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Data Conversion Programs User's Manual: Aspen

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Data Conversion


User's Manual

Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc.


The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc.
assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document.

Copyright  1988-2010 Advanced Systems for Power Engineering, Inc. All rights reserved.


This User's Manual may be duplicated by the Licensee for its own use. You can order a new copy by writing to the
address below. Please refer to document OL-DC-2007.


Mailing address: ASPEN

34 N. San Mateo Drive
San Mateo, CA 94401

Telephone: (650)347-3997
Fax: (650)347-0233
eMail (tech support in English): [email protected]
eMail (tech support in Spanish): [email protected]
eMail (tech support in Portuguese): [email protected]
Web Site: www.aspeninc.com

Our office hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Pacific time (GMT-8 in the winter, GMT-7 in the summer), Monday
through Friday.


ASPEN OneLiner™, ASPEN Power Flow™, ASPEN Overcurrent Relay Editor™, ASPEN Distance Relay
Editor™, ASPEN DistriView™, ASPEN Batch Short Circuit Module™, ASPEN PowerScript™, ASPEN Breaker
Rating Module™ and ASPEN Relay Database™ are trademarks of Advanced Systems for Power Engineering,

PSS/E™, PSS/ADEPT™ and PSS/U™ are trademarks of Siemens Power Technologies, Inc.®
CAPE™ is a trademark of Electrocon International, Inc.
PSLF™ is a trademark of GE.
Transmission 2000™ is a trademark of Commonwealth Associates.
Cyme™ is a trademark of Cyme International.
Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Windows™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
SECTION 1 PTI PSS/E DATA ............................................................................................................................3
1.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Assumptions and Limitations ............................................................................................... 3
1.3 Instructions............................................................................................................................ 3
1.4 Comparing OneLiner and PSS/E Results ............................................................................. 6
PSS/E Version 30.................................................................................................................... 6
PSS/E Version Prior to 30....................................................................................................... 6
OneLiner Settings ................................................................................................................... 6
SECTION 2 PTI PSS/ADEPT DATA .................................................................................................................8
2.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Assumptions and Limitations ............................................................................................... 8
2.3 Instructions............................................................................................................................ 8
SECTION 3 GE SHORT CIRCUIT DATA .....................................................................................................11
3.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Instructions.......................................................................................................................... 11
SECTION 4 GE PSLF DATA............................................................................................................................13
4.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 13
4.2 Assumptions and Limitations ............................................................................................. 13
4.3 Instructions.......................................................................................................................... 13
SECTION 5 ANAFAS DATA ............................................................................................................................14
5.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Assumptions and Limitations ............................................................................................. 14
5.3 Instructions.......................................................................................................................... 14
SECTION 6 ANAREDE DATA.........................................................................................................................16
6.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 16
6.2 Assumptions and Limitations ............................................................................................. 16
6.3 Instructions.......................................................................................................................... 16
SECTION 7 TRANSMISSION 2000 DATA.....................................................................................................18
7.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 18
7.2 Assumptions and Limitations ............................................................................................. 18
7.3 Instructions.......................................................................................................................... 18
SECTION 8 ELECTROCON DATA ................................................................................................................19
8.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 19
8.2 Instructions.......................................................................................................................... 19

ASPEN Data Conversion Program Manual Contents • i

SECTION 9 CYME DATA ................................................................................................................................20
9.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................... 20
9.2 Instructions.......................................................................................................................... 20
SECTION 10 MORE ON DATA CONVERSION .............................................................................................21
10.1 Other Data Formats........................................................................................................... 21
10.2 What To Do Next.............................................................................................................. 21

ASPEN Data Conversion Program Manual Contents • ii


1.1 Introduction
The PSS/E-ASPEN Data Conversion Program, PTI.EXE, is designed to convert network data from the PTI
(Siemens Power Technologies, Inc.) raw data format to the ASPEN text data format. The program
automatically identifies the data version (V23 through V31) of the PTI data and converts them accordingly.
You have the option of converting just a raw data file, or the combination of a raw data file and a sequence
data file. The result is a OneLiner Text Data File with DXT extension.

