventilationduring Patients with mild
hypoxemia or normal cardiopulmonary function ,Drug overdose ,Uncomplicated
postoperative recovery
Initial Ventilator Settings For PCV – Rate, TI, and I:E ratio are set in PCV as they are in
Volume mode The pressure gradient (PIP-PEEP) is adjusted to establish volume delivery
Remember: Volume delivery changes as lung characteristics change and can vary breath to
breath 100 .PCV provides a descending ramp waveform Note: The patient can vary the
inspiratory flow on demand . Rise time is the amount of TI it takes for the ventilator to reach
the set pressure at the beginning of inspiration . Inspiratory flow delivery during PCV can be
adjusted with an inspiratory rise time control . Ventilator graphics can be used to set the rise
A deep breath.
A breath that has a greater volume than the tidal volume.
It provides hyperinflation and prevents atelectasis.
Sigh volume :Usual volume is 1.5 –2 times tidal volume.
Sigh rate/ frequency :Usual rate is 4 to 8 times per hour.
Ensuring humidification and thermoregulation
All air delivered by the ventilator passes through the water in the humidifier, where it is
warmed and saturated or through an HME filter ,Humidifier temperatures should be kept
close to body temperature 35 ºC- 37ºC. , In some rare instances (severe hypothermia), the air
temperatures can be increased. The humidifier should be checked for adequate water levels
Low Exhaled Tidal Volume Alarm :Set 100 ml or 10%-15% lower than expired
mechanical tidal volume Causes : System leak ,Circuit disconnection ,ET Tube cuff leak
High Inspiratory Pressure Alarm : Set 10 – 15 cm H2O above PIP Common causes:
Water in circuit ,Kinking or biting of ET Tube , Secretions in the airway , Bronchospasm ,
Tension pneumothorax , Decrease in lung compliance , Increase in airway resistance ,
Low Inspiratory Pressure Alarm : Set 10 – 15 cm H2O below observed PIP Causes
:System leak ,Circuit disconnection ,ET Tube cuff leak , High/Low PEEP/CPAP Alarm
(baseline alarm) High: Set 3-5 cm H2O above PEEP, Circuit or exhalation manifold
obstruction ,Auto – PEEP • Low: Set 2-5 cm H2O below PEEP Circuit disconnect
High/Low FiO2 Alarm , High: 5% over the analyzed FiO2 , Low: 5% below the
analyzed FiO2 – High/Low Temperature Alarm , Heated humidification ,High: No higher
than 37
Apnea Alarm : Set with a 15 – 20 second time delay , In some ventilators, this triggers
an apnea ventilation mode , Apnea Ventilation Settings , Provide full ventilatory support if
the patient become apneic , VT 8 – 12 mL/kg ideal body weight , Rate 10 – 12 breaths/min ,
FiO2 100% 110
Airway Complications
Mechanical complications
Physiological Complications
Artificial Airway Complications
Airway Complications
Decreased clearance of secretions
Nosocomial or ventilator-acquired pneumonia
What is suctioning? The patient with an artificial airway is not capable of effectively
coughing, the mobilization of secretions from the trachea must be facilitated by aspiration.
This is called as suctioning.
Articles Required:
Necessary equipment:
Types of suctioning:
open suction
closed suction
Closed suctioning is also indicated when PEEP level above 10cmH2O. This is used to
facilitate continuous mechanical ventilation and oxygenation during the suctioning.
The patient should receive hyper oxygenation by the delivery of 100% oxygen for
Explain the procedure to the patient (If patient is concious).
Patient Preparation Auscultate the breath sounds.
Position the patient in supine position. 30 seconds prior to the suctioning (by
increasing the FiO2 by mechanical ventilator).
Turn on suction apparatus and set vacuum regulator to appropriate negative pressure.
For adult a pressure of 100-120 mmHg, 80-100mmhg for children
Perform hand hygiene, wash hands. It reduces transmission of microorganisms.
