NFV State-Of-The-Art and Research Challenges
NFV State-Of-The-Art and Research Challenges
NFV State-Of-The-Art and Research Challenges
Abstract—Network Function Virtualization (NFV) has drawn that due to the high competition, both among themselves
significant attention from both industry and academia as an and from services being provided over-the-top on their data
important shift in telecommunication service provisioning. By channels, increasing prices only leads to customer churn.
decoupling Network Functions (NFs) from the physical devices
Therefore, TSPs have been forced to find ways of building
arXiv:1509.07675v1 [cs.NI] 25 Sep 2015
Copyright (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted. For any other purposes, permission must be obtained from the IEEE by emailing [email protected].
Public Private
Private IP IP Public
Public IP IP Private
Private IP IP
Services Services
Services Services
Services Services
Service Provider
Service Provider Service Provider
Service Provider
vCore Router
vCore Router
Virtual Functions
Virtual Functions
vRouting UPnP
Sites Customer Sites
Customer Sites
CPE1 1 CPE 22
Routing Routing
Radio Radio
Radio Radio
Radio Radio
Radio Radio
Radio Radio
Switch Switch Switch
. .. .. . Switch
Switch Switch
Modem Modem
Modem Modem Modem Modem Modem
Switch Switch
Switch Modem Modem Modem Modem
Fig. 1. Traditional CPE Implementations Fig. 2. Possible CPE Implementation with NFV
vides greater flexibility to scale the actual VNF performance Now, more than two years later, a large community of experts
in a more dynamic way and with finer granularity, for instance, are working intensely to develop the required standards for
according to the actual traffic for which the network operator NFV as well as sharing their experiences of its development
needs to provision capacity. and early implementation. The membership of ETSI has
It is worth remarking that the general concept of decoupling grown to over 245 individual companies including 37 of the
NFs from dedicated hardware does not necessarily require world’s major service providers as well as representatives
virtualization of resources. This means that TSPs could still from both telecoms and IT vendors [6]. ETSI has successfully
purchase or develop software (NFs) and run it on physical completed Phase 1 of its work with the publication of 11
machines. The difference is that these NFs would have to be ETSI Group Specifications [7]. These specifications build on
able to run on commodity servers. However, the gains (such the first release of ETSI documents published in October
as flexibility, dynamic resource scaling, energy efficiency) an- 2013 and include an infrastructure overview, updated architec-
ticipated from running these functions on virtualized resources tural framework, and descriptions of the compute, hypervisor
are very strong selling points of NFV. Needless to mention, and network domains of the infrastructure. They also cover
it is also possible to have hybrid scenarios where functions Management and Orchestration (MANO), security and trust,
running on virtualized resources co-exist with those running resilience and service quality metrics.
on physical resources. Such hybrid scenarios may be important Since ETSI is not a standards body, its aim is to produce
in the transition towards NFV. requirements and potential specifications that TSPs and equip-
ment vendors can adapt for their individual environments,
and which may be developed by an appropriate standards
A. History of Network Function Virtualization
development organization (SDO). However, since standards
The concept and collaborative work on NFV was born in bodies such as the 3GPP [8] are in liaison with the ETSI,
October 2012 when a number of the world’s leading TSPs we can expect these proposals will be generally accepted and
jointly authored a white paper [4] calling for industrial and enforced as standards. 3GPP’s Telecom Management working
research action. In November 2012 seven of these operators group (SA5) is also studying the management of virtualized
(AT&T, BT, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telecom Italia, Tele- 3GPP network functions.
fonica and Verizon) selected the European Telecommunica-
tions Standards Institute (ETSI)[6] to be the home of the
Industry Specification Group for NFV (ETSI ISG NFV)1 . B. NFV Examples
1 In the rest of this paper, the acronyms ETSI and ETSI ISG NFV are used The ETSI has proposed a number of use cases for NFV [9].
synonymously. In this subsection, we will explain how NFV may be applied
the reliability challenges of NFV infrastructures are examined Virtual Network Functions
in [12]. However, all efforts in current literature are narrow
in at least one of the following main ways: (1) with regard VNF 1 VNF 2 VNF 3 ... VNF n
to scope, they do not consider important aspects of NFV,
such as its relationship with SDN and cloud computing, (2) Services
limited review and analysis of standardization activities, and
D. Organization
B. Virtual Network Functions and Services
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II
A NF is a functional block within a network infrastructure
presents the NFV architecture that has been proposed by ETSI,
that has well defined external interfaces and well-defined
and discusses its limitations. We propose a reference business
functional behaviour [15]. Examples of NFs are elements
model and identify important design considerations in section
in a home network, e.g. Residential Gateway (RGW); and
III. In section IV, we introduce SDN and cloud computing,
conventional network functions, e.g. DHCP servers, firewalls,
describing the relationship between them and NFV, as well
etc. Therefore, a VNF is an implementation of an NF that is
as current efforts to implement environments involving all of
deployed on virtual resources such as a VM. A single VNF
them. In section V, we survey the major projects on NFV
may be composed of multiple internal components, and hence
as well as early implementations, use cases and commercial
it could be deployed over multiple VMs, in which case each
products. Based on a qualitative analysis of the state-of-the-art,
VM hosts a single component of the VNF [5]. A service
section VI identifies key research areas for further exploration,
is an offering provided by a TSP that is composed of one
and section VII concludes this paper.
or more NFs. In the case of NFV, the NFs that make up
II. NFV A RCHITECTURE the service are virtualized and deployed on virtual resources
According to ETSI, the NFV Architecture is composed of such as a VM. However, in the perspective of the users,
three key elements: Network Function Virtualization Infras- the services−whether based on functions running dedicated
tructure (NFVI), VNFs and NFV MANO [15]. We represent equipment or on VMs−should have the same performance.
them graphically in Fig. 4. In this section these elements are The number, type and ordering of VNFs that make it up are
defined [5], [15], [16]. determined by the service’s functional and behavioral speci-
fication. Therefore, the behaviour of the service is dependent
A. NFV Infrastructure (NFVI) on that of the constituent VNFs.
The NFVI is the combination of both hardware and software
resources which make up the environment in which VNFs C. NFV Management and Orchestration (NFV MANO)
are deployed. The physical resources include commercial-off- According to the ETSI’s MANO framework [18],
the-shelf (COTS) computing hardware, storage and network NFV MANO provides the functionality required for the
(made up of nodes and links) that provide processing, storage provisioning of VNFs, and the related operations, such as
and connectivity to VNFs. Virtual resources are abstractions the configuration of the VNFs and the infrastructure these
of the computing, storage and network resources. The ab- functions run on. It includes the orchestration and lifecycle
straction is achieved using a virtualization layer (based on a management of physical and/or software resources that
hypervisor), which decouples the virtual resources from the support the infrastructure virtualization, and the lifecycle
underlying physical resources. In a data center environment, management of VNFs. It also includes databases that
the computing and storage resources may be represented in are used to store the information and data models which
terms of one or more Virtual Machines (VMs), while virtual define both deployment as well as lifecycle properties of
networks are made up of virtual links and nodes. A virtual functions, services, and resources. NFV MANO focuses on
node is a software component with either hosting or routing all virtualization-specific management tasks necessary in the
functionality, for example an operating system encapsulated NFV framework. In addition the framework defines interfaces
in a VM. A virtual link is a logical interconnection of two that can be used for communications between the different
virtual nodes, appearing to them as a direct physical link with components of the NFV MANO, as well as coordination with
dynamically changing properties [17]. traditional network management systems such as Operations
a service to the TSP. This role is only included in the model in NFVI designs: (1) functions or services from different
for completeness as it may not be required in all cases of the subscribers should be protected/isolated from each other. This
NFV ecosystem. helps to ensure that functions are resilient to faults and attacks
5) End User: End users are the final consumers of the since a failure or security breach in one function/service
services provided by TSPs. They are similar to the end users would not affect another. (2) the NFVI (physical and virtual
in the existing Internet, except that the existence of multiple resources) should be protected from the delivered subscriber
services from competing TSPs enables them to choose from services. One way to secure the NFVI is to deploy internal
a wide range of services. End users may connect to multiple firewalls within the virtual environment [24]. These would
TSPs for different services. allow for the NFV MANO to access to the VNFs without
Finally, the arrows in Fig. 5 indicate business relationships letting malicious traffic from the customer networks into the
or interfaces between the the different entities. For example, NFVI. Finally, to make service deployment resilient, it may
VNFPs and/or SPs use interfaces 1 and 2 to negotiate and/or be necessary for functions that make up the same service not
provide VNFs and commodity servers respectively, to TSPs be hosted by physical resources in the same fault or security
and InPs, while TSPs use interfaces 3 and 4 for their interac- domain during deployment.