1.2 Assumptions and Limitations

This program converts all the data within the PTI file(s), with the following exceptions:
• Interface data.
• Transformer impedance tables.
Additional notes:
• The program replaces blank bus name field in RAW files with new name in format
‘BUSXXXXXX’ where XXXXXX is the bus number.
• When bus records with duplicate Name and kV fields are encountered, the program will append
the bus number to the end of the Name field of the first record. The original name might be
truncated so that the newly created name will not exceed the maximum allowable length of 13
• When a 3-winding transformer is modeled as a ‘T’ circuit in PSS/E, with a fictitious bus, two
branches, and a zero-sequence shunt, the conversion program will convert the ‘T’ circuit verbatim.
The program will make no attempt to change the ‘T’ circuit to the 3-winding model of OneLiner.
If the middle node of the ‘T’ circuit has a blank nominal kV, the program will ask user to select
one of two options: 1. Use fixed kV of 100; 2. Use the highest nominal kV of the neighbor buses.
• When a 3-winding transformer is modeled as an object in PSS/E (in version 28 or later), the
conversion program will convert it to a 3-winding model of OneLiner.
• For generators that have a nonzero ‘step-up transformer’ impedance, the program creates a zero-
sequence shunt at the generator terminal to model the effect of the wye-delta step-up transformer.
The generator’s zero-sequence impedance is set to infinity.
• Zero impedance branches in PSS/E network are replaced with lines a very small reactance.
• Not all possible combinations of PSS/E transformer winding codes can be translated to
corresponding OneLiner transformer winding connection model. When no match can be found, the
program will not convert the transformer configuration data record in PSS/E sequence file.

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• If a wye-delta transformer phase shift is not given in the raw and sequence network, the program
will translate it to OneLiner transformer with high voltage side leading low voltage side.

1.3 Instructions
The conversion program, PTI.EXE, runs under Windows. Its icon is labeled ‘PTI PSSE-ASPEN’.
1. Start the program and Execute the File | Convert command.
2. Enter the input file name.
A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the raw data file.
Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to enter the name of the PTI raw data file.
Click on "OK".
A dialog box will appear. At the top of the dialog box, the program will have highlighted a version
number based on an analysis of the raw data file.
Caution: This determination is not always correct, especially when the file has limited amount of data.

Change the data version number if the conversion program did not highlight the correct version.
Mark one of the two radio buttons to let the program know whether you are converting (1) the
raw file and the sequence file, or (2) the raw file only.
Click on OK.
If you select ‘Read Raw Data File only,’ the conversion program will set the zero-sequence branch
data to their default values, as follows:
- Zero-sequence impedance of transformers is set equal to the positive-sequence impedance.
- Zero-sequence impedance of transmission lines is set to 3.0 times the positive-sequence
- All transformers are assumed to be wye-wye connected.
- All loads are assumed to be ungrounded.
If you elected to convert a sequence data file, the program will ask you for its file name.
Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to enter the name of the PTI sequence data file.
Click on OK.
3. Enter the output file name.
Another dialog boxes will appear asking for you the result file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of ASPEN text data file, which is the output.
Click on the OK button.

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4. A ‘Conversion Options’ dialog box will appear. At the top of the dialog box are the file names you
have specified. Below the file names are four check boxes under “Convert”.

Under the ‘Convert’ group box, mark ‘loads’ to convert the loads.
Mark ‘positive-sequence shunts’ to convert positive-sequence shunts such as capacitors and
Mark ‘Transformer taps’ to convert off-nominal transformer tap settings. The transformer taps
are set to 1.0 per-unit if this check box is not marked.
Mark ‘Convert transmission line shunts’ to convert the shunt legs (G1, B1, G2, and B2) of the
transmission line model. The line shunts are set to zero if this check box is not marked.
Note: We suggest you convert everything if you plan to use the converted data for power flow studies.
Also, within OneLiner, you can direct the program to ignore the loads and positive-sequence shunts
for short circuit studies.
The dialog box will disappear and the program will begin processing the data.
5. If the program finds any buses without a nominal kV, it will ask you to choose one of two methods for
assigning nominal kV values.
Click on ‘Fixed Value’ and specify a non-zero number if you want the program to assign a fixed
kV to those buses.
Click on ‘Highest neighboring kV’ if you want the program to assign a kV to each bus that is
equal to the highest kV of its neighbors.
Click on OK.
6. The program will display any errors, warnings and informational messages both to the screen and to a
message file PTI.MSG.