Procedure :
Goggles, maskContinue….. & Open the end of the suction catheter package
Preoxygenate with 100% O2
apron should be worn to prevent splash from secretions & With a help of an assistant
open suction catheter package
Wear sterile gloves with sterile technique
connect it to suction tubing (If you are alone) & connect it to suction tubing
Kink the suction tubeWith a help of an assistant disconnect the ventilator
Continue….. & Resistance is felt when the catheter impacts the carina or bronchial
mucosa, the suction catheter should be withdrawn 1cm out before applying
suctioninsert the catheter in to the ETtube until resistance is felt
Give four to five manual breaths with bag or ventilator
Assistant resumes the ventilator
Instill 3 to 5ml of sterile normal saline in to the artificial airway, if required
The duration of each suctioning should be less the 15sec.
Apply continuous suction while rotating the suction catheter during removal
Flush the catheter with hot water in the suction tray
Return patient to ventilator
Continue making suction passes, bagging patient between passes, until clear of
secretions, but no more than four passes
Document including indications for suctioning
Wash hands
Auscultate chest
Flush the suction tube with hot water
Discard used equipments
oropharynx above the artificial airway & any changes in vitals & patient’s tolerance
Wash hands
Suction oropharynx above the artificial airway
Clean suction catheter with sterile saline until clear; being careful not to instill
solution into the ETtube
Repeat steps above if needed
Place the dominant thumb over the control vent of the suction port, applying
continuous or intermittent suction for no more than 10 sec as you withdraw the
catheter into the sterile sleeve of the closed suction device
Removal of pulmonary secretions.Improvement in arterial blood gas values or
saturation as reflected by pulse oximetry. (SpO2) Decreased peak inspiratory
pressure; Increased tidal volume delivery during ventilation. Improvement in breath
Assessment of outcome:
When indicated, there is no absolute contraindication to endotracheal suctioning because
the decision to abstain from suctioning in order to avoid a possible adverse reaction may, in
fact, be lethal. Suctioning is contraindicated when there is fresh bleeding. Most
contraindications are relative to the patient's risk of developing adverse reactions or
worsening clinical condition as result of the procedure.
Contraindications :
The need for suctioning should be assessed at least every 2hrs or more frequently as need
arises.Suctioning should be done when clinically necessary (not routinely). Suctioning is
potentially an harmful procedure if carriedout improperly.
Physiological Complications 1- Fluid overload with humidified air and sodium chloride
(NaCl) retention 2- Depressed cardiac function and hypotension 3- Stress ulcers 4- Paralytic
ileus 5- Gastric distension 6- Starvation 7- Dyssynchronous breathing pattern 146
Methods of Weaning
T-piece trial
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) weaning
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation (SIMV) weaning, 4- Pressure
Support Ventilation (PSV) weaning.
T-Piece trial
It consists of removing the patient from the ventilator and having him / her breathe
spontaneously on a T-tube connected to oxygen source. During T-piece weaning,
periods of ventilator support are alternated with spontaneous breathing. The goal is to
progressively increase the time spent off the ventilator.
Synchronized Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation ( SIMV) Weaning
SIMV is the most common method of weaning.
It consists of gradually decreasing the number of breaths delivered by the ventilator to
allow the patient to increase number of spontaneous breaths
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure ( CPAP) Weaning When placed on CPAP, the
patient does all the work of breathing without the aid of a back up rate or tidal volume.
No mandatory (ventilator-initiated) breaths are delivered in this mode i.e. all
ventilation is spontaneously initiated by the patient.
Weaning by gradual decrease in pressure value
Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) Weaning
The patient must initiate all pressure support breaths.
During weaning using the PSV mode the level of pressure support is gradually
decreased based on the patient maintaining an adequate tidal volume (8 to 12 mL/kg)
and a respiratory rate of less than 25 breaths/minute.