tions with brokers and users respectively. 3) Reliability and Availability: Whereas in the IT domain
outages lasting seconds are tolerable and a user typically
initiates retries, in telecommunications there is an underlying
B. NFV Design Considerations
service expectation that outages will be below the recognizable
As NFV matures, it is important to note that it is not level (i.e. in the order of milliseconds), and service recovery
only sufficient to deploy NFs over virtualized infrastructures. is performed automatically. Furthermore, service impacting
Network users are generally not concerned with the complexity outages need to be limited to a certain amount of users
(or otherwise) of the underlying network. All users require is (e.g. a certain geography) and network wide outages are not
for the network to allow them access to the applications they acceptable [31]. These high reliability and availability needs
need, when they need them. Therefore, NFV will only be an are not only a customer expectation, but often a regulatory
acceptable solution for TSPs if it meets key considerations requirement, as TSPs are considered to be part of critical
identified below. national infrastructure, and respective legal obligations for ser-
1) Network Architecture and Performance: To be accept- vice assurance/business continuity are in place. However, not
able, NFV architectures should be able to achieve performance every function has the same requirements for resiliency: For
similar to that obtained from functions running on dedicated example, whereas telephony usually has the highest require-
hardware. This requires that all potential bottlenecks at all ments for availability, other services, e.g. Short Messaging Ser-
layers of the stack are evaluated and mitigated. As an example, vice (SMS), may have lower availability requirements. Thus,
if VNFs belonging to the same service are placed in different multiple availability classes may be defined which should be
VMs, then there must be a connection between these two VMs, supported by a NFV framework [31]. Again, functions may
and this connection must provide sustained, aggregated high be deployed with redundancy to recover from software or
bandwidth network traffic to the VNFs. To this end, it may hardware failures.
be important for the network to be able to take advantage of 4) Support for Heterogeneity: The main selling point of
connections to the network interfaces that are high-bandwidth NFV is based on breaking the barriers that result from propri-
and low latency due to processor offload techniques such etary hardware-based service provision. It is therefore needless
as direct memory access (DMA)[22] for data movement and to mention that openness and heterogeneity will be at the
hardware assist for CRC computation [23], [24]. core of NFV’s success. Vendor-specific NFV solutions with
In addition, some VNFs such as Deep Packet Inspection vendor-specific hardware and platform capabilities defeat the
(DPI) are network and compute intensive, and may require original NFV concept and purpose. Therefore, any acceptable
some form of hardware acceleration [25] to be provided by NFV platform must be an open, shared environment capable
the NFVI to still meet their performance goals [26]. Some of running applications from different vendors. InPs must be
recent efforts [27] have studied the implications of utilizing free to make their own hardware selection decisions, change
Data Plane Development Kits (DPDKs) for running VNFs and hardware vendors, and deal with heterogeneous hardware.
shown that near-native (i.e., similar to non-virtualized) perfor- In addition, such platforms should be able to shield VNFs
mance for small and large packet processing can be achieved. from the specifics of the underlying networking technolo-
In addition, Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have gies (e.g., optical, wireless, sensor etc.) [32]. Finally, and
also been shown to enhance performance of VNFs [28], [29]. equally important, platforms should allow for possibilities of
Finally, VNFs should only be allocated the storage and com- an end-to-end service to be created on top of more than
putation resources they need. Otherwise, NFV deployments one infrastructural domain without restrictions, and without
may end up requiring more resources, and hence there would need for technology specific solutions. While virtualization
be no justification for transiting to NFV. within a single InP reduces cost, inter-provider NFV enables
2) Security and Resilience: The dynamic nature of NFV the “productization” of the same internal software functions
demands that security technologies, policies, processes and and results in opportunities for revenue growth [33]. As an
practices are embedded in its genetic fabric [30]. In particular, example, if a mobile user subscribing to given TSP roams into
there are two important security risks that should be considered the coverage of another TSP, the user should not be restricted
to voice, data and simple messaging services. The real power into two: the infrastructure providers who manage cloud plat-
of NFV would be realized if such a user is able to choose forms and lease resources according to a usage-based pricing
a firewall or security service from the current TSP, or use a model, and service providers, who rent resources from one or
combination of functions from the host TSP and others from many infrastructure providers to serve the end users [14]. The
the one for which he has coverage. cloud model is composed of five essential characteristics and
5) Legacy Support: Backward compatibility will always be three service models [35]. We briefly introduce these in the
an issue of high concern for any new technology. NFV is following subsections.
not an exception. It is even more important for the telecom- 1) Essential Characteristics of Cloud Computing: On-
munications industry, given that even for a given operator demand self-service. A consumer can unilaterally provision
that decides to make the transition to NFV, it may take computing capabilities, such as server time and network
time for this to be complete, let alone the fact that some storage, as needed automatically without requiring human
operators will do this faster than others. Therefore, support interaction with each service provider.
for both physical and virtual NFs is important for operators Broad network access. Capabilities (e.g. compute resources,
making the transition to NFV as they may need to manage storage capacity) are available over the network and accessed
legacy physical assets alongside virtualized functions for some through standard mechanisms that promote use by hetero-
time. This may necessitate having an orchestration strategy geneous thin or thick client platforms (e.g., mobile phones,
that closes the gap between legacy services and NFV. It is tablets, laptops, and workstations).
important to maintain a migration path toward NFV, while Resource pooling. The provider’s computing resources are
keeping operators’ current network investments in place [34]. pooled to serve multiple consumers using a multi-tenant
InPs must be able to function in an environment whereby model, with different physical and virtual resources dynami-
both virtualized and physical network functions operate on cally assigned and reassigned according to consumer demand.
the network simultaneously. Rapid elasticity. Capabilities can be elastically provisioned
6) Network Scalability and Automation: In order to achieve and released, in some cases automatically, to scale rapidly
the full benefits of NFV, a scalable and responsive networking outward and inward commensurate with demand.
solution is necessary. Therefore, while meeting the above Measured service. Cloud systems automatically control and
design considerations, NFV needs to be acceptably scalable to optimize resource use by leveraging a metering capability
be able to support millions of subscribers. To give an example, at some level of abstraction appropriate to the type of ser-
most current NFV proof-of-concepts are based on deploying a vice (e.g., storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user
VM to host a VNF. Just like a single VM may not be able to accounts).
meet the requirements of a given function, it is not economical 2) Cloud Computing Service Models: The three service
to deploy a VM per NFV, as the resulting VM footprint models of cloud computing are shown in Fig. 6, and defined
would be too large, and would lead to scalability problems below [35].
at the virtualization layer. However, NFV will only scale if all Software as a Service (SaaS). The user is able to use the
of the functions can be automated. Therefore, automation of providers applications running on a cloud infrastructure. The
processes is of paramount importance to the success of NFV applications are accessible from various client devices through
[4]. In addition, the need for dynamic environments requires either a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g., web-
that VNFs can be deployed and removed on demand and scaled based email), or a program interface.
