Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach
Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach
Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach
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Multi element airfoils are high lift devices and provide improved aerodynamic Volume 1 Issue 2 - 2017
characteristics which are beneficial for several applications such as aircraft
wings, wind turbine blades. Simulations were performed using the computational
panel code developed in MATLAB for the airfoils, 30P30N, GA (W)-1, RAF16, NLR
7301 configurations. The results were obtained for varying angle of attacks from 1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, GITAM University,
-10 to 20 deg to include the effects of turbulence. The lift and drag coefficients are India
evaluated for the airfoil configurations, 30P30N, for Reynolds number range of 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, VFSTR University,
1.6x105-1x106. The velocity and pressure contours distributions are illustrated India
to predict the laminar to turbulent flow characteristics on the airfoil surface. The
maximum lift coefficient for single slotted flap element is found to decrease for *Corresponding author: Vasishta Bhargava, Department
large angle of attack beyond the stall region and for slat element the increase in of Mechanical Engineering, GITAM University, Hyderabad,
lift is found to be marginal at high angle of attack. The maximum lift coefficient 502121, India, Email:
obtained including flap and slat elements is 3.62 and the drag coefficient is 0.368.
Received: April 22, 2017 | Published: October 06, 2017
Keywords: Airfoil; Lift coefficient; Drag coefficient; Pressure; Chord; Slat; Flap
Introduction bodies of any shape include potential flow which utilizes the
superposition of source and sink on x axis and in uniform
High lift devices affect the aircraft performance during the distributed flow. However, the theory does not predict accurate
landing, takeoff situations. The addition of such devices along values for flow whose leading edge has rounded shapes. Basic
the wing span ensures the flow characteristics are modified to panel methods were developed by Hess and Smith at Douglas
generate the desired lift required for landing, takeoff conditions. aircraft in late 1950s [5] for aircraft industry. Panel methods
Presence of flap element on the aircraft wing will help achieve model the potential flow by distributing sources over the body
rolling and pitching moment stability by controlling the desired lift surface. A source is point at which the fluid appears in the field
produced during the cruising condition. Dong et al. [1] performed at uniform rate while a sink is point which disappears at uniform
the numerical analysis for determining the flow behavior over rate, m3/s. Each source or sink has specific strength and vortex
the airfoil configurations which included the leading edge slat strength denoted by circulation, Simple 2D uniform lifting flows
and trailing edge flap devices. The influence of flap gaps and the [6] can be described using the following equations
trailing edge flap angles were investigated on such configurations
to quantify the change in the lift and drag coefficients. Wings of ϕ = by − ax … stream line function
cargo aircrafts usually consist of leading edge slat and trailing edge
flap configurations to provide the high aerodynamic efficiency φ bx + ay … Velocity potential function
although at the cost of structurally complex design [1]. Sorensen et
The resultant velocity V, at any point
al. [2] conducted wind tunnel experiments on thick multi element
along the flow direction can be written as
airfoil configurations at subsonic flows over airfoil elements and
observed the effects of slat, circulation, boundary layer, in order to
understand how such configurations provide high lift coefficients a 2 + b 2
compared with conventional airfoils [2]. In the next sections, the
numerical panel methods are discussed which require relatively The point source or sink is distributed uniformly in all
less computational effort to predict the physics of flow around the directions of the flow field and obey the continuity equation and
airfoils and aim to study the influence of high lift devices for static irrigational motion everywhere except at the point itself. The
and dynamic stall conditions experienced by the aircraft wings. total velocity potential [2] for numerical panel method can be
The key parameters involved in the multi element airfoils design rewritten as follows
are deflection or orientation angle, overlap and gap distance φ Ux + µ
and its variation will enable to observe its influence on overall
Where, µ is the perturbation potential away from free stream
performance of the airfoil configurations required for intended
conditions. The airfoil geometry is discretized into finite number
application [3,4].
of panels over the surface. The panels are represented by the 2D
Methodology shape of the surface by series of straight line segment [2,4]. The
following procedure describes the calculation for 2D lifting flows.