Dyspnea & Labored respiratory pattern
Increased anxiety ,Restlessness, Decrease in level of consciousness
Dysrhythmia,Increase or decrease in heart rate of > 20 beats /min. or heart rate >
110b/m,Sustained heart rate >20% higher or lower than baseline 168
Increase or decrease in blood pressure of > 20 mm Hg Systolic blood pressure >180
mm Hg or <90 mm Hg
Increase in respiratory rate of > 10 above baseline or > 30 Sustained respiratory rate
greater than 35 breaths/minute
Tidal volume ≤5 mL/kg, Sustained minute ventilation <200 mL/kg/minute
SaO2 < 90%, PaO2 < 60 mmHg, decrease in PH of < 7.35. Increase in PaCO2 169
Absolute contraindications
Cardiac arrest
Respiratory arrest
Any condition requiring immediate intubation
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Cardiogenic pulmonary edema
After discontinuation of mechanical ventilation (COPD)
Patient interfaces with full face masks, nasal pillows, Nasal masks and orofacial
Special noninvasive ventilators
Modes of ventilation • CPAP • BiPAP
Review communications.
Check ventilator settings and modes.
Suction appropriately.
Assess pain and sedation needs.
Prevent infection.
Prevent hemodynamic instability.
Manage the airway.
Meet the patient’s nutritional needs.
Wean the patient from the ventilator appropriately.
Educate the patient and family.
Ethics and Medico-legal issues in Critical care nursing
Physicians often experience ethical dilemmas in the clinical field. The intensive care unit
(ICU) is the most common place of ethical conflicts, and many respiratory physicians face
with these conflicts frequently. Recently, the intensive care dedicated system was
implemented, and the critical care environment is rapidly changing in Korea. In this paper,
we will describe the impact of ethical dilemmas on the quality of care and the role of the ICU
physicians with respect to such dilemmas.
Ethics is the study of how one ought to behave in contrast the law defines how one must
behave to avoid punishment; Ethics is concerned with differentiating right from wrong
In a previous study, over 70% of ICU workers reported perceived conflicts, which
were often considered severe and were significantly associated with job strain. Nurses
perceived distressing situations more frequently than physicians did; additionally, 45% of the
registered nurses surveyed reported having left or having considered leaving a position
because of moral distres. The ICU is one of the places in the hospital where family members
suffer. More than two-thirds of family members visiting ICU patients have symptoms of
anxiety or depression. In a French study, it was found that 75.5% of family members and
82.7% of spouses had symptoms of anxiety or depression in a multicenter study including 78
ICUs and 544 family members
Ethical framework :
Informed Consent
Critically ill patients are rarely in a position to consent , But in a position to derive
benefit from earlier research projects , Surrogate decision maker , “slippery slope” Ethical
conflicts most commonly arise when there is a clash of values or interests ,Resolution is often
difficult because of entrenched positions and convictions , Ethics committee has an important
role in establishing framework
The Consumers are patients with complex needs. With increased awareness of health care,
health care facilities and Consumer Protection Act, patients are getting aware about their
rights. Nurses also have now the expanded role. Issues which seem not feasible, and ideal,
may become practice with the change of time. These issues are base for the future trends in
Laws- Law is a system of rules that are created and enforced through social or governmental
institutions to regulate behavior.
Values- In ethics, value denotes the degree of importance of something or action, with the
aim of determining what actions are best to do or what way is best to live.
Ethical system
Ethics are the rules or principles that govern right conduct and are designed to
protect the rights of human beings. Code of ethics is a guideline for performance and
standards and personal responsibility. Lillie M S and Juanita Lee
A duty oriented ethical theory is a system of ethical thinking having the concept of
duty or obligation as foundation. Duties are strict obligations that take primary over rights
and goals. Keep in mind however each duty has corresponding rights. Duty- oriented theories
are advantages in homogeneous societies in which each person hold the service values. A
duty oriented theory would work well in a tribal society because it is easier to share values
and therefore beliefs among a small group of people. A disadvantage of a duty-oriented
theory is determining how to rank duties. For example, a nurse may be form between a duty
to support life and a duty to prevent suffering.
Ethical dilemmas
Too many patients but scarce resources( How to provide proper care)
Don’t resuscitate
Treatment of terminally ill patient like end stage cancer, HIV etc
Rights of psychiatry patient etc.