to match changing traffic. Platform as a Service (PaaS). The user is able to deploy
onto the cloud infrastructure consumer-created or acquired
IV. R ELATED C ONCEPTS applications created using programming languages, libraries,
The need for innovativeness, agility and resource sharing is services, and tools supported by the provider.
not new. In the past, the communications industry has invented Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). The user is able to pro-
and deployed new technologies to help them offer new and vision processing, storage, networks, and other fundamental
multiple services in a more agile, cost and resource effective computing resources where the consumer is able to deploy and
way. In this section, we introduce two such concepts that are run arbitrary software, which can include operating systems
closely related to NFV; cloud computing and SDN. We also and applications.
discuss the relationship between NFV and each of them, as 3) Relationship between Cloud Computing and NFV: In
well as current attempts to enable all three to work together. general, NFV is not restricted to functions for services in
telecommunications. In fact, many IT applications already
run on commodity servers in the cloud [40]. However, since
A. Cloud Computing most of the promising use cases for NFV originate from the
According to NIST [35] cloud computing is “a model for telecommunications industry, and because the performance
enabling ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access and reliability requirements of carrier-grade functions are
to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., higher than those of IT applications, the discussions in this
networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can paper consider that acceptable NFV performance should be
be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management carrier-class. In Fig. 6, we have mapped the cloud service
effort or service provider interaction”. In a cloud computing models to part of the NFV architecture. It can be observed that
environment, the traditional role of service provider is divided IaaS corresponds to both the physical and virtual resources in
Fig. 6. Cloud Computing Service Models and their Mapping to Part of the NFV Reference Architecture
the NFVI, while the services and VNFs in NFV are similar to advanced support for discoverability and traceability [45]. It is
the SaaS service model in cloud computing. therefore worth stressing that NFV will require more consider-
Being the cheapest choice for testing and implementation, ations than just transferring carrier class network functions to
most NFV proof of concepts and early implementations have the cloud. There is need to adapt cloud environments so as to
been based on deploying functions on dedicated VMs in the obtain carrier-class behaviour [44]. In Table I, we summarize
cloud. The flexibility of cloud computing, including rapid the relationship between NFV for telecom networks and cloud
deployment of new services, ease of scalability, and reduced computing.
duplication, make it the best candidate that offers a chance 4) Research on Cloud-based NFV: In order for NFV to
of achieving the efficiency and expense reduction that are perform acceptably in cloud computing environments, the
motivating TSPs towards NFV. underlying infrastructure needs to provide a certain number of
However, deploying NFs in the cloud will likely change functionalities which range from scheduling to networking and
every aspect of how services and applications are developed from orchestration to monitoring capacities. While OpenStack
and delivered. While work continues to be done with respect has been identified as one of the main components of a
to networked clouds and inter-cloud networking [42], [43], cloud-based NFV architectural framework, it currently does
telecommunication networks differ from the cloud computing not meet some NFV requirements. For example, through a
environment in at least three ways: (1) data plane workloads gap analysis in [46], it was noted that, among other gaps,
in telecom networks imply high pressure on performance, OpenStack neither provides detailed description of network
(2) telecom network topologies place tough demands on the resources including Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements,
network and the need for global network view for management nor supports a resource reservation service and consequently
[44], (3) the telecom industry requires scalability, five-nines it does not provide any interface for resource reservation.
availability and reliability. In traditional telecom networks, In addition, through measurements some performance
these features are provided by the site infrastructure. If NFV degradation has been reported [47]. Some efforts have already
should be based on cloud computing, these features need to be been dedicated to study the requirements needed to make
replicated by the cloud infrastructure in such a way that they the performance of cloud carrier-grade [48], [49], [50]. In
can be orchestrated, as orchestrated features can be exposed particular, OpenANFV [28] proposes an OpenStack-based
through appropriate abstractions, as well as being coupled with framework which uses hardware acceleration to enhance the
SDN Controller
Interface e.g.
Control Layer
Software DefinedInfrastructure
Network: Layer
Control Logic decoupled
Traditional Network: Distributed Control and
Fig. 7. Middleboxes
Distributed Control and Middleboxes
(e.g. Firewall, (e.g. Firewall,
Intrusion Detection, etc.) from Forwarding Hardware
Intrusion Detection, etc.) in Traditional Networks Fig. 8. Logical Layers in a Software Defined Network
performance of VNFs. The author’s efforts are motivated by networks is ill-suited for the dynamic computing and storage
the observation that for some functions (e.g., DPI, network needs of today’s data centers, campuses, and carrier environ-
deduplication (Dedup) and NAT), industry standard servers ments. The SDN architecture is [59]:
may not achieve the required levels of performance. Therefore, Programmable. SDN makes network control directly pro-
OpenANFV aims at providing elastic, automated provisioning grammable since control is decoupled from forwarding func-
for hardware acceleration to VNFs in OpenStack. To this tions. This programmability can be used to automate network
end, the tested VNFs (DPI, Dedup and NAT) were allowed configuration in such a way that network administrators can
access to a predefined set of accelerated behavior and to com- run ‘SDN apps’ that help to optimize particular services such
municate through a hardware-independent interface with the as VoIP so as to ensure a high Quality-of-Experience (QoE)
hypervisor to configure the accelerator. The authors reported for phone calls.
performances 20, 8 and 10 times better for DPI, Dedup and Agile. Abstracting control from forwarding lets adminis-
NAT respectively. trators dynamically adjust network-wide traffic flow to meet
changing needs. This makes the network more agile since logic
is now implemented in a software running on commodity hard-
B. Software Defined Networking (SDN)
ware, which has shorter release cycles than device firmware.
SDN [51] is currently attracting significant attention from Centrally managed. Network intelligence is (logically) cen-
both academia and industry as an important architecture for tralized in software-based SDN controllers that maintain a
the management of large scale complex networks, which may global view of the network, which appears to applications and
require re-policing or re-configurations from time to time. policy engines as a single, logical switch.
As shown in Figures 7 and 8, SDN decouples the network Open standards-based and vendor-neutral. When imple-
control and forwarding functions. This allows network control mented through open standards, SDN simplifies network de-
to become directly programmable via an open interface (e.g., sign and operation because instructions are provided by SDN
ForCES [52], OpenFlow [53], etc) and the underlying infras- controllers instead of multiple, vendor-specific devices and
tructure to become simple packet forwarding devices (the data protocols.
plane) that can be programmed. 1) Relationship between SDN and NFV: NFV and SDN
While the SDN control plane can be implemented as pure have a lot in common since they both advocate for a pas-
software which runs on industry-standard hardware, the for- sage towards open software and standard network hardware.
warding plane requires an SDN agent [54], and may therefore Specifically, in the same way that NFV aims at running NFs
require to be implemented in specialized hardware. However, on industry standard hardware, the SDN control plane can be
depending on the performance and capacity needs of the SDN implemented as pure software running on industry standard
networking element, and depending on whether specialized hardware. In addition, both NFV and SDN seek to leverage
hardware transport interfaces are required, the forwarding automation and virtualization to achieve their respective goals.
plane may also be implemented on commodity servers [55]. In fact, NFV and SDN may be highly complimentary, and
For example, VMware’s NSX platform [56] includes a virtual hence combining them in one networking solution may lead
switch (vSwitch) and controller both of which implement SDN to greater value. For example, if it is able to run on a VM,
protocols without requiring specialized hardware. an SDN controller may be implemented as part of a service
SDN has the potential to dramatically simplify network chain. This means that the centralized control and management
management and enable innovation and evolution [57]. Ac- applications (such as load balancing, monitoring and traffic
cording to the Open Network Foundation (ONF) [58], SDN analysis) used in SDN can be realized, in part, as VNFs, and
addresses the fact that the static architecture of conventional hence benefit from NFV’s reliability and elasticity features.