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1.4 Comparing OneLiner and PSS/E Results
We suggest you start by checking the simplest case with flat start and no loads and no positive-sequence

PSS/E Version 30
Start PSS/E (Power Flow) program.
Execute the Fault | Setup for special fault calculations (Flat) command. You will see the following dialog

1. Select “Set classical short circuit assumptions” in the top drop-down combo box.
2. Mark the two check boxes below to “Set tap ratios to unity” and “Set charging to zero”. Press OK.
3. Execute the Fault | Automatic sequence fault calculation (ASCC) command to simulate the faults.

PSS/E Version Prior to 30

In PSS/E, you need to perform these activities:

OneLiner Settings
Start OneLiner and do the following before your simulate fault:
1. Execute the Diagram | Options command.
When the following dialog box appears, click on the “Sort buses using bus number” option, as
shown. Click on OK. This will cause the fault-simulation reports to be sorted by bus number (instead
of by bus name and nominal kV.)

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2. Execute the Faults | Options command. The following dialog box will appear.

Set the prefault voltage to ‘Assume ‘Flat’ with V(pu)=1.0

Mark the four check boxes in the ‘Ignore in Short Circuits’ group box.
Click on OK.
3. We suggest you use the Fault | Bus Fault Summary command to produce a table of bus fault currents
for all the buses in the system.
The fault currents computed by OneLiner should be nearly the same as those from PSS/E. Usually the
difference is on the order of 1%, which is due mostly to numerical round-offs.
If the answers do not agree, try execute the Network | Set All Transformer Taps to Nominal before
simulating the fault.
Please contact ASPEN’s tech support if you need help.

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2.1 Introduction
The PSS/U-ASPEN Data Conversion Program, PTIU.EXE, is designed to convert data from the PTI
(Siemens Power Technologies, Inc.) PSS/ADEPT (formerly PSS/U) format to the text data format of
ASPEN OneLiner or DistriView. ASPEN Power Flow Program uses the same data format as OneLiner.

2.2 Assumptions and Limitations

The program converts switches into branches with very small impedance. The program also automatically
eliminates switches at ends of branches. These switches are unnecessary in OneLiner, Power Flow and
DistriView because you can outage a line without them.

2.3 Instructions
The conversion program, PTIU.EXE, runs under Windows. Its icon is labeled ‘PSSU-to-ASPEN.’
1. Start the program and Execute the File | Convert command.
2. Enter the input file name.
A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the input data file.
Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to enter the name of the input data file. Click on
3. A dialog box will ask you whether you want a text data file of the ASPEN OneLiner format or the
ASPEN DistriView format. You can also select whether the unit of length for transmission lines is in
miles or kilometers.

Select the output file type and the unit of length. Press OK.

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4. Enter the output file name.
A dialog box will appear asking you for the name of the output data file.
Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to enter the name of the output data file.
You should use a .DXT extension for a OneLiner data file and a .DVT extension for a DistriView data
Click on "OK".
5. Enter name of Construction Data Dictionary file and Motor Dictionary file.
If any of the branches within the PSS/U data file refers to a construction type name (and there is no
impedance data), another dialog box will appear asking you to specify the name of the PSS/U
Construction Data Dictionary file.
Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to enter the name of the Construction Dictionary
If the PSS/U data file refers to a synchronous or induction motor load, a dialog box will appear asking
you to specify the name of the PSS/U Motor Dictionary file.
Use the controls in the standard file dialog box to enter the name of the Motor Dictionary file.
The dialog box will disappear and the program will finish processing the data and write the output to
the text data file.
The program will display warning and error message on the screen. The same messages are also
written to a message file, PSSU.MSG.
6. Create ASPEN Line Table File.
Execute the File | Create ASPEN Line Table File if you want the conversion program to convert
the contents of the PSS/U Construction dictionary file to an ASPEN Line Table file.
For each line type in the PSS/U dictionary, such as “05C9,” the program generates two additional types
for single phase and 2-phase lines: “05C9*1” and “05C9*2.” The program also automatically
multiplies the resistance and reactance of single-phase lines by 2, to take into account the impedance of
the return path.