He or she is self aware regarding own values and basic beliefs about the rights, duties
and goals of human beings
Accepts that some ambiguity and uncertainty be a part of all ethical decision-making
Accepts that negative outcomes occur in ethical decision making despite high quality
problem solving and decision-making
Demonstrates risk taking in ethical decision making
Role models ethical decision-making which are congruent with the code of ethics and
inter respective statements
Actively advocates for clients, subordinates and the profession
Clearly communicates expected ethical standards of behavior
Uses a systematic approach to problem-solving or decision making when faced with
management problems with ethical ramifications
Law: The law us a system of rights and obligations which the state enforces. Green
Sources of law
Constitutional law: - it is a judgmental law. Law that governs the state. It determines
structure of state, power and duties.
Common law:- it is a body of legal principles that evolved from court decisions
Administrative law: - rules and regulations established by administrative agencies
made by executives of government.
Laws in nursing
Common law :Created by judicial decisions made in courts when individual cases are
decided Felony -Is a crime of serious nature that has a penalty of imprisonment for
greater than one year or even death
Misdemeanor :Is a less serious crime that has a penalty of a fine or imprisonment of
less than one year
Civil law :Protects the rights of individual persons within our society and encourage
fair and equitable treatment among people
Contract Law : It is the enforcement of agreements among private individuals.
Employment Contracts is an example of contract law under civil law
Criminal law :Prevent harm to society and provides punishment for crimes
Comparative Law : The comparative lawyer works with international relations in
trade and commerce, travel, government business
Family law: The most common family law attorneys are the divorce lawyers, but
other aspects of family law are represented as well. Child support claims and those
stipulations, custody
Serves as a role model by providing nursing care that meets or exceeds accepted
standards of care.
Reports substandard nursing care to appropriate authorities
Practices nursing within the area of individual competence
Prioritizes patients right and welfare first in decision making
Delegates to subordinates wisely, looking at the managers scope of practice and that
of those they supervise.
It is the legal duty of the nurse to ensure that every patient receives safe and
competent care. If a nurse determine that a patient in any setting needs medical care, and she
does not do everything within power to obtain that care for the patient, you have breached
your duty as a nurse.
The law requires you to treat all such information with strict confidentiality. This is
also an ethical issue. Unless a patient has told something that indicates danger to self or
others, you are bound by legal and ethical principles to keep that information confidential.
Permission to treat
When people are admitted to hospitals, nursing homes, and home health services,
they sign a document that gives the personnel in the organization permission to treat them.
Informed consent
Assault is the threat of unlawful touching of another, the willful attempt to harm
someone. Battery is the unlawful touching of another without consent, justification, or
exercise. In legal medicine battery occurs if a medical or surgical procedure is performed
without patient consent. Assault can be verbally threatening a patient.
False imprisonment
Invasion of privacy
Clients have claims for invasion of privacy, e.g. their private affairs, with which the
public has no concern, have been publicized. Clients are entitled to confidential health care.
All aspects of care should be free from unwanted publicity or exposure to public scrutiny.
The precaution should be taken sometimes an individual right to privacy may conflict with
public‘s right to information for e.g. in case of poison case.
Report it / tort it
Allegations of abuse are serious matters. It is the duty of the nurse to report to the
proper authority when any allegations are made in regards to abuse (emotional, sexual,
physical, and mental) towards a vulnerable population (children, elderly, or domestic). If no
report is made, the nurse is liable for negligence or wrongdoing towards the victimized
Patient satisfaction
Patient satisfaction is an important and commonly used indicator for measuring the
quality in health care. Patient satisfaction affects clinical outcomes, patient retention, and
medical malpractice claims.
Patient as a consumer , Today the patient sees himself as a buyer of health services.
Patient satisfaction is an important tool for the success of their organization and are regularly
monitoring patient satisfaction levels among their customers.
Service excellence : Service excellence revolves around three factors: doctor, patient, and
Hospital services
Hospital There is certain areas where minimum requirements and standards have to
be maintained.
Issues regarding malpractice in nursing management :It can lead to several management
problems. Improper use of administration power, improper managing of supplies, staff, ward,
institution etc.
Issues of delegation and supervision :The failure to delegate and supervise within
acceptable standards of professional practice.
Ethics : Nurses provide care, promote human rights and values, and help meet the needs
Keeping patients' information confidential. Protecting patients from negligent co-workers
who may endanger them.