In the same way, SDN can accelerate NFV deployment by a) Southbound API: OpenFlow is the de-facto imple-
offering a flexible and automated way of chaining functions, mentation of a southbound API for SDN. However, before
provisioning and configuration of network connectivity and we consider NFV support, even in current SDN environments
bandwidth, automation of operations, security and policy OpenFlow is by no means a mature solution [64]. Since Open-
control [60]. It is however worth stressing that most of the Flow targets L2-L4 flow handling, it has no application-layer
advantages expected from both NFV and SDN are promises protocol support and switch-oriented flow control. Therefore,
that have not been proven yet. users have to arrange additional mechanism for upper-layer
However, SDN and NFV are different concepts, aimed at flow control. Furthermore, executing a lot of flow matching
addressing different aspects of a software-driven networking on a single switch (or virtual switch) can cause difficulties in
solution. NFV aims at decoupling NFs from specialized hard- network tracing and overall performance degradation [65].
ware elements while SDN focuses on separating the handling Therefore, OpenFlow will have to be extended to include
of packets and connections from overall network control. As layers L5-L7 to be able to support NFV. Basta et al. [66]
stated by the ONF in the description of the SDN architecture investigated the current OpenFlow implementation in terms
[54], “the NFV concept differs from the virtualization concept of the basic core operations such as QoS, data classification,
as used in the SDN architecture. In the SDN architecture, vir- tunneling and charging, concluding that there is a need for an
tualization is the allocation of abstract resources to particular enhanced OpenFlow to be able to support some functions in
clients or applications; in NFV, the goal is to abstract NFs an NFV environment. In an implementation of a virtual EPC
away from dedicated hardware, for example to allow them function [9], [67] extends OpenFlow 1.2 by defining virtual
to be hosted on server platforms in cloud data centers”. It ports to allow encapsulation and to allow flow routing using
can be observed that the highest efforts in promoting and the GTP Tunnel Endpoint Identifier (TEID).
standardizing SDN is in data center and cloud computing areas Finally, while OpenFlow assumes a logically centralized
while telecom carriers are driving similar efforts for NFV. controller, which ideally can be physically distributed, most
Finally, an important distinction is that while NFV can work current deployments rely on a single controller. This does not
on existing networks because it resides on servers and interacts scale well and can adversely impact reliability. In addition,
with specific traffic sent to them, SDN requires a new network network devices in an NFVI require collaboration to be able to
construct where the data and control planes are separate. We provide services, which cannot currently be provided by SDN.
summarize the relationship between SDN and NFV in Table There is therefore still a need to improve SDN by considering
II. distributed architectures [68], [69]. It may also be important
2) Research on SDN-based NFV: There is currently a lot of for TSPs, InPs and ETSI to consider other possible solutions
work involving the combination of SDN and NFV to enhance such as NETCONF [70].
either of them; including: a ForCES-based framework [61], b) Controller Design: While there are multiple con-
NFV-based monitoring for SDN [62], an abstraction model trollers that may be used in an SDN environment, all of them
for both the forwarding model and for the network functions require improvements to be able to support NFV requirements,
[61]. As these efforts show, the unique demands of NFV will especially with regard to distributed network management and
potentially necessitate a massively complex forwarding plane, scalability. OpenNF [71], [65] proposes a control plane that
blending virtual and physical appliances with extensive control allows packet processing to be redistributed across a collection
and application software, some of it proprietary [63]. There of NF instances, and provides a communication path between
are two major aspects of SDN that may need to be improved each NF and the controller for configuration and decision mak-
in order to meet the requirements of NFV: the Southbound ing. It uses a combination of events and forwarding updates to
API (mainly OpenFlow), and controller designs. We discuss address race conditions, bound overhead, and accommodate a
advances in each of these two aspects below. variety of NFs. [72] also designed a protocol to implement the
communication between the controllers and the VNFs. Finally, Decouples functions from hardware
[73] proposes an architecture that considers the control of both to reduce network operator CAPEX
and OPEX, and increase service agility
SDN and NFV.
OpenDaylight [74] is one of the few SDN control plat-
forms that supports a broader integration of technologies in
a single control platform [13]. A collaborative project hosted
by the Linux Foundation, OpenDaylight is a community-led NFV
Function Abstraction
and industry-supported open source framework to accelerate Automation Orchestration
adoption, foster new innovation and create a more open and Resource Pooling
transparent approach to SDN and NFV. The objective of the
Agility Elasticity
OpenDaylight initiative is to create a reference framework for Virtual-
programmability and control through an open source SDN and ization
NFV solution. The argument of OpenDaylight is that building
upon an open source SDN and NFV controller enables users
to reduce operational complexity, extend the life of their
Networking Abstraction
Computation Abstraction
existing infrastructure hardware and enable new services and OpenFlow OpenStack
capabilities only available with SDN. Enables resources sharing, allows
Creates network abstractions to
enable faster innovation, network flexibility and resource pooling hence
C. Summary: NFV, SDN and Cloud Computing flexibility and holistic management benefits from economies of scale
that are complementary with existing industry work products B. Collaborative NFV Projects
and that extend the current environment for inter-provider 1) Zoom: Zero-time Orchestration, Operations and Man-
NFV. The forum also engages open source activities for the agement (ZOOM) [84] is a TM Forum project aimed at
implementation of these capabilities in software. defining an operations environment necessary to enable the de-
4) Broadband Forum: The Broadband Forum (BB Forum) livery and management of VNFs, and identifying new security
[79] is an industry consortium dedicated to developing broad- approaches that will protect NFVI and VNFs. To achieve these
band network specifications. Members include telecommuni- objectives, the project regularly conducts a range of hands-on
cations networking and service provider companies, broadband technology demos each of which is developed from what they
device and equipment vendors, consultants and independent call a catalyst project. Each catalyst project is sponsored by
testing labs (ITLs). BB Forum collaborates with the ETSI after one or more network operators and equipment and software
agreeing a formal liaison relationship in 2013. The BB Forum vendors in a real-world demo. The project currently runs about
is working on how NFV can be used in the implementation of 9 catalysts with a focus on NFV aspects such as end-to-end
the multi-service broadband network (MSBN). To this end, the automated management, security orchestration, function and
forum has many work items in progress, including: migrating service modeling, and using big data technologies and open
to NFV in the context of TR-178 (WT-345), introducing NFV software principles for workload placement.
2) Open Platform for NFV (OPNFV): OPNFV [85] is
into the MSBN (SD-340), virtual business gateway (WT-328),
an open source project founded and hosted by the Linux
flexible service chaining (SD-326) [80].
Foundation, and composed of TSPs and vendors. It aims to
5) Standardization of Related Paradigms: In addition to the establish a carrier-grade, integrated, open source reference
NFV standardization efforts, other bodies continue to work on platform to advance the evolution of NFV and to ensure
standardization of related fields, SDN and cloud computing, consistency, performance and inter-operability among multiple
which may also play a significant role in the success of NFV. open source components. The first outcome of the project is
The DMTF defined the Open Virtualization Format (OVF) referred to as OPNFV Arno [86], and was released in June
[81] to address the portability and deployment of physical 2015. The release provides an initial build of the NFVI and
machines, virtual machines and appliances. OVF enables the Virtual Infrastructure Manager (VIM) components of the ETSI
packaging and secure distribution of virtual machines or architecture. It is developer-focused, and can therefore be used
appliances, providing cross-platform portability and simplified to explore NFV deployments, develop VNF applications, or to
deployment across multiple platforms including cloud envi- evaluate NFV performance and for use case-based testing. In
ronments. OVF has adopted by both ANSI as a National particular, Arno has capabilities for integration, deployment
Standard and ISO as the first international virtualization and and testing of components from other projects such as Ceph,
cloud standard. It takes advantage of the DMTF’s Common KVM, OpenDaylight, OpenStack and Open vSwitch. In addi-
Information Model (CIM) [82], where appropriate, to allow tion, end users and developers can deploy their own or third
management software to clearly understand and easily map party VNFs on Arno to test its functionality and performance
resource properties by using an open standard. OVF and CIM in various traffic scenarios and use cases.