Notes to OneLiner and Power Flow Users

You can merge the line data file created in step 6 with your existing line table file, which is usually
C:\ASPENXX\ASPEN.LTB. You can merge the files with any text editor or word processor. You need to
do this only once, unless the PSS/U file refers to a new PSS/U conductor dictionary. Please note the
conductor types with names that end with either “*1” and “*2” are useless in OneLiner and Power Flow
because these programs can only handle 3-phase lines.

Notes to DistriView Users

You can import the line data into the construction library with the Conductor Library Editor, as follows:
1. Run the Editor and read in the default wire library file, ASPEN.CDB.
2. Execute the File | Import Line Table File command and select the Line Table File generated in step 6.
3. Exit the Editor and save the changes in ASPEN.CDB.
You need to do this only once, unless the PSS/U file refers to a new PSS/U conductor dictionary.
The data conversion program converts all the graphical coordinates and stores them as the “State Plane
Coordinates” of the nodes in DistriView. This enables you to place all the buses in the system with a single
command, as follows:

ASPEN Data Conversion Program Manual Contents • 9

Run DistriView. Execute the File | Open Text Data File command and read in the text data file generated
by the data conversion program.
Execute the Diagram | Snap to State Plane Coordinates command. When the dialog box appears, type in the
data as shown below (please make sure the checkbox is marked) and press OK. If nothing is visible on the
screen, then use the View | Find Bus by Name to locate a bus.

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3.1 Introduction
The GE SHORT CIRCUIT-To-ASPEN Data Conversion Program, EPC.EXE, is designed to convert data
from the GE Short Circuit Data format to the ASPEN text data format. Please note that there is a separate
data format for the PSLF Load Flow Data format. See Section 4.

3.2 Instructions
The conversion program, EPC.EXE, runs under Windows. Its icon is labeled GE-ASPEN.
1. Start the program and Execute the File | Convert command.
2. Enter the input file name.
A dialog boxes will appear asking you for the input file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of the GE Short Circuit Data file, which is
the input to the program.
Click on the OK button.
3. Enter the output file name.
Another dialog boxes will appear asking for you the result file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of ASPEN text data file, which is the output.
Click on the OK button.
4. A dialog box will appear to ask you for the conversion options.

Mark Convert loads to convert the loads.

Mark Convert positive-sequence shunts to convert positive-sequence shunts such as capacitors and

ASPEN Data Conversion Program Manual Contents • 11

The Convert transformer taps option is always grayed because there is no transformer-tap
information in this file.
Mark Convert transmission line shunts to convert the shunt legs of the transmission line model.
The line shunts are set to zero if this check box is not marked.
Note: We suggest you convert everything if you plan to use the converted data for power flow studies.
Also, within OneLiner, you can direct the program to ignore the loads and positive-sequence shunts
for short circuit studies.
Click on OK.
The dialog box will disappear and the program will begin processing the data.

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4.1 Introduction
The GE PSLF-to-ASPEN Data Conversion Program, EPCPF.EXE, is designed to convert data from the GE
PSLF Load Flow Data Format to the ASPEN text data format. Please note there is a separate conversion
program for the GE Short Circuit Data Format. See Section 3.

4.2 Assumptions and Limitations

The PSLF Load Flow format has no zero-sequence data. The conversion program sets the zero-sequence
data to their default values, as follows:
- Zero-sequence impedance of transformers is set equal to the positive-sequence impedance.
- Zero-sequence impedance of transmission lines is set to 3.0 times the positive-sequence impedance.
- All transformers are assumed to be wye-wye.
- Generator impedances are set to 1.0 per-unit.