Effect : Effects of reform, shortages, ethics and salaries are issues that keep nurses constantly
thinking, growing and changing. Nursing instructors make far less money than nurses in the
clinical setting. The salaries need to be increased, and colleges and universities need to see
the value in instructors.
Collaboration issues : There is increased complex health care issues driven by technological
and medical advancements Collaborative partnerships has ensured the continuing
development of the professional expertise necessary to meet these challenges.
Employment issues:
Issues related to nursing shortage National nursing organizations are making strong efforts
at stopping the shortage by mandating better nurse- to-patient ratios, eliminating mandatory
overtime, and increasing salaries and benefits for nurses.
Issues in nurse migration : Nurse migration has attracted a great deal of political as well as
media attention in recent years. In this section a discussion on the right to work and the right
to practice is, by necessity, followed by a warning that cases of exploitation and
discrimination often occur when dealing with a vulnerable migrant population.
The right to work and the right to practice : Foreign nurses also need to meet national
security and immigration criteria in-order-to enter the country and to stay on a permanent or
temporary basis, with or without access to employment.
Misconduct and imposition of punishment It has long been held that the employer has the
inherent right to discipline his workers. The Courts will interfere if, the action taken by the
management was perverse, baseless or unnecessarily harsh or was not just or fair. • There
have been occasions where employers have imposed the punishment of dismissal for
misconduct which they have assessed as serious but these cases have been reviewed.
Renewal of nursing registration In this case, registration office is updated with nurses in
practice. Re- registration may qualify its periodicity and qualifications of nurses e.g. clinical
experience, attendance at continuing education etc.
Diploma vs degree in nursing for registration to practice nursing : This issue need
indepth study of merits and demerits as well as its feasibility before it could come on the
Nosocomial infection comes from Greek words “nosus” meaning disease and “
komeion” meaning to take care of , also called as hospital acquired infection
The need for knowing the importance of infection control in the icu occurs because of
the increasing following factors
Public Concern
Quality Issues
Clinical Governance
Clinical Standards
Accountability Reviews
Performance Assessment Framework
Types by origin
Endogenous: Caused by the organisms that are present as part of normal flora of the
Exogenous: caused by organisms acquiring by exposure to hospital personnel,
medical devices or hospital environment
Epidemiological Interaction
Disease burden
Indian scenario
Average level of patient risk depends upon intrinsic host factors and extrinsic
environment factors
Sensitivity &specificity of surveillance programmers
Prolongation of hospital stay: Varies by site, greatest with pneumonias and wound
Additional morbidity
Mortality increases - in order - LRI, BSI, UTI
Long-term physical &neurological consequences
Direct patient costs increased- Escalation of the cost of care
Modes of transmission
Vector borne
Air borne
Common vehicle
Contact transmission
Direct-contact transmission
Indirect-contact transmission.
Direct-contact transmission Involves a direct body surface-to-body surface contact and
physical transfer of microorganisms between a susceptible host and an infected or
colonized person, such as occurs when a person turns a patient, gives a patient a bath
Indirect-contact transmission Involves contact of a susceptible host with a
contaminated intermediate object, usually inanimate, such as contaminated instruments,
needles, or dressings, or contaminated gloves that are not changed between patients
Droplet transmission Droplet generated by sneezing Coughing or respiratory tract
procedures like Broncoscopy or suction
Vector transmission Transmitted through insects and Other invertebrates animals such
as mosquitoes and fleas.
Air borne transmission Tiny droplet nuclei that remain (<5) suspended in air.
Common vehicle transmission Transmitted indirectly by materials contaminated with
the infections.
A break in the skin barrier, such as a surgical wound, burn, catheter or intravenous line that
allows bacteria to enter the body •
Older age, comorbidities or multiple complex health issues, and weakened immune
systems Those with a weakened immune system can include:
Patients in hospital for a long period of time
Patients on kidney dialysis (hemodialysis)
Patients receiving cancer treatment or specific medications that affect immune
function Those who inject illegal drugs
Individuals who have had surgery within a year of being back in hospital
. Estimates suggest that 49-65% of health care- associated S. aureus infections are
caused by methicillin- resistant strains.