may be used as one option for capturing some or all of 3) OpenMANO: OpenMANO [87] is an open source
the VNF package and/or Virtual Deployment Unit (VDU) project led by Telefonica, which is aimed at implementing
descriptor [18], [83]. Although OVF does a great job enabling ETSI’s NFV MANO framework. Specifically, it attempts to
the provisioning of workloads across various clouds, it is address aspects related to performance and portability by
still insufficient for new era cloud applications and runtime applying Enhanced Platform Awareness (EPA) [88] principles.
management. The OpenMANO architecture is made up of three main com-
ponents: openmano, openvim and a graphical user interface
In the same way, the ONF is standardizing the OpenFlow
(GUI). OpenMANO has a northbound interface (openmano
protocol and related technologies. ONF defines OpenFlow as
API), based on REST, where MANO services are offered
the first standard communications interface defined between
including the creation and deletion of VNF templates, VNF
the control and forwarding layers of an SDN architecture. ONF
instances, network service templates and network service in-
has more than 123 member companies, including equipment
stances. Openvim is a lightweight, NFV-specific virtual infras-
vendors, semiconductor companies, computer companies, soft-
tructure manager implementation directly interfacing with the
ware companies, telecom service providers, etc.
compute and storage nodes in the NFVI, and with an openflow
In Table III, we summarize all the activities in the standard- controller in order to create the infrastructural network topol-
ization of NFV and related technologies. In general, it can be ogy. It offers a REST-based northbound interface (openvim
said that there is sufficient involvement of standards bodies API) where enhanced cloud services are offered including
in NFV activities. While many of them work in liaison with the lifecycle management of images, flavors, instances and
the ETSI, some of them such as ATIS and 3GPP SA5 have networks. The REST interface of openvim is an extended
identified and are working on specific aspects of NFV that version of the OpenStack API to accommodate EPA.
have not yet been sufficiently developed by the ETSI. What 4) Mobile Cloud Networking (MCN): MCN [89] is a con-
remains to be seen is whether the output in terms of standards sortium consisting of network operators, cloud providers, ven-
will match with the speed at which vendors and TSPs propose dors, university and research institutes, as well as SMEs. The
NFV solutions. objective is to cloudify all components of a mobile network
operation such as: the access - Radio Access Network (RAN); (1) proposing a cross-domain and technology virtualization
the core - EPC; the services - IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), solution allowing the creation and operation of infrastructure
Content Delivery Networks (CDN) and Digital Signage (DSS); slices including subsets of the network and computational
the Operational Support Systems (OSS) and the Business physical resources, and (2) supporting dynamic end-to-end
Support Systems (BSS). service provisioning across the network segments, offering
5) UNIFY: UNIFY [90] is aimed at researching, developing variable QoS guarantees, throughout the integrated network.
and evaluating the means to orchestrate, verify and observe
end-to-end service delivery from home and enterprise net- Summary: To summarize, in Table IV we present all the
works through aggregation and core networks to data centers. projects giving their main objective, their focus with respect to
To this end, the project plans to develop an automated, NFV and related areas, and entities leading or funding them.
dynamic service creation platform, leveraging a fine-granular All these projects are guided by the proposals coming out
service chaining architecture. They will also create a service of the standardization described earlier, in particular ETSI,
abstraction model and a service creation language to enable 3GPP and DMTF. It is interesting to observe that all the
dynamic and automatic placement of networking, computing three industrial projects (ZOOM, OPNFV and OpenMANO)
and storage components across the infrastructure. Finally, they surveyed are focused on MANO. This underlines the im-
will develop a global orchestrator with optimization algorithms portance of MANO in NFV. MANO is a critical aspect
to ensure optimal placement of elementary service components towards ensuring the correct operation of the NFVI as well as
across the infrastructure. the VNFs. Just like the decoupled functions, NFV demands
6) T-NOVA: T-NOVA [91] aims at promoting the NFV con- a shift from network management models that are device-
cept, by proposing an enabling framework, allowing operators driven to those that are aware of the orchestration needs of
not only to deploy VNFs for their own needs, but also to offer networks which do not only contain legacy equipment, but
them to their customers, as value added services. For this pur- also VNFs. The enhanced models should have improved oper-
pose, T-NOVA leverages SDN and cloud management archi- ations, administration, maintenance and provisioning focused
tectures to design and implement a management/orchestration on the creation and lifecycle management of both physical and
platform for the automated provision, configuration, moni- virtualized functions. For NFV to be successful, all probable
toring and optimization of Network Functions-as-a-Service MANO challenges should be addressed at the current initial
(NFaaS) over virtualized network/IT infrastructures. specification, definition and design phase, rather than later
7) CONTENT: CONTENT [92] is an EU funded project when real large scale deployments commence.
aimed at offering a network architecture and overall
infrastructure solution to facilitate the deployment of C. NFV Implementations
conventional cloud computing as well as mobile cloud In order to demonstrate the possibility to implement the
computing. The main objectives of the project include: ideas proposed by NFV, and to determine performance char-
Leader and/or
Project Type Focus Areas Main Objective
Association of Enable more rapid deployment of services by automating
SPs the provisioning process and modernizing OSS/BSS models.
Collaborative Linux Build an open source reference platform to advance the
Project Foundation evolution of NFV.
OpenMANO Vendor Project Telefonica SDN, NFV Implementation of ETSI’s MANO framework.
MCN Research Project SDN, NFV Cloudify all components of a mobile network operation.
European Develop an automated, dynamic service creation platform,
UNIFY Research Project NFV
Union leveraging fine-granular service chaining.
T-NOVA Research Project SDN, NFV Design and implement a MANO platform for NFV.
Mobile Providing a technology platform interconnecting
CONTENT Research Project Networks, geographically distributed computational resources that can
Cloud support a variety of Cloud and mobile Cloud services.
OpenStack Identify requirements needed to deploy, manage, and run
OpenStack Working Group Cloud, NFV
Foundation telecom services on top of OpenStack.
Collaborative Linux
OpenDaylight SDN, NFV Develop an open platform for SDN and NFV.
Project Foundation
acteristics, a number of use cases for NFV, mostly based on is dedicated to being open and collaborative, expanding joint
those defined by ETSI [9], have already been implemented. service innovations with partners, and developing the open
These have mainly been based on implementing single virtual eco-system of NFV to aggregate values and help customers
functions such as routing [93], Broadband Remote Access achieve business success. They also plan to collaborate with
Server [94], policy server [95], deep packet inspection [96], the open source community to innovate on NFV technologies
EPC [97], [73], RAN [98], [99], [100], [101], monitoring [62], to provide use cases for multi-vendors inter-operability around
CPE [102], [103], [104], [105], [106], [107], GPRS [108] and NFVI, and VNF-based services.
access control [109], in cloud environments. All these originate 3) Intel Open Network Platform (Intel ONP): Intel ONP
from the research community. Perhaps not surprisingly, the [112] is an ecosystem made up of several initiatives to advance
biggest implementations have arisen from equipment vendors. open solutions for NFV and SDN. The initiatives are focused
In the remainder of this section, we introduce some key NFV on Intel product development (such as the Intel ONP Server),
implementations and products from industry. participation in open source development and standardization
1) HP OpenNFV: The HP OpenNFV [110] is a platform, activities and collaborations with industry for proof of con-
based on HP’s NFV Reference Architecture, upon which cepts and trials.
services and networks can be dynamically built. The HP The main result of the ONP so far is the Intel ONP Server.