4.3 Instructions
The conversion program, EPCPF.EXE, runs under Windows. Its icon is labeled EPCPF-ASPEN.
1. Start the program and Execute the File | Convert command.
2. Enter the input file name.
A dialog boxes will appear asking you for the input file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of the GE PSLF Data file, which is the input
to the program.
Click on the OK button.
3. Enter the output file name.
Another dialog boxes will appear asking for you the result file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of ASPEN text data file, which is the output.
Click on the OK button.
The program will report on its progress. When it is done you will see in the program window
informational, warning and error messages. Any fix-ups made by the data conversion program are also
listed. The same information is written to the file epcpf.msg on your hard disk.

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5.1 Introduction
ANAFAS is a common short-circuit format in Brazil. The ANAFAS-to-ASPEN Data Conversion
Programs, ANAFAS.EXE and ANAFAS_OLD.EXE, are designed to convert data from the ANAFAS
format to the ASPEN text data format.
• ANAFAS.EXE is for the ANAFAS 2006 format with 5-digit bus numbers.
• ANAFAS_OLD.EXE is for the pre-2006 format with 4-digit bus numbers.
Each of these programs take as input an ANAFAS data file. It produces an ASPEN text data file.

5.2 Assumptions and Limitations

- When the bus name has 11 or 12 characters, the conversion program decodes the last 3 characters of
the name to get the nominal kV. When not successful, the nominal kV is initialized to 100. The user
will have an opportunity to change the nominal kV during the conversion program.
- T- or pi-circuits of 3-winding transformers is translated verbatim. No attempt is made to convert the
T- or pi-circuits into the 3-winding transformer model of ASPEN.
- The conversion program ANAFAS.EXE combines a transformer that has a shift angle of 30 or –30
degrees with an adjacent zero-sequence shunt using the information NB (columns 62-67) and TC
(columns 68-69) to form a wye-delta transformer.
- The conversion program ANAFAS_OLD.EXE utilizes a multi-pass, heuristic algorithm to combine a
transformer with an adjacent zero-sequence shunt to form a wye-delta transformer. This method has a
high success rate, but it is not 100% reliable.

5.3 Instructions
The following assumes that you have an ANAFAS data file on the PC. ANAREDE.EXE run under
1. Start the program and Execute the File | Convert command.
2. Enter the input file name.
A dialog boxes will appear asking you for the input file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of the ANAREDE Data file, which is the
input to the program.
Click on the OK button.

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3. Enter the output file name.
Another dialog boxes will appear asking for you the result file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of ASPEN text data file, which is the output.
Click on the OK button.
The program will report on its progress in the Main Window.
4. Change the nominal kVs, if needed.
A dialog boxes will appear to change the buses’ nominal kV.

Highlight an entry in the list box. Press Change.

Enter the new nominal kV and press OK.
Repeat the last two steps as many times as needed. When done press ‘Done’.
You will see in the program window informational, warning and error messages. Any fix-ups made by
the data conversion program are also listed. The same information is written to the file anafas.msg on
your hard disk.

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6.1 Introduction
ANAREDE is a common power-flow format in Brazil. The ANAREDE -to-ASPEN Data Conversion
Program, ANAREDE.EXE, is designed to convert data from the ANAREDE format to the ASPEN text
data format.
The program takes as input an ANAREDE data file. It produces an ASPEN text data file.

6.2 Assumptions and Limitations

- The conversion program decodes the numeric characters at the end of a bus name to get the nominal
kV. When not successful, the nominal kV is initialized to 100. The user will have an opportunity to
change the nominal kV during the conversion program.
- ANAREDE files have no zero-sequence data. The conversion program set the zero-sequence parameter
to the same value as the positive-sequence counterpart. All transformers are assumed to be wye-wye.
- DC data is not converted.
- Area interchange data is not converted.

6.3 Instructions
The following assumes that you have an ANAREDE data file on the PC. The conversion program
ANAREDE.EXE run under windows.
1. Start the program and Execute the File | Convert command.
2. Enter the input file name.
A dialog boxes will appear asking you for the input file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of the ANAREDE Data file, which is the
input to the program.
Click on the OK button.
3. Enter the output file name.
Another dialog boxes will appear asking for you the result file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of ASPEN text data file, which is the output.
Click on the OK button.
The program will report on its progress in the Main Window.