The 5 Cs can be used to remember what factors make it easier for MRSA to be
Contact (skin-to-skin)
Compromised skin (open wounds)
Contaminated (items and surfaces)
Cleanliness (lack of)
Vancomycin-resistant enterococci
VRE can live in the human intestines and female genital tract without causing disease
(often called colonization). However, sometimes it can cause infections of the urinary tract,
the bloodstream, or of wounds associated with catheters or surgical procedures
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Clostridium difficile
Risk factors
Healthcare environment
Acid suppression medication
Length of stay
Urinary catheter
Parenteral nutrition
Recumbent position
Nasogastric tube
Chronic lung disease
Stress-ulcer prophylaxis
Surgical drains
Heavy smoking
Immunosuppressive treatments
Extracorporeal renal support
Recent antimicrobial therapy
Central venous catheterization
Blood transfusion
End tracheal or nasal intubation
Related to underlying health status Related to acute disease process Related to
invasive procedures Related to treatment Advanced age
Lack of Hand washing facilities
Inadequate decontamination of items
No separation of clean and dirty areas
Lack of isolation facilities
Patient to patient (busy, crowded unit, staff shortages)
Poor aseptic practice
Multiple changes in staff
Changes in procedures or protocols
Multiple or prolonged antibiotics
Prolonged stay
Multiple procedures
Invasive devices
open wounds
Nutritional state
Underlying disease
Severity of illness
Patient Environment Organism & Formation of slime
equipment's Prevalence
ability to adhere
Common infections which are occurring in the critical are unit
Epidemiology of SSI
Surgery Incidence (n/N) Gram+ve Gram-ve Type (%SSI) Bhatia 2003 18.7%
(116/615) S. Epidermis (42.24%) MMSE (26.72%), MRSE (15.5%) S.aureus (15.55%)
MRSA (12.06%), MSSA (3.2%) Total (12.06%) E. coli, P.aeruginosa CABG (ns) Agarwal
2003 1.6% (40/2558) S. aureus (57.5%) MRSA 35%, MSSA 22.5% P. aeruginosa (10%)
Neurosurgeries (1.6%) Pawar 2005 5.1% (7/136) Staphylococcus sp. (10%) - Cardiac surgery
with intraaortic balloon pulsation (5.1%) Lilani 2005 8.95% (17/190) S. aureus (35.3%)
MRSA (33%) P. aeruginosa (4/17) E.coli (2/17) Thoracotomy (44.44%) Gastrointestinal
surgeries Sharma 2009 2.5% (786/31927) Staphylococcus sp. Neurosurgeries (2.5%) Joyce
2009 12% (135/1125) S.aureus (33.3%) MRSA (14.0%) E faecalis (33.3%) VRE (1.4%) P.
Aeruginosa (24.4%), E.coli (7.4%), Klebsiellaspp(1.4%) Gastrectomy (36.4%),
Cholecystectomy (15.4%), Prostatectomy (15.2%), Hysterectomy (10.4%), Appendicectomy
Patel 2011 12.72% (7/55) S. aureus (42.86%) Klebsiella sp. (ESBL) (57.14%) Colon
surgery (29.41%), Amputation (50%) Sarma 2011 21% (14/66) MRSA 67%, S. aureus
MSSA 33% E.faecalis E coli ESBL (43%), ESBL+ Amp-C hyperproducers (29%) Amp-C
hyperproducers (14%) NDM-1 producer (14%) Post-operative patients Patel S 2012 16%
(32/200) CoNS (14.3%) S. aureus (7.1%) E. coli (35.7%) Klebsiella sp. (21.4%) P.
aeruginosa (14.3%) Proteus mirabilis (7.1%) Appendicetomy (0-40%) Laparotomy (19.2-
31.6%) Amputation (10-60%) Cholecystectomy (7.1- 28.6%) Nephrectomy (13.3-40%)
Pathogenesis of SSI
Endogenous : Patient Flora ,Skin ,GI tract ,Mucous membranes ,Seeding from pre- existing
sites of infection .