NFV Reference Architecture is aligned towards providing This is a reference architecture that integrates open-source and
solutions to each of the functional blocks defined in the ETSI hardware ingredients optimized for SDN/NFV. It is aimed at
architecture, as a starting point. The NFVI and VNFs parts of enabling manageability by exposing health, state, and resource
the architecture mainly include HP servers and virtualization availability, for optimal workload placement and configuration.
products, while MANO is based on three solutions; NFV Its software stack consists of released open-source software
Director, NFV Manager, and Helion OpenStack. The NFV based on the work done in community projects, including
Director is an orchestrator that automatically manages the contributions provided by Intel. Some of the key open-source
end-to-end service, by managing its constituent VNFs. It also software ingredients forming the Intel ONP Server software
performs global resource management, allocating resources stack are OpenStack, OpenDaylight, DPDK, Open vSwitch,
from an appropriate pool based on global resource manage- and Linux KVM.
ment policies. VNF managers are responsible for the VNFs 4) CloudNFV: CloudNFV [113] is an NFV, SDN and cloud
lifecycle actions, for example, by deciding to scale in or out. computing platform resulting from cooperation between six
It also includes a Helion OpenStack cloud platform for running companies (6WIND, CIMI Corporation, Dell, EnterpriseWeb,
VNFs. Overture Networks, and Qosmos). CloudNFV proposed their
2) Huawei NFV Open Lab: The Huawei NFV Open Lab own NFV architecture [113] which is made up of 3 main
[111] is aimed at providing an environment to ensure that NFV elements: active virtualization, NFV orchestrator, and NFV
solutions and carrier grade infrastructure are compatible with Manager. Active virtualization is a data model which rep-
emerging NFV standards and with the OPNFV [85]. The lab resents all aspects of services, functions and resources. The
VNF orchestrator has policy rules, which, combined with down of the VNFs based on dynamic and fluctuating service
service orders and the status of available resources, determines demands. It uses cloud-computing resource managers such
the location of the functions that make up the service as as OpenStack and VMware at the VIM layer to configure
well as connections between them. The VNF Manager uses and provision compute and storage resources across multi-
a data/resource model structured according to TMF rules and vendor data center networks. Finally, the SDN Controller is
the concept of “derived operations” is used to manage VNFs. responsible for connecting the virtualized services (a VNF or
Derived operations are used to integrate the status of available a set of chained VNFs) to the service provider VPNs, the
resources with the resource commitments for functions of a Internet, or both. It is designed around open standards and
given NFV service. The main difference between the ETSI APIs and uses a holistic systems-based approach to manage
NFV MANO and CloudNFV is that unlike the former, the multi-vendor and multi-tenant data centers, and a common
latter considers both management and orchestration as appli- policy-based operating model to reduce costs.
cations that can run off a unified data model. 8) F5 Software Defined Application Services: F5 Software
5) Alcatel-Lucent CloudBand: Alcatel-Lucent’s CloudBand Defined Application Services (F5 SDAS) [121], [122], [123]
[114] is a two-level platform implementing NFV. First, it provides Layer 4-7 capabilities to supplement existing Layer
includes nodes that provide resources like VMs and storage, 2-3 network and compute initiatives such as SDN. It enables
and then, the CloudBand Management System which is the service injection, consumption, automation, and orchestration
functional heart of the process. It operates as a work dis- across a unified operating framework of pooled resources. It
tributor that makes hosting and connection decisions based is is comprised of three key components: (1) The application
on policy, acting through cloud management APIs. Virtual service platform supports programmability of both control and
functions are deployed using recipes that define packages of data paths. It is extensible and enables new service creation.
deployable components and instructions for their connection. (2) The application services fabric provides core services such
The recipes can be used to set policies and determine how as scalability, service isolation, multi-tenancy, and integration
specific components are instantiated and then connected. The with the network, and (3) Application services, which are the
platform uses the Nuage SDN technology [115] and its related heart of F5 SDAS, are a rich catalog of services across the
links to create an agile connection framework for the collection application delivery spectrum.
of nodes and functions, and to facilitate traffic management. 9) ClearWater: ClearWater [124] is an open source imple-
Alcatel-Lucent recently teamed with RedHat [116] such that mentation of an IMS built using web development methods
the latter could fill the gaps required to use CloudBand and to provide voice, video and messaging services to users. It
OpenStack to promote the inclusion of more NFV require- leans heavily on established design patterns for building and
ments in the OpenStack upstream and hence build a solution deploying scalable web applications, adapting these design
that is optimized for telco NFV environments. Within this patterns to fit the constraints of SIP and IMS. In particular, all
collaboration, the CloudBand node uses the RedHat Enterprise components scale out horizontally using simple, stateless load-
Linux OpenStack platform as the VIM. balancing. In addition, long-lived state is not stored on cluster
6) Broadcom Open NFV: The Broadcom Open NFV plat- nodes, avoiding the need for complex data replication schemes.
form [117] is aimed at accelerating creation of NFV ap- Instead, long-lived state is stored in back-end service nodes
plications across multiple system on chip (SoC) [118] pro- using cloud-optimized storage technologies such as Cassandra.
cessors, and to allow system vendors to be able to migrate Finally, interfaces between the front-end SIP components
virtual functions between platforms based on various vendor and the back-end services use RESTful web services APIs.
solutions. Broadcom’s platform supports open API standards Interfaces between the various components use connection
such as Linaro’s Open Data Plane (ODP)[119] to access pooling with statistical recycling of connections to ensure load
acceleration components for scaling critical functionality and is spread evenly as nodes are added and removed from each
reducing time-to-market. The ETSI has recently accepted a layer.
VNF state migration and inter-operability proof of concept in Metaswitch [125] contributed the initial code base for
which Broadcom is demonstrating an implementation of an the ClearWater project to software developers and systems
EPC and migrating the virtual function state from operating integrators, and continues to drive the evolution of the code
on one instruction set architecture (ISA) to a different ISA. base.
7) Cisco Open Network Strategy: Cisco’s Open Network 10) Overture Virtual Service Edge (vSE): Overture vSE
Strategy (OPN) [120] includes an Evolved Services Platform [24] is an open carrier Ethernet platform for hosting VNFs
(ESP) and an Evolved Programmable Network (EPN). The at the service edge. It allows TSPs to instantly deploy on-
ESP and EPN include a service orchestrator, a VNF manager, demand VNFs at the customer premise. It combines carrier
and a SDN controller, all of which are aimed at providing Ethernet access with the benefits of virtualization, openness
implementations for some of the functional blocks of ETSI’s and software-defined services. The result is a single platform
MANO framework. The service orchestrator is responsible for for both services and network access, which allows for VNFs
providing the overall lifecycle management at the network to be turned up, down, expanded and removed dynamically
service level. The VNF manager provides scalable, automated so that compute and storage resources are used only when
VNF lifecycle management, including the creation, provision- needed. Additionally, it supports multiple wireline and wire-
ing, and monitoring of both Cisco and third-party VNFs. The less connections to the WAN, allowing access to all end
VNF manager is also responsible for the scale-up and scale- customer locations.