Computational panel method
A. Numbering of end points or nodes of the panels from 1…N
Traditional methods for modeling flow around slender
B. The center points of each panel are chosen as collocation
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Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach ©2017 Bhargava et al. 2/7
points. The boundary condition of zero flow orthogonal to distribution over the surface of the any given airfoil coordinates.
surface is applied to the points. The airfoil trailing edge presents a unique condition for the flow
field parameters. Using panel method, the following criteria is
C. Panels are defined with unit normal and tangential vectors,
applied for the stream lines around the airfoil
n , t .
a) The streamlines leave the trailing edge with a direction along
D. Velocity vector, denoted by are estimated by considering the bisector of the trailing edge angle.
the two panels, i & j the source on the panel j which induce b) The velocity magnitudes on the upper and lower surfaces near
a velocity on panel i. The perpendicular and tangential the trailing edge of airfoil approach the same limiting values.
velocity components to the surface at the point I, are given
c) The trailing edge angle is modeled as the stagnation point for
by scalar products of v ij .n and v ij .t finite value of trailing edge angle hence the source strength
must be zero at the trailing edge.
E. The above quantities represent the source strength on
panel j and expressed mathematically as The above assumptions are known as the Kutta condition which
is essential for the successful evaluation of velocity vectors and
Vij .n = σ j N ij pressure for 2D uniform flows. It can be written in the algebraic
form of equation as
Citation: Bhargava V, Dwivedi YD, Rao PMV (2017) Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach. MOJ App Bio Biomech
1(2): 00012. DOI: 10.15406/mojabb.2017.01.00012
Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach ©2017 Bhargava et al. 3/7
Citation: Bhargava V, Dwivedi YD, Rao PMV (2017) Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach. MOJ App Bio Biomech
1(2): 00012. DOI: 10.15406/mojabb.2017.01.00012
Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach ©2017 Bhargava et al. 4/7
the suction side of NLR 7301 airfoil are highly over predicted for
the flow conditions. The pressure coefficient reaches a maximum
of 5 at 40AoA, which represents the transition to turbulent region
on the airfoil surface. Further, beyond the 20 % c of main element,
the pressure gradient is lowered towards the trailing edge. At
140AoA, the pressure coefficient is over predicted formed on the
suction side at leading edge of airfoil. It may further entail in the
formation of bubbles due to adverse pressure gradient created
on the airfoil surface at higher sonic speeds (Figure 6). Pressure
distributions of LS, MS, Natural LaminarFlow (NLF) airfoils at 1
deg Angle of attack. The pressure distribution of GAW-1, GAW-2
airfoils is shown in Figure 6 for 6deg angle of attack. The suction
side pressure peak is observed higher in case of GAW-1 due to
high thickness and for same set of flow stream and boundary
conditions. The pressure coefficient, Cp is ~6 for GAW-2 and ~7
for GAW-1. The trailing edge pressure peak on the pressure side
is constrained due to the overlap between the main element and Figure 4: Pressure distribution of NLR 7301 supercritical airfoil at 14
slotted flap with a maximum value of 1.9. It must be noted that the deg and 4 deg AOA.
main element is composed of several slots due to which pressure
bumps can be observed 20% and 60% chord of airfoil. From
Figure 6 a comparison has been made for the series of low speed
airfoil with two different thicknesses, ~14 % and 17 % commonly
used in cargo or military transport aircrafts where the payload
capacity is important criterion than top speed of the aircraft. The
flow reversal regime is seen to occur for low to medium speed, MS
313, 317at 1 deg AOA where the suction and pressure surfaces
are interchanged. For the 30P30N configuration, a single slotted
flap element is chosen at the trailing edge and a retractable
leading edge slat. At higher air speeds the slat element ensures
the oncoming flow to remain in laminar state which will cause the
formation of the boundary layer transitions to occur at large angle
of attack. The gap between the slat and main element ensures the
pressure recovery at the leading edge of main element where
the predominant lift is produced. The flow stream conditions at
the trailing edge are altered by the position of the flap and its
Figure 5: Pressure distribution of GAW-1, GAW-2 airfoils at 6deg angle
deflection angle. Further, the gap measured in normal direction
of attack.
between the flap and trailing edge of main element also affects
the overall lift produced from the configuration. However, in the
present study, no attempt was made to observe the effect of flap
deflection and overlap distances between the slotted elements
of the airfoil. From Figure 7 it can be noted that the suction side
pressure coefficient for flap and slat elements is excessively over
predicted at 9 and 11, 13deg due to the turbulent flow nature
of aft of airfoil and presence of extended flap, slat gap between
the main and flap element. The maximum pressure coefficient
obtained is~8 on the flap leading edge. The flow stream past the
surface of airfoil increases due to the presence of cove region
near the trailing edge on the main element of airfoil. Therefore,
the pressure recovery can be observed at high AOA however, the
pressure continues to drop at the leading edge of flap section as
result of the flap gap in the deflected position (Figure 8).