Acinetobacterbaumannii - 0.6%
Klebsiellaoxytoca - 0.7%
Candida spp - 2.0%
Klebsiella pneumonia - 3.0%
Enterobacterspp - 4.2%
Pseudomonas aeruginosa - 5.6%
Escherichia coli - 9.6%
Enterococcus spp - 11.2%
Coagulase-negative staphylococci - 13.7%
Staphylococcus aureus - 30.0%
Superficial Incisional SSI Surveillance Definition Infection occurs within 30 days after
surgical procedure AND Involves only skin and subcutaneous tissue of the incision AND
Patient has at least 1 of the following:
Deep Incisional SSI Definition Infection occurs within 30 (or 90 days) after the operative
procedure AND Involves deep soft tissues of the incision, e.g., fascial& muscle layers AND
Patient has at least 1 of the following:
Organ Space SSI Definition Infection occurs within 30 or 90 days after the operative
procedure AND Infection involves any part of the body, excluding the skin incision, fascia,
or muscle layers that is opened or manipulated during the operative procedure AND Patient
has at least 1 of the following:
Skin Preparation
Use appropriate antiseptic agent and technique for skin preparation Operating Room
(OR) Traffic
Keep OR doors closed during surgery except as needed for passage of equipment,
personnel, and the patient Colorectal surgery patients
Mechanically prepare the colon (Enemas, cathartic agents)
Administer non-absorbable oral antimicrobial agents in divided doses on the day
before the operation
Maintain immediate postoperative normothermia Surgical Wound Dressing
Protect primary closure incisions with sterile dressing for 24-48 hours post-op
Control blood glucose level during the immediate post-operative period Measure
blood glucose level at 6 am on post-op day 1 and 2 (procedure day = day 0) ,Maintain
post-op blood glucose level at <200mg/dL
For patient’s with an indwelling catheter in situ AND ≥104 micro-organisms per ml
from a catheter specimen of urine with following symptoms
CAUTI Criterion 2 Definition For patient’s who had catheter removal within 3 days before
the onset of CAUTI AND ≥ 105 micro-organisms from a mid stream specimen AND CAUTI
Definitions CAUTI Data Definitions ONE or more of the following with no other
recognised cause:
Loin Pain , Loin or suprapubic tenderness
Fever (≥ 38o C skin temp)
Pyuria (≥ 104 WBC per ml) CAUTI Data DefinitionsCAUTI Data Definitions
CAUTI must meet one of the criteria 1 or 2 as described • Patients with asymptomatic
bacteriuria/bacteria in their urine are NOT considered to have a CAUTI
A 52 year male is admitted with a severe headache and is found to have a subarachnoid
hemorrhage from a ruptured aneurysm. The neurosurgeons evacuate the hematoma and clip
his aneurysm. Post-op he remains on a ventilator. On hospital day 5 he spikes a fever to 102º
F and is noted to have copious secretions from his endotracheal tube. Increasing amounts of
inspired O2 are required. Blood and sputum cultures grow highly resistant
Enterobactercloacae.The most important are patients on ventilators in ICU.
Primary risk factor is mechanical ventilation (risk 6 to 21 times the rate for non
ventilated patients Account for 27% of all MICU acquired infections Account for 15% of all
hospital associated infections Nosocomial Pneumonias
How To Diagnose
A positive result of semi quantitative Culture ( 15 CFU per catheter segment) or
quantitative ( 102 CFU per catheter segment) catheter culture, whereby the same
organism isolated from a catheter segment and a peripheral blood sample
Simultaneous quantitative cultures of blood samples with a ratio of 5 : 1 (CVC vs.
Differential time to positivity :positive result of culture from a CVC is obtained at
least 2 hr earlier than is a positive result of culture from peripheral blood)
Biomarkers :Procalcitonin (PCT)-: The peptide procalcitonin is synthesized by
monocytes that are in the process of adhesion. PCT levels rise when there is local or
systemic bacterial infection but not in the presence of a virus or autoimmune disease.
Thus, PCT is more specific than CRP for detecting bacterial infection.
C-reactive protein (CRP)-This acute phase protein is released by the liver in response
to inflammation or tissue insult and is widely used as a highly nonspecific marker of