However, there are still some open issues. Current ap- made, the fast growing energy needs of data centers continue
proaches are focused on NFV management, without con- to receive a lot of attention [144], [145]. Therefore, there is
sidering the management challenges in SDN [139]. While an urgent need to study whether NFV will meet its energy
traditional management approaches must be improved to ac- savings expectations, or whether−like the NFs−the energy
commodate each one of them, the demands for management consumption will just be transferred to the cloud.
are even higher in environments including both. In such cases. China Mobile recently published [100] their experiences
we no longer just need to create dynamic traffic flows, but the in deploying a Cloud Radio Access Network (C-RAN). One
switching points (locations of functions) are also changing dy- of the tests was performed on their 2G and 3G networks,
namically. Therefore, a complete management solution should where it was observed that by centralizing the RAN, power
combine requirements from both SDN and NFV. consumption could be reduced by 41% due to shared air-
In addition, support for inter-operability is a key require- conditioning. In addition, Shehab et al. [146] analyzed the
ment for NFV. However, looking at the ETSI MANO frame- technical potential for energy savings associated with shifting
work, most effort has been on defining intra-operator inter- U.S. business software to the cloud. The results suggested a
faces, without clear guidelines on inter-operability. This is substantial potential for energy savings. In fact, the authors
why, while current vendor products are “based on the ETSI noted that if all U.S. business users shifted their email,
MANO framework”, most of them use custom models and/or productivity software, and CRM software to the cloud, the
representation for functions and services. Furthermore, the primary energy footprint of these software applications could
need for dynamism in function means that functions will likely be reduced by as much as 87%.
be moved from one VM to another. This underscores the In order to determine the possible effect of energy con-
importance of a higher focus on possibilities of an availability sumption on the evolution to VNFs, Bell Labs has recently
monitoring mechanism as part of the end-to-end manage- extended its G.W.A.T.T. tool [141]. The tool is able to show
ment solution. Finally, while the ETSI-proposed NFV MANO the effect of virtualizing different network functions based on
framework considers the management and orchestration re- forecasts for traffic growth. G.W.A.T.T. divides the network
quirements of both virtualized and non-virtualized functions into six domains (Home & Enterprise, Access & Aggregation,
via interfaces to traditional network management functions Metro, Edge, Core and Service Core & Data Centers). Each
OSS/BSS, the relationship between them is yet to be fully network domain can be edited to select different network
defined [140] models and technologies and hence analyze its energy impact.
Based on the tool’s default settings and using EPC network
B. Energy Efficiency models for 2015, the tool shows that total network energy
Since energy bills represent more than 10% of TSPs’ OPEX efficiency is 0.0422222 MBITS/J, total energy consumption
[141], reduced energy consumption is one of the strong selling is 92, 159.8 MWATTS, and that the energy savings resulting
points of NFV. The argument is that with the flexibility from virtualizing the EPC would be 24, 044.1 MWATTS. For
and ability to scale resource allocations up and down, as the same use case, the tool showed that the total energy savings
traffic demands ebb and flow, TSPs could potentially reduce over a five year period (using 2013 as baseline) would be
the number of physical devices operating at any point, and 5.0×109 GJ, and that the energy efficiency of the core network
hence reduce their energy bills. Yet, NFV will likely make 1.86393 MBITS/J. The results for some other NFV use cases,
data centers an integral part of telecommunication networks. including those for the baseline network6 are summarized in
According to an analysis in the SMARTer 2020 report from Table VI. However, while the tool is an important step in
GeSI [142], the cloud, if it were a country, would rank 6th attaching numbers to the energy savings expected from NFV,
in the world in terms of its energy demand, and yet this it can still be improved. In particular, it does not yet have a
demand is expected to increase by 63% by 2020 [143]. While 6 A baseline network is one where all functions are run in physical
some progress on energy efficient cloud computing has been equipment, using the tool’s default technologies and settings.
detailed technical documentation. For example, Cisco’s visual performance of some VNFs. Ge et. al [28] determine that for
networking index [147] forecasts that annual global IP traffic some functions (e.g. DPI, Dedup and NAT), industry standard
will reach 1000 exabytes in 2016. Based on this, the (monthly, servers may not achieve the required levels of performance.
2015) traffic values in Table VI seem to be too high, yet it is From the authors’ tests, a virtualized Dedup could only achieve
currently not possible to know how these values are derived. 267 Mbps throughput in each core at most. It was also proved
Therefore, we expect that the energy efficiency of cloud by Yamazaki et. al [151] who reported achieving a better
based NFs will continue to receive attention. NFV will put performance and energy efficiency by deploying a virtualized
InPs under even more pressure to manage energy consumption DPI on Application Specific Instruction-set Processor (ASIP)
[137] not to only to cut down energy expenses, but also to meet rather than commodity servers.
regulatory and environmental standards. Topics with regard Therefore, there are some high performance NFs that may
to energy efficient hardware which could allow reductions in be difficult to virtualize without degradation in performance.
CPU speeds and partially turning off some hardware com- While hardware acceleration may be used for such functions,
ponents, more energy-aware function placement, scheduling such specialization is against the concept of NFV which aims
and chaining algorithms, will be important. An example could at high flexibility. There should be defined ways of managing
be to track the cheapest prices for energy costs and adapt the the trade-off between performance and flexibility. It will also
network topology and/or operating parameters to minimize the be appropriate to have phased migrations to NFV where those
cost of running the network [60]. However, all these should functions that have acceptable performance are virtualized first
be carefully considered to ensure that there is a balance in the and allowed to run alongside unvirtualized or physical ones.
trade-off between energy efficiency and function performance
or service level agreements. D. Resource Allocation
To achieve the economies of scale expected from NFV,
physical resources should be used efficiently. It has been
C. NFV Performance
shown that default deployment of some current use cases
The concept of NFV is to run NFs on industry standard may result in sub-optimal resource allocation and consumption
servers. This means that server providers should produce [10].
equipment without knowledge of the characteristics of func- This calls for efficient algorithms to determine on to which
tions that could run on them in future. In the same way, VNF physical resources (servers) network functions are placed, and
providers should ensure that the functions will be able to run be able to move functions from one server to another for
on commodity server. This raises the question of whether such objectives as load balancing, energy saving, recovery
functions run on industry standard servers would achieve from failures, etc. The task of placing functions is closely
a performance comparable to those running on specialized related to virtual network embedding [152] and virtual data
hardware, and whether these functions would be portable center embedding [153] and may therefore be formulated as
between the servers [60]. Finding answers to these questions an optimization problem, with a particular objective. Such an
has been another focus of the ETSI, and resulted into a approach has been followed by [154], [155], [156], [157],
“Performance & Portability Best Practises” specification [148]. [158].
The specification gives performance test results on NFV use For example, Basta et. al [154] investigated the influence of
cases such as DPI, C-RAN, BRAS, etc. The results proved virtualizing the S-GW and P-GW functions on the transport
that if “best practices were followed” it was not only possible network load and data-plane delay. For these two functions, the
to achieve high performance (upto 80 Gbps for a server) authors showed differences in performance (of upto 8 times)
in a fully virtualized environment, but that the performance when the functions were either fully virtualized and when their
was predictable, consistent and in vendor-agnostic manner, data and control planes were separated. The authors proposed
leveraging features commonly available in current state-of-the- a model for placing the functions in a way that minimizes the
art servers [60]. network load overheads introduced by the SDN control plane
In a related effort, results from China Mobile’s C-RAN interactions. In addition to placement, Mehraghdam [157]
deployment [100] indicated that the Common Public Radio In- proposes a model for formalizing the chaining of NFs. To
terface (CPRI) [149] over a wavelength-division multiplexing this end, for each service deployment request, their approach
(WDM) front-haul transport solution gives ideal performance, constructs a VNFFG which is then mapped to the physical
with no impact on radio performance. The tests also verified resources, considering that the network resources are limited
the feasibility of using a general purpose platform (GPP) and that functions have specific requirements. The mapping is
and the NFV implementation. In particular, a GPP based C- formulated as a Mixed Integer Quadratically Constrained Pro-
RAN prototype with the ability to support as many as 90 gram (MIQCP). The authors concluded that in order to obtain
TD-LTE carriers, 15 FDD-LTE carriers and 72 GSM carriers efficient use of resources, the placement of functions should
was developed. The prototype demonstrated a similar level of be different according to the desired placement objective (i.e.
performance to the traditional DSP/FPGA based systems. remaining data rate, latency, number of used network nodes).
However, performance at high speeds is an issue even in Finally, Moens et. al [155] formulate the placement problem as
non-virtualized NFs [29], [150]. Therefore, techniques such an Integer Linear Program (ILP) with an objective of allocating
as hardware acceleration will also be important for NFV. In a service chain onto the physical network minimizing the
fact, hardware acceleration has been shown to improve the number of servers used.