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4. Change the nominal kVs, if needed.
A dialog boxes will appear to change the buses’ nominal kV.

Highlight an entry in the list box. Press Change.

Enter the new nominal kV and press OK.
Repeat the last two steps as many times as needed. When done press ‘Done’.
You will see in the program window informational, warning and error messages. Any fix-ups made by
the data conversion program are also listed. The same information is written to the file anarede.msg on
your hard disk.

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7.1 Introduction
The Transmission 2000-to-ASPEN Data Conversion Program, T2000.EXE, is designed to convert data
from the Transmission-2000 format (of Commonwealth Associates) to the ASPEN text data format.
The program takes as input an Transmission-2000 data file. It produces an ASPEN text data file.

7.2 Assumptions and Limitations

The Transmission-2000 format is designed for power flow application. It has no zero-sequence data. The
conversion program sets the zero-sequence data to their default values, as follows:
- Zero-sequence impedance of transformers is set equal to the positive-sequence impedance.
- Zero-sequence impedance of transmission lines is set to 3.0 times the positive-sequence impedance.
- All transformers are assumed to be wye-wye.
- Generator impedances are set to 1.0 per-unit.

7.3 Instructions
The conversion program, T2000.EXE, runs under Windows. Its icon is labeled Trans. 2000-ASPEN.
1. Start the program and Execute the File | Convert command.
2. Enter the input file name.
A dialog boxes will appear asking you for the input file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of the Transmission-2000 Data file, which is
the input to the program.
Click on the OK button.
3. Enter the output file name.
Another dialog boxes will appear asking for you the result file name.
Within the standard file dialog box, enter the name of ASPEN text data file, which is the output.
Click on the OK button.
The program will report on its progress. When it is done you will see in the program window
informational, warning and error messages. Any fix-ups made by the data conversion program are also
listed. The same information is written to the file t2000.msg on your hard disk.

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8.1 Introduction
We once offered an Electrocon-to-ASPEN Data Conversion Program to convert data from the Electrocon
International’s CAPE format to the ASPEN text data format.
We were unable to keep this conversion program up-to-date because we had no access to the latest data-
format information from Electrocon. We suggest that you consider the alternative of exporting your
network data to the PTI PSS/E format and using the PTI PSS/E-to-ASPEN Data Conversion Program,

8.2 Instructions
1. Within the CAPE program, export your network data to the PSS/E format.
CAPE should give you two files: a raw file and a sequence file.
2. Convert the data using the PTI PSS/E-to-ASPEN Data Conversion Program. See Section 1 of this
document for details.

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9.1 Introduction
We once offered a Cyme-to-ASPEN Data Conversion Program to convert data from the Cyme format to
the ASPEN text data format.
We were unable to keep this conversion program up-to-date because the conversion program was seldom
used, and we had no access to the latest data-format information from Cyme. We suggest that you consider
the alternative of exporting your network data to the PTI PSS/E format and using the PTI PSS/E-to-ASPEN
Data Conversion Program, instead.

9.2 Instructions
1. Within the Cyme program, export your network data to the PSS/E format.
Cyme should give you two files: a raw file and a sequence file.
2. Convert the data using the PTI PSS/E-to-ASPEN Data Conversion Program. See Section 1 of this
document for details.

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10.1 Other Data Formats

If the conversion program for your data format is not listed in this document, please call or write us. We
may well have what you are looking for.

Tech support phone: (650)347-3997

eMail (tech support in English): [email protected]
eMail (tech support in Spanish): [email protected]
eMail (tech support in Portuguese): [email protected]

10.2 What To Do Next

You should have a OneLiner text data file with .dxt extension after you converted your data.
OneLiner can read in the .dxt file with the File | Read Text Data File command. We strongly recommend
that you take a look at the following subjects in the OneLiner on-line help:
1. The Quick Tutorial (Section 2.8) under heading, “Importing a Network Data File in Text Format”.
2. Documentation for the File | Import Text Data File command (Section 3.2).
3. Documentation for the Diagram | Place Buses command (Section 3.2).

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