Table 1: Thickness chord and flap gap of multi element airfoils.
Figure 6: Pressure distribution of LS, MS, Natural LaminarFlow (NLF)
Airfoil 30P30N GAW-1/ GAW-2 NLR 7301 RAF 15 airfoils at 1 deg Angle of attack.
Thickness, % c 15 17, 13 16.5 16
The Figure 9 shows the tangential velocity around the RAF
Chord, (x/c) 1.21 1.18 1.27 1.2
16 airfoil surface for Reynolds number ~ 6.67 x 105. For larger
Flap gap, %c 2.95 2.1 2.6 1.93 flap deflections, the flow characteristics on the RAF continue with
Citation: Bhargava V, Dwivedi YD, Rao PMV (2017) Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach. MOJ App Bio Biomech
1(2): 00012. DOI: 10.15406/mojabb.2017.01.00012
Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach ©2017 Bhargava et al. 5/7
higher values for relative or tangential velocity increments near and slat gap present between the trailing edge of slat and main
the trailing edge. Velocity contours indicate that magnitudes are element will influence the lift characteristic of airfoil. From Figure
higher towards the leading of flap and main section and show 13 the maximum lift coefficient for the airfoil with flap included
increasing values of relative velocity on the suction side, while reached value of 3.67 while the drag for slat increases for large
continuous decrements on the pressure side of airfoil. Figure angles of attack, the flap drag reduces due to reattachment of
10 shows the pressure contour where the maximum pressure boundary layer occurs with laminar to turbulent flow separation
coefficient is observed at the probe number 100-160 and also at the trailing edge of main airfoil.
near 240. The term vortices here refer to the local rotation of fluid
and obtained by taking the curl of velocity field vector. Circulation
on the other hand can be viewed as the local spinning of the fluid
about a fixed center. The vortices contour of the GAW-1 (LS417)
airfoil is shown in Figure 11. The probe number is shown on
the x-scale beginning from the upper surface of airfoil along the
profile boundary and used to measure the pressure on the surface
of profile in experimental analysis. For incompressible fluids it
can be seen that size of vortices becomes large as the angle of
attack (AOA) is increasing. Further, the vortices appear near the
trailing edge on upper and lower surfaces with varying size due
to augmentation of pressure aft of the airfoil. Figure 12 shows the
streamline contour of the GAW-1 airfoil. The relative size of the
vortex structure is large near the leading edge of airfoil at higher
angle of attack. It can also be seen that the frequency of vortices Figure 8: Pressure distribution of RAF 15 airfoil at 4 deg and 10deg
shed from the trailing edge is higher compared to leading edge for angle of attack.
given chord wise position of airfoil. Mathematically vortices can
be written as
∂v ∂u
ω= − = ∇ × V (10)
∂x ∂y
ϕ= [
∫ udy − vdx =
∇.V ] (11)
Citation: Bhargava V, Dwivedi YD, Rao PMV (2017) Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach. MOJ App Bio Biomech
1(2): 00012. DOI: 10.15406/mojabb.2017.01.00012
Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach ©2017 Bhargava et al. 6/7
The flap deflection angle, and the overlapping gap between the
main and flap or slat element is important for increasing or
decreasing the overall lift of the wing. The flow conditions exhibit
the delayed stall characteristics due to the presence of slat element
at the leading edge enabling the high lift. The continuity of flow
over the main element in near laminar conditions is responsible
for producing pressure peaks on the suction side of airfoil and
pressure recovery obtained at the leading edge of flap element.
At higher angle of attack, the lift coefficient on the flap decreases
while it increases on slat. The drag coefficient of flap remains
steady until 10 deg and reduces to zero at higher angle of attack.
The maximum lift coefficient obtained is 3.67 including the flap
and slat element and drag coefficient is 0.36. The lift coefficients
for flap and slat elements are under predicted due to the turbulent
flow nature aft of the slat element in its deflected position
Figure 12: Stream function contour of GAW -1 Airfoil.
Conflict of Interest
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Citation: Bhargava V, Dwivedi YD, Rao PMV (2017) Analysis of Multi-Element Airfoil Configurations: A Numerical Approach. MOJ App Bio Biomech
1(2): 00012. DOI: 10.15406/mojabb.2017.01.00012