However, when formulated as an optimization problem, perform the mapping and scheduling of VNFs based on a
function placement and chaining would reduce to a binary in- greedy criterion such as available buffer capacity for the node
teger program, which is NP-Hard [159], and hence intractable or the processing time of a given VNF on the possible nodes,
for big instances of the problem. This calls for heuristics such while the TS algorithm starts by creating an initial solution
as those proposed in [160], [161], [162], [131]. For example, randomly, which is iteratively improved by searching for better
Xia et. al [160] formulate the placement and chaining problem solutions in its neighborhood.
as binary integer programming (BIP), and propose a greedy In addition, existing scheduling tools such as Google’s Borg
heuristic to improve computational efficiency. The proposed [174] and Apache Mesos [175] may be considered for schedul-
greedy algorithm first sorts VNFs according their resource de- ing of VNFs. Borg uses task-packing, over-commitment, and
mand, and thereafter, VNFs with the highest resource demands machine sharing with process-level performance isolation to
are given priority for placement and chaining. run multiple jobs, from many applications, across a number
In addition, NFV systems should allow for one or a group of clusters. Users of the Borg system submit jobs consisting
of VNFs to be migrated to disparate physical servers. The of one or several tasks that are run from the same executable.
physical servers may be in different InP domains, and hence The scheduler in Borg monitors queues and schedules jobs
use different tunneling addresses or be managed by different considering the resources available on individual machines.
protocols. This does not only call for efficient algorithms to The jobs may have requirements such as CPU and OS.
determine where the functions can be moved, but will also However, unlike the functions in NFV, the tasks in Borg are
require comprehensive management of function and server run directly on hardware not in a virtualized environment. In
states, as well as maintain communications. ViRUS [163] addition, while Borg may have the scalability (cells usually
allows the runtime system to switch between blocks of code contain 10K servers) that would be required in an NFV
that perform equivalent functionality at different QoS levels environment, it would have to be improved to meet carrier
when the system is under stress, while [164] presents a model class requirements. For example, unlike the functions that
that can be used to derive some performance indicators, such make up a service in NFV, the tasks considered in Borg do
as the whole service downtime and the total migration time, not have ordering requirements. Finally, a task start up latency
so as to make function migration decisions. of 25s, and the 4 nines (99.99%) availability that Borg is able
Finally, to ensure scalable NFV implementations, functions to give may need to be enhanced for NFV.
should only be allocated the resources they need. Contrary Therefore, it can be observed that there are still many open
to most current proof of concept implementations, it is not areas with regard to how physical resources are shared among
feasible to deploy a VM per subscriber or per function as the the VNFs. First of all, the results in each of the above areas
resulting VM footprint would be too high. This is because each may still be improved. In particular, the efficiency and applica-
VM is like a computer running its own operating system, and bility of containers needs to be studied more, just like there is
is meant to be isolated from other VMs and hence independent need to study and propose more efficient function scheduling
on a network level. This approach could become wasteful of algorithms. In addition, given the dynamic requirements of
resources for two reasons: (1) some of the functions such as NFV, there is need for resource allocation proposals that
DHCP in a CPE are so light that they would not justify a are able to find solutions online, consider multi-domain and
dedicated operating system on the scale of multiple functions distributed VNFs [176], [177], network survivability [178],
per user, (2) some functions do not need to be strictly isolated dynamic resource management [179] etc.
from each other. Therefore, depending on the requirements of
a given function, containers could be a more efficient way
to use resources. Linux containers [165] are an alternative E. Security, Privacy and Trust
to dedicated VMs in which a Docker [166] may be used Despite the enormous potential of cloud computing, con-
to achieve the automated resource isolation and namespacing sumer uncertainty and concern regarding issues of privacy,
which allows for partitioning of memory, network, processes security and trust remain a major barrier to the switch to
etc. The use of containers avoids the overhead of starting cloud models [180]. Therefore, cloud privacy issues will be
and maintaining virtual machines since they do not require a among the key concerns for TSPs if they have to move to
complete duplication of an operating system. Using containers public clouds. Because the functions to be virtualized represent
could lead to up to a 30% savings in server costs to support subscriber services, personally identifiable information may be
the same number of virtual hosting points [167]. transferred to the cloud. This will present unique challenges
Moreover, even if given functions must utilize the same especially as the functions will be distributed, making it hard
resources in a VM’s operating system, it is possible to use to know where this data is and who has access to it. In the case
scheduling techniques to allow the functions to share the where the functions are deployed in third party clouds, users
resources. To this end, the proposals in [168], [169], [170] and Telecom service providers would not have access to the
formulate the problem as a Resource Constrained Project physical security system of data centers. Even if the service
Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) [171] and solve it using a job providers do specify their privacy and security requirements,
shop scheduling approach [172]. Specifically, Mijumbi et. al it may still be hard to ensure that they are fully respected.
[168] formulate an online VNF mapping and scheduling prob- Emphasizing its importance, ETSI constituted a security
lem and propose a set of greedy algorithms and a Tabu Search expert group to focus on this concern. The group started
(TS) [173] heuristic for solving it. The greedy algorithms by identifying potential security vulnerabilities of NFV and
which exploits ICN to provide flexibility and dynamism in of concept implementations. Finally, we discussed the key
placing VNFs. research areas that will be pivotal to the success of NFV as
well as to its application to ICN and IoT, and summarized the
findings of the survey. We believe that before these areas are
Summary: In Table IX, we summarize the state-of-art in each explored, TSPs who deploy NFV may end up being reliant on
of the identified research challenges, as well as specific open vendor-proprietary solutions to solve these gaps, which would
questions in each one of them. We have noted that despite be against the original objective of NFV.
the significant and rapidly increasing activity on NFV, there We have noted that many current NFV solutions, especially
are still major gaps especially with regard to standardization from the industry, have been mainly about pooling vendor
that may slow down NFV deployment and undermine the specific resources hosted in a cloud rather than real support for
possibilities to fulfill its anticipated business case. While flexibility, inter-operability, integrated management, orchestra-
the ETSI-defined reference architecture covers most of the tion and service automation all of which are core requirements
aspects needed to operationalize NFV, current specifications for NFV. It is expected that such implementations will continue
are still too general to envelope all the essential pillars of to increase before NFV gets completely standardized. As NFV
required evolution such as inter-operability, legacy support, moves from labs and PoCs to trials and commercial deploy-
and management of both legacy and NFV-based systems. ments, vendors are investing significant resources to develop
For example, currently, different vendors depend on dif- these NFV solutions. It is therefore urgent for specification
ferent languages to model resources and functions in NFV. and standardization bodies to complete specifications before
TOSCA has been used in modeling services for a multi- it becomes too late for the standards to change or influence
vendor E2E proof of concept [196], for ClearWater, and what has already been deployed.
ExperiaSphere [197]. On the other hand, the descriptors in
the HP NFV Director are not based on TOSCA, and ONF has ACKNOWLEDGMENT
chosen YANG as the modeling language. Similar examples The authors are indebted to the Editor-in-Chief for coordi-
can be given for vendor implementations of the NFVI, VNFs nating the review process, and to the anonymous reviewers
and MANO. This could result into inter-operability challenges for their insightful comments and suggestions. This work
where vendor-specific Command Line Interfaces (CLIs) re- was partly funded by FLAMINGO, a Network of Excellence
quire manual configuration or expensive integration by service project (318488) supported by the European Commission un-
providers themselves or systems integrators with their own der its Seventh Framework Programme, and project TEC2012-
proprietary tools and equipment-specific adapters. Therefore, 38574-C02-02 from Ministerio de Economia y Competitivi-
though there are many options for modeling of functions and dad.
resources, the techniques remain generally in their infancy.
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